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A72347 Certayne sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all persones, vycars, and curates, euery Sondaye and holy daye in theyr churches : and by her Graces aduyse perused & ouer sene, for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people : newly imprinted in partes accordynge as is mencioned in the booke of commune prayers.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. 1559 (1559) STC 13648.5; ESTC S5209 110,375 188

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Goddes handes at length In those bookes we shall fynde the father from whom the sonne by whom and the holy ghost in whom all thynges haue theyr beynge and kepynge vp and these thre persons to be but one God and one substaunce In these bokes we may learne to knowe our selues howe byle and miserable we be and also to knowe God how good he is of him selfe and howe he maketh vs and all creatures parttakers of his goodnes We may learne also in these bokes to knowe Gods wyll and pleasure asmuch as for this present tyme is conuenient for vs to knowe And as the great clerke and godly preacher sainct Iohn Chrisostome sayth what so euer is required to saluaciō of man is fully conteyned in the scripture of God He that is ignorant may there learne and haue knowledge he that is harde hearted 〈◊〉 an obstinate synner shall there fynde euer 〈…〉 tormentes prepared of Gods iustice to make● 〈◊〉 afrayde and to molyfye or soften hym He that 〈◊〉 oppressed with miserie in this worlde shall there fynde reliefe in the promises of euerlasting lyfe to his great consolacion comfort He that is wounded by the deuyll vnto death shal fynde there medicine whereby he maye be restored agayne vnto health If it shall require to teache any trueth or reproue false doctrine to rebuke any vice to commend any vertue to geue good counsaile to comfort or to exhort or to do any other thing requisite for our saluacion al those thynges saith S. Chrisostome we may learne plētifully of the scripture There is saith Fulgentius aboundantly inough both for men to eate children to sucke There is whatsoeuer is mete for all ages Holi scripture ministreth sufficient doctrine for all degres and ages Math. iiii Luke .iii. Iohn xvii Psal .xix. for all degrees and sortes of men These bokes therefore ought to be much in our handes in our eyes in our eares in our mouthes but most of al in our heartes For the scripture of God is the heauenly meate of our soules the hearyng keping of it maketh vs blessed sanctifieth vs and maketh vs holy it turneth our soules it is a lyght lantarne to our feete it is a sure stedfast and euerlastyng instrument of saluacion it geueth wisedome to the humble lowely hartes What cōmodities and profites the knowle●e of holye scripture bryngeth it comforteth maketh glad chereth and cherisheth our conscience it is a more excellent iewell or treasure then any golde or precious stone it is more swete then hony or hony combe it is called the best parte whiche Marye dyd chose for it hath in it euerlastyng comfort Luke .x. The wordes of holy scripture be called woordes of euerlastyng lyfe Iohn .vi. for they be Goddes instrument ordeyned for the same purpose Colloss vi They haue power to tourne thorough Gods promise they be effectuall through Goddes 〈…〉 beyng receyued in● a fayth 〈◊〉 heart they haue euer an heauenly spiritual working in them they are liuely quicke ●●bre 〈◊〉 myghty in operation sharper then any two edged sworde and entreth through euen vnto the deuydyng a sonder of the soule and the spirite of the ioyntes and the mary Christ calleth hym a wyse buylder Math. v● Iohn .xii. that buildeth vpon his worde vpon his sure and substanciall foundacion By this worde of God we shal be iudged for the woorde that I speake saith Christ is it that shall iudge in the last day Ioh .xiiii. He that kepeth the worde of Christe is promised the loue and fauour of God that he shal be the dwellyng place or temple of the blessed Trinitie This woorde whosoeuer is diligent to reade and in his heart to print that he readeth the great affection to the transitorye thynges of this worlde shal be minished in him the great desyre of heauenly thynges that be therein promised of God shall increase in hym And there is nothyng that so much strengtheneth our faith truste in God that so much kepeth vp innocencye and purenes of the heart and also of outward godly lyfe conuersation as continual reading and recordyng of Gods worde For that thing which by continual vse of reading of holy scripture and diligent searchyng of the same is depely printed and grauen in the hart at length turneth almost into nature And moreouer the effects vertue of Gods worde is to illuminate the ignoraunt and to geue more lyght vnto them that faythfully and diligently reade it to comfort theyr heartes and to 〈◊〉 age them to perfourme that whiche of God 〈◊〉 commaunded It teacheth patienc● 〈◊〉 aduersi●●● in prosperitie humblenes what ●onoure is due vnto God what mercy and charitie to our neighbour It geueth good counsell in all doubtfull thynges i. Re. xiiii ii Par. x● 1 Cor. xv 1. Iohn v. It sheweth of whom we shall looke for ayde and helpe in all perilles and that God is the onely geuer of victory in all battayles and temptacions of our enemies Who profit most in readyng goddes worde bodely and ghostely And in reading of Gods word he most profiteth not alwayes that is most ready in turning of the boke or in saying of it without the booke but he that is moste turned into it that is most inspired with the holy ghost most in his heart life altred and chāged into that thing which he readeth he that is dayly lesse and lesse proude lesse wrathfull lesse couetous lesse desirous of worldely and vayne pleasures he that daily forsaking his old vicious lyfe increaseth in vertue more and more And to be short there is nothyng that more maintaineth godlynes of the mynde driueth away vngodlynes then doth the continuall readyng or hearing of Gods worde if it be ioyned with a godly mynd and a good affection to knowe and folowe Gods wyll For without a single eye pure entent and good mynde nothyng is allowed for good before God Esai v. Mat. xxii 1. Cor. xiiii What incommodities the ignorance of goddes word b●in●eth And on the other syde nothing more darkeneth Christe and the glorye of God nor bryngeth in more blyndenesse and all kyndes of vyces then doth the ignoraunce of Gods worde ¶ The seconde par● of the 〈◊〉 of the holy Scripture IN the firste part of this Sermon which exhorteth to the knowledge of holy scriptur was declared wherfore the knoweledge of the same is necessary and profitable to al men And that by the true knowledge vnderstanding of scripture the moste necessarye poyntes of our duetie towardes God our neighbours are also knowen Nowe as concerning the same matter you shall heare what foloweth It we professe Christe why be we not ashamed to be ignorant in his doctrine Seing that euery man is ash●med to be ignorant in that lerning which he professeth That man is ashamed to be called a Philosopher which readeth not the bokes of Philosophie to be called a lawyer and Astronomer or a
and superstitions of .xv. Dos of i. Bernardes vearses of S. Agathes letters of Purgatorye of Masses satisfactorye of Stacions and Iubilies of feined Reliques of halowed Beades Belles Bred Water Palm●s Candels Fyre and suche other of Superstitious fastinges of fraternities or brother heades of Pardons with such lyke marchaundyse whiche were so estemed and abused to the great preiudice of gods glorye and commaundementes that they were made most high and moost holye thinges wherby to attaine to the euerlasting lyfe or remissiō of sinne Yea also vaine inuentions vnfruitfull ceremonies and vngodli lawes decrees and counsels of Rome Decrees Decretalies were in such wise aduaunced that nothynge was thought comparable in auctoritie wisdom lerninge godlines vnto them So that the lawes of Rome as they said were to be receiued of all men as the four Euāgelistes to the which al lawes of princes must geue place And the lawes of God also partly were left of and lesse estemed that the sayd lawes decrees and counsels with theyr traditions and ceremonies might be more duelye kepte and hadde in greater reuerence Thus was the people throughe ignorance so blinded with the goodly shewe and apparaunce of those thinges that they thought the kepynge of them to be a more holynes a more perfecte seruice honoring of God more pleasinge to God then the keping of gods commaundementes Such hath bene the corrupte inclination of man euer superstitiously geuen to make new honorynge of God of his own head and then to haue more affectiō and deuotion to keepe that then to searche out Goddes holye commaundementes and to keepe theim And furthermore to take Gods commaundementes for mens commaundementes and mens commaundementes for Gods commaundementes yea for the highest and most perfect and holy of all Gods commaundemētes And so was all confused that scante wel learned men and but a small number of them knew or at the least would knowe durste affyrme the trueth to separate or seuere Gods commaundementes from the commaundementes of men whervpon did grow much error Superstition ydolatry vayne religion ouertwart iudgement great contention with all vngodly liuing An exhortation to the 〈◊〉 of Gods cōman̄dementes Wherfore as you haue any zeale to the ryghte and pure honoring of God as you haue any regarde to your owne soules and to the life that is to come which is both without pain and without end apply youre selues chieflye aboue all thing to reade and to heare Gods word marke diligently therin what his wyll is you shal doe and with all your endeuoure applye your selues to folow the same Firste you must haue an assured faith in god A briefe rehersall of Gods cōman̄dementes and geue your selues wholly vnto him loue him in prosperitie and aduersitie and dreade to offende him euermore Then for his sake loue all men frendes and foes because they be hys creation and ymage redemed by Christ as ye are Cast in your mindes how you may do good vnto al men vnto your powers and hurte no man Obey al your superiours gouernours serue your masters faythfully and diligentlye aswell in theyr absence as in their presence not for dreade of punishment onely but for conscience sake knowing that you are boūde ●o to do by Gods commaundementes Disobey not your fathers and mothers but honor them help thē and please theim to youre power Oppresse not kyll not beat not neither slaūdre nor hate any man But loue al men speake well of al men help and succoure euery man as you maye yea euē your enemies that hate you that speake euill of you and that do hurte you Take no mans goodes nor couet youre neyghbours goodes wrongfully but content your selues with that which ye get truly and also bestow youre own goodes charitably as nede and case requireth Flee all ydolatry witchcraft and periury committe no maner of adultery ▪ fornication nor other vnchastnes in wilnor in dede with any other mans wy●e widowe mayde or other wyse And trauailing continually during your life thus in the keping the commaundementes of God wherein standeth the pure principal and right honor of God which wrought in fayth God hath ordeyned to be the righte trade and path way vnto heauen you shall not fayle as Christ hath promised to come to that blessed and euerlastinge life where you shal lyue in glorye and ioye with God for euer To whom be prayse honour and impery for euer and euer Amen A Sermon of christian 〈◊〉 and Charitie OF all thinges that be good to be taught vnto christen people there is nothinge more necessarye to be spoken of and dayly called vppon then charitie as well for that all manner of workes of ryghteousnes bee conteyned in it as also that the decay thereof is the ruyne or falle of the worlde the banishment of vertue and the cause of al vice And for so muche as almoste euery man maketh and frameth to him selfe charitie after his owne appetite and how detestable soeuer his lyfe be both vnto God and man yet he perswadeth him selfe still that he hath charitie therfore you shal heare now a true and plaine description or setting forth of charitie not of mens imagination but of the very wordes and example of our sauiour Iesus Christ In which description or setting forth euery man as it were in a glasse may consider him self and se plainely without errour What ●●●rytye 〈◊〉 whether he be in the true charitie or not Charitie is to loue God with al our heart al oure lyfe and al our powers and strength With all oure heart that is to say that our heartes mind The 〈◊〉 of god and study ▪ be set to beleue his word to truste in him and to loue him aboue all other thinges that we loue beste in heauen or in earth With all oure lyfe that is to say that our chiefe ioy and delight be set vpon hym his honour our whole life geuē vnto the seruice of him aboue al thinges with him to liue and dye and to forsake all other thynges rather then hym ▪ For he that loue●●his father or mother Mat. 10. sonne or doughter house or land more then me saith Christe is not worthy to haue me Withal our powers that is to say that with our handes and feete with oure eyes and eares our mouthes and tonges and with all other partes powers both of body and soul we shoulde be geuen to the keping and fulfilling of his cōmaundementes This is the fyrst and principal part of charitie but it is not the whole for Charitie is also to loue euerye man The loue of thy neighbor good and euyl frende and foe and whatsoeuer cause be geuē to the contrarye yet neuertheles to beare good wyll and hert vnto euery man to vse our selues wel vnto them aswell in woordes and countenaunce as in al our outwarde actes and dedes For so Christ himself taught so also he performed in deede Of the loue
and oppresse with pouertie syckenesse or some other aduersitie yet they doo feare death partely● because the fleshe abhorreth naturally his owne sorowfull dissolution whiche death doth threaten vnto them and partelye by reason of such ●●●sses and payneful diseases whiche be moste stronge panges and agonies in the flesh and vse commonly to come to sycke men before death or at the leaste accompany death whensoeuer it commeth Although these two causes seme great weighty to a worldly man wherupon he is moued to fear death yet there is another cause much greater then ani of these afore rehersed for which in dede he hath iust cause to feare death and that is the state condition wherunto at the laste ende death bringeth al them that haue theyr heartes fixed vpō this world without repentance and amendment This state condition is called the second death whiche vnto al such shall insue after this bodely death And this is that death which in dede ought to be dred feared for it is an euerlasting losse without remedy of the grate and fauour of GOD and of euerlastynge ioye pleasure and felicitie And it is not only the losse for euer of all these eternall pleasures but also it is the condemnation both of body and soule without eyther appellation or hope of redemption vnto euerlastynge paynes in hell Vnto this state death sente the vnmerciful and vngodly ryche man that Luke speaketh of in his gospel Luk 16 who liuinge in al wealthe and pleasure in this worlde and cheryshing himself daylye with dayntye fare and gorgeous apparell despysed poore Lazarus that laye pitifullye at his gate myserably plagued and full of soores and also greuously pyned with hunger Both these two were arrested of death whyche sent Lazarus the poore miserable man by aungels anone vnto Abrahams bosome a place of rest pleasure and consolation But the vnmerciful riche man descended doune into hel beinge in tormentes he cried for comforte complaininge of the intollerable payne that he suffered in the flame of fyre but it was to late So vnto this place bodely death sendeth all them that in this worlde haue theyr ioye felycitie al thē that in this worlde be vnfaythfull vnto GOD and vncharitable vnto their neighbours so dyinge without repentaunce and hope of GODS mercye Wherefore it is no meruayle that the worldly man feareth death for he hath much more cause so to do then he hym selfe doeth consydre The first Thus we se thre causes why worldly men feare ●eathe One beecause they shall lose thereby theyr worldely honoures riches possessions and all theyr heartes desyres Another Seconde because of the paynefull diseases and bitter pangues which commonly men suffre eyther before or at the time of death but the chiefe cause aboue al other Thyrde is the dreade of the myserable state of eternal damnation both of body and soule which they feare shal folow after theyr departing out of the worldly pleasures of this present lyfe For these causes be al mortal men which be geuen to the loue of this world both in feare state of death through sin as the holy Apostle saith so long as they liue here in this worlde He●●● 〈◊〉 But euerlastynge thankes bee to almyghtye God for euer there is neuer one of al these causes no nor yet they altogether that can make a true Christian man altayde to dye which is the very membre of CHRIST 1 Co● 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the holy gost the son of God the very inherit ours of the euerlasting kingdom of heauen but play●●● contrary be conceiueth great and many causes vndoubtedlye grounded vpon the infallible and euerlastynge trueth of the worde of GOD whiche moue him not only to put away the feare of bodely death but also for the manyfolde benefyttes and synguler commodities which ensue vnto euerye faythful person by reason of the same to wyshe desyre and long heartely for it For death shall be to hym no death at al but a very deliueraunce from death frō al paines cares and sorowes myseries and wretchednesse of this worlde and the very entry into reste and a begynnyng of euerlasting ioye a tastyng of heauenlye pleasures so greate that neither toungue is able to expresse neither eye to see nor eare to heare them no nor for any earthly mans hearte to conceiue theim So exceding greate benefites they be whiche God oure heauenly father by his mere mercy and for the loue of his sonne IESVS CHRIST hath layed vp in store and prepared for them that humbly submytte them selues to Gods wil and euer more vnfaynedly loue hym from the botome of theyr heartes And we ought to beleue that death being slayne by CHRIST cannot kepe any manne that stedfastlye trusteth in CHRISTE vnder his perpetual tiranny subiectiō but that he shall ryse from death agayne vnto glory at the laste daye appoynted by almighty God lyke as CHRISTE our head dyd ryse agayne accordynge to Gods appointement the thyrde daye For saynete Augustine sayth The head goyng before the membres trust to folowe and come after And S. Pauls sayeth if Christe be rysen from the deade wee shall ryse also from the same And to comfort all Christen persones herein holy Scripture calleth this bodely death a slepe wherin mans senses be as it were taken from hym for a season yet when he awaketh he is more freshe then he was when he went to bed So although wee haue our soules seperated frome our bodyes for a season yet at the generall resurrection we shal be more freshe beautifull and perfecte then we be now For now we be mortal thē we shal be immortall now infecte with diuerse infirmities then clearely voide of all mortall infyrmities nowe we be subiecte to al carnall desyres then we shal be all spirituall desyring nothing but Gods glory and thinges eternal Thus is this bodely death a doore or entring vnto life therefore not so muche dreadful if it be rightly considered as it is comfortable not a mischief but a remedy of al mischief no enemy but a frend not a cruel tyraunte but a gentle guide leadinge vs not to mortalitie but to immortalytye not to sorowe and payne but to ioye and pleasure and that to endure for euer if it be thankfully taken and accepted as gods messenger pacientlye borne of vs for Christes loue that suffered moste payneful death for oure loue to redeme vs from death eternall Accordynge herunto Sayncte Paule sayeth oure lyfe is hid with Christe in God Rom ● but when oure lyfe shall appeare then shal we also appere with him in glory Why then shal we feare to die considering the manifold and comfortable promises of the gospel of holye scriptures Iohn 6 God the father hath geuen vs euerlasting lyfe sayth S. Iohn and this lyfe is in his sonne he that hath the sonne hath lyfe and he that hath not the son hath not life And t●● I wr●●● sayeth S. Iohn
to you Iohn 6 that beleue in the name of the sonne of God that you may know that you haue euerlastinge lyfe and that you doe beleue vpon the name of the sonne of God And our sauiour CHRISTE sayth he that beleueth in me hath lyfe euerlastynge and I wyll rayse him from death to life Iohn 6 at the laste daye 1 Cor. 1 S. Paule also sayth that CHRISTE is ordeyned and made of God our righteousnes oure holynes and redemption to the intente that he whyche will glory should glory in the LORDE S. Paul did contemne and set litle by al other thinges esteming them as dunge whiche before he had in very greate pryce that he might be founde in CHRIST to haue euerlastinge life true holynes righteousnes and redemption Finallye S. Paule maketh a playne argument in this wyse Cellos 3 If our heauenly father would not spare his owne natural sonne but dyd geue him to deathe for vs howe can it be that with hym he should not geue vs all thinges Therfore yf we haue CHRIST then haue we with hym and by hym all good thinges whatsoeuer we canne in oure heartes wysh or desyre as victory ouer death synne and hel we haue the fauoure of God peace with hym holinesse wysedome iustice power lyfe and redemption we haue by hym perpetuall health wealth ioye and blisse euerlastinge ¶ The seconde part of the 〈◊〉 of the feare of death IT hath ben heretofore she wed you that there be three causes wherfore men do cōmonly feare death Fyrst the sorowful departing from worldly goods pleasure The second the feare of the panges paynes that come with death Last and principall cause is the horrible feare of extreme miserie perpetual damnacion in time to come And yet none of these thre causes troubleth good men because they staye thē selues by true fayth perfit charitie sure hope of the endelesse ioy and blisse euerlastyng Al those therfore haue gret cause to be ful of ioy that be ioyned to Christe with true faith stedfaste hope perfect charitie not to fere death nor euer lasting dānation For death cannot depriue thē of Iesu Christ nor any sinne can condemne thē that are graffed surely in him which is their only ioy treasure lyfe Let vs repent our sinnes amende our liues trust in his mercy satisfactiō death can neither take hym from vs nor vs from hym For thē as s Paule saith whether we liue or dye we be the lordes owne And again he saith Rom. xiiii Christ did die rose againe because he shuld be lord both of the dead quicke Thē if we be the lordes owne when we be dead it must nedes folow that such tēporall death not only cannot harme vs but also that it shal much be to our profite ioyne vs vnto god more perfectly And therof the Christiā heart may surely be certified by the infallible or vnde●●●●●ble trueth of holy scripture It is God 〈…〉 Paul which hath prepared vs vnto 〈…〉 the same is he which hath geuen vs an earnesse of the spirite Therfore let vs be alwayes of good comfort for we know that so long as we be in the body we be as it were farre frō god in a strange countrey subiect to many perilles walking with out perfect syght knowledge of almighty God onely seing him by faith in holy scriptures But we haue a courage desire rather to bee at home with God our sauiour Christ farre from the body where we may beholde his God head as he is face to face to our euerlastyng comforte These be S. Paules wordes in effect Pebre xiii wherby we may perceiue that the life in this world is resēbled lykened to a pilgrimage in a straunge countrey farre from god that death deliuering vs from our bodyes doth sende vs straight home into our owne countrey maketh vs to dwel presently with god for euer in euerlasting rest quietnes So that to dye is no losse but profite winninge to all true christen people What loste the thiefe that hanged on the crosse with Christ by his bodely death yea how much dyd he gayne by it Luk. xxiii Did not our sauiour say vnto him this day thou shalt be with me in Para dise And Lazarus that pitifull person that laye before the riche mans gate Luke .xvi. payned with sores pyned with hunger dyd not death hyghly prosite and promote hym Which by the ministery of Angels sent hym vnto Abrahams bosome a place of rest ioy and heauenly consolation Let vs thinke none other good Christen people but Christ hath prepared and made ready before the same ioy and felicitie for vs that he prepared for Lazarus the thiefe Wherfore let vs sticke vnto his saluation and gracious redemptiō beleue his word serue him from our heartes loue obey him whatsoeuer we haue done heretofore cōtrary to his moste holy Wyl now let vs repent in tyme heareafter study to correct our lyfe doubt not but we shall fynd him as merciful vnto vs as he was eyther to Lazarus or to the thiefe whose examples ar writtē in holy seripture for the comfort of thē that be sinners subiect to sorowes miseries calamities in this world that they shuld not dispayre in gods mercy but euer trust therby to haue forgeuenes of their sinnes life euerl ●sting as Lazarus the thiefe hadde Thus I trust euery christen māperceiueth by the infaflible or vndeceauable word of God that bodely death cannot harme nor hynder thē that truly beleue in Christ but contrary shall profite promote the christen soules which being truely penitent for their offences depart hence in perfect charitie in sure trust that God is mercifull to thē forgeuing theyr sinnes for the merites of Iesus Christ his onely naturall sonne The seconde cause why some do feare death The secōd cause why some do fere death is fore sickenes and greuous paynes which partely come before death partly accōpanieth or cometh with death whensoeuer it commeth This feare is the feare of the frayle fleshe and a naturall passion belongyng vnto the nature of a mortal man But true faith in Gods promises and regarde of the paynes panges which Christ vpon the crosse suffered for vs miserable sinners with consideracion of the ioye euerlastynge lyfe to come in heauē wil mitigate asswage lesse those paines moderate or bryng into a meane this feare that it shall neuer be able to ouerthrowe the heartye desyre gladnes the the Christian soule hath to be seperated frō this corrupt body that it may come to the gracious presence of our sauiour Iesus Christ If we beleue stedfastly the word of god we shal perceyue that such bodely sicknes panges of death or what soeuer dolorous paynes we suffer eyther before or with death be nothing els in christen men but the rodde of our heauenly louyng
saye corrupte bothe the bodye and soule of manne and make them of the temples of the holy Ghoste the fylthye dunghill or dungeon of all vncleane spirites of the house of God the dwelling place of Sathan Agayne in the gospell of Saincte Iohn Ihō viii when the womanne taken in adulterye was broughte vnto Christe sayde not he vnto her Goe thy waye and sinne no more Dooeth not he here call whoredome sinne Rom. vi And what is the rewarde of sinne but euerlasting death If whoredome be sinne then is it not lawfull for vs to commit it 1. Ihō iii. For S. Iohn saieth hee that committeth synne is of the deuill And oure sauiour sayth euery one that cōmytteth sinne is the seruaūt of sinne Iohn viii Rom. vi If whordom had not bene sinne surely s Iohn Baptist would neuer haue rebuked kinge Herode for takinge hys brothers wife but he tolde him playnely that it was not lawful for him to take his brothers wife He winked not at the whoredome of Herode although he wer a kinge of great power but boldlye reproued him for his wicked and abhominable liuynge althoughe for the same he loste hys heade But he woulde rather suffer deathe then see God so dishonored by the breakinge of his holy precept or cōmaundemēt thē to suffer whoredom to be vnrebuked euē in a king If whordom had been but a pastime a daliaūce a thing not to be passed of as many coumpt it now a daies truely Iohn had bene more then twise madde if he woulde haue had the displeasure of a kinge if he would haue bene cast in to prieson and loste his heade for a trifle But Iohn knew right wel how filthy stinkinge and abhominable the sinne of whoredom is in the sight of god therefore would not he leaue it vnrebuked no not in a kynge If whoredome bee not lawefull in a king neither is it lawefull in a subiect If whoredome bee not lawful in a publique or cōmune officer neither is it lawful in a priuat persō If it be not lawful neither in king nor subiecte neither in common officer nor priuate persō truelye thē is it lawefull in no man nor woman of whatsouer degree or age they bee Furthermore Actes ●●● in the actes of the Apostles we reade that when the Apostles and elders with the whole congregacion were gathered together to pacyfye the hertes of the faithful dwelling at Antioche which wer disquieted through the false doctrine of certain Iewish preachers they sent worde to the brethren that it semed good to the holye ghoste and to them to charge them with no more then wyth necessarye thinges emonge other they willed them to abstayne from Idolatry and fornicacion from whiche sayde they if ye kepe your selues ye shall do well Note here howe these holy and blessed fathers of Christes churche woulde charge the congregacyon with no mo thynges then were necessarye Marke also how emong those thinges from the which they commaunded the brethren of Antioche to absteine fornication and whoredome is numbred It is therfore necessary by the determination and consente of the holy ghost and the apostles and elders with the whole congregacion that as from Idolatrye and superstytion so likewise wee muste absteyne from fornication and whoredom Is it necessary vnto saluation to absteine from Idolatry So is it to absteine frō whoredome Is there any nygher waye to leade into damnation then to be an Idolater No euen so neyther is there a nerer waye to damnacyon then to be a fornicatour and an whoremonger Nowe where are those people which so lightly esteme breaking of wedlocke whoredome fornication and adultery It is necessary sayeth the holy ghoste the blessed apostles the elders with the whole congregacion of Christe it is necessary to saluation say they to absteyne from whoredome If it be necessary vnto saluation then woe be to them whiche neglecting their saluacion geue their mindes to so fylthy stinking sinne to so wicked vice to suche detestable abhomination ¶ The second parte of the Sermon against Adultery YOu haue bene taught in the fyrste parte of this sermon agaynst adultery how that vice at this day reigneth most aboue all other vyces And what is mēt by this worde adultery how holy scripture disswadeth or discoūseyled from doing that filthy sinne finally what corruptiō cūmeth to mans soule through the sinne of adultery Now to procede further let vs heare what the blessed apostle S. Paule saith to this matter Wryting to the Romaines he hath these woordes Rom. iiii Let vs cast away the workes of darknes put on the armours of light Let vs walke honestly as it were in the daye time not in eating and drynking neither in chaumbringes and wantonnes neyther in strife enuying but put ye on the lord Iesu Christe and make not prouision for the fleshe to fulfill the lustes of it Here the holy apostle exhorteth vs to cast away the workes of darkenesse whiche emonge other he calleth gluttonous eatynge drynking chaumberinge and wantonnesse whiche are all ministers vnto that vyce and preparacyons to induce and bringe in the fylthye synne of the fleshe Hee calleth them the dedes and workes of darkenesse not onely because they are customablye doone in darkenesse Ihon. iii. or in the night time for euery one that doth euyl hateth the light neither cummeth he to the light leste his workes should be reproued but that they leade the righte way vnto that vtter darkenes Mathe. xiii where wepynge and gnashinge of teeth shal be And he saieth in an other place of the same Epistle They that are in the fleshe can not please god We are detters not to the fleshe that we shoulde liue after the fleshe for if ye lyue after the fleshe ●o viii ye shal dye Agayne he sayeth flye from whoredome for euery synne that a manne committeth is without his body but whosoeuer cōmitteth whoredome sinneth agaynst his own bodye Doe ye not knowe that youre membres are the temple of the holy ghoste whiche is in you whome also ye haue of god Cor. vi and ye are not youre owne For ye are derely boughte glorifie GOD in your bodyes c. And a little before he saieth Doe ye not knowe that your bodyes are the membres of Christe Shall I then take the membres of Christe make them the membres of an whore God forbid Do ye not know that he whiche cleueth to an whore is made one bodye with her There shal be two in one fleshe saieth hee but he that cleueth to the lord is one spirite What godlie reasōns doth the blessed Apostle S. Paule bring forth here to disswade or discounseylle vs frō whoredome and all vnclennes youre membres sayeth hee are the temple of the holye ghoste whiche whosoeuer doth defile god wil destroy him as sayethe Saincte Paule If we be the temple of the holye goste howe vnsitting then is it to dryue that holy spirite frō vs throughe