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A62540 The two witnesses: their prophecy, slaughter, resurection and ascention: or, An exposition of the eleventh chapter of the Revelation wherein is plainly proved that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, are the witnesses there spoken of, who have prophesied in sackcloth one thousand two hundred and sixty years compleat; that they are already slain, revived, and ascended. That the tenth part of the city is fallen by our late earthquake, wherein seven thousand names of men were slain. The second wo is past. This is the first part of the chapter, the second part follows. By Tho. Tillam, a weak labourer in the Lords Harvest. Tillam, Thomas. 1651 (1651) Wing T1168; ESTC R219308 67,928 180

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that it was the word of the Lord. That then from which these stubborn Jews were broken off is the word of the Lord or the holy Scriptures but the Jews were broken off the true Olive Tree therefore the true Olive Tree is the word of the Lord or the holy Scriptures All which being compared it will evidently appear that the two Olive Trees in this of the Revelation and that of Zacariah are none other then the holy Scriptures or word of God Secondly It is as plain that the blessed Scriptures are the proper Food and Noufishment of Saints spoken of Rev. 12.6 Isa 25.6 Psal 36. what else is that feast of fat things that Wine on the Lees well refined that fatness of the Lords house wherewith he satisfieth the souls of his Saints those Rivers of pleasures he makes them drink of and to which the Lord Jesus so freely invites them Eat O friends Drink Cant. 5.1 yea Drink abundantly O beloved But I pass this briefly as not to be denied that the holy Scriptures are the proper Food and Nourishment of the Saints For which employment these holy witnesses are designed Rev. 12.6 namely to feed the Church in her exiled Wilderness estate 1260 years But if any shall cavill that I attribute that to the Scriptures which is peculiar to the Spirit of God I have this to say that I have no thought of the Scriptures without or beside the Spirit of God I receive all Scriptures as the Lord Jesus delivered them The words that I speak unto you Joh. 6.63 2 Tim. 3.15 Heb. 4.12 they are Spirit and they are life able to make wise unto salvation And therefore the blessed Scriptures are the proper fit sutable nourishment for the Saints and particularly for the Church in her afflicted despised wilderness estate Thirdly That the holy Scriptures are called witnesses and which is yet more plain these very witnesses of Christ will appear in the perusal of several Scriptures And first that the Law is called so Deut. 31.26 Take this book of the Law and put it in the side of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God that it may be there for a Witness against thee And it appears as cleerly to me that the Gospel is so called also 1 Joh. 5.9 This is the Witness of God which he hath testified of his son If it be objected that it is the Spirit c. that is here called the Witness t is readily granted neither dare I call the Spirit one thing and the word another thing except it be said that the Scriptures are the minde of the Spirit it is above noted that the Lord Jesus saith they are both one thing The words that I speak they are Spirit therefore the Scriptures have ordinarily the same Appellations and operations ascribed to them as are to the Spirit it self the Spirit is called Truth so also the word is called Truth 1 Joh. 5.6 Joh 17.17 the Spirit is said to sanctify so the word is likewise said to sanctify and the like and certain I am that the properties ascribed to the word Heb. 4.12.13 are not Communicable to any essence below the Spirit of God For the word of God is quick and Powerful and sharper then any two edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and Spirit and of the joynts and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart c. Therefore have I hewed them by the Prophets Hos 6.5 Isa 11.4 compared with Rev. 11.5.10 I have slain them by the words of my mouth When I compare these Scriptures with the fifth and tenth verses of this eleventh of the Revelation it doth so wonderfully cleer this truth to me that the Scriptures of the two Testaments and only these are the two Witnesses that if there were no other ground but this it would abundantly satisfie and confirm me in the discovery of this abstruse and wonderfull mystery To conclude this truth so manifest already is yet further cleered by those blessed Lips where never guile was found the Lord Jesus Christ himself affirms it in these words Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they that testifie of me John 5.39 Where it is plain that they are not only called Witnesses but these very Witnesses here spoken of for the words carry with them this cleer sound Search the Scriptures for they are my Witnesses Thus as these blessed Witnesses testify of Christ so Christ also giveth testimony to them Fulk Contr. Mart. Pres Pag 5. as to his Witnesses and so puts the point in hand beyond all dispute That the holy Scriptures of the Two Testaments and only these are the two Witnesses here spoken of And yet one word more for the more ample discovery of the transcendent excellency of these heavenly Witnesses the Scriptures of truth from the cleer evidence the Apostle Peter gives who having declared the excellent glory of Christ in the mount which he saw and the audible voice 2 Pet. 1.17 from the highest Majesty giving Invincible testimony of his son We have also saith he a more sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well that ye take heed c. What the Scriptures more sure then the voice of God himself from heaven yes a more certain Infallible voice now in these Gospel daies then any miraculous extraordinary voice whatsoever and here we may admire the wisdome care and faithfulness of our Royal Lawgiver who knowing that many false Prophets would arise and deceive many and considering how Satan usually transformeth himself into an Angel of light 2 Cor. 11.13 2 Cor. 11.14 2 Thes 29. and that his eldest Son Antichrist would come after the working of this Prince of darkness with all Power and signs and lying wonders But especially foreseeing that monstrous impiety which so many of his Servants have warned us of as that ordinances would be slighted vilified rejected that many foul beasts would defile pollute and at length totally depart from those pure Chrystal streams that make glad the City of God even the blessed Scriptures of truth 2 Pet. 1.21 2.1 immediately flowing from that infinite Ocean of all fulness That many of them would deny in part as the divinity others absolutely the Lord that bought them And that the Divel would so far prevail with some whom he would mount to such a height of blasphemy as to affirm that they are Christ the Spirit the Eternal Father that their words are the words of God and when you hear them speak it is God that speaks for they are God and God is them c. To detest this detestable wickedness and most dreadful blasphemous abomination so frequently belched forth in these dayes of Satans power Gal. 6.16 Luk. 29.13 1 Cor. 11.26 Rev. 2.25 Gal. 1.8 hath our eternal King left his Royal will and pleasure upon Record as a
there were slain of Nobles c. 3000. Revel 11. The great whore of Rome betrays these holy Witnesses into the hands of his Butchers in his Slaughter-house of Trent These cut out their tongues and suffer them not to speak in those known Languages wherein they had wrought wonders These put out the eyes of the Scriptures and so cast them into the streets of their great City These bind the Witnesses with their cursed Decrees of Trent and of Pope Pius the 4. 1564. and then cloyster them up in their Monasteries Convents and there wrest them at their pleasure Apoc. 11.10 And they shal rejoyce over them and make merry c. because these two Prophets tormented them c. And after three years and a half the spirit of life from God entred into them and they stood upon their feet And the tenth part of the City fell And there were slain of Names of men 7000. Thus run these grand Enemies of Truth exactly parallel in their Actons and are therefore design'd to the like ruine I shal not further enlarge upon this verse save onely on the latter part of it a little and were there no other ground to evince the truth of what hath been delivered this passage would abundantly satisfie that the Witnesses are none other then the holy Scriptures for these two Prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth And what is it that hath power to torment the consciences of wicked men on earth but the Word of God this and only this being the engine of the spirit tormenteth them that dwell on the earth Heb. 4.12 For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper then any two-edged Sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joynts and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the hearts No wonder if earthly men rejoyce and make merry at the overthrow of such opposites as these At the hearing of the Word Ananias fell down dead Foelix trembled the Officers that came to apprehend Christ fell backward to the ground and by this Word shall wicked men be judged and therefore no marvel that Antichrist and his Adherents should exalt rejoyce be glad and send gifts one to another when these blessed Witnesses that have so tormented them are overcome and suppressed The eleventh Vers And after three dayes and a half the Spirit of life from God entred into them and they stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them that saw them Three years and a half they continued in a dead letter suspended suppressed prohibited by Antichrist and after this in despight of all his Thunderbolts the spirit of life from God entred into them being translated into many common Languages about this time and amongst the rest into English yea the Papists themselves at Rhemes seeing the multitude of people depart from them and embrace the Scriptures were at last constrained to translate them also though in a corrupt manner and with most abominable Annotations upon them yet even from hence did many a precious soul draw life and salvation converting that into Honey which was the bane and poyson of others and it is wonderful to me that at this very exact time both this and many other Translations of the Scriptures should come abroad in the open view of the world Pref. Rhem. Test Sect. 1. Compared with title page Fulk cont Mar. Epist Dedic received and countenanced by many Christian Princes to the great fear and terror of their Enemies who saw them thus raised from the dead But as yet they ascended not into Heaven only they were raised and lived and stood upon their feet that so in every thing they might resemble the Lord Jesus their Fountain who after his Resurrection stood also upon his feet on this Earth fourty days before he ascended up to Heaven so these having stood a proportionable time upon their feet not in that glory they were to have but in expectation of it The twelfth Verse And they heard a great voyce from Heaven saying unto them Come up hither And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud and their enemies beheld them That the two Testaments are the Witnesses and that they were overcome lay dead and rose again as hath been declared I have good ground to be confidently assured of but how long they stood upon their feet before they ascended up into Heaven I am not so clear in yet if I may deliver what my serious thoughts grounded upon fair probabilities prompt me to I shall declare namely the great voyce calling up the Witnesses is this present famous and renowned Parliament of England which I believe for sundry reasons First The Scriptures never appeared in their true lustre splendor and glory since their suppression till now that this blessed voyce hath called them up to the Throne where these Worthies sit Secondly They ascended up to Heaven in a cloud of much trouble wonderfull Commotions and violent oppositions Thirdly Their Enemies beheld them and would gladly have pulled them down which they endeavored by all possible industry policy and violence and to their perpetual shame be it spoken they never beheld them but as Enemies King Prelates Papists and the whole rabble of Cavalliers restless in their spirits from the first ascending of the Witnesses into Heaven to this very day The thirteenth Verse Fourthly And the same hour was there a great earthquake Which certainly cannot be forgotten the whole Land yea the three Nations trembled nay which of the Kingdoms of Europe were free from Commotions so great was the Earthquake this same hour of the Witnesses ascension Fifthly And the tenth part of the City fell Great Brittain the tenth part of Romes Dominions had long before separated from Antichrist in Doctrine but never fell from Rome totally till now we kept close to her detestable Discipline till this happy Parliament the joy of Saints the honour of Christ Now the day breaks and shadows fly away down go Crosses Altars Images away pack Surpless Service-Book Organs and the whole bundle of Popish Superstitious Ceremonies Sixthly And in the Earthquake were slain of names of men seven thousand Arch-bishops Diocesan Bishops Chancellors Commissaries Deans Chapters Arch-deacons Ordinaries Prebends Sumners Choristers Parrators Parsons Vicars Curats Clarks and I know not how many names devised by Antichrist He that shall diligently consider the particular persons in this Land distinguished by these and such like Babylonish Titles will finde no less a number then seven thousand all slain in this terrible Earthquake Seventhly And the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to the God of Heaven The late terrible Earthquake that great Commotion wherein the seven thousand names of men were slain did so affright the rest of the long Robe that they were glad to change their names and their clothes and instead of that of Parson Vicar c. to call themselves Ministers of the Gospel and get into the Parliaments
the Temple of God was opened in heaven and there was seen in his Temple the Ark of his Testament This is the lot and portion of the Righteous which because we cannot conceive or understand I shall pass over in silence hoping that our spirits will be raised to admire what cannot be expressed in word or conceived in the heart pressing forward by a Christian conversation to the sweet fruition of that glory which will be the sure portion of those that have part in the first Resurrection while the wicked that continue to do wickedly have nothing to expect or hope for in that day but that wherewith the Spirit closeth this Chapter And there were lightnings and voyces and thundrings and an Earthquake and great hail This will be the terrible portion of those of whom the Apostle Jude speaketh Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him Jude 14.15 The mouths of wicked men will then be stopped and put to silence though now they bark and belch forth blasphemies at pleasure against the Saints yet will it then be proved to their faces that all their wicked actions and hard speeches are done and spoken against him whose doctrine they now reject whose yoak they will not now bend to whose personal Reign they contemn as a Fable but then will they L●ke 19. ●● nill they this voyce shal reach them But those mine Enemies which would not that I should reign over them bring them hither and slay them before me And this will be such a slaughter where they will be ever killing and never dead but shall live in death to all eternity As this is ground of wo and alas to the wicked sort Mat. 25.10 against whom the door is now shut never to be opened any more never more tenders of Grace never more offers of Mercy in the Gospel but howling and wailing without ceasing world without end So is it true matter of unspeakable joy to all Saints no ground of Joy like this it comes with a Rather Luke 10.20 But rather rejoyce because your names are written in heaven This is the poor souls fulness of joy 1 Joh. 1.3 4. to know his interest in that society that shall continue rejoycing to all eternity I give a word of advice in the wordsof the Spirit to every man that hath this hope in him 1 Joh. 3.3 to purifie himself even as he is pure for since our expectation is such what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation godliness 2 Pet. 3.11 12 looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God wherefore gird up the loyns of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.13 Luk 2.36 And ye your selves like unto men that wait for their Lord when he wil return from the wedding Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he comes shall find watching Isa 30.18 yea blessed are all they that waite for him It s no matter deer Christians how much pains we take in the way nor what our trouble and misery is for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Rom. 8.18 When Christ our King shall say Well done thou good and faithful Servant Mat. 25.21 enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. How then should our hearts be transported with holy Ravishments in expectation of this his Appearance singing in Consort with the Heavens Earth Sea Fields and Trees in the sweet Singers heavenly Rapture For he cometh Psa 96. for he cometh to judge the Earth he shall judge the world with Righteousness and the people with his Truth Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly FINIS
will plead with them there Thither cause thy mighty ones to come O Lord. 11.12 Let the Heathen be wakened and come up to the Valley of Jehosaphat for there will I sit to judge all the Heathen round about the Heathens must come up to the Valley the Saints must come down And it will be worth our labours to consider the rest of this third Chapter of Joel which will give much light to this truth for after the Lords Throne is thus erected in the Valley of Jehosaphat it is said that the Lord will dwell in Zion and that there shall be abundance of rich blessings there 17 18. And that for ever as long as the Moon endureth But because the Valley of Jehosaphat Psal 72. Dan 7.14 as it now is hath not capacity or extent to receive the New Jerusalem therefore the Prophet Zachary tells us that it shall be wonderfully enlarged by the dividing of the Mount of Olives Zech. 14.4 And the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the East and toward the West and there shall be a very great Valley For the valley of the Mountains shall reach unto Azal Vers 5 All the land shall be turned as a Plain from Geba to Rimmon 10. and it shal be inhabited in her place 11. And men shall dwell in it and there shall be no more utter destruction But Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited and how should it be otherwise when the Prince of Peace shal reign in Glory in the midst of it This then is the place of which the Lord speaketh Isa 65 10. Rev. 24.4 I will rejoyce in Jerusalem and joy in my people and the voyce of weeping shall be no more heard in her nor the voyce of crying here Lord let my soul flourish with thee and thy Saints according to thy Word Rev. 3.21 Fourthly the fourth thing to be discovered is when this Lord of Glory and King of Saints will come to reign in this his Kingdom on Earth and first it is plain that it was not in the dayes of his humiliation for as he is answering his Disciples question about his coming to Judgement Mat. 24.25.6 he tells them the time of it is then when all the Virgins seeing the signs and hearing the voyce or cry Go forth to meet him coming as a Bridegroom to marry his Church that is the whole body of his Saints which will be then compleated and brought together into one place Mat. 24.28 Joh 10.16 where in the view of all the world the Marriage will be gloriously solemnized And secondly it is as plain that this Glorious Reign cannot be after the day of Judgement for then there would be a change in Heaven 1 Cor. 15.24 since it is clear that after Christs Reign and subduing of all his enemies he must give up the Kingdome to his Father Then thirdly it cannot be the spirituall Reign of Christ in that way as most dream which they conceive is now in being and that Christ will never come to Reign any other way save onely in greater purity then he doth now by his Spirit Which fond imaginations as they have not the least substantial Pillar from the word of Truth to support them so the contrary is plain and evident from the clear current of that pure fountain namely that the Lord Jesus Christ will come then and not till then to take to himself his great Power and Reign when all the signs that are to precede his coming are visibly discovered which I am sure are not yet as shall be shewed in its place Again the Spirit was given in a most glorious eminent manner far exceeding present dispensations when the Apostles Generally and Saint John more particularly waited for Act. 3.20 21. Rom. 8.23 1 Thes 4.17 Rev. 1 7. and yet expected this Glorious Personal Reign of Christ as abundance of unerring Witnesses do testifie but in special the present Scripture that I am now opening namely Rev. 11.15 which plainly declareth that the Personal * See Rev. 1.7 Reign of Christ is to begin when the seventh Trumpet is sounding at that time and not before when the seventh Trumpet begins to sound Rev. 10.7 shall this great Mystery be accomplished And certain I am that the Spirituall Kingdome of Christ was gloriously eminent before any of the seven Angels began to sound and therefore it cannot be only the spiritual Kingdom of Christ that is here spoken of and so the time is not yet in being of this Reign of Christ As therefore we must not cast off our expectation of nor our diligent constant watching waiting for this Personal Glorious manifestation on the one hand saying with that evil servant My Lord delayeth his coming and so split our selves upon the desperate rock of carnal security Neither must we run upon that other shelf of a vain ungrounded conceit that he is already come Mat. 24.23 24 25 26 27. whereof our Lord himself hath given us fair warning the Lord give us hearts to receive and embrace it It is not then the spiritual Reign which we now enjoy but the personal glorious truly spiritual Reign which we shall shortly enjoy that is the Life and Crown and Hope and Comfort of many precious enlightned Saints who have found such sweet support succour and solace from this sure Pillar of divine truth that all the delusions of Sathan in this luxurious giddy Age hath not been able to shake The ignorance of this soul-ravishing Gospel-truth is that horrible Gulph that hath swallowed up thousands who finding in the words of truth such glorious things spoken of this day of the Lord but through ignorance in this Mystery and the cunning slights of Sathan who transforms himself to an Angel of Light are deluded in their sence and all their intellectuals beleeving that Christ is come already and doth Reign already whereupon they conclude to throw away all Ordinances for say they Christ hath commanded us to use them till his coming and no longer Do this till I come hold fast till I come Occupy till I come Nay so far hath this restless spirit of error prevailed with some as to beleeve that Christ hath already Reigned that he hath already given up the Kingdom to his Father and that now God is all in all that they live in God that they are God c. And now this Prince of darkness hath plaid his part to purpose now he hath possessed them not only with a distast of Ordinances and slighting of them but now away go Scriptures Christ and all they are a lye an Allegory he a shadow a Type c. and now Sathan hath his will having deceived them so far as to deny the Lord that bought them for he well knows that there is no other name given under heaven to bring salvation but this Christ whom they thus reject and now he is cock sure of them and now they are ripe