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A60135 God's thoughts and ways above ours, especially in the forgiveness of sins in several sermons upon Isaiah LV. 7,8,9 / by John Shower. Shower, John, 1657-1715. 1699 (1699) Wing S3671; ESTC R38912 83,543 185

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should speak such Language to me as this Tho' for lying Vanities thou hast forsaken thine own Mercies yet return to me Tho' thou hast play'd the Harlot with many Lovers yet return Tho' thou hast turned a deaf Ear to many Reproofs yet thy Case is not desperate Tho' I offer my Son and Life by him He that hath the Son hath Life and ye would not This Offer was repeated Sabbath after Sabbath for many Years yet you would not hear it you would not stoop to the Terms yet return unto me I will pity and pardon you I will abundantly pardon Long since I might have sworn in my Wrath you shall never enter into my Rest I might have said Let them alone to be undone by their own Obstinate Foolish Choice I might have resolv'd never such an Offer should be made to you more Never any Sermon about it shall ever do you good more But I am God and not Man my Thoughts and Ways are not as yours I invite you again I beseech you turn and live do not go on and dye God speaks this Language to every one of you the worst of you who hear me this Day Let none therfore think or say 't is too late for him or her there 's now no more Mercy for me For Christ yet stands at the Door and knocks tho' you have refus'd formerly and shut the Door formerly yet now if you will open the Door he will come in and sup with you and you with him Rev. III. 20. Nay tho' he has not taken Possession of thy Heart he knocks at thy Door by his Spirit and is ready to enter tho' you refuse him he does not abandon you Tho' his Kindness and Love hath been slighted yet his Mercy is tendered still and his Patience prolonged And will you resolve to go on thus Will ye not return Are you content to perish rather than come to Christ for Life rather than give him the Glory of your Salvation Will you rather dye in your Sins than be beholden to him for your Forgiveness rather than apply to God for it when he hath provided an All-sufficient Saviour and offer'd you that Salvation freely which cost so dear to purchase After this for a poor proud Sinner to turn his Back upon this Grace of God to scorn this Saviour and disdain to be saved by him saying in Effect I will have none of your Christ none of his Grace none of his Mercy I had rather enjoy my Lusts continue in my Sin and put it to the Venture how provoking is such Guilt and how righteous will be the Condemnation of such obstinate Sinners Secondly Apply your self therfore to God in Christ by Earnest Prayer He hath the Words of Eternal Life he is a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance as well as Pardon The Spirit of Faith is the Spirit of Jesus Christ he can open thy blind Eyes and soften thy hard Heart he that commanded the Cripple to take up his Bed and walk at the same time gave him Power to obey There is a Divine Spirit and Power even the Spirit of Life and Power in Christ Jesus that accompanies the Preaching of the Gospel this may be hoped for this ought to be valu'd desir'd and begg'd You ought never to despair of God's Grace to enable you to believe when it continues to be your Duty to believe on Christ and it cannot but continue to be so unless the Gospel be repeal'd Therefore beg with all your Hearts that you may be enabled to look to him and be saved to come to him and find Rest to your Souls to believe on him and receive Remission of Sins For by beholding the Glory of God in the Face of Christ you may be changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory Beg an Understanding to know him that is true and with all your Hearts to believe on him that you may assent to his Word consent to his Covenant resign to his Will and trust in his Promise depending on his Readiness Willingness Power and Faithfulness to save you Saying Lord draw me and I will run after thee Lord thou art willing to receive Sinners make me willing to receive thee Lord thou hast received Gifts for Men even for the Rebellious O communicate of those Gifts of Grace to me I see my need of Christ and what Reason I have to come to him O lead me to him and work in me to will and to do of thine own good Pleasure Thirdly If you begin to find the Spirit of Christ breathing on your Souls that have been yet unperswaded if you have any Motions of the good Spirit of God by the preaching the Word or by any other means take heed you thankfully cherish and entertain them When you find your Souls begin to turn towards Christ if you find any Beams of Heavenly Light break in upon you any Inclinations started of applying to him besure to obey the Voice of his Spirit Open every Door of your Souls to receive his Light When he works any Conviction of Sin any sence of your need of a Saviour any Desires after him or Purposes of Heart to leave your Sins and give up your selves to God to be saved by Christ according to the Gospel for your Souls sake encourage such Thoughts cherish such Suggestions Beware how you turn them off but presently and thankfully strike in saying Lord I yield I am overcome I have long enough and too long refus'd thy Grace disobey'd thy Will and resisted thy Spirit Thou hast often knockt and I would not open O now enter thou Blessed of the Lord and take Possession of my Soul Let Christ dwell in my Heart by Faith and his Spirit form a Temple there and reside there as in his own Dwelling for ever Lord art thou yet willing after all my Provocations to show Mercy and abundantly to pardon Willing to be my God and my Saviour Blessed be God I am now willing to be thy Servant Thy powerful Grace hath made me willing Thy Spirit open'd my Eyes to see my self undone to see that Christ is able and willing to save me I hope I am now ready to receive him willing to embrace him as Christ Jesus my Lord. I come to thee O God as to the Fountain of Life to be quickned and cleans'd to be wash'd justify'd sanctify'd and sav'd from Sin and Hell by the Blood and Spirit of Jesus through the Free Mercy and Grace of God But to Conclude If after all there be any Such here as are not will not be perswaded to forsake their Evil Ways and turn to God in Christ Let them consider that the longer they continue in their Obstinacy and Unbelief under the preaching of the glorious Grace and Mercy of God to Sinners so much the more Danger they are in of being lost for ever For their Minds must needs be more blinded by sinning against the Light Their Hearts more hardned by misimproving that which should have softned
To perswade you that God will abundantly pardon Consider how valuable a Price was paid for your Redemption that you might have Forgiveness When you think of the Freeness of this Mercy to you think also that it cost the precious Blood of Jesus to Procure it And by the great Propitiation for Sin which he hath made God hath glorify'd his Holiness and Justice and may now glorifie his Mercy and Grace in pardoning and saving Sinners without lessening the Honour of his Authority and Government or impeaching any of his Attributes and Perfections You may come and beg Mercy for the sake of Jesus Christ saying Lord save me for thy Mercy 's sake I am a Vile Sinner a Rebellious Creature not only an unprofitable Servant but a hainous Criminal I have nothing in my self but Matter of Shame and Humiliation nothing of any good but what thou hast given me There 's nothing in any of my Services but need the Sprinkling of the Blood of Jesus to make them accepted But there is Redemption even the Forgiveness of Sin through the Blood of Jesus Lord Here is the Blood shed for Expiation of my Sins Lord Here 's the Price paid for my Reconciliation here 's a perfect Righteousness to cover me here 's a compleat Attoning Sacrifice Christ's Merit Righteousness and Intercession and Grace can save me O let me be found in him accepted in him Did I dishonour God formerly by my aggravated Sins Christ my Redeemer hath honour'd him more by his Death than ever I dishonour'd him by my wicked Life Is it not a Trouble to you to think with what Affection and Delight you sinned with what Deliberation you committed such and such Sins Oh! remember that Christ delighted to do the Mediatorial Will of his Father He was straitned 'till he drank of the bitter Cup and was baptized with his own Blood He knew before hand all that he was to do and suffer for our Redemption and yet willingly undertook it Did you sin with much intenseness of Spirit so that your Heart was in it Have your Crimes been many of them Mental Spiritual Inward Sins like those of the Devil which are worse than Sensual Carnal Ones Remember Christ's Sufferings lay much in his Soul also His Spirit his Soul was heavy unto Death c. And whatever Unworthiness you may apprehend of the Mercy offer'd you remember 't is Free Mercy You are call'd and invited to receive it without Money and without Price If you are weary and heavy laden and sensible of your Unworthiness if you see your need of his help are desirous of it and willing to yield your selves to his Conduct to be saved in a way of Free-grace so as to give him the entire Glory of your Salvation you ought to believe that God will show you Mercy and abundantly pardon you He hath glorify'd his Mercy in the purchase of Forgiveness by Christ in the Publication of it in the Gospel and in the Application of it to particular Sinners upon Faith and Repentance or Repentance and Faith I scruple not to put either first since they are inseperable and are never parted And both are absolutely needful Repentance towards God and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ that at once we may give God the Honour of his Authority and violated Law by our Repentance and of his rich Grace in the Gospel by our Faith in Christ And can any thing be more free to us than to be forgiven in this Method on these Terms to have all our Transgressions blotted out for his Name 's sake and to be washed and cleans'd in the Fountain of Christ's Blood when we have nothing but our own miserable and wretched Case to move his Pity He justisies us freely by his Grace and found a way to do it with Honour to his own Name What a strange Passage is that of the Prophet Isa XLIII 22 23 24. Thou hast not called upon me O Jacob but hast been weary of me O Israel thou hast not brought me the small Cattle of thy burnt Offerings neither hast thou honour'd me with thy Sacrifice thou hast bought me no sweet Cane with Money neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy Sacrifices but thou hast made me to serve with thy sins thou hast wearied me with thine Iniquities What might now be expected but that God should say Therfore I will not hear thee when thou callest I 'le make thee a Sacrifice to my Wrath I 'le punish thee according to thy Desert But 't is quite otherwise for it follows in Verse 25. I even I am he that blotteh out thy Transgressions for my own sake and will not remember thy Sins When the God whom we had offended by Sin is become a God of Forgiveness in such a way and method of rich and glorious Grace we need not doubt but his Heart is in it and therfore that he will abundantly pardon He might have exacted the Punishment of Sin when he gave his only begotten Son to be a Propitiation for our Sin and accepted his Suffering instead of ours There could be nothing move him to this but his own Grace and Love And therfore we ought to believe that he 's ready to receive returning Sinners unto Mercy for Christ's sake Sixthly As consequent to this Consider that by believing that God will abundantly pardon returning Sinners we give Honour and Glory to God He is pleas'd and honour'd by our giving Credit to his Word and hoping in his Mercy Whereas if we distrust his Promises and Declarations of Grace we not only disobey his Order but refuse that which he delights in and whereby he 's glorify'd By not believing his Promises of Pardon we do what we can to frustrate the Command of Faith in Jesus Christ and the Promse of Salvation by him Yea to disappoint the great Design of Christ's Coming into the World which was to save Sinners We undervalue the rich Provision he hath made for our Encouragement we gratifie the Devil in keeping off from the only Remedy which Christ hath procured We do in effect make God a Liar by disbelieving the Record he hath given of his Son not setting to our Seal that God is true 1 John V. 10. John III. 33. If we honour and please God by our Faith and Hope more than by any thing else we do as much dishonour and displease him by our Unbelieving Despondency and Dispair Yea all the Sins of your past Life that make you fear God will never forgive you are not cloathed with higher Aggravations of Guilt than your doubting of the pardon of them in Case you unfeignedly return to God and believe in Christ Lastly You ought to believe it for the Reason added Ver. 7. because God's Thoughts are not as ours but as far as the Heavens are above the Earth c. We can't think so kindly of any who have injur'd us as God thinks of us who have offended him Nor can we think to what degree God
and Call to Repentance that Where Sin hath abounded Grave shall much more abound Fifthly He will have Mercy and will abundantly pardon let him consider the Certainty of this and thereupon Return We may here Observe That the great Motive and Encouragement which puts Sinners on forsaking their Evil Wayes and turning to God is a sensible Apprehension that there is Mercy and Forgiveness to be had There could be no Repentance without it nor would it be required of us as a Duty to repent and return if there were no Forgiveness with God Sixthly Besides the General Encouragement of finding Mercy with God here is the special kind of Mercy which the Sinner needs and that is Pardon I may here Observe That pardoning Mercy to returning Sinners is Mercy indeed of all others the most suitable and most welcome Seventhly That God will not only show Mercy to Returning Sinners but he will abundantly pardon 'em he will multiply Pardons I. First That if ever Sinners find Mercy with God they must forsake their Evil Ways The ordinary Course of any Man's Life is very fitly called his Way that which is his ordinary Practice his daily Walk Accordingly we read of the Way of a Sinner and the Path of the Wicked and the Way of Evil Men This is often call'd our own Way in Opposition to the Way of Truth and Righteousness which is called the Way of the Lord or God's Way Because he directs and approves it and enables us to walk in it and rewards us for so doing And this is the great difference between the Righteous and the Wicked Their Course and Way is different A good Man may make a false Step he may stumble or step out of the way in a particular Instance but he doth not work Iniquity doth not walk in the way of the Ungodly his Course and Conversation for the main of it is otherwise And 't is not for one or two particular Actions good or bad that a Man 's to be denominated a good or wicked Man but from his ordinary Course of Life If that be wicked he must forsake it or never find Mercy with God And this must be done heartily and unfeignedly speedily and without delay impartially and universally with full purpose of Heart to persevere and never again return to Folly Without this there can be no Converse with God nor Communion with him Wash ye make ye clean put away the Evil of your Doings then come and let us reason together Isa I. 16 17. 'Till this be resolv'd upon and begun you are Impenitent and so abominable in the sight of God For certainly God wil lnto dishonour his Perfections contradict his Word and prostitute his Grace to justifie the Ungodly while they continue such without desiring resolving and endeavouring to forsake their Evil Ways Where-ever Christ is a Saviour to give Remission of Sin he does also give them Repentance Acts V. 31. II. Secondly That 't is not enough for one who expects to find Mercy with God to reform his Practices and forsake his Evil Wayes but he must be inwardly sanctify'd his Heat renewed his very Thoughts changed Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous Man his thoughts c. His Thoughts especially his False Unjust Unrighteous Thoughts of God whereof Sinners have very many Here the Change must be because the Heart is the principal Seat of Sin or Grace of Sincerity or Hypocrisie It is in the inward Thoughts and Affections of the Heart that Sanctification or Carnality doth principally discover it self 'Till the Fountain be cleansed the Streams will be polluted The unsanctify'd Heart is the Source of Evil Thoughts Words and Actions Wash thy Heart O Jerusalem how long shall vain Thoughts lodge in thee As a man thinketh in his heart so is he Prov. XXIII 7. The Thoughts of the wicked or wicked Thoughts they are Abomination in the sight of God Prov. XV. 26. And 't is the Design of the Gospel and the Glory of it beyond all the Philosophy in the World to bring our Thoughts into Obedience to Christ While any Wickedness is indulged and allowed in the Heart and Thoughts no outward Reformation as to our Behaviour before the World no Abstinence from gross Pollutions and Disorders in the Life will denominate us truly Penitent or give us Hopes of finding Mercy with God While we regard Iniquity in our Hearts while the Heart goes after Covetousness Filthiness or any allowed Lust Uunless the Thoughts be chang'd as well as the outward Course unless the Heart be sanctify'd as well as the Conversation reform'd there is no Forgiveness You know the Woe which our Saviour denounc'd against the Pharises on this Account Mat. XXIII 25. whom he characteriz'd as Hypocrites because they made clean the outside of the Cup and Platter but within were full of Extortion and Excess that like whited Sepulchers they appear'd Beautiful outward but were within full of dead Mens Bones and all Uncleanness III. Thirdly Observe further That 't is not enough to turn from Sin and Wickedness in Heart and Life but if you would find Mercy with God you must return unto the Lord. To clear this Consider That we are departed and gone off from God by Sin both as he is our Chief Good and Sovereign Lord We have abandon'd and forsaken him as our Portion and Felicity and as he is our Lord and Ruler 'T is necessary therefore that we return to him so as to value his Favour as our very Life place all our Happiness in his Love and Likeness observe his Orders and endeavour to please him that we design his Honour and make it our Business to glorifie him and be entirely devoted to him as our Ultimate End Without resolving on this there 's no ground to expect Mercy in the Pardon of the least Sin and upon this we may hope for Forgiveness of the greatest Men may break off a Course of Notorious Open Wickedness upon various and different Motives and then take up with a Negative Religion without returning to God They may satisfie themselves that now they don't commit the like Crimes as formerly they may think it enough that they are not as bad as others are or as once they were themselves But this is not sufficient if they are destitute of Love to God if they are not careful to please him if his Glory be not their End if they do not eye his Authority if they are not chiefly conconcern'd to be accepted with him if they do not choose him as the Portion of their Soul and by an entire Resignation of themselves make him Lord of all to govern their Actions by the Counsels of his Word and to dispose and order their Conditions by his most Wise and Holy Providence Such a turning to the Lord must be joyn'd with forsaking of Sin IV. Fourthly Let the Wicked and Unrighteous forsake the Evil of his Heart and Wayes and turn to the Lord and he shall find Mercy I Observe That
I give to be at peace with God and to have an Encouraging Sense of it c. Fourthly Are you sensible of your past Unkindness to this Merciful God and Gracious Saviour so as to bewail it Is it now the ground of your Fear and Trouble not only that you have sinn'd against the Light of Nature tho' it may be you were first awaken'd by the sense of some such Transgression but now you are troubl'd for the Contempt of the Gospel for your Neglect of Christ the Saviour of Sinners for refusing him when he hath call'd and invited you And are ready to say within your selves O with what Earnestness did he call me to accept his Mercy How freely did he offer to forgive me He would have been my Saviour but I would not receive him with what Folly and Obstinacy did I harden my Heart and stop my Ears and turn my Back upon him and resisted him both in his Word and Spirit Doth this greive and trouble you as well as the gross Pollutions of the World which Natural Light will condemn Fifthly Your Case is hopeful notwithstanding the sense of your Vileness and Fears on that Account if you yet resolve to follow on in seeking Mercy and Forgiveness of God by Jesus Christ 'till you obtain it Do you resolve you will wait and pray and wrestle and persevere therein 'till it shall please God to cast an Eye of Pity and Compassion on your miserable Souls That you will continue in the Use of God's appointed Means where he communicates his Spirit and conveys Grace and where he is wont to vouchsafe his Presence That you will enquire of every Body that may assist you how you may be one of those Happy Souls whom God will abundantly pardon Can you say this That tho' I fear and doubt yet I seek and strive and will not give over I will not desist I will not depart from his Door I am undone if he refuse me and if I perish and dye in my Sins and be damned for them it shall be in seeking Mercy and begging Mercy for Christ's sake And if you can say this truly you may be assur'd you shall not perish but find Mercy Can you say and is it the real Language of your Heart Nothing in all the Word shall content and satisfie you or is ever like to do so 'till you have some good hope through Grace of finding Mercy with God You search the Scriptures and search your Hearts and go to Ministers consult Friends and attend Ordinances with this Desire and Design and you pray before you come to hear that some seasonable powerful Word may drop and reach your Case Alas I use to hear formerly after another manner and with other Thoughts judging the Minister passing Sentence on the Sermon or considering only how it concern'd others of my Acquaintance But now I apply all to my self now I look for my own Portion and watch for that which principally concerns me And by the Grace of God I will thus attend and wait and watch at the Posts of Wisdoms Door that I may find Life Prov. VIII 34. Though I I have but a very little Hope and a great many Fears considering what a Vile Sinner I have been yet I do not utterly despair I am told I must not despair and that Despair is a Sin and Hope a Duty And therfore I will yet hold on and wait upon the Lord and seek his Mercy Tho' I can't pray with Confidence I will yet look up tho' I can't say I believe yet I 'le not utterly despair tho' I have sinned against the Grace of the Gospel and the Blood and Spirit of Christ yet I hope not above and beyond the Help and Benefit of his Grace and Gospel and Blood and Spirit I 'le therfore hold on and wait in Hope in the diligent use of all the Means of Salvation V. Fifthly I proceed to another thing observable from these Words Let him return and he will have Mercy and abundantly pardon Let him think of that and return believe that be encouraged to return I Observe That the great Motive and Encouragement to put a Sinner on forsaking his Evil Ways and returning to God is the sensible Apprehension that there 's Mercy to be had viz. that God will forgive and abundantly pardon the Penitent Returning Sinner I confess 't is not an easie matter to be perswaded of the Doctrine of the Forgiveness of Sin Whatever Guess and Conjecture Men may have about it from the Divine Patience and Forbearance to a sinful World in the Continuance of his Forfeited Mercy Yet * See Mr. Nathanael Taylor 's Preservative against Deism Octavo Lately printed without the Gospel Revelation we are at no Certainty about this The Gentiles had some Imaginations and Hopes that their Gods were placable and inclin'd to pardon and that was the Rise of their Expiations and Sacrifices but they had no assured Promise or Covenant to build upon They knew not the Mediator between God and Man by his own Sacrifice of himself to make Attonement 'T is the Language of the Law written on our Hearts that The Soul that sinneth shall dye 'T is the Voice of Natural Conscience that Guilt and Punishment are inseperable And were there not somewhat known of the Doctrine of Forgiveness by the Revelation of it which God hath made this would be the common Sentiment of Mankind I need not consider what particular Ways and Methods God may have to reveal this Pardoning Mercy unto any who are Strangers to the Written Word or whether he hath done so It belongs not to us to be Curious in enquiring about other Men who shall be judged by a Righteous God according to the Law they were under and the Light they had 'T is certain that even among those to whom the Gospel is preached whoever they are that are deeply convinc'd of Sin and Conscience awakened to apprehend the Holiness and Justice of God 't is one of the most difficult things in the World to perswade them that God will have Mercy and abundantly pardon It is one great Work of the Holy Spirit to satisfie the Soul of this There 's no serious Minister of Christ but hath abundant Experience of this in those that are awakened to any Concern for their Souls Salvation There 's Evidence sufficient of this in David's Frame Psal CXXX 3 4. If thou Lord should'st mark Iniquities O Lord who should stand but there is forgiveness with thee c. If God should mark Sin so as to proceed to punish it according to his Righteous Law who could stand who would escape Condemnation or when accused stand in the Judgment so as to be acquitted i.e. 'T is not my own Case alone that if God should be strict and severe with me I am an undone and lost Creature But 't is true of all the World The Holiest Saint on Earth can't be justify'd in his Sight and what then would become of me who have
is able to forgive our greatest Provocations and show Mercy to the vilest Sinners that will return We are prone to revenge we are hardly reconciled we are apt to return Evil for Evil we are not easily brought to Forgiveness But My thoughts are not as yours saith God You know not how far my Mercy can reach I am God and not Man The distance between God and Man between the Creature and Creator is infinitely more than between Heaven and Earth What if you can't imagine that ever I should have such Thoughts of Mercy for poor Sinners Do you consider how high the Heavens are above the Earth so are my Thoughts and Ways higher than yours They are like my self infinite And how many by their own Experience of God's kind and gracious Dealing with them who with holy Wonder and Thankfulness have acknowledg'd and attested the Truth of this Many a time have I called my self a Prodigal to use the Words of an * Mr. Baxter of Conversing with God in Solitude 4●● pag. 363 364. Excellent Person a Companion of Swine a miserable hard-hearted Sinner unworthy to be called his Son when he hath called me Child and chid me for my questioning his Love he hath readily forgiven the Sins which I thought would have made my Soul the fuel of Hell he hath entertain'd me with Joy with Musick and a Feast when I better deserv'd to have been among the Dogs without his Doors He hath embrac'd me in his sustaining Consolatory Arms when he might have spurned my guilty Soul to Hell and said Depart from me thou Worker of Iniquity I know thee not O little did I think that he could ever have forgotten the Vanity and Villany of my Youth yea so easily have forgotten my most aggravated Sins When I had sinned against Light when I had resisted Conscience when I had frequently and wilfully injured Love I thought he would never have forgotten it But the greatness of his Love and Mercy and the Blood and Intercession of his Son hath cancelled all O how many Mercies have I tasted since I thought I had sinned away all Mercies How patiently hath he born with me since I thought he would never have put up more Tho' I injure and dishonour him by loving him no more tho' I oft forget him and have been out of the Way when he hath come or called me tho' I have disobediently turned away mine Ears and unkindly refus'd the Entertainments of his Love and unfaithfully play'd with those whose Company he forbad me yet he hath not divorc'd me or turn'd me out of Doors O wonderful that Heaven will be familiar with Earth and God with Man the Highest with a Worm and the most Holy with an unconstant Sinner Man refuseth me when God will entertain me Those whom I never wrong'd reject me with Reproach and God whom I have unspeakably injured doth invite me entreat me and condescendeth to me as if he were beholden to me to be saved Men that I have deserved well of abhor me and God that I have deserved Hell of doth accept me I upbraid my self with my sins but he doth not upbraid me with them I condemn my self for them but he condemns me not I have Peace with him before I can have Peace with my Conscience Object But after all these endearing Expressions of the Grace of God may some say we can't tell how to believe 't is hard to be fully perswaded of this Consider therefore the Verses following the Text where there 's this Objection obviated You say you can't have your Hearts duely affected with these Declarations of God's Grace you can't be brought to accept this Mercy to close with this Offer to be encouraged by such a Promise and trust in it It is therefore added as directly suitable to such a Case Verses 10 11. As the Rain cometh down and the Snow from Heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the Earth and maketh it bring forth and bud that it may give Seed to the Sower and Bread to the Eater So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my Mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it That is As the Heavens do not give Light and Heat and Snow in vain but cause a promising Spring and a fruitful Harvest So saith God my Thoughts of Grace manifested by my Declarations of Mercy and Promises of Forgiveness shall have Efficacy and Influence to make you believe to enable you to hope and trust in my Mercy and so to be quiet and satisfy'd that your great and hainous Sins shall be forgiven The very Publication of this Grace shall be attended with a Power to bring Souls to believe it I know my Thoughts toward you are Thoughts of Peace and not of Evil to give you a gracious End and raise your Expectations of it and they shall accordingly be fulfilled The Declarations of this Mercy shall be credited my Word of Grace shall not be in vain it shall take hold of dejected despairing Souls and raise them to Faith and Hope 'T is with this Encouragement we publish the glad Tydings of Salvation and invite Sinners to return to God by Jesus Christ with an Assurance of finding Mercy I say 't is with this Encouragement that we beseech them to be reconcil'd to God and assure 'em that he 's ready to forgive 'T is in Hope that by the Spirit accompanying the Declaration of the Word concerning this Forgiveness with God many Souls might be attracted and won perswaded and overcome and so prevail'd with to return to God and believe the glorious Riches Freeness and Abundance of his Mercy God grant we may find more and more such fruits of preaching the Gospel On the other hand I beseech you take heed how you turn your Backs on this Mercy of God and the Offer of it Beware how you shut your Ears against his gracious Invitation when he thus proclaims and publishes his Readiness to forgive Take heed how you go on in Sin after God freely tenders you the Forgiveness of all your Sins if you will return With the greatest Seriousness I must tell you that one such Sermon of God's forgiving Grace and Mercy rejected slighted and misimprov'd may be of more dreadful Consequence to the Souls of those that hear it and make light of it than I am able to express APPLICATION VSE 1. Let this Mercy Love and Grace overcome your Hearts Consider it again and again Apply it seriously to your selves Is the Lord thus Gracious to me after so long a Rejection of him Will he yet receive me after so many Refusals Doth he invite and call me again after so much Contempt of his Mercy and Grace Will he yet show Mercy to me What strange astonishing Grace what endearing Kindness is this What manner of Love is this How true is it that God's Thoughts and Ways are not as ours That God
with what Bowels of Pity and Compassion should we consider the Case of such And treat them with the Spirit of Meekness and Gentleness Christ is the Saviour of Sinners but He is none of mine they say for I heard his Gospel Grace declared but did not accept it I outstood my Day of Grace and the Things of my Peace are hid from mine Eyes He call'd me but I would not come and 't is now too late O 't is now too late He knock'd and I would not open and now the Door is shut against me I am given up to a Hard Heart c. The very Thought of Heaven and the Happiness of the Saints doth but terrifie them because they think they have lost it and shall never come there As well as the Thoughts of Hell which they reckon their Deserved Portion and that e're long it will be so And that Word Everlasting Everlasting Destruction cuts them to the Heart And well it may if they believe it belongs to them and that they shall fall under the condemning Sentence of the Judge to pass into Everlasting Fire And in several such Cases the Devil strikes in and aggravates their Distress He insults over them What think ye now of Sin Where 's the Pleasure and Advantage of it now To what purpose hath been all your Praying Hearing attending on Ordinances Coming to the Lord's Table c. You are fit indeed to come to the Lord's Table you have come Vnworthily you have seal'd your Damnation by it you have eat and drank Judgment to your selves by it again and again And such is their Darkness and Perplexity they know not what to Answer but conclude They are lost and the Gospel hid from them that Christ is not their Freind and will not be their Saviour Some of them will tell you they are as sure of it as if they were in Hell already 'T is as true they say as if they had heard his Condemning Sentence He hath shut up his Bowels and his Tender Mercy for ever from them And there 's nothing remains but a fearful Looking for of Wrath and Judgment Tribulation and Anguish And that all their present Darkness is but the Forerunner of Eternal Darkness And what they feel now is nothing to what they fear And if they be in such Agonies now O what will it be to lye in the Flames of Hell Wretched Miserable Creatures they know not how to live and they dare not dye lest Death should open the Door to Eternal Damnation And these Fears are heighten'd when ever they meet with those Christians who have any Hopes of Heaven because they say Christ saveth Others but will not save them Do not such as these deserve our Compassion And there be many such in this City Though Natural Melancholy and Bodily Indisposition give some Occasion at least to heighten such Terrors and Distress in several yet the sense of past Guilt and the Temptations of Satan must not be overlookt What I have to say on the Third General of God's Thoughts not being as ours will be suitable to their Case But before I proceed to that let me mention something for the Tryal and Examination of our selves whether we are interested in this Forgiveness or no Would you know whether your Sins are forgiven whether you are interested in this Promise of multiply'd Pardon Consider in the General and Examine your Repentance towards God and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ Acts II. 21. * See the Sermons of the Forgiveness of Sin by the Reverend Dr. Bates 8vo Where the whole Doctrine of Pardon is more accurately laid down The Essential Acts of Repentance are Godly Sorrow for all our known Sins and a sincere Purpose of Heart to turn from all Sin to God with Answerable Endeavours of Universal Holiness The three Acts of saving Faith in Christ are 1. An Assent of the Mind to Scripture-Revelation concerning Christ 2. The Consent of the Soul embracing and receiving him upon his own Terms 3. A Relyance and Trust on him for Pardon of Sin and Eternal Life More particularly I. You may Consider your Repentance and enquire how you stand affected to Sin Have you been under any deep Conviction of the Evil of Sin as to cause not only some Sorrow but Hatred and Detestation of it Have you seen your selves lost and undone by reason of Guilt so as absolutely to need pardoning Mercy Is the Heart of Stone taken away and a Heart of Flesh given What Humiliation for Sin and Self-abasement in the Apprehension of your Vileness have you ever had Have you been disquieted and burden'd under the Sense of Sin so as to condemn your selves and see that you are lost without the Free-Mercy of God in Christ Owning the Righteousness of God if he should cast you off and yet looking up to God through Jesus Christ with Hope 'T is true there is a great Difference in the Expressions of Sorrow and Humiliation for Sin which some make beyond others but all are made to see the Evil of Sin so as to be cur'd of the Love of it to humble themselves and acknowledge their Vileness Have you thereupon been brought to an Ingenuous Confession of Sin Psal XXXVIII 18. with Earnest Prayers to God for Forgiveness when you remember the peculiar Aggravations of many of your Crimes How long continued in against how many Helps and Warnings Calls and Counsels and Obligations to the contrary How small the Temptation how frequent the Repetition and yet how much Wilfulness notwithstanding the various Methods of God's Grace and Providence to reclaim you Such a Conviction cannot long be conceal'd and hid Enquire therfore what Effects it hath had to bring you into the Presence of God there to confess and bewail your Folly O what a Beast what a Fool what a Wretch have I been thus and thus have I sinn'd against Heaven How low should I abase my self in the Presence of God How unworthy am I to lift up mine Eyes to the Throne of his Glory How wonderful is his Patience that I am yet alive If you have a serious Sense of Sin you will not be able to keep Silence for that is contrary to the Confession of Sin mentioned Psal XXXII 5. I acknowledg'd my Sin unto thee and mine Iniquity have I not hid While he kept silence or did not confess his Sin his Bones were vex'd his Heart was disquieted But upon a free and full Confession to God his Spirit was calm'd and he could look through his Penitential Tears with Hope to God's Mercy-Seat God requires this Confession in order to Forgiveness Jer. III. 12 13. Return O backsliding Israel saith the Lord and I will not cause mine Anger to fall upon you for I am merciful saith the Lord only acknowledge thine Iniquity c. And if we confess our sin the Apostle tells us God is faithful and just to forgive them 1 John I. 9. And the more free and particular we are in our
it the daily Burden of your Hearts that you inwardly sanctifie God no more and glorifie him so little in the World Are your Thoughts Desires Opinions and and Designs chang'd The Bent of your Souls and the Course of your Lives altered Can you say My Heart is inclin'd to keep thy Statutes always even to the end Psal CXIX 112. I esteem all his Commandments concerning all things to be right and am desirous to know the whole Will of God that I may do it And if in particular Instances by Temptation you turn out of the Way and contract Guilt are you restless and uneasie 'till you return to God Can you say with the Psalmist I have kept the Way of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from him for all his Judgments were before me and I did not put away his Statutes from me I was also upright before him and kept my self from mine Iniquity Psal XVIII 21 22 23. I confess as to Sins that by the Temperament and Constitution of the Body we are more inclin'd and tempted to than to other Sins a Total Victory is not to be expected so as in no Degrees to fall into such Sins after Repentance Take heed in such Cases that you rise again speedily by Repentance that you walk softly and humbly and that the principal Tendency of your Repentance and Prayer be against those Sins And you will gradually get Strength against 'em So as to say that no Iniquity hath Dominion over you that you are not the willing Servants of Sin so as to love it and deliberately to allow it but the Desire of your Soul is to be freed from it to have Sin subdu'd as well as forgiven III. What can you say as to the Receiving Loving and Prizing of Christ by whom we have Forgiveness Have you heartily Accepted of him in all his Offices as offered in the Gospel Assenting to his Doctrine as a Teacher sent from God and our great Prophet Relying on his Sacrifice and Mediation as our great High-Priest And subjecting to him as Lord and Ruler This is Receiving him as Christ Jesus the Lord. This is an Honour due to him for the Pardon and Salvation he hath procured for us And God hath made it necessary to our Interest in the Benesits of his Death Do we assent to the Doctrine of Salvation reveal'd and publish'd by Christ and attested from Heaven as certainly true That Jesus is the Christ of God and Whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life Hereupon are we brought to trust to the Mercy of God in Christ in Hopes of his Salvation which is freely tendred unto Sinners in the Gospel Do we subject our selves entirely to him as one whom God hath exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance and Remission of Sins Resolving to be sway'd by his Authority and rul'd by his Direction and follow him as our Captain and Commander Guide and Saviour as long as we live Endeavouring in Heart and Life to be well pleasing in his Sight that whether we live or dye we may be His If your Sins are forgiven 't is for Christ's sake Consider what Application have you ever made to him for the cleansing Virtue of his Blood Since if you are washed if you are pardoned it must be through the Blood of the Lamb have you look'd to him whom you have pierced and mourn'd and been in Bitterness for him as one that is in Bitterness for his first born Zac. XII 10. Have you lookt upon a Crucify'd Saviour Bleeding Groaning Dying for Sin to reconcile us to God and turn us from our Iniquities Have you been answerably affected with the Sufferings of Christ and improv'd thereby in your Hatred of Sin IV. What Thankfulness to God and what Love to Jesus Christ the Redeemer doth the Hope of Forgiveness excite in you You read how the Penitent in the Gospel Loved much because much was forgiven Luke VII 47. How did St. Peter appeal to Christ after the Forgiveness of his Sin Lord thou that knowest all things knowest that I love thee Your Love to Christ and every thing that relates to him will be a good Argument of the Forgiveness of Sin For having Peace with God the Love of Christ is shed abroad in our Hearts How have your Hearts been affected with Thankfulness to God for the Riches of his Grace in this Forgiveness For the Purchase of it for the Offer of it and for any good Hope of your special Interest in it What admiring Thoughts have you of the Height and Depth Length and Breadth of the Love of God in Christ to lost Sinners With what Thoughts do you Consider the Curse of the Law the Terrors of Death the Power of Satan and the Wrath of God From all which you are deliver'd by Christ With what Affection do you Contemplate the Innumerable Glorious Priviledges Benefits and Blessings that accompany this Forgiveness With what Admiring Love to the Redeemer do you from time to time review his Condescension and Humiliation How low he stoopt and how readily How great things he suffered and how willingly Even to drink the Dregs of that bitter Cup which but to taste of would have made Men and Angels stagger into Hell With what Frame of Spirit can you consider Christ offer'd upon the Cross for you making his Soul a Ransom for you When you Consider with particular Application to your selves He gave himself for me shed his precious Blood for me O my Soul 't was that I might escape Condemnation that I might be reconcil'd to God that my Crimson and Scarlet Sins might be pardoned that my Guilty Polluted Miserable Soul might be restor'd to the Image of God and Communion with him What Affections what Joy have you from such Thoughts Especially at the Lord's-Table when you consider his Body broken for you his Blood shed for the Remission of your Sins wounded for your Transgressions bruised for your Iniquities that by his Stripes you might be healed V. Moreover How are you affected with the Sins that you hope God hath pardon'd Do your Souls melt with a Godly Sorrow for those Crimes that you hope are forgiven What penitent Mourning doth the Psalmist express in Psal 51. which was penn'd after God assur'd him that his Adultery and Murder should be forgiven and after the Prophet had told him The Lord hath put away thy Sin O Lord have Mercy upon me and wash me and cleanse me and blot out my Transgression Against thee thee only have I sinned and done this Evil in thy Sight c. What Influence hath God's free Mercy in pardoning Sin upon you as to Shame and Sorrow for it Doth the Thoughts that after all thy Provocations God will be reconciled humble and shame thee the more To this purpose you know the Holy Spirit is promised in the Times of the Gospel Ezek. XVI 63. That thou may'st remember and be confounded and never open thy Mouth any more
because of thy shame when I am pacify'd toward thee for all that thou hast done saith the Lord. Is this the Language of your Hearts He might have condemn'd me to Hell long agoe but through the Precious Blood of Jesus I have Hopes of Forgiveness O what an Ungrateful Wretch have I been What Love have I despised Against whom have I sinned How have I rebell'd against the God of Love and Grace and griev'd his good Spirit Against what Bowels of Mercy have I spurn'd I am astonished at the Mercy of God in Christ offer'd to such a Rebel as I am I am confounded at my own Vileness that such Hainous Iniquities should be blotted out that such numberless Iniquities should be forgiven that after I had so often and so long and so wilfully turn'd my Back upon him he should yet call after me and say I am he behold I am he that bletteth out thy Transgression for my own Name sake and will remember thy sins no more That when God saw me and might have punished me might have made me an Example of his Justice here or might have sent me quick to Hell or might have left me unto Hardness of Heart to treasure up Wrath against the Day of Wrath that he should freely forgive me all and be graciously reconcil'd to me and speak Pardon and Peace to my Soul O Wretch that I have been O Abominable Sinner I abhor my self in Dust and Ashes We find this Exemplify'd in the Temper and Spirit of those to whom the Mercy and Grace of God is discovered especially in the Apostle Paul He aggravates his Sin and owns himself the Chiefest of Sinners and never more so than when he is thinking and speaking of Christ's Coming into the World to save Sinners and how wonderfully he called him and show'd Mercy to him Read this at large 1 Tim. I. 14 15 16 17. And the sight of God's Mercy and Sense of his Pardon is in it self proper to raise an Admiration of Free Grace and to humble the Soul before God It is proper to encrease our Detestation of Sin and make us loath our selves That which raiseth our Love to God must needs raise our Hatred of Sin and Sorrow for it Now Faith will make us Love much in the Sence of having much Forgiven Besides the Inseperable Connection between Faith and Repentance will evidence this We shall never adore the Love of Christ as a Redeemer delivering us from the Curse if we are not burden'd with the Weight of our Sins Nor shall we ever give God the Glory of his Justice without judging and condemning our selves by true Repentance Yet the more we see and apprehend of his Grace and Love in Forgiveness the more broken and contrite the more humbled and ashamed shall we be of our Sins against him VI. Lastly What can you say as to the Love of your Enemies and forgiving those who have injured and wronged you There is no better Evidence of God's forgiveness of your Trespasses than that he hath given you an Heart to forgive Others who have trespassed against you If it be upon a right Principle because God for Christ's sake hath pardon'd you and obliged you to forgive Others Lord Was there ever such a Distance between my Brother and me as my Sins have made between God and me Were the Injuries I resented from Others comparable to the Affronts I have offer'd to God and hath he freely for Christ's sake forgiven me What Influence hath such a Thought to cure and overcome the Ruggedness and Roughness of your Temper and Spirit towards Others If God hath pardon'd thee go and do likewise as to thy Brother For if you forgive not Men their Trespasses your Heavenly Father hath not and will not forgive you yours Mat. VI. 14. If you have a Rancorous Bitter Malicious Revengeful Spirit and will not forgive those that have wronged you how can you expect Forgiveness from God Do you then forgive those that have injured you as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you Heartily and without Dissembling Speedily and without Delay Frequently and Often without Limitation Even unto seventy times seven if our Brother offend that is so often as he doth And this Throughly and without Reserve without Exception or Equivocation without Remembring past Offences so as to bear them a Grudge This I grant is hard and difficult Work but the Spirit of Christ can enable us to do this 'T is the manifest Duty of such as are forgiven and it is a Sign and Evidence that they are so Hath God forgiven me my Scarlet and Crimson Sins and shall not I put up an Injury bear a Wrong endure a Reproach or an ill Turn from my Fellow Creature Shall I not in Obedience to Christ forgive him and pass it by By these things if Conscience be faithful you may be assisted to make a Judgment of your selves whether you are interested in this Forgiveness or no. And if your Sins have been many and great whether you may on good Grounds hope and say that God hath Abundantly Pardon'd THE Fourth Sermon ISAIAH LV. 9. For My Thoughts are not your Thoughts neither are your Ways My Ways saith the Lord. III. I Proceed to the Third General in this Passage viz. The annex'd Reason Verse the 9th why we ought to be fully satisfy'd and perswaded that God will thus receive Returning Sinners and abundantly pardon them because His Thoughts are not as ours nor his Ways as ours c. And here you may Consider First How this is Discover'd and Express'd by a Double Comparison of God's Thoughts with ours and his Ways with ours Secondly How 't is strongly argu'd by a most significant Similitude As far as the Heavens are above the Earth c. Thirdly The express Assurance of the Truth of all this from the Divine Testimony that is added Thus saith the Lord. That no Doubt may be made about it The whole of this may be compriz'd in these Three Particulars First That the Thoughts of God especially in the Dispensation of his Grace and Mercy to Returning Sinners are very different from our Thoughts and Transcendently above them as far as the Heavens are above the Earth Secondly That the Ways of God are unlike our Ways and Transcendently above them Thirdly That God's Testimony concerning his Thoughts and Ways of Grace and Mercy to Sinners ought to be credited and depended upon and is a sufficient Ground of Faith Thus saith the Lord being added 'T is the first I principally design that the Thoughts of God are not as ours but very unlike them and Transcendently above them as far as the Heavens are above the Earth This I shall Endeavour to Prove Confirm and Apply And here are two Things will need a little Explication First How the Thoughts of God are Different from ours not like them Secondly How they are Transcendently above them as far as the Heavens are above the Earth The First I shall consider more Generally The Second
below Heaven The Riches of his Grace in Christ to Sinners 't is call'd the unsearchable Riches of Christ HOw admirable are the Dimensions of Divine Grace and Love mention'd by the Apostle Eph. III. 19. where he speaks of the Length Breadeth Heigth and Depth of the Love of God in Christ which passeth Knowledge First It 's Breadth reaching unto Jew and Gentile Circumcision and Uncircumcision Barbarian Scythian Bond and Free Poor and Rich. The Vilest and Chiefest of Sinners are not exempted Mercy is extended to all sorts of Persons and Cases 'T is Grace and Love wider than all our Necessities and Miseries Sins and Wants Secondly The Length of it from Everlasting to Everlasting reaching to Sinners that were at the greatest Distance bringing those nigh that are afar off and calling those home who are wandering and gone off so as one might have thought they should never return Thirdly The Depth of that Love and Grace is unsearchable Unless we understood the Depth of that Misery and Ruine into which we were sunk by our Rebellion against God and are deliver'd from by his pardoning Mercy unless we understood the Horror of that Hell of Wrath which our Sins deserve and the Extremity of those Agonies and Torments which our Blessed Redeemer underwent for our Deliverance unless we knew the Power of God's Wrath and the Intollerable Endless Misery of lost Souls we cannot fully understand the Depth of this Love Fourthly The Height of it is also unsearchable 'T is as high as Heaven to which it will bring us And beyond our reach to understand unless we knew the infinite Blessedness of the Heavenly Glory which it cannot now enter into our Hearts to conceive as well as the Infinite Misery of Condemned Sinners in the Bottomless Pit We can no more tell the Height than the Depth of this Grace of God in thus pardoning Sinners But to help you a little to some more distinct Considerations of this let me name a few Things First That none doth or can so freely pardon and forgive as God doth Secondly None so continually Thirdly So fully FOurthly So indifferently and without respect of Persons Fifthly None so tenderly and affectionately and with such Bowels of Compassion and Tender Kindness as God doth First None so freely If we are brought to forgive those that have wrong'd us 't is commonly on the Entreaty and Intercession of some Friends who have Interest in us and Power over us and this after great Submissions of the Offender So that 't is rather from some External Motives and Inducements than from our own Kind and Generous Inclinations But 't is otherwise when we are pardon'd by God Isa XLIII 23. I am he that blotteth out thy Transgressions for my own sake I 'le not remember thy Sins any more Hos XIV 4. I will heal their Backslidings and love them freely Nothing of our Prayers and Tears Submissions and Humiliations nothing we can do or suffer can make the least Compensation to the Justice of God for the Contempt and Dishonour we have cast on him by Sin There 's nothing but the Free-Grace of God in Christ to be ey'd to be pleaded to be trusted to and depended upon In this Case there is no Difference between such as are forgiven and such as are left under Damning Guilt but what is made by the Free-Grace of God Secondly None so continually He encourages and commands us to beg daily Forgiveness as well as daily Bread He renews his pardoning Mercy every Day and every Hour We soon come to the End of our Pity and are quickly tyr'd in forgiving Injuries against our selves But while we live we shall stand in need of Forgiveness from God And this is our Comfort that if we sin we have an Advocate with the Father who maketh continual Intercession for us and so we hope for continual daily renewed Pardon Thirdly None doth or can pardon so compleatly and fully He blotteth out our Transgressions so as to remember them no more he casts them behind his Back throws them into the Depths of the Sea Many other Blessings he bestows and lends us for a time and then calls for them again but this Forgiveness of Sin is one of those Mercies that are Irrevocable and without Repentance We may be without the Knowledge of an Interest in his pardoning Mercy we may lose the Sense of it and forfeit the Comfort of it but if we are reconciled to God united to Christ and brought under the Bond of the Everlasting Covenant tho' he may chasten us as a Father and visit our Iniquities with Stripes he will not disinherit us or cast us out of his Family His Covenant Favour and Kindness shall never depart his Covenant of Peace shall never be removed Isa LIV. 9. This is as the Waters of Noah which shall never return to overflow the Earth Fatherly Love may be angry but will not turn to Hatred Fourthly None doth or can pardon so Indifferently without respect of Persons Not only lesser Sinners who repent but the Vilest not only of such a Nation but of any Nation not only such as have sinned thus long unto such a Degree but if beyond all ordinary Bounds and Measures Let the Wickedness and Unrighteousness Vileness and Filthiness and Aggravations of Sin be what they will If you return to God by Christ he will abundantly pardon This should magnifie the Riches of his Grace to some of you who are interested in this Forgiveness Lord How is it that my Sins are pardon'd when others not greater Sinners than I have dyed in their Sins and are undone for ever How is it that I am pardon'd and others that have not been so Vile shall never be forgiven How is it that I have been forgiven and Others that were my Companions in Sin were left to Impenitence and Hardness of Heart That many of better Parts of more Wit of more Learning of larger Capacities and bettter accomplishd'd for Usefulness and Service are left to go on in Sin to their own Destruction and thy Grace has open'd my Eyes and soften'd my Heart and made me sensible of Sin and so to value a Redeemer to seek him receive him accept him c. Fifthly None with such Tenderness and Compassion All the Bowels of Parents are Stone and Adamant in comparison with his We read of his Delighting in Mercy and of his Tender Mercies and Loving Kindnesses of his Rejoycing over us to do us good with his whole Heart and whole Soul Jer. XXXII 41. Goodness and Love is his very Nature for God is Love He pities us more than any the most Tender Parent ever did a Miserable Child Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth Iniquity Transgression and Sin and passeth by the Transgression of his Remnant because he delighteth in Mercy Micah VII 19. All the Application I shall make of this shall be to endeavour to bring it home to the Case of particular Persons in Answer to some Objections For
Unfaithfulness of one Party in all Covenants disobliges the other Party In Answer to this I say He 's God and not Man His Thoughts are not as ours Among Men in all Covenants this is true but God's Thoughts and Ways are above ours Therfore if I yet return and take hold of his Covenant I may argue I am within the Bond of it and he will not utterly cast me off but forgive me upon Repentance I have read of one in Despair whom the Devil perswaded it was in vain to pray to God or serve him for he must perish he should be damned and go to Hell when he dy'd who yet went to Prayer and begg'd of God that if he must go to Hell when he dyed yet that it would please him to let him serve him while he liv'd Upon which his Terrors vanish'd being clearly convinc'd none could pray that Prayer or make such a Request who was guilty of the Unpardonable Sin or had sinn'd the Sin against the Holy Ghost Object 3. Some may say further But I have had many Fears and some Hopes for a time and I thought I was in Favour with God and had an Interest in this Forgiveneis But I have often heard it and I believe it that God never pardons Sin where he doth not subdue it Justification and Sanctification go together If the Guilt of Sin be forgiven the Power of it is broken But I find Corruption is strong evil Inclinations are still stirring and raging I never imagin'd there was such a Hell of Wickedness in my Heart as I now find There 's so much Impurity Carnality Pride Worldliness c. yet remaining in my Soul that I can't think my Sins are forgiven and that God will abundantly pardon me or hath done it because Sin is not mortified and subdued Answ God's Thoughts and yours are very different in this Matter For he attains Wise and Holy Ends by suffering us to feel Corruption and obliging us to continual Conflicts with it by sanctifying us gradually and not all at once by letting us see and feel more of Corruption stirring and striving after Conversion than ever we knew before Hereby he ingages us in constant Warfare all our days and makes it needful that we may apply to Christ continually as the great Physitian of Souls And I beseech you remember and believe this That No Sin no Corruption that is your Burden that you would rather be rid of than keep shall ever be damning to you It may be a Sign of more Grace that you sensibly complain of Corruption more than formerly If you faithfully oppose it 't is an Evidence your Hearts are softer Conscience more tender and you understand the Holy Law of God better Object 4. But after all some will say All this is good News to several but not to me I have nothing of the Spirit of Life and Power that accompanies Forgiveness I am dead in all my Duties I can't pray I have no such Liberty and Freedom and Liveliness in Prayer as others have I come to the Lord's-Table but I have no such Sealing no such Comfort no such Assurance no such Joy no such Foretasts of Heaven as I believe others have I keep on in a round of Duty but 't is not with me as with the Living Members of Christ Therfore I can't apply all this to my self with Comfort Answ God's Thoughts are not as yours in this Matter You object that you can't pray with such Life and Enlargement as others and as formerly But is it not your Burden Are you not dissatisfied with your selves about it Do you not beg the Spirit of Prayer and to have this ill Frame cur'd Do you not look up to Heaven with daily Sighs and Groans and beg Relief from Christ as weary and heavy laden under this Indisposition Let Conscience in the first place be faithful Is there not some great Guilt lately conctracted some Sin you have not repented of whereby you have griev'd the Holy Spirit of Christ and this stops your Mouths in Prayer and shames your Faces Or have you not rested too much in the Outward Performance of Duty and Attendance on the Ordinances of the Gospel You come to the Table of the Lord look upon it it may be as a Charm as too many make it on a Death-bed you expect it shall work like Physick in a Natural not in a Moral Way And by meer Coming whatever you have been or done before or however negligent you have been in your Preparatory Work you expect that it should be all one with you If you can charge your selves with any thing of this you must renew your Repentance If Conscience doth not accuse you in this Matter Consider God's Thoughts are not as yours He knows what is from the Weakness of the Flesh and what from the Willfulness of the Spirit He knows what Deadness and Distraction may arise from the Infirmity of the Body and what is the Sin of the Soul If upon all these Accounts you lose the Evidence of your Acceptance with God and fear the worst Yet when a Man hath lost his Acquittance for a Debt paid 't is a Comfort to him to consider that the Man he deals with is a merciful good Man tho' he cannot find his Discharge God is infinitely Gracious and is ready to restore what you complain you have lost It was David's Case Psalm 51. Yea if thou fearest thy Grace was never true thy Heart never right with God thy State never good there is Mercy enough in God to pardon all thy former Hypocrisie If now thou return and seek him with thy whole Heart There are Promises of Grace in such a Case to be pleaded that God will give an Heart of Flesh give a Spirit of Mourning put his Fear within thee and cause thee to walk in his Statutes Therfore do not fruitlessly bemoan thy self and sit down in Despondency but consult the Word of God and seek to the Throne of Grace with Hope whatever thy Objections and Temptations be Whatever you do take heed of dishonourable Thoughts of the Grace and Mercy of God and of the Security he hath given to perform every Word of Promise wherein he hath commanded us to hope To Conclude Since we are so near the End of this Year and many design and hope to renew their Covenant the next Lord's-day at his Table I beg you to consider and remember it for your Encouragement that God's Thoughts are not as yours Whatever Sins you have been guilty of the last Year whatever you can charge your selves with as to Unworthy Receiving the Lord's Supper for the time past yet if now you will seriously Examine your selves and humble your Souls and return to the Lord and apply to Christ and stir up your selves to be dispos'd as Penitent Believers to renew your Covenant-Vow and Engagement to be the Lord's this next time he will forgive the Sins of all your former Sacraments all the Sins of the last Year and