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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A54806 The arrainment of Christendom containing a revelation of the rys, growth & fulnes of the great whôr, man of sin or mistery of iniquity, with the comsumtion, ruin & utter destruction of the dragon's, beast's & fals profet's power, with the waters on which the whôr sits, & the sea out of which the beast arôs in Christendom. ... Being the trumpet of the Lord sounded forth which giveth a most sûr & certain sound to Leopold the present Roman Emperor, & to the present Pop of Rôm, ... I John, the servant of the most hy God, ... being a prisoner, (with my companions in travel) at a plâs caled Great Gomara, on a certain ysland in Hungaria, ... The living, eternal, & pur power of God moved in me, & revealed unto me that I should wryt, ... Philly, John.; N. Y. Corrector to the reader, concerning the orthografy or spel-ing herein us'd. aut 1664 (1664) Wing P2127; ESTC R220433 104,628 110

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God in by and throuh that Erthen vessel non hav any profit or benifit therby but only such who com into a participation of the sam eternal lyf and purfulnes of God in them selvs which was in him The next stal is their Altars or communion tabels vvher they administer an invenrion of their own brains vvhich they cal the Sacrament of the Altar or communion or the Lords supper in vvhich they mak ûs of bred wyn vvhich after the Priest hath said his Charm of Sorcery and witchcraft over cald consecration they affirm that the substans of the bred wyn is departed that their remaineth nouht but Accidents and that under thos Accidents is the Sàm body bloud of Christ vvhich vvas shed crucifyed on à cros vvithout the gats of Jerusalem being ignorant that the substans not only of bred vvyn but of every cretur is no other then the only living tru Lord God so that by their own confession that vvhich they receiv in their Sacrament is only Accidents without substans and verily as to them so it is for they feed on ashes a deceived heart hath turned them asyd Others ther ar who thô they hav not such a heap of lys and ceremonys about the administration of it yet ar they in it acted by the Sâm spirit in the ground althô they affirm not that it is the sàm body in which the Son of God suffered deth without the gats of Ierusalem yet after they hav said their charm cald blesing the bred they look on it as somwhat mor then it was but what they cannot wel say caling it a supper when many of them receiv it befor they hav eaten their own dinners affirming it to be the communion of the body bloud of Christ when as to them its only a Tabel of such as eat drink unworthily they not discerning the Lords body so becom guilty of the body bloud of the Lord. Wheras Christ Iesus in the s●m nyt in which he was betrayed took bred blesed it brak it gav it to his discypels saying tak eat this is my body which is given for you do this in remembrans of me and lykwys the Cup saying this is the new Testament in my bloud which is shed for many and this was befor he had suffered deth in that body throuh which he spak unto them mark that and the Apostel said that the bred which they brak was the communion of the body of Christ and the cup of blesing which they blesed was the communion of the bloud of Christ and that so often as they did eat of that bread he said not ons a week month or year but so often as they did eat drink therof they did shew forth the Lords deth til he cam to wit his deth in the creturs received in the tru hunger thirst of the tru discerning and worthy receiver til he appear in the vertu of his own lyf blesing and lov in and throuh the creturs received to norish and refresh the sam in every tru discerning and worthy receiver for it is no other then the lyf of God which tasteth deth in ôn Cretur to refresh norish uphold the sá m in another herin he tasteth deth for every man is the savior of man beast which is the word of his eternal wisdom Power by which he upholdeth al things That which norisheth and refresheth and that which is Norished and refreshed is ôn in every tru discerning and worthy receiver as he that sanctifyeth and they who ar sanctifyed ar of ôn The other stals ar their Desks pulpits wher in sted of speaking as the orakel of God preaching the everlasting gospel according as they hav seen felt tasted experiensed in them selvs and praying as the Pur spirit of the Lord giveth utterans they utter forth the imaginations of their own brains filing the ears of the Peepel with ●abels storys of lying syns and wonders gathered out of the wrytings books of such whom they cal antient Fathers Poets hathen Philosophers Commentators with their own imaginations from the scripturs perverting them to their own others destruction intruding into things which they hav not seen using som words of Hebrew Greek Latin somtyms in their preaching in imitation of thos tongu's which wer ons appearing as a gift in amongst the Apostels for a syn unto them which beleeved not that so as the speaking in dyvers tongu's languages becam ons a divyding and confounding curs amongst the builders of Babel in the fal so to and in the Apostels it becam a gift of God or syn to such as beleeved not that they myt be brouht again out of the curs out of the many tongu's and languages to learn and speak the ôn pur languag ' And in sted of praying by the motion and help of the pur Power and Spirit of the Lord in them which is the only Advocat vvith the Father who eyer livs to mak intercession in and for the Saints according to the wil of God they read utter forth many vain repetitions which they cal Masses Ave Marys Pater nosters Creeds Common Prayers out of their divyn Servis books Directorys c. With the blynd dark conceptions of their own hearts brayns caled Extemporary Prayers thinking as their predecessors fór fathers the Scrybs Pharisees Hypocryts of old to be heard for their much babbeling in sted of singing in the Spirit making sweet melody to the Lord in their hearts they hav several sorts of Music with singing men boys to mak a noys after the manner of the hethen of old when they sacrifysed their children throuh the fyr unto devils Others ther ar who sing and caus others to sing the saints words and conditions in rym or meeter many of them being ignorant that therin they do evil offering the sacrifys of fools For for any ôn or mor together to sing as prayses unto God in the vvords of the saints or Profets left upon record and say that God is their Ryteosnes and that he hath pluked their ●eet out of the myer set them on the Rok established their goings or that ther is no rest in their bôns by reason of their sins that they water their couch with their tears their skin is as a bottel in the smoak or that the law of Gods mouth is dearer to them then thousands of Gold and Silver Sweeter then the hony or the hony comb as a Lanthorn to their feet lyt unto their Paths their ey not lofty nor their heart hauhty but that their souls ar as weaned children c. VVhen they ar such as liv in vanity Pryd and mâk a scorn and a derision of such as vvalk in the lyt mak the eternal word or spirit of the Lord in them their guyd leader and teacher and mak it
that myt not be touched giving forth his most just and Ryteos law of Spirit and lyf the coming and first appearans wher of in the inward parts giveth the tru knovvledg of sin causing it dredfully to revyv The first appearans of God to faln man is in conviction and self to dy in them and their bodys to be the holy tabernakels of the most hy God of Jacob and he to dvvel and vvalk in them and the Pûr pillar of fyr and cloud ordering them vvhen to mov and vvher to stay and pitch their tents leading them safly throuh the wildernes of temtations fears and difficultys as by the hand of Moses and Aron giving them lyt dyrection and saf protection in their way even in the way everlasting and eternal in them and the hiden Manna and pur living water out of Christ the eternal Rok of ages Issuing forth and dayly faling down in them to sustain norish and refresh the lyf which is pur Christ the hiden Manna living Water Eternal rok c. in his Peepl and immortal of God in them and the Holy armor of ryteosnes vvith the Holy operations of the pur lyf povver and vvisdom of God in them teaching their hands to vvar and their singers to fyt giving them mor understanding then the ancients making them vvyser then ether their teachers or their enemys yea to be strong in the Lord and in the povver of his myt to fyt the good fyt of faith and giv them tru victory over al their spiritual enemys real quyet possession of the good Land of eternal rest and pur peas vvhich flovveth vvith milk hony even with al the unspeakabel blessings of God the eternal Rok Fountain out of whom both the upper nether springs of pur living vvater of lyf do flow issu forth in throuh them and the glorios Rul Government and Kingdom of God to be ther set up their bodys to be the tru Templs of the living tru God even the Ark of the new yet most old Holy everlasting Covenant in which is the tabel on which the pur law of Spirit lyf is writen with the finger the Spirit of the living God the golden pot of hiden Manna which dayly norisheth the lyf which is pur and the Rod buding springing forth of the stem of Jesse the root of spring of David in them bringing forth the pur peasabl fruits of ryteosnes holynes dayly in and throuh them And the Holy Altar of God which sanctifyeth the gift the eternal fyr and the Holy Incens with which every man is salted in which every acceptabel gift sacrifys is offered up a sweet Savor unto the Lord And the Holy hy Priest in them which is after the order of Melchisedek without begining of days or end of lyf who ever liveth to mâk intercession in for the Saints acording to the wil of God this is he vvhom the Father heareth always even when no outward audibel voys is heard or vvord spâk And the pur living Orakel of God in them at which never failing Advys Counsel is to be had in al things which is that Word of God that liveth abydeth for ever even Christ the faithful tru vvitnes of God the Word of lyf quik povverful the fôr runner within the vail towit the flesh The lyt which maketh al things manifest in the inward parts which giveth the most tru discerning of the most secret purposes thouhts intents of the heart divyding betvvixt the lyt the darknes the vvays vvorks of them both as betwixt the soul Spirit the joynts the marrovv Even the Eternal fountain of pur living Water of lyf in vvhich the clensing preserving healing vertu vvas is for ever shal be found to in al such as in the faith patiens of God vvait for the descending of the Angel of the Covenant vvhich moveth therin And to know the Holy Profet raised in them vvhom al ouht to hear vvhich al vvho refus to hear cut themselvs of from being of the tru Israël of God And to fynd the pur incorruptibel tresur as hid in the field in them vvhich nether moth nor rust can corrupt nor theevs break throuh to steal The grain of Mustard-seed even the pur seed of the Kingdom of God sovvn grovving up in them bringing forth the Peasabel Holy plesant fruits of Ryteosnes lov joy pur peas in them throuh them in som thirty in som sixty in som an hundred fold And the vertu of the pur leven in them levening the vvhol lump causing the whol man Body soul Spirit in al manner of holy conversation svveetly to smel Savor of the pur vvisdom Ryteosnes Innocency holynes of Christ in throuh them therby to becom as the Lyt of the World Salt of the Erth even a sweet Savor unto God both in them that âr saved in them that perish to fynd the lost groat in them vvhich sileth the heart invvard parts vvith living pur joy rejoysing And to vvitnes the birth of the lyf vvhich is pur immortal eternal in them even the chyld born in them the Son given unto them the Immanuel tovvit God in them the governm●rt over al laid on his shoulders in them as King Lawgiver Priest Profe Savior causing the ded to rys the blynd to see the lâm to walk even leap as h● yong hart the dumb to speak sing forth aloud the living pryases of the pur God in them in the midst of the Church of the first born in God throuh them And to becom crucifyed ded with Christ to the World the carnal mynd vvith the affections lusts therof to be risen ascended vvith Christ out of the sepulker out of the Erth al visibl things out of days tyms Sabbaths up to God the Eternal Rest Sabbath fountain of pur lyt rest peas vvher mortality is svvallowed up of lyf al rùl Authority Power risen standing in the faln Spirit Wisdom Power put down utterly destroyed And to partak of posses injoy the most excelent Glory in their inward parts and speak the pur Languag And be Baptyzed with the ôn Baptism which saveth from a vain conversation the pur living VVater of lyf which sprinkleth from an evil Consciens And the glorios coming of the Father Son in them to sup with them and they with them feeding dayly on the pur living bred of lyf drinking the new VVyn of the Kingdom of God which refresheth norisheth the lyf which is holy harmles undefyled pur immortal of God in them And to feel the presens of the great Sepherd the Bishop of the Soul in them dayly taking tender câr of them leading them in and out in al their ways causing them to feed