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A37132 Mount Sion, or, A draught of that church which shall never be destroyed together with a map of that world which shall be broken to pieces and consumed / by William Dyer ... Dyer, William, d. 1696. 1689 (1689) Wing D2948; ESTC R18147 97,155 209

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your fathers did so do ye Acts 7.51 Now that which makes men do this be these six things 1. Worldly Interest 2. Self-conceit 3. A blind Subjection to others 4. Pride of Heart 5. Satan's Policy 6. Education These make men have an implacable hatred to all that is good When men are governed by these they imploy their rage and fury against the faithful With the greater part of Mankind these are so powerful that nothing but the mighty power of God is able to overcome them and to rescue men from their force It will require a measure of the extraordinary graces of Gods Spirit to be poured out And this is that good work which the Lord works in the Souls of men by his holy Spirit He works in them his own Image his own holy Will Power and Strength Knowledge and Understanding a love to God and a delight in him He makes them new Creatures and leads them into the paths of truth and righteousness This is a victory and this victory overcometh the world even our faith 1 Joh. 5.4 And when he is come he will reprove the world of sin of righteousness of judgment Of sin because they believe not on me Of righteousness because I go to my father and ye see me no more Of judgment because the Prince of this world is judged I have yet many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now Howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will shew you things to come John 16.8 to 13. 3. The Saint is the Seeker Ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you Mat. 7.7 And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them Luke 18.7 There is a three-fold cry that enters into the ears of the God of Sabbaoth The cry of Blood Rev. 6.10 The cry of Prayer Isa 19.20 The cry of Sin James 5.4 This is that cry which taketh peace from the Earth This is that which turns the World upside down This is that which brings the great Earthquake that makes the Cities of the Nations to fall This is that which breaks the Arm and the Bow of the wicked and turns their counsels into foolishness This is that which makes distress of Nations with perplexity the Sea and the Waves roaring mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming upon the Earth for the po●●rs of Heaven shall be shaken What wonderful things have been done by Praye● and if t●●re ●e but a Spirit of Prayer ●●pt up in Gods people the abomination of desolation will not be able to stand before them Mat. 24.15 Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not upon the Earth by the space of three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit James 5.17 18. 3. The Church of God shall consume the Kingdoms of the world by the Word of truth And I saw and behold a white horse and he that sate on him had a bow and a Crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer Rev. 6.2 This Conqueror is the Lamb the Lord Jesus Christ and this Conquest he makes by the Sword. But what Sword is it not a carnal Sword but by the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God Eph. 6.17 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp Sword that with it he should smite the nations Rev. 19.15 For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than a two edged Sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of Soul and Spirit and of the Joynts and Marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart Heb. 4.12 When the Blessed Jesus came in the form of a Servant he spake from Heaven the Word of truth Whose voice then shook the earth but now he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not the earth only but also heaven and this word yet once more signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain Heb. 12.26 The Word of truth is that which shakes the Devils Kingdom and Antichrist's Kingdom it shakes mens Foundations and their strong Holds their Refuges and Confidences And when the Lord lifts up his Name and makes his holy Arm bare his Power known by the Word of Truth and brings in his grace into the Souls of men and works in them by his Spirit his own Will his own Nature his Righteousness and holy Fear this is that which cannot be shaken and this is that which breaks in pieces and consumes hard and stony Hearts blind and dark minds carnal and fleshly Wisdom fierce and Lion-like Spirits This changeth mens Natures into a Lamb-like Spirit as the Prophet speaketh The Wolf also shall dwell with the Lamb and the Leopard shall lye down with the Kid and the Calf and the young Lion and the Fatling together and a little Child shall lead them And the Cow and the Bear shall feed their young ones shall lye down together and the Lion shall eat Straw like the Oxe And the suckling Child shall play on the hole of the Asp and the weaned Child shall put his hand on the Cockatrice den they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the Earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the Waters cover the Sea Isa 11.6 7 8 9. When sin shall be done away and iniquity shall be finished when the Tribes of the Earth shall be rent from the power of darkness and the everlasting Gospel shall be preach'd to all nations under Heaven then none shall hurt and destroy in all thy holy mountain Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not that when I was yet with you I told you these things And now ye know what with-holdeth that he might be revealed in his time For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will lett until he be taken out of the way And then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his Mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming 2 Thes 2.3 to 8. The Apostle Paul having the Spirit of God did in that Spirit tell these Thessalonians what should come
numbers of dead Corps lie upon the Earth this would not be desireable to us the sight would offend us and the smell would offend us and the thoughts of it would trouble us O! what is it then to behold and see a dead world a world that lies in wickedness a world that is spiritually dead this is the sad fate and condition of every man and woman of the World they live and yet they are dead they are without spiri ual life But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth 1 Tim. 5.6 They live in the pleasures of sin but the Spirit of Truth liveth not in them they live but without God in the World. At that time ye were without Christ being aliens from the common-wealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no bope and without God in the World Eph. 2.12 Oh! how can they expect to live with God in another World that live without God in this this is next to living in Hell with Devils and Damned Spirits wicked men are but as so many walking Ghosts And you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world according to the Prince of the Power of the Air the Spirit that now worketh in the Children of disobedience among whom also we had all our conversations in times past in the lusts of our flesh fulfilling the desires of our flesh and of the mind and were by nature the Children of wrath Eph. 2.1 2 3. You see here these Gentiles walked though they were dead dead in trespasses and sins yet they walked but how did they walk they walked as the most of men and women walk now 1. They did walk according to the course of this World. 2. According to the Prince of the power of the Air the Spirit that now worketh in them 3. The Children of disobedience 4. Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind 5. They were by nature the Children of wrath For this my Son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is ●ound Luk. 15.24 How loud need a man to speak that the dead may hear their bodies are but as so many living Coffins to carry about their dead Souls in the Worlds faith is a dead faith the worlds worship is a dead worship the worlds ministry is a dead ministry how can a dead world have a living faith how can a dead ministry speak forth the words of spirit and life how can a dead worship be profitable to men and acceptable to the living God There was a great cry in Egypt for there was not a house where there was not one dead Exod. 12.30 There was then a great cry in Egypt and the cause of this cry was because the Lord had passed through his Enemies to smite them for there was not a house where there was not one dead where is that family to be found amongst us that there is not one or more dead in it dead in their sins dead Godward and Christward and Heaven-ward Are there not in most houses all dead Parents dead and Children dead Masters dead and Servants dead and yet no crying heard for this The fear of God is not in their houses nor his name is not there call'd upon the Peace of God is not there nor the love of God they live but Christ Jesus liveth not in them they are without all spiritual life and grace and the wrath of God abideth on them Joh. 3.36 Men will believe the words of a Prince they will believe the words of a Man but they will not believe the word that God hath spoken ●o them God hath said If ye live after the flesh ye shall die Rom. 8.13 but who believes it God hath said Ye shall die in your sins if ye believe not John 8.24 but who minds it They will be venturers and run the risque and hazzard of losing all this is a dead world that will not hear Verily verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live Joh. 5.25 Secondly It is a dark world it lies in darkness under thick darkness and how great is that darkness But if thine Eye be evil thy whole body shall be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness how great is that darkness Mat. 6.33 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shaddow of death Luk. 1.79 Then spake Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the World he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life Joh. 8.12 I am come a light into the world that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness Joh. 12.46 The night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armour of light Rom. 13.12 Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them Eph 5.11 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Eph. 6.12 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkness hath blinded their eyes 1 John 2.11 There be three things that have darkened the world 1. The Devil 2. Sin. 3. The inventions of Men. First the Devil He is the ruler of the darkness of this world He is a ruler but it is of darkness and this darkness is of this world The Devil is Darkness His nature is Darkness Jude 6. His prison is Darkness 1 Pet. 3.19 His power is Darkness Col. 1 13. His Kingdom is Darkness Rev. 16.10 His work is Darkness Mat. 12.26 1 Joh. 3.8 If our Gospel be hid it is hid to them that ●e lost in whom the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should shine in them 1 Cor. 4.3 4. The Devil as he is the god of this world so he blinds the minds of men and puts out their eyes the eyes of their understandings that the light of the glorious Gospel may not shine into them 2 Cor. 4.4 As he is the Prince of the Air he worketh in the Children of disobedience Eph. 2.2 But what doth he work in them No good be sure The Devil works in them his own ●ature his will and property he works in them darkness blindness and ignorance that they may be like him and do his works Ye are of your Father the Devil and the lusts of your Father ye will do he was a murtherer from the beginning and abode not in the truth bec●use there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie
Mount Sion Or A Draught of That CHURCH WHICH Shall never be destroyed Together With a Map of That WORLD WHICH Shall be broken to pieces and consumed By William Dyer Author of Christs Famous Titles Believers Golden Chain Out of the eater came forth meat and out of the strong came forth sweetness Judges 14.14 The wise mans eyes are in his head but the fool walketh in darkness Eccles 2.14 Licensed and Entred LONDON Printed for Nath. Crouch at the 〈◊〉 in the Poultry near Cheapside 1689. THE EPISTLE TO THE READER Kind Reader THough there is nothing more common with men than to desire happiness as Balaam did Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his Numb 23.10 Yet there is nothing that men mind less and endeavour less after and labour less for than true happiness When our Saviour was on the earth some then asked him these two questions The first is in Luke 13.23 Then said one unto him Lord Are there few that be saved This was the first question Now mark well the answer And he said unto them Strive to enter in at the strait gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in but shall not be able The second is in Luke 18.18 And a certain Ruler asked him saying Good Master What shall I do to inherit eternal life Now to this question our Lord Jesus gave this answer And Jesus said unto him Why callest thou me good none is good save one that is God. Thou knowest the Commandments Do not commit adultery Do not kill Do not steal Do not bear false witness Honour thy Father and thy Mother And he said All these have I kept from my youth up Now when Jesus heard these things he said unto him Yet lackest thou one thing Sell all that thou hast and distribute to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven and come follow me And when he heard this he was very sorrowful for he was very rich These Answers proceeded out of the mouth of Wisdom He that spake as never man spake said to the first Strive to enter in at the strait gate And to the second he said Keep the Commandments of God do not break them but duly observe them And what he said unto one he saith unto all Mark 13.37 For many I say unto you will seek to enter in but shall not be able This word should strike terrour into the hearts of men and awaken their sleepy Consciences First They that seek when it is too late None shall be able to enter in at the strait gate and narrow way which leadeth unto life without striving and this striving must be before the Master of the house be risen up When once the Master of the house is risen up and hath shut to the door and ye begin to stand without and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you I know you not whence you are then shall ye begin to say We have eaten and drank in thy presence and thou hast taught in our streets But he shall say I tell you I know you not whence ye are depart from me all ye workers of iniquity The reason of this is here very plain they were workers of iniquity and these workers of iniquity did not seek to enter in till it was too late When men live without God in the world without the fear and knowledge of God and have no sence of his love and mercy to them When men wallow in the filth and mire of sin being abominable and disobedient and make light of Christ Jesus and of all the means of grace till sickness overtakes them and the terrours of death takes hold on them And when they find that all hopes of life and recovery is taken from them that they must die then they will seek and cry unto the Lord and desire others to pray for them But what hath the Lord spoken concerning this sort of seekers these late seekers see Prov. 1.24 Because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded it but ye have set at nought all my counsel and would none of my reproof I also will laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh when your fear cometh as desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind when distress and anguish cometh upon you then shall they call upon me but I will not answer they shall seek me early but they shall not find me Seeking without striving will not do and this striving must be with the whole heart before that midnight cry comes And at midnight there was a cry made Behold the Bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him Mat. 25.6 O Reader Seek the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is near He now waits that he may be gracious and stands at the door of thy heart and knocks for entrance Rev. 3.20 O hear his voice and let him into thy soul that it may become an habitation of God through the Spirit Eph. 2.22 Secondly They that seek in a wrong way Esaias also crieth c●ncerning Israel Though the number of the Children of Israel be as the sand of the Sea a remnant shall be saved Rom. 9 27. See the reason of this in chap. 11.7 What then Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded When men walk not in the way of truth and righteousness but in a wrong way that will lead them into the boggs of error and falshood and strong delusions to believe lies till they be swallowed up Thus saith the Lord Stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths Where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls but they said We will not walk therein Jer. 6.16 When men shall leave the Faith of the Gospel and believe as others would have them believe when men shall give up their Consciences to the government and conduct of others when men shall leave the Scriptures of truth and follow the Inventions of men when men shall leave the pure Worship of God and worship they know not what when men shall leave the good way and walk in crooked ways and in by-paths that turn them aside and 〈◊〉 them into everlasting destruction no wond●● then that this sort of Seekers shall not be ●●●e to enter in at the strait gate and narro● way which leadeth unto life Some men will not allow themselves so ●●ch time as to examine matters carefully to ●●●k on God and his works and providences his truth and ways or to think of another state or the way that leads to it He that came and preached peace to us hath opened a new and a living way for us for so an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundantly into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and
glorious Gospel of Christ Jesus which Paul Preached unto them that a Church was here gathered and set up That their ●aith was spoken of throughout the whole world Rom. 1.8 Oh the depth of the riches both of ●he Wisdom and knowledge of God how un●earchable are his Judgments and his ways ●ast finding out Rom. 11.33 Next let us ●ee what God wrought by Pauls ministry ●n the City of Corinth The Apostle Paul having past through ●everal parts in Asia he came to the City ●f Corinth and finding there a poor man ●nd his wife Aquila and Priscilla that ●ad been banished from Italy by Claudius ●or their Religion they came and dwelt ●n the City of Corinth and the Apostle ●aul became their guest being of the same ●ccupation Tent-makers and he con●●nued there a year and six months in which time he did so batter down the Devils Kingdom of Darkness and Blind●ess Superstition and Idolatry and ●otwithstanding the great oppositions he ●here met with both from the Jews and ●he Heathens God Almighty did so ●less his labours and crown his Mi●●stry with that success that many of the Corinthians believed and were baptized and here also was a glorious Church gathered and set up That in every thing ye are enriched by him in all utterance and in all knowledge even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you so that ye come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 1.5 6 7. and see Acts 18. As God did of old set up a Kingdom in the days of the Pharaohs Kings of Egypt when the Children of Israel went down into Egypt they were but few in number a very small number being but threescore and ten Gen. 46.27 but when they went out of Egypt they were many hundred thousands they went into Egypt weak and feeble but they went out strong and mighty they were poor and needy when they went in but they went out with great substance So in the days of the Gospel the Go● of Heaven did then set up a Kingdom i● the days of the Herods in the days of th● Caesars and this he did in the sight of hi● Enemies and in the face of all oppositions The very Enemies themselves did confess in that day that they were not abl● to hinder it nor to overthrow it Th● Pharisees therefore said among themselve● Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing Behold the World is gone after him John 12.19 At the beginning of the Gospel-days this Church of Christ or Kingdom that the God of Heaven did then set up was very little and small And the number of their names together were about an hundred and twenty Acts 1.15 But the Lord did soon increase them And there was added unto them about three thousand Souls Acts 2.41 Next you find they were multitudes And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own but they had all things common Acts 4.32 And the believers were the more added to the Lord multitudes both of men and women Acts 5.14 And thus you see from an hundred and twenty they became thousands and from thousands to multitudes so great a multitude as no man could number of all Nations and Kindreds and People and Tongues By this you may plainly see and understand the way and manner how the God of Heaven ●in the days of these Kings did set up a Kingdom and this he will do to the end of the World. I shall in the next place shew you the Power Strength and Glory of this Kingdom FIrst In that it shall never be destroy●● The Church of God is excellently divided into two parts Militant and Triumphant Militant on the Earth Triumphant in Heaven The Inhabitants of Heaven are of three sorts The blessed Trinity The blessed Angels The blessed Saints First The blessed Trinity For there are three that bear record in Heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one 1 John 5.7 This makes our Salvation to be sure our Inheritance to be certain our Gospel to be true our Security to be immortal this is that our Lord Jesus declared to the Jews and testified to them but they understood him not Jesus answered and said unto them Though I bear record of my self yet my record is true for I know whence I came and whither I go but ye cannot tell whence I come and whither I go John 8.14 He tha● believeth on the Son of God hath the witnes● in himself he that believeth not God hat● made him a Liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son and this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his Son 1 Joh. 5.10 11. The Gospel is called the everlasting Gospel Rev. 14.6 because it proceeded from God the everlasting Father The Apostles did not receive the Gospel they preached from men but from God it was published and preach'd by Christ Jesus the everlasting Son of God it was applied by the everlasting Spirit of God and the effects of the Gospel will be everlasting The blessed Trinity fills Heaven with light and glory the glory of vision the glory of a full enjoyment of all happiness For as it is written Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2.9 Secondly The blessed Angels of Heaven And I beheld and I heard the voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the number of th●m was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour glory and blessing Rev. 5.11 12. But ye are come unto Mount Sion and unto the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels Heb. 12.22 As these Angels are great in number being innumerable so they are excellent in their natures For verily he took not on him the nature of Angels but he took on him the seed of Abraham Heb. 2.16 They are invisible spirits cloth'd with holiness covered with glory enriched with knowledge arm'd with power fill'd with love adorned with heavenly beauty and shine in heavenly glory Are they not all ministring spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation Heb. 1.14 The Scripture speaks of a threefold Ministry 1. Of the Ministry of the Prophets I have also spoken by the Prophets and I have multiplied Visions and used similitudes by the Ministry of the Pr●phets Hos 12.10 This Ministry the Children of Israel were under Moses and the Prophets but they did not understand them 2. The Ministry of Angels And they are ministring Spirits sent forth by God Almighty to minister for them who shall be
The Name of the Lord And I looked and lo a Lamb stood on the Mount Sion and with him an Hundred forty and four thousand having his Fathers name written in their foreheads Rev. 14.1 Him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the Temple of my God and he shall go no more out and I will write upon him the name of my God and the name of the City which is New Jerusalem which cometh down out of Heaven from my God and I will write upon him a new name Rev. 3.12 The Name of God is upon his People and this shews to whom they do belong and whose they are 3. The comliness and glory of the Lord And thy renown went forth among the Heathen for thy beauty for it was perfect through my comliness which I had put upon thee saith the Lord Ezek. 16.14 And the Lord will create upon every dwelling place of Mount Zion and upon her Assemblies a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night for upon all the glory shall be a defence Isa 4.5 If ye be reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you 1 Pet. 4.14 These are the things that are upon the righteous And there are three things that God hath given to his People 1. Himself But this shall be the Covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my People Jer. 31.33 They shall call on my Name and I will hear them I will say It is my People and they shall say The Lord is my God Zech. 13.9 For what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols for ye are the Temple of the living God as God hath said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my People 2 Cor. 6.16 2. A Kingdom Fear not little flock for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom Luke 12.32 And I appoint unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me Luke 22.29 Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 5.3 3. Grace and Glory For the Lord God is a Sun and Shield the Lord will give grace and glory no good thing will he with hold from them that walk uprightly Psal 84.11 And he said unto me My grace is sufficient for thee 2 Cor. 12.9 Whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the World or Life or Death or things present or things to come all is yours 1 Cor. 3.22 O Christian how canst thou say thou hast nothing or that thou hast but little Here is thy Inventory see here what thy heavenly Father hath given thee count it and cast it up Thou hast all things God hath given thee himself and a Kingdom grace and glory things present and things to come the world life and death are all thine how great is thy happiness O! wait but a little and thou wilt be in the possession of all There be three things that God will never take from his people whiles they are in this life 1. His love and loving kindness I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee Jer. 31.3 He that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father and I will love him and manifest my self to him John 14.21 Having loved his own which were in the World he loved them unto the end John 13.1 This the righteous are crown'd with in this life He crowneth them with loving kindness and tender mercies Psalm 103.4 2. His Spirit And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the spirit of truth John 14.16 17. but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness saith meekness temperance Gal. 5.22 23. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 1 Cor. 3.16 God will not leave his Children comfortless he will not leave them orphans the Spirit of God dwells in them and abides with them and resteth upon them and leads them into all truth it convinceth sinners and it comforteth Saints For the Spirit it self maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered 3. His Presence which is the glory of his People and the glory in the midst of them God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved God shall help her and ●hat right early Psalm 46.5 Take counsel ●ogether and it shall come to nought speak ●he word and it shall not stand for God is with us Isa 8.10 Jesus answered and ●aid unto him If a man love me he will keep my words and my Father will love him and ●e will come unto him and make our abode with him John 14.23 The presence of God is the Saints Heaven on Earth They do sometimes in a duty enjoy so much of God's presence that it fills their eyes with tears and their hearts with joy they ●eel that they cannot express and en●oy that which cannot be fully uttered and tast that which they cannot declare to others I did know a young man in the City of Exon about thirty five years ago who lay under many temptations and fears because he wanted God's comforting presence but in a certain night when all the people in the family were in their beds and as he thought fast asleep except himself he rose up from his bed and went up into the Garret and there wrestl'd with God by prayer with fervency and many tears but was then so terrified by temptations and fears that he thought the Devil wa● present with him in the room sometime● before him and sometimes behind him which did so distract and interrupt him that he was forc'd often to break off fo● a little time and this he continued to do for three nights together but on the third night as he was pouring out hi● Soul before the Lord in prayer his voic● was taken from him that he could no● utter a word but his understanding remained with him for about the space o● a quarter of an hour and in that time he thought himself to be in Heaven or the Joys of Heaven to be in him he then tasted and enjoyed so much of God that it was not possible for a man to utter nor to declare to others but when his speech returned to him that he could speak he then found that this extraordinary presence of God withdrew it sel● from him then he blest and prais'd the God of Heaven that had seal'd his Love to him and given him the earnest of his Spirit and victory over the Devil God knows that what I have here
written is true and I appeal to Saints experience whether they have not found this at the Throne of Grace when they have been lying at God's feet they have been then ●aken up into his bosom Oh tast and see ●hat the Lord is good blessed is the man that ●rusteth in him Psal 34.8 There is a Ri●er the streams whereof shall make glad the City of God the holy place of the Taber●acles of the most High Psal 46.4 This is not a little Spring but a River not a few drops but streams that makes glad ●he hearts of God's People Come and ●ear all ye that fear God and I will declare that he hath done for my Soul Psal 66.16 By this you may see God the Father will not leave his Children 2. The Son will not leave them And Jesus came and spake unto them saying All ●ower is given unto me in Heaven and in Earth Go ye therefore and teach all Na●ions baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost ●eaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you alway even to the end of the World. Amen Matth. 28.18 19 20. Will the Head leave the Body Will the Vine leave the Branches Will the Shepherd leave the Flock Will the Fountain leave the Stream Will the Bridegroom leave the Bride Will the Purchaser leave the Purchase First then the Church is his body the body cannot live without the head this is a living body and the head gives life to every member of this body A life of Grace A life of Comfort A life of Glory Because I live ye shall live also John 14.19 as the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me John 6.57 Now if we be dead with Christ we believe we shall also live with him Rom. 6.8 For whether we live we live unto the Lord or whether we die we die unto the Lord whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords Rom. 14.8 When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory Col. 3.4 For this my Son was dead and is alive again he was lost and is found and they began to be merry Luke 15.24 And you hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses and sins Ephes 2.1 Every Member of the true Church is a living Member and this life they all receive from Christ Jesus the Head and this glorious Head cannot leave his own Body the Church Let no man say he is a Member of Christ's Church unless he be born again Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God John 3.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again 1 Pet. 1.3 Every Member of Christ hath in him a vigorous Faith a lively Hope a saving Knowledge a measure of the Spirit and a sufficiency of Grace 2. Christs Church is a fruitful Church I am the Vine ye are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing John 15.5 you see here Christ Jesus is the Vine and Believers are the Branches the blessed Jesus will never leave these branches for without him they can do nothing but in him they are more than Conquerors and do bring forth the fruits of Righteousness love and Charity love towards God and charity towards men they do bring forth out of that treasure of grace that is in them good lives and conversations living righteously and godly in this present world all the Children of God that are in this world they are but as so many branches of this Vine they are but as so many limbs of this Tree they are but so many little partys and bodys that make up this body of Christ the Church of God that shall not be left to another people 3. They are his flock I am the good shepherd of the sheep and know my sheep and am known of mine John 10.14 Our Lord Jesus is that good shepherd and pastor that feeds all the members of his body he will not leave them nor fly from them that is the part of an hireling the hireling fleeth because he is an hireling and careth not for the sheep v. 13. when he was on Earth he did not leave them but watcht over them and preacht peace to them and nourished and cherished them and fed them with that truth which he had received from the Father and often prayed for them and when he left the Earth and went to Heaven there he ever liveth to make intercession for them But this man because he continueth ever hath an unchangeable Priest-hood wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them Heb. 7.24 25. For there is one God and one Mediator between God and Men the Man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2.5 My little Children these things write I unto you that ye sin not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous 1 John 2.1 Every believer feeds on Christ Jesus by Faith he sups with them and they with him and when they leave this life then they live and reign with Christ in the Heavenly glory 4. The Church of God hath a fountain and this fountain is the Lord the fountain of life and from this fountain come the streams that make glad the City of God this fountain is always flowing and over-flowing with love and kindness mercy and grace righteousness and truth They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy house and thou shalt make them drink of the River of thy pleasures for with thee is the fountain of life in thy light we shall see light Psalm 36.8 9. But whosoever drinketh of the Water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of Water springing up into everlasting life John 4.14 He that beleiveth on me as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water John 7.38 These rivers of living water will never be dried up because it is water of life and it flows from a fountain of life that doth always refresh strengthen and comfort the people of God. For they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was Christ 1 Cor. 10.4 5. The Church of Christ is a Bride the Lambs wife And Jesus said unto them Can the Children of the Bride-chamber mourn as long as the Bridegroom is with them But the days will come when the Bridegroom shall be taken from them and then shall they fast Matth. 9.15 He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroom but the friend of the Bridegroom which standeth and heareth him rejoyceth greatly
he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the Father of it Joh. 8.44 and as he is the Ruler of the darkness of this World so he rules in dark hearts in dark Souls in dark understandings fills them with so much darkness that they love darkness and hate the light And this is the condemnation that light is come into the World and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil Joh. 3.19 the Devil is called the power of darkness Col. 1.13 for he fills thousands of People with darkness Nations and Kingdoms he fills with darkness And he opened the bottomless Pit and there arose a smoke out of the Pit as the smoke of a great furnace and the Sun and the Air were darkned by reason of the smoke of the Pit Rev. 9.2 And his Kingdom was full of darkness Rev. 16.10 But as the Devil is the strong man arm'd that keeps this house When a strong man armed keepeth his Palace his goods are in peace but when a stronger than he shall come upon him and overcome him he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted and divideth the spoil Luke 11.21 22. Every wicked and dark heart is the Devils house and all the Children of disobedience are his goods his slaves and vassals and captives And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the Devil who are taken captive by him at his will 2 Tim. 2.26 Secondly Sin darkens Having their understandings darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their hearts who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness Eph 4.18 19. Who leave the paths of uprightness to wal● in the ways of darkness who rejoyce to do evil and delight in the frowardness of the wicked Prov. 2.13 14. The path of the just is as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day but the way of the wicked is as darkness they know not at what they stumble Prov. 4.18 19. The Apostle Paul shews the dark state of the Gentiles and of the Jews in that day They became vain i● their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became foolish and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an Image made like to corruptible man and to Birds and to four-footed beasts and to creeping things wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed for ever Amen And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledg God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murther debate deceit malignity whisperers back-biters haters of God despiteful proud boasters inventers of evil things disobedient to parents without understanding covenant-breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful who knowing the Judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them Rom. 1.21 to the end This was the sad and dark state of the Gentiles then Let us see next that of the Jews what was their state then they were the National Church and unto them were committed the Oracles of God they had Moses and the Prophets the Law and the Testimony the Covenant and the Promise What advantage then hath the Jew or what profit is there of circumcision Much every way Rom. 3.1 2. Notwithstanding their priviledges and the many advantages they then had above the Gentiles yet their state was a dark state a cursed state sin had so darkened their Hearts and minds and understandings that they had forsaken and gone out of the way of truth as you may see at large in Romans 3. What then are we better than they No in no wise for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles that they are all under sin as it is written There is none righteous no not one there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after God they are all gone out of the way they are together become unprofitable there is none that doth good no not one their throat is an open Sepulchre with their Tongues they have used deceit the Poison of Asps is under their Lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace have they not known there is no fear of God before their Eyes ver 9 to 18. Thirdly the inventions of men darken When men leave the precepts of God and follow the precepts of men when men leave the scriptures of truth and follow the traditions of men when men leave the pure worship of God and follow Idolatry when men leave the path of the Just that shineth more and more unto the perfect day and walk in the way of Baal then their Hearts are darkned and their minds are blinded and their understandings are clouded that they see not whither they go then they submit to any thing then they bow down to any thing and worship any thing thus did the Gentiles they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and to four-footed beasts and to creeping things and worshiped and served the Creature more than the Creator Rom 1.23 25. Thus did the Jews do of old And the Children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the Lord their God and they built them high places in all their Cities from the Tower of the Watchmen to their fenced City And they set them up images and groves in every high hill and under every green Tree and they burnt incense in all the high places as did the Heathen whom the Lord carried away before them and wrought wicked things to provoke the Lord to anger for they served Idols whereof the Lord had said unto them Ye shall not do this thing yet the Lord testified against Israel and against Judah by all the Prophets and by all the Seers saying Turn ye from your evil ways and keep my commandments and my statutes according to all the Law which I have commanded your Fathers and which I sent to you by my Servants the Prophets notwithstanding they would not hear but hardened their Necks like to the Necks of their Fathers that did not believe in the Lord their God and they rejected his statutes and his covenants that he had made with their Fathers and his testimonies which he had testified against them and they followed vanity and became vain and went after the Heathen that were round about
them concerning whom the Lord had charged them that they should not do like them and they left all the commandments of the Lord their God and made them molten images even two calves and made a grove and worshiped all the host of Heaven and served Baal and they caused their Sons and their Daughters to pass through the Fire and used Divination and Inchantments and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger 2 Kings 17.9 to 17. O learn from hence these four things First When men leave God God leaves them when men leave truth truth leaves them when men leave the true Church the Church leaves them I said indeed that thy house and the house of thy father should walk before me for ever but now the Lord saith Be it far from me for them that honour me I will honour and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed 1 Sam. 2.30 Secondly You may see and understand by this what that is that blinds and darkens nations and people the Devil darkens Sin darkens and the inventions of men darken And he opened the bottomless Pit and there arose smoke out of the Pit as the smoke of a great furnace and the Sun and the Air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the Pit and there came out of the smoke Locusts upon the Earth and unto them was given power as the Scorpions of the Earth have power Rev. 9.2 3. Thirdly Marvel not then that men are ignorant and blind superstitious and inventers of evil things Idolaters and Blasphemers What wonder then is it to see these things when men change the Truth of God into a Lie and hold the Truth of God in unrighteousness And for this cause God shall send them strong delusions that they should believe a Lie that they all might be damned who believed not the Truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness 2 Thes 2.11 12. They feared the Lord and served their own Gods after the manner of the Nations whom they carried away from thence 2 Kings 17.33 Fourthly Learn from hence the cause of the sufferings of the People of God in all times This hath been the flaming Sword of persecution that hath turn d every way against them in all places namely the dark World by their inventions and by their cruel Decrees And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations And all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the World Rev. 13.7 8. Here was a War and this War was with the Saints whose names were written in the book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the World. The cause of this War was for their not worshipping the image of the beast this the Saints of God could not do and therefore they were slain And cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name ver 15.17 The Saints did not make the image therefore they would not worship the image they did not set up this worship neither will they be worshipers of it with the World. God gives life to his worship but the Beast gave life to this by forcing and compelling saying to them that dwell on the Earth that they should make an image to the beast and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak c. ver 14 15. This indeed is a mystery but if my reader be a Child of Light he will understand it by that little light I have here given him in this mystery Thirdly It is an evil World what evil is there out of Hell that may not be seen in this World What do you see in this World but evil What is there done by this World but evil And what do you expect from this World but evil Who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil World Gal. 1.4 When our Lord Jesus was upon the Earth he then prayed for them that did believe and he prayed for them which should believe on him hereafter he prayed long and he prayed fervently that all they whom the Father had given him might be kept from the evil of the World Joh. 17.15 Pure Religion and undefiled before God and the father is this to visit the fatherless and widdows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the evil world Jam. 1.27 First then What have the Saints of God seen in this World but evil and do still see it men wallowing in the mire and filth of sin and all wickedness praying for their own damnation and treasuring up of wrath against their own Souls marching in troops to Hell and Damnation They are wise to do evil but to do good they have no knowledge the thoughts of their hearts are evil and that continually the words of their mouths are evil full of cursing and bitterness the works of their lives are evil being abominable Love not the World neither the things that are in the World if any man love the World the love of the Father is not in him For all that is in the World the lust of the Flesh the lust of the Eyes and the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the World 1 John 2.15 16. you see here what is in the World it is lust nothing but lust the lust of the Flesh and the lust of the Eyes and the pride of Life the lust of drunkenness the lust of Swearing the lust of Uncleanness the lust of Adultery the lust of Idolatry the lust of Covetousness the lust of Ambition and of Pleasures and Idleness a fulfilling the desires of the Flesh and of the Mind this is that the World is covered with as with a Garment Then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death James 1.15 Secondly what is done by the World but evil Evil to themselves and Evil to the Saints And moreover I saw under the Sun the place of Judgment that wickedness was there and the place of Righteousness that iniquity was there Eccl. 3.16 so I returned and considered all the oppressions that are done under the Sun and behold the tears of such as were oppressed and they had no comforter and on the side of the oppressors there was power but they had no comforter Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living which are yet alive yea better is he than both they which hath not yet been who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the Sun Eccl. 4.1 2 3. This is that which
●anities saith the Preacher vanity of vani●ies all is vanity Eccles 1.2 What is there ●n this World but vanity what is this World but vanity 1. Mens thoughts are vain The Lord ●noweth the thoughts of man that they are ●anity Psalm 94.11 2. Their words are vain For when ●hey speak great swelling words of vanity they ●llure through the lusts of the flesh through ●uch wantonness 1 Pet. 2.18 3. Their labours are vain And the ●eople shall labour in vain Isa 51.58 4. Their devices and imaginations ar● vain Why do the Heathen rage and th● People imagine a vain thing Psal 2.1 5. Their customs are vain For th● customs of the people are vain Jer. 10.3 6. Their Conversations are vain That y● henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walked in the vanity of their mind Eph. 4.17 Fo● as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things from your vai● conversations received by tradition from you● fathers 1 Pet. 1.18 7. Their Doctrines are vain Jer. 10.8 That we henceforth be no more Children tossed to and fro and carried about wit● every wind of Doctrine by the sleight of men● and cunning craftiness whereby they lye i● wait to deceive Eph. 4.14 8. Their Religion is vain If any ma● among you seem to be religious and bridlet● not his tongue but deceiveth his own heart● this mans religion is vain James 1.26 9. Their Worship is vain But in vai● they do worship me teaching for doctrines th● commandments of men Mat. 15.9 10. Their Hopes are vain Behold th● hope of him is in vain Job 41.9 And th● Hypocrites hope shall perish Job 8.13 How vain then is this World it is Vanity all Vanity and nothing but Vanity Behold and see it in these postures First See the World lying It lyes and it lyes in wickedness The whole world ●yes in wickedness 1 John 5.19 Many of Gods dear Children have lain in Prisons ●n Dungeons in Dens and Caves of the Earth of whom the World was not worthy Heb. 11.38 But the World the whole World it lyes and it lyes in wickedness Secondly See the World walking Surely every man walketh in a vain shew Psalm 39.6 They walk in a shew and ●his shew is vain We may see a World of people walking but what way do they walk in and whither are they going See Mat. 7. Enter ye in at the strait gate for ●ide is the gate and broad is the way that ●eadeth to destruction and many there be ●hich go in thereat Thirdly See the World standing it ●tands but not steddy not fast it reels ●nd staggers and shakes The Earth shall ●●el to and fro like a Drunkard and shall be ●emoved like a Cottage and the transgression ●hereof shall be heavy upon it and it shall ●all and not rise again Isa 24.20 And ●e maketh them to stagger like a drunken man ●ob 12.25 I will shake all nations and ●he desire of all nations shall come Hag. 2.7 The World shakes like a Tree that is shaken with a mighty wind But the wicked are like the troubled Sea when it cannot rest whose waters cast up mire and dirt Isa 57 20. If the World lyes then it is in wickedness If the World walks then it is in the broad way that leads to destruction If the world stands then it is reeling staggering shaking and troubled that it cannot rest O what then will it profit a man to gain a vain world and lose his precious Soul The World makes a shew but it makes no man happy Can a shew a vain shew make a man really happy But this I say Brethren the time is short it remaineth that both they that have wives be as though they had none and they that weep as though they wept not and they that rejoice as though they rejoiced not and they that buy as though they possessed not and they that use this world as not abusing it for the fashion of this world passeth away 1 Cor. 7.29 30 31. Is not this the fashion of this World The Courtiers they thirst after Honour the Lawyers they thirst after Riches the Tradesmen they thirst after gain the Gallants of the times they thirst after pleasures Persecutors they thirst after filthy Lucre. And I will say to my Soul Soul thou hast much goods laid up for many years take thine ease eat drink and be merry but God said unto him Thou fool this night thy Soul be required of thee then whose shall those things be which thou hast provided Luke 12.19 20. This was a Crimson fool a scarlet fool a fool upon record the mouth of wisdom called him fool of this sort of fools a Saint may find and see every where in the World. Some men would want less if they had less they would enjoy more if they had not so much The World that looks so great now will appear to be but little when men come to die that which now allures them will then torment them that which now fills their hearts will then disquiet their minds Deliver my Soul from the wicked which is thy Sword and from men which are thy hand O Lord from men of the World which have their portion in this life and whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure Psal 17.13 14. If a man look into the World amongst all sorts of People what can he see in it but vanity and vexation of spirit men labouring for that which cannot satisfie nor save them from wrath to come they are things that perish the world is a vain shew and the fashion of it passeth away For all Nations before him are as nothing and they are counted to him less than nothing and vanity Isa 40.17 Sixthly It is a prejudiced world of the many evils the world lies under this of prejudice is not the least when people are possessed and filled with prejudice against God's holy Ways his Truth and Worship and against them that love and fear the Lord it is then a very hard matter to prevail with them to hear the Truth and to receive it The world hath a great prejudice against the people of God. First Because they are but a few to the rest of the world You that are but a few say they Are you wiser than all the world you that are the least in number are you wiser than the most Are you wiser than our Fore-fathers were They did do as we do now they did walk as we walk now and they did believe as we do believe now and we are very certain that they were in the right And the King of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat There is yet one man by whom we may enquire of the Lord but I hate him for he never prophesied good unto me but always evil the same is Macaiah the Son of Jimla 2 Chron. 18.7 Because strait is the gate and narrow is th● way which leadeth unto life and few ther● be that find it Mat. 7.14 Now because the people of God
and a Crown was given unto him and he went forth Conquering and to Conquer This was the Preaching of the Everlasting Gospel Christ Jesus in the Ministry of the Word conquering and overcoming rebellious Sinners working in them by his Word and Spirit Life and Light Love and Grace Holiness and Truth and filling them with all Spiritual Blessings and being changed into the same Image from Glory to Glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord The Preaching of this Gospel did then raise a great Tumult and made the World to Arm and put them into a great Rage and men were filled with Enmity and Prejudice against the Truth then they consulted and took counsel together how they might destroy Gods Faithful Servants which keep the Commandments of God and the Testimony of Jesus Christ and the Persecutors in that day did slay and destroy many thousands of Gods dear Children And when he had opened the fifth Seal I saw under the Altar the Souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the Testimony which they held And they cryed with a loud voice saying How long O Lord holy and true dost thou not judge and avenge our Blood on them that dwell on the Earth verse 9 10. Then the Lord punish'd the Inhabitants of the Earth by many heavy and sore Judgments War and Pestilence and Famine and Death as appears by the opening of the other Seals Thus it was then and so it hath been ever since Now all the things that Providence hath brought forth at any time hath not overthrown the Faith of the Gospel nor swallowed up the true Church neither hath it destroyed Gods truth from amongst men neither hath it thrown down that Spiritual worship which God hath set up but all the things that Providence hath brought forth at any time have all workt together for the good of Gods people Whatever things have happened have ●●ln out to the furtherance of the Gospel and to the increase of the Faithful The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it Say ye to the righte●us 〈◊〉 it shall be well with them for they shall eat t●e fruit of their doings Wo to the wicked it sh●ll be ill with them for the reward of his hands sh●ll be given him Isa 3.10.11 Let the Reader consider well these three things 1. That Providence is a seal'd Book 2. That the Lord Jesus opens the Seals of this Book 3. That whatever things Providence shall bring forth in the World shall not hurt the Church but help it shall not destroy the Church but p●e●erve it shall not lay the Church waste but shall increase it and exalt it above the ●ills The thin●s that Providence brings forth may be known and understood by two things First The Voice of Providence Secondly The Signs of Providence First By the Voice of Providence There are it may be so many ●in●s of Voices in the World and ●ore of t●em are w thou● signifi ation 2 Cor. 14.10 Whose Voice t●en shook the Earth but now he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also Heaven And this word yet once more signifyeth the removing of those things that are sh●●en as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain Hebrews 12.26 27. Secondly By the signs of Providence O ye Hypocrites ye can discern the Face of the Sky but ye cannot discern the Signs of the Times A Wicked and Adulterous Generation seeketh after a Sign and there shall no Sign be given unto it but the Sign of the Prophet Jonas And he left them and departed Mat. 16.3 4. By this you see Providence hath a Voice and a Sign the Voice of the Times and the Signs of the Times And both these shew Knowledge and give Understanding to Men that duly mind and observe them Every Providence is not a Trumpet but the mighty Things which Providence sometimes brings forth are as a Trumpet the sound thereof goes unto the ends of the Earth Whatsoever things Providence brings forth they shall work together for the good of the Church For the Eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole Earth to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose Heart is perfect towards him 2 Chron. 16.9 Thirdly From the people of God. They are all labourers together with God and workers together with him for the good of the Church 1 Cor. 3.9 By Faith by Prayer by Hope by Holy Desires and by all Good Endeavours that they may further the Churches Peace and Happiness and enlarge her Borders and for this end God hath given Gifts unto Men. But unto every one of us is given Grace according to the measure of the Gift of Christ Wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led Captivity Captive and gave Gifts unto Men. Now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the Earth He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all Heavens that he might fill all things And he gave some Apostles and some Prophets and some Evangelists and some Pastors and Teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the Ministry for the edifying of the Body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the Faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect Man unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ Eph. 4.7 to 13. Whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the World or Life or Death or things Present or things to Come all are yours and ye are Christs and Christ is Gods 1 Cor. 3.22 23. By this it appears that the Gifts and Parts and Abilities that Ministers have are given to them of God! not to gain filthy Lucre but to gain Souls that they might gather them unto Christ Jesus They are Builders but not to Build up themselves in worldly Wealth but to Build up the Church of God to perfect the Saints they have Talents given them but for what end For the work of the Ministry for the edifying the Body of Christ and for this end God gives grace unto men Unto me who am less than the least of all Saints is this grace given that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ Eph. 3.8 Christs Ministers have heavenly Treasures in them that they may make many rich Preaching to others the unsearchable riches of Christ and in this way will Christ Jesus be with his Church to the end of the World raising up faithful Witnesses in all Ages and filling them with his holy Spirit that rich Anointing which is from above that they may be able Ministers not only of the Letter but of the Spirit and this supply the Church will always have to the end of the World every Saint that is on the Earth is in Arms upon Duty and Exercise for the good of the Church every Saint is a Soldier