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A19989 A booke of Christian prayers, collected out of the auncie[n]t writers, and best learned in our tyme, worthy to be read with an earnest mynde of all Christians, in these daungerous and troublesome dayes, that God for Christes sake will yet still be mercyfull vnto vs Day, Richard, b. 1552. 1578 (1578) STC 6429; ESTC S121845 90,200 224

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best and finally desiring nothing but theé who with the father and the holy Ghost art the full and perfect felicity for all euer Amen ❧ A Prayer to the holy Ghost O Holy Spirit worthy of all worship which makest vp the almighty trinity which proceédest from the father and the sonne and art equall to either of them differing from them in only propriety of person which of thy ●nd Enoch walked with God and he was no more sene for God tooke him away c. Gen. ● There appeared a charet of fire and horses of fire to Elias went vp by a whirlwind c 2. Reg. 2 So after the Lord h●d spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and sate at the right hand of god And they went forth and preached ●c Mar. 16 goodnes forgeuest the sinnes of them that amend which with thy holy breth cleansest mennes mindes comforting them when they be in sorrow cheéring them vp with pure gladnes when they be in heauynes leading them into all truth when they be out of the way kindling in them the fire of charitye when they be a cold knitting them together with the glew of peace when they be at varyance and garnishing and inriching them with sundry giftes which by thy meanes profes the name of the Lord Iesu by whose working all things liue which liue in deéde whose delight is to dwell in the harts of the simple which thou hast vouchsafed to consecrate for temples to thy selfe I beseéch theé maintayne thy giftes in me increase the things dayly which thou hast vouchsafed vpon me that by thy gouernance the lustes of the flesh The birth of blessed Mary the virgine the mother of Christ c. There shall come a rod forth of the stocke of I●ss● and a graffe c. Esay 11. There shall come a star of Iacob and a scepter shall rise of Israell c. Num. 24. may dye more and more in me and the desire of the heauenly life more quicken and increase Let me so passe through the misty desert of this world by thy light going before me as I may neither be defiled with Sathans vices nor be intangled with any errors disagreéing from thy truth which the true catholick church hath delyuered vs by the instinct of theé which liuest raignest euerlastingly with the Father and the Sonne Amen * A Prayer to God for his Spirite and grace to pray effectually ETernall and most mercyfull Father we know not our selues neither can easely vnderstand what or how we should pray as we ought But thou shalt goe vnto my fathers house and to my kinred and take a wif● c. Gen. 24. I will speak for her that she may be geuen the● to wife for to thee doth the right of her c. Tob. 6. Mary the mother of Iesu betrothed to Ioseph her husband before they came together was founde with childe by the holy ghost Thē Ioseph her husband being a iust men c Math. 1. Geue vs the Spirit ô Lord to help our infirmytyes which maketh requeste for vs vnto theé with sighes which cannot be expressed I lift vp mine eyes to theé that dwel lest in the heauens Stir vp my hart and mind ô Lord come into me ô spirite of God that I may come vnto theé with hart soule not with mouth and lips only Geue vs thy grace that we may call vpon theé as true worshippers in spirite and truth with the inward attention without hipocrisie and ambition Graunt that I aske nothing of theé but that which may agreé to thy holy will to thy prayse and glory and to the health of my soule ●nd in the ●i mo●rt the Angell Gabriel● was sent frō God to a citie in Galile na●med Nazareth to a virgine affianced to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid c. Luke 1. ●he ●a●de of the wom●n shall ●read vpon the head of the serpent Gen. 3. The Angel sayd to him the Lord is with thee ●hou valyant man ●udges 6 Neither let my praiers ô Lord prescribe the time when and how they should be fulfilled But let me submit my selfe to thy holy will in all things with hope patience and humilitie of hart Thy will be done in earth ô Lord as it is in heauen I will wayt patiently ô Lord for theé that thou mayst incline vnto me and heare my prayer Behold euen as the eies of seruants looke vnto the hand of their masters and as the eyes of a mayd vnto the hand of her maistresse so our eyes will wayt vpon theé ô Lord vntill thou haue mercy vpon vs. ●nd Moyses returned to Iethro his father in law and sayd to him I pray c. Exo. 4. My soule doth magnify the Lord and my sprite doth reioyce in God my sauiour Luke 1. A●d Mary c●ose and went with hast into the hilly contrey to a citie of Iuda 〈◊〉 entred into the house of Zacharias and saluted Elizabeth And it came to passe c. Luke 1. In his name through faith we come to the throne of thy grace receiuing the spirite of adoption we cry Abba Father Strengthē vs O Lord least the vnworthynes of our life withdraw and intice vs from prayer Assist vs therfore O most mercifull father that we may pray euery where lifting vp pure hands without wrath or doubting with supplications prayers intercessions geuing of thanks for our selues and for all men Graunt this through Iesus Christ our Lord who is also at thy right hand and maketh request for vs To whom with theé and thy holy Spirit be all laud and glory Amen When the dayes were accomplished Mary brought forth her first begotten sonne and wrapped him in swadling clothes and layd him in the manger because there was no roume c. Lu. 2. Put thy shoes of thy feete for the place wheron thou standest is holy ground Exod. 3. Aarons rod being put in the tabernacle did blossom and I will make cease c. Num. 17. * A Prayer for the whole Realm and the body of the Church with the members therof according to their estates degrees Abraham circumcised his sonne Isaac when he was eight dayes old as God had cōmaunded him c. Gen. 2. Let euery mā child among you be circumcised That is ye shal circumcise the foreskin of your flesh c. Ge. 17 And when the viii dayes were accomplished that they should circumcise the childe his name was then called Iesus which was so named of the Angel before he was concei●ed c. Luke 2. And forasmuch as thou hast commaunded vs to pray inespecially for kings and Princes and for all such as are set in authoritie that the company of mankind may liue peaceably and quietly vnder them in all godlines and honesty considering how burthensome crownes and scepters are how hard the wealding of them is and how difficult a matter it is to discharge them well whether it be in respect of themselues or of their
subiects 〈◊〉 is the king of the Iewes that re●orne ▪ for we haue ●ene his starre in the ●ast and are come to ●orship him ●he● Herode the king ●eard this he was ●roubled all Ieru●alem c. Math. ● Abner said to Dauid make couenant with me and be hold mine hand shal be with thee c. ● Sam. ● The Queen of Saba bring gifts to Ierusalem to Salomon with a very great tray●e c. 3. ●eg· 10. O Lord our good God thou hast set her vp to raigne ouer thy people geue vnto her thy handmaid and to al other princes thy seruants geue them wisdome and vnderstanding to iudge thy people and to discerne betweéne good and bad that they may not be vnprofitable and much lesse hurtfull in so holy a vocation God sayd to Moses sanctify vnto me all the first borne that open al maner matrices among the childrē c. E●o 1● An●● bare a sonne b●ought him into the house of ●he Lord in ●iloh and the child was young c. 1. Sam 1. 〈…〉 ●uri●●cation after ●e 〈◊〉 of Moses ●ere accomplished 〈…〉 Iesus to Ierusalem to presēt him to the lord is it is written in the law of the lord Luke ● Also I pray vnto theé O Sauyour and father of truth for all those whom thou hast ordayned to be true Shepheards to thy faithfull and to whom thou hast cōmitted the charge of mens soules and the dealing forth of thy holy gospell Guid them by thy holy spirite that they may be found faithfull and diligent in their holy vocation Arise and take the babe and his mother and flie into Egipt and be there till I bring thee word for Herode will seeke the babe to destroy him So he arose toke the babe his mother c Math. 2 Behold thy brother Esan is cōforted against thee meaning to kill thee Gen. 27. Michaell spake vnto Dauid If thou saue not thy self this night to morrow c. ● Sa. 19. Let it please theé to make a general deliuerance and restitution of thy churches through the wholl world by sending forth laborers into thy haruest able and sufficient men to gather the poore stray sheépe together vnder the sheéphooke of the great shepherd of our soules thy sonne Iesus Christ. Moses cast the tables out of his handes and brake them in p●eces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 12 The Philistines ●nde Dagon fallen downe before the ark of the Lord c. 1. Sam. 5. He shall breake downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Osc. 10. As touching their hearers vnto such as profes thy name already geue true perseuerance in faith charitie and all good works to the glory of thy name to the health of their own soules And as touching the residue which walk as yet in the vanity of their own mindes touch thou their harts and geue them inlightned eyes that all of them may yeald them selues to serue and please theé Finally ô God of all cōfort I beseéch theé haue pitie vpon the miseries and afflictions of all thy creatures in generall of the nations whom thou visitest with pestilence war or famine of the persons whom thou smitest with pouerty imprisonment sicknes banishment or other thy rods whether it be in their bodies or in their mindes and specially of thy chosen that suffer for the testimony of thy gospell Herode caused all male children to b● s●aine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes thero● from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c Mar. 2. S●ul sayd to Doeg ▪ 〈◊〉 thou and fall vpon the priestes and Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. ●a 22 Athal●a seing her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kings seed But Iehosheba c. Reg. 11. God spake to Iacob get thee out of this countrey Iacob toke all his gooddes and cattell c. Gen. ●1 Dauid asked counsel of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Iudah c. 2. Sam. 2. The Angel sayd to Ioseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of ●●●rael for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. ● * Another prayer for the church and all the states thereof by Iohn Foxe And Iesus when h● was baptised cam● straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and Iohn saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hande vpon the sea c. Exodus 14. They cutte down a branch with one cluster of grapes and bears vpon c. Num. 13. Esau selleth his byrth ●●ght for a m●sse of pottage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt tooke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. The tempter 〈◊〉 to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Behold a woman a Cananite came out of the sea coastes ▪ and cried saying vnto him Haue mercy on me O Lord c. Math. 15. ● certayne man was diseased 38. ye●res when Iesus saw him lie and knew c. Iohn ● ▪ And in the 〈…〉 of the night Iesus went vnto them walking on the sea c. Math. 14. But here alack commeth another mischief as great or greater then the other For the Turk with his sword is not so cruell but the bishop of Rome on the other side is more fierce and bitter against vs stirring vp his bishops to burne vs his confederates to conspire our destruction setting kinges against their subiects and subiects disloyally to rebel against their princes and all for thy name He that is without fault let him cast the first stone c. Iohn ● Iesus seyng their fayth sayd to the sick of the paulsey sonne c. Math. 9. And he tooke the v. loaues and two fishes and looked vp to heauen and blessed and brake and gaue the loaues to his disciples and the disciples c. Math. 14. Amongest vs Englishmen here in England after so great stormes of persecution and cruell murther of so many martires it hath pleased thy grace to geue vs these Alcyon dayes which yet we inioy and beseéch thy mercifull goodnes stil they may continue Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazaru● come forth Then he that was dead came forth ●ound hand ● foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Iesus said vnto them c. Iohn 11. Hel●as stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Hel●as c. ● Reg. 17. He●●●ens comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. Abraham said Lord if I
gran̄t vs liue eternally * A Prayer for the obtayning of a sound minde O Lord Iesu Christ the light of al them that put their trust in theé and the only Phisition of our soules the light of mind which thou hadst put into vs by creation is dimmed defaced and in maner extinguished by the fall of our first Father Adam and a horrible maime and disorder is fallen vpō all the powers sences of our soules Our wit reason iudgement discretion vnderstanding and will are vtterly corrupted so as of our selues we can not seé nor discern any thing aright The wise the simple and euery degree Are by force compelled to obey vnto thee Countreywoman ▪ Away with butter cheése For thy life thou must leese The Nurse Geue sucke no more For I am at the dore Create thou a pure hart in vs and renue a right spirite in vs Binde thou vp the sores of our soules wash them with the wine of thy precyous bloud and annoynt them with the oyle of thy holynes Repair that heauenly Image which is defaced in vs through sinne and adorne it agayne with thine own righteousnes That we being set in perfect state by thy meanes may sing acceptable prayses euerlastinglye to theé in thy holy church Amen ¶ A Prayer to be sayd for newnesse of life VNto theé O Lord doe I lift vp my hart In theé my God doe I trust let me not be put to shame Shepeheardes wife Be thou young or olde Thou must enter into my folde ¶ Aged woman Be the day neuer so long At last commeth Euensong From earth we came to earth we shall For sinne by death hath made vs thrall Shew me thy wayes and teach me thy pathes lead me forth in thy righteousnes and guide me for thou art my sauyour in theé is my trust all the day long Teach me thy way O Lord guide me in the right path for feare of mine enemies A cleane hart create in me O God and a right Spirite renue within my bowels Thrust me not out of thy sight O Lord neither take thy spirit frō me Geue me agayne the comfort of thy help and strengthen me with a principall Spirite Teach me thy way O Lord and I will walke in thy truth Knit my hart vnto theé that it may fear thy name geue thy seruāt strēgth and saue the sonne of thy handmayd The wise the simple and euery degree Are by force compelled to obey vnto thee The Creeple Be thou poore or disesed Thou must with me be pleased The poore woman Be thou neuer so poore Thou must enter at my ●ore Make me to vnderstand the wayes of thy commaundements and I will talke of thy wonders Remoue from me the way of lying and geue me thy law Set thy law O Lord and the way of thy statutes before me that I may euer keép them Geue me vnderstanding that I may obserue thy law keép it continually Leade me forth in the pathes of thy commaundements for in them is my delight Incline my hart vnto thy testimonies and not vnto couetousnes Let not the foote of pride come neare me nor the hand of sinne touch me Turne away mine eyes from vanitie and quicken me in thy way Strengthē thy seruant in thy word that I may feare theé The Infant Loe this little hart I strike with my dart The Foole. Of foolish and fond I break the bond No state no might young nor old To resist death da●● behold Behold I haue lusted for thy commaundements quicken me in thy righteousnes Let thy mercy come vpon me O Lord let thy sauing health light vpon me according to thy word A Prayer for true mortification Emperors and kings we did raigne But now the earth doth vs detayne ¶ The Emperor Of Monarch Emperor I am the conqueror ¶ The king Keisar or king I must theé bring ¶ The Duke Duke though thou be daunce after me ¶ The Marques Marques of state march with thy mate Dukes and Marques we haue been Nought now but bones are to be seen For if thy sonne our sauiour euer wont to obay thy good will prayed so hartely and often Not my will but thy will be We Earles and Barons were sometime Now wrapt in lead are turnd to slime ¶ The Baron Barons of nobilitie sweare to me fealty ¶ The Vicount Earle or Vicount geue thy account done wherby he declareth himself to be very man how can it be but we whose nature is corrupt not only in natiuity but in the rest of our whol life also shall finde both our hands full in great and greéuous temptations wholy to resine our selues vnto theé Graunt therfore deére Father for thy Christes sake I most hartely beseéch theé thy grace and holy spirite to be effectual in me that dayly I may accustome my selfe to deny my will in more easie and pleasant things of this life that when neéde shall be I may come vnto theé with a resined will alwayes stedfastly expecting thy mercy and in the meane season continually obaying theé with readines and willingnes doing whatsoeuer may most plese theé through Christ our Lord which liueth and raigneth with theé and the holy Ghost world without end Amen ¶ The Archbishop Archb. Metropolite theé thy Prouince I visite ¶ The Bishop Bishops graue old are sheép of my fold Bishops we haue taught the lord That all must enter deathes dore A prayer for cōtinuance in seking after christ by S. Augustine Both sheep and shepheard all must dye We taught the same the same we try ¶ The Doctor Doctor diuine at last thy reading houre is past ¶ The Preacher Preach no more about thy glas is run out ¶ The lord Come lordings all daunce at my call ¶ The Knight Goe hence sir knight t is almost night We Lords and Knights of late Now lie in low estate Behold the Squire as in a glas For as thou art so he was ¶ The Esquire Esquire the braue It bootes not to craue ¶ The Gentleman Lusty or sad Thou must be had ¶ The Iudge ▪ Come on iudge With me to trudge ¶ The iustice Sir Iustice arise come to my assise Iudge and Iustice sentence haue To ly as captiues in the graue In such sort therefore O my God thou art layde vp for them that feare theé as thou mayst be found of them that hope in theé So thou doest prolong to be found of them that seéke theé the sooner to approch to them that perseuere in seéking No law no plea no drift From death can make a shift ¶ Sergeant at law Leaue the Lawes heare my cause ¶ The Attor●ey Plead as thou lust With me thou must O my mercy and my refuge my deliuerer and defender so geue me feare as also I may loue so put me in feare as thou increase also the desire of theé and so make me one of those that feare and keépe thy commaundements that by the obedience of thy feare I may
at the setting of the Sunne He shall breaks downe their altars he shal destroy their images For now they shall say we haue no king because we feared not the Lord and what should a king do to vs Ose. 10. Moses cast the ●ab●es out of his handes and brake them in pieces because of their idolatry c. Exo. 32 The Philistines finde Dagon fallen downe be fore the ark of the Lord c. 1. Sam. ● WRetthed are they O Lord to whom thy daysun goeth down I meane that sonne of thine which neuer setteth to thy saints but is always at the noonpoint with thē euer bright and euer shining A droopy night ouer dreépeth the minds of them euen at hie noontide which depart from theé But vnto them that are conuersant with theé it is continually cleére daylight This daysun that shineth in the skye goeth and commeth by turnes But thou if we loue theé in deéd doest neuer goe away frō vs O that thou wouldst remoue away this impediment of sin from vs that it might alwayes be day light in our harts Amen * A Prayer to be sayd at the lighting vp of Candles GReat and thick darcknes ouerwhelmeth our harts O Lord Saul sayd to Doeg euen thou and fall vpon the priestes And Doeg the Edomite turned c. 1. Sa. 22 A●halia seing her sonne to be dead destroyed all the kings seed But Ieho●heba c. Reg. 11. Herode caused all male children to be slaine that were in Bethlehem and in all the costes therof from two yeare olde and vnder according to the tyme which he had diligently searched c. Ma● 2. vntil thy light do chase it away Thy Daysun O most wise workmaster is as the cresset of this bodily world and vnto the spirituall world the cresset is thy wisdome from whence springeth the light both of our bodies and of our soules At the comming of the night vpon the day thou hast geuen vs Candles for a remedy of the darknes and for a remedy of our ignoraunce after sinne thou hast geuen vs thy doctrine which thy sonne who loueth vs moste deérelye hath brought down vnto vs. Wherfore thou fountayne and teacher of all trueth make vs through both those lights to seé such things as may driue away the dimnesse of our minds The light of thy countenance is sealed vpon vs O Lord thou hast put lightsomnes into our harts Thy word is a lantern to my feet and a light to my pathes And Iesus when he was baptised came straight out of the water And lo the heauens were opened vnto him and Iohn saw the spirite of God descending like a doue c. Math. 3. Lift vp thy rodde and stretch out thine hand● vpon the se● c. Exodus 14. They curt● down a branch with one cluster of grapes and bear● vpon c. Num. 13. ❧ A Prayer to be sayd in the Euening O Lord my God my Father and my sauyour forasmuch as thou hast graunted me the grace to come to the end of this day hast created the night for man to rest in I casting my self most humbly down before thy holy maiesty beseéch theé most hartelye to shew me this goodnes to the residue of thine infinite benefites that I may so rest this night to the comfort and refreshment of mine infirmitie as my hart may still be lift vp vnto theé And my soule haue her spirituall rest aswel as the body taketh his Let not my sleépe be vnmeasurable to please excessiuely the ease of my flesh but only to suffice the necessity of my nature that I may be the better disposed to thy seruice to morrow God spake to Iacob get thee out of this countrey Iacob toke all his gooddes and cattell c. Gen. ●1 Dauid asked counsel of the Lord saying Shall I go vp into any cities of Iudah c. 2. Sam. 2. The Angel sayd to Ioseph Arise and take the babe and his mother and go into the land of Israel for they are dead which sought the babes life Then he arose and toke the babe c. Mat. Preserue me also from all vncleannes both of body and soule keéping me from all temtations of the enemy and from all dangers that may befall me And because I haue not passed this day without offēding theé after diuers sorts and maners Like as now in the absence of the sun thou sendest darcknes to couer all things so also vouchsafe to wipe out all mine offences by thine infinite mercy so as they may neuer come to reckning before thy iudgement seate All which things I aske and craue of theé in the name and for the sake of thine only Sonne my Lord and Sauyour Iesus Christ according to the rule which he hath geuen vs to pray by saying Our Father which art c. * Another The tempter came to Christ saying If thou be the sonne of God commaunde that these stones be made bread But he aunswering sayd it is written Man shal not liue by bread only c. Math. 4. Esau selleth his byrth right for a m●sse of portage c. Gen. 25. The woman seyng the tree to be pleasaunt tooke of the fruit c. Gen. 3. LOrd Iesu Christ to whose vnconsumable goodnes we be beholden for all things which hast graunted the cherefull light of the day vnto al men both good and bad to doe their busines in and mercifully geuē them the sweet stilnes of the night to refresh the pores of their silly bodies and to put away the cares of their minds and to asswage their sorowes Forasmuch as thou thy selfe performest al these thinges much more beneficially to them that loue thee to whom thou geuest a far greater light by the grace of fayth to do al deedes of godlines by then doth the shining of the Sun vnto the world In so much as the promyses neuer suffer them to faynt but the comfort of thy Spirite putteth away all cumberaunces of minde far more effectually then any sleepe of the body And the wholl Helyas stretched himselfe vpon the childe and the Lord heard the voyce of Helyas c. 3. Reg. 17. Heliseus comming into the house and behold the childe was dead and he stretched c. 4. Reg. 4. Christ cried with a loud voyce Lazarus come forth Then h●●hat was dead came forth bound band foote with bandes and his face was bound with a napkin Iesus said vnto them c. Iohn 11. man resteth not more sweetly or safely in any thing then in thy mercy O deere Redeemer I besech thee that if I haue done any thing this day through humayn frailety and neglygence which hath offended thyne eyes pardon it for thy wonted goodnes sake and graunt therewithal that this night may be happy to me by thy prospering thereof pure by thy preseruing of me and safe from the nightly illusions of wicked feendes through thy protection so as this sleep may make both my body and minde more cherefull and lusty to serue thee to
other shall be refused Another O Souerain creator of al things when I consider what maner of maiestie I haue offended with my sins I doe euen shudder at mine own rashnes When I bethink me how gracious and bountifull a father I haue forsakē I abhorre mine own vnkindnes When I perceue from how blessed freédome of minde into how miserable thraldome I haue cast my selfe I condemn mine own madnes and I vtterly mislike of my self and my conscience is put in such terror by thine vneschuable iustice as I seé nothing before me but helfire and disparre The Sea shall swell higher thē any hill shall fal agayne as low fishes monsters of the Sea shal appere with roaring voyce Again how redy thou art to pardon such as amend thine own only begottē sonne doth beat into our heads by many parables as of the lost groate and the finding thereof again of the shepherds bringing home of his stray sheép vpon his shoulders but most euidently of the prodigall sonne whose Image I seé plainly in my selfe The sea and all fluddes shall burne trees and herbes shal drop blud● Cities and all buildings shall be ouerturned O let thy mercy receiue him now submitting himself whom thou hast he therto borne withall so gentely in his straying from theé I am vnworthy to lift vp mine eyes to theé or to call theé by the name of father Neuerthelesse vouchsafe I beseéch theé to cast thine eye vpon me For thy loking towardes the sinner maketh him to reuiue when he is dead and to returne home again when he is lost Stone● shall tūble together and make a huge none Tirr●ble earthquakes shall make mē hide thēselues Valy●s shall be 〈◊〉 and hils broght low Slaue that I am and worthy of all maner of punishment I seeke not that thou shouldst imbrace me and kisse me I craue not the long robe and the ring which are the badges of the former dignity that I did hold scorne of I sue not to be receiued to the honor of thy children It shall be a benefite great inough for me if thou admit me but into the number of thy basest seruantes euen of such as are bronded brought again from roging that I may at least wise be some hanger on vnto theé for in thy house there are many roumthes They that hid thēselues shall runne forth like mad mē ▪ The bones of the dead shall appere aboue the Sepulcres The powers of heauen shall be shaken It shall not greéue me to be counted among the abiects in this life and to be racked with repentance and to be sullied with mourning so I may not be separated from theé for euer I pray theé and I beseéch theé by the death of thy dearly beloued and only begotten sonne impart thy spirit vnto me to cleanse my hart and to strengthen it with his grace that I slide not thether again through ouersight from whence I was called back by thy mercy Amen * Another I Haue gone astray like a lost sheep seeke out thy seruant O Lord for I haue not been vnmindfull of thy cōmaundements The offences ouersightes of my youth remember not O lord Be mindfull on me according to thy mercy For thy goodnes sake Euery one liuing shall dye presently Heauen earth all elementes shall burne The dead shall rise O Lord keepe my soule and deliuer me so shall I not be ashamed of putting my trust in thee Turne my mourning into ioy Rend my sackcloth asunder and compasse me about with gladnes that my tongue may sing to thee without prick or sting of conscience Amen * Another IF thou looke straitly to our sinnes O Lord Lord who shall abide it But forasmuch as there is mercy with thee I haue waited vpon thee for thy lawes sake O lord My soule hath held out in thy word my soule hath trusted in thee O lord For with thee there is mercy and plenteous redemption and thou redemest Israell from all his iniquities Amen Another Knowledge of God in Iesus Christ is life Mahomet and his Alcoron is perdition THou hast chastised me O Lord I am brokē as an vntamed yoūg bullock Turne me I shal be turned for thou art the Lord my God for whē thou hadst once turned me I amended and when thou hadst shewed me my faults I strake my thigh I was ashamed and blushed because I abode the reproch of my youth Another O Good Iesu O sweét Iesu y sōne of the virgine Mary full of mercie and truth O sweét Iesu haue pitie vpō me according to thy great mercy O louing Iesu I beseéch theé by that precious bloud of thine which thou didst vouchsafe to shed for vs wretched sinners vpon the altar of the crosse put away all my sinnes and despise me not in myne humble sute calling vpon this thy most holy name of Iesus This Loue of God is in spirite and truth Idolatry is Spirituall adultery name Iesus is a swet name this name Iesus is a healthfull name For what els is Iesus but Sauior O good Iesu which hast created me redeémed me with thine own bloud suffer me not to be damned whom thou hast created O good Iesu let not my wickednesse destroy me whom thy almighty goodnes hath made O good Iesu consider what is thyne in me whatsoeuer is otherwise wipe it away O good Iesu haue mercy vpon me while the tyme serues to haue mercy least thou destroy me in the tyme of thy dreadful doome O good Iesu although I myserable sinner haue iustly deserued euerlasting punishment for my most greéuous sinnes by thy rightful iustice yet do I appeal from thy rightfull iustice to thyne vnspeakable mercie therfore pity thou me as a louing Father and mercifull lord O good Iesu what profit is ther Fayth apprehendeth Christ Iesus Cayne dispaireth of mercy Aboue al take the shield of fayth Ephe. 6. Behold thou hast cast me out Genesis 4. in my bloud that I should go down into euerlasting corruptiō For the dead shall not prayse theé O Lord nor yet they that goe downe into hell O most mercifull Iesu haue mercy vpon me O most sweét Iesu set me at liberty O louing Iesu be fauorable to me sinner O Iesu admit me wretched sinner into the number of thy chosen O Iesu the health of thē that trust in theé O Iesu the welfare of them that beleue in theé haue pity vpon me O Iesu the sweéte remission of all my sinnes O Iesu the sonne of the virgine Mary poure thy grace wisedome louingnes charity and humility into me and in all mine aduersityes geue me holy patience that I may be able to beare thy crosse with theé to loue theé to glory delight in theé for euer and euer Amen Another Hope maketh not ashamed Iudas ashamed an● hanged him selfe MOst righteous and mercifull god remember that thou art pitiful and that thou art my redeemer As thou art a iudge to condemne offenders so art
thou also God to acquite thy seruantes and a creator to saue thine own worke and a Sauyour to saue him that beleueth in thee and is baptized Wherfore O Lord mind not thy iustice only as agaynst a sinner but be mindfull of thy goodnesse as towards thy creature minde not thy wrath as agaynst an offender but be mindfull of thy compassion as towards a poore wretch of thine Spare me O Lord which art my saluation and desirest not the death of a sinner Spare my sinfull soul. My God in thee doe I trust and vnto thee doe I commit my soule O merciful God haue pitie vpon me haue pitie vpon thy humble creature Deale with me according to thy mercy O thou that art blessed for euer Amen Patience ouercōmeth all thinges Wrath deuoureth it selfe Looking vnto Iesus the Author c. Heb. 12. Let al bitternes and anger and wrath Eph. 4. Another O Most mercifull Lord how can I be good which haue bin euil euen in the good I sinned thou winkedst at it I continued long time in my wickednes and thou continuedst as long in thy louing kindnesse of purpose to bring me to repentance and to shew me fauor Thou therfore that hast born so long with my offences geue mercy to me miserable wretch For I beleue that whatsoeuer thou determinest to forgeue me it shal be as if it had neuer beéne done My whole life O my God maketh me afrayd because that when I sift it thorowly there appeareth welnere nothing but sinne or barrainnesse in it and if there be any fruit in it it is ether so thin and slender or so vnperfect and corrupted by some mean or other that Be not high minded but make your selues c Rom. 12. Woe to the crown of pride c. Esay 28. Humilitie is tender harted Pride despiseth his neighbour it may well either vtterly displease theé or at least wise not like theé Therfore being abashed at the multitude of my sinnes but yet trusting to thy gracious goodnes I acknowledge and cōfesse to theé my maker and Redeémer which hast promised forgeuenes to offenders that in sinne I was conceued in sinne haue I beén brought vp and in sinne haue I liued all the time of my life vnto this day I find not any sinne wherewith I am not defited by some meanes or other Thus is my soule filled with misery according to the desert of my sinnes Thus is my soule brought euen to the gate of hell O my God if thou deliuer me I haue cause to thanke theé if thou deliuer me not yet haue I no cause to blame theé for thou art righteous Alas how haue I liued what a nūber of euill things haue I sayd done Mercy beareth with infirmities Cruelty seeketh reuenge Be curteous and tender harted c. Ephe. 4. Auenge not your selues but geue place c. Rom. 12. I am ashamed that I haue liued so my conscience telleth me I haue deserued damnation but I am sure that thy mercy wipeth away all offence Wipe away mine iniquities therfore O Lord with the multitude of thy mercies and by the desert of thy most bitter passion and death Amen Another WOe is me wretch that I am how often haue I fallen in rising and lien still when I was fallen I haue heaped sinne vpon sinne often promising amendement but neuer perfourming it I haue alwayes returned agayn to my vomit and to my former offences I haue added new and worse Behold O most mercifull God I hide not my sinnes but I bewray them I doe not excuse but accuse my selfe for I know mine iniquitie well inough Surely I might well inough despayre in respect Three things reioyce me the vnitie c. Ecclesiasticus 25. The strife of the proud is bloudshed Ecclesi 27. Concord supporteth one another Discord destroyeth one another of my outragious sinnes vices and infinit ouersights which I haue committed and dayly doe committe without ceasing in thought word and deede and by all other meanes wherin mans frailty may offend were it not that thy word O Lord is become flesh and dwelleth among vs But now I dare not dispayre because that he submitting himselfe vnto thee to the very death yea euen to the death of the crosse hath taken away the handwriting of our sinnes and nayled it to his crosse crucifiyng the same and death both at once Therfore I beseech thee for thine only begotten sonnes death sake wipe away all my iniquities and be mercifull to me the miserablest of all sinners to the intent that being set free from sinne and iustified before thee through the righteousnes of thy sonne I may sing prayse to thy name and glorifie thee together with Loue nourisheth with ioy Herod murthereth infants the same thy sonne and the holy Ghost from this time forth for euermore Amē Another MY soul is weary of her life I will speake in the bitternes of my hart I am sick my life is brought weake with misery my bones are bruzed as in a mortar and therfore I flie to thee Lord as to my phisition Heal me O Lord and I shall be wholl saue thou me and I shal be safe And because I trust in theé I shall not be put to shame But who am I O gracious God that dare speak thus boldly vnto theé I am a sinner wholy bred born and brought vp in sinne a rotten caryon a filthy vessel wormes meat Woe is me Spare me O lord What victory were it if thou shouldest fight with me and ouercome me which am lesse then the stubble before the wind Pardon Put on the whole armore c. Ephe. 6. Stand fast in the faith c. 1. Cor. 16. Chastitie is secrete and clean Vncleanes is like a Goate me all my sinnes and lift me poore soule out of the mire Surely Lord if thou wilt geue me leaue thou shouldst not shun him that commeth running to theé For thou O Lord Iesu art my God and yet art thou flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones ioyning thy self to my humain nature without leauing the right hand of thy father and being both God and man in one person and yet contynuing still that which thou wast before And to what end hast thou done this so high and vnconceiuable thing but that I should come running boldly vnto theé as to my brother and thou mercifully impart thy Godhead vnto me Wherfore vp Lord and help me vp I say and put me not back for euer Like as the hart seéketh after the fountaines of water so doth my thirsty soul long after theé the liuing spring to Wisedome is better then gold Sardanapalus an imprudent king draw water of comfort out of the Sauiours welles that it may no more be a thirst when it commeth to appeare before thy face Come the ioy of my hart that I may take pleasure of theé Shew thy mercy to me to glad my hart with all Let me find theé for whom I long Let my sute enter
trust in thee Turne not thy face away from me neither shake of thy seruant in thine anger For in death no man is mindfull of thee and in hell who will prayse thee What profit is there in my bloud that I should goe down into corruption Shall dust geue thee thanks or vtter forth thy truth Looke back vpon me and hear me O my God Inlighten mine eyes that I Measure in wine comforteth Excesse walketh wantonly Vse a little wine for thy stomack 1. Tim. 5 〈…〉 that rise vp early c. Esay 1. sleepe not in death Withhold not thy compassions aloofe from me but let thy mercy and truth alwayes preserue me Amen A comfort after crauing of mercy gathered out of the psalmes IN theé O Lord doe I trust therfore shall I not be confounded for euer Deliuer me in thy righteousnes I beseéch theé my god Cast a chereful coūtenance vpon thy seruant and saue me for thy mercies sake Lord let me not be put to shame for I haue called vpon theé For sake me not O Lord my God depart not from me Make hast to help me O God of my welfare Why art thou heauy O my soul and why doest thou trouble me Put thy trust in God for yet will I praise him because there is helpe in his countenance Pitifull and mercifull is the Lord For it is suffycient for vs c. 1 Pet. 4. Let vs which are of the day be sober 〈…〉 Sobriety watcheth her mouth Voluptuousnesse ryoteth slow to wrath and of much compassiō He will not be alwayes at variance nor be angry for euer But looke how high the heauen is aboue the earth so highly hath he made his mercy to preuaile vpon them that feare him Looke how farre the East is from the Weast so farre hath he set our sinnes from vs And as the father pityeth his own children so doth the Lord pitie them that feare him For he knoweth wherof we be made and he considereth that we be but dust Therfore wil I tary the Lords laysure my soule wayteth vpon the Lord in his word is my trust my soule wayteth for the Lord from one morning watch to another Let Israell trust in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and plenteous redemption and he will redeéme Israell from all his iniquities Yea the Lord is good vnto all Christian souldior harnised Hell Temptation ouercome Whose apparailing let not be c. 1. Pet. 3. The steps of a strange woman c. Prouerb 5. men and his mercy is aboue all his works Praysed be the Lord Amen ❧ A Prayer in commendation of Gods mercy receiued made by S. Augustine BEhold O my Creator many things haue I craued but not deserued the least I confesse alas I confesse that these thy benefits are not due vnto me but rather many and most strange scourges Yet for that Publicans sinners and theéues in a momēt deliuered out of their enemies iawes are mercifully receiued into the shepheards fold I am so much the more imboldned For thou O thou maker of all things albeit in all thy works thou art maruelous yet in thy works of mercy thou art surpassing marueilous wherof thou thy self hast spokē by one of thy seruants saying His mercy is aboue all If they continue grounded in faith 1. Tim. 2 He that endureth to the end shal be saued Mat. 10 Perseuer●ce indureth to the end Reuolting a Sow in the mire his workes And that which thou spakest in generall of all thy people we trust thou hast verefied vpon euery one seuerally saying My mercy will I not take from him For thou despisest none reiectest none thou terrifiest none but such as most horibly are afrayd of theé When thou art angry yet doest thou not reuenge but doest blesse with thy riches such as haue kindled thy wrath if they shal cease Charitie feedeth the hungry I was an hungry and ye gaue me meate Mat. 25. If thine enemy hunger feede him Prouer. 25. The ignorant is instructed by theé the mourner comforted they that fall raysed agayn and deliuered from destruction to him that asketh thou doest geue he that seéketh theé findeth theé and to him that knocketh thou doest open O Lord God of my health behold what should I obiect what should I answere no refuge without theé no corner is hid from theé thou hast shewed me the way to liue well thou hast geuen me the knowledge to walke aright thou hast threatned hell fire and promised the glory of thy paradise ●●aritie ge●eth drinke to the thirsty I thir●ted and you gaue me drink Mat. 25. The Niggard witholdeth drinke from the thirsty ●say ●2 O Lord my strength and might my God my refuge and deliuerer inspire my minde what to thinke of theé Put into my mouth how to call vpon theé Geue me such workes as may please theé With theé a sorrowfull spirite is a sacrifice also thou doest accept an humble and contrite hart Charitie harboreth strangers I was a stranger ye lodgeed me Mat. 25. I haue not suffered a stranger to lye without Iob. 31. * A complaint of a sinner in that he sinneth againe after repentance by S. August Charitie clotheth the naked I was naked ye clothed me Mat. 25 If a brother or Sister be naked or destitute Iames. 2. With what face shall he intreat for mercy who is worthy of hatred and he that meriteth punishmēt with what boldnes can he demaund prayse He prouoketh the iudge who seéketh to haue a recompence but neglecteth his purgation He insolently and worthy of death tryumpheth ouer the king who albeit a traitor sueth for an vndeserued reward He exasperateth the louing affectiō of his father who before due time vsurpeth the prerogatiue of inheritance Charitie visiteth the sick I was sick ye visited me Math. 25. Let it not greue thee to visit the sick Eccle. 7 And seéing that it is impossible for me to recken vp all I confesse that I haue instructed the simple how to sin the vnwilling I haue perswaded I haue inforced them that refused and I haue geuen consent to them that of thē selues were willing Sight Let thine eyes behold that is right Prouerb 4. A Prayer against dispayre MAny say to my soule there is no help for him in his god But thou Lord art my maintayner my glory and the holder vp of my head Departe not from me in the time of my neéd but defend thou me till this storm be ouerpast Amen ❧ A Prayer vpon the minding of Christes passion WHat man is this whom I behold all bloudy with skin all to torn with knubs and wales of stripes hanging down his head for weakenes towards his shoulder crowned with a Hearing The eare of ●elosy heareth all thyngs Wisdome 1. garland of thornes pricking through his skull to the hard brayne and nayled to a crosse What so haynous fault could he do to deserue it What iudge could be so cruell as to put him to it What hangmen could
haue so butcherly mindes as to deale so outragiously with him Now I bethink my selfe I know him it is Christ. Art thou he that excellest all the children of men in beauty in whose lippes grace was shed most plentifully yea euen with Gods own hand where thē is that beauty of thine Where is that grace of thy lippes I finde it not I see it not fleshly eyes conceiue not so great a mistery Open thou the eyes of my minde Bring thy diuine light nearer vnto me and giue me power to look more wistly vpon thee I seé it is Iesus the sonne of God the vnspotted lambe without sinne Taste The mouth tasteth the meats Iob. 34. without fault without offence which tooke my wickednesse vpon him to the intent that I being set freé from sinne might be brought again into Gods fauour rise again from my fall returne home agayn from banishment and attayn to the end for which I was created That which I deserued he suffered and that which I could neuer haue attayned vnto he geueth O my Redeémer deliuerer and sauiour draw me to theé that being alwayes mindful of thy death trusting alwayes in thy goodnes and being alwayes thankfull for thine vnspekable benefites I may be made partaker of so great reward and not be separated from thy body through mine own vnthankfulnes so as thou shouldest haue beén born in vayn as in respect of me in vayne haue suffered so many torments yea and euen most bitter death Smelling Geue a swete smell as incense c. Eccle. 39. of thine own accord for my sake Amē * Another MY minde beholdeth thy body crucified for my soul O that thou wouldest also crucifie me with thee so as I might liue or rather not I but thou my Lord Christ in me Who will geue me to die with thee that I might rise againe with thee to life euerlasting Thou dyedst for me that I might liue through thee Thy flesh is crucified O Christ crucifie thou the power of sin that raigneth in me that being stripped out of the old Adam I may be transformed into the second Adam to lead a new life by shaking down and dispatching away of all wickednes vnbeleefe and tiranny of Sathan Let thy yoke become sweete and thy burthen lightsom to me through Touching Touch no vncleane thing 2. Cor. 6. thy crosse that I following thee willingly and cherefully may come to the same place where thou art that is to wit to thy most blessed and immortall father from whom nothing may euer separate vs hereafter Amen Another O Most high and singular obediēce wherthrough thou didst submitte thy selfe to innumerable torments yea and euen to most bitter and reprochfull death because it lyked thy father to haue it so O noontide of feruent loue and sūshine neuer drawing towards euentide shew vs where thou feedest in the midst of the day and where thou shroudest thy sheep from cold O would to god we might be transformed into that crosse of thine that thou mightest dwell in our harts by fayth rooted and grounded in charitie so Esay 2. 19. Math. 24. Mark. 13. Luke 17 The sun shall be darkned the moone shal los● hir light the starres shall fal from heauen as we might with all thy holy ones comprehend the length breadth heigth depth of thy cros which exceed all the strength and wisdome of the world Amen Another I Seé a wonderfull kinde of loue Thy highnes boweth down the head to that intent we should hope to be heard and be heard in deéde Thou offerest the kisse of peace and attonement yea and that of thine own accord being the party greéued and wronged vnto vs that haue done the wrong Two men shall be in the field the one receaued the other shall be refused O father and Lord of oures thou seést the hardnes of our hart and much rather y dulnes of it It is not inough for vs to be allured and called so gently so sweétly and so louingly but thou must be fayn euen to draw vs pull vs hale vs drag vs Create a new and obedient hart in vs for this olde one that we haue already is stony it feéleth no gentlenes it is not moued with any hope of the great good thinges that are promysed Amen Another O Lord Iesu Christ the euerlasting sweétnesse and triumph of them that loue theé exceéding all ioy and all longing thou sauer and louer of repentant sinners which auowest that thy delight is to be among the children of Two women ●hall be grinding at the mill the one shall be receaued the other shall be refused men and therfore in the end of times becamest man for mennes sakes remember all the foretast and greéfe of sorrow which thou didst indure euen from the instant of thy conception in the humain nature forth on but most of all when the time of thy most healthfull passion was at hand according to the eternall ordinance which God had purposd in his mind before al worlds Remember the greéfe and bitternesse which thou feltst in thy hart euen by thine own record when thou saydst my soule is heauy euen vnto the death And at such time as thou gauest thy body and bloud to thy disciples at thy last supper didst wash their feéte and comforting them sweétly toldst them of thy passion that was at hand Remember the sorrow anguish and greéfe which thou didst suffer throughout thy whole tender body before thy The Sea shall swell higher thē any 〈◊〉 shall fal agayne as low fishes monsters of the Sea shal appere with roaring voyce suffering vpon the crosse at such time as after thrice praying thou diddest sweat water like to bloud wast betrayed by one of thine own disciples apprehended by thine own chosen people accused by false witnesses condemned wrongfully by threé iudges in thy chosen citie at the time of the passouer in the florishing youth of thy body and being vtterly giltlesse wast deliuered to the Gentils bespitted stript out of thy own garment clothed with another bodies apparrail buffeted blinfolded bobbed with fistes tied to a poste whipped and crowned with thornes O most sweéte Iesu I beseéch theé make me mindfull of these thy paynes and sufferings which thou abodest for my s●nnes that I might be discharged and set freé from them and mine attonement be made with thy father through thy chastisement Make me to abhorre The sea and all ●●uddes shall burne trees and herbes shal drop blud Cities and all buildings shall be ouerturned my so detestable cursednesse which could not be put away but by thy so greéuous punishments Make me to be hartely sory for my sinfulnesse and to eschue my offences which draw theé to the suffering of so great tormentes Make me mindfull of thy great loue to me and to all mankind and let the infinitenes thereof kindle an vnfayned loue in me towards theé and my neighbor Let this thy vnmeasurable goodnes breéde in me a willing minde and desire
earth we came to earth we shall For sinne by death hath made vs thrall the mind And the more gentlenes that is vsed towards this most vnkind and leud bondseruāt the body so much the worse and more wicked doth it become If we follow it it caryeth vs into destruction turning vs away from God to it own earthlines and rottennes O how vnseémly an incounter is this wherin the flesh being matched against the Spirite that is to say the bondslaue against his Lord striueth with him for victory and preheminēce sometime getting the vpper hand so as his master is not able erewhiles to represse his boldnes malapertnes and lustines because he bare with him to long and to often But thou O Lord Christ to whom all power is geuen both in heauen and earth which camest to vndo the works of the deuill which onlye art able to make the thing cleane which is conceiued The wise the simple and euery degree Are by force compelled to obey vnto me The Creeple Be thou poore or disesed Thou must with me be pleased The poore woman To thou neuer o poore Thou must enter at my ●ore of vncleane seéde Reforme our vnderstanding and will Cleanse our harts Circumcise our mindes Wash our soules Stablish thy freé and mighty spirite in vs Subdue vs wholy to thy good pleasure And restore vs the state by thy goodnes which we haue lost through our own naughtines so as our flesh may be in subiection to the spirite and our affections be made obedient to right and vncorrupted reason Or at least wise that although the flesh rebell and fight against the spirit yet the power of y minde may be so strong ▪ and the strength of our reason so mighty through thy grace as they may get the vpper hand in all incounters and finally ouercome all assaultes to the praise of the working of thy holy spirit Amen ❧ A Prayer to be sayd against the deuill The Infant Loe this little hart I strike with my dart The Foole. Of foolish and fond I break the bond No state no might young nor old To resist death dare be bold IEsus Christ our Lord God our shield our fortres our strong rock our only defence thou knowest and it greeueth vs to feel with how great force and perilous pollicie that olde enemy of oures the wily serpent that beguiled our first parents in paradise the roaring Lyon that goeth about night and day seeking whom he may deuoure That destroyer waster and accuser of the saynts the deuill commeth vpon vs to assayl vs thou knowest how small or rather no power at al we haue of our selues to withstand him so that vnlesse thou succour vs he will easely deceaue vs by his craftynes ouerthrow vs by his mightynes and rend vs in peeces by his cruelty But we know that if thou doe but shew thy selfe to him aloof thou shalt driue him away with thine only looke For thou hast ouercome Emperors and kings we did raigne But now the earth doth vs detayne The Emperor Of Monarch Emperor I am the conqueror ¶ ●he king Keisar or king I must theé bring him by thy death thou hast bound him disarmed him and spoyled his house thou hast bereft him of all lordship and power thou hast crushed his head thou hast cast down hys throne and dispossessed him of hys kingdome thou hast led away captiuity captiue thou hast cancelled the obligation that he had of oures and nayled it to thy crosse and finally thou hast tryumphed ouer him in our nature to our benefite and behoofe We therfore being weake feeble naked vnarmed vnskilfull ignorant and of no forecast but yet thy members through thy grace beseech thee which art strong almighty only wise and prudent vouchsafe to defend maintayn preserue vs continually from that merciles dragon Be thou our eye our eare our hand our loads man guide and captayn Set thy selfe ¶ The Duke Duke though thou be daunce after me ¶ The Marques Marques of state match with thy mate Dukes and Marques we hau● bene Nought ●ow but ●o●es are to be seen in our defence against this our vnappeasable aduersary disappoynt his practises confound his deuices break his bow knap asunder his speare ouerthrow his holds quench his fiery darts put his armies to flight and geue thy seruants the vpper hand of him and his or rather ouercome thou him and his in vs and by vs. Doe but aduaunce the standard of thy crosse in our harts and thou dryuest him out of the field Vnder this bāner dare we march boldly against him assuring our selues that by the power thereof thou wilt delyuer vs from the hands of our enemies and of all that hate vs so as we may serue thee in holynes and righteousnes all the dayes of our life Which we beseech thee to graunt vs for thy mercies sake to the euerlasting honor of thy most holy name Amen We Earles and Barons were sometime Now wrapt in lead are turnd to flime ¶ The Baron Barons of nobilitie sweare to me fealty ¶ The Vicount Earle or Vicount geue thy account ❧ A Prayer to be sayd of a woman with Child THy wisedome and power shine forth in all thy workes O Lord but yet much more greater more manifest and more wonderfull are they in the shaping of man Of how small beginning doest thou make so marueilous a liuing thing sheading a soule into it whose originall is from heauen to the intent he should long to returne thether as into his countrey ¶ The Archbishop Archb. Metropolite theé thy Prouince I visite ¶ The Bishop Bishops graue old are sheép of my fold Bishops we haue taught the lore That all must enter deathes dore O most gracious workman let thy pitifulnes amend the thing which our sinfulnes hath marred and eyther abate my payne that I may not haue neéde of so great strength tendance cunning or els increase my strength power and courage that I may be able to ouercome all the payn of my trauell Amen * A Prayer to be sayd of such as be vnder the Crosse. HOw long wilt thou forget me O Lord for euer how long wilt thou hide thy face from me Both sheep and shepheard all must dye We taught the same the same we try ¶ The Doctor Doctor diuine at last thy reading houre is past ¶ ●he Preacher Preach no more ●bout thy glas is run out Unto theé O Lord haue I cryed all the day long haue I stretched out my hands vnto theé Wilt thou worke wonders among the dead or shal the dead arise praise theé shall any man shew thy mercy in the graue or thy truth in destruction Shall thy wonders be knowen in the darck or thy righteousnes in the land of forgetfulnes Why doest thou thrust back my soul O Lord and hide thy face from me no man is mindful of theé in death and who will prayse theé in the graue Be stil before God O my soule for