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A17726 A short instruction for to arme all good Christian people agaynst the pestiferous errours of the common secte of Anabaptistes. Compiled by mayster Iohn Caluine Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564. 1549 (1549) STC 4463; ESTC S110993 85,142 170

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beyng come from heauen ¶ There is no doubte but that thys place oughte to be vnderstande as the other of the qualitie of Iesus Christe and not of the substaunce I meane of that vertue supernaturall and diuine which he hath frō heauen as the sonne of God and not of the earth as a mortall manne And in dede as we haue said the strēgth of the argument whyche saynte Paule maketh ther to confyrme vs in the hope of the resurrection were nothynge if Iesus Christe had an other substaunce of bodye then we They aledge further that it was conceyued of the holy Goste But this vertue of the holy Goste is not to exclude the substaunce of hys mother It is true that there was no cōiunction of man and woman to beget hym after the naturall course of other men But that is no impedimente to the merueylouse operation of the holy Goste by which he was formed of the substaunce of hys mother that he myght be the very sede of Abraham and fruite of the wombe of Dauid as the same holy Gooste had longe tyme before named hym I knowe theyr answere to this is that this inconuenience shold folow that foras much as the whole sede of manne is a cursed and corrupted so shoulde the Lorde Iesus discend of corruption But I answer that this miraculos conception taketh awaye that difficultie Fo● the workynge of the holy Gost was to that ende to sanctifie hym frome the begynnynge and in sanctifiynge to preserue hym from all spottes of mās fylthynes For thys cause S Paule sayed that he toke the similitude of synfull fleshe to cōdemne sinne in the fleshe For in takynge oure fleshe he toke not the synne for as muche as the vertue of the holye Goste dyd seperate from the condition o the other They haue also a folyshe and fantasticall consideration that they thinke that it sholde be a dishonorynge to Iesus Christe to make hym so lowe that he shoulde be of lyke nature to vs and therefore they thynke that it appertayneth better to hys dignitie to attribute vnto hym an heauenly bodye I answere that it is greate folye to esteme that the glory af Christe is any thynge lessened or that it doeth anye thinge derogate to hys dignitie to saye that he humilied yea made hym selfe of no reputation for our redemption and saluation There is muche more sayed of hym in the xxii psalme that he is a worme and no man the opprobrye and abiection of the people Lykewyse that whyche Esayas sayeth is muche more that he was estemed as one of no valure rekened as a lipper coūted amōg the numbre of euyll doers But can a manne saye more then Saynte Paule hathe sayed That is that he was accursed and made an execration for vs if thys diminyshe hys honoure then muste we be ashamed to confesse that he was crucified for vs. For thys word crucifiyng is a more ignominios word then at thys day is the gallowes ☞ Therefore lette vs not deceyue our selues wyth these folyshe imaginations thynkynge to honoure Iesus Christe after oure fantasy or else to be in feare that we shal dishonoure hym in knowledgyng that he was made lyttle for our sakes as touchynge hys humayne natures Euen as wythout all begynnynge he was God of one selfe glory with hys father euē so doth he cōtinue styl wythout anye diminution In that he hath taken vpon hym oure fleshe and in the same was humbled he hath geuen a notable testimony of hys infinite goodnes and of hys incomprehensible loue whych he hath vnto vs So farre is it of that thys shoulde anye thynge derogate to his highnes that it is the principal matter that we haue to magnify praise hym for For a conclusion if we wyll trulye confesse the Lorde Iesus to be our sauiour let vs confesse accordynge to the exhortation of saynte Iohn that he is come in the fleshe to vnit vs to God his father by meanes of the obedience whyche he gaue vnto hym in our humanitie as in oure persons He that maketh not thys confession is Antichriste and we ought to abhorre hym ¶ The second Article IT is tyme that I do come vnto the secōd Article of the which I promised to treat That is that the Anabaptistes communely all do hold opinion that the soules beyng departed from the bodye do no more lyue vntyll the day of the resurrectiō Howbe it they do somewhat differ amonge them selues For some of theym do thinke that the soule is not a substaūce or a creature hauīge an essensiall beynge but that it is onely the vertue that mā hath to breathe to moue and to do other actions of lyfe whylse he is yet a lyue The other do confesse that the soule is an essensiall creature and yet neuertheles do Imagyn that the soules of theym that be deade do slepe wythout any sence or vnderderstandynge vntyl the daye of iudgemente Therefore if we shall thorowlye confute the Anabaptistes we muste fyrste shewe that the soules haue an essensial being of theyr own Secondelye that after deathe they do felt and knowe theyr condition and estate but before we go any further in thys matter we muste note that thys worde Soule is diuerslye taken in the scripture Fyrste for the lyfe as where it is fayed in Iob I beare my soule in my handes Also in saynt Mathewe is not the soule more then the meate and in infinite other places Sometyme it is taken for the wyll or the desyre as where it is sayed in Samuel that the soule of Ionathas was knytte to the soule of Dauid And in the Actes wher it is sayd the multitude of beleuers had one hert one soule Somtime it is takē for the whole man as wher it is sayd that there descended into Egypt wyth Iacob three score and fyf tene soules Also wher the Prophet pronoūceth that the soule which synneth shal dye Also for breathinge or blowynge as in Samuell where Saull sayeth I am ouercome wyth angwyshe thoughe all my Soule be yet in me Lykewyse when Eliseus sayed that the soule of the chyld dyd returne into hys bowels Fynallye when it is ioyned wyth thys worde spirite it signifieth an affection as when Esaias sayed my soule desyereth the in the night and I watch vnto the in my spirite Also saynte Paule prayeth God to kepe the Thessalonians vndefyled in bodye and in spirite and in soule Lykewyse thys word spirit is diuersly takē of whych I nede not now make long declaration but onely thys that we know that it is often tymes taken for the soule as it shall euidently appeare in those places whiche hereafter shall be alledged Thys beynge noted let vs se whether the soule of man haue an essensuall beyng of hir owne whiche is geuen to hyr of God And let vs beginne at the creation of man which wyll helpe muche to thys marter Touching Beastes and other lyuynge creatures God doeth commaunde them to be made symplye When he commeth to the
the tyrāny of men that when we shoulde dye euerye one of vs shoulde commende hys soule vnto hym Lykewyse when saynte Peter sayeth that the Lorde Iesus came in hys spirite to the spirites that were in pryson he doeth clearly testifye by hys wordes that the Soules haue sence and vnderstandynge ofter death For otherwyse they shoulde not perceyue the preachynge of Christe whyche as he sayeth dyd preache vnto them I confesse that thys place hath bene taken for a darke place and that it hath bene diuersly expounded but yet w●ll I aledge nothing for my purpose whiche is not certayne The Apostle therfore hauynge before spoken howe Christe was humilied and hauynge also shewed howe that all fayethfull men muste be made lyke vnto ▪ hym for consolation he addeth that Iesus Christ was not ouercome by death but that he ouercame death After this to certifie vs that thys vertue of hys resurrection doeth pertayne vnto vs he sayeth that not onelye the lyuynge haue felte it but also the deade and not onely the fayethful but also the vnbeleuyng and rebels It is true that whē the matter requireth that we muste distinguyshe we se that he speaketh but of the secōd kind but that hindereth not but that he speaketh fy●ste of all in generall Touchyng that he putteth as wel the soules of the good as of the euyll in pryson that doeth he to signifye the vehemente desyre whyche the fayethfull had for the commyng of Iesus Christ which hild them as it were in anguyshe ¶ Therfore the sence is thys the vertue of Christes redemption hathe appeared vnto the soules of theym that be deade as well to the beleuynge as vnto the vnbeleuyng But when he muste speake in speciall he leaueth the fyrste ☞ Notwythstandynge to the ende that we do not dispute touchynge the sence whē there is no nead concernyng the present matter onely I aske thys question of these good people whether the spirites of whom the Apostle doeth speake be lyuynge soules or no Moreouer he addeth an other sentence whiche to yet more cleare that is that the gospel was preached vnto the dead that they shold be condempned in the fleshe as touchynge to men but shoulde lyue to God in the spirite We se that he doeth subiect the bodye onely vnto death reseruyng the soule alyue ☞ The lyke was shewed before by Salomon where in discouerynge mannes death he sayeth He doeth seperate the fault far frō the bodye vntyll the earth do returne to hy● earth whēce it was taken and that the soule go to God whyche gaue hyr If they glose and saye that thys worde spirite doeth signifye but lyfe there is not so lyttle a chylde whyche serth not that that is a corruptinge of the texte If there were none other testimonye but thys sentence of Moyses where he sayeth that God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob aboute three hundred yeares after theyr death it shoulde be sufficiente to suche as woulde not be contentious But if there be any opiniatoure whiche wyl agayne say it then wyll the exposition whyche oure Sauiour Iesus Christe maketh vpon these wordes take awaye all doubtes That is that hys father is not the God of the deade but of the lyuyng ¶ I knowe theyr answere is that the dead be called lyuynge bycause of the hope of the resurrection But that is nothynge For seynge that the Patriarckes were deade at that tyme when Moyses spake it foloweth that they lyued in a better lyfe And therefore Saynte Luke addeth that they do all lyue vnto God signifiynge that the Lorde doeth mayntayne hys in lyfe by hys grace and vertue Vnto which agreeth this saying of the Apostle If so be that we liue let vs liue to the lord if we dye let vs dye to the Lorde And whether we lyue or dye we be the Lordes and Iesus Christe is dead and risen agayne that he myghte haue rulle ouer the lyuynge and the deade For thys is sure that Iesus Christ tolde haue no dominiō ouer vs if we were not therefore if hys empeyre be extendyd vnto the deade it moste nedes be that the fayethfull after death haue an essentiall beinge ☞ And in dede the vision whiche Sainct Iohn rehereseth in the Apocalipse cannot other wyse be true Whiche is that he sawe the soules of the Martiers vnder the heauenlye ●●iter criyng wyth a loude voyce Lorde howe longe doest thou differ to auenge oure bloude And that God commaunded to geue them white garmentes and commaunded them to haue pacience for a littell whyle vntyll the number of theyr fellowes were fulfylled There is no doubte but that these white garmentes do signifie begynnyng of glorye whiche God doeth geue vnto the martiers whyle thy tarrye for the daye of iudgement For that is no newe thynge in the scripture as whan Daniell sayde that he sawe the Lorde clothed in a longe white robe And Iesus Christe was so in hys transfiguration in the mount of Tabor The Aungel also whiche apered to the women by the sepulcher was clothed in a white robe So were the aungelles whiche appered to the disciples after the ascencion of the Lorde Iesus as much is sayed of the Aungel whiche apered vnto the Cornelius the Cneturien Final lye in the parable of the prodigall sonne it is sayde that whan he was retourned hys father commaunded to brynge hym hys best robe in sygne of Ioye and fastynge We se therefore howe much thys doeth repugne agaynste the erroure of the Anabaptistes whyche in the place of whyte robes woulde geue pyllowes to the soules to make them slepe Moreouer in that it is sayed that the soules crye axynge vengaunce of God it is declared that they slepe not For thys crye cannot be expounded as the crye of Abelles bloud bycause the desire whych the holy soules haue is ther expressed Thys is sufficientelye comfirmed vnto vs by the historye of Lazarus where it is sayed that hys soule was borne by the aungelles of God in to the bosome of Abraham And the soule of the riche man wente in to hell They thynke that they haue a fayre solucion and wel coloured whan they do answere that it is a parable that is to saye an exemple and not a storye But I axe them where they haue sene it in holye scripture that in a simple parable or similitude the proper name of a manne hath bene expressed as it is here And euen thus haue all the doctours of the churche vnderstande that a place as reson woulde But be it that I do graunte vnto them that it is ●●parable yet must it nedes be that it be taken of the veryte Oure Lorde sayth that the soule of Lazarus was borne by hys aungelles in to the bosome of Abraham and that ther it receyued Ioye cōsolacion ☞ On the othersyde he sayeth that the soule of the rich infidle did suffer maruelous tormentes in hell He sayeth that there is a greate distaunce betwene the one and the other If the soulles haue no
it must nedes folowe that they are vnhappy Seynge that all the blessednes of the chyldren of God proceadeth and hangeth of thys that in the daye of the resurrection they shall be lyke vnto God and inioye theyr heritage It is no maruaile if saynte Paule do saye that they shoulde be more vnhappy thē the reste of the worlde if there shall be no resurrection ☞ And in dede in one maner sence he putteth these two thynges that there is no resurrection and that our hope should be onely in thys worlde I doubte not but that euery man seeth playnelye that thys sentence of saynte Paule is nothynge agaynste vs. For he sayeth that if we be deceyued in our hope whyche we haue of the resurrection that we be vnhappye And we saye that the soules of the fayethfull are ryght happye thorowe the same hope wythout whiche we confesse that they can haue no Ioye nor blessednesse In thys there is no contradiction ☞ They obiecte yet more againste vs that which is wrytten in the epistle to the Hebrues of the Auncient fathers how that thei departed in fayeth wythoute receyuynge the promises but saluted theym a farre of and confessed them selues to be straungers vpon the earthe ☞ Nowe in saying thus they do signifye that they soughte theyr heritage and naturall countrye in that they had no mynde of that contrei frō whens they came they might haue returned but they desired a better that is to saye from heauen Thys texte is wyckedly depraued by them thorowe false gloses in that they do refer thys to the presente tyme where the Apostell speketh of the tyme whan the Patriarches were conuersaunte in thys worlde Howe be it touchynge the purpose of oure matter I am ryghte well contente to alowe their glose They make their argumente thus if Abraham and the other fathers do desire the heauenly heritage than they haue it not yet I replye to the contrary that if they haue a desire than do they lyue and haue relynge of good and euyll Where is their slepyng than Thus we se that they be contrary to them selues lyke litell chyldren Touchynge the reste I wyll well the Apostle sayeth afterwarde that all the auncient fathers haue not yet receyued that whych in thys worlde they loked for bycause God hath ordeyned that they w thout vs shoulde not be made perfect And this is it that we saye that all the consolation whych the fayethfull soules haue is reduced to thys glorious immortalitye in which we shall all at one tyme be gathered together whan Iesus Christe shal apere in iudgemēt These places which here after I wyll recite shal declare howe these phantasticalles do kepe together al the cauillations that they canne and that impudentlye to haue some apparence to colour their errour If the soules say they beynge seperate from their bodies do lyue wih God than dyd saynct Peter greate iniury to Cha●ita in raisyng her vp seynge it was a wythdrawynge of hir from the companye of God and from the bless●d lyfe whan he broughte her agayne in to thys sea of miseries I Answere that this argumente maketh as muche agayne them as agaynste vs. For if she slepte wythout felynge anye euyll we maye saye that it was not for her prophet to come from such a rest to enter into the fyghtes of thys presente lyfe I myghte require of them the solution of this argum●nt But I knowe that it were vaynt to tarye for anye good solution of thē Touchynge vs oure answere is easye that whyche Sayncte Paule spake of hym selfe is common to all fayethfull men That is that it is profitable for vs to dye that it is for oure aduantage to be wyth Christe And yet notwythstandynge he sayeth that God whan he healed Hepaphroditus of his sycknes and deliuered hym from death had pitie on hym allthoughe he were of the number of the fayethfull The Anabaptistes do saye that thys is a crueltye if the soules do liue after death ☞ We saye that it is a mercifull deade whā it pleaseth God to be magnif●ed in vs in thys corporall lyfe makynge vs instrumētes of his glorye Moreouer it is not sayed that Thabitha was raysed vp for her owne commoditye but at the requeste of the poore whiche wepte for the losses that they hadde by her death Therefore let vs byde faste by thys that the Lorde doeth alwayes vnto vs a singuler grace whan he maketh vs to lyue and dye to hym ☞ Let vs come to the testimonies whyche they aledge of Dauid althoughe I be asshamed to reherce them bycause they do abuse them so chyldyshelye But yet muste I reherse them bycause they go about to disceyue the simple with them They do aledge thys sentence I haue sayed you are goddes and sonnes of the moste hyghest yet shal you dye lyke men They do expoūd thus that the faythful are there called goddes but yet do they dye lyke the reprobate and that there condition is lyke vntyl the daye of iudgemente But we haue the exposicion of Christe that in that place is mencion made of princes and ministeres of Iustice whiche haue the tytle of goddes bycause that in there estate they are as hys lyuetenauntes And thoughe oure sauioure Iesus Christe had spoken nothynge thereof yet the phrase of scripture doeth declare it plainelye And the texte it selfe is so playne ▪ that it beareth hys glose wyth it For there are reproued all suche as exercise tiranny and iniquiti and it is sayed to them that they muste dye and be depriued of that dignitye whyche they haue and muste geue an accompte to God as well as the leste of all They aledge also thys texte put not youre truste in men the spirite of man goethe and returnethe into hys earthe and in that daye shall perishe al their cogitations They take thys worde spirite for wynde as thoughe ther were none other soule in man Than do they make their argumēce Thus if mannes cogitations do perishe it muste folowe that the soul doeth slepe or else that it is nothing I answere that the spirite of man doeth signifye an other thynge than breth as I haue ryghts well proued before But were it so that thys worde in thys place were taken in suche a significacion as it is taken in some other places yet shoulde it not therefore folowe that man hath none other soule but breth Touchynge that it is sayde that the cogitacions do perishe that doeth importe none other thyng but that the enterprises of men are dissipate by death and vanishe as smoke as it is sayde in a nother place that the desires of synners shall perishe to signifie that they shall not come to ther effecte Therefore Dauid sayth not that men shal thyncke nothynge after ther death but he meaneth that all ther delyberacions shall come to nothing They aledge an other place all moste lyke thys he hath remembered that they are but flesh a spirit that goeth and retorneth not agayne Nowe I graunte
it may bee perceiued in what they accord wherein they dissent The secōd sect is a mase of such folish beastly opinions as the lyke cānot be found in so much that it is wonder howe creatures which beare the figure of a mā cā be so clean wtout sēce reasō as to suffer thē selues so to be disceyued fal in to phantasies more than brutish This sect cal them selues libertines And counterfet so much the spirituall that they set no more by the word of God thē they do by fables except it be whā it pleaseth them and when as they may depraue it and by force make it to serue for theyr deuyllyshe opiniōs And besydes thys they haue a charminge or croking as it were Cranes so that a mā can not tell what it is that they would saye and no more do they wot what it is them selues but that by thys crafte they couet the fylthynes of their doctrine For their prīciples ar to cōfoūd al differēces betwene good yl to mingle god so with the deuil that it shold not be discerned betwen the one and the other and so to make mē not onely wyth oute all feelynge in theyr consciences before God but also wythoute shame before the worlde Nowe se you wherefore they dryue them selues into such caues of obscure and doubtfull wordes to the ende that their villany should not be perceyued lest we shoulde haue them in horror and excecration As in dede oure nature repugneth agaynste suche monsterouse thynges as they brynge forthe So nowe to wryte in a sūme against the errours of the Anabaptistes the shorteste and most expediente way is to kepe this diuisiō and to gather a parte in one treatyse the errours of them whyche be not altogyther so mad and desperate and in an other treatise to discouer the venemouse malyce of those wycked whiche vnder the colour of spiritualitie woulde make menne lyke vnto bruite beastes Nowe is it verye true that those whyche be of the fyrste sorte do not so agre togither in opinions that a man can easelye gather theyr errours togyther for to reproue them by any certayne order But bycause the pryncipall doctours and as it were the Patriarkes of the whole Sinagoge after they had well ranged aboute haue made a fynall conclusion wherein they comprehende the some of al that whych they do holde against vs and the Papistes in seuen Articles vnto whyche al Anabaptistes communely cleaue in so muche that they haue founde the meanes to cause thys fayre resolution to be imprynted and haue togyther agreed to sowe theyr poyson by it all abrode and so to infecte the pore people I wyl be contented for thys tyme and I thinke also that it shal suffyce to declare the falseheade contayned in the most parte of these seuen Articles to the intente that they do not complayne and saye that I laye that to the charge of theym all whych is done but of some particulars so vniustly defame the whole secte Thys once done if I maye haue at any time leasure I wil write some other litle treatise agaīst the other seconde sorte of whyche I spake before that is the Libertines But as I haue sayde it shall be sufficiente for thys tyme to declare vnto all louers of the trueth that that thynge whyche these poore people with one common accorde holde for a foundatiō inuincible of theyr fayth is a deadly abusiō of the which we must beware as we would be of the pestelence I speke to al thē which desire to be obediēt vnto the truth For ther be some of this vngratiouse secte and chyefelye those whyche do counterfayte the doctoures the whyche beynge occupied wyth pryde and presumption se nothynge of those thynges whyche is sayde vnto them or rather thorowe obstinate and deliberate malyce shutte theyr eyes bycause they wyll not se the lyghte when it is so euidently offred to thē In so much that it is as vnprofitable a laboure as to beate the water when you woulde haue it styl to procede by reasōs with thē to bring them to the ryght waye saue that thys profite wyl come therof that they whyche be good shal know the desperate impudency and so wythdraw them selues ffye from them as frō poyson Nowe bycause there is no fayrer coloure to seduce the christians whych haue a zele to folowe God then to pretend his holy word therefore the Anabaptistes agaynste whome we nowe wryte haue alwayes that preface in theyr mouthe And truly when it is sayed that it is God whych speaketh al creatures ought to be moued for the reuerence of hys name in humilitie to here what is sayed When we perceiue that is the word of God in dede which is sette before vs there is no more question to replye or once to open oure mouthes to dispute agaynste it We do not saye as the papistes do that we must forsake the scriptures of God and staye oure selues in the authoritie of men For we hold that euasion for an execrable blasphemy But we wyll that whyche appeareth to come frome God leaneth to his word be receiued to vs wyth al humilitie wtout any controuersitie or difficultie And more ouer we thinke that none other doctrine shuld be receiued for certain true but such as cometh out of the foūtaine of al trueth Therfore be they Anabaptistes or other whiche say vnto vs that that thing whiche they bringe vnto vs they haue receyued of God and taken it of his mouth that is to saye that they haue it oute of the blessed scripture lette vs geue this glorye to God modesteouslye to vnderstande and herken whether it so be or not But as it is our duty to herken vnto these thinges which are said vnto such time as we do know what it is so ought we to haue thys prudence to decerne betwene the trueth and lyinge and to iudge whether it be so or otherwise whyche is alledged oute of the word of God For it is commaunded vs to proue the spirits and to know whether they be of God or no. And trulye we se how necessarie this is for vs seyng the deuil him selfe was armed with the word of god and made a weapon thereof to assaulte our Lord Iesus And we haue experience that daylye he vseth thys practise by hys instrumentes to deprau● the truthe to leade pore soules vnto perdition Towchinge these pore phantasticals which so myghtely vaunte them selues to haue the worde of God for theym the dede sheweth howe it is It is longe sence we haue continually traueiled that thys holy word might be set vp to bryng thys to passe we sustaine a fight against al the world They what declaratiō haue thei made or wherin haue they holpē this But rather cōtrariwise thei haue hyndered and disturbed vs. In suche wyse that it can not be said wherin they haue profited withoute it be that they haue gathered vp that worde as faste as it was
man shoulde open hys mouthe to speake vnto them Notwythstandynge wee wyll open thys doubte whyche they putte forthe whyche is that a man oughte not wyth an othe to promise any thynge bycause it lyeth not in hym to perfourme it To thys I answere that when a subiecte sweareth vnto hys Prynce to do hys dutye in obeyinge and beinge fayethful vnto him he doeth not thys in confidence of hys owne power or vauntyng hym selfe as dispisynge God and settynge him at nought but rather in calling vpon the healpe of God he answereth that hys wyll shal be suche as it oughte to be Howe be it it is a folyshe imaginatiō to reproue othes and yet to permitte symple promises For if there be folishe rashnes in the one so is ther also in the other Therefore if it be lawefull for vs to promyse they muste shew a reason why we may not assertayne our promise by an othe when necessitie requireth vs That in suche a case an othe is holy and lawefull we haue many exemples in holye stripture and among all thre whych be very notable It is sayed in the boke of the Cronicles that Asa kyng of Iuda beinge admonished by Azarias sacrificer and Prophet called all the people into Hierusalem and there caused them to sweare to serue God for euer As muche is wrytten of Iosias whē the boke of the lawe was foūd that for to renewe the couenaunte made by Moyses he sware the people makinge them promise to perseuer for euer in the obedience of God The thyrde exemple is of Esdras Nehemias at whose instaūce the people beyng returned from Babilon dyd sweare for euer after to followe we God and hys word If we do wel consider the thinge the lyke was done at the firste publication of the lawe But bycause I knowe that I haue to do with brayneles obstinate people I would aledge none but suche places where is manifestly made mention of othes Ye se then howe the whole churche of Israell made solemne othes vnto god promising that thing whiche is mooste hard to be kepte that is to cleaue fayethfullye vnto hym Thys is done often tymes That the Acte is good there is no doubte For it hathe wytnes and is also praysed of the holy Gost I wyll not greatly stand in thys to declare howe men may this bynde them selues to God to do that which is not in theim but onely putte you in remēbraunce of that thynge whyche I haue touched in the waye that the fayethfull do alwayes presuppose that God wyll not fayle them of hys grace whyche he hath promised them and vpon that they grounde theyr oth But seyng that it is so that god hath approued thys kynde of othe and that hys churche hath often tymes vsed it by hys ordinaunce I aske of our dulheades by what authority they dare reproue it or rather wythout troublynge my selfe wyth them bicause it is time loste I desyre and exhorte all seruauntes of God to consider what boldenes these poore ignoraunte menne haue to make suche Magistrall determinations and to go aboute to constrayne the worlde to receyue theim as thynges irreuorable and not to be agayne sayde ☞ For my parte I doubte not but that in the matter of an othe as in the other before I haue fullye satisfied all suche as haue eares and vnderstandinge and be in will to consent vnto the trueth knowne The two laste Articles I Haue finished the .vii. Articles cōtayned in the boke which the Patriarkes of the Anabapti●●es haue made as a finall resolutiō of those things which they do hold apart frō other And therfore there doeth now rest nothing els but to cōclude make auēd of this boke were it not that they haue left two Articles of as greate consequence as any of the other of the whyche it is neadfull to speake for as much as al the Anabaptistes do communely cleaue to thē Besides this I know that thei whyche composed thys goodlye resolution dyd at that tyme teache them The one is that they do not beleue that Iesus Christe was a verye man but rather do make hym touchinge hys bodye a phantasy The other is that they do thynke that the soules beynge seperated from theyr bodyes do slepe vnto the daye of Iudgement withoute fealynge or knowynge anye thynge or else that the soule of man is noughte els but hys lyfe the whyche defaileth in dienge vnto suche tyme as he be raysed vp againe euerye man may se the consequence whych these two errours do emporte That they haue spoken neuer a worde of these I can not tell whether it be by crafte bicause they be so odious that by goodright they shoulde make theyr whole doctrine excerable For what cause so euer it be seynge I haue taken vpon me to arme all fayethful people agaynste theyr faulse opinions it is not good that I shoulde dissimble these two so pestilente and mischeuouse opinions seynge they are commune to them al. Touchynge that some amonge them haue holden opinion that all goodes shoulde be commune also that a man maye haue manye wyues so that they haue cōpelled some whiche were contente wyth one to take moe and a thousande other absurdites I wyll speake nothynge at al. For they thē selues beyng cōfused in ther selues haue for the most part by littel and littel wtdrawē thē selues But touchynge the twoe Articles wher of I haue spoken there is an other reson for as muche as they al do hold them yet styl ☞ Touchyng the fyrst which is of the bodye or humayne nature of oure Lord Iesus Christe it is to be noted that ther was twoe aunciente heresies like or approchynge vnto thys whyche these do holde For the Maniches phantasied that Iesus Christ brought an heauenlye bodye into the wombe of the Vyrgen his mother The Marcionistes had a vayne dreme some what differente from the other that he had not a verye substaunciall bodye but onelye an apperaunce or lykenes of a bodye whyche we call a phatasiye The purpose of the one and of the other was to denye that Iesus Christ take fleshe of the virgin Therfore we se that the Anabaptistes in thys behalffe do but stur vp the errours whyche the dyuyl had raysed more than fortene hundereth yeres past and were coufoūded by the worde of God Notwythstandynge as in the begynnynge I haue protested I wyll not that it hys shal be anye preiudice vnto there cause excepte I do conuince them fyrste by the pure worde of God so as if it hadde neuer be spoken of before ● anye manne Thys that I do speake is onelye to geue warnynge that all men maye knowe out of what fountaine procedeth that which the Anabaptists now bryng forth as though it were reueled vnto them latlye from heauen And also to geue warnynge vnto them selues For all the greate doctours whyche were of their seete haue bene so ignoraunte of the histories and of all auncientie that I thinke neuer a one of them can tell
felynge after death of good nor euyll what shoulde thys narracion of the Lorde be but a fable and as a tale of the boke of Mellusine Therefore thys tergiuersation of the Anabaptistes is a blasphemye which dishonoreth the Lord Iesus as thoughe he had told vs a vayne tale to no purpose Besides this it is a folyshe imaginacion repugnaunte to humayne sence as lyttell chyldren maye perceyue ☞ And thys is the promes whyche was made vnto the poore theife whan he axed mercy on the crosse For the Lord Iesus answered hym This daye shalt thou be wyth me in paradice By thys word paradice we nede not to imagen that he woulde specifye a certayne place but onely the Ioye and felicitie which they haue that liue with him This is plaine that Iesus Christe doeth not sende thys poer synner to the daye of resurrection but doeth assigne him the selfe same daye to liue eternallye in his companye The Anabaptistes to trifel out thys place do alledge that whiche is sayed in a nother place that a thousande yeres are as one day before the Lorde Whiche thinge we graunt vnto them but thys muste we consider that when God speaketh vnto men he frameth hys speache accordynge vnto their capiacitye In suche wyse that you shall neuer finde in the scripture that God hath at any time sayed I wyll thys daye do thys meanynge that he wyll do it a thousande yeres after In suche maner whan Ionas shewed the Niniuites that after fortye dayes their Citye shoulde perishe it hadde bene greate folye for them to haue vnderstanded fortye thousand yeres Lykewyse whan the Lorde sayde that he woulde ryse agayne the thyrde daye we knowe he speake after the common maner of menne But I wyll sease from thys matter for as muche as all men do see howe muche the Anabaptistes haue bene begyled in vsynge of suche euasions They haue yet a nother cauilation To daye doeth signifye the tyme of the newe testamente And to proue thys they abuse thys sent●nce whyche is in the Ep●stell to the Ebrues that Iesus Christe whyche was yester daye is to daye and shal be for euer But they se not that if we shoulde so expound the word thys day the word yester day shoulde signifye the tyme of the olde Testament and so shoulde it folowe that the Lord Iesus dyd begyn to be whych were a great absurdite for as much as we knowe that he is our eternall God and also touchynge his humanitie he is called the Lambe sacrificed from the begynnyng of the worlde Moreouer after theyr sayinge we myghte conclude that they whole sinnes Iesus Christ hath forgeuen ought to enter into heauē before the daye of the resurrection For the Apostle speaketh of thre tymes of the whyche the one as I thynke sygnifieth the daye of the olde testamente and the other signifieth the tyme whyche shal be from the renewynge of the worlde Therefore it resteth that thys word to daye must signifye the tyme in whych we be whych is betwen the death of Iesus Christe hys last commyng And that they may the better knowe theyr beastlynes If Iesus Christ had promised heauen vnto the these for the day of Iudgemēt he ought to haue sayd in the worlde to come and not thys daye For that is the scriptures maner of speakynge Who thinketh them not ouercome by thys cleare reason Yet is theyr impudency suche that they brynge yet an other replycation whyche is that heauen is promised vnto the thefe in lyke sorte as deathe was pronoūced to Adam and Eua in what daye so euer they shoulde eate of the fruyte whyche was forbydden theym Nowe is it certayne that they dyed not the same day but longe time after I answere that in the same instaunce that Adam traunsgressed the commaundement of God he dyed as touchynge the soule For as muche as he was alienate whyche was hys verye lyfe and was made subiecte to bodily death And thus thoughe we shoulde receyue theyr glose yet spyte of theyr teathe shall we haue wonne this much of them that in the selfe same daye the thiefe was deliuered from the misery in whych Adam was fallen by hys offence In summ● we conclude that euen as deathe beganne to raygne in Adam frō the daye of hys traunsgression euen so the thyefe the same daye in whyche the promise was made vnto him beganne to be restored into the beatitude of heauen We se that S Paule liued in this hope whē he sayed that he desyered to be losed to lyue wyth Christe Fyrst he vseth an apte speach in sayinge that the fayethfull man thorowe deathe is deliuered frome the bandes of hys bodye as in an other place he doeth more clearlye expresse it Further he addeth that his desyre is to be with the Lord Christ whē hys soule shall be seperated from the bodye And in dede if it be not thys these wordes whiche he speaketh in an other place can not be true that there is neyther lyfe nor deathe whyche can seperate vs from the ●oue whyche God hath vnto vs. For if we perishe by death or that oure soule lese hyr lyfe howe canne the loue of God consist towardes vs but thys is more playnelye deduced in an other place where he sayeth We knowe that if our earthly house of the tabernacle of our bodye were destroyed we haue a buildynge in heauen by God whych is not made with handes Therefore beynge in thys tabernacle we morne as beyng greaued not that we desyre to be vnclothed but clothed agayne that our mortalitie myght be swallowed vp of lyfe Notwythstandynge we be alwayes of good courage knowinge that whylse we be in our bodyes we be as straungers frome God bycause we walke by fayeth and not by syghte ¶ But we haue thys confidence and desyre to be seperat from the body and to be present wyth God bycause there is made mention there of the daye of iudgemente The Anabaptistes do theyr indeuoure to wrape vp al there that they myght drawe all the wordes of the Apostle vnto that daye But they can not do so muche but that the trueth wyll be yet more strōger to maintain it selfe against theyr false accusations For the Apostle doth saye expresly that the fayethfull man departynge frome hys bodye goeth to God from whom he was absent in thys worlde After that he addeth that as well absente as present we do our indeuour to please God bycause we mu●●e al come before hys iudgement seate That man is very obstinate and more then hardened agaynste all reason whyche wyll not consente vnto these wordes Nowe is it so that the Anabaptistes in place where saynte Paule sayeth that by death we approche to God do make vs beleue that wee retule and be further of then in thys presente lyfe ☞ That so it is it is wrytten that he whiche beleueth in the sonne of God shall not come into cōdemnation but is already gone from death vnto lyfe If lyfe euerlastyng be alreadye
Iesus For the one principle is suffitiente to ouerthrowe their false pernitious opiniō touchinge this fantastical slepe whyche they do attribute vnto the soules For we se the deductiō which s Paul hath made to the contrarye where he sayeth that we be already citizyns of heauen beynge set in heauenly places wyth the Lorde Iesus Therefore let vs holde vs fast by that whych Saynte Paule hath sayed that we be dead touchyng the world and that our lyfe is hyd with Christ in God Nowe by thys he signifieth that whiche in an other place he sayeth I lyue no more but Christe lyueth in me Let vs hold I say thys resolution that we hauyng one inseperable coniunction wyth oure Lorde Iesus Christe be partakers of the lyfe whyche is permanent in hym And let vs haue in remēbraunce that he beynge raysed vp dieth no more and that death hath no more power ouer hym not onely touchyng hys person but also touchynge hys membres ¶ It is true that there is thys difference that in hym death is wholly vanquyshed in vs onelye in parte Notwythstandynge so muche is she vanquyshed in vs that she cā neuer exercyse hyr power And thus while we abyde the accomplyshment of our redēption let vs not doubt but that the same beginnynge whyche is in our soules shall continue euer Hitherto haue we proued by sufficiēt testimonies howe the soules beynge seperated from the bodyes do notwythstandynge lyue in God and haue reproued the errour of the Anabaptistes whyche woulde make vs beleue that they do slepe beynge dead wythout anye fealynge Nowe to satisfye the requeste of all men as muche as in vs is there resteth that we do brieflye shewe what we oughte to thynke touchynge the estate and condition where they be And fyrst I protest that I wyl speke therof more soberly then many woulde For I knowe what curiositie there is in manye whyche woulde that a man shoulde describe it vnto them vnto the vttermoste euen vnto the chambers and cabyns where the soules be abydynge the daye of iudgement They whych woulde be fed with suche fables shall be deceyued if they seke theym at me For I had leuer kepe my selfe to the simplicitie of the scripture to shewe that which is expediente to knowe then to wander abrode in the ayre to appeare subtyle Nowe the Lorde forseynge that it was not needful for vs to haue a more ample vnderstandyng of this matter was content to teach vs simplye that when our soules be departed from theyr bodyes they do notwythstandyng lyue in hym abyding the accomplishment of their beatitude and glory in the daye of the iudgment as shall be hereafter shewed Let vs abyde therefore by thys and whatsoeuer declaration we shal make let vs not passe this measure as touchynge thys sentence But to procede more plainely let vs begin at the distinction which is betwene the soules of the fayethfull and the soules of the reproued Whē the Apostle sayd in the epistle vnto the Hebrues that vnto thē which had cast of Iesus Christe had wyllingly turned frō hym after they had knowne the trueth there remayneth nothynge but a lokyng for of terrible Iudgement it is manifest that he speaketh not onely for thys presente lyfe but had a greater respecte vnto the lyfe to come For the wycked do not alwayes in thys worlde conceyue the Iudgement of God to be astonished and to haue horro● but when deathe commeth they can not escape but they shal be holden faste wyth thys feare and astonishemente knowynge the vengeaunce whych is ordeyned for them And thys is also testified by Saynte Peter and S Iude where they saye that God hath not spared hys owne Aungels whyche fell from theyr originall but hath caste them into darcke prysons kepyng them shutte vp to preserue them vnto the greate day In declarynge vnto vs the condition of the deuylles they shewe vnto vs lykwyse what is the condition of the wycked For it is one selfe reason Thus we se that the soule of an infidele beynge departed frome the bodye is as a malefactoure whyche hathe alreadye receyued the sentence of condempnation and obydeth the houre that he shoulde be ledde forthe to the gallowes to be put in execution It is true that also durynge thys presente lyfe the wycked are sometyme tormented with manye remorses of theyr conscience and the Iudgemente of God doeth persecute theym but for as muche as they do make theym selues droncke wyth vayne cogitacions as thoughe they myghte flee and escape it they are not altogyther Goddes prysoners but are as vagabondes fleynge the presence of the Iudge After deathe it is not so For God holdeth them as in chaynes in such wyse that they se well what punyshemente is prepared for thē oute of whyche there is no waye to escape Therefore they be in extreme angwyshe abydynge the execution of theyr iudgment It is not in vs to determine the place wher they be and we nede not to care for it ☞ And on the other syde we maye not Imagyne that the Soules be lyke vnto the bodyes that muste haue a certayne space for a place Lette it suffyce vs to knowe that they be in hell as it is sayed of the wicked riche man that is to saye in tormente and as it were in fyre bycause they fele theim selues caste out frome God and do abyde yet a further reuelation of hys greate wrath ☞ By thys it is easye to conclude what is the estate of the faythfull soules Whylse we be in thys worlde it is true that oure consciences haue ioy and reste in God but bicause they are continuallye agitate wyth dyuersse temptatyons thys reste is vnquyeted wyth many cares ☞ More ouer bycause oure healthe consisteth in hope it is hydde to vs in such wi●e that we do not walke in visyon as sayeth Sayncte Paule but after deathe bycause all oure fyghte is ended and that oure enemyes canne assaulte vs no more we are as in a place of greater suretye Moreouer we do no more kepe then as we do nowe that is to say aboue against hope but we do abide the felicity which we do fele se in part It is certaine that after this maner the soule of Lazarus receyued Ioye and consolacion and that in the middell of the miseries of this worlde he was all hys lyfe long comforted in God But the Lorde doeth specifye a certayne ioye whiche the fayethful soule hath after death in seynge her selfe deliuered from all fragilitie ▪ from diffidence from all euell concupiscences and from all daungers of temtacions whyche do dayelye happen vnto vs. Also in hauyng more cleare and certayne knoweledge of her beatitude and immortal glorye So whan we woulde wyth one word expresse the condition of the fayethfull soules after death we maye saye that they be at reste not that they be in perfete beatitude or glorye but bycause they be countented wyth the ioye and consolatiō whych God geueth to them whilest they do
abyde the day of the last redemption ☞ If anye man wyll that thys thynge be declared vnto hym by similitude the time in whyche we dwell in thys mortall bodye is lyke vnto the tyme of warre whan we be vnclothed of oure fleshe the battell seaceth and taketh ende and we haue the victorye But the daye of triumphe shall be whan Iesus Christe shall apere in hys maiestye that we maye raygne eternallye wyth hym But bycause suche similitudes are onelye to make the thynge playne and be not of authoritye we wyll take one out of the scripture which shall not onelye serue to teache but also to proue oure doctrine true We knowe howe saynte Paulle doeth allegoricallye treate the issue of the people of Israell out of Egypte and their passyng thorowe the read sea Folowyng thys let vs vnderstand that in baptyme oure pharao is plunged in the sea that is to saye oure olde man is mortified and we are buried wyth Christe by that meanes made fre from the bondage of syn But from thens we go in to the deserte in whyche we haue oure conuersation durynge thys mortall lyfe For we are poore and indigente but for that the Lorde geueth vnto vs dayelye hys graces as he dyd cause manna to raygne from heauen vnto the people of Israell whan death commyth we do enter in to the lande of promyssion whyche thynge is not done wythout greate difficultye For it is then that we moste suffer the greateste and perilous assautes Nowe after that the chyldren of Israell were entered into the lande of promyssion it was a greate whyle after er Hierusalem were buyldyd and that the Kyngedome of the howse of Dauyd was ordayned after thys maner the fayethfull soules haue immediatelye after deth a certayne reioysyng of the heritage whyche is promysed vnto them but because the glory of Iesus Christ their kynge doeth not yet apere and that the heauenly citye of God is not yet establyshed in her estate they abide vnto the day in which the same shal be ☞ All these thynges are euidente in holye scripture vnto al suche as wyl not be rebelles vnto God and thys doctrine hath not onely good approbation of the scripture but also of the aunciente doctours amongeste whom Tertulian fayth aswel the reward of the good as the ponishmēt of the euyl be in suspence vnto the resurrection Neuertheles in diuers places he affirmeth that the soules of the fayethfull do there whilles lyue in God And therefore in another place he sayeth Wherefore shall we not take the bofome of Abraham for a receptacle of soules for a tyme the which doeth represent vnto vs that there is a double rewarde the one immediatlye after death and the other at the daye of the last iudgemente And Ireneus sayeth Seynge that the Lord Iesus is entred into the shadow of death wher the soules of the dead were and afterwarde rose agayne corporally assended into heauē it is very true that the soules of his disciples for whom he did this thyng shal go after death into an inuisible place whiche is by God ordeyned for them and shall abyde there waytynge in patience the day of the resurrection Then shal they be ioyned to their bodyes to come before the face of the Lorde For no Disciple is aboue hys Master Sayncte Chrisostome vnderstode what goodnes and priuiledge thys is to vs that Abraham and Sayncte Paule be set downe abydynge the perfection of the churche that they maye receyue there rewarde For the father shewed vnto them that he would not geue them there reward vntyl we be come thether to as a father of an how-shoulde woulde saye at anye tyme vnto hys chyldren commynge from their laboure that they shoulde abyde from eatynge vntyll their other brethren were come Thou arte not contented that thou haste not alredy receyued thy rewarde what shall Abell than do whyche hath won thys price long tyme before the and hath not yet hys crowne What shall Noe and the other Patriarches do for they haue taried for vs vnto thys daye and shall yet abyde the other that shall come after They wente before vs in the batayle but they shal not be crowned before vs. For ther is one daye apoynted wherein all the children of God shall be crowned to gether Sayncte Augustyne wryteth that the soules of the Saynctes be in secrete receptacles vntyll they shall receyue the crowne of glorye in the day of iudgement And contrarywyse the soules of the wycked in abydyng there punyshement And in an Epystel whych he wrote to Sayncte Hierom. The soule sayeth he after bodelye death shall haue reste and than after that shal take agayne her bodye that she maye haue glory S Barnard the swetne● whiche the soules of the sainctes haue at this present is great but it is not yet perfecte for it shal be made perfecte whan thei shal fit on seates as iudges whā thei haue put of ther bodies thei be forth wyth broughte into reste but not into the glorye of the kyngedome And in hys sermon folowynge he prosecuteth styll the same argumente sayinge that there be three estates of the soule The fyrste in the bodye as in a tabernacle The seconde after death as in the porche of the temple The thyrd in heauen wyth hys glorified body Who that woulde knowe more Lette hym read the seconde and thyrd sermon vpon Alhallon day Bryefely thys is the perpetuall doctryne whych hathe alwayes continued in Christes churche wythout any contradiction that as we lyue in God thorowe fayeth whylse we are in thys mortall lyfe Euen so after death we haue Ioye and consolation in knowing more clearlye and seynge as it were at the eye the heauenly beatitude whyche he hathe promised vnto vs the whyche we do contēplate here as it were in a glasse by a darke vnderstandynge Thys blynde opinion of the Anabaptistes touchynge she slepynge of soules was neuer herd of but by a sort of heritikes called Arabiques by Ihō pope of Rome which was not paste an hūdred thirti yeres agone But bycause it is a thynge so contrarye boeth to mans sence and vnto oure christian fayeth thus to caste the soules into a slumber in the tyme when they are more neare to God to haue more perfyte vnderstandynge of hys goodnes al christendome hath had thys fantasy in horror Therefore all they whych wyl yelde theym selues conformable vnto God hys word do abide in that which I haue already shewed by the scripturs and do meditate thys goodly promise that the Iuste shal blossome as the Date tre and shall be multiplied as the Cedar of Libanus that they whyche are planted in the house of the Lord shal blossome and brynge forthe theyr fruite that they shall be fatte and stronge in theyr age Therefore seynge that we knowe that our age is renued in vs thorow the grace of god by miraculous strength let vs not feare whē we se whole nature fayle But rather let vs
syng wyth Dauid My soule blesse thou the Lorde whych fylleth thy mouthe wyth good thynges and maketh the yonge agayne lyke the Egle. And to this we haue the prayer whyche the Lorde Iesus made to hys father for the same purpose sayinge Father I desyre that those whyche thou haste geuen me may be with me to se my glory Nowe as we haue suffitiently proued the true doctrine touchynge the immortalitie of the soules so on the other syde is it necessary to answere to those places whych the Anabaptistes do brynge forthe to grounde theyr errours on Fyrst they aledge that the description whiche the scripture maketh of mās soule agreeth wyth the same of Beastes as where it is sayd that God hath created the greate whales and euery lyuing soule Also that the beastes entered by couples into the Arke al that had spirit of lyfe And to confyrme this they helpe them selues wyth that whyche saynte Paule sayeth that in thys lyfe man is corruptible mortall and animall But he shal ryse agayne incorruptible immortall and spiritual as it is wrytten that the fyrste man was made in a lyuynge soule I graunt that thys tytle of lyuynge soule is oftentimes attribute to beastes bycause they also do lyue in theyr kynde But there is greate diuersitie betwene them and mē For in man the soule by whyche he knoweth Iudgeth and hathe discretion is called lyuynge The Soule of beastes hath none other facultie but to gyue mouynge vnto theyr bodyes Therefore it is no maruayle if the soule of man whyche hath reason vnderstanding wil and other powers distinct from the bodye do subsiste beinge separate from the bodye wher as the soules of beastes do perishe for as muche as they haue onelye but corporall sence ☞ For thys cause Sayncte Paule alledgeth the testimonye of Aratus an Heathen Poete whyche sayth that we are the lynage of God to declare the excellencye of our soules Touchyng that saynt Paule putteth difference betwene a liuyng soule and a liuyng spirite is not done to declare that the soule whych we now haue doeth peryshe but onelye to declare howe muche more power ther shal be after the resurrectiō that is fowete that we shall be lyke vnto the Aungelles of God liuynge wythout meate and dryncke not beynge subiecte to anye mutation or fragilitie ☞ They do yet further alledge the v●sion of Ezechyell where the Prophete wrytynge of the resurrection doeth say that God calleth the spirite from the foure wyndes to inspyre lyfe into the deade bones But the solution is easye that Ezechyell after the maner accustomed of the Prophetes vseth an exterioure fygure to signify the foule of manne as in hys fyrste vision speakynge of the spirite of God he calleth hym also wynde Who so woulde vpon that reason that the spirite of God were not an essence were farrre wyde Therfore it is greate folye of these madde menne that they do not obserue thys maner of speache whyche is so commune thorowe out all the whole scripture ☞ Theyr thyrde Argumente is that thoughe the soule were created immortal yet thorowe synne she hathe laste hyr immortalitye as Sayncte Paule doeth saye that the rewarde of synne is death But fyrste I aske whether the deuil haue not receyued the same rewarde And yet is he not so dead but that he alwaies watcheth and buselye seketh whome he maye deuoure Secondely I aske whether thys death take ende or no For if it haue no endē wyll they nyl they they muste nedes graunte me that the soules thorow death do not cease to fele the eternal fyre and the wormes that gnaweth theym It appeareth therefore that the soule doeth not so dye but that shee hathe fealynge of hyr euyll Touchyng the body it is sayed that it shal returne to the earth whence it is come there to rote But the deathe of the Soule is to be put from God and to be cōfoūded wyth the felynge of hys yre as the Apostle declareth sayinge Awake thou that sleapest ryse from deathe and Christe shall illumine the. It is euidente that he speaketh not to the insensible bodye but vnto those whiche beynge buried in synne do beare Death and Hel wyth them Moreouer we haue alreadye shewed that that thynge whyche we haue loste in Adam is restored in Iesus Christe For that thyng whych was shewed before by the prophetes that he shoulde destroy death for euer and that he shoulde swallowe it vp the Apostles haue declared that it is fulfylled He hath destroyed death sayth saint Paule and hath geuen lyfe thorowe the Gospell Agayne if death haue reygned thorowe one mans faulte they whyche haue receyued abundaunce of grace shall raygne in lyfe thorowe Iesus Christe Thys one sentence is sufficiēt to stoppe theyr mouthes For seyng that the deathe whyche is come thorowe Adam is abolished by Christe the whole question lieth in the comparison whych Saynte Paul maketh there Which is that the vertue of Iesus Christe is of greater strengthe to restore thē was Adams to destroy Whiche thynge in that place he doeth wel declare And folowynge that whych he spake he addeth further after that there is no dampnation to theym whyche are in Christe Iesus whych walke not after the flesh And in dede if deathe shoulde haue dominion ouer the Soules of the fayethfull the grace of God should not haue his raigne which importeth lyfe as he sayth but rather the lawe of god shoulde exercyse hyr power ouer them whyche is contrarye to the whole doctrine of the scripture ¶ They do also abuse theim selues with thys that oftentymes thys worde sleepe is token for death as where it is sayed of saynt Stephan that he fel a slepe in the Lord. Againe Lazarus our frend slepeth Againe sorowe you not for them that sleepe And in dede this manner of speach is more frequēt in the Hystories of the Byble then anye other I answere that thys slepe appertayneth nothynge vnto the Soule but oughte wholie to be vnderstanded of the body For ther are two speaches whyche do vnderstande in one selfe sence to sleepe wyth hys fathers and to be wyth hys fathers Nowe when it is sayed that a man is put vnto hys fathers it is playne that it is ment of hys Sepulchre I woulde haue no manne beleue thys excepte I can proue my sayinge by good wytnes of the scripturs Whē Iob sayed Beholde I slepe in duste he ment not that hys soule should slepe ther. So when he sayth in an other place that al men shal slepe in the duste togyther and that the wormes shall couer them it maye not be vnderstande out of the bodyes A lyke meanynge is in these wordes of Dauid wher he sayeth that he was lyke vnto the dead sleapinge in then Sepulchres And Esayas speakyng to Nabuchodonosor sayeth All other kynges haue slepte in theyr glorye and were putte into theyr places but thou arte caste oute of thy Sepulchre ☞ Therefore in a some we se that thys worde sleepe is by similitude applied vnto
that in this place this worde spirite doeth signifie wynde or breath But I do denye that this place doth make any thyng to the confirmatiō of their errour For by thys maner of speache the prophete woulde expresse the fragilitye of oure estate and condition and the shortenes of mannes lyfe It is sayed in the hystorye of Iob that man is as a flour sprynging out of the earth whyche in continente wythereth and as a shadowe passeth awaye ☞ Esaias commaundeth all preachers to crye that all fleshe is but grasse If the Anabaptistes do oute of thys conclude that the soule wythereth away they do se more clearlye then dyd Saynte Peter whyche proueth that the soules of the fayethfull are immortall bycause the Prophete immediatlye addeth that the word of God abideth for euer There is a lyke reason in thys whyche is spokē in an other Psalme As a father hath pitye of hys chyldren euen so hath the Lorde had pitye of hys seruauntes For he knoweeth whereof we are made He doeth remembre that wee be duste that oure dayes be as grasse wherof the floures doth quykcly wyther awaye That the spirite passeth in vs and tarieth not and knoweth no more hys place In all these sentences let vs note that man is admonished of hys frayltye chyeflye when God wythdraweth hys hande and hys vertue from hym that he should knowe that he is nothynge and lesse then nothyng if that God do not kepe and preserue him bi hys grace And in dede when we saye that the soules are immortal We intende not by that sayinge to derogate anye thynge frome Goddes title the whyche as Saynt Paule sayeth is onelye immortall But we rather thynke it a blasphemy so to attribute immortalitie vnto the soule as if she by hyr propre vertue dyd subsyst But in the meane whyle we muste consider what propertye and nature God hathe geuen to the soules and that is by hys hande to subsiste for to be in beatitude immortall or in malediction ☞ But they thynke that they haue a verye stronge weapen of thys whych is spoken in an other Psalme wilte thou do a miracle in raysynge vp the deade that they may praysethe Shall any man in the graue shew forth thy mercye or thy ryghtuousnes in the Land of forgetfulnes Agayne the dead prayse not the oh Lord neyther yet all they that do discende into the graue But we that lyue shal prayse God Agayne what profit shal there be in my bloud when I shall descend into corruption Shal the duste prayse the or shall it shewe forthe thy veritye Also that whyche Ezechyas saieth in hys songe The graue shal not praysethe and the death shall not geue glorye to the They whyche discende downe shall not loke for thy verity The lyuynge the lyuynge shal confesse The father shall declare vnto hys sonne thy veritye For solution hereof there are two thynges to be noted the one is that by deathe we maye not symple vnderstande the commune death by whyche we muste all passe but a death whyche is a punishemente expressed and signe of the wrathe of God whych doeth emporte a reiection of men for destroye them vtterlye The seconde where it is sayed that the dead shall not prayse the it is mente of that prayse of God whych is done among those men whych haue felte his grace As touchynge the fyrste it is true that this worde hell doeth often times signify a graue as we haue also translated it But they whiche are exercised in the scripture are not ignoraunte but that whyche I haue sayed is signified by these wordes deathe and graue And that chyefly in the Psalmes Therefore those whom God hath reiecte and whom he chasteth in hys wrath not onelye touchynge theyr bodyes but muche more touching their soules are called deade and the angwyshe whyche they fele is called a graue as when it is sayed Let the deathe come vpon theym and let theym descende a lyue into the graue Againe Lorde God if thou cease to helpe me I shall be lyke vnto them that go downe into the graue Agayne Lorde thou hast drawne my soule out of the graue and hast deliuered me from them whyche are layed in the graue Againe let synners be caste into the graue and all people whyche forget God Agayne if God had not holpen me my soule hadde dwelled in the graue Againe oure bones were scatered nere to the graue Agayne he hath placed me in an obscure place like the deade As contrarye wyse it is sayed they lyue to whom God sheweth hys mercye The Lord sayth Dauid in an other place hath ordeyned benediction and euerlastynge lyfe amonge hys people Agayne deliueryng theyr soules from death and nourishyng thē in tyme of famine Agayne God shall plucke the frome thy tabernacle and thy rote frome the Lande of the lyuynge Agayne I shall please the Lord in the Lande of the lyuynge But ther is one text among the rest whych doeth so well expresse boeth meaninges that it shall suffice vs for altogyther Shall man paye a pryce for hys Soule that he may lyue euer Shall he not se death seynge that wise men do dye Foles and wyse menne saye I shall dye togyther they shall be layed in graue lyke shepe and death shall deuour thē but the ryghtuouse shall haue rule ouer them in the mornynge theyr strength shall peryshe in the Sepulchre and theyr glorye shal vade and the Lorde shall drawe my soule from the power of the graue The some of thys Phalme is that al such as putte truste in theyr rychesse or strengthe shall all dye as well the poore as the ryche as well the fole as the wyse but he that trusteth in God shall be delyuered frome the graue These thyngs wel marked we haue a solution for all the places whyche the Anabaptistes do alledge ☞ It is is therefore declared howe the Sayntes beyng astonished for the apprehention of deathe do desyre God to wythdrawe theym Howe commeth it that they haue suche an horrous Let vs beholde al the ensamples of the fayethfull we Reade not that they dyd make any greate complayntes or lamentations when the tyme was come that they should dye but dyd submit them selues to the good wyll of God in patiēce I saye also Dauid and Ezechyas Wherefore then haue they vsed suche complaintes in the places aboue aledged But onely bycause in death they dyd conceyue the wrath and seueryte of God the whyche dyd astonyshe theym and not wythout a cause Nowe there is no doubte but that the man whyche fealeth the rygour of God and is persecuted by hys vengeaunce canne not prayse him for as muche as we can not geue hym herty thankes except we fele his goodnes Secondelye where it is sayed in these places that the dead do not prayse God that is not mente that they do not prayse hym in in theyr mynde but is ment that they cannot tel hys praises vnto other Which thyng the wordes whiche are there put
makynge of man be entreth into consultation sayinge Let vs make mā to our Image and lykenes Nowe where shall we fynde thys Image of God excepte there be a spirituall essence in man in whyche it is imprynted For the bodye is not that thynge wherein the Image of God is residente It is true that Moyses by and by addeth that manne was made a lyuynge soule whyche thing he doeth saye also of Beastes But to declare a speciall excellencye he saith That God hath inspired the vertue of lyfe in the bodye whyche he made of the earth Therefore thoughe the soule of man haue certayne qualities cōmune wyth those of beastes yet for as much as she beareth the Image lykenes of God she is of condition differente from the other And for as much also as she hath hyr beginnyng apart she is of an other preheminence and thys is it that Solomon meaneth where he sayeth that in deathe the bodye returneth vnto the earth whence it was taken and the soule returneth to God whych gaue it And therfore it is sayd in the boke of Sapience That man is immortall in that he is created to the Image of God It is no autētyke boke of the scripture but yet is there no inconuenience that wee vse the testimonye thereof as we maye do of an aunciente doctoure how be it thys onely reason oughte to suffice vs that the same image of God whiche was set in man can not be but in a spirit immortall if we marke well what it doeth containe after saint Paules exposition that is that we do resemble God in ryghtuousenes and true holines Thys muche is sayed touchynge the creation ☞ Nowe are there manye places in holye scripture whyche are muche more euidente as where Sainte Peter sayeth that the rewarde of oure fayth is the saluation of our soules Also where he sayeth that the fayethfull do purifie theyr soules Agayne that the desyres of the fleshe do fyghte agaynste the soule Also where he calleth Christe the Byshop of oure soules For these sentences can not consiste excepte there be soules whyche be saued and whych be assaulted by euil cōcupiscences whyche be purified from their spottes and gouerned by Iesus Christ their byshop Accordynge to thys it is sayed in the hystorye of Iob that men do dwel in earthē housses whych maner of speakyng S. Peter vseth where he sayeth that he wyll admonyshe the fayethfull as longe as he shall dwell in hys earthlye tabernacle If it were not that the pryncipall parte of manne dyd dwell in the bodye as in a tabernacle thys shoulde be spoken wythout reason The Apostle also in his Epistle to the Hebrues declareth as muche or more expreslye the same thynge where he sayeth that oure fathers whych begat vs in thys worlde are fathers of oure fleshe but God onelye is father of our spirites I praye you how shal we vnderstande these wordes if the soule be not an essensiall thynge and a lyttle after speakynge of the citezyns of heauen he sayeth that they be the Aungels and spirites of Iuste men Woulde we haue a more cleare proste then this Also I se not howe we shal expounde the exhortation whyche S. Paule maketh vnto vs that we shold purge vs frō all fylthynes of the fleshe and the spirite except we take this word spirit for an essential soule For as the bodye is a subiecte whych receyueth pollutiō so muste it needes be that the soule on hyr behalfe be a creature which may be polluted sanctified ☞ There is a lyke reason in that where he sayth in an other place that the spirite of god beareth wytnes to our spirites that we be the chyldren of God Howbeit if we dyd hold that principle whiche oughte to be certain amongest vs christen mē we should not nede to enter into disputatiō of this matter that is to say whether the soule be an essensiall substaunce or no seynge that thys was the errour of the Saduces whyche expreslye is reproued in the scripture For in the .xxiii. of the Actes it is saied that saint Paule goynge about to excuse hym selfe doeth protest that he was persecuted bicause he did not approue the sect of the Saduces And Saynte Luke declaryng what this secte was sayeth that the Saduces do not beleue the resurrection nor that there be any Aungels or anye spirites or soules What wyl we haue more then thys S Paule confesseth that he is a Pharisee in hys Articles Now is it playne that the Phariseis do confesse as sayeth Saynte Luke that the soules be verye essensiall creatures ☞ Therefore lette the Anabaptistes take the quarell of the Saduces theyr predecessours and defende it agaynst saynte Paule And when they haue wonne theyr cause agaynste hym then shall we se what we canne saye vnto them In the meane whyle we folowynge the whole doctryne of God wyll holde for certayne that manne is composed and conlifteth of two partes that is to say of bodye and soule It is now tyme to come vnto the .ii. point that is what is the estate of the soules after the separatiō frō their bodies The Anabaptistes do thinke that they be a slepe like dead We saye they haue lyfe and felynge and that it so is we haue the testimony of Iesus Christe where he exhorteth his disciples not to feare them whyche do kyll the bodye and haue no power to kyll the soule but to feare hym whyche after he hathe kylled the bodye can caste the soule into hell fyre if the soule were nothynge or that shee were as kylled when she is separate frome the bodye then were it not true that tyrauntes and persecutours haue no power ouer hyr Thus hath God shewed greate mercy vnto vs in that he hathe not made oure soules subiecte vnto these hangmen whyche wolde do worsse and more cruellye then all the persecutours of the worlde whyche is woulde murther oure soules wyth oure bodies But let vs heare theyr propre cauelation It is true saye they that the Soule dyeth for the tyme but she doeth not vtterly perish for as muche as shee shall ryse agayne ☞ I aske them what doeth the body For if the soule doeth not dye alonely bycause of the hope whyche she hathe bycause of the resurrection the same reason may be made for the bodye that he doeth not peryshe nother Nowe the Lorde Iesus doeth notably decerne betwene the one and the other sayinge that the body is staine and not the soule In thys maner spake Iesus Christe when he sayed vnto the Iewes destroye thys temple and I wyll reedifye it in thre dayes Saynte Iohn added that he spake of the temple of hys body thus he reserued the soule a parte signifiynge that he coulde not be distroyed and in dede when he dyed he commended hir vnto God hys father And saynte Stephan after hys ensample Lorde Iesus sayed he receyue my spirite Thys oughte we therefore to thynke that God is protectour of our soules to preserue them from