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A16580 Godlie meditations vpon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes with other comfortable meditations, praiers and exercises. Whereunto is annexed a defence of the doctrine of gods eternall election and predestination, gathered by the constant martyr of God Iohn Bradford in the tyme of his imprisonment. The contentes wherof appeare in the page nexte folovvyng.; Godlie meditations upon the Lordes prayer, the beleefe, and ten commaundementes. Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1562 (1562) STC 3484; ESTC S118261 91,610 260

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so thy children I say which hartely loue thet in that they know thy wisdome and wil is best hawe can they but often talke with thes and desyre thee to 〈◊〉 that which they know is best which they knowe also thou woldest doe 〈◊〉 none shuld aske or praye for y ● same Thy children vse praier as a meane by which they se plainly thy power thy presence thy prouidēce mercy 〈◊〉 goodnes towardes them in granntinge their petitions and by praier they are confirmed of them all Yea thy children vse praier to admonishe them how that all things are in thy hands In praier they are as it were of thee put in mind of those thinges they haue done agaynst thee theyr good lord By reason wherof repentaunce ensueth and they conceyue a purpose to liue more purely euer afterwards and more hartelye to applye themselues to all innocencye goodnes Who now consideryng so manye greate commodities to come by reason of prayer would maruell why thy chyldren are much in praier and in labouring to prouoke others there vnto For as none that is a suter to any other wit vse any thing which might offend or hinder his sute so no man that vseth praier will flatter himself in any thinge that shoulde desplease thee to whom by praier he moueth sute whensoeuer he prayeth so that nothing is a more prouocacion to al kind of godlynes then praier is And therefore not wythout cause we may see thyne Apostles and seruauntes to laboure so dilygentlye and desyre that others myghte vse prayers for themselues and others As concerning outward thynges which thy childrē pray for although they know thy wil decree is not variable thy purpose must neds come to passe yet doe they receiue by their praier no small commoditie For either they obtaine their requestes or no. If they do obtain thē then proue they by experience that thou doeste the will of them that feare thee so they are more kindled to loue serue thee And in deed for this purpose 〈◊〉 art wont when thou wilt doe good to any to styrre vp their mindes to desire y ● same good of thee to thende that both thou and thy gifts may be so muche more magnisted and set by of them by how much they haue ben ernest suters and peticioners for the same For howe can it but en● a 〈◊〉 them with loue towards thee to per ceiue and fele thee so to care for thē heare them and loue them If they doe not obtaine that they praye for yet vndoubtedly they receiue greate comforte to see that the euyls which presse them and whereof they complaine stil doe not oppresse and ouer come them therfore they receyue strength to beare y ● same the better O good father help me that I might hartely loue thee complaine to thee in all my nedes and alwaies by prayer to power oute my heart before thee Amen AN OTHER paraphrase or meditation vpon the lords praser O Almighty eternal god of whō all fatherhode in heauen and in earth is named whose seate is the heauen whose foote stoole is the earth which of thy great clemency vnspeakable loue hast not waighed nor considered our great vnkindnes and wilfull disobedience but according to the good pleasure of thy eternall purpose hast in thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ chosen vs out of the worlde and doest accept vs farre other wise then we be in dede to be called yea and to be in dede thyne adopted sonnes and doest vouchesafe oh louinge father that we as it were heauenly children shuld euery one of vs confesse declare and call thee oure heauenlye father graunt deare father that amonge vs thy poore children by purenes of mynds and couscience by singlenes of hart by vncorrupt and innocent life and example of vertue and godlines thy most holy name maye be sanctified and that so many of al other nations as thou hast ther vnto chosē and predestinate beholding our godlines vertuous dedes that thou workest in vs may be the more styrred to halow and gloryfy thy blessed name Oh faithfull father we beseech thee that the kingdome of thy holy spirit of grace and prayer of thy louinge kindnes and mercy and of all other thy holy vertues and of thy holye most blessed word may continually raygne in our heartes so that thou woldest vouchesafe therby to make vs worthye to be partakers of the realme kingdome of thy gloriouse and blessed presence Oh deare god and heauenly father we humblye desyre thy goodnes to bowe our hartes vnto thee to make vs humble of mind to make vs low in our owne fight and obedient that like as thy deare sonne our only sauiour Iesꝰ Christ coūted his meate workes prayse and life to be onely in obeyng to thy most blessed wyl where in for our sakes he became obedient to the death of the crosse so we may euē vnto the very death in lowlines in mekenes pacience and thankefulnes ohey vnto thy holye wil and not to murmur and grudge norrefuse whatsoeuer thy fatherlye pietie shal thinke good to lay on vs be it pouertie hunger nakednes slcknes slaunders oppressions verations persequutions yea or deathe it self for well doing but in all thinges seke and laboure to make these our earthly bodies seruiseable to do thy wil and to refuse that thou wilt not neuer to stryue nor wrastell against thy holye will but with thy heauenly citizens and houshold bull ded vpon the foundation of thy holy prophetes and apostelles thy sonne Iesus Christ being the heade corner stone all selfwill and controuersye in opinious secluded the lustes desieres affections of the fleshe mortified the flatering assaultes of the vaine world y ● cruel and subtyl layings a waite of y ● deuil ouercome agreing together quietly and vnited in spirit we may frely obey vnto thy most blessed will therein to walke all the daies of oure life Oh deare god geue vnto our nedefull bodies necessatie sustenaunce take from vs all loue of worldelye things all carefulnes and couetousnes that we may the more frely worshippe serue thee Oh mercyful father we besech thee to geue vnto vs that heauēly bread to strenghtē our harts I meane y ● bodye of thy deare sōne Iesꝰ christ y ● very foode health of our soules that we may alwaies w t thankfulnes firmely feede on him by faith vtterly forsake abhorre al false doctrine perswasiōs of mē and all lying spirites that shall perswade vs any other wise of him then thy holy word doth teache assure vs satisfie our hungrie soules deare father with y ● mary fatnes of thy riche mercy promised to vs in y ● same thy sonne and of our eternall election redcmption iustificatiō glorification in him Make vs Oh gratious god to contempne and despise this world with the vaine thinges and pleasures therof and inwardly to hunger for thy blessed kingdome and presence
semelye quietnes and order and by this order so couple vs that none shuld contemne or despise another but euen highe lowe to be and accompt thē selues as parentes children Particularly for my parte I cannot but say that I haue most cause to thank thee for my parētes scholemasters and others vnder whose tuitiō thou hast put me No pen is able to write y e particular benifites w c I haue her by receyued in my infancie childhod youth midle age and alwais hether to Oh how good a lord hast y u declared thy self to me which in them and by thē hast norrished fedde instructed corrected defended and most gratiously kept me I coulde recken innumerable behind me but fewe before me so much made of cared for as I haue bene hetherto No smalle token of thy loue to me warde is it that thou woldest engraue in theyr hartes and commaunde them vnder paine of damnation to be carefull ouer me to doe me good and prouide for me as they haue done or rather thou by thē publickly Also for the cōmen wealth suche as thou hast placed in aucthorie ouer me in bothe thy regeniētes if I considered them that haue bene and them that be I coulde not but praise thee good lord For no lesse praise worthy art thou for this chastening vs and admonishing vs now presētly by them that be in aucthoritie of our vngratitude and vnthankfulnes then by such as haue bene for all kyndes of good things But infinite are the causes of thankfulnes which this cōmaundement considered shoulde stirre vp in me But alas most mercifull father as I acknowlege my self most vnthankfull vnto thee for al thy benifites powred vpō me in this lyfe by my parents nources tutoures maysters magistrates bishoppes pastours and good frindes euen frō my cradell vnto this hower so vnto them haue I alwaies been am in not louing them as my coldenes in praiynge for them and to my power in helping them declareth and also my not reuerencing them my cōtemning them temerariousnes in my mistrusting or to narrowly to straightly loking at them their dewties showeth and not obeynge them as by my cōtumacy appereth not onely when anye thinge to me vnpleasant or vnprofitable but also profitable conuenient is required And yet I speake not of y e euel muttering reportes of y e offences ī trāsgressing y e politilie lawes for apparrel meates other no smalle offences which I haue cōmytted geuē Oh this is a sinne deare father that I alwaies haue ben a priuate more then a common weale mā alwaies I seke for myn owen cōmeditie cōtemning that whiche maketh to the conmmoditie of others As for my disobedience and wicked behauiour towards my owne parentes and all others whom thou hast set ouer me deare father no toūge can expresse it and therfore I am worthy of dāynation But gratious good lord and deare father I beseche thee for thy Christes sake to haue mercye vpon me pardon me as of thy goodnes it pleased the to pardone the patriarkes Thou hast geuen this commaundement as thy holy lawe to open to vs howe corrupte we are and howe much we swarue frō the patterne wherafter we were first made once agreed thereto before Adams fall that we might loth our selues and euen thereby be dryuen to seke and set by thy swete mercyes in Iesus Christ whom therfore thou diddest sende to fullfyll the lawe in hys fleshe that we myght borowe of him the same by trewe faithe whiche of thy goodnes worke in vs by thy holy spirit and open this lawe vnto vs that we maye more more increase in the knowledge loue obedience of it to thy glory and our saluation Amen Deare father be mercifull to our magestrats especially y e quenes highnes whose hart with the residue of her counsellers tourne into thy testimonies geue them thy wisdome and a zeale to the trueth according to knowledge that they maye vse the power they haue receyued of thee to the cherishing of thy church that w c vs here thy worde may haue free passage and thy true worshippe may be maintained and not onclye here but also euery where amonges those whom thou woldest we should pray for Be mercifull to my poore parentes gratious lorde with my bretheren systers wife childrē family seruantes kinsfolkes neighboures as thou knowest they haue all nede Geue vnto the hartes of all parentes magestrates and suche as be in aurtherite here or ells where that they maye accordinge to that y u hast put them in trust w tall be faithfull deligent carefull and happye Graunt vnto children seruauntes and subiectes that euerye one maye render loue obedience thankfulnes and reuerēce to al such as thou hast put in aucthorite ouer them blesse the church and send it peace and har borough here or els where blesse the common weale and sende vs peace blesse the diocesses and shieres and send them good bisshops and iustices blesse euery housholde and family that thy peace may be in the same cōtinually Fynally write this law all thy lawes in oure hartes we be sech thee y t we may kepe them Amē Thou shalte doe no murder c. AS in the commaundement goeinge nexte before thou settests before me the personages of all such as thou for the commodytie order and peace of mā in this life hast placed in aucthoritie accordingly of vs for thy sake to be estemed so dost thou in this commaundement set before vs to loke on the personages of all men generally high and lowe ouer whom thou geuest vs a charge that we shal not kil or murther thē In which word thou comprehendest all kind of hatred or malice in word thoughte or dede as thy dearely beloued sonne expoundinge this commaundement dothe teache Yea because thou woldest all men shuld be deare vnto vs beyng all of one substaunce of one similitude comming of the same parents Adam and Eue made of one God redemed of one Christ in whom we should be coupled as members of one body and liue to the aide succour and cōfort one of another because of this I say easlie we may see that not onely y u forbiddest here to beware of all kindes of displeasures but also thou commaūdest vs to beare and exercise al kinde of loue and fauoure in harte worde and dede and that for thy commaūdementes sake for els towards oure enemies our hartes wolde arise and be great in that they contemnynge their dueties towards vs seme to deserue the like at oure handes By reasō hereof I haue great cause to thanke thee dere father For here by I see how that thou doest muche loue my soule which arte so carefull ouer my body so that he which hurteth it displeaseth thee and he that doth it good pleaseth thee if so be he doe it for thy sake By this commaūdement now I se that it is thou that hast kept me frō doing many euels which els