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A15976 The Psalmes of David translated into lyrick-verse, according to the scope, of the original. And illustrated, with a short argument, and a briefe prayer, or meditation; before, & after, every Psalme. By George Wither; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Wither. Wither, George, 1588-1667. 1632 (1632) STC 2735; ESTC S102335 151,742 322

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Foes acknowledging Gods regard of her suffrings professing assurance in him promising to be thanckfull c. It is vsefull to those ends c. HAve Mercie Lord for man hath sought To swallowe vp mischeeve mee My Foes with mee have daylie fought And Lord most high they many bee Thou art my hope when doubts arise Thy word hath brought me comforts to On thee alone my hart relies And fearles is what Flesh cann do 2 They wrest my words Lord ev'rie day To worke me harme they still devise They meet vnseene they mark my way And how they might my Soul surprise Therfore in thy just wrath oh God! Correct them for this Crime of theirs And as thou dost my Faults record Recorde botle vp my teares 3 For thou wilt save me Lord I knowe When thee I seek my Foes flie back Thy promise makes mee joyfull growe And of thy word my songs I make My trust oh God! is all in thee And of man's powre I fearles am Thy vowes are all perform'd on mee And I will praise thee for the same 4 For thou hast freed my Soul from death From falls thou dost my footing stay To walke by thee within that Path Which leads to Life a lightsome way Oh thou faithfull preserver of all who put their trust in thee Our visible invisible Adversaries do continually seek the destruction of our soules bodies by many secret mischeevous devises But our trust being placed vpon thee wee need not fear the malice of any Adversarie Grant vs grace therfore so to depend on thy promises so to lament our errors with teares of true Repentance that as our enimies mark our wayes to entrap vs wee our selves may mark them to prevent ensnarings that thou observing their hatred our penitence mayst cause vs to walke ioyfully in the way of eternal life through Iesus Christ Amen Psal 57. To the cheef Musitian Altaschith A Psalm of David when he fledd from Saul in the Cave It mystically expressed the Iewes persecutinge Christ even vnto his Grave wee that are his members partake in his suffrings may sing it to declare our iniuries to pray praise God for deliverances c. LOrd grant oh grant me thy compassion For I in thee my trust have placed Display thy wings for my Salvation Vntill my greefs are over-passed To thee I sue oh God most high To thee that canst all want supplie 2 From their despights who seek to rend mee Let help oh Lord from heav'n be daigned And let thy Truth Love defend me For I with Lions am detained With men inflam'd whose biting words Are shafts spears naked swords 3 Let over heav'n God's praise be reared And through the world his glorie showed For they who netts for mee prepared They who my soul to ground had bowed Ev'n they with in those trapps are caught Which for my fall their hāds had wrought Selah 4 Oh God! my hart now ready maketh My hart is for thy praise preparing My Tongue my Harpe my Lute awaketh And I my selfe betimes vprearing Will speake sing in praise of thee Where greatest throngs of people be 5 For Lord thy Mercies forth are stretched As farr as are the Sphears extended Thy Truth vnto the Clouds hath reached And thou thy self art high ascended Let still thy Fame praise oh God! Through heav'n earth be spread abrode Oh Lord to whome Mercy belongeth have mercy vpon vs let the Wings of thy protection be gratiously spread over vs vntill the Stormes of this life be overpast For so great so manyfold are those dangers those Miseries wherewith wee are alwaies enclosed by spirituall temporal foes that they have brought our bodies to the Grave our seules near vnto Hell Oh! let thy Truth Love defend vs from our Lion-like persecuters that our Harts being timely cheared our Thoughts Words Actions may harmoniously agree in manifesting thy praises And seeing thy holy Spirit hath plainely declared the Vniversality of thy proffered Grace let not vs presume to sett Limmits there vnto but publish thy glorie as vniversaly as thou hast extended thy Mercies through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 58. To the cheef Musitian Altaschith Michtam of David It reprehends characters that Serpentine generation whoe are obstinate enimies to the Gospell of Christ prophecies illustrates their destruction c. It is vsefull to encourage vs against their malice c. YEe congregation said yee right Yee Mortalls are your Doomes vpright No for you muse on works of Sinn Your hands with mischeevs filled are You from your Births vntoward were And from the wombe have liers binn 1 Your poyson like the serpents flowes Deaf-Adder-like your eares you close Though powrfull Charmes are wisely sung Oh God! their mouthes of teeth disarme And that their Fangs may do no harme Make tootheles Lord the Lion's young 3 Like sudden Flouds their furie slale When they would shoot their arrowes breake Yea make them quite consume away Like snailes consume them from the earth Or els like some vntimely birth Destroy them er'e they see the day 4 Before wee feel them prick or burne Them whirle-winde-like Lord overturne And sweep them hence in wrath alive Which Vengance when the Righteous vewe And vewing Sinn receive her due They joyfull thancks to thee shall give 5 Yea they shall trample on their bloud Who have bene Foes to doeng good And ev'rie man shall say see That Righteous men shall have their meed And that there is a God indeed By whome the world shall iudged be Keep vs oh Lord from having fellowship in the Congregations of those who are perverted in their Iudgment mischeevous in their Conversation Draf to good Instructions Obstinate in their heresies willfull continuers in all their natural Corruptions Deliver us from their malice Breake their Instruments of mischeef and let their deserved confusion fall suddenly vpon them That the Faithfull Congregation may vewe it that all men may see confesse thee to be the Righteous Iudge of the world the rewarder of all those who put their trust in thee Amen Psa 59. To the cheef Musitian Altaschith Michtam a Psalm of David when Saul sent they watched the house to kill him It cheefly prophecied the Iewes dogged crueltie to Christ that they should be preserved to wander in a vagabond Condition as wee see at this day for an example to others c. It serves to warne vs that wee resist not God's grace once offred c. MY God protect mee from my Foes From them who strive with mee From Sinners gard mee from those That bloodie-minded be For loe the mightie do combine They waite my soul to teare And without cause or fault of mine With speed there to prepare 2 Lord God of Hoasts Isr'el wake To heed succour mee The Gentiles Curbe vengance take Where sinns malitious be Selah At
contemning the desire of world-lings reioicing more in thy gratious aspect then in al temporal advantages we may ly downe to sleep our last sleep without horror rest in the firme hope of a glorious Resurrection Amen Psa 5. To the cheef musician on Neginoth a Psalm of David It beseecheth audience of God for sundry respects prayeth that he would subvert his Adversaries be mercifull to his Church It may be vsefull when we are oppressed by the enimies of Christ for his Cause c. LOrd weigh my thoughts my words attend My King my God encline thine ear My suites I will to thee commend And thou my voice betime shalt hear I will oh Lord betimes arise And pray wait for thy supplies 2 For thou in sinn hast no delight No evills in thy dwellings be The foole abides not in thy sight The wicked are abhord of thee Thou root'st out all who falshoods prate And bloud guile in man dost hate 3 But I in thy abounding grace Thy house will visite in thy fear And worship in thy holy-place Oh teach me Lord thy Justice there Unto my vewe thy way disclose Because of them that are my foes 4 Their words thoughts are false naught Their throte is like a gaping graue Therfore oh God let them be caught And fall by what they plotted haue Yea seeing they thy foes haue binn Expose them to their swarmes of sinn 5 But chear vp those who trust in thee That such as well thy name affect May still therin triumphant be And joy that thou dost them protect For Lord the just thou shalt reward And sheild-like make thy grace their gard Oh soveraigne Lord God make vs both timely diligent seekers of thy grace Let the due consideration of thy perfections of our natural unworthines cause vs humbly to attend on thee vnfainedly frequenting thy Congregation there truly serving thee according to thine owne ordinance Instruct vs fully in thy way left our spiritual adversaries drawe vs into error Let our experience of their malice subtilety keep vs the more cautious Let them be taken in their owne snares to thy glorie let the faithfull alwaies reioice in thy protection through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 6. To the cheef musitian on Neginoth vpon Sheminith a Psalm of David It bewailes the miseries corruptions of the humane nature with penitential expressions emplores Gods mercy c. It may be sung when oppressed by our sinns infirmities we haue invoked God received comforts LOrd in thy rage correct me not To me oh do not roughly speake Nor chide me when thy wrath is hott But pitty me for I am weake Oh Lord vouchsafe to cure my paines For through my bones the torments goe My hart is vext much complaines Good God! hów long shal this be soe 2 Returne help my soul oh Lord Mee let thy meer compassion saue For who in death shall thee record Or give thee praises in the grave With groanes I tire in the nights My bedd in flouds of teares doth swim Through in-ward greefs foes despights Mine cies decay my sight growes dimm 3 But Sinners now depart fro mee God heares my suite my plaint my crie Which let my foes with blushing see And vext greeu'd my presence fly Most awfull God speake favourably to vs in this day of thy offered grace lest in the day of thy wrathfull indignation we be cast into hell sire Behol'd our frailties our torments our horrible distempers Observe into how great perills our desperation may cast vs have mercy oh lord have mercy vpon us miserable offenders Turify our poluted flesh enlighten our bleared eyes cure our wounded harts chear our afflicted spirits revive our fainting soules chase away all our malitious accusers that we escaping the dungeon in which thy praise is forgotten may magnify thy mercies in the land of the living to the vexation of malignant spirits to the honor of thy name for euer euer Amen Psa 7. Shiggaijon of David which he sung to the Lord concerninge the wòrds of Chush the Benjamite It is the Complaint of an innocent vniustly accused referring himself to be iudged according to his inno-cency It may be vsed when the true Church or any members thereof are slandred by their foes c. LOrd God on thee I do depend Me from the spoiler save Lest Lion-like my soul he rend When I no helper have For if oh Lord my God in this My hands found guiltie be If I rewarded him amisse That was at peace with me 2 Nay I to him did mercy shewe Who sought my causeles blame Els let my foe my soul persue And ouertake the same Yea let hlm tread when down I fall My life into the clay And in a dust-heap there-withall Mine honor let him lay 3 Oh Lord thy selfe in wrath advance For wroth my spoilers be According to thine ordinance Arise judge thou me That multitudes to thee may come For their sakes great appear Yea judge them Lord giue me doome As just ag I am clear 4 Confounde the sinners wickednes But still the just maintaine For thou oh God of righteousnes Canst serch both Hart Reine God is my sheild he protects The Godly from decay His doomes are just he corrects The wicked ev'ry day 5 Except they turne his blade he whetts A bowe still bent he hath He shafts for persecutors getts And instruments of death For lo with mischeeues being bigg They first conceive a sinn Next bring forth lies then pitt-falls digg Where they themselues fal in 6 Thus on their heads their mischeeus all Do justly tumble downe And wicked mens devises fall On their devizers crowne For which the justice of the Lord I 'le strive to glorify And will in songs of praise record The name of God most high Eternal God defend vs from slanderous accusations from that roaring Lion who is alway ready to devour vs And though our accusers are often so malitious that in respect of them we may have some appearance of innoceny yet cause vs so to acknowledg our selves guiltie in thy sight that we may be Iustifed by the righteousnes which we have by imputation from thy dear sonn for we have no Innocency but his No Saviour but he nor dare we in our greatest puritie appeare any where but at the Throne of thy mercy which let us who seek the same alwaies obtain let the severity of thy iustice fall only on our Adversaries who despise thy grace that both in mercy iustice thou maist be magnifyed for euer euer Amen Psa 8. To the cheef Musitian vpon Gittith a Psalm of David It sings the glory powre dominion of Christ magnifies the love of God in the admirable exaltation of the humane nature by the incarnation of his Sonn c. It may be vsed to praise God for the great priveledges which we haue
purposes aforementioned c. THe man is blest that heeds the pore From dangers God will him repreeve He will preserve his life therefore And vnto him preferment give The Lord will gard him from his foes When him they labour to surprize Refresh him when that weak he growes And make his bedd when sick he lies 2 In mercie cure my Soul I pray For Lord ev'n thee I did offend Vile words of me my foes do say And wish my fame Life had end When me they spie fair showes they make But in their harts my harm desire Which when they come abrode they speake Where all my foes my wrong conspire 5 Some ill desease hath he they sedd Hee 's downe shall no more arise Nay he whome I have lov'd fedd My trusted-freind did me despise But help me Lord raise me now That I their dealings may requite I shall thereby thy favour knowe If thou prevent my Foes despight 6 Thou dost maintaine my Righteousnes And in thy sight-still placest me The Lord the God of Isr'el blesse Oh! let him blest for ever be Amen Amen Infuse into vs oh Christ such brotherly compassion such true Charitie toward thy pore members that we may obtaine all timely consolations in this life be well-comed with Come yee blessed at the last-day UUee confesse there is a desease in our soules disenabling vs to performe this dutie and as wee are neither truly compassionate to others nor faithfull acknowledgers of thy love to vs So we finde others iustly vnmerciful in our Afflictions encreasing our vexations by neglect conspiracies or bitter Censures Yea they whome wee have cherished releeved in their wants sorrowes do vnthanckfully take part with our Oppressors Oh! deliver vs therefor from our owne vnthanckfullnes want of charity that we may be comforted by others in our need become more perfect and constant in all good works to the praise glory of thy Name Amen Psal 42. To the cheef Musitian Maschil for the Sonns of Chorah It mistically expresseth a Christian mans estate wandring through the Hopes Doubts Feares of this life c. It is vsefull when inward or out ward afflictions tempt to despaire of God's love or when we are hindred from frequenting his assemblies c. LOrd as that Hart which water wants So longs my soul for thee Eternal God! so thirsts pants My soul thy face to see My teares are day night my meat And when I hear them saie VVhere is thy God the greef of it Consumes my hart awaie 2 For heretofore I went among Thy folke on holy-dayes Them to thy house I ledd along And there wee sung thy praise My Soul why art thou so opprest In mee why art thou sad Still praise thou God on him rest For he will make thee glad 3 My Soul oh God! is faint in mee Yet thinck on thee I will Though Iordans land I cannot see Nor Hermons litle Hill The deepes vpon each other call When thy loud stormes descend And over me thy Billowes fall But Lord thou help wilt send 4 For day night I 'le sing pray Oh God my life to thee My God my Rock to thee I 'le say Why thus forsak'st thou mee Why am I suffred still to mourne Afflicted by my foes UUhere is thy God they say in scorne And through my bones it goes 5 My soul why art thou so opprest Why art thou sad in mee Stil praise thou God on him rest For he my God will be How desirable oh Holy-ghost the Comforter are thy consolations to afflicted souls how thirstely swallowed being mingled with our teares Our sinns oft greeve thee therfor thou iustly greevest vs to make vs sensible of our vnkindnesses Therfore wee are somtime censured as Hypocrites have all our piety devotion mentioned with scorne to our vexatiō Therfor mischeeves like waves follow vs one after another yea therfor also our owne consciences so accuse vs that wee are somtime sorrowfull to the death almost desperate of thy favour But blessed Spirit speake thou oh speake thou comfortably to our scules to whatscever outward miserie thou expose vs yea though we appear miserable to our selves be thou still our God our Comforter that our sorrowes may at the last be turned into ioy to thy glorie our everlasting consolation Amen Psa 43. The Prophet prayeth for assistance promiseth to be thanckefull concludes with rowzing vp his deiected Soul to persevere in praising relieng on God It may be sung to keep vs vndiscouraged in our spiritual greevances LOrd judg thou me plead my right With such as cruel be From wicked men that vse deceit Oh God! deliver meet For since thou Lord my fortresse art Why shouldst thou fro me goe Why should I walke so sad in hart Oppressed by my foe 2 Mee let thy light Truths bright raies Vnto thy dwelling bring And at thine Altars to thy praise Oh! God my Ioye I 'le sing My Soul why art thou so opprest Why art thou sadd in mee Still praise thou God on him rest For he my God will be VVhen our scules are afflicted expose vs not oh God to suffer longe the scornes of our Adversaries nor leave vs to the terror of those cruel iudgements which our owne consciences do often pronounce against vs But when wee are most severely iudged by the world by our owne selves doe thou absolve vs Depart not from vs when wee are compassed about with iniuries neither give vs over to those melancholy cogitations which will oppresse our harts when sorrowe hath entred into our soules But let the truth of thy promises the light of thy countenance so appeare to vs that we may be revived thereby to the encrease continuance of our consolation and that depending alwaies on thee as our sole comforter we may magnifie thy Name for ever ever Amen Psa 44. To the Cheef Musitian for the Sonns of Chorah The Church pleads for Gods mercie because hee is her auncient deliverer because he is yet her only Trust though shee hath long sustained the scornes oppressions of Tyrants c. It may be vsed when the Church or commonwealth is afflicted c. Oh God! thy work 's in Ages past Wee heard our fathers tell How thou the Gentiles forth didst cast And broughtst them there to dwell For nor their sword nor Arme it was By which that land they gaind But Lord thy hand thyne arme thy grace And favour them sustain'd 2 Oh Lord my God my king thou art Thy Iacob still defend And we shall those through thee subvart That harm to vs intend Wee through thy Name shall tread them lowe That vs resist oh Lord For I depend not on my bowe Nor trust I to my sword 3 Wee from our foes were kept by thee And thou didst work them shame In thee therfore much joy'd were wee And wee did praise thy Name
UVill That they may be converted vnto mee And in thy Lawes my hart confirme thou still That from disgrace I may preserved bee Lord wee are the workmanship of thy hands Soe instruct vs therfor in the vnderstanding and performance of thy Lawe that wee may accomplish the end of our Creation Make our knowledge of thy Statutes our Faith in thee our conformity to thy Will soe evident that thy Servants may reioice our foes become ashamed our corrections appear tokens of thy Love our shame be prevented our harts cheared life eternal obtayned Amen Caph. 11. MY soul for succour panting lies Yet is thy word my stay I seek thy Truth with longing eyes Oh Comfort mee they say I like a smoke-dride botle seeme Yet on thy Lawe I thought Summ vp my dayes iudge all them That have my ruine sought 2 For mee the Proud sunck pitts which be Forbidden by thy Lawes Thy VVords are true oh save thou mee Persu'de without a Cause Quite from the Land they drove me nigh Yet to thy Lawes I cleave Oh chear mee by thy grace that I Thy VVord may never leave Another of the same LOrd for thy healp my longing soul doth pant And on thy Promise al my hopes do lye Mynes eies do faile because thy VVord I want Come comfort mee with speaking looks they crie Like botles in the smoke I do appear Yet still thy Statutes minded are of mee How long shall I thy servant suffer hece Thy Iudgments on my foes oh let mee see Lo for my life the proud deep pitts have made Such as thy Lawe forbiddeth to prepare They mee persued though no cause they had Oh helpe for all thy Precepts faithfull are Long since my ruine they had nigh contriv'd I naitheles thy Statutes did not leave Let mee by thy compassion be reviv'd And to thy Testimonies I will cleave Oh Lord wee have Adversaries continually digging pitts for our soules VVee are sensible of great Afflictions our life daylie wears out by vnperceaved infirmities Yet wee feel not that longing to obtaine an incorruptible estate as to continue our present vanities Oh let that experience which wee have of miseries here that Faith which vve ought to have of vvhat thou hast promised hereafter make our harts pant vvith longing after the accomplishment of thy Truth for our full fruition of thee through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Lamed 12. THy VVord in heav'n remaines for aye Thy Truth shall still abide The earth so firmely thou didst lay It cannot swarve aside Thy Lawes keep ev'ry thing vpright For all thy servants be But that thy VVorde was my delight My Cares had ruin'de mee 2 I will not from thy Truth decline For life to mee it brought Oh save thou mee for I am thine And thy Decrees have sought Though sinners do my spoile intend Thy VVord in minde I bear Of all good works I see an end But large thy precepts are Another of the same MAde firme in heav'n thy promise is oh Lord And shall for ever for ever last Thy Faith fullnes all ages will record For as earths globe the same thou fixed hast Most firme to thy Decrees thy works do stand And all things as thy servants wait on thee But that I pleasure take in thy Command My sorrowes long e're this had ruin'd mee My hart shall never from thy Lavves decline For I by them to life againe was brought Vouchsafe to succour mee for I am thine And after thy Commandements have sought Much waiting hath among the wicked bene My fall to see but I thy Statutes minde Of all perfections I an end have seene Save of thy Lawe which cannot be confinde Almighty God by being obedient vnto the Lawe of their Creation thy other Creatures are preserved in order cōtinue thy faithfull servants Man-kinde only is rebellious yet wee have had often experience that a litle delight in thy Lawe is rewarded with great Blessings Soe encrease therfor our beleef of thy Truth our love to thy Lawe that wee may be more more conformable to thy Will at last be saved through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Mem. 13. IN thy Commands I pleasure take My dayly thoughts they bee Mee wiser then my foes they make And still remaine with mee More learne I from thy Statutes then My Teachers vnderstand And wiser am then aged men By keeping thy Command 2 My feet from evill waies I kept That keep thy Lawe I might I from thy Iudgments have not stept For mee thou holdst vpright Though hony to the mouth be sweet Thy VVord more sweetnes hath Through thy Commands I grewe discreet And shun'd the Liers Path. Another of the same NO parte of all the day I cann forbear To minde thy Lawe because I love the same It makes me wiser then my haters are For my companion still thy Lawe became Nay more then all my teachers I conceave Because my Musings are vpon thy VVill. And more then aged men I do perceave Because they Testimonies I fulfill No wicked pase or Path my feet shall vse That so thy UUord the better keep I might And I thy Iudgments never will refuse Because thou hast instructed mee aright Not halfe so sweet is honie to my mouth As are thy VVords for perfect sweet are they Thou hast encreast my knowledge by thy Truth And therfor I abhorr each evill way The wisdome oh Lord of this world is but foolishnes in respect of that which is learned by thy Word For nothing is see profitable or pleasant as that if it be meditated aright Give us grace therfor wee pray thee so to love it so to meditate thereon that wee may crack the shell which hides the sweet kernell thereof from the world by help of thy spirit thereby attaine that wisdome which our Ordinary Teacher the bare Letter hath not powre to discover let it guide us out of all error both in life doctrine though Iesus Christ Amen Nun. 14. THy word is to my feet a light A Lampe my way to showe I vow'd thy Doomes to keep aright And I will keep my Vowe I sore am greev'd Lord me revive According to thy Truth Teach mee thy Iudgments receive The Praises of my mouth 2 Although my soul in danger be Thy Statutes I obay And keep thy Lawes although for mee The wicked snares do lay Thy Cov'nants are mine Heritage They much reioice my minde And thy Decrees from age to age To keep I am inclinde Another of the same OH God thy VVord like Lāps my way doth show And to my feet it is a shining flame To keep thy righteous Iudgments I did vowe And I resolve that I will keep the same Opprest I am Me therefor Lord revive As by thy UUord thy promise is to do Accept that praise which I shall freely give And in thy Iudgments Lord instruct me to On thy Commands my thoughts are alway sett And lo my soul is alwaies in
receaved thereby HOw famous Lord our God appears Throughout the world thy glorious Name Above the height of all the Sphears Thou spreadst the splendor of thy fame The mouths of babes thy powr to show And sucklings tongues thou didst ordaine To stopp the mouth of ev'ry foe And their avengings to restraine 2 When on the heav'ns I sixe mine eye And moone starrs thy creatures heed Why careth God for man think I Or why regardeth he his seed He was below thine Angells plac'd And higher now advanc'd is he To rule thy works him raisd thou hast And at his feet all creatures be 3 O're heards flocks in stall solde O're cattell which at randome goe The sov'raigne place he now doth holde And over foules fishes to Yea rule throughout the sea he bears And over all within the same How famous Lord our God appears Throughout the world thy glorious Name Most glorious Lord God thou so lovedst the humane nature that it pleased thee to be made man by the mouths of babes sucklings magnifienge thy great powre by humbling as it were of the Deitie for a tyme to exalt the Manhood for euer For this thy vnexpressible humiliation incomprehensible favour we submissively prostrat our soules and bend the knees of our bodyes to the honor of thy Name beseeching thee that as all other creatures are obediently subiected to thy Sonns Dominion so wee may truly submit our wills to his good pleasure in Act word thought be thanckful for our many priveledges by his blessed Incarnation Resurrection Ascention now for euer Amen Psa 9. To the cheef Musitian vpon Muth-labben a psalm of David Herein the faithfull praise God for many good causes exhort others to do the same It may be vsed to praise the Lord for his many fold mercies vouchsafed to his Church for his just judgments on their foes c. NOw Lord. with all my hart voice Thy wondrous works I le magnify Of thee I 'le sing Of thee reioice And praise thy name oh God most high For thou didst put my foes to slight They fell fled out of thy sight 2 My lawfull cause thou dost vpholde Thou fit'st enthron'd thou judgest right The Gentiles are by thee contrould The wicked thou destroiest quite And thou their names away dost blot For evermore to be forgot 3 Thy slaughters now thou cruel Foe Are to an end for ever brought Those Townes which thou did'st overthrowe Are nameles now out of thought But God still sitteth on his throne Preparing judgment thervpon 4 The world he shall vprightly doome And justly judge the nations all The pore when times of trouble come He gardeth like a castle wall And they who seek know his name Are safe by trusting in the same 5 To God therfore in Syon sing To nations all make knowne his deeds For when to light he blood will bring He poremens wrongs criengs heeds Now also Lord thy grace I crave Oh! mark what woes foes I have 6 Thou sav'st me from the gates of hell That I thy praise with chearfull voice To Syon's daughters may reveal And in thy saving-health rejoice The Gentiles had a pitt-fall wrought But they themselves therin were caught 7 Their Nets have their owne feet en-inar'de And God is by his iudgments knowne The Sinners hands have trapps preparde Whereby them selves were ouerthrowue Thus downe to hell the wicked goe As all who fear not God shall doe 8 There is a time to minde the pore Their hope shall not for ever faile To judge the Gentiles Lord therfere Arise let not man prevaile The Nations fright vntill they see That they are men as others be Selah UUe haue often experience oh God that by thy favour all oppressions insultings secret cruelties shall come to an end and that thy Mercies thy Justice shall everlastingly continue both for the savegard of thy servants to reward the wicked according to their deserts Let this experience therfor be alwaies remembred when we are persecuted or afflicted let our confidence be ever so fixed vpon thee that we may neither be discouraged in Adversitie nor forgetfull in prosperitie to magnifie thy mercies but be readie vpon all occasions to glorifie thee both for the suppression of our foes for all our other deliverances through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 10. The Pride Crueltie Prophanesse Fraude of Antichrist Atheists Hipocrites is described God is invoked to redresse it his Dominion acknowledged his mercifull regard of the afflicted is confessed It may be vsed when we are oppressed by temporall or Spirituall Oppressors THy face oh Lord why dost thou hide And stand aloofe so farr Lo Sinners meerly out of pride The Spoile of poremen are Insnare them by their owne devise For of their Lust they boast And praise those Freindes to Avarice VVhome God abborreth most 2 Their scornefull eyes regard not thee Their hartes do thee denay Too high for them thy judgments be Stil greeuous is their way They snuff sleight their greatest Foes And come what mischeeves will Within their hartes they do suppose That they shal prosper still 3 Their mouthes with cursings overflowe Their tongues lie swear vaunt The pore to catch overthrowe Obscured paths they haunt They watch unseene for simple-men To ceaze them vn-aware They lurck like Lions in their denn And slielie them insnare 4 To catch the pore by lowlie shewes Their strength doth help them on They think in hart that God nor vewes Nor careth what is done But rise oh Lord thy powre to showe Leaue not the pore forgot For why should Sinners sleight thee soe And think thou mind'st them not 5 Thou see'st yea see'st their wickednes That punishd it may be And loe the pore Fatherles Commit their Cause to thee Lord God their helper break the strength Of ev'ry wicked-one Serch out their sinnes thou at length Shalt cause them to have none 6 Our ever-lasting king thou art Thou from the Realme likewise Hast forc'd the Gentiles to depart And heard the poremans cries Their harts thou shalt establish to And hear judge the pore That earth-bred man the Orphanes foe May them oppresse no more Almighty God seeing our safetie consisteth in thy loving presence be thou near at hand to defend assist in all extremities Abate the malice wickednes of our foes let their pride fraude crueltie make vs the more heedfull that we depart not willingly out of thy protection Uouchsafe also so to raigne in our soules to the suppression of all intrusions that our affections being ordered by illuminated Reason sanctified by Grace Christ may have the sole dominion there that we may sincerely embrace him with our whole harts honor him with all our faculties confesse him with our tongues glorify him by our works together with thee oh father the blessed Spirit now for ever
Amen Another of the same LOrd why standest thou so farr Why at need am I forsaken Poremen wrondg'd by Tirants are Let them in those guiles be taken Which by them contrived were 2 For in boast the Sinner sayes That his longings he possesseth He the Covetous doth praise And their practises he blesseth Though the Lord abhors their waies 3 Proud loftie lookes hath he God nor seeking nor beleeving All his Courses greevous be And thy judgments past conceivinge Are too high for him to see 4 With contempt he sleights his foes Fearing neither falls nor sliding From his mouth much cursing flowes Vnderneath his tongue still hiding Mischeef sinn guilefull showes In blinde paths he lurks pries Harmles men to spoile murther At the pore he darts his eyes And unseene his drifts to further Like the denned lion lies He doth watch the pore to spoile Whome he snares ouerthroweth For to take him in his toyle He with humble crowchings boweth Ceazing him by force the while Then in hart thus muzeth he God shall sleightly passe it over Hide his face never see But rise Lord thy strength discover That the meek aven'gd may be Let not Sinners mock thee soe As if thou didst nought regard it Lo thou see'st yea see'st them do Spightfull wrong to reward it Thou shalt set thy hand there-to Thou art poremens hopefull stay Orphanes helper in oppression Break the Sinners armes I pray Serch thou after his transgression And then purg it all away God who raignes for evermore From his land the Gentiles driveth Hears chears helps the pore And the Orphane so reviveth That he feares not as before Psa 11. To the cheef Musitian a Psalm of David The faithful soule being tempted to despaire makes fast the Anchor of his Hope by considering Gods powre his love to such as trust in him his hatred to their vnfaithful adversaries c. It may be vsed to comfort vs in desperate temptations imminent perills IN God my trust is placed still Then wherefor do you say That as a bird vnto the hill My soul should fly away For loe their bow the wicked bend And arrowes they prepare That they vnseene their shafts may send At such as needie are If overthrowne the Ground-works lie What cann the best men do Gods holy seat is heav'n on high And he must look therto Man-kinde with closd open eyes Ev'n righteous men God prooues And him he doth in soul despize That wicked Courses loves For wicked men the Lord prepares And raines into thir eupp A storme of brimstone fire snares Which they must swallow up But being in himself vpright He justice doth affect And godly men have in his sight A looke of good respect Permit not oh God! the accusings of our consciences nor the bitter censures of others whether iustly or vniustly pronounced to overthrow our hopes of thy Mercy Let not the groundworks of our faith be vndermined by any Temptation but seeing thou serchest the secrets of our harts findest that raked vp among our many frailties corruptions there are yet vnquenched in our soules the smokings of that fire which was first kindled by thy grace Re-inflame we pray thee our spiritual affections to thee thy lawe That when malitious offenders receive the bitter draught prepared for them we may thanckfully take the Cupp of Salvation reioice in thy gratious favours through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 12. To the cheef Musitian vpon Sheminith A Psalm of David The elect are prayd for The circumventions insultings of the wicked are mentioned with a promise of redresse the stabilitie of Gods word is declared It may be vsed when heresie or prophanesse beginnes to spread c. HElp Lord for no Good man is left All faithfulnes is quite bereft And from the race of men departs They lies vnto their neighbours tell Vpon their lipps faire speaches dwell When falshood lurketh in their hartes 2 But God shall cut their lipps that gloze And pluck away the tongues of those Who proudly make their vauntings thus Wee of our tongues will masters be Our lipps are ours who is he That shall have Lord-ship over vs 3 But I saith God will now arise Ev'n for the sighengs the cries Of those that wrong'd or greeved are And I will them in saftie sett Beyond their powre who in their nett The poremans footsteps would ensnare 4 Gods wordes refinde the Test will bide Like silver seav'n tymes purifide And God will keep them ever true Though for a while men lewd base Do sitt in honors higest place And ev'ry where their folly shewe Consider oh Lord the general vnfaithfulnes which now overpreads the whole earth Observe the falshood pride hypocrisie insolencies of the Adversaris of Truth Behold the suffrings of thy small flock Convert or confound their oppressors fulfill thy gratious promises made to the pore in Spirit preserve thy word from being made frustrate or perverted by those wicked-ones who are now exalted both in church commonwealth to thy dishonor and when they have acted their follies during the tyme which thou shalt permit let thy purified word prevaile to the purging of this corrupt world to the encreasing of the number of thy elect through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 13. To the Cheef Musitian a Psalm of David It expresseth hartie longinges after spirituall Consolations shews the perplexties of a soule seeking rest in her owne Counsells c. It may besung when feeling our natural defects the malice of our foes we desire the comforts of the Holy-glost c. HOw long forgetst thou mee Shall thus obscured be Thy cheerful face oh Lord for aye Still in my soul shal I Perplext muzing lie With hart oppressed all the day 2 My God! shall still my foe Insult vpon me foe Hear mine eyes enlighten thou Els death wil me surprize And then mine enimies Will say we haue prevailed now 3 For they who malice mee Will Ioy my fall to see But Lord thy mercies I will minde I 'le in thine ayde rejoice And praise thee with my voice Because to me thou hast bene kinde Dear God vnsufferable is a troubled spirit seeking rest in it selfe Or in any thinge without thee when thou art absent the presence of all temporal consolations doe but encrease torment vnles thou speake peace to our soules all thy creatures help to aggravate our afflictions Revive therfor our hartes by thy sweet presence Enlighten the eyes of our mindes that we sleep not in sinn so cbear vs by the light of thy Countenance that our foes insult not over vs but grant rather that we reioicing in thy Saluation may both live dy with Comfort to the honor of thy blessed Name Amen Another of the same OH Lord how long wilt thou drawe back And hide thy face fro me How long shal I selfe-Counsell take And greev'd in spirit
glorie give Free passage to ascend Who is the king of glorie say Oh say who might he be The Lord of Armies in aray That glorious king is he Seeing thou hast evidently declared oh Christ the Kinge of glorie who they are whome thou wilt admit into that kingdome whither thou art aseended and who are truly of that spirituall seed to whome thy promises appertaine Grant we beseech thee that we may make our Election sure by the workes of regeneration not be deluded by the false perswasions of a fruitles faith So all thy Creatures shall give both way and assistance to our Ascention after thee to whome with the father holy-spirit be ascribed all praise powre glorie now for evermore Amen Psa 25. A Psalme of David It containeth many petitions of an afflicted penitent Soul declares the excellence of the Lawe of Grace the priveledges of the regenerate c. It may be vsed when we are dejected by the sight of our guiltines are truly penitent c. I Lift my soul to thee My trust in thee is plac'd Oh let me Lord nor scorned be Nor by my foe disgrac'd But keep reproches all From those who thee attend And let on them Confusion fall That without Cause offend 2 Thy waies to me me impart Let me thy Truth be taught For thou oh God my Saviour art Whome I have alway sought Be still to me as kinde As thou of old hast binn And bear thou not those faults in minde which I have erred in 3 But grace to me afford Ev'u for thy goodnes sake As thou art good gratious Lord On me compassion take Direct al those that stray In iudgment guide the meek And them informe thou in thy way That humbly thee de seeke 4 For Truth Mercie Lord Are found in all thy wayes By ev'ry one who keeps thy word And thy Commands obayes Remit though great they are My sinns for thy Name sake And suffer him who thee doth fear His chosen-path to take 5 Then easd his hart shal growe His seed the Land shal fill And he that feares the Lord shall know His Counsells his will Myne eyes attend on thee That thou maist me release In mercie Lord returne to mee Forlorne in destresse 6 My greefs enlarged are Oh come me releeve My sorrowes heed regard my care And all my sinns forgive Observe oh Lord my foes Marke how abus'd I am And since I trust in thee repose Defend my soul from shame 7 Yea keep thou me vpright Because I hope in thee And from all wrongs all despight Let Isr'el saved be Remember not oh Lord our offences but of thy meer Mercie blot out all our transgressions Let neither the follies of our youth nor the greatnes of any other sinns deprive vs of thy wonted compassion Consider our weaknes our suffrings the condition of our adversaries as motives of thy pittie That our sinns beinge remitted our fetters vnlosed and thy secrets even the misteries of Saving-grace revealed wee may in true meeknes follow him who is the way the Truth and the Life be kept by thy speciall Grace from all future sinns dangers vnto our lives end Amen Another of the same A Loft I raise my soul oh Lord to thee And I in thee alone my trust have placed By those therfore that seek to mischeeve me Oh let me not be shamed nor disgraced Confound not those who seek to do thy will But shame those mē that Causeles have offended Direct thou me in thy Truths pathway still For Lord my health on thee I have attended Eternall God in mercie thinck on me As it hath bene of old thy gratious fashion Forgot let all my youthfull errors be For thy love sake Remember thy compassion Great is thy grace great thy Iustice Lord Therfor thy waies to sinful men thou showest Healp to thee meek thou dost likewise afford Whē he is iudgd guid'st him where thō goest In all thy waies both Truth Mercie be For such as have thy league word observed Keep therfor Lord thy grace in store for me For thy namesake though I have ill deserved Let those in whome thy sacred fear is found In their desired pathway Lord persever Make true content in all their soules abound And let their seed poslesse the land for ever No man oh Lord who stands in fear of thee Shall from thy league or Counsels be debarred On thee therfore mine eyes attending be That from the net my feet may be vnsnared Pleasd be in love to visit me againe For lo despis'd I am sore destressed Quit me from all my sorrowes my paine For my hart-greefs oh Lord are much encraesed Regard my wants Behold mark my woes Remitting all wherin I have offended See See oh Lord what numbers are my foes And what despights to me they have intended To help save my soul entreated be Thou art my Garde oh keep me vndisgraced Vpright pure because I trust in thee And from all Cares let Isr'el be released Psal 26. A Psalm of David It setts downe some marks of the true church of her members personates her iustifieing her self against the secret imputations of her foes from whome she desires to be distinguisht c. It is vsefull for those members of Christ whoe are falsly accused c. GIve sentence now oh Lord with me For I have walk'd aright And since I have relide on thee Preserve me still vpright Proue thou my hart Raines oh God Search there what thou canst finde For I the Paths of Truth have trodd And bear thy love in minde 2 With wicked men I have not sate Nor with dissemblers gone Prophane Assemblies I do hate And shunn the sinners throne With hands wash'd clean in simplenes I 'le round thine Altars goe And there in songs of thanckfulnes Thy wondrous works I 'le showe 3 For I that place affect oh God Where thou so much art fam'de Therfor with sinners thirsting blood Oh! let me not be nam'd Their hands their verie righthands be with bribes mischeefs fraught But Lord redeeme pitty me For I truths Paths have sought 4 In stedfast waies with fixed feet Firme standing I possesse For which where great Assemblies meet I will the Lord confesse Give vs grace oh Lord so to avoide the societie practises of wicked men that neither our consciences may accuse vs to be willfully guiltie of their crimes nor thou condemn vs for hypocrites when thou serchest iudgest the secrets of our harts Ioine to the puritie of manners a sincere devotion that honesty Religeon being knit married together in our soules by thee may never be divorced Let our zeal also to thy house our Love to thy Service be such as may distinguish vs from prophane worldlings so linck vs by charity to thy faithfull members that we may continue thine to our lives end Amen Psa 27. A Psalme of
David It expresseth confidence in God a longing to enioye the priveledges of his sanctuarie It vowes also to seek serve him desires Gods assistance exhort to faith perseverance c. It is vsefull for all Christians to these purposes GOd is my light my health mine Ayde My lifes defence whome should I fear When wicked foes my death assayd They tript fell ruinde were I therfor will nor faint nor fly Although an hoast beseigeth me If God will not this boone deny For which I 'le now a suiter be 2 Ev'n that he grace to me afford My life-time in his house to spend To vewe the beautie of the Lord. And in his Temple to attend For in his Tent when dangers threat In secret he should me enclose Vpon a Rock my footing set And raise my head above my foes 3 Then in God's house a Sacrifise Of praises I would also give Hear therfor Lord let my cries A gratious Answere now receive When thou dost bid me seek thy face Thy face I 'le seek my hart replies Reiect not therfor nor disgrace Thy Servant who on thee relies 4 Oh Lord who didst my soul preserve When me my parents did forsake Because of them who me observe Now plaine to me thy path-waies make Yea from the pleasure of my foes Protect me Lord for lo with lies False witnesses do me oppose And cruel words they do devise 5 That had I not beleef to see Gods grace within that land of blisse Where endles life shal granted be My soul had fainted long e're this Attend thou still vpon the Lord And faint thou not who e're thou art Attend I say vpon the Lord And he shall fortify thy hart It is an vnspeakable favour oh Lord to live where wee may peaceably assemble in thy house obtaine thy comfortable presence in thy blessed word Sacraments How many oh God! how many are deprived of this consolation And oh how long with how litle sense of our happines have wee enioyed this great blessing Grant vnto vs we beseech thee mere thanckfulnes lest thou iustlie withdrawe thy abused grace Give in due time this great Benifit to all who vnfainedlie desire it for thy glorie In the mean while vouchsafe them patience to sustaine their burthen without fainting let the hope of that which is prepared for thie saints in the Land of the living stir vp them vs to a faithfull performance of our whole dutie towards thee through the assistance of thy holy-spirit Amen Psa 28. A Psalme of David It craves Gods assistance imprecates his Iudgments against the wicked professeth assurance in the divine protection ascribes glorie powre thancks to the Almighty c. It may be vsed as a prayer protestation of our faith in persecution OH Lord My strength I crie to thee Give eare Silence do not keep Lest not vnlike to those I be Which downe descend into the deep Observe my Cries what I pray When to thine Arke my hands I rear With sinners pluck me not away Who speake of peace yet purpose warr 2 Give them what their ill deeds require As they deserve so them reward For their lew'd works pay them their hire Because thy works they nought regard Yea seeing they thy works despize Destroy them never to be raisd But hear my suite heed my cries And be thou Lord for ever praisd 3 For thou art Lord my sheild mine ayde My strength of whome I hopeful am Therof my hart is well apaid And of thy praise my Songs I frame Thy Christ thou alway shalt protect Thou art his rock sav'd by thee Thine heritage thine Elect Blest fedd magnifide shall be Immortal God so manie so great perills do alway threaten vs that we are still at the brinck of destruction vnles thou be gratious we shall soone be swallowed vp Hear vs therfor when we cal on thee in the Mediation of Iesus Christ gather vs not among Hypocrites or notorious Malefactors But when they shal receive their due reward who by a dissembled Vnitie trouble the peace of thy Church or dishonor thy Name by Atheisme or prophanes let vs reap the fructe of our hopes to our ioyfull exaltation among thine elect to the glorifieng of thy Mercie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 29. A Psalme of David It mistically expresseth the powre of Gods voice or evangelical word over all sorts of people in all places It may be vsed to praise God for having thereby according to this prophecie converted those who were naturally as obdurate as trees mountaines feilds brute-creatures AScribe yee Mightie to the Lord Ascribe al powre same Let him be in his house ador'd And honor yee his Name The Lord commandeth with his voice The seas greatest Floud And when the thunder makes a noise It is the voice of God 2 With powre the God of glorie speaks And awfull are his words His voice the strongest cedars breaks That Libanon affords Eu'n Libanon Shirion to He makes to start through feare As Vnicornes Bullocks do That yonge frightful are 3 God's voice between the flames doth flie God's voice the Desert shakes God's Voice doth adesh terrifie The Hinde it Calfeles makes Yea with his Voice the thickest grove To plainest veiwe he laies And in his Temple those things move All tongues to sing his praise 4 The Lord likewise doth in the Floud An endles rule possesse And blesseth al the Folke of God With fortitude peace Honor praise be given to thee oh Lord God for the powrful preaching of thy word let the sound of thie voice be still in our eares When we rage like a troubled sea let it calme vs UUhen we are like over-loftie Cedars let it humble vs when me are as vnmoveable as mountaines in our owne opinions let it shake vs when we are wanton like young Bullocks let it tame vs when we are as rude or barren as a wildernes let it civilize make vs fructful when we are pregnant with anie mischeef let it make our conceptions abortive when we are ensnared among the thick bushes of ignorance or worldlie Cares let it discover a passage out of error disentangle our harts from carnall affections that the whole world may be subiected vnto thee that we al tongues may praise magnifie thy Name for ever ever Amen Psa 30. A Psalm or song of the dedication of the house of David It seems a thancksgivinge for the resurrection of Christ whose true house or Temple was his Body It confesseth Gods gratiousnes mans weaknes c. We may vse it when arising from our sinns we resolve to dedicate our selves as tēples to the holy-ghost LOrd God thy praise I will declare For why thou me hast magnifide My foes insultings thou did'st bar And sav'dst me when for help I cride Yea from the dungeon the pit Thou keptst my soul
grow more more But they finde grace who trust in God Let just righteous men therfore With Shouts proclaime theyr joye abrode It is not oh gratious Redeemer our Innocencie or any good which of our selves we can performe that iustifies vs in thy sight but thy free grace thy hiding thy not-imputing our sinns That which thou expect est acceptest from vs toward the procuring of this favour is nothing els but humbled soules contrite spirits vnfaigned harts sincere confessions which thou thy self also must prepare help perfect in vs or we shall never perform them no though all the dangers torments of the world were before our eies Take therfor from vs our brutish ignorance curb our head-strong wilfulnes Rain our vnbridled appetites instruct vs by thy favorable aspect so guide vs by the bridle of reason religeous awe that we being governed according to thy will thou mayst be found of vs in all troubles at all seasons we reioice in thy mercy for ever ever Amen Psa 33. It exhorts to praise God declares who are most obliged therevnto In what manner we should performe this dutie for what principall causes c. We should often vse it to put vs in minde how much we are obliged to praise God c. YE Righteous in the Lord reioice For praise with Godly men doth sute Praise God with Psaltry Harpe Voice And on the twice-five-stringed Lute To him new ditties sing play And tune them to the loudest kay 2 For God is righteous in his word His Actions ful of truth appear His Bounty all the world hath storde His Darlings Truth Iustice are The Heav'ns were form'd when he but spake His breath did all their Armies make 3 The seas huge waves aloft he rear'd The Deeps as vp in store he layd Oh! let him through the world be fear'd And make Earths-dwellers all afraide For his Commandings are fulfill'd And all is done as he hath will'd 4 God makes the Gentiles proiects vaine And brings the Peoples plotts to nought But his decrees for aye remaine And everlasting is his thought Most surely blest therefore are those Whome for his owne the Lord hath chose 5 For God from heav'n doth cast his eye The Sonn 's of men to veiwe knowe Yea from his dwelling-place on high He marketh all on earth belowe Their hearts alike he shapeth to And heeds ev'n ev'ry work they do 6 Great Armies cannot save a kinge No strong-mans powre his life preserves The strength of horse vaine succours bringe But those who fear him God observes And whosoe're on him depends From dearth death he them defends 7 Our soul vpon the Lord shall waite Who hath our sheild shelter binn And he shall be our harts delight Because his Name we trusted in Oh! let vs Lord still succour'd be As we repose our trust in thee Blessed God! at thy word allthings were created by thy providence they are stil governed Thou hast fashioned the harts of all men to be in some measure capable of thy grace observest how they emploie that Talent Thy eternal decree remaines firme therfor theie whome thou chusest shall be blessed for ever Neither their owne strength nor any powre but thine is able to keep them safe Thou therfor on whome their soul waiteth shalt prevent the famine of that which is the meanes of their preservation therby keep them from totall or final-falling Lord make vs to reioice in this vnspeakable mercie Encrease our faith continue vs in the meanes whereby we are to make our Election sure VVe beleeve it is alreadie granted yet we praie for it because it is our dutie because we cannot chuse but praie for that which we beleeve hope to obtaine through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Psa 34. A Psalme of David when he changed his behaviour before Abimeleck who drove him away he departed It seems to typefy Christ who being as it were disguised by taking our nature infirmities became therby contemptible to the great-ones of the world We should sing it to praise God for discovering to vs what is hid from the wordly wise c. NOw shall the Lords eternal praise The subiect of my song be made My Soul shall sing it all her daies The meek shall hear it be glad Let others come ready be To ioine in praising of his Name For when I cti'de he helped me And kept away my feared blame 2 He lightneth such as him observe And no disgrace vpon them falls He heares the pore will preserve From all his troubles when he calls His Angell-gards will them enclose Who of his God head awfull be Therfor his goodnes vnto those Who trust in him come Tast See 3 Yea fear the Lord yee Saints of his For he to such will al things grant The Lions whelps their food may misse But they that serve him nothing want Yee Children come attention give And I will teach th' Almighties feare How yee long time on earth may live And gaine a blessed-being here 4 Your tongues from slandrous words preserve Dissembling let your lipps eschewe Ill deeds avoid good works observe Seek peace after it persue For God beholdeth such as those And heares the Righteous when they pray But wicked men he doth oppose And roots their Name Fame away 5 The Lord will hear the Righteous crie From dangers he will them assure He to the broken hart is nigh And wounded Spirits he will cure Although the Iust hath many greeves The Lord so helps that they are gone In all his troubles him releeves And keeps him sound in ev'rie bone 6 By sinn the sinners death is wrought He shall not thrive that hates the Iust But God his servants lives hath bought And faileth none that in him trust Hear vs oh merciful God in cur present necessities and preserve vs from those future evills which we may iustlie fear Enlighten our vnderstandings rectifie our affections guide our tongues sanctifie our actions cure our deseased bodies heal our wounded soules Let thine Angells gard vs let thine owne eyes watch over vs and let vs be so instructed in thy fear that when our lion-like adversaries are emptie we maie be filled with thy goodnes delighted in thy sweetnes Grant also that when their memorial perisheth we being preserved sound both in soul body may ●nicie the promised blessing os long-life even of life-eternall in thy heavenlie kingdom for ever ever Amen Another of the same AT al tymes with my tongue I 'le blesse the Lord To sing of him I never will forbear But in my Soul his praise with mirth record And publish what the meek shall ioy to hear Come therfor helpe his praises to declare To magnify his Name let vs agree Discharg'd I was by him of all my fear And when his ayde I sought he ayded me Enlightned are their eyes that look
awfull God! dreadfull is thy frown when we beholde thee angrie for Sinn lothsome are our sinns when they appeare to a wounded conscience vnsufferable our afflictions when our consciences accuse vs VVe have sinned oh Lord we have sinned and are therfor tormented both in soul bodie yet we beseech thee deal not with vs according to our sinns but for thy mercie-sake vouchsafe vs a favorable correction those remedies consolations which thou knowest best for our infirmities VVhē thou art offended our foes are not only mischeevous vexations but our kindred also forsake vs our best beloved freinds afflict vs which is yet more we our selves are our owne tormenters VVhatsoever therfor betides vs or whosoever is iniurious wee have nothing to replie nor any to accuse but our selves Oh! pittie our distempers hear vs help vs deliver vs for the bitter passion sake of Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 39. To the cheef Musitian to Iduthun a psalme of David The Prophet resolves a patient watchfulnes over the tongue Bemoanes the vanitie miserie of mankinde petitions for God's mercie c. It may serve to instruct comfort vs during the provocations of the wicked in other afflictions IVow'd to keep my waies vpright And that in words I none would wrong While sinners were therfore in sight I shut my lipps stayd my tongue What er'e they sayd I silent stood Refraining words though they were good 2 But greefs did then to stirr beginn Which hot in me my hart did make My thoughts inflam'd a fire within Which loos'd my tongue then I spake Lord of my end informe thou me And what my dayes frailties be 3 For loe my life is but a spann It seems as nothing in thine eyes Ev'n at his best most vaine is man And like the shade away he flies He tires himself with needles paines And knowes not who shall reap his gaines 4 On thee therefore I do attend My trust oh Lord I place on thee From all my sinns my soul defend From flouting-fooles preserve thou mee For I forbare to speak a word Because it was thy doeng Lord. 5 Thy hand with blowes doth me afflict Oh! take thy heavie strokes away When thou for sinn dost man correct Thou Moth-like sretst their Forme awaie Therfore no cause of doubts remaine That ev'ry man is wholie vaine 6 Lord hear my suite my criengs hear Let not my teares vnmention'd goe For as thy Guests my Fathers were And strangers here ev'n I am soe Oh! spare grant me strength I pray Before I passe from hence for aye Give vs Grace oh Lord that our tongues neither offend by vndiscreet or evill speakings nor by continueng silent whē we ought to speake Remember vs how short and vaine our lives are how foolish it is to wearie our selves consume our time for that with we may never enioy loosing in the meane while assured blessings Enable vs to sustaine the crosse which thou shalt lay vpon vs without repininge lay no more on vs then thou shalt make vs able to beare Deliver vs from the scorne of fooles but especiallie from those transgressions by which our beauty is consumed Mark our teares hear our cries and spare vs in this our pilgrimage vntill we have atained the strength by which we may stand firm in thy favour through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 40. To the cheef Musitian a Psalme of David It is applied vnto Christ Hebr. 10. It praiseth God for our Redemption declares the abolishing of the Ceremonial Law the obedience of Christ the preaching of the Gospell c. It is vsefull to commemorate Christs obedience to give praise for former deliverances to pray for future preservation MY constant hopes on God are sett Who when I cride gave eare to me He brought me from the myrie-pitt Ev'n from the denn where horrors be Vpon a Rock my feet he plac't He setled there my standing fast 2 And that his praise I might declare A new-made song to me he taught Which many men shall hear with fear And to depend on God be brought For they who trust in him are blest And they who pride lies detest 3 Those wonders Lord which thou hast wrought Those things my God so many are Which thou concerning vs hast thought That none cann them to thee declare O Lord to order them to thee Is far too great a task for me 4 No offrings thou dost now require But only that thy words I hear No Sacrifize consum'd in fire By thee for sinns desired are Then Loe I sayd I come to be That which thy Book foretold of me 5 I ioy to do thy will oh God! Thy Law is in my hart enrowld And Lord thy Iustice all abrode In great Assemblies I have tolde Thou know'st my lipps thy Truth reveald And. that my hart hath nought conceald 6 I made thy faithful-dealing knowne I did thy saving-health declare I have not kept thy Love vnshowne Nor hidd thy Truth where hearers were Therfor to me thy mercy showe Thy Truth Love Lord make me know 7 For mischeeves more then cann be tolde Have now enclos'd me round about My sinns on me have layd such holde There is no place of looking out Their number doth my haires out goe And therfor faint my hart doth growe 8 Oh Lord vouchsafe my life to save With speed oh God! assist I pray That they with shame a fall may have Who seek to take my Soul away Let those that wish amisse to me With shame scorne repelled be 9 With rooting-out those men require And paie them with deserved shame Whoe in those words of scorne delight Which bring on me disgrace or blame But give him ioy in his desires Who after thee oh Lord enquires 10 Let them who love thy saving-health Confesse thee Lord for evermore For thou art mindfull of my wealth And heedest me though I am pore Lord God my helper make thou speed To help me still at ev'rie need Allmightie God by whose divine powre Iesus Christ was raised out of the myrie pitt of the Grave with tryvmph ascended from the Dungeons of Hell into the highest heavens Grant that by his example we may continually offer vp the sweet ever acceptable Sacrifize of Obedience to thy Will. UUrite thy Lawe in our Harts Let our Tongues publish thy Righteousnes thy Truth to all the world And though our manyfold Sinns make vs vnworthy of thy grace yet deliver vs from that shame punishmēt which they deserve that our Foes may be disappointed of their hope that we together with all thy Saints may ioyfully confesse thy great Mercie through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psal 41. To the cheef Musitian a Psalm of David It declares the reward of Charitie towards the pore members of Christ expresseth the Hypocrisy of his foes Beseecheth God's assistance praiseth him for our exaltation by Christ It is vsefull for these
WHo resteth in the shade of God most high Within his privy-Chambers is reposed And therfor in my selfe thus mused I Thee as a Fort thy God hath round enclosed And is that Rock on which thou shalt rely 2 For he no doubt wil thy defender be From fowlers netts pestilent infection He with his wings will overshaddowe thee His Feathers wil become thy safe protection And for thy Sheild his Truth provideth he 3 No fear that lurks in darknes thee shal fright No arrow that abrode by day-time flieth No secret plague that walks about by night Nor that which in the street at noon-day slayeth Shal make thee fear how nigh soe're it light 4 A thousand faint sinck beside thee shall At thy right-hand ten thousand breathles lieng And yet thou shalt receive no harme at all But only see God's Iustice by espieng The due reward of sinners in their fall 5 For thou dost hope in him therfore hee Ev'n God that is most hye most excelling Wil neither let thee wrong'd nor harmed be Nor suffer any plague to touch thy dwelling But place his gard of Angells over thee 6 They in thy waies will thee conduct along And in their hands vphold thee as thy leaders That not a stone shal do thy footing wrong Yea thou vnhurt shalt sett thy foot on adders On dragons on lions old yong 7 For him that mee doth love th' Almighty sayes I will secure from sorrowes oppression That man likewise to honour I wil raise Who knowes my Name lives in that profession And I will give an answere when he prayes 8 In troublous times to him I will be nigh And out of all his cares I will repreeve him Him I will blesse greatlie dignify His fill of dayes I will moreover give him And granr him grace to live eternally Psa 92. A Psalm or song for the Sabbath It seems not vnproper for that great Sabbath in which wee commemorate our Saviours resurrection for it magnifieth God for the exaltation of the Righteous for the blessednes of his later end c. RIght good it is oh Lord most hye Thy praises to recite Thy Truth Love to magnifie At morning at night With tenn-string'd Instruments to sing The praises of thy Name And that wee harpes Psalt'ries bring To solemnize the same 2 For Lord thy works reioice my hart Thy Deeds my soul do chear How wonderfull in them thou are How deep thy muzings are The Foole Wordling nether knowe Nor heed such things at all And though like flowrs the wicked showe Their prospring proves their fall 3 But Lord thou allwaies art most hye Mark therfor Mark I pray How sinnfull men despersed flye And how thy foes decay My horne the Vnicorne's o're-topps Sweet-oyle is pourd on me And on my Foes my wished hopes I shall both hear see 4 The Iust shall flourish as the boughs Of Palmes Cedars do Or as the trees which round God's house Within his Courts do growe Yea they when age on them doth light Growe fruitfull fatt greene To prove the Lord my Rock vpright And blameles to have beene VVonderfull art thou oh Lord in all thy workings though thy purposes are deeper then our imaginations Yet by that which thou hast manifested wee behold in them great cause of much reioicing wee desire to praise thee for them with all our harts VVee have heretofore repined at the flourishings of the wicked at our owne suffrings But make vs hereafter to vnderstand that their prosperities are permitted to encrease their shame our humiliations vouchsafed that they may the more dignify our exaltations as it befell our blessed Saviour whose infamous Death occasioned that glorious resurrection which we commemorate in our Christian Sabbath Oh! make vs in due time partakers of his Rest grant that our olde age our last howres may be found fruitfull to thy glory our salvation through Iesus Christ Amen Psa 93. This Psalme prophecied the powre maiesty of Christ the perpetuity of his Kingdome in despight of all their fury who should rage against it c. Wee may sing it to comfort vs against the rage of the Devill his members THe Lord is King weareth A Robe of Glory bright He cloth'd with strength appeareth And girt with powrfull might The Earth he so hath grounded That moov'd it cannot be His Throne long since was founded More old then Time is he 2 The waters highly flowed And raisd their voice oh Lord The seas their furie showed And loud their Billowes roar'd But God in strength excelleth Strong seas powrfull deeps With him still purenes dwelleth And firm his Truth he keeps Oh Lord God Kings of Kings incomprehensible in Maiestie and in powre infinite give vs grace so to meditate thy vnspeakable Attributes that neither the frailties within vs nor the terrers without make vs distrustfull of our safety in thee For thou art our King our Lord our God Thou hast Wisdome enough to know what is best for vs Powre enough to effect it Love enough to grant it Perpetuitie enough to continue it Oh! give vs but grace faith enough to beleeve apply it though the Waters rage never so horribly we shall vndoubtedly be safe for ever and ever Amen Psa 94. The Church invokes Christ to come to Iudgment in regard of the cruelty of her Oppressors shewes the cause of their folly presumption c. It serves to informe how ignorant carnall men are of the powre waies of God may help to keep vs vndiscouraged during their Insultings c. LOrd God whose claime avengments are Thy selfe the Iust Avenger showe Thou judge of all arise draw near And on the proud their meed bestowe For Lord how long alas how long Shall sinners Ioye in doeng wrong 2 Despightfull words their tongues have spoke Great braggs the wicked have exprest Yea Lord thy people they have strook And thine Inheritance opprest They widdowes the stranger slay They Orphanes vnto death betray 3 For God say those will never knowe This Iacob's God shall never see Oh learne yee fooles more wise to growe Yee people fond more prudent be Cann hee or deaf or blinde be made From whome both ears eyes you had 4 He to the Nations ev'ry where Corrections Instructions gives To scourg you then will hee forbear Who all mens fruitles thoughts perceives They blessed are whome Lord thou chid'st And they whome in thy Lawe thou guid'st 5 Thou giv'st them rest when mischeevs rage Till pitts prepar'd for Sinners be And Lord thy Flock Heritage Shall never quite be left of thee In Iudgment Iustice shall be shewed And of all faithfull harts persued 6 Who will with mee lew'd men resist Or take my part against the badd Sure God himself doth mee assist My soul had els bene silent made But when I sayd that fall I should Mee Lord
thou hast alured vs vnto thy love by many extraordinario blessings Oh God! let us no longer abuse thy patience but make us now soe to mind our part of the covenant which is betwixt us that wee may be seperated from our heathenish conversations be remembrend among thy people behold the good of thy Chosen reioice in the gladnes of thy Nation be pertakers in the glory of thine Inheritance for ever ever Amen Psa 107. Halelujah It exhorts to praise God for his vniversall Grace Acknowledgeth him the deliverer of all men in all places and in all troubles Confesseth him the Corrector Orderer and disposer of kingdomes persons famelies c. It is vsefull both for temporall spirituall belssings for by bodiey suffrings spirituall miseries are mystically signified COme praise the Lord thanckfully confesse That he is good gratious without end Let those whome God redeem'd his praise expers Ev'n those whome he did from their foes defend Collecting them from East westerne Nations From Northern Clymes southern habitations 2 In deserts wilde where no dwellings were They wandred on with drought hunger faint And them he freed from all destresses there When they to him had vttred their complaint He ledd them on in paths directly guiding To Citties faire whear they had safe abiding 3 Oh! let men praise the goodnes of the Lord And publish out his wonders to their seed For he to hungry men doth meat afford And with good things the longing soul doth feed He those vnbinds that are in fetters chained And in the bands shades of death detained 4 The word of God most high they did reject And small account of his advise they made With heat toile he therfor did afflict And cast them downe when they no helper had But in their need when they againe complained He tooke away the greef which they sustained 5 Frō deaths black shades he shew'd thē light some And all their bands did quite asunder break wais Let all mankinde therfore his wonders praise And of his works among their Children speake The brazen Gates he crakt open sett them Their yron barrs he broke forth he fett them 6 He plaugeth fooles because they have transgrest And for their sinns they much afflicted are Their fainting soules doe pleasant meats detest They to the gates of death approached near But seeking God when they were so oppressed From all their paines feares he them released 7 He sent his word which did their greevāce heal Preventing so their fall which hastned on Oh let all men God's goodnes therfore tell And shewe their seed what wonders he hath done Let them declare his works with joyfull singing The sacrifize of thanckfull praises bringing 8 They that in shipps at sea employed are And for their gaine to crosse the waves are bold May vewe the works of God-almighty there And in the deepes his wondrous deeds behold For he but breaths streight a storm appeareth Which vp aloft the rowling billowes beareth 9 Now mounts to heav'n anon descēds the keel And they grow faint with labour with fear As druncken men they stagger they reel And of their skill they quite deprived are Then to the Lord they cry who them releases From all their feares their dangers destresses 10 For he the stormes to gentle calmes cōvarts And quiet then the raging sea becomes Then they are joy'd Then eased are their harts And them he brings to their desired homes Of these his works let all men make relations And shewe his deeds to future generations 11 Oh sing his praise where great Assemblies are And him among your elders glorify He deserts makes where once great waters were He draines the springs of mighty Rivers drie And from rich Lands their fatnes oft he taketh When by their sinn her dwellers him forsaketh 12 The Deserts vast he turnes to standing Lakes And springs convaies to lands which barren were For hungry soules a dwelling there he makes Who for themselues do build a Citty there They sowe plant reap the hoped blessing Both of their seed of their Vines encreasing 13 He prospers them lo they are encreast Their flocks heards do fatt fruitfull grow Yet otherwhile he letts them be opprest low And with great plagues he sometime brings thē He takes from kings their princely estimation And makes them stray in pathles desolation 14 But frō all greefs the meek he still doth raise And makes like flocks his housholds to appear At sight thereof the Iust will sing his praise And they shall dumbe be strook that wicked are All this they mark that have true wisdom learned And God's great love by them is well descerned Most mercifull God! what Affliction is there from which wee are not howrely delivered or preserved by thee Nay what necessarie benifitts are there which wee have not in the best season receaved from thee in what place soever or of what Nation or condition soever wee are In our wandrings in our poverty in our sicknesses in our imprisonments in our Iournyes at sea land in our labours in our goods in our children in our sorrowes in our prosperities in our persons in our famelies in life in death yea in everie thing wee have continuall experience of thy Mercies insomuch that we may confesse thou delightest in nothing but in shewing Mercy vnles our sinns compel thy Iustice to afflict us that thy Mercies may not be despised and there is great Mercy even in that also Oh good God! make us ever mindful hereof give us wisdome so to mark consider these things that both wee our posteritie may magnifie thy vnspeakable bounty declare thy wonderful workings for ever ever Amen Psa 108. A song or Psalme of David This is composed of the later parts of the 57. 60 Psalmes yet differs from both for those beginn with lamentations end with reioieings but this is wholy triumphant personates the Church praising God for her enlargment c. Wee may sing it when the Church is released from some persecution or her limitts extended farther c. MY hart is sixt I oh Lord Will in my songs thy fame record And with my tongue sing praise to thee My Harp Psaltry are awake And I my selfe will readie make To praise thee where Assemblies be 2 For through the heav'ns thy Truth doth stretch Above the Sphears thy mercies reach Oh God! be still exalted high Thy praise through heav'n earth extend Let thy righthand thy Dear defend And still vouchsafe me thy replie 3 For as thy holy Voice declard With trivmphs Shechem I have sharde And I have measur'd Succoth Vale. Mine Gilead Manasseth are My head mount Ephraim high doth bear In Iudah stands my judgment Stall 4 Proud Moab is my drugding slave My foot in Edom fixt I have And Palestine doth ioye in me For who to Edom was my guide Or to the
me from offending thee I thought Oh Lord my God thou alwaies blessed art Vouchsafe to me thy Statutes may be taught Betweene my lipps I oft have sounded forth The Iudgments of thy mouth and I have deem'd Thy Testimonies path of greater worth Then riches are by others most esteem'd Both on thy sacred Precepts I do muse And ever to thy UUaies have borne respect Thy Statutes as my pleasures I will vse And Lord they word I never will neglect Suffer vs not oh God to deferr the amendment of our lives vntill we be decrepit with age but let thy word reform us in our youth at least from this present howre let us beginn the cleansing of our waies with our whole harts Let us seek thee blesse thee speak of thee Muse on thee so delight in thee that thou maist delight in us keep us in the way of thy Commandements for ever ever Amen Gimel 3. LOrd grace thy servant so that he May live keep thy VVord The wonders of thy Lawe to see Enlight mine eyes oh Lord. A stranger here on earth I am Thy Precepts let me knowe My soul with longings faint became Thy Iudgments love I so 2 Their Cursed pride thou hast contrould Who from thy Lawes do swarve But shame scorne from mee withhold For I thy Truth observe Enthroned Princes mee reproov'd Yet on thy Lawes I thought Thy Testimonies I have lov'd To mee they Counsell taught Another of the same COnfer such Bountie on thy servant Lord That to fulfill thy Lawe survive I may That I may see the wonders of thy UUord Vnclose likewise Oh Lord mine eyes I pray Consid'ring that on earth I am a stranger Hide not from me the knowledge of thy Truth My soul to leave the body is in danger Shee so desires the Iudgments of thy mouth Controld thou hast the Cursed pride of them Who from thy iust Commandements have swarved Remoove away their scornes who mee contemn For I thy Testimonies have observed Contested with by Princes I have binn Yet I thy servant on thy Statutes muse Thy Testimonies my delights are in And them to be my Counsellers I chuse Almighty God seeing wee are but Pilgrims here on earth subiect to many wants many Infirmities many oppressions gratiously vouchsafe us that which is out wardly necessary for the body Supply that which is defective in our seules let thy Lawe arme us against the opposition of all our Adversaries through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Daleth 4. ACcording to thy word now chear My soul which lowe is brought My life's Consession thou shalt heare Let mee thy Lawe be taught Mee in thy way appointed set And I 'le they works record Greef tires my soul oh comfort it According to thy word 2 Me from the path of Lies remoove And by thy Lawe direct For I the waies of Truth do love Thy Iudgments I affect Disgrace me not for firme I stand To what thou hast decreed And I will runn at thy Command When thou my hart hast freed Another of the same DEclined is my soul ev'n to the ground Oh quicken mee according to thy word My waies I shew'd I thine answere found Thy Statutes also teach to mee oh Lord. Disclose to me thy Testimonies path And of thy wondrous works my talke shall be My life consumes because much greef it hath According to thy UUord establish mee Divide mee from that Path which liers love And gratiously vouchsafe to mee thy Lawe The way of Truth is that which I approve And of thy Iudgments I do stand in awe Distrustfull of thy word I never grewe Permit me not oh Lord to be disgrac't The way of thy Commands I will persue As soone at thou my hart enlarged hast Indowe our harts oh God! with such vnfained humiliation with such true Confession with such harty contrition with such love to thy Truth with hatred of error with a renewing of the whole man that wee may be more more enlarged from our sinns Corruptions vntill wee be perfectly restored to the full liberty of the Sonns of God through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen He. 5. SHewe mee thy Truth from that way I never will depart Teach mee thy Lawes them for aye I 'le keep with all my hart Thy Statutes Paths to mee declare For I delight theron To love thy VVord my hart prepare And Avarice to shunn 2 From folly turne mine eyes oh Lord And keep mee in thy way Confirm thy Servant in thy VVord That so I fear thee may Because thy Iudgments gratious be My feared shame remove And in thy Statutes quicken me For Lord thy Lawes I love Another of the same ETernall God thy Statutes teach to mee That til their end I may fulfill them all To keep thy Lawe let me instructed be And I with all my hart observe it shall Enable me to keep each Lawe of thine Because that in their path I pleasure take My hart vnto thy Testaments incline That so all Avarice I may forsake Estrange mine eye from Obiects that are vaine And let mee be revived in thy Path. Thy word to mee thy servant now make plaine Who to thy fear him self devoted hath Expell thou far away the shame I fear For just good oh Lord thy Iudgments be See what my longings for thy Precepts are And in they righteousnes revive thou mee Oh Lord Ignorance of thy Lawe is the Cause that wee neither love nor beleeve it want of Love Beleef are the occasions of all our errors Give us therfor wee pray thee that Love that knowledge that beleef of thy word which may keep us in thy Paths Root Covetuosnes out of our harts let no solly allure our eyes to wander aside hereafter because there is Mercy in all thy Iudgments keep us from the shame which wee fear have already deserved Even for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Vau. 6. THy loving ayde vouchsafe mee still As thou hast promis'd Lord So I my scorners answere will For I beleeve thy word Since on thy Iudgments I rely Oh! do not Lord with drawe Thy VVord of Truth then shall I For ever keep thy Lawe 2 Now I to seek thy way am bent I cann with freedome walke And I will of thy Testament To Kings with boldnes talke In thy Commands I will delight For I have them approov'd I 'le minde thy word keep aright Thy Lawes which I have lov'd Another of the same FVfill thy promisd word favour daigne Yea grat thou mee thy saving-health oh Lord So I shall make replies to them againe Who flout at me because I trust thy word Firme trust vnto thy Iudgments Lord I have Therefor to leave thy Truth permit me never But make me to thyne Ordinances cleave And keep thy Lawes for ever for ever Free shall my walkings be vncontrould Because thy precepts are belov'd of me Thy Testaments to kings I will vnfold And of the same
my hands Vngodly men for mee have laid a nett Yet walk I not astray from thy Commands Of all my Ioyes thy UUord alone is cause Thy Testaments I make mine heritage My hart resolves to love keep thy Lawes While tyme endures throughout evry Age. Many waies oh Lord is thy Lawe healpfull vnto vs. It is a Schoolmaster to teach us A Rule whereby to square our Actions A glasse to shew us our deformities A light to guide us out of error a Remembrancer to shewe vs what we are liable vnto by Nature That so the terrors thereof may make the flesh more obedient to the spirit their harts the more thanck full whome Grace hath freed from the Curse condemning powre thereof yea it is alwaies vsefull in some kinde or other Oh write it therfor in our harts engrave it in our mindes for ever ever Amen Samech 15. THy Lawe I love with all my hart And wicked thoughts detest The place of my defence thou art And on thy VVord I rest Lewd men avoyd for I would faine My God's Commands obay According to thy VVord mainetaine My life hopes I pray 2 Support mee I nought shall dread For to thy word I cleave Vpon thy Lawes transgressers tread For guile shall them deceive Purgd out like drosse the wicked be I therefore love thy Lawe And of thy Iudgments of thee My flesh doth stand in awe Another of the same PRoud thonghts I hate and such as cause offence But with much love thy Lawe I do embrace Thou art my sheild oh Lord and my defence And in thy VVord my confidence I place Pack hence all yee that evill doers he For all my God's Commands I will obay According to thy VVord vphold thou mee That both my life hopes enioy I may Protect me no dangers I shall fear For in thy Statutes I will then delight Suppresse all those that from thy Precepts err For why they muse on nothing but deceit Purg'd out by thee like drosse thee wicked are And I thy Testimonies love therefore My flesh doth dread thee with a trembling fear And by thy Iudgments I am frighted sore Oh Lord let the consideration of thy Iudgmēts purge out all our wickednes so terrify our wanton flesh that it may tremble to offend thee Let the Meditation of thy Lawe of Love so work vpō our harts that our verie thinckings may be sanctified And let us be continually supported by thy asisting Grace that in thought word deed wee may persevere in obedience to thy Will be safe vnder thy protection for ever ever Amen Aijn 16. IN Iudgment I vprightly deal Let no man mee oppresse Be suretie for thy servants weal From Tyrants me release Mine eyes are dimm'd since for thy VVord And saving-health I sought Deal well with mee thy servant Lord Let me thy Lawe be taught 2 Since thee I serve Lord grant I may Thy Testimonies knowe Now is the time to work for they Thy Law would overthrowe Far more then gold then finest gold Thy Statutes I affect Thy Lawe in all things I vphold And errors way reject Another of the same QUit me from such as doe my harme assay For I according to thy Lawe have wrought Be suretie for thy Servants weal I pray That to the proud in thrall I be not brought Quite wasted are mine eyes almost blinde Since thy just VVord healp I did expect According to Mercie be thou kinde And me thy servant by thy Law direct Quench not that light by which thy Truth is known But give thy servant knowledg in thy VVord For they thy blessed Lawe have overthrowne And it is time that thou thy healp afford Quick therfore be For I above all gold Yea more then gold refinde thy VVord affect Thy Statutes all to be vpright I holde And all erroneous waies I disrespect Preserve us oh God from their wickednes who pretending a Christian Libertie seek to overthrowe make voyd thy Lawe to the quenching of the spirit to the fullfilling of their fleshly Will Grant rather that the more wee are freed from the Bondage of the Lawe the lesse obliged to the works thereof for our Justification the more we may labour to fullfill the same even for the love of Righteousnes in Iesus Christ Amen Pe. 17. RAre things thy Testaments comprise And are my soules delight Thy Statutes make the simple wise Their knowledg giveth light Through longing for thy Lawe I drewe My breath with panting Mouth Veiwe mee in Love as thou dost veiwe The Lovers of thy Truth 2 So guide my goengs by thy VVord No sinn in mee may raigne From spoile of men preserve me Lord. For I thy Truth retaine Teach mee thy Lawes let thy face Vpon thy servant shine For Streames I weep when men transgresse Or break a Lawe of thine Another of the same RIght wonderfull thy Testimonies are And therfor Lord my soul to keep thē strives Thy VVord's approching makes great light appear And Vnderstanding to the simple gives Respire pant I did with mouth vnclo'sd So greedy of thy Precepts I became Oh look on mee as when thou art disposd To look vpon the Lovers of thy Name Restraine my stepps according to thy UUord And let no sinn in me domion gaine From Cruel men defend thou mee oh Lord So I thy sacred Precepts will retaine Reflect on mee the brightnes of thy face And shewe thy Testimonies vnto mee For downe my cheeks the teares do flow apace Because thy Lawes despisd broken be Sweet Iesu though we desire to seeme wise wee are very simple in the best knowledge Oh encrease our vnderstanding Though vvee professe great Affection to thee thy Lawe yet vvee soone deny yea forsvvear both if vvee are in danger to partake of thy suffrings Oh look vpon vs therfor vvith such an aspect as thou didst cast on thy Apostle St. Peter that vveeping bitterly for our Sinns vnkindenesses as he did vve may obtaine the same forgivenes Amen Zade 18. THou just in all thy doengs Lord And in thy Iudgments art Thy Testimonies thy VVord Are true in ev'ry part I burne with zeal because I see My foes thy Truth neglect Thy VVord is pure which causeth mee That I the same affect 2 Thy precepts I will still retaine Though I despisd am growne Thy Iustice alway shall remaine Thy Lavve Truth are one In thy Commands my pleasures are Though troubles on mee fall Thy just eternall VVill declare And thereby live I shall Another of the same SIncere thou art oh Lord in all thou dost A true righteous Iudgment thou hast past Thy Testimonies are exceeding just And so is all that thou Commanded hast Spent through my zeal I am almost pin'de Since of thy Truth my foes regardles growe Thy VVord is to the vttermost refin'de And for that cause thy servant loves it soe Scorn'd despis'd I am yet cannot this My
thoughts from thy Commandements withdrawe Thy Iustice an eternall Iustice is And Truth it self thou givest for thy Lavve Sore paines sorrowes have layd hold on mee Yet I from thy Commands content receive Thy righteous Testimonies endles be Oh let me know them Lord that I may live It is true oh Lord that vvhat ever thou willest is Just needs no other reason thereof but that thou Willest it because thy Will is Truth Justice it self Keep us therfor from questioning the Justice of any thing vvhich thou hast Willed or Decreed preserue us also from their madnes vvho fancie Decrees vvhich thou never mad'st such as doe not make thee iustifiable by humane Reason Teach us to knovve that though thy Justice is incomprehensible yet so much as thy vvord hath expressed of it is such a Justice as makes thee even in our capacities Justifiable when thou art iudged such as may encourage us to endeavour to be just as thou art just holie as thou art holy by thy example This grant for Iesus Christ his sake Amen Coph 19. LOrd hear for in my hart I crie And I thy VVord obay To hear my call thine ear apply That keep thy Lavves I may Relieng on thy VVord I call'd Before the Morning-light To mark thy VVords mine eyes forestald The Watches of the night 2 As iust loving Lord thou art So hear quicken mee Lo such as from thy Lavve depart For mischeefe comming be Oh Lord to mee now nearer drawe Thy VVord all truth containes And long agoe I knewe thy Lavve Eternally remaines Another of the same THey healp oh Lord with all my hart I crave Thy just Commands resolving to obay To thee I call aloud mee daigne to save That so thy Testimonies keep I may To thee before the break of day I call And for my certaine ayde thy VVord I take The watches of the night mine eyes forestall That on thy Lavve my muzings I may make Thine ear vnto my voice in mercy bowe That mee thy Iudgments may revive oh Lord. They fast approach who seek my overthrowe Ev'n they who strangers are vnto thy VVord To mee oh Lord at all tymes be thou nigh Thy Statutes all perfection do containe And many daies agoe informed was I That thy Commands for ever shall remaine VVee rise early oh Lord cann sit vp late at night to prosecute our common affaires or to prevent the mischeevous purposes of any temporall Adversary Cause us vvee tray thee to be as vigilant in seeking thee in Meditating the deep Misteries of thy Lawe in foreseeing vvhat spirituall enimies are approching to endanger our soules Vouchsafe this oh Lord in all our endeavours assist us in all our prayers hear us in all our necessities be present vvith us in Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Resh 20. REgard my greef save me Lord For I obaie thy Lavves Hear me according to thy VVord Oh save plead my Cause Because thy VVord they muse not on From health are sinners far Revive mee Lord as thou hast done For great thy Mercies are 2 My foes spoilers many be Yet I thy VVord professe And greeve when I the wicked see Thy Statutes to transgresse Thy Lawe I love oh quicken mee As thou hast promis'd Lord. For endles thy just Iudgments be And ever true thy UUord Another of the same VEwe Lord what sorrowes have oppressed mee For to observe Lawe My minde I give Let mee adiudged deliver'd be And mee according to thy vvord revive Vngodly men from saving health are far Because they do not seek thy Statutes Lord Exceding great thy Tender-mercies are Reviue thou mee according to thy vvord Vext persude by many I have beene And yet I from thy Precepts have not straid I greeved was when sinners I had seene Because thy holy vvord they disobayd Vnto thy Lawe observe what love I shew And of thy tender mercie quicken mee Thy vvord through all eternitie is true And everlasting thy just Iudgments be Oh Christ the Mediatour in our minds wee are lovers observers of thy Lawe but in our mēbers wee are captivated vnto the Lawe of Sinn for which our greeved spirits do complaine with sighes groanes that are neither vtterable by the voice nor sensible to the flesh Oh deliver us from this bondage Plead thou our cause to thy Father Comfort our deiected soules let our love practise of thy Lawe quicken us in the way of Righteousnes make us partakers of thy Tender-Mercies for ever more Amen Schin 21. THough Princes causeles wrong'd mee much Thy Lawe I sleighted not But in thy word my ioies were such As his that Spoiles hath got The lienge lipps I do abhorr But I affect thy vvord Seav'n times a day I praise thee for Thy righteous Doomes oh Lord. 2 The Lovers of thy Lawe have peace And harme they shall have none Lord on thine aide my hopes I place And thy Commands have done My soul thy Testimonie kept In love therewith I grewe I from thy Precepts have not stept For thou my waies dost veiwe Another of the same WHē cause was none ev'n Princes wronged mee But of thy word alone my hart had feare And in that word my Ioies moreover be As great as their's that sharing booties are With much dislike all falshood I detest And I thy Lawe vnfainedlie affect Sev'n times a day thy praise I have exprest Because thy righteous Iudgments I respect What perfect peace have they that love thy word Ev'n such that nothing cann their quiet marr For thy salvation I have hoped Lord And thy Commands by mee performed are Well pleas'd with exceeding much delight My soul thy Testimonies keepeth still Thou know'st for all my waies are in thy sight That I thy Precepts thy Lawes fulfill Oh blessed Redeemer who wert persecuted by Princes for my sake without a Cause Thy many Prayers daylie offred to thy Father thy true delight in his Word thy detestation of falshood thy perfect fulfilling of the Lawe have obtained that thy righteousnes may be ascribed vnto us Oh grant that by performing what thou hast enabled us to do wee may retaine encrease the Talent freely given enioy thy Peace which passeth all vnderstanding for ever ever Amen Tau 22. REceive my cry guide thou mee As thou hast promisd Lord. Give ear saved let mee be According to thy vvord When thou to me hast showne thy vvaies My lipps thy praise will shewe My tongue thy blessed vvord shall praise For all thy Lawes are true 2 Mee let thy powrfull hand protect For I thy Lawe approove Thy Saving-health I do affect Thy Precepts I do love Oh let mee live to sing thy praise In Iudgment mee preserve Thy servant seek who sheep-like straies For I thy Lawe observe Another of the same YEald my Complaint oh Lord thy graitious ear And knowledge of thy Lawe to me afford My humble suite vouchsafe I pray to
intentions against us Let us take no pleasure in any temporall thing till wee have prevailed against the fury of our spiritual destroyers give vs grace so to crush all sinns heresies in their first birth that we may be made eternally safe happy through Iesus Christ cur Lord. Amen Another of the same AS nigh Babel streames wee fate Full of greefs vnbefreinded Minding Syon's pore estate From our eyes the teares descended And our Harps wee hanged by On the willowes growing nigh 2 For insulting on our woe They that vs had there inthralled Their imperious powre to showe For a song of Syon called Come yee Captives come said they Sing vs now an Hebrewe Lay. 3 But oh Lord what hart had wee In a forraigne habitation To repeat our songs of thee For our spoiler's recreation Ah alas wee cannot yet Thee Ierusalem forget 4 Oh Ierusalem if I Do not mourne all pleasure shunninge Whilst thy walls defaced lie Let my righthand loose his cunninge And for ever let my tounge To my Pallet fast be Clung 5 Oh remember blessed Lord E're Ierusalem was wasted How the sonns of Edom roar'd And her totall ruine hasted Till they levell all had laid Rase it rase it quite they said 6 But thou shalt be spoiled thus And be vs'd oh Babels daughter Iust as thou hast vsed vs. And that man who in thy slaughter On the stones thy Child'ren braines Shall be blessed for his paines Psa 138. A Psalme of David God is here praised for the truth of his Word for glorifieng his Sonn Christ for confirming his Elect for the Common grace vouchsafed to all c. It may be sung for any Deliverance But especially for our Redemption WIth all my hart I 'le sing abrode thy fame And praise thee where the Gods assēbled are Ev'n in thy house I 'le magnifie thy Name And for thy Truth Love thy praise declare For thou thy Name word o're all dost rear 2 When I did call thou mad'st replie to mee And strength vnto my soul thou didst afford All Kings of earth shall therfor honour thee As soone oh God as they have heard thy word And sing thy praise in thine own Paths oh Lord. 3 For thou art great thou oh Lord art high Yet hast regard of humble men belowe Thou vew'st the proude but with a sleighting eye Therefore altho through many greefs I goe I certaine am thou comforts wilt bestowe 4 Thy righthand Lord shall my salvation bee My foes feirce rage thy stretcht-out hād shal stay Thou shalt performe all things concerning mee Thy mercies Lord abide the same for aye Reiect not then thy handy-work I pray Oh Lord our Creator thou causlesly reiect est none whome thou hast made neither art thou such an accepter of Persōs as too many fancie thee bee But impartially acceptest in every Person that which is the Obiect of thy eternall Election where soever thou findest the same lovest that vnto the end Therefore thou extendest thy Truth and Mercy to all vouchsafing also thy Assisting powre to perfect that work which thy free-grace hath begunn yea thou effectually perfectest that worke in soe many as do humbly submit them selves to thy will resist not proudly the motions of thy spirit And though they passe through many temptations hazards thy hand still reacheth vnto thē comforts meanes of safe perseverance vnto the end Oh give us wisdome to perceave grace humbly to acknowledge this great Mercie which who soever denies Denies thy greatest glory make thou our endeavours answereable to the grace powre which wee have receaved through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psa 139. To the cheef Musitian a Psalme of David It confesseth the all-seeing providence powre wisdome and Mercy of God And expresseth a desire of the Faithfull to be serched rectified by him c. It warnes vs not to live Hypocriticallie in regard God beholds vs at all times in all places c. OH Lord thy all-beholdinge eies Have serch'd well observed mee Thou see'st mee sitt thou see'st mee rise Thou know'st my thoughts e're thought they be Thou vew'st my wayes walkings Lord Thou see'st what in my bedd I doe And I do never speak a word But lo thyne ears do hear it to 2 Thou standst before me behinde Thy hand on mee doth alwaies lie Thy wisdome cannot be confinde And for my reach it is too high Then from thy spirit from thee Oh whither cann I fly or goe If heav'n I clime thou there wilt be If hell I dive there art thou to 3 If on the Mornings wings I ride And thinck to fly beyond the seas Thy hand ev'n there cann be my guide They right-hand there on mee cann ceaze Or if I say the Duskie night Shall hide mee Night will me bewray For darknes is to thee as light The day like night the night like day 4 My Reines to thee apparant are For in the wombe thou closedst mee I strangely was composed there And therefore I will honour thee Thy wondrous works my soul doth knowe And that my substance thou didst marke Ev'n when as in the earth belowe I was composed in the darke 5 Before I perfect Beeing tooke Or Forme or Matter for this frame My Members all were in thy booke And thou foresaw'st what now I am Therefore thy thoughts of vs how dear And Lord how infinite they bee As num'rous as the Sands they are And wake mee still to muze on thee 6 Vngodly men men of blood Destroy cause them to be gone For they speak ill of thee oh God And vainely proude thy foes are growne Thy haters I have hated Lord And greev'd at such as thee oppose With perfect hate I them abhord And those accounted as my foes 7 Oh God! a strict enquiry make My hart ev'ry thought survay Search if an evill Course I take And showe mee thy eternall way There is nothing oh Lord in the structure of our bodies or in the disposition of our mindes but it is knowne to thee with every Cause effect thereof Neither darknes nor distance of place cann so hide us from thee but that thou seest our Actions hearest our words perceavest our thoughts Yea what they are enclinable vnto before wee thinck them Give us grace therefor to behave our selves alwaies as in thy sight Let our secret intentions be vpright cause us to love and hate as thou dost Turge away all that which is evill in us infuse into our harts all those graces which may make us acceptable to thee in Christ Iesus Amen Psa 140. To the cheef Musitian a Psalme of David It personates Christ's mysticall body desiring deliverance from Oppressors And describing their malice pride Trechery c. It is vsefull when any Congregation is greeved by the bitter scandalls lieng doctrines or mischeevous insinuations of Atheists false brethren e. LEt me oh God from sinners
I will those wonders thou hast done That men from age to age may speak of thee Ev'n of thy Fame glories I will treat And shewe how rare thy wondrous workings are For when thy dreadfull Acts I shall repeat Then other men their largnes will declare Great speach of thy great goodnes they shal make And singing of thy Iustice they shalt showe How apt thou art compassion still to take How prone to pitty to wrath how slowe In doeng good to all thou Lord art free Thy Mercies are vpon thy Creatures all Kept glorious by thy deeds thy praises bee And therfor all thy Saints confesse thee shall Lord of thy kingdome 's glorie they shall tell And shewing ev'ry where what powre thou hast Make knowne how much thy mighty Acts excell And with what state thy royall Throne is plac't Not as a king that 's only temporall For endles eternall is thy throne On thee who e're depends though he should fall Thou Lord wilt lift him vp when he is down Plac'd are on thee all creatures eyes oh God! And thou dost give them food in season still Quite open thou dost reach thy hand abrode Each living Creatures longing to fulfill Right just thou art oh Lord in all thy wayes And as in all thy works thou holy art So thou art near to ev'ry one that praies To all that seek to thee with honest hart To thē that fear thy Name their wish thou giv'st And such as call vpon thee thou wilt save Vngodly men of safety thou depriv'st But all thy Lovers thy protection have Wherefore oh Lord to publish out thy fame In praisefull wise my mouth shall still endeaver Yea all flesh shall blesse thy holy Name And praise the same for ever for ever Oh Lord thy spirit hath said thou art good to all that thy Mercie is over all thy Works Stop the mouthes therfore of all those perverters of thy Truth and blaspheamers of thy most glorious Attribute who dare affirme that thou hast eternally Dereed purpossely Created irrevocably necessitated that the greatest number of soules should be vessells of wrath condemnation without any respect vnto Sinn Good God let this damnable blasphemy spread no further Give all men grace to perceave that they who pretend to honour thee by this doctrine do consequently vnavoydably impute vnto thy sacred Majestie all the wickednes both of men Devills contrary to all piety contrarie to thy expresse Word which is perverted to maintaine this heresy contrarie to that which naturall Reason hath written in our harts Lord these are they which have made thousands hide their Talent by sayeng that thou expectest to reap where thou sowedst not they have soe corrupted their owne iudgments most of their hearers that there is no meanes to prevent this pestilence of the soul but by prayer Vnto thee therfor wee pray Oh hear us even for thine owne honor sake for thy Mercie sake in Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Psa 146. Haleluiah It stirreth vp the soul to perpetuall thanksgiving to depēdance vpon God alone giving reasons for the same c. Wee may sing it to minde vs of those duties MY soul praise thou the Lord As long as thou hast breath In song his praise record And honour him till death No credit place In earthlie kings or such vaine things As humane race 2 Breath failes dust they be One day their pompe destroies Right blest therefore is hee That Iacob's God enioyes And hopes in him Who framed these heav'n earth seas And all in them 3 For God is faithfull still Men wrong'd assist will hee The hungry he doth fill And setts the pris'ner free He Sight bestowes Loves men vpright maketh streight What crooked growes 4 The stranger he receives To Orphanes help imparts The widdowe he releives And Sinners paths subvarts The Lord therefore Oh Syon shall be king of all For evermore Haleluiah Almightie God Creator of heav'n earth the sure healper of all who trust in thee pitty our oppressions satisfy our spirituall hunger free vs from the bondage of sinn cure the blindnes of our Understandings be mercifull to vs in all the rest of our necessities infirmities Grant also that renouncinge all other Confidence depending only on thy favour wee may praise thee for these all thy Mercies in Christ Iesus Amen Psalme 147. It exhorts to praise God for encreasing building his Church typyfied by Ierusalem for many particuler mercies to his people for overthrowing the proud c. The vse is apparant OH glorifie the Lord For of God's praise to sing With justice doth accord Yea 't is a pleasant thing Ierusalem Hee will erect and recollect His Flock to him 2 The Contrite hart hee heales Hee cures their bruises all The Starrs he also tells And them by Name cann call This Lord of our In wise foresight is infinite And great in powre 3 The Lord the Meek doth raise The proud he brings to ground Oh therfor sing his praise Let Harps his praise resound He Clouds doth bring And shewres distills which on the hills Makes grasse to spring 4 Ev'n Beasts Ravens yonge He feedeth when they call In horse or footmen strong He ioyeth nought at all God loves all them Who in his grace their hopes doe place And honor him 5 Syon Salem blesse The Lord your God in song Who doth your seed encrease And hath your Gates made strong His Peace hath yet Your bounds vphild you he fild With flowre of wheat 6 Through earth his Mandates goe His word with swiftnes flies Like wooll he giveth snowe His frost like Ashes lies And then beside He forth doth slice cold flakes of Ice Which who cann bide 7 He speakes streight it thawes He breaths water flowes His statutes his Lawes He to his people showes No nation els His Iudgments know therfore soe With none he deals Haleluiah Most mercifull God who buildest vp thy heavenly Ierusalem by the gathering together of all the faithfull Not only taking notise of them who have starr-like perfections but even of vs also whoe are of those Blind and Lame whome thou hast caused to be called to thy banquet Nay though wee are as brute Beasts or vncleane Birds thou art ready to extend thy Mercy whensoever wee seek thee Oh make vs thanckfull for thy great Bounty Send out thy word to compell us by Stormes or to allure by Calmes according as it shal finde vs disposed let the graces of thy Spirit so thawe our congealed harts that the teares of true penitence may flow from vs produce all such other effects as may cause vs to know thy Iudgments to be of those people whome thou lovest in Iesus Christ Amen Psa 148. Halelujah All Creatures are here in a Poetical manner exhorted to glorify their Creator Wee should vse it to remember vs that God requireth all his Creatures