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A14707 Antichrist, that is to saye: A true reporte, that Antichriste is come wher he was borne, of his persone, miracles, what tooles he worketh withall, and what shalbe his ende: translated out of Latine into Englishe. by I.O.; Antichristus. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555. 1556 (1556) STC 25009; ESTC S119373 149,758 392

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be hable to persiste manfully in the truthe that we haue receaued and finally to be saued in Christ To him be honour glorie and praise for ouer and euer Amen Thus endeth the fourthe Homilie The .v. Homilie In this .v. Homilie is described the ende and final destruction of Antichriste and what christen faithfull peoples duety is to doo in the rage of Antichristes tyrannye IN these other foure Homilies louing brethren in Christ I haue hitherto playnly declared those scriptures that serue to knowe the feate the springing vp the persone the workes and the weapones of Antichrist by which if they be compared with the seate starting vp persone workes and weapones of the bishop of Rome we must nedes confesse that what so euer is spoken of Antichrist by the prophet Daniel and the apostle S. Paule agreeth rightly with the B. of Rome in euery condicion And therfore this must of necessitie folowe that the B. of Rome which delyteth to be named the head of the churche Christes vicare the portour of heauen gate yea and holynesse it self is that vndoubted and mightie houge enemie of our saueour Christ that is to saye Antichrist the manne of synne the sonne of perdicion that highe abominacion whiche nestleth his seate in the tēple of God and exalteth him selfe aboue al that is named God in that he to muche sawcely taketh that vpon him selfe which belongeth to none but to the only grace and power of God Nowe remayneth the last mater which maketh mencion of the fal and destructiō of Antichrist which also is to be knowen by the places before rehearsed wherof we may sucke not only excellent good learnyng but also exceadyng muche comforte But the Apostle Paule speaking of the ende destruction of this vngracious The ende and destructiō of Antichrist wicked monstre sayeth The Lorde shal destroy him with the breathe of his mouthe shall despeche him with the brightnesse glorie of his cōming that is to saye at his bright glorious cōming Two thinges therfore the apostle wold haue vs to note cōcerning the destructiō of Antichrist Furst he sayeth that he must be destroyed and slayne with the breath of the Lordes mouth which saieng is takē out of Esay as I sayd a litel before For Esay speaking of Christ our Lorde of his workes reporteth the self same mater in the very same wordes And ther we must more depely marke the meanyng of that wordes Antichrist is destroyed with the breathe of the Lordes mouthe wherby we maye the more easely vnderstande that these are also fulfilled The breathe of the Lordes mouthe is that eternall almightie worde of God by the which it is manifest that al creatures were made at the beginnyng of the worlde are conserued euē vnto this daye And this worde the Apostle sayeth shal be the sweorde wherwith Antichrist must nedes be destroyed And in dede the same Apostle calleth the worde of God a swcorde writyng thus to the Hebrewes in the. 4. Chap. The worde of God is quicke and mightie in operacion sharper than any two edged sweorde and pearceth through euen vnto the diuiding asondre of the soule and the spirite and of the ioyntes and the marye and iudgeth the thoughtes and intentes of the hearte Surely they that haue their synnes opened reproued by this worde perceaue by experience that it is suche a maner of sweorde in dede Furthermore whan the same apostle armeth vs and trymmeth vs against our cōmon enemye he reacheth vs the sweorde of the spirite which is the worde of God wherwith Christ our saueour him self hathe taught vs to fight by his owne example For whā sathā that wicked temptour came to him being as he was very man in dede Christ dothe warde and stryke by all Satanes blowes with this one only sweorde holding out against euery assault of temptacion suche fitte textes of goddes worde as he might put him to flight and breake his weapones withall Wherfore seing we see the deuil him self ouercomen with Goddes worde long agoo we shall thinke that Paule hade good mater to saye teache vs that Antichrist the chosen instrument of the deuill shall also be ouercome and destroyed with the breathe of Goddes mouthe that is by the worde of God But the mysterie of this sentence we must more depely searche out Paule in the same place treating of Antichristes weapones and workes said that his power and working shal be deuillishe that being trymlye furnished in false wyles and lies he shall doo all that the prophetes reporte of him yea that he shall reigne like a king in mennes consciēces through the power of lies For ther wolde neuer a man in all the worlde receaue so haynous an abominacion that knewe perfitly what it were But forasmuche as he crepeth in to mennes consciences with wylie craftes and false sleightes he dissēbleth him self to be an other maner a felowe thā he is in dede Yea by the reason of false citing and expounding of places of the scriptures he knoweth the cast howe to couer his monstrous face Anone after they whome with his false doinges he hathe made tame fooles haue once receaued him he reigneth ruleth the rost in their cōsciences after suche sorte that they geue credence to him and doo what so euer he biddeth them and refuse what so euer he forbiddeth them yea they passe their tyme being all together addicte to hym Now seing all Antichristes tirannie and emperious kingdome hathe none other sure foundacion but only lyes and false craftes it must nedes haue a downefall also assone as the lyght of Goddes worde that is the lyght of eternall truthe shyneth into mennes consciences and reproueth craftye sleyghtes and lyes For it is not possible for men to geue credence to lyes any more which knowe them to be lyes but it maketh them rather to be abashed to be so shamefully deceaued and to beare a deadly hate vnto them that made thē to do amysse by their deceauyng Than therfore Antichrist hathe lost bothe his lyfe his royaltie through the sweorde of Goddes worde albeit he lyue yet still in bodye and reigne still in very many of his membres But that we maye perceaue this gayre more certainly we must note the mater it self that is how it dothe fittlye accorde to the condicion of the B. of Rome Whan the bishop of Rome began to be desirous to beare the bell he set out himself al his purposes for men to see not to be suche as they were in dede but painted florished ouer with sondry countrefait colours For at the furst that simple rude cōmō people must nedes be persuaded that Petre had the supremacie yea the principalitie among Christes Apostles at leynght was brought to Rome and there preached the Gospel and that he was the furst bishop of the church of Rome By this reason the supremacie of other churches myght be translated to the churche of Rome this
set furthe can not fantasye all those paynes that men take in speaking doyng against the Bishop of Romes tyrannye And yet for al that these same fyne carpet doctours make them selues wōderous busye and earnest in dryuyng awaye a sorte of lowsye harlot Friers and maungie Masse-priestes In this they thinke they do gaily And yf they chaunce at auenture to hitte vpō a newe terme of speache to floute and taunt those vngracious mōstres withal Lorde so bragge they are of it But yet they wolde not haue the head chief prince of these monstres to be meddled against in no wise But I wolde haue them to answer me Doo you thinke it to be true O you saweye more than arrogaunt frierly diuinitie doters that the Apostle Paule yea that God him self hathe ordained you to be watchemen in his house Sure you will saye it is true for you can not denye it onles ye will lose all the glorie of your estimacion which ye set so muche by Than what thinke you is the office of a watchemā Is it ynough for him to tang the watchebell whan a rascall common souldiour or twoo of the enemies bande cometh whan the chieftayn of the Armye and high Emperour him selfe approcheth with his hole hoost to make no signe at al I thinke you wil not graunt that But than chiefly shoulde the trompet sounde than should he ring alarme most of al than must the cytezins be cōmaunded to harnesse specially thā is the greatest daungier of all other And except the watcheman doo thus he shall not only be called a necligent cowheardly wretche but also a false knaue and a traitour to the common wealthe What a madnesse is it than in the deuilles name for a mā not to thinke that necessarily requisite in the administracion of the churche which semeth not only profitable but also of necessitie to be done in the temporal cōmō wealthe And I pray you what weapones are they that Antichrist dothe most hurte and villanye with all euen lies and craftye deceate are the thīges that he setteth him self out most with all Bicause he is furnished with a false title he reigneth in many mennes hartes whose ignoraunt blindnesse and simplicitie he abuseth to establishe his tyrannye Shall we than suffre thē to be seduced through ignoraunce still seing it lieth in vs to deliuer them at ones from that so haynous a tyrannye by the light of the truthe Shall we be afraide to reproue that cruell rageing beast for feare of making him angrye whose vse is to do more hurt with flatterie thā furye That may not be my brethren Naye we must plucke of thys monstres visour that he vaūteth him selfe in and teare of his painted Lyons visage that men maye se what a slowche eared asse he is that all this while wolde nedes be taken for that inuincible triumphaunt Lyon of the tribe of Iuda Concerning his displeasures we ought not to be afraide of them nor adradde of his thonder clappes As for Apoca. 6. this beast he hathe allready rose coloured him self a great while with sayntes blood Ther be innumerable soules of sayntes vnder the great aultar whō this beast hathe murthered for the worde of God and the testimonie that they bare vnto Christ And ther are serued of the same sawce euery daye moo and moo And all they crye How long Lorde thow that art holy true iudgest not nor reuēgest our blood from them that dwell on earthe But the Lorde heareth their voices and is ready to come furth to execute iudgement and to be reuenged as sone as the measure of the beast is fulfilled the nombre of his martirs perfitlye made vp Let vs in the meane tyme do the partes of good thriftye stuardes and trusty watchemen as it becometh vs to doo Let vs fede the Lordes flocke with the prouaūdre of his worde let vs reproue stampe vnder our fere and cast awaye poison that it do no hurte Let vs poynt thenemie and all his false craftes and weapones w e our fyngre that Christes shepe maye knowe whom they ought to flee frō And so shall we receaue the boūteous rewarde that is prepared for vs. And as for those men that suffre so muche as the simplest shepe of Christes flock to be lost through their necligence ther remayneth horrible payne in stoare for them Now being moued by these reasones I haue taken vpon me this labour not being ignoraunt what daūgier lieth vpon it to proue the Bishop of Rome to be very Antichrist And this same worke louing brethrē felowe ministers I thought good to dedicate vnto you not the I thought my self hable being a yong man to instructe myne aūcientes being vnlearned my selfe to teache my betters in learnyng and being a yongling and barbarous my selfe to informe men of most famous eloquence with these my dooinges but that my mynde was to rendre a playne rekonyng of my studies vnto those men whom I sawe trauaile this many yeares lyke hartie and constaunt faythfull men in this matter and dyd muche good wtal And so I thought it not vnprofitable that this doctrine shoulde openly come to lyght beyng set furth vnder the publike priuilege of al you seyng it is necessary principally in this sorowful tyme of affliction But before I make an ende of my tale I thinke good to speake a lytell cōcerning Antichristes other sweord that is his open tyrannye that men may the more easely vnderstād what is the occasion of the crosse and persecucion and that we ought paciently to beare it But furst of al it is to be enquired by whose counsaile mocion or suffering it is that Christes churche tasteth of the smarte of the crosse Marye that doo we learne of the only and vndeniable scholemaister of the world which hathe ben in the fathers bosome from euerlasting therfore seyng he knoweth al secretes he hath opened them vnto vs as farre as it is lawful profitable for vs to know Whan he sent furthe his disciples to preache the Gospel after that he hade talked muche concerning the crosse persecucions at laste he sayeth thus Are not two sparowes solde for a farthing And yet not one of them falleth Math. 10 to the grounde without your father All the heares of your head be nombred Be not afrayde therfore you are muche more worthe thā a great meignye of sparowes In these wordes nowe the Lorde sheweth vs the principall cause of the crosse that what so euer it is that the godly are wont to haue chaunce vnto them it cometh by the will decreed coūsail of his father For although it is not the knowyng of Goddes wil that setteth those that be persecutours on worke but the luste of their owne priuate affectiō hate malice and despight of Goddes worde yea and albeit Satan the father of all murther violence stere them vp yet none of al these haue any power strengthe or force against Christes churche except the Lorde hym selfe
so must al they nedes be false Christes that set out who is a false Christ them selues for redemers and saueours of men And than also they are false prophetes shewe a false Christ as many as teache men to seke saluacion and redempcion forgeuenesse of synnes the waye of lyfe the grace of God and the true eternall blessednesse any wher elles than at the fole and only sonne of God our redemer and saueour Iesus Christ Wherof it is in this place to be noted that this worde Christ is vsed for redemer saueour and reuenger so that the meanyng of our Lordes wordes is this Whan the destruction of the temple citie begynneth to drawe nere O brethren ther shall ryse many that shall boast them selues to be saueours of the people shall wythdrawe many of the people vnto their partes for asmuche as they also shal haue Apostles Prophetes of their owne that shall praise thē vnto the symple rude people And in like case ther shall not a fewe in the later tymes goo before my glorious commyng which shall boldely take vpon them to be that thing that none is but only I that is to saye they shall crepingly insinuate them selues in mennes consciences to be suche through false setting furthe and wicked arrogauncie as thoughe they hade in their handes the grace of saluacion redempcion forgeuenesse of synnes euerlasting life Beleue not these maner of men yea although they sende furthe preachers of their name and doctrine neue● so many to praise them most highly wyth wordes and studious diligence yea and though they do miracles and suche wonders as haue hitherto ben scarcely sene or knowē of For they are deceauours most falselyeng seducers of the simple rude cōmon people Beholde therfore I haue tolde you before and forewarned you Learne you this lesson at least waye to remembre my warninges and to beware and to escape so great a mischief Now thā like as Christ faithfully admonished those that his were of these thinges euen so the mater it self beareth recorde that he was a true prophet the veritie of the dedes afterwarde proued hys sayeng true For if a man cōsidre the destruccion of the citie and temple and the thinges that went before it he maye fynde that ther were many of this kynde of guydes and rulers connyngly sene in craftie deceates that is to wete a sorte of magical philosophers cōnyng in deuillishe sciences other wicked knackehardye felowes amōg the nombre of whom a certain Egipcian is chiefly reckoned than Caphedon Theodas and others which like as through their false ꝓmises allured the people that were of them selues to muche inclined to sediciō euē so were they Autors vnto many of most depe miseries and extreme sorowes Loke for these maters in Iosephus the 20 boke of antiquities the 11. 1● and 14. chap. Furthermore in case False Christes in the primatiue churche we marke respectiuely the apostles tymes and the thinges that chaūced about the primatiue churche it shall euidently appeare that euen at that tyme also many rose which partly toke vpon them the office to geue the grace of God and the giftes of saluacion and partly which declared that they must be hade som wher elles thā at our sole and only redemour Iesus Christ For to this meanyng the texte ought to be applied that we reade in Act. 8. the actes of Symon magus which was so sawcye as to name him selfe the mightie power of God To this sayeng also the swarmes of heretikes are to be accōpted which by by euen in the apostles tymes or sone after arose withdrewe mēnes myndes from Christ Iesus miserably disquieted mennes consciences with their doctrine Herevnto shal worthily be referred the blaspemous helhoūd the deuilles owne mynion that deceauour Mahomet Mahomet who as he is the autor of a new lawe hath with his abominable entreprise feined also a new kingdome of heauēs not hearde of before newe blessednesse newe waye of saluacion and a newe secte To be short vnto this purpose belong they that from the lippes forewarde as touchyng the title aduaunce the religion and faith of Christ and for al that they commonly set furthe remission of synnes the grace of God the father eternall lyfe and saluacion not in the only merite of our saueour Iesu Christ but trayne awaye mennes simple rude myndes to other purposes Of this sorte we saye that all the Popishe doctours are which in dede Teachers of Popery professe Christ wyth their mouthe but yet the maner of thē is to teache the folowers of their doctrine religion to put their trust partly in their owne workes and merites partly to trayne them vnto Saintes merites vnto Saintes intercession vnto Popes pardones vnto Saintes ymages and finally vnto many suche sortes of trifles and fantasies of mānes brayne or rather supersticion and also to seke comforte of mynde peace and quietnesse of cōsciences in suche gaire For it shal appeare more clear than the daye lyght that euen these sortes of men are no lesse ment by Christes wordes than the other sortes are in case the thinges that are spoken of in this place be compared with their tradicions For they are not afrayde to declare not only that remission of synnes and saluacion of soules must be atteyned by som other meanes than at our saueour Christ but also to set furth euē that same our Lorde him selfe in sondry places contrary to the autoritie of the scriptures and of the worde of God For as concerning Christ which was hanged on the crosse and dyed and after that whan he was raised vp agayne from deathe caried his very owne true bodye into the heauens in the sight of his disciples they teache contrary besydes the plaine articles of our catholyke faithe and besydes the truthe of the holy scriptures that he is conteyned without all doubte in the sacramēt of the aultare corporally also in the same substaūce as he was hanged on the crosse and offred vp him selfe for vs and that he lieth enclosed in the churches or boxes as they call them that are consecrate to that ende and so they shewe him in those same places to the sely rude people whom they haue wyth their tradiciones fātasies brought in to suche a madnesse that they forgette the faithful admonicion of this our Lorde Iesu Christ and put their confidence in these mennes tryfling toyes a great parte of mē folowing these deceauours goo about to seke the Lorde Christ the saueour of the worlde in breade in boxes in the aultare in other sōdry sortes of places And how great and how farre out of square this errour of the world is it shal be declared in other places more plenteously God so willing And forasmuche than as we heare that the Lorde Christ him self in this place nameth false Christes And seing that mencion is made of suche maner of deceauours which by theyr false prophetes
libertie In this behalfe therfore God the father of heauen seing their licenciousnesse to be bothe intolerable and incurable hathe chosen aparte some of the nombre of his ministres and hathe enlumined them wyth the lyght and shynyng beames of his spirite that knowyng the Popes tyrannye and wicked lordlynesse haue also throughlye perceaued the truthe of Goddes worde These men haue layed their hādes to worke and brought light into the worlde that tūbleth in darkenesse haue reproued openly the cruel and horrible abominacions of the papacie admonishing euery body to beware of thē By meanes wherof that sea hath felt exceding great losse and where as no power of emperours was hable hitherto to dryue it to a downefall nowe beyng a great parte dyminished in it selfe and in his membres bothe in his honour and rychesse it beginneth euen already to come to nought For frō hencefurth the Germaines whome this light shone furst vnto wolde not renne gadding to Rome ther seke soule helth seing they knew Christ Iesus to be the true way of saluacion And they haue no mynde to buye Romishe pardones and bulles with money seyng they vnderstode that synnes are forgeuen by Christ that men are certified by faithe of the forgeuenesse therof What nede many wordes That most gayneful fornace of the popes pikepurce Purgatorie is quenched out with the lyuely waters of the Gospel amōg the Germaynes and al the battefowling tooles knackes of the sea of Rome are despeched quyte out of the waye Hereof those most holy fathers haue complayned in euery place And where as before they turned the deafe eare to other mennes complaintes nowe they beginne to cōplayne them selues with faire flattering wordes most large ꝓmises and muche feyned holynesse they haue gone about to bring them that are instructed in the doctrine of the truthe and haue renounced papistrie vnder the yowke of their tyrannie agayne But whan they preuailed nothyng for all their craftes by and by they besought ayde of Emperours Kinges Princes cities and people they begonne to arme them agaynst the professours of the truthe whome they crye out on and saye they folowe a newe and an hereticall religion In this case therfore the Magistrates beyng stered vp by the popes incensementes begonne violently to rage with force of armes against the faithfull seruauntes of Christ And than a man myght haue sene them that confessed Christ to be the onlye waye of saluacion burned wyth cruell fyre hanged vpon galowes choked in waters slayne wyth sweorde and murthered wyth al kyndes of deathe Yea the mater came to so merciles a crueltie that they spared none nother man nor woman yonge nor olde And yet those noble rutterkines of the churche dyd more cruell feates than these for they enticed princes and people whome so euer they coulde for money to stere vp warres amonge them selues and to extinguishe the religion that is contrary to them wyth sweorde and fyre So that hangmen were sent out of these parties and raunged about here and there to murthre the ministers of the worde by what meane so euer they coulde And they founde and toke vp burners whom they hyred priuely to thrust vnder fyre so to spoile bothe the faythfull christianes and their cities and fieldes And yet this read purpled churche embrewed with the blood of sayntes not satisfied with all these as wicked cruell dedes as they were ceassed not before they perceaued these haynous and bloody warres brought vpon sely sorowful Germanye stered vp all them that they trusted to make batail against it Bring vs out here the frutes of charitie O you bishoppes Shewe here som special token of christen gentilnesse O you pope pleasing slaues Is it the office of charitie to murdre men whō Christ hathe redemed with his blood to spoile cities to waste fieldes to marre corne to defile matrones and maidēs and finally to renne rageing after al kyndes of iniuries and reproches with sweorde and fire vpon all ages man woman and childe But they are heretikes saye they and no true christen people that we persecute And the chaste spouse of Christ the churche is by these heretikes most impudently defiled and also the seameles coate of our saueour Iesu is by their rashenesse and false doctrines miserably torne and rent in pieces which we goo about to amende and repaire agayne Ha will you nedes be bothe most bloody tirannes and most shameles lyers to you cruell blood thirstye wolues what adoo haue you to speake of Christes coate For by you it was cutte in pieces and marred all ready a great while agoo yea and by most wicked loctecasting as it was before tyme among the souldiours of the Iewes it cam in to most filthie mennes handelinges Therfore you are not sory for tearing of Christes coate but it greueth you that the vaile of wickednesse and the clooke of impietie is through the preaching of the gospel cut in pieces which you being couered withal haue continually hitherto practiced al kynde of wickednesse and beasly lust without correction It greueth your hartes that the sackes are open and torne which you haue hitherto hidden the true Ioseph Iesus Christes cuppe and all other your church robberies in Now your sleightie shiftes are open your lies are open your false deceates are open nowe is your more than the Sicilianes tyrannye open and abhorred of all men Your tyrannye was the toole with the which you raged together by heapes not only against mennes bodies but against their soules also It is the commyng of this gaire to the open light that greueth you hereof cometh your lamenting this is the cause of your sorowe taking For as touching the horrible cryme of heresie which is alwaies in your mouthe which of our sorte is it I beseche you that you coulde cōuince haue you yet hitherto proued any of them an heretike They are heretikes that make who is an heretike new articles of the faithe contrary to the truthe of the scripture and doo stiffely mayntene them This cryme is most farre from vs. For ther is none of the articles of the apostolike faithe and Crede that we denye And moreouer we deuise no newe ones we chaunge none wrongfullye we nother take from nor put to any thyng touchyng any of them But suche masking visours you hade nede of to bryng the doctrine of the truthe and of the true faythe in to hate and contempt wyth the simple and rude common people by meanes of this horrible and slaunderous reporte of vs to be heretikes But yf ye loued the churche of Christ so muche as you boaste in wordes to doo yf you cared so muche for the noble and most valeaunt nacion of the Germaynes truely you testifye this your loue and care wyth moste vniuste and most vnworthy behaueours in that you visite it wyth abominable force of armes and moste cruell haynous enemies procured out of euery countrey Did Christe our Lorde entreprise to trayne the worlde to his lore by
head of the sayntes and faithfull people Who will cal him holy father yea rather holynesse it selfe Finally who can saye that he is the leader vnto saluacion and the portour of heauen gate whan by the example of his owne life and preceptes and decrees of his wicked doctrine he bewrayeth him self according to the apostle Paules sentence to be bothe Antichrist and the sonne of perdiciō Hereof also that other mater is gathered that like as he him self is lost euen so dothe he make all the disples of his religion and secte boūde slaues to perdicion and euerlasting deathe For how cā it possibly be that they shal be hable to com to the heauēly hal of blessednesse which folowe a guyde that gothe with straight and stedfast steppes the hye waye to hell How shall we also saye it maye be that they should be vnited to Iesu Christ the only redemour of vs all which haue chosen suche a one to be their guyde that is against Christ in al thinges and robbeth him of his honour and shamelesly attributeth the same to other In this case therfore it is necessary to vse most diligent circūspection In this behalfe it standeth vs in hande strongly to sharpen oure wittes Herein it behoueth vs to open the eyes of our minde most dearly beloued brethren in Christ For it is no flyrting mater as many men thinke to sticke stil in the B. of R. wayes so to holde harde the popishe religion to the naile The saluacion of soules is in hasarde dearly beloued For either we must be vnited to the heauēly father by the intercessiō and benefite of one only Christ so lyue for euer or elles be drawen awaye from him perishe with Antichrist for euer And ther is so much the more greuous presēt daūgier henging ouer our soules that the Lorde wold haue the knowlage of his worde to be opened vnto vs. For inasmuche as the lyght of Goddes worde hathe discussed and wyped away those greuous and horrible darkenesses of Antichristianitie so as the health geuing face of Christ and also the compasse of this cruell beastes mouthe and the seate of abominacions is shewed openly before our eyes we maye neuer from hensfurthe eyther pretende ignoraunce to clooke our vnbelefe or excuse it wyth the godlynesse and feruencie of our zele or good intent For God hathe prescribed the rule of his worde vnto vs for this ende that we shoulde honour hym according to his owne commaundement and that we shoulde not folowe that folishe carnall zele of ours which is wythout knowlage of all truthe The stubburnesse of suche men is muche lamentably therfore to be bewailed brethren which whā they heare Goddes worde wyth their eares and are conuicte with the truthe therof in their consciences so as they may see their errours and fele the intolerable burthen of suche exceding tyrānie yet had rather sticke stiffely to their knowen supersticion than to folowe Christ the only waye of saluacion But whā men most myserably become to that poīt that a mā may warne exhorte them all but lost labour we must permitte them to their owne appetite For they shal surely fele that their stubbernesse shal-be ones a great deale to their cost Now are we come to the thrid title An aduersary wherwyth Paule painteth out the persone of Antichrist which conteyneth the self same propretie and the disposiciō of so mightie abominablenesse the certain sure marke for the which he is called Antichrist For he calleth him an aduersary that is he myndeth to set him out to be-suche a one that shoulde be against cōtrary and in al thinges as it were vtterly sette foranempst Christ of whose name title he only braggeth The right vnderstanding of this worde Aduersary It is plaine that he glorieth in the name of Christ Wherupon euen the right vnderstanding of this worde teacheth this that he shal be an aduersary to Christ our Lorde and gayne-saye all those thinges that are set out by Christ either in doctrine or in example of life wyth the statutes of his doctrine and wyth the example of his life Than if we can geue the bishop of Rome this title also wyth sufficient demonstracion as his owne propre good as in dede we haue ouercome all that we toke in hande to proue yet hitherto it shall also manifestly appeare that the B. of Rome is necessarily that very right and great Antichrist altough the autoritie of all the worlde crye out against it which if it wolde contrary the worde of God were non autoritie at all And forasmuche as all thinges that are in Christ our saueour maye be comprehended in his life doctrine as in two most general chaptres it behoueth that we considre them bothe that it maye therby euidently appeare that the B. of Rome dothe contrarie to Christ both in life and in doctrine and therfore is his aduersarie and very Antichrist And furst of all we will speake of bothe their lyues that is to saye of Christ and Antichrist Christ Iesus ordred his life so as The difference betwene Christes life and Antichristes the B. of Rome most lowe humilitie proceding from the hearte might appeare most clearly in all his sayenges and doinges For we reade that he vsed so muche lowlynesse and modestie that he was cōuersaunt among his disciples not like a maistre or a Doctour but as a seruaunt and a waitour As it is proued in that he serued their cōmodities not in teaching them only in refreshing and defēding them and in other thinges innumerable but also in that solemne last supper whiche he hade with thē he washed al their fete But from this spirite of christian humilitie the B. of Rome is so farre of that lyke the most cruel tyrannes the mencion of whom euen the gentiles take for hainous and filthie he setteth out his fete to be kissed not of the cōmon rascal sorte of people only but also of very princes kinges and emperours yea is not ashamed to treade the Lordes anointed neckes vnder his abominable fete which insolent foile the right valeaunt Emperour Friderichus Barbarossa was compelled per force to susteyne Christ was the most studious seker of his fathers glorie wēt about Ioh. 5. and. 12. only to aduaunce it But the B. of Rome neclecting that in al thinges setteth his studie vpō his priuate glorie his owne propre honour after suche sorte that he thinketh he must not spare extreme force of armes yf any man offende him in any condicion Christ spent the better parte or tyme of his lyfe among the cōpanies of the poore nedy sicke afflicted he him selfe also was borne in extreme pouertie became poore for our sakes in so muche that he hade not wher he myght hyde his head susteined the greuous burthē of pouertie paciently to make vs ryche with the benefites treasures of euerlasting blessednes But the B. of Rome folowing farre wyde other
loke aloft by those glorious gay stiles For of them ther be that they cal Cardinalles as thoughe they were Cardines ecclesiae christianae the very true perfite sure bankes of Christes churche Ther be that haue obteyned to be called not only Patres fathers but also Patriarkes as though they were newe Abrahames and fathers of the faithfull And ther be som that we must nedes call bishoppes as that geue attendaunce to the charge of the churche and haue the office of ouerseers and watchmen Hereunto perteyne the names of most profounde learned Doctours Our maistres the Reuerēde the most Reuerende the Seraphical ordres the malles or confoundours of heretikes most dearely beloued children infinite other suche which a man maye thinke doo farre excede ambiciō it self And these be the honours which the B. of Rome aduaūceth thē the folowe his secte wtal But like as his wonted custome is to adourne these with glorious gaye stiles euē so cōtrary wise those that dephye his tirānye are wiped besides al their honours dignities are called by most bitter horrible names For the papistes crye out vpō thē as though it were but a small mater to call them wicked they name thē tearers of Christes seameles coate Disturbours of the churche corruptours of christes spouse Seducers heretikes churche robbers Traitours and damnable wretches yea ther can not be deuised so cruell nor so horrible a kynde of villanous speche but the papistes thīke it not bad ynough to be spewed out against such men Also the B. of Rome accomplisheth the secōde poīt according to Danieles ꝓphecie that is he maketh them that serue him his God mayzim Lordes princes kinges As about the furst begynnyng of his power tyrānye he deposed Chilpericus the Frēche king frō his regal estate bicause he was a quiete sobre a softe spirited mā nothīg for his purpose maketh Pipine his great frēde a wōderous experte a forwarde mā in cōpassing of maters the king of Fraūce And after the same facion bicause he was greued at the Greke emꝑours for disobeyeng him he put thē out of their empire made Charles the sōne of pipine emperour bicause he was a zelous folower of his fathers examples Again this pranke ought to be reckoned among his felowes that chaunced afterwarde to the Frēche kinges also by like enter ▪ or beare them a grudge and straightwaies putteth in other whom he perceaueth more fitte to serue his turne yea he dothe also graunt men autoritie to cast out whom he wil haue cast out of their kingdomes and to take vpō thē the gouernemēt of those realmes hauīg otherwise no title therto either by goddes lawe or mānes lawe Such a maner of parte we reade was plaide about the yeare of our Lorde MCCC whan the B. of Rome appointed the realme of Fraūce to Albertus the king of the Romanes wolde haue depryued king Philip of his auncient possession bicause he wolde haue stopped the open entries of his realme to holde out the rauenyng Romanes The like chaunce happened also to the Archebishop of Mence by the drift and false fetche of Pius B. of Rome For whan the archebishop somwhat grudged at the vnreasonable sommes wherof the bishoppes of Rome polled al the bishopriches of Germanie and wolde fayne haue hade his tenauntes and people of his iurisdicion no more so pilled and polled by their false craftes and subtilties by by the B. of Rome stripped him out of his bishoplie honour and dignitie and a newe bishop at the same B. of Romes commaundement was put in his rowme That mater was the occasion of wonderful sore dissensiones and warres that many princes of Germanie yea and that the greatest princes were combred with al. But the ende of that tragedie was a most bloody piece of worke For at leinght the citie of Mence after greuous and bloody fieldes foughten was betraied and taken euery strete ranne streames of the slayne citezines blood and all maner of wickednesse done in it that the insolencie of a prowde conquerour lusteth to doo and so the citie was miserably spoiled of her libertie that wher it hade ben afore an emperial citie it is in subiection perforce to abominable bawdie bishops lecherous polleshorne massemōging priestes euē vnto this daye But what dede is it to rehearse olde maters whan present new maters can beare large witnesse therof ynough For after that Germanye being lightened by the worde of God receaued her eie sight and hauing throwne awaye the yowke of the popes tyrannie will nother acknowlage the B. of Rome supreme head of the churche nor vouchethsafe to worship and serue that God of his Mayzim the B. of Rome thought it not ynough to make warres vpō the wretche people that hade ben long punnished with hongre and dearthe of euery thing but also to make merciles cruell souldiours the more gredy vpon vs he wold haue al Germanie and all the substaunce therof to be his mennes praye And thus the. 5. piece of Antichristes workemanship must nedes be fulfilled according to Danieles prophecie that he must bestowe realmes and lādes at his pleasure for rewarde and feo vpon them which serue Mayzim that God of his The sixthe worke that Daniel ascribeth 6. Antichrist hathe dominion ouer treasures of golde and Siluer c in the same place vnto Antichrist is this that he sayth he shall haue dominion ouer treasures of golde siluer and al precious iewelles As for this mater we shal be hable to take the bishoppes of Rome nolesse apparently with the maner hereof than we haue proued those maters that we haue treated vpon al this while hitherto For after that the churche in the tyme of emperour Cōstantine the great beganne to possesse golde and siluer and to florishe in the wealth of this worlde than it beganne also to abuse the same wealthe in religiō to set vp a god seruice by and by a folishe a pernicious errour toke roote and growed vp in the simple commō sorte and vnlearned peoples heartes Note well so that they thought this gaye gorgeous and riche golden glystring godseruice was better and more acceptable vnto that God than their olde bare religion was Now this errour being fastened in folkes heartes engēdred an other errour more greuous and more pernicious thā it self For hereof came the opinion and belefe of many that the saluaciō of soules and the kingdome of heauē might be redemed for golde siluer precious stones and other earthey substaunce if they gaue them either vnto priestes or vnto religious men to the maintenaūce of their churches monasteries colleges other external god seruice Nowe here came the sacrificeing Note how errour caused landes and riches vnto the shauelinges churche popishe priestes gayne in the deuill and all Hereby also was great substaunce gathered in euery place vnder a vayne pretense of the churche wherby their tyrannye was mightily establyshed For
to al his Canones and statutes We nede not to make long rehearsal of thīges done lōg agoo but let vs beholde the state of thinges that are presently in al mennes eies in all mennes handes Almightie God our most merciful father tedring the treason ruinous state that we haue suffred hathe vouchedsafe in these our dayes to reueale vnto vs through the light of his worde al that is necessary vnto saluacion And yet here a man may fynd an infinite multitud of mē whiche being geuē to the affectiō of their owne fleshely fantasie hade rather be gouerned guyded by lies false doctrine thā by the light of the truthe yea Hearke my gentilmen Iackes on bothe sides to this saing mary to thintēt they may frely folowe their owne affectiones filthy fleshely lustes and serue all vicious wickednesse their trade is not only to be haters of the truthe which they embraced before but also as muche as in thē lieth to psecute oppresse it But if we loke vpō the life behaueours religiō of those same mē we shal see more clearely thā the daye light that it is the iust iudgement of God which Paule maketh mēciō of in this place For the wicked helhoundes are dropped in to so great a folishe fōdenesse are so farre past thē selues that now they haue reiected dephied the true preachers of God the trade of Goddes holy worde they The praise of Maidē priestes heare those mē obey their doctrine whom they see most shameful hooremōgers cuckold makers dycers drōkerdes ful of al kynde of vices yea they require to be pourged of their sines at those mēnes hādes whō they knowe to be the very bonde slaues of al wicked synnes mischief They also wil be taught by those mē whom they them selues confesse to haue lesse learnyng than an asse And yet they are not cōtēt to be thus fōdly madde but now in this daūgerous peril that al Germanie stādeth p̄sētly in they holde with those mēnes entreprises and further their intētes with al their diligēce power yea with their prayers bothe priuately and openly who as al mē may Italiane● Spanyardes Antichristes garde see are the most deadly enemyes of the common wealthe of our coūtrey For shall we thinke any man to be so folishe and ignoraunt that he can not perceaue what malicious heartes the Italianes and Spanyardes beare to all Germanie Is ther any man so deafe and doltishe that he neuer hearde how they raile against vs They thinke it not ynough to call vs barbarous rude beastes lowtes fooles and dogges but their maner is to burthen vs also wyth the horrible cryme of heresye yea they thinke it laufull for thē to exercice all kynde of wickednesse tyrannie and merciles So they are welcome in to England also to traitourous popishe priestes to hoores bawdes cuckoldes c. crueltie vpon the Germaynes as though they thought the Germaynes not worthy to be coūted among the nombre of men And yet we see these men the most welcome gestes that hearte can thinke vnto many in Germany yea ther be sō that beleue they shal be defended and haue a mery worlde by these mennes marcial powers which haue alwaies hitherto by so many euidēt tokēs vttred their malicious heartes against all Germanes But this is the very iust iudgement of God that they which hate the light of the truthe shall not only be blynde but being robbed also of their commō witte they shall not be hable to see that they see with their open eies nor heare that they heare wyth their owne eares Now must we diligently obserue in this place louīg brethrē in Christ what is our office to doo if we be desirous to escape this greuous hurt of so pernicious a blindenesse That is we must beware that we be not so vnthankefull we must arme our selues also wyth such faithe and diligence as maye worthily receaue the light of Goddes worde and truthe whā God offreth it vs. Wherin aboue all thinges we must beware of this brethrē that we geue not our myndes to our owne priuate affections nor set more by them than by the knowlage of the truthe For who so euer hathe mynde to folowe his owne pleasur shall neuer com to the true faithe Therfore it standeth vs in hande to tame our affectiones and to bring thē vnder the obedience of the spirite And among other thinges this also dothe muche hurt for folkes to hunt gredily after the pleasures of carnalitie and present prosperitie of worldly thinges for that we see is the cause of the greatest wickednesse that can be the vndoing to many a one at this daye For ther be some that coulde be well content to beare the gospell and the glad tydinges of saluacion purchaced by Christ if it wanted the crosse and stormes of persecuciō But whan they see them once com they not only let the most holsom doctrine of the gospell god and greuously blaspheme it but also they dare raile most deuillishlye against Christ our Lorde him selfe But let the inuincible heartie māful constauncie of the most holy men that were our auncettours make vs heartie in this behalfe brethren For with how glad an hearte and with what thankes to God shal we thinke that they wold haue receaued that doctrine of the gospell if any man hade preached it vnto them in the dayes of the emperour Lewis the. 4. Whan they abode the thōderclappe and most heauy burthen of Antichristes curse eightene yeares space like right hartie true men to the emperour And shall we than being perfitly instructed by the lighte of the truthe be more cowheardly afraide of this enemye the B. of Rome than they were Shall it be sene that we are more colde and faynter hearted to Christ our king and saueour than they were to their emperour that was but a mortal man And shall we passe lesse of our faithe that we haue promised to Christ than they did of their fidelitie that they promysed to a mortal man Deliuer your selues brethren from the slaunderous infamye of so great a wickednesse Thinke it a goodly thing for you to folowe the vertuous heartynesse of your elders Thinke it well done to bring mennes soules out of bondage in to libertie though you should sheade your heart blood for it Take it for a goodly mater a ioyous for you to suffre deathe for the loue of your countrey for your wyues your children and for the sauing of mennes soules and for the glorye of our saueour Christ Ther are the fotestepppes of so many martires that are gone before vs and the example of Christ him self that it is not possible for vs to shrinke without to muche shame But aboue all thinges it shal be necessary for vs to pray heartily and continually that he wolde vouchesafe to deliuer vs from the tyrannye of Antichrist and to instructe vs with his spirite and faithe that we may