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A14653 The doctrine of the Sabbath Wherein the first institution of the vveekly Sabbath, with the time thereof, the nature of the law binding man to keep it, the true ground, and necessity of the first institution, and of the observation of it, on the severall day in the Old Testament, and also of the moving of it to the first day under the Gospel, are laid open and proved out of the Holy Scriptures. Also besides the speciall dueties necessarily required for the due sanctification thereof, those two profitable points are proved by demonstrations out of Gods Word. First, that the Lord Christ God and man, is the Lord of the Sabbath, on whom the Sabbath was first founded...2. That the faithfull under the Gospell are as necessarily bound to keep the weekly Sabbath of the Lords day... Deliverd in divers sermons by George Walker B. of Divinity and pastor of St. Iohn Evangelists Church in London. Walker, George, 1581?-1651. 1638 (1638) STC 24957; ESTC S103296 151,861 168

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mear and drinke offerings of fine flower mingled with oyle and such like and incense and gummes and spices they where but tipes and shaddowes of Christ his substanciall sacrifice and in that respect holy by Consecration And though divers of them were indifferent and tollerable while the bodily Temple was yet standing Yet when God hath cast them out by the destruction of the materiall temple the chaunge of the weekly Sabbath they are growne unlawfull to be practised and the reviuing of the practise of them is called abomination Dan. 12. And apostacy from Christ Gala. 4 5. turning againe to weak and beggarly elements and rudiments and becoming slaues to them Gal. 4.9 Wherfor we are now onely to observe in our sanctification of our holie weekly Sabbath such holie duties and exercises as are holie at al● times and in all ages both before and under the law and now also under the Gospell which in their owne nature are either trulie holie or t●nde to beg it increase and cherish holie graces in men And because God hath by the Gospell shined into our hearts to giue us the light of the knowledge of his glorie the face of Iesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 And hath shed his spirit on us aboundantly through him Tit. 3.6 And soe made us more spirituall because also our Saviour himselfe hath taught vs in the Gospell that God is a spirit they are true worshippers who worship him in spirit Iohn 4.23.24 Therefore the chiefest duties by which the Sabbath is sanctifi●d are the most speciall duties of Gods worshippe and the more spirituall the more pleasing to God more beseeming Christ●ans Soe that the first rule which is here to be giuen and to be observed is this That all Gods people doe chiefely labour to stirre up and quicken the grace of God in their hearts and holy heavenly and supernaturall aff●ctions in their soules that with pure mind● and spirits they may performe all duties and actions of Gods worship and seruice both publick and priuate It is true that all times and on all daies we ought to keepe our whole spirit and soule as well as our body pure and blameles to serue God as well with inward affection of heart and purity of spirit as ou●ward visible sencible actions and gestures of body But because the Lords day is the most blessed daie of the w●eke sanct●fied set apart for the holy worshippe and immediate service of God and for publick and priuate service devotion and Religious duties onelie therefore we all ought to haue as great care to furnish our soules with spiritual beauties of holinesse more abundan●ly in greater measure as we haue to make cleane and neate our houses and to decke and adorne our bodies with our best and cleanest holy daie apparell on the Lords day For though outward bodily actions gestures are required as r●quisit and necessary in the publick worship of God and without them it is as impossible to do that publick duty and service to God which belongs to mutuall edification of Christians in this life to the solemne lauding and praising of him in publick assemblies as it is to performe visible senceable actions of this life by the soule only without the body Yet bodily service worship of God as coming duly diligently to the house of God to publick assemblies hearing the word withall attentions and speaking it with great vehemency Praying worshipping and giving thankes in the best forme of wordes which can be devised and with most humble and reverent gestures of devotion as bowing down the body to the ground knocking of the breasts sighing groaning lifting up the hands and eyes to heaven and the like they all without spirituall affection and devotion of the heart are no better then a dead karcast without a soule yea they are filthy hyp●crisie and mockerie of God and lothsome abomination in his sight as the Lord by the Prophet testifieth Isa. 1 c 10 to the 16 verse 29 13 And therefore let our first and chiefest care bee about the fitting and preparing of our hearts and filling and replenishing our soules with spiriruall affections and quickening and stirring up inward and spirituall grace within us for these are the life and soule of all religious duties of all holy worship of God without them we can̄ot in the least measure sanctifie Gods holy day nor performe any least duty of sanctificatiō acceptable to God Now the speciall means which serve for the quickning of spirituall grace kindling of spirituall devotion in our hearts are diuers The First is that which J haue spoken of befor in the duties which concerne Rest to weet a totall sequestring of our selues from all worldly businesse puting away all earthly thoughts cares delights that our whole heart and soule all our affections being purged from all such drosse may haue roome for holinesse only and for spirituall devotion and motions of the spirit For no man can serve two Masters at once God and the world Cast out earthlie carnall thoughts and spiritual and heavenlie affections will easilie enter and beare sway And because this sequestring of our selves from cares of the world must go befor true sanctification in order time therfor undoubtedlie the beginning of the Lords Sab daie is there where the old Iewish Sab ended that is in the evening of the Saturdaie And certainlie when men taking their Rest from labour the whole night befor the Lords daie for sequestring themselves from worldlie businesse fitting of their soules with spirituall devotion and stirring vp of grace in their hearts then do they most profittablie begin their Sabbath for by the meanes the time of preparation and quitting of the minde from worldlie troublesome thoughts shall go before the time of practise and publick assemblies Wherein they are to appeare before God and to performe the maine duties of Sanctification and of his holy worship And her● J cannot passe by without some reproofe that evill carnall custome most worthy to be condemned which is to common among our Cittizens who defer their reckoni●g with their worke-men untill the evening and night which beginns the Lords day Let me here admonish you all to forsake this practise if you loue the Lord and will honour his holy Sab. The second meanes is to meditate on those things which may stirre up our dull spirits and quicken grace in our hearts as first upon the greatnesse holinesse and gl●rie ●f the Lord and more specially to present our selves when the light of the day commeth both to speak to him in praier and praises to heare him speake to us in his word read and preached This must needs moue and stirre up spirituall devotion and affection as we see by experience in worldly things how carefull we are to trimme and fit our selves when we are to go before an earthly King or some great Nobles Secondly to consider what holinesse and purity especially of
vvhich is the last in the vveeke rather then any other if the Church so determine it if it bee obserued vvithout any superstitious conceipt of more holinesse in that day or annexed to it rather then any other The fourth opinion is that the first lavv for observation of the vveekly Sabbath vvas the fourth commandement given from mount Sina that is did bind only the Isralits to keep the sevē●h day of the vveek for an holy Sabbath untill the cōming of Christ but novv under the gospel it is abolish●d in respect both of the particular day also the strictnes of the obseruation only the equity of it remains in the Lords day the obseruation vvherof is commēded to us by the example of the Apostles ●ovv the lavv of keeping it holy is only ecclesiasticall an holy ordinance of the Church· Thus you see vvhile men build vpon vnsure and vnstable grounds not upon the certain vvords of holy Scripture compared together made to runne in a svveet harmony hovv various different they are hovv contrary some of them in their opinions For the removing of all doub●s setling of mens judgments in a sure vvay so farre as God shal enable me I vvill endeavour to select single out vvhatsoever I finde in these severall opinions to be agreeable to the truth to the sacred vvord of God reject the rest vvill ad more over what is wanting to make up a perfect Doctrine not out of mine owne conjections but out of canonicall Scriptures for that is the sure rule of all necessary saving and sanctified knowledge that must be the sure guid when Fathers Councels Churches do lead vs into severall doubtfull wayes First for them who hold that the law of the Sabbath was written in mans heart in the Creation I hold it true insome part to weet thus far That God creating man in his owne Image did print this in mans heart That as he had his whole being from God especially his reasonable soule by which he was made able to understand the will of God revealed to him by his word so hee was bound to obey God and to serue him all his dayes with his whole heart and with all his might And if God did require of him any part of his time and commanded him to obsteine from some good and lawfull workes tending to his naturall good and well being to doe some speciall workes for his Lords pleasure in one day or more selected daies of the weeke or of every moneth or yeare he ought to doe it out of duty and obedience to his Lord and Creatour Thus farre J consent that the law is naturall written in mans heart to weet in generall and in respect of the common foundation J grant also that the law and commandement of God injoyning the rest of men their servants and cattell from hard labour the seventh day or one daie in every weeke is a thing so naturally helpfull needfull for the health and wellbeing of men ever since mans fall and the curse of barennesse laid upon the earth and the punishment of toyle some labour and faint sweating imposed on man kinde that mans own naturall reason will and affection must needes approue it and moue and incline his heart to the obedience of it and his inward thoughts cannot but accuse him of wrong done to his owne body and to the life of his labouring cattell and servants if he disobey it and in this respect it may be called a law of nature Yea I adde moreover that if wee take the law of nature in a large sence as some times it is taken that is for every law which commands such duties and such obedience as in there owne nature are very vsefull profittable to the parties commanded and which is grounded on such just causes weighty grounds as by the judgment of naturall reason are in their owne nature well worthy of such observance then the law commandement of keeping an holy Sabbath on the seventh day in the old Testament in thankfulnesse for Christ promised for a continuall memoriall of that great blessing one the first day of Christs resurr●ction now under the Gospell in thankfulnesse for Christ fully exhibited the worke of redemption by him perfected which so much excels the promise made on the seventh day as perfecting of a worke excels the beginning undertaking of it may both in respect of the particular day the sanctification of it be called a law of nature that is a law requiring such morall perpetuall obedience as is in the nature of it most just and worthy to be performed But that the law and Commandement which bound the fathers to keepe an holy rest one the seventh day of every weeke and us under the Gospel to keepe it on the first day especially and no other was in in the creation written imprinted in the heart of man so distinctlie and expressly that man had an inbred notion of it and a naturall instinct of himselfe to observe this law to keepe a weekly Sabbath on those uerie daies which God hath prescribed both to the fathers us This I must needs deny for these reasons following First Gods sanctifying of the Seventh day by his word and commandement and his institution of the Sabbath by a positiue law giuen as my text here shewes had beene vaine and needlesse if the law and the Sabbath of holie rest had beene expressly and particularly written in mans heart already For what man by the instinct of nature by his own naturall reason will and affection is lead and moved to do that hee is vainly needlesly vrged unto by any law or commandement being of himselfe without any monitor ready to performe it Secondly the very word Sanctify signifieth the setting apart of this day to a supernaturall and heavenly vse euen for the performance of such duties as are aboue the naturalll imaginations and thoughts of man and which his naturall reason would never haue revealed to him not his will lead him to do If God by his word and divine superturall revealation had not directed and moved him Therefore this law by which God sanctified instituted the Sabbath is not a naturall law but a divine and supernaturall precept Thirdly in the creation and state of innocency man was bound to serve God as his creatour and the author of all his being and to be content with that estate wherein God had placed him and saw to be very good and to looke no higher It was the inordinat desire of more knowledge and of an higher estate then God had revealed and promised which made our first parents so yeelding to the devils temptations and vndoubtedly it was an occasion of their sinne in eating of the forbidden fruite Now the serving of God as his Lord and Creatour was the duty of man euery day alike for the heavens aboue and the
2 Cor 2 6 7 and as divers of the auncients haue held and shewed in their practise Seventhly ordaining and calling of Bishops Pastors and Elders being of old performed in the face of the whole Church with publick prayers and laying on of hands Act. 1.15 14.23 2 Cor. 8.19 As it was of old soe at this day is a verie fitt dutye of the Lord holy weekly Sabbath Besides these publick duties there are diuers priuate duties which are necessary both to make the publick duties effectuall and frutefull and to testifie to the Praise and glory of God the power of his holy ordinances and the worke of the spirit by them upon our hearts and soules The first of these is private prayer either by our selves alone or in our families with our Children servants and others of the houshold for if we must pray continually when just occasion and oppertunity is offered as the Apostle teacheth 1 Thes. 5. then most especially before we go vnto and after we returne from the publicke assemblies for a blessing upon Gods Publick ordinances both to our selves and others Our Saviour bids us pray in secret and David exhorts vs to commune with God on our beds and to pray after his example morning evening and at noone day The second is meditation of such as are alone on things heard in the Church and repetition in the family for the printing of the the word in their mindes and memories and mutuall instruction and exhortation one of another without which the word will take small effect afterwards and quicklie beforgotten Saint Paul doth intimate the necessary vse of this duty where he commands women to aske and learne of their husbands at home and not to speak in the Church 1 Cor 14 35 1 tim 2 11. This is the holy duty which God commended in Abraham Gen 18 That he did command and teach his houshold Children which few men can do conveniently on the week daies when every one is about their worke some in one place and some in another onely the Lords day is the fittest The third is rejoycing singing of Psalmes and Praising God in our families this David commends for a duty of the Sabbath Psal. 92.1 And this Paul and Silas taught us by their example Act. 16.35 Where they two being in prison and in the stocks are said on the Lords day at midnight to pray and sing Psalmes with soe loud a voyce that the Prisoners heard them And yet I hope none dare call them Puritants and Hipocrites as the profane miscreaunts of our time call all the familes in which they heare singing of Psalmes on the Lords day The Fourth is visiting of the sick of prisoners releiving the poore and needy perswading of disagreeing Neighbours to peace and reconciliation These are works of mercie and of Christian loue and charity haue no proper end but to bring honour to God and to make him to be praised of his people and his people to be edified in loue And being an holie private service of God they may be done on the Lords daie our Church Doctrine doth teach them and Ecclesiasticall constitutions allow them The last duty is meditating on Gods workes magnifying them and speaking of them with admiration one to another if upon any just occasion or for necessarie refreshing we walke diuers together into the feilds This David mentions in the Psalme for the Sabbath day Psal. 92 45. Where he saith thou Lord hast made me glad through thy workes and I will tryumph in the workes of thy hands O Lord how great are thy workes Thus much for the speciall duties both publick priuate which Christians are bound to performe on the Lords day which is the Christian Sabbath Now the consideration of these severall duties being some publick some priuate some more proper for the Sabbath and some for all daies offer to us somethings more to be obserued First the publicke duties of the whole Church together must first be regarded and preferred before priuate duties at home and mumbling of private praies with our selves in the Church because they make more for Gods glory and mutuall edification and do shew and declare our Christian vnity Secondly publick duties must take up the best and greatest part of the day because they are proper to the day and to publick assemblies which are to be kept weekly on the Sabbath day Priuate duties are common to all daies of the weeke Thirdly the duties of mercy charity to men must giue place to the mediate worship of God when there is no vrgent necessity and they may bee deferred to another day without any inconvenience Men hauing oppertunity before must not put them off vntill the Lords daie and then by them shoulder out holy duties of piety and Gods solemne worshippe Lastly by the many and severall duties required on the Lords Sabbath wee see that to him who hath a care and respect of them all there will be no time left for for idle words and toyish talking praunsing in pride and vanity nor for any carnall sports pastimes and pleasures But Gods day wil be found little enough for holy duties which are to be performed And therefore I dare not allow any liberty for any sports how honest lawful so ever at other times except they bee holy and Gods worship be furthered and no better duties by them be hindered Which no man can in reason conceive or imagine If God be to be loved aboue all and honoured and served with all the heart and mind soule strength as the law commands J do not see but all Gods people ought so to do especially on the Lords day to be discontent grieued that they can̄ot do it so fully as they ought not to allow to themselves in these things anie liberty which may hinder Gods holy worship The greatest opposites of the weekly Christians Sabbath when they haue most vehemently disputed spent al their argumēts against the observation of the Lords day for an holy Sab day of holy rest are by the cleare evidence of the truth so convinced that will they nill they their conscience forceth them to confesse That the spēding of the whole day even the space of four twenty hours of the Lords day an holie rest cessation from all worldly thoughts cares from all seculiar affaires in holy duties of Gods worship service both publick and private is a thing Commendable praise worthy in them and pleasing and acceptable in the sight of God To that one only wise omnipotent immortall and eternall God who in all things and ouer all enimies maketh his truth to triumph be all honour glory and praise now and for euer FINIS Justin. Dialog cū Triphone Tertull. adversus Judoeos Irenaeus lib. 4. c. 20 * Tostatus Pererius Gomarus Heb. 11.10.16 Origen Hierom. trad in 2 Gen. Austin in Psal. 80. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 8 21 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gen. 31.2 Heb. 10.26 1 Ioh. 5.16 Heb. 6·6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Doctrine 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 Reason 4 Reason 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1. Position negative 1· Pit 1.3 Objection Answer 1. Position affirmative 2. position affi●mative Gen. 4. 3 position affirmative Objection Answer Object 2. Answer The severall opinions concerning the law of the Sabbath The distinction of Gods laws serm 251. de tempore serm de tempore 136. Zanch. lib de De Calog thes 1. 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument Argum. 6 Argument 7 Argument 8. Argu. 9. Argu. Of mans sanctification of the Sabbath 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4. Argu. 5 Argument Objection Answer Object Answer Prolog in Psalm Objection Answer Lexic● cold 1. Argument 2 Argument 3. Argument 4. Argum. 5. Argu Chrisostom in Cor. 16. Augst ser. 25 1. de temp Gregor Magn Epist lib 11.3
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Shabath which is here v●ed and doth properly signifie in any other places of Scripture where it is vsed to set forth other ceasing and resting from worke The Holy Scriptures themselues do fully shew Also that God found rest in Christ even of refreshing and se●led his delight in him the Redeemer and in his worke of redemption and committed the world to be Ruled Iudged Ordered and disposed by him as mediatour vpon the seventh day and from that forward vntill the eternall rest of heaven comes in and the kingdome be deliuered vp to God his Father that God may be all in all As for example Exod. 20.11 where God in giving of the law and mentioning the ground of his sanctifying of the seventh day to weet his resting doth vse the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Janach which signifies not a bare resting from worke but such a rest as is full of sweetnesse delight and Exod. 31·17 where it is said that on the seventh day God rested and was refreshed that is hee did not onely cease from creating and rest from workes of creation but he found also great delight that is in Christ vndertaking to be the Saviour and redeemer of the world hee found great pleasure and delight in his kinde such as men in their kinde do finde in things which delight and refresh their soule so much the words imply And the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles speaking to the same purpose justifie this sence and meaning where they tell us that Christ the Mediatour is Gods righteous Servant in whom his soule delighteh Isa 42.2 Math. 12.18 And that in him God setles his rest and is well pleased Math. 2.17 And makes his elect acceptable in his beloued Ehe 1.6 Thirdly the keeping and observing of every seventh day for aholy Sabbath which God requires of us consists not in bare resting from ordinary workes and labouring in worldly affaires which concerne this life but also in sanctifyng of the day by holy and religious exercises which concerne the heavenly life and in making it our delight to honour the Lord as appeates both in the wordes of the law Exod. 20.8 Deut. 5.22 And also in the Prophets Isa. 56.4 And 58.13 Now such as the observation is such must the ground thereof be on which it is founded And therefore vndoubtedly Gods resting on the seventh day includes his resting and delighting in Christ who was the promised redemption Thus much for the opening expounding of the second clause the discovery of the rest of God by which he rested on the sevē●h day which is the second ground of Gods blessing and sanctifying that day and making it a holy Sabbath of r●st The third ground remaines and that is Gods blessing of the seventh day layd downe in the next wordes And God blessed the seventh day ve●s 3. This blessing of the seuenth day consists in two things The first is Gods blessing of it by giving and revealing to man on that day the greatest blessing which was made knowne to the Sonnes of men during the time of the Old Testament while the Sabbath of that seventh day was to be in vse and the law thereof inforce that was the giving of C●rist by promise to be the Redeemer of the world this belongs to the ground of the Sabbath The second is Gods blessing of the seventh day by setting it apart to be kept and observed of men as a day most blessed in memory of of that blessing that is of the promise of Chrst and his undertaking and beginning to mediate for man kinde this belongs to the in sanctifying of the Sabbath which is the third maine thing observed this text First I will speake of blessing as it is a ground of institution and after in the next place J will handle it as it is a part of the institution of the Sabbath concurres with sanctifying of it Blessing as it belongs to the ground of the Sabbath and signifie● Gods giving and revealing on the seventh day a blessing aboue the blessings of all the other six dayes by which that day became more honourable must needes be Gods giving ether of some naturall blessing tending to outward prosperity and to naturall perfection and temporall felicity in this world or of some gift and blessing supernaturall tending to heavenly happinesse eternall blessednesse 1. Gods blessing with naturall temporall blessings is declared in the Scriptures to be two manner of wayes F●rst by giving all sorts of temporall blessings and naturall gifts in generall thus God is sayd to blesse Ishmaell Gen. 17. ●0 and to bl●sse the Jsralites in all their affaire● and in all the wo●kes of their hands Devt 14.29 Secondly by giving some speciall worldly blessing successe and prosperity either in respect of their Corne Wine M●ate Drinke Exod. 23.25 or in respect of their cattell or the fruite of their body or worldly goods p●ssessions and the like Devt 28.3 2 Gods blessing with spirituall and supernaturall blessings and guifts is his making of men to grow and prosper in grace and in all heavenly blessings as Gen. 12.3 28 4. where it is said that in the blessed seed of Abraham Iacob that is in Christ. All the nations families of the earth shall be blessed and thus God is said to blesse us with all spirituall blessings in Heavenly things in Christ Ephess 1.3 of this blessing David ●peakes Psal. 67.1 where hee sayth God b● mercifull vnto vs and blesse us 3. God is said to blesse in a full and perfect sence with all blessings of prosperity and happinesse both temporall and spirituall that is by giving all saving graces needfull to salvation and good increase and growth in them and all outward prosperity and all things therevnto requisite together with his favour and a sanctified vse of them thus God promised to blesse Abraham Gen. 12.2 Jsaac Gen. 26.3 Jacob Gen. 28.3 Joseph Gen. 49.25 with blessings of heaven a boue and deep beneath And his people inheritance Psal. 28.9 Now the thing here to be inquired after sought out is what blessing is meant in this place where God is said to Blesse the Seventh day For it it most certaine that this blessing wherewith God blessed the seventh day did not consist only in Gods giving of any naturall and temporall blessings to that daie or to man and other creatures on that day or in ann●xing and tying any such vnto it For God had before ceased and now rested from all works of creation that is both from creating any kinde of creature also from adding more naturall goodnes or perfection to any thing created We never read that God made the seventh day blessed a boue the other sixe either in clearer light of the sun or in more faire and seasonable weather at any time or in any age from the beginning or that he blessed it with any such blessing which belongs to nature
of them My reasons are First because creating of naturall holynesse in any thing is a worke of creation But God rested from all works of creation on the seventh day and from making any thing which belonged to the naturall being of any creature or to the natural frame and perfection of it witnesse the wordes of my text and the wordes of the Lord him selfe Exod. 20.13 Secondly the Scriptures which are the onely rule of faith and so all Doctrines of this kind do never mention any naturall holynesse in any creature which God made in the whole created frame of heaven and earth all though God did create man perfect in his kinde even in his own image Yet I doe not read that this image comprehended any more in it but naturall gifts and endowments onely as light of understanding libertye of will most free to good onely and well ordered affections all upright also a comely frame and excellent temperatur of the body fitt to be the seat subject instrument of a liveing reasonable naturall soule and spirit and to rule over all other creatures Salomon the wise preacher describeing the image and excellent frame wherein God created man makes no mention of any holynesse but onely of naturall uprightnesse God saith he made man upright We never read of holynesse naturall to any but onely to God Thirdly true holynesse is a gift of supernaturall grace given onely in Christ and proceeding f●om the holy Ghost shed on men through Christ and dwelling in them as the immortall seed of God It belongs not to the naturall image of God wherein the first earthly Adam was created but to the spirituall and heavenly image of the second Adam Christ who is a quickening spirit the Lord from heaven heavenly whose image no man can bear but in the state of regeneration when he is borne of the spirit and begotten of God to a lively hope to the inheritance incorruptible and undefiled which fadeth not a way as I have largly here to fore proved by divers Scriptures which appose the image of true holynesse and undefyled righteousnesse which men have in Christ to the image of the first Adam but that upright image wherein he was first made and that corrupt image where in to he was transformed by his fall as appeares most plainely 1. Cor 15.45.49 Eph. 4.23.24 The thing which deceives many learned men and carries them to thinke that holinesse was apart of mans naturall image in which he was created is this First they take it for granted that all vprightnesse purity of man in heart soule life and conversation by which he is conformable to the law of nature and to Gods will revealed and his commandements given to him is true holinesse and is so called in Scripture Secondly they reade that Adam was made by God vpright and had that purity vprightnesse which made him conformable to Gods law and revealed will and this was Gods image in him herevpon they conclude that Adam was created in true holinesse To this I haue heretofore vpon another textfully answered by laying downe a plaine distinction gathered from Gods word and daily experience and by applying it to this purpose For I haue distingu●shed purity and uprightnesse by which man is conformable to the revealed will and law of God into two sorts First there is a created naturall purity vprightnesse founded upon naturall principles which God gaue to man in his fi●st creation by he which was conformable to Gods revealed will to the law of his nature in the state of innocency but this vprightnesse having no other roote or foundation but mans mutable nature and frame was also mutable and was quickly defaced and corrupted by the subtilty of the tempter and mans fall Secondly there is a renewed or new created uprightnesse and purity of man in his heart and soule life and conversation which is found onely in Gods elect faithfull regenerat Children by which they are here in some measure made conformable to the law and will of God this although it is much ecclipsed and obscured by the remainders of naturall corruption which still dwell in Gods Saints in this fraile life and mortall body and doth not shine forth in the true brightnesse of it yet it proceeds from an eternall fountaine the pure waters whereof spring vp unto life eternall and cannot be defiled but remaine pure though they passe through the dead sea of Sodom the filthy lake of mans naturall corruptions which dwell still in this body of death this pure fountaine is the spirit of regeneration which God sheds through Christ on the elect as our Saviour himselfe teacheth Joh. 14.4 8.38.39 And because this spirit even the holy Ghost which daily renues them being shed on them in there new birth Tit. 3.5.6 doth dwell in them as the mortall seed of God abides with them for ever Joh. 14 16. and is stronger then the spirit of malice the Devill which overthrew our first parents and ever since rules in all worldly men 1 Iob. 4.4 Therefore it is true puritie and vprightnesse which cannot faile nor deceive us as Adams did and this is that which the Apostle cals the new man and the righteousnesse and holinesse of truth Ephess 4.24 in the same sence that spirituall supernaturall and heavenly graces are called the true riches that is the riches durable and incorruptible which will neverly vnto vs nor by failing deceive vs Luk. 16. As for the created purity and vprightnesse by which the first Adam was conformable to the law it is never in all the Scriptures called by the name of holinesse neither is it or any morall virtue in any vnregenerate man any true holinesse because it proceeds not from the holy Ghost who dwels in the regenerate and works all true holinesse in in them I wish that all the learned would seriously weigh this truth embrace it with their hearts and beare it continualy in their minds and memories For this will at one blow raze to the very foundation all pelagian Popish Armian Hoeresies concerning the power of mans fre● will the efficacy and merit of mans naturall workes don before regeneration and the falling away of men regenerate and justified from the grace of God and from justifying faith and true holinesse also concerning vniversall grace given to all men by which they haue it in their owne power to be saved And if it would please the Lord to open the hearts of our people r●ghtlie conceive this difference betweene the image of the first and second Adam and betweene the created naturall vprightnesse of Adam and the spirituall vprightnesse and infused holinesse wherein the second Adam was conceived and framed by the holy Ghost This would ravish their hearts and fill them with admiration of the singular loue of God to his elect in Christ and of the singular excellencie of the grace holinesse and of those high prerogatives which the regenerate
earth beneath and all creatures in them serving daily for mans naturall good welbeing even every day equallie did put man continually in mind of his duty to weet that he was to loue and serue the Lord with all his heart soule and strength at all times for this is the righteousnesse of a mans owne workes and of his owne person which God required of man in the first covenant in the state of innocency even his constant obedience to the vvhole and law and revealed will of God all his dayes withou● one dayes intermission Therefore the Sabbath which requires service of God and worship loue of him as mercifull a Redeemer and that upon one day of the weeke more then all the rest vvas not knowne nor commanded nor observed by nature in the state of innocency Fourthly the lavv of nature written in mans heart requires no particular duty but such as his owne naturall reason and vvill did direct lead him vnto in the creation and vvhich belonged to him in the state of innocency But the lavv of the Sabbath from the first institution commands and requires such things ●nd such vvorkes and duties as did not concerne man in the state of innocency As 1 Rest of man and beast from their vvearisome labour for their refreshing upon one day in seven This man had no need of neither vvas their any need of such rest because the toile and labour of man and beast came in after the fall vvhen God cursed the earth for mans sinne Secondly it requires in generall sanctification of the seventh day by holy and religious exercises and in particular by sacrificing to God by prayer and supplication and by meditating on heavenly things and on eternall rest and by studying all holy duties vvhich might fit men for the sight and fruition of God in heavenly glory All which vvhat soever other holy Sabbath duties and vvorks are mentioned in the word of God do belong to man only since the promise of Christ the blessed seed And in the state of innocency man had no occasion of any such duties he had no need of sacrificing vntill Christ his ransome and sacrifice for sinne vvas promised he neither could have any thought ar meditations of glory in Heauen or studies to fit and sanctifie himselfe for the fruition thereof untill Christ the onlie vvay to eternall rest glory vvas promised vvhat use had he of prayers and supplcations to God for any good thing needful vvhen he lacked nothing or for deliverance from evill vvhen as yet noe evill vvas knovvne in the vvorld What occcasion could he haue to praise God either for Christ before he did so much as dreame of Christ or had any thought of him at all As for naturall guifts and blessings he vvas by them admonished and provoked every day alike to loue serve honour and praise God vvherefore seeing the vvorkes and duties of the Sabbath are holy and tend onely or chiefly to the supernaturall and heavenl● life and to the eternall rest which Christ hath purchased in heauen for man vndoubtedly the lavv of the Sabbath vvhich expresly commands such workes and duties everie seuenth day is a positiue supernaturall and divine law not any dictate of nature imprinted in mans heart in the creation Fiftly every law of nature is common to all man kinde and is written as well in the hearts of heathen as of Christians so that the conscience of men whoe never heard of God or of his word is a monitor to admonish them of the duty which that law requires and an accuser if they transgresse that law and men haue no more need to be put in mind of those duties then of any other which the law of nature requires But the law of the Sabbath hath no footsteppe of impression in the hearts of barbarous heathen nations It is quite forgoten among them and onely Gods people who have his written law and word continually read and preached do keepe the Sabbath And God in giving it to Israell in written tables in repeating it often afterwardes still calls upon them to remember it thereby shewing that it is not as the law of nature printed in mans heart but is a law giuen by word and writing and from thence learned and therefore easilie and quickly forgotten Sixthly If it were a naturall law founded upon the creation and binding man to keepe a weekelie holy day in thankfulnesse for his creation and for the creatures made for his vse then it should in all reason binde man to keepe Holy the six dayes in vvhich God Created all things and especiallie the sixth daie wherein God made man himselfe and gaue him rule and dominion over all creatures For holy celebrations are kept weekely or yearely one the dayes in which the blessing and benefits solemnized and celebrated were first bestovved one men Therefore it is not a naturall law grounded on the creation Lastly Christ came not to chaunge the law of nature nor to take away any part of the obedience therof but to establish and fulfill it in every jot and title as he himselfe testifieth Mat. 5.17.18 And yet the law of the Sabbath soe farre as it requires keeping holy the seventh day as the fathers were bound in the old Testament is changed by Christ and by his resurrection in which hee finished the worke of redemption and was exhibited a perfect redeemer And the observation of the seventh and last day of the weeke is abolished And the first day of the weeke even the day of Christs resurrection is sanct●fied and substituted in the place of it and so was obserued by the Apostles after them by all true Christian Churches for the Lords day and for the Queene and ch●efe Princesse of all daies as the blessed Martyr Ignatius cals it Epist. ad magnesi●s pag. 31. Therefore it is not a law of nature printed e●grauen in mans heart J could alleadge more reasons but J hold this perfect number of seven sufficient for this present purpose J will therefore proceed to the next thing which is the discovery of the seuerall kindes of lawes which God hath given to men the briefe discription of every kind particularly by which J shall come to demonstrate what kind this of the Sabbath is CHAP. 11. THE Lawes of God which he hath given to men are of two sorts either lawes printed in mans heart which we cal lawes of nature Or else Positiue lawes which God hath commanded in his word over and above or besides the lawes of na●ure Th● Law of nature is that will of God which hee as Lord and creatour hath imprinted in mans heart in the creation even that naturall disposition which God gaue to man when he made him in his owne Image by which he doth informe man in the knowledge and moue him to the practise of all duties which belong to him and which he requirs of him for naturall wellbeing continuance in that life good
inheritance of the Saints in light as the Scriptures testifie 1 Cor. 15.20 Coloss. 1.12 Vpon these premises before proved at large and here againe pressed home to the purpose The conclusion followeth necessarily That it was the purpose intent and will of God to make the first day of the weeke the Lords day and the Christian Sabbath and in the first institution of the Sabbath and by his first law of the Sabbath which in the maine substance of it is perpetuall to binde all his people in the time of his glorious Gospell to observe that day onely for their holy weekly Sabbath vntill they come to that wherof the Sabbath is a liuely pledge even the eternall rest of glory in Heaven Thirdly whatsoever tends most to the perfect fullfilling of any speciall law and commandement of God given to men and is manifestlie made known to man to be most agreeable to Gods will revealed in that law and to the endes and uses which God openly pretendeth therein that man is chiefly bound to do by that law and commandement This is a most certaine and undoubted truth For Gods generall commandement is that we loue him with all our heart and worship and serve him with all our soule and all our strength Deut. 6 5. Mat. 22.37 Now the will of God revealed in this first institution and sanctifying of the sabbath and in the fourth Commandement of the law is often repeated urged by Moses the Prophets is more perfectly fulfilled in the right sanctification of the Lords day vnder the Gospell then it was in the observatiō of the sevēth the sabbath of the old Testament whatsoever necessary duty God in the law of the sabbath requireth of mā from the beginning Or whatsoever end and use he openly pretendeth his law of the keeping of the holy sabbath that is more fully obtained effected and brought to passe by an holy sanctification of the Lords day and by keeping it an holy Sabbath to the Lord now vnder the Gospell Therefore by the law of the sabbath given at the first and by the fourth commandement it is repeated and explaned Christians are bound to to keepe the Lords day which is the first of the weeke for their weekly S●bbath If any man doth make doubt of the assumption in this Syllogisme It is easily proved by a particular enumeration both of the particular substanciall and necessary duties which Gods word requires in the Sabbath and also of the ends and uses for which God requires an holy sabbath to be kept every seventh day The First maine dutie from which the seventh day requirs the name of Sabbath is rest and cessation from all worldly labours pleasures and delight wherein man is to withdraw his mind from worldly cares and secular affaires which concern this fraile earthly life and is to giue rest and refreshing to his owne body and to the bodies of his children servants straungers and toyling cattell as appeares Exod. 20.10 Isa 58.13 And the proper end and use of this rest is First to admonish man that he must not place nor seeke felicity in this world nor since his fall and breaking of the Covenant of workes by his disobedience hope for any happinesse or felicity either here or else where to be purchased by his owne workes of righteousnesse which he either is or was able in the first creation to performe in his owne person Secondly to shew that Gods just wrath appeased by C●rist and the sting of death and the curse and bitternesse of mans sorrowes and toilsome laboures which God imposed on him for his transgression is taken away and God will not haue his people to torment their bodies which continuall toile and painfull labour but to ease and refresh themselves with a weekly rest Thirdly to make men take notice that God hath a provident and fatherly care of his creatures both men and beasts hates all mercilesse cruelty oppression of their very bodies and will haue them so refreshed eased that they may last the longer and goe cheerfully through their weeklie labours Fourthly to shew that in Christ vpon whom the Sabbath is founded there is spirituall rest and ease and refreshing of the soul from the heavie burden of sinne and the miser●es of sinne to be found of all them who being heavy laden do flee to him and in him place their hope and confidence Fif●ly to put in mind of Gods resting in Christs mediation from the worke of creation and that he hath wholy given over all purposes and thoughts of repairing the world and restoring man fallen and corrupted by any worke of creation and hath set his mind on another kind of worke even the work of redemption by Christ and the new creation of heavenly spirituall and supernaturall graces and perfections in men by his holy spirit Sixthly to be a signe and memoriall of Christ his full perfecting of the worke of mans redemption and of his perfect satisfaction made to the justice of God for fraile sinfull men Lastly to be a token and pledge of the eternall rest in heaven and of the Sabbathisme which after the labours and troubles of this life the elect and faithfull people of God shall enjoy for ever in the world to come Now there is no day in all the weeke in which this first maine dutie of the Sabbath can be well be performed for the ends and uses as on the Lords day which is the Christian Sabbath The seventh day never yeelded halfe so much light helps to Gods people in the old Testament for these purposes as the Lords day doth to us vnder the Gospell For the Lords day in which Christ arose from death and entered into his glorie and perfected the worke of Redemption It discovers Christ the maine foundation of all rest even of the Sabbath it selfe more plainly unto us and in it being bewtified and adorned with so manie blessings and prerogatives which Gods word gives to it wee may as in a cleare glasse see and behold Christ with open face we see in his resurrection Gods justice fully satisfied his wrath appeased redemption fully perfected Gods resting in Christ mediation eternall rest purchased by Christ for us and gained to himselfe heaven opened unto us sin death and hell already ouercome and conquered And therfore there is no day by many degrees soe fit as this day of Christs resurrection to make us rest comfortably in our bodies and minds from worldly cares and bodilie l●boures and in our soules and consciences from the burden of sinne and the guilt thereof No daie or time can so plainly shew vnto us that our fellicity is not in this world nor to be obtained and purchased by the righteousnesse of our owne workes This sets before us Christ raised for our justification This shews Gods aboundant mercy and compassion ●o us and that hee hates all cruelties and oppressions And this is a speciall meanes to bring us to the assurance
haue a law giuen to Adam when all mankinde were in his loynes commanding a duty even the sanctifying of a weekely Sabbath which hath beene and is of as great use after Christ as before For as the Isralites were bound unto this duty by God Exod. 16.23.28 20.8 euen in al their generations as appeares Jer. 17.21 so also Gods people are bound to it under the Gospell whether they be strangers which joyn themselves to the Lord and lay hold on his Covenant Isa. 56.6.7 that is Churches of the beleeving Gentiles or naturall Isralites after their long hardnesse in the last daies converted to Christ the repairer of the breach and builder up of the old wast places after many generations Isa. And J do not thinke there is any man professing Christianity dare be so impudent as to affirme that any of Gods people in any age are exempted frō the Holy duties by which the Sabbath is sanctified and a seventh day in every weeke kept Holy to the Lord or that we in these evill and perillous times haue not as much neede of them for the upholding of true religion for the increasing of grace godlinesse in our hearts Therefore undoubtedly all mankinde in all generations and ages are bound to keepe a weekly Sabbath My second argument is drawne from the duty it selfe of keeping Holy a seventh day weekly to the Lord and thus I frame it Everie duty imposed on Adam and his posterity by Gods commandement which is in it selfe perpetually Holy and just and of as great use to all men in all ages as necessarily in all respects as it was in Adam when God first enjoyned it by his law That belongs to all mankinde and all the posterity of Adam are bound thereunto in all ages to the end of the world The keeping of an Holy weekly Sabbath and sanctifying of a seventh day in every weeke is such a duty Therefore it belongs to all mankinde and all Adams posterity are bound to it in all ages to the end of the world The proposition is so manifestly true th●t there can be no acception against it to deny it is to deny that greatest of Gods commandements which saith that Gods people ought to feare the Lord and walke in his wayes to loue and serve them with all their heart and with all their soule and with all their might Deut. 6.5 10.12 For whosoever exempts himselfe or others from a duty which is perpetually holy just usefull necessary for all men he in so doing refuseth to serue God with all his heart soul might and teacheth others to transgresse that great commandement The assumption also is an undoubted truth For first there can be no time nor age named since mans fall corruption which brought all mankind vnder the bondage of hand toylsome labour eating his bred with the sweat of his face wherin the rest of one day in every weeke is not usefull profi●table needfull for mens bodies most just equall to be granted to their labouring servants toyling cattell the verie light of naturall reason reqiures it for the cōmon good welbeing of all men He who denies this to himselfe and to his children servants cattell he is an unjust unmercifull man not to be numbred among the righteous who are good mercifull to the life of their beasts Prov. 12.10 Secondly justice equity require that seing the life of man is a pilgrimage on earth here on earth there is no abiding place for him nor any felicity true rest or perfection to be found but in heaven mā should not spend all his time all his thoughts studies in about the things of this world but that he should haue a set time at lest one day in every week wherin he resting ceasing from worldly cares laboures delights should wholy devote himself to heavenly meditations and to holy exercises which may fit him prepare him for the place of rest teach direct him in the right ready way thereunto enable him to walke wisely therin Who thinks it to much to consecrate one whole day in seven unto religious exercises which may fit him for eternal life he is undoubtedly most vnequall in his judgment a judge of unjust things Thirdly it is a thing not only good holy in it selfe that man of his owne accord much more being commanded by God should devote one whole day in every weeke to the mediate worship of God in thankfulnes for his creation redemption the vse of Gods creatures restored to him in Christ with some advantage But also very vsefull necessary for the seasoning of mans weekly laboures with justice piety for the cōtinuance increase of holines religiō in his heart and for the enlightening of his mind rectifying of his will sanctifying of his affections and fitting him to undertake and begin all his weekly laboures in the feare of God to direct them to the right end and to perfect and finish them happily by Gods favour and blessing Jf any man shall dare to deny this we may justly feare that he is rude ignorant of those heavenly and spirituall things whereof all Gods people haue continually experience in themselves And the constant practice of Gods people who in all ages haue observed and kept a weekly Sabbath holy to the Lord and therby haue profitted in all piety and holinesse will convince them of grosse blindnesse stupidity Adam no doubt did every seventh day devote himselfe to Gods worship and taught his first sonnes Caine Abell to bring their offerings to God at the end of daies that is every last day of the weeke for that is the most proper sence of the words in the Hebrew text Gen. 4.3.4 And so soone as the posterity of Seth began to multiply and increase they gathered themselves into a Church were called the children of God or Gods people and hereby they were distinguished from the carnall and profane progeny of Caine then they began to invocate and call upon the name of the Lord that is to worship God in publick assemblies Gen 4.26 Whereas Adam Abell and Seth had invocated and worshipped God in their own private families onely now the faithfull being multiplied did frequent publick assemblies which could not be but in set places and at set times surely euery weeke on the seventh day which God had blessed and sanctified Also after that generall Apostacy which came in by vnequall mariages of the sonnes of the faithfull with the daughters of the profane the destruction of the the old world with the flood Righteous Noah who was saved in the Arke with his familie immediatlie after began to observe the holy rest of the seventh day for it is said that the Burnt offering which he offered on the Altar of every cleane beasts and cleane foule vnto the Lord was a sweet smelling
of the Gospell among the Gentiles on that they did meet together to heare the word to receiue the sacrament of the Lords supper Act 20 7 And on that day St Paul ordained that the collections offerings should bee made for the Saints 1 Cor 16 12 which were things proper for holy publicke assemblies So St John cals it by the name of the Lords day Revel 1 10 that is the day which is universall sacred holy to the Lord in an high degree For whatsoever things haue the Lords name named on them are such as all confesse many examples of Scripture proue abundantly All the auncient fathers doctors of the Church who immediatly in the ●ext ages succeed the Apostles do proclaime it to be the chief holy day of Christians even the Queene supreme Lady of dayes So Ignatius cals it as J haue often before noted also the day of their holie assemblies wherin they did come together to preach read expound heare Gods word to worshipp God to pray to praise God with their one voyce to receiue the Sacramentt and offer up almes So Iustin Martyr affirmes The rest of the most learned fathers as Basill Nazianzene Chrysostome Hyerome Austen do all extoll it for the Lords high roiall holy daie the chief● primate first fruites of daies as the learned of all sides know co●fesse even Calvin his followers who made a doubt scruple of calling it the Sab or observing it for a Sab of holy rest by any warrant from Gods law Therefore none can with any good reason deny that one maine duty of this day is rest from all earthly workes Thirdly wheresoever there is as much use of holie rest cessation frō all worldlie affaires as there was of old when God first gaue afterwards repeated and urged the law of the weekly Sab there a Sab of rest ought to be kept weeklie even by the Com of God This is truth undeniable For no laws of God comm●nding things which are but tipes figures are at any time abrogated vntill the things commanded cease to be of use as the Apostle shewes in the 8 9 10 cap of Heb Now Christ who is the body and substance of all types and shaddowes hath not by his comming so fulfilled the rest of the weekly Sabbath but there is as great as holy and as necessary use of it to us Christians as there was to the people of God in the Old Testament First we haue as much and more need of refreshing our weak bodies and the bodies of our servants and labouring cattell then they had by keeping a weekly Sabbath for we are grown farre more weake and feeble and of shorter life then they were Secondly we haue as great neede of seperating sequestring and recalling our minds and affections from all worldly cares negociations and pleasures ●hat we may haue pleasure and freedome to worship and serue God and devote one day in everie weeke to publick assemblies for our edification in grace faith and holin●sse For we are more full of infirmities and doe decay and grow corrupt more and more as all the world doth and haue need of all outward helpes more then they Thirdlie as rest from all workes and labours which concerne this life was necessarie and of great vse to Adam and al the fathers to withdraw their hearts and mind●s from placing their felicitie and seeking happinesse in this world and to put them in remembrance that being fallen from that integrity in which they were created and the first covenant of life by mans owne workes being broken and made voyd by the first fall and disobedience there is no hope of life or of any true blessednesse Soe it is of no lesse use but of much more necessitie for us who are farre more eagre after the world more readie to place our felicitie in earthly things and more proud and arrogant readie to glorie in our own merits to boast of our own righteousnesse ●s we see by common course of the world which now a daies soe madlie doateth after Popish and Pelagian merits F●ur●hlie as Gods commanding of a weeklie rest to be given to man and beast and the resting of the fathers on the Sabbath day from servile workes and labour which came in as a curse for sinne were of great vse to teach them and to be a pledge and token unto them that God did rest in Christs mediation and his justice was fullie satisfied and his wrath appeased towards them by that satisfaction which Christ had vndertaken to make and that the sting of sinne and death and the bitternesse of the curse was taken awaie by him So likewise it is of the same use still to us and we haue as much need of the same weekly holie r●st to make us feele more sensible and relish more sweetly the virtue of Christs satisfaction the sweetnesse whereof wee through our dullnesse can hardlie tast and relish and many amongst us make a doubt whether there be any such satisfaction of Gods justice needfull at all or any appeasing of his wrath by Christ. Fifthly as Gods injoyning of rest was of use to the fathers to testifie to them his prouident care ouer his creatures both men and beasts and his hatred and detestation of mercilesse crueltie and unjust oppression Soe it is much more usefull to us for the same purpose in these last daies and perillous times wherein men are become fierce cruell implacable without naturall affection as experience teacheth and the Apostle foretold 2 Tim. 3.2.3 Lastlie as the weekly rest of the old Sabbath grounded upon the obscure promise of Christ was commanded by God that it might bee a meanes to stirre up the fathers to looke for true comfort ease refreshing in Christ if they did by faith flee to him whensoever they did travell under the burden of their sinnes and Satans temptations as wee read that Iob did cap. 16.21 and 19.25 Soe now it is much more usefull to stirre us up to seeke to Christ when wee are heavie laden and groane under the burden of sinne and of the miseries which come by sinne and of Satans dangerous temptations Seeing as Satan doth now ●ore rage like a Roaring Lyon 1 Pet 5.8 And is full of wrath because his time growes shorter Revel 12. So we haue Christ actuallie given and revealed and in the Gospell calling and inviting us and promising rest and refreshing for our soules in such causes of distresse if we come to him Jn a word to us the rest of the Lord Christs day is a more liuelie pledge of eternall rest by him prepared in heaven for us These things being cleare and manifest the conclusion following vpon these praemises it this That we are as much or more bound by Gods law to keepe the Lords day as a Sabbath of weekly rest by ceasing from all affaires of this life laying aside all worldlie cares and resting from
heart and soule is required in vsing the publick holie ordinances of God and in approaching neare to him to worship him in his holy place his owns house As wee reade Leviticus 20.7 1 Peter 1.15.16 The holinesse that becomes Gods house is not vanishing showes and shaddowes which passe awaie in the doing and vsing of them as bowing cringing and such gestures but a spirituall and eternall holinesse which lasts for ever and can never bee defaced nor perish as David shewes Psal. 93.5 It is better then thousands of Rammes Mich. It is putting on of Humility Mercy meeknesse and all other affections and departing from all iniquity 2 Tim. 2.19 It is the Jmage of Christ in the new creature which is created after God in righteousnesse and holinesse that is which cannot lye nor deceiue by faiding but lasts for ever Ephes. 4.24 Thirdly to call to mind those Scripturs which require holy preparation as Eccle. 5.1 which shewes Gods anger against such as come to his house without due furniture and a wedding garment as Mat. 22.12 Fourthly to meditate on that whereof the Sabbath is a signe and pledge vnto us even our Resurrection to eternall life and to the eternall Rest of glory in heaven in the sight and fruition of God whom none can see without holinesse Thi● is most powerfull to stirre up spirituall affection and to quicken grace in our hearts The third meanes is earnest prayer to God for his spirit and increase of his spirituall grace in our hearts that is of great force if it be importunate Luk. 11.13 18.1 and fervent Iam. 5.16 And therefor when the Lords day begineth in the evening or day going of the Satturday we must make speciall prayers for this purpose as also in the morning when we awake and see the light of the Lords holy day Jn the next place after we are thus prepared wee must set our selves wholy to the performance of the duties of holinesse which are required for the sanctification of an holy Sabbath to the Lord which are either publick or private The first publick duty is diligent assembling of our selues with the congregation of Gods people in the house of God the place of publick assemblies This is so necessary that without it there can be no solemne service nor publick worship of God performed by us This the Lord requires in the law where he joynes these two together as in seperable companions even holy convocations and keeping of a Sabbath Ex. 12.16 These our Saviour Christ did frequent though Lord of the Sabbath as well as the fathers did under the law as appears Mark. 1.27 And so did his Apostles on the new Sabbath the Lords day 1 Cor 16.1.2 The second publick duty in the publick worship of God is Praier lauding and Praising him and offering vp sacrifices of thankfulnesse and the first fruites a●d calues of our lippes in a solemne orderly and decent manner and order This the holy men of God carefully performed in the House of God on their Sabbath in the old Testament as David shewes Psal. 5.7 42.4 And this our Saviour commandes to us for an holy duty in Gods house where hee cals the house of God the house of prayer Mat. 21.13 that not only to the Jews but also to al beleeving nations as the Prophets words by him cited do shew Isa. 56 7. This the godly at Philippi where they had no Synagogue nor Church performed in a publick assembly by a Riuers side Act. 16.13 This was practised by the first Christians at Iudaea Act. 2.46.47 and this the Apostle injoynes Heb 13.15 This David foretold Psal. 118.24 In a word all Scriptures which teach us to call upon God to pray to confesse our sinnes to humble our selves before God to worshippe him and to giue thankes and do commend these for holy duties they doe much more teach vs to performe them on the Lords day in our holy assemblies The third sort of publicke duties are the holy ordinances of God which tend properly to beget and increase holinesse and to teach Christians Gods holy worship and feare to weet the publick reading and and expounded of the word of God and preaching and Catechising on the Mininisters part and on the peoples part reverent attention hearing of the word of God This was a constant practise from the daies of old which the Fathers obserued soe long as the Church of the Jewes and first temple was standing As appeares Ast. 13.15 cap. 15.21.27 Also by our Saviours practise preaching in the Sinagogues every sabbath day Luk. 4.16 Mar. 1.31 And this the Apostles practised in holie assemblies which they appointed to be kept on the Lords day and this they commanded to be performed by all the Christian Churches as appeares Act. 11.25 20 7. 1 Cor. 16.1 14.23.26 Colos. 4.14 1 Thes. 5.27 Fourthly besides preaching reading and expounding of the holy Scripturs ther is also the administration of the Sacraments as of Baptisme and the Lords Supper the later of which especially is an holy sab daies ordinance of Christ first instituted in the assembly of his Apostles not to be administred and receiued ordinarily but in Sab assēblies and publick meeting of the Church comming together on the Lords day as we gather from Act. 20.7 1 Cor. 11.20.33 And that publick Baptisme is most fit to bee administered on the Lords day in the publicke assembly these reasons sh●w 1. Because it is joyned with preaching Mathew 28.16 Secondly because it is the receiuing of the Baptized into the true Visible Church Thirdly in publick it may bee better perfomed by the joynt prayers of the whole Congregation· Fourthly it may much profit the whole publick congregation of Gods people by putting them in minde of the covenant made in Baptisme The fifth sort of publick Sabbath duties are workes of mercy charity which are fruites of faith working by loue Unto which duties the publick Ministers soe often occasion is offered are to excite up the people and they ought to offer freelie and to make collections for the poore Saints This St. Paul taught 1 Cor. 16. 1 2 and this was in times and ages next after the Apostles practised and performed as Iustin Martyr testifies Apolog. 2 pag. 77. Sixthly publick censures of the Church and actions of correction are most fitly performed in publick assemblies of the whole Church on the Lords day such as open rebuke of scandalous sinners before all the people that others may feare Excommunication and casting out excluding from outward communion obstinate and refractary offenders as hereticks adulterers incestuous persons such like Receiving into the Church of God such as were cast out upon their humble confession and publick repentance openly before the whole Church These are not to be done in corners but in the face of the Church as St. Paul ordained by commandement from the Lord by direction from the spirit of God 1 Tim. 5 20 1 Cor. 5.4