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A09151 The testaments of the [twelue] patriarches the sonnes [of] Iacob: translated out of the Greeke [into] Latine by Robert Grosthed, some[time] Byshop of Lyncolne, and out of his copye into French and Dutch by others: Now Englished by A. G. To the credit whereof an auncient Greeke copye written in parchment, is kept in the Vniversitie Library of Cambridge.; Testamentum duodecim patriarcharum. English. Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585.; Grosseteste, Robert, 1175?-1253.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606, attributed name. 1576 (1576) STC 19467; ESTC S113653 69,583 168

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Let not the spirite of Dan possesse your minde Suffer not the wrath of Gad to settle in your hart for such work with ● perilous instruments bitter speach trechery and violent hands yelding fruit not much vnlyke as you may read as you may see Wylt thou be taught the ready 〈◊〉 to that that thou doost seeke two wayes ther● 〈◊〉 sayth Aser Vice the one the other Vertu● Neptalims race ▪ Embrace the latter eschew the former But he that walketh in them both blyndeth men becemeth himselfe and mocketh God whose double faced dealyng shal be double punished Such are the co●etous such are they y are merciful in naughtines such are they sayth Aser that fast from meates but not frō fornication Haue therfore a simple hart with simple righteous Ioseph the blessed of the Lord the right figure of Iesus Christ for hatred he shewed loue beyng cursed he blessed beyng shot thro●gh he did not so much as bend hys bow albeit his brethren would haue slaine hym albeit they cast him into a wel though they solde hym as a bond sla●e y to straūgers such as hated shepheards to y death of whom he was whipped tormented yet he when they stoode in feare gaue them cōfort when they were well nye famished gaue them foode when by his authoritye myght destroy by his authoritie did preserue beyng their Lord vsing them as his betters being their Brother acceptyng them as his Children their vnkindnes not spoken of their conspiracies forgotten theyr cruel dealing most louingly most mercifully forgeuen You haue heard his loue toward his neighbour harken his obedience toward god When he was miserably afflicted did he rage and swell When he was made a bond●●●ue of a free mans sonne did he cry out of heauen beyng almost vtterly forsaken did he vnpatiently accuse Gods iustice no expectans Expectauit Dominum And at the last the Lord whiche hid his face did shew his countenaunce of a caiti●e in respect makyng him free of a freeman wealthy of a wealthy subiect an honorable personage Lord President of Pharaos land Whom the Egyptians being alyue loued beyng dead loued beyng ●otten loued Whom ●yuing neyther wealth nor woe coulde make to swell neither promise or threats of the Egyptian strumpet could make slyde and therfore beyng dead neither world Deuil nor mans pollicy could make forgotten O that our mortall race might thus begynne thus perseuere might thus thus O Lord most happely finishe The spirit is willing but the flesh is weake Learne therefore of Beniamin to inflame thy hart that thou maist be ready both in body soule Let vs ●ayth Ecclesiasticus cōmende and so say I Let vs behold the noble famous men and the generation of our fore elders For many glorious actes hath the Lord done in them and snewed his great power euer since the begynnyng Upon the consideration wherof and especially for that I would haue nothyng wāting in this booke that might serue thy conte●tation I thought if as well pertinent to deale with the righteous Father as with the godly childrē For to shadow a face onely without a body hath his deserued commendation but who so painteth a legge without a body or a bodye without a head it shall not be amisse as I suppose as well to terme him a foolishe painter as to iudge the thing v●discreetely paynted Wherefore as well to see the head as the legge and to heare the Father as the childrē I haue faythfully drawne out of scripture not according to my fancy fashioned the death and Testament of Iacob that blessed right happy Father added to this auncient monument of the children Therfore to recompence my pay●es reade them but read them diligently neither read onely but cōtēd to follow For the imitation of good and godly men is the direct way course to godlines So may we accompt of Iacobs blessing so may we throughly chalendge to be his Children I meane not by fleshe but spirite The lord which made heauē earth y Lord which gaue his sonne to shed his hart bloud for vs god which disposeth thinges to his pleasure preserue our Queene encrease our fayth ▪ and make vs thankeful for his bene●ites Amen Richard Daye FINIS ¶ The Testament of Iacob that he made at his death to his xij Sonnes the Patriarches concerning what should be●ide them in the last dayes gathered out of Genesis .48 .49 and added to this booke Com● harke my Sonnes two thinges I geue my blessing and my ban The first to them that godly lyue the last to wicked man. IAcob the sonne of Isaac borne of Rebecca the yeare of the world 2108. his Father being three score yeares of age was a perfect man righteous dwelling † in tentes not geuen to pleasure hunting as hys elder brother elder by nature not by grace for the elder shal serue the younger sayth the Lord. Why not for that Iacob had so deserued but because God had so appointed Wherefore whē he thus by the determinate will of God and heauenly disposition which ordereth thinges whatsoeuer had got hys Brothers byrthright and his Fathers blessing his Parentes cons●dering that the slippery dayes of carnall copulation did approach and warely fearing his brother Esaw for y † he conceaued murder in his hart and instituted a byrth day of his deuilishe purpose sent hym from Berseba to Mesopotamia to Laban his mothers brother there honestly to take a wyfe and ●uietly to liue For Matrimony without consent of Parentes and due consideration of either partie cōtracted as it breedeth their disquietnesse so it prouoketh Gods displeasure Iacob therefore after long trauile being placed with his Uncle Laban and seruing hym xiiii yeares in labour payue albeit he was the childe of promise the blessed of the Lord Borne of a free woman and y which is more his Vncles bone flesh and Lord of Chanaā not arguing with hymselfe as the worldly childrē of this earth saying shall I which am a free and wealthy m●ns sonne be made a seruaunt shall I be a drudge in my kinsmans house beyng sent to marry not to serue had † geuen him by Laban to wife for his good seruice by whiche God blessed that little that Laban had before his two daughters Lea first then Rachell with their handmaydes Bilha and Zilpha of whome according to the promise made vnto hym of God in Bethell that his seede shou●● be multiplyed he begat xii sonnes .xii. godly Fathers of the earth Ruben Simeon Leui. Iuda Dan. Neptalin Gad. Aser Isachar Zabulon Ioseph Bēiamin Thus he b●y●g blessed of the Lord as well in Children as in substaūce returned agayne to his natiue countrye he and his Childrē there to lyue there to dy But beholde the diuine prouidence of god After three thirty yeares expired he was remoued frō Chanaan to Gosen in Egipt by
the land in Charets horsemen buryed him in y place which Iacob had appointed ¶ The Testament of Ruben made to his Children at his death concerning the thinges that he had in his minde by the suggestion of the spirite of foreknowledg ▪ Behold the pot the heare the bed doe note the strength the lust Of Ruben and vnconstant head who therefore was accurst THys is the copye of Rubens Testament concerninge all the thynges whiche hee gaue in charge to hys children before hee dyed in the hundred fiue and twenty yeare of his life Two yeares after the decease of Ioseph his children childrens children came to visite him in his sicknes and he sayd vnto them My children I dye and goe the way of my fathers And saying there his brethren Iuda Gad and Aser he sayd vnto them Lift me vp my brethren that I may tell you and my children the thinges that I haue hidden in my hart for I am henceforth drawing to my long home Thē stāding vp he kissed thē and weeping sayde Harken my brethren and you my childrē geue care to the word of your father Ruben mark what I giue in charge to you Behold I cōmaund you this day before y God of heauē that ye walke not in the ignoraunce of youthfulnesse and fornicatiō whereint● I ouershot my selfe and de●●●ed the bed of my father Iacob For I assure you that the Lord did therfore 〈◊〉 me with a sore plague in my flankes by the space of seuen monthes and ‡ I had perished if my father Iacob had not prayed to the Lorde for m●e because he was minded to haue slayne mee I was thirtye yeares old when I did this euill in the sight of the Lorde seuen monethes was I sick to y death and ‡ with a free hart did I seuen yeare penance before the Lord I dranke no wine nor stronge drinke no fleshe came within my mouth I tasted not any fine bred but I mourned for my sinne for it was great there shall none such be done in Israell And nowe my sonnes heare me that I may shewe you what I sawe concerninge the seuen spyrites of error in my repentaunce Belyall geueth seuen spirites agaynst a man whiche are the welspringes of youthfull workes and seuen spirites are géuen man in his creation whereby all hys works are done The first is the spirit of life wherewith is created hys béeing The second is the spirite of séeing wherwith cometh lusting The y spirite of hearing wherew t cometh learning The is y spirit of smelling wherw t cometh delight by drawing in of y ayre by breathing of it out agayn The is the spirit of speech wherwith knowledge is made The is y spirit of tascing wherof commeth y feedyng vpon thinges y are to be eaten drunke through them is ingendred strength because the substaunce of strength is in meate The seuenth is the spirit of séede and generation wherwith entreth sinne through y lust of pleasure For this cause it is the last of creation the first of youth because it is full of ignoraunce and ignoraunce leadeth the yonger sort as a blynd body into the ditch and as an Oxe to the stal Amōg all these is the eight spirit which is of sléep with whō is created the wasting away of nature and the image of death With these spirites are mingled the spirites of error Wherof the first is the spirite of Lechery who lyeth within in the nature and senses of man. The second spirit vnsatiablenesse lyeth in the belly The third spirite of strife lyeth in the lyuer and in choler The fourth spirite is of brauery and galantnesse that the partie may seeme co●ly by excesse The fistbe is the spirte of pride which moueth a man to minde ouer great thinges or to thinke well of himselfe The ●rth is the spirit of Lying or vayne gloriousnes in boasting a mans selfe and in desire to ●ile his talke concerning his owne kin●ed and acquaintaūce The seuenth is the spirit o● vnrighteousnes whiche stirreth vp the affections that a man should performe the lustfull pleasures of his harte For vnrighteousnes worketh with all the other spirits by taking guile vnto him Unto all these spirites is matched the vii● spirit which is the spirite of sléepe or sluggishnes in error and imagination and so the soules of young folkes perishe because their mindes are dar●kned from the truth and vnderstand not the law of the Lord neither obey the doctrine of their fathers as be●el to me in my youth But now my childrē loue the truth and that shall preserue you Harken to your father Ruben and let not your eyes runne gazing after women neither be ye alone with a woman that is maried neither seeke you about what women are a doing For if I had not sene Billa bathing of her selfe in a secret place I hadde not fallen into that great wickednes But my mind ran so vpon the naked woman that it suffered me not to sleepe till I had committed abhomination For while my father Iacob was away at his Father Isaackes I in Gader hard by Ephrata a house of Bethleem Billa fell drunken as shee lay a sleepe vncouered in her chamber I went in and seeyng her nakednes wrought wickednesse with her and leauing her a sléepe went my way By and by an Angell of God bes●rayed my wickednes to my Father Iacob who comming home mourned for me touched not ▪ Billa any more Therefore looke not vppon the be●u●tye of women neyther muse you vpon theyr de●nges but walke ye with a single harte in the feare of the Lorde busi●nge your selues about some worke and keeping your selues occupyed either in 〈◊〉 ▪ or aboute your flockes till God geue you such wiues as he lifteth leaste 〈◊〉 suffer as I haue bone I durst not looke my father in the face to hys dying day nor speake to any of my brethren for shaine My conscience byteth me● euē yet still for my sinne But my father comforted me and prayed for me to the Lorde that his wrath myght passe away from me as the Lorde himselfe shewed vnto me Therefore from that time forth I was kept from sinning any more And you my children likewise keepe ye all that I shall tell you and you shal not sinne For fornication is y destruction of the soule separating it from God 4 making i● to draw vnto Idols because it leadeth the minde and vnderstanding into error and bringth men to their gra●e before their time For whor●●om hath vndone many men And although a man be auncient or noble yet doth it sha●e him make hym a laughingstock both before Belial the sonnes of mē But Ioseph because he kept himselfe from all
as well as theresidue of my brethren Therefore my children keepe your selues from all spite and enuie and walke in singlenesse of mynde and good conscience after the example of your fathers brother that God may giue you grace glorie and blessednesse vppon your heades as you see in hym Of all the daies of his life he did neuer caste vs in the t●th with it but loued vs as his owne soule and more then his owne Children honoryng vs and geuyng vs riches Cattell and Corne aboundantly You therefore my childrē loue ye one an other with a good harte and put from you the spirite of Enuie for it maketh a mannes soule to growe sauage marreth his bodye bredeth wrathe and warre in his thoughtes setteth his bloud on fire driueth hym out of his wittes and suffereth not reasō to beare any swaie Moreouer it taketh awaie his slepe disquieteth his mynd and maketh his body to tremble For euen in slepe some spice of imagined malice guaweth hym combryng his soule with Spirites of mischief makyng his bodie gastly and his mynde afrighted with trouble and appearyng vnto men as it were with a pernicious spirite and pouryng out of poyson Therefore was Ioseph faire of face beautifull and comely to beholde because no wicked thyng dwelte in hym For he had a count enance cleare from comberaunce of mynde And now my childrē let your hartes be meke before the lorde and walke right before mā so shall ye finde fauor bothe with God and man and beware that ye fal not to whoredome For whoredome is the mother of all naughtinesse separatyng a man from God sending him to Beliall For I haue seen in Enockes writynges that you and your childrē shal be corrupted with whoredome and do Leuy wrong by the sworde But thei shal not preuaile againste Leuy because he shall ●ight the lordes battailes take all your tentes and verie fewe shall bee deuided in Leuy and Iuda for he shall be your Capitai●e and my father Iacob prophesied in his blessinges Behold I tell you al thinges aforehande that I maie be cleare frō the synne of your soules Now if you put from you all enuiousnesse and all stifneckednesse all my bones shall florishe as a Rose in Israel and my fleshe as a Lillie in Iacob my sauor shal be as the sent of Libanus my holy ones shal bee multiplied as the Ceders for euer their boughes shall spreade out in length for euermore Then shall thee seede of Chanaan perishe together with the remenaunte of Amalecke All the Capadocians shall perishe and all the Schithians shall be destroied Then shall the lande of Cham faile and al the people go to wrecke Then shall al the ●earth rest from trouble and all men vnder Heauen from warre Then shall Sem bee glorified when the greate Lorde God of Israel appeareth vpō yearth as a man to saue Adam in hym Then shall the spirites of errour be troden vnder foote and men shal raigne ouer hurtfull siēdes Thē shall I rise againe in ioye and blesse the highest in his wōderfull workes for God takyng a body vpon him and eatyng with men shall saue men And now my children obey Leu●●nd you shall bee deliuered by Iuda● and ●●uauce not your selues aboue thes● twoo Tribes for of them twoo shall the sauyng health of God spring vnto vs. For the Lorde shall sette vp of Leuy the Prince of Priestes and of Iuda the kyng of kynges God and man So shall he saue all the Gentiles the offpryng of Israel For these thynges sakes I charge you to commaunde your children to keepe these thynges throughout al their generatiōs And Simeon making an ende of these his saiynges and commaundementes to his children slept with his Fathers whē he was of the age of a hundred and twentie yeares And they laide hym in a Coffin of woodde that rotteth not that they might carry his bones againe into Hebron and they conueied him priuily in the warre of the Egiptians For the Egiptians kept the bones of Ioseph in the Kynges treasury For their I●cha●ters tolde them that whensoeuer Iosephes bones were caried awaye there should be suche a plague of miste and darkenes among the Egiptians as one Brother should not know an other no not euen by torch light And Symeons Children bewayled their Father accordyng to the Lawe of mournyng and continued in Egipt till the day of their departyng thence vnder the hand of Moyses ¶ The Testament of Leuy● 〈…〉 hys Children at hys death conce●nyng Priesthoode The sinne be iust rage not geue lyght Ye Preachers of Gods worde For what thing els sheweth Sun and Moone Dame Venus Wolfe and sword THe Copye of Leuyes wordes namely which he spake to his childrē cōcerning all the thinges which they should doe and whiche should happen to them vnto the day of iudgement He was in health when he called thē vnto hym for he knew before ▪ when he should dye Therfore whē they were come together he said vnto thē I Leuy was bred and borne in Carram and afterwarde came with my father into Sichem I was at y time but yong about xx yeares olde when I helped my brother Simeō to reuēge our sister Dina against Hemor Now as wee were feedyng of our flocks in Abe●●naul the spirit of y vnderstanding of the Lord came vpon me and I sawe all menne vnderminyng their owne waies how vnrighteousnes had builded her selfe a fortresse and wickednesse sat vpon the towers thereof And I was sorye for mankind besought the Lord to saue them Then fell there a sleepe vpon mee and I saw a high mountaine It was the mountaine of Aspis in Abelmaull And behold the heauens opened and the Angell of God sayd vnto mee Leuy com● hether and I went from the first heauen to the second and there sawe the water hanging betwene the one and the other And I saw the third heauen much brighter thē them both ●or ▪ the height therof was infinite And I sayd to the Angell what meaneth this And the Angell aunswered me maruell not at these things for thou shalt see fower heauens yet brighter and without comparison when thou commest vp to them For thou shalt stand by the Lord and be his minister and vtter his secrets vnto men and preach of the deliuerer of Israel which is to come By thee and by Iuda the Lord will appeare to men to saue al mankinde in them Thy life shall depend vpon the Lorde by hym shalt thou haue thy fieldes vineyardes fruites gold and siluer Therefore harken as touching the seuen Heauens The lowest is most lowring because it is nerest to al the vnrighteousnes of men The second hath fire Snow and I se prepared by the Lords appointment against the daye of Gods rightfull iudgemēt In it are al the spirites of vēgeance for the punishyng of the wicked In
their childr●̄ are giltie Commodities of concorde Exod. 17. 〈…〉 The fruit of ●●●dience Gene. 49. 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 Leuy his byrth and countrey Genes 14. Loue of a true Pas●or The visson of Leuy Christ. Christ. Ministers wha● they are ▪ and their o●●ice The liuyng of the ministery from whence The description 1. of the seuē heauens his vision 〈…〉 A minister what he ●●ould be of hym selfe not righteous Math. v. Ende of the Priesthode prophes●ed Christ his ●assion pro●hes●ed Christ. ●enes 34 ▪ Christ 〈◊〉 The zeal● a minister Genes 34. Genes 34. Genes 49. * The manner not the doyng rebuked The S●nne of the Sichemites 1 Raped Dina. 2 Persecuted straungers Genes 12. 3 Rauished their wiues Gene xxx● The Min●●sterie descr●●●bed ●xod xxvii●● Leuit .viii. The th●●e blessyng es of the famely of L●●y Christ Prophes●ed A distributyng excludeth a sole receiuyng of the Sacramentes Exod .xxix. Leuit. 〈…〉 ●n exhortation for Ministers A Minister maie bee ma●●ed Leuit .xxi. He muste come with a pure mynde to execute his office Leu. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A comforte for godly parentes Prophes●e of the destruction of Israel The 〈◊〉 plagued whose ministerie is wicked 〈◊〉 .xxxvi. Leuy his ●rogenie Exod .vi. Leuy made Priest at .18 yeres Maried at xxviii A note for Pa●entes B● e●●ynges of the learn●● minister W●sedome a prectous Iewell Synne bindeth wi●dō Cōmodit●es of wisedome Christe his death spitfulnes of the Iewes Prophesled Math. xx●ii Ministers what the● are The wicked Priesthoode and their miserie desc●ibed ●●amuel ● A prophesle of their destru●●ion A Prophes●e of Christes persecution Marke the right portrature of the sh●uelyng generation Christ and his mēbers Ergo faith and the holy Ghost iustifieth and not merites Christ and his true ministery described Christ lighteneth the world Baptisme of Christ pr●phes●ed 〈◊〉 Priesthoode shall succeed Christ. Priesthoode of Christ how beneficiall Christ is our propitiatour Christ g●neth power to his to to tread downe spirites Iuda his exhort●●●● G●nes ●9 The 〈◊〉 of children 〈◊〉 of Iuda by the gift of God. Genes 〈◊〉 The m●nhood Iuda The valiantnesse of Iacob Her and Anan slaine for not vsing the benefite of lawfull mariage Fornication 〈◊〉 of ●runkennes Genes 〈◊〉 In intollerable custome of the Ammorues Apparell beutie ●nd wi●e prou●keth whoredom Fornication to chargeable Happy are they that can cease from doyng ill It is sinfull for any man to glory in his 〈◊〉 See what it is to vpbraid men their 〈◊〉 Childrē that marry without consent of parentes plagued Discommodities of wine 1 Blindeth vnderstanding 2 Seruaunt of ●echery Fruite of dronkennes A dronken mā is shameles Example Who ought to drinke Wine Properties of a dronken man is filthy talke and● wicked deed Discommodities of whordom Fower noysome spirits folow dronkennes 1 Concupiscence 2 Hartburnyng 3 Lechery 4 Couetousnes Abstinence from wine what commoditie it hath 1 It slaundereth not 2 It quarelleth not nor rayleth 3 It breaketh not the Commau●d●ments 4 It perisheth not before y tyme. Obedience to parentes how profitable The discommodities of couetousnes 1 Full of pride 2 Merciles 3 Disquieteth the soule 4 Cōsumeth the body 5 Contemne Gods holy word The couetous and lecherous can not feare God. Idolatrie the fruite of couetousnes Two spirites waite vpon a man. * In respect that heauenly things are better then ●arthly not in externall rule and gouernment 〈…〉 the Pope can chalenge no earthly power * Not in power rule but in the excellencie of the office appertainyng to God. * Not in power rule but in the excellencie of the office appertainyng to God. Ty●ante● and wicked men described and prophesied Mutual discorde is a plague for Tyrauntes Christ prophested Note thys ye that seeke after witches for lost goodes The miserie of Ierusalem 1 Famine 2 Pestilence 3 Death and Sword. 4 Bescegement 5 Deuouryng Dogges 6 Dayly reproche 7 Losse and paine of eyes 8 Slaughter of children 9 Rauishing of wiues 10 Burning of the temple 11 Desolation of the countrey 12 Captiuitie A remedy for all these 1 Repentaunce 2 Obediēce The moste heauenly benefite of Christ his seconde commyng A sweete cōforte for the godly 〈…〉 The blessed estate of the 〈◊〉 after death Iuda would no sumptuous buria●● The exhortation Gene .xxx. The godlie life of Isachar and his 〈◊〉 dea●yng An example for godlie children A ●ntterne of a vertuous life with a plaine dealyng man the Lorde is pleased I ●●ngle harted man de●●●●bed who and what he is Learne you children of the yearth Obedience and plaine dea●ing commended A plague for disobediēce The innocencie of Isachar dly pat●●o fol● Harlien you Land●o● des learne you wealthie of the yearth His exhoriation when it was geuen Gene .xxx. The loue of Zabulon toward Ioseph A good conscience refuseth no trial Loue betweene brethren is as a precious oyntment Mutuall ●oue is mutuall safetie A ●●gure of the trecheri● and cou●teous●esse of Iuda read Math .xxvii. Iuda carefull so his brother Ruben his loue toward Ioseph Marke the wicked policie of the vngodlie Zabulon his exhortation Compassion is to be shewed as well to beastes as to men The vnmercifull punished both they their children Fishers boates firste inuented by Zabulō but God gaue the wisedom Genes 49. The singu●ar compassion of Zabulon Note Zabulon his ●ercie in geuyng foode A mercifull deed to cloth the ●●●ked Inward cōpassion wantyng habilltie serueth A rare example of a mercifull hart God dwelleth in merciful hartes Ioseph rewardeth good for euill He that is mindfull of in●uries is not mercifull Apt similitudes In exhortation to concorde The end of discord is misery The hope of the resurrection a present comfort at the death of our frendes The state of the wicked at the latter day Hart ou●ward profession must be consociat Lies and anger scholemasters of euill life Selfe loue thinketh him self as good as other Des●er of prerogatiue entiseth to murther Man purp●●eth but God disposeth A wrathfull man Iiuely described 1 He accom●eth his Pa●entes as enemies 2 He knoweth not hys brother 3 He obeieth not the Minister 4 He regardeth not the righteous 5 He cōssder 〈◊〉 not his ●●inde The proper●ies of wrath ● wrathfull mā worketh three waies 1 By Seruauntes 2 By riches 3 By hym selfe 2 Instrumentes of wrath 1 Bitter speach 2 Uiolent handes M●●●dy against wrath is forbearing of wordes The effect of impatience He eth● ●●dne ▪ A note for couetousnes Repentance obtaineth mercy A propeste of Christ his humanitie M●●●edy against wrath is forbearing of wordes Christe is our mediatour Christ assisteth his in all temptations His birth Why he was called Neptalim Why Ioseph was like Neptalim His familie The swiftnes of Neptalim Genes 49. GOD his wisedome in c. eatyng vs l●ue●y let fo●th All thynges must be doen in tyme and order The reason They that breake the order of the Lorde shall be plagued Preachers Neptalim prophesteth the miserie of his children He Prophes●eeh also their repentaunce A Prophes●e of the commyng of Christe A vision Reinorse of conscience moueth open cōfession but sha●●●e or fear hindereth By dooyng well God to glorified 2 And menne blessed 3 The deuill vanquished 1 By dooyng euill ▪ God is dishonoured 2 Men cursed 3 The deuill possesseth Gad a good and ba●cant shephearde Gene .xxxvii. Gad hated Ioseph 1 For his cōplainyng to his Father 2 For his goodly dreames The hatefull described He misliketh an other mās doynges 2 He pratseth no● thē that feare y lorde 3 He seeketh to destroy his neighbour 4 He blaseth abroad other mennesfaultes 5 Hastie to haue the partie condēned 6 Maketh a little matter greate 7 Enuieth the prosperous doyng of his neighbour A cōparison The properties of hatered A remedie against hatred A righteous mā described He forsaketh synne for cōscience not for feare 2 He backbiteth no man. 3 He thinketh no manne h●●me The fruites of true repētaunce O how deare are y praiers of the parentes for their children God his rigorous iustice due to the merciles Loue consisteth in deede in worde and in mynde Enuie no mannes prosperitie 1 It maie be perchance to your profite 2 Remember that all fleshe is gr●ss● 3 Least you seem to control the lorde A poore mā howe he is riche A Prophes●e of Christe Two 〈…〉 Twoo m●●ndes in man ▪ of good and of euill Diners fortes of double faces The couete●us mannes wickednesse described God abideth with y plain-dealer The preposterous iudgement of the wor●e make not good or bodde Other kindes of double faced mē Aser his righteous liuyng Double faced double punished 〈…〉 Note this of faithe and mercie Iosephes affictions Locke pa●● God 〈◊〉 his in distresse God neuer forsaketh his 〈◊〉 con●●ount in ten temptations Sufferance what it is A presente medicene in temptation Not from m●●te but from wa●ton f●re A craftie practise of a wom Flatterie the Deuelles sweete baite A token of a ●ious harte ●ipocrites ●re of all 〈◊〉 for ●ucre 〈…〉 Note the fruit of luste Ioseph did first monishe ●nd not pro The name of God feare of 〈◊〉 pricketh the conscience Note this A remedie against temptation Note a subtile woman Iosephs singular chastitie God respecteth the vertuous not the wealthy A propertie of a harlo● The commoditie of prayer and sufferaunce 〈…〉 A token of mercy if it were not for an ill end Note a flatteryng woman A good nature 〈…〉 Loue betwene brethren pleaseth God. Iosephes mercifull hart declared A promise for them that praye for their enemies 〈…〉 〈…〉 Christ 〈◊〉 Be●iamin what it signifieth Ioseph● 〈…〉 〈◊〉 shall not ouercome them that feare the Lord● Ioseph a right figure of Iesus Christ. A good man 1 Ouercom●●th euill 2 Loueth the righteous 3 Enuieth not 4 Praiseth the valiant 5 Defendeth hym that ●eareth God. 6 Admonisheth the sinner 7 Pittieth the poore The example of a 〈…〉 The properties of a righteous man. Disobediēce the father of seuen mischiefes Enuy. Desperation Sorrow Bondage ●●●edines ●rouble ●esolatiō 〈◊〉 example of Ca●● An apt ●●●●litude to a mind resisting sinne 〈…〉 Christ ▪ 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 A prophsy of to● last comming of Christ. The resurrection a●d iudgement described 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate ¶ Cum Gratia Priuilegio Regne Maiestate●
women and cleansed hys thoughtes from all fornication found fauour both before the Lord and men The Egiptian woman did much to him by vsing the helpe of witches and by offering him slaversawees but the purpose of his minde admitted no noysome desire For this cause the God of my father● deliuered him from al death b●t● séene and vnséene for if fornicatiō ouerrule not your minde neyther shall Belial preuayle against you women are hurtfull thinges my sonnes because that when they wāt power and strength against a man they worke guilfully to draw him to them by traines whom they cannot ouermatch in strēgth hym they ouercome by deceit For the Angel of the Lord which taught me folde me●e of them that they be ouermaistred by the spirit of fornicatiō more then men be and that they be euer practising in their harts agaynst mē first making their mindes to erre by decking of them selues thē sheadyng their poison in to them by sight finally catching them prisoners by their doynges for a woman is not able to inforce a man. Therfore my sonnes flee fornication charge your wiues and daughters that they trim not their heades will them to chasten their lookes for euery woman that dealeth deceitfullye in these things is reserued to y punishmēt of the world to come For by such meanes were y Watchers deceiued before the floud as soone as they saw thē they fell in loue one with another conceiued a work●ng in their mindes and turned them selues into the shape of mē and appeared to them in their companying with their husbandes and the womē by conceiuing the desire of them in the imagination of their mynd brought forth Giants For the ● Wat●here appeared to them of heigth vnto heauen Therefore keepe your selues from fornication if ye intend to haue a cleane mynde keepe your senses from all women and forbid them likewise the company of men that they may haue also cleane mindes For although cōtinuall companyings do not alw●res worke wickednesse yet breede they incur●ble stinges to them and to vs euerlasting shame before Belial because that fornication hath neither vnderstandyng nor godlynes in it and all enuiousnes dwelleth in the desire therof and for that cause shall ye enuy the childrē of Le●y and seeke to be exalted aboue thē but ye shall not be able to compasse it for god will ●duenge them and you shall dye a daungerfull death for vnto I cuy I●da hatl the Lord geuen the souereinty and vnto me and Dan and Ioseph hath he graunted to be princes with thē Wherfore I charge you heare Leuy for he shal know the law of the lord and deal forth ●udgement and offer sacrifices for all Israel til the full time of Christ the chief priest because the Lorde hath spoken it I charge you by the GOD of heauen that euery of you deale faithefully with his neighbour and sticke vnto Leuy in humblenesse of hart that ye maie receiue blessyng at his mouthe for he shall blesse Israell and Iuda God hath chosen Iuda to be the kyng of all people wherefore worship you his seede for he shall dye for you in battailes bothe visible and inuisible and shall raigne ouer you worlde without ende Ruben hauyng geuen his children the foresaied charge and blessed them died Then thei put him in a coffin and caried him out of Egipte buried hym at Hebron in the double caue where his fathers slepte Finis ¶ The Testament of Simeon made to his Children at his death concernyng 〈◊〉 The harte in wom●ns mouthe the face the sworde the Wolfe the cap All these paint out the cauious race that runne to their mishap THe copie of Simeons wordes whiche he spake to his Sonnes at his death in the hundred and twenteth yere of his life in the whiche Ioseph died For they came to visite hym vpon his death bed and he sittyng vp kissed them saiyng Harken my children heare me your father Simeon whatsoeuer I haue in my hart I am my father Iacobs second sōne and my Mother Lea named me Simeon because the Lorde heard her praier I became very mightie I went through with my doynges and was not afraied of any thyng For my harte was stout my minde vnmoueable and my stomack discourageable for hardinesse is giuen of the highest in●o mennes soules and bodies In those daies I enuied Ioseph because my father loued hym I hardened my harte againste hym to kill hym because the Prince of errour sendyng forthe the spirite of enuie blynded my mynde that I could not take heede to spare my Father Iacob But his God the God of his fathers sēdyng his Angel did rid hym out of my handes For while I wēt into Sychem to crary tarre for our flockes and Ruben into Dotai●● where all our necessaries were laied vp in store our brother Iuda solde hym to the Ismalits and therefore when my brother was come againe he was sorie for he intended to haue conueyed hym safe againe to our father But I was angrie with Iuda for lettyng hym go aliue and bare him grudge fiue monthes after howbeit God ●etted me and restrained the woorkyng of my handes for my right hande was halfe withered vp for vii daies together Then did I perceiue my Sonnes that that befell me for Iosephes sake whereupon I repented sone after and besought the lord to restore my hande and I would abstaine from all rancour enuie and follye For I knewe I had conceiued a wicked thought against the Lorde and against my Father Iacob for my brother Iosephes sake whō I enuied Now therefore my children kepe your selues frō the spirites of error and enuie For enuie ouerruleth the. mynde of euery man●●e sufferyng h●m not to eate or drinke in rest ▪ or to doe any good thyng is alwaies eggyng him to slaie the partie whom he enuieth and ●inyng away at his prosperitie Twoo yeres together I punished my soule with fastyng in the feare of the Lorde For I knewe that the waie to deliuer me from enuie was the feare of the lorde If a mā flee to the lorde the wicked spirit fleeth frō hym so as his mynde becommeth meke and of spitefull he becōmeth pitifull bearyng no grudge towardes suche as loue hym so his enuie ceaseth And because my father sawe me sadde he asked me the cause of it To whom I lied saiyng I haue a paine in my stomacke for I was foriest of all my brothers for that I had been the cause of Iosephes sellyng into Egipte And when I came into Egipt and was put in ward by hym as a spie Then perceiued I that I was iustly punished and I was not sorie for it But Ioseph beyng a good man and hauyng Gods spirite in hym beyng ful of pitie and mercie mynded not to doe me any harme but loued me
he let his feed fall vpon the ground and so he also died in his wickednes I minded to haue geuen her vnto Silon also but my wyfe Bethsue would not suffer mee For she spited Thamar because she was not of the daughters of Canaan as her self was now I knewe that the ofspring of Chanaā was mischieuous but yet did youthfull fancie blynde my hart and as I beheld her pouring out wine I was deceiued by dronkennes and fell in loue with her Upon a tyme whyle I was away she maried Silon to a Woman of Chanaan which her deede when I vnderstoode I cursed her in the bitternes of my soule ▪ and so she dyed in the wickednes of her sōnes A two yeares after these things as I went to there my sheep Thamar decky●g her selfe like a Bride sate her downe at a gate of the Citie For it was the custome of the Amorites that their Brides doe set them selues forth at the gates of their Cities by the space of seuen dayes together to be abused in fornication I therefore being dronken with the waters of Hor●● knew her not by reason of wine in so muche that her beautye together with the attire in decking of her selfe deceiued me and thereupon turnyng aside vnto her I sayd shall I come in vnto thee and she aunswered what wilt thou geue mee and I gaue her my Staffe and my Girdle and the Croune of my Kyngdome Upon my companiyng with her she conceiued afterward I not knowyng my selfe to haue bene the doer thereof would haue put her to death for it But she hauing kept my pledges in store shamed me with them and when I had heard myne owne wordes of her in secret which I had spoken to her when I laye with her in my dronkennesse I could not put her to death because it was of the Lordes doyng but I touched her not any more to my diyng day For when I had done thys abhomination ▪ Israell leste she might worke wiles with mee I sayde I would fetche my pledges againe of her But when I inquired for her the townsmen sayd there was no Bride in their Citie because she came from another place and had sit there but a little while and she deemed that no man knewe of my goyng in vnto her Afterwarde we came into Egypt to Ioseph because of the dearth Sir and fortie yeares old was I when we came hether and thre score and thirteene yeares haue I liued here And now my sonnes heare mee your Father in all thinges that I charge you withall and keepe ye all my saiynges in doyng all maner of righteousnes before the Lord and in obeiyng the commaundements of the Lord God and walke not after your owne lustes nor after the conceites of your owne mindes in the pride of your hartes nether glory you in the workes of the strength of your youth because it is sinfull in the sight of the lord For in asmuche as I gloried in my battels and vpbrayded my brother Ruben with Billa●my Fathers wife because no face of any beutifull woman had yet deceiued mee therefore the spirite of fondnes and fornication fell vpon mee so as I was ouertaken both in Bethsue the Chananite and in Thamar the wife of mine own sonnes And I saide to my father in lawe I haue made my father priuie to the matter and therefore I will take thy daughter to my wife Hereupon he shewed mee an infinite masse of Gold in his daughters behalfe for he was a king and decking her with Golde and Pearle willed her to pour out wine to vs at the Supper The beautie of the woman and the Wine together dazeled mine eyes and voluptuousnes did so darken myne vnderstandyng that I fell in loue with her and brake the commaundement of GOD and of my Fathers and tooke her to wife According to the intent of my hart the Lord payd me home for it for I had no ioy of the children that I had by her Now therefore my children be not dronken with Wine for Wine turneth a mans vnderstandyng away frō the truth and kindleth in hym the fire of luste leadyng his eyes into error in so muche that wine is a seruaunt to the spirite of lechery to further the sedyng of the mind with voluptuousnes and so those twain bereue a man of all power For ▪ if a man drinke wine till hee bee dronken he traineth hys mind into the filthy thoughtes of lecheric and kindleth the body to carnall copulation And if desired occasion serue sinne is wrought without shame Suche a thyng is wine my sonnes for a dronken man is ashamed of nothyng Beholde it made both me and Thamar to do amisse so as I blushed not at y multitude in the City but went aside vnto her in the fight of al men and committed a greate sinne in discoueryng the vncleane priuities of my owne sonnes Through drinking of wine I was not ashamed to breake Gods commaundement in takyng a woman of Chananie to Wife Wherefore my sonnes hee that drinketh wine had neede of discretion and the discreciō that euery man ought to vse in drinking of wine is that he be ashamed to ouer drinke hym selfe For if hee passe that bon● he forgoeth his vnderstandyng and cleaueth to the spirite of error which causeth the dronken man to talke filthely and to doe wickedly and not to bee ashamed but to host of his lewdnes thinkyng it to be good He that committeth whoredome ▪ is berest of his libertie and becommeth a ●ondslaue of 〈◊〉 and cannot get out of it againe after the same maner that I was made naked For I gaue ouer my Staffe that is to saie the staye of my tribe and my girdle that is my power my crowne that is the glory of my kyngdome Howbeit repentyng these thinges I forbare all wine and flesh vnto mine old age I was vtterly vnacquainted with all ●●rth And the Angell of GOD shewed me that women should from tyme to tyme ouermaster all menne as well Kynges as Kaitifes and bereaue greate men of their glory For the pouertie of a poore man is a greater fence to hym thā is the strength of a mightie man. Therfore my children keepe measure in drinkyng for there are in it fower noysom spirits that is to wit of concupiscence of hart●●rnyng of lechery and of filthy ga●● ▪ If ye drinke wine merily in the fear of 〈◊〉 Lord with ●●●●●fastnes ye shal liue But if ye drinke without regard of shame and feare of GOD then turneth it to drankennesse and dishonestie stealeth●in And if ye drinke none at all then shall ye no● sinne neith●● in slaunderous wordes ▪ nor in quarelyng nor in railyng nor in breache of Gods Commaundementes neither shall ye perisho before your tynie For Wine disc●●seth the secretes of GOD and man vnto stra●igers like
as I bewrayed the secrets of God aud of my Father Iacob to Bethsue the Chananite whiche God hath forbiddē to be disclosed Also wine is a cause of warre and seditiō Moreouer I charge you my sonnes that you loue not Money ●e looke vppon the beutie of women for money and womanly beauty made mee to ouershoote my selfe in Bethsue the Chananite And I am sure that these twoo thinges shall corrupt mine ofspryng and marre the wise men of my linage and hurt the kyngdome of Iuda whiche God hath geuen mee for obeyng my Father for I neuer repined at my Father Iacobs commaundement but did whatsoeuer hee bad mee And Abraham the Father of my Fathers blessed me to fight for Israel and so did Isaac blesse mee likewise and I know that the kingdome shall stand by me But I haue read in the bookes of Enoche the righteous that ye shall woorke wickedly in the latter daies therfore my children keepe your selues from lechery and couetousnes and geue eare to your father Iuda for those thinges withdraw men from Gods law and blynde the vnderstandyng of their mindes and teache them pryde neither suffer they any man to shewe mercy to his neighbour They bereue hys Soule of alt good thinges and hold it downe in paines and sorowes Also they disapoint hym of hys sleepe and eonsume his fleshe Finally they hinder Gods Sacrifices neglect his blessinges disobey the speakyng of hys Prophetes and are offended at the woorde of godlynesse for these two passions are contrary to the commaundementes of GOD. Hee that serueth them cannot obey GOD because they dazell mens mindes and walke abroad as well a nightes as of daies My children couetousnes leadeth men to idolatry For through dotyng vppon money it calleth them Gods which are not and compelleth the infected partye to growe most vilely out of kinde For moneyes sake I loste my children and had not the penaunce of my fleshe and the humblyng of my soule and the prayers of my father Iacob beene I had dyed as now without children But the God of my Fathers beyng mercifull and full of cōpassion knew that I sinned through ignoraunce For the Prince of errour had blynded me and I ouershot my selfe as a fleshely man and beyng corrupted with synne knewe not mine owne infirmitie but thought my selfe to be inuincible Know ye therefore my sonnes that two spirites do waite vpon a man that is to wit the Spirite of trueth and the Spirite of errour and in the middes betwene them is set the Spirite of vnderstandyng of the mynd whose propertie is to incline whiche waye it listeth The thynges that belong both to truth and vntruth are written in the brest of man and God knoweth euerye whit of it and none of al mens workes can be hidden at any tyme from hym because all the priuities of mens hartes are written before the Lord and the spirite of truth beareth witnesse of all thinges and accuseth all and he that sinneth hath a burnyng in his hart and can not lift vp his face to his iudge And now my children loue ye Leuy that ye may abyde and exalte not your selues aboue hym leaste ye perishe The Lorde hath geuen vnto me the kingdome and vnto hym the Priesthoode and hath put the kingdome vnder the Priesthood Unto Leuy is geuen the Priesthoode and vnto Iuda the kingdome and GOD hath put the kingdome vnder the Priesthoode Unto mee he hath geuen the thinges that are vpon the earth and vnto him the thinges that are in heauen As farre as the Heauen surmounteth the Earth so farre doth the Priesthoode surmount the kingdome that is vpon the earth For the Lord hath chosen hym aboue thee to approach vnto him and to eate of his Table and to take the firstlinges of the children of Israell and thou shalt bee as a Sea to hym For like as in the Sea both righteous and vnrighteous are in daunger and the one sorte are caught Prisoner's and the other sorte are inriched euen so shall all kinde of men be hazarded in thee some sinkyng in misery and other some flotyng in prosperitie For in thee shall raygne great Whales whiche shall swallowe vp men as fishes and bryng free mens Sonnes and Daughters into bondage They shall take awaye mens Houses Landes cattell and Money by force and wrongfully feede Rauens and other greedy fowles with many folkes fleshe and they shall prosper in naughtinesse and bee exalted through couetousnesse and there shall be false Prophetes like stormes which shall perfecute all righteous men But y Lord shall set them together by the eares amōg themselues and there shall bee continuall warres in Israell and my kingdome shall 〈…〉 vp in Straungers tyll the Sauiour of Israell come euen till the commyng of the God of righteousnesse that Iacob and all Nations may rest in peace and hee shall maintaine my kyngdome in peace for euer For the Lord hath sworne to me that the kingdome of me and of my seede shall neuer faile world without end But I am very sory my Children for the filthines and trechery and idolatry which ye shall worke against the kingdome by followyng Witches and Coniurers by vowyng your daughters to deceitfull deuils by makyng them inchaunters charmers and strumpets and by interme●lyng your selues with the abominations of the heathen for the whiche thinges the Lord shall bring vpon you famine and pestilēce death and sworde wrathfull besiegement and. deuouryng dogs reproch of freinds and foes losse and. pain of eyes slaughter of your children rauishing of your Wiues spoyle of your goods the burning of your temple the desolation of your countrey and the. captiuitie of your selues amōg all nations whiche shall gelde some of you to make Eunukes for their Wiues But if ye retourne to the Lorde with hartie repentaunce and humanitie and walke in all the Commaundementes of God He will visite you with mercie and louyngly deliuer you from the bondage of your enemies After this shall rise among you a Starre out of Iacob and a manne shall spring out of my seede whiche shall walke as the daysunne of righteousnesse among the children of menne in peace and mekenesse and righteousnesse and no sinne shal bee founde in hym The heauens shall open vpon hym to poure out the spirite of blessednesse vppon hym from the Father and he shall sheade out the spirite of grace vpon you and you shall bee his children in truthe walkyng in his first and last Commaundementes This is the ofspryng of the moste high God and the welspryng of life to all fleshe Then shall the Scepter of my Kyngdome shine brighte and out of your roote shall spryng the vessell of plantyng in whom shall growe vp the rod of righteousnesse to the Gentiles to iudge and saue all suche as call vpon hym After
whose fruites come by painestakyng for our Father Iacob blessed me with the benefites of the yearth and the firstelynges of fruites Leuy and Iuda are glorified of the lorde among the children of Iacob For God hath planted hym self in them geuyng to the one the Priesthoode and to the other the kyngdome Therefore obey ye them and walke plainly as our Father Iacob did For vnto G●d it is geuen to destroye the temptations of Israell My Children I knowe that in the laste daies your children shall forsake plainnesse and cleaue to coueteousnesse let goe innocencie and followe lewdnesse Leaue Gods commaundementes and sticke vnto Beliall geue ouer Housbandrie and gadde after wicked deuices and therefore shall they be scattered among the Heathen and become bondeslaues to their enemies Wherefore warne your children of it that if they synne they maie retourne quickly to the Lorde for he is mercifull and will deliuer them and bryng thē home againe into their owne lande I am now an hundreth and twoo and twentie yeares olde and I knowe not any deadly lynne vppon me I haue not knowen any woman but my wife neither haue I committed whordome in the luste of m●neeyes I haue not dr●nke Wine vnto droukeunelie neither haue I coueted any pleasant thyng of my neighbours There hath been no guile in my hart n●ither hath there any liyng gon out of my lippes I haue been fori● with euery man that was in heau●nesse and giuen my bread to the poore I haue not ●aten my ineate alone nor remoued the boūdes and buttels of landes I haue been pitifull all the daies of my life and dea●te truely in all cases I haue loued the lorde with all my strength and all men as myne owne children My sonnes if you also doe ● the like all the spirites of Belial will flie from you and nothyng that mischieuous menne can doe against you shall haue power ouer you You shall bryng all wilde beastes in subiection to you because y● haue the Lorde of heauen with you if y● walke with menne in singlenesse of harte And he willed them to carie his bodie into Hebron and to burie hym there in the Caue with his Fathers Thus he stretched out his feete and died in a good age hauyng all his limmes strong and founde and s●epte the sleep of all the worlde ¶ The Testament of Zabulō made to his Children at his death concerning compassion and mercie The poore man at home Zabulon fed The straungers vnknowen also clothed When Ship did saile God did not faile But gaue his wit To gouerne it THe charge that Zabulon gaue to his children in the hundreth and fourteenth yere of his life twoo and thirtie yeares after the decease of Ioseph And he saied vnto them heare ye me ye Sonnes of Zabulon a good gifte to my Father and Mother For when I was begotten my Father was greatly encreased in Shepe and cattell by reason of the good lucke that he had through the straked roddes I wiste not my Children I wiste not that I synned in those daies For I considered not that I dealt wickedly through ignorance in Iosephes case and moreouer concealed it with my Brothers from our Father howbeeit that I wepte muche for it in secret for I was afraied of my Brothers because they had all conspired together to kill hym with the Sworde that should be●●aie that secrete Neuerthelesse when they would haue killed hym I besought them moste earnestly with teares that they would not dooe suche wickednesse For Symeon and God came vpō Ioseph to haue killed hym and Ioseph fallyng vpon his knees saied vnto them haue pitie vppon me my Brethren haue pitie vppon the bowelles of our Father Iacob Laye not your handes vppon me to shead innocente bloude for I haue not synned againste you If I haue doen amisse nurture me with chastisemente but laye not your handes vpon me for our Father Iacobs sake Upon his saiyng of these wordes I beyng moued with compassiō came and wepte and my harte melted within me and all the substaunce of my bowels were loosened vppon my soule Also Ioseph wepte and I with hym and my harte trembled and the ioyntes of my bodye quaked and I was not able to stande And when he sawe me weepyng with hym and them commyng towardes hym to kille hym he fledde behinde me and besoughte them to pitie hym Then Ruben stepping in saied My brethren lette vs not kille hym ●nt lette vs caste hym into the drye pitte that our fathers digged and founde no water in it For GOD suffred no water to spryng vp in it because it should bee a sauegarde for Ioseph And so God did til they sold him to the I smaelites Thus gaue I no consente to the synne againste Ioseph but Symeon G●d and the other of my Brothers takyng money for Ioseph bought Shoes with it for them selues their Wiues and their Children ▪ saiyng Lette vs not eate it because it is the price of our Brothers bloud but lette vs treade it vnder our feete because he saied he should raigne ouer v● and wee shall see what his d●eames will come vnto Therefore in the S●●pter of Cnoches Lawe it is written of hym that would not raise vp ●eede to his brother I haue loosed Iosephes Sho●e For when wee came into Egipte the younge menne vnbuckeled Iosephes Shooes at the gate and so wee worshipped Ioseph as it had been Pharao and not onely worshipped h●m but also kneeled downe before hym with blushyng and so were putte to shame before the Egiptians f●r afterwarde the Egiptians heard of all the ill that wee had doen vnto Ioseph After the laiyng of him in the pit my Brothers sette meate vppon the Table to eate But I mournyng for Ioseph did 〈◊〉 no meate by the space of two daies and two nightes together neither would Iu●● ente with them but had an eye to the Pitte because he feared leaste Sym●on and Gad should step there and kille hym When they sawe that I eate nothyng they set me to keepe hym till he was sold. He was in the pitte three daies and three nightes without repast ere he was solde Ruben hearyng that he was solde in his absence rente his garmentes and wepte saiyng how shall I looke my Father Iacob in the face And therewith all takyng money he ran after the Marchauntmen but he could not finde them For they had left the kynges high waie and were gone awai eapace by bye Lanes and Ruben eate no meate that daie Dan therefore commyng vnto hym saied weepe not neither bee sad for the boye for I wote what wee maie saie to our Father Iacob Wee will kill a Kid and staine Iosephes coate with the bloud of it and saie to hym See if this be thy sonnes coate or no. For whē they entended to sell Ioseph they stripped hym out of our fathers coate and put vppon hym an old coate of a bondseruaunte
man all maner of naughtinesse I confesse vnto you my children thys day that I was glad in my hart at the death of Ioseph that true and good man and reioyced at the sellyng of hym because our Father loued hym more than vs. For the spirite of spitefulnes and pryde said vnto me Thou art his Soune too as well as he And one of the spirites of Belial wrought with me saiyng Take this sworde and slea Ioseph with it and when he is dead thy father shall loue thee This was the spirit of spitefulnes which counseled nice to deuour Ioseph as the Leopard deuoureth a Ryd But the God of our Father Iacob did not put hym into my handes nor suffer me to find him alone that I might dispatch twoo Scepters in Israell by committyng that wickednesse And now my childrē I tell you of a truth that vnlesse ye keepe your selues frō this spirite of lying and wrath and loue truth and long sufferance ye shal perish Wrath is blynde my Children and no wrathfull man looketh truth in the face because that although they were his Father and Mother yet doth he beholde them as his enemies Though he be hys brother ▪ yet he knoweth hym not though he be the Lords Prophet yet obeieth he him not though he bee a. righteous man yet he regardeth hym not and though hee bee his frcinde yet he considereth it not For the spirite of wrathe besetteth hym with the Snares of errour blindyng hys naturall eyes and dimmyng the eyes of his mynde by falsehoode and geuyng to hym a sight of hys owne makyng And wherein bleareth he his eyes In hatred of hart For he geueth hym a self willed hart against hys Brother to spite hym and enuy hym My Sounes wrath is mischevous for it becommeth a soule to the soule and subdueth the body to it selfe by ouer masteryng the soule and geueth power to the bodye to worke all wickednes And when the soule hath wrought it iustifieth the thyng done because it seeth not Therefore he that is wrathfull if he be a man of might hath treble power in hys anger One through the healpe and furtheraunce of his seruauntes Another of hys riches wherethrough he perswadeth and ouercommeth in vnrighteousnes and third of the nature of his own body which of it self worketh euil And though he that is angry bee a poore man yet hath he his naturall power doubled For the said spirite doth alwayes further his wickednes by causing his deedes to be matched with liyng Wherefore consider the power of wrath how vaine it is Fo hee is bitter in speeche and walketh at Sathans right hand that his deedes may be wrought in vntrustinesse and liyng for Sathan doth first of all styng hym by speeche and when he hath once pricked hym forewarde hee strengthneth hym by dedes and troubleth his vnderstanding with bitter nippes and losses and so prouoketh his mynde to excessiue wrath Therefore when any man speaketh against you be not moued to anger and if he praise ye as good men bee not puffed vp nor chaunged into voluptuousues and sternnesse of countenaunce For when a man heareth a thing that misliketh hym first it ticleth him and stingeth his minde so that he thinkes he hath iuste cause to be angry Now therfore my children if ye fall into any losse hinderance be not out of patience for the spirit of impatience maketh men to lust for the thyng that is forgone to be angry for the want of it Beare you losses willingly and bee not out of quiet for it for vnquietnes ingendreth anger and vntrueth and it is euill to haue a double face Anger and vntruth talke one to another to trouble the vnderstandyng And when the mynde is combred with disdeine the Lorde departeth from it and Belial getteth the dominion of it Therefore my Children keepe the Lords commaundementes and lawes eschew vntruth and hate it that the Lord may dwel in you and Belial flee from you Speake euerie of you the trueth to hys neighbour that ye fall not willingly into incomberaunce and so shall ye be in quiet and ye shal haue the God of peace warxe shall not preuaile against you Loue the Lord all your life long and loue ye one another with a sothfast hart For I am sure that in the latter daies ye shall depart frō the Lord walke in all naughtines working the abhominations of the Gentiles and huntyng wicked women in all leudnes through the workyng of deceitfull spirits in you For I haue read in Enoch that Sathan is your prince and that all y spirites of fornication and pride shall plie themselues in laiyng snares for the Children of Dan to make them sinne before the lord But my children sticke ye vnto Leuy and looke vpon hym in all thinges The children of Iuda shall snatch away other mens goods like Lyons through couetousnesse For this cause shall ye be led away with them into captiuitie and there receiue all the plagues of Egipt and all the malice of the Heathen whereupon ye shall returne to the Lord obteine mercy and he shall bring you into his holy place and proclaime peace to you The Lordes sauing health shall spring vp vnto you out of the Tribes of Iuda and Leuy He shall make warre against Belial and geue our young men the victorye in reuengement Hee shall deliuer the imprisoned soules of the sainc●es from Beliall and turne your vnbeleuyng hartes to the Lorde and geue euerlastyng peace to suche as call vppon hym The Sainctes shall rest in hym and the righteous shall reioyce in the newe Hierusalem whiche shall glorifie God for euer Hiernsalem shall no more be wasted nor Israell led into captiuitie because the Lord shal be conuersant among men in the middest of it and the holy one of Israell shall reigne ouer them in lowlinesse and pouertie and he that beleueth in him shall certainly reigne in heauen Now my children feare the Lord and beware of Satan and hys spirites And drawe neare vnto God and to the angell that excuseth you for he is the mediator betweene God and man to set peace in Israell He shall stand against the kingdome of the enemie and therefore will the enemie labour to ouerthrow all that call vpon the Lords for he knoweth that whensoeuer Israell decayeth ▪ then shall his enemies kingdome come to an end But the said angell shall strengthen Israell that hee come not to an euill end At that tyme shall Israel depart from iniquitie and the Lorde shall visite suche as do his will. In all places of Israel and among the heathen his name shall bee the sauiour Therfore my children keepe your selues from all no●●ome dealings and put from you wrathe and all vntruthe Loue truth and mildnes and looke what you haue heard of your Father deliuer it ouer to your Children