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A04790 Two godlie and learned sermons appointed, and preached, before the Jesuites, seminaries, and other aduersaries to the gospell of Christ in the Tower of London. In which, were confuted to their faces, the moste principall and cheefe poincts of their Romish and vvhoarish religion: and all such articles as they defend, contrarie to the woord of Cod [sic], vvere layed open and ripped vp vnto them. In Maye. 7 and 21. Anno. 1581. By Iohn Keltridge, preacher of the vvorde of God, in London. Keltridge, John. 1581 (1581) STC 14921; ESTC S105451 120,903 140

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fire Deut. 4.24 For the Lorde he is a iudge of the world 1. Sam. 2.10 he is as in Egle swift to anger Exod. 19.4 he is as a man strengthened with wine Psal 78.65 hee is as a roaring Lyon to the wicked Isay 31.4 and as a deuourer and eater vp of the impenitent The Lord he is terrible Deut. 7.21 a reuenger of vnrighteousnes he is swift to deuoure the families of the wicked and he will not spare the vngodly houses therefore out of these places of scripture I make this conclusion His wordes are to be feared and his lawes and comandements are to bee kept that is able if wee disobay him to destroy vs But The Lord our God is a consuming fire a two edged sworde as a flaming fire to the wicked that disobey him ergo The Lorde our God is to be feared and his lawes his command ementes but none other whatsoeuer cōtrarie to his are to be kept Now this cōmaundement here is taken two manner of wayes Exclusiue 1 Excluding all manner of false worship 2 Excluding all other commaundements of men contrarie to this 3 Excluding all foraine power and iurisdiction of Turke and Pope contrarie to this Inclusiue For God includeth all kinde of true worship within this cōmandement of his word The second circumst was this Who they were this commandement did concerne touch They were the Israelites and the people of God hereof I may principally yeeld two reasons 1 First because the promise made so Abraham should be kept that God shoulde be mindfull of that that was spokē namely that he and his séede should be blessed for euer which ●hing hath bene must largely and most aboundantly both séene and knowne to all the world and continued so long as Israel feared his name serued him the Lord their God Was it not so of old and doe not we knowe that it is true Israel why they were the inheritaunce of the liuing God Deut. 4.20 Deut. 9.26 Deut. 14.2 2. Sam. 21.3 Israel they were redéemed in his strength Israel was a holy people to their God Israel was as the vineyard of the Lord and he brought out the Heathen and planted them Psal 80.9 Israel was elected of God and the Lorde loued them euermore Deut. 10.15 Israel was a royall Priesthoode Exod. 19.6 and a holy nation counted of till they forsooke the Lord their God of hoste and then God forsoo●e them 2 Secondly this lawe was giuen to Israel that it might be a witnes vnto them of the iust iudgements of God if they obeyed him not as Moses did prophecie for for this cause are they called by God Rebels and runnagates from the Lorde Deut. 9.24 Psal 106.40 Then were they castawayes from the face of GOD. Eze. 16.3 Then were they counted a wicked generation and of the posteritie of Cham Then as they sell straungely were they called ignominiously by the name of Apostataes Then Eze. 2.3 Then named hypocrites for their dissembling with their God Rom. 2.17 Then Incredulous persons for their vnbeliefe Then were they called the Slayers and murtherers of the Prophetes Iohn 7.28 for in déede they killed them Then the Persecutours of the Gospell Matth. 23.34 for they hated the way of life Then were they called the betrayers of Christ for they killed him And from that day to this Actes 13.46 haue they and their séede bene Vagabonds in strange landes they haue runn● from countrie to countrie Actes 3.13 and they haue had no place for why they prouoked the Lord their God to anger and nowe hath he punished them according to the wordes of his seruaunt Moses long before Nowe therefore this appertaineth vnto vs As the Ammorites P●eresits and Iebusites were d●●en ●ut of their owne land th●●●●●el might postede and e●●oy the same So were the Israelites dispossessed of their inheritāce for their sinnes that we might be heirs in their steede for séeing that this lawe was giuen vnto them to kéepe and they disobeyed it it is taken from them and giuen vnto vs that we may loue it And in as much as all the day long the Lord stretched foorth his hande vnto a disobedient and gaynesaying people we haue also to take héede that we harden not our heartes as they did in the day of temptation wherefore in many trials and in a long patience and sufferable affection did the Lords leade them from time to time that they might knowe him At the length did he cast them off for their stubbornnesse and hardnesse of heart and whereas they were accepted before GOD gaue vnto them the spirite of slumber and their table was made a snare and a net and a stumbling blocke as 〈◊〉 recompence vnto them to this day And whereas before they were braunches of the right Oliue trée nowe are they cut off and we are taken in in their steade Rom. 11.24 Israel is cast off and we the Gentiles are in their place we must therefore take héede that we also liue now according to the lawes of our God lest that the Lorde despise vs God is of long suffering and of great mercy but when as he striketh he is a consuming fire as he did them for his rigor vpon Israel and his mercy towardes vs his angrie countenaunce shewed vnto them and his louing fauour to vs warde declare both his seueritie and iustice vpon them in refusing them and his clemencie towarde vs that were straungers in that he hath chosen vs as an other Israel and an other Church vnto him selfe for we are nowe the Israel of God and so long we shall be the same as we either obey him rightly or serue him vprightly or be readie to serue him or swerue not from him but kéepe the right way which that we may doe we will examine the third circumstance The thirde circumstance What is the commaundement commaunded here It is this These wordes which I commaund thee this day shall be in thy heart c. Wherein I wold that you noted many thinges 1 First the words commaunded are the words of God not the wordes of Man Turke Pope c. 2 Secondly giuen this day noteth that as yeres doe consist of dayes so day after day making many dayes doth declare that God is to be loued and feared euery day 3 Thirdly here is to be noted the future time these words shal be in thy heart which is a precise lawe that in as much as no time is limited but the future time named it doth argue that God is to be remembred at all times 4 Fourthly I doe gather here in that God saith These wordes shall be laide vp in thy heart that therefore Rires and ceremonies are not to be required so much in the true seruice of the Lord as is the soul and spirit For God will be serued in spirit and trueth 5 In that his wordes are to be remembred is
now also write I haue to lead me therunto these causes First my office and calling draweth me as beeing a Dispensar of the woord of God Secondly my dutie which is to winne all but especially you which are so farre off Thirdly that care which beyond measure I haue had is a prick and a spurre within me since the firste time I was with you at the Tower And which should prouoke me I haue a commaundement giuen me from the eternall God to preach in season and out of season in time and out of time whersoeuer I see the Church to stand in need Therfore I beeing espetially mooued aboue the rest you haue no farther to enquire after me As concerning the thinges I am to charge you withall they are many great importable and such as you can neuer answere They concerne the Lord the high God whose lawes you contemne They concerne the Church from which you are fled They concerne the trueth which you denye They concerne Religion which you abhorre They concerne Christianitie which you are farre from They concerne true Woorship which you repose in your Image● They concerne Faith which you lay in Wor●●s They concerne perfecte and Christian adoration this you claspe vp in the bosome of the Pope They cōcerne prayer which in steed of God you giue to men They concerne Christe whose institutions you chaunge They concerne the perfect seruice of the Lord which you infolde in the Masse They concerne our Meditation which you make but a sacrifice Propitiatorie by the woork of a Preest They concerne our attonement and reconciler Christe and him whome the heauens containeth you infolde in a Wafer cake They concerne the Gospell which you refuse you stick to the customes of your fathers And they concerne the woord of the Lord which you heare not but compelled which you slaun der beeing hardened which you contemne beeing blinded and which you spurn throwe away euen before our faces to our great greef and your confusion if you repent not All these many things more I am to charge you with hauing this purpose in my selfe That first you are to be loked vnto and if that you will not turne vnto the Lord our God and serue him after the manner that we his People Israell doo either we must shut you out of the Tents and dwelling places of the inheritaunce of our God or we must finde some way to pacifye the Lord withall For I am certainly perswaded that you haue been kept ouer long you and your fellowe Ammonites yea these twentie yeares haue you been pricks and thornes in our sides now you come out of your holes wherin younestled resisting openly the hoste of the Lord vnto their faces But this may not be suffered least your example of gathering sud● vpon the Sabaoth day be an occasion also that others shall violate and break the commaundements of God I warne you therfore in time and these Sermons of myne which I made vnto you haue I gathered together in a little volume that you may read them They contayne in them a breefe and short confutation of all such Heresies as you doo holde With this speech if you be not contented I wil then call back and reclaime it when as I perceiue and see thorow ly that you are amended More I cannot say more I may not say and more I dare not say as yet to you whom not I but a● Christian harts doo thinke to be instruments of Satan raysed vp for our sinnes as two edged Swoordes to rent and out in peeces the poore Church of England For mine owne parce I wil pray to the Lord our God for your amendement and I will begge that Discipline at his hands which you if you come not to him are woorthie to haue To whom I doo commit you that hath both life and death faluation and condemnation in his handes Yours in the Lord if you come vnto the Lord. Iohn Keltridge At London Iune 10. 1581. The first part of the Sermon wherein is largelie confuted sundrie grosse heresies which the Iesuites Seminaries and other the Popes Schollers doo holde preached at the Tower in their presence that the trueth might be known vnto them more apparantlie 7. Maij. 1581. IT is thus written right Honourable right VVoorshipfull and belooued in our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe Deut. 6. v. 4. Heare O Israel the Lord our God is Lord onely and thou shalt looue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soule and with all thy might And these words which I commaund thee this day shall be in thy heart THe looue that our Lord God bare to Israell his people though it be in many places of this booke shewed openly and declared plainlie to them Of all the bookes of Moses this of Deuteronomy for the blessing great benefite● God shewed to his people is the most cōfore table and heauenly booke Yet in more ample manner it was neuer set downe at any time to that Nation as in this the vnspeakable looue of the Lord their God who in daunger defending them in troubles deliuering them in extremities assisting them in slauerie and captiui●e vpholding them by his mightie hand did not onely by Myracles she we his power or by his Prouision for them signifie his looue or by his outstretched arme manifest his care or by fighting with Kinges for their sakes driue all onlie an especiall reuerence into their hearts of his Maiestie But verie fatherlie in affection most loouingly in Mercie and tenderlte with long Patience did the Lord instructe and teach them by Moses and Aaron that they might know the Commaundements of the Lord and feare him Wherefore as at the first to cause them to remember him the Lord our God appeared in fire and lightning and in most terrible manner to beate a care and reuerent feare into their hearts So to ●omfore them againe was Moses sent with this 〈◊〉 and these Co●●t●ndements as re●embraunces pledges of his looue that in the same they might acknowledge him and in trembling and feare obey him in knowledge increase their looue towards him and in reuerēce serue him all the dayes of their lyfe Now this booke is a recapitulation a bréefe summarie and short rehersall of all such Lawes Ordinaunces Statutes as the Lord had giuen to Israel and a Commemoration of all his sundrie notable and famous benefites as Israel and this People had receyned at the handes of God and therefore sayth Moses Heare O Israel the Lord thy God is Lord onely These woordes haue in them noted two principall thinges common bothe in the Lawe and in the Prophetes 1. First an exhortation In requesting and in praying them 2. Secondlie a Commaundement In willinge and in forcing them The Inuocation or calling on them to heare that which appertayneth to God declareth howe ready the Lord is to saue man The Lawe and constraint vsed by commaundement certifieth vs albeit we will not come vnto
the Lord willinghe yet for the commaundement sake and for necessitie we must obey him The exhortation is to the good and godlie men whome the Lord hath alwayes vsed to styrre vp and prick foreward in his seruice The Commaundement is to the wicked wilfull and vnbeléeuing persons who albeit the beanies and light of trueth apppeareth will not for all that beléeue Wherefore I am of opinion that the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 the generall Proposition ende purpose and drifte of Moses is this to exhort and require all such as are the Lordes to haue a regarde to his Commaundements and to feare his name and of this I must speake two manner of wayes First generallie 1. To all that are heere and to such as shall heare heereof heereafter Next perticularlie 2. To certaine persons whom I see in this place and I would they were rather in some other place then heere The first kinde of reuerence and feare to be spoken of generally is appertinent vnto all that looue the Lord who in yeale with perfectnesse in looue with thankfulnesse in great care with earnestnesse ought bothe daylie and continuallie to serue the Lord their God For who defendeth them at all assayes but hée who protecteth them when they are in distresse but onely hée who is able in néede to ease them in myserie to reléeue them in daungers to comfort them in anguishe of soule and heart to deliuer them but onely this whome we should feare whome we should dread whome we should reuerence the Lord our God For this cause in Deuteronomie I finde it thus written Deur 11.18 First that you shall lay vp Secondly the wordes spoken by the Lord. 3. In your heart 4. In your soule 5. You shall binde them as signes on your hands 6. They shal be as Frontlets between your eies 7. Then you shall teach them your children 8. Euen then when thou sittest in thine house 9. Then when thou walkest by the way 10. Then whē thou lieft down 11. Then when thou risest vp 12. Then shalt thou write them vpon the postes of thy house and vpon thy gates The reason of this That your dayes may be multiplied that the dayes of your Children may be multiplied in the Land for the Lord sware vnto your Fathers to giue it them so long as the heaue●s are abo●e the earth Yet there is a condition for this blessing is graunted vpon a bonde wherein Israel was and we nowe his people we bound also Euen to looue the Lord our God to walke in his wayes and to cleaue vnto him c. In the Prophesie of Isaiah Isa 8.19 where as the Lord God dooth most gréeuoustie denounce the heauy Iudgements vpon Iuda Israel and the Affirians for not obeying and seruing the Lord their God At the length the Lord comforteth his people and encorageth the Saintes and wylleth them not to feare albeit they be as signes and wunders to the wicked men and he fetteth downe his will and his purpose of his feare and reuerence in two thinges First In an Inquisition Secondlie In an aunswere to the same The Inquisition is of the wicked men and of Idolaters that say vnto the godlie Enquire of them that haue a spirite of Diuination enquire of them that are Southsayers enquire of them which whisper and murmure The olde Idolaters vpstart Papistes are a lyke in all things and the first kept away the law frō the people these make ignoraunce the mother of deuotion Then at that tyme this shall be the aunswere made by the godlie Should not a people enquire at their God should you goe from the lyuing to the dead Nay to the Lawe and to the Testimony should you goe and if then you speake not according to that woorde there is no trueth and no lyght in you wherefore they haue first done vs great iniurie I meane the aduersaries of the grace of God the Papistes who haue drawne away not onely the simple and plaine men from the Lord by kéeping the booke of God shut from them but also haue taught them an other lawe of their owne inuentions and contrarie to the lawe they haue receyued of the Lorde O that they had perfectly the Lawe of the Lord in Mathew Where at such time as the Saduces had béene put to silence by our Sauiour Christe and the Pharisées vnderstanding thereof gathered together them selues also to dispute with him Math. 22.34 One among them all an expounder of the Lawe could not temper his affections but boldly rusheth out and speaketh which shall be séene by you in the circumstaunces of the Text. First in a Question The Question mooued by a Scribe Secondlie in a replie to the Question The replie made by our sauiour Christe The Question is the greater moued by the Scribe 1. In the asking 2. In the tempting 3. In the speaking to Christe The Question mooued was Maister VVhich is the greatest commaundement in the Lawe The Aunswer and replie by Christe is this Thou shalt looue whome the Lord thy God Howe 1. With all thine heart 2. With al thy soule 3. With al thy mind And this is the first cōmādemēt the greatest Moreouer for the aunswer of Christ is twofolde it concerneth The Lorde onely as before is seene in his seruice Man onely which is thus 1. Thou shalt loue 2. Thy neighbor 3. Euen as thy selfe And in these two cōsisteth the Law and the ●…ophets In Marke the Euangelist This same peruerse man the Scribe that did oppose him selfe against Christe after the Question mooued and the replie added the revnto by our sauiour Christe is ●pted to haue spoken discretelie and to haue set downe his opinion bothe soundlie and wiselie concerning this thing And his iudgement was this Maister thou hast saide truelie For there is but one God For there is none other but he And to loue him 1. With all the heart 2. With all the vnderstāding 3. With all the soule 4. With all the strength 5. And thy neighbour as thy selfe Is more then all burnt offeringes and Sacrifices In these places rehearsed you plainly sée that in the seruice of the Lord the principall thing required is this That we obey him and his commaundements O how godly and pleasaunt a thing is it for Israel to know the Lord his statutes are in his mouth his Ordinaunces shall make him blessed his séede shall inherite the land he shall not feare by night nor stand in dreade at noone day for the Lord of hoasts is with him the God of Iacob is his defence The Lorde shal be a shéelde to that man and the stay and staffe of peace shal be vpon his head he is sure not to be mooued and to the nethermost hell shall he neuer fall His pathes are pathes of righteousnesse his wayes be the wayes of lyfe Glorie is on his head honour and renowne are a couering for that man happy shall he be for euer and all generations shall remember him
Yea I will set foorth the prayses of such a man as feareth the Lord for it is a good thing to obey him and to haue a care and reuerence to his name and this feare and dreade this seruice belonging to his Maiestie is thri●folde in this place Therefore it eyther 1. Concerneth God alone not man 2. Concerneth God as well as man 3. Concerneth man onely not God The seruice due vnto the Lorde is seene in Circumstaunces 1. First that Israel his pople 2. Secondly heare or vnderstand 3. Thirdly such thinges as concerneth their God This seruice is seene in those Epithites and titles giuen vnto the Lord in this place whome you onely ferue 1. First he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Lord of all 2. Secondly he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 God seeing all 3. Thirdly he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 our God in deliuering all 4. Fourthly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 he is only one God there is no more among all The first name of Dignitie héere set downe as Augustine noteth Potentiam denotat She weth his power For God ruleth and gouerneth all And in the same he sate the Firmamēt a●one that spreadeth it selfe as a Canapie and the earth beneath the is inustoou●able as be the Pillers of heauen and betwixt bothe the fire which burneth not by the power of his woord and the ayre which infecteth not for he restraineth the gates of death And the water which as in the house presumeth not to goe ouer the thresholdes and bankes that are limited The Lord it is indéede that lifteth vp and pluckesh 〈◊〉 sha●exaltath h●●bleth that deliuereth casteth 〈…〉 pleasure he brought Israel thorow the red Sea 〈◊〉 his eni●●ies as in a wall he brought in the Waters and drow●ed them but he led Israel his people on drie land The Countries of the Nations did the Lord giue vnto them to possesse returned with an angrie coūtenante against the ●ings he spared not the Gi●nit with his Cha●●ots nor the Mike Countries with the walled Townes but brought in destructiō for their sinnes and gaue them the slaine as a portion for their vngodlinesse wherefore let all men praise the Lord and serue and obey him aboue all The second tytle giuen vnto the Lord is that he is called 〈…〉 which is as much ●s To see take a view and to to perse thorowe all things very narrowly For the eyes of the Lord are vpon all the earth he giueth strength to them the trust in him vnderstanding to them that walke vprightly he beholdeth the endes and coasts of the Sea and stilleth the ra●ing of the tempeste 〈◊〉 in his fury he mounteth foorth on she ●●●ges of the winde and with the same he bringeth in all 〈◊〉 thinges to trouble sinners who like vnto our God whose eyes are vpon the iuste whose countenaunce is against all those that doo euill to roote them out 〈◊〉 ●he land he giueth and man receyueth he detayneth and man perisheth For the cup of his wrath is powred foorth vpon malefactors and as a man prepared to the battell so is the Lord girded to fight against the wicked For why all thinges are done by him he filleth the hungrie soule and replemisheth with meatē the néedy Creatures His woorkes are séene aboue and his wunders in the deapth Among the holie ones dooth the Lord raigne and filleth with his blessing euerie lyuing soule The haires of our head are numbred before him and the Sparo●e séeketh for meate in due season let euerie soule therefore feare the Lord and let nothing staye him to acknowledge his name for he is a God which séeth all things and nothing may be hidden from him at any time This vvord our then God also our God dooth exclude all forrain and straunge Gods and prooueth that the Lord all on ly is to be feared The thirde tytle and Epithite giuen vnto God is this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 our God euen the God of Iacob and the God of Israel which name of rem●nthraunce no 〈◊〉 was put in and added in this place that Israel should neuer forgetts their Lord God that fought for them therefore is it sayde The Lord can God is Lord onely as being none other that fought for them but ou●ly he For in déede the Lord kept the promise that he made them and the ●athe which he sw●re vnto their Fathers he wought them out of the house of bondage and redéemed them out of the straunge land For why God was i●yned to their séede and he would not forsake them for their Fathers sake the Lord gaue vnto them Ierusalem for their portion and the land of Mountaines for their rest he planted his Posteritie to the which 〈…〉 sworne and withdrewe not his woorde though they 〈◊〉 therefore is the Lord woorthy to be praysed and Israel must haue none other God then him alone that saued them The fowrth name and rythe giuen to God is this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Thy God is onely one For there is no 〈◊〉 then he he is the Lord of Hoases meyther will the Kord 〈◊〉 God giue his glo●ie to any other Ier●●e of this word sayth Identitatem 〈…〉 alnatem notat 1 That is The 〈…〉 and vnitie of the same not the varietie or plurality of Gods is to be noted and considered heere For I doo finde that the most best learned haue gathered out of this place of Scripture bothe the Vnitie in the Trinitie and the Trinitie in the Vnitie which is to be worshipped For the word Lord in the first place may signifie the Lord God the first person which made all the worde God in the second place may represent Christe the worde of God that redéemed all And one onely Lord in the third place may be well the spirite of God who béeing equall with them bothe doo make but onely one true eternall euerliuing and glorious God Then you sée that I haue two things héere proportioned and drawns out vnto me wherof I must of necessitie speake 1. The first that Vnitie in Trinitie and Trinitie in Vnitie is to be worshipped 2. The second that all manner of Idoll worship and all seruice not agreeing to this commaundement in this place is to be abhorred The maner of theyr preaching in tyme of Popery was known whē they handled nothing else but the defence of theyr filthy and Idolatrous Ceremonies as for doctrine of faith of māners of life of religion or any other good vvholsome Article of our beleese they neuer dealt vvith any of them For the first point which is our Faith we ought to holde concerning the Trinitie I say this As you whereof I sée too many héere Schollers of the Pope are not able to escape without suspitiō of great Sacriledge for that diuers of your sect and your heresies with whome I doo confesse I haue reasoned haue béen of opinion that in the body of the Bible the olde Testament no man
a seruice which toucheth and concerneth God and a seruice which toucheth and concerneth man Whereinto if you or any other shall looke it wil be founde that this scruice which is appertinent vnto God and vnto man is also two folde Seruice of God and man ● The body and the minde goe togeather in the 〈◊〉 woo●ship of God Internall which is in spirite for as God is a spirite so also will he be woorshipped in spirite and truthe Externall which is outwarde in reuerence and dutie apparant euen to man Bothe these are required in this place and they be 〈◊〉 vnted togeather as without b●the of them the Lord● our God cannot bee truelie woorshipped Theresice I will not seueare or deuide the one from the other but I will ●ucke them as in a golden Chaine and make them Caepartuers and fellow companiorts in enerye good action Now this internall and this externall seruice of the Lorde are bothe séen● in diners circumstances of my Text as followeth True seruice is seene 1. First if you shal loone 2. Secondly the Lord your God 3. Thirdly with all your hart 4. Fourthly with all your soule 5. Fiftly with all your might 1. The first sheweth the readinesse that is in vs. 2. The second shutteth out all other woorship whatsoeuer 3. The third declareth that nothing should be precious vnto vs but the Lord. 4. The fourth taketh away all counterfeiting and all dissimulation 5. The fife openeth that no creature els may haue this seruice but onely the Lord our God The fall of mā being in perfection his vnstablen●● 〈◊〉 he is on earth his co●●upt● mind in a● 〈◊〉 he doo the 〈◊〉 blyndnes and error in the lyght his grosnesse harde hart in beleef dyd requyre a pure and vndefiled lawe to brydle him I am not ignoraunt that euerie man in whome is the breath of life and vpon whome the Lord our God hath powred of his Spirite is in some part any in eueri● part faultie in this co●●aundoment which naturall blin●nesse and Ignoraunce of ours sheweth the groat perfection 〈◊〉 heauenly integritie of the Lord and againe condempneth vs as guiltis in eneri● point 〈…〉 our handes at the barte continuallie as béeing on able to 〈◊〉 any lots of this same or to stand before God if he call vs to a reckoning For if that man were able to stand and would neuer fall from his 〈…〉 and his heart vn●●●●ble 〈…〉 〈◊〉 be 〈…〉 in Israelit thon ●e 〈…〉 thinke ●ho 〈…〉 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 thing 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 that 〈…〉 We may 〈…〉 and no doubt the Lord our God hath so stra 〈…〉 vs to obserue these thinges prescribed euen to looue him and him our God and with all our heart and with an our soule and with all out stight 〈◊〉 sundrie waightie and great causes Causes why the Lorde hath giuen so straight a commaūdement 1. First 〈◊〉 our owne ●●●etchednesse myseserie and death 2. Secondlie to be a●cused not excused before the Lord. 3. Thirdly to tremble and shake when we ●span 4. Fourthly that ●bndem●nation may appeare in vs knowing that we are not able to fulfill this 5. Firstly to make vs affrighted and to weaken out consciences seeing that we cannot lyue in ●●●●bedience 6. Sixtly to keepe vs by discipline as vnder a lawe for euer 7. Seuenthly to teach vs the ●nt● and perfect workes of righteous nesse 8. Eightly to exclude all other Idoll woorshippe and to serue all onely the Lord our God Man thynking that he ●●ādeth dooth fall that he is in lyse is yet in death that he is strōg is vveake that he can doo all thynges dooth nothing aryght therefore hath he inward and secrete sinnes vvhich hee must tame and subdue as well as the outward vices subiect to the eyes of men And now to come more narrowlie to euerie one in this place th●gener all is it to he thaught that no man hath an euill eye vpon Abel vpon his brother is the heart of euerie man persen Dooth none despise Iacob Is there not one but 〈◊〉 a porsect Censar or shall we make accoumpt is there nener an 〈◊〉 person in this company not one 〈◊〉 you that hath worne the golden Earinges or hath not cast one stone against the house of God or ioyned them selues with Aaron to committe euyll Is the leauen of Egipt cleane forgotten or hath no man syt downe to eate and 〈◊〉 and rose vp againe to play Is the hearts of you all pire 〈◊〉 the Lord what not once at Samaria in all your life not once at Dan not once at Bethell no not ●ne ●ine or affectioned to Priapus Of a trueth it may hard●● be so thought a man will not indge it and God knoweth it is otherwise Why man he is full of presumptious ●●●es why his offeringes be vncleane and the fat of the 〈◊〉 is tayn●ed Many truct in Chariots and many trust in Horses and diuers say there is no helpe in our God and then which way can we be frée from his wrath The man that worketh no deceypt the man that hath not slaundered his neighbour the man that hath not put out his money to loane nor his coyne to Vsurie the man in whose loule there is no guile is not cannot may not be found I tell you to looue the Lord with all your soule with all your might with all your strength with all your heart to looue the Lord and to looue him onely is to fulfill the whole lawe and the Prophetes As the false Prophetes of Iesabell knewe the trueth in the dayes of nlyas the Prophet and as Amasiah dyd vvilfully resist Ieremie the Seribes Saduces Christe so doo the Iesuites and Papistes resist vs against theyr ewne consciences I doo professe and protest before you all yea before the Lord and before his Angels that I neuer enter into the con●●●eration of this but that I wonder howe it commeth to paste that the aduersaries of the grace of God the Papistes doo not burst and cleaue in sunder when they sée that honor that zeale that affection that loous that might that strength which is due to the Lord God so wickedly and so commonlie to be giuen to Creatures And now tell me you whose faces are faces of brasse you of the. Colledge of the Pope you his Seminaries you inuested into the order of the Iesuites howe you are able to aunswere and to reconcile your selues vnto the Lord God sayth Looue me you loue the Pope God sayth Looue me with all your heart but how heartilie how faithfully pray you to Saints God sayth Looue me with all thy soule yet you sell prayers vnto men and the Soules of men doo you giue from God for money God sayth Looue me with all thy might and you ende●●●r day and night to Idolatrie God sayth Heare me onely but you will not heare him at all and if you doo you are compelled vnto it Then in consideration that you haue so boldelie resisted the Trueth and
that you are hardned for the same poyson which you drunke in your first yéeres is a cause why you are broken out into the ●●●●titude of your gréeuous sores at this present Then want of prayer to the Lord dooth againe putrifie you so sore within as busied and occupied in their inuocation to Saint Peter to Saint Thomas to the Virgin Marie others you haue not any leysure at all to call on God wherfore you doo not wel for those Personages are great Personages béeing troubled with a multitude of Suters they may not presently heare you neither can they preferre your prayers vnto God so soone Peraduenture also they be abroad or busied in some waightie affayres or else they haue some other request for some néerer fréend of theyrs and you most wayte yet longer Wherfore turne to the Lord and he will heare you indéede neither will he deferre saluation from day to day Lastly I am afraide that one of you infecteth an other therefore I doo wishe that you may be seuered asunder when the Tempter is gone It is euident that the Kings Keisars dyd vvithstand the Pope a long season tyll by maine might the Pope took in hand to stād in armes against them For Carolus in his tyme made an Edict against the Pope and cut off halfe his Crowne yet dyd the Pope swell and ryse more more but in blood the spirit of the Lord will walke more effectuallie And I for my part together with my brethren will pray for you continuallie that the Lord God would open your eyes that you may sée the trueth for vndoubtedlie your hearts are full of woormwood gall and I sée that bitternes is within you euen to death if the Lord God quicken you not Who euer sayd that that was proper to man which is to be giuen to God but you who euer affirmed that the Pope was Lord and God and King and Keisar saue all only you who hath giuen him power by which as of himselfe he standeth who hath giuen him honour by which through his might he striketh he cutteth off he saueth saue onely you who hath giuen him the keies of hell and heauen where he bindeth and he loseth saue all onely you who hath sayd he is God Vicegerant in earth by which he ordaineth and deposeth but onely you who hath made him equall with God and most like vnto the highest saue all onely you his Schollers his Disciples his Ministers and such as are and haue béene accoumpted Heretiques and are of the same profession as are you wherfore returne come away flie frō the whore of Roome Apoc. 17. O be not deceyued she hath poysoned all the Kings of the earth with the venome of her cup Stay a while pause and consider and you shall sée the dampnation of this great whore that sitteth vpon many waters With her haue the Kings of the earth committed fornication with her haue the Inhabitants of the earth béene made drunke for shée sitteth vpon a scarlet coloured Beast A Beast is Roome called for the eruell sauadge vnnaturall beastly qualities found with in her as appeareth in Daniel Dan. 7.7 Sitting in Scarlet for that the was red and inglutted with the blood of the Saintes The outragious pride of this vvhore of Roome the Pope is séene In that at this day he hath vpō his Pallace a Piller of stone that is valued at 20000. Crownes Hee hath his roose seeled vvith golde couer His hanginges are of precious stone lyke glasse And yeerely hath he comming in out of the common stewes an Annuall reuenew vvhich is his tribute of 20000. pounds from amōg the vvhores common vvomen of Roome so that he is the vvhore that sitteth in the golden chayte Then hauing names full of blasphemy for is there any one now or was there any euer héeretofore that had the same blasphemous titles as hath the Pope Then hauing v● heads which are seuen hylles on which Roome did stand and was built and so sometimes had seuen Kinges within her The whore is said to haue ten hornes many kingdoms vnder her Then she is arayed in Purple and Scarlet For the glorie of your Popedome stādeth in outward Pompe and we know that no Prince in the world is more ritchly attired then is that monster at Roome Then she hath a cup of abhominations in her hand And not without cause in as much as all Heresies false doctrine and Superstitions of the late Churches haue come from her Then in the forehead is there a Misterie written Babilon the great the mother of whordome A Mysterie in déede for none can comprehend this secrete but the Elect None can tell you that this Roome is that whore but such as God hath touched None can open this plainly to the world saue onely those to whome God hath giuen it And therefore if your hearts were not hardned if in hearing you dyd not heare or in séeing you sawe not and were not blinded or if the Lord had not shut vp your vnderstanding for your wilfulnesse it could not be possible but in this lyght and beautie of our time of the trueth you should vnderstand and conuert be saued and deferre not off from day to day for the longer you stay the more fierce God is the longer you prolong the more seuere he is This day if you heare his voyce harden not your harts I tell you that the wicked man dooth moste prowdely kéepe his countenaunce and will not be chaūged the heart of the godly man melteth when he heareth of the Lord Rom. 2.5 wherefore take you héede that according to your hardnesse of heart and your impenitent soules which will not repent you heape vp vengeance against the day of vengeance against the day of wrathe the reuealing of the iust iudgement of God For wherfore should you stand thus in defence of the Pope wherefore should you hazard your selues for a mortall man wherefore stande you against the truthe is it for the you are ignoraunt you may sée Is it because you haue learned so Our Fathers are to be followed no farther then you follow the Lordet Reade Origen in Esech Hom. 7. reade Augu. vpon Iohn Tract 49. cap. 11 you shall haue another lesson the Lord God shall be your maister Is it because you feare man why the Lord our God is greater stande to him what haue your Fathers beléet●ed so then be you other men you shall not beare theyr iniquities what haue you learned this from them of olde why what then They erred go you vprightlie they sinned against theyr God prouoke you him not they liued in miserable dayes and sawe little you haue the lawe in your mouthe and it is open to all they desired and could not haue it you may haue and will not take it They had the Gospell kept from them by the Tiranny of the man of sinne that brused and stamped vnder his féete the Saints of
that haue offered vp of the Children of God vnto Deuilles You haue serued Baall Hamon and you haue runne vnto the Calues euen the golden Calues of Dan and Bethell You haue laide in waite for the Lordes annointed and you haue cursed ●auid to his face The Preistes of Nob haue béene slayne by your handes and by your Fathers handes haue the righteous men béene eaten vp Wherefore wee must require this blood at your handes if you will not returne and come vnto the Lorde Truely your blood shal be spilt at the Poole of Samaria according to the worde of the Lorde and that Roome shal be as the house of Baasa The Sworde of the Lord shall waxe red with blood and he shall reioyce in the fat of the slaine As did the Children of Edome at the day of his wrath so shall you sée the bones of your mighty men lye in the stréetes For the Lorde hath seene you and he hath tryed you you are already wayed in the Ballaunce and you are founde to light And if now you repent not and retorne not If now you amend not and reuolte not from your errors as I found you so I must leaue you open to the hand of the enimie And it shal be my prayer bothe day and night that the Lord would quicken you or that he would shorten you that the Lorde would amend you or that he would ende you that you be not reserued as flaming firebrands till the day of displeasure to consume any more of the Saincts of God And for the second parte of this my Sermon the next time that I come hether and when I haue leisure you shall know and vnderstande more * ⁎ * FINIS Primae partis THE SECOND PART OF the Sermon preached against the Iesuites at the Towre the 21. of May 1581. being written in the 6. of Deut. ver 6. These wordes which I commaunde thee this day shall be in thy heart Deut. 6.6 THis briefe and shorte sentence beloued in the Lorde is a portion and parcell of the wordes going before in this verse where the Lorde exhorting his people to feare him and to feare him onely did in a compendious maner vtter his will and pleasure in a few estminstances namely to heare his voyce and his worde with all their minde with all their soule with all their might with all their strength wherevpon successiuely did follow a reason of that was spoken that is These wordes which I commaunde thee this day shall be in thy heart Nowe if you doe remember in my generall diuision were noted the other day these two things First an exhortation secondly a commaundement of the exhortation wee spake then at large and nowe wee must say some thing of that remayneth therefore there is generally noted here out of these wordes rehearsed one thing namely ● The onely and sole commandement here set downe And this commandement is seene in circūstances 1 Who commaundeth The Lorde our God commaundeth 2 Who they bee the commandement concerneth The Israelites be they it cōcerneth 3 What is the comandement These words that I cōmand this day shall be in thy hart that is the commandement 4 For how long a time was this commandement giuen euen for euer and for euer vnto all is it giuen Circumst 1. The Lord commandeth and it is not without cause whose power it we disobay him whose loue if we do serue him whose strength if wee refuse him whose mencie if we imbrace him Whose rigor if we resist him whose fauor if we stick to him haue not now onely but from time to time béen séene of all Therefore is hee omnipotent that hee may rule vs and hée is almightie that hee may fame vs and hee is stout that hee may bridle vs and hee is high that hee may ouersée vs and he the Lord our God is terrible that he may feare vs if we go astray and do that which is amisse Of this that I haue spoken and of him in this place that is the Commander I may giue diuers reasons yet will I onely yéelde thrée vnto you which I know may particularly touch vs all The first is a Personae magnitudine that is a reasonable persuasion from the greatnes of of the person to feare him the Lorde God Deut. 4.39 The Lorde why who is like vnto him who may be compared vnto him Vnus solus est he onely is one and onely God Psal 73.1 The Lord Why Solus bonus bonis hee is onely good to the good Isay 30.18 The Lord Why Clemens c. He is boūtifull and of long suffering Nech 9.6 The Lord Why Deus est creator he hath made all he hath framed all and he will bee feared of all Esay 49.13 The Lorde Why Suorum consolator he comforteth those that are his 1. Par. 29.12 The Lord Why Vniuer sorum Dominus he is Lorde of all Ezech. 13.21 The Lord Why Dux populi sui he is a leader a captaine and a guider of his people Out of all which wee may gather this conclusion He that made all that framed all that ruled all that guideth all that protecteth all is all in all for to be feared by all But the Lorde our God that heere commaundeth vs that heere forwarneth vs is hee that framed al that ruled all that guideth all that protecteth all ergo The Lorde our God is all in all and onely to be feared by all The second reason from the person of God is taken a personae bonitate i. frō the goodnesse of his person if we feare him Deut. 7.9 Hee the Lorde our God hee is true faithfull Psal 36.10 Hee the Lord our God he is the Lord the welspring of life Esay 49.5 Hee the Lord our God he is the God of strength Psal 89.18 Hee the Lord our God the glorie of the power and strength of his people Esay 33.22 Hee the Lorde our God is a righteous God and a good trustie lawgiuer Hee the Lorde our God hee is the light and bewrie of Israell out of these is made this conclusion Who so with loue hath tendered vs with mercie hath loked on vs with life hath quickned vs and by his righteousnes hath deliuered vs is to be honored feared of all liuing creatures else none but he The Lorde our God in this place commaunding vs is the same also that hath tendered vs and looked to vs and quickened vs and guided vs ergo The Lord our God is to be feared honoured and obeyed of all liuing creatures and else none but he The thirde reason is taken three manner of wayes from the persō of God 1 Amanu i. from his hand that striketh vs 2 Apotentia i. from his power that reacheth vs 3 Apoena i. from his scourges and plagues which consumeth vs If wee obeye him not For he is the sworde of the glorie of his people Deut. 33.29 For he is a consuming
not to be grossely taken that no more is to be followed then those named in this place But by these wordes must be vnderstoode all his lawes and ordinances written in the Lawe and in the Prophetes and I referre this place Vnto Deut. 12.32 thus written God is of heauen heauenly therefore bumane traditions must not be mingled with his seruice Quicquid tibi in mandat●m dedero hoc facies neque addi aliquid neque diminui patieris a verbo meo What so euer I commaund thee that shalt thou doe thou shalt neither add any thing therevnto neither shalt thou plucke any thing therefrom which euen very same commandement is written Deut. 4.2 Hearken you O Israel vnto the ordinances and lawes which I teach you to doe it followeth you shall put nothing vnto the worde which I commaund you neither shal you take ought therefrom And vnto Ioshua was the same lawe giuen in commaundement Iosh 1.7 and he was charged to obserue all things that Moses the seruant of the Lord did commaund him the restraint was set downe thus Thou shalt not turne away from it to the right hande or to the left that thou maiest prosper whither so euer thou goest The Priestes of B●al the foolish Chemerm● and the Scribes and Phari●ies were in the same maner blinded as be our Iesurtes Papistes and Seminaries their most principall and chiefe Ceremonies were al one the same proof● they vse both of them for their superstitions and the verie same customs they doe allowe of bicause their fathers of olde vsed them which lawe and most sacred and holy ordinance of the Lord when I consider of I wonder how you the aduersaries of the grace of God schollers of the Pope and Antichrist either burst not in pieces for feare or holde not downe your heades for shame or accuse not your selues in your consciences or cry not out vnto the Lorde in this extremitie when you sée all thinges in your religion and profession either to be inuented either to be founded by man either to disagrée either to be contrarie dissonant from the word of God either to be whorish either to be diuelish either to be Idolatrous either to be superstitious which is the least fault you haue of al It can not be if you had read the lawe as you flée from it If you had experience in the scriptures as you shut them vp If you had exercises of prayer as you haue none aright If you had the Commaundements of the Lorde among you as you denye them If you had true seruice as you corrupt it If you had the ordinaunces of the Lord and his wordes with you as you are farre from them But that you should sée easily and perceiue rightly and iudge perfectly and deale syncerely and after an other manner to than nowe you doe in your daily administrations and vnlawfull sacrifices Remember that cursse that is laide vpon your shoulders and vpon the shoulders of your fathers in the last of the Reuelation Reuel 22.18 for your corrupting of the word Therefore after a rewarde that is giuen to euerie one according to his workes there is a description of Christ whom we ought to acknowledge in this manner 1 First as being α and ω the beginning and the end 2 Secondly as being the first and the last There is also a blessing set downe vnto those that shall feare his Commaundements 1 Their right way shall be in the tree of life 2 They shall enter in through the gates of the citie After this there are certaine per sons named the are shut out of the kingdome of God 1 Dogges be the first sort sauage wilde vntamed and wanton persons 2 Inchaunters be next such as haue bene the most of your Romish Prelates 3 Whoremongers the third and you and the Romanistes speake against marriage and yet maintame whores in your Cloysters 4 Murtherers folow such are you and such haue your fathers bene that seeke and thirst after the bloud of the Saints 5 Idolaters also are without and more vile more ougly more monstrous and more filthie thē are you of Rome I know none vnder heauen professors of religion at this day 6 Moreouer such as loue and make lyes are in the number and these can be no other than you and as you be that maintaine false doctrine and delight therein After al this there is a message sent vnto men The messinger is the Angel of God and his message or tidings is heauenly and diuine namely 1 That the roote and generation of Dauid Iesus Christ 2 That the bright morning starre Christ the light that brought light into the world Hath of his meeremercy brought ●vs good tidings 1 How that the spirit and the bride do cry come 2 How that euery one that heareth may come 3 How that al those that are a thirst may come 4 How that euery one that will take of the water of life may come freely But there followeth a Protestation with a Comminatiō 1 First that what man so euer he be 2 Secondly that heareth 3 Thirdly the wordes 4 Fourthly of this prophecie 5 Fifthly presuming to add any thing thervnto That then God shall adde vnto that man all the plagues that are written in that booke Furthermore the Lorde inlargeth that spoken before So that if any man shall presume 1 To diminish the wordes of the booke of that prophecie 2 His part shall be taken out of the booke of life 3 His parte shall be taken out of the holie citie 4 He shall haue no part in the things are written in this booke 5 And all this is confirmed by the Lorde for hee will come quickly to see it done As they are more to be feared that can kill and destroy the soul rather than those onely that do spill the bodie so are the papistes the more to be abhorred as they doe cast away both the outward the inward man Nowe therefore looke you vnto this O you the enimies of God more then enimies vnto the Lorde for you make all other whome you can get enimies vnto him worse than common enimies for you raise vp straungers against him crueller than are the enimies for they kil but the body you destroy both bodye and soule Fiercer than are all enimies for they vse the sword you abuse the word and bring in an other contrarie to it I charge you not without cause I lay nothing vnto you but that I may iustly Your consciences bewray you and you betray your selues your comming ouer to vs presuming to teach being more fitter you should learne entring and insinuating of you into the hearts of men spreading abroad your damnable opinions are tokens sufficient I say to manifest vnto the world what men you be You you haue counterfeited the Scriptures you you haue falsified the trueth You you haue added and diminished You you haue put too and taken from the word of God You you haue inclined
veritas vita non dixit ego sum consuetudo sed veritas That is You will peraduenture set some auncient custome against me but it is to be noted what God saith It is saide by him I am the way the trueth and the life and GOD did not say I am the custome but I am the trueth Wherefore Augustine saide well Ad Casul●num Praesbyterum Dist 11. Can. consuetud Consuetudinem laudamus quae contra fidem catholicam nihil vsurpare dignoscitur That is We allowe and commend that custome that is not knowne to haue vsurped any thing at any time contrarie to the true and Catholique faith Therefore I aunswere you here if you can proue to me out of the Scriptures those Articles and pointes of religion which you affirme you holde by custome I will yelde and condiscend to your opinions otherwise I am of the minde these learned Fathers are of That we must beléeue the truth before all your customes and if you doe not thinke that my iudgement is sound you shall giue me leaue to offend to erre and to goe out of the way with them There is nowe remayning the last thing yet as good and necessarie a thing as any other and it is this God saith thus My words shall be in your heart what his words the words of the Lord You will heare no word at all Is it so and the Lordes wordes howe hardly are you drawne to heare them at this present Why how in what manner where shall we lay them vp where shall we repose them In your heart and in your soule they should be laid vp And I do ensure you sithence my last being in this place and from the time that I haue séene so dissolute and lewde behauiour among you and howe pyningly and howe vntowardly and howe scornfully and howe irreuerendly howe hautily and howe disdainefully you stand here before the Lorde before his Angels in his Church before vs I am not onely astonied vpon the wickednesse and sinne I sée within you as I am amazed at the heauie iudgements of the Lord that hang ouer you Contempt of his word It was neuer noted but in Castawayes Irreuerend behauiour when the word is preached It was neuer séene but in the reprobate vnséemely demeanor and disdainfull lookes vpon the Prophetes You finde it not all onely saue in the Baalites and Chemerims or Saducées or Pharisées or in some such like vnto to them Wherefore you are of that froward generation and those vntoward sprigges That claue and rent in sunder that gnashed their teeth Actes 7. and fell vpon Stephan when they heard his preaching Why 2. Pet. 1.23 Matth. 13.33 Ephe. 6.17 Mark 4.32 Iere. 5.14 Ezech. 3.33 Wherefore for what cause should this be so The worde of the Lorde is that which assureth The worde of the Lorde is the leauen that leaueneth The word of the Lord is the sword that striketh The worde of the Lorde is the graine that increaseth The worde of the Lorde is the fire that inflameth The worde of the Lorde is the honie that sweetneth Howe then shall you escape the iudgements of God the fierce wrath of the highest the furie of his countenaunce the displeasure of our God that both vnwillingly doe come to heare and so like men of Bedlam and as if you were possessed by some foul fiende rage and byte when you vnderstand the trueth Then if not for Gods cause yet for your owne safetie regarde and marke this reason taken out of the former scriptures alledged That thing which bringeth death with it and destruction and confusion for euer is neither to be done or allowed or committed by any godly man nor by you The contempt of Gods worde your irreuerend behauiour in this sacred place bringeth death with it and destruction and confusion for euer if you repent not Ergo This vnseemely dealing in you which bringeth with it all these inconueniences should be done or allowed or committed neither by any godly man nor by you Consider then weigh and regard where and before whom you stand Here is the Lord that seeth you here be his Angels that behold you 1. Cor. 11.12 For whose sakes also you should do the things that are comely And vndoubtedly a greater comfort should there be none to the godly man or to any one vnder heauen then to féede vpon the trée of life then to drinke of this spirituall drinke Deut. 32.2 Mark 4.14 Psal 119.104 Ier. 23.29 Esai 55.1 the word of God This Why It is the rayne that bedeweth It is the seede that groweth It is the rule that leadeth It is the axe that heweth It is the fountaine that springeth It is the well that draweth the water of life to all that come that heare that beléeue that will be saued Then receiue to your comfort comprehend vnto life attaine vnto saluation heare and refuse not that the Lorde may blesse you For there is a verie comfortable reason and a strong conclusion gathered out of this place thus That which bringeth life and is commaunded by God is to be doone of all to be allowed and to be obeyed without exception The worde of the Lorde doth bring in life and is that which is commaunded by God vnto all Ergo The word of the Lord and the Gospell of trueth which is preached is to be heard of al and of you without exception His worde 2. Sam. 22.31 Psal 12.7 it is pure it is immaculate it is tried in the fire it will followe all them that hope and trust in him His wordes they are chaste and milde speaches they are seuered from the earth Psal 18.33 and purged more then seuen times His wordes his wayes They are not polluted wayes but they are leaders vnto life and the Lord is a protectour of all those that trust in him As for you I sée it as for you I doe well perceiue it as for you you doe declare it That you are none of those that haue his statutes before you His lawe is not regarded by you the bright morning starre hath not shined on you You you walke according to the wayes of them of Gomorrah You you trust in Pharaoh and in his mightie power you repose all on the Popes shoulders not on GOD You you are comforted in Herode his pleasaunt Oration and swéete style hath bewitched you You you are protected vnder the shadow of the great beast in the reuelation to whom the most of the Kinges of the earth doe ●●ll downe and giue worship you you are angrie with Caine you you are hardened as was Sehon you you are the sonnes of the fathers that haue cast stones at the Prophetes you you are bouldened with Zedechias you you are still and you will be Sacrificers stil to the Quéene of Heauē you you are peruerted as were false Prophets you you are proude and stately as were the Scribes you you couer sinne with sin as the Iewes dyd you you
haue practised and taken counsell against the Lord against Christ against his annointed but Achitophell with you and you with him you with Absolon Absolon with you shall be ouerthrowne bothe alike and haue one ende you your interprises fall as they did that Adonias did You you shal he ouerthrowne with Hamon you you with your Ioacim and Ioacim with you and you all ioyned together shall not be able to stand against one Ieremie wherfore returne repent amend and conuert and come vnto the Lorde and be saued Leu. 5.4 The soule that hath sworne and hath spoken the worde that he will doe euill yet if hée repent and be sory the lawe dyd admit him to bée reconciled againe vnto the Lorde There was no man that had offended Deut. 4.29 no man that had trespassed but if hée sought the Lorde his God with all his hart and returned hée was receiued was there euer any in Israell but when they had transgressed and serued straunge Gods Gods of siluer and Gods of stone and offended the Lorde after the maner of the nations that for all that were cast off 1. Reg. 8.33 and dispised of the Lord if they came home O then harken vnto his worde harden not your hartes the Lord wyll accept of you as of Israell learne to doo well séeke his statutes looke into the law of the Lorde sée if it be not an vndefiled law yea it is a law wherin is no imperfectiō no vanity no leasing no deceipt It is a law that suffereth no manner of Image Exo. 20.23 Exo. 34.1.7 which you onely stand vpon It is a lawe that admitteth you not to eate of the sacrifices of the nations nor of the fornications of the Gentiles all which you depende vpon it is a law that willeth you to runne from ydoles and from the abhominations of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat that made Israell to sinne but you are all one with hym and runne a whoreing from the Lorde The worde of God 2. Reg 20.30 is most pure nothing like vnto it O therefore runne from the inuentions of men For why Dagon may not stand before the Arke Psa 18.33 1. Sam. 5.3 2. Par. 32.19 he shall fall flat vpon his face The Lorde dooth not regarde the workes of mens hands and the inuentions of their hartes bée farre from him The Lorde is hiest aboue all the world like vnto him there is none before hym was none and after him there shall be none such as is our god his name is an vndefiled name and it cannot be giuen to any other Then deferre not to come vnto the Lorde for Kinges haue not bene ashamed of hym Princes haue yéelded vnto his lore and the Kinges of the earth haue bene subiect to his commaundement The whole worlde hath relented to his voyce and commaundemente and all Nations haue subscribed to his hestes who is like vnto our God that sitteth in his throne aboue and what man may be compared vnto him His power and his righteousnesse is in the highest places Psal 35.11 his rules and his commaundements his wonders and his noble Actes within the clowdes Psa 77.13 Psa 83.1 Psa 89.9 None is lyke vnto him and none may be compared vnto our God Then harken you that are héere I require you agayne to harken yet it is in vayne I speake vnto the winde and I cast foorth my spéeches as into the ayre my talke is to disobedient Children and my wordes are powred foorth in vayne I sée you mooued as men are moued in wrath and you gather you together as the Adder doth stopping his eare charm the Charmer neuer so conningly you doo euill you generation of the wicked and your pride is looked vppon from heauen there is one sitteth aboue laugheth you to scorne and hée hath you already in derision Though you repine at him yet canne you not avoide his handes though you grin and mock yet wyl he hamper you your disobedience wyll hée punishe and your wicked cogitations will hee bringe to naught your haughtie mindes will he bringe downe and your dead lookes wyll hee chaunge I tell you there is a fire gone out alreadye and if it kindle but a litle yea happy shall you bée if you come vnto him For my owne part I hope it not for your partes you intende it not For my selfe I thinke it not for you you determin it not For that which I thinke I doo ensure you I perceiue it not for this time not I but all present sée it not how you are moued wée all sée how you are pricked we all iudge how you wil frame your selues herafter that the Lord knoweth but none of 〈◊〉 Concerning these therfore that are héere whom I perceiue you all are moued at let nothing trouble you right honorable and welbeloued in the Lorde they are as God wyl haue them you bee as God hath thought good for you they shall when God will returne vnto him I must therfore say Lib. 4. dialogorum as Gregorius saieth of such as were hardened in his time Sionti sube●dem igne aurum rutilat palea fumat ita sub eodem igne electus purgatur pec●ator crematur 1 As vnder the same fire Golde glistereth chaffe smoketh so in the same furnace the electe is purged the offender is burned As the king Iosuah said so must I say who speakinge of the Princes that were destroyed sayde thus It came of the Lord to harden their harts that they should come against Israell in battell Iosh 11.20 to the intent that they shoulde destroye them vtterly And so is it héere either you are come amonge vs that you may sée your selues and repent or els you bée sent of the Lorde that you may harden your hartes and haue a more gréeuous downefall At this let no man wonder For the fiery piller was a light to the Isralites Exo. 13.21 Exo. 14.22 Exo. 19.3 Exo. 16.20 but it was death and destruction to the Egiptians All passed throw the red sea and were baptised in the Clowde and in the Sea by Moses yet all sawe not the Land of promise Mounte Sinai burned and was death to the Isralites but Moses passed throw by the fire and went vp to the Lorde and was not hurt Num. 11.33 The Manna was Angels finde and nourished many it scrawled full of wormes to other and the Quayles nourished and were good meate yet diuers of them died with the meate in their mouthes So likewise is it in the worde of the Lord to some it is saluation to others it is condempnation The Heauens are pleasant and alike to all yet rayned they downe Haylestones vppon the Amorites Iosh 10.11 Cense and Sacrifice were good for all that Nadab and Abihu were consumed with fire from Heauen as they did Sacrify●e Many were stonge with fierie Serpents and dyed but the god●ye and righteous men were healed when they looked on the same All that came to Iordan dyd not passe ouer Leu. 10.3 Num. 21.9 2 Reg. 2.8 2. Reg. 5.14 yet the Prophet Elias had no sooner touched it with his Mantell but hée went ouer on drie lande Many bathed in the riuer onely Naaman the Syrian was ●lonsed of his leprosie and by the worde of the Lorde the godly 〈…〉 the wicked are hardened the godly haue lyfe the reprobate are in death I doo remember the To●er of Sil●● defended many but the 18 were killed for it fell vpon them and the Angell came downe into the water of Beehesda at certaine times and stirred the water for all that diuers went away Crep●●s as they came 〈…〉 and were not holpen There were many Lopers in the dayes of Christ 〈◊〉 very fewe the ix Leapers were all only they you read of cleansed Great multitudes touched the h●m of Christes garments but the woman a Straunger was healed of hir fluxe of blooud Diuers sat in the seate of Moses all only Casphas gaue right sentence that one should die for the people In lyke maner many heare as you doe but God openeth and giueth vnderstandinge And so I conclude with Paule Rom. 9.18 of whom the Lorde our god wyll of hym hath hee mercie and whom hee wyll hee hardeneth And as for you the Lord if it be his wyll and pleasure open your eyes If not his wyll and purpose bee fulfylled FINIS ❧ Faultes escaped in Printing For the first part Page 7. line 9. reade he set page 7. line 22. reade to possesse and pa. 10 line 2. reade and howe page 11. lin 35. reade with power with right page 16. line 25. reade since Christes page 26. line 27. reade force page 29. line 9. reade There is page 36. line 16 reade must page 4● line 29. reade slaine by them page 43. line 31. reade Apollyon For the second part Page 7. line 15. reade Euen the same commaundement page 11. line 22. reade They all yéelded to that page 13. line 15. reade The Lorde wyll ryse vp in his furie page 13. Annota For hat reade that page 14. Annot. 1. reade hath opened this page 14. lin 17. reade There bée Bonlij page 14. line 27. reade of the fruite Orizam page 16. lin 1. reade condescend vnto the end page 17 line 15. reade for Midbhath Nidbhath page 17. line 21. reade that should lyghten page 18. line 3. kept as at the day page 18. line 8. goe a gleaning page 18. Annot. 2. reade They all almost page 18. Annot. 3. reade not Christ and his Apostles page 20. line 7. reade Is no other page 20. li. 18. For 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 reade 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 page 21. line 4. reade then in vse page 21. line 7. reade Enthutianus page 25. An. Vltima reade Valafridus an Abbat page 29. An. Vltima reade To haue any page 32.17 reade But looked vpon ..