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A03519 Certayne sermons, or homelies appoynted by the kynges Maiestie, to be declared and redde, by all persones, vicars, or curates, euery Sondaye in their churches, where they haue cure. Anno 1547.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. Book 1. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; Church of England. 1547 (1547) STC 13640; ESTC S110029 106,479 184

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al creatures We may learne also in these bokes to know Gods wil and pleasure asmuche as for this present tyme is conuenient for vs to knowe And as the greate clerke and godly preacher sainct Ihō Chrisostome saieth whatsoeur is required to saluacion of man is fully conteyned in the scripture of God He that is ignoraunte maye there learne and haue knoweledge he that is harde harted ▪ and an obstinate synner shall there finde eternall tormentes prepared of Gods iustice to make him afraied to mollifye him He that is oppressed with misery in this world shal there find relief in the promises of eternal life to his great consolacion cōfort He that is wounded by the deuil vnto death shall find there medecine wherby he may be restored agayn vnto health If it shal require to teach any truth or reproue false doctrine to rebuke any vice to cōmend any vertue to geue good counsail to comfort or to exhort or to do any other thyng requisite for our saluacion all those thinges saieth s. Chrisostome we maye learne plentifully of the scripture There is saith Fulgētius abundantly enough both for men to eate and children to sucke There is whatsoeuer is conuenient for all ages and for all degrees sortes of men These bokes therfore ought to be much in our hādes in our eyes in our eares in oure mouthes but moste of all in our hartes For the scripture of God is the heauēly meate of our soules the hearing and kepyng of it maketh vs blessed sanctifieth vs and maketh vs holy it cōuerteth our soules it is a light lanterne to oure fete it is a sure a constant a perpetuall instrument of saluacion it geueth wisedom to the humble lowly hartes it cōforteth maketh glad chereth and cherisheth our consciences it is a more excellent iewell or treasure then any golde or precious stone it is more sweter then hony or hony combe it is called the best parte whiche Marie did chose for it hath in it euerlastynge comforte The wordes of holy scripture be called wordes of euerlastyng life for they be Gods instrument ordeyned for thesame purpose They haue power to conuerte through Gods promise thei be effectual through Gods assistence and beyng receiued in a faithfull harte thei haue euer an heauenly spirituall-woorkyng in them thei are liuely quicke and mightie in operacion and sharper then any two edged sworde and entereth through euē vnto the diuidyng a sonder of the soule and the spirit of the ioyntes and the mary Christ calleth hym a wise buylder that buyldeth vpon his worde vpon his sure and substanciall foundacion By this woorde of God we shalbee iudged for the worde that I speake saieth Christ is it that shall iudge in the last daie He that kepeth the worde of Christ is promised the loue and fauor of God and that he shalbe the mansion place or tēple of the blessed Trinitie This woorde whosoeuer is diligent to reade and in his harte to printe that he readeth the great affecciō to the transitory thynges of this worlde shalbe minished in hym and the greate desire of heauenly thynges that bee therein promised of God shall increase in hym And there is nothyng that so muche establisheth our faithe and trust in God that so much conserueth innocencie and purenesse of the harte and also of outwarde Godly life and conuersacion as continual readyng and meditacion of Gods woorde For that thyng whiche by perpetuall vse of readyng of holy scripture and diligent searchyng of thesame is depely printed and grauen in the harte at length turneth almoste into nature And moreouer the effecte and vertue of Gods worde is to illuminate y e ignorant and to geue more light vnto theim that faithefully and diligently reade it to comfort their hartes and to incorage theim to performe that whiche of God is commaunded It teacheth pacience in all aduersitie in prosperitie humblenes what honour is due vnto God what mercie and charitie to our neighbor It geueth good counsaill in al doubtfull thynges It sheweth of whom we shall loke for aide and helpe in all perils and that God is the onely geuer of victory in all battailes and temptacions of our enemies bodily and Ghostely And in readyng of Gods woorde he moste proffiteth not alwaies that that is most ready in turnyng of the boke or in saiyng of it without the boke but he that is moste turned into it that is most inspired with the holy ghost moste in his harte and life altered and transformed into that thyng whiche he readeth he that is daily lesse and lesse proude lesse irefull lesse couetous and lesse desirous of worldely and vayne pleasures he that daily forsakyng his olde vicious life increaseth in vertue more and more And to be short there is nothyng that more mainteineth Godlines of the mynd and expelleth vngodlines then doth the continuall readyng or hearyng of Gods worde if it be ioyned with a Godly mynde and a good affeccion to knowe and folowe Gods wil. For without a single iye pure intent and good mynde nothyng is allowed for good before God And on the otherside nothyng more obscureth Chrste the glory of God nor induceth more blindnesse and all kyndes of vices then doth the ignoraunce of Gods word If we professe Christe why be we not ashamed to be ignoraunt in his doctryne Seyng that euery man is ashamed to be ignoraunt in that learning whiche he professeth That mā is ashamed to be called a Philosophier whiche readeth not the bookes of Philosophie and to be called a lawyer and Astronomier or a phisiciō that is ignoraunt in the bokes of law Astronomie and Phisicke Howe can any man then saie that he professeth Christ and his religion if he will not applye hymself as farfurthe as he can or maie conueniently to reade and hear so to knowe the bokes of Christes Gospell doctrine Although other sciences be good and to be learned yet no mā can deny but this is the chiefe and passeth all other incomparably What excuse shal we therfore make at the last daie before Christ that delight to reade or heare mennes phantasies and inuencions more then his moste holy Gospell and will fynd no tyme to doo that whiche chiefly aboue all thynges wee should do and wil rather reade other thynges then that for the whiche wee ought rather to leaue readyng of all other thynges Lette vs therefore apply our selfes as farfuth as we can haue tyme and leasure to knowe Gods worde by diligēt hearyng and readyng therof as many as professe God and haue faithe and trust in hym But thei that haue no good affeccion to Gods word to colour this their faulte alledge commonly twoo vaine and fained excuses Some go about to excuse them by their awne frailnesse and fearfulnes saiyng that thei dare not read holy scripture leaste through their ignoraunce thei should fall into any error Other pretende that
cōmuni they deluded the worlde perswadyng that notwitstandyng all their possessions riches yet they obserued their vowe were in wilful pouertie But for al their riches thei might neither healpe father nor mother nor other y t were in deede very nedye and poore without the licence of their father Abbot Prior or warden And yet they might take of euery mā but thei might not geue ought to any man no not to theim whom the lawes of God bound them to helpe And so through their tradicions and rules the lawes of God could beare no rule with theim And therefore of theim might be moste truely sayed that which Christ spake vnto the Pharises you breake the commaundementes of God by your tradicions you honor God with youre lippes but you hartes be farre frō him And the longer praiers thei vsed by day by night vnder pretense of suche holynes to get the fauor of Widowes other simple folkes y t they might syng Trentals and seruyce for theyr husbādes and frendes admitte them into their suffrages the more truely is verefyed of theim the saying of Christ wo be to you Scribes and Phariseis Hypocrites for you deuoure Widowes houses vnder coloure of long praiers therfore your dampnacion shalbe the greater Wo be to you Scribes Phariseis Hipocrites for you go about by sea and by land to make mo Nouices and newe brethren and when they be admitted of your secte you make them the chyldren of helle worse then your selfes be Honor be to God who did put light in the harte of his faithful true minister of moste famous memory Kynge Henry the .viij. and gaue hym the knowledge of hys worde and an earnest affection to seke his glory and to put awaye all suche Supersticious and Pharisaicall sectes by Antichrist inuēted and set vp agaynst the true worde of God and glory of hys moste blessed name as he gaue the lyke spirite vnto the moste noble and famous Prynces Iosaphat Iosias and Ezechyas God graunte all vs the Kynges hyghnesse faythfull true subiectes to fede of the swete and sauorie breade of Gods awne woorde and as Christ commaunded to eschewe all oure Pharisaicall and Papistical leuen of mans feyned religion Whiche although it were before God moste abhominable and contrary to Gods cōmaundementes and Christes pure religiō yet it was extolled to be a moste Godly lyfe highest state of perfection As though a man might be more Godly and more perfecte by kepyng the rules tradicions and professiōs of men then by kepynge the holy commaundementes of God And briefly to passe ouer the vngodly counterfet religions let vs reherse some other kyndes of Papisticall supersticions and abuses as of Beades of Lady Psalters Rosaries of .xv. Oos of sainct Bernardes Uerses of sainct Agathes letters of Purgatory of Masses satisfactory of Stacions and Iubilies of feyned Reliques of halowed Beades Belles Breade Water palmes Candelles Fyre and suche other of Supersticious fastynges of Fraternities of Pardons with suche lyke merchaundyse whiche were so estemed and abused to the great preiudice of Gods glory and commaūdemētes that they were made moste high and moste holy thynges whereby to atteyn to the eternall lyfe or remission of sinne Yea also vayne inuēcions vnfruictfull Ceremonies and vngodly Lawes Decrees and Counsayles of Rome were in suche wyse aduaūced that nothyng was thought comparable in aucthoritie wisedom learnynge and Godlynes vnto them So y t the lawes of Rome as thei sayed were to be receyued of all men as the foure Euāgelistes to the which all lawes of Princes must geue place And y e lawes of God also p●rily were omitted and lesse estemed that the sayde lawes decrees and Counsayles with theyr tradiciōs and Ceremonies myght be more duely obserued had in greater reuerence Thus was the people through ignoraūce so blynded with the goodly shewe and apparaunce of those thynges that they thought y e obseruyng of them to be a more holynesse a more perfecte seruice and honoryng of God and more pleasyng to God then the kepyng of Gods cōmaundementes Such hath been the corrupt inclinaciō of man euer supersticiously geuen to make new honorynge of God of hys awn hedde and then to haue more affection and deuocion to obserue that then to searche out Gods holy cōmaundementes and to kepe them And furthermore to take Gods cōmaundementes for mennes cōmaundemētes and mennes cōmaundementes for Gods cōmaundementes yea and for the highest and moste perfect and holy of all Gods commaundemētes And so was all confused that scant well learned men and but a small numbre of them knewe or at the least would knowe and durst affirme the truth to separate Gods commaundementes from the commaundemētes of men wherupon dyd growe muche error Supersticion Idolatry vayne religion preposterous iudgement greate contencion with all vngodly liuyng Wherfore as you haue any zeale to the right and pure honoryng of God as you haue any regard to your awn soules to the life that is to come which is both without payn and without end applie your selfes chiefly aboue all thyng to reade and to heare Gods worde marke diligētly therin what hys wyll is you shall do and with all youre endeuor applye your selfes to folowe thesame First you must haue an assured faythe in God geue youre selfes wholy vnto hym loue hym in prosperite aduersitie and dread to offende hym euermore Then for hys sake loue all men frendes and fooes because they be his creaciō and Image redemed by Christ as ye are Caste in your mindes how you maye do good vnto all men vnto your powers hurt no man Obey al your superiors and gouernors serue youre masters faithfully and diligently aswell in theyr absence as in theyr presence not for dread of punishment onely but for cōscience sake knowyng that you are bound so to do by Gods commaundementes Disobey not your fathers mothers but honor thē helpe thē please thē to your power Oppresse not kil not beat not neyther slaunder nor hate any mā But loue all men speake well of al men helpe succor euery mā as you maye yea euen your enemies that hate you that speake euil of you and that do hurt you Take no mās goodes nor couete your neyghbors goodes wrongfully but cōtent your selfes with y t which ye get truely also bestowe your awne goodes charitably as nede case requyreth Flee all Idolatrye Withcraft periury cōmit no maner of adultery fornicaciō nor other vnchastnesse in wil nor in dede with any other mannes wyfe wydowe mayde or other wyse And trauailynge continually durynge your lyfe thus in the obseruynge the commaundementes of God wherein consisteth the pure principal and direct honour of God and which wrought in faythe God hath ordeyned to be the righte trade and pathe waye vnto heauen you shall not fayle as Christe hath promised to come to that blessed and eternall lyfe where you shall liue in glory
threatenynges which should certifye them that as thei do ouer boldely presume of gods mercy and liue dissolutely so doeth God still more and more withdrawe his mercie from theim and he is so prouoked thereby to wrathe at lenght that he destroyeth suche presumers many tymes sodainly For of suche saincte Paule sayed thus when they shall saye it is peace there is no daunger then shall sodayn destruction come vpon theim Let vs beware therfore of suche naughtie boldenesse to synne for God whiche hath promised his mercie to them that bee truely repentaunte although it bee at the latter ende hath not promised to the presumpteous synner either that he shall haue long life or that he shal haue true repentaunce at the laste ende But for that purpose hath he made euery mannes deathe vncertayne that he should not put his hope in thend and in the meane season to Gods highe displeasure lyue vngodly Wherfore let vs folowe the counsaill of the Wisemā let vs make no tariyng to turne vnto the lord let vs not put of from daie to day for sodainly shal his wrath come and in tyme of vengeaunce he shal destroye the wycked Let vs therefore turne betymes and when we turne let vs praye to GOD as Ozee teacheth saiyng Forgeue vs all oure synnes receyue vs graciously And if we turne to him with an humble and a very penitent harte he wil receiue vs to his fauor and grace for his holy names sake for his promise sake for his truthe and mercies sake promysed to all faithefull beleuers in Iesus Christ his onely naturall sonne To whō the onely sauiour of the world with the father and the holy ghost bee all honor glory and power world without end Amen ¶ An exhortation agaynst the feare of Death IT is not to be marueyled that worldly men do feare to dye For death depriueth them of all worldly honors riches and possessions in the fruition whereof the worldely man compteth hymself happie so long as he maye enioye theim at hys awne pleasure and other wyse if he be dispossessed of thesame without hope of recouery then he can none other thinke of himself but that he is vnhappie because he hath loste hys worldely ioye and pleasure Alas thinketh this carnall man shall I now depart for euer frō all my honors all my treasures from my countrey frendes riches possessiōs and worldly pleasures whiche are my ioy and hartes delight Alas that euer that daie shal come whē all these I muste bid farewell at once and neuer to enioye any of thē after Wherfore it is not without greate cause spoken of the wiseman O death how bitter and sower is the remembraunce of thee to a man that liueth in peace and prosperitie in his substaunce to a man liuyng at ease leading his life after his awne mind without trouble is therwithal well pampered and fed There be other men whom this world doth not so greatly laugh vpon but rather vexe and oppresse with pouertye sickenesse or some other aduersitie Yet thei do fear death partly because the fleashe abhorreth naturally his awne sorowful dissolucion whiche death doth threaten vnto theim and partely by reason of sickenesses and paynfull diseases whiche be moste strong pangues and agonies in the fleshe and vse commōly to come to sicke men before death or at the leaste accompany death whensoeuer it commeth Although these twoo causes s●me great weightie to a worldly man wherupō he is moued to feare death yet there is another cause much greater then any of these afore rehersed for whiche in dede he hath iuste cause to feare death and that is the state and cōdicion wherunto at the last ende death bryngeth all them that haue their hartes fixed vpō this world without repentaunce and amendemēt This state condicion is called the second death whiche vnto all suche shall insue after this bodily deathe And this is that death whiche in deede ought to be dread feared for it is an euerlasting losse without remedy of the grace fauor of God and of euerlastyng ioy pleasure and felicitie And it is not onely the losse for euer of all these eternall pleasures but also it is the condempnacion both of body soule without either appellaciō or hope of redempcion vnto euerlastynge paynes in hell Unto this state death sent the vnmercyfull and vngodly richeman that Luke speaketh of in his Gospell who liuyng in all wealthe and pleasure in this worlde and cherishyng himself daily with daintie fare and gorgeous apparel despiced poore Lazarus that lay pitifully at his gate miserably plagued and full of sores and also greuously pined with hunger Bothe these twoo were arrested of deathe whiche sent Lazarus the poore miserable man by aungels anone vnto Abrahams bosome a place of rest pleasure and consolacion But the vnmerciful rich-man descended doune into hel and beyng in tormētes he cried for comforte complainyng of the intollerable payn that he suffered in that flamme of fire but it was to late So vnto this place bodily death sendeth all them that in this world haue their ioye and felicite all them that in this world be vnfaithfull vnto God and vncharitable vnto their neighbors so diyng without repentaūce hope of Gods mercie Wherfore it is no maruaile that the worldly man feareth death for he hath muche more cause so to do then he himself doeth considre Thus we se thre causes why worldly men feare death One because thei shal lose therby their worldely honors riches possessions and all their hartes desires Another because of the painfull diseases bitter pangues which commonly men suffre either before or at the tyme of death but the chiefe cause aboue al other is the dread of the miserable state of eternall dampnacion bothe of body and soule whiche they feare shal folow after their departyng out of the worldly pleasures of this present life For these causes be all mortall men whiche be geuē to the loue of this world both in feare state of death through syn as y e holy apostle saith so lōg as thei liue here in this world But euerlasting thākes be to almighty God for euer there is neuer one of al these causes no nor yet thei altogether that cā make a true Christian man afraied to dye whiche is the very membre of Christe the temple of the holy Ghoste the sonne of God ▪ and the very inheritor of the euerlastyng kyngdom of heauen but plainly contrary he conceiueth great and many causes vndoubtedly grounded vpon the infallyble and euerlastynge truth of the woorde of God whiche moue hym not onely to put away the feare of bodiely death but also for the manifolde benefites and singuler commodities whiche ensue vnto euery faithfull person by reason of thesame to wish desire longe hartely for it For death shall be to hym no death at all but a very deliueraunce from death frō all paynes cares and sorowes miseries
saluacion and gracious redempcion and beleue hys worde serue hym frō our hartes loue obeye hym and whatsoeuer we haue done heretofore contrarye to hys moste holy wyll now let vs repent in tyme and hereafter study to correct our lyfe doubt not but we shall finde hym as mercifull vnto vs as he was either to Lazarus or to y e thefe whose exāples are written in holy scripture for the comfort of thē that be sinners and subiecte to sorowes miseries calamities in this worlde that thei shoulde not despayre in Gods mercy but euer truste therby to haue forgiuenesse of their synnes lyfe euerlastinge as Lazarus and the thefe had Thus I trust euery christen man perceyueth by the infallible woorde of God that bodiely death cannot harme nor hinder theim that truly beleue in Christ but contrary shal profit promote the christen soules whiche beynge truly penitēt for their offences departe hēce in perfect charitie and in sure truste that God is mercifull to thē forgiuinge theyr synnes for the merites of Iesus Christe hys onely naturall sonne The seconde cause why some do feare death is sore sickenesse and greuous paynes whiche partly come before death and partely accompayneth deathe whensoeuer it cometh This feare is the feare of the frayle fleashe and a naturall passion belonginge vnto the nature of a mortall man But true fayth in Gods promyses and regarde of the paynes and pangues whiche Christe vpon the crosse suffered for vs miserable synners with consideracion of the ioye and euerlastyng lyfe to come in heauen wil mitigate those paynes and moderate thys feare y t it shall neuer be able to ouerthrowe the hartie desire and gladnesse that the christian soule hath to be seperated from thys corrupt body that it maye come to the gracious presence of our sauiour Iesus Christ. If we beleue stedfastly the woorde of god we shal perceyue that suche bodiely sickenesse pangues of death or whatsoeuer dolorous paynes we suffre either before or with death be nothynge els in Christē mē but the rodde of our heauenly and louynge father wherwith he mercifully correcteth vs either to trie and declare the faythe of hys pacient chyldren that they maye be founde laudable glorious and honorable in hys sight when Iesus Christ shalbe openly shewed to be the Iudge of al the worlde or els to chastise and amende in them whatsoeuer offendeth hys fatherly and gracious goodnesse lest they shoulde peryshe euerlastingly And this hys correctynge rodde is common to all them that be truly hys Therfore let vs caste away the burden of synne that lyeth so heuye in our neckes and returne vnto God by true penaunce and amendemente of our lyfes Let vs with paciēce runne thys course that is appoynted sufferyng for hys sake that dyed for our saluacion al sorowes and pangues of death and death it selfe ioyfully when God sendeth it to vs hauynge our eyes fixed euer vpon the heade and capitayn of our fayth Iesus Christe Who considerynge the ioye that he shoulde come vnto cared neyther for the shame nor payne of deathe but willingly conformyng hys wyll to hys fathers wyll moste paciently suffered the moste shamefull and paynefull deathe of the crosse beyng innocent And now therfore he is exalted in heauen and euerlastingly sitteth on the rigtht hande of the throne of God the father Let vs call to our remembraunce therfore the lyfe and ioyes of heauen that are kepte for al them that paciently doo suffre here with Christe and cōsider that Christe suffered all hys paynfull passion by synners and for synners and then we shall with pacience and the more easyly suffre suche sorowes and paynes when they come Let vs not set at light the chastisinge of the Lorde nor grudge at hym nor fall from hym when of hym we be corrected for the Lorde loueth them whom he doth correcte and beateth euery one whom he taketh to be hys chylde What chylde is that saieth saincte Paule whome the father loueth and doth not chastice If ye be without Gods correctiō which al hys welbeloued and true children haue then be you but bastardes finally regarded of God not hys true chyldren Therfore seynge that whē we haue in earth our carnall fathers to be our correctors we do feare them and reuerently take their correction shall we not much more be in subieccion to God our spirituall father by whome we shall haue eternal lyfe And our carnall fathers some tyme correct vs euen as pleaseth thē without cause but this father iustely correcteth vs either for our synne to the intēt we should amende or for our commoditie wealthe to make vs therby partakers of his holynesse Furthermore all correction whiche God sendeth vs in thys present tyme semeth to haue no ioye and comforte but sorowe and payne Yet it bringeth with it a taste of Gods mercye and goodnes towardes thē that be so corrected a sure hope of Godes euerlastyng consolacion in heauē If then these sorowes diseases and sickenesses and also death it selfe be nothyng els but our heauenly fathers rod wherby he certifieth vs of hys loue gracious fauor wherby he trieth and purifieth vs wherby he geueth vnto vs holynesse certifieth vs that we be hys children and he our mercifull father shall not we then with all humilitie as obedyent louyng chyldren ioyfully kysse our heauenly fathers rod and euer saye in oure harte with oure sauior Iesus Christe Father if this āguishe and sorowe wich I fele and death which I se approche maye not passe but that thy wyll is that I muste suffre them thy wyll be done Now the thirde and speciall cause why death in deede is too be feared is the miserable state of the worldly and vngodly people after their death But this is no cause at all why the godly and faytheful people should feare death but rather contrariwise their godly conuersacion in thys lyfe and beliefe in Christ cleauing continually to hys merites should make them to longe sore after that lyfe that remayneth for them vndoubtedly after this bodely death Of this immortall state after thys transitory lyfe where we shal liue euermore in the presence of god in ioye and reste after victory ouer all sickenes sorowes sinne and death there be many bothe playn places of holy scripture which confirme the weake conscience agaynst the feare of al suche dolours sickenesses synne and death corporal to asswage such trembling and vngodly feare and to encourage vs with comforte and hope of a blessed state after thys life Sainct Paule wissheth vnto the Ephesians y t God the father of glory woulde geue vnto theim y e spirite of wisedome and reuelacion that the eyes of their hartes might haue light to knowe him and to perceyue how great thinges he had called thē vnto and how riche inheritaunce he hath prepared after this life for thē that perteyne vnto hym And sainct Paul himself declareth the desire of his hart which was