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A03284 The confession of faith contending how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God, thereto led by faith: with the declaratio[n] of the article of iustification at length. ... Compiled by M. Henry Balnaues of Halhill, & one of the Lords of session, and Counsell of Scotland, being as prisoner within the old pallaice of Roane: in the yeare of our Lord. 1548. Direct to his faithfull brethren, being in like trouble or more ... Balnaves, Henry, Sir, d. 1579.; Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1584 (1584) STC 1340; ESTC S100771 112,936 310

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by man Therefore we let the specialities of them passe and referre the same to thy iudgement good reader Thankes be to god these abuses and groundes are not vnknowen we will passe forward to the knowledge of the workes commanded vs to doe and work by the scriptures of god as the fruites of faith THE XXIIII CHAP. 1 What workes Pastors should teache vnto their flocke 2 Wherefore the yoke of Christ is sweete and his burden light to Christians 3 Vocation mediate and immediate 4 Vocation in generall by the which all true Christians are equall made Kinges and Preists in Christ bloude IF any will aske or inquyre what workes should the faithfull doe I can finde no perfiter answear to make thereto then the Euangell teacheth vs. As S. Luke sayeth the 3. chapter Iohn the baptist preaching repentance in remission of sinnes the people inquired at him what they should doe to whom he answeared saying He that hath two coates giue to him that hath not one And he that hath meate let him doe in like maner This is no other thing but to exercise the deedes of mercy and charitie toward thy neighbour as the Prophet Esay sayeth breake thy breade to the hungry needie and the poore who ar cast out bring into thy house when thou seest the naked clothe him contemne or despise not thy owne flesh This is the forth-showing of thy faith which S. Iames desireth of thee in his epistle Thou art taught the same with the other works of charity to thy neighbour Ezech. the 15. The Publicanes and open sinners inquired in like maner what they should doe to whom he answeared saying yee shall doe no further then that which is commaunded you to doe as he would say decline and cease to doe euill and learne to doe good as yee ar teached by the Propete Esay the 1. Chapter And Dauid teacheth you the perfecton of religione saying Come to me my sonnes and heare mee and I shall teach you the feare of of the Lord. Who is he who liueth and loueth to see good dayes let him refraine his toung from euill and his lippes that they speake no fraude decline from euill doe good seeke peace and followe the same Therefore passe your waye and sinne no more for I will not send you to the lawe to get remeady of your sinnes But looke in the law and behold what is ordeined you to do The which will declare you to be sinners transgressours And then ye shall seeke Christ for remeady whose forerunner I am It is he in whome ye shall finde remeady Therefore I say vnto you beholde the lambe of god which taketh awaye the sinnes of the world And being inquired of the souldiers what they should doe He answered saying yee shall strike nor hurt no man nor yet do wrong or iniurie to any personne but bee content of your wages which is asmuch to say as oppresse none take no persons geare violently yee are publicke officers depute by princes magistrats for keeping of good rule and order amongst the people for rest and quietnes of the commō weale for the which cause ye haue your wages Your office is honest and the good worke of god Therefore looke on your own vocation and do that iustly which is commanded you and exceede not your bounds Here is a good order taught you which are ministers of the worde to learne the auditour in generall or speciall to doe good works That is to show them the works cōmanded by god the right fruits of repentance and faith to the which ye should send them and not to vaine workes inuented by man which is no other thing but to heape sinne vpon sinne And Christ being asked by the Iewes What shall we doe say they that we might work the workes of god answered saying This is the worke of God that yee beleeue in him whome hee hath sent Here hee sent them not to the law howbeit the law be the worke of god but to faith which is not the work of mā but the work of god which hee worketh in man Therefore Christ saith to vs Beleeue and yee shalbee safe And so let vs say with S. Peter Lord to whome shall we passe thou hast the words of life wee will seeke no other but beleeue in thee Yee shal consider that Christ after hee had refreshed the people with their corporall foode Then he taught them the perfection of a Christian man And fed them with the spirituall foode And they which receaue the same did follow him the rest left him which had no faith but tooke his doctrine carnally of externall and outwarde workes as did the young man to whome Christ made the answere as is before rehearsed Math. the 19. Chap. By the which scriptures we are taught to follow christ becaus there is no perfection but in the following of him Therefore as wee haue receaued our Lorde Iesus Christ let vs walke in him being rooted and builded in him and cōfirmed in the faith as we haue learned aboūding in the same with giuing thanks as the Apost saith Coloss. the 2. Chap. for hee is the fountaine of all goodnes and the head of our felicitie and let vs haue respect to no other thing nor laye no other foundation For as the Apost saith No man may lay another foundation nor that which is already layde the which is Iesus Christ. Let vs build vpon this foundatiō gold siluer and pretious stones which are the workes of God commanded in the holy scripture to bee wrought into faith euery one according to his vocatiō in the which we should walke worthely as wee are called with all humilitie and meeknesse and patience supporting one another in loue and charitie carefull to keepe the vnitie of the spirite in the band of peace as we are taught by the Apost Ephes. the 4. Chapter And Christ saith Take my yoke on you and learne of me that I am meeke and lowly in harte and yee shall finde rest vnto your soules For my yoke is easie and my burden light The which wordes Christ would neuer haue spoken if hee had laden vs with the law For that burdē is so weightie that neither we nor our fathers might beare it as S. Pet. saith in the Actes of the Apost the 15. Chapter But verily the yoke of Christe is easie and his burden is light to the faithfull chosen for they lay all vpon Christs back and follow him through faith confiding nothing in their owne workes nor merites but euer working all good according to their vocation giuing all glorie and honor vnto God not exceeding the boundes of their vocation which is the best rule that the faithfull can haue to doe good workes to the knowledge thereof we will make some short declaration and then make an ende Yee shall vnderstande that there is two kindes of godly vocatiōs The one is immediate by
care vpon his direction as thy head and transgresse not his commandement for that is the will of God I meane not of euill but of all goodnesse because I speake of the fruites of faith and workes of righteousnesse yee are all bound to doo the workes whiche God hath commanded you to do in his holy scripture of mercy loue and charitie by reason of your vocation in the christian religion And these other workes in your speciall vocation In doing of the which thinke that ye do the good work of god and please him if yee worke them in faith albeit Hypocrites commend not the same Beeing occupied on this maner daylie there shall bee no place to vice for your minde is occupied vpon other busines It is but Idlenes to you to passe in pilgrimage to this or that Sainte to sit the halfe of the daye in the Church babling vpon a pare of beades speaking to stocks or stones the thing which neither thou nor they knowe And neglecteth the good worke of God the which thou art bound to doe If thou wilt praye right learne the Lordes prayer in the toung thou vnderstandeth Thy Creede that is the articles of thy beleeue the ten Commandements of god And dayly at thy rysing and downlying at night haue some space to thy contemplatiō thereinto and teache thy housholde the same maner And occupie the rest as is before saide according to thy vocation not exceeding the bounds there of nor seeking no other workes but them which are commanded in the holy scriptures And are necessarie to be done as is written to Titus the 3. Chap. Let the faithfull which are of our nomber bee euer ready and learne to doe good workes to all necessary vses that they bee not vnfruitefull For the faithfull can neuer bee idle because vnfained faith worketh euer by Charitie But they which knowe not their owne vocation can neuer bee faithfull Therefore they can neuer worke good workes but all is euill whatsoeuer thing they do or worke without faith becaus all which is not of faith is sinne Therefore if thou wilt worke well be faithfull and looke euer to thy vocation And thou shalt finde thy conscience teaching thee both to do good and eschew euill at all times Ye should be pure and cleane in your conuersation for good example giuing to your Children and familie For as they see you doe so shall they learne And are euer rather inclined to do euill thē good by reason of this corrupted nature of mā Therefore teach them to loue and feare God to know his lawe being euer your selues an example to them And as it were a mirrour to looke into in all godly life and conuersation For if they behold you liuing together in great loue and charitie chastitie and temperance being mercifull to the poore supporting the indigent after the quantitie of your riches at loue charitie with your neighbour euer speaking good of all creaturs detracting none they shall followe the same doings by the which ye shalbe called the the faithfull fellowship of Iesus Christ true subiects of his realme Your vocatiō is good holy and it becommeth you to know the scriptures For in the primatiue church * the bishops were chosē cōmonly forth of your nōber A godly honest housholder who liued in chast matrimonie ruled and guided his houshold well brought vp his children in subiection reuerēce in all maner of godly teachings Hee hauing this outward witnessing is commanded by the Apost to be chosen to the office of a bishop When this order was kept in the church of Christ the worde of god flourished Therefore woe be to you which saye that laickes or secular men and housholders should not know the scripturs read them or teach their houshold the same yee impung the holy spirite and dishonour the olde Fathers of the Church which taught the contrarie as by example of Chrisostome before rehearsed it is euen alike to you to say temporall or secular men should not heare the worde of god read teach their families the same as to say they haue not a soule for the word of god is the foode of the soule if yee will abstract the foode without the which the soule must perish yee shall make man as a brutishe beaste And if yee will admit them to heare the word yee should admit them to read the same and talke therevpon for what auaileth the hearing if a man should not conceaue and keepe in memorie that thing which he heareth and liue thereafter For Christ sayeth Blessed are they which heare the word of god and keepe the same * The oft reading of the word and cōmunication thereof keepeth the same euer recent in memorie and digesteth in thy hart by continuall meditation some confort and consolation and abstracteth thee from vice and sinne leadeth and conuoyeth thee to all godlie liuing Therefore Dauid calleth that man blessed which deliteth in the lawe of God and hath his meditation therein day and night Wo wo be vnto you therefore which would abstract this blessing from any man or woman the which God pronounceth with his mouth These doings of yours beare witnesse of you that ye ar not the ministers of the word of God or true successors of the Apostles but false teachers fubuerters of the word and very Antichrists Wherfore I exhort you whiche are the faithfull whatsoeuer estate or vocation yee be called to that yee both gladly heare the word of God reade it teache your children family subiects the same confor me your life thereto euer working the deedes of charitie and mercy in all godlinesse according to your vocation and giue no credit to them which teacheth you the contrarie for they are false teachers and members of the Deuil which withdraw you from that thing which is your saluation THE XXVIII CHAP. 1 The duetie of the maister vnto the seruant and contrary 2 Of the subiect to the prince 3 Of the sonne to the father 4 The honour which the sonnes ought to the parents 5 The diuelish doctrine of pestilent papisticall preists in the contrarie thereof If thou be a subiect seruaunt sonne or daughter be obediēt to thy superiour first vnto thy prince as the supreame power and to euery one hauing power from him for they are the ministers of God whom thou shouldest obey not resist ordeined by god to the reuenge of euill doers and louing of the good doers which is the will of god as yee ar taught Romanes the 13. chapter And the first of Peter the 2. chapter Your duetie is to honour al men loue brotherly fellowship feare god honour the king be obedient to him not onely for feare and dreadour of his ire but also for hurting of your conscience because it is the will of God in all thinges not repungning to his command Giue to thy prince and superiour his duetie or what euer he chargeth thee with concerning temporall
riches inquire not the cause for that perteineth not to thy vocation Hee is thy head whom thou shouldst obey Trangresse not his Lawes Be not a reuenger of thy owne cause For that is asmuch as to vsurpe his office So thou walkest not aright in thy vocation Looke not to his faultes or vices but to thy owne disobey him not howbeit he bee euill and doe the wrong which becōmeth him not of his office grudge not thereat but pray for him and commit thy cause to god Be not a perturber of the common weale but liue with thy neighbour at rest and quietnesse euery one supporting others as members of one body forgiuing gladly and freely one an other If there be any complaint amongest you euen as the Lorde hath forgiuen you Be sweete meeke bening humble and patient one with another as it becommeth the saintes and welbeloued of god hauing compassion one of another Aboue all these haue loue and charitie which is the bond of perfection For charitie coupleth togegether many members in one body This are yee taught by the Apostle Coloss. the 3. chap. and in other places before rehearsed Here yee finde aboundance of works commanded you to doe by God neede to seeke no others There is none which can work these good workes but the faithfull From doing of the which the faithfull and iustified man can not cease but euer worketh as he findeth occasion according to his vocation hee looketh euer to his owne faults and sinns not to his neighbours But if he perceaue any fault or vice in his neighbour hee lamenteth the same and considered greater vices to be in him selfe And therefore hath compassion of his neighbour and neither blasphemeth bak biteth or dishonoreth him but counselleth and conforteth him as his owne body of brotherly loue and affection Yee children obey your parents with great humilitie loue feare and honour them for that is the command of God the first which hath promis as concerning thy neighbour that it may be well to the that thou liue long vpon earth This obediēce honour consisteth not in wordes onely nor in salutations but also in ministring all thinges necessarie vnto them Remembring as they ministred vnto you in your tender feeble and poore youthheade Euen so do yee to them in their feeble impotent poore age * Neglecting this good work vndone yee can doe no good worke that can please God There is no colour of godlines may excuse you frō this good worke Howbeit your wicked and vngodly pastors haue taught you to found a soule masse with your substance and suffer father and mother to begge their breade This is a deuilish doctrine to conuert the good worke of god into Idolatry The Scribes and Pharisies their forefathers taught the same as testifie the wordes of Christ. Yee seruauntes obey your carnall Lords and maisters with feare and trimbling with simplenesse of hart as it were vnto Christ not in eyes seruice as it wer to please men but as seruants of Christ doing the will of God not onely to them which are good and well instructed in maners but also to the wicked and euill What euer yee doe worke the same with your harte as it were to the lord and not to man knowing surely ye shall receaue from the lord the reward of the heritage Therefore serue the Lord Iesus Christ. Be not flatterers nor lyers backbiters nor detracters serue not your maisters onely in their presence but also in their absence without deceat or dissimulatiō Take thought of the thinges giuen you in charge and obey their will euen as to God who looketh vpon your inward mindes Pretend not to be equall with your Lord or maister because yee are both of one Christian religion but serue him the better haue loue and charitie with your equall fellowe seruantes as all members of one body exercising you in all good workes according to your vocation in the Christian religion Now yee see that we which professe the true faith of Iesus Christ and ascribeth the iustification of man before god onely to faith without all workes merits or deseruinges on our parte that we are not the destroyeres of good workes but the mainteiners defenders and foorthsetters of the same as the fruites of faith as I haue before at lenght showed Therefore I exhort you which blaspheme vs saying we would destroy all good workes because we affirme with the scriptures of god faith onely to iustifie before god to remord your conscience and reade the Scriptures with an humble hart and spirit which shall teach you the right way by the grace of the holy spirit who will lead you in all veritie And then I doubt not but yee shall aggrie with vs and contemne and despise the vaine superstitious workes not commaunded in the Scripture but inuented of mans vaine cōceate as we doe And altogether as it becommeth the faithfull members of Iesus Christ worke the workes of God which are commanded vs in his holy scriptures Euery one according to his vocation proceeding of loue furth of a cleane pure hart of a good conscience and of faith vnfained which worketh by charitie to the profite of thy neighbour and glorie of god To whom be all praise honour and glory for euer and euer Amen TO THE READER IF it please thee good reader of these plesant floures amongst the which thou hast walked at large again to take a taste or smelling Thou shalt read these short abbreuiations subsequent Exhorting thee that where any obscuritie appeareth that thou make recourse vnto the preceeding places where euery thing is manifestly expressed Thou shalt doe well if earnestlie thou shalt pray that Lord onely to whom the haruest perteineth that it would please him send true workemen thereto To the manifestation of his owne glorie before his congregation by Iesus Christ whose omnipotent spirite satiate the harts of them which thirst ryghteousnesse Amen THE SOMMARIE OF the first Chap. OVr whole study should be to adhear vnto god rūning to him in the time of tribulation as doeth the wild hart in the birning heate to the could riuer with sure hope of deliuerance by him allone Not inquiring his name That is the maner how hee shall deliuer vs. The sommarie of the second Chapter BY faith haue we knowledge of god whom we should seeke in his scriptures and receaue him as he is offered to vs thereinto that is a defēder protector refuge and father inquiring no further speculation of him For Philip desiring to see the Father Answeared Christ Who hath seene mee hath seene the Father Meaning that the loue goodnes and mercy which God the Father beareth vnto mankinde hee had expressed in doctrine and workes And also should show a most singular token of loue giuing his owne life for his Ennemies And therefore would all men come to him to whome the Father hath giuen all power The sommarie of the third Chapter TRibulations are profitable to the faithfull for
and much more abomination proceedeth frō that zeale which wee call good But how good that euer it appeare in our sight the adhearers thereto shall receaue the malediction of God The sommary of the 24. chapter NO better works can be then Iohn the baptist taught to the people which are the workes of mercy and to desist from fraude iniurie and oppression And these workes and not the vaine inuentions of man pastours should teach their flocks instructing thē first in perfite faith For Iesus christ being asked by the Iewes what they shuld do that they might worke the workes of god that is that they might please god answered This is the worke of God that yee beleeue in him whome he hath sent By the which words our maister vnderstandeth that without faith whiche is the worke of god and not of man no worke pleaseth god The yoke of Christ is easie and his burden is light to the faithfull because they lay all their sinns vpō Christs backe and follow him euery man in his owne vocatiō There is two maner of vocatiōs one immediate by god as the prophetes and Apostles were called to be preachers without authoritie of mā Another is mediate as when one mā called another As Paull called Timoth. Tit. to be bishops There is a generall vocatiō by which all the chosen are called to a Christian religion Hauing one lorde one faith one baptisme In this vocation there is no difference of persons but all are equally loued by god becaus we ar all the sonns of one father al boght with one price all seruaunts to one lord all guided with one spirite all tending to one end and shall all be participant of one heritage that is the life eternall by Iesus Christ by whom we are all made priests and kings but let no mā herefore vsurpe the authoritie of a king in dignitie nor the office of a priest in administratiō of gods word sacraments for that perteinteh to a speciall vocation The sommary of the 25. Chap. All estate of man is conteined within one of these four special vocations either is he prince or subiect pastor or one of the flocke father or sonne lord or seruaunt In the prince is conteined all magistrats hauing Iurisdiction in a cōmounweall Whose duety is first to know god and his lawe which hath placed them in that authoritie Secondly to guide feed and defend their subiects knowing them selues to be no better of their nature then is the poorest in their realme Thirdly to defend the iust and punish the wicked but respect of persons Hauing their harts and eyes cleane and pure from all auarice They are called the sonnes of God and should be obeyed in all things not repungning to the cōmand of god because they ar ordeined placed by god to punish vice mainteine vertue and therefore their owne life should be pure and cleane first because otherwise they can not punish sinne and secondly because the wickednesse of princes prouoketh their subiects to the Imitation thereof And therefore the life of princes shuld be pure cleane as a mirrour to their subiects and should admitte into their kingdomes no worshipping of god except that which is commanded in the scripturs for god being commoned by Idolatry and strange worshipping hath destroyed many kingdomes as all prophecyings witnesse The sommarie of the twenty sixt Chapter THE principall office of a Bishop is to preache the true Euangell of Iesus Christ knowing that if the flocke perishe the bloud shalbe required at his hands And that hee neglecting the preaching of the Euangell is no bishop nor can doe no worke pleasant before god And therefore no bishop should mixt him selfe with temporall or seculer busines for that is contrarie his vocatiō but continually should preache reade exhort his flocke to seeke their spirituall foode in the Scriptures And so the tyrantes in these dayes forbidding men to reade the Scriptures declare them selues wolues and no pastors whom god shall shortly punish because they haue contemned his command attending altogether vpon their own vaine supertitions as he did Hely and his two sonnes vnder law and the whole priesthood after Iesus Christ. The sommary of the twentie ewint chap. THE office of the Father vnder whom is comprehended all housholders is to rule and guide his children family and seruaunts in all godlinesse and honestie instructing them in the Law and word of God For honest housholders who liued in chaste matrimonie ruled guided their housholdes well nurished their children in the feare and reuerence of God were chosen to be Bishoppes in the Primitiue church And therefore they are blasphemous to the holy spirit which inhibit the Laickes so style they the chosen of God learning reading teaching of the holy Scriptures wherin is conteined the foode of the soule wherof Antichristes willing to depriue them would also kill the soule For the soule without gods worde hath nor may haue no life The office of the husband is to loue and defend his wife giuing to her onely his body The office of the wife is likewise to loue and obey her husband vsurping no dominion ouer him And the office of them both is to instruct their children in gods Law euer giuing to them example of good life and holdding them at godly occupations labouring also them selues faithfully for sustentation of their families The sommarie of the 28 Chap. THE office and duetie of the Lord is to pay vnto his seruaunts the rewarde promised And the office of the seruaunt is faithfully to worke and labour to the profite and vtilitie of his lord but fraude or simulation as hee would serue Iesus Christ. The office of the subiect is to obey his prince and rulers placed by him giuing vnto them honour custome and tribute not requiring the cause why they receaue the same for that perteineth not to the vocation of a subiect The office of the sonne is to loue feare and honour his parents Which honour standeth not in words only but in ministring of all thinges necessary vnto them which if the sonne doe not to the father and mother hee can doe no good worke before god And therefore deuilish doctors are they which teach men to found soule masses of their substance suffering father and mother to labour in indigence and pouertie FINIS The workes before written are they in the which euery christian should be exercised to the glory of god and vtilitie of his neighbour M. Henry Balnaues Richard Bannantine Richard Bannātine Iohn knox Gen. 37. Gen. 41. Psal. 104. Gene. 15. Iosue 11. 3. Reg. 12. 3. Reg. 13. 16. Esa. 1 Ier. 3. 4. Reg. 17. vltimo Act. 7. Apo. 7. Scotland Psal. 2. Io. 3. Esa. 59. psal 41. 42. Psal. 76. Psal. 21. 104. * That is the maner how he will deliuer * That is he which of him self hath power and being by whome all had their beginning life and mouing Psal. 32. Io. 1. Ro. 4.