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A01754 A commentarye vpon the prophet Mycha. Wrytten by Antony Gilby. Anno Domi. M.D.Li Gilby, Anthony, ca. 1510-1585. 1551 (1551) STC 11886; ESTC S114969 84,838 234

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haue but lyghtelye touched we maye perceiue that no teste can be founde for mannes soule in our own inuencions But the farther manne wadeth in hys fonde intentes and fantastical imaginacion the farther he slydeth from God vnsure that he hathe done any thing acceptable in the sight of God Therfore must we which are seruaunts and creatures learning our own weaknes by the fal of others turne to our master lord and creator to know what his word cōmaundeth in the agony of cōsciēce cōsidering that the turnīg frō the creator to creatures hath bene the groūd of al Idolatry euery mā chusing to hīself the Idol of his own hart Some the son some the Moone some the .vii. starres some Saturn some Iupiter some Mars some Venus some Marcurye And dotinge farther some haue worshypped Calfes some Cockes some Serpents some Dogges some Asses some Gotes And in oure Popyshe wickednesse wee oure selues haue worshypped stockes stones and geuen diuine honours almost to all manner of creatures a vyle wafer cake did we honour as our God in dede and when that was lifte vppe betwyxte the Priestes fingers we saide we dyd se oure maker and knocked and kneeled crowched and kyssed withoute all measure And the Priest when he did eate it thoughte he did receiue hys maker and made so manye fonde gestures ioyened with infinite supersticions that thereby we may marcke if we haue nothinge elsse too leade vs that the fayened and false worshyppe of God hathe no ende not staye can neuer tell where too consyste doothe alwaye disquiet and neuer satysfye nor quiet the conscience Therefore for the loue of our own souls of the quiettinge of oure owne conscyence let vs vnfainedlye repente of al oure falsed goddes and fayned worshyppe of God and knowledg that ther is but one God whyche broughte the children of Israel forthe of Egipte from the house of bondage and hath deliuered vs the spirituall Israell frome the Egypte of synne end erroures from the bondage of the deuyll Deathe and hel and broughte vs into the lybertye of hys chyldren by the deathe of his owne sonne And by his holye spyryte poured into our heartes doth teache vs to crye father father Let vs knowledge I saye that thys Lorde our God is but one God whome we muste loue with all oure hearte with all our soule with all oure strength him must we feare and hym onlye must we worshippe and in hys name onlye maye we sweare By the whiche woordes wee maye learne that ther● is but one God only who onlye oughte to be worshypped feared loued trusted and hooped vpon which the wordes of swearing in his name importeth Thys oure God then whose worshyppe wee doo teache is that almyghtye power whyche made heauen and earthe by hys woorde and by the same throughe hys spyryte doothe gouerne al creatures therin Sauing Israel and drowning Pharao Sauyng hys chosen of free mercy and grace and condempnynge the wycked hypocrytes by iuste iudgement Thys our God is a spyrite as Christ our aldermaster teacheth vs they whych worshyp hym must worship in spirite and truthe Ihon .iiii. And seeyng he is a spirit pure from bodyly corrupcion and therfore hauyng no neede of our bodely seruice Hys true worshyp can not consist in bodely exercise whych lasteth but the tyme it is in doinge but in the inward holines of the hart which euermore encreaseth spryngeth forth into life euerlasting Such a worshyppe therfore our Prophet teacheth whyche ariseth and springeth forth of the secret reuerence and feare of God hys sacrate magesty whych is not seruyse but child lyke wherby we are not onlye affrayed to dysplease God oure father but also prompt and redy lyke obediente chyldren to expresse in our lyuyng Iudgement and merci the two special propertyes greatest shew of hys image which appeareth vnto hys creatures Prouer. i. Therfore is thys feare called the begynnyng of wysedome and the spyryte of feare Esaa .ix. begynneth the worke whyche the other sprytes of wysdome vnderstandyng the spyryte of counsell and strengthe the spirite of knowledge and true holinesse and accomplisheth fulfilleth So that thys spirite of feare dothe go before in al the hartes of them whiche God dothe chuse to worship him in spirite and truth makinge theym afraied to do homage and worship to any thinge saue their Lorde God onlye eyther anye otherwise then hee requireth and commandeth Afraied euermore to do any thing wherin they do not know hys open pleasure Thys feare was in Cornelius befor he had the perfit knowledge of God and in the menne of Israell vnto whome Peter did saye O brethren and children of Abraham and thei amonges you which feareth God vnto you is the woord of saluacion sent in the Psas ciii Euē as the father hath mercye of his children so hath the Lord mercye of them that feare him and the merci of the Lorde is for euermore vpon them whyche feare him The cause is that they whiche do fear the Lorde are alwaies ready with heart and minde to do thinges pleasaunt vnto him and to abstaine from the contrary His displeasure do they feare like louynge chyldrene If theyr heauenly father be pleased they do reioice if he be offended they doo crye for mercye so that of hym they do teast in prosperiti of him they do hange in aduersitie accordinge to hys owne commaundemente by hys chosen vessell Dauid Call vppon me in the daye of thy trouble and I shal deliuer the and thou shalte worshippe me So that this inuocacion after some interpretoures is the true worship of God And surelye seinge Paule Romaines .x affirmeth that who soeuer calleth vpon the name of the Lorde shall be saued No manne canne denye but an eareneste callynge vppon God comprehendeth the true worshippe which God requyreth and contayneth in it perfyte religion because it hath fayth the ground of all vertues for howe canne they call vppon God whyche dooe not beleue in hym Romaynes .x. And they whyche dooe call vppon other creatures hathe affiance truste and faythe in those thinges elsse woulde they neuer call vppon theym Thys faythe spryngynge of the fyrste parte whiche was the feare and reuerence of God his hygh Maiesty supplyeth the seconde poynte of the worshippe of God whych requyreth a knowledge of God For how can we beleue in hym whō we haue not knowē Rom. x. Hereby doo wee gyue glorye and worshyppe vnto God that is too say we knoweledge hym too be true in all hys promyses And because without faythe it is impossible to please God this faith maketh vs suer that wee doo worshippe hym as wee shoulde and certifieth vs that wee bee the chyldrene of God and that oure woorckes are acceptable in hys syghte Hereby did Abell in hys sacryfyce more truly worshyppe God then dyd hys brother Caine. Abraham also and hys wyfe Sarai by faythe were the true worshyppers of God and receyued the promyse Elizabeth also gaue more glorye and worshippe vnto God
cōplaineth religion to be neglected charity to be clene quēched al good maners orders peruerted and corrupted couetousnes so depelye grounded and ryot so rooted in theyr hartes whyche haue authorytye ouer vs that these poysons are spred lyke smyttinge lepryes from the heade to the hole bodye euen to the soules of the feete and lowest mēbers Repente we saye O you prynces iudges of the earth remember these examples of olde consyder that al is laid vpon your backes for you must answer for the sinnes of the people euen you I saye whiche shuld be as it wer earthlye goddes vnto the people to minister all goodnes Become not deuils the authors of euil and wickednes haue ofte in minde the godli sayings of the boke of wisdome that power is geuen vnto you of the Lord authoriti frō the hiest which shal examine your woorkes shal serch your very thoughts because that you being the ministers of his kīgdome haue not vsed righte iudgement nor kept the law of righteousnes nether haue you walked after the wil of God Horribly therfore and spedelye shal he appeare vnto you for a moste straite iudgment shal be to them in authoritie Vnto the smal mercye shal be shewed but the mighty shal be mightely tormēted c as in Sapi. vi Repente we crie again O ye lords of the earthe of your former negligens in religion Lay downe your couetouse ambicion sease from ryot and your lasciuious wantonnes Awaye with your stinkinge fornycacyon Let go your oppression and extorsion Sease to do euil Learne to doo good Least you do perish with these .ii. cities afore named Samaria Ierusalē The pore people your subiects muste nedes folow your exāple if you do vnfainedly repēt as did the kīgs princes of Niniue Lyke as they can not eskape vnpunished if you do sinke in sin with the princes of Sodō But oh wher be the exāpls proclamaciōs of the kings prynces of Niniue which admonished of theyr syns by Ionah only proclaimed a fast for yong olde mā beast cōmanding most straitly that they shuld crye vnto the Lord with al theyr might euery man torne frō his euil way frō the wickednesse wherein he was practised That God might repent of his word turne awa his wrath But you contrariwise not repenting but forgetting how you haue offēded God with your old idolatry do abuse his light now sent amōgs you to the satitfying of your lusts to condēnaciō of your owne soules cause god his holy word the preachers therof to serue your couetusnes You do make proclamaciōs daily I do graūt against the couetous dealings of your inferior members subiects but be sure the body can not be deliuered of this disease except the head be first pourged Wherfore be warned in tyme by the prophets and preachers for if we stil both head fote continue in euil we must loke to gether to perish with the wicked world before vs. The Text I wyll laye Samaria in forowes to plant vines I wil cast down her stones into the valei raise her foundacyons Lo vtter destrucciō is threatned to this cytye for the wickednes of the inhabitantes And it was performed which the prophet speketh by Salmanasar San herib Phul Theglathphelaser as appeareth in the .iiii. boke of the kinges the xvii .xviii. chap. And shal our polluted Samaritās of Londō escape vnpunished the Iewes could not medle with the Samaritās wtout polluciō neither cā the faithful come to London but they are contaminate Their eies with filthye sightes are ful of adultery their eares with wicked tales blasphemies ar obturate made deaffe theyr mindes with infinite errours occupied with the diuersity of diuilish delucions demēted that neither Samaria neither Sodō it self hath deserued before god mā any sorar or more extreme punishment God is ther none amōgs thē nether yet erthly king as appeareth by their lawes cōtēpned no loue amongs mē no shame fastnes amonges women no fayth no fear no trust no cōfidēce no master cōtent wyth one offyce and callynge no seruaunt for loue doth shew obediēce In shadow and outward shewe haue banished Idolatry and changed theyr religion yet do they serue the deuil styll as much as euer they dyd in al kynde of abhominaciō Therfore shal thys Englysh Samaria be wasted and destroyed because from this sea all sinful poodles of England doth flow spread abrode And al the grauen ymages of Samaria shall bee broken in peeces The Text the gyftes and offerings shall be brent wyth fyre and all her temples shal I make desolate for she hath gathered all of the hyre of an harlot and to the hyre of the harlot they shall bee returned The grauen Images the goldē calues what so euer the Assyryans foūdin Samaria they spoiled and waisted it they destroied theyr townes tēples as is towched .iiii. Kynges .xvii. They dyd take away their golden calues Hosea .viii. wherby the lying Lord would vtter the weakenes of those fayned gods whych could not helpe them selues and the foolyshnes of all men whyche wyll worshyp such broken cesterns that can hold no water Yea theyr foolyshnes shameles abhominacion is muche more vttered in that the Prophet sayth that Samaria had gathered all thys of the hyre of the harlot charging thē as doth Ezechiel .xvi. Chap. that where vnto all common whores ther is geuē rewards Israel lokinge for no rewarde of her Idols with whom she hathe ren of whoringe hath contrariwise made thē riche with her giftes and rewardes But as goodes euill gotten muste nedes be euil spente according to the common Prouerbe so now commeth it to passe that these ryche Iewels golde and siluer offered Idols in Samaria are caried into Babilon to be dedicate to their Idoles againe or elsse are readye to be conuerted vpon suche harlottes as communelye foloweth suche garrisons of orderles sowgioures and by the cursse of god and mooste heauy temptacion as we do se in our time that whiche was gotten by spiritual fornicacion is spent in beastly and bodely whoredome Wherefore I shal mourne and yel The Text I shal go spoiled naked I must murne lyke the dragōs wayle lyke the Estriches The Prophet brasteth forth wyth teares wyth sighing sobbing yelling and criyng to lament the state of these myserable tymes which he dyd see and behold to hang ouer the heades of his people So doth Christ our Sauiour seynge Ierusalem wept ouer it So doth Esaiah So doth Ieremiah and al true prophets and preachers lamēt and bewaile the miseries whych nedes must followe the synneful stubbernes of the wycked Thus alwayes the wycked worlde greueth the holy spirit of God in these holye men but neuer wyl they mourne for theyr own sins vnles it be so as our prophet may be ryght wel vnderstand that afflyccion daunger and distres do giue them vnderstandyng as in theyr feareful famine when the delycate
Iacob after he haue made theyr ennemyes theyr footestoole whyche all the Prophetes doo make as the chyefe marke and ende of theyr Prophecyes for the comforte of the chosen Israel as is at large before wrytten and wonderfullye set forth in Ezechiel xxxvii xxxviii and .xxxix. Chapter And it shall bee in that The Text same day sayth the Lord and I wyl destroy thy horse forth of the mydd●st of thee and breake thy charyots I wyl destroye thy cytyes and ouercome al thy municions I wyll destroye thyne enchauntmentes and thou shalte haue no sothlaiers I wil destroi thyne Idols and thyne ymages forth of the myddes of thee and thou shalt not worship any more the worke of thyne owne hands And I wyl pluck vp thy groues forth of the middes of the and I wyl destroy thy cityes And I wyll bee auenged in my wrathe and fury vpon the people which hath not heard me Although thys prophecy be by many expounded of the Iewes yet had I rather to take it as spoken of the Hethē and so it very wel agreeth wyth all the other prophetes whych strayghte after the deliueraunce of Israel frō amongs the heythen dothe alwayes threaten a terryble destruccion to theyr enemyes Of whom so euer it is spoken we muste marke for what cause it is spoken to teach vs that syn is the cause of destruccion to al kyngdomes The trust in charyotes in horses in walled cytyes and strong holdes In enchauntmentes and Idols are the cause of God hys wrath indygnacion and heauy dyspleasure Especially Idolatry enchantment and couniuryng whych are the spiritual fornicacion these are the crymes that God heare and euery wher dothe threaten to auenge in hys wrath and fury Deut. iiii vii And thorow the whole booke Iosue xxiii xxv Dyd he not wōderfuly destroi xxiii thousand of the Israelytes vppon one day by theyr owne pristes Leuits for Idolatry Exod. xxxii Did not God geue them into theyr enemyes handes for folowing the wayes of the Hethen Iudges Dothe he not threaten alwaies to take thē of the face of the earth and destroy thē for it Exodus Leuiticus Numeri Deuteronomi and in al the Prophets Doth not God appeare vnto Solomon afterward declare the same vnto him .iii. Re. ix saying that if Israell shulde worship straunge gods he wold take him away and make him a by word amongs the heathē And when it shulde be demaunded why God had destroied this people whome he had chosen this shulde be answered because they haue worshipped straunge goddes therefore hathe the Lorde broughte vpon vs al this euil .iii. kinges .ix. This we knowe now liuinge especially in this realme and se and ar taught to be mooste true by the mouthe of God in our time as was Solomō But a great parte of vs haue Idolatrye hidde in our hearts as hadde Solomon and none of vs do earnestlye repent of the Idolatry by vs committed no more then did Solomō therfore shal we suffer shame with Solomon and oure posteritie shal be despised as it shal be taughte more at large Nowe for the stronge doctrine and spirituall fornicacion of enchauntemente and coniuracyon of sothesaying or diuinacion on lesse it be spedelye stopped by the wyl of God workinge the care of such thinges in the harte of our kinge counsalers it shal shortlye braste forthe so farre amonges vs as it dyd amonges the Iewes a lyttle before theyr laste destruccyon whereof Iosephus wryteth Ant. xx cap. iiii xi.xii that they dyd forsake the true Prophetes of God and sought after Sorcerers and soothe sayers So saythe Esay that the Lorde hadde forsaken his people the house of Iacob because they were more full of enchauntementes then was the Arabians and as full of sothsaiers as the Philistines and wyth straunge doctryne they hadde satisfied their selues Esaye .ii. So canne I come into no corner of thys realme where I finde not or heare not of some of theese In Oxforde and in Cambridge wher God hys holy word shoulde banyshe thys blyndenesse there be masters for the nonest which after they haue studyed Astronomye whyche after they haue studied Astronomye and come to the iudicials of Astrology and found some experiments true and some false when the placynge of the Planettes in theyr appoynted houses and theyr aspectes and respectes wyl not serue their fonde purposes Then loo muste they enter in too Necromancye and call some deade spirit forth of hys graue wyth the bind of a swalow or a cat 〈◊〉 please the deuill to accepte that lewde sacrifice and hear haue they infinite supersticiōs of times of wordes of places of the putrefactyon of that bloude and other lyke madnes whiche I am a shamed too rehearse and sorye too remember consyderynge that manne was made by God to beare hys image and therefore too looke and to do seruice to no suche vyle creatures especyallye to hys auncyente ennemye the Deuill for whose acquaintaunce all these Coniurers hath suche care and maketh suche preparacye wyth watching wyth fastinge with crossynge wyth M cccccc supersticions obseruacyons for the destruccion of theyr owne soules as no man wyl for theyr owne saluacyon They saye they vse good woordes the greate name of God Iehouah Adonai Otheos Sotor Manuel Sabaoth and I wot not what So did oure Coniurers in the kyngdome of the Romyshe Ante christe vse some good woordes and the lyke names aboute the coniurynges of Belles of salt of water of oile of wine of breade of Palmes and such lyke but they dyd mixt therwyth many blasphemyes yea and the good wordes whatsoeuer they dyd speake were neuer applied to that purpose whyche God appointed but too theese their owne imagined phantasyes of coniurynge God his creatures whyche alwaye hath bene accounted abhomination before God Deuter. xviii For looke howe farre the heauens are from the earthe and so farre are my waies frō your waies and mi thoughtes from your rhoughtes saythe the Lorde Esaye .lv. yea too the sinner saythe the Lorde why doste thou take my name in thy mouthe Psalm .l. That theese open euyl doers and manyfest transgressours agaynste God hys holye commaundemente oughte rather too tremble at the magnyfycente magestye of God his holye name then thus lewdlye too alledge it in they re charmes These Cambredge coniurers haue scolers in the countryes abroade whych seketh howe to haue familier spirites whiche they doo tearme too haue a Bee in a boxe to teache them to play at the Dice Cardes and other leud pastimes And some muste haue Marcurius well placed to helpe at a pynsh when they canne fynde no monye vnder crosses to brynge it by some other vnshamefull shyftes Some muste haue Venus in her fauorable aspecte coniured into an aple to wyll the sauoure of wemen Some must haue Saturne for wysdome Iupiter for honoures Mars for battel whiche ar the verye Deuelyshe delusyons wherewyth the Deuyll blyneded the Babylonyans Egiptians and Cananees And in oure Popyshe tyme broughte in
lyke dyshonoure of God in oure George of Engeland oure Ladye of Walsingham oure Daruelgadder of Wales whereby wee muste vnderstande that there is one olde ennemye of oures the oulde Serpente whych hathe enuyed the honoure of one God and laboured too drawe vs therefrome euen frome the begynninge whiche wyth holye woordes and gloryous names and far fetched tearmes semeth too vtter hys wysdome lyke an aungell of light as Paule warneth But marke the ende of theym whyche suffer theym selues by hym too bee deluded desiring the deuyll too geue thē of hys Counsel Oure fyrste Parentes were by this craftye Serpentes subtyll Counsel dryuen forthe of Paradyse adiudged to death with al their posteritie Genes iii. King Saul counsayling with the sothesayer the wise womanne whome onlye he hadde lefte in hys lande was slayne wyth hys iii. sonnes the daye folowinge So muche doothe it aduayle too aske counsell of the deade for the liuinge or of the wicked spirites whyche do transforme them selues into the lykenesse of the deade as was heare in thys place of Samuel For as the deuyl hath no power of the good soules so canne hee not styrre theym too geue aunswere but as we haue sayde he canne transforme him selfe into anye lykenesse that he maye myghtelye woorcke in theese chyldrene of mischeife But marcke the ende I saye of al nacyons whiche doo leaue the Lorde and hys holye woorde for suche delucyons In hope to get some thynge thereby to satisfye theyr dyuelyshe myndes Some for the loue of women do trye it and other some for the grydy desyre of goods do practise it wyth manye other thynges whyche were to longe to tell nowe Was not this one of the greatest crimes wherfore Egipte was scourged and plaged Esaiah .xix. Wherefore was the Empyre of the Chaldees destroyed and proud Babilon brought down Esay aunswereth Al the euils did come vpon the O Babilon for the multitude of thyne owne charmes and the stobbourne of malyce of thy couniurers for thou haste comforted thy self in thy disceatfulnes and haste sayde no man seeth me Thyne owne connynge and thy wysdō haue disceiued the. Therfore shal trouble tal vpon the and thou shalte not knowe from whence it shal aryse Doo you beleife that God telleth truthe O you coniurars What is there but you can knowe it if it please youre great master the deuil But the Prophet sayth againe to your cōtrary Mischeife shall fall vppon the whyche thou shalte not be able to put of A sodayne myserye shal come vpon that or euer thou be aware Wherefore now go to the coniurers and to the multitude of thy wytches whom thou hast bene acquainted with al from thy youth if they mai help the or strengthen the Thou haste bene wearied with the multitude of thine owne counsels Nowe let thy heauen gasers thy starre starers thy Moone markers stande vp and saue the frome the thynges whyche shall come vpon the. Beholde they are stuble the fire hath brente them they cannot delyuer theyr own souls from the power of the flame and so foorthe too the ende Are not the Philistines and Canaces alwaye charged for these crimes to haue hadde their worthy desolacyon As for Israel Esay saith plainly that God old forsake it for thys Esay .ii. dyd lay the line of Samaria vppon Ierusalem therefore and the burthene of the house of Achab and dyd raise it as it were a wrytyng table .ii. Re xxi ii Chronicles .xxxiii. Yea when the Lorde wyll vtter his anger agaynste them he calleth them charmers chyldrene Come hither saythe he by hys Prophete you charmers childrē you aduouterous seede Esaye lvii Abroade in all places of Englande wheras I haue taryed haue I heard of wyse menne and wyse wemenne whyche can tell of thynges that are lost and canne saye manye sayinges for childrene and cattel whyche are forspoken and haue blessinges to saye ouer certaine herbes as ouer vernine and dil if they be gathered betwixte the mary dayes And about wemen wyth childe they can saye oure Ladye with the whyte smocke thy syde smock and such mad charmes .v. C. are vsed in the countryes whyche the spyrituall eies mighte espy if they had not theyr Greke name for nought And our Preachers shulde plucke away oure polytycall magistrates should punysh for the Lord sayth that these are the thynges and not the handlynge of the chalyce wherewyth the people are polluted Leuiti xix You shall not declyne to the charmers and of the wytches aske nothyng lest you be polluted by them Againe Leui. xx The soule which loketh after any sothsayer or charmer to commyt fornicacion wyth them I wyll set my face agaynst that soule and I wyll destroye hym from the myddes of hys people sayth the Lorde Agayne Deut. xviii the Lord commaundeth whē thou entrest the lande whyche the Lorde thy God geueth the beware thou doo not folow the abhominacions of that people Let none be founde amonges the whych caryeth hys chylde throughe the fyre or that asketh of the charmers eyther that obserueth dreames or dayes and times or of them whyche do marke the flying and crying of byrdes or of any enchaunters or of any deuyl couniurar or any soythsayer or any that haue familiar spirites or anye wyse menne or wise womenne eyther any that asketh councel at the deade for who so doothe theese he is abhomynable before God and for these abhominacions the Lorde thy God dothe roote them forthe before thy face Loo with how sore wordes and threatenynges the Lorde God detesteth forbiddeth all the kindes of these deuelishe inuencions whereby men doo runne a whorynge from God too abuse hys creatures in spirituall fornicacion These thinges haue I written occasyoned by oure Prophete of thys spyrituall fornicatyon Idolatrye and all kynde of diuynacyon whyche wee call so the saying prophecyinge charminge enchauntement wytchcrafte Magyke Astrologye Necromancye Chiromancy Geomanci or what other name so euer the deuyl shal inuēt to driue vs frō god to vayne creatures for the Deuyll hathe euer thys one woorcke in hande but hee deceyueth the symple with the shyfte of hys deskante by vanytye of woordes And I do warne all people to repente kynges Lordes Bishoppes Commons For none canne excuse theym selues of that spyrytuall fornycacyon wyth the late deposed Idole that Waser Cake Naye shall I call it deposed whyche is scantlye transposed wythoute anye feruent zeale or signe of repentaunce We haue not fealte Moises to make vs drink the bitter ashes therof with teares We haue not had Iehu to auenge God of hys ennemyes the Priestes of Baall ii kinges .x. We haue not wept and wailed and torne oure garmentes for verye anguishe of oure heartes We haue not caste awaye the ornamentes of our olde idolles the vessels that serued them as did the good yong king Iosiah We haue not destroied the sacrificers and steiers of oure Christe as yong Iosiah did with the Priestes of the hyghe places wyth al charmers witches and enchaunters To be shorte We
wherewith worldlye menne are pleased as gold siluer precious stones gaye ornamentes and ryche gyftes cappynge knelinge curtesies to be sought farre of at Rome Compostella or at Ierusalem But to worship hym in the house of hartes in the chamber of out breastes in the temple of oure soule wherein he hath chosen hys mansion Ther to worshyp him not wyth mans imaginacyon and chosen holynes whyche hee calleth vayne worshippe and abhorreth it But in the worshyppe whych he appoynteth and commaundeth that is as his sonne declareth in spirit and truth By vnfained reuerence of god hys sacrate magesty By faythful truste in his vnfallyble promyses By loue not counterfayte towarde oure neyghboures Whych three frutful braunches growyng forth of the man newe regenerate by the spyryte of god must needes brynge foorthe manye spiritual workes as inuocacion prayer thankesgeuynge fastynge and mournynges for synnes almes and all the woorkes of mercye and pytye Who so walketh in these woorkes hee truelye worshyppeth God and hereby are the true and false worshyppers knowen in sonder the true churche and the chuche of Hypocrytes because these woorkes fayth feare and loue was not found in the olde world therefore was it drowned because theese three partes of the true woorshyppe was not founde amonges the Iewes therefore wer they destroyed Because theese woorkes of true woorshippe were not founde in the popyshe church therefore is it subuerted and if they be not shortelye founde in oure refourmed churches they shall wyth lyke shame be subuerted and destroyed Lette vs walke humblye therfore before oure Lorde and beware of of oure fall He doothe not suffer hys chosen so longe tyme as he doothe the reprobate The voyce of the Lord dothe crye vnto the cytye The Text A wyse man wyll feare thy name Heare the rodde and who it is whych hath appointed the certaine tyme vnto it Is ther yet in the house of the wycked tresure and the false measure O abhominacion Shall I iustyfye the wycked Ballaunce and the satchell of deceytefull wayghtes Her ryche men are replete wyth rauyne and her enhabytauntes hath spoken lyes and had deceitfull tounges in theyr mouthes Therfore wyl I make the sicke stryking the and makyng the desolate for thy sinnes Thou shalt eate and not be satisfyed for miserye shall go thorowe thee thou shalte go vnto thy wyfe but shee shal he barren and that whyche she doth brynge foorthe shall I geue vnto the swerd Thou shalt sowe and not reape thou shalte tread the Oliues but thou shalt not anoynt thy selfe wyth Oyle and treade the grapes but thou shalte not drynke thy wyne Because thou haste kepte the ordynance of Amry and al the abomynaciō of the house of Achab and hast walked in theyr counsailes Therefore wyl I geue the vnto desolacion and all thy enhabytauntes to be hyssed and skorned and you shall beare the shame of my people The voyce of the Lorde The Lorde cryeth by hys preachers The Text by hys Prophetes by hys Apostles by his Messengers in al ages and al tymes to call vs to repentaunce He warneth of hys wyl and pleasure He telleth which is true worshyp and which is false And as he sayth by hys Apostle Paule Al the daye long haue I stretched foorthe my handes vnto an vnbeleuing people and a people that striueth against me Rom. x. And by hys owne son he sayth Ierusalem Ierusalem how oft wold I haue gathered the together as the hen gathereth her chyckens vnder her wynges thou wouldest not Math. xxiii Whych doothe vtter the fatherlye care of oure God alway callyng and crying vpō vs. But who heareth his callynge who seeth hys power who feareth hys name Thusiah doth see it saith our Prophet that is to say wisdom or the wyse man wyl be warned For so doth the Hebrew interpreters expounde it And so it agreeth with the course of God his workīg at al times God calleth al. His soūd of his voice goeth through the world yet scātlicā ther be one so wise to repent in the warning of the .vii. cities No mo wer found fearfull of God hys sore threatenynges but only Loth in the destruccion of the hoole worlde Noah was onlye founde wyse and obedyent In Ierusalem how fewe wer found obedyent when the Prophetes warned them to repente In oure world God graūt some one wise faithful mā may be found whych maye pray for vs as Abrahā did for the Sodomits and geue warning of gods wrath hefore it fall vpon oure cities Heare the rodde the rod of God his great vengeaunce is readye shaken againste your cities The time is determined for your punishmēt Wil you not yet be warned to lay away wickednes repent of your euil waies wyl you kepe stil your euil gotten goods and treasures heaped bi extorsion How can your sinnes then ●ee pardoned My lawe commaundeth for thynges wronglye taken to paye foure foulde and fyue fould Haue you satisfyed my lawe and least your selues so greate treasures Nay you are so farre frome such equyty that of restitucion that you maineteyne styll youre bryberye and extorsyon You keepe styll in youre houses youre leane and bare measures your scant and false Bushelles too prouoke my wrathe and indygnatyon vppon you Your measure is scante of Corne and your chaffer but it is full of my wrathe and heauye dyspleasure Shall I iustyfye the wycked ballaunce Or as the Hebrew stan●eth wickednesse in the ballaunce If I shoulde leaue thys vnpunyshed I shoulde seame to iustyfye and alowe al the wickednesse that you do vse therein Where contrarywise I haue commaunded the too haue iuste ballaunce and euen wayghtes and true measures Leui. xix and in Deuteronomye .xxv. Thou arte commaunded not too haue dyuers wayghtes a greater and a smaller neyther to haue in thy house a bygge bushell and a small but that thou shalte haue a iuste and true wayghte an euen and true bushell that thou maye lyue a longe tyme in the land which the lord thi God geueth the. Ther furthermore art thou taught that I thy Lorde God doo abhorre hym that dothe these thinges and that I detest al vniust dealing as a thing abhominable and so doothe my seruaunte Salomon teache the. Prouerbe .xx that double waightes and dysceitefull ballaunce abhominable before thy Lord God Howe dareste thou then kepe in thy house eyther any false measure or thereby anye euyl gotten treasure Doste thou nothynge regarde me whyche haue thy lyfe breath in my hande Arte thou nothynge moued by my manyfolde benefytes nothynge afraied of my threatninges repente O repent and herken to my Prophetes or elsse my rod is readye to scourge thy wickednesse The tyme is determined by me the allmyghtye measurer of times onlesse you do repente O you wicked Marchaunts of London and and all other cities But O wicked worlde I do knowe your deuises You do hide vp your ware vntil it waxe scāt You do lessō your measures You encrease your prices too make the pore your slaues yet