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B09141 Of the conversion of sinners to God in Christ: The [bracket] 1. necessity, 2. nature, [double bracket] 3. means, 4. signs of it. With a concluding speech to the unconverted. / By Martin Fynch ... Finch, Martin, 1628?-1698. 1680 (1680) Wing F944B; ESTC R177058 74,683 192

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of conversion 7. The word preached is the most ordinary means of conversion the reading of the word our selves or hearing it read by others and likewise the reading of other good Books have been blessed of God to the conversion of Souls and all these things are to be used But the opening urging and applying the doctrine of the word unto people in a way of preaching is the ordinary means of Conversion Acts. 2.37.41 Acts. 11.21.22 Acts. 26.16 17 18. Rom. 1.16 Mat. 28.19 Go teach all nations 2. Tim. 4.1.2 Preach the word be instant in season and out of season Rom. 10. How shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher And so it appeareth throughout the story of the Acts of the Apostles that the declaring of the Gospel by lively voice was the great means that God made use of for the Conversion of Souls And here it is to be noted That those who are converted out of this ordinary way whatsoever outward means the Lord pleases to take occasion by for their conversion yet he doth though more immediately by his Spirit set home the same things for the substance upon their hearts that are held forth to others who are converted by the Ministry of the word that is the Lord shewes them their sinful and miserable estate and reveals Christ to them as the only way of justification and acceptance with him Now then seeing God is Pleased to make so much use of the preaching of the word for the conversion of Souls let all the true ministers of Christ go forth in his name and strength let them look to him for assistance and success in the work and as ever they would be Instrumental for the conversion of Souls let them preach with all plainess of Speech let them not be desirous of vain glory let them Preach without all ostentation without all dark and affected expressions and let them in their Preaching insist much upon common and fundamental truths as about the greatness and holiness of God the sinfulness and misery of Man The necessity of conversion and the way of redemption by the blood of Jesus Such subjects as these are so vast and also so necessary that they may take up much of a Ministers Preaching It is a great fault in ministers if they do not with all their might set forth unto men their miserable estate by nature and if they do not endeavour to bring their hearers acquainted with Christ holding forth him upon all occasions to them not only as he by whom we must be delivered from the wrath to come but as the fountain and Spring of all grace and Spiritual strength whereby we may walk in holiness and new obedience For Ministers to put men upon for saking their evil wayes and so promising them Life without directing them to Christ to put their whole trust in him for their justification and to fetch strength and vertue from him for the mortification of Sin and for new obedience is but to teach men to build upon the Sands and to shew them a cleaner way to Hell For Ministers to preach so much at random not having well digested themselves the doctrine of original Sin the difference between the Law and the Gospel the necessity and nature of conversion the doctrine of justification by the righteousness of Christ imputed to them that believe and the nature of Gospel grace and true sanctification tends to the making of their Preaching useless to the salvation of mens Souls And though such Preachers may have applause from the ignorant for their Method delivery and learning yet they do but mislead men and trifle with them about a thing of the highest moment the salvation of their Souls As a Physician must not play with the life of a man 'T is such a precious thing but had need to be well advised in his Judgment of the nature of the disease and of a right Method for cure and haue many things in his eye so had a Minister need to be careful much more in dealing with such a thing as the Soul of a man is to know the original cause of Soul Ma ladies and the only way of cure which is by the blood of Jesus But if Preachers do but play with their Texts and play with the Souls of their hearers not having their hearts awed with a holy reverence of God and his Word and affectionately desirous of the eternal salvation of the People great is their Sin What with the differences amongst us about lesser things and invectives that Preachers stuff their Sermons with against those that dissent from them what with errors of Doctrine that some Preachers seem to be tainted with what with the new coyned words and Phantastical expressions that some preachers use and what with want of experience in their own souls of the nature of conversion it is to be feared there is a great decay of sound plain and profitable preaching especially about the points of justificiation and conversion Next to erroneous preaching 't is most offensive to an intelligent and spiritual hearer when a Minister preacheth with high words affecting such a stile as is no way suited to the profit of his hearers And though such may admire themselves and also have their reward that is applause of the ignorant yet their preaching is nauseated of the judicious It is a more difficult thing and requireth more substantial learning to set forth the mysteries of the Gospel to the capacity of ordinary hearers then to stuff Sermons with quotations Scraps of Latin and School tearms made ready to our hands But it may be said seeing that the habit of grace and spiritual Life is infused into the Soul by the spirit of God as hath been shewn when a Soul is converted by the preaching of the word how doth the Lord effect this work thereby Answer 1. Negatively 1. It is not the holiness of the Preacher that doth convert the Hearers All that heard Christ himself preach the holiest Preacher that ever was were not converted 2. It is not the affections of the Preacher that doth convert the Hearers his Zeal and his Compassion to the Souls of the people are very good and God is pleased so to work that sometimes the affections of the Preachers do affect the hearts of the Hearers but except the Lord put in nothing is done all his weeping will not break their hearts and reclaim them from their sins 3. It is not meerly the sublimity and excellency of the matter that is preached that doth convert the Hearers for then all should be converted that hear the Gospel preached It may be the person that is converted at a Sermon hath heard the same Points opened many a time and that more fully then at that time yet was never affected till now the Reason is because now God speaketh to his heart as well as the Minister to his ear 4. It is not the excellency of
speech or wisdom of the Preacher that doth convert the Hearers All the Oratory in the World cannot convert a Soul Arguments Promises Threatnings and Intreaties set forth with the Tongues of Men and Angels if they were to assume humane shape and speak to Sinners about their everlasting concernments could not prevail to bring them from Sin to Christ except the Lord put forth his Almighty power 5. It is not from any power of Nature that before lay dormient and idle that now awaketh and yieldeth obedience to the Word that a Soul is converted For there is no such power of Nature 't is an idle speculation of those that think it is so for in conversion the Spirit of God is put into us and the fear of God and so consequently the Seed and Principle of Faith and Repentance and other Graces is put into our hearts where before it was not 2. Positively I answer That the efficacy power and vertue of the preaching of the Word when a Soul is converted by it is wholly from the Spirit of God When the Scripture saith That faith cometh by hearing 't is only as an outward means that God worketh by when it pleases him for bare hearing of the Gospel worketh Faith in no man for Faith is the gift of God Ephes 2.8 Philip. 1.29 The fruit of the Spirit Galat. 5.22 And when the Gospel is said to be the power of God unto salvation it is not to be understood as if the bare preaching of the Gospel did save and convert men but it is called the power of God unto salvation in opposition to the Law and the Covenant of works because it reveals and holds forth the way of Grace in Christ by which God saveth lost Sinners which the Law doth not How the Spirit of God doth work in and by the preaching of the Word for the conversion of Souls is a deep mystery And O that we may experimentally know that the Holy Ghost hath made use of the Word to convert our Souls though we cannot exactly conceive of the way and manner of his working thereby The workings of the Holy Ghost in Conversion are compared to the wind as for the freeness and powerfulness so for the mystery that is in them As the wind bloweth where it listeth and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell whence it cometh and whither it goeth so is every one that is born of the Spirit John 3.8 But for further light into this Question let us observe these Scriptures following It is said The Lord opened the heart of Lydia that she attended to the things that were spoken by Paul Ministers do but call and knock at the doors of mens hearts 't is God that by a secret work of his Spirit openeth their hearts Acts 16.14 And it is said Acts 10.44 While Peter yet spake these words the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard him Peters preaching and the Holy Ghosts falling upon them that heard him were two distinct things the one might have been without the other the one was the work of man the other was the work of God And that which is said 1 Thess 1.5 will make it yet far more evident For our Gospel came not unto you in word only but in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance The Gospels coming to people in word and in the bare preaching of it is one thing and the Gospels coming to them in power and in the Holy Ghost is another to some the Gospel comes only in word they hear a sound of words and as they are rational men they may have a notional knowledge thereof but unto the Elect it comes with power and with the Holy Ghost even with such powerful workings of the Spirit as turns them from Sin to Christ Of these things this is the sum the preaching of the Word shews us the way of salvation it is the Spirit of God that by a secret and strong hand puts us into that way The preaching of the Word shews us our lost estate by Nature it is the Spirit that inwardly makes us sensible of it and affecteth our hearts with it The preaching of the Word shews us Gods Grace in Christ holds up Christ as the Brazen Serpent it is the Spirit that gives us an eye of faith to look to him that we may live The coming to the Ordinance to hear the Word is like the Woman in the Gospel touching the hem of Christs garment others touched him as well as she but there came a secret vertue from Christ to heal her of her Bloody Issue Many come to the preaching of the Word and to some of their Souls there cometh secret vertue from Christ that they find in themselves that now they are humbled for sin now they prize Christ now they cleave unto the Lord with a full purpose of heart to walk in his ways Praise the Lord for ever It was not the Minister it was not the bare preaching of the Word that could make this change but this was the day of the Lords power to thy Soul and vertue came secretly from our blessed Lord Jesus to thy Soul admire him and love him and cleave to him to carry thee on by the same power of his Spirit unto the end It may be many others in the same Sermon found no vertue come from Christ to their Souls it was a burden and tedious to them Admire free Grace and love the Lord Jesus for ever When we find good to our Souls by the preaching of the Word we must not look upon poor Ministers with admiration of them as if by their power and holiness we had such a change wrought in us but know that God hath made bare his own arm and glorified his own power and the exceeding riches of his grace in Christ Jesus to us-ward And this is one reason why God makes use many times of persons of meaner parts and small repute to be Instruments of converting more Souls than he doth of others that excel them that it may appear that the high and excellent power that converts the Soul is of God and not of man It is not fit that the Glory of God should be given to Ministers and Ordinances if we get any good to our Souls by them look upon them but as the Conduit-pipes and let all the Glory be given to him who is the Fountain of life for thine O Lord is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever CONVERSION Wrought by the POWER of GOD CHAP. V. Shewing that whatsoever Outward Means the Lord makes use of for the Conversion of Souls the Work is done by his own Almighty Power IT hath been shewn that the Lord in Converting Souls doth usually make use of Outward Means and especially the preaching of the Word Now let us enquire more fully how those that were spiritually dead come to be made alive and those that were darkness come to be made light in the Lord. Those
thick Cloud thy transgressions and will remember thy sins no more Fear not I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God be of good cheare thy sins are forgiven thee or the like This question may be moved hereupon Quest When a man hath some promise or word of grace come into his thoughts so as to make impression upon his heart and quiet him as to his feare of the wrath of God how shall he know that this is spoken by the spirit to witness to him that he is the Child of God or whether it be a delusion Answ 1 That the holy Ghost doth sometimes comfort the hearts of believers by some promise or word of grace mentioned in the Scripture is not to be questioned As the Holy Ghost in convincing men of sin and their last estate by nature doth often make use of some places of Scripture as for example the wages of sin is death the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men and setles home the commandments of the Law with the curse anexed to the breach of them in particular to the soul as if the Lord did speak from heaven to that particular person I have said in my Law thou shalt have no other Gods before me But thou hast made riches thy God thy belly thy God thy Name and esteem amongst men thy God therefore thou art cursed I have said in my Law thou shalt not take my Name in vain but thou hast done it I have said thou shalt keep my sabbath Holy but thou hast not regarded it and so thou hast broaken this commandment and the other I have said cursed is every one that continueth not in every thing that is written in the book of the Law to do it therefore thou art under the curse and what wilt thou do As the holy Ghost I say doth often set home such Scriptures to convince men os sin and shew them their need of Christ so doth the Holy Ghost many times make use of other Scriptures that hold forth Gods free grace in Christ both at first to work faith and draw the soul to Christ and afterwards to fill the heart with joy and peace in believing Thefore it is a sign of a prophane heart and destitute of the knowledge of conversion and of the comforts of the holy Ghost to make a mock and jeare of Scriptures and promises given into and set home upon the spirits of men 2. Sometimes promises and words of grace are given into the soul to work grace at that time and not to witness that grace was wrought before for we ordinarily receive the spirit to work grace at first in us by hearing in the preaching of the word or else darted more immediately from God into our souls some promise or declaration of Gods grace in Christ and if that be all our mistake that at such a time when we thought the Holy Ghost set home such or such a promise and word of grace upon our hearts to assure us that we were the Children of God that he did it at that time to work the first special grace in us and unite us unto Christ so that that was the time of our first receiving Christ If this I say be all the mistake it is not dangerous 3. Lastly it must be granted that all that have a promise or word of grace come into their minds yea though it take some impression on them and quiet their thoughts and affect them with a kind of joy for the present have not these words given in by the spirit of God either to work saving grace in them at that time or to bear witness to them that they are in the state of grace for such as are compared in the Scripture to the stony ground do sometimes hear the word with joy and consequently have it come into their thoughts with some flashes of joy and those that fall away do tast of the heavenly gift and after a sort are made partakers of the Holy Ghost Heb. 6. In some of his common motions and impressions upon their hearts as hath been opened more largely before so that for a conclusion of this matter If there be not a work of grace wrought in the heart even an abiding work as well as promises words of grace that transiently and suddenly pass thorough the thoughts we may be fearfully mistaken about our spiritual estates But if we can find such faith in Christ such repentance and such love to God wrought in us as have before been spoken of the more promises and words of grace are cast into our thoughts the better for they strengthen true believers in holiness and communion with God and are as so many love-tokens send them from Jesus Christ by the spirit till they come to him in heaven Hypocrites and notional professours turn such promises and words of grace into wantonness and into a snare to their own souls but true believers get real good by them and lay up these sayings in their hearts and cleave the more unto the Lord in faith and holiness Thus I have endeavoured to shew how we may know we are in the state of grace let me speak a word or two to those that are converted and have had it cleared up to their souls that it is so 10. Praise the Lord for the exceeding riches of his grace Be content yea rejoyce and be thankful whatever sad loss of outward trouble and affliction lye upon you grace hath abounded towards you the Lord hath not dealt so with many others as he hath dealt with you look round about you and see what multitudes lye in wickedness in grosse ignorance and prophaness and live without God in the world what if you be poor in the World you are heirs of Gods Kingdom what if you have not health of body as others have you shall soone leave this ruinous earthly Tabernacle and be with Christ in Paradise and he will also raise up this poor frail body and make it like to his glorious body at the last day what if near relations Father and Mother should forsake you the Lord hath taken you up into his everlasting Armes where he will hold you for ever what though the world hate you and curse you the eternal God hath loved you and blessed you in Christ Rejoycing in the Lord and praising him cont inually are comely for those that are converted and pardoned in Christ O sing and give Praise 2 After God hath once given you a comfortable assurance of your conversion do not call all in question upon every fit of deadness and darkness that comes upon your Spirits Be humbled for the least sin but say not upon every spiritual fall that if there had been truth of grace you had never done thus for after conversion there remaineth in this life flesh and corruption that is not wholy taken away till death Then indeed the house of the Old Man will quite fall and all these
sins which if it had been laid upon us would have been eternal but he overwrastled it made satisfaction put away sin by the sacrifice of himself made peace and obtained eternal redemption for us whereof he hath given assurance unto all men in that after he had the iniquities of all his people laid and charged upon him yet he rose again the third day is gone unto the Father and is set down at the right hand of the Majesty in the Heavens By one offering upon the Cross he did the work he being an infinite Person God as well as Man his short suffering was of an infinit value He dieth no more there is no need at all of it in referance unto those for whom he made his soul an offering for sins he hath done the work fully to whom be glory for ever This is the Summ and substance of the Gospel Now if any hearing of the danger they are in of the wrath of God for their sins and sensible of the Rebellion and perversness of their hearts and wayes against God would have a Saviour and a sanctifier that it may go well with them for ever this is he Jesus the Son of God He is not here now upon earth to be seen with bodily eyes he is gone into Heaven and is on the right hand of God Look up to him there with an eye of Faith put your trust in him he is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him Get the knowledge of him out of the word search the Scriptures for they testify of him they tell you what he is what he hath done and what he hath suffered to bring us to God Think of him continually prize him set your hearts on him if you flight him you will find there is no other Saviour no other Mediatour no other advocate with the Father If the work be yet to be done even now whilst thou readest these things look to him close with him give up thy self to him to be saved and Sanctified by him fall in love with him you will never repent of your choice Poor soul what saist thou to a Pardon for all thy sins what saist to peace with God what saist thou to eternal life Come to Christ and thou shalt have all these and a New Heart and spirit to walk in holiness and obedience before God too O doth the Lord affect thy heart for he doth this great work that thou art taken with Christ and art a thirst for this water of life then take it freely as excellent and precious as the Lord Jesus is he bestowes himself freely upon poor sinners the best qualification you can have for receiving Christ is to see your need of him and that you are altogether unworthy of him do you see your sins now the multitude of them the hainousness of them let not your sins drive you from Christ but drive you to Christ Come poor sinners come to Christ his blood cleanseth from all sin his righteousness is able to cover all your unrighteousness Come to Christ but with a true Heart to give him all the glory of your salvation and to desire now to have him reign over you and fear not he is mighty to save Jesus is the Lord of glory consider his God-head in your looking to him to take away your sins Never any Patient came to this Phisitian and missed of cure come with all the spiritual Vlcers running Sores and Bloody Issues of sin touch the hem of his Garment by Faith as the Woman in the Gospel did and you shall see there is vertue enough in Christ to make you whole The Devil labours to make men confident and presumptuous when they are going on greedily in sin but when they are convinced of their lost estate and are looking after Christ then he endeavours to puzle them with many doubts and suspitions as if they were past cure and it were too late now to lock after Christ Ah poor souls do not you see that the hand of Sathan is in all this When you went on in ignorance and prophaness he would not endure you should hear when Ministers preached of damnation and now that you are convinced and stopt in your vile courses and are thinking how you may make peace with God now the Devil cannot endure you should hear of Salvation in Christ the Son of God least you should come unto him that you may have life Thus I have set before them that are not yet converted life and death pardon of sin peace with God and eternal life if the Lord giveth them hearts to repent and close with Christ The Wrath of God and eternal destruction If they still go on in their ignorance prophaness and slighting of Jesus Christ If any that read these things shall say in their hearts they shall have peace and shall do well enough whatsoever some zealous preachers say though they cast Gods law behind their backs and never look after a work of Grace and conversion upon their souls the anger of the Lord and his Jealousy shall smoake against those persons and burn against them for ever But if they shall now tremble at the word of the Lord and lay hold upon the offer of Christ believing on his name and submitting unto him their sins shall be forgiven them for his names sake and they shall be the heir of eternal life through him for though the wages of sin is death even eternal death yet the gift the free gift of God is life even eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom be glory for ever Amen FINIS Books Printed for and Sold by Henry Mortlock at the Phaenix in S. Pauls Church-Yard and at the White Hart in Westminster-Hall THe Saints Ebenezer and Pillar of hope in God when they have none left in the Creature Or the godly-mans Crutch or Staff in times of sadning disappointments sinking discouragements shaking dissolations wherein is shewed the Transcendent Excellency of God his Peoples help and hope with the unparalell'd hapiness of the Saints in their confidence in him over-balancing the Worldlings carnall dependance both as to sweetness and safety by F. English A word in season or 3 great dutys of Christians in the worst of times viz abiding in Christ Thirsting after his instruction and submission to his providence to which is added by way of appendix the advice of some Ministers to their people for the receiving the power and practice of godliness in their familys Oct. The freeness of the grace and love of God to believers discover'd in reference to First Their service and suffering Secondly their consolations Thirdly their salvation and eternal glory together with the Excelency of the fear of God The goodness and pleasantness of brotherly Love the wisdom of hearing the voice of the Rod repentance the only way to prevent Judgments delivered in several Sermons by William Bridg sometimes Preacher of the Word at Yarmouth Death unstung in 8 Sermons Preached at the Funeral of Tho. Moseley an Apothecary who died July 1669 With a brief Narrative of his Life and Death Also the manner of Gods dealings with him before and after his Conversion drawn up by his own Hand and Published by James Janeway Oct. A Fathers Testament Written long since for the benefit of the Particular Relations of the Author Phineas Fletcher sometimes Minister of the Gospel at Hillgay in Norfolk The voice of one crying in a Wilderness or the business of a Christian both Antecedaneous to Concomitant of and consequent upon a Sore and heavy Visitation represented in several Sermons First Preached to his own Family lying under such Visitation and now made publick as a thank offering to the Lord his healer by S. S. a servant of God in the Gospel of his Son FINIS
love thee Men may have notional knowledge parts and gifts and this may but puffe them up with pride and do their souls no good but if a man so know God as to love him and delight in him that is the man that is known of God owned and approved of him Quest what are the signes of love to God Answ 1 High and raised thoughts of God fixed and setled in the heart are a signe of love to God an habituall frame of heart to look upon God as most excellent and glorious and to adore him as well for his holiness and infinite purity as for the exceeding riches of his grace in Christ. It is true a Saints love to God is not come to perfection in this life it is not come to its height by a Thousand degrees yet there is such an impression of love to God upon the heart of a Believer and amongst other things for his wonderful dispensation of grace in Christ that he thinks and well he may that he can never love and prayse the holy Lord as he should do And sometimes it may be his heart waxes hot and this fire of love to God burneth and flameth in him and he can cry out to this effect Oh O Lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth and thy glory is above the heavens Look Look O my soul upon this great King the King of glory the King eternal and immortal and admire him and love him for ever O thou infinite goodness O thou Fountain of Life wilt thou vouchsafe to be loved of me O thy condiscention thy condiscention that thou wilt not account it presumption for me to love thee such a poor worm as I am so vile and sinful O blessed Lord if I may love thee then O my base unworthiness that I love thee no more O love love flame out flame out here is thy right object this is he that is to be loved with all my heart with all my Soul with all my might and with all my strength here is infinite power here is infinite wisdom here is infinite holiness here is infinite mercy more love more more love for the holy and blessed lord what shall I love him no more O my soul are thy faculties enlarged to love as far as a poor finite creature is capable to love O my soul love as Jehovah is to be loved love suitably to the Object thou art now set upon love not as if thou wert loving a creature love not at such a poor and low rate but love as one that is loving an infinite and glorious God love as one that is loving him that is love it self and hath manifested it in sending his only begotten Son into the world to save sinners O what manner of love was this and O with what manner of love should this blessed God be loved O Lord thou art above all love above all praise O that ever I have loved any thing else besides thee when there was thy self to love O that ever I should love such a vile thing as sin and such a poor trifle as the world is Lord now set my love right put my heart into the highest pitch of love to thee that poor clay is capable of and there hold me to eternity Thus possibly a poor Believer may sometimes finde his heart raysed to God in love and delight in him however there is a rooted grounded setled affection in the soul of a Believer to God so that he doth not only see reason why he should love God but it is his desire to love him and delight in him above all things though the actings of this love may be much kept down by manisold temptations and by the opposition of the flesh as the actings of other graces in us are also 2. Hating of sin because God hates it because it is displeasing to him is a signe of love to God ye that love the Lord hate evil Psal 97.10 it is not onely their duty to do so but in some measure it is so with every Child of God Though after conversion sin doth yet remain it is hated and abhorred so that it is in the heart to say O Sin what dost thou here thou art not onely my greatest enemy but thou art an enemy to that holy and blessed God whom my soul loveth O when shall I be rid of thee time was when thou and I were all one we were wedded together but now I see it was an unlawful marriage I was to be for the Lord and not for another therefore I will love thee no more O if it be so that thou wilt not leave me till death us do part I wait for that good hour when the Lord will take me to himself that so I may be freed from thee wholly and for ever and be with my heavenly Head and husband 3. Love to the Saints is a sign of love to God he that saith he loveth God and hateth his Brother is a lyar he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen how can he love God whom he hath not seen 1 John 4.20 He that loveth not the Image of God in grace and holiness which he seeth in his people how can he love God whom in his glorious essence he hath not seen An universal love to all in whom we see the grace of Christ is a certain sign of our love to God so that one that truly loves God can in some measure appeal to God to this effect O Lord however I have hated thy people in time past and my heart hath secretly risen against them for the good that was in them yet since thou hast been pleased to turn me from darkness to light I make an high account of thy people I look upon them as the excellent on the earth I am troubled that I love them no more and that I can do no more for them I love them not meerly because they are of my judgment in some lesser points but I love them because they fear and love thee because they repent of their sinning against thee and believe on thy Son and desire to walk so as to please thee so far as thou art pleased to give them the knowledge of thy will My heart is knit to them whose hearts are knit to Christ who cleave in their hearts to that one Mediatour that one Offering that one Sacrifice for sins for ever so far as they manifest this they are dear to me they must needs be precious to me to whom Christ is precious And though because of some errours and mistakes that in my poor thoughts I may judge some of them to be in I cannot comfortably joyn with such in some things yet O Lord thou that knowest all things knowest that I love them and though through passion and ignorance and misguided zeal I may carry it unscemly sometimes to some of thy servants and have a hand in their troubles and sufferings as it is possible for the Saints
in some sort to persecute one another in this imperfect state yet O Lord thou knowest that my heart is not set against any of them for that which I judge to be good in them but do love and honour them for it And though my love is most exercised and drawn out to those Saints whom I am most acquainted with and to whom I am nearest joyned in the fellowship of the Gospel there being more occasion and opportunity for the drawing out of my love to them yet thou knowest there is love in my heart to all Saints and there is not that man living that makes profession of thy Name though differing from me in opinion and violent against me of whom I should not rejoyce to have thoughts of meeting him in Heaven But if men be Despisers of those that are good hate them and speak evil of them falsly for Christs sake though they may flatter themselves and think they love God yet they do not They that scoff at the Godly and their hearts rise against them for their grace and holiness though they will say they love God or else it were pity they should live they are utterly deceived for indeed they are Haters of God and Goodness Many other signs of love to God might here be mentioned as grieving when God is dishonoured longing for the coming of his Kingdom that his Name and Truth and Glory may be more manifested in the World and desiring to bring all that we can to love him and obey him Likewise many other expressions by which Conversion is set forth in the Scripture might be opened but these things that have been spoken may suffice to shew wherein Conversion lieth if God give men hearts to examine their spiritual estate which shall read these things CHAP. IV. Of the Outward Means that God is pleased to make use of in the conversion of Souls THat God doth make use of outward means in the bringing of Souls home to himself is evident both from Scripture and Experience which is not because God cannot do the work without Outward Means for in Elect Infants and sometimes in others God worketh Grace without them but it is meerly from the pleasure of his will what way he will take to convert a soul and whatsoever the outward means be the inward spiritual and effectual means of Conversion is the Almighty Power of God as I intend to set forth in the next Chapter But to give some account of this matter concerning the outward means that the Lord makes use of for the conversion of souls 1. Sometimes the Lord hath made use of great and sore afflictions to awaken men convince them of their sins and so to bring them to Christ And if they be bound in Fetters and be holden in Cords of affliction then he sheweth them their work and their transgressions that they have exceeded he openeth their ear to Discipline Job 36.8 9. Job 33.19 20 21 22 23 24. As one who being sick and restless some nights it pleased God to put in with the affliction and set this upon his heart that if it were so grievous to him to pass away a few Nights though he was in his own House and amongst his dear Relations because he had pain and sickness upon his body how miserable should he be if he should bear the torments of Hell for ever and so the Lord brought him to look after an interest in Christ that he might be delivered from the wrath to come The Lord sometimes makes use of shame in the World poverty imprisonment yea the sentence of death to be the means of bringing men to a sight of their sins and to look after Christ 2. Sometimes the holy and convincing lives of the Saints have been blessed of God to put ignorant and wicked men upon enquiring after Religion saying within themselves Surely there is an excellency in the ways of God surely in those ways must I find blessedness and peace and not in these ways of debauchery and profaneness And so the Lord lets in light into their souls and the Apostle Peter exhorts godly Wives to carry themselves with that holiness and circumspection that their carnal husbands who it may be are so obstinate and profane that they will scarce hear the faithful preaching of the word may without that means be won by their heavenly conversation 1 Pet. 3.1 3. We read of many that in the Primitive times when such great multitudes laid down their lives for the Name of the Lord Jesus by beholding their patience and joyfulness in their sufferings were convinced of the truth and excellency of Christian Religion and were converted unto God 4. Some observing how earnestly godly Ministers or others have wrastled with God in Prayer for their conversion have been awakened by it and God hath put it into their hearts to think with themselves that if the salvation of their Souls be so much set by in the eyes of others how much more should the salvation of their Souls be regarded by themselves and upon such thoughts the Lord hath begun the good work in them 5. The hearing of the great horrour of Conscience that others are in for sin and talking with them about the cause of their trouble hath been blessed of God to the conversion of some This hath convinced some that were almost Atheists that there is a God and that it is a fearful thing to lie under the sense of his wrath this hath put them upon looking into their owne estate and so brought them to Christ and so they have found that it was better to heare the shrieks and cryes and groans of those that were heavy laden with the sense of their sins then to hear the jollity merriment and songs of fools and spiritual Mad-Men who go laughing to Hell 6. The Instructions of Parents and Masters have been oftentimes blessed of God to the conversion of their Children and servants Godly Parents as their Children grow up should desire to be instruments of bringing their Children to Heaven as well as they were instruments to bring them into this World And some Children bless God that they had praying Fathers and praying Mothers and such as taught them the fear of the Lord. Some servants bless God that ever they came to live in Praying Families and where they were instructed in the wayes of God God sometimes brings to remembrance the instructions of Parents and Masters to do their Children and servants good when they are at rest in the dust even those instructions which when they were first given took no impression upon them That the good seed which they had sowne and could not see any effect of the Lord watereth it by his Spirit when they are dead and gone then to their Children remember the words which were spoken unto them and they come with new life and Power upon their hearts To these many more might be added but let me come to speak of that which is the most ordinary way
OF THE CONVERSION OF SINNERS TO God in Christ The 1. Necessity 2. Nature 3. Means 4. Signs of it WITH A concluding SPEECH to the VNCONVERTED By MARTIN FYNCH a Servant of Christ in the Work of the Gospel Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God John 3.3 Repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord Acts 3.19 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways and sinners shall be turned unto thee Psalm 51.13 LONDON Printed for Henry Mortlock at the Sign of the Phoenix in S. Paul's Church-yard 1680. TO THE INHABITANTS OF Great GRIMSBY IN THE COUNTY of LINCOLN Salvation in Christ Jesus our LORD IT is said of Paul when he was at Athens his spirit was stirred when he saw the City wholy given to Idolatry Act. 17.17 The Servants of Christ are to have their Spirits stirred with a Holy Zeal for God and with bowels of compassion to the Souls of men when they see People wholy given to ignorance and prophaness That is a good stirring of our Spirits and from the Holy Spirit of God to endeavour to turn men from darkness unto light and from the power of Satan unto God Charity to the Souls of Men is the highest Charity those that know the terrour of the Lord and what a fearful thing it is to fall into the bands of the living God should be very earnest to perswade men to flee from the wrath to come if by any means they may be instruments in Christs hand to save some This small Treatise written in your Town and much for your sakes I dedicate unto you as a Testimony of my love to your souls I write not unto you about controversies and about lesser things my design is higher that is to shew the necessity of the New Birth and the Nature thereof If Persons be truly converted from Sin to Christ though they may erre and mistake in somethings about the manner of the outward worship of God in this World God will sooner or later reveal it unto them or however Pardon it to them through his grace in Christ so that those mistakes shall not hinder their Salvation But if persons be never so right in the outward way of their profession and worship and yet be strangers to a work of grace and conversion upon their hearts they cannot enter into the Kingdom of God There are two sorts of Persons especially with whom I have to do in this Treatise First those that think that the practise of some formalities and outward things will bring them to Heaven without a work of grace and conversion upon their Souls If men think that the being of this or that Church and being of this or that way of outward profession of Religion will bring them to everlasting Life whilst in the mean time they are grossly ignorant of the things of God of loose and licentious lives or unacquainted with a Sanctifying change wrought by the Spirit of God upon their Souls let them consider what is written in this Book to undeceive them and shew them what of necessity must be done or else they are undone for ever The second sort that I deal with in this Treatise are those who though they are for devotion strictness of Life and a change of mens Spirits and ways yet carry it no further then a kind of Civility Moral vertues and reformation of life produced by a meer awe of a Deity and fear of Hell without the true knowledge of Christ and faith in him In true Conversion there is a coming to Christ a receiving of Christ a being Sanctified by Faith in him Christ is little known as the justifier and Sanctifier too of lost and sinful man Christ is made use of by many but as upon the by and for fashion-sake both in the matter of justification and in the business of conversion therefore it is the design of this Treatise to lead men to a more distinct knowledg of Christ and that they may se how God blesseth us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly things in him I have not adorned this discourse after the manner of some I Study to set forth the things of God to the meanest capacity I wish what I have written were yet more plain and easier to be understood Now that the God of all grace would bless what I have written to the furtherance of your salvation and to the everlasting good of others who shall peruse it is the prayer of Your Servant in Christ MARTIN FYNCH THE CONTENTS Chap. I. OF the Necessity of Conversion Chap. II. That in the ordinary way of the Lords converting of Souls God doth first work upon men in a more common way making a change upon men which yet falls short of saving work Chap. III. Sheweth what Special Grace and saving Conversion is Chap. IV. Sheweth what outward means God is pleased to make use of in the Conversion of Souls Chap. V. Sheweth that whatsoever outward means the Lord makes use of for the Conversion of Souls the work is done by his own Almighty Power Chap. VI. Sheweth that God converts men at several Ages some in youth some in their latter time as it pleaseth him Chap. VII Sheweth how we may know that we are Converted and passed from death to Life Chap. VIII Is a concluding Speech to the unconverted THE NECESSITY OF Conversion CHAP. I. Of the Necessity of Conversion BEfore I open the Nature of Conversion it is requisite that I should speak something of the Necessity thereof This Proposition therefore I lay down That every Man by Nature is so Degenerated from God so utterly corrupted and tainted by Sin so prone to all Evil so opposite to God and all that is spiritually good that except he be Converted and Changed he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God There is a twofold Misery come upon us by our Fall in Adam First The loss of the Favour of God Secondly The loss of the Image of God in Holiness and Righteousness First We have lost the Favour of God by Sin so that as we are by Nature the Children of wrath Ephes 2.3 God is angry with us Psal 7.11 We are under the Curse of his holy Law Galat. 3.10 The Law curseth us for Original Sin the Law curseth us for Actual Sins The Law pronounceth the Sinner to be vile and abominable to God to be such a One as his Soul hath no pleasure in but will bring into Judgment and punish according to all the Evil that he hath done to provoke the Eyes of his Glory Now from this part of our Misery we are recovered by the Grace of Justification which is an act of Gods free Grace whereby he forgives a poor Sinner for Christs sake all Trespasses and imputeth the perfect and glorious righteousness of Christ as our Mediator and Surety to make him pure clean and without spot in his sight This great
against God but the hurt and mischief of it is to our own souls and upon both these accounts we are to repent of it but it is not godly sorrow that we have for our sins except we have a respect to God grieving that we have violated his Laws and so offended his Blessed Majesty as well as that we have wronged our own Souls and destroyed our selves without he prevent it by shewing us mercy in Christ So that it is in the heart of a true Penitent to sigh out such lamentations as these O most glorious God against thee against thee have I sinned against thee my Creator from whom I have my being against thee the pure and holy Majesty holy holy holy against thee who art the Lord God gracious long suffering and abundant in mercy O thou infinite goodness O thou Father of mercies against thee have I sinned I have transgressed I have rebelled and I whither shall I cause my shame to go I cannot put it away from mee for to mee belongeth shame and confusion of Face because I have sinned against thee I cannot stand before thee because of my sins but through the blood of Jesus Lord I cannot abase my self enough before thee nor be vile enough in my own eyes I see a little of thee what a blessed and glorious Majesty thou art whom I have offended and I see a little of my self that behold I am vile wherefore I abhor my self in dust and ashes O that thou would'st make my head as waters and mine eyes as a Fountain of tears to weep day and night for my sins O that thou wouldst smite and speak to this Rock of my heart that the waters of godly sorrow might gush out O that thy Spirit might work more upon me this way to give me a more broken and contrite Spirit for sin I do not desire thou shouldst speak any more to my Soul from Mount Sinai with those Thunderings and Lightenings and that terrible voice out of the fire and darkness and tempests presenting thy wrath to mee for the breach of thy holy Law but now thou hast brought my poor weary fainting soul to Jesus the Mediator and to the blood of sprinkling speak to me from the mercy seat speak comfortably to me melt and soften my heart with the sight of thy grace in Christ and let my soul be filled with that Sorrow for Sin that is accompanied with the sense of pardon in Christ which sorrow is most genuine filial free and acceptable unto thee 3. True repentance is accompanied with the hatred of sin David a true penitent hated every false way Psal 119.128 Paul in his Lamentations for the remainders of corruption in him saith that which I hate That do I Rom. 7.15 a true Penitent not onely mournes for sin committed but hates it abhors it from his New Nature he hath an everlasting Anripathy against Sin that if the Principle of grace in him was not hindred in its actings by Sin that dwelleth in him a true Penitent would shew himself another manner of person then he doth we must not think that after true repentance a man sinneth no more for there is no man that liveth here below and Sinneth not neither must wee think that such a one may not possibly fall into the same Sin againe Indeed for gross Sins ordinarily God keeps his people from them from the time of their first conversion and if he leave them to falll into them at any time as he did Noah David and Peter after particular repentance for them and recovery out of them it is a rare and unusual thing for them to fall into them again but as for vain thoughts distractions in holy duties and passions and such Sins as do suddenly Surprise and overtake us as at unawares no doubt after true repentance a godly Man may fall into them again and again to the great grief of his Soul yea after much repentance particularly for those things and many Prayers and supplications to God for power and strength against them so that not once or twice but often and every day the best Saints have need with Paul to cry out O wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death Notwithstanding all this remainder of corruption that the best Saints upon earth will confess there is yet in them as Paul himself complained though ignorant and proud Pharisees that know not themselves and the plague of their owne hearts think themselves to be perfect yet I say this truth abideth firme that a true penitent hateth Sin it is besides his intention it is against the general purpose of his heart it is contrary to his new nature and 't is the grief of his Soul when he Sinneth against God he so hateth sin that he will never be at peace with it but opposeth it and looks to Heaven it self for aid against the enemy 4. True repentance is an abiding thing upon the heart not that a true Penitent is always acting the grace of Repentance but though it may cease sometimes in the act yet it never ceases in the habit that is there is always in such an habitual frame upon the heart to live low before God and walk humbly with him A natural man may sometimes in great afflictions and in terrours of Conscience mourn for sin but 't is a forced thing he would get it off from his spirit and it leaves not an habitual humiliation upon him but that filial evangelical sorrow that a Believer hath for sin is a frame of spirit that he likes and loves and cherisheth and would have more of for which is a great mystery to a natural man that kind of sorrow for sin that a man in the state of grace hath may be accompanied with the greatest sense and assurance of pardon in Christ and so be a very sweet and pleasing and desirable frame of spirit At the same time a poor soul may rejoyce in Gods pardoning grace in Christ and mourn for sin too and a poor broken-hearted Believer finds this sorrow to be better and sweeter then all the laughter and merriment of the men of the World 3. Special Grace and Conversion is frequently called in the Scripture the Fear of God Job's character is that he was a man that feared God Job 1.1 Obadiah's That he feared the Lord greatly 1 Kings 18.3 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of man Eccles 12.13 Praise our God all ye his servants and ye that fear him Rev. 19.5 The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him Psalm 147.11 And it is one great promise of God in the New Covenant to put his fear into our hearts Jerem. 32.40 So that where there is a right fear of God there is true conversion But because there is a common awe of a Deity in most men a certain slavish servile fear of God searing him only as a Male
factor feareth the Judge not as a dutiful Son feareth a good Father and that upon judgments that God sends some are said to fear the Lord 2 Kings 17.32 33. that is with a slavish fear yet v. 34. 't is said of the same persons They fear not the Lord nor do after his Statutes that is they had not a gracious and obedient fear of God And likewise because the very Devils are said to tremble Jam. 2.19 that is they even shake with fear of the wrath of God therefore it is necessary to distinguish between that slavish fear of God that is in the very wicked of the World and in the Devils themselves and that right gracious fear of God that is in those that are truly converted which may be done in these following particulars 1. A right fear of God is accompanied with hope in his free mercy in Christ The Lord taketh pleasure in them that fear him in those that hope in his mercy Psalm 147.11 Some they pretend to hope in Gods mercy in Christ but they do not fear God their hearts are not awed with his Majesty nor afraid to offend him such a hope is not right on the other hand some pretend to fear God and fear sinning a gainst him but they hope not in his mercy but in their own merits they go on under a Covenant of works cast not their Souls upon Christ will not lay their hold upon the hope that is set before them in the Gospel These men have not a right fear of God He that is so moved with fear of the Majesty and Wrath of God that he gets into Christ the Ark that God hath prepared for the saving of Souls and placeth all his hope for his eternal safety in Christ the Son of God this is the man that feareth the Lord aright But if men fear God only as a Judge and Avenger of Sin and look upon him as a hard Master and so are afraid of him and their hearts secretly rise against him but they never look towards his Mercy-seat that they may set their hope in his grace in Christ such have not a right fear of God neither a right reverential nor a right filial fear of God but onely a slavish and servile 2. A right fear of God is accompanied with eschewing evil Job is said to be a man fearing God and eschewing evil Job 1.1 The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart that there is no fear of God before his eyes Psalm 36.1 The gross and horrible profaneness of some wicked men proclaims to every one that they are so far from having a right fear of God such as he puts into the hearts of his people that they have no fear of God no common awe of a Deity at all in their ordinary course for they live as if there were no God that regarded the ways of the Sons of men and would bring them into judgment But where there is a right fear of God there is not a bare eschewing evil but an eschewing evil from an inward principle of the fear and love of God in the heart and delight in his Commandments Now when eschewing evil is made a sign of the true fear of God in the heart it must not be so understood as if Job of whom that character is given in the place above-mentioned or any other who yet truly fear God can so totally eschew evil in this life as to be wholly free from sin for we see by the holy Story that Job himself of whom this is spoken had his passions and sinful failings for which he confessed to God he was vile and abhorred himself in dust and ashes but when such are said to eschew evil the meaning is that they do so in a comfortable measure and in the sincere and earnest desire and endeavour of their Souls 3. A right fear of God is not an involuntary passion and fear which torments the mind but is a pleasing and delightful thing to the Soul Fear hath torment 1 John 4.18 Slavish sinful and irregular fear hath so but a right reverential fear of God is delightful to the Soul it hath no torment in it to the mind The Angels in Heaven and the Saints in all their glory have an high degree of this reverential fear of God And so they find here in this World that they never have sweeter duties then when their hearts are most filled with a reverential fear of God and so in their whole conversation they find that the more they walk in the fear of the Lord the more they walk in the comfort of the Holy Ghost Indeed in such extraordinary appearances of God by outward signs of the Glory of his Majesty as were to Abraham Gen. 15.12.17 to Moses when the Lord appeared in the flame of fire out of the midst of the bush Exod. 3.2 6. to Elijah 1 Kings 19.13 and to Isaiah Chap. 6.5 the best Saint in this mortal state may be over-set and faint and be troubled at the Lords presence for 't is said that when God so appeared to Abraham an horrour of great darkness fell upon him 't is said of Moses he hid his face and was afraid to look upon God and at another time when God spake out of the fire upon Mount Sinai Moses said I exceedingly fear and tremble Elijah hid his face in his Mantie and Isaiah cries out Wo is me I am undone for mine eyes have seen the King the Lord of hosts But it is to be considered that it was not meerly the apprehension of the greatness and glory of the Majesty of God and the reverence of God thereupon that caused this trouble to their spirits but these extraordinary signs of Gods presence which their bodies and spirits in this frail and mortal state could not bear That nevertheless it stands good what hath been laid down that a reverential fear of God is a most pleasing and delightful thing to the Soul of a Christian yea it helps much to compose the body and natural spirits in the service of God and walking with him In a word to distinguish a right feare of God from a slavish or hipocriticall feare it is of that nature that the more we feare him the more we hope in his mercy the more we feare him the more obedient we are to him the more we fear him the more we would fear him and desire to feare his Name and the more we fear him the more we love him he that findeth in any measure such a feare of God put into his heart as is here described is converted and in the state of grace 4. Speciall grace and conversion is held forth in the Scripture by love to God 1 Cor. 8.3 If any man love God the same is known of him Ephes 6.24 Grace be with all them that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity John 21.17 Simon Son of Jonas lovest thou me and Peter said Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I
that think man hath such a principle and seed of Grace lying hid in his heart by nature which if it be drawn forth by perswasions and exhortations and man will make use thereof is sufficient to convert him do not enough consider how utterly corrupted every man is by the Fall of Adam and without any spiritual strength It is true men are reproved in the Scripture for loving darkness rather then light and because they will not come to Christ that they may have life But such Scriptures are so far from implying that we are able to change our own hearts wills and affections that they shew the to us invincible prejudice and opposition that is in our hearts to the Lord that we have neither power nor will to turn unto him such sayings of the holy Scripture do shew what need we have of the exceeding greatness of Gods power to work upon such not onely impotent but wilful and desperate Creatures as all are by nature There is indeed a certain kind of willing and running and striving in natural men upon great Convictions such as Balaam had when he said Let me die the death of the righteous and let my last end be like his But this one Consideration will be of much use to guide us in this question That when God commands men in his word to pray to repent and to believe in Christ the meaning is that they do these things from a principle of grace and spiritual life that God only can work in us and which we are to look to him for All the suddain flashes of seeming repentance and prizing of Christ that come not from a principle of grace infused by the Spirit of God into the heart but are the meer struglings of an awakened Conscience to get from under the wrath of God will bring no man to Heaven neither do these workings of the heart answer to those Commands of God to believe and to repent but are only a shew of those Graces they are something like Conversion but are not Conversion This which hath been said may be Illustrated from the Parable of the stony ground Matth. 13. to which they are compared that hear the word with joy and for a time believe and after fall away this was only some suddain flash from the natural workings of the heart upon the hearing of the word accompanied with some common convictions and common workings of the Spirit But the Text saith they had no root they had not the root and habit of grace in their Souls planted in them by the Holy Ghost from whence these things did proceed If any shall say How shall we know these sudden workings of the heart and flashes of seeming Conversion that arise but from natural Conscience awakened and startled with common convictions of the Spirit as in Balaam Herod Felix and such as are described in the Parable of the foolish Virgins from that believing repenting and those spiritual affections that flow from the habit and principle of grace put into the Soul by the Spirit of God I answer That the difference may be known by the permanency and continuance Such sudden flashes as were in Balaam are soon over and leave the heart unmortified unpurged But the principle of grace in the hearts of Believers is eternal and remains for ever where there is the root of grace in the heart though it be not always putting forth it self yet there is a fixed principle and desire in the heart to admire free grace to prize Christ and to cleave to Christ to mourn for sin and to walk with God though there is not always the same vigour and activity of grace in such yet there is a fixed bent and inclination and desire of the heart towards the Lord which no time can wear off which no temptations and opposition can wholly quench and extinguish But to come nearer to this Point to make it most manifest that Conversion is wrought by the meer grace and power of God 1. Many that have the greatest outward means of grace are never converted Though they have godly Parents which instruct them diligently and live under excellent preaching and have met with many startling Providences and great afflictions yet they are never brought home to God when as others that have carnal Parents that set them very bad examples and have been brought up in ignorant and profane places and families and have lived where there hath been very poor and dark preaching are sometimes converted this shews that Conversion is wrought by the meer grace and power of God It may be some godly Parents after many and many prayers for their Children and great care to instruct them in the ways of God have so little fruit of all that thev count it a great matter if their poor Children have a little Civility and common Morality it may be they have not that but are profane Esaus and rebellious Absoloms when as others that have had wicked Parents that prejudiced them what they could against Religion from their Infancy and when they began to look after Christ have opposed them with great rigour threatning to turn them out of doors and never own them or do any thing for them if they follow Religion yet they are turned to the Lord and cannot be beaten off from his ways this shews that it is the great and invincible power of God that worketh in them that believe 2. Some at the same time when the Lord began to convince them and convert them have been going on as desperately and resolutely in their sins as ever they were all their days As Paul was going to Damascus to make havock of the Saints being as himself after confessed mad and outragious against the Church of God yet then and in that Journey the Lord converted him Acts 9. was not this the meer grace and power of God Some have gone to hear godly Ministers on purpose to scoff at them or bring them into trouble and yet have been Converted at the hearing of them finding a marvellous working of the Spirit of God upon their hearts which was very strange to them and filled them with astonishment at the free grace and power of God Some ignorant and carnal people who at the beginning of a Sermon have slighted and despised it and the Preacher in their hearts and have been filled with indignation yet by and by before the Sermon hath been ended something hath been set home upon their hearts that hath convinced them of their miserable estate and brought them to Christ for help and salvation Some at the same time when they were converted have been more indisposed and unwilling to hear the word then at other times but were even as it were hurried and thrust upon the Ordinance that they knew not how and when they have come there have been more drowsie sleepy and unwilling to hear the word then they used to be when lo on a sudden the Lord awakens and startles their Consciences
by the Ministry of the Word as if he himself had spoken immediately from Heaven to them by name and so the Lord hath made that unlikely time the time of love and the Day of his power to their Souls Sometimes when Ministers have been straightned in their affections and expressions in Preaching more then they have used to be that they have gone on heavily in the work and haver reflected upon their service with much humiliation to their own Spirits yet God hath sometimes done much by such weak means and converted some effectually at that time that there hath been more good done at that time then at many other times so far as comes to their knowledge when they have been much assisted in the work God knows how his faithful Servants would preach and set forth his truth and he is pleased to enlarge things by the inward light of his Spirit upon the minds of the hearers sometimes above what they did sufficiently clear to them All these Observations run into this that God worketh all in all he is the Author and Finisher of our Faith and that Ministers can do no good nor People that hear them receive any good but as it is given from above and when he will work nothing shall let it not the ignorant indisposedness and prejudice of the hearers nor the defects and weakness of his Servants that speak in his Name 3. Some of the worst natural tempers not onely of the weakest parts but of most froward and cross Spirits are wrought upon by the grace of God and men of ripe wits and of more affable and courteous natures are never converted unto God Those differences among men that arise from their constitutions of body whether it be for the better or the worse alter not the case God hath mercy on whom he will have mercy God can convert those who are of the worst natural tempers and without he infuse grace those who are of the sweetest natural dispositions will never turn unto the Lord yea the composedness of their natural temper may turn much to their prejudice making them think they are in a good estate because they do not break out into such passions and intemperances that others are very Subject to although they know nothing of any New birth and sanctifying work of the spirit upon their souls 4. Some very dissolute and prophane persons are converted and many others that are free from such gross vice are never born again Publicans and Harlots and such as the theif upon the Cross are sometimes brought to a sight of their sins and to repent and believe in Christ when others that never were so vile go on quietly resting in their formality and morality and never see their need of Christ and a work of grace upon their hearts and so perish for ever When God doth convert men that have been notorious Sinners filled with all unrighteousness drunkards swearers scoffers at Religion and old in sin too habituated and accustomed to all kind of evil he proclames unto us that the power of converting souls is of God and not of man It is true it doth require the exceeding greatness of Gods power to convince a proud Pharisee that trusteth in himself that he is righteous and despiseth the righteousness of Christ that he is in the gall of bitterness and bonds of iniquity and to bring him as a poor lost and undone Sinner to seek for life from Christ and in some respects such have greater difficulties to be carried thorough to Christ then others yet in regard that some of the other sort are so outragious in sin and almost down right Atheists that make a mock and jear of all religion and regard of God and the world to come if the Lord please to convert such as sometimes he doth the exceeding greatness of Gods power shines forth most eminently therein When the passages of mens Conversion shall be known in the world to come it will be matter of everlasting wonderment and astonishment to Angels and men for then it will appear that God is to be admired for his free grace and the exceeding greatness of his power to all that believe Lastly that I may stand no longer upon this Point let us consider a few places of Scripture more that beyond all contradiction to establish this truth that conversion is wrought in the soul of man by the power of God alone It is said the exceeding greatness of his power worketh towards them that believe and that according to his mighty power which wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead Ephes 1.19 20. He that hath wrought us to the self same thing is God 2 Corin. 5.5 Hence it is a very proper expression that wee commonly use when we speak of mens conversion to say they were wrought upon at such a time for indeed except God had wrought them by the exceeding greatness of his power to this self same thing they had never turned from Sin to Christ A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you I will take away the heart of stone and give you an heart of flesh Ezek. 36.26 27. In Conversion the habit of grace is secretly infused into the heart as life into a dead man the soul is passive at first hence it is said of God in reference unto this work Jam. 1.18 That of his own will begat he us of his own will that shews it is of his own meer grace and when it is said he begat us that shews that it is of his own power and that the Soul is first passive in the work When a Soul is converted it doth repent and doth act saith on Christ and is active in a way of Grace but first the Lord begets us spiritually and in uses spiritual life We must not imagine that the soul never acts at all first or last and that there are no created habits of grace but first the Lord infuses the habit of Grace wherein the Soul is passive and the Soul being changed and sanctifyed thereby through the help and influence of the spirit exciting and assisting that New spiritual Life put into us we are enabled to put forth acts of Faith Repentance and other Graces First the Lord puts spiritual Life into us and then in him through his concurrence and secret assistance we move and act spiritually and graciously The summe of all is this God first giveth repentance and then we repent God first giveth faith and then we believe All those Scriptures were it is said that God giveth repentance and giveth Faith and worketh in us to will and to do might all be insisted on for further confirmation of this truth That conversion is wrought by the power of God alone Likewise all those Scriptures that set forth the weakness of the Saints even after they are in the state of grace how they yet cry out to be delivered from the body of death what need they
of their eternal conditions accounting it a piece of Christian humility and holy modesty so to do yea thinking such a frame to be a great preservative from sin and a spur to quicken them to more diligence in Gods ways then if the assurance of the love of God were shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Ghost do erre not considering so fully the nature of Gospel Grace and a lively hope of salvation that it doth strengthen and enlarge the Soul in holiness and obedience by urging new and further motives to our walking with God and fruitfulness before him It is the duty of all to try their spiritual estates and not to rest satisfied in some probability of the truth and power of grace in them but to give diligence to the attaining of a full assurance thereof Wherefore are we called upon so often in the Scripture to prove our own works to examine our selves whether we be in the faith or no to give diligence to make our calling and election sure if it be not that those that are not yet converted may find it out that they may not deceive themselves but now look after union with Christ which yet they have not and that those that are converted indeed may be assured of it and so rejoyce and give praise and be stirred up to walk worthy in all things of the vocation wherewith they are called If a man be not yet truly converted unto God it is better for him to know how his condition is though for the present it fill his Soul with much anxiety and fear of the wrath to come then that he should go on quietly and presumptuously to Hell If we be foolish Virgins without the Oyle of grace in our vessels 't is better to know it now whilst Oyl may be got then not to know it till time is past and the door is shut Many are greatly offended when they are put upon trying their spiritual estates they say such preaching troubles their consciences they are loath to see in what a miserable condition they are but if the Lord delight in them to make them his people they will bless God that ever they sate under such an awakening Ministry by which the Lord brought them to see they were in the broad way that leadeth to destruction and brought them out of it unto Christ Now then in answer to this great Question How may a man know that he is truly converted and in the state of grace 1. It may be known by discerning the work of grace upon the Heart 2. It may be known by the more immediate testimony of the spirit 1. Conversion may be known by discerning the work of grace upon the heart If a man think himself something when he is nothing he deceiveth himself Gal. 6.3 Well then how shall such a man be undeceived v. 4. Let every man prove his own work so shall he have rejoycing in himself alone and not in another That is let him try whether the Lord hath began the good work of grace in him let him prove and examine himself whether he hath true faith true repentance true love to God true love to the brethren so shall he have rejoycing in himself alone discerning that God hath wrought in him those things that accompany salvation and not rejoyce meerly in the good opinion of others who though they be gracious and spiritual may easily be deceived in judging of the spiritual estate of others being not so suspicious of others as they are of themselves and know not the secret passages between God and their Souls as they know things between God and themselves Many Scriptures might be brought to shew that we are to take this course in judging of our spiritual estates Hereby we know that we know him if we keep his Commandments 1 John 2.3 Hereby know we that we are in him v. 4. We know that we are passed from death to life because we love the brethren 1 John 3.14 Those that deny inherent grace in those that are converted or would not have them to try their spiritual estates thereby are much mistaken Let those who would know whether they be yet converted set themselves as in the presence of the Lord and examine themselves whether the Lord hath made them sensible of the danger and evil that there is in sin whether the Lord hath taken them off from trusting in their own righteousness and strength whether the Lord hath revealed Christ to them as Mediator and fixed their hearts to put their whole trust in him Whether the Lord hath wrought in them godly sorrow for sin and put a new bent of holiness upon their hearts to desire and endeavour to walk so as to please God He that would have these things more fully opened let him remember or look back to the Third Chapter where I have shewn more largely what Conversion and Special Grace is and to let him examine himself accordingly But that I may through the grace of Christ be further helpful to those who would try their spiritual estates to find out what God hath done for their Souls let these things be observed 1. That the work of grace is not always alike visible and discernable in a Child of God neither to himself nor others with whom he hath to do Through bodily distempers through viclent temptations through sore falls into sin and great dissertions and hidings of Gods face from none of which a Child of God is wholly exempted in this life it may come to pass that a true Saint may be very hard put to it to discern the work of grace in himself yea very much fear that he hath no true grace and walk in darkness and trouble of spirit thereupon With some it is thus a great while God orders it thus amongst other holy ends of his by such examples of troubled Consciences to put others upon more tryal of their spiritual estates to draw forth our pity and compassion to such as are in these spiritual distresses and to make us more thankful for the light of Gods spirit to discern the work of grace in ourselves which these poor sorrowful ones cannot attain unto and to shew us that which I am now upon that grace being so little in the best is sometimes scarce discernable especially when the body is sickyl and distempered and there is some special hour and power of darkness upon us By the way I am afraid that sometimes godly Ministers unawares may deliver somethings that may much puzzle poor Christians about trying the work of grace upon their hearts and bring them into great darkness and trouble of spirit However that which I shall take notice of may be a Caution to such as shall read these things that they do not so I have observed that Ministers do sometimes speak so unwarily of the signs of this grace and the other that those signs which they lay down are signs only of the high actings of that grace and
actings whereby it is more easily discerned as for example when a Believer is examining whether he hath true Faith in Christ the Holy Ghost doth sometimes put that grace into act at that very time and then he can say Lord I believe I see faith at this very time working in my heart and so for other graces as repentance love to God and the like When it is thus a poor believer goes thorough the work of self examination with great satisfaction and delight and if it be not always so yet let a Believer pray and search into his heart and wait upon the Lord If he hide his face yet wait upon him for a good hour when he will come unto us and comfort us 4. The stronger the habit of grace in the heart is and the more frequent and constant the actings of grace are the more easily may we come to the knowledg and assurance of the work of grace in us If faith were stronger in the habit and more frequent in the act we might have more assurance that we have the truth of that grace and usually it is so that such have most assurance the like may be said of repentance love to God and other graces Happy is it when a man can truly say shall I question the truth of my faith in Christ when through the grace of God who hath wrought my heart to this self same thing I find a strong bent upon my heart to cleave to Christ as my Mediatour for ever I am continually looking to him he is precious to me the Meditation of him is sweet to my soul I have counted do count and will for ever count all things but dung in comparison of him shall I question the truth of my repentance when I find that I have continual sorrow in my heart for my sins and sighs and cry continually to be delivered from all my corruptions I say happy is that man whose grace is so strong and in such continual motion and action such a man can more easily discern the truth of it let us pray and wait for this 5. Believers must not be taken up wholly in trying of themselves whether they are in the state of grace or no but press forwards in putting forth New acts of Faith New acts of repentance New acts of love to Christ and New acts of mortification of Sin That we may grow up into him in all grace who is our head even Christ Yea sometimes former grace received may be many ways so obscured yea weakned that there is no other way to recover the vigour and comfort of grace but for the Soul to believe in Christ repent and turn to God as if it were but now to begin to follow Christ Secondly Conversion and the work of grace upon the heart is sometimes manifested to us by the more immediate testimony of the spirit If the holy Ghost do indeed perswade and assure our hearts that we are in the love and favour of God then we are effectually called for though God loveth those whom he hath chosen from everlasting and the giving of Christ to die for them and his drawing them to Christ is from that free love and good pleasure of his will towards them yet until a person be converted the holy Ghost doth not assure him that God hath ordained him to eternal life Those whom God hath foreknown he hath predestinated from eternity to the adoption of Children by Jesus Christ but till they be actually sons and daughters which is not till their conversion and believing in Christ John 1.12 The Lord doth not send his spirit into their hearts to enable them to cry Abba Father The Lord indeed sendeth his spirit into the hearts of the Elect to convert them and work faith in them for without the spirit it could never be done but it is an after work for the spirit to come into our hearts enabling us to cry Abba Father assuring us that we are the Children of God Rom. 8.16 And shedding abroad and pouring in the love of God to us in particular into our hearts Rom. 5 5. We must not think that the holy Ghost at first dash doth assure a person that God hath ordained him in particular to eternal life before he insufe the habit of grace and spiritual Life into him but first the holy Ghost having convinced the soul of sin and convinced the Soul of righteousness to justify to be in Christ and in him alone doth enable the soul to apply Christ and come unto him and afterwards as it pleases him doth manifest to the soul the truth of his faith and his pardon through Christ The Holy Ghost works as a Sanctifyer before he workes as a Comforter the Holy Ghost workes faith in the heart before he fill with joy and peace which is onely in believing in Christ and discerning the fruits of our Vnion with him The manner how the Holy Ghost doth assure us that we are the Children of God is a great mystery When the Holy Ghost clears to us the work of grace upon our hearts this is one way that he doth witness to us that we are the Children of God But sometimes he doth it more immediately that when the believer hath not been at that time trying his spiritual estate or it may be is in great heaviness through manifold inward temptations and outward dangers and afflictions suddenly the Holy Ghost makes him to triumph in Christ and rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory Indeed this way of the spirits witnessing to the soul though it is most refreshing and ravishing yet it is not so ordinary as the other and it is more transient and quickly passing away and is rather a cordial for some sowning fit or some Antidote to strengthen the heart in some great appraoching service or tryal then the common food of the Saints in this life If any shall say how do Believers know the voice and witness of the spirit speaking peace and joy by Jesus Christ to their souls from a delusion I answer 1. By a certain spiritual instinct which no man knows but him that hath it by this they know the voice of the spirit from the voice of a stranger 2. By the signs that follow this voice and Witness of the spirit raising our hearts to look to Christ the Mediatour As he from whom all our springs are admiring the love of the father in giving him to be the propitiation for our sins loathing of our selves for our iniquities and stronger desires to walk in universal obedience to the Lord. But now because some seem to examine themselves little concerning the work of grace upon their hearts but in giving a reason of the hope they have that they are passed from death to life speak not of their faith repentance and other graces but say that they had such and such a word given in as for example I have loved thee with an everlasting love or I have blotted out as a