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B08235 The ymage of both pastoures sette forth by that mooste famouse clerck, Huldrych zwinglius ; [and] now tra[n]slated out of Latin into Englishe, By John Veron Sinonoys. A most fruitefull [and] necessary boke, to be had [and] redde in all churches, ther wyth to enarme all symple [and] ignorant folkes, agaynst the raueninge wolues and false prophetes.; Von dem predig ampt. English Zwingli, Ulrich, 1484-1531.; VĂ©ron, John, d. 1563. 1550 (1550) STC 26143; ESTC S111785 87,055 198

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the signes and tokens wherby as by a most infallible touche stone the false pastours may be tryed I. Commune notes tokēs wherby false pastoures may be discerned frō the true As many as do not teache are wolues how soeuer they glorie boast crake cōmende and set forth thē selfes by the tyteles eyther of Pastours or of Bysshops or of Kynges and I praye how manye of these mytred Byshoppes do nowe a dayes execute the offyce of preachynge As many as do set forth in teaching of gods worde theyr owne inuentions and dreames are wolues and not Pastoures As many as teache gods worde and do not referre all thinges to the honour and glorye of god but seke theyr owne and hauinge a respect to theyr head the Byshop of Rome do goo about to establishe hys tyranny and vsurped power are moste noysom and hurteful wolues whych come beynge clothed in shepes clothynge As many as do teach the very word of god in dede but in the meane season do not resyst wythstand the vyces synnes of the hygh rulers sufferynge theyr tyrannye that with a greuous offēce of all men to encrease doylye waxe stronger are flatterynge wolues and betrayers of the people As many as do not expresse in their workes and doynges that which they do teache ought to be of no estimacyō in the churche of chryste For they destroye more with theyr workes doinges than they do buylde and edifie with theyr teachynge and doctryne As many as do not care for the poore but suffre them to be afflicted oppressed are false pastours As many as do glory in the name tytles of pastours in the meane season do vsurpe an earthelye kyngdome ruling and gouernng as hyghly as the Prynces of thys worlde are most pryntyous wolues As many as with gathering heapy●g vp of treasours and rychesse doo fil their purses chestes garners wine sellers are rauenynge wolues Too bee shorte as manye as doo prefyre or sette vnto theym selues anye other scope or marcke than that they maye plāte set edifye among mē the knowledge feare and loue of god ar raueninge wolues which yf they be not quickly kept of from the flocke of the shepe do teare rente and deuoure all the whole flocke As many besydes that as bryng and allure vs from god the creator to make vs to serue vnto creatures to make vs to aske helpe and succour of them are false pastours an exhortation vnto thē that ar deliu●red from false pastors that thei do not 〈◊〉 thē selfes to be begyled agayne But now syth that almyghty god hath determyned to punyshe so long the enormytye of oure synnes by false pastours whych dyd take thee foode of gods worde awaye from oure soules and by rauenynge wolues which dyd spoyle vs of our outward and tēporal goodes yea dyd bryng vs all together vnder theyr subiectyon and tyrannye and now doeth vouchesafe to kyndell againe to reuyle the lyght of his euerlastyng truth so that we may bothe se openlye and knowe false Pastours and rauenynge wolues it is the duetye of Christiā people in no wyse for to kyck agaynste but rather to suffre theym selues wythe a gladde harte to bee delyuered from that harde captyuytye and thraldome of rauenynge wolues For here we oughte not too consyder and loke vppon the ●●terne and outewarde incommodytyes of oure bodye but lette thys thynge moue vs rather that we see goddes worde bothe deprauated and taken awaye from vs. For thys hathe bene thee custome of false pastours that they dyd eyther hyde goddes worde all togeather The papistes haue depraueated Gods word with mens traditions or els deprauate it with false expositions Which thing now a dayes they go aboute to bring to passe intending this one this in al their craftes and subtilties that eyther gods worde bee not preached at al or els that it maye be all togeather corrupted deprauated wythe humayne or mens tradicions false dreames expositiōs For yf we suffre our selues to be brought agayn into darknes it is plaine that it is done for none other cause but that because the heynousnes abhominacyon of oute synnes is so greate that we can not abyde gods word Syth that the brightnes of the truth cā not smite into our eyen wtout greate payne gryefe dolour We are therfore deseruinglye dampned it is oure owne merite deseruynge that our burden and yoke is encreased and doubled For the lyght dyd come into thee worlde and men dyd loue rather darkenesse than the lyghte Ioh. iiii Wherfore that myserable alteratyon and chaunge and fallinge agayne into darkenesse is wythe all dylygence and wyth most vygylaunte care to bee taken hede of in al commune weales For our sauiour and lord Iesus christ is readye and offereth freelye hys grace vnto vs it is oure part coragyously to folowe hym beyng our guyde or forgoer Yf we wylde the children of god it is mete conuenient that we do harken to his worde onely We shal also take hede that we do not herkē vnto thē that do pluck vs away from gods worde but rather we shall kepe of or dryue they awaye farre from vs nor suffre them in anye wyse to be in oure companye Thys thynge are all parentes wont to requyre of theyr chyldren how moche more thē shall the heauēly father of vs al require the same of his children whō he hath adu●ted or chosē in his sōne as a peculiare most dere beloued people vnto hym We shal therfore shew the wayes and meanes wherby we may quyckely be delyuered frō false pastours And first of al we wyl reherse shew the rewarde and horryble punyshmente that is prepared for them yf perchaunce they beynge frayde wythe the consyderation of it wyll forsake theyr wycked vnryghteous wayes That hygh Of the punishment vtter destructiō of false postours or prophetes almyghtye god speaketh after thys maner Deut. xiii Yf ther aryse among you a prophete or a dreamer of dreames geueth that a signe or wonder and thee sygne or wonder which he hath spoken of do come too passe and they say let vs go after ●raūge gods whych thou hast not knowē serue them herken not thou vnto thee wordes of that prophet or dreamer of dreames for the lorde thy god proueth the to wyte whether ye loue the Lord your god wyth all your harte wyth al your soule ye shal walke after thee Lorde youre god and feare hym kepe his cōmaundementes herken vnto hys voyce serue hym and cleaue vnto hym And thee prophete or dreamer of dreames shal dye because he hath spoken to turne you away from the Lord your god whych brought you oute of the lāde of Egipt deliuered you out of the house of bōdage to thrust or put that out of the way which the lorde thy god hath commaunded the to walke in therfore thou shalt put away the euyl frō the This is a very great
that is to say with rewardes giftes with warres fyering of villages and townes with spoyling destroying of feldes slaughter of the innocētes and al other kindes of crudelite The Kynges of Scicilia were counted to be the cruellest tiraūts of the worlde in so much that the tyrauntes of Scicilia whych were of most famous crudelitie coulde deale no cruellier For they dyd neuer handel a man cruelly afore that his cause was hearde but these our spiritual prelates do with al care diligence studye thys one thinge that they maye in all regions and countreys winne to thē selfes wyth large gyftes and rewardes thee myndes of the myghtye rulers and magistrates whom they so intoxicate and poysonne that they thyncke that they haue well and truelye done theyr duety yea that they do hygh seruice vnto god when they do most cruelly persecute al them the preache the word of the gospell without any hearinge of the causes or trying of the doctrine And yf they their owne selues haue the secular swerde in theyr hādes as they do cal it by and by they do without any measure slea kyl and murther the innocentes beynge in thys poynt more cruell than Tygres and Crocodiles And onles they shulde feate that thei shuld be so serued yf at any tyme the world shuld alter chaūge they wold in no wyse be contēt with the cōmune vsed kindes of punishmēts Phalaris was kinge of the Argenti●s most cruell tyraūt whiche daylye inuented new kīdes of tormēts to exercise their ragiouse crudelitie but wold as a most cruell Phalaris day●ly inuente fynde out newe facions and kyndes of tormentes to afflicte there wyth according to their inordinat lustes the faythful ministers of gods minde the iniquit●e vnryghtfull gouernement of the Magestrates of ouer tyme Besydes that thou doest before thyne owne eyen see this thing also o faythfull seruaunt which hast wholy consecrated thy self vnto god that many of the hygh powers whose part it was to administer the swearde of iustice do vse exercise iustice yf that maner of rul●ng that they do vse may be called iustyce rather accordinge too theyr coueteouse myndes inordinate lustes bold rashenesse that they may be hygh voyltre theym selfes in all kyndes of pleasure than of any loue or feare of God true religion The people is s●een to the verye bones with importable tar●s exactyōs subsydies For they doo myserable vexe theyr owne subiectes wyth pryde hautenesse of mynde insolent arrogācye yea they do oppresse them they tormēt and afflicte them they pylle and poole robbe fley thē to the very bones wyth vnlawfull exactions taxes subsydes They trouble forenne nations and peoples wyth wartes excursiōs or hostile renninges out with dayly scarmychinge battailes And at home yf thou doest beholde loke vpō their priuate maner of lyuing they do nothing els but ryotte eate and drinke make mery vse vnlawful games in theyr abhominable dronckenes most shamefully polluting all theyr studyes and doynges wyth fil thye whoredom adultery This is the sickenes and most pestilēt boyle where with the heades of the Christian people are infected Wherefore Ezechi iii. o faythful Pastour take good hede to thy self and se how these euyls can be remedyed For yf thou doest not set forth the truth of the worde of God the bloud of them that peryshe as it is sayd before The office of a Pastour is very peryllous shal be requyred at thy hād Agayn yf thou doest beginne to speake tel the truth thou shalt fall ●nto the handes of them that be able to do the no small harme For the deceate fraud subtyltie The craft of the papistes in winning the hertes fauoure of Princes craft of the papistes is soche that they haue crepte into the palaces of al princes Emprours Kinges craftely at the fyrste promoting the chyldrē of certayn Princes For they dyd make some of theym Cardinals some Byshops some agayn Abbates Prious Cōmendours Administratours or Coadiutours yea they dyd also make the same selfe Princes parteners wyth theym of the money that they gotte of the symple ignoraunte people by theyr pardons indulgēces Whereby it came to passe that they haue almost all earthly princes not a litle subiect bound vnto thē Wherfore yf thou folowinge the example of Christe doest go about to assaute expell dryue out thys deceyptful cōpany flocke of hypocti●es by by thou shalt see the Princes leape forth to defend these hypocrites with dothe and ●●ale Agayn yf thou casting away thy weapons and harneys wyll runne away and seeke a meane howe thou mayste cōmodiously rydde delyuer thy self frō that pe●yllous function office thou shalte be rekened among the vnfaythfull pastours which seinge the wolfe doo forsake the shepe and take them selfes to their fete sauing thē selfes by runninge awaye Here as yf it were by the way the vertue strength of fayth is knowē for when a man being in extreme daunger is in perplexitie and all together doubtfull of mynde he may not flye to none other yf he be faythfull in dede than to thee o●● god his word as vnto a most sure refuge that he being fully instructed by i● may p●t his host trust and cōfidence in hym onely Hauing therfore a● eye vnto Christ A pastour ought in no wise to feare death hea●e take hede and marke diligently what he doth speake Iohn x. When he saithe a good pastour doth ieoparde his lyfe for his shepe Yf then thou wylt be counted a faythful good pastour and desyrest to be numbred and rekened among them that haue wrought and laboured faithfully in the worke of the lorde thou muste nedes ieoparde thy lyfe for thy shepe Besydes that he doeth moue styrre vs with other wordes Math. x when he sayth● That thing that I saye vnto you in darkenesse tell ye it in thee light that thing that ye heare in your eares preache ye it vpō houses And be not ye afrayed of them that kyl the bodye but the soule they cā not kyl but rather feare ye him that cā cast both body soule into the fyre of hel By the which wordes we do most playnly learne that we oughte in no wyse to kepe close or hyde Gods word but rather the lord doth cōmaūd that we puttīge aside al feare do speake it abroade Also he that is the minister of God shall in no wyse dreade the manasshes and threateninges of the world For as it is our duety and office to speak boldely agaynst all thē that lyue in synne lycentiously and wythout shame as the Lorde doth cōmaunde the prophet sayinge Hierem. i. Thou shalt go to whom soeuer I shall send the crye oute ceasse not Esay iviii lyft vp thy voyce as a trompette and shewe vnto my people theyr synnes so it is the duety of a Pastour to coope openly wyth the
secōde parte the rauenynge wolues whyche beynge clothed in shepes skynnes doo counterfeyte thee true shepeheardes are descrybed and sette forthe to thee eyen of thee congregatyon and in a maner shewed wythe thee fynger For there anye manne shall see theyr wyde gapynge mouthes theyr sharpe teethe wherewythe they alwayes threaten slaughter and murther and woluysshe pawes for thee shepes skynnes wherewythe they haue dysguysed theym selues can not hyde all thynges to appeare out To be short all the congregatyons and churches that are not yet prouyded of true mynysters shall by thys lyttel boke yf it be trulye perused and reade learne in the meane season too dyscerne and knowe thee true and faythfull pastoures from thee deuelysshe rauenynge wolues be they neuer soo masked and dysguysed Whych truely wyl be noo smalle helpe vnto theym afterwardes when true pastoures shall thoroughe thee fatherlye care of oure souereyn lorde the kynge and hys honourable counsayle bee sente vnto theym too come vnto the true relygyon and godlynesse A prayer vnto God for to sende true faythfull Pastours O mercyfull pryeste and chyefe Bysshoppe Iesus Chiyste vouchesafe wee beseche thee of thy bountuous mercyfulnesse to sende oute true and faythefull labourers into thy holye harueste for too breake and dystrybute thee breade of thy holye worde vnto theym that hunger for it Vouchesafe also o mooste true and faythfull shepehearde to strengthen wythe thy holy spyrite all preachers and teachers that thou haste sente and dayly do sende to fede thy dere boughte flocke too thee intente that they maye boldelye and earnestlye sette theyr soules in the defence of thy holye worde and for their shepe agaynst all the threatenynges and false enterpryses of thee rauenynge wolues and false prophetes that goo aboute too seduce and bryng vs oute of the ryght waye for theyr belyes sake throughe theyr false doctryne And that they maye so teache and declace vnto vs thy holye lawe and Gospell that we beyng taughte and edyfyed maye daylye more and more magnyfye thy godlye honoure Now I haue shortly declared and shewed the chyefe and pryncypal causes of thee blyndnesse that yet at thys presente raignethe amonge thee symple and ygnoraunte people and what moued me too translate thys golden booke and mooste excellente worcke Whyche trulye yf that godlye Nehemias thee reparatour of Hierusalem were amonge vs I woulde haue dedicated vnto hym and too none other Sythe then that youre grace hathe bene a verye Nehemias vnto vs for thoroughe youre vigilaunte care the true Hierusalem whiche is the Churche that was all couered wythe thee rubbisshe of Antichristes tradityons is now at this presente newe builded vp agayne I coulde do no lesse but to dedicate it vnto your grace And thoughe it is not so eloquentely and fynely translated as manye that were naturally borne and brought vp in thys countreye myghte haue done it Yet not wythestandynge haue I a good hope that youre grace suche is your Pryncely gentylnesse wyll take it in good worthe not so muche consyderyng the thinge it selfe as the beneuolent hart that it comethe from The Lorde knowethe howe greate a loue and affcctyon not onelye I but generallye all true Christyans doo beare vnto you and that for the excedynge great zeale that youre grace hathe had alwayes to true relygyon and godlinesse This loue and affectyon was ryght wel declared and manyfested by thee teares and daylye prayers of thee faythfull when that euerlyuyng and almyghty God who alwayes chastyseth theim whome he louethe dyd suffre youre grace to be tryed wythe thee fyre of trouble and afflyctyon As then all thee whole congregation of thee faythfull dyd withe mournynge teares make earneste intercessyon and prayer vnto almyghtye God for your graces delyueraunce so nowe I doo mooste humblye beseche hym that is the auctoure of all good thynges that he vouchesafe of hys goodnesse and mercye so wythe hys holye spyryte too rule guygde and gouerne you in all youre wayghtye affayres withe that most gracyous Ladye your true louing spouse and wyfe that what soeuer youre grace shall thinke or do may be to the glory of god to the cōmune weale of this Realme saluacion of youre soule ¶ Youre poore oratour Iohn Verou The Image of both Pastours or ministers set forth by that famouse Clerck Huldriche zwinglius and now translated out of Latyn into Englisshe by Iohn Vtron Seuonoys Th●y were called Apostolyke men that were disciples of the Apostles as Luke marke were THat in tymes paste many admonitiōs were geuen by the prophetes in the olde Testament in the newe by apostolyke men yea the Apostels thē selues whych were the chief ministers of Christes churche vnto the Pastours of the people euerye man doeth know that only hath redde with a diligent mynd their bokes writinges in the which mooste deare brethren in Christ most faythful seruauntes and ministers in the house of god we may deprehende and fynde very sute tokēs of this thinge Wherfore I haue thoughte that it was also lawfull for me to speake talcke and reason wyth all the fydelytie and diligence that cā be of oure commune offyce and admynystration and that mooste especiallye in thys godly and dyuyne Sinode A Synode is an assēble or convocatiō of the clergye togeath .x. wher so many hūdreth of Pastours so great numbre of learned menne and also so great a multitude of brethrē that with a feruent desyre do thyrste for the word of God are assembled Let vs therfore in gods holy name begynne oure matter The Christian Pastour and flocke whych he taketh vppon hym to feede doeth wyth soche euydence and lyuelynesse expresse the type fygure of thee dyuyne Maiestie and of vs al The scripture of the old Testamēt doeth adumorate shadowe the diuine prouydēce of god vnder the similitude shadow of a shepeherde that the Scripture of thee olde Testamente is wonte often tymes too shadowe vnder thee similitude and Image of a Pastoure or shepeherde that euerlarstynge prouydence of thee hyghe God where wyth he doeth beholde care for rule as a faythfull housholder dispose all thynges that is to saye when it doeth depicte and sette forth that most hygh gouernour of the worlde vnder the personne of a shepeherde and vs vnder the similitude of shepe What shoulde we saye Syth that the sauiour of vs all Iesus Christe doeth vouchesafe to call hym selfe by the name of a shepeherd Iohn .x chap. For he is thee true fode in hym the fatte Pastours of the soules are layde forth vnto vs to be shorte he is that true leader shepeherde of the ●●ocke which hath brought vs miserable wretched sinners out of the thick darckenesse of ignoraunce and snares of mennes traditions into that pleasaunte lyghte of gods wysdom and in to the lybertye of the sonnes of God Wher the offyce of a shepeherde or pastour oughte to be learned Wherfore it shall be necessarye for all theym that are sente as Pastours
wyde that are wonte to hope and gape for peace and quietnesse nor wyll sustaine or abyde the greuous scornes of persecutiōs for the holy wordes sake or thinke that they must suffre none For though the people doth by flockes swarmes flie to the word of god with feruēte studies come vnto christ yet not wtstanding we shal feele that euer moch persecutyon and crosse shal be styrred vp agaynste vs by the mighty rulers of the world which wyl alwayes with al their strength endeuours myght withstand resyst the euāgelical doctrine Yes put the case that ther be no such in the world or that the Princes rulers do fauor the truth of that gospel yet shal we neuertheles se false teachers false Apostles The nature of false teachers false apostle ryse daylye which hauing more learnyng knowledge thā charitie loue wyl set forth them selues not wythout great hynderaūce of the truth of gods worde For they wtout any vrgent cause styrryng vp contentious and stryfes for euerye lyght tryfle shal greuously offend the weake and meke harted they care not though they al offend the worlde so that they may be counted of the simple and ygnoraunt people greate clerkes and well learned Here therefore shall a newe gryef and crosse rise and come vp on vs which doth require in vs a new whole strēgth For they that at soūd stedfast or cōstant in the faith must nedes be sore greued in their mindes It is a greate ●rosse to the godly to se the weake too be offēded whē they se the weake to be offended and truly ther can be no greater greuouser or bytrerer gryefe vnto a godly man as Paule testyfyethe of hym selfe to the Corinthi sayinge ii Cori. xi Who is offended and I burne not What neadethe many wordes Euerye daye we muste take a newe crosse vpon vs for chryste lyeth not when he doth say math vi Suffycient vnto the day is the trauaile therof And in an other place math .x. He that wyll saue his life shal lose it Wher ye must marke note that this word anima whiche communely is taken for the soule or lyfe of mā doth not only in this place signifie the lyfe that we do lyue in thys body but also the mind intēt purpose or counsail of mā Who soeuer thē for to saue this frayle transitory life doth vnfaithfully fal from the word of god shal lose hys lyfe who soeuer trustyng in his owne learnyng wysdom counsailes intent or purpose of his mynde wyl not suffre hym self to be plucked frō it but rather honeth that by it he shal obtaine the true beatytude euer lastyng felicitie shal also lose his lyfe and caste awaye hys soule Therefore the pastour shall vtterly forsake hym self he shal al together caste and throw down him self before god he shal vtterly take and banishe away the froward intent or purpose of is obstakle stubborne mynde euery day prepare him selfe to beare some newe crosse For christ dyd also folow the same way and rule euer submitting his wyll to hys fathers wyl which he dyd alwayes obeye bearing the crosse that was layde vpō him tyl he was takē vp to that glory that he shulde syt at thee ryghte hande of the father After that the pastour hath forsaked hī self he must be replenisshed with the spirite of god As sone thē as the pastour not only he but also euery mortal mā hath for sakē himself by this forsaking hath wholy euacuated him self that is to say hath made hī self of no reputatiō ī his own sight next of al it behoueth that he be filled or replenished with God that is to say that he put al his hope trust in the one only god Our lorde Iesus chryste did both performe expresse thee same in his disciples whō by by as sone as they leauing al thinges did stick cleaue only to him he did not only prouide for concerning externe outwarde thinges that is to say meate drinke and clothing that so lyberally that they beinge asked whether they wanted any thing when they were sent to preach the gospel wtout scrip or wallet dyd answere that they did lack no maner of thyng but also wylled them to bee withoute all care and too take no thought what they shuld aunswere yf at any tyme they shuld be brought before Kynges and Princes Math. x. for in the same selfe houre sayth he it shal be geuen you what ye shall aunswere Besydes that he dyd not commit vnto thē the full offyce of preachinge afore that he blowing vpon them as we may see in the .xx. cha of Iohn dyd say Receaue ye the holy ghost signifying therby that no mā is mete to fede the people that no man can well truely execute the offyce of a Pastour To euacuate hī selfe whyche is halfe a latin phrase is too esteme hī selfe of no reputatiō Philip .ii. excepte he vtterly forsakinge euacuatinge hym selfe hath God inhabytinge dwellinge and speakinge in or by hym Besydes that he doth commaunde thē also that they shuld not depart frō Hierusalē tyl that they had receaued the spirite * Actuū i that was promysed unto thē Which being receaued they dyd by by beginne and not without great gratulation and ioye of myndes the function offyce of preachinge for so it behoueth to be least the Pastour do le●de the shepe cōmitted vnto him into any other pastours than in to the same out of the whych he hathe pycked gathered the fode of gods worde that is to saye into the knowledge of the true god into a constant most sure confidēce in him only Yf he wyll thē set forth these thīges vnto the people that is cōmitted vnto him he mu● himselfe learne to know god fyrst and put hys hole affi●unct trust and confidence in hym onely These thinges being thus promised done he shal begin to preach the worde after the same maner that christ him selfe dyd vse For he being about to teach the worlde dyd saye Repēt ye for the kingdom of heauē is at hand Repētāce is the fyrst part of the preachyng of the gospel Whych forme and maner Iohn baptist the fore renner of Christ Iesus dyd obserue But who wyll repent who wyl amende his lyfe that afore doeth not vnderstande and knowe howe wycked and euyll he is Therfore the syckenesse dysease must be fyrst shewed and declared than afterwardes the saluatiō ought to be preached No mā ought to be moued that oure lord sauiour Iesus christ Math. x marke .xvi doth commaunde to preache only saluatiō the gospel For the sickenes must be knowē afore that any mā wyl suffre the medicine to be ministred vnto him Christ also in those places that we now haue made mention of doth by a more swete pleasant cōfortable word denominate
enemyes of the trueth and to withstande them to theyr faces that so he may defende the flocke committed vnto hym and helpe hys shepe out of thee myre and puddell of synne for onlesse soche thinges were done cared for and takē hede of we shuld haue no nede of a Pastour for whyles no peryl doeth hange ouer the shepe they haue no neade of a pastour nor of a watch man that should watch for theym but rhey haue nede of a pastoure that they may throughe his fatherly care diligence both for see and shunne the peryl Yf then the pastour when there is any daunger peryl ieoperdye doth runne away as touching the shepe it maketh no matter at al whether that they haue any shepeherde or not Wherfore it is most necessary The example of christe that afore all thynges we haue an eye vnto christ whych sayeth Iohn x. I do ieoparde my lyfe for my shepe For he dyd not onely speake these thinges with wordes but also he dyd fulfyll and performe them in dede For when he was goynge to Hierusalem he dyd wythe plaine and manifest wordes declare vnto his discyples what paryl daūger he shuld bryng his lyfe to Math. xv● whē Peter dyd go about to turne hym frō the minde and purpose he turned hym self to Peter sayinge Goo after me Sathan thou hynderest me for thou doest not sauoure those thinges that are of god but those thynges that are of mē And afterwardes beyng entred into the citie he did cast the biers sellers out of the temple fearyng nothynge thee malycyous intentes of thee Scrybes and priestes whom he knewe dyd hate hym deadly Yea he dyd also opēly in the audyence of all thee people wythe greate grauitye and sharpe wordes rebuke theyr synnes and vyces that is to saye theyr couetousnes ambition hypocrysye math xxii● And when the appoynted houre or tyme of hys deathe was come that he shoulde delyuer hym self for vs his enemies beīge yssued forth dyd seeke too take hym he dyd come forthe to mete theym and that we beynge instructed by hys owne example myghte vnderstande that it is also thee offyce of a Pastoure to beware and kepe of those outewarde perylles and ieopardyes whyche maye hurte the lyues and goodes of the shepe he dyd not onelye delyuer hym selfe too deathe for vs all but also dyd deliuer hys dyscyples from thys bodelye deathe sauynge theyr lyues when he not wythout a dyuyne godly maiestie power dyd saye Yf ye seke me suffre these to go away Therfore he that wylbe a faythful good pastour of the shepe of our lord and sauyoure Iesus Chryste folowynge chrystes example muste set hym selfe agaynste all peryllous tem●estes and stormes and come forthe against al the enemies of Christ which for goddes sake and hys euerlastynge worde and also for the faythfull care that he taketh for hys shepe do go aboute to persecute and afflycte hym fearynge nothyng nor yet regarding the persō of any man Lette hym not be afrayde nor abasshed in hys mynde thoughe he were cōpelled to reproue rebuke speake against the great Kynge Alexander magnus or Iulyus Cesar The true Pastour shall also rebuke and reproue prīces yf they vse any extortion or burden ouer sore their poore subiectes or thee Bysshoppe of Rome hym self to be short against al the mightiest moste puissaunt kynges Princes of the worlde Which thing he shal not only do yf they do obstinateli resist the word of god but also yf they do oppres the poore people that is vnder their subiectiō with intollerable burdens of subsidyes exactiōs taxes Which thinges we wyl proue nowe with plaine euident examples and also wythe manifest testimonies of the scryptures Whē the almighty merciful father did se that the people of Israel was oppressed w e exceding great vnmeasurable afflictiōs with an ouer heauy yoke of seruitude by the most cruel tiraūt Pharao al the people of Egipt by by he did sēd Moses to delyuer them frō so hard a thraldom bodage For he could beare no longer the tyrannicall vniust affliction of his people Exo. iii. And although Moyses excusynge him selfe by his simplicitie and rudenesse dyd al that he could to put from hym that functyon office yet did he profytte or auayle nothing prayed he neuer so moch but beynge compelled and constrayned of the lorde dyd brynge forth that great people and innumerable multytude of men women and chyldren yea against the tyraunt Pharaos wyl and how Through the myddest of the sea through the desertes thoroughe thousandes of their enemyes thorough infinit parylles of hunger thyrste sycknesses punysshementes So that to haue reade or harde suche great paynes labours and trauayles wolde make anye man to tremble and quake for horrour God notwythstandynge althoughe they were beset on euerye syde with parylles most daugerous ieopardyes yet remembrynge his promyse dyd geue the vyctorye to his people Thys therfore shal be the office duety of euery Pastour to come forth and to stand vp manfully for the health saue garde of hys shepe yf at any tyme the tyrauntes of this world do begynne vniustly and after newe vngodly wayes to aggrauate or burden and oppresse thee people For they that mynyster thee lames of natyons and peoples The du●t●e of christian magistrat ● and are gouernoures of publyke weales oughte too be benefycyall not iniuryous or wrongefull not pyllers and pollers not robbers and theues Luke .xxii. Wherefore that famous godly philosopher Seneca Seneca dyd ryght wel and iustely cal the offyce or ruledomme of a Kynge Benefecyum that is to saye a benefytte No man I suppose is ygnoraunte what is dued of subiectes to magystrates whych thynge Paule doeth playnelye set forthe Roma xiii but here in thys place we speake of tyrauntes whyche doynge intollerable wronges vnto all men haue in theym no sparkle of loue towardes theyr neyghboure nor yet of true relygyon or godlynesse A digression What shall we saye o faythfull soule shall wee not beleue that thys is doone by thee syngulare loue mercye and bounteous worcke of God thee father that in thys oure moste wycked tyme whyche is polluted with all kyndes of vyce we see thee bryghtenesse of hys holye worde too shyne forthe wythe so greate vertue and lyghtesomnesse In this oure tyme I saye that all inorydynate lustes fleshely affectyons vnryghteousnesse iniquitie a dyssolute or lycentyous corruptyon of all good lawes do raygne euery wher that we se al states and orders of menne yea thee greateste parte of thee myghty Prynces corrupted cōtaminated polluted with fylthye whoredom adulterye rauyshyng of mayden vnfaithfulnes impudency or vnshamefastnes with robberyes theftes detestable vsurye all other lyke horryble synnes Wherfore sythe that it is playne and euedente that the word of god was neuer hetherto sens that the fayth of chryst beganne fyrst to bee preached and spreade abroade