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B08096 The great assize, or, Day of iubilee. Deliuered in foure sermons, vpon the 20. chapter of the Reuel. ver. : Whereunto are annexed two sermons vpon the I. chapter of the Canticles, verse 6.7. / [By] Samuel Smith, minister of the work of God at Prittlewell in Essex.. Smith, Samuel, 1588-1665. 1617 (1617) STC 22847.7; ESTC S95246 88,613 364

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his wife hath made herselfe ready Reu. 19.7 So then this booke containes in it the wonderfull loue and mutual affection betwixt Christ Iesus and his Spouse the true Church of GOD and euerie true beleeuer Thus much may serue touching the book it self we will now come to the words of the Text. Shew thou me O thou whom my soule loueth c. IN the beginning of this chapter the Church beginneth to speake to Christ and being rauished in heart with his Loue desires most earnestly to be embraced of him that shee might be ioyned vnto him and haue fellowship with him preferring Christ Iesus with the blessings and benefites she reapeth by him before all other things in the world In the third Verse shee confesseth her vntowardnesse and her want of power to embrace Christ and therefore she desireth him to draw her heart by his Word and Spirit whereby shee sheweth her earnest desire to receiue Iesus Christ Verse 4. She remoues an obiection that might be made for it might be said Alas thou art black and deformed how canst thou then hope that hee will take any pleasure in thy beauty seeing that hee is the most pure blessed and glorious Son of God To this she confesseth that though by Nature shee be blacke ful of blemishes and naturall corruptions by reason of her originall sinne and naturall corruptions as also her actuall transgressions yet notwithstanding being washed in Christs Bloud cloathed in his Righteousnesse and being decked and beautified vvith the Graces of his Spirit Knowledge Faith Repentance Zeale Patience Loue Obedience c. shee is faire and comely Now in the sixt Verse shee puts vp an earnest request vnto Christ that he would in mercie shew her where hee feedeth his Flocke and where he prouides comfort for them in the time of trouble For Christ being the great Sheepheard his Church on earth seekes onely after him to be fedde resting assured that there is but one true shepheard who feedeth all his Sheep with wholesome pasture In these two Verses we haue two things to be considered of vs Viz. 1 The Request and Petition the which the Church doth make vnto Christ Verse 6. The Tex● diuided 2 The most kinde and louing answere of Christ Iesus vnto his Church directing her and comforting her according to her Petition Verse 7. In the first of these wee are to consider two things First the Request and secondly the reason of the Request In the Request note First the person to whom she resorts Oh thou whom c. Secondly the Request it selfe which is twofo●d First that Christ Iesus would shew her where he feeds his Flocke with his holy Word Sacraments to this end that hee would feede her as he fed the Flockes of former times Secondly where hee prouides shelter and shadow in the heate of persecution as the manner of those Shepheards was in those hot countries to driue their sheepe to shade in the heate of the day And lastly the Reason For why should I bee as shee that turneth aside after the Flockes of thy companions So that if CHRIST doe it not it will not bee for His honour nor yet for her good The person vnto whom the Church seekes for direction First for the Person to whom shee seeketh for direction and comfort it is CHRIST IESVS the Sauiour and Redeemer of his church and people whom shee describeth thus Oh thou whom my soule loueth c. q. d. O Lord IESVS CHRIST my Sauiour and Redeemer whom I loue with all mine heart yea whom I loue most earnestly aboue all the world So as if the question were asked what I loue best in all the world I speake it from my heart It is thou Lord alone Doctr. 1 Christ Iesus must be loued with the stFaida Hamdiongest affection of loue Hence wee learne with what affection euery childe of God and true beleeuer must loue IESVS CHRIST namely with the greatest and strongest affection of loue they can So as if it were asked what or whom dost thou loue most thou canst truely say with the Church here the Lord Iesus CHRIST O thou whom my soule loueth So did S. Peter whose loue was so great that he died for CHRIST So that hee might verie well say to Christ when hee asked him this question Whether he did loue him or no Yea Lord Iohn 21.15 thou knowest that I loue thee The like is to be seene in Marie whose loue was so great to Christ that in testimonie thereof shee washed his feet with her teares and wiped them with the haires of her head So that CHRIST giues this testimonie of her to her euerlasting praise Luke 7.47 That shee loued much So doth the Church and Spouse of CHRIST testifie her loue to Christ in diuers places of this most worthy book calling CHRIST IESVS her Beloued Cant. 2.10 My beloued spake and said c. And againe Stay mee with Flaggons and comfort mee with Apples for I am sicke of loue Cant. 2.5 Yea it is a Precept giuen by the Lord God himselfe that hee must haue the chiefest loue and the first roome in our hearts Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy heart with al thy soule with all thy strength Deut. 6.5 The Lord will not be satisfied with the loue of our eyes to behold his workes the loue of the eare to listen to his word the loue of the tongue to talke of him the loue of the feet to go to his Sanctuary but the Lord doth require all these loues together in one So as a man may truely say with Dauid the prophet Psal 83.25 Whom haue I in heauen but thee And 〈◊〉 desire nothing in earth in comparison of thee The Lord cannot abide that a man should haue a heart and a heart one for God another for the Diuell We can not serue God and Mammon Mat. 6.24 wee must not part our loue to the world the Flesh or the Diuell but Christ must haue all Now the reasons are diuerse to shew with what an ardent affection wee must loue CHRIST IESVS First because he is our Husband Reason 1 and wee are his Spouse for so saith the Prophet Esay Esay 54.5 Hee that made thee is thy Husband whose name is the Lord of Hoasts And agayne Reu. 19.7 Let vs reioyce and giue glorie to him for the Marriage of the Lambe is come and his wife hath made her selfe ready Now our Spirituall seruice and worship of God is as it were a certaine Marriage of our soules vnto God When wee take vpon vs the profession of Christ Iesus as in Baptisme then wee betroth our selues to Christ as to an husbād entring into couenant with CHRIST To keepe vs onely to him vnto our liues end So then by this meanes the Lord is become our husband we his Spouse Now then as an honest man can not endure that another man should haue a portion in his wife so will not
For then thy conscience will accuse and lay to thy charge euery one of them in order Thou hast set my misdeeds before me and my secret sins in the sight of thy countenance saith Dauid Againe in the heart of man what anger what enuy what malice lurke therein and they passe it ouer and thinke it no matter Well know beloued that vnlesse you repent of the very thoughts of the hearts euen these things will be found written in the bookes at the day of Iudgement and what a lamentable thing will that be 2. Our thoughts Secondly as conscience is priuie to all our thoughts and wil accuse vs of them at the day of Iudgement so all our speeches are noted therein What a number of wicked speeches passe out of the mouth of wicked and vaine men and women what horrible and blasphemous oathes what cursed speaking lying and slaundering Now a wicked person that thus abuseth his tongue so many thousand times in a day he cannot for his life remember them VVell know that euerie sinnefull word thou speakest is written in this booke there it is recorded and when this Booke of thy conscience shall be opened it will discouer all thy sinnes not onely thy filthy thoughts but euery wicked word Our Sauiour tels vs Mat. 12.36 that we must giue an account of euery wicked word at the day of ●udgement For though men labour to forget them yet they are written in their consciences one day shall come to iudgement O how this should awaken vs all and cause vs to looke vnto our liues to make a couenant with our eyes as Iob did and to set a watch before our mouths as Dauid did and to lay aside our vaine oathes and idle mirth which as Salomon saith cannot want iniquitie seeing one day they must all of them come to iudgement 3 Our workes Thirdly if we come vnto the liues of men and women why alas they bee nothing almost but a continuall practise of sin as the sinnes of mens liues they bee innumerable euen as the Sands on the Sea shore Now though mens liues abound with so many thousand sinnes yet we see man perceiues not nor knowes not one quarter of his sinnes It may be hee knoweth some but alas they forget the greatest part of them But yet they be all written in this booke of thy Conscience and they shall all come to Iudgement When these Bookes shall bee read then all thy sinnes shall be made manifest though neuer so secret for thy Conscience doth marke them all and pen them downe against this day of account Now seeing what is meant by this booke our Conscience and likevvise what bee written in them euen all our thoughts words and workes let vs come to see what vse wee are to make of this Doctrine first Hence first of all wee may obserue the endlesse loue and mercie of our God towards vs foretelling euery Vse 1 one of vs novv of the opening of these Bookes that our consciences shall be layd open these Bookes vnclasped and all our thoughts words and works must come to iudgement Surely it is to this end and purpose that we might preuent the danger that is to come and labour to keep a good conscience washed and purged in the bloud of Christ that it may not lay to our charge any one sinne but assure vs that we are in the fauor of God Vse 2 Secondly we see here that it is not enough for a man or a woman to abstayne from euill wordes and workes but euill thoughts likewise the very lust of the heart Paul complaines of this Rom. 7. and Peter bids Simon Magus to repent and pray Actes 8. if perhaps the thoughts of his heart might be pardoned I doubt not but the children of God are carefull ouer their very thoughts For a wicked carnal man may abstaine from some grieuous sinnes But it is a note of the true childe of GOD to repent of his euill thoughts and to be carefull ouer them Thirdly seeing euery mans Vse 3 conscience is this booke and euery mans sin is penned downe therein we may see the wofull misery of all those that haue defiled consciences filthy and vncleane hearts For looke how their consciences doe accuse them euen so will God condemne And hauing not repented of their sinnes they carry a tormentor within them namely a guilty and an accusing conscience which is their Iudge to condemne them and their hell to torment them Vse 4 Fourthly seeing the bookes must be opened and euery mans conscience must come to scanning because sentence shall passe and iudgement shall bee awarded accordyng to the things written in euery mans conscience How should this cause vs all both Minister and people to labour to get a good conscience If thy conscience be good thou shalt not faile to bee blessed if thy conscience be filthy and polluted thou art accursed The mean to get a good conscience And therefore it should bee our chiefest care our chiefest study and our chiefest desire all our life time to keepe a good conscience Now if you aske how is it possible to get a good conscience I answere for the getting and keeping of faith and a good conscience we must know that it is done by the vse of the word of God Ioh. 17. Sanctifie them by thy Trueth Thy word is the Trueth All graces of Gods spirit are wrought by his word But that wee may get a good conscience we must First repent of all our sinnes wee must know by the Lawe of God what is sin what is not Secondly we must know the heauie curse of GOD euen for sinne that the reward of sinne is death eternall both of Bodie and Soule For men doe by nature blesse themselues in their sinnes and though we heare of Gods Iudgements against sin yet whose heart is touched and troubled Thus men runne on still in sinne and feare nothing They meane well they say but yet liue ill and thinke all is well Thirdly til we see what sinne is and then see the curse of God due to sinne we shall neuer seriously try our consciences and see how our sins haue wounded them that so we may repent vs of sinne Fourthly we must be grieued for our sinnes wee must acknowledge and confesse them begging for pardon of them and to hunger and thirst after Christ Iesus For there is nothing that can purifie the conscience and quiet the heart but onely the bloud of Iesus Christ applied to our soules by Faith with perswasion of the forgiuenesse of them Marke heere then beloued when a man is thus humbled for his sinnes and beggeth the pardon of them earnestly with sighes and groanes then will the Lord send downe into his soule his blessed Spirit to assure vs of gods mercy of the pardon of our sinnes that our wounds in conscience are healed and this is done by the meanes of Faith Acts 15.9 which purifies the conscience Hereby we
may perceiue Vse that most men and women are in a woefull case For alas the greatest part are ignorant of the law of God and know not what is sinne and what is not sinne and therefore cannot possible haue a good Conscience For Hebr. 11. whatsoeuer is not of faith is sinne Againe though men see their sinnes and oftentimes their consciēce checks them for sins yet how few doe bewaile their sinnes for I am perswaded that there is not so wicked a sinner but sometimes his conscience checkes him Indeede men see not the danger and feele not the wounds of conscience because now their Bookes be clasped they be shut vp their seared Consciences bee now asleepe But the day will come that their Bookes must be opened and their secrets declared and then conscience will accuse them condemne and torment them Againe when a man or woman hath gotten a good conscience so as being truely humbled for their sinnes and begging pardon they finde some assurance of GODS loue in Christ and that now their consciences doe not accuse them euen then must men take no lesse paines to keepe and preserue a good conscience to do nothing to wound thy Conscience A mans Conscience is a very tender thing The meanes to keepe our cōscience pure It is like the apple of the eye if it be prickt but with a pin it will not onely blemish the eye but endanger the sight So conscience it is a tender thing if yee pricke it by sinne it wil blemish thy conscience wound it and euen make hauocke of thy soule And therfore saith Salomon Counter-gard thy heart watch ouer thy soule Prouerbs 4.14 that thou do nothing that may wound thy conscience Now that we may keep these books of account our consciences pure and good we must doo two things First auoide all things that may any way hurt a good conscience Secondly vse all good meanes and helpes to cherish a good conscience In truth all sin hinders a good conscience Sinne is that vvhich wounds the Soule and maketh hauocke of a good conscience that is the verie cut-throate of mens soules And therefore if you would keepe a good conscience take heede of sin which wounds a good conscience and makes it vnable to stand before God at the last day But there bee two especiall lets and impediments of a good Conscience First ignorance of the Lawe and the word of God For when a man knowes not what is sinne and what not how can he take heed lest hee wound his Soule And therefore wee see let a man come into his House at Midnight hee can see nothing amisse and out of order but let a man come in at Noone then hee can espie the least disorder euen so poore blinde ignorant soules not knowing the Law of God cannot see any wounds in conscience nor nothing amisse in them But let them come to the word of God and looke in this Glasse then they shall find themselues much out of order to haue wounded soules and defiled consciences The other impediment of a good cōscience is worldly lust namely the loue and exceeding desire of riches honours pleasures c. And hee that suffers these desires to haue place in his heart hee cannot possible keepe a good conscience Secondly the meanes to preserue and to keep a good conscience be three First to doe all things that may saue and cherish true sauing faith whereby our soules be assured of the loue of GOD in Christ Iesu for the pardon of our sins For Faith is the root and the foundation of a good conscience and without faith there can be no good conscience Rom. 10. Now to preserue Faith wee must often heare and reade the word of God repent of our sins acknowledge and confesse them and be humbled for them and walke in the dueties of faith and repentance And in so doing wee shall finde more and more the comfort of a good conscience And therefore wee must take heede we do nothing to break off the feeling of Gods loue or to wound our conscience Secondly we must indeuour in all things to obey Gods will and beare a constant purpose not to sin in anie thing For a purpose to liue in sin and conscience cannot stand together so that where there is a purpose to liue in sinne there is neither faith nor a good conscience Thirdly we must walke with God as Henoch did so to order our liues as alwayes in the presence of GOD and this will make vs keepe a good Conscience and the want of this maketh men bold to sinne because they consider not that GOD seeth them and that they haue a conscience within them And another Booke was opened which is the Booke of Life THus when Christ hath examined the Bookes of mens Consciences to view what is therein written that Iudgement may bee avvarded thereafter Now hee sheweth that hee will open a second Booke euen the Booke of Life What is meant by the booke of Life And of this booke of Life we shall see often mention in the word of God both in the olde and new Testament as that of Moses Exodus 32.31.32 Oh this people haue grieuously sinned Therefore now if thou pardon their sinne thy mercie shall appeare But if thou wilt not I pray thee rase mee out of the Booke which thou hast written Psal 69.28 Agayne Let them be put out of the Booke of Life neither let them be written with the righteous Reuel 3.5 Againe He that ouercommeth shall be clothed in white array and I wil not put out his name out of the Booke of Life And the Holie-Ghost speaking of the glory of the heauenly Ierusalem saith Reu. 21.27 There shall enter into it no vncleane thing neyther whatsoeuer worketh abomination or lies Phil. 4.3 But they which are written in the Lambes Booke of Life Now if you would know what is heere meant by the Booke of Life it is the Book in the which all the names of Gods Elect which in his eternall purpose he hath chosen be written as it were with Letters of Gold and it is nothing else but GODS eternall councell purpose and decree wherein he hath elected and chosen a certaine company of mankinde to bestow eternall life vpon them for we must not thinke that God hath any need of a Booke but only for our vnderstanding hee speaketh thus Euen as a Captaine records the names of his Souldiers to call them one by one and as in Cities the names of the chiefe men be recorded So God hath as it were enrolled the names of all his Saints and engrauen them in the booke of Life with letters of gold for euer so as not one of them shall perish Thus seeing what is meant by the Booke of Life let vs see what we may learne hence Vse 1 First hence wee may see the blessed and happy estate of all the elect and chosen children of God For all those which be
and by certaine markes and testimonies in our owne hearts to prooue that we are in the number of Gods Elect. For as Salomon saith Pro. 27.19 As water sheweth face to face Euen so the heart sheweth man to man Euen as a glasse sheweth what a mans face is so will a mans heart and conscience shew what man is in the sight of God Then if you would now know whether your names be written in the Booke of Life that is whether you bee the elect of God and heires of eternall Life you must now enter into your owne soules 2 Cor. 13 proue your selues and you shal certainly know whether you shall bee saued or damned For if thou finde in thee the true marks and notes of Gods childrē thou needest not feare but that thy name is in this Booke and thou shalt certainely be saued But as for wicked and prophane men and women that make no conscience of sinne they shall in spite of their teeth vpon this examination sing the dolefull tune I am a damned sinner I know not what will become of my poore soule at the day of Iudgement And therefore that we might in some measure trie our selues and iudge whether we be in this booke and so shall be saued let vs search out of the holie word of God some certaine marks of Gods children The first marke whereby we may know whether we be elect or not is the inward testimony and witnesse of Gods spirit Rom. 8.15 Yee haue not receiued the spirit of bondage to feare againe but ye haue c. Whereby Saint Paul tells vs that wicked and vngodly sinners which haue not the spirit of God to guide them but liue in sinne they haue onelie the spirit of Bondage they haue no tru peace in their souls but they that be the children of God haue the Spirit of Adoption who seales vnto our harts the assurance of our adoption and election and doth make it knowne vnto vs that we are the Sonnes of God For his Spirit doth witnesse to our spirits that we are the Sonnes of God Romans 8.16 And that no man might deceiue himselfe and thinke hee hath the testimonie of GODS Spirit when hee hath it not Saint Paul giueth vs two most excellent notes to know whether wee haue the testimonie of GODS Spirit yea or not It maketh vs crie Abba Father Where the Spirit of God doth witnesse to any mans soule that hee is the childe of God It will make him cry to God and euen fill heauen and earth with crying and teares with sobbes and sighes for the pardon of his sins And hee which hath not this in him that hee cannot crie vnto GOD for pardon of his sinnes this man can not truely assure himselfe that hee is the Childe of God And though men say they hope to be saued yet alas they seldome or neuer pray vnto God for the pardon of their sinnes Secondly if wee finde the testimony of GODS Spirit that wee are the children of God It will make vs not onely to bee earnest with God for pardon of our sinnes but it will make vs cry Abba Father that is it will make vs beare the tender affection of a duetifull childe so as we shall be afraide to offend so louing a Father And therefore all those which delight in sinne and are not afrayde to offend GOD Surely they can find no assurance that they be the children of God And therefore if you desire to be assured that the names be in this Booke labour to finde this testimony of Gods Spirit to witnesse vnto your Soules that you belong vnto God and labour to be earnest in prayer vnto God for that is a speciall worke of Gods Spirit 1. Cor. 2.12 The second means whereby we may know whether our names be written in the Booke of Life is by the word of GOD. For the word of God tells vs whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ Iesu shall be saued But the childe of God hearing this promise opened and applied by the Ministerie of Gods word is able to say I beleeue and am able to apply this promise to my selfe For no man hath faith but hee knoweth that hee hath it and therefore can say seeing I beleeue with all my heart surely I know I shall be saued Thirdly besides the blessed testimony of Gods Spirit which cannot deceiue and the witnes of the word of GOD wee may know our election by the fruits and effects thereof As wee say a man is aliue so long as we see him breathe and can iudge of the Tree by the fruits Euen so by the effects of Election wee may know whether our names be in the Booke of Life or not Now the fruites of Election bee set downe by the Holie-Ghost that al men might be able to examine and try themselues and know whether they bee ordayned to Life or not Whom GOD predestinated Rom. 8.30 them also hee Called and whom he Called them also he Iustified and whom hee Iustified them also he Glorified Where we may beholde the markes of our Election For all that be elected to Life Eternall and bee written in this Booke they are first called secondly iustified and thirdly sanctified So then if you would know whether you bee elected to life looke to these three effects of Election Art thou Called art thou Iustified art thou sanctified Then sure thou art Elected But if thou hast not these three then canst thou not assure thy selfe of thy saluation So then the first fruite of our Election is our effectuall Calling when as God doth by the Preaching of the Gospell call vs out of the world from our olde sinnes to be of the number of his people to liue as his children Againe when a man cometh to the preaching of the Word to see his sinnes and Gods anger for them dislikes them is grieued for them bewailes them and begs the pardon for them and beginnes to become a new man to beleeue in Christ Iesu to seeke after Gods Kingdome Hee which findeth this effectuall calling in him he may assure his Soule that hee is Predestinated to Eternall Life But wee must take heed that wee deceiue not our selues with an outward calling for our Sauiour saith Mat. 22. Many are called but few are chosen Many doe heare the word of God with the eare but wee must labour to finde the Spirit of God to preach vnto our Soules to applie the Word to our conscience to beleeue it and to obey it And therefore they which liue in their old sinnes as blind ignorant and prophane as euer before alas how can they thinke to be saued seeing God chooses none or saues not any but whom he calles effectually by the Gospel 2 Thess 2.13 and seuers from the rest of the world Secondly the fruit of Election is Iustification For whom he predestinated them hee called So then heere is an other token and marke to know whether we be Elected namely or Iustified Now this is
possible paines to keepe a cleere conscience before GOD and man O that wee could immitate this blessed Apostle that seeing we must all come vnto iudgement seeing our Bookes euen our consciences must bee opened and disclosed and wee receiue sentence of saluation or damnation according to the things written in our Bookes yea that we could labour and indeuour that no filthy sinne might blot our Bookes but that wee could keepe them cleere and faire in the sight of GOD It ought to perswade vs all aboue all things in the world to looke vnto this to keepe our Bookes faire For if our consciences doe accuse vs GOD is greater then our conscience and doth know all things Secondly seeing sentence must passe according vnto the things written in our Bookes and these be not only the grosse sinnes of the world themselues but euen the vile and vncleane thoughts of our hearts euen these must come to Iudgement then let vs all be carefull to auoide not onely the outward actions themselues but euen these vncleane thoghts of ours for euen they must come vnto Iudgement Alas men thinke thought is free that they shall neuer be arraigned for their vile and vngodly thoughts But S. Paul saith Rom. 2.1 Thoughts shall either excuse or accuse vs. And whosoeuer doth truly repent they do repent euen of their vile and vngodly thoughts for if wee had no other sins written in the Bookes of our conscience but euen our sinfull thoughts euen they were enough to condemne vs both bodie and soule for euermore Neither may we content our selues to thinke we are in good case if wee can say I am no Drunkard no Fornicator c. No looke to thy Booke that there be not so much as an idle word written there For euen they must come to Iudgement as our Sauiour saith I say vnto you That for euery idle word men shall giue an accompt at the day of Iudgement And that wee might know in particular what is written in our Books Saint Iohn saith That we shall bee iudged according to our workes So it is 2. Cor. 5.10 Wee must all appeare before the Iudgement Seate of Christ that euerie man may receiue the things which are done in his body Reuel 2.8 Mat. 25.41 Reu. 14.13 according to that hee hath done whether it be good or euil We shal be iudged and receiue reward according to our workes If thy workes be good then life glory and saluation But if thy workes be euill then death destruction and damnation Good workes although they cannot merit yet they will shew that faith that lay in the heart So when an euill man dies his euill workes goe with him his galled conscience will not leaue him neyther in life nor death Doct. Hence then we see how all men and women shall be tried at this dreadfull day euen by our workes eyther they shal be acquitted and absolued or else condemned by their workes For though no man can merit life and saluation at the handes of God by his workes yet wee must know that iudgement shal proceede at the last day according vnto mens workes If thy workes haue beene good holy iust and pure then thou shalt receiue life happinesse glorie saluation But if thy workes be found to be wicked vniust and vngodly then nothing else but death hell and damnation belongs vnto thee for them Wel what should this reach Vse Seeing we must all receiue Sentence euen according to our workes Surely it ought to moue vs aboue all things in the world to labour to abound in good workes to abound in all holy duties and graces of Gods Spirit in knowledge faith repentance loue zeale clothing feeding and lodging the poore members of Christ Iesus For according to our workes shall our reward be And though our works can merit nothing at the hands of the Iudge yet hee being a most bountifull and mercifull Sauiour hee will crowne his owne workes in vs and reward them in his mercy though we merite nothing Dost thou releeue a poore member of IESVS CHRIST Dost thou giue a cuppe of cold water to a Prophet or a Minister of the word of GOD CHRIST doth promise thee of his trueth hee will not let thee loose thy reward True it is a cuppe of cold water is a meane gift and farre from merit yet Christ saith Verily of my trueth thou shalt not loose thy reward Math. 10. O how should this perswade all of vs to labour to abound in all holie dueties to be liberall and bountifull vnto the poore members of Christ Iesus seeing our good workes though they cannot merit yet they shal be rewarded they shall not bee forgotten in the day of Iudgement they be sweet and blessed companions when al our frinds can doe vs no good they will bring endlesse peace and comfort to our Soules Againe it ought to terrifie vs all from sin from euill workes and vngodly wayes from swearing drunkennes vncleanenes and euery euill way For if wee bee full of these and these bee found written in our Bookes O then woe vnto vs when these Bookes shall come to bee opened for then nothing but death hel and damnation belongs vnto vs. Heere we see that of all wee Doctr. 2 haue and enioy in this world what shall goe with vs when we die what shall accompany thee in the graue Nay at the terrible day of Iudgement our consciences our workes and our bookes nothing else shall goe with vs. When thou diest thou shalt not take any thing in the world with thee but thy workes which be ingrauen in the booke of thy conscience Death will barre all the rest Thou canst not take thy Golde and Siluer with thee nor thy lands or liuings corne nor cattell All these must stay behinde thee at what time thou diest onely thy Conscience thy Booke thy Workes must goe with thee If they bee good Oh blessed art thou that euer thou wast borne If they be wicked filthy and vncleane Oh woe and ten thousand woes I say to thy soule for euermore O then Vse what wonderful madnesse hath bewitched the hearts and soules of almost al men and women in the world What do men desire what doe they hunger and thirst after Surely for pleasures for profit and for preferments For these they ride run night and day winter and sommer by sea and by land for these they spend all their labor wit and strength Heere is all that men desire they care for no more No accompt of Prayer in their Houses to reade to heare and to speak of the word of God no desire to attayne to Knowledge Faith and Repentance no conscience to liue in the feare of God little or no pittie to the needie members of Christ Iesus Alas they neuer thinke of these things But all their desire is for the VVorld Oh poore blinde Soules poore Soules they know not or they will not know that they must leaue al these behind them they must depart from
contemne the Word of GOD profane the Lords Sabboth that make no conscience at all of drunkennesse c. what a treasure of plagues the Lord hath reserued for the damned Oh let vs thinke often of this that these torments bee both endlesse and easelesse Oh what madde men and women what fooles be wee if wee will now enioy the pleasures of sinne for a season and then to lie in torments for euer What shall it benefite or profite vs to enioy a litle worldly pelfe mony lands or liuings heere to liue in all pleasures delights some sixtie or eightie yeares and then to be tormented in hell fire for euermore And yet doe we see that such is the extreame follie and madnes of many men that they will haue their penyworths heere though they pay neuer so deare for it in the life which is to come Thirdly these torments as they be endlesse and easelesse so they be remedilesse This we may beholde in the Glutton in hell who would haue giuen a world if hee had beene owner of it and yet for all that could he not haue it it was then denied him For there is no ease nor remedy in hell no redemption after death no siluer nor golde no witte nor policie no appealing to another Iudge but hee must lie by it for euermore euen in this close prison till he haue paid the debt and vttermost farthing For if all the Saints and Angells in the Kingdome of heauen should fall at the feete of Christ to begge but for one soule it could do him no good CHRIST would deny them al they must haue the repulse O consider this this is it that ought to make all men to quake and all hearts to tremble that in hell is no ease nor hope of redemption This is that which makes the deuils and damned spirits to feare and to tremble and yet it cannot moue flintie and stonie-hearted sinners once to be afraid O I beseech you let vs thinke of these things now in these daies of mercie now is remedie to bee had now wee may auoide this woefull miserie now wee may escape this fearefull torment If wee will now repent if we will now leaue our sinnes and begge pardon of almighty God for them we may escape but after death there is no time of mercie but iudgement and torment but fire and brimstone and the wrath of God for euermore And therefore now let vs repent let vs bewaile our sinnes and liue as the seruants of God and not as the slaues of sinne and Sathan any longer and then the gates of hell shall not preuaile against vs. Our Sauiour Christ tels vs Mat. 16.26 that the soule of a poore begger is more worth then many thousand worlds And therefore the losse of a soule is greater then the losse of the whole world If a man should loose House Land Wife Childe and all hee hath yet it is nothing in comparison of his soule that is a losse of all losses to bee seuered from God and from Christ and to bee in hell torments for euer O then let vs know what our soules bee worth let vs learne to prize them aboue the whole world But alas men can not so esteeme of them Oh no men will for one penny or an houres pleasure hazard losse of soule and bodie for euermore Ah poore soule thou didst neuer yet know what thy soule is worth Christ Iesus sayth it is more worth then all the world Oh let vs so esteeme of it and value it and account all riches pleasures or profites as dung so that our soules our poore soules may be saued in the day of our Lord. The end of the fourth Sermon A FOLD FOR Christs Sheepe Deliuered in two Sermons vpon the first Chapter of the CANTICLES vers 6.7 BY SAMVEL SMITH Minister of the Word of GOD at Prittlewell in Essex ESAY 55.3 Hearken and your soule shall liue LONDON Printed by NICHOLAS OKES 1617. ❧ TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVL AND VERtuous Gentlewoman Mistresse MARY BVTLER of Tooby SAMVEL SMITH wisheth al Grace Prosperitie and true comfort in this life and eternall happinesse in the life to come THe Booke of the holy Scripture Right Worshipfull is as the Princely Prophet Dauid calleth it Ps 119 125 A Lanthorne to our feet and a Light to our Paths The Elect of God are therein enlightened and taught of God through the inward operation of Gods Spirit Iohn 6. the knowledge thereof hath beene deare and pretious vnto the Godly Paul that sanctified Vessell of the Lord did esteeme all things else but Dung in comparison of it Phil. 3.8 Moses regarded not the pleasures he might haue enioyed in king Pharaohs Court Heb. 11.24 in comparison of this And Dauid preferred the Office of a Dore-keeper in Gods house Psal 84.12 before the chiefest Pallaces heere below This was that that Salomon the wisest did ayme at especially 1. Reg. 3.5.9 hauing his choice of many things offered him from God and no maruell though the children of God do prefer the choice of it before all other inward things whatsoeuer because our Sauiour will teach vs that the knowledge thereof will bring a man to Life Eternall Iohn 17.3 Jt will safely conduct a man to God his kingdome and make him decline from the by-waies of sinne and error which leade to destruction Heere is Milke for Babes and strong meate for men of riper yeares so that none that are inuited to this Feast but may finde some refreshing Yet notwithstanding that this is the excellencie of the holie Scriptures and that this hath beene the choice of God his seruants in all ages to prefer the knowledge of it before all things and to conforme theyr liues thereunto The Papists the malicious ennemies of Gods truth will notwithstanding shew themselues to be of the Serpenticall broode Gene. 3.15 euer treading on the heele of God his church euen with their Templum Domini Ieremy 7. Templum Domini the Church the Church as if the church-Keyes hung euer at their girdle These their paynted shewes of piety and holinesse hath caused many to stagger in the way of godlinesse who haue not taken deepe roote in christian profession Let such with a single eye reade ouer these two sermons where they shall finde a Fold pitcht for all Christ his Sheepe The true church made knowne from the flockes of his Companions which howsoeuer they come with Iesus Iesus in their mouthes yet doe deny the power of godlinesse seeking vtterly to extinguish the light of Gods truth that it may not shine vnto men Indeed a palpable darkenesse hath yet ouerspread all the Dominions of that Romish Pharaoh more palpable then the darkenesse of Aegypt but the Truth shall preuaile maugre the spite and malice of Antichrist and all that bloudie Crew And the Bright Beames of the gospell shall dispell those foggie mists of Poperie and Jgnorance when the pride of the Whoore of Rome is once at
me but the voice of a stranger will they not heare This affection was in godly Dauid O Lord how amiable are thy Tabernacles how doth my soule long after thy Altars O when shal I come appeare before the Lord in Sion And this duety is imposed vpon euery Christian to haue an earnest affection vnto the word of God As when a man is hungry the veines sucking moisture in the bottome of the stomacke he feeles a paine which makes him desire meate euen so our souls void of grace and nourishment vnto eternall life they should hunger and thirst after Christ and his righteousnes Iohn 6.26 after his word which is the Spirituall foode of our soules And till a man be hungry he longs not for meate hee desires not foode so till we see our wāts we neuer seek to haue our soules fedde with the word of God Now in that so few desire the word of GOD and so few esteeme of it it shewes that very few do feeele their want of food very few can discern their misery and wretched estate but most men run on in sinne blesse themselues in their euill wayes and neuer say Alas 1. Pet. 2.2 what haue I done we must desire the sincere milke of the word as the infant the mothers breast And as the Hart doth the riuers of waters Psa 42. and as the Church doth here Shew me O shew me where thou feedest thy flock We should doe as the earth doth in time of drought she opens her mouth begging and gaping vntill the Lord send a raine The beggar neuer begges hard till he see his owne want and then hee will spare no time labor nor words so till we see our owne wants we will neuer seeke for the spirituall foode of our soules But they bee blessed which hunger and thirst after Righteousnesse Mat. 5.6 though we think we be happy when we feele no want as it is a common thing to say I neuer doubted of my saluation I would be loath my conscience should trouble mee c. But certainly it is the beginning of grace to finde our selues to want grace Those that do eate meate with a full stomacke it doth them least good So they which are full and feele not the want of the word it doth them little good Reason 1 And the reason is that if we do not hunger and thirst after the VVord of GOD wee can neuer enioy the varietie of all those good things that are treasured vp in the Word to make vs truely happie forasmuch as all good things which we haue and doe enioy in this present life they are appendences to the Word by which Word and by Prayer they are sanctified to vs. Now it is got and obtained no other way but by thirsting after it As the blessed Virgine saith in her Song Luke 1. v. 53. Hee filleth the hungry with good things and the rich he hath sent emptie away Which may serue to comfort the poore children of God which shew their thirsting desire by their great labour and trauell to heare the Word preached though they meete with mockings and scoffings for it by such as are farre from thirsting after it of themselues Reason 2 Secondly if wee should not eagerly seeke after the word of God wee should neuer know how much wee are beholding to the Lord for the manifold graces and blessings which we receiue daily from our most mercifull God thereby For so saith Salomon The person that is full despiseth the hony-combe Prou. 27.7 but vnto the hungry soule euery bitter thing is sweete So that when wee shall see our spirituall pouertie without the Word that we should euen faint starue and pine away it will then make vs prise the excellencie of that benefite wee enioy when wee haue the same truely and sincerely Preached and Taught amongst vs. Vse 1 Seeing this longing desire after Christ and his Word is the Eare-marke and the Wol-marke the Badge and the Brand of the Sheepe of Christ the true Church and children of God this doctrine then maketh a plain distinction betwixt the Sheepe of Christ and the stinking goates of Sathan The Sheep of Christ long after their Sheepheard desire to be instructed by him hunger after the VVord preached and taught wish for the Sabaoth enquire where Christ doth feede his Sheep in the greene pasture of his Word and Sacraments but the goats of Satan loathe the word and the preaching of it They treade downe the pasture of the Sheepe Ezech. 34. yea they are weary of it they will not goe to the dore to heare Malac. 2.13 they can be content as well ro want it as ro haue it so as hereby we may iudge our ovvne estates whether we be the true Sheep of Christ or the stinking goates of Sathan the children of God or the limbes of the diuell Dost thou loue the word of GOD more then thine appoynted foode Tell me dost thou desire to be taught in the Word Enquirest thou where Christ doth feede his Sheepe with good Pasture And dost thou delight in the Word Iohn 10.27 These are the eare-marks of Christs Sheepe and may minister comfort vnto thy soule that thou art one of those that belong to his Folde But if on the contrary part thou loathe the word of God and hast no desire at all to treade in GODS House but spendest the Saboth irreligiously vainely and prophanely at the Dice at Cards Bowles or Tables O deceiue not thy owne soule It is a signe thou art none of Christs sheep but one of the stinking goats of Sathan and there will come a day of separation when Christ Iesus the great Shepheard will diuide the Sheepe from among the Goats when he shall set the sheepe on the right hand and the goats on the left Mat. 25.33 This Doctrine doth serue to Vse 2 reprooue three sorts of men First Atheists Three sorts of men reproued which bleare out the tongue at all Religion and christian Pietie making a mocke of God of his Word 1 Atheists and of all holie Dueties That thinke it lost labour to be religious and that there is no good got by hearing Sermons and leading of a godly life Oh it hath euer beene the cursed thoughts of mans hart to think so as was vsed in the time of the Prophet Malachie It is lost labour to serue the Lord and what good commeth there by seruing of God Ah poore soules all this while they can minister no cōfort vnto their owne soules that they are the sheep of CHRIST but a ferefull expectation of Iudgement For in what a miserable and wretched estate is that man which knoweth not whether hee bee in the estate of Grace or not A Sheepe of Christ or a Goate of Sathan with what cheere can hee eate one meales meate or sleep one night that wants this assurance O then let such be warned betimes that if they looke to haue any comfort in death and after death that now they
labour to be approued for the Sheepe of Christ 2 Papists Secondly the Papists which barre the people from the preaching of the Word and keepe them in miserable ignorance and blindnesse And all others which seeke by all meanes possible to hinder CHRISTS sheep from endeuoring to be taught which otherwise would enquire Where Christ feedeth his Sheepe where the Word is truely preached and taught and the Sacraments duly administred These are like the Scribes and Pharises Who shut vp the Kingdome of heauen that will not enter themselues nor suffer them that would Oh what sacrilege doth that adulterous church of Rome commit that take from the people the key of Knowledge yea and nuzzle them in ignorance teaching that it is sufficient to beleeue as the Church doth beleeue Rom. 12.2 Phil. 1.10 Whereas the Scriptures do require of all men the spirit of discerning Eph. 5.15 Try the Spirits whether they be of God that so they may allow of those things that are good and bee without offence vntill the day of Christ otherwise if they follow their false teachers they are sure to perish Mat. 15.14 For when the blinde leade the blinde they both fall into the pit of destruction 3 Carnall Protestāts Thirdly all carnall Protestants and secure worldlings who although they do enquire where they may buie a good bargaine or get a good purchase and labour for that yet neuer inquire where Christ feeds his Sheep Oh it is a wonder to see how men do couet plesures profites and preferments these they seeke for with might and maine But for the Ministerie of the Word to haue it truely taught them that their soules may be saued this they esteeme not they looke not after it Surely by this they declare to the whole world that they are none of Christs sheepe For if they were They would heare his voyce and follow him Iohn 10.27 Seeing the true Church of Doctr. 3 God doth heere seeke to Christ IESVS to be taught and directed The Church of God doth acknowledge Iesus Christ for her chiefe shepheard we learne that it is the dutie of the true Church of God to acknowledge Christ Iesus alone for their great Pastor and Shepheard the onely Head and chiefe Doctor of his Church and therfore to be ruled by him and his Word alone to be content to be ledde and guided by this great Pastor and Shepherd of the Church as in Iohn 10.28 I am the True Shepheard and doe know my Sheepe and am knowne of mine This is acknowledged by Peter in the behalfe of all the Disciples Iohn 6.68 Maister to whom shall we goe Thou hast the words of eternal life And CHRIST hath promised to be present with his Church Euen to the end of the world Eph. 2.22 Colos 2.19 Matth. 28. And agayne hee saith that Where two or three are gathered together in my name I will be in the middest amongest them Now the duety of Christ this great Shepheard it standeth in two things First to gouerne his Church prescribing vnto them Lawes binding the consciences of all his Members And secondly by his grace to quicken and to put a spirituall life into them So that they shall be able to say That they liue not but CHRIST in them Reason And the reason is to be marked and considered which serue likewise for the confirmation of this point of Doctrine vnto vs is because the worke of saluation is wholy and onely wrought by him and no part thereof is reserued to any creature as the Apostle witnesses when hee saith That amongst men there is no other name giuen vnder heauen whereby wee may bee saued but onely by Iesus Christ And the Authour of the Epistle to the Hebrewes witnesseth the same thing when he saith that hee is able perfectly to saue them that come vnto God by him This condemnes the Church Vse 1 of Rome as no true Church of God First because they will not content themselues with Christ Iesus to bee their great Pastor and general Shepheard but they haue set vp the Pope his Vicar and matched him yea preferred him before Iesus Christ Nay they will not bee content with that pasture which Christ alloweth for his Sheepe the greene pastures of his holie Word and cleare streames of his blessed Gospell but they will feede on the filthie Trash and dirty Drugs of their owne deuising the fond and foolish deuices inuentions and traditions of men of their Popes Cardinalls So as they declare to the world they are no sheep of CHRIST In that they will not heare his voyce and follow him Iohn 10.17 nor be content with the foode hee hath prepared for them but feede on the filthy and foule pudles of mans traditions Vse 2 This may serue to admonish all the faithfull Ministers of Iesus Christ which stand in Christs steed That they teach nothing but the truth of God wholesome doctrine not their owne deuices and dreames but that which they perswade themselues Christ would speake if hee were present So on the contrary part you that are the hearers must content your selues with the Pastures of Gods Word the plaine and the pure Preaching of the word of God and not to bee carried away to listen after strange Sheepheards that teach erroneous doctrine that may corrupt or the deuices of man which may tickle the eare and not worke grace in the heart And such are the vile Doctrines of the Church of Rome which will rather bane and poyson mens soules then edifie them as their doctrine of Merites Inuocation of Saints praying for the Dead and a thousand the like The which because they haue no footing in Gods word are here condemned as no wholesome pasture for Gods sheep to feed vpon Thus much for the Churches first request The second followeth And where thou causest them to lie downe at Noone FOr the better vnderstanding of these VVordes we must know how that it was the manner of the Shepheards in those hote Countries to driue their sheep to the pasture in the morning and after when the Sunne waxed hote to driue them to the water and at noone to carry them to some shadow where they might rest in the heate of the day lest they should bee annoyed with the scorching heate and beames of the Sunne So heere the Church of God and the Spouse of Christ compares Christ to a faithfull and true Shepheard and intreates him to tell her where hee doth cause his Flocke that is his faithfull people to finde shelter and comfort in the heate of persecution when the Sunne is hottest at Noone day that is in the greatest and hottest persecution of the Church of God in the most dangerous and troublesome trials and times of great extreamitie which is heere meant by Noone day when the Sunne is most hote and scorching according to that of our Sauiour speaking of one sort of euill hearers And when the Sunne was vp Mat. 13.6 and v. 21. they
fauour he is with-holden sometimes bribes blind his eies and peruert the right sentence But it shall not be so with this Iudge of the whole world His sentence is a righteous sentence he will iudge according to trueth he is able to finde out any cause and will examine it to the bottome hee feareth no mans person he will not be moued with fauor to conceale the truth And as for rewards hee contemnes them all therefore no doubt hee will proceede according to iustice This serueth for the comfort Vse 1 of Gods people in this world we see oftentimes the righteous cause is troden vnder foot mens lands and liuings are detained and taken from them by vnrighteous Iudges and that vnder colour of Law Well let men haue patience and know this that there wil come a day wherin there shal be Iustice and true Iudgement doone vnto them Here thy cause shall be heard it shal be righted for Christ Iesus will bee a righteous Iudge for the poore the fatherlesse and the widow Againe we see how the members of CHRIST which make conscience of sinne and care of their liues to heare the word and to walke accordingly they be disgraced and despised of the world Well let vs learn here to possesse our soules with patience for there will come a day of reckoning when as our righteous cause will bee heard and we shall haue iustice and all the contemners of Christ Iesus and persecutors of his poore members shall feele the smart of it Vse 2 Secondly seeing Christ Iesus the Iudge commeth thus with might and Maiestie not as a Sauiour or Mediator but as a Iudge It must admonish all men and women now to repent and turne vnto God in the time of mercy Esay 55.6 to seeke the Lorde while he may be found and to call vpon him while hee is neere Now while we liue Iesus Christ commeth vnto vs by his Ministers as a Sauiour to saue our Soules in mercie to bring vs to Repentance But after this life hee will no more come as a Sauiour or a Mediator but as a mightie Iudge full of Maiestie full of Might Power and Glory And therefore looke how men die so shall the Iudge finde them If thou die in thy sinnes and doest not repent and seeke for pardon at the hand of the Iudge whilest thou liuest heere There is no hope of mercy after death For how death leaueth thee so shall iudgement finde thee Cain died many thousand yeares agoe and Iudas in their sins so shall the last day find them For after death there is no mercy but iustice and iudgement And one fitting thereon NOw who this is which sate vppon this Great White Throne The Person of the Iudge described Reu. 14.14 you may see in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn the foureteenth chapter and the foureteenth verse I sawe a White Cloud and one sitting on it like the Sonne of man hauing on his head a golden Crowne and in his hand a sharpe Sickle So that wee see that it is the Sonne of man euen CHRIST IESVS GOD and man that shal be the iudge And so doth Saint Mathew call him Mat. 25.31 When the Sonne of man cometh in his glorie and all his holie Angells with him then shall hee sit vpon the Throne of his glorie And againe he titles him by the name of a King Verse 24. Then shall the King say to them on his right hand c. This is taught by the Apostle Wee must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ .1 Cor. 5.10 True it is that our Sauiour Christ is King Priest and Prophet a true Prophet in whom vvas contayned all the secrets and whole counsell of God A true high Priest whose Sacrifice alone was able to put avvay the sinnes of the vvhole world But when he comes in the Throne of his Maiestie to iudge the quicke and the dead he shall not come as Priest or Prophet for these Offices of Christ are finished For his Propheticall Office he hath sufficiently reuealed the whole counsell of God his Father to his Church and People First by his holy Prophets then by himselfe after by his Apostles and Minsters And therefore seeing that his Prophetical Office is finished he calles not himselfe a Prophet but a King Againe CHRIST IESVS our Priest hauing once for all offered vp that Propiciatory Sacrifice for the sinnes of all the Elect now this Office of a Priest is likewise finished and this Sacrifice must be no more iterated and repeated But now hee commeth as a King in all Maiestie and Glorie For though his Propheticall and Priestlie Office be accomplished yet his Princely Office is not finished But now CHRIST IESVS the Iudge of quicke and dead shall beginne to manifest himselfe to be a King to all Nations to men and Angells Novv shall hee shevv himselfe to be King of Kings and Lord of Lords full of all Diuine and Heauenly power and glory For that now at the name of CHRIST euery knee shall bow When our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST liued on earth he came in misery very base and lowly euery childe durst look him in the face Then euery base fellow euery sinfull wretch durst mock him and spit in his face Herod and Pontius Pilate and the rabble of the Iews durst then vse him at their pleasure But now Hee shall come as a King full of maiestie and glorie guarded and attended vpon with many thousands of heauenly Souldiours euen all his holie Angells and then he will make Herod and Pontius Pilate yea the greatest Kings and Monarchs to stoope Nay then all his enemies shall tremble and quake Zach. chap. 12 ver 10. and not dare to open their mouthes against him Oh then what a terrour may this bee to all vvicked and vngodlie sinners that liue in sinne to see him come in that wonderfull Maiestie to be their Iudge whom they haue contemned vvhose members they haue persecuted and whose word and glorious Gospel they haue not regarded but troden vnder foot for he shall come with a sharpe two-edged Sword to cut them in peeces and a consuming fire to burne vp all vngodlie sinners And as hee is a King to the vvicked so is hee a King to the godlie Hee alone hath the Scepter of Dauid to the endlesse comfort of those that bee the children of his Kingdome For who is it that curbs Leuiathan snaffles the Diuell brideleth his force and malice Surely this our King Who is it that cuts the throate of sinne in his members and taketh away the strength of sinne Surelie this King of Kings Who breaketh the brasse barres of Death and pulleth out the sting of Death Our sinnes that they sting not our soules to the eternall death None can doe that but this our King CHRIST IESVS Who opens the gate of heauen who puts his spirit into the hearts of his children making them to crie Abba Father to lift vp their soules and with ioy to long
after this Kingdome of Heauen Surely it is none other in Heauen or earth but this our gracious King who being the onely immortall and wise GOD hauing the Key of Heauen and of the bottomlesse Pitte he alone can kill and make aliue hee alone can lift vp to Heauen and send to Hell hee alone and none but hee can saue and destroy O vvhat a comfort is this vnto all the poore Members of CHRIST IESNS For vvhat greater ioy and comfort can there bee to anie poore soule then this to know that he that is their Iudge is their Sauiour a sweet Redeemer a mercifull Iudge vnto them he will neuer condemne his owne members Nay he will crowne them with his ovvne Selfe and vvith his owne Glorie Vse What must this teach vs Surely seeing our Iudge is a King and that he alone is able to saue and to destroy this must teach vs euery man and woman in the feare of God to yeelde to this King that true loyaltie that sincere obedience and seruice which this our King requireth of vs in his blessed word Malac. 1.6 If I he a Father where is mine honour If I be a Lord where is my feare saith the Lord. So vvill Christ say If I be a King where is that loyaltie seruice and obedience that is due vnto mee Now Christ Iesus is a Spirituall King and therefore he will be serued in Spirit and Trueth O then let vs all with a godly purpose of heart yeeld and resigne our selues bodies and soules to honour this King and to performe vnto him true and spirituall obedience for euermore Alas it is not externall and outward seruice which hee expects he is not like an earthly king but he regards the heart and the soule that is a speciall thing in his seruice And if wee shall thus performe this spirituall seruice and obedience then wee shall shew our selues to bee his loyall and dutifull Subiects and then will he acknowledge vs for his Seruants But if wee denie to him this seruice of the heart and giue it to anie other he will then cast vs off for euermore Seueritie of the Iudge described Thus much of the Maiestie of the Iudge and of his sinceritie and vprightnesse in iudgement Now in the description of the Iudge it is further added that from the face of this Iudge both The Heauen and the Earth flee away And this doth shevv the wonderfull seueritie of this great Iudge of Heauen and Earth We know that men flie those things that they feare and dread So here the Heauen and Earth do feare the glorious presence of IESVS CHRIST the great iudge of the whole world and seeke to hide themselues that they may not appeare before him This flying of the Earth and the Heauens and hiding themselues that they dare not appeare in the presence of CHRIST this shews the wonderfull maiestie and the great seueritie and terror of CHRIST IESVS the Iudge from whence we obserue a three-fold instruction The Heauens and the Earth Vse 1 are voyde of sense they are great and mightie Creatures Agayne they be verie goodly and beautifull Creatures Besides all this they neuer committed anie sinne Hovv commeth it to passe then that they shal flie hide themselues from the glorious presence of the Son of God Ans They neuer sinned indeed but yet the sinne of man is of that force that it hath infected both the earth we treade on and the heauens ouer our heads many thousand miles aboue vs. Oh then see how monstrous a thing sinne is in the sight of Almightie God what a vile thing that the contagion and infection thereof should hurt infect the whole Heauens and make them that they dare not abide the glorious presence of God their Creator O should we not abhorre sinne as the vilest thing in the world Wee are afraide of the plague because it infecteth and killeth mens bodies But the plague of Sinne is a thousand times and more to be abhorred and fledde from seeing it poysons and infects both bodie and soule is so contagious that the creature is afraid to behold the face of the Sonne of God Seeing both Heauen and Vse 2 Earth shall flie and perish from before the glorious presence of Christ Iesus Nay they shall burne with fire as Peter saith 2. Pet. 3.10.11 All these goodlie houses all thy golde and siluer and costly apparell shal be burnt with fire this may teach vs moderation and sobriety in the vse of Gods creatures What folly is it to spend al that a man hath to build a stately house and yet in the end it must be consumed with fire and become nothing else but fevvell for the fire That seeing the heauens and Vse 3 the earth these great and mightie Creatures these beautifull and excellent works of almightie Gods power which haue no sense nor feeling nor neuer sinned if these shall flie before the Sonne of GOD as being not able to indure his presence Alas what shall wicked and hard-hearted sinners doe what shall become of the vile wretches of the world which liue and delight in sinne where shall the vngodlie and sinner appeare what will become of all ignorant soules what will become of the Blasphemer and Adulterer If the Heauens and the Earth these great and glorious creatures which sinne not shall not be able to stand in his presence Then what I say will become of all prophane and vngodly sinners Alas they shall be euen at their wittes end not knovving in the world which way to turne them nor where to flie for succour vvhere shall they seeke for refuge when as the Iudge himselfe is their enemy who dares pleade for them dare any Saint or Angell No no no Saint or Angell dares open their mouth to speake one word in their behalfe neyther can any creature deliuer them from the dreadfull vengeance of this terrible Iudge Verse 12. And I saw the dead both great and small THvs haue you seene the person of the Iudge described by his wonderfull maiestie and povver The persons that shall appeare before this Iudge described wherevvith he will come to iudgement and also by the great severitie and terrour that shal astonish both the heauen and the earth and make them to flie from before his presence Now in this Verse and that which follovveth is declared who be they that shall appeare before this great Iudge Namely I saw the dead both great and small c. Secondly the euidences that shall bee brought in and vvhat witnesses shall be produced either to excuse or accuse in these words And the Books were opened Obiect And I saw the dead both great and small c. Before we come to speake of the wordes heere may a question arise Namely How this can be true that Saint Iohn saith He saw the dead both great and small For we beleeue that Christ Iesus shall iudge both quicke and dead not onely the dead but the liuing and Paul
them all Thou canst not take one peece of golde or siluer with thee but all must bee left behinde Onelie thy conscience onelie thy bookes onelie thy workes must accompany thee O then what madnesse is this to seeke and hunt after such things as cannot helpe vs nor stand vs in no steade in the day of Iudgement Nay if they be got or kept with a badde conscience they will be a very terrour vnto thee at the last O then let vs looke to our selues let vs not set our hearts too much vppon these things which cannot profite vs in this hote fierie day of triall Why should wee bee so foolish to set our hearts vpon that cannot helpe vs nay which we must leaue behinde vs. And for faith that which might bee our comfort both in life and death and in the dreadfull day of Iudgement I meane a good Conscience which as it is a blessed and a sweete companion in life and death so it will be a blessed comfort to our poore Soules at the day of Iudgement O then I beseech you againe and againe seeing that nothing shall goe with you vnto iudgement but onely your works let vs lay aside our immoderate care for the world yea and the things of this world for these must stay behind vs and cannot helpe vs in the day of Iudgement Let vs labour for better things for durable treasures for a good conscience to abound in good workes in knowledge faith and repentance Let vs take heed wee be not found naked of these O what a woefull case are they in that haue nothing in the world to goe with them to iudgement but an euil heart a galled conscience full of all vncleanenes their state is most woefull and miserable it had beene good for them that they had neuer beene borne Here may a question be moued How this saying of Saint Iohn can stand with that of our Sauiour Iohn 3.18 He that beleeueth shall not come into iudgement but he that beleeueth not is condemned alreadie Now then if the faithfull children of God shall not come into iudgement and the wicked vnbeleeuers be condemned already How saith he that all shal be iudged at the day of Iudgement I answere it is true that the faithfull children of God shall not come into Iudgement that is of condemnation Rom. 8.1 For there is no condemnation c. But God wil pronounce that blessed sentence Come yee blessed c. As for the wicked it is true they be condemned already first in the Decree and Councell of God being Reprobates and Cast-awayes secondly in the word of GOD thirdly in their owne conscience they be condemned already But the full manifestation of this Sentence shall not bee vntill the day of Iudgement And so we are to vnderstand that saying of Salomon Eccles 3. God shal iudge the iust and vniust The iust to saluation the vniust to condemnation Now the third point that I propounded is the touch-stone of this Triall whereby all mens thoughts words and workes shall be tryed To this S. Paul answereth At the day of Iudgement God shall iudge the secrets of all mens hearts by my Gospel Rom. 1.16 Our thoughts our words and our workes must be tryed by the word of God and that thought word or worke which is not according to the written VVord of GOD is an euill thought a vile word and a wicked worke Vse Seeing that all our thoughts wordes and workes must bee tryed and examined by the written word of God by the Lawe and by the Gospell wee haue neede to labour to know them to bee acquainted with them that wee might know what is sin and not sinne good and bad that so wee may leaue the one and doe the other Oh what a woefull case are all they in which are ignorant in the word of God blinde men and vvomen without knowledge they know not what is good or euill And therefore saith the Apostle Paul 2. Thess 1. That the Lord Iesus will come in a flame of fire to render vengeance to them which know him not and obey not the Gospel of Iesus Christ And therefore as you doe loue your soules loue this word of God labour to know it embrace it If thou be ignorant of it and yeelde not obedience vnto it it shall stand against thee at the daie of Iudgement and thou must be tryed by it Therefore let vs all labour to be instructed in it to reade it to remember it and to leade our liues by it For whatsoeuer is done contrarie to it is sinne it must come to iudgement and the Word will condemne it 13 And the sea gaue vp her dead which were in her and death and hell deliuered vp the dead which were in them and they were iudged euery man according to their workes YOV heard in the twelfth Verse immediately going before how Saint Iohn saw the dead both great and small stand before GOD that is all men and women that euer liued or shall liue vnto the end of the world Now heere might a question arise How this can bee How is it possible that all men should come to Iudgement There haue beene many thousands which haue beene drowned in the Sea and the fishes haue deuoured them some haue beene slaine in the field and the fowles haue eaten their flesh and many haue been burnt and consumed to ashes Then it is a very high poynt a matter beyond all reason that all the dead should rise againe Men that haue beene drowned fishes haue eaten them men againe perhaps haue eaten the fishes and they that haue beene burnt to ashes their ashes haue beene scattered who knoweth whither How then is it possible for them to arise againe Indeed the profane Atheists and filthy epicures are not ashamed ●o say that there shall be no resurrection but when a man dies there is an end of all his ioy and of all his miserie But that the dead shall rise againe is an Article of our Faith We beleeue the resurrection of the dead And so wee know it is a speciall point of Gods glory in mercie to reward his poore children and in punishing in iudgement the wicked and vngodly But as Salomon saith In this Life all things happen alike to the iust and vniust Nay oftentimes Diues is full and at ease when Lazarus is empty and in misery How then should God bee iust if hee should suffer his poore children that loue and feare his Name heere to liue in miserie and neuer to reward them Or again how should God be iust if hee should suffer the wicked and vngodlie heere to liue at ease if there were not a time when they should taste of vengeance Therefore they must come to Iudgement they must rise againe the godlie to bee made partakers of life and ioy and the wicked of shame and confusion Iob saith in his nineteenth chapter That though the wormes did eate his flesh yet hee should beholde God with his eyes And
possesse a Kingdome Hast thou beene hungry and thirsty heere then thou shalt taste of the Tree of Life Hast thou beene poore and naked heere Then thou shalt bee cloathed with the precious Robes of Christs righteousnesse and in steede of the rags of Infamie and Reproch which wee must put on heere wee shall bee crowned with a Crowne of immortall Glorie c. Agayne vnto the wicked and the vngodlie it is not so with them but they hauing taken their pleasure here and receiued their portion in this present world shall arise now to Iudgement to heare the Sentence of Condemnation denounced against them and Mohammed Bouaziziow to bee cast into the Lake that burnes with fire and brimstone for euer Iohn 5.29 which is the second death Thirdly seeing Saint Iohn saith that wee shall all come to iudgement these bodies of ours though they be drowned though they be burnt to ashes or howsoeuer they bee consumed yet they shall rise againe eyther to Life eternall or death eternall Should not this make vs all Beloued to looke vnto our selues to take heed we doe not vse our bodies to the dishonour of God Wouldest thou haue thy bodie to bee partaker of Life Felicitie Glorie and Saluation in heauen Then vse thy bodie now to the glorie of God vpon earth to heare his word to sanctifie Gods Sabboth c. But if thou vse thy bodie to sinne to swearing to drunkennesse whooredome c. then know that thy bodie shall rise againe to iudgement to be tormented for euer Do not looke vpon the rich Glutton Luke 16. hee had abused his bodie to swearing drunkennesse c. and what became of it was hee not fearefully tormented in Hell at last And hee which had giuen his tongue to swearing c. Now he cries his tongue his tongue O that all sinful wretches could but thinke of this one example of GODS iudgements that if they abuse their bodies as this man did that they shall then taste of the same Iudgement Wouldest thou haue thy body glorified then glorifie God in thy body Dost thou thinke that thy soule shall bee saued and thy body glorified if thou vse the members thereof to sinne to vncleanenes c. O no let vs not deceiue our owne soules it can not be For saith the Apostle Rom. 6.2 How can wee that are dead to sinne yet liue therein Fourthly seeing the Holie-Ghost saith that of what death soeuer wee doe die wee shall all rise againe and Gods children they shall rise to life and to glory This must teach vs all this Doctrine namely not to weepe and mourne immoderatly for our friends deceased True it is that CHRIST IESVS wept for Lazarus Iohn 11. and the Disciples made great lamentation for Stephen Acts 7. And so wee haue great cause to mourne and weepe when as some speciall member of the Church of God is taken away we may not be as stockes or stones or senselesse creatures without affection It must needes grieue the heart of a husband to part with his louing godly and religious wife But heere is a meane for this mourning to moderate our weeping that wee weepe not and mourne not ouermuch for they shall rise againe I would not haue you ignorant brethren concerning those that bee asleepe that you should mourne at they that haue no hope 1. Thess 4.13 Where the holy-Ghost tells vs that the dead in Christ doe not die properly but lay them downe to take a sweet sleepe after their long and tedious labors and troubls in this world and afterward they must rise againe to life to happinesse to liberty to glory and saluation And wherefore then should we mourne so excessiuely weep and lament at the death of our friends seeing they doe not perish they are not cast away O no their soules are presently in ioy and their bodies are buried in the graue as in a bed of dowlne to take a sweet sleepe till the day of Iudgement and then they shall rise to glory And they were iudged euery man according to their workes MArke I pray you how the holy Ghost repeates this point againe and againe he beates vpon it he can neuer haue done with it He said before The Bookes are opened and the dead were iudged according to those things written in the books And now againe he saith They were iudged euery man according to his workes What should bee the cause why the Holy-Ghost so often repeats this point and beates so vpon it againe and againe I answere The cause is in vs because wee are hardly brought to beleeue this poynt hardly perswaded of so necessary a matter for hardly one man of a thousand beleeueth this That he shall be iudged according to his workes Oh it is a hard matter to perswade men and women of this That they must giue an accompt of their workes and be iudged by their workes Tell the wicked sinner of his vngodly wayes of his profanenes contempt of Gods word c. And what doe they say Doe they quake and tremble Doth their heart and soules euen erne in them O no no they flatter themselues with this conceit God is mercifull And thus they make the mercie of God a packe-horse for all their abominations And thus it is in the vile heart of man to thinke he shall neuer come to account for his sins that he shall neuer bee called to a reckoning for them and receiue his reward according to his workes Heere then we may perceiue there bee but two sorts of men and women there is the repentant sinner and the impenitent sinner and both of them must come to iudgement The repentant sinner is he or she that mourneth for their sinnes bewaileth them hateth them and leaueth them and doth hunger and thirst after good things Now the impenitent sinner is he or shee that liues in sinne and will not in any wise bee brought to leaue sinne They neuer with teares beg the pardon of them at the handes of God but wallow in all vncleannesse heaping sinne vpon sinne and one vngodly way vpon another whereas all the sinnes of GODS children who doe repent be quit and pardoned in Christ Iesus hee hath nayled them to his Crosse and hath washed them away in his owne Bloud and they shall neuer come to light But their faith their religiō their good deeds as their feeding and cloathing of CHRIST IESVS in his poore members Matth. 25. and according to these they shal receiue their reward life happinesse and eternall saluation and as their good deeds be many and great so shall their honour praise and glory be greater in heauen And therefore we should labour to abound in good works in faith knowledge repentāce loue zeale c. seeing our reward shall be according to our workes But as for the vnrepentant sinner that liues in sinne delights in sinne as they do not repent nor haue no faith nor good workes euen so as their workes shall bee so
Word a drunkard c. they think themselues to be iolly fellowes and who but they Alas alas their case is feareful poore soules they doe not see they be the sonnes of death the heires of vengeance and the wrath of God the fire-brands of hell nay euen death and hell it selfe Vse 2 Heere wee may see what a horrible and cursed thing sinne is in the sight of God for sinne maketh men become guiltie of eternal death and firebrands of hell as we see when the traitour is executed for treason his son smarteth for his sinne Euen so sinne which is treason against the maiesty of God when wee haue brought it foorth it bringeth vs to death and hell For death and hell is the reward of sinne And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire Would you know what shall become of the profane wretches of the world would you know what shall become of the blasphemer would you know what shall become of the adulterer drunkard idolater swearer c. S. Iohn saith here in plaine termes They shall be cast into the lake of fire Thus was the rich Glutton Luke 16. for his gluttony drunkennesse want of pitty c. cast into this wofull lake of fire And thus shall all impenitent sinners one day be cast into this wofull Lake of fire Now if a Blasphemer or an Adulterer c. should haue but this punishment to holde his little Finger in the flame of a candle one houre how could hee endure it But if a man should bee roasted on a Gridiron or boyled in a Cauldron of molten lead what miserie were this whose heart wold not quake and melt to thinke on it O these are nothing in comparison of these most extreme and endlesse torments in this lake of fire when both body and soule shall both burne and boyle and as it were fry in the scorching flames which cannot bee quenched All men almost are afraid to commit Treason because Traytors are so grieuously punished they are hanged drawne and quartered But alas men be not afraid to commit Treason against the King of Heauen though they must bee cast into a lake of fire for euermore Men are afraid to offend the Prince for feare of death And yet our Sauiour bids vs Not feare them that can kill the body and can do no more but feare him that can cast both body and soule into hell fire And yet wee see that men and women bee more affraid to offend man then God that can cast both body and soule into hell fire If wee should see a little child fall into the fire and heare it cry pittifully and the very Bowels should bee burnt out O how it would grieue vs and make our very hearts bleed within vs How much more then should it grieue vs to see not a childe but euen our owne bodies and soules cast away for euer by sin into the lake of fire that cannot be quenched If a man should come amongst vs and cry fire fire thy house is all of a flaming fire thy Corne thy Cattell thy Wife and Children and all that thou hast were consumed with fire Oh how would this astonish vs that would make the very haire to stand vpright on our heads and teares to gush out of our eyes Behold then and see the Spirit of God cries out vnto vs Fire euen the dreadfull fire of hell gapeth ready to deuoure not thy house thy corne or thy cattell but thy poore soule and that for euermore Oh how should this breake our hard and flintie hearts asunder and make our soules to bleed if wee haue any sparke of grace any care of our soules that they may not bee tormented in this Lake of Fire for euer I will leaue the further handling of this poynt vntill I come vnto the next verse where the holy-Ghost saith agayne the better to make it sinke into our verie hearts That Whosoeuer is not found written in the Booke of Life shall be cast into this lake of fire Now the better to expresse what is meant by this Lake of Fire Not a bodily death nor a materiall fire like to ours But the holy-Ghost meaneth heere euen the second death that is not of the bodie onelie Double death but of eternall death and damnation both of bodie and soule for euermore This is the second death and by this we may see there is a double death there is the first death and the second death The first death is the separation of the soule from the body this is common to all the children of GOD doe die this death aswell as the wicked yet there is a difference For death is no curse to the children of God because Christs death hath taken avvay the Sting of death that it can not hurt the children of God No it is as a doore to let our soules into the Kingdome of Heauen But the second they neuer taste of No childe of God needes to feare the second death Rom. 8.1 For there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Iesus Wherein the second death consisteth Now as the first death is onely the seperation of the soule from the body so the second death is a totall and finall seperation of both soule and bodie from God for euermore And this second death doth stand principally in these three points First that all the wicked and vngodly sinners that liue and die in their sinnes they shall be seuered from the glorious and blessed presence of GOD for euer Which shal be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glorie of his power 2. Thes 1.9 O what a wofull death is this to be plucked and torne from the blessed and comfortable presence of God whereas our Sauiour CHRIST saith Matth. 5. ●8 that our happines and all the ioy of GODS children shall stand in the beholding of God and being in his presence for euermore Then what miserie and what woe will this be vnto the wicked to be cast out of the glorious presence of God for euer seeing that he alone is the fountaine of Life and of happinesse Secondly the second death stands in this that wicked men and women shall not onelie be seuered in body and soule from the blessed and glorious presence of God for euer but they shall be cast into the lake of fire and haue all their abode with the diuels and all the damned spirits in hell where shall be no ioy nor comfort nor ease but weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth If a man should be cast into a deepe and darkesome dungeon full of Toades and Serpents what comfort I pray could he haue but to wish for death This is the death that all the impenitent sinners must die They must be cast out of the sweet and comfortable presence of the Lord CHRIST IESVS and bee throwne into a Lake of Fire and Brimstone there to be tormented for euermore Mat. 25 41 Thirdly
the third thing wherein this second death doth consist is that all reprobates shall bee punished with euerlasting perdition they shall bee tormented in body and soule with vnspeakable torments the wrath and vengeance of God shall seize vpon them and feed on them as fire doth on pitch or brimstone where they shall bee euer burning and boyling and yet neuer consumed euer in paine and torment and neuer haue ease And to shew the wonderfull torment of hell of this second death our Sauiour compareth it vnto a furnace of fire Mat. 13.24 Now what a woefull torment is it to bee cast into a furnace of fire and to lie many thousand yeares therein this is a torment that cannot be expressed Againe he saith that Their worme sh ll not die Esay 66.24 and their fire shall not bee quenched Now how should a man doe if hee should haue a worme alwayes crawling in his belly gnawing alwaies at his heart This is the estate of all wicked men and women They shall alwaies haue a worme euen griefe and anguish of heart euer gnawing at their hearts and biting at their consciences And this worme shall neuer die nor kill them but euer gnawing and wounding them So then you see by this which hath been spoken what this second death is and also wherein it doth consist Now all the Question will be Who shall be cast into this Lake of Fire VVho are they that shall die this second death Who they bee that shall partake of the second death which is such a miserable and wofull death For there is no man nor woman that liueth I thinke but they suppose that they shall escape this death they hope that they shall be saued and so escape this flaming fire And therefore now you shall see who they be that shall be cast into it Looke they are there marked out vnto vs Reu. 21.8 The fearefull and vnbeleeuers and abhominable and murtherers and whooremongers and sorcerers and lyars c. shal haue their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death So then rhe holy-Ghost telleth vs that all impenitent sinners shall bee damned 1 Cor. 6.10 shall be cast into this lake of fire which is the second death Then what a strange thing is this The Holy-Ghost tells vs who shall be damned and cast into the Lake of Fire all impenitent sinners the Blasphemer the Drunkard c. and yet no man almost will beleeue this Well the Spirit of God cannot lie He sayth That all the wicked and vngodlie sinners shal be cast into the lake of Fire which is the second death now tell neuer so wicked a wretch of his sinnes of his swearing c. And what will they say Tush GOD is mercifull I hope I shall be saued Is not this I pray to giue the Holy-Ghost the lie Tell the drunkard or the profaner of the Lords day c. they shall be damned doe they beleeue this Oh no no For if they did beleeue it how durst they be so bold to liue in sinne Well hovvsoeuer these vile wretches say they hope to be saued aswell as the best of them all yet know this is the truth of God the holy-Ghost telleth vs plainly That all vnbeleeuers and theeues and murderers c. shall be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the second death But to you whose hearts doe tremble for feare of these things whose soules doe melt for feare of this second death now if you would know how to escape this Lake of Fire and how to auoyde this second death which is th' eternall damnation and torment both of body and soule you shall see how the Spirit of GOD doth not onelie shew you how to escape hell but to come to heauen not onely to auoide damnation in this Lake of fire but to obtaine saluation and ioy in the blessed and glorious presence of Almightie God for euermore Now see what the Holy-Ghost doth teach thee in the sixth Verse of this chapter Blessed and holie is hee that hath his part in the first Resurrection for on such the second death shall haue no power But they shall bee the Priests of God and of Christ and shall raigne with him a thousand yeares that is for euermore So then would you know what manner of men and women shall escape the second death and eternall damnation in this lake of hell fire why the holy-Ghost saith They and none but they that haue their partes in the first Resurrection So then it is manifest in these words that there be two resurrections and also a double death The Children of GOD they haue a double resurrection and one death But all wicked and vngodly sinners they haue one resurrection and a double death So then let vs see what is meant by this first resurrection namely our rising out of the graue of sinne to newnesse of life This is the first resurrection Ephes 2.1 You that were dead in trespasses and sinnes hath hee quickned Rom. 6.4 And we are buried with Christ in Baptisme that like as he rose againe to the glory of the Father euen so wee should walke in newnesse of life So then would you know whether you shall escape eternall fire in hell euen this second death then looke vnto your owne soules Are you dead to all your old sins and new sins Are you quickned in the inner man Do you hate sinne as well when it is committed by your selfe as by others Doe you labour to mortifie and to keepe vnder the workes of the flesh and walke in all holy duties and obedience both vnto God and men Rom. 8.1 For there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ which walke not after the flesh but after the Spirit Blessed and holy are they that haue part in the first resurrection where he shews that none shall be blessed none shall haue part in the first resurrection and be freed from the second death but such as be sanctified to liue a godly life that are partakers of the first resurrection And therefore if you desire to bee blessed to escape the second death which is the euerlasting damnation both of bodie and soule then labour heere to liue a godly life For these two Iustification and Sanctification cannot be seuered And this is a very great comfort to all the true members of Christ Vse that do repent and leaue their sinnes and liue a godlie life though they be in miserie in pouertie in want and in the end die the first death of the bodie yet they shall bee freed from the second death that is from eternall death the gates of hell shal not preuaile against them And therfore as you loue your soules as you desire to be blessed and to escape eternall damnation which is the second death Labour I say to haue a part in the first Resurrection to die vnto sinne and to liue in newnesse of life But
we doe neuer seeke for this or dreame of heauen till wee haue one foot in hell let vs not then thinke to gaine a kingdome so easily we cannot go to heauen on beds of dowlne but we must striue to enter therein And as life is sweet ioy riches honor and pleasures are sweete so to haue them for euer without feare of loosing this is a blessed thing for so it is with them that bee in possession of this Kingdome they shall be out of feare to loose it but shall raigne with Christ for euermore Thus in some sort you may conceiue the blessed and most happy estate of all the elect and faithfull children of Almightie God which ought to moue vs to repent and turne to God But what shall become of the rest the vngodly sinners of them whose names be not written in the Booke of Life Alas poore wretches poore soules it grieues me to think of them it would make a mans heart to melt to thinke on their most wofull miserie And I quake to speake or to thinke what shall become of their soules for euer The Holy-Ghost saith heere They shall be cast into the lake of fire What shall become then of the swearer drunkard c. They shall be cast into the lake of fire Matth. 25. for so saith Christ Goe ye cursed c. This is their end and this is their portion for euermore Ah poore wretch Ah vile creature ah miserable sinner it had beene good for them if they had neuer beene borne or beene made rather Toads or Serpents then Men. For besides that that they shall be cast out of the glorious and comfortable presence of God and his holy Angels they shal be cast into this lake of fire for euer Concerning which Lake of fire into which all impenitent and hard-hearted sinners shall be cast for euer I will set downe three speciall points First the perpetuitie of it Secondly the extreamitie of it And thirdly that it is remedilesse All which considered mee thinks it should make the flinty hearts of sinners to melt and to breake in peeces for feare they doe come into this place of torment into this lake of fire And seeing the spirit of God doth repeate it againe and againe that all reprobate sinners shal be cast into the lake of fire it is to shew that men doe little consider of that they doe not tremble at it And therefore he beates vpon it to teach vs it is a speciall poynt to bee thoght on to mollifie our hard hearts And first concerning this lake of fire In that it is named heere A lake of fire this noteth to vs the extremitie of the torment that it is a place of endlesse woe vnspeakeable paine The Scripture giues it sundrie names to set forth the vnspeakable torment thereof Reu. 21.8 All wicked impenitent sinners shall be cast into the lake of fire For of all torments none is so extreme as fire And Christ saith There shal be weeping Luk. 13.28 wayling c. And it shal be most hot and yet most colde strangenesse of this fire c. Againe Their worme shall neuer die Marke chap. 9.44 That worme which shall gnaw their consciences euen the torment of their consciences O what a wofull thing is this for a man or woman to haue a worme continually to gnaw their bowels within neuer to let them alone or to giue them any rest Such shall the misery be of the wicked Againe Tophet is prepared for the King hee cannot escape and it is deepe and large and the burning therof is fire much wood and the breath of the Lord as a riuer of brimstone shall kindle it Esay 30.33 So as the wrath of the Lord shall be as bellows to blow it and as a riuer of brimstone to maintaine it By this you may alittle conceiue the extreamitie of this wofull Lake of hel fire But if I had the tongue of men or Angels I could neuer expresse it to the full For as the ioyes of heauen be vnspeakeable so the torments of hell can not be expressed at what time the totall wrath of God shall seize vppon the reprobates both body and soule and shall feed vpon them for euermore Now to the end you may the better conceiue the extreamitie of it you must know that the torments of hel they be vniuersal euen in all the parts of the bodie and faculties of the soule at once the mind the wil the conscience the affection the head the heart c. all at once shall be tormented The paines in this life they are for the most part particular in some part of the body but in this fire the sinner shall be tormented in all parts at once and yet we may see that some pains there be as is the stone c. which men would not willingly haue for a whole world Alas what a woefull thing will this be to be thus tormented euen in all and euerie member so extreamly Let one example serue in this point The rich Glutton cries out Oh I am tormented in this flame Luk. 16. The torment and heate was so great that hee would haue giuen euen a whole world if he had beene Lord of it for so much water as would haue stucke to ones finger to haue cooled his flaming tong Tongue tongue Soule soule Thus you see that this fire is most extreame and wofull and yet men wil not beleeue it they feare it not But let vs thinke vppon the most wofull and extreme paine of this Lake of fire and let vs make that vse which CHRIST teacheth vs If thy right hand or foote that is anie thing neuer so sweete neuer so profitable neuer so deere or neere vnto vs Let vs cut them off and cast them from vs that is let vs forgoe and forsake them all For it is better to goe poore to heauen then rich to hell It is better to goe naked to Heauen then in costly apparell to Hell O let all carnall men all vngodly sinners that liue in pleasures sports or pastimes yea let them know they shall pay full deerely for these things euen the losse of their soules in hell for euermore Secondly as the paines of Hell be easelesse and most extreame so they be endlesse and perpetuall no end of them for euermore So Abraham tels the rich Glutton You that bee there cannot come hither Luke 16. and so sayth S. Iohn Reuel 21. It is a lake of fire brimstone that burneth for euer So Go ye cursed into euerlasting fire Mat. 25.41 It can neuer be quenched when as damned sinners shal lie therin many thousand yeares yea as many as there be Starres in Heauen and yet neuer to haue an end If a man should but once euerie thousand yeares take one spoonfull of water out of the Sea how many thousand thousand yeares would be expired before he should haue emptied the same O consider this you that forget GOD Consider this you which
Christ endure that any other should haue with him a portiō in his church For he is a iealous God Exodus 20. verse 5. So then the force of the reason standeth thus Gods people which are married vnto CHRIST must loue CHRIST alone because we are linked married to him alone as a wife to her husband vnto whom alone she is bound Therefore if we forsake the Lord and breake the promise wee made to him in Baptisme and betroth our selues vnto others then will he surely cast vs off giue vs a Bill of Diuorcement as shamelesse strumpets and punish vs for our vnfaithfulnesse Secondly hee loued vs first Reason 2 and best according to that of Iohn Wee loue him Iohn 4.19 because hee loued vs first Yea he loued vs first when we were his enemies and had made a voluntary separation betweene him and our soules committing Spirituall fornication with sinne and Sathan yea as the Apostle Paul witnesseth Eph. 2.4.5 Yee that were dead in trespasses and sinnes hath hee quickened And lest wee should any whit doubt of his loue hee hath manifested it Reuel 1.6 in that Hee hath washed vs from our sinnes in his Bloud Oh then greater Loue then this can no man shew And therefore seeing Christ hath loued thy Soule so dearely as to suffer a cursed death yea to shed his owne heart Bloud to saue thy soule Oh how oughtest thou to loue Christ agayne If a man vvere taken by the Turkes and put to extreme slauery and bondage where hee should remayne for euer vnlesse a great summe of money were payd for his ransome the which hee were neuer able to pay how miserable were the estate of this man But if one should come that out of his meere loue vnto him pittying his miserie that should pay his ransome and set him free who can expresse how much this poore wretch were bound vnto him VVee are all taken prisoners and that not by the Turkes which onely can but hold vs in temporall bondage but by Sathan the Prince of darkenesse where wee should haue indured not a temporall but a spirituall and eternall bondage and slauery and that in hell for euermore And nothing but onely the bloud of the Sonne of God could bee our ransome O how should this worke vpon the affection of euery Christian man and woman and euen bind vs to loue Christ againe Now what might moue Christ but onely his loue to giue himselfe to death for vs Surely nothing that was in vs. Ephe. 2.4.5 But God who is rich in mercie through his great loue wherewith he loued vs euen when we were dead by sinnes hath quickned vs together by Christ by whose grace yee are saued And againe 1. Ioh 3.16 Hereby haue we perceiued loue that hee layd downe his life for vs. Ephes 1.7 By whom saith the Apostle we haue redemption through his bloud and therefore the loue that Christ Iesus hath first she●ed vnto vs must constraine vs to loue Christ againe Reason 3 And lastly because CHRIST IESVS is most excellent in him selfe and therfore most worthie of our loue For so saith the Church of Christ My beloued is white and ruddy Cant. 5.10 the chiefe of ten thousand In the world we see it commō that some are beloued because they are faire and beautifull some because they are rich and wealthy some because they are wise and prudent and some because they are honourably descended Now Christ Iesus hath all of these For what soeuer may affect a mans heart and any way procure loue the same is Christ Iesus fully and absolute without any shadow of mutabilitie or change For wisedome he is the fountaine for truth hee is the authour of truth for mercie he is the store-house of all mercie for riches hee is the Lord of heauen and earth euen the store-house of durable riches and for beautie hee is the most holy and blessed sonne of God full of grace and truth Oh how may this serue to reproue Vse 1 all carnall and prophane Gospellers worldly men Epicures couetous Cormorants who loue any thing more then Christ Iesus and his glorious Gospell like the Gadarens who preferred their hogges before Christ yea one messe of pottage with Esau that can be content to sell Christ for lesse then thirtie pence that loue their filthy plesures eating drinking pride vncleannenesse c. more then CHRIST and their owne soules like the Bethlemites let Christ lie in the stable amongst beasts for they can not affoord him one corner in their hearts Againe it is the sin of thousands that professe Christ to be their Husband and Sauior that yet breake their couenant and serue the world and the flesh that pretend they loue the Lord Iesus Christ and yet betroth themselues to the world the flesh and the diuell and serue them Now how could any man be content with this That his wife should say she loues him and yet sets her heart vpon another man So how can wee thinke that God will take it at our hands if we will make shew that we loue Christ and yet are euer dallying with the world Christs enemy Oh he is a iealous God and will neuer indure it at our hands And lastly by the rule of this Doctrine of the Papists heere no lesse to be reproued who so much rob God of his honour calling vpon Saints and praying vnto them nay preferring the virgin Marie before Christ himselfe giuing honour and adoration to Saints and Angels making them Mediatours and Sauiours they shall finde one day that GOD will not put vp this robbery at their hands but will shew his iealous and terrible anger against them as most sacrilegious persons and robbers It must stirre vp euery Christian Vse 2 man to labour to finde his heart rauished with the loue of Christ Iesus so as he can say out of the affection of his heart O thou whom my soule loueth so as if the question were demanded what I loue best I can truly say Phil. 3.7.8 I loue Christ Iesus more then the whole world yea I account all things but losse and dung to win Christ And where men find this true affection loue of Christ in them it is a certaine signe of their saluation that God hath cast his loue vpon them that so the loue of God drawes loue to him againe As the light of the Sunne lights on the eie and by it we see the Sunne again And as by the picture in the Waxe wee know the Seale so by our loue to God we know his loue to vs. O how should this cause euery man and woman and euery mothers childe amongest vs to examine their loue towards Christ that so they may gather some assurance vnto their owne soules that Christ hath cast his loue vpon them And to doe this aske me this question of thine owne soule Doest thou desire Phil. 1.25 with the Apostle Paul to be loosed and to be with Christ Tell mee
the Doctrine is apparent man was first cast out of Paradise for sin neither is there any thing that doth hinder his returne but only sin for it is sinne that makes vs execrable to the Lord and doth hinder all good things from vs. Psal 38.4 For as long as sinne remaynes it is as a weightie burthen to presse downe a sinner into hell and the wages and stipend of it is eternall death Therefore Romans 6 if sinne be taken away and pardoned as it is from all the Elect what should hinder their happinesse God hath against them no matter of displeasure and the obedience of Christ Iesus being imputed vnto them heauen can not bee denyed vnto them but they must needes bee saued Secondly Christ Iesus doth Reason 2 esteeme highly of his Church and the Church is most excellent in her selfe because in it alone saluation is to be found and no where else When the Lord brought the great and generall deluge ouer the face of the whole earth What place was there left more excellent then the Arke in the which Noah and his Family were saued and out of the which the whole world besides perished What was that Arke but a Type and Figure of Christs Church wherein saluation is to bee found and out of the which there is no saluation to bee looked for Seeing therefore that remission of sinnes is proper onely to Christs Church and that therein is saluation and eternall life to bee found wee may safely therefore conclude that the estate of Christs Church and of euery member thereof is most excellent and blessed The vses of this Doctrine is Vse 1 excellent as the nature of the Church is First then seeing that Christ will thus passe by the sinnes of his children and iudge them faire without any spot and blemish of sinne if they do truely repent and embrace Him and his Righteousnesse by faith Here is matter of endlesse comfort to euerie poore childe of God Note Doest thou repent of thy sinnes and art truely humbled for them Doest thou embrace CHRIST IESVS for the pardon of them Hath God sanctified thy heart by his Spirit so as thou hatest euerie wicked way and dost desire and endeuour to obey God his will in all his Commandements Well then comfort thy selfe and cheere vp thine owne soule Christ Iesus will couer all thy sinnes they shall neuer be layd to thy charge but hee will wrap thee in his own righteousnesse whereby thou shalt appeare faire and beautifull in his sight Indeed many a poore child of God looking on their owne infirmities and manifold corruptions see themselues to be black indeed deformed and stained with sinne it grieueth them that they do hang downe their heads and goe drooping all their dayes striuing and also struggling with their rebellious hearts and vile corruptions and thinke that CHRIST IESVS cares not for them cannot loue them being so defiled with sinne But I say againe Be not discouraged for if thou doest repent of them beleeue in Christ hate thy sinnes and prayest often vnto God to giue thee power to withstand them vsing all godly meanes to withstand them Christ Iesus wil couer them and passe by them all as he did deale with Dauid Peter c. Oh then how carefully ought all men daily endeuour themselues to be the members of this Societie that so they may haue a part in all these excellent prerogatiues and then howsoeuer the world doe esteeme of them counting them miserable grinding at them with their teeth and nodding at them with their heads and euerie way contumeliously reproching them yet are they deere and precious in the sight of Christ who hath redeemed them with the ransome of his owne bloud Let vs learne by Christs example Vse 2 heere that if we see anie good thing in the childe of Almightie God to commend it and to embrace it and if we see any blemish or infirmitie that we wincke at it and couer the same with the cloake of Loue and not as the maner of wicked and vngodly men who though they see many good giftes and graces in GODS children as knowlege faith patience loue zeale c. passe by them all and if they shall espie but one blemish or infirmitie or weakenesse by and by they blaze it abroad with open mouth note them with a blacke cole calling them Puritanes Precisians Hypocrites and the like reuiling them in a most odious manner like a Coorrector of a Booke passe by all that is well and if but one fault find that out like the horse-Flie passing by many floures and sweet hearbs lights vpon some noysome sore these are not like vnto CHRIST but to their sire the Diuell who is the Accuser of the Brethren Thus much for the exceeding loue and kindenesse of Christ Iesus toward his church in that he cals her by this kind appellation The fairest amongst women Secondly his gentle reproofe of her If thou know not q. d. This seemeth strange 2 Christs gentle reproofe that thou shouldest be ignorant where I doe feede my sheep where my truth and gospell is truely preached and soundly professed But if thou know not The church of God somtimes may be at that straight as not to discerne the truth I will direct Doctr. 7 thee and shew thee how thou shalt finde it out Hence we are taught that the church of God and true beleeuers may sometimes be so blinded and left to themselues that they stand at a stagger and doe hardly know which is true religion Where Christ doth feede his Flocke where the word is faithfully preached soundly professed For we are all of vs readie to erre by nature How apt are wee in matters that do concerne our Soules to be mistaken partly through our owne blindnesse ignorance and carelesnesse in not searching of the Truth and trying of the spirits and partly by the subtile policy of the diuell who is Gods Ape and so like him in many things as that it is hard to discerne his slights and falshoods Wicked men false teachers lying prophets set such a face and shew on their errors and beare them out with such a countenance credite and authoritie and the truth is so neglected plaine and simple troden vnder foot that it is hard for a man yea the true Church of God sometimes to discerne where Christ feedeth his Flocke 1. Reg. 18.12 When as Elias was left alone and Baals foure hundred and fiftie prophets who could almost then discerne the worship of GOD from Idolatry when all was corrupted So when Michaiah told the trueth and Ahab had foure hundred false Prophets it was hatd to discerne the truth of God from the lying of Sathan In Christs time how did the Scribes and Pharisees confound Religion dimme and dazell the truth for the which our Sauiour himselfe did often reprooue them And in our times how doe the Papists labour to obscure Religion how bold and impudent are they to defend Idolatrie