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A90521 The Scriptures stability or, the Scripture cannot be broken. Proved, explained, and several wayes applied, whereby all Scripture may with singular advantage come to be improved. Very seasonable and usefull in these last and worst dayes, wherein the authority and truth of the Scripture is now much oppugned, and by few so improved as it ought. By Robert Perrot, B.M. and minister of Gods word, at Deane in Bedfordshire. R. P. (Robert Perrot) 1658 (1658) Wing P1646; Thomason E1928_2; ESTC R209990 89,342 222

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words and my statutes which I commanded my servants the Prophets did not they take hold of your Fathers they returned and said like as the Lord of Hosts thought to do unto us according to our wayes and according to our doings so hath he dealt with us q. d. your Fathers indeed are not and the Prophets are not no they are dead I but did my words dye with them they failed indeed but did my words fail with them or rather have they not all been fulfilled was I vain in my threatnings did I not put in execution what I spake by my Prophets felt not your Fathers the effect of my words the word notes to take hold or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 overtake and catch them as hunters their prey or as one enemy another in 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 flight they would have escaped indeed they sought means to make an escape but they could not and this they were forc'd to acknowledge at last and they returned and said Like as the Lord c. and so shall all at length be forced to say they may think to make an escape but one time or other Gods words will catch them very observable to this purpose is that in the 21. Iosh 45. there failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel all came to passe and concerning this Ioshua appeals to Israel Chap. 23. 14. and behold this day I am going the way of all the earth and yea know in all your hearts and in all your souls not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you all are come to pass unto you and not one thing hath failed thereof Ioshua he appeals to what they knew in all their hearts and in all their own souls that not one thing failed he does not say that but some things or a few things but not one thing failed So Psal 116. 11. Ask Davids experience and he saith that God to him was as good as his word Psa 119. 65. thou hast dealt well with thy servant O Lord according to thy word I said indeed in my hast saith he all men are lyers Samuel and others yea all who in Gods name promised me the Kingdom I the Kingdom no I am like rather to be cut off I but this was in a fit of inconsiderate passion and temptation and this he confesses as a fault and infirmity for in the very next verse he breaks out and saith What shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits towards me he was so much the more comforted and excited to thankfulness by how much the more improbable that seemed which was effected Thus the word of the Lord is tried Psa 18. 30. It hath the triall of several ages Experience hath still at all times and in all ages proved it most true thus it is said 1 Sam. 3. 19. and Samuel grew and the Lord was with him and did let none of his words fall to the ground f Decidere in terram i. e. perire evanescere non impleri metaph ducta a re quapiam puta a vitro quae è manu decidens corrumpitur-Piscat in locum or not one of all his words i. e. the Lord performed effectually whatsoever he had foretold by Samuel to fall to the ground is as much as to come to nothing a metaphor from things which by falling perish as glasses or water spilt on the ground for words cannot properly be said to fall to the ground hereby is meant that what he spake or prophesied came to pass and proved true in the event and nothing vain and of no effect again Acts 13. 32 33. and we declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the Fathers God hath fulfilled the same to us his Children c. And this made Solomon bless God because there had not failed one word of all his good promise which he had promised by the hand of Moses his servant 1 Kings 8. 56. blessed be the Lord who hath given rest unto his people Israel according to all that he promised there hath not failed one word and so in the 15. vers And he said blessed be the Lord God of Israel which spake with his mouth unto David my Father and hath with his hand fulfilled it So v. 24. Reas 7 The Scr●pture cannot be broken because it was not nor could not be broken no not in reference to Jesus Christ himself though the only begotten and dearly beloved Son of God and that as concerning what ever it had foretold of those heavy sufferings which he was to undergo yet it was not nor could not be broken no not so much as in the least circumstance of them that it had foretold but they were all fulfilled in every point and puntillio of them there was not any the least thing that sailed or fell to the ground and surely if the Scripture was not nor could not be broken as in reference to him no not as to the least abatement of those heavy sufferings which he was to undergo though the Son of God himself surely then it never will nor can be broken as in reference to others this is a most powerful and impregnable argument for the Scriptures impossibility of being broken in that it was not nor could not be broken no not in reference to Jesus Christ not in reference to the Son of God himself hear what himself saith Luke 18. 31 32. then he took unto him the twelve and said unto them behold we go up to Jerusalem and all things that are written by the Prophets concerning the Son of Man shall be accomplished for he shall be delivered to the Ge●tiles and shall be mocked and spitefully ●●treated and spit on and they shall scourge him and put him to death Now these were very heavy and sad things for the Son of God to suffer and undergo what for the eternal Son of God to be mocked to be spitefully intreated to be spit on to be scourged c. I but as heavy as sad as they were the Scripture having foretold them they shall all saith Christ be fulfilled so Luke 24. 44. And he said unto them these are the words which I spake unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and in the Prophets and in the Psalmes concerning me and these things saies Peter Acts 3. 18. Which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his Prophets that Christ should suffer he hath so fulfilled and when saies Paul they had fulfilled all that was written of him they took him down from the Tree c. All nothing was abated God spared not his own Son as concerning any thing no not the least thing or circumstance of thing that the Scripture had foretold and all is said still to be done that the Scriptures might be fulfilled all
my Soul and why art thou disquieted within me hope in God ●e will certainly be as good as his Word make good what he has said the Scripture sayes it and I will believe it and comfort my self in it for the Scripture cannot be broken Let us do as Abraham did the Father of the Faithful it is said of him Romans 4. 20. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in Faith giving Glory to God As the promise was firm so was his Faith as the one could not fail so neither did the other In God sayes David I will praise his Word Let us do it really by relying thereon and so comforting our selves therein O what a singular means would this be to fill our Souls with joy as Gods promises are firm and cannot fail so to have our Faith firm to rest assured and fully perswaded of the accomplishment of what God hath premised why this is the very life of the Soul Is 38. 16. O Lord by these things men live and in all these things is the life of my spirit by these things what things why by or in through the prōises therefore some read it by these words and in all these is the life of my spirit i. e. the joy and comfort of my spirit the joy of the spirit being indeed the life of the spirit and the Dutch Anot do therefore interpret it a merry and a quiet life while I believe them seal to them rest assured and am fully perswaded of the accomplishment of them thus it is said the just shall live by Faith Hab. 2. 4. God having promised deliverance after such a time as appears in the foregoing verse it might be demanded but what shall the just do in the mean time do why they shall in the mean while live i. e. they shall still be comforted and cheared but how by Faith by a sweet and firm dependance on God for the fulfilling of what he had promised in due time by sealing to what God had said by believing and relying on the promises thus the just should live comfort and chear themselves and stay up their soules And thus David lived this was that which bore up and supported him in all his troubles he lived by faith in Gods promises a blessed sweet and comfortable life this is indeed Psa 119. 50. this is my comfort in my affliction for thy word hath quickned me i. e. what thou hast spoken and promised and unless thy word had been my delights I should then have perished in my affliction v. 92. and so often Psa 27. 13. I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the Land of the living Ps 28. 11. the Lord is my strength and my shield my heart trusted in him and I am helped so the people of God what comfort and help might they still have did they but trust in God and rely on his word The divine promises are saith Bernard panis cordis o Promissiones divine panis sunt cordis Scriptura sacra demulset animi affectus Bernard they are the bread of the soul and by Faith it is we do as it were feed on this bread and so come thereby to have our hearts strengthned Cant. 2. 5. stay me saith the spouse with flagons comfort me with apples now what are these flagons or apples but the pretious promises and comfortable doctrines of the Scripture and then do these flagons stay and support us when by Faith we do as it were drink of them and then do these apples comfort and chear us when by Faith we do as it were eat them And therefore to conclude this use yea and this whole discourse that which the Apostle prayes for in behalf of the Romans that shall I pray for in behalf of you Christians Now the Rom. 1● 13. God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost why the Scripture-promises are full of joy and peace and they are such as cannot fail but are firm and shall certainly be performed and now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing for this is the way Christians to be fill'd with all Joy and peace to draw that joy and peace that is in the promises upon your selves it is to believe them to be thorowly perswaded of the truth of them and to rest fully assured of the accomplishment of them that they cannot be broken and the Scripture cannot be broken otherwise though the promises be full of joy and peace we may have little enough if we do not believe and seal to the truth of them if we believe 2 Tim. 2. 13. not saith the Apostle yet he abideth faithfull I but we may abide comsortless you know what the Prophet Isay said to Ahaz and his people Isay 7. 9. If ye will not believe ye shall not be established if ye will not believe i. e. the promise of God which I preach unto you if ye will not rest and rely on his good and gracious word whereby he ingages himself unto you surely ye shall not be established but your hearts and minds will still remain unsettled and disquieted though Gods word be for ever settled and established in heaven yet if you do not believe your hearts shall not be established much to the same purpose is that of Jehoshaphat 2 Chro. 20. 20. believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established believe his Prophets i. e. the truth of that word they deliver you from the Lord so shall you be established so shall you prosper And O fools saith our Saviour ●●a slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spok●n O in being slow to believe what God hath said and promised is great folly for God hereby doth not only lose of his honour but we likewise of our peace and comfort what a foolish thing is it that God should say so much make so many sweet and gratious promises for to comfort and uphold us and we for want of believing them should both cause God to lose his glory and we our selves lose that comfort which otherwise we might have by them that he in and by the many gratious promises which he hath made should provide so abundantly for his peoples comfort and peace and they lose it for want of belief hence all the promises of God are said in Christ to be yea and in him Amen unto the glory of God by us p 2 Cor. 1. 20. Sicuti dixerat in Christo deum sanxisse omnium suarum promissionum sidem it a nunc nostrum officium esse admonet ejusmodi sanctioni accinere quod fit dum certa fide in Christo acquiescentes subscribimus signamus quod dens verax idque ad ejus gloriam quia hic finis est quo referri debent omnia Cal● in locum i. e. while we believe them and seal to Gods truth in them else they are neither to the glory of God nor our comfort as it is said Rom. 4. 20. concerning Abraham he not staggering at the promise of God through unbelief but being strong in faith gave glory to God * Quod addit dedisse gloriam deo in eo Notandum est non posse deo plus honoris afferri quam dum fide obsignamus ejus veritatem Rursum nulla re gravins inhonorari quam diffidentia incertitudine Calv. in Rom. 4. 20. believing that God would and could do what he had promised and so setting to his seal that God is true and indeed as Calvin observes upon the place God cannot have more honour brought him than while by faith we seal to his truth and in nothing is he more dishonoured than by diffidence and unbelief q De promissionibus dei dubitare non aliud est quam deum vel mendacem vel infirmum facere Pet. Martyr in Rom. 4. 21. The God of hope therefore fill you with all joy and peace in believing that the word being that which cannot be made void for want of believing God may neither lose his glory nor you your comfort but that by believing and firmly relying on those promises which cannot fail but shall certainly in due time be fulfilled God may both have his glory and you live comfortably here till you come to live eternally hereafter Amen FINIS Some of the most material Faults escaped are thus to be corrected PAge 1 l. 2. for Scriptures read Scripture p. 54. l. 10. add a. p. 72. l. 21. for Stemmana r. Stemmana in the Margent 72. p. for Aemilias r. Aemilians p. 79. l. 16. for people joy ful read peoples joy full p. 91. l. 22. for Greeks r. Greek p. 93. Margent for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 93. l. 24. leave out the. p. 94. l. 25. add to to be p. 130. l. 3. for for r. s● p. 147. l. 11. after is add all p. 167. l. 21. ●ur our yet p. 177. l. 8. for eb read be
shall but only allude to it here and apply it in this sense O it 's a blessed thing when the Lord deals well with us and blesses us according to his word I mean in this sense as his word Judges and determines as concerning dealing well with and blessing and this is not when meerly he gives us wealth and riches and abundance or when he gives us health or ●ase when we are not in trouble as other men nor plagued like other men this indeed the world counts the only dealing well with but it may be ill enough with us and we may be far enough from being blessed for all this Psa 73. 3 4 12. Zach. 1. 15. that rich man in the 12th of Luke he no doubt thought it well with himself and therefore he sings a requiem to his soul v. 19. because he had heapt so much wealth together Soul thou hast goods laid ●p for many years take thine ease eat drink and be merry But what saith God to him thou fool this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be wch thou hast provided so is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich towards God Thus for God meerly to give us wealth and riches or health and ease this is not to bless us according to his word but then the Lord blesses us and deals well with us according to his word when he gives us himself his Son his Spirit his Grace his Favour when he makes his face to shine upon us and teaches us his Statutes as David prayes Psal 119. 135. make thy face to shine upon me and teach me thy Statutes when he gives faith forgives us our sins turns us away from our iniquities makes us rich towards himself with 2 Cor. 8. 9. those riches which Jesus Christ became poor to inrich our souls withall then God deals well with us and blesses us according to his word and that is a dealing well with and a blessing indeed for the word cannot be broken It 's said in Isay 65. 16. that he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth O it 's a blessed thing when we ground our blessedness upon God and his truth I am blessed because I am such a one whom Gods truth whom Gods word which cannot be broken pronounces blessed I such are blessed indeed And so I might adde that this point informs us gives us to see who are indeed excellent and honourable and noble and so who are indeed base vile and contemptible namely such whom the Scripture saith and affirms to be so for that cannot err or mistake and therefore such as the Scripture saith are excellent are indeed excellent and such as the Scripture saith are vile are indeed vile Now the Scripture saith and affirms that the Saints are excellent Psal 16. 11. Prov. 12. 26. that such as search the Scripture are Noble Acts 17. 11. that such as are pretious in Gods sight are honourable Isay 43. 4. and these now are indeed excellent noble and honourable the Scripture so affirming and we can never indeed be truly such till we come to be of the number of these the very heathens themselves had a kind of notion of this e Claudius his Motto Generis virtus nobilitas is virtue not Scutchions or images of Ancestors makes men noble Aemilias Motto Non gens sed mens non genus sed genius ●ot race or place but grace truly sets forth a man and Very observable to this purpose is that of Juvenal Satyr 8. Stemmana quid faciunt quid prodest Pontice longo Sanguine censeri pictosque ostendere vultus Majorum c. Tota licet veteres exornent undique cerae Atria Nobilitas sola est atque unica virtus So the Scripture saith and affirms of the wicked that they are vile though otherwise never so great high and honourable in the eyes of the world Psa 15. 4. 12. 8. when the vilest men are exalted vile though exalted thus Antiochus though otherwise great is called a vile person Dan. 11. 21. And man in honour and not having a saving understanding in the things of God is like the heasts that perish Psa 49. 20. Hence God is said to tread down the wicked even as mire in the street and to put them all away like dross the Hebrew is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Scorias drosses that is vilest dross Pro. 10. 20. the heart of the wicked is little worth it may be his House Lands or Revenues are somewhat worth but his heart is little worth And so I might likewise add that this point it informs us also who are indeed wise and who foolish namely such whom the Scripture saith and affirms to be so for that cannot err or mistake and therefore such as that affirms to be wise are indeed wise and such as that pronounces to be foolish are indeed foolish now the Scripture saith such are wise That fear God and depart from evill Job 28. 11. Psal 111. 10. That understand and consider their latter end Deut. 32. 29. That hear Christs sayings and do them Matth. 7. 24. that walk circum spectly Eph. 5. 15. That foresee the evill and hide themselves Prov. 22. 3. That win souls Prov. 11. 30. Dan. 12. 3. And so the Scripture saith likewise of all wicked men that they are foolish Psa 5. 5. Job 5. 3. Prov. 9. 6. 10. 23. And so I might give you many other places but they are every where obvious more particularly such as hear Christs sayings and do them not Matth. 7. 26. That reject the word of the Lord Jer. 8. 9. that leave off to do good Psal 36. 3. That lay up treasure for themselves and are not rich towards God● Luke 12. 20 21. that trust in their own heart Prov. 28. 26. And thus I might further dilate but this at present shall suffice 3. Again Cannot the Scripture be broken then this further informs us and gives us to see what a firm and strong prop such lean and rely upon that make the Word of God their stay that there trust and hope and bear up themselves that can say as David For I trust in thy Word and but I hope in thy Word Psalm 119. 49 81. I say if the Scripture cannot be broken if it cannot be unloosed or dissolved what a firm and strong prop do such lean and rely upon even such as cannot fail as is more firm than Heaven and Earth it self for Heaven and Earth shall pass away sayes Christ but my words shall not pass away For ever O Lord thy Word is setled in Heaven Solomon tells us the rich mans wealth is his strong City and an high Wall but it is but in his own conceit Prov. 18. 11. For he that trusteth in his riches shall fall Prov. 11. 28. But so shall never such do who trust in the Word no for all flesh is as grass and all the glory of Man
of such a one frees us from everlasting pains and hence himself saith if a man ' keep my sayingt he shall never see John 8. 51 52. Death nor taste of Death that is eternal for that onely indeed deserves the name of Death why because Christ hath tasted Death for him his Soul has been in his Souls stead and so Gods Word comes to be salved man saved And how can we now but cry out O the depth of the riches of the Wisdom of God and of the grace of God how unsearchable is his Wisdom and Grace and the wayes thereof past finding out this love indeed we may admire but reach its demensions we never can O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good Psal 107. 1 2. for his mercy indureth for ever let the redeemed of the Lord say so I they have infinite cause indeed so to say I shall conclude this first part of this 6th use with that of the Apostle Iude Now to the onely wise God our Saviour be Glory and Majesty Dominion and Power now and ever Amen Again Secondly cannot the Scripture be broken then from hence are we further to be exhorted and provoked to be much in blessing and praising of God that those things that are of so great importance and of such infinite concernment and afford so great cause and ground of comfort yea upon which our whole happiness and comfort depends are according to Scripture which cannot be broken As that Christ died for our sins it is according to the Scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day is according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15. 3 4. For I delivered unto you first of all that which also I received how that Christ dyed for our sins according to the Scriptures and that he was buryed and that he rose again the third day according to the Scriptures mark according to the Scriptures For that he was delivered for our offences and raised again for our Justification Romans 4. 25. And that he ascended and now sits at the right hand of God and there makes intercession for us is according to the Scripture Iohn 20. 17. Romans 8. 34. And now what can be matter of greater comfort or sweeter consolation than this nay is not this that on which all our comfort and happinesse depends that Christ died for our sins and that he rose again and now sits at the right hand of God and there makes intercession for us is not this I say the sum of all our comfort and now blessed be God these they are according to the Scripture So 1 Peter 2. 6. It is contained in the Scripture Behold I lay in Syon a chief corner-stone elect precious and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded so he that believeth on me as the Scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow Rivers of living Watter John 7. 38. And so the Scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed Rom. 10. 1. So it is written it is Scripture that Eye hath not seen nor Ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him 1 Cor. 2. 9. So that God is merciful and gracious Exo. 34. 6. long-suffering is according to Scripture That he forgives iniquity transgression Verse 7. and sinn is according to Scripture That he will sub due his peoples iniquities Mich. 7. 19 and cast their Sinns into the depths of the Sea is according to Scripture That he delights in mercy and to Mich. 7. 18 Jer. 9. 24. exercise loving kindnesse in the earth is according to Scripture That he will heal his peoples back-slidings Hos 14. 4. and love them freely is according to Scripture That such as come unto Christ he will Joh. 6. 37 in no wise cast out is according to Scripture That a bruised Reed shall he not break Mat. 12. 20 and smoaking Flax will he not quench till he send forth judgement unto victory is according to Scripture That he will give the Holy Spirit to Lu. 11. 13. them that ask him is according to Scripture That they that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength that they shall Isa 40. 31. mount up with wings as Eagles that they shall run and not be weary and walk and not faint is according to Scripture That he said unto the seed of Jacob Isa 45. 19. Seek not me in vain is according to Scripture That he will gather the Lambs with Isa 40. 11. his arm and carry them in his bosom c. is according to Scripture That the gates of Hell shall not prevail Mat. 16. 18 against the Church is according to Scripture That Christ holds his stars in his right Rev. 2. 1. hand is according to Scripture That he is with them alway even to Ma. 28. 20 the end of the World is according to the Scripture And now the Scripture being that which cannot be broken what a comfort is it what cause have we to bless God that these yea and innumerable more which are of like importance with these and make so much for our comfort are according to Scripture which cannot be broken Thirdly Again cannot the Scriptures be broken and it is easier for Heaven and earth to pass away than one tittle of Gods Word to fail then let such in the Third place be exhorted and provoked to be much in blessing and praising God whom he hath brought into such a condition for whom he hath done such great things Great things indeed as that they may be saved and the Scripture not be broken Let such I say be much in blessing and praising God for there is infinite cause for the Scripture cannot be broken for any it was not for Christ himself and for God to do that for thee to bring thee into such an estate and condition through Grace as that thou mayest be saved and the Scripture not be broken O what infinite cause hast thou to be much in blessing and praising God Now if thou art one who art regenerate born again become a new creature one who art holy and pure in heart thou mayst be saved and the Scripture not be broken So if thou art such a one who dost indeed believe and repent of thy sins and art fruitful in good works thou mayest then be saved and the Scripture not be broken nay let me tell thee to thy comfort that if being such an one thou shouldest not be saved the Scripture it would be broken it would not be fulfilled for that such shall be saved it is every where according to Scripture 1. That such as are regenerate and holy shall be saved is according to Scripture Matthew 5. 8. Rom. 6. 22. John 3. 3 5. And what doth this imply but that if a man be regenerate and born again he shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven 2. That
is Scripture that except a man be born again he cannot ●nter into th● Kingdom of God John 3. 3 5. 2. To all unbelieving ones for if the Scripture cannot be broken then all such continuing such must dye in their sins shall be damned shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on them yea they are condemned already for this is Scripture this and much more doth the Scripture affirm concerning such Iohn 8. 24. Marke 16. 16. John 3 36 18 c. 3. To all impenitent ones for if the Scripture cannot be broken then they must certainly perish for this likewise is Scripture Iohn 13. 3 5. 4. To all unfruitful and unprofitable ones for if the Scripture cannot be broken they continuing such shall be hewen down and cast into the fir● cast into utter darknesse where shall be weeping and g●ashing of teeth for this likewise is Scripture Matth●w 7. 19. 25 30. 5. To all sensual and secure ones for if the Scripture cannot be broken they continuing such the Lord shall come in a day when they look not for him and in an hour when they are not awar● of and shall cut them assunder and appoint them their portion with the Hypocrites there shall eb weeping and gnashing of teeth for this likewise is Scripture Matthew 25. 50 51. 6. To all worldly and earthly minded ones that sow to the flesh for if c. then such shall reap corruption and their end is destruction for this likewise is Scripture Galatians 6. 7 8. Philippians 3. 19. 7. To all cruel hard-hearted and unmerciful ones for if c. then shall such have judgemtnt without mercy then shall the King say to them at the last day Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Matth. 25. 41. James 2. 13. 8. T● all hypocritical ones for if the Scripture c. then 1. Such heap up wrath and 2. Their life is among the unclean or Sodomites i. e. their end is alike with the filthiest of sinners for this is Scripture Iob 36. 13 14. 3. Then woe upon woe belongs unto them for there are 8. woes denounced against them in Matthew 23. 13 14 15. 4. Then their portion of all portions is the heaviest and dreadfullest for thus the Scripture which cannot be broken sets it forth for when Christ would threaten the worst of portions he threatens a portion with the Hypocrites Matthew 24. 51. And shall cut him assunder and appoint him his portion with hypocrites implying that of all portions their portion is like to be the saddest and dreadfullest for it is made the measure of others Hypocrites are as one glosses upon the Text q. e. the Free-holders of Hell whereas other sinners are but as inmates with them and have but a portion of their misery they are the chief of sinners their dissembled sanctity is double iniquity l Simulata san'titas duplex iniquitas and theirs is the chief of misery 5. Then they shall not come before God they shall not injoy the least glimps of his face and favour or the comfort of his presence for this likewise is Scripture Iob 13. 16. And 6. The Lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity with openly profane persons for this likewise is Scripture Psalm 125. 5. 9. To all Apostates and Back-sliders for if the Scripture cannot be broken then 1. Gods Soul shall have no pleasure in them and how sad is their condition in whom God has no delight nay who are loathsom unto God it is a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2. Such shall be filled with their own wayes with the fruit of their own wayes or with their own wayes i. e. with back-sliding they shall have backsliding enough when they are backsliden into Hell 3. Then it had been better for such not to have known the way of righteousness than after they have known it to turn from the holy Commandement delivered unto them for these and many other threatnings are Scripture Hebrewes 10. 38. Pov. 14. 14. 2 Pet. 2. 21. 10. In a word if the Scripture c. then here 's matter and ground of terror and trembling to all those the Apostle reckons up 1 Cor. 6. 9 10. as Vnrighteous Fornicators Idolaters effeminate abusers of themselves with mankind Theeves Covetous Drunkards Revilers Extortiones for if the Scripture cannot be broken then such shall not inherit the Kingdom of God for this is Scripture Vers 9. 10. As also those the Apostle reckons up Philippians 3. 18 19. viz. such as are enemies to the Cross of Christ whose God is their belly whose glory is their shame who mind earthly things for if the Scripture cannot be broken then their end must be destruction for that the same Scripture affirms whose end is destruction So also those reckoned up Revel 21. 8. The fearful unbelieving abominable Murderers Whoremongers Sorcerers Idolaters and all Liers for if the Scripture cannot be broken then such continuing such must have their portion in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death Verse 8. Cannot the Scripture be broken but 6. Use of Consolation look what ever it speaks shall it certainly come to pass what ever it promises shall it certainly be performed then here 's matter and ground of singular Comfort and Consolation to the Saints to all such who are indeed Heirs of the Scripture-promises as the Scripture speaks of some Heb. 6. 17. Wherein God willing more abundantly to shew unto the Heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath I say if the Scripture cannot be broken then here 's matter and ground of singular Comfort and Consolation to all such and that in all estates and conditions whatsoever m Hoc quod Verbum Dei non excidere potest est basiis consolationis nostrae Pareus why why because seeing the Scripture cannot be broken then the promises which are a main and choice part of Scriptur of which they are Heirs cannot be broken but shall certainly be performed and made good and what a River of Comfort then does from hence flow to all such the streames whereof may exceedingly rejoyce and make glad the City of God viz. the hearts of those who are Heirs of the promises this truth that the Scripture cannot be broken may to such be as a box of pretious ointment opened and powred forth the sweet odour and fragrant savour whereof may fill and exceedingly refresh their Souls I may say of this poynt as to the Heirs of promise what the Spouse saies of her Beloved Cant. 4. 15. It is as it were a Fountain of Gardens a Well of living Waters and streames from Lebanon it is as a whole bundle of Mirrh and a full cluster of Camphir O assure but this that thou art an Heir of the promises and such are all who are Children and if Children then Heirs Rom. 8. 17. That believe in Jesus Christ and love and