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A68881 A dialoge or co[m]municacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father, & the parochiane or ghostly chyld, for a due preparacion vnto howselynge ; The werke for housholders w[ith] the golden pystle and alphabete or a crosrowe called an A.B.C. Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555? 1537 (1537) STC 25413.5; ESTC S105108 117,789 408

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offered vpon the crosse for our redemption And so don you receyue the same that the prest in the masse dothe receyue at the aulter and he none other neyther more or lesse than you do but that he doth there consecrate receyue in bothe the fourmes because he doth there represent the persone of Christe and doth there ministre make that oblacion sacrifice offerynge not for hym selfe alone but for all Christianes as Christe dyd Not witstondyng yf the same preste shulde an other tyme out of masse be communed houseled as you be he shuld receyue as you do and none other than you do ¶ And thus I pray you be content for this mater and forthwith after your communiō do not you as many do renne forthe make haste vnto brekefaste or dyner or vnto bodyly recreaciō but rather gyue some thankes vnto our lord as becommeth a good Christian ¶ A prayer to be sayd immediately after your communiō and houselynge IN moost hūble Ex missale moost lowly and most harty louynge maner / with moost due reuerence I thanke the good lorde moost holy father eterne euerlastynge God that by the bountye of thy mercyfull grace woldest vouchsafe thus to refresshe and fede me with the brede of lyfe the holy sacred body precyous blode of thy sonne our lorde god sauyour Iesu Christe And I beseche thyne infinite pyteouse goodnes that this most high and holy sacrament of our saluacion that I most vnworthy wretche and moost vyle caytife haue nowe receyued come neuer hereafter in iudgement condempnacion vnto me for myne euyll merites deseruynges but rather good lorde it may come vnto the profyte and comforte of my body and vnto the saluacion and helthe of my soule vnto the lyfe euerlastyng Amen ¶ An other prayer for the same tyme. MOost swete lord sauyour Iesu I beseche thy grace for the vertue in the honour of thy moost holy body and blessyd blode whiche althoughe moche vnworthy I haue here now receyued graunt and gyue me the inwarde swetenes of thy charitie / who le vnfayned loue of all good persōs spirituall myght and strengthe in all temptacions purity of harte clennes of cōscience and in all my conuersacyon of lyfe suche Christiane disciplyne / good maners / behauyours as may auoyd all actyue sklaunder occasion gyuē And also to be vnto all ꝑsons exāple of good edificaciō So that by thy gracyouse guydynge and gouernaunce I maye go forwarde and increace in thy religion with perseuerant constancy accordynge vnto that state degre that thou good lord haste called me vnto Amen ¶ A deuoute prayer / moche vsed vnto this sacrament with the Englysshe after the Latine ¶ The Antheme O Sacrum conuiuium in quo Christus sumitur recolitur memoria passionis eius mens inpletur gracia Et future glorie nobis pignus datur Alleluia ¶ That is to meane O Meruelouse solempne and holy sacred feest in that whiche feest our lord and sauiour Christe is receyued The memory and remembraunce of his passion is renewed called vnto mynde Our soule / harte / and mynde is replete and fulfylled with grace and comfort And the pledge and ernest token of the glory ande euerlastynge ioye blysse to come is vnto vs gyuē and delyuered ¶ Alleluya ¶ This Ebrew worde Alleluya of foure sillables in sowne and speakynge is as moche to meane as though you sayd in Englyssh All you people that ben here presente laude prayse your creatour and maker ¶ The versicle ⚜ Panem de celo prestitisti eis Thou hast gyuē good lord vnto thy people this breade frome heuyn ¶ The responde or answere ⚜ Omne delectamentum in se habentem Alleluya And this breade hathe in it selfe all delectament and pleasure ¶ Oremus ⚜ Praye we or lett vs praye ¶ The collecte DEus qui nobis sub sacramento mirabili passionis tue memoriā reliquisti tribue quesumus ita nos corporis sanguinis tui sacra misteria venerari vt redemptionis tue fructum in nobis iugiter sentiamus / qui viuis et regnas deus Per omnia secula seculorum Amen ¶ That is to meane GOod lorde sauyour Iesu the vnder this meruelous sacrament hast left vnto vs the memory remembraunce of thy passion Graunt vnto vs we beseche the so to honour worshyppe the holy sacred misteryes of thy blessyd bodye blode that we therby may cōtynually vnderstande perceyue and fele in vs / the fruite / effecte / the profyte / and auayle of thy redemptyon lorde / that lyuest and reignest with god the father / in the vnitie of the holy ghost very selfe same essenciall god by all worldes of worldes Amen ¶ A lesson for your masse tyme whan you be not communed or houseled YOu muste nowe remembre that as is sayd before euery preste in the masse dothe represent and vse the person / and offyce of Christe / and doth in the same masse make oblaciō and offer the holy sacrament / not for hym selfe alone / but also for all faythfull Chrystians And therfor euery deuoute louer of Christ in clene lyue / couetynge / desyrynge / and wysshynge with feruoure of hart and mynde / to receyue there with the preste in euery masse the same sacramente shall doutles receyue a greate effecte and vertue therof Wherfore it may be for you moche meritoryous / profytable so in the masse tyme / and specially towarde the Agnus to prepare / ordeyne / and dyspose your selfe / with affectiō of hart / with desyre deuociō of mynd with the charyte loue of all your whole soule vnto your lorde sauyour as thoughe you shuld at the same masse be actually cōmuned and houseled with the preste ¶ A prayer for the same purpose O Moost swete lord and sauyour Iesu Oratio doctoris Nydar pro communione spirituali thou knowest wel that I moche do couete and with all my harte / haue greate desyre now to receyue this blessed sacrament And wolde to god that accordyng vnto my wysshe and desyre I were vnto thy pleasure in thy syght so well disposed in my soule that now at this tyme / and euery day And if it myght cōueniētly be many tymes in the day I myght be able worthely to receyue it But lord Thou knowest what I am thou dost se and beholde my hart / my hole desyre of mynde soule / is openly sprade and knowē before thy face / yet good lord I beseche the gracyous bountie and infinite goodnes graunt me this one peticyon / that is / that I maye nowe at this tyme / and in euery masse receyue spiritually in to my soule / some effecte vertue of this maruelouse misterie And so to be parteyner of the same / that my hart maye perceyue fele the swetenes of thy godly presēce And that my soule all enflamed fyered with desyre and deuocion / may
¶ A dialoge or cōmunicacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father the parochiane or ghostly chyld For a due preparacion vnto howselynge ⚜ ¶ The werke for housholders with the golden pystle and Alphabete or a crosrowe called and A. B. C. INRI ¶ Vnto the deuoute reders in our lorde god moste swete sauyour Iesu Rychard whytford your pore bedeman of Syon Salutacyon WHere in a lytle werke the of late we send forth at the requeste of deuoute persones vnto housholders we dyd sette forthe / a breue and short forme of confessyon / heryng and perceyuyng that the sayde werke was thankfully and charitably receyued supposynge that so deuoute receyuers ben well exercised / and haue profyted therin we haue nowe here for your fourthere increase of vertue put forth vnto you a nother lesson howe / when you ben disposed mynded to receyue the holy sacrament of the aulter you shuld prepare ordre make your selfe redy spiritually apparele your selfe therunto For I acerteyne you ther is no ꝑsone in this worlde can tell you with how greate reuerence howe depe deuotion howe lowe and meke harte / with howe reuerente drede howe pure and cleane conscience with howe well adornate garnyshed appereled soule with howe firme stedfast fayth with howe hyghe stronge hope with howe ardente feruent in flamyng and burnyng charite any true Christian shulde accede approyche go vnto that honorable meruelouse and moste hyghe mystery where doubtles is presente the very naturall body / and soule flesshe blode of our lord sauyoure Iesu very god / very man in one ꝑsone very christ his humanytie and his diuinite The blessed trinite father sone holy ghost also our blessed lady saynte Mary with in numerable multitude and nowmbre / of gloryouse aungels and holy sayntes ben ther also present all how be it inuisible doyng therunto that holy sacrement due honour reuerence / and obeysaunce Hit is therfore muche conuenient / and necessarie that due and diligēt preparation / shulde be made therunto when so euer hit be receyued Not withstōdynge I do not requyre ne moue you to rede and recounte all that here is wryten / at euery tyme yet were it good so to do if you haue tyme but that hit maye lyke you to rede hit ones ouer and then to marke out suche places as beste done lyke you / and vse thē or parte of them as you haue tyme and leyser and thus fare you well in our Lorde who blesse you all Amen ¶ A dialoge or communicacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father and the parochiane or ghostly chylde For a due preparacion vnto how selyng ¶ The ghostly chylde Syr I thanke you for the charitable labours you toke with me whē I was last with you And I haue accordynge vnto your cōmaundement called my houshold together and taught theym the same lesson that you then and before tyme. haue taught me And for the more suerty I haue caused all your sayd lessons to be set forth in prynt that other persones may haue as we haue edificacion therby ¶ The ghostly father ¶ Good ghostly chylde I am ryght glad of your so deuout mynde and good wyll to profet in vertue our lorde be praysed And I shal be glad as my duety to conforte you therin nowe that you haue a good fundation grownd therunto by that forme and maner of lyuyng and also if you by fraylte offende and fall therfrome by the remedy of the holy sacrament of confessyon I shall shewe you an ordre and a good waye or meane how you shuld prepare and make your selfe redy vnto the holy sacramēt of the aulter when you shall be communed or howseled For saynt Poule commaūded his disciples to proue i. Cor. xi and examen well them selfe in conscience byfore they shulde approyche or go vnto this holy sacrament For who so euer sayth he do receyue it vnworthely doth receyue hit vnto his owne iudgement and condempnation And our sauyour hym selfe dothe shewe howe this holy sacrament shulde euer be ministred in the memorie and remembraunce of hym Luc. xxii Saynt Paule also how oft so euer you receyue the sacrament saythe he so oftymes shuld you represent and shewe the deth of Christ i. Cor. xi vnto the tyme he come vnto the last iudgement By these sayde auctorites confirmed by our mother the holy church with many holy doctours doth appere that two thynges shal be conuenient necessary vnto euery persone that shall receyue this holy sacramente That is to saye Fyrste due serche of conscience so that no maner of synne vnto knoweledge and remembraūce remayne or be left therin The seconde that the persones so clered in consciēce / shuld ordre appoynte them selfe vnto some maner of memorie by meditacyon or contemplacion / of our lorde / and sauyour Iesu / and of the actes of our saluation I wold therfore aduyse all maner of persons / that whē they wyll accede approych vnto this holy mistery they fyrst be confessed if they cōueniently can haue a ghostly father / for although they know not theyr conscience charged with any mortall or deedly synne yet shall the approbacion of theyr ghostly father be vnto theym both confortable / and also suerty And for this parte / the forme of confession that we sett forthe in the other werke for housholders may serue you / hit is but lytle / and of lytle pryce / so maye the rather be ioyned hervnto and both bownden to gether and you more redely maye haue at hande that is referred frō the tone vnto the tother For the seconde parte that is meditation / muche necessarie for you at this tyme I wolde counseyle you the of destinate harte appoynted and wylfull purpose you shulde fyrste geder yourselfe vnto your selfe that is to say your soule harte mynde and wyll in as muche as you may with all force and diligence holly clerely from all cures cares charges and busynes of the worlde and frome all bodyly maters and all cogitatiōs and thoughtes that by any meanes myght lett you hynder you in this exercise and so to compell your spirite to labor alone herin And then cōmend your selfe wholy vnto our lorde thus In manus tuas domine commendo spiritum meū redemisti me domine deus veritatis That is to saye ⚜ good lorde god / I commende / byquethe / render / gyue / and bytake my spirite / my harte / my mynde / and soule / wholly vnto thy hādes power and gouernaunce For thou good lorde the very god of trouthe haste redemed bought me And those persones that bene lerned maye saye this ympne The fyrst verse VEni creator spiritus mentes tuorū visita imple superna gratia q̄ tu creasti pectora ⚜ That is to meane Come vnto vs good lord god holy ghost creatour and maker of all the worlde with the father and the sone Visite and
nowe wholy fully to recoūte and reherce is vnto me for theyr multitude īpossyble Wherfore with moost humble and lowly hart moost harty and desyrous wyll of perfecte contricion I vtterly forsake thē all And althoughe nothynge of my deseruynge yet good lorde for the honour of thy precious blode the merytes of thy bytter passion and most cruell most paynfull most shamefull deth I instātly requyre aske craue moost mekely lowly beseche thy gracious benignity goodnes of mercy forgiuenes And that from hensforthe I maye haue thy grace lorde in whole fayth stronge hope perfecte charite / to fle auoyd and forsake all synne And in all my thoughtes wordes dedes / maners / contenaūces / behauiours / to ordre my selfe in vertue vnto the pleasure honoure of thy grace the welthe and saluaciō of my soule and vnto the edificaciō of all Christians And herunto I beseche our lady saynt Mary thy holy mother euer virgin / all the blessed company of heuen / and all faythfull persones to praye for me Amen ¶ All these partes of the masse yf you may conueniently shulde be herde standynge That is to saye / the office the kyrie Gloria in excelsis and specially the gospell with due reuerence at this worde Iesus The preface also the Pater noster sancte Iohn̄s Gospell ¶ At the fyrst collectes pystle Myne owne good lorde and moost swete sauyour Iesu I beseche thy goodnes to put away ferre frome me all iniquities and wyckednes / and of thy mercyfull louynge kyndenes kendle in my hart the flamynge fyre of thy feruēt loue Be not swete lord displeased with me ne kepe in mynd or remembraūce the multitude of myne offences For I do not presume good lord to make prayer peticion here before thy godly presence of any goodnes / ryghtwysenes or any deseruyng of my selfe but onely of full hope and trust of thy myseracion mercyfull pytye Take frome me swete lorde this harde and stony hart / and gyue me lord for it a newe hart full of compunction and due contricion And gyue me a stomacke kynde louyng that maye dredfully loue the and louyngly drede the that maye delyte take pleasure in the lorde alone / and wylfully folowe the. And at the laste may ouertake and catche the / fast holde the fully possede the. And fynally in eterne blysse to se the / and fully to inioye the. Amen ¶ After the pystle MOost swete sauyoure and louynge lord Iesu / I beseche thy benignity for the anguysshe of thy holy harte in all thy labours / passiōs / and paynes for me susteyned and suffred And for the effusion and shedyng of thy moost holy sacred blode and for the vertue of thy moost innocent precyouse dethe For the mystery also of this holy sacrament thy blessyd body and moost holy sacred bloode / in the immolacion / offerynge / and sacrifice wherof I moste vyle synner am present moost vnworthy wretche do approche And fynally I beseche the lord for thyne owne selfe haue pytye and mercye vpon me that am I knowe well the moost myserable wretche moost synfull caytyfe vpon erth Purify thou good lorde than / and clense my harte soule frō all vnlaufull affections So that in this tyme all tymes I maye duely and worthely do the seruice Graunte me good lorde very contricion of all my synnes / the grace also of true cōpunction / the fountayn of fruitfull teares / pure deuocion clere clene conscience / the cōtinuall memory and mynd of thy bytter passion precyous dethe And of thy moost cōfortable loue perpetuall feruor and desyre Amen ¶ After the gospell O Moost benigne mercyfull louer of mākynde my swete lord Iesu / I beseche thy grace for the dolorous painfull smertyng of all thy woundes graūt me the grace of pacience in all aduersyty and to dispise sett at naught the loue of this world and all the goodes and pleasurs therof and to be cōtent with a necessary and meane liuinge And to kepe firmely and constantly by due perseueraunce vnto my laste ende this state and degree that thou haste put me in And to folowe alway by due obedience thy forther callynges dayly to increase profyte in vertue / and euer to haue contynually the feruent desyre of myne owne cuntrey heuenly home Graunt me forther good lord in all the cōuersacion of my lyfe to haue and kepe due discipline good maner / christian behauyoure vnto the auoydyng euer of thy displeasure of the sclaunder occasion / offence of my neyghbour And so to haue groundely in my hart and soule very and vnfayned mekenes / true faythfull kyndenes and meritorious pacience vnto the pleasure and honour of thy grace / the welth of my soule and vnto the edificacion of all persones Amen ¶ In the tyme of the eleuaciō THe great clerck holy saynt Thomas of Aquine dothe set forth this prayer folowyng as very conuenient to be sayd in this tyme of the eleuacion ⚜ Tu rex glorie Christe Tu patris sempiternus es filius And so forth as you haue at matyns The englyshe wherof we haue here sett forth with the latyne / for the increase of your deuocion ⚜ Tu rex glorie Christe That is to meane I beleue / confesse / and knowledge that thou good lord Iesu christe my sauyour / beynge here vnder the fourme of brede wyne art the kynge of glory / very god ⚜ Tu patris sempiternus es filiꝰ And that thou good lorde Iesu art the essenciall / eterne and euerlastyng sonne of the father of heuen celestiall ⚜ Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem nō horruisti virginis vterum I beleue that thou good lord disposynge / and by determinaciō concludyng to take the nature of mā / and so to redeme and delyuer hym frome the bondage of synne dydeste not abhorre ne disdayne the flesshly wombe of the virgyn ⚜ Tu deuicto mortis aculeo aperuisti credentibus regna celorum I beleue that thou good lorde the siynge darte of deth vaynquysshed and ouercomen dydest open vnto all thy faythfull people the realme and kyngdome of heuen ⚜ Tu ad dexteram dei sedes in gloria patris I beleue that thou good lord that art here ꝑsent in this holy sacramēt doste syt remayne and rest in the glory of thy father vpō the ryght hande of god or thus syttest and doste remayne rest in glory vpō the ryght hande of god thy father ⚜ Iudex crederis esse vēturus I byleue that all faythfull peopell done beleue that thou shalt come agayne to iudge all the worlde ⚜ Te ergo quesumus tuis famulis subueni quos precioso sanguine redemisti Therfore good lord we beseche the / helpe and socoure thy seruantes whom thou hast redemed and bought with thy precious blode ⚜ Eterna fac cum sanctis tuis gloria munerari We beseche the also good
lorde make cause vs to be rewarded with thy holy sayntes in eterne euerlastynge glory and ioy ⚜ Saluum fac populum tuū domine / et benedic hereditati tue et rege eos et extolle illos vsque ineternum We beseche the good lorde make thy people saued soules gyue blessynge to thyne heneretaunce And rule good lord and gouerne thē And excolle inhaunce magnifye good lord and make them honorable vnto the ende of the world ⚜ Per singulos dies bn̄dicimꝰ te / et laudamus nomē tuū in sclm in seculum seculi We done god lord blysse honour the euery day by day / done laude and prayse thy holy name from tyme to tyme / and from age vnto age for euermore ⚜ Dignare domine die isto sine peccato nos custodire Vouchesafe good lord to kepe vs this day / and all our lyfe tyme from synne and trespas ⚜ Miserere nr̄i dn̄e miserere nr̄i Haue mercye good lorde vpon vs / haue mercye ⚜ Fiat mīa tua dn̄e super nos / quemadmodū sperauimus in te Let thy mercye / lorde / lyght on vs / as we haue had euer perfecte hope and trust in the. ⚜ In te domine speraui / non confundar in eternum I haue alway hoped and perfectely trusted inwardly in the. I beseche the lorde I neuer be cōfounded disapoynted ne deceyued Thus endeth that swete prayer / your Te deum ¶ Prayers vnto the ende of masse O Moost benigne lord sauyour moost hyghest preste very Bysshope Iesu Christe / that woldest vouchesafe to offre thyne owne selfe most pure lambe / most immaculate / moost clene and vnspotted hoost in sacrifice vnto the father of heuyn vpon the aultre of the crosse for vs wretched synners And also that woldest gyue leue with vs perpetually thyne owne very flesshe for our spirituall fode and thyne owne precyous blode for our spirituall drynke / I beseche the for the sake of all thy sorowfull woundes for the effusion and shedynge of thy moost precyous blode for the vertue of thy most innocent deth and moost specially for that excellent meruelouse and vnspekeable charity thou had vnto vs wherby thou woldest vouchsafe to washe vs fylthy vnworthy wrethes in thyne owne holy sacred blode I beseche the haue mercy pytie on me forgyue me all my synnes neglygences all offences don eyther by cōmission or omissiō that is to meane all suche offēces as I dyd myght not laufully nor shulde haue don / also all that I myght or shuld haue don / dyd not And sythe good lord amonge all thyne other great mercyfull benefytes thou woldest vouchsafe onely of thy liberall goodnes without any deseruynge of me to call me vnworthy wrethe to the grace of thy fayth and to be one of thy sorte now also forther to receyue me this mistery holy sacramēt I beseche the lord teache me inspyre my soule to order me selfe thereunto with suche reuerēce drede and with suche feruour deuocion with suche loue charyte as may be acceptable to thy grace shall come or byseme my state and degre so increace in vertue by the receyuing herof in the same degre as maye be also to the edificaciō of all persons And I beseche the suffre me neuer to dout of this holy sacramēt but euermore to ꝑceyue vnderstande holde beleue thynke speke after the true fayth of thy catholyke church Let good lord thy holy spirite come vnto me and entre into my hart there without wordes or noyse secretly speke vnto my soule / to instructe tell and teache me the very truthe of all that hyghe mystery / for I know well it is very ꝓfunde hyghe / excepte thy graciouse doctrine ferre aboue my capacite vnderstandyng Wherfore swete sauyour Iesu I now here fully and wholy without any forther discusse or reasonynge moost lowly submyt my selfe vnto thy mercy Besechynge the same / that I may with clene harte and pure cōsciēce accede approche although vnworthy therūto And that thou good lord for the swetenes of thy holy harte woldeste vouchesafe to delyuer my synfull soule from all doubt and daunger of synne / and to mundify / purge / and clense my frayle mynde frome all vayne / all vnclene / all noyouse and vnfruitfull cogitacions and thoughtes And to conforte and strenght my faynt and feble hart with the grace of constancy and perseueraūce / so that my soule may be made in thy loue and charity the worthy habitacle dwellyng place of thyne hyghe maiesty not onely now at this tyme but also in all tymes vnto the ende of my lyfe And after euer vnto the ende of the worlde Amen O Mooste swete louer of all mankynde lorde and sauyour Iesu / I beseche the for all the whole vertue of thy bytter passiō / put away from me the spirite of elacion and pryde of enuy and detraction of yre wrathe malyce impacience and of all other morbes diseases and pestilences of the soule And plante good lorde and grounde in my hart and mynd very true mekenes / charity and pacience innocency and the loue of pouerty / due temperaunce / pure chastity / with all suche other vertues / medicynes / and preseruatyues vnto the soule Mortifie good lord and sle in me all libidinouse and vnclene mocions / all carnall desyres and inordinate affectiōs And kyndle lorde and quyken in me the feruour and loue of all vertues and of the perpetuall excercyse and workynge of them / with constant perseueraunce / so that in this tyme and all tymes in body and soule purifyed clēsed I may worthely receyue this holy sacrament Vnto the high mistery whereof I knowe well do so cōfesse / graunt / knowledge here before thy gloryous face I am vnworthy very moch vnworthy most vnworthy Not only for my great habominable synnes many many neglygences but also for great dulnes wante of deuocion But not witstandyng I know as well agayne so do I beleue in harte and mynde so do knowledge in mouth worde / that thou my lorde god art omnipotēt almyghty so mayst therfor by thy power infinite if it so please thy grace make me worthy and acceptable For thou alone good lord mayste canst iustifye a synner and of the vyle fylthy wretche make a clene and pleasant person Therfore gracious lord I beseche thy worthy maiesty for thyne almyghty power whiche I firmly stedfastly beleue and for thyne infinite endles wysedom whiche I boldly cōfesse for thyne excellent bounty goodnes wherin I fully hope trust And for all these togyther as one frame me make me worthy and acceptable vnto thy godly presence and graūt me thyne vnworthy lewde wretched seruaūt of all my synnes very true cōtriciō due cōpunction pure deuociō and the feruent flame of thy loue / that
I may nowe at this tyme receyue this holy sacrifice of thy blessed body and blode with puryte of hart clenenes of conscience with the gracious fountayne of deuout swete teares with desyre drede with honour and reuerence / with mekenes of harte / and feruour of loue / with spirituall gladnes and heuenly ioy And yf it may please thy goodnes lorde let me be somwhat reysed vp in spirite I dare not say vnto the very felynge and perceyuynge but vnto some maner lytle smake or taste of the swetenes of thy godly mooste pleasaunt presence and vnto the deuocion of thy holy aungels and sayntes that here be now presente about the same / and that I maye with them fynally be there present where now they be Amen O Moost gentyll lorde mercyfull sauyour Iesu / I beseche the for this holy mystery of thy blessed body and blode wherwith we vnworthy wretches ben dayly fed in thy churche and dayly wasshed clensed sanctified and made hole / and so parteyners of thy moost hygh diuinity and godhed Graunt me lord and gyue me the precious garment of innocency with suche garnysshe of other garmētes therunto accordyng as best may please thy grace Wherwith apparelled / bawned / dressed I may as in my nupciall and weddynge clothyng in good and clene cōscience approche vnto thy presence So that this celestiall heuenly sacrament ryceyued may be vnto me helth and saluacion of soule and body / vnto lyue euerlastynge Amen GOod swete mayster moste hyghly lerned / and best expert phisicion lord Iesu my sauyour I beseche thy gentyll harte to cure and hele my infyrme / feble / syke hart frome all maner of langoures / diseases / and sykenesses / Palate is the rofe of the mouthe and so to refourme and season the palate of my soule and mynd that I neuer sauer fele ne taste any maner of swetenes but onely thy selfe For thou good lord arte the moost swete sauored bred / the moost white / pleasaunte and most noble and beste nourisshynge bread / the bread of all breades / the bread paynmayne of pleasure the bread of all fortitude and strength / the bread of all vnderstandynge and knowledge / the bread of all grace good wyll / the bread of lyfe that hast in thy selfe all maner of delectament and pleasure / gyuest lyfe vnto the world And of thy moost excellent charity doste euer contynually refresshe and fede vs with thyne owne selfe yet in thy selfe doste nothyng waste / minushe / ne faynte / or fayle Let my hart good lord therfore fede vpon the / spiritually eate and drynke the / be so fed of the / that my soule may be fully saciat and fylled of the swete sauyour and taste of the sauory swetenes of thy diuine presence GOod swete lorde / I beseche the come thy selfe / entre in to my hart make clene myne inward partes from all inquinamētes / and filthynes of mynd and of spirite Entre good lord into my soule / make me whole frome all synfull diseases Sanctifye clēse me now and at al tymes vnto thy selfe for thy selfe Be thou good lord thy selfe both the phisicion the medicin / the salue and the surgeon the helth and conseruaciō of both my body soule Put awaye from me good lord all the crafty assayles and the sleyghty wyles of myne enimies that they haue nothynge to do with me but that thou lord alone may occupy me wholly vnto thy selfe so that nothyng els haue any tyme power ouer me but that I alwaye preserued and defended by this blessyd sacramēt may go forth contynue profyte perseuerantly in the pathe and way of my profession / thy holy christiā religion with due obseruaūce reguler disciplines christiā maners and all due catholyke obedience perteynyng vnto the same And that I neuer consent ne lene vnto any of them that ben contrarious thereunto Amen Ex cano ne miss GOod blessyd lorde father omnipotent eterne euerlastynge god I moost entierly beseche thy goodnes to graunt me grace so worthely now to receyue this holy sacred body and blessyd blode of my swete sauyour Iesu Christe that I may therby deserue to haue full remission and forgyuenes of all my synnes and to be replete and fulfylled with thy holy spirit and to haue thy peace For thou alone art my lord thou only my god / and non other thou lorde the entiere and inward loue of my hart / the true quietude and sure rest of my mynde the whole desyre of my soule Whose gloryouse impery and gouernaunce remayneth perfectly abydeth cōtynueth and indureth for euermore world without ende Amen MI swete lord god Ex eodē father of heuyn the fountayne well and spryng of all bountie goodnes / that moued of thy moost pyteouse mercy woldest vouchesafe that thyn owne sonne our sauiour Iesu Christe shulde descende and come down for vs for our sake vnto this wretched worlde / and here take flesshe and bloode of the blessyd virgyn his mother Mary and therin for vs to susteyne suffre and bere our myseryes moost bytter passyon intollerable and greuous payns and moost cruell and mooste shamefull dethe I beseche the lord graūt me that grace that I may dayly worshype the gloryfy the / and with all the intēt and wyll of my hart I may laude prayse the. And that thou good lord neuer leue ne forsake me / thy pore and wretched seruaunt but of thy depe and great mercy thou clerely forgyue and forget all my synnes So that in clene hart and chast body I may be able to serue the alone / my lorde eterne / euerlastyng / lyuynge / and very God omnipotent Amen Myne owne swete lorde sauyour Iesu very essenciall sonne of almyghty God / that of thy profound depe mercy by the wyll of thy eterne father by the workynge of the holy ghost haste by thy passion and deth quyckened and redemed the world I beseche moost lowly thy holy grace / in the honour of this thy holy sacred body blessed blode whiche I vnworthy wretche presume to receyue for the welthe of my soule that thou wilt vouchsafe to perdō my boldenes and to delyuer me quyte from all iniquities / offenses / all maner of euyls whereby in any tymes I haue or may any tyme hereafter offend or displease thy gracious goodnes And thou good lord make me euer obedient vnto thy wyll and commaundement And that thou neuer suffre me swete lorde to be perpetually departed from the my swete lord sauyour Iesu Christe that with the father with the holy ghoste lyueste and reygnest very selfe same essenciall god / world without ende Amen O Souerayn lorde sauyour Iesu / although I most vnworthy wretche now here do accede presume approche vnto this worthy sacrament of thy mooste precyous body and bloode yet I beseche thy
comforde the myndes of thy people Replenyshe and fulfyll with thy moste hyghe grace those hartes and soules that thou thy selfe haste create and made The secōde verse ¶ Qui paracletus diceris donū dei altissimi fons viuus ignis charitas et spiritualis vnctio ⚜ Come thou holy spirite That arte called and named the essenciall comforde and comforter of all Christians The gyft and rewarde of mooste hygh god The quykke and lyuely founteyn / and well of lyfe The mystike fyre that is the charite diuine And the spiritual vnction and medicine of all synners The .iii. verse ¶ Tu septiformis munere dex tre dei tu digitus Tu rite promisso patris / sermone ditās guttura That is ⚜ Come holy spirite that vnto vs by thy gracious .vii. gyftes art seuenfold boūtuous beneficiall for thou good lord art the fynger of the ryght hand of god ⚜ Shewynge vnto vs the ryght way of all prosperite saluaciō and goodnes makynge our speche ryche and plētuous orderly to speke thy holy worde by the vertue of our sauyoure Iesu the essenciall word / or speche of the father of heuen promysed vnto vs. The .iiii verse ¶ Accende lumen sensibꝰ Infunde amorē cordibꝰ Infirmanti corporis virtute firmans ꝑpetim That is ⚜ Good lord holy ghost we beseche the accēde kyndle gyue lyght vnto our senses vnto our wyttes our felynge ꝑceyuyng vndstandyng Infunde good lord ministre shede and powre downe thy loue vnto our hartes And by vertue and ghostly strength make thou firme constant and stable perpetually and contynually the infirme feble and frayle disposicions of our bodye The .v. verse ¶ Hostē repellas longius pa cemque dones protinus ductore sic te preuio vitemus omne noxium That is ⚜ Come good lorde holy ghost And put frō vs ferre away our ghostly enemye forthwith gyue vs contynuall peace That so by the our lodesman gyde we maye eschue auoyde all that shuld vnto vs be noyouse or synfull The .vi. verse ¶ Per te sciamus da patrem noscamus atque filium te vtriu que spiritum credamꝰ omni tempore That is ⚜ Come good lorde holy ghoste and graunt vs that by the / and thy meane we may know the father of heuen / and also in lykewyse we maye knowe his essenciall sone and that we maye at all tymes bylyue that thou art the holy spirite of them both and the same selfe god The .vii. verse ¶ Sit laus patri cū filio / sancto simul paracleto / nobisque mutat filius charisma sancti spiritus That is ⚜ Laude and prayse be vnto the father with the sone and with thē both vnto the holy ghost And we beseche and pray that the sone accordynge vnto his promyse wolde vouchsafe to sende vnto vs the grace of the holy ghost Amē The versicle ⚜ Emitte spiritum tuū et creaabuntur That is ⚜ Sende downe good lord thy spirite and all thy people shall be newly framed refreshed The answere ¶ Et reneuabis faciem terre That is ⚜ And so good lord shalt thou renewe and comforde the face countenaunce and behauyoure of every faythfull persone The prayer ¶ The collect oration or prayer DEus cui omne cor patet et omnis volūtas loquitur / et quem nullū latet secretū purifica per infusionem sancti spiritus cogitationes cordis nr̄i vt te perfecte diligere et digne laudare mereamur Per Christum dominum nostrum Amen ⚜ That is to meane Good lord god vnto whome euery harte is open and knowen / euery wyll doth specke and shewe what is thought and vnto whom no secrete or coūsell is hyd or vnknowen we beseche the / purifie and clense by the infusion of thy holy spirite all the cogitacions and thoughtes of our hart that so we maye deserue perfectly to loue the and duely and worthely to laude and prayse the and this we done axe and desyre / by the meane and in the name of Chrste our lord mayster Amen ¶ An other collect oraciō or prayer to be sayd forthwith vnder one ende ACtiones nostras quesumꝰ domine aspirādo preueni et adiuuando prosequere vt cuncta nostra operatio et a te semper incipiat / et per te cepta finiatur Per Christum dominū nostrum Amen That is to meane ⚜ We beseche the good lorde that the grace of thy holy spirite may go before all our werkes and the helpe and cōforte of the same grace maye also folowe and performe the same so that all our operacion workyng may of the alway begynne and so begon may by the be finished / performed / by the good lord I meane Christ our mayster Amen Or if you haue but small or shorte tyme you maye saye these two verses with the sayd versycle / collectes or without at your pleasure ¶ The fyrst verse REx Christe clementissime / tu corda nostra posside vt tibi laudes debitas reddamus oī tempore That is ⚜ Good lord and sauyour Christe / most gentell and curteyse kynge we byseche the take receyue our hartes into thy possession gouernaunce So that we maye in euery tyme or at all tymes render and yelde vnto the due laudes and prayse ¶ The seconde verse ¶ Sit laus patri cum filio c. as you haue before both in latin Englyshe These thynges thus spede then go forthe with youre interpryse mater of meditacion For saynte Augustyne saythe that meditacion dothe ingender / Augusti de spiritu et anima cap. l. and brynge forthe science or knoweledge science dothe bryng forthe compunction and compunction bryngeth forthe deuocion / deuocion dothe make prayer perfecte All these thā by ordre be very necessary good / and conueniente for this purpose Fyrst than bygyn with meditacion This terme meditacion is as muche to say or to meane as a bysy muche vsed cogitacion or thought when the mynd is applyed and doth labour curiously / wysely / diligently / groundly to serche out bryng to lyght those thynges that be obscure darke hard to perceyue or vnderstond so to bryng vnto knowledge or remembraūce suche thynges as ben hyd out of knowledge or out of mynd If we than wyll opteyne haue grace worthely to accede approyche vnto this holy mystery of communion lett vs fyrste exercise our hartes and myndes in good and fruytfull meditacion For the holy spirite of god saythe scrypture doth auoyde fle frome fayned and peynted holynes and dothe withdrawe hym selfe frome those cogitaciōs thoughtes that ben without vnderstōdynge good reason auctoryte ¶ The ghostly chylde Syr wherwith or ī what maner of meditacions wolde you we shuld exercise our myndes specially agayn or byfore suche tyme of houselynge ¶ The ghostly father I thynke that vnto them that haue short tyme
lytle leyser the exercise that we set forth in the later ende of your boke for housholders be very good vnto them that haue tyme conuenient we shall shewe our poore mynde makynge protestatiō that we done not hereby persuade any persones to leue or forsake theyr owne vsed exercises takyn of any good and sufficient auctorite approued by theyr ghostly fathers or by any other famous persone of auctorysed lernyng except the spirite of god moue them therunto ¶ Of your meditacion the fyrst consyderation of the werke of creacion For the more redynes we haue diuided this meditacion in .viii. consideracions whiche done folowe by order The fyrst consyderacion ¶ Fyrste aryse and lyft vp your selfe your harte your mynde and soule to haue meditation and to Hugo de setō Victore de oꝑibus trium dierum thynke vpon god hym selfe the father the sone and the holy ghoste thre destinct persones and one essenciall god one nature and one substaunce And here fyrst cōsyder his myghty power howe greate myghty a thynge it was to make any thynge of nought muche more than to make so many thynges in nombre vnto any mere creature innumerable the spirites angelicall the sterres of the firmamēte / the grauell or sande of the see the dust and powder of the yerthe the dropes of rayne with all other suche to longe to wryte And yet not onely to consyder the multitude but also the magnitude how great they ben in quantite howe myghty they ben in vertu strength and power Se and beholde the hyght of heuē the depnes of hell the great moles rokkes or hepes of moūteynes the bredthe and length of the see and flodes The space and largenes of feldes with such other whereof to meruayle you may sone be wery and feynt but yet so to meruele is a good werynes / let this be for the fyrst consyderacion ¶ The seconde cōsyderacion of the wysedome of god the werke of gouernauns TVrne vp then the eye / or syght of your soule mynde loke vpō the wysdome of god in the orderynge of these creatures cōsyder the heuyns the planetes and sterres howe they ben sett in ordre and done kepe cōtynually theyr owne proper place and theyr perpetuall course and mouynges without chaunge or stoppage lykewyse of the .iiii. elementes the Fyre / the Aer / the Water / and the yerth eueryche in theyr owne rowme and proper place Consyder also the pulcritude beawte of them and of all creatures vnder them in thē Se howe fayre how goodly howe well framed and fasshoned how well fygured well fauored they ben loke vpō theyr qualites / and vertues through you shall well therby perceyue the infinite wysdom and excellent science cōnyng of hym that thus dyd ordre / and doth so gouerne and cōtynue them you shall delyte haue affection and pleasure therin So that with great wōder and merueyle you shall saye / crye with the prophet Psal xci ¶ Delectasti me domine in factura tua c. That is to meane ⚜ Thou haste good lorde gyuen to me delectacion and pleasure in consyderaciō of thy facture and creacion of this worlde Psal ciii For thou good lorde hast made all thinges in wysdom And saynte Paule sayth Rom. xi O I merueyle and wōder muche of the ryches and abundaunce of the wisdome science / knowledge and connynge of almyghty god And this for the seconde consyderacion ¶ The thyrde consyderacion of bounte and goodnes YEt go forther / and loke well agayne vpon your god / and ꝑceyue not onely his moste myghty power / and moste infinite wisedom but also his excellente bounte and goodnes Hit was a meruelouse liberalite / and moste hygh louyng kyndenes of our lord god that hauynge no nede of any creatures for nother he was the better for them nor the worse without them that yet not withstondynge wolde onely of his bountie / and goodnes haue creatures for the welthe onely of the same creatures whiche selfe bountie goodnes more euidently maye appere vnto you if you cōsyder the vtilite and profyt of the sayde creatures howe necessarie and nedefull how cōmodiouse and profytable howe congruent and conuenient howe pleasaunte and comfortable they all ben eche vnto other all vnto mankynde For all he made for man and mā for him selfe to laude / prayse / and thanke him therfore and to be vnto hym in all thynges obedient And therunto he put hym in a place of all pleasure called yerthly paradyse And there hauyng all creatures vnto hym obediēt he made hym lorde / and souerayne of all put all vnto his frewyll liberte except only on tre wherof or of the whiche tre he streytly commaūded hym vpon determinate payne of lyfe that he shuld not ete ne fede These thynges well consydrede you maye perceyue a maruelouse bountie and moste liberall goodenes and let this be your thyrde cōsyderacion so than haue you the consyderacion of the omnipotent / and almyghty power of God appropriate most properly applied vnto the father the fyrst person in trinite And the consyderacion also of the infinite wysdom of god appropriate vnto the sone the secōde person And thyrdly the consyderacion of the graciouse bowntie / abundaūt goodnes of god appropriate vnto the holy ghost the thyrd person Nowe yet passe forthe in your meditacion vnto ¶ The forth consyderacion of the werke of iustificacion YOu maye yet consyder the singuler grace / fauour / and loue of all .iii. persones one God vnto mankynde in the werke of iustificacion For whē the sayd mā our father Adā had by disobediēce lost the sayd place pleasure of Paradyse and might by no meanes of hym selfe recouer the same agayn ne retourne therunto the whole trinite father sone holy ghost one god by one assent fell to coūsell of very loue of mankynd decreed determined appoynted that the sone of god seconde persone in the sayde trinite the same selfe essenciall god with the father the holy ghost shulde entrepryse and vndertake to iustifie man agayne / to brynge hym vnto his fyrst astate and aboue that that is to saye to be agayne in as good case and better bothe in ease and pleasure dignite and degree then he was byfore hys fall / and then euer he shulde haue ben yf he had neuer fallē ne trespassed Qusa gaudium in celo super vno peccatore c. Luc. v. ii So then our louynge lord sauyoure Christe descēded and came downe frome the bosome of the father of heuyn into thys vale of myserie / and here toke our frayle and vyle nature therin to suffre and bere all maner of miserie wretchednes payne and woo of the same nature conuenient for hym to bere and suffre except onely synne And althoughe he neuer had ne myght haue any synne yet notwitstandynge he toke vppon hym all the hole synne of man
mercyful goodenes it neuer be vnto me condempnacion and iudgement but vnto the profyte and auayle of the eterne and euerlastyng saluacion and helthe of both my soule body Amen O Moost benygne louynge lorde how vyle how wretched and vnworthy am I to receyue so worthy a lorde so royall a prynce so myghty a kynge so noble an Emperour into so pore a coysshe not worthy to be called an house so ferre out of good garnysshe and due apparell Surely moche and very moche and moost vnworthy am I thereunto But gracious lord I beseche thy goodnes that perfectly hast create and made all this worlde of nought with payne infinyte repayred our mortalyte Create and make now in me a newe hart and repayre or rather new frame agayne and facion my hous adorne / appareyll garnylshe / and dresse or fornisshe it so as best may become or beseme thy maiesty / and best maye please thy gentyll hart And of thy moost large and lyberall boūtye vouchsafe good lord to receyue my wyll mynde / intent / and desyre whiche as here before thy goodly presence I affirme confesse is to receyue the worthely accordynge vnto thy wyll and pleasure / vnto the whiche I wholly yelde / recōmende / betake my selfe harte / mynd / and wyll / soule body Not onely nowe for this present tyme but also for all tymes for euermore Amen ¶ A lytle before your cōmumon / a prayer O Lyuely flesshe and blood of my louynge lorde Iesu / the reuyuer quyckener of my dethe O precyouse foode immortall / the nouryssher standerde of my lyfe O very matter of my beatitude blessednes O fulfyller and whole contentacion of all my desyres I beseche thy goodnes so worke in me thy grace that by the receyuynge of this glorious sacramente I may be transformed chaunged in to the lord thy selfe / and that I may lyue in the / repause rest in the / loue the lorde alone / and that I maye thynke vpon the alone / thou alone to be sole obiecte spirituall of all my wyttes / the is to say / that I may haue no maner of delectacion nor pleasure to herkē or here any thynge but onely the. Nor any thynge to se or beholde but the alone Nothynge to smell but onely thy spirite / nothynge to taste but onely thy swetenes ne euer any thyng to touch with pleasure but the lord alone Be thou good lord alone the whole boke of all my study lernynge and the table of all my fode or fedynge The bed also or the couche of all my rest slepynge And be thou good lord the closet arcke chest coffer casket of all my Iuels treasure ryches Let good lord all my who le fayth beleue be in the alone All my full hope truste in the onely And in the also alone all myne affectiō loue desyre In the lorde the ꝑfecte tranquilyte rest of all my hart mynd And fynally good lord let the whole trāsformaciō full exchaunge of bothe my soule bodye be all in the. Se the the more often here by thy grace I receyue the in this blessyd sacramente the more fully and surely I maye in euerlastyng blysse possede and wholy inioye the my swete lorde Iesu that with god the father with the holy ghost dost lyue reigne very god for euermore Amen ⚜ Domine secundum actum meum noli me iudicare c. Good lorde do not iudge me after or accordynge vnto myne acte workynge or dede For nothynge haue I done worthy and acceptable in thy cōspecte and syght And therfore I most lowly beseche thy maiestye that thou lorde god woldest put away myne iniquite and wyckednes Wasshe and clense me lorde god from hensfort from myne vnryghtwysnes and all defautes make me clene frome all my synne trespas For I haue trespassed and synned vnto the good lord alone And therfor as I sayd byfore I beseche thy maiesty that thou very God wylt put awaye myne iniquite and wyckednes / supply lord all thynges that myght by any meanes promote me vnto this holy mystery Amen HAyle very god very man / and blessyd euer must thou be Ex canone moost holy flesshe sacred blod of Christe my sauyour Iesu / vnto me aboue all thinges moost hygh swetenes / moost delectable pleasure and mooste syngular comfort Be good lord vnto me both gyde and way / fode / and lyfe vnto the remedy of euerlastyng lyfe Amē ⚜ In nomine patris / et filii ⚜ / et spiritus sancti Amen And so receyue our lorde ⚜ TAke good hede howe ye take in the hoste For many done full rudely behaue them selfe therin Some done catche the hoost snatche it out of the prestes hande with theyr tethe hastely and so gnaw chewe it as cōmune meat but do not you so Come therunto reuerently and dredefully and with sobrenes Whan the preeste dothe put the hooste into your mouthe open it well and take the hooste vpō your tonge and holde it styll a whyle and than it wyll relent / so you may fold it in your mouthe with your tongue and receyue it down with as litle brusur of your tethe as you conueniently maye And yf by chaunce the hooste do stycke and cleue vnto the roufe of your mouth be not troubled therwith but take pacience and fuffre a lytle whyle thā may you lyghtely remoue it with your tongue / without any daunger Than with good deliberacion take the chales drynke after the custome whiche custume is in many places to stād vp to drynke whiche thynge surely I do prayse very moche for that is done in signe and token that no reuerence shuld be done nor gyuē vnto the drynke for it is no parte of the sacrament And it is not requyred that you shuld drynke any thynge at all thereunto for that drynke is taken onely to brynge downe the hooste wholy and clene into the stomake and therefore it forseth not what lycour you drynke but that the custume is for the honour of the sacrament to drynke wyne For the loue of our lord good deuoute christians I beseche you take no hede vnto these new heretykes that done moue the symple people to requyre to haue to receyue the sacrament in bothe fourmes kyndnes that is to saye / of bread and wyne as the prest doth But good people I praye you beleue stedfastly that in the last parte that you maye perceyue of the hooste sacred is the very quycke body soule of our sauyour Iesu god and man And a quycke body you knowe well is not without both quyck flesshe quyck blode so that in receyuynge that sacred hoost or any part thereof you verely receyue both the body soule / all the quycke flesshe and all the quyck blode of our sauyour Iesu and the very selfe same flesshe and blode that was
Eccle. i b Eccle. i. b Prouer. xv The begynnynge of all wysdome is the drede of god and in al our lyfe after the wyse man shuld we be dredefull For he that dredeth god sayth he shal at his ende haue good passage For the drede of god causethe vs to fle and auoyde synne / and moche helpeth forthereth that euery good dede may be done with due circumstaunce / so be meritoryous The dredeful persone wyll suffre take peyne to please our lorde / and so shall the thynge that seamed very harde in the begynnyng wax in processe of tyme lyght / easy and pleasaūt for all peyne and trouble taken and vsed for the kyngdome of heuen / is of great cōforte and gladnes ¶ Vauntage VTilyte profyte or vauntage is to sell or to chaūge a thyng of small pryce for a thynge of great pryce Or contrary to bye for lytell that is moche worth The state of perfectyon in this lyfe is moche worthe / but heuen is more worth Math. xix ● Our lorde sauyour therfore coūseyled / aduysed a person to forsake sel all his wordly goodes to come here vnto the lyfe of perfection And after he shulde also haue for them the treasure of heuen And yf a man haue no goodes to sell yet may he bye heuē for a cup of cold water Mathei x. d An happy bargayn maketh he that for loue alone doth bye our lord and sauyour Iesu that by his crosse bytter passyon deth bought all the worlde Here you maye se moche gaynes greate auauntage Who wyll now forsake this bargayne surely none that is wyse happy or gracious than gyue thy selfe man wholly for hym that gaue hym selfe wholly for the. ¶ Xp̄e Christe Xp̄e is a worde of the Greke tonge and wryten communely in Latyn with the Greke letters as thus Xp̄s Christ For this letter X with them is with vs Ch and this letter P with them is with vs R the other letters ben with vs and them in lyke both in forme and sownde Christe in our tonge is as moche to saye as a person oynted And bycause we in our baptisme be oynted we bē of Christe / called Christianes / so that we shuld of ryghte dedycate our lyfe wholy vnto Christe / he shulde be our very lyfe and our loue Christ shuld be our lesson our lernyng Christe also our medytacyon and communycacyō Christe alone our lucre / gaynes profyte and auauntage Christe our treasore / ryches / and our whole desyre Christe all our hope and truste For yf we put our trust or any thynge desyre but Christ we shall sure be deceyued / labour in vayne and neuer fynde rest Let christe therfore vnto euery christiāe be all fynally his meryte / rest reward ¶ ymnes Y Is a letter of the Greke tōge and neuer wrytē in Latyn / but yet it is wrytē in the Englyshe tonge and therfore done we wryte ymnes after the Englysshe maner An ympne or ympnes is as moche to say as songe or songes / laude or prayse suche songes specyally as the churche doth vse in metres to laude prayse god / and so done the angelles and holy sayntes in heuen It becomethe therfore euery christyane to laude prayse our lord to be diligent in his seruyce And to consydre what differēce is betwene the seruyce of god / the seruyce of the flesshe / the world and the deuyll Who so doth synne is the bonde seruaūt of synne and so felowe vnto the deuyll / and in the same state for the tyme with hym Io. viii d And those that bē all worldly ben seruauntes vnto the worlde that is vnto auaryce whiche saynt Paule called the bondage thrall seruyce of ydolles Col. iii. a And the carnall persones ben thralles bond sernauntes vnto the flesshe so done they seruyce vnto deth for the flesshe is but wormes meate the corrupcion of the bodye / yet more stynkynge / and lothsom than of any brute beaste It is foode of infyrmyte / the lyfe of synne / the lodgynge place of fendes It is the enemy of the spirite / deformyth the soule / desteyneth blotteth christiāe disciplyne and all good maner behauyour hyndreth holdeth backe all maner of vertue And the flesshe is vnreasonable / so that by no meanes wyl it be corrected and vaynquesshed or ouercom but only by violence / cōsydre nowe what it is to do seruyce vnto suche a sorte And cōtrary the seruyce of god is the helthe of the body / the quietude and rest of the mynde / the conforte of conscience The prudence and wysdom of the spirite The promoter of vertue The beaute of the soule / and the lyfe of heuenly blysse a dulce swete and pleasaunte ympne ympne to serue god with / is with a louynge hart to laude prayse hym in euery tribulacyon ¶ Zachye ZAche cometh of the Ebrewe tonge and is by interpretacyon as moche to say as a persone Innocent / pure / clene and iuste or ryghtwyse And after some auctours a persone iustifyed and makynge hast / Zache was the propre name of a persone / that by the testymonye of the gospell for the great desyre he had to se our sauyour dyd clymbe in to a tree because he was of stature very lytle and that with great hast and gladnes descended and came downe at his commaundement to receyue hym into his house / where by our sauiour he was iustifyed and rendred apt vnto the way of saluacion This name Zache than dothe well frame and agre vnto euery faythfull christiane / that by his professyon shuld be Innocent / pure and clene / glad by fayth to se and knowe our lorde And redy with hast and diligēce to descende come downe frome the hyght of secular science and of all worldly state And to receyue hym in to the house of his soule by true kepynge of his worde commaundement / for vnto suche persons he promised to come with the father of heuē with thē to make his mansyō and dwellinge place And after therby to brynge thē to his owne celestiall paleyse / into the glory of eterne euerlastynge blysse Amen ¶ The conclusion LEt euery faythfull persone wryte this Alphabete A. B C. or crosrowe in the boke of his harte as in the boke of lyfe And euery daye / by day loke there vpon and vse the maners / effecte conteyned in the same For here ben but fewe wordes / and short lessons but in misterye they ben great and the very way and werkes of perfectiō / wherwith euery persō may outwardely be adorned and garnysshed with christiāe disciplyne / and good godly behauiour And inwardly moche / in the herte / in the mynde be quieted rested / cōueyed and browght or led vnto the grounde and begynnynge of all good perfectiō that is / that a persone shulde distruste