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A68080 The interpretacyon, and sygnyfycacyon of the Masse Here begynneth a good deuoute boke to the honoure of god, of our lady his mother, [and] of all sayntes, and ryght profytable to all good Catholyke persones, to knowe howe they shall deuoutly here masse. And how salutaryly they shal confesse them. And how reuerently and honourably they shall go to the holy sacrament or table of our sauyour Ihesu chryste, with dyuerse other profytable documents and oraysons or prayers here conteyned, composed and ordeyned by frere Gararde, frere mynoure, of the ordre of the Obseruauntes. Gherit, van der Goude, fl. 1507. 1532 (1532) STC 11549; ESTC S110806 95,539 244

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forsakē me The .v. I am a thrust The .vi. all is accomplysshed and ended The .vii. father I betake or cōmende my soule in to thy handes ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I do thanke the for the .vii. wordes that thou hast for me on the crosse ī great payne sorowe spoken for the helth of my soule / I beseche the good lord by the vertue of the same wordes that thou wylt pardon me of all the offences that I haue done in my lyfe / and ī any of the .vii. deedly syn̄es as pryde / coueytous / enuye / wrath / glotonye / slouth / and lechery / wherof I do aske mercy for euermore Amen ¶ The .xxiii. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest beynge in his seconde Memento / prayeth for the soules that be departed beynge in purgatorye This doth sygnyfie the great darkenes and scylence that was throughout the worlde / whyles that god dyd speke on the crosse afore that he dyed for our synnes ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I thanke the for from the houre of syxe vnto the houre of noone the Sonne lost his clerenes or lyght / and the worlde was darke I beseche the good lorde shed and put in to my herte cōpassyon of thy payne and passyon / to the entent that all dygnyties ioyes of this worlde and of all creatures / maye be darke / bytter dyspleasaunt vnto me euerlastyngly Amen ¶ The .xxiiii. Artycle of the masse HOwe the Preest after the Memēto with a hygh voyce dothe synge to the father celestyall Pater noster quies ī celis This doth sygnyfye that our lorde preparynge hym selfe on the crosse to dye / hath cryed with a hygh voyce / the heed inclyned / the iyes closed / the vysage pale / the voyce sorowynge agaynst nature / O father celestyal in to thy handes I do yelde my soule ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I do thanke the that thou hast suffred for me poore synner / bytter deth vpon the crosse / to the entent to delyuer me from euerlastynge deth / I praye the good lorde for the bytter passyon that thou hast suffred on the crosse and specyally at the houre that thy holy soule departed from thy blyssed body / graūt me that in all trybulacyons and paynes / I may onely conuerte and tourne me vnto the / and haue mercy of my soule at the houre of deth Amen ¶ The .xxv. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest doth breke the holy sacramēt in thre partyes and sayth thre tymes Agnus dei qui tollis peccata mūdi miserere nobis This doth sygnyfye howe god hangynge on the crosse / hath cōuerted and hath had mercy of thre maner of folkes That is to say / of the thefe at his ryght hande of Longius whiche dyde perce the herte of oure lorde with a spere / and of many other of the cōmon people which were there present ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I do thāke the that thou hangynge on the crosse / haste suffred thy selfe to be taken downe of synners by great loue / wherwith thy dyuyne hert was inflamed of thy great mercy / I praye the good lorde suffre thy great mercy to dyscende vpon the multytude and ygnoraūce of my synnes / to the entent that my soule may be a conuenyent place of the dyuyne grace here in erth / and after in the glory Amen ¶ The .xxvi. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest brekynge the sacrament doth let one peace fall in to the chalyce This dothe sygnyfye that whan the herte of oure lorde was braste on the crosse / he descended in to hell brekynge the same / and delyuered from thens the patryarches / prophetes / and the auncyent fathers there beynge prysoners ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I thanke the that incontynent after that thy holy soule was departed from thy body / thou dyddest descende in to hell / there delyuerynge the auncyent fathers whiche were there present / I praye the good lorde descende by thy great mercy delyuer from purgatorye the soules of my father and mother of all my frendes / where I am bounde to pray for them / to the entent that we they maye laude and prayse the euerlastyngely Amen ¶ The .xxvii. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest dothe take the paxe holdynge the sacramēt a lytell space in his handes / and after doth lay it downe vpō the aulter This doth sygnyfye how chryste a lytel whyle after his deth was taken downe from the crosse / layed before the lappe of our lady his blyssed mother there present very pensyfe dolent ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I thanke the that at the houre of vespres or Euensonge thou was in the armes of Ioseph deposed and taken downe from the crosse / in the presence of thy dere mother and layed before her / I pray the good lorde graunt me to ascende euery day the steppes of vertues and to do no more synne / for the whiche thou hast ben crucyfyed to the entēt that I maye receyue the in myne armes of loue and dyleccyon / that it maye please the to dwell with me I with the euerlastyngly Amen ¶ The .xxviii. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest doth take the blyssed sacrament with both his handes / reuerently receyuynge it This dothe sygnyfye howe god was reuerently put in the sepulchre / betwene the hādes of Ioseph and Nycodemus after moche heuynes and sorowe whiche our lady other his frendes there had showed and made afore that they dyde let hym departe from them ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde god / I do thanke the for at the houre of cōplyne / thou hast suffred thy self to be buryed wonne or wrapped in a whyte and clene cloth and to be oynted with precyous aromatyke / I pray the good lorde graunt me to oynte the with clene lyfe deuoute prayers / to wrap the in a whyte cloth by pure and clene thoughtes / to bere the in myne armes by good workes and humylyte / and to burye the in my herte by stedfast remembraunce of thy bytter passyon / to the ende that in glory I maye be resuscytate Amen HEre begynneth the thyrde parte of the masse / of the gloryous resurreccyon of our lorde Ihesu chryste / in the whiche the blyssed soule of oure lorde was templysshed with great ioy / and also mary the mother of god For as the doctoures do wryte / she was so sore trauayled on good frydaye for the intollerable passyon of her dare sone / that she was borne home halfe deed wherfore she dyd loke and tary for the resurreccyon of her blyssed sone / prayenge thus O father celestyall I knowe well that the tyme is nowe
wyll of god / and the greatnes of synne ¶ Fyfthly / deedly synne maketh place for the deuyll / by his temptacyons in the soule of man / but the holy sacrament doth arme the soule of man agaynst the deuyll and his dartes or temptacyons For where he seeth the blode of our lorde / he flyeth from thens and the aūgelles do helpe the man to fyght agaynst the deuyll and enemye of hell ¶ Syxtly / deedly synne inclyneth the man and doth plucke hym to many other deedly synnes / yf it be not incontynent wasshed taken awaye by true penaunce / but by the blyssed sacrament man becōmeth stedfaste and stronge in grace and redy to all vertue so longe as he doth not fall to syn̄e agayne ¶ Seuenthly / by deedly synne man is beseged of the deuyll / but by the blyssed sacrament he is vnyed with god / so that he loue god wherby he doth pourchase and obteyne taste and sauoure of euerlastynge lyfe ¶ Eyghtly / the soule of man dyeth of euerlastynge deth by deedly syn̄e / so that it knoweth not what to do that maye be acceptable to god / and to hym selfe profytable / but the holy sacrament doth preserue and kepe the soule of man from the deth of synne / so that he doth abyde in the lyfe of grace / And his workꝭ be acceptable to god / and to hym selfe profytable ¶ Nynthlye / deedly synne maketh a man sorowfull pensyfe heuy of herte / and harde and euyll wyllynge to all vertue / but the blyssed sacramēt maketh the man worthy mete redy to all vertue / and tourneth all his inwarde myght towardes god / and spyrytuall ioye and gladnes ¶ Tenthly / man doth depryuate hym selfe by deedly synne of the passyon / payne / and tourment of our lorde Ihesu chryste / of mary the mother of god / and of all the sayntes Also of all the good workes and cōmunyon of the holy churche / and of all the goodnes in heuen and in erth / but by the holy sacrament man maketh hym selfe parte taker of all the goodnes that the sone of god hath done vpon the erth / and of all other good dedes ¶ Eleuenthly / man is dayly cursed of god of the holy churche for deedly synne / wherby man hath alwayes an inconstaunt and troubled conscyence / but by the holy sacrament he pourchaseth in his soule / a swete spyrytuall ioye and gladnes / and great peace and rest in his conscyence / the which doth passe all gladnes pleasure that man may haue in all his lyfe in this worlde ¶ Twelfthly / man is for deedly synne put out of the gate of Paradyse and of euerlastynge lyfe dysinheryte of the soueraygne rychesse / but by well and worthely receyuynge the holy sacrament it is forgyuen as to a chylde heyre of the precyous treasure of the glory of heuen / the whiche they onely shall possede and euerlastyngly vse and enioye / whiche worthely / bodely / and ghostly receyue here in erth the holy sacrament / As chryste hym self sayth as it is wryten in the begynnynge of the thyrde boke Hic est panis c. This is the breade descended from heuen / and all those whiche eateth of this breade shall lyue euerlastyngly / to the whiche brynge vs Ihesu chryste very god and man / inclosed and conteyned in the holy sacrament Amen ¶ This prayer shall a man saye whan he goth to the holy sacrament / or for to here masse deuoutly I Do salute the moste holy body of oure lorde Ihesu chryste / conteyned in this sacrament / I do confesse knowlege the with my lyppes / and with my hert I desyre coueyte the / I pray the that thou wylte this daye come to conforte my poore soule gracyously / the whiche desyreth and coueyteth to receyue the holy oblacyon and fountayne of all grace / to the ende that I may be with the in ioye and consolacyon of thy presence / in body in soule O benygne lorde Ihesu chryste / haue not regarde to my many folde synnes / but haue regarde to thy great mercy / for thou arte he by whom all the worlde is made delyuered Thou arte the innocent lambe which is offred vp this daye to the father of heuen / for all the worlde O most swetest heuēly breade O most ioyfull buurayge or drynke / Gyue to my mouth a swete sauoure of thy holsome presence / illumynate me with thy loue / take awaye my malyce and synne and put in me vertue and grace to the helthe of my soule O most worthy sacrament / I praye the that by thy presence all myne enemyes maye be chased awaye / all my syn̄es forgyuen / and all euyll temptacyon withstande and put awaye / graunt me a good and holy lyfe / correcte my maners and condycyons / and all my workes and dedes / tourne them to thy wyll O good lorde open heuen come to me for to illumynate my vnderstandynge by this newe lyght / illumynate my desyres / and corroborate strengthen my truste and hope / to the entent that from hensforth my lyfe maye so amende / that fynally I maye come to good ende Amen ¶ Another deuoute prayer that a man shal saye in goynge to the holy sacrament O Lorde Ihesu chryste I desyre and coueyte this day to receyue thy blyssed body / as perfytely as mary thy most honourable mother receyued it in her vyrgynall wombe so good lorde descende and come in to my soule / not accordynge and after my deseruynges / but after thy great mercy O lorde Ihesu chryste I desyre and coueyte this daye to receyue thy blyssed blode / in wasshynge awaye all my synnes O lorde Ihesu chryste / this daye I coueyte to receyue thy blyssed spyryte / in recouerynge all my tyme loste and mysspent O benygne lorde Ihesu chryste / I desyre this daye to receyue thy blyssed soule / in infusyon of thy dyuyne charyte loue O lorde Ihesu chryste / this day I coueyte and desyre to receyue thy blyssed dyuynyte / in assuraunce and securytye / of the euerlastynge lyfe Amen ¶ Saye thre tymes this verse afore that ye go to the holy sacramēt O lorde god I am not worthy that thou entre in to my howse but speke onely and my poore soule shall be hole Than go forthe and receyue the sone of god with all mekenes and feruent desyre And whan thou shalt haue receyued hym / rede this prayer whiche our lady dyd speke / after that she had receyued the sone of god / the whiche was this psalme Magnificat anima mea dominum ¶ The Magnificat in englysshe MY soule dothe magnyfye our lorde And my spyryte hath reioysed ī god my sauyoure For he hathe beholden the humylyte of his mayde seruaunt / therfore all generacions shall blysse me For he whiche is myghtye / hathe done great thynges to me / and his name is holy And his mercy is from generacyon to
senses or wyttes / of the other membres of the body ¶ The .xx. Chapytre / howe the man shall confesse hym selfe of the foure synnes cryenge vengeaunce afore god ¶ The .xxi. Chapytre / howe the man shall cōfesse hym of the foure cardynall vertues ¶ The .xxii. Chapytre / howe a man shall confesse hym of the .iii. pryncypall vertues / called theologycall ¶ The .xxiii. Chapytre / howe a man shall confesse hym of the two cōmaundementes in the whiche all the other be comprehende ¶ The .xxiiii. Chapytre / howe a man shal confesse hym of the cogytacyons thoughtꝭ of his herte ¶ The .xxv. Chapytre / howe a man shall confesse hym selfe in generall of all his venyall synnes ¶ The .xxvi. Chapytre / what thyng man receyueth / whiche worthely and in the state of grace / goth to the holy sacrament ¶ The .xxvii. Chapytre / of foure maner of folkes / whiche receyueth onely the holy sacrament bodelye / to the dampnacyon of theyr soules ¶ The .xxviii. Chapytre / howe greatly he synneth / whiche receyueth the sacramēt vnworthely ¶ The .xxix. Chapytre / of those whiche receyue the holy sacrament spyrytually and not bodely ¶ The .xxx. Chapytre / what thynge a mā shall rede whiche desyreth spyrytually to receyue the holy sacrament with his dyuyne grace ¶ The .xxxi. Chapytre of those which neyther spyrytually nor bodely receyue the holy sacrament ¶ The .xxxii. Chapytre / of thē which worthely receyueth the holy sacrament in grace and howe a man maye knowe that he hath receyued it in grace ¶ The .xxxiii. Chapitre of the .xii. vertues and fruytes whiche the man receyueth / that worthely goth to the holy sacrament ¶ A prayer that a man shall saye whan he gothe to the holy sacrament / or for to here masse deuoutly ¶ Another deuoute prayer that a man shal saye in goynge to the holy sacrament ¶ The Magnificat in englysshe ¶ A prayer that a man shal rede after that he hath worthely receyued the holy sacramēt ¶ Another prayer that a man shall saye after that he hathe ben at the holy sacrament / wherby the Benedicte gyueth moche pardon and indulgence ¶ Another prayer after that a man hathe ben at the holy sacrament ¶ Another prayer that a man maye saye / whan he hath ben at the holy sacramēt and whan he goth therto / or euery day in the weke / whan a man hath herde masse ¶ A prayer on the Sōdaye to all the sayntꝭ in heuen ¶ A prayer to be sayd the Mondaye to thre archaungelles and to thy holy aungell ¶ A prayer to the Patryarches Prophetes on the Tuesdaye ¶ A prayer on the wednesdaye / to all the Apostelles / and to the Apostell that ye do honoure ¶ A prayer the Thursdaye to all Martyres and to hym that ye do serue ¶ A prayer the Frydaye to all Cōfessours and to hym whom ye do serue ¶ A prayer on the Saturdaye to our blyssed lady and to all Vyrgynes / and to that Vyrgyne that ye specyally serue ¶ Here endeth the table of this present Boke of the Masse ¶ Here begynneth the fyrste boke conteynynge very profytable Doctrynes seruynge to the Masse deuyded in .xxxiii. Chapytres ¶ The fyrste Chapytre wherfore the Masse in all languages is called Missa / and none otherwyse IN all languages as Laten / Hebreu / Greke / in Englysshe / Frenche / and in all other lāguages the blyssed Sacryfyce of the Masse is named and called a Masse And that is as the Doctours do wytnesse for thre causes ¶ Fyrst Missus in laten doth sygnyfie and is as moche to saye as sent / for the Catholyke people do sende to the father of heuen by the handes of a Preest / whiche is a medytatoure betwene the father of heuen and the synner a sacryfyce and oblacyon prayenge to obtayne by the same grace in the soule / pardone of all synnes ¶ Secondaryly Missio is to saye an offerynge sent vnto vs from heuen / from the father almyghty / by the wordes of the consecracyon of the preest in the whiche consecracyon the sone of god descendeth in body / vnyed with the dyuynyte / the whiche the preest receyueth to the helth of all catholyke people / as well lyuynge as deed beynge in the state of grace ¶ Thyrdly Missio is also as moche to saye as sent without / For at the begynnynge of the holy churche / all those whiche were not baptysed in contynent after that the gospell was songe of the deacon they were sent out of the churche / the whiche be named Cate cumini / that is to saye people blyssed of the preest / but not yet baptysed / wherfore they were not worthy to beholde the holy sacrament in the Masse ¶ The seconde Chapytre / wherfore cōmonly the catholyke churches be sytuate / or sette in the Eest and west partes and the masse is sayde in the Eest parte ALl good and Catholyke people shall make theyr prayers to almighty god beynge with theyr vysages towardes the Eest parte / where the Sonne doth ryse / rather than towardes the West / Northe / or Southe / for after the ordynaunce of the holy churche the masse is rather said in the Eest parte than in the West / Northe / or Southe / and that is for foure reasons ¶ Fyrste to the intent that we do not resemble and be lyke to the Iewes / Sarazyns / or Turkes / or other Infydelles / for the Iewes do praye / with theyr faces towardes the West / the Sarazyns in praynge do tour netheyr faces towardes the Southe / And the Turkes and other Infydelles do make theyr prayers towardes the Northe And therfore we do rede contrary to them in the Northe parte from whens all euyll dothe come and shall come vnto vs the holy gospell of the Masse ¶ Secondaryly / we praye towardes the Eest parte / for there is Paradyse terrestre sytuate / where by ryght our dwellynge place is / and from whens we be chased put out for oure mysdedes and synnes And to the intent that we maye retourne agayne in to our countree / out of this valee of mysery and sorowe / where we be but as banysshed / whiche can not enioye our propre lande and countree Therfore we do tourne vs towardes the same / prayenge and desyrynge to come there agayne ¶ Thyrdly / for our Lorde the sone of god / hath honge vpon the crosse / with his face and vysage towardes the west parte / and his backe towardes the Eest parte Wherfore whan we praye in the Eest parte / we be sytuate with our vysages afore the crosse / beholdynge in the face of oure lorde Ihesu chryste / to the intent that by his bytter and sharpe passyon we maye be saued / we tourne vs towardes his face / as desyrynge the same / otherwyse we shulde be tourned towardes hym with our backe and to the contrarye ¶ Fourthly / for whan our lorde dyd
may gyue them grace and mayntayne them ī all goodnes This doth sygnyfye showe howe oure lorde Ihesus was taken in the garthen at the most secrete tyme of the nyght / prayenge the Iewes to spare his dyscyples to do them no hurte ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I do thanke the that thou hast suffred thy selfe to be taken and boūde of the cursed Iewes / and so to be led to the howse of Annas to the entent that thou myght breke the bondes of deth of our synnes / I praye the delyuer me from the bondes of myne enemyes vysyble and inuysyble / and vnbynde the bondes of my conscyence / to the entent that I so delyuered maye laude and prayse the euerlastyngly Amen ¶ The .xvi. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest doth make fyue crosses vpon the hoste afore that he do consecrate it in sacrament This doth sygnyfye that the thre fyrste crosses do sygnyfye that there was thre pryncypall Iuges examynynge our lorde to deth / as Annas / Cayphas / and Pylate The other two crosses sygnyfye the two pryncypall effusyons of blode as whā our lord was scourged crowned ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I do thanke the that at the houre of pryme thou hast suffred thy selfe to be led to the counceyll of the Iewes / before Annas / Cayphas / Pylate / where they haue mocked and dyspysed reputed the as a sole / I pray the good lorde for the passyon payne that thou dyddest suffre there / graūt me pacyētly to bere al maner of mockyngꝭ dyspysynges / and wronges done to me Amen ¶ The .xvii. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest maketh clene his hādes vpon the aulter as puryfyenge them This doth sygnyfye how Pylate hath wasshed his handes afore the Iewes / as knowlegynge hym selfe not culpable of the deth of the innocent Ihesus / to the whiche the Iewes dyd seduce hym / for fere of leasynge of his offyce / not to be loued of the Emperoure ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I do thanke the that thou hast suffred thy selfe to be ledde as an euyll doer to the consystory of Pylate / I praye the good lorde seene me to ascende and go vp to the consystory and courte of my conscyence / to the entent that there I maye iuge my fault and not those of myne euen chrysten that also I maye haue no nede to care for the iugement of men But that I maye onely before thy face be founde innocent and not culpable Amen ¶ The .xviii. Artycle of the masse HOw the preest taketh the hoste in his handes and doth mynyster it lyftynge the chesuble vpon his sholdres / doth make hym redy to consecrate and offre the holy sacrament and body of oure lorde This sygnyfyeth howe after the sentence of Pylate / our lorde made hym redy to dye takynge the heuye crosse vpon his blyssed sholdres / and went therwith towardes the mount of Caluerye ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste I thanke the that thou after the sentence of deth which Pylate gaue of the / was charged of thy heuy crosse / preparynge thy selfe to deth wyllyngly / I praye the good lorde graunt me whan my tyme shal come to gyue me wyllyngly in to thy handes to lyue and dye / to the entent that therby and by thy bytter passyon / I may be delyuered from euerlastynge deth Amen ¶ The .xix. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest whan he hath consecrate the holy sacrament / he dothe lyfte the body of our lorde on hygh / afore all the people betwene his two handes / as a medyatoure betwene god the father man This dothe sygnyfye howe the sone of god was lyfte vp of the Iewes / nayled vpō the crosse betwene two theues and of two sortes of people mocked / as of the Iewes and infydelles ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I thanke the that after many paynes and sorowes suffred here on erth fynally thou was crucyfyed and lyfte vp ī the ayre vpō the crosse with great sorowe payne / I praye the good lorde lyfte my herte vp to heuenly thynges tourne it from all erthly thyngꝭ not necessary for the helth of my soule / to the entent that so I maye crucyfye my spyryte betwene the flesshe and the worlde that by desyre I maye rest in the. Amen ¶ The .xx. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest after that he hathe lyfte the blyssed body of oure lorde / he doth lyfte the chalyce with the precyous blode of god This dothe sygnyfye howe oure lorde beynge lyfte vp with the crosse / the Iewes dyd lette it fall so rudely with the body in to the mortays that all his woundes and specyally the fyue woundes dyd renne downe with blode abundauntly as a fountayne vpon the erth ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I thanke the that thou hast suffred thy selfe to be drawen and nayled vpon the crosse / so that a man myght haue compted all thy membres / wherof dyd yssewe abundauntly thy precyous blode vpon the erth / I pray the good lord graūt me that I may vse all my power vertues in thy seruyce and to thy honour and not in synne / to the entent that all my membres maye laude prayse the euerlastyngly Amen ¶ The .xxi. Artycle of the masse HOwe the preest after the eleuacion doth stande vp ryght with his armes spred abrode / prayenge for the people This doth sygnyfye howe oure lorde hangynge on the crosse / was mocked of the Iewes and paynyms whiche dyd not knowe hym Yet neuertheles he dyd praye for them / whiche dyd kyll and crucyfye hym / as for symple folkes and infydelles whiche dyde not knowe what they dyd ¶ Orayson Pater nr̄ Aue maria O Blyssed lorde Ihesu chryste / I do thanke the that thou haste suffred to be mocked for me / to the entent that I maye be honoured and exalted in heuen / I pray the good lorde graunt me by thy dyuyne grace / that I neuer do erre nor go frō the crosse of penaunce by any temptacyon / interyoure or exteryoure / the whiche from hensforth I desyre to take for my synnes / vnto that tyme that my soule shal be departed from my body Amen ¶ The .xxii. Artycle of the masse HOw the preest after this dothe make .vii. crosses vpon the Sacrament This sygnyfyeth howe God hangynge on the crosse / dyde speke these vii wordes in great sorowe and anguysshe of his herte The fyrst worde / Father forgyue them / for they can not tell what they do The .ii. thou shall be with me this daye in paradyse The .iii. mother se here thy sone / and to his dyscyple / se here thy mother The .iiii O my god / why hast thou
folkes which yf they dyd not gyue them selfe therunto / they wolde receyue the holy sacrament more than ones in the yere / as on the foure pryncypall and solempne festes / and the feestes of our lady But bycause that they be colde in deuocyon / and that they be loth to prepare them selfe to confesse them they lette it passe lyghtly / and go not to the holy sacrament / wherof they shall gyue a compte afore god For that man that goth so seldome to the holy sacrament / he becōmeth so slouthfull / so colde and drye to wardes god / that he is oft tymes wery and loth to thynke of god to here of god / and to serue hym And yf he do saye one Pater noster he feleth hym selfe wery and thynketh it very tedyous This is bycause that the soule is not ofte tymes fedde and refresshed / wherby it becōmeth feble / colde / and sycke / and inclyned to deedly syn̄e / wherin it doth make an ende of the lyfe ¶ The .xxxii. Chapytre / of them whiche worthely receyueth the holy sacrament in grace and howe a man maye knowe that he hath receyued it in grace FOurthly / there be yet some maner of folkes whiche receyue the holy sacrament bodely and ghostly in grace / to the helthe of soules These be all good catholyke persones / whiche haue prepayred them selfe therto with all dylygence by true contrycyon and confession as is aforesayd These persones wyll not prepare them self onely to receyue well and worthely the holy sacrament / but they be very dylygent in kepynge and holdynge it with them And ther is .vii. tokens wherby a man may knowe stedfastly / that god resteth styll in his soule / and in the holy sacrament ¶ The fyrste is / that so longe as a man is contryte sory for his synnes passed whan soeuer he doth remēbre them suche a persone lyueth styll in his soule But whan a man reioyseth and taketh pleasure in remēbrynge his synnes passed / than his soule begynneth to dye god to departe from hym with his dyuyne grace ¶ The seconde token is / so longe as a man is dylygent to ordre his thoughtes / wordes and dedes / to the profyte helth of his soule and to the instruccyon and example of his neyghboure / and that he do all his busynes and workes with fere / to the entent that no man take any euyll example at hym And that he desyre that god onely be honoured in all his good workes suche folkes haue god inclosed in theyr hertes ¶ The thyrde token is / so longe as a man hath pacyence in his trybulacyon for no mā can tell what a mā is in wardly / afore that he be proued outwardly Some and many folkes esteme them selfe to be good and holy / yet they can not suffre or bere pacyently one lytell worde / the whiche is a token that they be farre from the waye of perfeccyon / for holynes consysteth in trybulacyon For it is better to haue pacyence in trybulacyon than to do moche good dedes withoute pacyence ¶ The fourth token is / so longe as a man hath sauoure pleasure / and ioye in the remēbraunce of euerlastynge lyfe / in the worde of god / in the passyon of our lorde / and in other lyke / god is styll restynge in his soule For yf he haue no pleasure nor sauoure in these thynges / it is a token that his herte is remplysshed and full of worldly and temporall thyngꝭ by carnall ioye and pleasure And suche folkꝭ haue chased our lorde Ihesu chryste from theyr soules for carnall ioye spyrytuall consolacyon / maye not dwell togyther in one place ¶ The fyfth token is / so longe as a man is feruent and deuoute in sayenge his prayers to god / and that at that tyme he put awaye all rumoure and trouble from his herte in as moche as he maye / and that he speke godly and fruytfull wordes / and that he thanke god of all his benefytes and goodnes / as well for aduersytie as prosperyte Suche a man hath god remaynyng styll in his herte but whan he doth begyn to speke detraccyons or backbytynges / to curse / or other euyl wordes / it is a token that he is deed in his soule / and that god is not with hym For he that is of god / he wyll gladly here to speke of god ¶ The syxt token is / so longe as a man feleth hym self redy to serue god / and dylygēt to all good workes / it is a token that suche a man hath ben worthely at the holy sacrament For our lorde Ihesu chryste moueth the herte and the soule within / howe he shal lyue and kepe hym from synne / for the loue of god is neuer Idle ī man for to cause hym do well ¶ The seuenth token is / so longe as a man hath in hym the loue of god and of his neyghboure chrysten brother / in louynge god aboue all thynge doynge to his neyghbour as he wolde shulde be done to hym / as to cōforte those that be desolate and cōfortles / to helpe the poore in theyr nede / and suche lyke good dedes This persone shall not doubte but that he is in the grace fauoure of god ¶ The .xxxiii. Chapytre / of the .xii. vertues and fruytes / whiche the man receyueth / that worthely goth to the holy sacrament FYnally it is to be declared what vertues and fruytꝭ the good mā receyueth in goynge worthely / to the holy sacrament Saynt Iohan in the apocalypse dyde se in Paradyse .xii. maner of fruytes The tre is our lorde Ihesu chryste / whiche hath borne and lefte to vs in the holy sacrament .xii. maner sortes of fruytꝭ agaynst xii maledyccyons or cursynges / the whiche our soules receyue in cōmyttynge a deedly synne ¶ Fyrste / synne causeth the soule to be feble and redy to all euyll / but the holy sacramēt heleth the soule of syn̄e / and maketh it worthy of all vertues ¶ Secondaryly / by deedly synne man doth bynde hym selfe to euerlastynge payne and dampnacyon / but by the holy sacrament he is assoyled of all deedly synne And after the great deuocyon that he hath towardes the sacramēt / the multytude of paynes and tourmentes be remytted ¶ Thyrdly / man dothe dyspoyle hym selfe by deedly syn̄e / of all the good workes that he hath done in all his lyfe / so longe as he is in deedly syn̄e But whan he doth retourne to grace / doynge penaunce humbly for his synnes / and that he receyueth worthely the holy body of god / god restoreth agayne to hym all his good workes ¶ Fourthly deedly synne blyndeth man by neclygent ygnoraunce / maketh hym loth to leue his syn̄e / but the holy sacrament putteth in to the soule of man by his vertue myght a lyght of knowlege the which doth illumynate the soule and puryfye it / so that from thensforth man knoweth the