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A56718 Patròs kat́optra kan paidòs gonyklisiá: = The father's spectacles to behold his child by and the child's cushion to kneel before his parents. By a lover of parental and filial unity. Lover of parental and filial unity. 1695 (1695) Wing P867A; ESTC R217232 83,294 145

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ΠΑΤΡῸΣ ΚΆΤΟΠΤΡΑ ΚΑῚ ΠΑΙΔῸΣ ΓΟΝΥΚΛΙΣΊΑ THE Father's Spectacles TO Behold his CHILD by AND The Child's Cushion TO Kneel before his Parents By a Lover of Parental and Filial Unity For I know Abraham that he will command his Children and his houshold after him and they shall keep the way of the Lord Gen. 18.19 In the last days perilous times shall come some shall be proud disobedient to Parents unthankful unholy without natural affections 2 Tim. 3.2 Pater adversus filium filius adversus patrem LONDON Printed by John Astwood for the Author 1695. To all Parents of Children and Children of Parents True Grace be multiplied in Christ Jesus BE it known unto you Oh ye Children of men that the signs of Christs second coming soundeth daily in our ears how often have we seen wonders in the heavens above us and how hath the earth trembled and quaked beneath us how many false Prophets have there been that own no other Christ but the light within them how great is the apostatizing from the truth how is Antichrist getting up to his height how doth the noise of Wars sound aloud in our ears how many thousands hath the pestilence swept away in a moment how have the Saints been afflicted and persecuted of whom the World was not worthy how much treachery and deceit is there in every corner how much hatred and malice meerly for professing Religion how many deceivers have spread themselves abroad in the world how doth iniquity abound in every village how cold is love grown in all persons how doth drunkenness and gluttony surpass ages past and famine succeed in many places how great are the variances that are in Nations Churches and Families nay among own Relations they are directly opposite one to the other among these sixteen signs of Christs coming this is none of the least for Satan hath but a short season and therefore he is the more busie to keep people ignorant of their duty that they may be employed to serve sin to hinder him in his purpose about the breach of Amity is my main design for at present it is my purpose to let you know what amity has been and ought to be between near Relations that so we may arrive at that ever lasting amity and felicity which we all aim at Many there are that have tuned a string or two on this subject but I at present never saw nor heard of any that have played a whole lesson on it and therefore I who am induced to this task for the Honour of God and the grace of Religion have cast my small mite into the great and rich treasury of Knowledge though I know this Learned Critical Penetrating Eagle-eyed Age may look on my lines and censure them or me as not being Rhetorically adorned and Logically digested and drawn out in the flourishes of the times but let them know that the manner of the ancient times was to be plain 1 Cor. 1.27 The Subject matter plain Scripture Language Acts 17.2 The method and style according to the capacity of the persons spoken to John 16.12 My intent is to stir the dull and ignorant to their duty and not to teach them that know enough but yet there be some that know and do not practise their duty these lines may reach them a rap it is the doer of the Law is justified Rom. 2.13 I have taken notice of the evil carriage of some parents to their children which has been against nature and the plain words of the Scriptures and the abominable wickedness of some children who regard not their parents at all as to appearance in no sence nor kind I wish I could be instrumental to reform the one and convert the other and that going in this tract some other which is more expert in knowledge better read in Scripture having more endowments of the Spirit and of a larger capacity than I am would undertake this task to perfect this work which I have now in a short figure but as it were but a little begun which if any good shall come by this or any be perswaded to parental or filial affections by it and those that shall by this be perswaded to make a larger discovery in this kind I have my end and hope the Lord will be glorified in it that the curse may be taken off from the land of the living Mat. 15.4 Levit. 20.9 Malachi 4.6 He that liketh these lines let him receive and practise them and he that liketh them not let him sit down and take his Bible and Pen as I did and produce better I am content that in this I have done part of my duty do you do all yours and then sit down to rest but do not rest with the foolish Virgins without oyl in your vessels least Christs coming be to your terror which is the desire of him who is a Lover of your Souls Eternal Consolation Vale. I Our duty from the Scriptures have noted O And to confirm it have some Authors quoted Hence you may learn what duty you do owe How unto God and to your Neighbours too Come learn this Lesson and do not gainsay Ought that is in it but always obey What God commands do not give a deaf ear Prepare thy Heart the Lord always to fear Ever remember thy own frail condition Regard thy conscience peace and souls submission Offend not God nor Man in heart nor deed 〈◊〉 from thy sin the Lord thy soul has freed Serve God Instruct thy Child and him correct And always pray the Lord may thee direct Let Parents speak and Children hold their tongue 〈◊〉 in mild speeches let them shew their wrong Here is a blessing if in love you live And Christ his Peace unto you he will give Remember then thy duty and still obey Serve God always and do not go astray Till he by death do call you all away In ignorance many live and also do 〈◊〉 get the way in which they ought to go Some Parents scarce their duties ever know Uncircumcis'd in ears and heart they grow O spend each day and time in contemplation Search out Gods will and mind thy souls salvation Ever to the most High O let thy Spirit sing Xanto like his High Praises Everlasting A short TABLE of the General Heads 1. THe Text opened in six Considerations 2. Five Doctrines in which four parties are concerned 1st The Lord is concerned in his love and care Doct. 5. 2ly The Minister is concerned to inform all of their duty 3ly Parents are concerned in their general Duties 4ly Children are concerned in honour love and obedience Sixteen ways Parents may provoke their Children Ten Motives to move Parents to love their Children Thirteen Reasons to prove the first Doctrine Forty Rules to direct Parents to their Duty Eleven Rules for Christian Correction The acts and effects of the light within twelve ways Prayer spiritual shewed in ten heads Christs love universal proved by thirteen reasons Seven things ensue
Jacob had offended him yet he blessed him a second time To disswade your Children from sin let your Arguments be as hard as you will but let your words be soft 2 Tim. 2.24 Hear me my Brethren saith King David 1 Chron. 28.2 To all Israel not like Rehoboam who answered them churlishly Naphtali is said to give goodly words Gen. 49.21 Courteous Language hath an acceptance among all men and the blessing of God is with it Deut. 33.23 Let your words be seasoned with grace the Ornament of Scripture Language Phil. 1.27 avoid corrupt Speeches that administer no grace to the Hearers Ephes 4.29 't is better not to speak at all than to speak evil words Mat. 12.36 Prov. 18.21 by the nature of the expressions of a man the intent of his heart is made manifest Mat. 12.34 Prov. 12.25.15 13. Third Provocation is when Parents are never contented with any thing that their Children do though they do to their utmost abilities what they can to please them Such is the wickedness and hard heartedness of some covetous Parents who would wring out their Childrens labours by a kind of Extortion something whereby to satisfie their greedy and discontented minds though the Apostle saith Let your moderation be known to all men Phil. 4.5 But their Children shall know but little of it And again he saith be content with such things as you have Heb. 13.5 He that is never content shall never be happy Fourth Provocation is when Parents shall pretend love to their Children before their Neighbours and Friends and the Child can never find in very deed that they have any love at all for them Such Hypocritical Parents will one day recieve a double stroke for this twofold Wickedness Such Parents have not learned divine wisdom James 3.17 that teacheth other things Luke 7.35 According to your sins shall your recompence be Isa 65.6 These outward Lovers and Whited Sepulchres are all in Tongue and none in Heart their Hope shall be like the Spiders web Job 8.13.14 and their Joy but for a moment Job 20.5 Saith st Paul Let your love be without dissimulation Rom. 12.9 Plain dealing and true love never fails 1 Cor. 13.8 Methinks natural love is taught by all the birds in the Air and Beasts of the field who many of them will lose their own lives to preserve their young their Love is real and purely natural without flattery or deceit Why then should some Parents be worse then Beasts without natural affections 't is a sign that the coming of Christ draweth near 2 Tim. 3.3 Fifth Provocation is when Parents shall let their Servants or any body else chastise beat and abuse their Children and they take no notice of it but do often allow of their so doing with good liking and approbation this very thing the wife man saith is one of the four things the earth is disquieted with and so tedious that it cannot bare it viz. A Servant when he reigneth prov 30.21 22. If Christ call him an evil Servant that smiteth his Fellow-Servant Mat. 24.24 much more evil is he that lifteth up his hand in smiting his Masters Child 1 Kings 2.32 If Servants are to give to their Masters double Honour 1 Tim. 6.1 They are to shew some reverent respect to their Masters Issue 2 Sam. 18.12 The Lord has promised to punish such Servants as are so wicked to fill their Masters House with violence Zach. 1.9 When he cometh to search Jerusalem with candles therefore Servants if your Masters be so ignorantly wicked as to allow to you correct his Children you may not must not do so vile a thing by which the Child may be provoked the earth disquieted and the Lord offended and your masters house filled with violence and distraction for the Lord loveth Unity Peace and Concord 1 Cor. 14.33 Moreover you of the Neighbourhood may not correct your Neighbours Children but if they have transgressed you must mildly acquaint their Parents with the offence and the Parents are to give them due correction Prov. 13.24 29 17. Heb. 12.9 For the Lord hath put them in that place to rule and govern their Children at all Seasons and to correct them according to their offences with a severe Countenance without flattery with savoury expressions shewing them the nature of their offence without railing or evil words least they learn that of you for which you correct them also forbear giving threatning and provoking words and then thy Correction will be no provocation but to good and the obstruction of evil 'T is good for every one to be employed in their own business and not in the concerns of another Sixth Provocation is when parents hurry their Children night and day in their Worldly Business and take no care about their Childrens Souls or their Eternal Happiness when Children come to years of Understanding and are capable to know the lost state of their Souls and that its worth is more then the whole world Mu. 16.26 Mark 8.36 And their Parents have made no provision for them in this kind not so much as to teach them to read the Word of the Lord nor have instructed them in their duty to God nor taught them how to pray unto him and worship him in no sence nor kind nor have instructed them to believe in Christ their Saviour neither acquainted them with the Baptism of Repentance for remission of Sins also do keep them ignorant of the benefit of the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament and of holy walking with God and Man in all duties of Love and Piety These things when the Child comes to understand and that he can have no time nor means allowed in order to obtain his Souls peace but all ways possible rather used to hinder him in all good ways This is a very great Provocation and therefore Parents above all things have a care in this viz. That you instruct your Children in the way of the Lord betimes Prov. 22.6 Let them suck in the Word with their Mothers Milk From a Child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures saith St. Paul to Timothy 2 Tim. 3.15 The Lord commands the first fruits Exod. 22.29 Sanctifieth the first born to him Exod. 13.2 The fat was the Lords viz. the best therefore do not neglect early instruction Prov. 13.24 And the Lord will give you an early recompence Prov. 12.14 Isa 3.10 Seventh Provocation is When Parents shall neglect their Children in temporal Education as not to bring them up in such a lawful calling as that they may by it get a necessary livelyhood And herein Parents ought to study their Childrens Constitutions and Abilities and to put them out to such employments as their ability of Body and Estate will not fail in the management of for want of such good Education many have been bred so idlely who have had no Estates to maintain them when their Parents are dead and they come to Men and Womens state that some have made away with themselves
unnatural as to send it out of Doors so soon as it was born not regarding it as though it were none of her own as some Women do who are worse to their young than the savage beasts of the field that will not take care to nurse preserve and protect their young ones it is looked on as a judgment by the Prophet Hosea 9.14 What saith he wilt thou them give a miscarrying womb and dry breasts most Women are much troubled if they cannot bare Children then why not much more if they do not let them suck of that Milk which nature has provided for the Childs nourishment it is a small sign of remorse when they are not troubled for that which is their own proper faults Fouthly All Children do naturally love those Parents most whom they sucked to take care for assist and help in their necessities when old if there be a kind of an Affection in Nurses to those they nurse and a peculiar love in the Child to the Nurse whom it sucked till death much more the Natural Affections of a Child to its Natural Parents who bore it and nourished it with their own milk what other Benefits arise thereby I leave it to your Experience to witness in length of time Nurse your Children your selves do not as t is said of the Deer that they repulse and separate those that are impotent do not turn your Children out of doors least they in time have the same Opportunity and you your selves share of the like fare from them 't is the sin of the last times to be without natural Affections therefore take away the cause that the effect may cease 3 Direction is Dedicate your Children to the most High offer them up in your Prayers Wishes and Desires to the Lords omnipotent Care and Protection Hannah dedicated Samuel unto the Lord 1 Sam. 1.28 Every First born was to be offered to the Lord Exod. 13.12 O that Ishmael might live before thee saith Abraham Gen. 17.18 How excellently did Zathariah yield up John to the Service of the Lord Luke 1.76 So Parents should do and pray continually with good Job for their Conversion and offer daily Sacrifice for them do not forget to offer your Souls in Prayer with and for them that they may be sensible how great care you have of their Souls eternal well-being Job 1.5 4 Direction Parents be sure you agree together in your Commads Let not the Father command one thing and the Mother presently contradict it before the Child this will harden them in Disobedience the first Precept to the Woman after the transgression was to be subject to her Husband and he should rule over her Gen. 3.16 But that Woman is very impudent that is so far from obeying her Husband that she will Lord it over him by contradicting his Authority in just commands and more especially when so much evil attends it as in this case Parents should both take great care not to oppose each other before their Children but chiefly when it is about their Childrens duty but to take another fit Opportunity in cool Blood in Love and in their Childrens absence to dispute the lawfulness of the matter 5 Direction Keep your Children in due subjection before they be too stubborn He that spareth the rod hateth his Son but he that loveth him chastneth him betimes Prov. 13.24 Chasten thy son while there is hope and let not thy soul spare for his crying Prov. 19.18 Rods and Reproof give Wisdom but a Child left to himself brings his Mother to shame Prov. 29.15 Correct thy son and he shall give thee rest and delight unto thy soul Prov. 29.17 A Bishop is commanded to have his Children in subjection with all gravity 1 Tim. 3.4 6 Direction Let your Children be your chiefest joy in this World Rejoyce in them as they are the gift of the Lord but do not idolize them good Job took delight enough in his Children as himself expresseth Job 19.17 Chap. 29.5 Yea when the Lord hath permitted their death by a great wind he seems to rejoyce that as the Lord gave them so he hath now taken them away and saith he blessed be the name of the Lord Job 1.19 without sorrow repining and murmuring he seems to joy in this affliction hopeing they were gone to a better Father All the Patriarchs did take delight in their Sons and Daughters except when they sinned Gen. 34.30 7 Direction You must reprove and rebuke your Children if they sin This Work must not be done to halves as Old Eli did 1 Sam. 3.13 If they sin against the Lord and no Reproof nor Rebuke will prevent them they must be restrained with due severity Folly is bound up in the heart of a Child but the rod of Correction driveth it away Prov. 22.15 Withhold not Correction from thy Child for if thou beatest him with rods he shall not die Prov. 23.13 St. Paul saith We had Fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence Heb. 13.9 This Duty must 1st be done with Love because it is God Ordinance to restrain them from iniquity Deut. 8.5 2dly You must shew them their sin for which you rebuke or correct them Saying with the holy God O Do not this abominable thing which I bate Jer. 44.4 3dly Tell them that thou dost correct them out of Conscience to God and Love to their precious souls Prov. 11.30 4thly Reprove and Corect them with pitty telling them if good Words would have restrained them you would not have used Blows Psal 103.13 5thly Shew them by some place of Scripture How much the Lord is offended with them for this their sin Deut. 29.20 6thly Keep them from evil Company that are the Inducements to sin 1 Cor. 15.33 7thly Correct them not in anger but with fair and loving words as it were with severity according to the Fact but all in a Cool Blood Jer. 30.11 8thly Be often in Prayer with and for them that if all other means fail that this may work upon them for their Souls eternal good thus rebuke and correction may be rightly performed and the Child not provoked to anger but love 1 Thes 5.17 9thly Be sure that the Sin that thou correct thy Child for be not an evil which he has seen thee often guilty of then 't is to be feared that thy Correction will do no good 1 John 3.20 10thly Forbear many chiding Words and Threatning Expressions Ephes 6.9 11thly Smile not on them in their sin nor use no shew of approbation towards them in it for this will harden them Solomon saith a flattering Tongue worketh ruin Prov. 26.28 12thly Do not rail on them nor miscall them when you correct them This does not become a Servant of Christ 1 Pet. 3.9 8 Direction is Be sure look well to it that at all times your Children obey your lawful Commands do not let them run at full length of Reins See that they speedily and duely perform what you order
endeavour to exclude all those Persons or not receive them into your Houses that do disturb them or that are any ways a hinderance to your Childrens Good Ishmael did but mock at Isaac but Sarah desired Abraham to put him out of his Family and the Lord approved of his so doing Gen. 21.9 12. Know this for certain that Evil Communication corrupts good manners 1 Cor. 15.33 The Lord would have all the wicked Persons excluded out of the Land of Canaan least their Children should learn any of their wicked ways Deut. 9.13 The Church is to excommunicate Notorious Sinners Mat. 18.17 1 Cor. 2 Cor. 6.17 For not doing of which the Church at Pergamos was much blamed as well as Thyatira even for retaining or not casting out of sinful persons Rev. 2.14 20. Nay we must not retain vain thoughts Jer. 4.14 For fear they will corrupt us and hinder all good motions faith David I am the Companion of all them that fear thee Psal 119.63 Such good Companions all Christians should choose for their Children if they have true christian love for them at all Times and Places 14 Direction You must take great care of their Chastity and justifie their Innocency and to dispose of them in Marriage to Godly Yoke-fellows timely to prevent their committing of Fornication but if they are falsly accused do your uttermost to clear them whether married or single persons The Lord gave strict charge to the Children of Israel that they should not prostitute their Children to Adultery Levit. 11.29 If a Man accuse his Wife of Unchastity the Father shall stand by her and clear her before the Judges Deut. 22.13 21. Sampson's Parents were not willing he should marry into that adulterous crew of the Philistines Judges 14.3 Isaac and Rebeckah were very much against Jacob and Esau's marrying with any of the Canaanites Gen. 27.46 Ch. 28.1 9. It was the good counsel and advice of Solomon's Mother to him to keep himself chast give not thy strength unto Women Prov. 31.3 Paul's Advice young Women in Tit. 2.5 was to be chast keepers at home not to straggle abroad as Dinah did Gen. 34.1 You must ever have a Watchful Eye over them knowing that they are ever in danger 15 Direction is You must endeavour their sanctification It is said Job sent and sanctified his Children Job 1.5 But in what manner is not expressed The First Step to Sanctification is Regeneration O shew them the necessity of the New-birth which is wrought by the Holy Spirit as the Effects of our Union with Christ The Tree must first be made good before there can be good fruit you must teach them to know the necessity of Faith and being implanted into Christ if you would have them cleansed from all filthiness of flesh and spirit and to perfect holinness in the fear of God 2 Cor. 7.1 The Apostle saith This is the will of God even your Sanctification 1 Thes 4.3 Tell them the way how they must be kept from evil if you will do the will of God Heb. 12.1 Endeavour to cause their conversations to be holy 1 Pet. 1.15 Direct them to keep close to the Truth in the Doctrine of it many Erroneous Principles now abound John 17.9 a good Doctrine and Holy Conversation must be joyned together there are damning Principles as well as damning Practices 2 Pet. 2. ● 2 3. Exhort them to be zealous in every good work Tit. 2.14 Perswade them to labour after Piety of Mind 1 John 3.3 Direct them to pray and cry for the Holy Spirit which is the only agent that works regeneration Rom. 8.13 Direct them to put on Christian Armour Eph. 6.13 Instruct them to deck themselves with the Ornaments of a Christian which are these 1st Wisdom Prov. 4.9 She shall be an Ornament to thine bead a choise Jewel The 2d is Humility Prov. 22.4 By it comes Riches Honour and Life and that which all desire 3d. is Meekness The Ornament of a meek and quiet Spirit is in the sight of God of great price 1 Pet. 3.4 4th Ornament is Love Let your adorning be with the hidden man of the heart 1 Pet. 3.4 which is hearty Love 5th Ornament is Holiness It becomes the House of God for ever Psal 93.5 6th Ornament is Zeal as Ornaments are a Temptation and Provocation to others who have an aptness to imitation so saith the Apostle Your Zeal hath provoked many 2 Cor. 9.2 Perswade them to present themselves daily before the Lord to offer up their souls to him in prayer and praises Rom. 12.1 Instruct them to make the word of God the rule of their Faith and Practice Psal 119.9 By your so doing you may in some good measure attain your end in so good a Design but if you should prescribe Mediums Measures and Rules for your Children to walk by either of Piety or Vertue and you your selves at the same time do not in any sence or kind observe them your selves nor set a good Example before them how can you expect if you command them to do it that they should at all obey you for saith the Child my Parents do thus and thus why may not I O know that the evil Example of Parents hardens their Children In the way of Vertue be sure of this that it is the nature of Children to imitate their Parents in any thing that they see know or observe their Parents to do either in Vice or Vertue therefore you must shew unto your Children a Good and Christian like Example Some Parents are given so much to debauched Language that they cannot forbear it before their Children many Parents are apt to swear a Sin that hath neither pleasure nor profit in it which is so much forbid in the Scripture Levit. 5.1 Deut. 5.11 Zach. 5.3 Mat. 5.34 James 5.12 Some Parents are given to Lying Cousening and Cheating which their Children are private too and sensible of as also to Thieving and the like How can such Men reprove or rebuke their Children for any of those Evils which they learn of them Parents you must first reform your selves and then you may the better and easier prevail upon your Children Paul was a good pattern to all good Parents Be ye followers of me saith he 1 Cor. 4.16 even as I am of Christ 1 Cor. 11.1 And mark them which walk so as ye have us for an example Phil. 3.17 Paul also exhorted Timothy to be an example to Beleivers in word in conversation in charity in spirit in saith in purity to attend reading exhortation and doctrine 1 Tim. 4.12 13. Also to improve his gift 2 Tim. 4.2 Here is an excellent lesson indeed if all Parents would but learn it they would be not only good but godly patterns for their Children to take Example by Prov. 20.7 16 Direction is Do not give them any just occasion whereby they are provoked to sin 1st Let not your evil presidents be a block in your Childrens way for this will be a
and every day now this duty sincerely zealously and heartily performed will be one means to win the hearts of your children both to love the Lord and to obey you in all your just Impositions and lawful Commands 25 Direction is Let them not spend their time in Idleness but bring them up in some lawful honest calling As Jacob and his Sons were Gen. 46.32 34. Ch. 47.3 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the Root 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Summum Studium diligentiae assiduitas sicut 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 negotior facio opus factum operor officium ministerium exercisse Diligence Labour Occupation Work Doing Office Ministration are derived from the Radix which is translated Trade implying any kind of Exercise in Traffick Craft Art Mystery or Occupation so Saul and David were of the same calling James John and Andrew were Fishers Paul a Tent-maker although he was bred a great Scholar at the feet of Gamaliel Sam. 9.4 Mat. 4.18 Acts 18.3 Ch. 22.3 Know this that there is a General Command given to Adam Gen. 3.19 In the sweat of thy brows shalt thou eat thy bread and this extends to all in him Sodom is blamed for idleness Ezek. 16.49 Paul laboured 2 Thes 3.8 Acts 20.34 and commanded others to labour 2 Thes 3.10 11 12. Rom. 12.8 11 17. Not that I think all must labour with their hands Ministers work is hard work and Paul lookt upon his labouring with his hands among his afflictions he blames idleness 1 Tim. 5.13 Heb. 6 12. Rom. 12.11 Solomon the wisest of Men saith by idleness comes poverty Prov. 10.4 Ch. 28.19 Eccles 10.18 Moreover know that there is abundance of evils attends idleness they that are idle are like a standing pool that hatcheth Toads Effets and other noisom Creatures So if we are idle like Sodom Satan can bring no temptation to that heart that sutes not with it but in some sence either in the Affection Action or Expression it will recieve it brood and hatch it and so that soul becomes guilty of sin Moreover Avoid those callings if it be possible in which there is any great Instigations or Temptations to Sin if the Vocation be not honest that which is gotten by it will eat like a Canker James 5.3 4. And corrupt wast and consume other honest gotten Goods no man can conceive how He that getteth riches and not by right shall leave them in the midst of his days and at the end shall be a fool Jer. 17.11 Saith Solomon Better is a little with righteousness than great Revenues without right Prov. 16.8 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked Psal 37.16 That which is deceitfully gotten ought to be restored Levit. 6.4 The treasures of the wicked profit nothing Prov. 10.2 Wealth gotten by Vanity shall be diminished Prov. 13.11 Read Levit. 19.13 1 Cor. 6.8 9 10. Prov. 11.1 Hosea 7.1 Prov. 20.17 Psal 10.7 8. Prov. 12.5 Ezek. 22.7 29. Hesea 12.7 Amos 8.5 Rom. 3.13 Prov. 28.8 By these Scriptures you may learn that there is no eternal peace nor profit nor yet safety nor true peace of conscience in getting nor in keeping of ill gotten goods therefore choose an honest Calling as also such an one as there is no Temptation to cheating or drunkenness nor any other great and notorious sins and then be diligent to get an honest Estate and Livelyhood in such a calling for the Lord doth not approve Slothfulness nor Idleness but Labour and Diligence The counsel of the five men of the Danites to their Brethren was good Be net slothful to go up to enter to possess the land Judges 18.9 The Slothful is Brother to him that is a great waster Prov. 18.9 Abundance of Idleness is charged upon Jerusalem Samaria and Sodom as being the first step the Root or the Occasion of all other fins and vices whatsoever Ezek. 16.49 Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work saith the Lord Deut. 5.13 The hand of the diligent maketh rich Prov. 10.4 Therefore exhort them to be diligent in an honest calling that Satan may have no opportunity to tempt them to evil 26 Direction is Carry an equal hand to all your Children do not let one have all your love nor do not despise any one of them Remember you are the root from whence the worst sprang as well as the best let your good loving kind mild just equal and christian-like Carriage to the worst be the only means under God that may win them to become as excellent in your Affections as the best beloved The Lord hath put a bit in the mouth of Israel if I may so call it to check them in their unequal carriage and dealings towards their Children and therefore he saith The Son of the hated if he be first born shall have a double portion of all that thou hast Deut. 21.17 As if the Lord should have said if they will not love him at all with a natural love thou shalt upon force shew twice as much love to him thou hatest as thy evil Nature would shew to him that thou lovest best to curb and check thee and shew thee thy Evil in not loving all thy Children alike It were good if all Parents did make it their prayer with David That their eyes might behold the things that are equal Psal 17.2 He that applieth his heart to understanding shall understand righteousness judgment and equity and every good way Prov. 2.9 If some of your Children be half-witted crooked or deformed or of a perverse nature this is no sufficient argument to withdraw your love from them the Lord might suffer these things on purpose to prove your natural Affections that ye sin not Exod. 20.20 Good David divided the spoil of the Amalikites equally to those that did not nor could not fight as well as to those that were able and stood battle 1 Sam. 30.24 Take him in this for your pattern and let your love be to all alike mind this that unequal carriage is one step to the Childs provocation as I shewed you before 27 Direction is If you cannot tutor teach instruct and educate your Children in Learning your selves you must choose one to teach them If possible that is truly religious Train up a Child in the way he should go Prov. 22.6 What they learn when they are young becomes in the use of it as it were natural therefore let them not learn of one that is prophane Children are like new Vessels which will always have a Tincture of those things that are first put in them We should count them very wicked Parents that should instead of food give their children poison to eat So likewise they are much more wicked that will knowingly let their Childrens Souls be suffocated with the poison of sin which may be sucked in by the prophaneness of a Wicked Tutor the Lord hath said He will cut off Master and Scholar that are wicked Malachy 2.12 Good Job is said to
how long shall thy vain thoughts lodge within thee Jer. 4.14 Therefore keep thine heart with all diligence for out of it are the Issues of Life Prov. 4.23 9ly Some break the Sabbath by counting the time of hearing a Burthen Such were they the Lord exclaims against saying When will the New Moon be gone that we may sell corn and when will the Sabbath be over that we may set forth wheat making the Ephah small and the Shekel great Amos 8.5 The Word of the Lord is to them a reproach they have no delight in it Jer. 6.10 These do not take delight in approaching to God nor do they call the Sabbath a delight Isa 58.2 13. He that delighteth in the Law of the Lord is the blessed man Psal 1.1 2. 10ly Some break the Sabbath by their spend it in reading vain Books that do rather instigate their vile nature to sin than to shew them the way of Mortification Regeneration and Eternal Life which is contained in the Holy Scriptures which ought to be the only Book which a Christian should read and study St. Paul reasoned out of the Scriptures Acts 17.2 The Bereans are commended for searching the Scriptures daily Acts 17.11 The Scripture is the most profitable Book in the World 2 Tim. 3.15 to 17. And therefore Christ bids the Jews search the Scriptures John 5.39 Yea the Apostles themselves were ravished with Christ's expounding of the Scriptures Luke 24.32 It were much better that they that have any vain books would do as the people of Ephesus did to burn them rather than to spend time on the Sabbath day to read them or any other time else Acts 19.19 11ly Some break the Sabbath in Drunkenness and Gluttony many will flock together in private Ale-houses and other private Houses and send for such things as their Hearts lusts after and fill themselves till they are overcharged with sufeiting and drunkenness which ought not to be Luke 21.34 And when Sermon is over they let their Reins run at random and take their fill without controul of any till they are under that woe Isa 5.11 These that count it pleasure to riot in the day time and have their eyes full of Adultery and cannot cease from sin 2 Pet. 2.13 14. which St. Paul positively forbids Rom. 13.13 12ly Some break the Sabbath in sleeping in the time of Hearing of the Word preached These are totally without the sence of their eternal Happiness or Misery they are as it were men without Souls for they have no real Sence nor Knowledge of their future being they quite forget that hearing the Word is their Souls harvest Learn of the Ant O thou sluggard which gathereth her meat in the harvest Prov. 6.6 to 12. If thou dost not thy want shall come on thee as an armed Man Prov. 24.34 He that sleepeth in harvest is a Son that causeth shame Prov. 10.5 Sleepiness discovers a slothful heart Prov. 19.15 And too great want when it is too late will be the Issue as in the case of the five foolish Virgins Mat. 25.5 8. Such Sleepers ought to pray with good David unto the Lord To enlighten their eyes least they sleep the sleep of death Psal 13.3 Were these very people but hearing of a Tale told or any vain Discourse it is a great chance but they would be awake enough to laugh at it and perhaps to help it forward too all implying that they have no feeling in their hearts of a future being Ephes 4.18 19. 13ly Some break the Sabbath in letting or forcing of their Children Servants or Cattel to do any unnecessary business that day The Lord gave it in charge that the Children of Israel should do no servile work in the day of the Feast of unleavened bread Levit. 23.7 8. of the wave offering Levit. 23.21 in the convocation of blowing Trumpets Levit. 23.25 Numb 29.1 on the day of the passover Numb 28.18 in the days of fasting Levit. 23.28 Numb 29.7 on the week of the Feast of Tabernacles Numb 29.12 35. So they that are Governours of Families must neither command nor any ways suffer any thing that are under their power to break the Sabbath by labour That which the Lord alloweth to be done on the Sabbath the doing of it is no breach of the Commandment as First Works of Charity 1st Laying up for the poor 1 Cor. 16.2 2ly In pulling our Neighbours Cattel out of a pit Luke 14.5 Mat. 12.11 3ly Feeding or watering of Cattel to keep them alive Luke 13.15 4ly In giving to young children and sick persons such things as is for their health and comfort Christ himself healed on that day Luke 14.4 Mark 3.3 John 9.14 Luke 13.14 16. 5ly In taking care to preserve the life of mankind as in necessary food in taking pains and care for Women in Travel in keeping Children and others from fire and water and other eminent dangers Secondly In relation to the worship which the Lord appointed We are to go to the places of our Christian Assemblies and return to our own habitations with such convenient helps and supplies as are necessary Acts 11.26 Thirdly In the defence of our Persons Estates and Lives against Robbers and the Government of our Nation and Country to keep peace and to keep out forreign Enemies may be done by us on the Sabbath-day Jericho was taken on the Sabbath-day Joshua 6.15 20. Seven days Israel pitched over against the Syrians and on the Seventh Day Israel slew 120000 of the Syrians but in all remember that he that did wilfully break the Sabbath was to be put to death though I confess that is no law to us Christians and it serves to shew us that the Jewish Sabbath is not our Sabbath Exod. 31.15 Numb 15.32 to 36. But O do not work nor yet suffer any of thine so to do on the Lords day 14ly Some break the Sabbath in neglecting to hear the word They will sit at home and sleep or walk in the fields or take Physick to prevent the loss of a working day which is to rob God to serve our selves or give themselves over to some vain exercise to such the Apostle gives charge Not to for sake the Assembling of your selves as the manner of some is Heb. 10.25 If you cannot find the Truth in a publick Oratory you may seek it from House to House Acts 5.42 For the true Church in the Apostles days met in houses Rom. 16.5 1 Cor. 16.19 Philemon 2. You are commanded to give all diligence 2 Pet. 1.10 To prove all things and hold fast that which is good 1 Thes 5.21 Not to be slothful in business but fervent in Spirit serving the Lord Rom. 12.11 15ly Some break the Sabbath in neglecting of the general duties of the day When they are off from hearing the word they omit to pray in their families and neglect to instruct their Children and Servants and do not call them to read the Scriptures nor do they reprove rebuke or correct them if