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A53263 The old leaven purged out, or, The apostacy of this day further opened being a true and faithfull narrative of the orderly prooceedings [sic] and dealings of the lesser part of the congregation formerly walking with Mr. John Sympson, with and against severall souldiers of the army, who (being fallen in with the apostacy of this day, contrary to professed and declared principles, and the many out-goings of the Lord thereupon) are withdrawn and separated from, together with Mr. Sympson their chief abettor, and others, after neer two years labouring whilest while we were in the congregation, and neer two years more since : as also the true coppies of seven of the letters which Mr. Sympson wrote with his own hand, and sent to the congregation an answer to several objections that have been, or may be raised against printing and published the whole : all humbly presented to publique view, not in strife, vain-glory, or to be seen of men, but we hope out of conscience, to endeavor a recovering of the name of the Lord ... Hathorn, Humphrey. 1658 (1658) Wing O205; ESTC R32246 96,744 101

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upon our hearts to have delivered by word of mouth should be done in vvriting as vvell for your sakes as in discharge of our own duty according to the Rule of the Gospel and therefore vve intreat that you will suffer us hereby to plead a little vvith you for truths sake and vve hope it is unfeignedly upon our hearts to lay your great sin before you from some sense of the great dishonour brought unto the Name of the Lord by you and let these lines be patiently read through before you judge you poor unvvorthy brethren and sisters for we can truly say that we disire to mourn and groan in secret for you as well as for our own vveaknesses and this is some part of our joy That in simplicity and godly sincerity many of us have been by the space of two years and upwards endeavouring to get your feet as well as our own out of the Snare of the apostacy of this day having compassion of you as of our own souls for we are in some measure perswaded that some eminent hand of the Lord wil be manifested in due time to distinguish between those that serve him faithfully and those that serve him not In the first place therefore we pray you to consider the six great and scandalous sins laid to the char●g of the brethren amongst you wearing the Sword which for brevity sake we shall here onely mention referring you to our paper already given in for a more particular knowledge thereof wherein We desire the Scriptures in the margent may be diligently perused and some remembrance had of vvhat the Lord did inable us to speak from them when our Paper vvas debated in the Church although it is very vvell knovvn so much liberty vvas hardly obtained First Treason against Christ as King and Prophet of his people and King of Nations also for the latter part of the late VVar did run in that Channel Likewise against the faithful and vvell-affected in this Nation whose Liberties and they are made bond-slaves to their brethren though some blood was spilt and treasure spent to obtain it our of the hands of the late Tyrant Secondly Convenant-breaking and false swearing having engaged before the Lord and his People to perform the good promised on the behalf of Christ his People and the Nation vvhich are novv broken in the face of the Sun Thirdly Oppression by Tythes Taxes c. upon the bodyes and consciences of the Lords People and the well-affected the Nation at this day Fourthly Persecution of Saints many of the Lords people having been and some are still imprisoned for their testimony on the behalf of the Lord his Cause and the Nations liberty and therein the Souldiers are altogether active there being no rule not so much as according to the Law of the Land to justifie their practice by Civil Officers Fifthly Maintaining Antichristian Laws Statutes and Customs contrary to former Engagements and Declarations by vvhich the Saints of old have suffered and some do now suffer at this very day Sixthly Hereby the hearts of the righteous are greatly grieved for that brethren at least professing themselves so to be should be active in abetting and supporting so great vvikedness That these sins were plainly proved against our brethren wearing the Svvord novv amongst you is very manifest not onely in general but also in a great measure particularly and therfore shall leave it unto the Lord vvho judgeth righteously Yet vve do hereby humbly admonish them of their evil as being very great and scandalous After this there is laid down several Queries how vve vvere in duty bound to withdraw from them and by the same Rule to admonish and withdraw from your selves as being partakers with them having made your selves m Guilty for they are hereby encouraged to keep their places whereby the Man in Power is encouraged to go on in his apostacy and to judge himself in pretence at least to be in a good condition for when he hath been told That he had not the love of good people as formerly and that many were grieved at his present actions he replyed They were but a few inconsiderable people who were dissatisfied for the greatest part of honest men in the Army and Churches were for him and approved of what he had done which approhensions are begotten by members of Churches and other professors holding places under him for whilest they do so their tongues are tyed that they dare not openly speak their minds though they really apprehend yea and will to some confess That the present state of things are out of course and are not so honest as in the day of their straits they declared they should be Wherefore doth is not concern the Churches to take heed how they encourage those by continuing them among them who abet and uphold the present apostacy lest they become guilty thereof themselves and incur the Lords displeasure for so doing guilty of their iniquity by your vote of communion with them And this vve do in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ who hath commanded us to withdraw from every brother that walks disorderly though herein we would distinguish between such of our Brethren Sisters as do plead for encourage and support them in their evil and others who for want of a true knowledge understanding thereof together with the overawing of some amongst you as we fear are notwithstanding in their degree also become partakers with them in their evil And here desire so far to digress as to answer one objection namely That our brethren the Souldiers desired leave to go off from us before we procceded so far as now we have but we would not To which vve answer That it is to be considered their sins are very scandalous and if so such a practice would be contrary to the Rule directing in such cases That if a brother or brethren offend to admonish them particularly then more publikely as he or they are found to persevere in their sin that if the Lord will they may see their evil and repent and not suffer them to go off without knowledge of their evil for if they should it may prove to the hardening of their hearts and consequently to the ruine of their souls Indeed to have let them gone off would have been much more easie to us and pleasing to the flesh for we did in some measure foresee how hard it would be in this rough path to follow the Lord fully yet we take comfort in this That our Cause is of God and our hearts we trust in the main upright therein Now we shall proceed to give you a short account how the Lord hath led us since our said withdrawing wherin it will be manifest if the Lord give you a spirit of discerning that we have to this day been patiently waiting upon the Lord and you to the end that if it had pleased our heavenly Father it might have put you upon inquiry how far you are become
excusing of them and by his suddain starting such a question of Non-communion without serious consideration whereby many Brethren and Sisters were ensnared as they afterwards confessed and notwithstanding that truth had such hard usage from the beginning almost to that time yet we have since our withdrawing been waiting upon the Lord almost one whole year and half thereby bearing a more particular Testimony against their evil also by admonishing them twice according to the rule of the Gospel but no repentance as we can discern apprearing but rather hardness of heart and their sin every day more and more manifesting it self to the great dishonour of God and reproach of his Name We do therefore hereby declare That we can have no more fellowship and Communion with them then with Heathens and Publicans till the Lord shall give repentance unto life by acknowledging and forsaking their iniquity and do hereby humbly Testifie our separation from the accordingly Secondly That our Brother Sympson whose condition we desire to mourn for yet can but humbly testifie that he hath been for many moneths a secret opposer of those Brethren that prosecuted the cause of Christ against the evils of those Brethren of the Army and every day more and more did and doth stand by maintain and plead for them Nay more he is not afraid nor ashamed to plead for those very evils which he himself hath declared against openly and for which he for sometime suffered very boldly so that we can do no less then declare before the Lord Angels and men that he is now become guilty with the other Apostates to build again the things which he and they formerly destroyed and is become very skilful to cover the iniquity of this day which appeareth to all unbyast persons But least any should think that we had neglected our duty in not admonishing him privately before this publique testimony against him we answer That several Brethren had been with him privately upon that account Moreover we did at another time by several Brethren in the name of the whole apply our selves unto him intending particularly in love and due respects to have opened our hearts concerning his evil but in stead thereof he absolutely refused to give the least entertainment unto us as Brethren and Sisters or to hear any thing we should say unto him upon that account but looked upon us as Heathens and Publicans and thereupon refused so much as to pray with the Brethren who were sent by us Adding hereunto that thorow his pleading for and excusing of them he hath been the Instrumental Cause of this breach and separation and hardning the hearts of the Souldiers when some of them were in some measure convinced of their evil as we thought saying That if it were a sin to have Communion with them let it be charged upon himself and such as were satisfied with them as they should answer it at the day of the Lord Jesus For which and much more if needful at this time to declare We can have no more fellowship with him nor scarce so much as with those Brethren among you that wear the sword whose wickedness we have been so long contending against onely leaving him unto the Lord who can when he pleaseth convince him of his evil and give him grace to do his first works Thirdly That several other Brethren whom we could Name if need require have likewise much abetted excused and pleaded for this iniquity and particularly one of them who was formerly so convinced of the Soldiers evil as being the first person that put pen to paper to draw up Articles against them who said It was true but he thought it would not come to this And therefore we do judge it our duty also humbly to Testifie against them and separate from them as such who are greatly partakers of the Souldiers evil though it is possible that they may be much oversway'd in ther judgements by our Brother Sympson and cannot have Communion with them till such time that the Lord doth convince them of their evil and cause them to return from whence they are fallen and do their first works Fourthly That many other Brethren and Sisters though they have little to plead for the Souldiers as under those sins laid to their charge yet care not for inquiring into truth neither considering that Scripture 1 Cor. 5.6 Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump purge out therefore the old leaven that you may become a new lump But are willing to have their judgements byassed thorow affection to our Brother Sympson and so are willing to stand or fall in his bottom as we have just ground to fear and thereby become partakers of their evill deeds and if the Lord do not in time graciously awaken them out of this drowsie sleepy frame of Spirit we fear they may in time feel the sorrow of that Scripture Isa 9.16 For the Leaders of this people cause them to erre and they that are led of them are destroyed And therefore hereby testifie and declare that we cannot hold Communion with them till the Lord shall discover unto them their evil therein Fifthly As for those Brethren and Sisters amongst you that groan and mourn under the sense of those crying abominations that our Brethren the Souldiers with their Abettors are guilty of we do desire to open our hearts to them with all bowels of tenderness and compassion declaring that although we can see no Scripture ground or bottom for their present practise and the rather when the Lord hath enabled their poor unworthy Brethren and Sisters though but a remnant to withdraw and separate from the evil doers whereby the decission is made And that Scripture Psal 26.4 5.6 Seems unto us a plain word of Instruction for them in these words I have not sate with vain persons neither will I go in with dissemblers I will wash my hands in innocency and so will I compass ●●●e Altar Whence the Spirit of the Lord seems to hint himself not innocent had he not refused Communion with dissemblers and vain persons without having respect whether they were the greater or the lesser number And how they can call that part of the Body a Church when those they joyn with are onely the disorderly walkers for those who bear the Testimony are withdrawn we do not well understand which is the more considerable when they are commanded to withdraw from every Brother that walks disorderly However we judge it our duty to continue our prayers for them and to spread their condition before the Lord in secret as if it were out own that he would enlighten and inform them in their duty and give them obedient hearts thereunto that the Lord would deliver their feet out of the snare and do hereby intreat exhort and desire them as they tender the glory of God and the comfort of their own Souls in the time of Tryal and Temptation to come out from amongst them and separate
from them trusting that the promise of grace mentioned 2 Cor. 6.17 18. In these words Wherefore come out from amongst them and be ye separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and be a Father unto you and you shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord Almighty We desire also for their and our encouragement to leave with them that Scripture Psal 9.4 Hos 11.12 to be theirs and our portion also But till then we do also hereby humbly testifie and declare that as they now stand we cannot have Communion with them as otherwise in the uprightness of our hearts we desire to have and should much rejoyce in were they clear from the evil of this day and withdrawn from amongst those disorderly persons till then we have just ground to believe they are in their degree partakers of their evil according to that Scripture 1 Tim. 5.22 Be not partakers of others mens sins keep thy self pure Now to conclude and end this our Testimony we do in the General and to each one say and humbly declare That we cannot discern the power of the Church rests in you as under those sins you are now guilty of and fallen in with each one in their degree but ⋆ Only Moses Aaron Caleb and Joshua c. Who followed the Lord and had truth on their side and separated from Corah the Princes and famous men of the Congregation were owned by him and had the power with them as also to prevail that the greater part of the Congregation might not wholly be destroyed Num. 14.19 20. compare ch● 16 41. to 50 ca. 262 which notably agrees with Matt. 18.18 19. Whatsoever ye shall binde on earth shall be bound in heaven c. Again if two of you viz. having the truth shall agree on earth as touching any thing they shall ask it shall be done unto them c. And upon this account chiefly it was that they had the power and this presence with them and not so much because the one was the Leader and the other as it were the Pastor of the Congregation for if with the others they would have made a Captain to return to Egpt as also have stoned Caleb and Joshua in all likelyhood they had perished with them yea we finde that because the did contrary to the minde of the Lord at the waters of Meribah they must die by the way and not go into the good land and the power they had deliver'd unto others and onely Joshua and Calch c. who followed the Lord fully have the power and his presence with them Numb 20.12 24 26. Deut. 3.27 compare Chap. 34.4 By which it plainly appears the Lord would have the power to reside with those who follow him and have truth on their side though the lesser number and not with the greater though the Pastor be with them that are declined and so have not the truth with them We also finde Revel 2.7 9 10. Revel 3.4 to 10. That onely the Churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia and the few names in the Church of Sardis who followed the Lord fully and kept close to truth and had not desiled their garments and such as overcome and keep close to truth to the end are own'd by Jusus Christ and shall inherit the promises but he threatens to remove the Candlestick from the Church of Ephesus and to come upon all those of the Churches of Pergamus Thyatira Sardis though the greater number as a Thief and to fight against them and kill them with death unless they repent and return from the evil among them And the Church of Laodicea the worst of them all are for their Lukewarmness threatned to be wholly spued out of his Mouth Revel 2.5 16 23. Revel 3. 3. Which things are not written as onely belonging to that time but are also a prohesie of what shall be among the Churches a little before or about the time the promises and prophesies relating to the Kingdom of Christ and Zion shall be fusilled See Revel 2.26 27. Revel 3.10 12 21. in your poor unworthy Brethren and Sisters in whose name this comes though the lesser number Which we desire to mention with all Humillty and not in vain-glory knowing that we have no cause to be high minded but fear that such poor shrubs as we should stand when so many tall Cedars fall It being no where recorded in Scripture that the power of the Church rests in the greater number as under that Denomination but in those who according to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ do withdraw from every Brother that walks disorderly be they the less or the greater number for where truth is there is the true-Church power according to that in Matt. 16.18 19. in these words Thou art Poter and upon this Rock will I build my Church and I will give unto thee the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven c. Whence we desire to observe that although our Lord Jesus speaks to Peter as a single person yet layes the weight of the Church upon him not as Peter but upon the truth whereof he made so upright a Confession whereby it seems plain unto us That where truth is not onely in the judgement but practice there is the Church with the Keys to wit it's power And this our Brother Sympson hath formerly declared saying That he should judge it his duty to joyn with a little number were they but 30 or 40. in number against 500. being perswaded that the Keys of the Church were truly there where the truth appears not onely in the doctrine but practice And yet we would say That where the greater number oppose the truth more caution is to be used more humility and brokenness of Spirit manifested and much looking up unto the Lord to be guided aright by the seffer number wherein we must acknowledge we have been too remiss desire to be humbled before the Lord for the same in the face of Jesus Christ Thus desiring that this out last Testimony may be received in love and be of that use and weight as to provoke you to a godly jealousie as Pauls Epistle did the Corinthians about the Incestuous Person that we may have cause to rejoyce upon the same account as he had which could we once see we should willingly lie at your feet for truths sake and be more glad thereof then of our daily food till then we desire to mourn and pray for your return Signed in the Name and by the Appointment of the whole John Proud Tho. Cary. Caleb Ingold James Chadwick Humphry Hathorn John Portmans Dated the 1. of the 7. Moneth 1657. THis Paper was committed to the custody of six Brethren chosen from amongst us to present and deliver it according to direction and if it might be obtained that some one of the six might have liberty to read it in the presence of them all but when they came they were denied the