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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52314 Evangelium regni = A joyful message of the kingdom : published by the holy Spirit of the love of Jesus Christ, and sent forth unto all nations of people which love the truth in Jesus Christ / set forth by H.N. ... ; translated out of Base-Almayn. Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579. 1652 (1652) Wing N1124; ESTC R615 115,100 224

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ordinance or law which requireth the upright Righteousness and the entrance into the single minded and upright being of Abel which is an other seed or birth of God that is ordained or set for Abel or in the place of the breath of God and this is the true law of the Lord wherethrough it is set or ordained that the upright being of Abel should remain in memory till unto the perfection of the upright being of God which had gotten his beginning in Abel after the mans faling away 4. Howbeit although that many abode not according to the example of the Simplicity of Abel in the right stock and ordinance of Seth but followed their own goodthinking Yet hath there notwithstanding always a seed which was the right stock of Seth and had regard unto the simplicity of Abel remained over which walked upright before God till unto Noah which name signifieth unto us a ceasing or rest 5. This Noah lived uprightly before God and walked with his whose household in the upright ways of his Fathers but all other people which were not of the house of Noah or of the stock of Seth forsook the example of the simplicity of Abel and also the right ordinance of the life which was set or adjoyned thereunto through the seed of Seth. 6. Also they would not give any ear nor credit unto the word of truth through the Preacher Noah for to turn them about to the State or simplicity of the child of Abel by which occasion they could no● enter into the rest nor yet remaine alive with the righteous Noah 7. Therefore hath God extended his mercy upon Noah and chosen him with his houshold to a remnant upon earth and stretched out his indignation over all other people whose hearts stood not submitted to the turning about to become as Children nor to the word of truth 8. And the Lord gathered together through Noah all the souls which should main alive and they entred with Noah into the Ark of the Lord. 9. Ark signifieth unto us a Chist or Casket wherein one shuteth up somthing that he will keep close or in secret 10. And all what remained without the Ark that did the Lord cause to perish through the Deluge or Universal floud which fell upon them and took them quite away and so there came upon the earth an end of all flesh Deluge signifieth unto us a pouring over with water 11. Now when as Noah with his houshold was remained over so were there many generations and people born upon the earth out of the Children of Noah for to replenish the earth again But certain of the same generations remained not like unto Sem in the right stock of Noah out of Seth but brake or turned them off from the same and from the ordinance and Doctrine of the same stock and implanted them into a forrain stock and practised even so out of the subtill Industry of their forrain stock wiliness and craft or guile like as the decliners always do which turn them away from the stock or doctrine of their leader and follow their own spirit 12. These generations or progenies of Noah multiplyed them into many heathen or people upon the earth But many of them which persisted not in the stock of Noah and Sem have not understood the mind councel and word of the Lord nor the mistery of his work much less then essentially known the same but have followed their own councel mind and will according to the imagination of their good-thinking wisdom Wherethrough also they turned wholy and altogether to themselves and sought not to h●nour to exalt or magnifie any other thing but themselves and their own name 13. Through which addicting of them unto their selfness they practised their subtilty and i●geniousness purposing to set up a memorial of their name and would therefore make them a great strength or fortress 14. Now when as they had mingled their understandings together hereunto so begun they this work with one manner of speech mind and purpose and they applyed them boldly thereunto for to accomplish in such wise the same whose purpose of work and one manner of speech the Lord through his word intangled and scattered abroad the same people in all lands and the place of their work was named Babel which signifieth unto us confusion or a Commixture that is intangled with each other 15. Behold ye dearly beloved hereout may we perceive which was the seed of Seth that upright stock For all what desired to honour and exalt God and to magnifie his name as also walked uprightly before God in all respects like unto Seth which is the second seed in the place of Abel that was the seed of Seth according to the example of the simplicity of Abel wherein God had a good pleasure 16. But who so turned them away from the right ways and loved themselves and their own honour those were fallen away or broken off from their upright stock and became implanted into a forrain one and brought forth a strange seed and strange fruits which strange seed or fruits God knew not 17. But the right stock remained in his upright state whose seed like unto Abel walked evermore uprightly before God in such wise that God hath had there through continually a light in the stock of Seth and the righteousness a seed upon earth which light of God and seed of righteousness went not out nor decayed or failed not but increased in more cleerness and perfecter righteousness till unto this perfect light and absolute righteousness which is the very like being of God himself 18. BEhold In such sort hath this upright seed in the light and righteousness of his God had his procreation to righteousness and life up●n the earth namely from Seth the second seed in the place of Abel till unto Noah and Sem. 19. From Noah and Sem until Abraham Isaac and Iacob which Iacob whom God named Israel begat the twe●ve Fathers of Israel out of the which God chose him Iudah 20. From Iudah un●il David the King of Israel and Iudah 21. From David the King until Zorobabel in the Captivity of Babylon 22. From Zorobabel until Ioseph which had a Virgin to wife out of the same stock of David named Mary of whom JESVS CHRIST the Consummation of all the works of God and the perfect light of the godly cleerness was born or brought forth Of this we will treat more at large hereafter 23. WHat we now had here more to say of Abel Cain Se●h and Noah and of the stock of the upright seed of the multiplying of the heathen and of the building of Babel is declared in the Glass of Righteousness The VI. Chapter AMong all these generations Nations and people or heathen which were sprung ●ut of the tribes of Noah the upright stock of Noah and Sem hath always walked
heavenly being 13. Lo in such wise ceased the law of Moses and the services of the priesthood after the manner of Aaron with the disciples of Christ and have in such sort changed them and verily not otherwise 14. BUt this grace which appeared through Christ and this everlasting life to the joy and triumph of Christ was spread abroad in all the lands generations of the heathen And all those that believed on Jesu Christ kept the pascha with him ate his body and drank his blood they became one body and blood with Christ which were also all Children of the promises with Christ and coheirs in the secret treasures of the heavenly goods and in the resurrection of the righteous and were even so all the right children of the new testament The XXVII Chapter IN all this same even as we have before said the Scripture giveth us to understand who or which they be that inherit with Christ the heaven and the eternal life and have a portion with him in the resurrection namely they which belong unto him or are incorporated into him 2. For the firstling which riseth of them that sleep is Christ after that they which belong unto Christ which make them manifest in the time of the coming of Christ in his majesty For otherwise it cannot come to pass 3. But they which belong not unto Christ namely which are not incorporated into him nor baptised in his death neither yet buryed with him nor kept the supper in his pass over with him have no portion with Christ in the resurrection nor in the eternal life according to the Scripture For they which are in him and in whom he is glorified those are one body with him and are like as he is for that cause they belong also unto him and are always and for ever where he is in the secretness of the Kingdom of the God of heavens 4 For this is the will of Christ that all his members should inherit the kingdom of the God of heavens the most pure beauty with him and so live with him everlastingly according to the scripture 5. BEhold over those which in times past followed Christ with perfect hearts and have ●ven so a part or portion with Christ in the first resurrection hath the second death which is come and beareth dominion over the world all unbelievers no power for they are entred through the death of Christ into the everlasting life And therefore they shal both now and for evermore as upright Christians and Priests of God reigne with Christ according to the Scripture 6. Consider at the same time when Christ the everlasting life was fruitful upon the earth to a light of men through the belief then was it known that the belief is the free woman and the true testament whereout the free Children heirs of the riches of the secret heavenly wisdoms of God are born 7. FOr that cause O ye dearly beloved ye all which love the truth and hear this day my voice let my sayings enter into the ears of your hearts and become understanding in the mysterie of the heavenly and spiritual works of God according to the spirit as also in his outward works according to the flesh 8. For behold In the time when the living souls of Christ where through the holy Ghost brought forth upon earth so was then the belief with the service of the word of the holy ones of Christ the fruitful wife of whom the living souls of Christ were born but Christ the light of life was the husband the Lord or the head of the same wif● which out of the power of God poured his holy Spirit which is the seed of the increase of Christ to the procreating of his spiritual children into her And even so were all those which were born thereof the upright children of God according to the promises 9. What we had here more to say of the Law and of her service of the office of Christ through his holy ones or of the procreation of the light and life through the service of the Word of the procreation of the children of God and who they are as also who are not the same of the establishing of the true Testament through the blood of Iesus Christ of the true resurrection and of the second death is declared in the Glass of Righteousness The XXVIII Chapter WHilst now the children of men cleaved unto the upright faith of Abraham which was of one Being with the true light of life or grounded themselves therein and even so obediently respected the service of the Belief administred out of the true light which is Christ himself in his requiring exercised them therein only gave ear had regard unto the ministers of the holy word which had kept the Passover with Christ out of flesh into spirit and out of death into life and were even implanted into Christ and codeified with God and also being obedient unto the word in his requiring bid stedfast therein until that they had also kept the pass over with Christ obtained the renewing of their spirit mind in Iesu Christ the which is the upright supper or pascha wherein men rightly eat the body of Christ drink his blood are partakers of his sufferings and baptised in his death unto his burying and even so remember the suffering of Christ and witness or publish his death till unto his coming that is until the true light arise in the heart so were they made safe justified from their sins renewed in the spirit of their mind sanctified in Christ to fellow members of his body and to coheirs in the riches of God his father in the everlasting life 2. So long now as that all this did flourish or bear sway in his upright state with the children of men so was Christ in his Belief and through his Belief also daylie fruitful to many multitudes of his holy ones which assembled them all through the service of the holy word unto Christ and became one body with him like as we have also before said 3. Behold with this same Christ and all his holy ones which are the true members of his body will God now in this day which he himself hath appointed or ordained judge the earth with righteousness according to the Scripture 4. BUt when as now many of the children of men fell away from the Belief of the true light and life or turned them therefrom clave unto or followed their good thinking according to the imagination of their knowledge and the earthly ingenious wisdom of the flesh and that they boasted them to be Christians and many gave forth themselves for preachers of Christ ere ever they were baptised in the death of Christ and anointed by Christ with his holy Spirit and
EVANGELIUM REGNI A joyful MESSAGE OF THE KINGDOM Published by the holy Spirit of the love of Jesus Christ and sent forth unto all Nations of people which love the Truth in Jesus Christ. Set forth by H. N. and by him perused anew and more distinctly declared Translated out of Base-Almayn O how lovely are the feet of the Messengers which publish the peace preach good tidings and evangelize the salvation Isa. 52. b. Nah. 2. a. Rom. 10. c. The Evangely of the Kingdom shall be preached unto the world for a witness unto all people and then shall the end come Matth. 24. b. I saw an angel flie thorow the midst of heaven having an everlasting Evangely to publish unto them which sit and dwell upon the earth namely unto all heathen generations languages and people Apoc. 14. a. Imprinted at London 1652. THE PREFACE COnsider on the Time O all yee People which love the truth of Iesus Christ. 2 Presently in this day of the love and of the appearing of the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ in the Resurrection of the dead wherein the Law the Prophets and all that is written of Christ becometh fulfilled is this Ioyfull Message of the Kingdom out of the hearty mercifulness and love of God the Father Evangelized unto us all and sent especialy by the holy spirit of the love of Iesus Christ unto all lovers of the Truth as also published in all the world for a testimony unto all peopl● a●●ording to the scripture To the stirring up of all ●nderstandings unto the true knowledge of the godlines in Iesus Christ and to an everlasting concordable and stedfast peace upon the earth according to the promises 3 Let every one respect well this profered Grace for even now in the last time the Lord sendeth his Angel or Messenger before him for to prepare his way and to publish an everlasting evangelie unto all generations languages and people according to his promises to the intent that they all should now withdraw them from the iniquity turn them to the family of the love of Iesus Christ God his mercy seat and even so to their preservation in the godlines shew fortst upright ●epentance for their sins the end shall come 4 And albeit that we have set forth these present testimonies O yee lovers of the truth of Iesus Christ to an Evangelie of the Kingdome and publish to a joyful message that the God of heaven hat● shewed mercy on all people for that they should repent them and stand go●d-willing unto his requiring declared his great Day-light of the upright righteousnes through us his elected ones in the world out of heav●n from his right-hand and brought it ov●r the whole earth for to judge the ●ame with righteousnes yet are not therefore these present testimonies alone the Evangelie of the Kingdome which was promised to be published in the world and unto all people but also all the Testimonies which the God of heaven hath brought forth through his holy ones and through his elected Minister H. N. 5 For all those same are also evangelical testimonies of the Kingdom of his declaring All which testimonies are also new in the last time held forth to a true ●lass of righteousnes before the children of men to an everlasting peace upon earth unto men which are good of will according to the promises 6 For that cause O ye lovers of the truth if yee now this day hear his voice and that this grace and loue of God the Father Christ become to your preservation in the godlines proffered unto you so hard●n not then your hearts that ye bide not without the rest of the Lord which is prepared from the beginning for the people of God and for all repentant sinners and is appeared now in the last time according to the Scripture Take it to heart A Joyfull Message of the Kingdom of God and CHRIST The First CHAPTER HN Through the Grace and mercy of God and through the holy Spirit of the love of Iesus Christ rais●d up by the highest God from the death according ●o the providence of God and his promises anointed with the Holy Ghost in the old-age of the holy understanding of Iesus Christ God●d with God in the spirit of his love made heire with Christ in the heav●nly goods of the riches of God ● illuminated in the spirit with the heavenly truth the true light of the perfect being ●lected ●o a Minister of the gracious word which is now in the last time rais●d up by God according to his promises in the most holy service of God under the obedience of his love for to publish in the last time out of the same grace and hearty mercifulnes of God and through the same holy Spirit of the love of Iesus Christ good tydings or a joyfull message of the Kingdom of God unto all people which ●it in darknes and have a desire or longing after the true light and to bring unto the beleevers a great light of the true being of Iesus Christ and the glorious day of his godly clee●nes as also to expre●●● that God hath pitied the generations of mankind and that Iesus Christ hath not left us as orphanes but as our faithfull Father for to beget us anew out of the safe-making water or doctrine of his service and out of his holy spirit of love also to judge us with his righteousness and to bring us into his rest is come againe unto us according to his promises to the end th●t they all which love God and his righteousnes and Christ and his upright being might presently enter into the true rest which God hath prepared from the beginning for his elect and inherit the everlasting life 2 For that cause all lovers of the truth and all souls which hunger and thirst after the righteousnes become assembled obediently unto the service of the love of Iesus Christ shal presently according to the word of the Lord eat of the bread of life and drinke out of the fountain of living water and become satisfied 3 Unto the same God which hath prepared all this for us and bringeth it to us out of the bosom of his love be laud honor praise thanks-giving for ever and ever Amen 4. UNto the lovers of the Truth here and there wheresoever or in what quarter of the world they dwell or have their abode of what Nation and Religion soever they be Christians Jews Mahomites or Turks and heathen with all divided people of what condition or dignity soever they be Pastors of the Religious or Fourders of Religion Understanding ones or expert in the godly wisdom well learned exercised eloquent in the holy Scripture High Magistrates and renowned Potentates noble of linage rich or mighty of estate rulers of commonalties together