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A33251 The Protestant school-master containing, plain and easie directions for spelling and reading English, with all necessary rules for the true reading of the English tongue : together with a brief and true account of the bloody persecutions, massacres, plots, treasons, and most inhumane tortures committed by the papists upon Protestants, for near six hundred years past, to this very time, in all countries where they have usurped authority to exercise their cruelties ...: with a description of the variety of their tortures, curiously engraven upon copper plates ... / by Edw. Clark. Clark, Edw. (Edward) 1680 (1680) Wing C4437; ESTC R39367 111,345 217

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of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guilt-less that tak-eth his Name in vain IV. Re-mem-ber the Sab-bath day to keep it holy six days shalt thou la-bour and do all thy work but the se-venth day is the Sab-bath of the Lord thy God in it thou shalt not do a-ny work thou nor thy son nor thy daugh-ter thy man-ser-vant nor thy maid-ser-vant nor thy cat-tle nor the Stran-ger that is within thy Gates For in six days the Lord made Hea-ven and Earth the Sea and all that in them is and rest-ed the se-venth day wherefore the Lord bles-sed the Sab-bath day and hal-lowed it V. Ho-nour thy Fa-ther and thy Mo-ther that thy days may be long up-on the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee VI. Thou shalt not kill VII Thou shalt not com-mit A-dul-te-ry VIII Thou shalt not steal IX Thou shalt not bear false wit-ness a-gainst thy Neigh-bour X. Thou shalt not co-vet thy Neigh-bours house thou shalt not co-vet thy Neigh-bours wife nor his man-ser-vant nor his maid-ser-vant his Ox nor his Ass nor a-ny-thing that is thy Neigh-bours Vseful Instructions for young Persons Alphabetically in Verse A Verse may find him whom a Sermon flyes And turn delight into a Sacrifice To get and fix these Rules in memory There needs no Art but to mind A B C. A. At Table guard thy Tongue a Civil Guest Will no more talk all than eat all the Feast B. Be well advis'd and wary Council take E're thou dost any Action undertake C. Command thy self in chief He Lifes Wa knows Whom all his Passions follow as he goes D. Dare to be true nothing can need a Lye A fault which needs it must grow two thereby E. Eclips'd the Sun Earthquakes rent Vail dark Sky Nature must needs be sick when God can dye F. First Worship God He that forgets to pray Bids not himself good Morrow nor good Day G. Give to all something but to a good poor man Bestow as liberally as you can H. How dar'st thou sin in secret God doth see And will alone thy Judge and Jury be I. If a Son make his Fathers Heart to bleed He may a Child have to revenge the deed K. Keep thy self humble pride hath ruin'd many The Proud Man's seldom well-belov'd of any L. Live Jesus live and let it ever be Our life to live yea dye for love of thee M. Man's Life 's a flower that fadeth in an hour Who is so vain to doat upon a flower N. Not House nor Land nor measur'd heaps of wealth Can render to a dying man his health O. Oh my Dear God though I am quite forgot Let me not love thee if I love thee not P. Pleasure is fleeting still and makes no stay It lends a smile or two and steals away Q. Quietly learn all Crosses to endure Repining doth more misery procure R. Reach Heaven thou canst not here yet still aspire And climb if not in deed yet in desire S. Swear not an Oath is like a dangerous Dart Which shot rebounds to strike the shooters heart T. To all alike be courteous meek and kind A winning Carriage with indifferent mind U. Use Patience what e're haps though bad it be Take it for good and t' will be so to thee W. Wise Men speak little we scarce know of any Undone by hearing but for speaking many X. Xerxes with tears surveys his Mighty Host Thinking how soon they'd all be dead and lost Y. Youth think old men are Fools but Old men know By dear Experience that Youth are so Z. Zealously practice what is good and then Great will be thy reward in bliss Amen Deuteronomy Chap. 13. IF there a-rise a-mong you a Pro-phet or a Dream-er of Dreams and gi-veth thee a sign or a wonder And the sign or the won-der come to pass where-of he spake to thee say-ing Let us go af-ter o-ther Gods which thou hast not known and let us serve them Thou shalt not heark-en un-to the words of that Prophet or the dream-ex of dreams for the Lord our God proveth you to know whe-ther you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul Ye shall walk af-ter the Lord your God and fear him and keep his Com-man-de-ments and o-bey his voice and you shall serve him and cleave un-to him And that pro-phet or that dream-er of dreams shall be put to death be-cause he hath spo-ken to turn you a-way from the Lord your God which brought you out of the Land of E-gypt and re-deem-ed you out of the House of Bond-age to thrust thee out of the way which the Lord thy God com-mand-ed thee to walk in so shalt thou put the e-vil away from the midst of thee PSALM 97. THE Lord reign-eth let the Earth re-joice let the mul-ti-tude of Is-rael be glad thereof Clouds and Darkness are round a-bout him Righ-te-ous-ness and Iudg-ment are the ha-bi-ta-ti-on of his Throne A Fire go-eth be-fore him end burn-eth up his E-ne-mies round a-bout His Light-nings en-light-en-ed the World the Earth saw and tremb-led The Hills mel-ted like wax at the pre-sence of the Lord at the pre-sence of the Lorn of the whole Earth The Hea-vens de-clare his Righ-te-ous-ness and all the Peo-ple see his Glo-ry Con-found-ed be all they that serve gra-ven I-ma-ges that boast them-selves of I-dols wor-ship him all ye Gods Si-on heard and was glad and the daugh-ters of Ju-dah re-joy-ced be-cause of thy Iudg-ments O Lord. For thou Lord art high a-bove all the Earth thou art ex-alt-ed far a-bove all Gods Ye that love the Lord hate e-vil he pre-ser-veth the souls of his saints he de-li-ve-reth them out of the hand of the wick-ed Light is sown for the Righ-te-ous and glad-ness for the up-right in Heart Re-joice in the Lord ye Righ-te-ous give thanks to the re-mem-brance of his Ho-li-ness PSALM 124. BVt that God for us fought may Israel say But that God for us fought in that sad day When men inflam'd with wrath against us rose We had alive been swallow'd by our Foes Then had we sunk beneath the roaring waves And in their horrid Entrails found our Graves Then had their Violence like Torrents pour'd From melting Hills our wretched lives devour'd O blest be God who hath not given our blood To quench their thirst nor made our flesh their food Our Souls like Birds have scapt the Fowlers Net The snares are broke which for our Lives were set Our only confidence is in his Name Who made the Earth and Heavens Immortal frame Psalm 115. NOT to us O Lord not to us but to thy Name give the glo-ry for thy Mercy and for thy Truths sake Where-fore should the Hea-then say Where is now their God But our God is in the Hea-vens he hath done what-so-e-ver he pleas-ed Their I-dols are sil-ver and gold the work of Mens hands They have mouths but they speak not Eyes have they but they see not They have Ears but they hear
and Disport but being resolved in the midst and heat of the Battel to live and dye amongst you all to lay down for my God and for my Kingdom and for my People my Honour and my Blood even in the dust I know I have the Body but of a weak and feeble Woman yet I have the Heart and Courage of a King and of a King of England too and think foul scorn that Parma or Spain or any Prince of Europe should dare to invade the Borders of my Kingdom to which rather than any dishonour shall grow by me I my self will take up Arms I my self will be your General Judg and Rewarder of every one of your Virtues in the Field I know that already for your forwardness you have deserved rewards and Crowns and we do assure you in the Word of a Prince they shall be duly paid you In the mean time my Lievtenant General Leicester shall be in my stead than whom never Prince commanded a more Noble or worthy Subject not doubting but by your obedience to your General by your concord in the Camp and Valour in the Field we shall shortly obtain a Famous Victory over these Enemies of my God of my Kingdom and of my People A Prayer for the Morning BLessed and Glorious Lord God thy Mercies are Infinite and thy long suff ring and patience is exc eding great else had not I poor wretched miserable sinner been spared so long considering my manifold provocations a-against thee Blessed be thy Name that thou hast been graciously pleased to preserve me the night past and that thou hast once more vouchsafed me the Light of the morning O Lord preserve me this day and keep me in all my ways give unto me the repose of a quiet Conscience and the clear Light of the Gospel Turn mine eyes away from Vanity and strengthen me in thy ways Protect and defend our Soveraign Lord the King Bind up his soul in the bundle of Life and let no weapon form'd against him prosper Preserve thy Church and the True Protestant Religion and discover more and more the snares of death and Popish Treachery and let us never fall into the hands of those men whose mercyes are cruel Bless my Relations kindred and friends and all others whom I am bound to pray for All which I humbly beg in the Name and through the Mediation of Jesus Christ thy Son our Saviour Amen A Prayer for the Evening MOst Gracious God and merciful Father I wretched sinner do beseech thee to look upon me with the eyes of thy mercy and let thy Holy Spirit work in me such a serious Repentance as that I may with Tears lament my sins past with grief of heart be humbled for my sins present and with all my endeavours resist them for the time to come And now O Lord I bless thee for my health food and raiment and that thou hast defended me this day now past from all dangers and Perils and as thou hast ordained the day for man to Travel in and the night for him to take his rest so I beseech thee sanctify unto me this Nights rest that being refreshed with moderate sleep I may be the better enabled to serve thee and 〈…〉 in the profession of thy True Religion and 〈…〉 Gracious Soveraign preserve him as the Apple 〈…〉 hide him under the sha low of thy wings 〈◊〉 his 〈◊〉 with shame and let them never prevail against him Protect thy Church and these Kingdom from Popery Superstition and Idolatry and unite our hearts in the profession of the True Religon which thine own right hand hath planted amongst us Bless the whole People of this Land and be merciful to all our Kinsfolks Families and Neighbours These and all other blessings we beg of thee for the sake of Jesus Christ in whose blessed Name and words we further pray Our Father c. Grace before meat LOrd lift up our hearts to look unto thee for a blessing upon our meats that we may comfortably use thy Creatures as pledges of thy Favour through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen After meat AS thou hast filled our Bodies O Lord with thy good Creatures far above our desert so be pleased to endue our Souls with all Spiritual Blessings in Heavenly things through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Before meat MOst gracious God and Loving Father we humbly beseech thee to forgive us all our Sins and Bless thy good Creatures provided for us and give us Grace to receive them as from thine hand and to use them soberly as in thy sight to thy Glory and our Comfort through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen After meat ETernal Thanks and Praise be ascribed unto thee O Blessed Lord who hast opened thy hand at this time and made us partakers of thy Benefits Lord let us never cease to Offer unto thee the Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen FINIS
man miscarry if he will part with his Silver to save his Soul so that it is fitted for a most wicked and licentious life since men may sin at the highest rate and not endanger their souls for if they have money the Popes Pardon clears them from the greatest Villanies so that though they are never so guilty they can with their last breath solemnly call God to witness that they are as Innocent as the Child unborn Qu. Since the Popish Religion is such a compound of Humane Policy and framed to make men depend upon the Pope and be subject to his power though against their Sovereigns Interest we may wonder that so many Princes do with one consent joyn their power to support his Throne Ans This indeed seems to be a very strange infatuation and we can give no other reason for it but that it is the secret Judgment of God to give them thus up according to what was foretold in Rev. 17.17 For God hath put it into their heart to agree and give their power to the Beast until the words of God be fulfilled for else there is nothing more destructive to their Power and Interest than such a Spiritual Sovereign as the Pope pretends to be Qu. How doth it appear that the Popish Religion is so destructive to the power of Princes and the Interest of their Kingdomes Ans It is undeniably clear from their own Doctrines and Principles 1. They assert that the Pope may dethrone Kings and give their Kingdomes to others that he can absolve and free their Subjects from all Duty and Allegiance to them yea he can bind and loose their Consciences at his own pleasure 2. It is such a Religion as expresly frees and exempts all Ecclesiastical persons from the Laws of their Natural Prince so that they cannot be judged for the most horrid and notorious Crimes that can be committed by them 3. It makes the Princes and Rulers of the world to execute with a blind obedience whatsoever the Pope commands them not leaving them the liberty to judge whether it be right or wrong 4. It strikes at the very Foundation of all Religion and Piety which is the greatest security to Government and the strongest obligation to all Civil and Moral Duties for if a man commit the most horrid acts of wickedness such as Murther Adultery Incest Rape Sodomy c. yet an ordinary Priest by the Almighty power of the Pope can dispense with them all the price of them being rated and appointed which being paid the Priest can give full pardon and absolution for the same 5. It is a Religion that expresly teaches that a man is not bound to repent presently of the most heinous sin it being sufficient if it be done before the last moment of his life 6. It destroys truth righteousness and honesty among men since it allows and warrants Equivocation and Perjury both in Oaths and words and that a man may swear in such doubtful terms as may be directly contrary to the intent of him that gives the Oath whereby an Oath cannot be an end of Controversie Lastly it is a Religion which in its Principles is destructive to Humane Society for it triumphs delights and glories in those monstrous Prodigies of mischief Blood and Cruelty which we would think Humane Nature would tremble at and which seem rather to have been acted by Devils transformed into the shape of men than by any who have the least pretence to the name of Christians witness the Massacres of France and Ireland and the bloody Persecutions in the Netherlands Germany Spain Piedmont and most Countries in Europe Therefore from such a Religion and all the cursed effects thereof let us beseech Almighty God to deliver us and our Posterity for ever Amen PSALM 64. THou great Protector hear our cry Save from our dreadful Enemy O vindicate From their close hate Who for our Souls in ambush lye From their blind rage protect Who Truth and thee reject Who whet their tongues more sharp than Swords Their Arrows draw even bitter words To wound th' upright With fierce delight When time to their desire accords They on a sudden shoot Nor fear Divine pursuit Confirm'd in skilful malice they Conspire and Nets in secret lay And say what eye Can this discry First counsel take and then betray On mischief set their hearts Pursu'd by wicked Arts. But God shall let his Arrows fly Wound in the twinkling of an eye Each shall be stung By his own Tongue And with that fatal poyson die The Image Of Antichrist The Image of ANTICHRIST Or The Vsurpations of the Pope and Church of Rome over Kings Emperours c. ABOUT Five Hundred Years after the death of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ one Phocas who had Murdered his Master Mauritius Emperour of Constantinople and his Children first Advanced the Bishops of Rome to be Universal Bishops and Heads of the Church at which time they were endowed with these large Possessions and Donations which they call St. Peters Patrimony and which they falsly assert to be the Gift of Constantine the Great After this the Church of Rome growing Great Mighty Rich and Proud at once lost its Humility and Purity of Religion and assumed Politick and Tyrannical Principles which caused her Defiled hands to lay afide the Sword of the Spirit and to make use of the Temporal Sword which she used to the Deposing and Murthering of divers Kings Princes and Emperours I. For after they had once tasted the Sweetness of Wealth Ease and Prosperity the Popes began to swell in Pride and Pomp and the more they Flourished in this World the more the holy Spirit of God forsook them so that in a short time those Bishops who were Poor Mean indigent persecuted and wanting all things began to Triumph over Princes to tread upon the Necks of Emperours and to bring the heads of Kings under their Usurped Authority They were carryed upon Mens Shoulders in all manner of Magnificence as if the earth were not good enough to bear them they were honoured as Gods on earth and Sovereign Princes Dukes and Lords c. went Bare-headed before them And not only so but through their Pride and Ambition they grew so great Apostates from Christians that of being Persecuted they became Persecutors of others and at last were so Great enemies to God and Religion that the Pope may now be justly Reckoned and Accounted the Antichrist or Man of Sin so long before spoken of by St. Paul in Thessalonians 2.2 II. This pride and insolency of the Pope and his Clergy appeared in several Instances which might be given of it but out of the Multitude we shall only Collect some few to shew what Slavery and Bondage both Princes and people were formerly subject to under this Antichristian Yoke About the Year 1158. Frederick Emperour of Germany Marching into Italy the Pope hearing of it went with his Clergy to meet him As soon as the Emperour saw
and Princes have been forced to kneel and kiss their Toes nay they asserted that all Kings were Slaves and in subjection to them and that all must be judged by the Pope but he by no man Psalm 88. LOrd sit not still as deaf unto our Cries For lo Our Enemies in Tumults rise Even those who thy Omnipotence deny And hate thy Name advance their Priests on High Dark Councils take and secretly contrive Our slaughter whom thy mercy keeps alive Come say they let us with incessant strokes Hew down this Nation like a Grove of Oaks Till they no longer be and Israel dye Both in his Race and Ruin'd Memory They all in one Confederacy have made A solemn League supply d with forreign Aid Hence Idumeans who in Gomades stray And Shaggy Ishmaelites that live by prey Th' incestuous race that bred are on the Lake Of salt Asphaltes savage Thieves who take Their Name from servile Hagar they who dwell In Geba Ammonites who peace expel Oh! say they let 's these Israelites destroy And all the Cities of their God enjoy O! let them like a Wheel be worried round Like chaff which whirlwinds ravisht from the Ground As Woods grown dry with Age imbrac'd with Fire Whose Flames above the singed Hills aspire So in the Tempest of thy wrath pursue And with thy Storms thy troubling Foes subdue O fill their Hearts with Grief their Looks with shame Till they invoke thy late blaphemed Name Confound them with eternal Infamy That they through anguish of their Souls may dye That Men Jehovah's wonders may rehearse The Great Commander of the Universe Mens Brains fryed eaten Children torn in Peices Infants thrown to the dogs swine Woemen Carried on Piks Rosted alive Some tyed and slain Hang'd by the Privitie Burnt in a barn A Brief and True Account of the Cruelties and Persecutions Committed by the Papists upon the Waldenses and Albingenses and other Protestants in Piedmont Savoy and the Valtoline from the Year 1160 To the Year 1656. VVHen by the just Judgment of the Almighty All the World wondred after the Beast and the Kings and Princes of Christendom established the Authority of the Pope and Church of Rome appointing to slaughter and destruction such as denied the horrid Blasphemies and Errors maintained by them It occasioned many good Christians to detest their Superstitions as unknown to the Apostles and the Primitive Church And the first we read of was one Berengarius who boldly and faithfully published the True Religion contained in the Scripture and discovered the falseness of the Romish He lived about the time of William the Conqueror his coming into England about which time his Followers being taken notice of as dissenting from many of the Common received Opinions of those times they were branded with the odious Name of Hereticks About Twenty years after this one Peter Bruis was a famous Preacher among them who taught them publickly a long time at Tholouse in Savoy In a short time after they were grown to so great a multitude that the Popes of Rome were resolved if possible by any means to extirpate and destroy them To which end they at first incited several of the most learned of their Party to write against them and warned divers Princes to have a care of them and to banish them out of their Territories The first then that flung away the Spiritual Keys and began valiantly to brandish the bloody Sword of Persecution against them was Pope Alexander the third who began therewith to hack hew and murder the poor Waldenses so named from Peter Waldo or Waldo of Lyons in France who appeared very couragious in opposing the many Corruptions of the Romish Church as Holy Oyl Consecrated Images Popes Indulgences Candles Merits Auricular Confession the Supremacy of the Pope false Miracles Purgatory Praying for the Dead Prayers to Saints extream Unction and many other Fopperies of the Popish Communion This Persecution of Waldo and his Followers who were encreased to a very great number began in France in the Year 1060. Waldo being compell'd to fly into the Mountains of France among the Savage Inhabitants to whom he taught his Doctrine others fled into Picardy from whence they were called Picards several into Flanders and Alsatia and thereby for the safety of their Lives they spread their Doctrine into all places King Philip of France being incited by the Ecclesiasticks raised Arms against them and destroyed Three Hundred Gentlemens Houses and likewise several Walled Towns And those that fled into Flanders escaped little better for they were persued and many of them for their Religion put to Death And the Bishops of Mayence and Strasburgh raised great persecutions against those which fled thither there being Five and Thirty Citizens of Mayence burned in one Fire and Eighteen in another who suffered Death with very great constancy and at Strasburgh at the instance of the Bishop Fourscore were likewise burnt for professing the same Truth and yet by the exhortations constancy and patience of these Martyrs there were such multitudes who entertained their Doctrines that in a few Years after in the County of Passau and in Bohemia there were above Fourscore thousand persons that made profession of the same Faith Some of them likewise fled into England for shelter but were more barbarously and cruelly put to death at Oxford by the Papists there than ever any Christians were before that time for matters of Religion and Three years after Pope Alexander the Third made a Decree in the Council of Tours in France that these Gospellers and all their Favourers should be Excommunicated and that none of them should buy or sell according as it was foretold in Revel 13.17 At Colen in Germany Four Men and Two young Women were discovered hid in a Barn and the Papists not being able to diswade them from the Truth The Men were all tyed to the Stake to be burnt but the Romanists pretending to pity the young Women perswaded them to recant but they perceiving their design got out of the hands of those that held them and voluntarily leapt into the Fire where they were burned with them about this time a Proclamation was published in Aragon whereby it was made Treason to relieve these poor Christians or to suffer them to live in that Country and liberty was given to all people to abuse them at pleasure without being punished for the same But these people still encreasing the Pope was resolved to suppress them by all means possible and therefore about the Year 1201. He set up the Bloody Inquisition which with its Racks Tortures Fire and all manner of Cruelty hath destroyed an innumerable company of Good and Holy Men. And in the same Year a noble Knight called Eunandus and one of the Waldenses was burnt at Paris and the persecution still continuing the people of Daulphine flying from their barbarous Enemies sheltred themselves in the Caves upon the Mountains but their cruel Adversaries having notice thereof persued
come upon summons they enquire his Name For say they we know not whether you be the man but since you are come if you have any thing to inform the Court of either concerning your self or any other you may let us hear it for the discharge of your Conscience Now in this Case it is the safest way constantly to deny that he hath any thing to declare to them For if through simplicity a man doth accuse himself or any other they rejoyce as having attained their desires and so presently commit him to Prison If any chance to make his escape they have many devices to fetch him and find him again one of them is by making his picture to the Life and sending it about by their Apparators and Promoters who are commonly the greatest Villains in the Countrey and will swear any thing against the Prisoner After the Prisoner has been six or eight Months in Gaol he is brought before the Inquisitors who tell him that they have deeply considered his case and have found that he doth not declare the whole Truth and therefore they are resolved he shall be rackt that they may draw from him by force what by fair means he will not acknowledge and then they advise him rather to confess voluntarily and thereby avoid that pain and daanger that attends him but whether he confess or not it is the same thing for to the rack he must go to be compelled to confess more Then is the poor Prisoner led into a deep and dark Dungeon under Ground where the Rack standeth passing through many doors before he come to it because the terrible cryes and schreiks of the tormented should not be heard Then the Lords Inquisitors set themselves upon a Scaffold hard by the Rack and the Torches being lighted the Hangman or Tormenter comes in all cloathed from Head to Foot in black Canvas and a long black hood likewise which covereth his Face having only two holes in it to look out at which sight doth many times very much affright the poor Soul to see one in the likeness of a Devil come to Torment him The Inquisitors being seated near him again perswad him to confess freely and Voluntarily and then with very sharp words command him to be stript stark naked yea though it be the modestest Virgin or chastest Matrone in the Countrey whose grief is not so much the pain as to be seen naked by so many persons and yet these wicked Villains without any regard of honesty will not by the utmost prayers or Intreaties of the most virtuous Women or Maidens be perswaded to forbear one jot of this barbarous Impudence As if a Shirt or Shift could hinder the Rack from cruelly tormenting them The party being stript naked the Lords Inquisitors signify their pleasure how they will have him Tormented and the first kind of Torment is usually the Gibbet or Pully First one comes hehind him and binds his hands together with a Cord Eight or Ten times about and then his Thumbs in the same manner the Inquisitors bidding him every time to bind them harder then other and then both hands and Thumbs are fastned to a Pully which hangs to the Gibbet they then fasten great and heavy bolts to his heels and hung upon those bolts divers Iron weights and so hoise the poor wretch up from the ground Having continued thus for some time they let him down and hang twice as much more to his heels and then hosing him up they let him slip half way down of a sudden which rends and tears Arms Shoulders Back Leggs and all his whole body out of joynt by reason of the sudden lirk and the weights hanging at his heels If the party shreik or cry out they roar out as fast and call him Heretick Rogue and Dog and if in his cruel pangs he call upon Jesus Christ for his aid and assistance they mock and deride him saying Why callest thou on Jesus Christ Let Jesus Christ alone and tell us the Truth c. After they have tormented him about three hours the Inquisitors ask the Hangman whether the rest of his Instruments of Torment are ready who to affright the Prisoner answers They are but he hath not brought them with him they then bid him bring them to morrow and so turning to the poor wretch which lyes in miserable pain the Inquisitors cry How now Sirrah how do you like this well consider of it against to morrow or else you dye for what you have felt is but a flea-biting to what remains behind Then the Gaoler plays the Bonesetter as well as he can three days after brings him to the Rack again when his joynts are most sore and sometimes they have another Torment with the Trough where the Person is laid with his feet higher then his head bound hand and foot in the Trough and then laying a thick Cloth over his Mouth and Nostrils they power water thereupon with a long stream which falling from on High drives the Cloth down his Throat with miserable Torture and pain and being drawn out again from the bottom of his Throat it draws forth blood with it and seems as if it tore out his bowels They have another Torment with Fire which is no whit inferiour to the former and that is by holding the Prisoners Feet over a pan of burning Charcoal and that the Fire may have the more force they bast their Feet with Lard and Bacon If after all these and divers other cruel Tortures they continue constant they are then condemned to death Then he is cloathed in a Sambernetto or long Garment painted over with ugly Devils he hath on his head a high Crown'd Hat whereon a man is painted burning in the Fire with many Devils about him plying him with Fire and Faggot upon his Tongue a piece of cleft wood is put to hinder his speaking a Cord about his Neck and his hands fast tyed behind him All things being finished they are delivered by the Inquisitors into the hands of the Magistrate who presently conveys him to Execution where several Fryars swarm about him earnestly perswading him to deny the Truth and when they cannot prevail upon him he is tyed to the stake and in an Instant the Hangman breaks his neck without being perceived and then they report among the Common People that he recanted at his last hour and returned to the Church of Rome and therefore he felt no pain in the Fire but took his death so patiently without any motion or crying out And though by the Terrors of the Inquisition the Professors of the Gospel in Spain have been but few they having been so wickedly industrious as to crush all appearances of Truth in the bud yet in the year 1545 several Protestants at St. Lucar Valedolid Sevil and other places in Spain suffered death no less then thirty being Martyred at one time and five years after divers more likewise were put to death as one Francis Romanes a Merchant De