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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A28152 A word of reproof and advice to my late fellow-souldiers and officers of the English, Irish, and Scotish army with some inrhoad made upon the hireling and his mass-house, university, orders, degrees, vestments, poperies, heathenism, &c. : with a short catalogue of some of the fighting priests and ... have given them a blow in one of their eyes (pickt out of the whores head) which they call a fountain of religion but is a sink of iniquity ... / by E.B. Billing, Edward, 1623-1686. 1659 (1659) Wing B2903; ESTC R23695 86,580 98

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those which were not the Priests of England may yet go to Carthage or the Pope the Priests Original to know the truth but I believe that neither councel of Carthage Pope of Rome or assembly of Priests in England with the help of their two Universities which are their two eyes picked out of the Whores head can interpret Scripture aright but for the most part are and have been doers of wrong and that knowes not the Scriptures nor that which gave them forth Therefore Countrey-men consider these men wise men believe them not for as sure as the Lord lives they are a lye Princes be not deceived by them least ye perish in the gainsaying with them Men of War once again draw out your spiritual weapons and defend your selves and rid your hands of that Popish Jewish and Anti-christian power which in this the Lords day could not stand but by your consents Some of ye had bread in your own houses and have ye spent all your former estates and quite lost your possession and will ye spend-thrifts go to buy of a Bankrupt Priest the fag-ends of Popery such as preach in Mass-houses and compass the whole earth for their gain from their quarters Oh! believe them not their best deeds are Forgery their assureances are naught their words are cancelled the Law giver hath viewed their filthy statutes the mighty-Councellor hath broke their bonds asunder their best seals is but a waffer and what they sell is stollen from their Neighbour and their gatherings are crumbling and molders like the very dust which is their meat an● there they are and for that they murther Friends I know you see the thief Oh! Consent not with him if ye do ye perish I say there was that among ye and in ye once that was for God utterly against the Popish brawling Hireling verily that which is for him in this the day of the Lambs persecution is absolutely against the true and living God who covered your heads in the day of battel When I am sure it was not unknown to many of ye that the Tithe-mongers were as one man your implacable enemies My dear Friends whom the Lord witnesseth I love and my soul truly travelleth for Consider what ye were ten years since and what yeare now feel in your selves and speak with the witness of God in your Consciences for that 's it which I speak to and let us be upon a search in the cool of the day laying aside rage fury and preferment and see who they are and what they are that ye are growing to and who grows to ye and who grows from ye The people of God ye have shamefully persecuted and thrust out of your Army recruiting yourselves in my knowledge in their rooms with very vitious and wicked men and doth the Hireling tell ye that this is a good way to prevent Heresies factions and rents in your Army Repent of these dealings least the Lord forthwith rent ye all to pieces and there be not one of ye left that hath a hand in these wickednesses to pi●h against the Wall Therefore my Friends in time consider what ye are growing to and what ye are growing from thus much I may justly tell ye that vice is not punished or in the least looked after as it hath been heretofore Nor indeed is it like when as ye put honest men from among ye for no other cause but for bearing their Testimonies against vice for the breach of any manner of Law whatsover either military or civil was not so much as laid to mine and many others charges who were most shamefully entreated and thrust out from among ye And I may farther tell ye if ye proceed in these cruelties ye will in a very short time be as unfit to fight the Lords battels as those were who fell by your sword for from the Lord God I declare it unto ye all That for the present the sword of the living God is against ye both and although the Hireling may I say seemingly for●ifie ye and tell ye that persecution is a good way to preserve from rents Yet in dear love to ye all I declare that if ye do not speedily repent whilst the power is in your hands and once again become little in your own eyes and repair the cruel breaches that ye have made and suffered to be made upon the innocent Verily ye shall be rent and with the Hireling fall and perish like your own dung How can this Army look the Nation in the face and put men out from among them for their inoffensive conscience the very thing which drew all men to ye and have ye like Machevillians served your own turns and have ye nothing else to do but to revenge your selves upon your selves and make a prey upon your brethren but such doings the Lord hates and it cannot possibly long stand for oppression is one of the wo●st foundations that ever was laid and if ye had been faithful the wicked Priest had never been suffered to have murthered any for his belly or have destroyed any man for not paying Jewish or Popish Tithes and the blood of one innocent man is able to subvert a Government and overthrow a Nation but that evil should fall upon one of ye is far from my heart although your cruel and unjust dealings to meward and many of us hath given cause enough for us to have cursed ye in the bitternesse of our spirits Yet the Lord who knows the secrets of all mens hearts bears me witnesse I do not onely freely forgive ye but have a dear and unexpressibly love to every soul among ye and as for O. P. the Lord witneseth for me with what integrity and simplicity of soul I loved him above any man upon the face of the whole earth whilest he served the Lord and stood in his councel and to this minute I have done him no ill Now therefore be wise O ye Kings and be instructed ye Judges of the earth seek ye the Lord with fear and rejoyce with trembling kiss the Son least he be angry ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in him let not the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thought although the Kings of the earth may set themselves and the Rulers take councel together against the Lord and against his annointed saying let us break their bonds assunder and cast away their cords from us but he that siteth in Heaven shall laugh and the Lord shall have them in derision then shall he speak unto them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure And friends the truth is now declared as it was of old by the stammering tongue and it is the illiterate that have the gift of tongues and though his visage be marred and his shape uncomely to the vultrous eye yet the deaf hear him the dumb sing and the lame leap for joy and that
Souls for his dishonest gain Oh! who is able to reckon up their deceipts or the number of the innocent that hath and are at this day deceived by them but the Soul which sins shall dye the death for the potter hath power over the clay and though he hide himself in the remotest part of the Garden he will find him out and a vessel of dishonour he shall be and yet after they have sinned he desireth not the death of a sinner although he be dead in sins and trespasses but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live For as I live saith the Lord I will not the death of a sinner Mark of a sinner but the persecutor and he whose tongue is at liberty who defileth his body which is the Temple of the Lord him will God destroy although he be the fattest Bull in Basan or the mightiest Cedar in all Lebanon he is but clay in the hands of the Potter and a vessel of dishonour he will make him But he that liveth in his fear and standeth in his councel and is obedient to the Fathers Commands which are all possible and in no wise grievous him he makes a vessel of honour and he is to him as the apple of his eye Be Holy be Perfect be Just in all your doings all men and let all Mark all that are athirst come and buy milk freely and take of the water of Life without money and without price Oh! Come all and it is in vain to invite them that are predestinated from all Eternity to be damned What I say unto one I say unto all watch and those that are decreed to Hell need not watch but the Lord willeth that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth and he is not like Pharaoh who willed the people to make brick without straw Oh! the Creator doth not so for a measure of himself he hath given to every man to profit withal Mark to all so that if he require the full tale of brick he doth Justly and his doings are Just and he is equal in all his wayes and let not him that is formed though a subject or a King say to him that hath formed Why hast thou made me so But come unto him or look unto him all the ends of the earth and be saved and the Gospel hath been preached to every creature under Heaven and it is he that knowes the Fathers Will and doth it not which shall be beaten but it is impossible that he can do it who never knew it but knowledge is a delitious fruit and pleasant to the eye upon which the reprobate feeds and whom I will I ha●den but first he willeth that all men should be saved or else he might have said except Judas except Pharaoh except Esau except Pilate the Priests friend but Gods enemy Christ knew from the beginning who should betray him Mark he knew it but he did not wil him to do it for if he had it could not have been called treachery in Judas Nay he willeth not the death of a sinner but he willeth that all the ends of the earth should look unto him and be saved that is his Will and purpose for which purpose he hath and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the World that all men through him might believe and be saved Mark and note that he willeth all men I say he did not except Judas Pilate and Pharaoh if they were alive and had not sold themselves to do wickedly for which cause they were given up to a reprobate minde but there is and was some that will not come unto him that they may have life Wherefore such are ordained to condemnation of old but they that come unto him he will in no wise cast off and whom he loves he loves to the end and he that loves him keeps his Commands and he that keeps them not is of the Devil and he that is of the Devil hath no part in him for God and Belial are not one in any one thing neither do they live together and where Jerusalem is Babylon cannot stand and where the Light with which every man is enlightened bears Rule there is no darkness at all and when it is disobeyed if heeded the darkness may be felt Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated before either of those two children had done good or evil Yea the thing Jacob he loved and the thing Esau he hated before either of those two children were begotten or born after the flesh and those two seeds he onely loves and hates at this day and see that there be not a Cain nor an Esau be among ye but let the worm Jacob be cherished for it loves the Light and is the heritage of God but let murtherous Cain although he hath been Prince of the whole City and all hath been called by his sons name and Lord Esau of the mount come under for though there was a time when the seed bowed Jacob's got past and let the elder serve the younger for he sold his Birth-right for his belly Mark he had it A Birth-right or a Right-birth but he sold it and afterwards sought it with tears It was not the earth he wept for although he sold his Birth-right or Right-birth which was immortal for that which was earthly divelish and sensual The great God who created Heaven and Earth willeth that all man-kind should come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved and willeth not the death of one soul of his whole handy-work and the work of his own hands he cannot destroy and that is the infallible and true light the Son of the Father who enlighteneth every individual man and woman that commeth into the World that all through him may believe and be saved it is the particular sins of every particular man and woman that is the cause of death reprobation and c●nd●●n●tion and that soul which sins shall die but for the word Original fin I do not find it in the whole Scriptures but is a contrivance of the false Prophets like unto their baby-baptism but he that believes in the Light of Christ which he is enlightened with and brings all his deeds to the light and dwells and abides in the light and hath the hope in him He purifieth himself as he is pure and the wicked one cannot touch him Again and again I say if a certain and set number from all eternity be predestinated to be saved and damned What doth the hireling preach for or for what hath he his hire I am sure the decrees of the living God are yea and Amen and unalterable And there is another vaine sort of people who are as ignorant as they who say that the Scriptures is the word of God and Mathew Mark Luke and John the Gospel and that the Latin Greek and Hebrew is the Original as for the word which the Scriptures of truth truly declares of he was in the
upon him that for many dayes and nights he could not forbear quaking and trembling the Divels trembled I ●n ● in most dreadful horror that many people wondred at him who though he had food looked as if he had been almost famished and could not die until his flesh rotted away in many places and he most gastly to behold he often uttered horrible words from the pit of darknesse at last dying in a sad and miserable manner terrible to the beholders James Munden Priest of Burton having some Queries delivered to him by Francis Taylor he said he would go and fetch a warrant to have him before a Justice that day but the Justice not granting it he sent the Queries back to Francis Taylor and when his wife came unto him she in a rage tore the paper of Queries and said to him that as she did tear that paper so the Devils should tear his soul in hell hereafter a bad answer to the Queries and other times she abused friends in their meetings and her children threw stones at them Not long after this Priest was suddenly strook dead and never spake word more though he had been preaching two several times that day or rather deceiving the people words and the wages of unrighteousness being cursed to him he died in debt and left his wife and children in poverty and misery Also a young man of the same Parish and a follower of the same Priest being very bitter to friends and sought occasion against his own brother Upon him also the Judgements of the Lord came and after he had been speechlesse for a time hee roared and howled in a loud and hideous manner being in a distracted condition and had many to hold him he shortly after died and many were amazed at him Edward Ireland a tithing-man dwelling in South Periot who scoffed at friends and persecuted them with much cruelty and took some out of there houses and carried them before some called Justices and in the eleventh month 58. he went to Blanford Sessions with Jeremiah French the Priest of South Periot who went there to lay in false information against John Gundry who was cast into prison by Jeremiah French the said Ireland also having a hand in it and at that Sessions I●hn Gundry was brought forth and so fined fourty shillings to the Protector and fourty shillings to the Priest but Ieremiah French and Edward Ireland rode away from Blanford towards South Periot before those called Justices had really fined Iohn Gundry or remanded him to prison again and yet as they rode homeward through Evershot Edward Ireland boasted that Iohn Gundry would be sent to prison again who came home to his house but within two days the Lord strook him dead suddenly in his house which struck a dread in many which had a hand in persecuting the Lords people but especially one Richard Farnham who had also been a great persecuter of the Lords people in that place who came in to see Edward Ireland at the cry of the people and when he came into the house he fell down as dead and many of the people there ran about him and did shake him up and did strive much about him so he recovered life again but the dread of the Lord lay upon him that he was sick for a time after and then for a short season the Lords people had rest from their persecutors D●VO● When I was prisoner at EXETER a Murtherer being condemned to die was brought into the Chamber to us and his hands unbolted and a naked knife in his hand and so left with us but the Lord preserved us from any hurt by him and he was afterwards hanged for killing a man with a knife The Mayor of Tiverton in Devon-shire by whose order many friends had their goods spoiled and taken from them and many were put into prison was about the fourth or fifth month in the year 1658 cut off by the hand of God in a miserable manner his bowels consuming within him and as one Fowler of the same Congregation and fellowship with him and of the same Town told a friend it lay upon him to go to see the Priest and to acquaint him that it was the hand of God upon him for his cruel usage of those people called Quakers One of the Constables of EXETER a notorious Professor hanged himself in his own house The Bridewel-keeper who had done very much wrong to friends who were under his custody and to others that came to visit them in prison making several lies against them soon after hanged himself by his bed side It is reported that many of the Professors in Exon have hanged and drowned themselves since first that place begun to persecute the people of God As Thomas Salthouse and Miles Halhead were travelling towards Plymouth in obedience to the Lord were apprehended at Honington and sent to EXETER by a guard of Musqueteers from thence to TA●NTON with a sealed letter a guard to Colonel Buffet who as he was enioyned by the said letter wrote another to send them from Tything to Tything until they came to their own Countries but the officer that had the passe and was to be their convoy to the next Tything had not gone above a mile until he fell down in the mire and could not stand upon his feet although they lefted him up thus the Lord made way for their enlargements and manifested his Righteous Judgements upon the Persecutors of the innocent so the Justice seeing the hand of the Lord against their formed weapons and instruments employed against the servants of the Lord released them The first that rose up against the people of God in this County was one Thomas Pentlow called Justice that in two years space committed 9 of the servants of the Lord to Prison and not one of them was proved transgressors either of the Law of God nor the Nation and some of them kept above a whole year in Prison and immediately after the beginning of his persecution the Lord smote him with an incurable disease in his body that he never went forth as formerly he did many times but lay roaring night and day near two years and when he lay thus in torment he committed every one of the people of the Lord to Prison that was brought before him though not any Law was transgressed and never repented to the day of his death Next one John Brown called Justice committed one Henry Williamson to Prison for going into Kettering Steeple-house though he never spoke one word but stood peaceably all the time and as soon as the Priest had done the people dragged him forth by the hair of the head struck him on the head face with their Bibles and he never speaking one word and John Brewa was an eye witness to this barbarous usage of him and never reproved the rude people for it but committed him to an Ale-house with a charge that none of his friends should come near him and