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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27981 The Psalms of David translated from the Vulgat. Caryll, John, 1625-1711. 1700 (1700) Wing B2628; ESTC R27753 117,168 369

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born of Egypt both men and beasts 9 And he made his signs and prodigys appear in the midle of thee O Egypt Against Pharaoh and all his servants 10 He defeated severall Nations And kill'd powerfull Kings 11 Schon King of the Amorheans And Og the King of Basan And all the Kingdomes of Canaan 12 And he gave their land to be the inheritance of his people of Israel 13 O Lord thy name will last eternally Thy memory O Lord will continue from generation to generation 14 For our Lord will judge his people And he will hearken to the prayers of his servants 15 The Idols of the Nations are made of gold and silver The works of mens hands 16 They have a mouth and can not speak They have eyes and can not see 17 They have ears and can not hear Nor is ther breath in their mouths 18 Let all that make them be like to them And all that confide in them 19 House of Israel bless our Lord house of Aron bless our Lord. 20 House of Levi bless our Lord All you that fear our Lord bless our Lord. 21 Blessed be our Lord in Sion who dwells in Jerusalem PSALME XXXV Confitemini Domino All are invited to praise God for the benfites he has bestowed upon And the wonders h● has done for the people of Israel 1 PRaise our Lord because he is good Psalm 135. Because his mercy continues for ever 2 Praise the God of Gods Because his mercy continues for ever 3 Praise the Lord of Lords because his mercy continues for ever 4 Praise him who alone does great and wonderfull things because his mercy continues for ever 5 Who by his wisdome made the heavens because his mercy continues for ever 6 Who settled the earth above the waters because his mercy continues for ever 7 Who made the great luminars because his mercy continues for ever 8 The sun to preside by day because his mercy continues for ever 9 The moon and the stars to preside by night because his mercy continues for ever 10 Who struck Egypt and kill'd their first born because his mercy continues for ever 11 Who brought forth Israel from the midle of them because his mercy continues for ever 12 With a strong hand and a strecht out arm because his mercy continues for ever 13 Who divided in sunder the red sea because his mercy continues for ever 14 And brought out Israel through the midle of it because his mercy continues for ever 15 And over threw Pharoh with all his host in the red sea because his mercy continues for ever 16 Who conducted his people in the desert because his mercy continues for ever 17 Who defeated great Kings because his mercy continues for ever 18 Who slew strong Kings because his mercy continues for ever 19 Sehon the King of the Amorites because his mercy continues for ever 20 And Og the King of Basan because his mercy continues for ever 21 And he gave their land for an inheritance because his mercy Continues for ever 22 For an inheritance to Israel his servant because his mercy continues for ever 23 In our humiliation he was mindfull of us because his mercy continues for ever 24 And he redeemed us out of the hand of our Enemies because his mercy continues for ever 25 Who giveth food to all living creatures because his mercy continues for ever 26 Praise the God of heaven because his mercy continues for ever 27 Praise the Lord of Lords because his mercy continues for ever PSALME CXXXVI Super flumina Babylonis This is a Canticle which the Prophet puts into the mouth of the people of Israel when they were in Captivity to deplore the misery of their banishment an● to desire their return to Ierusalem The Church makes use of it to represent to her Children the miserys of this life And to raise holy desires in them of going to heaven which is their true Country 1 UPon the banks of the rivers of Babylon wee have sat down and wept Psalm 36. when wee remember'd Sion 2 Wee hung up our harps on the willows in the midle therof 3 For ther did the men who had made us Captives Ask us to sing songs of joy 4 They who had carry'd us away said sing to us one of your Canticles of Sion 5 How shall wee sing a Canticle of our Lord in a strange land Psalm 136. 6 If I ever forget thee O Jerusalem Let me forget my right hand 7 Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth If I remember not thee 8 If I do not make Jerusalem the principall subject of my joy 9 Remember O Lord the sons of Edom what they did in the day of Jerusalems desolation 10 They cry destroy it destroy it to the very fundation 11 Wretched daughter of Babylon blessed be he who shall render to thee the evill thou hast done us 12 May he be blessed who takes thy litle ones and dashes them in peices against the rock PSALME CXXXVII Confitebor tibi Domine In this Psalme David thanks God for all the benefites received from him and expresseth his assurance in the Divine assistance for the future 1 I Will thank thee O Lord with my whole heart Psalm 137. because thou hast heard the words of my mouth 2 In the presence of thy Angells I will sing thy praises I will adore thee in thy holy Temple and celebrate thy name 3 In acknowlegement of thy mercy and thy truth because thou hast magnified thy holy name above all names 4 In what day soever I shall call upon thee Vouchafe to hear me Thou wilt strengthen my soul still more and more 5 Let all the Kings of the earth celebrate thy praises O Lord because they have heard all the words of thy mouth 6 And let them sing in the ways of our Lord That great is the glory of our Lord. 7 For our Lord is above all And he regards low things And the high he looks upon at a distance 8 If I walk in the midle of tribulation thou wilt give me life Thou hast stretched out thy hand against the rage of my Enemies And thy right hand has saved me 9 Our Lord will revenge my cause Thy mercy O Lord is everlasting Despise not the works of thy own hands PSALME XXXVIII Domine probasti me In this Psalme David setts forth the infinit ex●ont of Gods knowledge and how nothing from the beginning to the end of the world is concealed from him according to which knowledge he will judge Mankind 1 O Lord Psalm 138. thou hast try'd me and thou hast known me Thou hast known my sittings down and my risings up 2 A far off thou hast discover'd my thoughts And thou hast traced all my steps 3 Thou hast foreseen all my ways and every word that my tongue shall speak 4 O Lord thou knowest all that is to come and all that is past Thou hast form'd me and thou hast lay'd thy hand upon
Jacob will rejoice And Israel will be overjoy'd PSALME XIV Domine quis habitabit This Psalm according to the opinion of many Interpreters was made by David about the time that he placed the Ark upon Mount Sion In the literall it has reference to the City of Ierusalem And in the spirituall sense to the heavenly Ierusalem whither none but the Iust must pretend te come 1 LOrd Psalm 14 who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle Or who shall rest in thy holy mountain 2 He whose ways are without blemish And who acts according to Justice 3 Who speaks truth from his heart And in whose tongue there is no deceit 4 Who has not injur'd his neighbour Nor hearken'd to reproches against him 5 He looks with contempt on the man that is wicked But he honours those who fear our Lord. 6 He never deceives when he swears to his neighbour not puts out his mony to usury nor receives bribes to oppress the innocent 7 He that acts so shall be establish'd for ever PSALME XV. Conserva me Domine This Psalm of David is full of mystery and prophecy and under the literall sense applicable to Davids own person Iesus Christ was principally intended by it So that our saviour the son of David seems to speak in it and declare that God his father by his omnipotent power will raise him from the dead 1 PReserve me Psalm 15 o Lord because I have hoped in thee I have said to our Lord thou art my God for thou hast no need of any thing that is mine 2 To the saints that are in his land he has wonderfully made appear all my good intentions towards them 3 Their infirmities increased upon them and then they made hast 4. I will not call together their conventicles where blood is offer'd nor shall my lips so much as name them 5 My share of inheritance is our Lord he is the portion of my cup 't is thou o Lord that wilt restore my inheritance to me 6 The lines have measur'd it to me in the richest soyle and I have an excellent inheritance 7 I will blesse our Lord who has given me understanding and that even at night my reins reprove and instruct me 8 I have allways had our Lord present before me he is still on my right hand to make me stand firm 9 'T is for this that my heart is glad that my tongue expresseth joy and also that my flesh will rest in hope 10 Because thou wilt not leave my soul in hell nor wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption 11 Thou hast made known to me the ways of life thou wilt fill me with joy in beholding thy countenance endles delights are on thy right hand PSALME XVI Exaudi Domine justitiam David relying upon his innocence earnestly asks from God his peculiar assistance against his enemys 1 ATtend Psalm 16 o Lord to the justice of my cause hearken to my petition 2 Give ear to my prayer that comes not from deceitfull lips 3 Be thou thyself my judge let thine eyes behold the equity of my cause 4 Thou hast examin'd my heart and searched it by night thou hast try'd me by fire and there has been no iniquity found in me 5 That my mouth might not speak according to the works of men I have in obedience to the words of thy lips kept my self in hard and painfull ways 6 Make firm my steps in thy paths that I may never tread out of the way 7 I have cry'd out to thee because thou my God! art accustom'd to hear me incline thine ear towards me and hearken to what J say 8 Make thy mercys to be admired thou who savest those who hope in thee 9 From all that resist thy right hand preserve me o Lord as the apple of thine eye 10 Protect me under the shadow of thy wings from the wicked who persecute me 11 My enemies have beseiged my soul their bowells are closed up with fatt they talk with insolence and pride 12 After having cast me off they now besiege me they have fasten'd their eyes upon the ground 13 They ly in wait for me as a lyon for his prey or the lyons whelp lurking in his covert 14 Rise up o Lord prevent him and defeat him rescue my soul from the wicked one wrest thy sword out of their hands who are enemys to thy power 15 O Lord separate them in their life time from the small number of those vvho are thine upon the earth their belly is fill'd with the things hidden in thy treasures 16 They have abundance of children and what remains of their goods they leave to their litle ones 17 But J with justice will appear before thee I shall be satiated when thy glory do's appear PSALME XVII Diligam te Domine The title of this Psalm denotes the occusion in which it was made viz when God had deliverd David from the hands of Saul But tho it agrees according to the historick and literall sense wi●h David yet it may very well be applyd to Iesus Christ himself as S. Paul do's the last vers● of it 1 J will love thee Psalm 17 o Lord who art my strength our Lord is my support my refuge and my deliverer 2 He is my God and my upholder and I will hope in him 3 He is my protector and the strength of my safety he is my defender 4 With praises J will call upon him and I shall be safe from my enemies 5 I have been surrounded with the sorrows of death and torrents of iniquity have fill'd me with trouble 6 The greifs of hell have incompass'd me and the snares of death have been layd for me 7 But in my tribulation I have calld upon our Lord J have cryd out to my God 8 And he has heard my voice from his holy Temple and my loud crys in his presence have penetrated his ears 9 The earth was moved and trembled the foundations of the mountains were stirr'd and shaken by reason of his anger 10 His indignation rais'd up a smoke fire broke out from his countenance and coals were kindled therby 11 He bow'd the heavens and came down and a thick cloud was under his feet 12 He mounted upon a Cherubin and has taken his flight he has flow'n upon the wings of the wind 13 He has cover'd himself with darknes he has inclos'd himself in a tent of black watery clouds 14 At the brightnes of his presence the clowds broke in sunder hailstons and burning coals fell dovvn 15 And our Lord thunderd from heaven the most high made his voice heard hailstons and burning coals fell dovvn 16 He has thrown his darts and scatterd them he has redoubled his lightning aud struck them with terror 17 The sources of waters have been layd bare and the foundations of the earth have been uncover'd 18 By the lowdnes of thy threatnings o Lord and by the breath of thy anger 19 He has sent from above
thy petitions now I know that our Lord has saved his anointed 7 He will hear him from his holy heaven from his right hand comes the safety of Princes 8 Some trust in chariots and some in horses but wee will call upon the name of the Lord our God 9 They have been intangled and are fall'n but wee have rose up and stand upright 10 Lord save the king and hear us in the day in which wee call upon thee PSALME XX. Domine in virtute tua This Psalm follows the other which went before both in timé in history for as in the first he prayd for victery over his enemies he now thanks God for having obtaindit 1 IN thy strength Psalm 20 o Lord the king will rejoyce he will be transported with joy for the safety thou hast given him 2 Thou hast given him the desire of his heart thou hast not made frustrate the prayer of his lips 3 Thou hast prevented him with the blessings of thy bounty thou hast put on his head a crown inriched with pretious stones 4 He asked life of thee and thou hast bestowd upon him length of days that never will end 5 Great is his glory by the means of thy saving mercy thou wilt cloth him with glory majesty 6 Thou wilt make him a subject of thy blessings for all posterity thy countenance will replenish him with joy 7 For the king hopes in our Lord and the mercy of the most high will make him firme for ever 8 Let thy hand be felt by all thy enemies let thy right hand find them out who hate thee 9 Thou wilt make them become like a flaming oven in the day of thy anger our Lord in his indignation will confound them and fire will devour them 10 Thou wilt exterminate their race from the face of the earth and their posterity from amongst the sons of men 11 Because they would have brought evills upon thee they have fram'd designs which they could not execute 12 For thou wilt make them turn their backs and prepare the remainder of thy punishments to meet them in their faces 13 Be exalted o Lord in thine own strength then shall we celebrate with Hymnes Canticles the wonders of thy power PSALME XXI Deus Deus meus This Psalm seems to have been consecrated by David inspired by the holy Ghost to the passion of our Saviour who himself made use of the words contained in it when he hung upon the cross It also fortells the conversion of kings and nations to the church of Christ. 1 O God Psalm 21 my God! look towards me why hast thou forsaken me my sins put safety at a distance from me 2 My God! I cry by day and thou wilt not hear me I cry by night nor is it to be reputed folly in me 3 Thou dwellest in thy holy habitation the praise of Israel 4 In thee our fathers have hop'd they have hoped and thou hast deliverd them 5 They cry'd out to thee and thou didst save them they did put their trust in thee and they were not confounded 6 But J am a worm and not a man the reproche of men and the contempt of the people 7 All that looked upon me derided me they insulted me with their lipps and shaked their heads at me saying 8 He has trusted in the Lord let the Lord come to deliver and save him since he loves him so well 9 And true it is that thou o Lord hast brought me out of my mothers womb and hast been my hope ever since I was sucking at her breast 10 Out of her womb I was thrown into thy arms thou hast been my God from my first coming into the world depart not from me 11 For my sufferings are neer at hand and there is no body to help me 12 ● am surrounded with a multitude of young bullocks And fatt bulls have beseiged me 13 They have open'd their mouths upon me like a lyon roaring and seizing his prey 14 I am powr'd out like water and all the strength of my bones is dissipated 15 My heart is become like melted wax in the middle of my body 16 My naturall vigour is dry'd up like an earthen pot bak'd by the fire my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth thou hast reduced me even to the dust of death 17 For I have been beset by a company of dogs a congregation of wicked ones hath besieg'd me 18 They have peirced my hands and my feet and they have counted all my bones 19 They consider'd me all over and inspected me they divided my clothes amongst them and upon my garment they cast lots 20 But let not o Lord thy succour be far from me take care of my defense 21 O God! deliver my soul from the sword and my only one from the power of the dog 22 Save me from the mouth of the lyon and from the horns of the unicorn in this my low condition 23 And I will make known thy name to my brethren in the middle of the assembly I will publish thy praises 24 Praise our Lord all you that fear him let all the seed of Jacob give glory to him 25 Let him be reverenced by the whole race of Israel because he has not neglected nor despised the prayer of the poor 26 Nor has he turned away his face from me when I cryd out to him he heard me 27 I will utter thy praises in the great Congregation I will pay my vows in the sight of those who fear thee 28 The poor shall eat and be filled all that seek our Lord shall praise him their hearts shall live for ever and ever 29 From one end of the earth to the other they will call to mind our Lord and be converted to him 30 And all the familys of the nations shall adore before him 31 For supreme power only belongs to our Lord he will rule over the nations 32 All the great ones of the earth have eaten have ador'd all mortalls shall fall down before him 33 And my soul shall live to praise him and my posterity shall serve him 34 The generations to come shall belong to our Lord and the heavens shall declare his iustice to the people that are yet to be born who are of his making PSALME XXII Dominus regit me David under the similitude of a shepherd leading his flock shews what care God has had over him and what great benefits he had received from the divine Majesty 1 OUr Lord governs me Psalm 22 nothing will be wanting to me he has put me into a place of excellent pasture 2 He has led me to waters of refreshment he has reviv'd my soul. 3 He has conducted me in the paths of justice for the glory of his name 4 Should I walk in the middle of the shade of death I would fear no harm because thou art with me 5 Thy rod and thy staff have been a comfort to me 6 Thou hast prepared
and sett before me a table to strengthen me against those who persecute me 7 Thou hast powred oyle upon my head and my inebriating cup how admirable is it 7 And thy mercy will accompany me all the days of my life 9 That I may dwell for ever in the house of our Lord. PSALME XXIII Domini est terra Most believe that David made this Psalm to be sung by the people when the ark was carryd to mount Sion but all interpreters agree that the holy Prophet had principally in his view the ascension of our Saviour Iesus Christ into heaven 1 THe earth is our Lords Psalm 23 and all that it contains the whole world and all that dwell in it are his 2 For he it was that founded the earth above the seas and provided it should be above the rivers 3 Who shall ascend to the mountain of our Lord or who shall stand in his holy place 4 He whose hands are innocent whose heart is clean who has not in vain received his soul and who has not deceitfully sworn to his neighbour 5 This is he who shall receive blessings from our Lord and mercy from God his Saviour 6 This is the race of men who seek him who seek the face of the God of Jacob. 7 Princes lift up your gates eternal gates be yee lifted up and the king of glory will enter 8 Who is the king of glory our Lord the strong the mighty our Lord the powerfull in battel 9 Princes lift up your gates eternal gates be yee lifted up and the king of glory will enter 10 Who is the king of glory the Lord of all power he is the king of glory PSALME XXIV Ad te Domine levavi It is probable that David made this Psalm in the time of the rebellion of Absalon It contains the prayer of a man in great straits begging ye assistance of God against his enel mies and the pardon of his sins 1 TO thee Psalm 24 o Lord I have rais'd up my soul in thee my God I confide and I shall not be asham'd 2. Nor let my enemies deride me for none who waite for thee will be put to confusion 3 Let all those be confounded who void of reason act unjustly 4 Shew to me o Lord thy ways and lead me in thy paths 5 Direct me in thy truth and teach me because thou art my God and my Saviour the whole day I wait for thee 6 Remember o Lord thine own mercy's the mercy's which thou hast shewn from the beginning of the world 7 But call not to mind the sins of my youth nor my ignorances 8 Remember me according to thy mercy o Lord for thy goodnes sake 9 Our Lord is mild and just and therfore he will prescribe a law to those who are out of the way 10 The meek he will guide in Judgment and he will teach the mild his ways 11 All the ways of our Lord are mercy and truth in respect to those who carefully seek his will and his laws 12 For the sake of thy holy name pardon o Lord my sin for very great it is 13 Who is the man that feareth our Lord for him he has provided a law to guide him in the way he has chosen 14 His soul shall dwell in plenty of goods and his seed shall inherite the land 15 Our Lord is a firm support to those that fear him and he will make his covenant manifest to them 16 My eyes shall allways be lifted up to our Lord for he will pull my feet out of the snare 17 Look upon me and have mercy on me because I am alone and poor 18 The griefs of my heart are multiplyd deliver me from my necessitys 19 Behold my low condition and the pain I am in And pardon all my offenses 20 Consider how my enemies are increased And how unjust a hatred they have towards me 21 Preserve my soul And deliver me I will not be ashamed because I have hoped in thee 23 O God! deliver Israel from all its tribulations PSALME XXV Judica me Domine The author of this Psalm appeals to God as his Iudge both of his own innocence and of the injustice of his enemies Interpreters differ in their opinion whither it was made by David in the time of Saul's persecution or of Absalom's rebellion 1 BE my Judge Psalm 25. O Lord because I have proceeded with innocence And having hoped in our Lord I shall not be weaken'd 2 Try me O Lord And put me to the test try my reins and my heart by fire 3 For thy mercy is allways before my eyes And I have delighted in thy truth 4 I have not sat down in the assemblys of vanity nor will I enter amongst the workers of iniquity 5 I have detested the conventions of malitious men nor will I ever sit in company with the Impious 6 I will wash my hands with the innocent And will still keep about thy altar O Lord 7 That I may hear the voice of thy praises And that I may relate all thy wonders 8 I have lov'd the beauty of thy house O Lord And the place where thy glory do's reside 9 Let not my soul O God! be lost with the Impious nor my life with the men of blood 10 Whose hands are stain'd with iniquity And whose right hand is full of bribes 11 But I will still proceed in my innocence redeem me and have mercy on me 12 My feet have stood firm in the right way in all assemblies I will praise thee O Lord PSALME XXVI Dominus illuminatio mea In this Psalm David mentions the dangers which by Gods assistance he has overcome and the assurance he has of being protected for the future he also begs of our Lord that he may without disturbance serve him night and day in the Tabernacle 1 OUr Lord is my light Psalm 27. And my safety whom shall I fear 2 Our Lord is the protector of my life who shall make me tremble 3 When the wicked came up against me to devour me 4 Those enemies that persecuted me were themselves weaken'd And fell to the ground 5 Should armies be drawn up against me my heart would be voide of fear 6 Should they give me battle my hope in this would still be firm 7 One only thing I have askd of our Lord And this I will require that I may dwell all the days of my life in the house of our Lord. 8 That I may contemplate the delights of our Lord And visite his temple 9 For he has hid me in his Tabernacle Psalm 26. in the days of my tribulation he shelter'd me in the secret part of his Tabernacle 10 He has sett me up upon a rock And has now rais'd my head above all my enemies 11 I have gone round and I have offer'd in his Tabernacle a sacrifice of joy I will sing hymns and Canticles to our Lord. 12 Hear O Lord my voice with which I cry out
disorder 12 For my life wast's in sorrow And my years are spent in sighs 13 My naturall strength is weakend by poverty And my bones have lost their vigour 14 More then all my enemys I am very much reproched even by my neighbours my old acquaintance are affraid of me 15 All that see me fly away from me I am blotted out of their memory and their heart like one of the dead 16 I am become like a broken pitcher for I have heard the injurious things said of me by many that dwell about me 17 When they mett together against me they held a Councill for the taking away my life 18 But I have put my trust in thee O Lord I have said thou art my God my destiny is in thy hands 19 Rescue me from the hands of my enemies And my persecutors 20 Let thy countenance shine upon thy servant save me according to thy mercy I will not be confounded O Lord because I have called upon thee 21 Let the wicked be covered with shame let them be brought into their grave let all deceitfull lips be struck dumb 22 That speak injuriously against the just with pride and contempt 23 How great and many are the delights O Lord which thou hast layd up for such as fear thee 24 Thou hast made perfect those who hope in thee even in the sight of the sons of men 25 Thou wilt hide them in the privacy of thy countenance from the disturbance of men 26 Thou wilt protect them in thy Tabernacle from the contradiction of tongues 27 Blessed be our Lord for he has made wonderfull his mercy towards me in a fortified city 28 I said when I was out of my self that thou hadst quite cast me out of thy sight 29 Thou nevertheless hast heard the voice of my prayer when cry'd out to thee 30 Love our Lord all you who are his holy ones for he is a searcher of truth And he will abundantly render to the proud what they deserve 31 Act manfully And strengthen your hearts all you that hope in our Lord. PSALME XXXI Beati quorum remissae David declares those men to be happy whose sins are forgiven He invites all by his own example to have recours to the mercy of God 1 BLessed are they whose sins are forgiven Psalm 31. And whose iniquity is covered 2 Happy is the man to whom our Lord has imputed no sin And in whose soul there is no guile 3 Because I had been silent my bones did wither as it were with old age when aftervvards I cry'd out all the day 4 For thy hand by day and by night has been heavy upon me in my affliction I was converted when the thorn was struck into me 5 I have now confessed to thee my sin And my iniquity I have not conceal'd 6 I sayd I will accuse my self of my iniquity to our Lord And thou hast remitted the impiety of my sin 7 For this every holy one will pray to thee in a seasonable time 8 But in the deluge of many waters they will not approach to him 9 Thou art my refuge in the tribulation which has incompas'd me my only joy rescue me from those who besiege me 10 I will give thee understanding and instruct thee in the way thou must walk I will allways have mine eyes upon thee 11 Become not like the horse and the mule that are voide of understanding 12 With the bitt and the bridle curb them hard who approche not to thee 13 Many are the scourges of sinners but mercy shall incompas him who hopes in our Lord. 14 Rejoyce in our Lord be transported with joy all you that are just glorify him all you who are upright of heart PSALME XXXII Exultate justi in Domino This Psalm invites the just to celebrate the praises of God and sets forth many powerfull motives for the so doing It shews the confidence whi●h the just ought to have in God when they implore his mercy 1 YOu that are just rejoyce in our Lord Psalm 32. it becomes the righteous to celebrate his praises 2 Praise our Lord upon the harp praise him upon the psalter of ten strings 3 Sing to him a new Canticle sing with musick lowd and harmonious 4 For the word of our Lord is sincere And he is faithfull in all his works 5 He loveth mercy and justice the world is replenishd with the mercy of our Lord. 6 By the word of our Lord the heavens were establish'd And from the breath of his mouth came all their perfection 7 Who has gather'd together the waters of the sea as it were in a vessel And layd up the abysses in his store house 8 Let all the earth fear our Lord And let all the inhabitants of the earth tremble before him 9 For he spoke and all things were made he commanded And every thing was created 10 Our Lord brings to nothing the designs of the Nations he makes vain the cogitations of the people And defeates the counsel of Princes 11 But the counsell of our Lord remains for ever the thoughts of his heart subsist from generation to generation 12 Happy is the Nation who hath our Lord for their God happy the people whom he has chosen for his inheritance 13 Our Lord has look'd down from heaven And beheld all the sons of men 14 From his habitation which he prepared for himself he cast his eyes upon all the inhabitants of the earth 15 'T is he who form'd all their hearts And who penetrates into all their actions 16 A King will not be saved by the greatnes of his power nor a giant by his mighty strength 17 Who relys on his horse for safety will be deceived by his great strength speed he will not be saved 18 But our Lord has his eyes upon those who fear him And upon those who confide in his mercy 19 To deliver their souls from death And to nourish them in a time of famine 20 Our soul rests in expectation of our Lord for he is our supporter and protector 21 For in him our heart will rejoyce And in his holy name wee confide 22 Let thy mercy O Lord be bestow'd upon us accordingly as wee have hoped in thee PSALME XXXIII Benedicam Dominum David praiseth God for his late deliverance out of the hands of Achis the King of Geth He exhorts others by his example to hope for safety if they fear God He teaches what the works are of one that fears God 1 I will bless our Lord at all times Psalm 33. his praise shall be continually in my mouth 2 My soul shall have glory in our Lord let the humble and the mild hear this and rejoyce 3 Let them joyn with me to magnify our Lord And let us altogether celebrate the glory of his name 4 I have sought our Lord and he has heard me he has rescued me out of all my afflictions 5 Approach to him and be inlighten'd And your faces shall never
blush for shame 6 The poor man cry'd out and our Lord heard him And deliver'd him from all his tribulations 7 The Angel of our Lord will guard them round who fear him and bring them out of danger 8 Taste and see how sweet our Lord is happy is the man who hopes in him 9 Fear our Lord all you that are his Saints for no want can afflict those who fear him 10 Rich men have fall'n into necessity and have felt hunger but they who seek our Lord shall abound in all that 's good 11 Come children and hear me I will teach you the fear of our Lord. 12 Who is the man that covets to live And desires to see happy days 13 Keep thy tongue from speaking evill And thy lips from being deceitfull 14 Decline from evill and do good seek after peace and persever so to do 15 The eyes of our Lord are upon the just And his ears are open to receive their prayers 16 But the countenance of our Lord is upon the doers of evill to exterminate their memory our of the earth 17 The just have cry'd out and our Lord has heard them from all their tribulations he has deliver'd them 18 Our Lord is allways near to those whose heart is afflicted And the humble of spirit he will save 19 Many are the tribulations of the just but from all these our Lord will deliver them 20 Of every bone of them our Lord takes care not one of them shall be broken 21 The death of a sinner is dismall And they who hate the just will be guilty of sin 22 Our Lord will redeem the soul of his servants And none shall faile who trust in him PSALME XXXIV Judica Domine nocentes David implores the speedy assistance of God both against his open enemys and his calumniators in private whose perfidiousnes he describes and detests This● Psalm he writ● when he was persecuted by Saul and his courtiers 1 JUdge Psalm 34. o Lord those who hurt me vanquish those who set upon me 2 Take thy arms and thy buckler And rise up to help me 3 Draw out thy sword and stop their passage who pursue me say to my soul I am thy safety 4 Let them all be confounded and cover'd with infamie who seek my life 5 Let all that intend evill against me be driven back with shame and confusion 6 Let them be like the dust before the face of the wind And let the Angell of God closely pursue them 7 Let their way be dark and sllippery whilst the Angel of God is in pursuit of them 8 Because unprovoked they have lay'd a hidden snare to destroy me And they have unjustly calumniated me 9 Let him fall into a snare which he do's not foresee even in the snare which he lay'd for me let himself be caught 10 But my soul shall rejoyce in our Lord And be delighted in the salvation which comes from him 11 All my bones shall say Lord who is like to thee 12 Who dost rescue the poor out of hands that are too strong for them the feeble and the indigent from those who prey upon them 13 Corrupt witnesses rising up against me have question'd me for matters I was ignorant of 14 They did render unto me evill for good And put my soul into desolation 15 But I when they afflicted me clothed my self with sackcloth 16 I humbled my soul with fasting And my prayer will return into my owne bosome 17 I behaved my self towards them as to a neighbour and to a brother I humbled myself as a sorrowfull mourner 18 And they rejoyced at my misery they met together and provided scourges for me and I was ignorant of it 19 They are now dissipated but not penitent they still provoke me they insult me with mockerys and gnash their teeth at me 20 Lord when wilt thou look towards me deliver my soul from their malice my only one from these lyons 21 And I will magnify thy name in the great assembly in the multitudes of people I will publish thy praises 22 Let them not triumph over me who unjustly rise up against me and hate me without cause And yet flatter me with their eyes 23 For to me indeed they spoke peaceably but when they spoke in a mutiny of the people they studied to betray me 24 They open'd their mouths wide against me And said let us rejoyce now our eyes have beheld what wee lookd for 25 This O Lord thou hast seen be not therfore silent O Lord depart not from me 26 Rise up and mind the doing me justice my God and my Lord embrace my cause 27 Judge me according to thy justice O Lord my God! And let them not triumph over me 28 Let them not say in their hearts wee have our soul's desire nor let them say wee have devoured him 29 Let all who take joy in my misery blush and be confounded 30 Let all who speak of me with pride and disdain be cover'd with shame and confusion 31 Let those be glad and abound with joy who are well wishers to the justice of my cause 32 Let them allways say glorified be our Lord who desire the peace of his servant 33 And my tongue shall celebrate thy justice And all the day thy praises PSALME XXXV Dixit injustus 'T is believed that David made this Psalm after he had spared Saul who fell into his hands and after that ceased not to persecute him He takes occasion from this obstinacy of Saul in his injustice to shew the guilt of those who persevere in evil And withall he sets forth the providence and mercy of God 1 THe injust man resolves within himself to offend Psalm 35. The fear of God is not before his eyes 2 For in his sight he has acted deceitfully so that his iniquity has made him worthy of hatred 3 The words of his mouth are full of injustice and fraud he would not understand how to do well 4 He meditates mischeif on his bed he follows all bad ways and has no hatred of evill 5 Lord thy mercy is in heaven And thy truth reacheth to the clouds 6 Thy justice like the highest mountans is elevated thy judgments are of a profound depth 7 Thou wilt preserve O Lord both men beasts according to the great extent of thy mercy O God! 8 But the sons of men shall place their hope in their being protected under thy wings 9 They shall be inebriated with the flowing plenty of thy house And thou wilt make them drink in the torrent of thy delights 10 For the fountain of life is in thee And in thy light wee shall see light 11 Hold forth thy mercy to those who know thee And thy justice to the upright of heart 12 Let not the foot of pride come at me nor let me be moved by the hand of the sinner 13 There have they falln ' who work iniquity they are driven out and could not stand their ground PSALME XXXVI
countenance covers me all over 18 At the voice of those who insult and reproach me And at the sight of my enemy who persecuts me 19 All these things are come upon us and yet wee have not been forgetfull of thee nor have wee acted unjustly against thy covenant 20 And our heart has not gone backwards And thou hast not turn'd aside our steps from thy way 21 Thou hast humbled us in a place of affliction And the shadow of death has cover'd us 22 If wee have forgotten the name of our God if wee have stretched forth our hands to a strange God 23 Will not God ask an account of these things for he knows the secrets of the heart 24 But since for thee wee are every day put to death And look'd upon as sheep destin'd for slaughter 25 Rise up O Lord why do'st thou sleep rise up and do not cast us off for ever 26 Why do'st thou turn away thy face do'st thou forget our poverty and affliction 27 For our soul is brought down even to the dust And our belly 's are glued to the earth 28 Rise up O Lord and help us for the glory of thy name redeem us PSALME XXXXIV Eructavit cor meum S. Chrisostome S. Austin and almost all the interpreters agree that this Psalm is a kind of a spirituall Epithalamium representing the sacred union between Iesus Christ his spouse the Church S. Paul likewise in his Epistle to the Hebrews makes use of this Psalm to shew the everlasting reign of the only son of the father over his Elect. Some have thought that Salomon is the author and that it was made upon the occasion of his mariage with the daughter of Pharah tho others attribute it to David But all agree in this that the true sense of it intended by the holy Ghost regards the mistery of the Incarnation and the union sf the word with human nature 1 MY heart has thrown out a good word Psalm 44. I adress my works to the King 2 My tongue shall move like the pen of a fastwriting scrivener 3 Shining thou art in beauty above all the sons of men grace is diffused over thy lips therfore hath God blessed thee for ever 4 Gird thy sword on thy thigh thou who art all powerfull 5 Arm'd with thy majesty and thy beauty go on prosperouslly and reign 6 According to truth mildnes and justice And thy right hand shall make wonderfull progres 7 Thy arrows are sharp Nations shall fall under thee into the hearts of the Kings enemies thy arrovvs shall light 8 Thy Throne O God! is established for ever the scepter of thy Kingdome is the scepter of equity and justice 9 Thou hast loved justice and hated iniquity therfore hath God thy God anointed thee with the oyle of gladnes preferably to all that partake with thee 10 The sent of Mirrhe Cinnamon and cashia issued from thy garments and from thy yvory mansions for which the daughters of King have delighted thee in thy splendor 11 At thy right hand stands the queen in cloth of gold with variety of ornaments 12 Hearken daughter and see and be attentive with thy ears And forget thy country and the house of thy father 13 And the King will be taken with thy beauty for he is thy Lord and God and Nations shall adore him 14 And the daughters of Tyrus and all the rich of the lād shall come before thee with presents And offer their petitions 15 The cheif glory of this daughter of the King is from within in fringes of gold imbroider'd attire 16 After her Virgins shall be brought to the King those that are neerest her shall be brought to thee 17 They shall be brought with joy and triumph they shall be led into the Temple of the King 18 In room of thy fathers sons shall be born to thee thou shalt make them Princes over all the earth 19 They shall remember thy name from generation to generation 20 And therefore through out all ages the people shall publish thy praises PSALME XXXXV Deus noster refugium Since almost all the fathers agree that this Psalm according to the litterall sense regards the Church persecuted by the Infidels and deli●er'd from persecutions by the assistance of our Lord wee ought rather to adhere to this opinion then to that of some other interpreters who apply this Psalm only to David victorious over h●s enemies 1 GOd is our refuge Psalm 45. and our strength he is our support in our afflictions which ly heavy upon us 2 Therfore wee will not fear should the earth shake And should the mountans be overturn'd into the midle of the fea 3 The waves in a violent commotion have roar'd the force of the tempest made the mountains tremble 4 The river abounding with water brings gladnes to the city of God the most high has sanctified his Tabernacle 5 God is in the midle of it and it wil remain firme from the beginning of the morning God wil protect it 6 The Nations are in commotion and the Kingdoms are tottering at the voice of our Lord the whole earth did tremble 7 But the Lord of hosts is with us And the God of Jacob is our protector 8 Come and see the works of our Lord the wonders he has done upon the earth in making war cease from one end of it to the other 9 He will break the bow and the weapons in pieces And the bucklers he will cast into the fire 10 Be at rest and behold that I am God I will be exalted amongst the Nations and I will be exalted over all the earth 11 The Lord of Hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our protector PSALME XXXXVI Omnes gentes plaudite All the interpreters agree that the sense of the holy Ghost in this Psalm is concerning the triumph of Iesus Christ in his Ascension and the conversion of all the faithfull that are to follow him Tho some there are who think this Psalm was made upon the solemn translation of the ark into the Temple which Salomon had built for it 1 ALl yee Nations Psalm 46. clap your hands with Jubily and exclamations of joy give praise to God 2 For our Lord is the high and the terrible one the great King over all the earth 3 He has subdued the Nations for us And lay'd the Gentils under our feet 4 He hath given us an inheritance of his own Chusing the beauty of Jacob which he loved 5 God is ascended in triumph And our Lord with the foun'd of trumpets 6 Sing praises to our God sing sing praises to our King sing 7 For God is the King of the whole earth sing with understanding 8 God will reign over the Nations God sits upon his holy Throne 9 The Princes of the people are assembled and united with the God of Abraham because the potent Gods of the earth have been excessively elevated PSALME XXXXVII Magnus Dominus S. Ambroise S.
am poor and in necessity 2 Preserve my soul for j am holy my God! save thy servant who trusts in thee 3 Be mercifull to me O Lord for all the day I have cry'd out to thee make glad the soul of thy servant because to thee O Lord I have lifted up my soul 4 For thou O Lord art mild and benigne And full of mercy towards all that call upon thee 5 Give ear O Lord to my prayer And listen to the voice of my supplication 6 In the day of my tribulation I have cry'd out to thee Because thou art wont to heare me 7 There is none amongst the Gods like to thee O Lord and none whos works are like to thine 8 All the nations whom thou hast created shall come and adore thee O Lord and shall give glory to thy name 9 For thou art truely great and the doer of wonderful things Thou art the only God 10 Lead me O Lord in thy way And I shall enter into thy truth Let my heart rejoyee in reverencing thy name 11 I will praise thee O Lord my God! with my whole heart and I will give glory to thy name for ever 12 Because thy mercy hath been great upon me and thou hast rescued my soul from the lowest hell 13 O God! the wicked have rose up against me and a convention of powerfull men have not had thee before their eyes 14 But thou art compassionat and tenderhearted slow to punish and full of mercy and truth 15 Look towards me Psalm 86. and have mercy on me indow thy servant with power from thee save the son of thy handmaid 16 Give a signe of thy goodnes towards me that they who hate me may see it and be confounded For thou O Lord hast been still my helper and my comforter PSALME LXXXVI Fundamenta ejus David in this Psalme celebrates t●e praises of the Citty of Ierusalem which in the Prophet●ck sense may very ●ell be apply'd to the Church of Christ of which that Citty was the figure 1 THe foundations thereof are lay'd in the holy mountains Psalm 85. Our Lord Loves the gates of Sion more then all the tents of Jacob. 2 Glorious things are said of thee O City of God 3 I will remember Rahab and Babylon who shall know me 4 Behold the strangers and thos of Tyrus and the people of Ethiopia they have been ther. 5 Will it not be sayd to Sion Psalm 86. that multitudes of men have been born ther And that the most high himself was the founder of it 6 Our Lord will say it in the writings wherein are register'd the people and the Princes that have lived there 7 All thy inhabitants O Sion shall be replenished with joy PSALME LXXXVII Domine Deus salutis The Author of this Psalme describes and Laments his misery and prays to God to commiserate and help him that so he may praise his holy name 1 O Lord Psalm 87. the God of my safety I have cry'd out by day and by night before thee 2 Vouchafe to look upon my petition And give ear to my prayer 3 For my ●oul is oppressed with evills And my life is on the brink of the grave 4 I am reckon'd as one of thos that are to be lett down into the pitt I am become forlorn and destitute of all help free amongst the dead 5 Like the wounded that sleep in their sepulchers who are forgotten by thee and whom thy hand has rejected 2 They have laid me in a deep pitt In a place of darknes and in the shade of death 7 Thy fury lyes heavy upon me and thou hast made all thy waves overwhelme me 8 Thou hast separated fom me all my freinds and they have me in abomination 9 I have been shutt up without being able to get out my eyes languish with misery 10 To thee O Lord I have cry'd out the whole day I have stretch'd forth my hands to thee 11 Is it amongst the dead that thou wilt shew thy wonders Or will physitians raise them to life that so they may praise thee 12 Will any in sepulchers relate thy mercy and thy truth in the grave 13 Will thy wonders be known in the region of darknes and thy justice in the land of oblivion 14 But I O Lord have cry'd out to thee and early in the morning my prayer shall come before thee 15 Why O Lord doest thou reject my prayer why dost thou turn away thy face from me 16 I am poor and from my youth have been in labour and hardship And after I was exalred I was humbled again and am full of trouble 17 All thy anger has gone over me And the terrors thereof have almost distracted me 18 The whole day they have surrounded me like a flood of water And all at once they have beseig'd me 19 My freinds and my neighbours thou hast removed far from me And all my acquaintance fly me by reason of my misery PSALME LXXXVIII Misericordias Domini The Psalmist praiseth God for his wonderfull power for his care of his people for his favour shewn and promises made to David and his posterity Then complaining of contrary events he expostulats pray●th and blesseth God 1 THe mercys of our Lord I will eternally sing Psalm 88. 2 My mouth shall make known thy truth from generation to generation 3 Because thou hast said mercy shall be built up in heaven to last for ever Thy verity will there be firmly established 4 I have made a convenant with my Elect I have sworn to David my servant I will preserve thy race for ever 5 And I will erect thy throne which shall continue from age to age 6 The heavens shall declare thy wonders O Lord And in the assembly of saints thy truth will be magnify'd 7 For who in the heavens can equall our Lord and who amongst the sons of God shall be like to God 8 To God who is glorify'd in the assembly of his saints who is great and terrible aboue all that are about him 9 O Lord the God of Hosts who is like to thee Thou art all powerfull O Lord thy truth does incompasse thee round 10 Thou do'st govern the rage of the sea and thou do'st moderate the violence of the waves 11 The proud thou hast tamed like a man that is wounded by the strength of thy arm thou hast dispersed thy Enemys 12 Thine are the heavens and thine is the earth thou hast founded the univers with all it contains the north and the southern sea thou hast created 13 Thabor and Hermon with the praises of thy name Thy arme is all powerfull 14 Shew the might of thy hand and lett thy right hand be exalted justice and equity are the bases of thy throne 15 Mercy and truth will march before thee Happy the people that knows to celebrate thy praise 16 They will walk in the light of thy countenance O God! and all the day will joyfully praise thy holy name and by
nor the machinations contrived in the dark nor the assault of the noon day divell 7 A thousand shall fall by thy side and ten thousand on thy right hand But no hurt shall come att thee 8 But thou shallt consider and look round with thy eyes and see the just recompense of sinners 9 Because thou hast sayd in thee O Lord is my hope And thou hast chosen the most high for thy refuge 10 Evill shall not approche to thee And the scourge will not come near thy habitation 11 For he has given thee in charge to his Angels that they may preserve thee in all thy ways 12 They will bear thee up with thei● hands least thy foot should stumble against the stone 13 Thou shalt safely walk over the aspic and the basilisk And thou shalt trample upon the Lyon and the Dragon 14 Because he has trusted in me I will deliver him I will protect him because he has known my name 15 He shall call upon me and I will hear him I am with him in time of tribulation I will rescue him and make him glorious 16 I will fill him with length of days And I will shew him my salvation PSALME LXXXXII Bonum est confiteri It is beleeved that this Psalme may have been made by David after he was delivered from the war of Absolom he gives God thanks admires the profoundnes of his wisedom in all his works and compares the false felicity of the wicked with the solid and everlasting happines of the just 1 IT is good to praise our Lord Psalm 91. and in Psalms to celebrate thy name that art the most high 2 To sett forth thy mercy in the morning And thy truth by night 3 Upon the instrument of ten strings in concert with the voice and the harpe 4 For thou hast delighted me O Lord in the things thou hast made And in the works of thy hands great will be my joy 5 How magnificent are thy works O Lord Deep and impenetrable are thy thoughts 6 The man without sense will not know and the fool will not understand these things 7 Whilst the sinners spring up like grass And the wicked flourish in the world 8 To perish at last for ever Thou O Lord for all eternity art the most high For behold O Lord thy enemys for behold thy enemys perish And all the workers of iniquity will be scatter'd 10 And like the horn of an unicorn my power will be rais'd up And my oldage will be supported by thy plentifull mercy 11 My eye has look'd upon my enemys with contempt And my ear will hear what becomes of thos who maliciously have risen up against me 12 The just shall flourish like the Palme tree And shall grow up like a Cedar upon Libanus 13 Planted in the house of our Lord They shall flourish in the house of our God 14 Still they shall be multiplyed in a fruitefull old age and shall have vigour and strength to declare 15 That our Lord God is full of equity and that there is no injustice in him PSALME LXXXVIII Dominus regnavit The Author of this Psalme represeuts God's everlasting Kingdom setts forth his power and the truth of his promises 1 OUr Lord reigneth Psalm 92. and is clothed with Majesty Our Lord has put on strength and has begirt himself 2 For he has fixed the globe of the earth which shall not be moved 3 Even then thy throne was established Thy being is before all ages 4 The rivers O Lord have raised The rivers have raised their voice 5 The rivers have raised their waves with the sound of many waters 6 Wonderfull are the swellings of the sea wonderfull yet more is our Lord in the heavens 7 Thy testimonys are most undoubtedly credible 3 Holynes becomes thy house O Lord for ever PSALME LXXXXIII Deus ultionum The Prophet in this Psalme represents the blindnes and uniustice of thos who abusing the patience of God persecute and oppress the just Thes he incourages in their sufferings to rely upon the mercy of God which sooner or later will never faile them and this he confirms by his owne exemple 1 GOd is the Lord of revenge Psalm 93. The God of revenge acts with full liberty 2 Be exalted thou who judgest the earth Render to the proud what they deserve 3 How long O Lord shall sinners how long shall sinners triumph 4 How long shall they vant and utter their iniquitys How long shall they boast who act unjustly 5 They have humbled thy people O Lord They have afflicted thos of thy inheritance 6 They have kill'd the widow and the stranger They have slain the orphan 7 And they have said The Lord will not see it and the God of Jacob will know nothing of it 8 Understand all yee sensless amongst the people And all ye fools at last grow wise 9 He that formed the ear will he not hear and he who made the eye will he not see 10 He that chastiseth whole nations will he not reprehend you he that gives knowledge to man will he not know 11 Our Lord knows the thoughts of men how vain they are 12 Happy is the man whom thou shalt teach O Lord and who shall be instructed by thee out of thy Law 13 That thou mayst make the evill days easy to him untill the pit is dug for the sinner 14 For our Lord will not cast off his people nor will he abandon his owne inheritance 15 But preserve it untill his justice be manifested in his judgements And all shall adhere to it that are upright of heart 16 Who in the mean time will take take my part against the wicked Or who will stand by me against the workers of iniquity 17 If our Lord had not helped me my soule had allmost dwelt in Hell 18 If J said my foot did faile me Thy mercy O Lord at the same time held me up 19 In proportion to the many sorrows that have oppressed my heart Thy consolations have fill'd my soul with joy 20 Will the seat of injustice have communication with thee who hast made thy precept painfull and laborious 21 They will ly in wait to take the life of the just and they will condemn innocent blood 22 But our Lord is become my refuge And my God is the prop of my hope 23 And he will make their injustice return upon themselves The Lord our God will destroy them PSALME LXXXXIV Venite exultemus This Psalme without doubt was made by David since saint Paul cites it as his in the Epistle to the Hebrews Some think it was made at the time when he carryed the Ark to mount Sion It containes a lively exhortation to praise God with our heart our voice and our works and to submitt to his holy laws 1 COme Psalm 94. Let us rejoyce in the presence of our Lord Let us sing the praises of God our saviour 2 Let us make haste to present ourselves before him with
selves to Idols of their owne making 38 And our Lord was enraged against his people And he abominated his inheritance 39 And deliverd them up into the hands of the Nations And put them under the power of thos who hated them 40 They were oppressed by their Enemies and humbled under their Dominion Many times did God deliver them 41 But they still held on to exasperat him in their evill ways And their owne iniquitys brought misery upon them 42 Yet he had a regard for them in their affliction And he heard their prayer 43 And he remember'd his Covenant And he relented according to the greatnes of his mercy 44 And he rais'd compassion towards them in all thos who held them in captivity 45 Save us O Lord our God! And gather us again into a body out of the Nations 46 That wee may honour thy holy name And have glory in praising thee 47 Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel now and for ever And all the people shall say Amen Amen PSALME CVI. Confitemini Domino quoniam honus This Psalme is all praises and tranksgiving In the litterall sense it sets sorth the delivery of the Israelites from the Captivity of Egypt And from that of Babylon and in the Spirituall sense is discribed the redemption of mankind from the slavery of the Divell by the death of our saviour 1 PRaise our Lord Psalm 106. for he is good For his meecy continues for ever 2 Let thos speak who have been redem'd by our Lord who have been deliver'd by him out of the hands of the Enemy And who have been brought together again out of the Countrys where they were dispersed 3 From the east and the west From the north and From the south 4 They have wander'd in a wildernes without water And they have not found any way to a City of habiation 5 They wanderd hungry and thirsty Their souls fainted within them 6 And in their tribulation they cry'd out to our Lord And he delivered them from all their necessitys 7 And Brought them into a right way by which they might come to a City of habitation 8 Let them thank our Lord for his great mercy And let them publish his wonders to the sons of men 9 For he has fill'd the empty soul And with his good things has satiated the hungry soul. 10 They sat in darknes and in the shade of death straitned with poverty and bound in irons 11 Because they had been rebellious to the word of God And had despised the Counsell of the most high 12 And their heart was brought low with labour and misery They sunk down throw weakness And there was no body to help them 13 And in their tribulation they cry'd out to our Lord And he delivered them from all their calamitys 14 And brought them out of darknes and out of the shade of death And broke their chains in sunder 15 Let them praise our Lord for his wonderfull deeds to the sons of Men. 16 For he has made the brazen gates fly in pieces And the iron bars he has broke in sunder 17 He received them when they return'd from the way of their iniquitys For their injustices were the cause of their humiliation 18 Their soul loathed all nourishment Aod they were come to the very gates of death 19 And in their tribulation they cry'd out to our Lord And he delivered them from all their Calamitys 20 He sent his word and he healed them And delivered them from death 21 Let them praise our Lord for his Mercys And for his wonderfull deeds to the sons of Men. 22 And let them offer him a sacrifice of praise And with loud joy let them sett forth his works 23 Who in ships made voyages upon the sea Driving their trade on the great waters 24 They have seen the works of our Lord And his wonders in the deep 25 He said the word and the wind blew a storme and the waves were raised up 26 They rose even to heaven And fell again to the lowest depth At the sight of so much danger their souls were in an agony 27 They were terrified and reel'd about like a drunken man And all their skill did q●i●e forsake them 28 And in their trbulation they cry'd out to our Lord And he deliverd them from all their Calamitys 29 And he chang'd his storme into a gentle gale And his waves instantly were quiet 30 And they became joyfull because they were appeased And he brought them into their desired harbour 31 Let them praise our Lord for his Mercys And for his wonderfull deeds to the sons of Men. 32 Let them glorify him in the assembly of the people And in the session of the Elders let them celebrate his praises 33 He has changed rivers into dry deserts And made dry ground wher fountains did spring 34 He has made fruitfull land become barren for the wickednes of the Inhabitants 35 He has turn'd the barren desert into a place abounding with waters And has made fountains rise in the dryest land 36 And ther he has placed thos who wanted food And they built themselves a Citty to dwell in 37 And they sow'd the feilds and planted vinyards which yeelded plenty of fruit 38 And he gave them his blessing and they multiplied exceedingly And their stock of cattell did also increase 39 And when they sinn'd again he reduced them to a small number Evills came upon them and they were oppressed with sorrow 40 He let their Princes fall into contempt And made them wander about in wilderneses whe● ther was no way 41 Yet he raised the poor out of their needy condition And increased their familys as a flock of sheep 42 The just will see these things and rejoyce And the mouth of iniquity will be stopt 43 Who is the wise man that will keep in memory thes things And the mouth of iniquity will be stopt PSALME CVII Paratum cormeum In The first part of this Psalme the mercys of God are praised and in the second his promise to preserve his kingdom is sett forth with an invocation of his assistance 1 MY heart is prepared Psalm 107. O God! my heart is prepared In all my glory I will celebrate thy praises with voice and instrument 2 Rise up my glory Rise up the Psalter and the harp And I myself will rise up betimes 3 I will praise thee O Lord in the midle of the people And I will sing thy glory amongst the Nations 4 Because thy mercy is rais'd above the heavens And thy truth up to the clouds 5 Be exalted O God! above all the heavens And over all the earth let thy glory shine That thy beloved may be delivered 6 Protect me with thy right hand and hear me God has said by his holy Prophet 7 I shall rejoyce and divide the land of Sichem And measure out the valley of the tabernacles 8 Galaad is mine and Manasses is mine And Ephraim is the cheif of my
our Lord in the midle of thee Jerusalem PSALME CXVI Laudate Dominum This Psalme is to be undertood of the vocation of the Gentils and the uniting all the people of the earth Iews and Gentils in one society viz. The Church of Christ. 1 PRaise our Lord all yee Nations Psalm 116. All people give him praise 2 Because his mercy is confirmed upon us And the truth of our Lord remains for ever PSALME CXVII Confitemini Domino This Psalme is a Canticle of thanksgiving which some think David sung when he was delivered from all his Enemys and settled upon the throne of Israel But tho this Psalme according to the letter is fitted to the person of David yett all agree and even some of the Rabins it ought also to be understood of the Messias which evidently appears by the application which our saviour himself makes of it and after him S. Peter 1 GIve glory to our Lord Psalm 117. because he is good Because his mercy continues for ever 2 Let Israel now say that he is good That his mercy continues for ever 3 Let the house of Aron now say That his mercy continues for ever 4 Let them all say who fear our Lord That his mercy continues for ever 5 When J was in straits and in tribulation I call'd upon our Lord and our Lord heard me and sett me free 6 Our Lord is my protector I will not fear what man can do to me 7 Our Lord is my protector And I will despise all my enemys 8 Much better it is to confide in our Lord Then to confide in Man 9 Much better it is to place our hope in our Lord Then to place our hope in Princes 10 All the Nations have besett me round But in the name of our Lord I have been reveng'd upon them 11 They have incompassed and beseiged me But in the name of our Lord I have been revenged upon them 12 They have swarm'd round me like bees and have been inflamed like thorns sett on fire But in the name of our Lord I have been revenged upon them 13 I have been run upon and push'd so violently that I was ready to fall But our Lord held me up 14 Our Lord is my strength and my praise And he is become my saviour 15 Avoice of joy and of ●alvation is heard in the tents of the just 16 The Right hand of our Lord has shewn its power The right hand of our Lord has raised me up The Right hand of our Lord has shewn its power 17 I shall not dy but I shall live and relate the works of our Lord. 18 Our Lord has punish'd and chastised me But he has spared my life 19 Open to me the gates of justice when J am enter'd I will praise our Lord This is the gate of our Lord and the just will enter therat 20 I will give thee thanks because thou hast heard me And art become my saviour 21 The stone which the builders rejected is made the corner stone 22 This is the work of our Lord And it is wonderfull in our eyes 23 This is the day which our Lord has made Let us triumph and rejoyce therin 24 O Lord save me May thy reign O Lord be prosperous Blessed is he who comes in the name of our Lord. 25 Wee have blessed you from the house of the Lord. God is our Lord And his light has shined upon us 26 Make this a day of solemnity with thick covering of bows even to the horne of the altar 27 Thou art my God and I will praise thy holy name Thou art my God And I will celebrate thy glory 28 I will celebrate thy holy name because thou hast heard me and hast saved me 29 Praise our Lord because he is good Because his mercy continues for ever PSALME CXVIII Beati immaculati This Psalme is all in praise of the law and ordonances of God wherin the Prophet shews his owne love and zeal for the observance of the Divine precepts Psalm 118. and also exhorts all people to do the like Tho this Psalme be without any Title yet by the ressemblance of the stile the expressions with those that bear the Title of Davids it appears to have been made by the Royall Prophet ALEPH. 1 BLessed are they whos ways are free from sin And who walk according to the Law of our Lord. 2 Blessed are they who make his Commandements their inquiry And who seek him with all their heart 3 For the doers of iniquity have not walkd in his ways 4 Thou hast commanded that thy laws shall be exactly kept 5 Grant O Lord that my ways may be sett right And may only tend to the performance of thy precept 6 I shall not fall into confusion If I have allways thy Commandments before my eyes 7 I will praise thee with an upright heart Because I have been instructed in the rules of thy justice 8 I will keep thy ordinances Do not forsake me for ever BETH 9 Man in his youth how shall he correct his ways but by following thy precepts 10 I have sought the with my whole heart Deny me not grace to fullfill thy law 11 All thy words I have layd up in my heart That I may never offend thee 12 Blessed art thou O Lord teach me thy justifiing precepts 13 I have pronounced with my lipps all the judgments which haue proceeded from thy mouth 14 I have taken as much joy in following the way prescribed by thee as in all the riches of the world 15 I will meditate on thy precepts And study thy ways 16 My thoughts shall dwell upon thy law And I will never forgett thy words GIMEL 17 Bestow thy grace upon thy sevant Give me new life I will keep thy precepts 18 Unveille my eyes and I will contemplate the wonders of thy law 19 J am but as a passenger upon the ear●h Let me not remain in ignorance of the p●ecepts 20 My soul in all times has ardently desired thy justifications 21 Thou hast shewn thy anger against the proud Cursed are they who disobey thy Commandements 22 Deliver me from reproche and contempt since I have diligently sought thy ordinances 23 For the Princes have sett in consultation against me whilst thy servant was busy in performing thy law 24 Thy law is my only meditation In all my actions I have consulted thy precepts DALETH 25 My soul has stuck to the earth Give me life according to thy word 26 I have lay'd open to thee my ways And thou hast heard me Teach me thy saving Truths 27 Lead me in the path of thy precepts And I will meditate on thy wonders 28 My soul is tired and become drouzy strengthen me with thy words 29 Keep me out of the way of iniquity And lett me obtain thy mercy by observing thy law 30 I have chosen the way of truth I have not forgot thy judgments 31 I have adhered to thy testimonys O Lord Let me not
be put to confusion 32 I ran with alacrity in the way of thy commandments When thou wert pleased to inlarge my heart HETH 33 Make thy precepts O Lord my only law And I will allways seek it 34 Give me understanding I will study thy law And I will keep it with all my heart 35 Lead me in the path of thy Commandments which are the desire of my soul. 36 Incline my heart to the love of thy law And not to avarice 37 Turn away my eyes that they may not look upon vanity Make me live in thy way 28 Establish thy word in thy servant by the fear of thee 39 Free me from the reproche which I have dreaded For thy judgme●ts are f●ll of mildnes 40 Behold I have ardently desired thy law According to thy equity bestow life upon me VAU 41 And let thy mercy come down upon me O Lord And thy saving assistance according to thy word 42 And I will answer to thos who reproche me That I have put my trust in thy promises 43 Take not at any time the word of truth out of my mouth Because I have put my whole confidence in thy judgments 44 And I will keep thy law continually for ever and ever 45 I have walk'd at liberty Because I sought thy precepts 46 And I have declared thy law in the presence of Kings And was not confounded 47 I have meditated upon thy commandments which are dear to me 48 And I have lifted up my hands to execute thy precepts which I have loved And I have made thy law my dayly exercise ZAIN 49 Remember thy promise made to thy servant In which thou didst give me hope 50 This has been my confort in my distress For thy word has revived me 51 The proud have never ceased to do wickedly But I have not declined from thy law 52 I have call'd to mind O Lord thy judgments from the beginning And I have been conforted 53 I have been ready to sink down with greif When I beheld sinners transgres sing thy law 54 Thy just decrees have been th● subject of my Canticles in the place of my pilgrimage 55 I have been mindfull by night of thy name O Lord And I have kept thy law 56 This good hath befallen me because I made thy Ordinances my whole inquiry CHETH 57 I have said It is my portion O Lord to keep thy law 58 I have implored thy assistance with all my heart Take pity on me according to thy promises 59 I have examin'd my ways And I have directed my steps according to thy precepts 60 J am prepared without being disturb'd to keep thy Commandments 61 Sinners have lay'd their snares round about me But I have not forgott thy law 62 I have risen in the midle of the night to praise thee for the Equity of thy judgments 63 I take part with all who fear thee And who observe thy precepts 64 The earth is full of thy mercy O Lord Teach me thy just Law TETH 65 Thou hast been good to thy servant O Lord According to thy promises 66 Instruct me in goodnes discipline and science because I have faith in thy Commandments 67 Because I was humbled I sinn'd And therfor I have kept thy Law 68 Thou art good and according to thy goodnes Teach me thy saving precepts 69 The injustice of the proud increaseth against me But I with my whole heart will seek to obey thee 70 Their heart is curdled like milk but I have allways meditated on thy law 71 It is good for me that thou hast humbled me That I may learn thy saving truths 72 The Law which thy mouth has pronounced is better to me then thousands of gold and silver JOD 73 Thy hands have made me and form'd me Give me understanding that I may learn thy precepts 74 Who fear thee will see me and rejoyce Because I have intirely confided in thy words 75 I have known O Lord that thy jugdments are equitable And that according to thy justice thou hast humbled me 76 Let thy mercy allso appear to comfort me According to what thou hast said to thy servant 77 Let thy compassion come towards me and I shall live For thy law is my only study 78 Let the proud be confounded because they have unjustly persecuted me But I will be imployed in performing thy Commands 79 Let them turn on my side all who fear the And who understand thy law 80 Let my heart be pure and sincere in keeping thy commandments That I may not be confounded CAPH 81 My soul has languished in expectation of thy saving mercy I have built my hope upon thy word 82 My eyes languish with longing after thy promises saying when wilt thou comfort me 83 For J am become like a bottle of leather exposed to the frost But I have not forgott thy ordinances 84 How many are the days of thy servant when wilt thou judge thos who persecute me 85 The unjust have told me fables But they were not like thy law 86 All thy Ordinances are truth it self They have persecuted me unjustly Come and releive me 87 They have almost brought me to nothing upon the earth But I have not forsaken thy precepts 88 According to thy mercy give me life And I will keep the law pronounced by thee LAMED 89 Thy word O Lord doth eternally subsist in heaven 90 Thy truth will last from generation to generation Thou hast founded the earth And it will allways remain 91 The day subsists by thy order For all things are subject to thee 92 Had not thy law been my meditation I should perhaps have perished in my affliction 93 I will never forgett thy just laws For by them thou hast given me life 94 J am thine save me Because I have carefully minded thy precepts 95 Sinners have watched me that they might destroy me But I have kept my self attentive to thy law 96 I have seen an end of all perfect things heer below But thy law hath no end MEM. 97 How have I loved thy law O Lord It is my meditation the whole day 98 Thy precepts have made me wiser then my enemys For they are a rule to me for ever 99 J am become more knowing then all my teachers Because thy law is my study 100 J am become more intelligent then the old men Because I have made diligent inquiry into thy ordinances 101 I have keept my feet out of every evill way That I might observe thy precepts 102 I have not swarued from thy rules For thou hast thy self prescribed me a law to go by 103 How delightfull to my taste are thy oracles More delicious then hony to my mouth 104 Thy precepts have given me understanding And therfor I have hated the ways of iniquity NUN 105 Thy word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path 106 I have sworn and have resolved to observe thy just decrees 107 I have been humbled O Lord on all sides Make me
live according to thy promises 108 Mak● acceptable what my mouth does voluntarly offer to thee And teach me thy judgments 109 My * Expli My life is all●ays in danger soul is allways in my hands And I have not forgotten thy law 110 The sinners have lay'd a snare for me But I have not deviated from thy precepts 111 I have made thy law to be my inheritance for ever Because it is the joy of my heart 112 I have disposed my heart allways to keep thy Commandments Because the reward is great SAMECH 113 I have hated the unjust And I have loved thy law 114 Thou art my helper and my protector And I build my hope upon thy word 115 Depart from me all you that are wicked For I will make the law of my God my whole inquiry 116 Receive me into thy protection according to thy word and I shall live And let me not be confounded in failing of my expectation 117 Help me and I shall be safe And I will allways Meditate upon thy just decrees 118 Thou hast despised all that depart from thy law Because their thoughts are unjust 119 I have look'd upon all sinners of the earth as Prevaricaters Therfor have I lov'd thy testimonys 120 Penetrat my flesh with thy fear For thy judgments are terrible to me AIN 121 I have proceeded with justice and equity Give me not up to thos who calumniat me 122 Receive thy servant into thy good protection Let not the proud oppress me with calumnies 123 My eyes languish in expectation of thy saving mercy And of the decrees of thy justice 124 Deal with thy servant according to thy mercy Teach me thy ordinances 125 I am thy servant give me understanding that I may know thy will 126 It is time for thee O Lord now to act They have annull'd thy law 127 Thy precepts are dearer to me then gold and Topazes 128 Therfor have I directed my steps according to thy Commandments And have detested all wicked ways PHE. 129 Thy testimonys are wonderfull Therfor has my soul searched into them 130 The manifestation of thy words gives light And affords understanding to litle ones 131 I Have open'd my mouth and panted Because I longed for thy Commands 132 Turn thine eyes towards me and have mercy on me As thou usually hast on thos who love thy name 133 Set my steps right in the way of thy precepts And let no injustice rule over me 134 Deliver me from the Calumnies of men That I may keep the Commandments 135 Let thy countenance shine upon thy servant And teach me thy ordinances 137 Fountains of tears have flow'd from my eyes Because they have not kept thy law TSADE 137 Thou art just O Lord And thy judgments are full of equity 138 Thou hast commanded the keeping of thy laws which are justice and truth it self 139 My zeal has consum'd me because my enemys have forgott thy words 140 Thy words are sincere and try'd by fire And thy servant has lov'd them 141 J am litle and contemptible yet have I not forgott thy precepts 142 Thy justice is eternall justice Thy law is truth it self 143 Affliction and distress are come upon me And I still meditate upon thy precepts 144 The equity of thy law is eternall Give me understanding and I shall live COPH. 145 I have cry'd out with my whole heart Hear me O Lord I will seek thy law 146 To thee I have cry'd out Preserve me that I may keep thy Commandments 14● I have made hast and I have cry'd out betimes Because all my hope is in thy promises 148 My eyes before the morning are lifted up to thee That I may meditate upon thy law 149 Hear my voice O Lord according to thy mercy And according to thy justice give me life 150 They who persecute me approche to iniquity and are at a great distance from thy law 151 Thou O Lord art near at hand And all thy ways are truth it self 152 From the beginning I have known that thou hast established for ever the testimonys of thy law REZ 153 See how low J am brought and deliver me For I have not forgott thy law 154 Judge my cause and redeem me Give me life according to thy promise 155 Salvation is far from sinners Because they have not observed thy just law 156 Many are thy mercys O Lord According to the equity of thy judgment give me life 157 Many are they who persecute and afflict me But I have not declined from thy precepts 158 I have beheld the breakers of thy law And I have pyned with greif because thy transgressed thy ordinances 159 See O Lord how I have loved thy Commandments Let thy mercy make me live 160 Truth is the principle of thy words The justice of thy judgments is eternal ZIN. 161 Princes have persecuted me without cause And my heart is kept in fear by thy words 162 I will how ever rejoyce in thy decrees like one who finds rich spoyles 163 I have hated and abominated iniquity But I have loved thy law 164 Seven times in the day I have offer'd praises to thee for the rightiousnes of thy judgments 165 Much peace is enjoyed by thos who love thy law And nothing shall make them fall 166 O Lord I have waited for thy saving mercy And I have loved thy Commandments 167 My soul has kept thy precepts And has ardently loved them 168 Thy Laws and thy ordinances I have carefully observed Because all my ways are seen by thee TAU 169 Let my prayer have accesse to thee O Lord Give me understanding according to thy word 170 Let my petition come before thee Deliver me according to thy promise 171 My lipps shall sing hymnes when thou shalt vouchafe to teach me thy ordinances 172 My tongue shall publish thy words Because thy precepts are justice it self 173 Hold out thy hand to save me Because I have chosen thy law 174 O Lord I have earnestly sought thy saving mercy And thy law is my meditation 175 My soul shall live and praise thee And thy judgments will support me 176 I have wandered like a Lost sheep seek thy servant for I have not forgott thy Commandments PSALME CIX Ad Dominum cum tribularer This Psalme and fourteen more that follow are called by The Title of graduall tho the reason does not appear why they are so call'd David seemes to have made this Psalme in the time of his banishment he begs of God to deliver him from the treachery of his Enemies and deplores his exile amongst barbarous people 1 I call'd out to Our Lord in my affliction Psalm 119. And he heard me 2 Deliver my soul O Lord from unjust lipps And from the deceitfull tongue 3 What will be the just reward of a deceitfull tongue 4 The peircing Arrows of the mighty desolating coals 5 I greive because my banishment is prolonged I have dwelt with the Inhabitants of Cedar My soul has been a long
of thy house 4 Thy children shall sitt round thy table like young olive trees 5 So shall the man be blessed who feareth our Lord. 6 May our Lord bless thee from Sion And mayest thou see the good things of Jerusalem all the days of thy life 7 And mayst thou see the sons of thy sons And peace over Israel PSALME CXXVIII Saepè expugnaverunt This Psalme foretells the punishments which shall fall upon thos who persecute the Iust. 1 OFten have they sett upon me from my youth Psalm 128. Let Israel now say 2 Often have they sett upon me from my youth But they have not prevailed against me 3 Sinners have lay'd loads upon my back They have long continu'd their injustice against me 4 But our Just Lord will cut in sunder the necks of sinners Let them all be confounded and driven back who hate Sion 5 Let them become like the grass that grows on the tops of houses which withers before you can pluck it 6 with which he can not fill his hand who cuts it Nor he his lap who gathers it 7 Nor did they say who pass'd by the blessing of our Lord be upon you wee bless you in the name of our Lord. PSALME CXXVIX De profundis This Psalme is an excellent Model for sinners that implore the Mercy of Lord And it is particularly apply'd by the Church to beg his mercy for the dead as well as for the living 1 FRom the lowest depth I have cry'd out to thee Psalm 129. O Lord O Lord hear my voice 2 Let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my prayer 3 O Lord if thou takest a strict account of our iniquities O Lord who can stand before thee 4 But mercy dwells with thee And thy law O Lord make me hope in thee 5 My soul is supported by his word The hope of my soul is in our Lord. 6 From the morning watch to the close of the evening Let Israel hope in our Lord 7 For our Lo●d is full of mercy And in him is found plentifull redemption 8 And he will redeem Israel from all their Iniquitys PSALME CXXX Domine non est exaltum It is generally beleeved that David made this Psalme when he was accused by Saul and his Courtiers of ambitious dessigns to make himselfe King He appeals to God that he was uniustly accused and that his heart was free from any such ambition 1 O Lord Psalm 130. my heart has not been lifted up Nor have my eyes been elevated with pride 2 Nor have I gone busying my self with great and high things that are above me 3 If I have not had humble thoughts of myself And if pride has puff'd up my soul. 4 May I be reduced to the helples condition of an infant newly wean'd from the brest of the mother 5 Let Israel hope in our Lord now and for ever PSALME CXXXI Memento Domine David Some say this Psalme was made by David when he translated the Ark to mount Sion Others that it was made by Salomon when it was translated into the Temple which he built 1 O Lord Psalm 131. remember David And all his mildnes 2 How he swore to the Lord And made a vow to the God of Jacob 3 If J enter into the lodgings of my house if J ascend into the bed wheron J use to lye 4 Jf J permitt my eyes to sleep or my eye lids to slumber 5 Jf J lay down my head to rest Till J find a place for our Lord a Tabernacle for the God of Jacob. 6 Wee have heard it said that the Ark was in Ephrata wee have found it in the plains of the forest 7 Wee will enter into his Tabernacle wee will adore in the place wher his feet have stood 8 Rise up O Lord and go into thy place of rest Thou and the Ark sanctified by thee 9 Let thy preists be clothed with justice And thy saints filled with joy 10 For the sake of David thy servant Turn not thy face away from thy Christ. 11 Our Lord has sworn the truth to David and he will not go from it I will place upon thy throne the issue of thy body 12 If thy children do keep my Covenant And the precepts which I will teach them 13 They and their children for ever shall sitt upon thy Throne 14 For our Lord has made choice of Sion he has chosen it to be a habitation for himself 15 He hath sayd Heer I will rest for ever here I will dwell because it is a place of my own chusing 16 The widow ther shall abundantly find my blessings The poor I will plentifully feed with bread 17 The preists I will cloth with my saving mercy And the saints shall ther sing Canticles of joy 18 Ther I will manifest the power of David I have prepared a lamp for my Christ. 19 His Enemys I will cover with confusion But upon him my sanctification shall florish PLALME CXXXII Ecce quam bonum This Psalme declares the happines of unity amongst the faithfull 1 BEhold how good and how dilghtfull it is Psalm 132. for brethren to dwell in unity together 2 'T is like the pretious oyntment powred upon the head which drop'd down upon the beard the beard of Aron 3 And descended to the hem of his garment 'T is like the dew of Hermon the dew which falls vpon the mountain of Sion 4 For it is ther that our Lord has established benediction and life for ever PSALME CXXXIII Ecce nunc benedicite All thos who serve God are exhorted to pray to him And bless him both by day and by night 1 COme now and bless our Lord Psalm 133. all you that are servants of our Lord 2 You who attend in the house of our Lord In the Courts of the house of our God 3 Lift up your hands by night in the sanctuary And praise our Lord. 4 Let our Lord bless thee from Sion who made heaven and earth PSALME CXXXIV Laudate nomen Domini The Preists and the Levites are exhorted in this Psalme to sing the praises of God upon the subjects of his mercy of his power and Majesty vanity of Idols is also set sorth 1 PRaise the name of our Lord Psalm 134. you that are his servants praise our Lord. 2. Who attend in the house of our Lord in the courts of the house of our God 3 Praise our Lord because our Lord is good With voyce and instrument praise his name because it is full of sweetnes 4 For our Lord has chosen Jacob for himself And Jsrael for his own possession 5 J know that our Lord is great And that our God is above all the Gods 6 Whatever he would do our Lord hath done both In heaven and in earth In the sea And all the deep places 7 He raiseth clouds from the extremitys of the earth he makes thunder produce rain 8 He draws forth winds out of his Magazins He struck dead the first
utter'd to his complices 8 All my enemies whisper'd against me And they conspired to do me mischief 9 They came to a wicked resolution against me but he that sleeps may he not rise up again 10 Even the man with whom I lived in peace on whom I rely'd and who eat my bread was the formost in betraying me 11 But thou O Lord take pity on me raise me up again and I will repay them 12 In this I have known thou doest love me because thou wilt not suffer my enemy to triumph over me 13 For thou hast taken me to thy self in regard of my innocence thou hast established me in thy sight for ever 14 Blessed be our Lord the God of Israel from age to age without end so be it so be it PSALME XXXXI Quemadmodum desiderat cervus Some doubt whither David be the author of this Psalm but nothing hinders why wee may not follow the opinion of some others who believe that this Psalm agrees perfectly with the time of Davids exile whither it be apply'd to the time when he was absent from the Tabernacle and suffering persecution or to the whole time of his life which he lookd upon as a true banishment in regard to which he aspired with all his heart and this last sense is lo●k●d upon by Bellarm at learned author to be the true literall sense of the Psalm 1 AS the stagg longs for running waters Psalm 42. so doth my soul ardently desire thy presence O God! 2 My soul thirsts after the mighty and the living God when shall I come and appear before the face of God 3 My tears have been my bread both day night whilst they continually upbraid me with saying where is thy God 4 These things I have called to mind and I have powr'd forth my soul within my self because I will go into the place of the admirable Tabernacle even to the house of God 5 With lowd cry's of joy and praise the sound of a feast 6 Why art thou sad my soul And why do'st thou disquiet me 7 Confide in God for still I will praise him who is my Saviour and my God 8 My soul within me is greatly disturbed I will therefore call thee to mind from the land of Jordan and Hermoniim and the litle mountain 9 Deluge comes upon deluge when with lowd voise thy flood-gates are open'd 10 All thy high swelling billows And waves have gone over me 11 Our Lord by day has dispensed his mercy And by night I vvill sing a Canticle to him 12 I have allvvays ready my prayer to the God of my life I will say to God thou art my protector 13 Why art thou forgetfull of me And why do I walk in sorrow afflicted by my enemy 14 Whilst my bones are broken I am upbraided by the enemies who persecute me 15 With saying continually to me where is your God O my soul why art thou afflicted And why do'st thou disquiet me 16 Confide in God for I will still praise him who is my Saviour and my God PSALME XXXXII. Judica me Deus This Psalm seems to be an abridgment of the former so that it is to be explicated in the same sense Many interpreters have thought that David in this Psalm do's not speak in his own person but in the name of his people afterwards carry'd captive into Babylone which he as a Prophet foresaw But ther seems no necessity of having recourse to this prophetick explication since the Psalm may very well be understood of David himself either when he was persecuted by Saul or assaulted by the temptations of the Devill 1 BE my judge Psalm 42. O God! and give sentence in my cause against an ungodly people deliver me from the unjust and the deceitfull man 2 For thou O God! art my strength why hast thou cast me off And why do I walk in sorrow persecuted by my enemy 3 Send forth thy light and thy truth those have conducted me and brought me up to thy mountain and into thy Tabernacle 4 And I will enter to the altar of God of God who gives joy to my youth 5 Thy praises O God my God! I will sing upon the harp why my soul art thou afflicted And why do'st thou disquiet me 6 Confide in God for still I will praise him who is my Saviour and my God PSALME XXXXIII Deus auribus nostris If David be the author of this Psalm he speaks in it according to the holy fathers by a spirit of prophecie either in the person of the Machabees and the fews oppressed by the tyranny of Antiochus or in the person of the holy Martyrs of the Church of Christ persecuted by the fury of Tyrants accordingly as S. Paul himself seems to have understood it in citing one of the verses to shew the violence which the enemies of the church exercised against the faithfull This Psalm may be properly apply'd to all afflicted and persecuted persons who may find therin matter of comfort in regard of the mercys of our Lord as also reasons of humiliation and fear when they consider the rigour of his justice 1 WEe have heard Psalm 43. O God! with our ears And our fathers have told us 2 What works thou hast done in their days And in the ages past 3 Thy hand extirpated Nations and thou hast planted us in their room the people of the country thou did'st afflict and drive forth 4 Not by their own swor'd did they possess the land nor was it their own arm that saved them 5 But it was thy right hand thy arm and the favour of thy countenance because it pleas'd thee to chuse them for thy people 6 Thou art also my King and my God by whose command Jacob has been so often saved 7 By the strength which comes from thee wee will drive away our enemies And in thy name wee will make nothing of those who rise up against us 8 For not in my bow will I hope nor is it my sword that will save me 9 For thou only hast saved us from those who persecuted us And hast confounded all that hated us 10 The whole day our glory shall be in God And thy holy name wee will praise for ever 11 But now thou hast cast us off and put us to shame And thou wilt not O God! go forth with our armys 12 Thou hast made us turn our backs to the enemy And wee are become a prey and a booty to those who hated us 13 Thou hast exposed us as sheep for the shambles thou hast dispersed us amongst the Nations 14 Thou hast sold thy people for for nothing And there was litle given in exchange for them 15 Thou hast made us the reproach of our neighbours And the scorne and derision of all that are about us 16 Thou hast made us become the fable of the Nations And a mocking stock amongst the people 17 All the day my ignominy is before my eyes And the confusion of my
days upon days to the life of the king Thou wil● make his years reach from generation to generation Psalm 90. 7 He will remain for ever in the presence of God who can search to the bottome his mercy and his truth 8 Therfore will I praise thy name in Psalms from age to age That I may never faile from day to day to performe my vows PSALME LXI Nonne Deo subjecta erit It is beleeved that David made this Psalm about the same time with the former he exhorts himself and all his to put their confidence in God and to expect no relief but from him Above all he warns men not to rely upon riches nor unjust actions 1 SHall not my soule be subject to God Psalm 61. since from him comes my salvation 2 For he is my God and my Saviour He is my protector and I shall never more be disturbed 3 How long will you all sett upon a single man and combine to kill him And run him down as if he were a bending wall and a building ready to fall 4 They have conspired to deprive me of my dignity I have run with great thirst Their mouth did bless me and their heart did curse me 5 However my soule be thou subject to God For my patience comes from him 6 Because he is my God and my Saviour He is my supporter and I will not move out of my place 7 In God is my safety and my glory My succour is from God and in God is my hope 8 Let the whole congregation of the people hope in him Poure forth your hearts before him God is our defender for ever 9 But vaine are the sons of men The sons of men are lyars in their balances They conspire together by vanity to deceivé 10 Build not your hope upon injustice cover not wealth got by rapine And if riches do abound set not your hearts upon them 11 Once God has spok● and I heard these two things That power belongs to God and that to thee o Lord mercy belongs For thou wilt render to every body according to their works PSALME LXII Deus Deus meus ad te de luce vigilo The most part of the interpreters apply this Psalme to the time of Saul and believe that David made it when he fled into the desert of Siph to avoid Saul's fury Tho some are of opinion it may have been made in the time of Absalom's revolte when he was likewise forced to retire into a desert He deplores his exile and his absence from the Tabernacle and the Ark at the same time considers in a higher sense his absence from his true country ' which 〈◊〉 heaven And therfore the prayer which he makes is very proper for all the just who look upon this life but as a banishment 1 O God Psalm 62. my God! from the break of day I watch for thee 2 Both my soule and my body exceedingly thirst after thee 3 In this desert land unpassable and without water I present myself before thee as if I were in thy sanctuary to contemplate thy power and thy glory 4 Because thy mercy is more to be esteemd then life My lipps shall pronounce thy praises 5 I will praise thee in this manner during my whole life And with hands lifted up I will call upon thy name 6 Let my soule be replenish'd as it were with marrow and fattnes And with joyfull lipps I will offer thy praises 7 If on my bed I have been mindfull of thee I will likewise in the morning meditate on thee Because thou hast assisted me 8 And I will rejoyce under the shelter of thy wings My soule sticks fast to thee Thy right hand has held me up 9 In vain have they sought my life They shall themselues go into the lowest part of the earth They shall bee deliverd up to the sword and shall be meat for foxes 10 But the king shall rejoyce in God All shall be praised who swear by his holy name For their mouths are stopt who spake iniquity PSALME LXIV Exaudi Deus deprecationem This Psalme may have been composed by David either in the time of Saul's persecution or in that of Absalom's rebellion The holy Fathers in the spirituall sense apply it to Iesus Christ and to the faithfull that are members of his Church 1 HEar my prayer Psalm 63. O God! when I offer it to thee Free my soule from the fear of my enemy 2 Thou hast protected me against the convention of wicked men Against the multitude of the doers of injustice 3 For they have made their tongues as sharp as a sword They have bent their bow with bitternes That they may secretly strike an innocent man 4 They will wound him all on the sudden and fear nothing They are fixed in their wicked resolutions 5 They have consulted how to cover their snares And they have said who can find them out 6 They searched about for crimes to charge me with They unprofitably tyr'd themselves in the scrutiny 7 Man will forme deep designs in his heart But God will be glorifyed 8 Their arrows strike no deeper then those of children And their tongues have not any force but against them selues 9 All were amazed that saw them And every man was in fear 10 And they published what God had done And they understood his works 11 The just will rejoice in our Lord and will hope in him And all the upright of heart will have praise PSALME LXIV Te decet hymnus Deus This Psalme according to the letter of it seems to be made about the time of the Israelites going out of Babylon and returning to Ierusalem It is to be applyed in the spirituall sense to the church delivered from the Captivity of the Dev●● by the death of our Saviour Iesus-Christ 1 A Hymne in Sion becomes thee Psalm 64. O God And our vows to thee shall be perform'd in Jerusalem 2 Gratiously hear my prayer All flesh will come to thee 3 The words of the wicked have prevailed against us But thou wilt mercifully pardon our sins 4 Happy is he whom thou hast chosen and taken to thy self He shall dwell in thy house 5 Wee shall be fill'd with the good things of thy house Thy temple is holy and admirable for justice 6 Hear us O God! thou who art our Saviour who art the hope of the whole earth to the farthest end of the sea 7 Who with mighty power hast established and made firm the mountains who hast stirred up the sea to the very bottome and made the waves to roar 8 The nations will be seized with terror and th●y who live furthest off will dread the wonderfull effects of thy power The evening and the morning are made delightfull by thee 9 Thou hast visited the earth Thou hast made it drink of thy rain and increased the riches thereof 10 The river of God is filld with waters wherby thou hast provided food for all creatures
earth shall drink therof 9 But I will declare and will sing for ●ver the praises of the God of Jacob. 10 And I will destroy all the force of ●he wicked And the just shall be exalted in glory and power PSALME LXXV Notus in Judea Deus Theodoret and many others think this Psalme was made upon the miraculous defeat of the Assyrians which happen'd in the Reign of Ezechias when a hundred and fourscore thousand men of the army of Zenach●rib were kill'd in one nigh● by the angel of our Lord But it appears ●hat the subject of this Psalme i● of a more large extent And that it regards not only the town of old Ierusalem delivered at that time from such formidable Enemys but also the n●w Ierusalem the Church every day delivered from visible and invisible enemys by the hand of the angel of the great Councill who is Iesus-Christ 1 GOd is known in Judea Psalm 48. Great is his name in Israel 2 His dwelling is in a place of peace And his habitation is in Sion 3 There he hath broke in peeces the bows the arrowes the buckler the sword war it self 4 By thy wonderfull coruscation from the eternall mountains All ●he senseles of heart have been confounded 5 They have slept out their sle●p And waking thes men of riches found nothing in their hands 6 By thy lowd threatnings O God of Jacob Psalm 75. all those that were mounted on horses have slept their last sleep 7 Thou art terrible And who can resist thee in the time of thy anger 8 From heaven thou hast made thy judgement to be heard The earth trembled and was silent 9 When God rose up in jugment to save the meek and the humble upon the earth 10 Therfore the thought of man shall be taken up with thy praises And the memory which remains of them will be a continued festivall to thee 11 Make vows and fullfill them to the Lord your God All you that approche his altar to make your offerings 12 To the dreadfull God To him that takes a way the lives of Princes who is ●errible to the kings of the earth PSALME LXXVI Voce mea ad Dominum There is nothing certain concerning the time in which this Psalme was made The opinion of those authors seems probable who think the Prophet had in view the delivrance from the Captivity of Babylon But with S. Austin it may well be apply'd to the just and the perfect who looking towards heaven suffer with pain the banishement of this present life 1 WIth a lowd voice I have called upon our Lord Psalm 76. I have called upon God and he has hearken'd to me 2 In the day of my tribulation I have sought God By night I have lifted up my hands to him and I have not been disappointed 3 My soul has refused all other comfort I have called God to minde and I found joy With continuall meditation my soul has languished 4 My eyes prevented the night watch I was disturbed within myself and I was silent 5 I called to mind the antient days And the years eternall have possessed my thoughts 6 By night I have been in deep meditation My thoughts have been in labour and I have swept my soul. 7 Will God eternally cast us off And will he never think of being more favourable to us 8 Will he for ever from generation to generation cut off his mercy from us 9 Can God forget his mercy Or will his anger allways keep back his commiseration 10 And I said Now I begin to understand This change is wrought by the right hand of the most high 11 I call'd to memory the works of our Lord And I will still have in my thoughts the wonders thou hast done from the beginning 12 And I will meditate on all thy works and I will consider with attention the secrets of thy conduct 13 Thy way O God! is allways holy What God is ther so great as our God ●hou art the God that does wonderfull things 14 Thou hast made Known thy power amongst the nations By the strength of thy arme thou hast delivered thy people the sons of Jacob and Joseph 15 The waters have seen thee O God! the waters have seen thee and they were affraid and the depths were troubled 16 Great was the noise of the waters and the clouds made their voice heard 17 For thy darts were thrown And the wheels of the Egiptians felt thy thunder 18 Thy lightning did flash over the whole earth the earth was in commotion and trembled 19 Thou didst make a way for thy self throw the sea Thou didst pass throw the midle of the waters and none can trace thy footsteps 20 Thou didst lead thy people like a flock of sheep in the hands of Moses and Aaron PSALME LXXVII Attendite Popule meus S. Ierome and some oth●r interpreters observe according to the citations of S. Mathew and S. Paul that under the historicall sense which appears in this Psalme there lyes a spirituall sense which is the reason that the Prophet says in the beginning he will speak mysterys in paraboles This Psalme therfore in the spirituall sense has a reference to Iesus-Christ born according to the flesh of the tribe of Iudah o● which t' is said that God has chosen Iudah and not Ephraim This proph●tically denotes that he who was to be born of the race of David and consequently of the tribe of Iudah would establish a new kingdom which should put an end to the kingdome of Israel figured by Ephraim 1 MY people Psalm 77. give attention to my law hearken to the word I shall speak 2 I will open my mouth in parables I will speak misterys of things done from the beginning 3 What wee have heard and known And what our fore fathers have related to us 4 And what hath not been hidden to their children nor to the following generations 5 They have published the praises of our Lord his great power and the wonders he has done 6 He has made Known his will in Jacob and he establish'd his law in Israël 7 Which he has commanded our fathers to make known to their children That the succeeding generations may also know them 8 The sons that shall be born and rise vp that they may also deliver them to their children 9 To the end that they may put their trust in God that they may not forget his works and that they may mind and seek after his commandments 10 Least they become like their forefathers a depraved and provoking generation 11 A generation whos heart was not sett right to God And whos soul was unfaithfull to him 12 The sons of Ephraim formerly so dexterous to bend the bow and shoot their arows have now turned their backs in the day of battle 13 They did not keep the covenant made with God nor did they walk in the way of his law 14 They forgott the benefites they had received from him and
before God for their sins 1 LOrd Psalm 142. hear my prayer Give eare to my supplication according to thy truth hear me according to thy equity 2 And enter not into judgment with thy servant For no man living can be justified in thy sight 3 For the Enemy has persecuted my soul he has humbled my life even to the earth 4 He has lodged me in a obscure place like the dead And my soul is full of anxiety my heart is disturbed within me 5 I have called to mind the days of old I have considered the great things thou hast done and J have meditated upon the works of thy hands 6 J have stretched forth my hands to thee J present my soul before thee a● earth without water 7 Hear me quickly O Lord my spirit is quite sinking 8 Turn not thy face from me Least J become like thos who descend into the lake 9 Let me speedily find thy timely mercy Because J have hoped in ●hee 10 Make known to me the way in which J am to walk For to thee J have lifted up my soul. 11 Rescue me O Lord from my Enemys to thee J fly for refuge Teach me to do thy will for thou art my God 12 Thy good spirit will lead me into the right way For the glory of thy name O Lord thou wilt give me life according to thy equity 13 Thou wilt bring my soul out of tribulation And in thy mercy thou wilt defeat my enemies 14 And thou wilt destroy all who afflict my soul because J am thy servant PSALME CXLIII Benedictus Dominus David gives thanks to God in this Psalme for the assistance he has allways received from him In the second place he prays that all the Kings and Nations that oppose him may be overthrown 1 BLessed be our Lord Psalm 143. my God who teaches my hands to fight in battell And my fingers to wage war 2 He is mercyfull towards me he is my refuge my defender and my deliverer 3 He is my protector and my hope is in him who makes subject my people to me 4 O Lord what is man that thou shouldst m●ke thy self known to him Or the son of man that he should merite thy consideration 5 Man is become like to nothing his days pass away like a shadow 6 Bow thy heavens O Lord and come down Touch the mountains and they will smoke 7 Dart forth thy lightenning and thou wilt dissipate them Shoot thy arrows and thou wilt confound them 8 Stretch forth thy hand from above and rescue me Deliver me out of the deep waters out of the hands of the sons of strangers * Rebellious children 9 Who 's mouths speak lyes And whos right hand is the right hand of iniquity 10 O God J will sing a new song to thee J will sing it upon the instrument of ten strings 11 Thou who givest safety to Kings who hast redeemed David thy servant from the sword of the Enemy Now also deliver me 12 Deliver me out of the hands of the sons of strangers whos right hands are the right hands of iniquity 13 Who 's children flourish in youth like new plantations 14 Their daughters are finely deck'd And adorned like a Temple 15 Their store houses are full and overflown out of one into the other 16 Their yews are fruitfull and come out of their folds in great flocks Their oxen are fat 17 Ther are no breaches nor open passages in their inclosures Nor any outcrys in their streets 18 Happy they have said are the people to whom thes things befall But happy is the people who have our Lord for their God PSALME CXLIV Exaltabo t● Deus The Title of this Psalme shews that David made it to serve upon occa●ions for praising and thanking our Lord. 1 J will glorify thee Psalm 144. my King and my God J will bless thy name for ever and ever 2 Every day J will bless thee And J will praise thy name eternally 3 Great is our Lord worthy of all praise His greatnes is infinite 4 All ages to come shall praise thy works And shall declare thy power 5 They shall celabrate the magnificent glory of thy holines And shall relate ●hy wonders 6 They shall make known the force of thy terrible judgments And sett forth thy greatnes 7 They will publish the memory of thy abounding sweetnes And they will rejoice in thy justice 8 Our Lord is compassionat and mercifull he is patient and full of mercy 9 Our Lord is Benigne to all And his mercys are above all his works 10 Let all thy works praise thee O Lord And let thy saints bless thee 11 They shall publish the glory of thy Kingdome And shall declare thy power 12 That they may make known to the sons of men thy Allmightynes And the magnificent glory of thy Kingdome 13 Thy Kingdome is a Kigdome of all ages And thy Empire is from generation to generation 14 Our Lord is true in all his words And holy in all his works 15 He lifts up all that fall And raiseth from the ground all that are bruised 16 The eyes of all creatures hope in thee And thou givest them food in seasonable time 17 Thou openest thy hand and fillest every living creature with benediction 18 Our Lord is just in all his ways And holy in all his works 19 Our Lord is near at hand to thos who call upon him And to all that invoke him in truth 20 He will performe the desires of thos who fear him he will hear their prayers and will save them 21 Our Lord takes into his protection thos wholove him And will destroy all sinners 22 My mouth shall speak the praises of our Lord And let all flesh blesse his holy name for ever and ever PSALME CXLV Lauda anima mea In this Psalme are comm●morated the benefites of God bestowed upon men and it declares that wee onght to put our trust in him alone ALLALUIA 1 O My soul Psalm 145. Praise thou our Lord Whilst I live I will praise our Lord I will sing the praises of my God as long as J am in being 2 Confide not in Princes not in the sons of men in whom ther is no safety 3 Their soul will depart and they will return to the earth whence they came In that day all their designs will vanish 4 Blessed is he who has the God of Jacob for his defender whos hope is in the Lord his God who made heaven and earth the sea and all things that are in them 5 Who preserves truth for ever Who does justice to thos who suffer injury and gives food to thee hungry 6 Our Lord loosens the bonds of prisoners Our Lord gives sight to the blind 7 Our Lord lifts up thos who have been bruised Our Lord loveth the just 8 Our Lord will defend the stranger And take into his protection the orphan and the widow And he will confound the ways of sinners 9 Our Lord will