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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22106 The first examinacio[n] of Anne Askewe latelye martired in Smythfelde, by the Romyshe popes vpholders, wyth the elucydacyon of Iohan Bale. Askew, Anne, 1521-1546.; Bale, John, 1495-1563.; Askew, Anne, 1521-1546. Latter examynacyon of Anne Askewe latleye martyred in Smythfelde. aut 1547 (1547) STC 851; ESTC S114741 83,394 227

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or soche an abomynable ydoll as subuertynge Christes true religyon wyll be your fynall destruccyon both here and in the worlde to come For ydolles are called abhomynacyō al the scriptures ouer Yet shall it endure say the Daniel sumwhere vnto the ende of al Daniel ix Wherby ye maye well perceyue that it comprehendethe not onely the tryumphaunt stremers of Tyberius or golden ymages of Caligula whyche bothe preuented the subuersyon of Hierusalem but some other ydolles which shulde contynewe And it folowethe in the Gospell texte that he shulde sytte in the holye place for the tyme of hys contynuaunce Mathei xxiiii And not in the paganes temples Tell me yf youre Masses be done anye where els than in your hallowed sanctuaryes vpon your sanctified aulters and in your holy ornamentes and consecrate cuppes Neyther may any do them vnlesse they be anoynted therunto of your Byshoppes sorcerers Not without the holy place sayth-Christ is that abhomynacyon but in it Mathei xxiiii Antichriste sayth saynt Paule shal syt not without but within the verye temple of God ii Thessalo ii The papacye is not wythoute but wythin the verie church of Christ what thoughe it be no part therof Apoca. xi Therfore it shall be mete that we be ware and seperate oure selues frome them at the admonyshmentes of hys hoolye doctryne leaste we be partakers wyth yow in theyr promysed dampnaciō Apoca xviii By the vayle ouer Moses face she meaneth the blynde confydence that manye men yet haue in olde Iewysh ceremonyes and beggarlye tradycions of men as S. Paule doth call them Gala. iiii Wherby the veryte of God is sore blemished The spiritual knowlege which cometh by the clere doctryne of the Gospell mynystreth no soch impedymentes of darkenes But all thynges are clerelye seane to them which are endued therwith They can be deceyued by none of Sathans subtyle conuayers but perceyueth all thynges whych haue obtayned the pure eyes of faythe Anne Askewe For it is playnelye expressed in the hystorye of Bel in the Byble that God dwellethe in nothynge materyall O kynge saythe Daniel be not deceyued Daniel xiiii For God wyll be in nothynge that is made with handes of men Actor vii Oh what styffnecked people are these that wyll alwayes resyste the hoolye Ghost But as theyr fathers haue done so do they bycause ther haue stonye hartes Wryttē by me Anne Askewe that nether wyshe deathe nor yet feare his myghte and as merye as one that is bowne towardes heauen Truthe is layed in pryson Luce. xxi The lawe is turned to worme woode Amos. vi And there can no ryghte iudgement go forth Esay lix Iohan Bale Marke here howe graciouslye the lord kepeth promyse with thys poore seruaunte of his He that beleuethe on me saythe Christe oute of his bellye shall flowe ryuers of lyuynge water Ioa. vii Neyther lasheth thys woman out in her extreme troubles language of dispayre nor yet blasphemouse wordes agaynste God with the vnbeleuinge but vttereth the scriptures in wonderfull habundaunce to his lawde and prayse She rebuketh here the most pestylent vyce of ydolatrye Not by olde narracions and fables but by the most pure worde of God as dyd Daniel Steuen And in the ende she shewethe the stronge stomacke of a mooste Christen martyre in that she is neyther desyrouse of the deathe neyther yet standeth in feare of the vyolēce or extremyte therof What a constancye was this of a woman frayle tēdre yong and most delycyouslye brought vp But that Christes sprete was myghtye in her who bad her be of good cher For though the tyrauntes of thys worlde haue power to fleye the bodye yet haue they no power ouer the sowles Matthei xx Nether haue they power in the ende to demynyshe one heare of the heade Luce xxi She faynteth not in the myddes of the battayle i. Corint ix But perseuerethe stronge and stedefast to the verye ende Mathei x. Not doubtynge but to haue for her faythful perseueraūce the crowne of eternall lyfe Apoc. ii So mery am I sayth she good creature in the myddes of Newgate as one that is bowne towardes heauen A voyce was thys of a most worthye and valeaunt wytnesse in the paynefull kyngedome of pacience Apocalip i. She faithfullye reckened of her lorde God that he is not as men are fyckle Numeri xxiii But most sure of worde and promyse Psalm cxliiii And that he wolde most faithfully kepe conuenaunt wyth her whan tyme shuld come Apoca. ii She had it most groūdedlye planted in her hart that though heauen and earthe dyd passe yet coulde not his wordes and promes passe by vnfulfylled Lu. xxi Ashamed may those carnall Helchesytes be whych haue not on lye denyed the verite of theyr lorde god but also most shamefullye blasphemed dishonoured bothe it and themselues for the pleasure of a yeare or ii to dwell styl in this fleshe They cōsidre not that he wyth whome they mocke hathe power to sende them to helle for theyr blasphemye Luce. xii They shall not fynde it a matter lyght for theyr inconstancye to be vometed out of the mouthe of God as vnsauerye morsels Apocalypsis iii Neyther shal they proue it a Christmas game to be denyed of Christ before hys heauenlye father and his angels for denyenge here his verite Math. x. Anne Askewe Oh forgeue vs all oure synnes and receyue vs gracyouslye As for the workes of oure handes we wyll no more call vpon them For it is thou lorde that art oure God Thou sheweste euer mercye vnto the fatherles Oh yf they wolde do this saythe the Lorde I shoulde heale they re sores yea wyth all my harte woulde I loue them O Ephraim what haue I to do wyth ydolles anye more Who so is wyse shall vnderstande thys And he that is ryghtlye enstructed wyll regarde it For the wayes of the Lorde are ryghteouse Soche as are godlye wyl walke in them And as for the wicked they wyll stomble at them Osee. xiiii Iohan Bale All these wordes alleged she oute of the last chaptre of Oseas the prophete where as he prophecyed the destructyon of Samaria for the onlye vyce of ydolatrye In the worde of the lorde she declareth her selfe therin to detest and abhorre that vyce aboue all and to repent frō the hearte that she hathe at anye tyme worshypped the workes of mennes handes eyther stone wode breade wyne or anye soche lyke for the eternall lyuynge God Consequently she confessyth hym to be her only God and that she had at that tyme truste in non other els nether for the remyssion of her synnes nor yet sowles cōfort at her nede And lyke soch a wone as is vnfainedlye cōuerted vnto the lorde she axethe of the spyritual Ephraimytes in his worde what she hath anye more to do wyth ydolles or whyether minde so tyrannouslye enforce her to the
faste the confydence and reioysynge of that hope to the ende Wherfore as saythe the Holye Ghoste To daie yf yow shall heare his voice harden not youre hartes c. Psalme xciiii Iohan Bale By the fore heades vnderstāde she the hartes or mindes of men for so are they takē of S. Iohā Apoc. vii xxii I can not thynke but herin she had respect vnto the plate of fyne golde which the lorde commaunded to be set vpon Aarons fore hede for the acceptacyon of the people of Israel Exodi ii For here wolde she all mennys hartes to be endued and lyghtened with the mooste pure sprete of Christ for the vnderstandynge of that most holye and necessarye cōmunyon the corrupted dreames and fantasyes of synnefull men sette a part She knewe by the singular gyft of the holye Ghost that they are lyenge masters procurers of ydolatrye and most spytfull enemyes to the sowle of man that applyeth that office to the corruptyble lippes which belongeth to an vncorrupted faythe so settynge the creature that is corruptyble breade in place of the creator Christ both God and man Roma i. lamentynge it with the ryghteouse at the verie harte rote And in thys she shewed her selfe to be a naturall membre of Christes mistycall bodie i Cor. xii relygyouslye carefull for her Christen bretherne systerne least they shulde take harme of the popes masmongers Anne Askewe The summe of my examynacion afore the kynges counsell at Grenewyche Your request as concernynge my preson fellowes I am not hable to satysfye bycause I hearde not their examynacyons But the effecte of mine was this I before the counsell was asked of mastre kyme I answered that my lorde chancellour knewe all redye my mynde in that matter They with that answere were not contented but said it was the kinges pleasure that I shulde open the matter to them I answered them playnelye that I wolde not so do But if it were the kynges pleasure to heare me I wolde shewe hym the truthe Then they sayde it was not mete for the kynge with me to be troubled I answered that Salomon was reckened the wysest kynge that euer lyued yet myslyked not he to heare ii poore common womē moche more hys grace a symple woman and hys faythfull subiecte So in conclusyon I made them non other answere in that matter Iohan Bale Cōcernynge master Kyme this shuld seme to be the matter Her father Syr Wyllyam Askewe knyght and hys father olde master Kyme were sumtyme of famylyaryte and neybers within the countye of Lyncolne shyre Wherupon the sayde Sir Wyllyam couenaunted wyth hym for lucre to haue hys eldest doughter marryed wyth hys sonne and heyre as an vngodly maner it is in Englande moch vsed amonge noble men And as it was her chaunce to dye afore the tyme of maryage to saue the moneye he constrayned thys to supplye her to wine So that in the ende she was cōpelled against her wyll or fre consent to marry with him Notwithstandynge the marryage ones paste she demeaned her selfe lyke a Christen wyfe and hade by hym as I am infourmed ii childrē In processe of tyme by oft readynge of the sacred Bible she fell clerelye from al olde supersticyons of papystrye to a perfyght beleue in Iesus Christ. Wherby she so offēded the prestes as is to be seane afore that he at theyr suggestion vyolentlye droue her oute of his howse Wherupō she thought her selfe free frō that vncomelye kynde of coacted marryage by thys doctryne of S. Paule i. Cor. vii If a faythfull woman haue an vnbeleuynge husbande which wyll not tarrye with her she may leaue him For a brother or sister is not in subieccion to soch specyallye where as the marryage afore is vnlawful Vpō this occasiō I heare saye she soughte of the lawe a diuorcemēt frō him namely aboue al bycause he so cruellye droue her out of his house in despyt of Chrystes veryte She coulde not thynke him worthye of marryage which so spyghtfullie hated God the chefe autor of marryage Of this mattre was she fyrste examyned I thynke at hys instaūt labour and sute Anne Askewe Then my lorde chauncellour asked me of my opynyon in the sacrament My answere was thys I beleue that so oft as I in a Chrysten congregacyon do receiue the bread in remembraūce of Christes death and with thankes geuynge accordynge to hys holye institucyon I receyue therwith the frutes also of hys moost gloryouse passyon The Byshope of wynchestre bad me make a dyrect answere I sayde I wold not synge a new songe to the lord in a straunge lande Iohan Bale Dyrect ynough was this answere after Christes syngle doctrine but not after the popes double and couetouse meanynge for his oyled queresters aduauntage And here was at hande hys generall aduocate or stewarde to loke vpon the matter that nothyng shulde perysh perteynynge to the mayntenaunce of hys superstycyous vayne glorye yf any craftye polycye myghte helpe it What offended thys godlye Christen woman here eyther in oppinion or faythe ye cruell and vengeable tyrauntes But that ye muste as Dauid saythe temper your tunges wyth venemouse wordes to destroye the innocent Psal. lxiii Could yow haue brought in agaynst her a matter of more daunger concernynge your lawes to depriue her of life ye wolde haue done it soch is your gostlye charyte But be sure of it as hawtye as ye are now the harde plage therof wyll be yours whan the greate vengeaunce shal fall for shedynge of innocentes bloude Mat. xxiii Anne Askewe Then the Byshoppe sayde I speake in parables I answered it was best for hym For if I shewe the open truthe quoth I ye wyll not accept it Then he sayde I was a paratte I tolde hym agayne I was readye to suffre all thynges at hys handes Not onelye hys rebukes but all that shoulde folowe besydes yea and that gladlye Then hadde I dyuerse rebukes of the counsell bycause I woulde not expresse my mynde in all thynges as they woulde haue me But they were not in the meane tyme vnanswered for all that whyche nowe to rehearce were to moche For I was wyth them there aboue fyue houres Then the clearke of the counsell conueyed me from thens to my lady Garnyshe Iohan Bale Most cōmonly Christ vsed to speake in darke similitudes and parables whā he perceyued hys audyence rather geuē to the hearynge of pharysaycall constytucyons and customes than to his heauenlye veryte Mathei xiii Marc. iiii Luc. vii which rule this woman beynge hys true dyscyple forgotte not here in cōmenynge with thys proude Byshoppe whō she knewe to be alwayes moste obstynat withstander of that wholsom veryte of his And as concernynge mockes and scornefull reuylynges they haue bene euer in that generacyon of scorners more plenteouse than good counsels to the ryghtwyse And therfore as a name after their condycyons
a daies for that wretched blynde kyngdome of the Romysh pope But trust vpon it trulye ye terryble termagantes of hell There is no practise there is no wisdome there is no counsell that can agaynst the lorde preuaile Prouerb xxi Ye loke to be obeyed in all deuilyshnesse But ye considre not that where God is dishonoured by your obedyence there belongeth none to yow Acto v. Ye haue moch ado here with sectes as though it were a great heresye rightlye to beleue in our lorde Iesus Christ after the Gospell not after your Romysh father But where was euer yet a more pestylent and deuilish secte than is that Sodomytyshe secte whom ye here so ernestlye maynteyne with tyrannye and mischefe How gredilye seke yow the slaughter of Gods true seruauntes ye bloud thurstye wolues as the holye Ghost doth call yow Psal. xxv If the vertuouse ladies most noble women whose liues ye cruellye seke in your madde ragynge furye as rauishynge lyons in the darke Psal. ix haue throwne of their shulders for Christes easye and gentill burden Mathey xi the popes vneasye and importable yoke Luce xi Happye are they that euer they were borne For therby haue they procured a greate quietnesse and helthe to their sowles For Christes worde is quicke and bringeth nothinge els to the sowle but life Hebreo iiii The popes olde tradicyons and customes beinge but the wisdome of the fleshe are verie poyson and deathe Roma viii Anne Askewe Then sayde they vnto me that the kynge was infourmed that I coulde name if I wolde a great nomber of my secte Thē I answered that the kynge was as wele deceyued in that behalfe as dissembled with in other matters Iohan Bale Great Assuerus kinge of the Perseanes Medes was infourmed also that the seruaunt of God Mardocheus was a traitour which neuerthelesse had discouered ii traytours a lyttle afore and so saued the kynges lyfe Hester iii. But Haman that false coūseller which so infourmed the kinge was in the ende proued a traitour in dede as I doubt it not but some of these wyll be founde after this and was worthelie hanged for it so fallinge into the snare that his selfe had prepared for other Psal. vii Albertus Pyghius Cochleus Eckius soch other pestilent papistes haue fylled all Christendome with railings bokes of our kinge for renouncinge the Romish popes obedience but therof ye infourme not his grace No neither excuse ye nor yet defende ye his godlie acte in that behalfe But ye are as apereth very well contented that he be yl spoken of for it It is not a yeare ago sens out wynchestre was at Vtrecht in hollād where as the sayd Pighius dwelt was for hys papistrye in great autoryte I know certaynlye the mā there was moch more easye to please in that cause than in another sleuelesse matter of hys owne cōcernynge Martyne Bucer Hys gallaūtes also warraūted there I knowe to whome that the Romysh pope by the Emprours good helpe shuld withī fewe yeares haue in Englāde as great autoryte as euer he had afore I doubt not but sūwhat they knewe of theyr masters good cōueyaūce but of this is not the kinge infourmed I coulde write here of manye other mysteryes cōcernynge the obseruaunt fryres other raūgynge Rome ronners what newes they receyue wekelye out of Englāde frō the papystes there in what hope they are put of their returne thydre agayne For I haue seane ther braggynge letters therof sent frō Emeryck to Frystāde frō the cōtraie of Coleyne into Westphalie Of this and soch other cōueyaūces the kinge is not yet infourmed but I trust he shall be Anne Askewe Then cōmaunded they me to shewe howe I was maynteyned in the Counter and who wylled me to stycke by my opynyon I sayd that there was no creature that therein dyd strengthen me And as for the helpe that I had in the counter it was by the meanes of my mayd For as she went abroad in the stretes she made to the prentyses and they by her dyd sende me moneye But who they were I neuer knewe Iohan Bale Ioseph was in pryson vndre Pharao the fearce kynge of Egypte yet was he fauourably handeled and no man forbidden to confort him Gen. xxxix Whā Iohan Baptist was in stronge duraunce vnder Herode the tyraunt of Galile hys discyples dyd frely vysyt hym and were not rebuked for it Mat. xi Paule beynge emprysoned and in cheynes at Rome vnder the most furyouse tyraunt Nero was neuer blamed for sendynge his seruaunt Onesimus abroad nor yet for writynge by hym to hys fryndes for socour Philem. i. Neither yet was Philemon troubled for releuyng hym there by the sayd Onesimus nor yet hys olde frynd Onesipherus for personally there vysytynge hym and supportyng hym wyth hys moneye lyke as he had done afore also at Ephesus Nowe conferre these storyes and soche other lyke with the present handelynge of Anne Askewe and ye shal well perceyue our Englyshe rulers and iudges in theyr newe Chrystyanyte of renouncynge the pope to excede all other tyrauntes in all cruelty spyght and vengeaunce But loke to haue it no otherwyse so longe as mytyred prelates are of counsell Be ashamed cruell beastes be ashamed for all Chrystendome wondereth on youre madnesse aboue all Anne Askewe Then they sayde that there were dyuerse gentylwomen that gaue me moneye But I knewe not theyr names Then they sayd that there were dyuerse Ladyes whyche hadde sente me moneye I answered that there was a man in a blewe coate whyche delyuered me x. shyllynges and sayde that my ladye of Hertforde sente it me And an other in a vyolette coate dyd geue me viii shyllynges and sayde that my lady Dennye sēt it me Whether it were true or no I cannot tell For I am not suer who sent it me but as the men dyd saye Iohan Bale In the tyme of Christes preachynge what thoughe the holye clergye were thā not pleased therwith but iudged it as they do styll to this daye most horryble heresye yet certen noble women is Marye Magdalene Iohan the wyfe of Chusa Herodes hygh stewarde Susanna manye other folowed hym frō Galile mynystred vnto hym of theyr substaūce cōcernynge his bodylye nedes Luce. viii These with other more after he was by the said clergye done to most cruell death for the veryte preachyng both prepared oyntementes and spyces to anoynte his bodye Luce. xxiiii also proclamed abroad hys gloryouse resurreccyon to his Apostles and other Ioā xx contrarye to the Byshoppes inhybycion Act. iii. Yet reade we not that anye man or womā was racked for the accusement of them A woman amōge the Macedonyanes dwellynge in the cytie of Thyatira called Lydia by name a purple seller verye rytche in marchaundyse receyued Paule Sylas and Timothe wyth other suspected brethrene into her