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A20939 Coales from the altar; or Foure religious treatises to kindle deuotion in this colde age. Written in French by Mounsieur du Moulin: and translated into English by N.M. Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; Metcalfe, Nicholas. 1622-1623 (1623) STC 7318; ESTC S118640 76,812 278

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gotten vp The infirme scandalize our prophane humour and impute our vices to Religion but God grant you long to preserue this peace and prosperity and preserue your King vnder whose wise conduct you liue quietly But you must vnderstand that the security of the Kings life is the piety and innocency of his subiects and the meanes long to preserue that grace which God hath giuen you is not to abuse it but to mannage the time and the Commodity which God hath giuen you which he hath not giuen to neighbour Nations but hath rather set before your eyes as it were for example of seruitude and obscure ignorance whereupon Sathan hath powred out a filthy smoake euen out of the pits of the Abisme whilest that in our owne Countrey shineth the clearnesse of the truth of the Gospell to the end that by this comparison you may learne to glorifie God and not to abuse and corrupt his blessings with ingratitude Out of all this you are to learne two poynts First what the Gospell of Christ is and next what it is to be ashamed of the Gospell Now let vs learne the third which is the resolution of Saint Paul by which he glorifieth himselfe in the reproch of the Gospell and contemneth the misprise of men saying I am not ashamed c. which is the exhortation he maketh to his disciple Timothy Be not ashamed of the testimony of the Lord Iesus but participate of the afflictions of the Gospell according to the power of God This holy Apostle knew what the hatred of the world was against the Gospell Hee knew the Egyptians naturally hated the Pastors as Ioseph said to his Brethren He esteemed it no shame to doe that which Dauid did which is to feed the flocke of his Father principally those which Iesus Christ hath bought with his bloud and glorified himselfe to be Heralde of the Ministery of reconciliation ambassadour for Christ and declarer of peace betweene God and men 2 Cor. 5. and as Saint Paul saint after Isaiah Rom. 10. Oh how faire are the feete of those which declare peace which say to Sion thy kingdome come He was not ashamed to beare that burthen which hee himselfe had carried For euen as a King maketh a company of Knights of his owne order of which order he himselfe is the principall So Iesus Christ hath instituted the Ministery of the Gospell of which order he himselfe is the chiefe hath vouchsafed to participate of the same charge Hee was not ashamed to publish to men the Diuine Mysteries which the Angels themselues admired and were diligent to behold with admiration euen to the very bottome as Saint Peter saith hauing regard to the structure of the Arke of allyance called the Eternall whereupon the Propitiator was placed as a figure of Iesus Christ our propitiation also there were put two Cherubins hauing their heads curled and their eyes blinded towards the propitiatory for to figure out vnto vs the attention of the Euangelicall spirits and to admire the mysteries of our Redemption in Iesus Christ whereupon we need not be dismayed if in the first of Samuel the Bethsemites hauing taken away the propitiatory for to looke within the Arke that is to say to approch to God without Iesus CHRIST were consumed with wounds and mortality To be short our Apostle was not ashamed to declare the mystery of our Reconciliation which is aboue all other mysteries euen surpassing the worke of the creation For if it be an admirable thing that the Creator hath made the creature it is also a thing much more admirable that the Creator was made a creature And as for the goods which God hath giuen vs so much difference is there betweene the earthly and celestiall Paradise betweene the Tree of life and betweene Iesus Christ betweene those foure Riuers which runne by the Garden of Eden and these other foure which proceede from Iesus Christ which Saint Paul numbreth vnto vs that he hath been made for vs Wisedome Iustice Sanctification and Redemption So much difference is there betweene the goods which wee haue lost in Adam and those which wee haue offered vnto vs in Iesus Christ In such sort that I dare say this fall of Adam hath beene happy for Gods children and that there was happinesse in this vnhappinesse and if we had not fallen into death we should not haue come to so happy a life But the principall reason why the Apostle glorifieth himselfe to be a messenger of the Gospell is that which he expresseth in this Text that it is the power of God to saluation to all beleeuers that is to say because it is the sauing vertue of God by which hee saueth all beleeuers For the Gospel is the meanes which serueth to purifie mens harts Now you are cleane through the Word of God which I haue spoken vnto you Ioh. 15. As the Spettle comming out of mans mouth makes Serpents dye so that which commeth out of the mouth of faithfull Pastors maketh wicked desires dye which are a legion of domesticall spirits that hold correspondency with the Diuell It is by the Word of God which God toucheth the hearts of the repentant and imprinteth Faith in them For Faith is by hearing and hearing by the Word of God It is a powerfull means which by a sweet violence and by a necessity vnconstrained directeth the hearts and draweth them into the way of saluation by reason of the efficacy whereof he is called the arme of the Lord because God by this meanes handleth the soules and pulleth them out of the power of Sathan leading them into the way of saluation The Apostle in the fourth to the Hebrewes compareth it to a two edged sword because of the double vertue Ieremy calleth it a fire and a Trowell which breaketh the stones for it warmeth the hearts with zeale and tameth the hardnesse thereof For as God writ with his finger the Law in stone so he engraueth his Gospell in our hard and rebellious hearts by the efficacy of his holy Spirit which is the finger of God Which I speake of the rather fearing that some should thinke by their eloquence to giue efficacy to the Word of God Beleeue it not in any sort for that vertue commeth vnto him and to euery man also euen from the Spirit of God which giueth it efficacy without the which the Word of God is but a dead letter a tinkling sound in the ayre We beat your eares but God toucheth your hearts we cast the seed but God sendeth the raine and maketh the Sunne of benediction light vpon him He which planteth and hee which watereth is nothing but hee that giueth the increase Who was euer more eloquent then Isay and his quality also seemed to enforce attention for hee was of the blood-royall neuerthelesse he complaineth that he laboured in vaine and none would beleeue in his preaching to the end that those whom God employeth in this worke if they would haue their labour
to prosper they must impute all to the blessing of God and not to their owne industry and sufficiency Besides they must looke well about them and not apply themselues to the proud distaste of their Auditors who in this Age desire eloquence more then solidity who would haue words without matter and sawces without meate who would haue their eares tickled and not their consciences pricked like vnto a wicked Porter who will not let an honest man enter in at the gate because he is not well apparelled In the meane while this is not the way to profit in the Word of God Doe you thinke with the flowers of eloquence you can perswade a man to suffer Martyrdome or with figures faire words you can comfort a man at the houre of death Is not the Gospell the medicine of our soules What auaileth it for the Phisitian to be eloquent if his medicine be wholesome Is not the Gospell the letter of grace and abolition of our crime then what matter is it in what termes it be written seeing that it bringeth vs out of captiuitie God in the Olde Testament commanded that his Altar should bee built with vnpollished stones to testifie that he loued simplicity in his seruice be assured of it that hee that hath most profited in a Sermon is not he that saith This man spoke very well but he that saith Oh I haue led an euill life how farre am I from the rules that this man hath propounded It is not he that wayeth periods of speeches but hee that soundeth his own conscience Those that ruminated were marked for cleane beasts you shall be cleane and agreeable sacrifices to God if you ruminate and meditate in your selues the Word of God I am certainely perswaded that all my Brethren and Companions in the worke of the LORD would wish with me that we were without words so you were without vices and that wee were despised so God might be glorified If they would haue efficacie in their Sermons they must speake with a holy boldnesse as God speaking by their mouth that they flatter not sinners but in good earnest make them feele their sinnes without exception of persons or flattering the great ones A rich man is taught no otherwise then a poore Selfe-same medicines serue for little and great Euen so it is in spirituall medicines Sermons without reprehensions are like Swords without points or Lampes where Oyle is powred in without enlightening of them To feare to touch the sinner lest hee should offend him is a cruell respect like vnto him that feareth to saue a man that is in drowning lest hee should hurt his arme or pull some of his haire away These wholesome effects of the Word of God are not without faith without which the Word cannot take roote or fructifie in our soules as the Apostle in the fourth to the Hebrewes saith that hearing of the Word hath not profited them because it was not mingled with faith Whereof St. Paul also after he hath saide that the Gospell is the power of God addeth to euery beleeuer This faith is not an historicall faith as that is of the Church of Rome which onely beleeueth in generall that all that which is contained in the word of God is true but it is a faith which hath knowledge added to beliefe which besides the generall knowledge applyeth the word of God in particular not onely saying that Iesus Christ dyed for sinners but also addeth with Saint Paul the second to the Galat. Iesus Christ hath loued me and hath giuen his soule for me Neither is it an inforced or circumuenting faith by the which they beleeue what the Church beleeueth or what the Curate beleeueth without knowing what they ought to beleeue neither wherefore this beliefe of the Church is the better One cannot beleeue by Aduocate neither is a man saued by the beliefe of another He that is perswaded that another can beleeue for him is in danger that another shall be in Paradise for him Habacucke telleth vs The iust shall liue by faith then he cannot liue by the faith of another Also it is not a faith of Miracles whereof the greatnesse of a graine of Mustard-seede can transport mountaines but the greatnesse of a Mountaine of this faith cannot remoue a soule out of hell into heauen which chaseth into another wicked spirits but cannot chase from it selfe wicked desires which healeth corporall maladies in another but cannot heale his owne soule from spirituall maladies but it is a faith which receiueth the promises of Iesus Christ with ioy which imbraceth him as good newes sent from Heauen who applyeth himselfe to the words which the Apostle said to the blinde Man that Iesus called be of good courage the Master calleth thee it is a faith that disburdeneth his sinnes vpon Iesus Christ which giueth repose and peace to the conscience which beholdeth the Booke of the Gospell with the same eye that a faithfull husband beholdeth his contract in marriage or a good Sonne that beholds the will of his Father who by it is incited to loue God and to glorifie him in workes and words iust in his actions humble in prosperity patient in aduersitie charitable to the Church burning in zeale of the house of God For without these things faith is a name without a thing a shadow without a Body and in stead of a beliefe a confusion and spirituall lethargie without this faith wee cannot please God Heb. 11. without this faith wee make God a lyar as doubting of the truth of his promises without this faith wee expose our selues naked to the temptations of the aduersary for it is a Buckler to beate backe the fiery darts of Sathan Be not yee then amazed that the blessings of Iesus Christ are sufficient for all yet neuerthelesse all cannot be saued because that all haue not faith for misbeliefe reiecteth the remedies which God presenteth and ouerthroweth the medicine This faith ought to be nourished and fortified by prayer by the hearing of the word of God by holy companies by all sort of good workes and although after all that infirmitie remaineth in you feare not your saluation with a trembling hand giue not ouer taking of Almes All those which beheld the brasen Serpent had not their sights equally good and neuerthelesse were equally healed God requireth not of vs a perfect faith but true without hypocrisie and which indeauoureth to fortifie it selfe and saith as the father of him that was possessed I beleeue Lord but helpe my infirmitie God which hath put these Treasures in a Vessell of earth which perfecteth his grace in our infirmitie in time of necessitie sustaineth our feeblenesse aboue all at the houre of death there he drieth vp the drops of bloud he saith to the faithfull soule feare not Christ Iesus is besides thee which sheweth thee a Crowne The faith of the faithfull cannot be confounded like the Nodes of Compasses in the middest of the sea remaine vnmoueable amidst the Tempest
seeing that hee hath seene the beginning of the Kingdome of God which was all hee could see vpon earth for to himselfe he saide is Iesus Christ come so farre from the very highest Heauens to visite me wherfore shoul-not I goe before him and how sweet will death be now vnto mee hauing seene him who is come to take away all malediction You may say peraduenture that this good man made too great haste first for it was sufficient for Christian constancy to attend euils without hastening them and to forbeare vntill they fall of themselues Secondly that it is a losse for the Church that such a holy man as Simeon should bee taken from the world whose life was an edification to the Church Thirdly and that he abandoned his wife and his children in hauing no more care of them and his family Fourthly and in conclusion that Death is an euill which Iesus Christ himselfe as man feared hauing prayed that the Cup might passe from him and St. Peter was dragged to Martyrdome after a sort against his will They shal lead thee whither thou wouldest not Ioh. And Iesus Christ wept for the death of Lazarus although he had resolued to raise him vp againe First to this I answere the faithfull ought not to run to death but we ought to follow when God calleth Now God called Simeon and by the promise which was made that he should not dye vntill he had seene the Messias hee knew that his houre was come Secondly many say that the death of a holy man is a losse to the Church I answere that God preserueth those that he will employ for the seruice thereof as Iesus Christ said when the Souldiers held him If you seeke for me let these goe for he would employ them if he meane to take any away he will find other meanes to perfect his worke Moses did bring the people out of Egypt and led Israel forty yeares euen to the very border and conquered some part of the land beyond Iorden yet dyed euen at the very entrance thereof but God raised Iosuah to whom he gaue strength to effect it Dauid had proiected the building of of the Temple and gathered together the materials and made choise of the place but God would not that he should lay the foundation but ordained Salomon for that worke It is the worke of God to the which hee prouideth workemen alwayes according to his prouidence Thirdly may another say but he abandoned his wife his children and family This which seemeth to be a kind of cruelty is farre better then all clemency that smothereth all naturall affection to obey God which was the cause that made Abraham resolute to sacrifice his sonne which made the Leuites draw their swords against their brethren and kindred for to obey the commandements of God Simeon at his death was resolued to obey him and to refuse his family to follow God Besides hee knew his family in this affliction wanted no consolation for it might comfort and arme it selfe with these considerations How vainely would we resist the will of God and kicke against the prickes God is wise and doth all for the best and for causes onely knowne to himselfe Life is not giuen vs in propriety but lent vs the Terme is not according to our desires but according to his ordinance We make vp our account amisse and thinke we enioy our life as if it were our owne or else we doe not looke that God should take it way so soone by which meanes the most of the sorrow proceedeth not from the nature of the euill it selfe but from our selues and our carelesnesse and want of attendance The Holy Scripture saith thereupon very well That hee hath rendred his spirit Dauid saith I render my soule into thy hands for thou hast bought me What would this word of render my soule signifie but onely to shew vnto vs that God demaundeth nothing but that which belongeth vnto him as Saint Luke 12. saith To morrow shall thy soule be asked for and principally those whom Iesus Chirst hath bought with his blood and precious sufferings When hee calleth vs away hee doth like the buyer that would haue that hee paide for And wee ought to say with Dauid I render my soule into thy hands for thou hast bought it and hast bought it not to enrich thy selfe but to better it It will be well done in our dolours and domesticke sorrowes to looke vpon others and to behold the ruine of their Countryes and Cities So many battels where fifty thousand men haue beene slaine where so many Cities haue beene destroyed where Kings haue beene slaine in the middle of the Army or amiddest their triumphs and wee shall finde our owne miseries indifferent tollerable in comparison of theirs hauing cause to accuse our selues of delicacy liuing but too effeminately especially when we come to beholde the wounds of the Church the forepast massacres with the executions burnings of so many faithfull people in the Kingdome of Sathan vnder the which the Church breatheth so hardly then I say if we be disposed as we should be we will be much more grieued with such a generall misery then with our owne particular for it is but of small importance to haue domesticke euils in our owne house in comparison of the miseries that the world doth suffer It is a small matter when God taketh one of his seruants from the world in comparison of the streetes when they runne with the blood of the faithfull massacred by blasphemous and bloody villaines You who are constant in publike afflictions where God is blasphemed wherefore should you be carelesse in particular that dwell where Gods name is called vpon wherefore should you be so sensible for your domesticall grieuances and so insensible of the wounds of the Church If any sorrow more for the losse of their owne then for the affliction of the Church I say his teares is cruell against the Church and it is a signe of his little zeale to the glory of God When Sathan holdeth the Church by the throate we should be glad to comfort it Yet in the affliction of our familie wee grow so passionate that we reiect all consolation although with drie eyes we can be content to see for the publike good millions of people thronging downe to Hell and if God take away from amongst vs a soule hee loueth or if he take away a wife or a sonne or a husband then we loose all constancy and our fashion is to murmure against him It is very necessary that these domesticke sorrowes be mastred by a greater power and that the zeale to the house of God may command vs and possesse vs as Dauid in the 66. Psalme saith The zeale of thy house hath eaten me Aboue all we faile in our Teares for when we haue seene a friend die that was deare vnto vs and seene him die the death of the righteous with a holy ioy and goe out of this world like
things thereto belonging He that feareth God hath wherewithall to sustaine him in these trials for it is then that God assisteth all those that call vpon him call vpon mee in thy necessitie and I will heare thee and what greater Necessitie can there be then death Hee that giueth his Angels charge to defend those that liue in his feare how can he abandon those that dye calling vpon him Hee that openeth his eye ouer the prosperity of the wicked can hee haue his eare shut to the sighes of the good that call vpon him in their extremitie and although Sathan espie him the Angels watch ouer him to whom our defence is committed and besides Sathan is enchayned with a chayne both great and strong which is called the prouidence of God hauing his Head wounded to death and the souldiers that he setteth to assaile vs which are sorrow and the figure of death their Armes and weapons are no better then strawes and pinnes against the faith of the faithfull Some say the Diuell appeared to a dying man and shewed him a Parchment that was very long wherein was written on euery side the sinnes of the poore sicke man which were many in number and that there were also written the Idle words he had spoken which made vp three quarters of the words that hee had spoken in his life together with the false words the vnchaste words and the words of iniurie afterwards came in rancke his vaine and vngodly words and lastly his actions digested according to the Commandements whereupon Sathan said Seest thou Behold thy vertues see here what thine examination shall be Whereunto the poore sinner answered It is true Sathan but thou hast not set downe all for thou shouldest haue added and set downe here below The bloud of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all our sinnes and this also should not haue bin forgotten That whosoeuer beleeueth in him shall not perish but haue euerlasting life there are none so feeble as the Diuell nor so cowardly when he is to assaile a true Christian onely name Iesus Christ and hee flyeth a way for he wayteth but for the day when hee shall be bound in chaynes and cast into the bottomlesse pit which made him say to Iesus Christ art thou come to torment me before my time And he praied Iesus Christ that he would not send him into the Abisme If we haue the eyes of Faith open we shal not need to feare death but outface her make our selues familiar with her for shee annoyeth none but those that shee surprizeth and we likewise loue her like one that openeth the Prison doore to those that are in durance Euen as if the Children which come out of the Mothers wombe should haue some reason they would not weepe but reioyce to come out of such a noysome and obscure place to see the Sunne Euen so if our soules were instructed as they ought to be and had true reason they would not be sorry to goe out of the prison of the Body to come into the light of God for this issue is another Byrth whereof we ought not to be amazed if it be done with some sorrow it is a meanes to enter into the light For in the auncient Church the day of the celebration of the death of the Martyrs was called the day of Natiuity Let him feare death who hopeth not for life let him feare death who would not goe to Iesus Christ let him feare death that is a slaue to his Belly and to gormundizing but as for me Christ is gaine to me to liue and die Euen then when Iesus Christ was resolued to dye Peter disswaded him but Christ replyed Get thee behinde mee Sathan euen so wee checke the flesh which filleth vs with feares for it knoweth nothing of the things of God Now you see death which was common to vs is now become fauourable she is nothing fearefull but in shew for life is hidden vnder the Image of death as if one should send vs a faire present by a deformed Blackamore so God by the hand of hideous death presenteth vnto vs the heauenly life It is that pale terrible Horse which is spoken of in the 6. of the Apocalyps which is called Death wherupon we must get vp to goe to God It is the passage of the Red sea which is very fearefull to walke amongst the swelling waues that hang ouer the head but by that God opened the passage to the promised land It is the Lyon of Sampson out of the carrion whereof they got Honie as Sampsons companions said That out of that which was bitter came forth sweetnesse Indeede there is nothing more bitter then death when it is accompanied with the malediction of God when it carrieth with it a terrour of conscience an oppression of heart a trembling of the soule when it feeleth it selfe summoned to appeare before the iudgement seat of God but these things being taken away death is sweet and blessed for Iesus Christ hath borne our malediction and hath suffered all the deeds of the Iudgement of God nothing now remaining but onely so much euill as is needfull to open the gate for the soule to depart and be at liberty and this little sorrow that must be endured is not long lasting wonderfull little in regard of our sinnes light in comparison of the torments of hell which we haue deserued light in comparison of the sufferings of Christ Iesus light in comparison of the infinite glory and eternall waight of heauenly glory which stayeth for vs flesh is feeble but the spirit of God fortifyeth it mightily suffereth vnder sorrow but an Angell dryeth vp the droppes of bloud and Iesus Christ sheweth the Crowne You may say vnto mee This is true but wherefore is it that God will haue the death of the faithfull so full of dolour It is because hee will haue vs feele sinne still to dwell in vs seeing wee perceiue the effects doe shew it also hee will by these sorrowes make vs feele what the grace is that he hath done vs in deliuering vs from eternall death seeing that our death is an easie short and sweet death in comparison of euerlasting torments he would haue vs in dying pray ardently which sorrow serueth to inlighten our prayers quickned with the violency thereof and enforced by Necessity he knoweth that one cannot come out of an euill without euill he will not haue vs enter into this peace without combat and resistance All this good commeth by Iesus Christ who by his death hath taken the malediction from ours who hath changed our sepulchres into Couches our death into a peaceable sleepe and of the entry into Hell hath made it the entry into Paradise Shall we feare to enter into this prison after him Or to enter into death where he leadeth the way and holdeth vs by the hand I am saith he the resurrection and the life whosoeuer beleeueth in mee although he be dead shall liue This is the cause
repent at this present and no longer prophane this speciall gift of God this gift of Repentance so pretious Hebr. 12.17 which Esau asketh with teares but was not granted him lest that the misery of the fiue foolish Virgins fall vpon vs who being not furnished with oile which their leisure would haue furnished them withall entred not in with the bridegroome but let vs keepe watch in walking in newnesse of life as already departed from the world not knowing the houre when we shall be called witnessing that we are dead to sinne and aliue to God through Iesus Christ in whom we are made new Creatures to serue to righteousnesse and now let vs truly shew to haue more care of heauenly than of earthly things the couetous man in renouncing his couetousnesse the ambitious worldling in renouncing his insolent ambition and the voluptuous in hating his vile fleshly affections for from thence springeth all our impietie it is the root and fountaine which begetteth and bringeth forth all wickednesse which wicked people so much esteeme Without particularizing the enormitie of these vices where the most guiltie will cleare himselfe in saying he is no such man although indeed he will not forbeare the honour of God euen to trample it vnder foote as much as he hath power to fulfill his disordinate desires willingly detracting from the way of saluation and hold against his conscience the wide way of the world with those that know not God adoring the Creature for the Creator not fearing to doe any thing that may please the appetite These sinnes draw after them all iniquitie and to make warre against God is no better than to renounce him can man with all the wickednesse of the world bee more abominable No no it is impossible it is in the height of iniquitie But to the end that wee may not condemne the parties without hearing them answer for themselues let vs understand what they can say God desireth the interiour and not the exteriour that which is within not that without and if they striue to be in better concord and societie yet they doe but apply themselues in shew onely that is but to seeke outwardly for vnion and by endeuour to preserue that which is not still inwardly remaining one the same they were before which is contrary to the way and walke of a good soule O true sentence most worthy noting Prov. 12.15 1 Cor. 3.19 That the way of a foole is right in his owne eies Poore blinde fooles thinke you by your humane wisdome folly before the eternall to put your selues safelier vpon the pitch-banke of Gods wrath than those whom you doe condemne heare what S. Paul saith of those desiring to be wise Rom. 1.21.22 You are become fooles in this that forasmuch as you haue knowne God yet haue you not glorified him as God let vs learne that he which knoweth the will of his master and doth it not shall be beaten more grieuously than hee that knoweth it not Your Hypocrisie is here most apparant in desiring to be thought of in better part than that which is within your heart a detestable sinne which Iesus Christ neuer speaketh of but in wonderfull anger it is the high way of Atheisme for he which enforceth himselfe to faine a religion that hee condemneth in his soule can haue no quiet in soule nor conscience vntill hee come to beleeue that all things are indifferent and there is no other meanes to vntie himselfe from the terror of Gods iudgements and to free his miserable conscience but to perswade himselfe that God will not so strictly looke to the cariages of men and then that maketh him a spirituall theefe or hauing lost the sense and feeling of diuine iustice it is a true testimony he knoweth God no more for to deny God and to deny his iustice is all one Doe we not see that these for the most part who fainingly adhere but to idolaters in the end wholly become idolaters or fall into the blindnesse of being of no religion hauing wholly forgot God and liue as if there were none who because men should thinke better of them are like the Camelion according as they meet withall sometimes this and sometimes that such the Prophet Elias crieth against in the 3. of Kings the 18. Wherefore do you halt of both sides if God be God wherfore doe you not follow him if Baal Baal But if yet they haue any sparke of knowledge that there is a God a terrible God that is to be feared in his iudgements when hee is angrie should they not be loth to heare the Eternall say in his anger Apoc. 3.16 They being neither hot nor cold but luke-warme hee will spue them out of his mouth And Ier. 48.10 saith Hee is accursed that doth the worke of the Lord loosely what can be more terrible but only the execution And you that say ye are the best you that agree with the Spirit in what you doe Lamentable wise fooles whose wisdome is folly do not you know that he that is Creator of the soule is also of the bodie Can wee with the one serue God and Mammon with the other Wherefore did not Daniel faigne as you vse when he was to be cast into the Lions den or Sidrack Misack and Abednego when they were to be cast into the furnace wherefore haue not all other Martyrs spoken your language and made a faire shew to haue escaped such horrible torments euen of death it selfe But what was the cause that made many of them euen with a yea or a no without any profession of religion being desired by those which thought to doe friendly offices for their escape rather chuse death and so abandon their liues than they would heare one word in hope thereof Rom. 10.10 No no we must as Saint Paul saith not only beleeue with the heart to be iustified but confesse with the mouth to haue saluation for God desireth the outward with the inward and would haue our light so shine before men to the end that seeing our good workes he may be glorified this is the doctrine of Iesus Christ let vs striue to doe this for otherwise we shall finde as in the Apocal. 2.16 Repent or else I will come vnto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth But let vs take vp with our selues and at last sing with Dauid Psal 35. Our tongues shall sing highly of the iustice of the eternall and the humble shall heare that our soules shall glorifie the Lord whereat they will reioyce and as Saint Paul exhorteth vs Let vs glorifie our God not only in our spirit but also in our bodies which are Gods and let vs giue one another a good signe of our adoption that we haue in Iesus Christ which all men may witnesse that by him we are inheritors of the kingdome of heauen let vs reioyce in this glory which no glory can compare with and so pretious a blessing that no man
liueth and raigneth with thee God eternally Amen If the sicke person continue long and still in danger of death it will be conuenient to repeat at times necessary the abouesaid Comforts but especially those which are to assure and fortifie against the temptations and combats of Conscience And if it happen the sicke party be troubled with idle talke or cannot vnderstand a long discourse vse short sentences such as hereafter followeth speaking but at sometimes Sir it behooueth you to take good courage it is the fatherly hand of God that visiteth you for your good and saluation For to those whom God loueth all things worke together for good Lift vp your heart to God and confesse your sinnes and offences and imbrace by faith his mercy in Iesus Christ which hee hath promised to all those that repent and beleeue in him Haue you not alwaies a good assurance in the mercy of God a firme faith in Iesus Christ your Sauiour Patient Yes Doe you not beleeue that Iesus Christ is dead for your sinnes and risen againe for your iustification Patient Yes Doe you not beleeue that hee hath before the Father beene your wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Patient Yes Doe you not thinke that hee hath freely iustified you by the grace of God through the redemption which is in Christ Iesus Patient Yes Following this your faith doubt not but God will warrant you from all perdition and giue you euerlasting life For God hath giuen his Sonne to the end that whosoeuer shall beleeue in him shall not perish but haue eternall life Ioh. 16. Feare not death seeing by faith you imbrace Iesus Christ who is your life I am saith he the resurrection and the life who shall beleeue in me although he be dead shall liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in me shall neuer dye Ioh. 11.25.26 If your sinnes doe afflict you addresse your selfe alwaies by faith and runne to Christ Iesus and you shall finde rest to your soule Come to mee saith Saint Matthew 11.28 all you that labour and are ouer-laden and I will ease you Doubt not the rigour of Gods iustice for there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Iesus as the Apostle Saint Paul saith Rom. 8.1 And who is he Rom. 8.32.33 that will bring in accusation against the elect of God God is hee that iustifieth who will be hee that shall condemne Christ is he which is dead and which is more is risen againe who is also at the right hand of God and maketh intercession for vs. Be not sorry to leaue this miserable life which as Saint Iames saith 4.14 is but a vapour which appeareth a little while and afterwards vanisheth besides in exchange thereof euerlasting life shall be giuen vnto you and in that the very height of felicity so great and incomprehensible That eye hath not seene nor eare vnderstood and is not come vp into the heart of man that which God hath prepared for those that loue him When the sicke person is apparantly at the point of death or ready to yeeld vp the Ghost it is necessary to repeat this short consolation following with prayer Comfort your selfe Sir you now approach neare vnto the end of the Combat which cannot be otherwise but happy vnto you assure your selfe the victory is of your side by meanes of your faith which is the victory that ouercommeth the world and the Prince of the world Iesus Christ your head and Sauiour extendeth forth his hand and stayeth for you at the end of the lists to present vnto you the incorruptible Crowne of glory which he hath purchased with the price of his bloud commend your selfe vnto him now with all your heart goe vnto him with ioy throw your selfe into his Armes and say Into thy hands I commend my soule for thou hast bought me O God of truth Psal 31. Let vs againe pray to God that he will giue you his grace A Prayer O Lord Father of Mercy God of all Consolation let fall thy mercies and comforts vpon this occasion vpon this person thy poore childe and seruant Make him now gather and apply vnto himselfe excellent and abundant profit of the holy Instructions which in thy schoole thou hast taught him during the course of his life giue him an inuincible faith in this Combat Arme him with all thy spirituall Armour that hee may resist all the Temptations of Sathan and hauing ouercome all make him remain firme If thy Iustice astonish let thy mercie assure and comfort if his sinnes accuse him let the obedience of thy welbeloued excuse and iustifie him if the apprehension of death trouble him make him contemplate the open gate of euerlasting life to which thou goest to make him enter Thou hast giuen him it in thy Sonne make it perfectly happy to him Hee is of the flocke of this great Shepheard let it not be taken from him Thou hast begun his saluation let not the worke remaine vnperfect And now that thou hast brought him to the end of his sorrowfull course now receiue his soule into thy hands and bring it into thy heauenly paradice into the fulnesse of repose and beatitude into the company of thy blessed Angels and holy soules of thine Elect which thou hast gathered for euer to enioy together the perfection of all ioy which consisteth in the contemplation of his face Heare vs O Father of mercy for the loue of thy welbeloued Son Iesus Christ our Lord who in vnity of the holy Spirit liueth and raigneth with thee God eternally Amen A short comfort for those that are friends of the deceased to be giuen after the body is interred Friends it is needfull in this businesse for you to remember of the holy Christian instruction which you haue receiued in the schoole of Iesus Christ for to make your profit in bearing your affliction with patience and in humility resting in a quiet Spirit at the will of God to which we ought alwayes to be subiect and conformable Our Nature in such accidents leadeth vs to teares but the Spirit of God author of all Regeneration teacheth vs to keepe measure and not to afflict our selues like those that haue no hope 1 Thess 4.13 If we be men in weeping yet wee must shew our selues Christians adorned with faith and hope to assure vs that this corporall death is no other to the faithfull children of God but a happy port to enter into eternall life Ioh. 5.28.29 and as for the body it must remaine in earth vntill that day when they shall heare the voyce of the Lord which shall make them rise out of the graue into the resurrection of life That the deceased is of the number of Gods children the marks and testimonies which God hath giuen him by the good profession of piety and wisedome which hee hath made in the Church vnto the last breath of his life neede not leaue vs in doubt He hath liued to the Lord and is dead to the Lord by consequence is happy and resteth from his labour Apoc. 14.13 by the heauenly testimony of the Spirit of God himselfe You haue no cause to weep ouer him for the condition he is in being in euery kinde thrice happy He hath also a great aduantage of vs that remaine in this world behinde him For he is arriued at the port of saluation where as we are still beaten with the storme and torment of the confused and dangerous sea of this miserable world And therefore it is much better to aspire to go with him then to wish him to remaine here below with vs for the discommodity that you may receiue by his absence it behoueth you to consider that God that gaue him to you remaineth still with you who is enough for vs without all other things whereas all other things without him are nothing It is hee that will continue alwayes ouer you the care of his fatherly prouidence if you continue alwayes to walke in his feare I beseech God to giue you grace and fortifie you with a holy and constant resolution Amen FINIS