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A19566 A confutatio[n] of vnwritte[n] verities both bi the holye scriptures and moste auncient autors, and also probable arguments, and pithy reasons, with plaine aunswers to al (or at the least) to the moste part and strongest argumentes, which the aduersaries of gods truth, either haue, or can bryng forth for the profe and defence of the same vnwritten vanities, verities as they would haue them called: made up by Thomas Cranmer ... translated and set forth, by E.P. The contentes whereof, thou shalte find in the next side folowinge. Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556.; E. P., fl. 1556. 1556 (1556) STC 5996; ESTC S109030 77,248 224

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be taken as olde wyues fables the wordes of liars and fraye bugges of children neyther canne the soule beyng departed from the body walke in this earth For the soules of the righteous are in the hand of god and the soules of synners ar streight after their death caried awai Which is manifest by Lazarus and the ryche man The lord saieth also in another place this day shal they fetche away thy soule The soule therfore after it be departed from the body cannot wāder here amongest vs. It may be proued by maniscripturs that the souls of the ryghteous cannot wander here after their death For Steuen sayd Lorde receiue my spirite And Paule desyered to be losed from the bodye and to be wyth CHRISTE Of the Patriarkes also the Scripture sayth he was laid vp wyth his fathers he dyed in a good age And that the soules of sinners canne not tarye here with vs harken to the ryche manne what he sayeth consyder what he asketh and obtayneth not But yf mens soules myghte bee conuersaunte here he woulde haue come as he desyered and haue certified his brethren of the tormentes in hell Of the whiche place of Scripture it is manyfeste that after the departynge from the bodye the soules are caryed into a certayne place from whence they cannot returne at their pleasure but loke for that terrible day of Iudgement HIerome in the .8 Ca. of Ieremy If you doubt of any thīg sayeth the prophete knowe that it is written that those nations whiche the lord shal scatter before thy face shal harken to dreames and sothsayers but the Lord thy god hath cōmaunded thee not so to doe but if you wil know thynges that be doubtful geue yourselues rather to the testimonies of the law the scriptures But if your congregacion wil not searche the worde of the lorde they shall not haue the lyghte of the trueth but shal wander in darkenesse of errors You ought to knowe thys that euery nacyon asketh counsell at theyr owne gods and enquireth of the deade for the health of the quicke but god hath geuen you the law for youre helpe so that you may say the soothsaying of the heathen which deceiue their worshippers is not lyke ours whyche is spoken oute of the lawe without any coste SAīct Augustine also saith that the spirite of Samuel which the woman sorcerer raysed to Saul was not the soule of Samuel but the deuil which appeared in Samuels likenes for to deceiue Saul this doeth he proue both by euydente scriptures and stronge reasons ¶ Neyther are miracles able to proue our fayth ¶ The .vi. Chapter EXodus .7 8. The wise men and inchaunters of Pharao turned their roddes into serpentes and the waters of Egipt into bloode and made all the whole lande to swarme with frogges through their sorceries DEuteronum .13 If there aryse among you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames and geue thee a signe or a wōder and that signe or wonder which he hath sayed come to passe and then saye let vs got after straunge goddes which thou hast not knowen and let vs serue them Harken not vnto the wordes of that Prophet or dreamer of dreames For the lord thy god tempteth thee to wete whether ye loue the lorde your God wyth all youre hartes and all youre soules IEremye .23 Beholde here am I ▪ sayeth the LORDE agaynste those Prophetes that dare prophesye lyes and deceyue my people wyth their vanities and miracles ▪ whom I neuer sent nor cōmaunded MAth .7 Many shal saye to me in those dayes LORDE haue we not prophesyed in thy name haue we not caste oute deuils in thy name and then it shall bee answered them I neuer knewe you departe from me you children of iniquite MAth .12 An euyll and froward generacyon saketh a sygne and there shall no sygne bee geuen to them but the signe of Ionas the Prophete MAthewe .24 There shall a rise false CHRISTES and false Prophetes and shal shewe greate miracles and wonders in so muche that if it were possyble euen the verye electe shoulde bee disceaued but take you hede beeholde I haue shewed you al thynges before THessa .2 The commyng of that wicked one meanīg Antichrist shalbe after the working of S●than with all lyenge power signes and wonders and wyth al disceit of vnrighteousnesse of them that shall peryshe beecause they receaued not the loue of the trueth that they myght be saued And therefore God shal sende them stronge delusyōs that they myght beleue lyes that all they myght be damned which beleued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes ACtes .8 Simon Magus an in chaunter by his wonders bewitched the Samaritans ACtes .13 Elimas the sorcerer had of long tyme deceyued the Antiochians Read the stories IRene lib .1 Telleth of a certen Iugler called Marke whiche in the sacrament of thankes geuing wonderfully deceaued the simple people For he so chaunged the coloure of wyne that it appeared vtterly to be bludde and a litel wine so increased through his Iugling that the chalyce was fylled and ranne ouer By this Iugling it is playne inough that those myracles that be alledged of many men for the real presence in the sacrament of the alter doe not confyrme their error but be very delusions of the deuyl or of his iuglyng ministers CHrysostome in his .4 9. Homilie vpō the .24 of Math. Afore time it was knowē which wer true Christen men and which false by miracles but how were the false knowen Because they could not worke such or lyke miracles as true Christē men did but they wroughte vaine thinges making men to wonder but bringing no profit at al. But the Christians did miracles which not onelye brought wonders but also profyte by these they were knowen whyche were true Christians and whyche false But now workyng of miracles is vtterly taken awaye Yea coūterfet miracles are rather founde amonge them that be false Chrystians as Peter declareth in Clement Antichriste shal haue full power geuen him to worke great miracles THe same in his first oracyon agaynste the Iewes vpō thys place of Deutero .13 If there a rise among you a Prophete or a dreamer of dreames c. That that he saith sayeth Chrysostome is thys if any Prophete saye I can rayse a dead mā and geue syghte to a blinde man obey me let vs worship deuils let vs do sacrifice to Idols moreouer if a man speake thus that he can geue the blīd his syghte rayse the dead● yea though he doe these thynges beleue him not for the Lord trieng thee suffereth him to doe them not that he knewe not thy mynd but to geue thee occasyon of tryall whether thou loue God in dede THe same in Iohn Cap. 2. In the ende of the .22 Homilie Ther be some doubtles now a daies that aske why men worke no miracles now If thou be faithful as thou oughtest to be if thou loue Christ as he shoulde be loued thou nedest
Prophetes are gone out into the world Herby is the spirite of god knowen sayeth he euerye spirite whiche confesseth that Iesus Chryst is come in the fleshe is of god c. Whoso euer therfore sayeth that there is anye thyng that pacifieth the wrath of god or obtaineth his fauour and forgeuenes of synnes but onelye Christes death and passiō he denieth Christ to be cōe a sauiour in the flesh Wherfore these Angels saincts souls of the dead and miracles tha● alowe worshipping of sainctes by inuocaciō and prayinge to them the sacrifice of the masse for the quicke and the dead worshipping of images pilgrimages offeryngs to holy reliques to forgeue synnes or to delyuer the deade oute of purgatory denye Christe to be come an only sauiour by hys fleshe For theī make all these to be sauiours frō purgatory or at the least coadiutores to helpe him in that office of saluacyon and deliuering those soules frō sinne and the paynes due for the same and so they cannot be of God but of Antichrist Thus I haue plainly fully and truly without fraud of cloking or coloure of rhetorike and darke speache to blind the eies of the sīple people answered to al that I remember which the Papistes doe or can alledge either by writing preaching or reasoning for the defence of their vnwrittē verites wherevpon they builde so many detestable idolatries and heresies and the same answers if they be aptly applied and placed by a discret and witty reader wil suff●ce for the answere to all that euer they haue or can bryng furth for the maintaining of their vnwrytten and vncertayne verites And yet I wyll not be so much wedded to myne owne witte or will but that if they be able to answer so plainly and trulye to the Scriptures authors and reasons rehersed by me as I haue done to theirs and to proue their doctrine of vnwrytten very●es by as playne cōsēt both of scriptures aunciente doctours and as pithy argumentes as I haue done myne and sette it forth in prynte to the iudgemente of the whole worlde as myne i● I shal not onely acknowledge mine ignoraunce and erroure but I shall gladlye returne into Englande recāt myne heresyes openlye submyttynge myselfe to such discipline correctiō as they shall thynke mete fo myne offences But if thei refuse to answer my boke by writing v●ing their olde trade burne both my boke and the readers therof let them knowe thei shal doe nothyng but cut of the head of hibra For for euery heretike as you cal them which you shal burn wil arise many faythful and cōstāt Christiās For except the grayn or corne of wheat dye it remaineth alone but if it dye it bringeth forth much fruite Wherefore I most hartely beseche the father of heauē of his infinite mercye if you be not indurat in your heartes wyth that synne which is irremissible and shal neuer be forgeuen in this worlde nor in the worlde to come and resyste the holy gost impugning the trueth of god of you knowen and defendynge maintaining wicked doctrines which your consciences beare recorde to be idolatries and heresies that he wyll mollifie your stony heartes and geue you fleshy heartes yea rather spirituall and godly hartes to worshyp him truly in spirite accordyng to his godly wil expressed in his holy word written And I exhort al you which feare god be desierous to saue your owne soules to flee from this whore of Babilon and from al her detestable idolatries and heresies not builded vpon the sure rocke of gods infallible word written but vpon the qualin●re of vnwrittē verites whervpon whatsoeuer is builded furthwith eyther sinketh or quite ouerthroweth And stāde thou fast and stay thy fayth whervpō thou shalt builde al thy workes vpon the strong rocke of gods word writtē and conteined within the old testamēt and the newe which is able sufficiētly to instruct thee in al thinges nedeful to thy saluacion and to the attaīmēt of the kyngdome of heauen To the whiche I beseche the almightie father of heauen of his infinite mercy and goodnesse and by the merytes of his only sonne oure sauiour redemer Iesꝰ Christ throgh his holy sprite in vs bring vs all Amen ¶ Faultes escaped in the pryntynge A. 2. pag. 1. line 19. That apparicions of the dead A. 2. pa. 2. li. 6. ca. 11. the papistes C. 1. pa. 1. li. 15. were cccc C. 1. pa. 2. li. 18. martyrs and al the people sayd amen C. 7. pag. 1. li. 4. are there opened D. 4. pa. 2. li. 6. I haue shewed you D. 5. pa. 2. li. 14. ruinus house F 1. pa. i. li. 18. scriptures only F. 1. pa. 2. li. 15. Donatystes G. 4. pa. 2. li. laste The coūsel woulde be a capitall T. G. 5. pa. 1. li. 22. before note put a ¶ which noteth my saying and not the doctors G. 8. pa. 2. li. 1. but now wold folowe the. 6. canon of ●ice H. 1. pa. 2. li. 15. be those bokes H. 2. pa. 1. li. 11. midges li. 18. terme I. 1. pa. 1. li. 16. soule I. 5. pa. 1. li. 7. put a ¶ before By this ● 1. pa. 1. li. 24. blot out of K. 3. pa. 1. li. 1. wherby you may K. 3. pa. 2. li. 11. Christ● saith The deuil K. 5. pa. 2. li. 2. Pōpey N. 2. p. 2. li. 2. spiritual N. 3. pag. 2. li. 8. Dcc. or Dccc. yeares N. 5 pa. 1. li. 17. ouer li. l●st of late N. 6. pa 〈…〉 10. be gods elect churche Esaie v. ● Kīges rulers oughte to be aiders and not inuaders helpers and not hurters defences and not offēces to gods people Psal lxxx Gods vvord is a svvete pleasaunt grape and comforteth the harte of man to euerlasting saluacion psa ciiii b 〈◊〉 ●●tes of the most parte vvere naked bare emptie as the profe novv alas to vvell declareth Sinne is the cause vvh● god taketh his vvorde from ani people Esai xxix Math. vii a. Psalm xxii The Pope geueth lies for trueth poison for norishinge sustenaūce and ministreth death for life Iohn vi c Iohn iiii b. psal cxv Hierm. x. Exo. xx a. Gods vvord is sufficiēte to instructe al men in the true vvorship of god vvithout images priestes th●● them selue● vviser the god The Pepe maintaineth his doctrine by fyer and fagot and not by the holie scriptures A vveake refuge if thei vvere not obstinate and shamelesse If vnvvritten verites vver necessarie to saluacion then gods vvord vvere not sufficiente therevnto ●her● vii a. yea this is their strong tovvre and bulvvarke of defence and ieat vveake inough not being vvalled about vvith gods vvord gods true churche because it is grounded vpon the vvorde of grace can not erre in maters of saluacion The church that vvandereth from gods vvord vvritten mai doth erre in matters of faith and saluacion galathi i. b. The papists feare not gods curse Ierem. xvii ▪ Psal. cxvi ▪ ● The general coūsels haue erred
Dauyd in whose dayes open Idolatrye was not alowed and practysed by the consente of the kinges Bishoppes hyegh priestes Scrybes Pharises Which of the Prophetes did not the open visible churche persecute Where was the visible churche in the tyme of Elias Were not al that were knowne and thought to be of the churche worshyppers of Baal in somuch that Elias thought there had bene left aliue of gods true churche but himselfe only And yet not wythstandynge God had preserued hys churche knowne but onely to hymselfe for he knoweth who ar his Who smote Micheas the true Prophete of God but the chefe Priest and Bishoppe Zedechias And he with foure hūdred Pryestes more of his own minde and religion disceaued Achab and promysed him victory ouer the Assirians although God had made them no such promyse but rather had pomted the contrarye as it came to passe Vho commaunded Ieremy to be beaten for his true prophesyeng but Phashur the Archebishop Who perswaded wyth the kinge that Ieremy the true Prophete of God was a sedicious felowe and wente about to discorage the people in Ierusalem that they shoulde not resyste Nabuchodonozor kyng of Babylon but the priestes Yea and when the kynge deliuered him out of prison who but these holy men of the Churche procured hym to be caste agayne into a depe doungyō where they would haue famyshed hym if God had not put in the kynges harte to take hym out and deliuer him These be the fruites and practyses of the vysyble and seene Churche whyche if it bee true that the papistes say cānot erre But what so euer they saye it forceth not for we knowe what the spiritualty as they cal thēselfes haue beē since the beginning the verye expressed image wherof is set forth and declared in the Machabies as they that reade the story shal perceaue it wel inough by Alcinus Simō Iason and Menelaus Now let vs come to the new testamēt and see what the visible and knowen churche was vnder it Who was the true churche or how was it knowen to the people in Christes time The hiegh Priestes Bishoppes Scribes Pharises and Saduces whiche appeared outwardly and boasted themselues to bee the churche of god were in dede as Christ called thē ser pētes the generacions of vipers hipocrites children of hell painted tombes perse cuters of true religion and murtherers of the prophetes yea of himselfe and his Apostles men that shut vp the kingdome of heauen so that neyther they would enter therein themselues nor suffer the poore simple that were desierous to knowe the trueth to enter but excommunycated and thrust them out of the churche as men caste awaye as heretikes and forsaken of God whosoeuer beleued on Chryste Who commaunded the Apostles that they should preach no more in Christs name Who caused Steuen to be stoned And Iames to be throwne of the pinacle who gaue auctoritie to Paul to bind and bring before them al that professed Chryst Who commaunded him to be buffeted Who accused him beefore Festus and Agrippa Who stired the Gentils against hym in al coūtries where he wente to preache but the churche If you wil then nedes Iudge the outwarde visible churche that sitteth in Moses chayer though they doe not as the chayre requyreth to be the true churche of god I pray you then tel me who caused Constantinus the Emperor to banyshe Athanasius Who exiled Chrisostome and many other moe godly and well learned Bishops slew a great nōber of godly wel learned me but the Priestes by seducīg the Empris Eudoria who put out the eyes of Constantyne the forth Emperour caused him to be slain because he pulled the Images out of the church being worshipped cōtrari to gods holi wil cōmaūdemēt but his owne mother by the counsel of the Pope the Byshoppes being then taken for the Churche Who deposed Henry the fourth Emperour causing hys owne sonne to rebell against him Who deposed Childeri●us the french kyng assoiling his subiects from theyr obedyence to hym made Pipine kynge in hys steade but the Pope and hys Churche men Let vs come to oure own realme and speake of thinges done in our own memory Who procured kyng Henry the eyghte in the beginning of his reigne to war agaynst the frenche kinge where beesides the murther cōmytted adultery was lerned theft sacrilege practised lying swearing yea and for sweringe with all other kindes of vyces vsed whych be the very fruites of war but the cleargy For the pope thē being in warre with the French king to make his part good the stronger procured the Bishops of the church of Englād beyng the Popes deare darlynges chefe of the kinges counsel to entytle the kyng to his right of the realme crown of Fraūce to encourage the young kyng thereto the Pope accursed the kyng of Fraūce al his aiders succurrers Then free pardons flue abroade as thycke as butter flyes in sommer but so free that the realme therby and the sayd warres was robbed of a grate deale of our treasure and in maner halfe vndone There was ful remission a pena culpa preached at paules crosse almost in eueri sermō through al England promisīg that whoso euer died in the Popes quarel his soule should be in heauen before his bones wer colde After whē the same kinge Henrye had iustlye by the aucthoryte of GODES worde and the ful consent both of the parliament and conuocacion abolyshed the vsurped power of the Bishop of Rome then the Pope enterdyted the whole Realme and sent Cardinal Poole from prince to prince to excite and moue them if he coulde haue broughte it to passe to make open warre against the king and the realm as it appeareth in a Sermō preached by Tonstall nowe Bishoppe of Durham and set out in prynte openly Which sermon al other tel truthes openinge the abuses and tirannye of the Bishop of Rome are now put to silence Who were the workers of all these mischeues who these .iii. yeres paste hath persecuted prisoned and burned so many learned and Godlye men onely for their true faythes sake grounded vpon gods most holy worde men worthy to bee cōpared with the olde martirs of the primitiue church as well for the constancye of theyr fayth as also for pacience and charity shewed at their deathes but the churche as they call thēselues who by their cruel tiranny hath enforced so many notable members of Christ leauinge wife children kinsfolke Landes and goodes either to flye into straunge realmes or els from town to town from Citie to Citie onelye beecause they woulde not drynke of the venemous cuppe of the whore of Babylon who hath wrought al these wickednesses but onelye the mitered prelates and their popishe priestes If we shal alow thē for the true church of god that appeare to bee the visible and outwarde churche consistyng of the ordinarye
bedell cryeth openly to al thē that be in the court so due we preache openly but on that condicion that we adde nothynge but preache only that thing that we haue hearde For the office of a cryar is to speake out those thynges that be committed to him and not to adde chaūge or take away any thyng THe same vpon the latter Epistle to Timothe the. 3. cap. Therefore neither ought ther to be beleued at all excepte they speake those thyngs which be agreable to the scriptures THe same vpon the. 20. cap. of Iohn Homilia 89. But why did not the Apostles wryte all thyngs Chefely because of the multytude of them More ouer they dyd cōsyder that he which would not beleue these woulde not beeleue more but he that beseueth these nede no more to attayne fayth THe same vpon Genesis the. 12. Homilie The holye scripture expoundeth it selfe and suffereth not the hearer to erre THe same in the same boke the 21. Homilie Neither hath the scripture of God any nede of mans wisdome that it may be vnderstande but the reuelacion of the holy gost that the true meaning beyng sucked thereout great aduantage maye growe to vs therby HIeronymus in the prologe of the bible to Paulme After he had recited the bookes of the new testament and the olde he saith I pray thee dere brother among these lyue muse vpon these know nothing els seke for none other thyng AGayne vpon the bokes of the olde and new testament These writīges be holye these bokes be soūde both in nomber and aucthoritie ther is none other to be compared to these whatsoeuer is besides these may in no wise be receued amōg these holy thīgs AGayne vpon the firste Cap. of Agge All other thynges which they seke oute and inuente at their own pleasure without the aucthorite testimonie of the scriptures as thoughe they were the tradicions of the Apostles the sweord of god cutteth of AGayne in his litell commentaryes to the Galathians vpon this place condescend to no mā this perswasion is not of god which hath called you thus he īterpreteth it ye ought neither to consente to them nor to me without the worde of god AGaine vpō Math. the. 13. cap. vpō thys place euery learned scribe What so euer the Apostles preached they cōfirmed it by the Oracles of the lawe and prophetes THe same to Minerius Alexander Not accordinge to Pithagoras disciples the opinion geuen sentence vpō afore hand by the doctours but the reason of the doctrine is to be wayed but if any man that is of a cōtrary secte doe murmure why I read their exposiciōs vnto whose doctrīes I doe not cōsente let hym know that I willingly heare this of the Apostle proue all thinges but cleane to that which is good and the wordes of our sauyour saieng be ye tryed bankers and if any mony be counterfayted haue not the Emporours stāpe nor be currante mony refuse it but that that sheweth the face of Chryst in the cleare lyghte bestowe it in the purse of your hart THe same vpon Math. 23 cap. That whiche hath none aucthoritie of the scriptures may as easely be reiected as proued THe same in the Psalme 98. All ●hat euer we speake we ought to proue it by the scriptures THe same in the Psalme 86. The lord shal speak in the scriptures of the people c. howe shal he speake not wyth words but wyth scriptures of those princes that wer in it that is of the Apostles and Euangelistes And marke what he saieth of those princes that were in it not whiche are So that the Apostles except what soeuer shalbe spoken afterward let it be cut of and haue none aucthorite Be a mā threfore neuer so holy be he neuer so wel learned after the Apostles he hath none aucthorite for the Lord speaketh in the scriptures of those princes that were in it AMbrosius of virgins lib. 3. ca. 1 We iustly do condemne al new thynges whiche Chryste hath not taught for Chryste is the waye to the faythfull If therefore we oure selues preache any thyng that Chryst hath not taught iudge that abominable THe same in the psalme 118. The worde of god is the liuely meat of our soules with the which it is norished fedde and gouerned neyther is there any thynge els that maketh a reasonable soule to liue but the worde of god THe same in his boke of Paradise Cap. 12. By that whych Eua added to the word of god thou shalt not touche c we do learn how much this present lesson putteth vs in rememberaunce that we ought to adde nothyng to the worde of god yea though it bee for a good purpose For if thou put to or take awaye any thing it appeareth to bee a trāsgressiō of the cōmaūdemēt for there ought nothīg to be added although it sēe good THe same in the Epistle to the Galathians Capit. i. Neyther sayth the Apostle if thei preach contrary but if thei preach any thing besides that that we haue preached that is if they adde any thing to it at al ●olde them accursed Neyther doe I except my selfe if I put to any thīg besyde that which was preched afore THe same in the same place He doth affirme the gospel whiche he had preached vnto them to be so firme and true that althoughe it should chaunce themselues that is to say the Apostles beeinge chaunged to preache any other thinge he teacheth that they oughte not to be heard AVgustine of the cōsēt of the Euāgelistes He that sēt the Prophets before his incarnaciō the same sēt also his Apostles after his ascēsiō yea by that māhod whych he toke vpō him he is the head of all his discipls which ar mēbers of his bodi therfore forasmuch as thei wrot those thīgs which he shewed taught thē it ought not to be sayed that he wrote them not seynge that hys members wrote that which they knew by their head teaching them For what so euer he would haue vs to read both of his dedes and wordes that commaunded he them to write as his handes of his body Whoso euer doth perceaue this felowship of vnite and agremente of members ministering vnder one head in diuerse offices he shall none other waies take that that he readeth in the gospel the disciples declaryng it then if he had sene the very hād of the lord which he bare in his own body wryting it THe same to Vincēt against the Donatistes the .6 tom pag. 116. Epistola 48. We therefore for this cause are certayne and suer that no man ought to wythdraw himselfe frō the communion of al mē And let none of vs seke the churche in our own righteousnes but in the holy scripture THe same to the Mandarens Epistle 42. Al that euer oure elders made mencion of to be dōe towardes mankinde in times past
that be yet rude and sīple to instruct I say in righteousnes that they maye be made righteous by puttyng awaye their former instructions of infidelite I say that he may be so taught that as muche as in the teacher lyeth he that is taught maye be the perfect man of god so perfecte that he maye be instruct to doe euerye good worke BEda in the. 1. Epistle of Peter Cap. 5. If any man speake lette him speake as the words of god fearyng least he say or commaunde any thing besides the wil of god or besides that whiche is manifestly commaunded in the holye scriptures and be founde as a false witnes of god or acommitter of sacriledge or a bringer in of any straunge thynge from the Lordes doctrine or els leaue oute or passe ouer anye thynge that pleaseth god seeing that Chryste most playnly commaundeth the preachers of the trueth concernyng them whom they had taughte sayinge teache them to kepe all thyngs that I haue commaūded you Yea euen the same whych he had commaunded and none other and he commaunded hys preachers to cōmaunde their hearers to kepe not sōe of these but all ANselmus Bishop in his booke of virginitie 24. Cap. Goddes lawe forbyddeth to folowe the steppes of the Catholyke or vniuersal faith any more then the iudgemente of the canonicall trueth cōmaundeth to beleue And all other Apocryphall lies the good policies of the best learned fathers haue stablished in their decrees vtterly to reiecte and to banishe them cleane as horrible thoundrīges of wordes LYra●e vpon the laste Ca. of the Prouerbes Like as in a marchauntes shyppe are caryed dyuerse thynges necessarye for mannes lyfe so in the scripture are conteined all thynges nedefull to saluacyon THomas of Aquine The holye Scripture is the rule of oure fayth wherevnto it is neyther lawfull to adde nor take any thyng away But the trueth of oure fayth is contayned in the holy scryptures diffusely and diuerse wayes in some places darklye and to trye oute the trueth of oure fayth by the scryptures is required long study and exercise to the which al they cannot come that nede to knowe the trueth of the fayth the more part wherof beeynge occupyed wyth other busines cannot attende to study And therfore it was nedefull out of the sentences of holy scripture to gather some thyng into a shorte some which should be set forth for all men to beleue whiche is not added to the scriptures but rather takē out of the scriptures SCotus in the prologe of sentences que 2. Question Whether knowledge about nature sufficient for a man in this lyfe be sufficientlye sette forth in the holy scripture The Question is not whether any thynges bee true that are not written or whether god sence the creacion and redemption of the worlde hath done or sayd any thyng that is not wrytten and receyued of the Churche for the holye scripture but thys is the questyon whether the worde of god wrytten be sufficient for our saluaciō or whether a Christen man be bounde to beleue any thyng that cannot he proued bi the holy scripture And thys graūted that all thynges that may be gathered out of the scripture and euery thyng that vpon any trueth graunted maye b● proued by a good argumēt of the scripture doth pertayne to the holy scripture this graunted I say he concludeth that all thynges necessarye for our saluacion are fully conteyned in the holy scripture ¶ The schole authors call the staye of our faith the trueth shewed of God and conteyned in the Canon of the Bible ¶ That the general counsels withoute the worde of god are not sufficiente to make articles of oure fayth ¶ The .iii. Chapter EVsebius in his ecclesiastical historie lib. 1. Cap. 8. The head rulers of the churche forgettynge gods commaundementes were inflamed one againste another wyth contencyon zeale enuy pride malice and hatred so that they thoughte rather that they occupied the rome of tirānes then of priestes And also forgettinge Christian humilite and sincerite they did celebrate the holy misteries wyth vnholy handes GRegorye Nazianzen to Procopius Vndoubtedli I thīk thus if I must nedes wryt the truth that al assembles of Byshoppes are to be eschued For I neuer sawe good end of any synode that did not rather bryng in euils then put them awaye for the lustes of stryfe and desyer and of lordshyp reigne there AVgustine in his lib. 2. Capit. 3. agaynst the Donatists The coūsels which are kept through euery region or prouince wythout all clokinges ought to geue place to the generall counselles whiche are made of all Christendome yea and the former generall counsels oughte ofttimes to be reformed by the latter counsels if any thynge in them dooe chaunce to erre from the trueth AVgustine against Maximinum the bishop of the Arrians lib. 3 Ca. 4. But now neither ought I to alledge the counsel of Nice nor thou the coūsel of Arimine to tak aduaūtage therby for neyther am I bounde nor helde by the authorite of this nor thou of that Lette matter with matter cause wyth cause or reason with reasō trye the matter by the aucthorite of scriptures not proper witnesses to any of vs but indifferent witnesses for vs both GErson We ought rather beleue the sayīg of any teacher armed with the Canonycall scripture then the Popes determynacyon THe same More tredite is to be geuen to a mā that is singularlye learned in the Scripture bryngying forth catholyke aucthorite then to the generall counsel PAnormitan in cap. Significasti A simple laye man bryngynge forth the scriptures is to be beleued rather then an hole counsel For a counsell may erre as it hath afore tymes erred as did the counsell of Melchildense and Aquisgranum of contracting of Matrimonie The councel of Cōstance among other articles of Iohn Husband Hierome of Prage vniustly condemned condemned also this article for heresye that the two natures that is the diuinite and humanitie be one Chryst whych is a necessarye article of our fayth expressed in the Crede of Athanasius called qui cunque vult where it is red the right fayth is that we beleue and confesse that our Lorde Iesus Chryst the sōne of god is god and mā and a litle after lyke as the reasonable soule and the flesh is one man so god and mā is one Christ the same is also decreed by the counsell of Nice and dyuerse other catholike counsels and it is the doctrine of the churche at thys tyme. Finally it may be proued by the expresse word of god and yet these malycyous cleargy were not ashamed to condemne the same for an heresy Note here iētle reader vnto what shameles and detestable heresyes theyr Popishe yea Antichristian general counsels haue fallē of the which they boast so much that they cannot erre and wherevpon chēfely they builde al their errours and heresyes Moreouer the most part of the good lawes and Canons be in
daungers they both declared by their answeres and beeyng pacyfyed wyth sacrifice turned away But all these be but deceites for seyng they knowe before the disposicion of god because they were his ministers they thruste them selues into these businesses so that what so euer thynges eyther be done or haue bene done of God they mighte seme cheflye to dooe or haue done it And so ofte as any goodnesse is cōmynge at hande to any people or Citie accordynge to Gods appointmēt they promyse that they wyll doe it eyther by miracles dreames or reuelacions if churches if honours if sacryfices be geuen to them The whyche thynges beeyng geuen whan that chaunceth that nedes muste bee they get to themselues greate worshyppe For this cause bee temples vowed for thys cause be newe Images halowed And so ofte as perilles be at hande for some foolyshe and lyghte cause they fayne themselues angrye as Iuno towarde Varre But these be the deceites of them that lurkynge vnder the names of the deade intende to plague them that be aliue Wherfore wheras that daūger that is at hand maye bee auoyded they woulde seme that they beeynge pacified haue turned it awaye And if it cannot be eschewed thys they doe that it myghte appeare to chaunce for the contempte of them and so they purchase to thēselfes great authorite feare amōg mē that know them not Some men wil saye why doth god then suffer these thynges neyther doeth he succoure so euill errours That euil thynges may fighte wyth good that vices may be contrari to vertues that he may haue some whom he may punish and some whō he may honour STapulensis vpon the .2 Epystle to the Thessa. 2. Ca. Maruayle not of counterfayte Aungels and of the subtilty of Sathan resemblyng hymselfe to Christ seing we read a like thīg in the historye of Heraclides of a Moōke called Valēt The deuil saith he chaunging himselfe into the lykenes of our sauiour came to hym by night with a company as he fayned of a. M. Angels holdynge burnynge lampes in their hādes and with a frery charet in the which he fayned oure sauiour to sit Then one of them stept forth and sayed thus vnto hym come forth out of thy ●ell now and doe nothyng els but when thou seest him cōe a farre of make hast to bowe downe thy selfe and worshyppe hym and so strayght way returne againe to thine own house Then he went forth oute of his house and beleuing that he had sene that godly offices of heauenly ministers and all shininge with fierie lampes and Chryste as he thought hymselfe not past a furlong of fel flat vpon the grounde and worshypped him whom he beleued to be the lord See here howe this fearfull and folyshe Moonke Valēt leauynge very Chryst worshipped Chrystes enemy and in steade of the trueth a counterfet Antichryste and Sathan ¶ That apparitions of the deade be vnsuffycyente to proue trueth ¶ The .v. Chapter DEuteronomyum .18 When thou art come into the lande whiche the lorde thy god geueth thee see that thou folowe not the abominacions of those nacions let ther not be found among you any one that maketh his sonne or daughter to gooe through the fier or that vseth witchecraft or a chuser of dayes and that regardeth the flying of foules or a sorcerer or a charmer or that coūselleth with spirites or a sothesayer or that asketh the trueth at thē that be dead For the lord abhorreth al these for suche abominacions the lord thy god doth cast them out before thee But the lord thy god hath not suffered the so to doe ESai. 8. And if they saye to you axe counsell at the sothesayers witches charmers coniurat● then make them thys aunswere is there a people any where that asketh not counsell at his God shoulde men roonne vnto the deade for the liuing If any manne wante lyght lette him loke vpon the lawe and the testymonye whether they speake after thys meanyng LVke .16 If they heare not Moses and the Prophetes neyther wyl they beleue if one arise frō death LActancius in his institucions lib. 2. Cap. 2. The rude sort thīk that mens soules walke aboute the graues and reliques of their bodyes CHrysostome in his .4 Homilie of Lazarus That thou mayest knowe that the doctrynes of the scriptures and Prophetes are of more force then if they that be raysed frō death shold tel any thīg consider this that whosoeuer is dead is a seruaūt But what the scripturs speak the lorde himselfe speaketh therfore though a dead mā arise yea although an angel cōe down frō heauē yet chiefly we ought to beleue the scryptures For he that is master of Aungels and lord of the quicke and the dead made them If dead men should come again from thence vnto vs the deuil might haue brought to vs false doctrines and that very easely For he myghte haue shewed of ten tymes gostes and haue subornated men that shold coūterfet death and burial and within a whyle after shew thēselues as thogh they were raysed agayne from death and through them to perswade the people so begiled what so euer hym lyst For if now● when no suche thyng is done in dede yet dreames sene of many men in their slepe as thoughe it wer of them that are departed hēce haue deceyued destroyed and ouer throwen many menne muche more it should haue chaunced if the thynge had bene done in dede and gotten credite in mens mindes that is to say if many of the dead had returned againe to lyfe that wycked deuil wold haue wroughte innumerable deceits and brought muche fraude into the life of men And for that cause God hath shut vp that waye neyther doth he suffer any of the dead to come againe hether to tel what is done ther lest he by that meanes should brynge in al his wiles and subtilties For whē ther were Prophetes he styrred vp false Prophetes when the Apostles wer false Apostles when Christ appeared he raysed false Chrystes whā●ounde doctryne was broughte in he brought in corrupte doctrine sowing ●ockle euery where But God from whom nothing is hidde hath ●ropped his way to those snares and he fauouring vs hath not suffered that any sōe at any tyme should come from thēce hether to tel what is there done to any men lyuing teachyng vs that we shold rather beleue the scrypturs thē all other thinges THe same in Math. Cap. 8. Homilie .2.9 I wil not denye but that men haue bene kylled of cursed charmers and sorcerers but that dead mennes soules worke wyth them how shal they make me beleue that because thou haste heard dead mens soules many times crye I am the soule of such a one Yea but these wordes procede out of the fraude and deceit of the deuil For it is not the dead mans soule that sayth this but the deuill that sayneth thys that he maye deceaue the hearers For these ought to
and that in no smal trifles Exodus xxxii a. 2. Tim. 2. 3. Reg. 22. Hiere 20 This and such like is the rewarde of al true preachers and faithful seruauntes of god 1. 〈◊〉 vii et ii Machabeorum iiii Math. iii. b. xii c. xxiii d. Act. iiii d Actes vii g. Euse. ecc his lib. ii cap. xxii Acte ix Actes xxiii Ruffini lib. i. cap xvii Socratis Lib. 6. cap. 18. Marke well the fruites of this outwarde churche and by them ye shal knowe what they be the Pope maketh him selfe equall to God yea rather aboue him in this his promise This is one of the practises of prelates The spiritual man neuer persecuteth the carnal man but forgeueth him Hier. ad Gala. iiii Exo. xii i. Pet. ii d Eph. 1. d. Collos. 1. Iohn 10. Iohn 5. 2. Tim. 3. Psa. 116. c Goddes word only certifyeth a man whether his fayth be good or no. Trie euery spirite but alow none further then thei agree with the written scriptures Goddes word trieth all thynges whether they be good or badde Their cōsciences shal therfore cnodēne thē for so doing if they repent not in tyme. Math. 16 the witte and vertue of delicate gospellers is in their tongues Math. 23. ii Mach. vi b. Ebru xii ● Para. 13 The wil of a womā must be folowed or els al the 〈◊〉 is in the fier● 3 Re. 19. c 3. Re. 18. 4 Re. 18. 4. Re. 21. 4. Re. 23. 4. Re. 24. As princes wold so all thinges were done Math. 26 Math. 27 Theodoriti lib. 2 cap. 18. The priestes for the most part wer double faced turne tippettes and flatteres ▪ These be the Popes thunder bolts wherewith he feareth the people and maketh them to incline to his waies It was a smal matter at that tyme to be displesed with such mē and so much the more for that thei withstod priuate commodite Priuate commodite and Popishe sutte Itie ouercāe good publike policie and brought in tirannye Thei are al periured so many as gaue their consent to the bringing in of the Byshop of rome The Byshoppes I warrāte you were none of those for they can not erre these are wauer̄ig redes ct perfecte wether cockes that turne with euery winde By their dedes ye shall knowe thē what they be In his .3 boke of Christiā doctryne cap 28. In hys ● boke of Christiā do●trine cap 9. In his ● ▪ boke of m●●●es and forgeuenes of sinnes tom 7. cap. v●●i Vpon Genesis cap 14. hom 35. In his vnperfecte worke cap. 23. Iacob 1. ● Math. 22. Mark 12. Ioan. 10. ● Apo. 3. b Iohn 15. Ephe. 2. d 2. Iohn epistle c. Deu. 4. Deu. 12. Ibid● in fine Deu. 18. Pro. 30. lere 23. Math. 5. Math. 7. Math. 15. Math. 28 Mark 16. Iohn 5. Iohn 5. Iohn 20. Actes 20. Acte 26. Rom. 10. Rom. 14. 2. Cor. 1. Gala. 1. 2. Tim. 3. 1. Pete 4. 2. Iohn epistle Apo. 22. Doctrine in religion must be groūded vpō the scriptures only we maye not build our faith vpō mēs tradiciōs The Apostles taught nothing but that whyche they learned of Christe The first point of belefe is that after the gospell none other thīg is to be beleued There is no certēty in that the scripture defineth not The law the Prophetes and the gospell are the first doctrines ct therfore true Our wordes with out gods wordes are not to be beleued That which cā not be proued by the scripture leaue to god If Paul thought his aucthorite Al bokes which be not in the Canon of the Bible are called Apocrypha and are not sufficient to proue any Articles of our sayth No man can dispence with goddes law Things that be not commaūded be indifferent to be vsed or not vsed but yet as charite requireth Searche no further then the gospell In time of here●ie there is no meanes to trye the truth and the true church of Christe from Antichrists churche but only by the scripturs An heauy sayīg but ala● to true Prechers most neyther adde nor take 〈◊〉 frō gods lawe They that host thēselues of the holy goste with out scripture be voide of the holy goste Heretiks oughte first to be cōuinced by the scripturs and after by reasō To prech ani thing besydes goddes worde is to sow sediciō and heresie Al things may be determined by the scripture The holi scripture cōteineth all thinges nedefull for our saluaciō A preacher must speake nothyng but out of gods mouthe Beleue him not that speaketh without the scripture He that beleueth the gospel written nedeth beleue nomore Not mās wisdome but the holi gost is the true expositor of the scripture nothing is of lyke aucthoritie wyth the holy scripture Goddes word cutteth of al tradiciōs apostolik as they cal them which be beside the same worde we ought not to alowe ani mans doctryne wythout gods worde the Apostles groūded all their doctrine vpō the law and Prophetes To build vpon any doctours saying without scripture or reason agreing to scripture were to folow Pithagoras rather then Christe Be a mā neuer so holy and neuer so learned after the apostles yet his wordes without gods word are of none aucthorite To teach that as nedefull to saluacion which C●●yst ●ath not taught is dān●●le the soule liueth only by the worde of god nothing is to be added to the word of god althoughe it be for a good purpose As well who precheth beside the gospel as against it is accursed Euen the Apostles preching besides the gospel ar not to be beleued Christe made all to be written that he wold we should reade we are as wel boūd to beleue that which the Apostles wrote as thoughe Chryst had written it with hys own hād The church is knowen by the scripture Al that concerneth true relygion is contained in the scripture The worde written is inoughe for oure saluacion No man is bound to beleue farther then the holi scriptures teache The balance to trye the trueth is the holy scripture Thei that sit on moses seate and teach their own doctrine are not to be beleued Al euil is condemned by the scripture and all good thynges are there founde We may lawefulli dissēt frō all doctrine except the scryptures onlye al things that concerne fayth hope loue and good maners are cōtained in the scripture not what we say but what the lord that must be heard The church is knowen by the scriptures We may doubt of all mens doctrine but not of holye scripturs If gods scripturs can not discusse a matter in doubt let man neuer go about to discusse it Who fedeth with the scriptures fedeth safely Other therfore with vnwritten verites fede vntrulye In the scripture are all thinges necessary for faith and good lyfe which two suffice for saluacion If any mans saying or writinge cannot be proued by plaine scripture or good reason gathered of the sāe a mā mai alowe or refuse it as him liketh The olde writers are not of suche aucthoritie but