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A14114 A silver watch-bell The sound wherof is able (by the grace of God) to win the most profane worldling, and carelesse liuer, if there be but the least sparke of grace remaining in him, to become a true Christian indeed, that in the end he may obtaine euerlasting saluation. Wherunto is annexed a treatise of the holy Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Tymme, Thomas, d. 1620. 1605 (1605) STC 24421; ESTC S106042 114,862 276

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Iesus in the supper in that we are made flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones in that we liue by his holy spirit ought not this vpon good cause to exhort vs to conforme our selues to the Image and likenesse of the holines of our Lord Iesus Christ Can he dwel in vs nourish vs with his own substance quicken vs with his holy spirit ioyne vs vnto himself by the bond of Faith yet so that he his holy spirit and faith bring not forth in vs good holy works Moreouer for so much as he doth not giue himselfe vnto vs halfemeale and destitute of his qualities and riches accompanied with all spirituall giftes and blessings adorned with righteousnesse and perfection accompanied with innocencie sanctification how can we receiue Iesus Christ enriched with all his graces that the righteousnesse of our head may not shine in vs which are members yea shine in all our parts as well inward as outward Must it needs be that the two partes of our soule that is to say our mind and heart which ought to apprehende and take hold of the promises of God which ought to receiue by faith the body and blood of our lord Iesus Christ that is to say whole Iesus Christ true God equal in euery respect to God his father and true man made of humane body and soule that this minde heart I say must be applyed to the meditation and loue of worldly and wicked things being destitute of the knowledge and loue of God and of the loue of our neighbour Doth it behoue our body which is the temple of God to be prophaned That our eares which were created of God to heare his voice shuld be stopped against it and be opened to vanities wanton talke vnchast worldly songes Doth it behooue our tongue which is bound by the right of creation to sing the praises of God and by the right of redemption to shew forth the Lords death till he come h That this tongue which is so proper an instrument of the glory of God should be mute to goodnesse incessantly occupied in backbiting slaundering blaspheming or at the least in speaking idle words whereof one day wée shal yéeld an account before the throne of the Maiesty of God i Mat. 12.36 Doeth it behoue our mouth which ought to receiue the blessed signe of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus to suppresse the benefit of our redemption and to haue adders poyson in it Doeth it behooue our hands which ought to take at the supper the assured gage of the loue of God the infallible pledges of his league with vs the earnest penny of our saluation to be voide of goodnesse beside that be giuen to extortion theft murther oppression violence Doth it behooue our féete which ought to runne and make hast to goodnesse to be ready and light to runne to mischiefe No surely but as he which calleth vs is holy so likewise must we also be wholy holy as he hath brought vs by holy Baptisme into his holy house which is his Church the Cōmunion of Saints Euen so likewise must we lead therein a good holy conuersation as he hath washed vs from our sinnes by the precious blood of his sonne Iesus Christ so must we dye to them liue in righteousnesse as he hath called vs to the the incorruptible hope of the blessed resurrection eternal life so must we lift vp our harts on high and not be buried like Moles in this fraile and transitorie earth To be short séeing that the grace of God is set before vs euery day and his holy word soundeth in our eares l Tit. 2.11 12.13.14 to this onely end that it may be saluation vnto vs and that renouncing all vngodlinesse worldly desires we should liue soberly iustly and godly in this present world looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of the mighty God and of our Sauiour Iesus Christ We must pray vnto this good God that he would giue vs grace so to behaue our selues towardes him in liuing godly so towards our neighbours in liuing iustly so towards the poore in reléeuing them charitably so towards our selues in liuing soberly that we may be found at the day irreprehensible by the meanes of that his wel beloued Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ 3 Thirdly Of thankes giuing we must giue thanks to this good God for the benefit of our redemption for this cause it is that the Auncients called the holy supper Eucharistia that is to say gratefulnesse good grace giuing of thankes For if so be that our ordinary food and daily bread which GOD giueth vs for the nourishmēt of our bodies ought to be sanctified by the word receiued with thankesgiuing ought we not much more to thanke God for the heauenly bread for the nourishment of our soules which is offered vnto vs really giuen vs in the holy Supper of Iesus Christ And we sée also how Iesus Christ himselfe sheweth vs an example hereof For when he tooke the bread of the Supper S Matthewe and S. Marke say that Iesus Christ blessed And S. Luke expoundeth this word to blesse when he saith that he gaue thankes Now then séeing that we sée that Iesus Christ when he tooke the bread of the supper gaue thankes to God his father as he did also when he tooke the cup that for the redemption of mākind it is our duty to do the like And that we may be the better moued to giue thanks to God we haue to consider the greatnesse of the benefit of our redemption and the excellency of the gift which God giueth vs at his holy table which cannot bée done vnlesse we consider our miserable condition which was before figured by the temporall captiuitie of Egypt We see there how Pharaoh was strong and mighty how he knew not the generall how he went about to kill all the séede of the Israelites Exe 1.3 by the suppression and death of their men children we sée also how excessiuely he caused the Israelites to worke without any hope of wages how he would not suffer them by any meanes to sacrifice to the Lord nor to goe forth of the land of Egypt Which thing continued not for one yeare or two but for the space of foure hundred and thirtie f Exo. 12.30 yeares Here may we liuely beholde a draught of our misery We were all lost and destroyed in Adam Wee were holden captiues in the helly Egypt vnder the Tyranny of a spirituall Pharaoh which is the Diuell This Tyrant was strong and mighty hee suffered vs not to serue our GOD. He made vs to labour incessantly in slauish and vnfruitfull workes of sinne to the establishment of his owne kingdome He slew not onely our men children but he led vs all indifferently to vtter ruine and destruction And this Tyranny had not onely continued for a certaine time but had béene eternall and
for euer permanent if the mercy and power of our God had not plucked vs out of it by the ministery of the true Moses which is our Lord Iesus Christ who is the true Lambe which the heauenly father hath deliuered to death to deliuer vs from it and purchase vs eternall life As it is saide that God so loued the world Ioh. 3.16 that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beléeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Now then séeing this good God hath done in vs so great a pleasure as to frée vs from the tyranny of the Diuel of sinne of death of hel séeing that his loue was so great that he deliuered his onely Sonne to the cruel and ignominious death of the Crosse for vs which were the seruants and bondslaues of Sathan his welbeloued for vs which were his enemies the iust and the Lambe without spotte for vs which were sinners and corrupt the onely heire of Paradice for vs which were worthily heires of hel ought we not to be rauished with admiration of this great and vnspeakeable loue of God towards vs our tongues to be for euer displayed to publish with a loud voyce the praise of the benefit of our redemption It is very reasonable and therefore we sée that Iesus Christ admonisheth vs of our dutie in this behalfe Luk. 22.19 1. Cor. 11.24 speaking of the celebration of the holy Supper Doe this in remembrance of me And S. Paul expresseth what remembrance this is when he aduertiseth vs 1. Cor. 11. that as often as wée shall eate this bread and drinke this cuppe wée shewe the Lords death till he come Séeing thē that God requireth of vs a true acknowledging of his benefits which wée receiue at his hands bountifulnesse by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ let vs take heede that we be not spotted with the fault of ingratitude especially if we will not incurre the wrathful displeasure of God and acknowledge him for Iudge whom we would not acknowledge for a gentle and mercifull father as Saint Paul also to this purpose threatneth the ingrate and forgetful when he saith Whosoeuer shal eate this bread and drinke the cup of the Lord vnworthily eateth and drinketh his owne damnation And rightfully is the vengeance of God displayed against them which wickedly suppresse the glory of God in that that concerneth their owne saluation For if so be that a murtherer ready to be hanged for his wicked déedes casting away and reiecting his princes gratious pardon and not vouchsafing to thanke him for it deserueth worthily the gallowes or if a childe deserue the rod for not giuing once I thanke you to his father when he hath receiued at his handes great and singular benefits much more wee which for our sinfull and wicked déedes deserue to bée hanged in hell if wée contemne the grace of God our soueraigne Prince and make no count of this euerlasting benefite which our heauēly father presenteth vs withal in Iesus Christ who is offered to vs in the supper by good right and reason we are worthy to perish for our vnkindnesse vnthankfulnesse But here must we diligently marke the pointes that followe First this acknowledging must be made to one onely God by his onely sonne Iesus Christ For euen as God by his onely sonne hath created vs redéemd vs frō euerlasting death so wil he that to him alone and by him alone in whom he is well pleased we render thanks for all his benefits As we sée how S. Paul setteth this forth vnto vs in many places and precisely in the Epistle to the Ephesians where he saith Blessed be God euen the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all his spirituall blessing in Heauenly things in Christ as hee hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world but they which call vpon Saints and put their trust in them or in their merites they also which make them patrons and aduocates to GOD warde and likewise they which trust in their owne strength in their owne frée will or good workes robbe God of his glorie and cannot giue him true thankes for the benefit of redemption For we cannot giue to any creature the least ioy that may be in the matter of our saluation but we commit sacriledge against God the Creator And therefore renouncing our selues and euery liuing creature let vs say with the Apostle Vnto the king euerlasting immortall 1. Tim. 1.17 inuisible vnto God only wise be honour and glory for euer and euer Secondly thanks must be giuen not with the mouth onely but with the hart also For séeing that God is a spirit he requireth a seruice of vs that is agréeable to his nature that is to say he will be serued of vs in spirit and truth And therefore when that praysing of God for the benefit of redemption commeth in question we must haue our hearts lift vp on high and there must be a consent and mutuall agréement betwéen our inward affections and our tongues as we sée how Dauid exhorteth himselfe to the same when he saith My soule praise thou the Lord and all that is within mee praise his holy name My soule I say praise thou the Lord Psa 103.1 and forget not all his benefits And the blessed Virgin singeth the selfe same in her song Luke 1.46 saying My soule magnifieth the Lord and my spirit reioyceth in God my Sauiour Now all hypocrites and wicked persons also they that sing and praise in an vnknowne tongue are here reproued For where there is no vnderstanding there is no affection nor wil and consequently no faith without which whatsoeuer we doe bee it neuer so faire and glorious before men it is but sinne and abhomination before God Let vs take héede therefore that in this behalfe we wander not and goe astray least we be condemned with the Iewish people which honoured and serued God in vaine insomuch as they came neare vnto him onely with their mouthes Esa 29.13 Mat. 15.8 and honoured him with their lips but not with their hearts Thirdly it must be done at all times and seasons Psal 34.1 that is to say aswel in affliction as in prosperity to this purpose Dauid protesteth That he will alwaies giue thanks vnto his Lord 1. Thes 5.18 and that his prayse shall be in his month continually And Saint Paul admonisheth the Thessalonians To giue thanks in all things adding For this is the wil of God in Christ Iesus But this is cleane contrarie to time seruers and to all them which in time of prosperity lawn vpon the Gospell and are wel cōtent for that time to praise God whom afterward in time of affliction they defie and set at naught The cause of this mischiefe is for that they haue not yéelded themselues to the Church of GOD for a good end and purpose as to extoll the glory of God to séeke
of this whole frame which is called the great worlde the Sunne shal be turned into darknes and the Moone into blood and the Starres shal fall from heauen the Ayer shall be full of whirlewindes stormes corruscations slashing meteors and thunders the earth with fearefull tremblings and swallowing gulphes the floods of the sea shal swel so high as if they would ouer flow the whole world and the roaring and raging noyse of the fretting billowes and tossing waues shal greatly terrifie Men therefore shal wither and waxe pale with feare and horror and trembling shal vexe them more and more expecting what these new monsters wil bring foorth at the last and what wil be the end of such horrible beginnings 14 When a tempest ariseth at the Sea and the boisterous waues begin to tosse and beat the shippe and the men which are in the same do beholde the horrible lightnings and fierie flashings in the ayre and the furious winds also making the sea to swel and rage in such wise that now they sée themselues tossed aloft and then anon caried down into the déepe they begin presently to cry to feare to tremble to call for mercie to multiplie their prayers to craue time of repentance to commend their saluation to almightie God and to be short they begin to thinke of the amendement of their manners and to haue better purposes Then thinke with thy selfe what manner of minde men wil haue when they shal sée heauen and earth and all the elementes to haue their peculiar and proper tempestes when the Sun shal strike a horror into mens harts with his fearful darkenesse and the Moone being turned into blood shal terrifie them that beholde it and the starres with their falles shal threaten for they shal fal so thicke that the Firmament shal séeme to be quite without light and the aire with continual fierie meteors shal séeme to burne the sea shal swel excéedingly and the most high mountaines being shakē with earthquakes shal fal with excéeding great noise 15 Who then wil take pleasure to eate who wil take delight in drinke who wil then haue any desire to sléep Nay who dare once then slumber or take the least rest amidst so many tempests and stormes O miserable and vnhappy sinners ouer whose heads al these signes doe hang and doe foreshew vnto them extreame calamitie O happie men yea thrise four times tenne times yea a thousand times happie and blessed whose conscience in that time wil make them merry and glad 16 Thus farre we haue considered the greatnesse of the last day the signes going before the same now let vs cal to minde certaine thinges concerning the resurrection of the dead and the comming of the Iudge 17 Therefore after those signes wonders which shal goe before the day of the Lord an Archangel shal come downe from heauen and with the feareful sounde of a Trumpette shal giue a signe to all that are dead to rise againe and to come to Gods iudgement This is that Trumpet which Saint Hierome thought that hée euer heard sounding in his eares whatsoeuer he were doing and not without cause For who can appeale from this citation who can refuse this iudgemēt who can pretend sicknes busines or any other excuse 18 Then shal death be compelled to make surrender of al the spoiles in a momēt which hée had taken away from the world and she shal be sent away into euerlasting banishment beyond al lands and seas and beyonde the world and the borders of al liuing things For as Saint Iohn sheweth in his Reuelation then shal the sea yéelde vp her dead which it hath swallowed and death and hel shal doe the like 19 What a sight shal there bée then when sea and land shal bring forth in al places so many bodies so vnlike one to the other so different and so vnequal And when as at one and the selfe same place so many armies shal come together from all parts of the world In that place Adam the father of al the Nations of the earth shal sée al his posteritie come together and shal meruaile There we shal sée Xerxes Darius Alexander Caesar other Monarches of the world but yet hauing another forme other maners and other mindes then they had when they liued here For at the sound of the Trumpet kings and Nations and all the worlde shal tremble they shal strike their breastes and mourne 20 Moreouer although all men shal be restored vnto life yet neuerthelesse there shal be great difference betwéen those bodies which shal be restored to holy men and those which the wicked and vngodly shal receiue For they shal be more shining then the sun and shal bee beautified with vnspeakeable brightnes but the others most foule and vgly and more terrible then death it selfe 21 What pleasure I pray you shal the blessed soules haue when they shal be ioyned againe to their bodies as to their most swéet brethren after so long banishment neuer to feare any more a seperation What I beséech you shal flesh féele when it shal be raysed from dust and shal sée an vnwonted light and when the soule shal come vnto it and say God saue thée my sister and most swéete Spouse the winter is now gone the storme is past away arise my beloued and come the Lord hath fulfilled our desire thou hast bene the companion of my trauels and laboures thou hast for the Lordes sake suffered with me persecutions and iniuries thou hast bene with me in watchings in fastings and vnder the crosse of repentance thou hast liued with a temperate and spare diet to féede the poore thou hast not excéeded in apparrel that thou mightst cloath the naked Equitie therefore and reason requireth that the things which thou hast sowen with mée in teares thou shouldest also reape with me in ioy and that séeing thou hast bene a companion with mée in my labours thou shouldst also be partaker with me of my pleasures riches and glorie Then shal the soule swéetely imbrace the bodie and the bodie ioyfully kisse the soule and they shal be ioined together with most happy and indissoluble knots And then with how great ioy and gladnesse shal they dwel together in one for from thencefoorth appetite shal not contend with wil nor sence with reason but being ioined together in one with the league of amity peace and concord they shal enioy the delights and ioyes of heauen euerlastingly 22 And contrariwise with what anguish shal the soule of the sinner be tormented whē that foule il fauoured deformed and feareful body is offered vnto him With what words thinkest thou wil they salute one another O vnhappy body wil the soule say O the beginning and end of my calamities thou hast brought me to these torments with thy entisements and now I am come not as it were into a house to rest but as it were into a prison to be tormented I am compelled to enter into thée againe against my
happie yet they all are no wher else to be found but in God For then at the last we shal be happy and blessed when we shal be like vnto God which by nature is blessed And wée shal bee like vnto God when we shal sée him as hée is As the Euangelist Saint Iohn testifieth saying Dearely beloued Iohn 3. wee are now the sonnes of God and it hath not yet appeared what wee shall be and we knowe that when we shall appeare wee shall bee like him for wee shall see him as hee is Saint Paul also putteth our felicity in séeing God face to face And therefore Saint Austine saith 1. Cor. 13. This onely sight of God is our happinesse 12 For as God is hereof blessed because he séeth and beholdeth himselfe being the first and the chiefe truth euen so wée also shal be blessed and like vnto God according to our measure namely when we shal beholde and see him as hée is the first and most principal trueth 13 Furthermore if the Moone and Stars doe receiue their light and are made like vnto the Sunne when they are opposite vnto him and doe after a sort behold him howe much more shall the pure mindes of the blessed receiue the diuine light and be made like vnto God when as they shal no more in a glasse or darke spéech but face to face behold the vncreated sunne and light of righteousnesse 14 O what a ioye shal it bée when at one view wée behold the most high and hidden mistery of the inseperable Trinity and of the loue of God therein towards vs and when wée shal see all things whatsoeuer in God For what shal not he sée who seeth him that seeth all things Then shal mans minde haue perpetual rest and peace neither shal it desire any further vnderstanding when he hath all before his eyes that may be vnderstood Then shal mans wil bée quiet when he enioyeth that felicitie wherein al other good things as in the fountaine Ocean of all happinesse are contained Then shal faith haue her perfect worke hope shal enioy that which she long desired but charity shal abide for euer Then shal be sung continual praises vnto the Lambe and the song although it be alwaies sung yet it shal be euer new 15 Therefore our true and onely blessednes consisteth in the sight of God as our Lord Christ hath testified Mat. 5. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God This is life euerlasting Iohn 17. that men knowe thee the true God and Iesus Christ whome thou hast sent 16 This blessednesse though it be but one simple thing yet hath it riches power pleasure In this worlde no man is rich no man is satisfied for the heart of man is greater then all the worlde can content But in that most blessed life the soules of the blessed shal be rich and satisfied with God whom it shal possesse This abundance of all things the Lord promised saying Luke 6. Good measure and running ouer and pressed down shall men giue into your bosomes And in another place Mat. 24. Verily verily I say vnto you he shall make him ruler ouer all his substance 17 The blessed soules also shall haue their honour and power For if they shal be Princes if Kings if the sonnes of God and petty Gods and if they shall sitte in Gods throne how can it be but that they shall bee most mighty and glorious For thus saith God in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn To him that ouercommeth Apoc. 3. will I graunt to sit with me in my throne euen as I ouercame and sitte with my father in his throne O incredible glorie what labours and sorrowes wil not they forget which shall be inuested into Gods throne and haue palmes of victory put into their handes and crowns set vpon their heads by Gods owne hands before all the Princes of heauen Therefore the Apostle Paul most truely crieth out saying Rom. 8. The afflictions of this life are nothing in comparison of the glory that shall be shewed vpon vs. 2. Cor. 4. And againe Our tribulation which is momentany and light prepareth an exceeding ioy waight of glory vnto vs. c. 18 The ioy and pleasure that the soules of the blessed shall haue cannot be expressed especially when soule and body shall be vnited againe in the resurrection O ioy aboue all ioyes surmounting all ioyes and without the which there is no ioy when shall I enter into thée saith Saint Augustine when shal I enioy thee to see my God that dwelleth in thée 35 solilo quiorum O euerlasting kingdome O kingdome of all eternities O light without end O peace of God that passeth all vnderstanding in which the souls of saints do rest with thée and euerlasting ioy is vpon their heads they possesse ioy and gladnes and all paine and sorrow is fled from them O how glorious a kingdome is thine O Lord wherin all saints doe raigne with thée adorned with light as with apparell and hauing crownes of precious stones vpon their heads O kingdom of euerlasting blisse where thou O Lord the hope of all saints art and the ●adem of their perpetuall glory reioycing them on euery side with thy blessed sight In this kingdome of thine there is infinit ioy and mirth without sadnes health without sorrow life without labour light without darkenes felicity without ceasing all goodnesse without any euill Where youth florisheth that neuer waxeth old life that knoweth no end beauty that neuer fadeth loue that neuer vanisheth health that neuer diminisheth ioy that neuer endeth Wher sorrow is neuer felt complaint neuer heard matter of sadnesse is neuer séene nor euill successe is euer feared Because they possesse thée O Lord which art the perfection of their felicity 19 Let vs enter into these godly meditations with this holy mā let vs not neglect so great felicity for the loue of transitorie things which are meere vanity why doe we so earnestly labour for things of no moment and haue that most happy and blessed life offered vnto vs wherein all felicity consisteth Thebrotus when hée had read the booke of Plato of the immortality of the soule was so moued therewith that immediately hée cast downe himselfe headlong from a high wall Shall Platos heathen Philosophy so much preuaile with an Ethnicke which had no féeling of this felicitie that in hope of immortality he bereft himselfe of life and shall not the swéete and most comfortable promises of the Gospell much more perswade vs which haue the true knowledge of Christ and his heauenly kingdom to forsake these vanities and delights and pleasures of the world Remember often that worthy sentence Hoc momentum vnde pendet aeternitas that is This life is a moment of time whereof al eternity of death or life to come dependeth If it be a moment the ioyes thereof must needs be momentany and miserable is that ioy which hath
our selues then may we boldly come to the Lords Table whereat we shall enioy Iesus Christ God and man by the benefit of faith and shall feele moreouer a great increase and augmentation of the same But we must note that it is vnpossible for vs to be vnite and made one with Christ and to be made partakers of the treasures and riches which are in him vnlesse we first renounce Antichrist and his kingdome and vnlesse we detest all Idolatrie superstition and traditions of men directly contrary to the pure seruice of God bounded and limitted out in his word For séeing that God is our onely Creator and hée giueth himselfe wholy vnto vs in the person of his Sonne IESVS CHRIST the true Isaac Gene. 17.18 in whom all the nations of the earth are blessed it is great reason that likewise by Faith wee giue vp our selues Gen. 12.18 yéelde vs wholy vnto God And thence is it that God in his Lawe doth rightfully require of his people that they haue no other Gods but him Eccle. 20.2 And that they loue him with all their heart with all their soule with all their strength and vnderstanding that is to say with all their parts aswel inward as outward And thence is it also that God doth not only rebuke and reprooue al them that halt on both sides but commandeth also 1. Reg. 18.20 Deut. 13.1 and 17.5 that they which sacrifice vnto strange Gods should be put to death And to this purpose S. Paul minding to warne the Corinthians to flée from Idolatry vseth an argument taken from the knittting together and vnion that we haue with Iesus Christ our Lord in the Supper 1. Cor. 10.16 speaking after this sort The cup of blessing which wée blesse is it not the Communion of the blood of Christ And the bread which wée breake is it not the Commmunion of the body of Christ As if he would say that séeing the Corinthians came not to the Supper to bée partakers simply of earthly Elements but to be partakers really and in déede of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ to bée made one with him by faith and to be made flesh of his flesh and bones of his bones that therefore it were too great wickednesse abhomination to be present in the assemblies of Infidels or to be partakers of their idolatrie And therefore the Apostle addeth afterward 1. Cor. 10.21 that the Corinthians cannot drinke of the cup of the Lord and of the cup of diuels and that they cannot bée partakers of the Lords Table and of the table of Diuels Whereby he signifieth that it is impossible to serue God and the diuel together and that whosoeuer doth communicate with Idolatrie doeth manifestly renounce our Lorde Iesus Christ Therefore seeing that darkenesse is no more contrarie to light vice to vertue death to life Paradice to Hell then the Pope and his doctrine is contrary to our Lord Iesus Christ and to his holy Gospel it behooueth all true faithfull people to withdraw themselues wholy from Poperie and cast off without delay the yoke of that Romish Antichrist that they may giue themselues wholy to the seruice of this Sauiour and Redéemer Iesus Christ But if so be that the Cōmunion that we haue with the sonne of God and the promises of the heauenly Father cannot intice perswade vs to yéeld our selues wholy to God to put our trust in him onely to serue and worship him onely according to his will but that we wil yet cleaue vnto Antichrist his seruants Ministers yet at the least let the threatnings iudgements of God hinder vs and feare vs so to doe as when it is sayde Goe out of her my people that ye bee not partakers in her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues And againe Apoc. 14.9 ●0 11 If any man worship the beast and his image and receiue his marke in his foreheade or in his hand the same shal drink of the wine of the wrath of God yea of the pure wine which is powred into the cup of his wrath and he shall be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy Angels and before the Lambe And that stinke of their torment shal ascend-euermore and they shal haue no rest day nor night which worship the beast and his image and whosoeuer receiueth the print of his name And againe The fearefull and vnbeléeuing the abhominable murtherers Apo. 21.8 whoremongers sorcerers idolatrors and all lyers shal haue their part in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death Let this therefore be well printed in our hearts that we be not seduced and destroyed with the vaine seruers of this worlde which thinke it is a thing not impossible to serue God and the Diuell Iesus Christ and Antichrist to follow the commandements of God and of men and to satisfie the affections of the spirite and of the flesh all at once 2. We must haue repentance THe preparation whereof we spake before touching faith which applyed vnto euery one of vs particularly Iesus Christ with all his riches and blessings can haue no place in vs vnlesse it bring foorth also in vs a true repentance that is to say a true misliking of euill a burning loue and affection of goodnesse as we sée the example in Dauid Peter Paul and other holy men We must haue a sorrow and vnfeined grief for that we haue offended God for that wée haue before times wickedly abused our creation redemption and Baptisme for that wée haue prouoked God with all our members for that we haue abused our vnderstanding heart tongue féete and hands for that wée haue giuen and set foorth our soules and bodies which are the Temples wherein God would dwell to infidelitie idolatrie superstition filthinesse blasphemie whoredome extortion vsurie robberie gluttonie drunkennesse ambition excesse ryot other worldly vanities which is asmuch as if we would haue lodged God the father the sonne and the Ghost in a most stinking and filthy priuie Wée must therefore bée sorry for our wicked life passed vsing a true and seuere examining of our selues which may bring foorth in vs a displeasantnesse and horrour of our forepassed renting and breaking by al manner of meanes of the Lawe of God to follow the will of the Diuell of the world and of the flesh Nowe the breaking of the breade of the Supper which is omitted in the Passeouer of the Papists should cause vs to acknowledge and detest our wickednesse that is to say whatsoeuer is founde in vs contrary and repugnant to the pure and holy Lawe of GOD. For in that that the bread is broken for vs or rather in that that wée breake the bread of the Supper of our Lorde Iesus Christ it signifieth vnto vs that in déede it is we that it is our sinnes and iniquities which haue crucified and put to death the Lorde of life who is the very same