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A13700 Soliloquium animæ. The sole-talke of the soule. Or, a spirituall and heauenlie dialogue betwixt the soule of man and God. Which, for the great affinitie it hath with other bookes of the auctor published heeretofore in our natiue tongue, is now entituled The fourth booke of the Imitation of Christ. Translated and corrected by Thomas Rogers. Neuer before published.; Soliloquium animæ. English Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471.; Rogers, Thomas. 1592 (1592) STC 23995; ESTC S107313 86,064 234

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assented to vanitie and so quicklie forsaken thee which art the truth Oah how greatlie haue I sinned euen in this that I haue not sticken to thee alone neglecting all things else For I was made to loue and to enioie thee but by following after creatures inordinatelie I haue lost thee and found no rest for mine hart in them neither But turne mee vnto thee ô Lord and leaue me not in earthlie things thou which hast vouchsafed to promise celestiall things to such as folowe thee CHAP. 10. 1. A comparison betweene earthlie and heauenlie ioies 2. with a praier for grace to contemne this transitorie world MY soule hath refused comfort Wander thou not after deceiptfull vanities madnes ô my soule but turne vnto the Lord thy God for hee is the fountaine of all comfort Whatsoeuer thou seekest either among men or among creatures thou shalt leese it and shalt well perceaue it to perish For though I graunt theie maie yeeld some showe of comfort yet sure I am nothing dooth continue Whie so vanelie wilt thou bee deceaued It is egregious follie to beg of a begger when he that is rich will giue abundantlie Euerie creature is but poore to minister comfort vnto vs but God which is rich in mercie giueth to all men liberallie and reprocheth no man if thou for thy part diligentlie doo seeke and patientlie expect his leisure Returne ô my Soule returne downe vnto Noah in the arke euen vnto Christ in thine heart because it is not good to abide long abroade See thou refuse outward comfort if inwardlie thou wilt be refreshed Doo not thou with the crowe abide without the arke but with speede auoide the carcase Returne thou an hungred and Christ so will feede thee with the bread of life If vrgent necessitie or weakenes hold thee abroade take heed thou make no staie but with speede get thee home least thou be either ouerwhelmed with the flud of words or comprehended in the snares of diuelish tentation Manie traps are laid for the wandering soule and great safetie hath the quick returning dooue which not finding where to set her foote made haste to come back vnto Noah in the ship Go thou therefore vnto thy secret place and abide there yea let it bee a griefe for thee to bee else-where Oah blessed is the soule which hath a cleare conscience before God and is not delighted with anie vane thing which is neither polluted with louing anie thing nor wearied with extremelie hating anie man Blessed is the soule that seeketh no comfort of creatures but fixeth all her hope in the Lord Blessed is the soule which refuseth all outward and temporall quietnes and whatsoeuer belongeth vnto the welfare of the bodie and which for the loue of Christ dooth willinglie embrace both paine and pouertie Blessed is the soule which commendeth her selfe to God that hee maie doo with her euen as hee thinketh good Blessed is the soule which at no time seeketh her owne glorie which desireth at no time to haue her owne will doon but continuallie mindeth loueth and preferreth the glorie and will of God aboue all things Blessed is the soule which dooth es●ange her selfe from whatsoeuer is temporall and keepeth her selfe pure and vndefiled before God in all her dealings O reioice and be thou much glad thou which art such a soule for thou maist abide in secret and celestiall cogitations and so magnifie the Lord daie and night Blessed and blessed againe is the soule whose desires are to heauen-ward whose hands and armes are out-stretched euen as the two wings of the Cherubims whose eies are pure to behold God whose inward power and strength dooth goe altogether and ascend and returneth not vntill it haue him whome onlie she loueth before all things And when she hath found him she foloweth him whether soeuer hee will haue her And when he speaketh he reioiceth to heare her make answere saieng I am thine onlie beloued of thee elected I am thine exceeding great reward Bee thou neither proude in prosperitie nor impatient in aduersitie Consider how theie which loue mee are comforted of mee How sweetelie thinkest thou I will entreate them when theie shall be receaued vnto the eternall rest after that the troobles of the bodie and soule are laide aside Oah that I enioied such pleasure as dooth the holie soule when the senses beeing asleepe shee is carried aloft and eleuated aboue her selfe beloued and coopled to God by the bonde of most hartie frendship O my God which art the treasure of mine heart thou knowest right well how this would bee the onlie comfort of mine inward griefe But thou art the geuer and the pourer in of this ointment Thou teachest thou exhortest thou cherishest thou comfortest thou carriest thou vpholdest thou guidest out and bringest back thou doost with the soule whome thou hast chosen euen as thou wilt and whatsoeuer thou doost and wilt it is all good But I who am as a sowre vessell altogether vnworthie to receaue th'infusion of thy good spirit doo humblie craue that plentifullie it maie so spout forth vpon mee that I maie both taste the sweetenes of thine inward loue and also perceaue those sacred pleasures the which I doubt not the religious soule dooth feele by thy grace I did smell the celestiall perfumes a far off when I did meditate certaine inward cogitations of the minde concerning the soule but Lord thou knowest how sildome how litle I doo thinke of eternall things how often words doo wither how rude the vnderstanding how vnquiet the conscience how my hart is troobled darkened and irreligious and onlie through mine owne default Notwithstanding sometime seeking a waie vnto spirituall matters hauing taken my cogitations with mee in secret I begin seriouslie to call into my remembrance the good things of the blessed soule how great are the celestiall ioies and spirituall delightes which are in her heart what peace what tranquilitie what hope and reioicing in God her Sauiour whose words be sweete and face bewtifull And these cogitations though short theie endure yet when theie come blessed is the houre And I thus thinking and thou enlightening my darkenes I doo finde iust complaints vpon my selfe and by priuie holes of grace I perceaue how such and such is the soule inwardlie vnited vnto thee and tha● so and so thou hast spoken to her She is still from all things sensible and thou in the spirit speakest to her of inuisible matters She seemeth as it were to be forsaken of all creatures and after an vnspeakeable manner thou doost comfort her So that I said againe in mine hart wo to the sinfull soule to the grieued conscience to the man which is neither hote nor colde destitute of the light of grace and of spirituall comfort seeking teares and yet finding none But peace be to him which vnfeinedlie dooth loue Christ
of carnall affections And this my request is to obteine for without thy speciall grace wee shall neither leade a good life in this world nor liue eternalie in the life to come And whereas I now liue in the bodie it is no ioie to mee for better it were for mee to die than to liue because through this life I am debarred the farder from eternall life which cannot come vnlesse that death doo destroie the life present yea and death also it selfe bee destroied Hence it is that my desire is to heauen-ward and mine heart seeking eternall rest fetcheth deepe sighes and crieth It is now enough Lord take awaie my soule which thou hast redeemed with thy pretious blood Open to mee the gate of thy kingdome and let in a poore pilgrime returning vnto thee from exile Listen to mee Lord and loase me from the band of the bodie What should I longer doo heere I am good neither to my selfe nor to others Whie then doo I liue To my selfe I am burdensome to others troblesome What shall become of mee I wot not Lord whether thou hast foreseene anie better thing of me wherefore my longing should bee lingred I doo allow thine ordinance because it is good but in mee onlie I finde the euill whie it greeueth and troobleth mee to liue in the world For dailie I doo sinne I heape sinne vpon sinne and yet as I ought I repent not If therefore I were loased from this bodie of sinne and coopled to thee in heauen neither should I offend anie more nor thou bee offended but be praised continuallie Notwithstanding as yet thou bearest with mee and showest all patience I know my fault because through my sinnes I maie not enter into thy kingdome For none vncleane thing shall enter thereinto But when shall I be without sinne When shall I throughlie be cleansed that I maie not feare to bee prohibited but reioice rather to bee let in If I goe not forward more zealouslie nor bee more carefull than hetherto I haue bin I am affraide mine hope will be little enough But Lord thou which wilt that no man should perish but that all should bee saued grant mee more grace to the amendment of my life and to hope for celestiall blessings giue mee the spirit of inward fatnes Let not mine heart heere reioice after the flesh but in fearing let it expect for death Let no care or creature hold mee back but let thy desired presence drawe and comfort mee Blessed is the man which trusteth in thee ô Lord but more blessed is hee that is passed out of this wicked world for he shall no more either feele or feare anie trooble ⸪ CHAP. 7. 1. A godlie desire for a good death O Lord thou art mine hope euen fro my youth In this hope I flie vnto thee vntill the last houre and time of my resolution shall come Oah that I were so well prepared that I might euen now die vnder the hope of grace Oah that I had ended this life with an happie departure and laide off the loade of this bodie how manie dangers and feares had I then escaped Happie is the man whome thou hast chosen and taken vp who is now gone out of this world vnto the father from banishment vnto a kingdome from the prison vnto the palace from darkenes vnto light from death vnto life vnto securitie from dangers from labor vnto rest and from all manner miseries vnto euerlasting felicitie Happie is the soule that now enioieth her reward triumphing in thee her Lord But alas that my contrie is so long kept fro mee How gratiouslie and mercifullie shouldest thou deale with mee if quicklie I were called awaie and bidden to come vnto thee that where thou art I might be also Oah that I had bin taken out of this world before euer I had knowen the filthines of the same and before I was affraide to offend euen in small things how happie then had I bin But now the longer heere I liue the more I wander from thee and doo sinne in too too manie things Wo is mee what haue I doone Alas I haue folowed the desires of the flesh and haue drawen vanitie to my selfe with roapes but godlines I haue abandoned abhorred innocencie and added sinne vnto sinne so that now to my griefe I finde that true which I haue sometime read Woe be to the wicked it shall be euill with him Too too late almost I haue returned vnto my God yea verie late it was eare I began to amend and then too but slowlie went I on I was not zealous enough in my proceeding I did not encrease in zeale but which is woorser I waxed cooler and cooler Hence it was that manie times I was verie loath to die because my guiltie conscience still tolde mee I had not liued as I should haue doone Notwithstanding in consideration of the dangerous temptations wherevnto I am subiect and that my sinnes might not encrease manie a time haue I wished for death and into these woordes haue I burst sayeng Oah that now God in mercie would take mee out of this world that I might sinne no more vpon earth Oh that God speedelie would vouchsafe to take mee awaie and make an ende of my labors in what an happie state should I then bee But Lord all things must bee euen as thou wilt If thou minde to doo that which I require it shall forth-with bee accomplished but if otherwise thy will bee doon I maie vtter out my desire and the miserie which I endure not as to him which is ignorant thereof but that thereby I may finde some comfort to my soule I knowe I am not yet readie as I ought to bee for my conscience is greatlie out of quiet And what maruell though I a sinner doo stand in feare seeing manie euen of the holie fathers were affraide because thou iudgest not as man dooth But how shall I prepare my selfe It were good for mee to prepare my selfe against that time which may come this daie before to morow for anie thing I knowe Therefore I will more firmelie alter my purpose I will bewaile all my negligences passed I will sacrifice my selfe to thee and wholie and henceforth commend my selfe vnto thy mercie ô Lord. O Lord my God all my works doo stand at thy mercie and without thy mercie I haue no merits And this is mine hope this is all my trust But how fareth it with a good and pure conscience What saith the chaste and deuoute soule Come saith she Lord Iesus ô come and tarie not vntie my sinnes loase my fetters bring me out of prison out of the lake of miserie and mirie claie I haue waited patientlie for thee ô Lord incline to mee and heare my crie Leaue mee not anie longer in this wicked world Let it content thee that hetherto I haue striuen that so long I haue bin
not holde it But if you could not hold it confesse that you receaued it from aboue And therefore ascribe all the honor to the mercie of God and openlie confesse how without mee you can doo nothing Consider both in what steede I stand you and how able also I am to confirme you in all goodnes Where were you before I called you but weltering in sin and wickednes And now how would you wander if I directed you not Yea and when also went it well with you if you had not my fauor S. And I said At no time sweete Lord. Thou alone art my singular good freend in all things and aboue all most faithfull L. Whie then did you purpose so wickedlie with your selfe to go after strange louer What misliked you in mee was it either my maiestie or my bewtie S. Ah Lord there is none comparable to thee either for bewtie or for glorie or for riches or for auctoritie neither in heauen nor in earth is anie like vnto thee For thou onlie art most hie ouer all creatures The heauens are thine the earth also is thine thou hast laide the foundation of the world and all that therein is Much it is that thou hast imparted vpon thy creatures by which thy bewtie wisedome and goodnes doth appeere but yet in comparison of thy blessed and glorious presence it is nothing So that by experience I haue learned now that I cannot lack thy companie one houre together but with much griefe to my soule L. Returne therefore vnto mee thou hast hetherto wandered enough about Let not hence-forth to be more staied and milde and faithfull yea and to trust in mee not onlie in the daie of my gratious visitation but much more in the night of tentation I haue let you slip that beeing wearied you might returne vnto mee the more speedelie and beeing frustrate of outward comfort at length vnderstand how much you are bound vnto mee that so often haue called vnto you And therefore liften now at the last for it is not without cause that sometime you are forsaken that you are cold sometime in zeale that it irketh you that you are ouer-wearied with tentations that on all sides you are afflicted that you can neither finde anie counsaile nor feele comfort but are enforced to endure anguish and miserie at all times and in all places I am absent to the end you may knowe how needfull it is that I bee present with you not onlie in one matter or in a speciall cause but in euerie action in all places and times so well earlie as late wheresoeuer you shall become goe or stand For this will teach you to walke warelie with your freend to absteine from vanities and to take heede of offenses I doo leaue you that you maie well vnderstand how much you are bound to loue mee that is that you maie see a manner how to loue mee in deede It is verie true you thought your selfe more stout and happie than in truth you were but when I did once withdraw mine aide from you a litle it then appeered to the world how you were verie poore and miserable How shall your loue be knowen vnlesse you beare my yoake with patience Sometime I see you to waxe sluggish and therefore I doo hide my selfe for an houre like a freend standing behinde the wall that you maie be stirred vp the more zelouslie to seeke mee I knowe for my part and I see all things but troublous trials which are good for manie causes doo make you the more heedie and wise in all your actions Moreouer if you loue mee you will not waxe the more sluggish in seeking mee for all this if you like mee you will seeke mee What Wot you not how riches painfullie come by are kept most carefullie Who so wisheth rest as the wearied man Who loueth so kindlie as hee which hath sighed most heauelie And is not that iewell which was lost and is found againe much more esteemed than before it was So euen so is the ioie duble and the mirth dubled at the long wished presence of the beloued And therefore it is much for your profit that I withdrawe my selfe because I doo it not for anie ill will to you-wards but vpon verie good cause so do I dallie with my freends Let it suffice you at this time that you haue bin in my fauor to heare so much at my mouth Besides when you haue neede returne vnto mee and feare not For I neuer shut mine eares against that person which humblie and earnestlie crieth for mine assistance CHAP. 18. 1. The confidence of a true Christian 2. God iustifieth the vngodlie 3. giueth whatsoeuer good is to man 4. will haue no man to despeire 5. but that all sinners should flie vnto his mercie MY Lord God will helpe mee therefore shall I not be confounded S. Let it grieue no bodie though I loue much to speake with my Lord God whose goodnes hath allured and inflamed mee both to praie and to meditate in such sort that me thinks I should be too hard and vnkinde if I made none answere vnto his woords But happelie some one will saie against mee Therefore neither doo you feare God seeing you are a foule sinner vnworthie euen to liue in this world Whence is it that you dare so presume in your hart And being the least and vilest of all others with what face can you thrust forth your selfe so to talke with your Lord God Whome doo you make your selfe Oah my louing Lord doo thou answere on my behalfe For the mouth of the wicked is opened vpon mee If I would iustifie my selfe mine owne mouth shall condemne mee And though I were cleane yet did not my soule knowe so much Oah Lord thou knowest my follie and my shamefastnes Speake thou on my behalfe and I full gladlie will keepe silence L. Giue thou none heede to the woords of the wicked but rather doo thou remember how I haue saide I came not to call the righteous but the sinners vnto repentance Am not I to doo what I will Who maie resist my pleasure If I thinke it good to showe fauor to thee-ward though little thou deserue the same at mine hands who shall reprooue me therefore Hee that is without sin let him throwe the first stone at thee But if theie all the pack of them are sinners with what face can theie finde fault with my fauor to thee-ward You haue not chosen mee but my mercie did preuent you Dareth anie yet murmure against you for comming vnto me Comfort thy selfe his murmure is not against thee but flatlie against my person because it is I that receaue and ●eate with sinners And whie ought you not to cha●enge mine acquaintance the which 〈◊〉 reioice to offer rather than to withdrawe from anie one S. Oah gratious Lord laie not this ●in to their charge but to mee and to
and comfort is and resteth in the price of thy pretious blood wherein I doo wholie repose my selfe and deeme it requisite that I should doo so together with all which I haue doon offended deserued and omitted And therefore behold most gratious Iesu my basenes and humilitie consider the affection of mine hart which I beare toward thee not for my merits but for thy mercie sake which vouchsafest to be loued euen of the vnworthie In respect of mine vnworthines I am greatlie ashamed to come in thy presence but I am drawen-on and emboldened through your wonderfull goodnes and humilitie which hast in perfect good wil yeelded not onlie to become man but also to suffer die and to be buried for my sake and therefore vnto thee doo I make recourse for I finde no goodnes in my selfe Supplie that for my sake which of my selfe I cannot performe Thou hast giuen mee a desire to praie vnto thee to praise to blesse thee because thou art mine hope and my portiō in the land of the liuing Al my desire is to be with thee in the kingdom of heauen but inasmuch as my time is not yet come I will waite vntill the night approch In the meane while this maie bee my comfort in the place of my pilgrimage that I am mindfull of thy name and of thine exceeding great loue and that I behold thee in this life by the eies of my faith To liue in this world and yet to repose no trust in thee ô Lord were a thing intollerable to my soule I doo not consent to reioice with the world and that I maie not abide without ioie and comfort I haue determined to place my ioie in thee Much and often should I goe astraie greatlie should I be tossed in cogitations did I not reteine thee fast in my minde and thoughts And for somuch as I am vnable to sound the depth of thy diuinitie I thinke it best for mee to turne vnto the deedes and saiengs of thine humanitie because being in these cogitations I swarue not altogether from thy diuinitie Thankes bee to thee good Iesu sweete and louelie Iesu for vouchsafing to become my brother to take my flesh and bones vpon thee Thankes I saie to thee for entering into the wombe of good Marie thy Mother of whose maidenlie flesh thou tookest the holie members of thy bodie which thou didest vnite to thy diuine nature CHAP. 23. A godlie Praier and commendation of our Sauior Christ. NOtwithstanding I am wicked and guiltie of manifold sins yet haue I great hope of saluation because of thy suffering and merits whereof as I haue a good minde to consider so graunt ô my Lord Christ that I maie with good leaue so doo For who am I to approch nigh vnto thee vnlesse I haue licence I knowe mine vnwoorthines to appeare in his presence whome the verie angels doo worship with great reuerence saieng Who is this that commeth out of the wildernes of this world so abunding in pleasure Therefore ô moste blessed Sauiour I am far vnmeete to thinke of thy glorie and honor of thy bewtie and magnificence because I am earth and ashes yea more base am I then earth and ashes because I am sinfull and proane vnto all wickednes But thou beeing made hier than heauen hast the whole world vnder thy feete and art worthie to be praised and honored for euermore Howbeit of thine vnspeakeable goodnes which passeth all vnderstanding I am drawen in affection vnto thee because thou art the comfort of the comfortlesse and vsest most willinglie to helpe most miserable sinners I acknowledge how I am not onlie destitute of all comforrt especiallie of thy fauor but also verie vnable to doo good vnto my selfe But mercifull Iesus wouldest thou vouchsafe to consider my basenes then should I both be aided and comforted most plentifullie in this my trooble Therefore I see well whensoeuer I am compassed about with affliction and tentation I am straight-waie and without feare to flie vnto thee for where mercie is moste readie there grace is in greatest plentie And when I haue a good minde to consider of thy most glorious estate and to commend thee in moste honorable manner I must come foorth with a much purer affection and maie not goe forwarde with-out the conduction of Gods heauenlie light Assuredlie he shall haue no glorie but shame that presumeth without all reuerence to approch vnto thy gate And he which commeth thereinto must proceede with all reuerence and humilitie ioined with good hope that hee maie finde grace to be admitted Wherefore both humblie and reuerendlie and deuoutlie and boldlie I goe to thee-ward Let the godlie louer of thy name listen then what I saie The heauen reioiceth the earth woondereth when by faith mine hart saith Christ is my Sauior Satan flieth hell trembleth when my conscience crieth Christ is my Sauior The world waxeth vile and the flesh humble when as a Christian dooth saie Christ is my Sauior Sorowe departeth newe comfort approacheth when my minde pronounceth Christ is my Sauior Slothfulnes vanisheth mine hart through loue fainteth when zelouslie I can saie Christ is my Sauior Zeale encreaseth compunction ariseth hope groweth comforte waxeth strong when my soule soundeth Christ is my Sauior Mine harte is iocund mine affection becommeth sounde when in truth I do saie Christ is my Sauior For such is the force of these words vttered of a faithfull soule that no man is able to expresse the same in wordes but still it resteth more hie and excellent than maie be reached vnto by the wit of man Which maketh mee once againe most humblie to bowe my knees vnto thee ô blessed Sauior and still I saie ô Christ my Sauior O most gratious Iesu receaue my praier and mee with it that I maie finde some-what that maie like thee well and embolden mee and kindle my zeale and keepe mee euermore in continuall praising of thine holie Name Oah that for the satisfieng my desire to praise and to praie vnto thee from the verie bottome of mine hart both all my members were forthwith conuerted into tongues and those tongues into firie voices that I might finde a waie to glorifie thee my Sauiour world without ende Oah that for all my sins wherewith I haue deserued thine indignacion offended greeuouslie thy Father and dishonored thee with all the hoste of heauen I might once so thoroughlie bewaile and repent that I might heereafter take a newe trade of life to thy glorie and the comforte of my soule Oah that thou woldest assist mee in well doing seeing my life fraile and I all subiect to offending Oah pardon and forgiue all my sins either wilfullie or negligentlie committed all my vaine thoughtes my vngodlie speech my abhominable deedes O most gratious Iesu I saie doo thou both defend mee from doing anie wickednes hereafter and forgiue I praie thee all my sins forepast so shall I be both the more deuout the more
and neuer turneth aside the eies of his heart from his Sauiour but continuallie seeketh the things which are pleasing in his eies For hee shall walke in peace and equitie and no stranger shall participate of his pleasure Hee shall well perceaue that his rest is good and taste how sweete his Lord God is in whome hee trusteth Hee shall set him far from outward tumults and with hartie desire expect his prosperous comming Lo thus worketh the Lord in his elected vessels Hee which commeth vnto him shall not returne emptie awaie for cheerefullie hee bestoweth vpon the thirstie drinke and bread vpon the hungrie O my God when thou enterest into the house of the soule which loueth thee wilt thou not feede her with thy milke yea and bring her sometime beside her selfe through thine abundant sweetnes to the taking of thee without anie corporall similitude O truth truth of what force and power is loue Then wilt thou speake thy word to her all secretlie and show the things that shall bee and haue bin in most happie charitie and fruition where the words of man shall no more bee heard From thenceforth thou wilt cause her no whit to doubt anie more of eternall rest and of the felowship of sancts but now by differring the token of speciall grace thou makest her the more able to hope for the things she seeth not and to despise present things which by sense shee comprehendeth O mercifull God bee mindfull of mee a poore begger euen of thy great mercie and send the true bread from heauen thy good word so full of comfort and grace CHAP. 11. 1. That all comfort and pleasures are in God 2. A praier that all people may glorifie the Lord. 3. The blessed state of good men 4. That wee are to be readie against the comming of our Sauiour Christ. ALl my bones shall saie Lord who is like vnto thee There is one and like to him there is none euen my GOD it is to whome whatsoeuer is compared is nothing My God is entirelie to be loued and a most faithfull frend which ne●er forsaketh the soule that loueth ●im but continuallie abideth with ●er for companie And if sometime ●e hide himselfe and suffer her to be ●roobled it is not doon of him to de●troie but to trie her to purge her and to instruct her So that euen ●hen he forsaketh not but the more ●iselie instructeth that euerie one maie see what hee is of himselfe and how far hee is come forward in religion O my beloued thou art all faire and louelie but not to the flesh but to the minde not to the eie or sense but to the faithfull soule to him which hath a pure heart to him which is altogether addicted vnto things inuisible and spirituall So that who so desireth to be vnited to thee by a religious affection he must of necessitie mortifie in himselfe all fleshlie motions and aboue all reteine a pure conscience For thou art much displeased then when a man doth goe vnto fraile crreatures to seeke consolation And therefore thou callest me inwardlie to loue thee and thou commandest that I wait for thee for then I shall finde thee when I doo humble my selfe and wish that which thou wilt And this shall be all my felicitie euen freelie to serue thee neither dreading anie losse nor seeking anie gaine because thou allowest that soule which pure lie dooth loue Oah blessed is hee which both in life and death sticketh onlie to thee But as for mee I am far-awaie cast oftentimes from thy fauor by louing and that both inordinatelie and vndiscreetelie transitorie things But that I maie not perish with them I with all speede will returne and behold in them thy glorie and direct all my cogitations to thee w●rd O my Lord and God which of nothing hast made all things giue mee grace for all things to praise thy name For all power wisedome goodnes and mercie is thine thine also is euerlasting glorie and maiestie Thy kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and thy dominion endureth throughout all ages Thou orderest all things both things aboue and things in earth Thou knowest all things and possessest all things nothing dooth resist or trouble thee but quietlie thou rulest the world and makest the rebellious to stoup and to serue Thou art priuie of all things which are doon in the world and before theie were doon thou knewest their endes Thou art the God both of heauen and earth the creator of things visible and inuisible the gouernor of the whole world and the disposer of the seasons O blesse thy seruants I beseech thee dispersed far and wide ouer the world yet seruing thee most religiouslie Make them constantlie to sound forth thy praise and in all places with one voice to glorifie thy name Stir vp their harts firmelie to loue thee and grante that all their enterprises maie take a good ende Oah how gratious and how good art thou to such as loue thee how sweete art thou to them which taste thee Theie which haue felt thy sweetnes knowe thereby the better how both to thinke and speake For thy sweetnes surpasseth all sweetnes and thy pleasures doo sweeten all bitternes O Lord my God holie men haue spoken and Prophets haue talked of thee All the godlie from the worlds beginning haue beleeued in thee haue serued thee haue glorified thee both with sacrifices and oblations theie haue praised and blessed thine holie name because theie haue both acknowledged thee to bee the creator and maker of the vniuersall world and also trusted in thee aboue all things Theie haue knowen thee in their visions for thou hast reuealed thy name to them and beside thee they knewe no God Theie obserued the lawe of thy commandements which thou gauest them Theie folowed not the foolish imaginations of false Gods but they worshipped thee which liuest for euer the creator of all things Theie lifted vp their voice to thee with thankesgeuing because from on high thou soundest in their eares saieng I am that I am Before mee there was no God formed neither shall there bee after mee I haue ordained the things which shall be and I forget not whatsoeuer is past This when theie heard and vnderstood theie cast the eies of their faith a far off beleeuing that God will saue vs and that he which shall come will come and will not tarie Knowing these things afore hand theie were not a litle comforted and maruelouslie astonished at the presence of the glorie to come theie fainted But afterward comming by litle and litle to themselues and with ioie beholding the power of God approching theie said Hee is euen hee is the Lord our God and wee haue none other Hee hath taken vs and hee will saue vs. Hee cannot denie himselfe
thou often takest thy flight For thou departest suddenlie out of her hands when she cannot laie holde vpon thee I doo praise thee but in this how shall I praise thee If thou hast anie praise and sweetenes whie doo you seeme to forgoe it in this deed If thou wert not she might be offended But she can take none offence at thee who so mightelie doost loue her If therefore anie good reason be signified vnder that lesson ô God showe it mee For gladlie would I vnderstand the same neither do I thinke it vnnecessarie to learne though it be but little Because no man of himselfe can behold thy secret iudgements but it is thy light which dooth both inlighten darke and driue awaie hurtfull things What therefore may the cause be that sometime so secretlie you withdrawe your selfe from the soule she not witting thereof Doo you loue her or no If you doo loue her then whie do you leaue her my beloued If you loue her not whie then haue you visited her before time Againe if you loue her not whie doo you make returne whie knock you at the doore whie enter you in againe What is it of lightnes that you doo so both go and returne God forbid But so often change dooth not a little greeue her yea much it dooth disquiet her Yet the griefe would be the lesser if thou wouldest saie plainlie I doo goe and will come vnto you your harts shall reioice and your ioie no man shall take from you But now you cast out neuer a by-word onlie she thinketh vpon that speech which she well perceaueth to be performed in her selfe how Iesus hid himselfe and went out of the Temple A fewe things I haue against you but my complaint dooth spring out of a good roote I humblie request to be instructed I loue not to contend And therefore when occasion serueth make answere I beseech you Also let the godlie soule saie for her selfe somewhat for her learning Likewise make you answere boldlie when your part requireth O my soule answere thou thy beloued boldlie For thy freend will patientlie heare and meete thee with milde words that you maie suffer none hinderance For if hee bee not thy comforter who will comfort thee And who more fauorablie will beare thine infirmitie than hee which beareth all things and yet is not burdened And to whome more safelie can you reueale your miserie than to him which perfectlie knoweth all things Or in whome maie you put more confidence than in the truth which deceaueth not Now if anie stranger or one that is not a freend to the spouse shall heare these things let him be driuen from the doores But if hee loue the spouse if he be faithfull if deuoute and spirituall let him haue free ingresse If hee bee a keeper of a good conscience a louer of virtue and discipline if hee bee pure in hart and cleere in iudgement if humble in himselfe and good towards others if he can neither wickedlie carpe at vanelie extoll rashlie reprooue impudentlie maintane nor proudlie commend things but contrariwise if he haue learned both the things which hee conceaueth not to reuerence and also rightlie to interpret obscure and mysticall matters let him haue entrance and heare the communication For the affection of the hart through the sound of words ought to be noted rather than the qualitie of voices And therefore tell me ô soule how doost thou feele thy selfe wanting now the grace of thy beloued I for my part doo see that hardlie I can take it well if he keepe himselfe long awaie and I conceiue the like of you If you thinke good let vs sit heere together and confer we heereof to our comfort CHAP. 14. 1. A lamentation of the soule for the want of grace MIne hart breaketh for desire What is it thou saiest Why saiest thou Zion the Lord hath forsaken mee Feare not daughter Zion thou louing and religious soule lo thy king and welbeloued freend commeth to thee Arise stand vp and beholde the ioie which commeth toward thee from thy God S. I haue sought saith the soule and haue not found I haue called and he hath not answered and therefore I doo breake for thought M. Then said I this is the voice of the Turtle hauing lost her mate It is not now with you as it was yesterdaie and earewhile when you sang the songs of mirth S. The morning is past night commeth and the spouse resteth himselfe at noone tide yet maie I not come nigh him M. Your woords are sorowfull and your eies shed teares O soule thou art grieued and hast neede of comfort But speake whence commeth your griefe S. I am not troubled either for gold or siluer or anie worldlie matter neither for lucre nor for hurt neither for iniurie nor for pouertie for I am now dead and crucified to the world M. If I bee not deceaued long since you renounced the world But whether in all things perfectlie you haue denied the same and art come euen into a verie hatred of your selfe I would faine knowe S. Verie fewe haue that gift and it is especiallie looked for at your hands M. Whie therefore are you so pensiue What haue you forgon If it be for your freend his sake I must needs confesse you doo well to be sad neither should you take delight in anie thing vntill he returne and visit you againe But in the meane while how doo you susteine your selfe vpon the beloued ô sweete soule And sure I am hee is not alwaie present at a wish Therefore while he is absent what comfort haue you wherein doo you take delight Tell me your secrets be theie neuer so grieuous That you beare the absence of Christ heauilie no man doubteth but he onlie that loueth not Now you are sad I take it not for this world but for the spouse Christ. And I knowe full well that when hee shall returne you will be merrie againe because hee will not alwaies forget you For he hath said I will not leaue you comfortlesse but I will come to you Therefore your wordes are not vane being vttered with such griefe but theie declare a louing hart and strike the cold affection which is not inflamed with the loue of Christ. For your voice is the voice of a Turtle not the crieng of a murmurer And therefore I trust you shall finde him whose losse you so lament Notwithstanding I demaund What saie you of him whose absence you doo so bewaile Is he good or no S. Doubtlesse hee is good and singularlie good too righteous and faithfull in him there is no wickednes neither can be M. Whie therefore lament you for the good in whome is no deceipt S. I weepe not for the good in respect that hee is good but I lament mine owne miserable condition because I haue lost a good and a faithfull freend I euen I haue deserued this but alas alas that I kept not his fauor
instructed mee oftentimes with profitable sermons and confirmed mee in his word And as yoong plants are woont to be watred with showers so he hath watered me with inward comfort that the virtue newlie implanted within me maie not wither L. And he said to me If thou hast a lust vnto me and wilt harken vnto me thou shalt enioie good things if thou wilt doo whatsoeuer I command you thou art a frend of mine If thou wilt choose me and loue me aboue all things all things that you aske my father will giue you but if you forgoe me then shalt thou come to destruction for my wrath shall bee incensed against thee if thou seeke after another he shal not please thee long but thou wilt loath and abhor him Because I am the saluation and the life of the soule S. So I turned mee vnto him which had doon me good and expelling my selfe from out the dust of earthlie affections I decreed in mine hart from thenceforth to serue him onlie because I found nothing better than him nor could imagine no couenant more profitable Let others iet and seeke what freendship theie will else-where I am thoroughlie perswaded this is the true man of the soule for whose sake me thinks I could gladlie forsake this world to enioie his loue euerlastinglie And therefore I stuck vnto him for he liked me still neither could I finde a better freend For my soule alwaie hath exceedinglie desired such a one as is the greatest for power the best for goodnes the woorthiest for dignitie and the most happie for all good things And because he is verie curteous he gaue me comfortable woords warelie fore-seeing that theie should neither terrefie nor breake mee through ouer-much roughnes but rather enioine and teach mee that which should bee both light and sweete to be borne that so my yoong affection might the better be drawen on and the more forceablie addicted to the freend beloued and shrinke not back M. She shall the better said he be instructed and profit if not by force but through gentlenes she be prouoked forward She wil the more easilie receaue my yoake rather by loue with rewards than by feare with punishment And if she neede impulsion let it wiselie be vsed that violence doo not ouerthrowe her For he knew right well what was best for a yoong plant and what profit this his kindnes would bring vnto mee especiallie at the time of triall when I should easelie call into my remembrance the good things which at the first he did vnto my soule and thereby take courage to proceede in the battell He would not straight-waie open vnto me what and how much trooble I was to endure in his seruice but sometime hee tempered aduersitie with prosperitie well considering my weakenes at the first vntill through experience I had gotten strength to endure affliction After all this he carried me about enstructed and boare me vpon his shoulders Hee conducted me ouer the holie Scripture and with the heate of his holie Spirit he armed me against the wicked tentations of Satan Moreouer he placed before mine eies examples of all the virtues namelie the holie Patriarches and Prophets besides the glorious lights of the new Testament Euen as a Mother teacheth her litle childe so hee instructed mee breaking spirituall shales and putting the carnels into my iawes because theie were sweete to be eaten Search if you can what theie signifie and where such maie be found Open the apostolicall booke reade aduisedlie and see if you are able to comprehend so great mysteries Peruse the Prophet Isaiah looke into the Gospell the light of all lights and marke if theie doo not yeeld most plesant notes of themselues In them whatsoeuer you finde which is obscure and hard to be vnderstood that is a nut in a shel But if you heare it expounded and vnderstand that which afore you did not then broken is the shel and the sweetnes of the ●ut dooth sauor in the hart And so are we to iudge of other darke sentences Whereby you maie behold so manie nuts as you see hidden sentences And how thinke you did he beare me on his shoulders That he did so often as he beheld mine infirmitie and yet neither cast me off nor despised me but patientlie and mercifullie did beare with me Againe he did beare me on his shoulders when he made other men to beare with mine infirmities and whatsoeuer was blameworthie within mee Besides yet more louinglie he did beare me on his shoulders when he bare his crosse vnto the place called the place of dead mens sculs where hee was crucified For then was I a more heauie burden vnto him than the crosse was And my sins were more grieuous to his bones than this wood of the crosse to his back Because for my sake that crosse was carried not for his owne sake Oah how is hee aboue all things to be loued and to be worshipped by whose grace and merits I am thus both found out and redeemed And therefore he shall be as deere to me as the child is to his mother But well I knowe that I am far vnmeete to loue him Notwithstanding my boldnes commeth from his goodnes Neither could I doo otherwise but run vnto his most freendlie embracements when hee showed himselfe so kinde vnto mee I doo well remember what the Prophet Dauid in a certaine place doth saie What am I and what is my life or the familie of my father in Israel that I should be sonne in lawe to the King But our affinitie together is much more excellent than this of Dauid and Saul Because ours is a pure and syncere kinred not with flesh and blood but betweene God himselfe betweene faith vnuiolated and a good conscience Of this did that Disciple whome Iesus loued speake on this wise Greater is hee that is in you than hee that is in the world For God is loue and loue bringeth forth this kinred Therefore sith Dauid thought himselfe far vnmeet to be sonne in lawe vnto an earthlie King much more abashed ought I to be to enter into alliance with the King of all Kings that vouchsafeth to allure me vile wretch into his freendship So that he hath delt with mee not according to my deserts but euen as it seemed good in his mercifull eies Oah blessed and happie art thou soule now thou art fast bound with the chaine of the heauenlie loue Oah how noble and free art thou seeing thou art priuie euen to the sighings of so holie copulation But seing I haue spent manie words about the beloued and yet haue not answered fullie vnto your demaund let vs now begin afresh and God grant that our speech may bee both to our comfort and profit CHAP. 16. 1. The more wee loue Christ the more we maie 2. Tentation and when 3. Happines of the life to come 4. How to beare affliction BEhold as the eies of seruants looke vnto
presence I will bewaile thine absence because euen this is a token of loue and a great pleasure to the louing soule Now then the sense of this sentence appeareth Because it is rightlie said of the louing soule how the more feruentlie she loueth and the more earnestlie she longeth after eternall things the more trulie she feeleth the power thereof working within her Theie are not cold woords but to the vnkinde soule neither deafe organs but to the hardened hart The louing and zelous soule knoweth this well and is so often inflamed in hart as she is pricked with the desire of eternall peace And therefore shee speaketh to thee her Lord God not to men of whome she would not be knowen And although sometime she talketh with men yet that which theie heare is to the outward sense But whatsoeuer she saith to thee it is to the verie soule and rather by sighing of the hart than by sounding words Lo saith she in peace is my most bitter bitternes As if she said After that of thy goodnes I returned vnto the peace of minde the transitorie state of the world began to be still more grieuous vnto mee For I see in this peace how far I am separated from the soueraigne peace And in deede beeing first busied with earthlie desires and mooued with diuers passions I was greatlie hindered from spirituall cogitations and so from heauenlie contemplation after which I should haue much longed but that could I least of all doo because through slothfulnes I did forgo all sense of inward sorowe But nowe seeing the troobles of idle thoughts are taken awaie I doo somewhat rest in the peace of conscience and am drawen vnto heauenlie matters with mine whole hart and I do more lament that I do not enioie the good things of God than erst I did moorne being vexed with the troobles of this world So that it is bitternes to my soule euen to liue in this world and to go vnder the heauie burden of sin But it is bitterest of all when somuch as I maie all mine affections being gathered together I doo enioie now the good things of the hart and bend my selfe euen with hartie zeale toward the armes of eternall peace and yet maie not attaine thereunto because of the bonds of my mortall state And this makes mee euen with griefe of hart to crie vnto thee and to saie O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer mee from the bodie of this death There is none so greuous a burden vnto me as stil to wander frō thee by liuing in the world for laboring in loue I wish for no comfort beside thee For by good experience I haue long sithence learned that my soule can neither be satisfied with the good things of this world nor yet be blessed vntill she be ioined vnto thee in the celestiall habitation For as exceedinglie she doth loue burne and vse contemplation while she is in the bodie so will her desire be insatiable vntill the bodie be laide off And therefore her ende must be made perfect by attaining the souereigne felicitie and the light of thy countenance O King of heauen so amiable in all respects ô my all louelie beloued euen wholie to be desired when wilt thou fill mee with the light of thy countenance when wilt thou satisfie my longing with the well of life My soule hath much thirsted after thee and greatlie will be troobled vntill she attaine thee Liuing in the world and not seeing thee I can take no comfort of whatsoeuer I beholde so greatelie dooth zeale waxe hot that not once but often I breake into these words When shall I come and appeere before the face of my God And this loue of mine cesseth not but encreaseth more and more in such sort that I am driuen euen to weepe night and daie while continuallie I doo thinke with my selfe Where is now my God For it is a comfort to the louing soule to weepe for thy sake while she must want her desire and still expect thy comming And these teares doo more feede and refresh the louing soule than if she enioied all the things of this world For did she loue them she would not weepe for thee Oah how blessed and pleasing to thee is the sheading of such teares For theie doo both kill the desires of secular and temporall ioies and also theie obteine the celestiall consolation And therefore none doo shed such holie teares but theie which are both singularlie in loue and verie notablie religious Far of another kinde be the teares of such as miserablie be troobled in this world For one man weepeth because he is sick another for that he is oppressed another because he is iniured another because his minde is contraried but it is thou religious soule onlie which powrest forth teares euen of pure loue to thy Sauior-ward as for temporall damage and worldlie causes theie trooble thee not for thou submittest thy selfe to the righteous iudgement of God and art thankefull And for so dooing let no worldlie creature iudge thee either foolish or impatient because thy teares doo not greeue but comfort theie doo not blur the face but wash it theie hurt not the eies but theie purifie the sight of the minde Howbeit let others conceaue heereof as theie will I cannot but thinke otherwise than well of you for I doo wish to drinke deep of such teares S. If you wish to weepe with mee then maie you bee comforted with mee Oah that your soule were as I am you could neuer forget what I doo feele I knowe whome I credit and sure I am it is a more easie thing to denie that there is anie heauen and earth than that there is a God And I knowe also hee is my full happines and that I shall neuer bee blessed vntill I haue an absolute sight of his maiestie Whose sight because it is not yet granted me nor alwaies assured me doth make me to lamēt inasmuch as I am depriued of happines wrapped in the darknes of this life and downpeised with the waight of mine owne infirmitie that I am not of power to suffer that wonderfull light and that whatsoeuer I do think cōcerning the glorie of heauen is so litle and ouershadowed as it were with a cloude Hence it is that I dooble my complaint in steede of a song and while theie still saie vnto mee Where is thy God my spirit is the more troobled For thus I thinke then Where is my felicitie where is the full ioie of mine hart where is my true peace and reste Where be all the good things that are vnspeakeable but onlie in my God And when shall I enioie them vnlesse I be ioined vnto him hauing nothing betweene Yea when shall I there bee I knowe not but I beleeue well I doo hope well but yet I haue not Whie then where is my God whome I loue so and yet I see him not Through whose loue I
zelous and the more carefull in saieng thou Christ art my Sauior both in mine hart and with my mouth in companie and in my chamber and in the garden and in the field and in all places wheresoeuer I shall bee And now what more shall I aske of thee ô Christ my Sauior What is better or more profitable or more necessarie especiallie for mee a great sinner than to finde fauor in thy sight ô Christ my Sauior And therefore it is that I haue desired and still do craue euen that by thine intercession and meanes I maie haue the grace of God thy Father who as both thy selfe hast said and the Apostle doth witnesse hast all power giuen thee both in heauen and earth There is no praier more welcome to thee than this is nor anie thing more necessarie for mee than the grace and fauor of God If I haue the grace of God whatsoeuer else I do wante I am rich enough For what is all mine endeuoring if I l●ck that Againe what can I not doo if I be assisted and holpen thereby I see that manie and diuers are my wicked affections but yet against all passions the grace of God is a most effectuall medicine and if once it come it will mitigate them all I doo also stand in neede of spirituall wisedome and knowledge but the grace of God is a most excellent teacher and instructor of heauenlie knowledge and is able euen suddenlie to instruct mee in whatsoeuer things are necessarie vnto saluacion For to require more than is necessarie or to desire to vnderstand more than is lawfull to be knowen is against the will of God whose pleasure is that wee should be humbled vnder his hand and contented with his grace Wherefore obteine this grace for mee ô Christ which is so noble and pretious that in deed I ought neither to desire or craue any other thing than grace for grace CHAP. 24. A Praier for comfort vnto Iesus Christ. GRace is poured into thy lips Oah my Lord I beseeche thee at the length now vouchsafe to speake vnto mee ô Christ. Open thy mouth in thine owne name who art full of all spirituall graces L. I am the fountaine of mercie full of loue and sweetnes I am the ladder for sinners the hope and pardon of the guiltie I am the comfort of the sorowfull and the speciall ioie of all sanctes Come vnto mee so manie as loue mee and fill your selues at the breasts of my comfort because I am good and mercifull to all which crie vnto mee Come vnto mee both righteous and sinners I will sue vnto the Father for you I will entreate him to bee good vnto you and to fill you with the holie Ghost I call euerie one I looke for all I desire to haue all to come vnto me I despise no sinner but with the angels in heauen I reioice exceedinglie ouer that sinner which repenteth and so commeth into the fauor of God for no one drop of my blood which I shed for the world is in vane Therefore come vnto mee yee sonnes of men consider and behold my zeale for you vnto God my Father Lo I haue taken his wrath vpon my selfe I haue borne his displesure yea and continuallie doo I make supplication for you vnto him whome you knowe right well you haue greeuouslie offended Turne then and approch repent and of my woord you shall haue pardon For lo I stand betweene heauen and earth betweene God and sinners and that this world perish not I obteine through my praiers Wherefore abuse not my goodnes and mercie but beware of offending least when you litle thinke thereof indignation be powred vpon you and intolerable vengeance I doo forewarne you as children I beseech you as freends be you perfect as your heauenlie Father is perfect Forget not mee who haue bin and am and will be mindfull of you For I do both pittie such as are in miserie and I do entreate for those which crie vnto mee S. O gratious speech and full of all comforte O heauenlie voice sweetelie dropping frō heauen to the comforting of sinners reioicing of the righteous O celestiall musick howe sweetelie doost thou resounde in a desperate conscience Whence is it that the Sauior of mankinde will thus talke with mee Blessed art thou ô Christe and blessed are the wordes of thy mouth For honie is vnder thy tongue and the sauor of thy speech excelleth all sweetenes My soule was mollefied so soone as thou spakest ô Christ. Behold no sooner did thy voice sounde in mine eares but my soule within did spring for ioie For my spirit reuiued within mee and all mine entralls were filled with newe comforte because good and ioiefull thinges are tolde mee this daie by you I was dolefull but now I am iocund because of your wordes For your voice is sweete in mine eares I was grieued and desolate but now I am reuiued and made merrie For thou hast sent thine hande from on hie and touched mee whereby of weake I am become strong Scarse could I speake but now I haue a good minde to sing and to praise thee highlie I was loth to liue and now I am willing to die because I haue thee Christ for mine aduocate with the Father to whose mercie I commend my selfe euen from this time for euer and euer For since first you began to speake vnto the harte of thy desolate orphane I haue bin changed into a better state and greatlie comforted in my minde I was almost at the doore of desperation but thy comfort came and lifted mee vp with these woordes L. What is the matter Sonne and who are they which would hurt thee Feare not I will see vnto thee my sonne I doo liue with God my Father and I sit at his right hand beeing a faithfull hie Priest and an intercessor for thy sinns In mee thou shouldest repose thy trust because I doo both giue life and destroie death I was incarnate of a virgine in time but of my Father begotten before all times and when the fulnes of time came I suffered for mans saluation Lo I am the hope and comfort of the godlie and by mee is faith and victorie attained And therefore let neither mee nor these things be out of thy minde and thou wilt not feare anie dartes of Satan S. Oah happie houre ô blessed state that my Lord and Sauior will vouchsafe to comfort on this wise my trubled hart Oah that I might still heare thy so comfortable words for greatlie doo theie inflame and moue mee and touch mee euen at the verie harte O blessed Christ thou neuer cessest to send forth the sweete milke of heauenlie consolation For by reason of the abundance of thy grace thou canst not denie fauor to such as craue the same at thine hands yet often thou showest much mercie euen to the verie sinner O Christ thou excellest in pittifulnes in
I punished and pinched at the verie harte euen because I am vnable to answere thy benefits so great and so manifold Oah that I could euen but once worthelie and thoroughlie thanke thee for all these things But what maie proceede from him in whome nothing is An emptie vessell can minister no drinke What then shall I doo Something I must giue For it is not lawfull to come before God with an emptie hand Because the Lord abhorreth the vngratefull man Oah that I could finde something in this world to giue you that might be acceptable in your sight Oah my Lord whome in hart I loue what would you that I should giue you As for anie good thing of mine you neede it not And whie then exact you a gift at mine hands For riches none is comparable to you and yet require you some-what of mee L. That which I demaunde is euen your selfe wholie For so it is expedient if you would purchase my fauour I will giue grace to you and you shall showe grace to mee and so loue shall be continued betweene vs. Giue mee your selfe and you haue giuen euen all S. O good Iesus the fountane of all goodnes the fountane of life the fountane of grace the fountane of sweetenes the verie fountane of aie lasting wisdome powre vpon mee euen at this instant I beseech thee the gift of thy celestiall grace and teach mee to be gratefull and to giue my selfe before all thinges wholie vnto you for this is the deerest thing that I can render This I doo knowe and acknowledge Therefore receaue mee lo I am wholie thine and all that mine is is thine Onlie one thing there is which I cannot giue and that is my sin which is mine indeede properlie and therefore not to be imputed vnto thee Sinne mine is and all defaultes within me are to be ascribed to me onlie but glorie and for all thy benefits thankes be vnto thee But nowe in calling thy benefits into minde of manie I gather onlie a fewe and those which doo most of all moue mee and appeere in my mind For neither wil the time suffer to recite neither can my thoughtes comprehend them all Because for number theie are infinite for greatnes incomprehensible and inestimable for goodnes For bought theie cannot bee because theie are freelie giuen And therefore onlie thankes be required for them otherwise all shall be taken awaie as from that vngratefull one First therefore and afore all things I thanke thee ô Lord my God creator of all things for making mee a man after thine image and similitude and for placing mee ouer the workes of thine hands This is the great and first benefit bestowed vpon mee and that of thy meere goodnes For I made not my selfe but thine handes did fashion mee theie brought me into this world through my parents whome thy will was should serue thee herein And lo I am better than other creatures exalted aboue the beastes of the fielde and birdes of the aër in that I am facioned after thine image endued with eternall wisedome and naturallie participate of the light vncreate and of the vnchangeable truth Wherefore for my beeing liuing and vnderstanding I giue thee euerlasting praise wishing and desiring herewithall that all creatures both in heauen and earth maie euerlastinglie commend thy glorious and most excellent name I blesse thee ô Father Lord of heauen and earth who of nothing through thy onlie begotten Sonne Iesus Christ in the holie Ghost hast created all things Yea al things thou hast made not of necessirie compelled but of pure and special loue moued therunto therby to showe thy power vnto the sons of men and by thine inuisible and coëternall wisedome with thee thou hast most perfectlie disposed this visible world Let all thy creatures subiect in all things to thee and ordeined for the vse of man blesse thee For at thy commandement both raine falleth from heauen and fructe springeth from the earth The sunne shineth brightlie in the daie time the starres giue light by course in the night The fountanes spring the riuers flowe and fishes of diuers kindes doo swim The birdes not onlie flie but sing also and the goates the coltes and hartes doo spring vpon the mountaines The sheep and other cattell dop ioie in good pasture and diuers other liuing creatures doo run about the groaues The ground waxeth greene the fieldes prosper and trees of the wood doo yeeld both bowes and fructe O Lord which onlie doost woonderous things euen all these are thy woorkes Another benefit which thou hast bestowed vpon mee is the mysterie of incarnation the worke of my redemption the price of our saluation euen the fructe of thy passion and death O greate worke of mercie Oah worke of moste excellent loue moste abiect humilitie of moste rare patience No man could merit nor Angel procure this thing The Prophets haue wondered at it the Apostles haue seene taught it the faithfull haue embraced it and the elect especiallie doo loue and call it into minde The due consideration of this benefit stirreth vp good desires inflameth the harte nurisheth deuotion inlighteneth the minde purgeth the affection draweth on to heauen-ward with-draweth from the world driueth vnto God and vniteth the soule with Christ. This benefit far excelleth the aboue mentioned yet there is one which gaue each and hath bestowed both of them vpon vs euen our Lord Iesus Christ. For what the better had I bin for my life if I had not bin redeemed with the pretious blood of my Sauior Christ Therefore the grace and mercie of God grewe vpon me and plenteous redemption was made for the corrupted nature of man without the aide of God his maker could neuer haue bin repared O Father of mercies and God of all comfort thou to redeeme thy damned seruant hast giuen thine onlie Sonne to the death O wonderfull I kindnes of thine to vs ward vnto which neither the wit of man nor the vnderstanding of Angels can attaine But alone sweete Christe who art the beginning and the ende of our saluation and alone couldst helpe the miserable and damned thou alone art priuie to the same For thou didest vouchsafe to appeere vnto the world in the likenes of a most vile seruant and for mortall wormes euen of meere pittie receauedst with a willing minde the iudgement of a cruell death O good Iesus thou which art the fountaine of mercie the light of aie lasting glorie the pure glasse without spot of God his maiestie kindle mine harte with the meditation of this vnspeakeable benefit bestowed vpon mee and vpon all mankinde But this as was the former is generall sufficient to saue all but not effectual in all by reason of the incredulitie and malice of manie howbeit it saueth and is profitable to all the elect for whose sake all things