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A00686 A briefe conference betwixt mans frailtie and faith wherein is declared the true vse, and comfort of those blessings pronounced by Christ in the fifth of Matthew, that euery Christian man and woman ought to make and take hold of in their seuerall tentations and conflicts: laide downe in this plaine order of dialogue, to helpe, if it please God, the conceit and feeling of the simplest. By Geruase Babington. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1584 (1584) STC 1082; ESTC S108359 56,099 166

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written to confirme our heartes in an vnfained loathing of it séeme it neuer such wisedome in a wicked worlde and bring it neuer such gaine to the vsers of it Now on the contrarie side consider againe what a lasting praise is giuen to the contrarie namely to sincere faithfull true and plaine honest dealing with all men So shall it still appeare vnto you cléerer that detestable in the eies of god is a glosing tōgue with an holow halting and dissembling heart What man is he saith y e prophet Dauid that listeth to liue and would faine see good daies let him keep his tongue frō euil and his lips that they speake no guile As if he should say halters will be halted withall one waie or other let them doe what they can and so euill a nature shall finde either with God or man or with both at last a deserued recompence and therefore be simple Againe in an other place Blessed is the man in whose spirit there is no guile And againe Lorde who shall dwell in thy tabernacle or who shall rest vpon thy holie hill Euen the man saith the Lorde that amongest other vertues hath this by name to speake the trueth when hée speaketh from his heart And what a spéech is that of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians Our reioicing is this the testimonie of our conscience that in simplicitie and godlie purenesse and not in fleshly wisedome we haue had our conuersatiō in the worlde His conscience bore him witnes of plaine dealing euer it ioyed him Ours crie within vs our dissembling is monstrous shall it neuer thinke we bring sorrowe to vs Reade at your leasure the first of Syrach from the 33. verse to the ende Neuer forget also the commendation that Christ giueth to Nathaniel But what should I heape vp anie moe testimonies May I not still referre you to the fifth of Matthewe and you there sée euen this tēptation also as one that should assault the godlie prouided for in these wordes Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Consider then of it well Frailtie and be assured where there is a blessing set vpon the head of the vertue there is also a curse set vppon the heade of the vice euer If they bee blessed of the Lorde that reserue in themselues notwithstanding all temptations to the contrarie an honest faithfull simple true dealing and meaning heart towarde all men and in whose spirites there is no guile then as you liue you may assure your soule the contrarie are cursed before the face of him that is truth it selfe and neuer any thing but trueth And whatsoeuer they gaine and get in the worlde they gaine and get the Diuell and all with it vnlesse the Lorde turne their heartes But let this suffice a while touching God and his worde howe they doe allowe this vice whereunto you féele your selfe so greatly tempted And a little also weigh his childrens iudgement of it the auncient graue and godlie fathers of his Church S. Chrysostome writing vpon the 7. of Matthewe and considering this slie nature of men and women so faithfull in shewe and so faithlesse in proofe breaketh out into this detestation of it Fie fie saith he what a course is this If it be a shame to seeme to be false and nought is it not more shame to be so in deede Therefore either be as thou seemest or seeme as thou art euer Where you plainely sée the true loathing that this godlie father lodged of this vice in his heart S. Austine speaking vppon the wordes of Christ to Nathaniel concludeth this glorious glosse that manie make and this déepe dissembling that manie vse to be a speciall of the generall heade fraude and deceite the verie naming whereof wee all abhorre And vppon these wordes againe of the Psalme Keepe thy tongue from euill and thy lippes that they speake no guile Then saith he is it treacherous Fraud Cum aliud in pectore clausum habetur aliud promittitur aut verbo aut actione When one thing is hidden in heart and an other thing promised either by worde or action Nowe of the contrarie vertue openlie and expresselie hee affirmeth that the simple God heartily loueth and an other sheweth who they be euen they whose dealings are without pleites and fouldes wrinckles euerie way Againe that simplicitie and plaine open honestie that is contrarie to fraude and subtiltie euer is commended saieth Lactantius And simplicitie is euer ioyned with true wisedom saith Tertullian No vertue so necessarie betwixt man and man as humble simplicitie and modest grauitie saieth an other And to conclude if wee regarde the sentences and iudgementes of anie but our selues certainely mee thinke it should neuer bee forgotten what S. Hierome so heartily speaketh Haue euer such a regarde of trueth in all thy doings as if once thou hast spoken it all one thou takest thy selfe pressed with it as if thou hadst sworne it a thousande times Thus sée you secondlie then the iudgement of true Christian teachers touching the vice you are so stronglie tempted to staine your selfe withall Thirdlie nowe viewe the opinion of the heathen concerning the same and if nature taught them verie heartilie euen to abhorre it what will bee the ende Frailtie can you suppose either of your selfe or any other in whom neither nature nor the renued light strength thereof the blessed word of God can kéepe vpright in y e Christian course of plaine true faithfull honest meaning speaking thinking and dealing with all men What is horrible deceite and fraude saith one of them a famous Councellour but when one thing is doone and an other presented in outwarde shewe Therefore like of the one and like of the other hate the former and abhorre the latter thought this man sée you plainely in this place And in an other place he hath this reason against it Suspition saith he of others was neuer good but the more any man or woman vse dissembling and halting themselues the more euer they will stande in a suspicious feare of others that they likewise vse it therefore neuer was it nor euer shalbe any commendable course in any Againe how soundeth it still vnto all posterities the discredite and shame of those cauilling glosing Thracians who hauing taken truce for 30. dayes spoyled their enemies in the night with this shameful shift that they named no truce to be kept on the night but onely on the day And howe liueth still and will doe long on the contrarie side the praise of M. Regulus amongest these heathens because he rather chose to die a cruell death than once to breake the faith he had truely plighted and any way by fraude subtiltie and dissembling treacherie to take the course that others did But I staie my selfe and assure you of this that in al crations and spéeches in all pleas and actions for and against any man amongst them honest plainenesse was euer an
fading flower soudenlie plucked vp and withered like grasse like smoke and like the bubble of the water Wee shall be forgotten with all our pompe as the trauailer is that tarrieth but a night our honour shall come to an ende as the players part vpon the stage our doinges sayinges lookes gestures states and maiesties shall be rowled vp as a screule and cast into the office of forgetfulnesse where nothing can bee founde againe And then what remaineth I say what remaineth any thing but woe and wormes if we haue contemned religion and liued disobediently against the Lorde anie thing but vexation and torment both of the bodie and soule in hell fire Will then swearing be liked or drunkennesse or whoring or tipling tauerning sporting in vanity lasciuious talking writing or looking carding and dising roisting and rouing pride and excesse or anie kinde of sinne detested of the Lorde Will then a dissembling time-seruer not be vncased Will then an vniust seruant not be found out Will then an vnfaithfull wife not be discouered or a beastlie furious franticke husbande not be rewarded Will then anie thing abide the face that commeth in the cloudes with thousandes of Angels but onelie a religious heart and soule that hath labored to know and indeuored to liue trusting onelie to the mercie of God in Christ for all wantes to be pardoned Alas we knowe it euen as we knowe we liue it wil not but destruction and death shal then be to the man or woman for euer that lewdly hath liued in this world and comfort endlesse to the contrarie Therfore once againe I saie the Lorde giue vs eies to discrie betimes the rewarde and ende of true religion and of a reformed mind and life in that day euen for his Christes sake our blessed Lord and Sauiour Amen FINIS ¶ A prayer for a familie in the Morning O Most gratious God louing Father the verie comfort that anie sinfull soule can haue when we miserable sinners here met together do consider of the great mercy goodnes that we haue euer since we were borne and before founde and dayly do finde at thy Maiesties handes together with our great vnkindnes shewed euerie way to thée again for y e same we must néedes confesse and euen doe from the bottome of our heartes acknowledge that maruellous is thy mercie in sparing vs still to liue and in not consuming vs away from the earth from before thée For hast not thou O déere God of thy frée mercy before y e foundations of the world were laide chosen and elected vs for thy children when others as good as we by nature shall burne in hell eternally being reiected of thée in that hidden counsell of thine Hast not thou to our endles comfort certified and made known vnto our spirits the same Hast thou not created vs neither beastes todes wormes or any such like ouglie creatures but in thine own image according to thy likenesse to rule ouer the fishes in the sea ouer the foules of heauen and ouer euerie thing that mooueth vppon the earth And when being thus created innocēt yet we persisted not in the same but fell into the curse that bringeth eternall death didst thou not so pitie vs as that for our redemption and safetie thou grudgest not vnto vs and for vs to bée powred out the heart bloud of Jesus Christ thy onelie son our sauiour no other meanes being whereby we coulde be saued Hast thou not by thy holie spirit wrought faith in our heartes to beléeue by him and for him to be iustified before thée Hast thou not in some measure begunne the death of sinne in vs and wrought our sanctification Enioie we not the benefites of thy worde the freedome of conscience great peace and plentie in outward things with manie and infinite benefites moe waking and sléeping at home and abroad in our selues and our friendes For all which O good Lorde what doe wee Are we thankefull vnto thée for them Doe we often thinke of them and labour to knowe thée and to serue thée with a perfect heart and a willing mind for them No no déere God we do not we doe not as we ought to doe But with pleasure or profite with vanitie or selfe loue we are carried away spende our dayes in iniquitie carelesse and vnféeling of our sinne and there is no goodnesse in vs yet is there mercie with thée O Lord and pardon to repentance Wherefore we all héere met together at this time before thy maiestie humblie confessing our wantes most intirelie beséech thée for Jesus Christ his sake to haue mercie vppon vs haue mercie vppon vs most mercifull Father and forgiue vs all that is past strengthen vs hereafter that dailie both in bodie and soule we may glorifie thée more than we haue doone yéelding thankes daily for daylie benefites and striuing in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life But because we cannot but offend and fall diuers wayes good Lorde for thy mercie sake pearce our heartes with a féeling of the same and neuer suffer vs to goe on with dull and dead soules not séeing or sighing for our offences As a speciall meanes to kéepe vs in obedience before thée O déere Father worke in vs a continuall an effectuall remembraunce that wee shall not alwayes liue héere in the shewe of this wretched worlde that doeth so please vs now but that a day will come when the trumpe shall sounde the dead shall arise and all wee shall appeare before thy tribunall seate of iudgement there to receiue according to our déedes without respect of persons O good Lorde giue vs a remembrance and a féeling of the vnspeakeable comfort and eternall weight of glorie which in that day shall be giuen vnto vs if in this life we serue and please thée And contrariwise euen terrifie our consciences and let vs as it were sée before our faces the dreadfull iudgementes and the fearefull tormentes that both in body and soule they shal be sure to haue for euer more in the pitte of hell which in this life doe not serue and please thée but followe their owne fancies and wicked delights Giue vs an hatred of sinne and a true loue of righteousnesse Blesse thy worde euer more with fruite vnto our soules when we doe heare it giue vs a desire to heare it often Remoue O Lorde in thy good time such hinderances of the fruit thereof as are amongst vs giue it full course and sende foorth labourers into thy haruest which not for filthie lucre and gaine but of loue and zeale to thée and thy people may preach thy worde sincerely Blesse vs O Lorde from all hypocrisie glosing and halting before thée And because we little know how soone thou shalt sende this pampered flesh of ours to the wormes stoppe our breath and call away for our soules to come vnto thée whether this day or no before the euening blessed Father for Jesus Christ his sake prepare make vs readie
windowes of heauen and powre his mercies out vpon your La. the Lorde confirme you in all good workes giue you a true sight of this vaine world make your heart shake at his iudgementes melt with a fruitefull feeling of grace assured to holie life and the Lord to profite make you thinke you euer heare that voice ARISE YOV DEADE AND COME VNTO IVDGEMENT and yet in faith to saie with cheerefull heart COME LORDE IESVS COME QVICKLIE So be it London this first of December 1583. Your Honors most humble bounden to death Geruase Babington A Conference betwixt mans Frailtie and Faith Frailtie O Wicked worlde and wretched state I stand in O heauy hart sorowing soule how should I comfort you I haue it not I see it not I feele it not what any way might ioie mee and howe then can I giue it you The contrary I see in fullest weight and measure and wo is me ten thousand times that euer I sawe this light yea let the day euen perish wherin I was borne and the night when it was saide there is a manchilde conceiued Let that daie be darknesse let not God regard it from aboue neither let the light shine vppon it But let darkenesse and the shadow of death staine it let the cloud remaine vpon it and let them make it fearefull as a bitter day let darkenesse possesse that night let it not be ioined vnto the dayes of the yeare nor let it come into the accounts of the moneths Yea desolate be that night and let no ioy be in it Let the stars of that twilight be dimme through darkenesse of it let it looke for light but haue none neither let it see y e dawning of the daie because it shut not vp the doores of my mothers wombe nor hid sorrowe from my eies Why died I not in the birth or why died I not when I came out of the wombe Why did the knees preuent me and why did I sucke the brests For so shoulde I nowe haue lien and beene quiet I should haue slept then and beene at rest Or why againe was I not hid as an vntimely birth either as infants which haue not seene the light Woe is me I liue woe is mee I doe not die and wo I feare much more when ended is my course Faith Why Frailtie what in the name of God meaneth this fearful impatiencie or what case can there be in the life of man and woman so vncomfortable as that in regard thereof they should thus cris out Open your selfe and conceale not your griefe for the verie speaking of it shall giue some measure of ease Frailtie Alas I knowe not almost howe to doe it For my conceites doe so oppresse me and euer as I thinke of one miserie still the remembraunce of an other thrusteth it selfe so into my minde and at last the heape appeares so huge as all amazed I faint vnder the beholding of them and my cogitations are so distracted as it is not possible for me to make an orderly rehearsall of my woe Yet since I haue met with you I wil performe it as I can committing my selfe to that mercie that hath no measure and to your selfe as an instrument to applie his comfortes to me begging it euen with teares tenne thousand times at your handes I consider then that I am created heere in this worlde a reasonable creature consisting of bodie and soule both subiect to dreadfull and endlesse woe if I finde not mercie with the Lorde which I confesse vnto you I comfortablie cannot assure my self of as yet bicause the hand of God me thinke more heauily presseth me diuers waies than I imagin it would do if he loued me Faith And wherein I praie you doe you thinke you are pressed ouer heauily Pouertie the first temptation Frailtie ALas in manie things and yet God laie not my pleading with him to my charge To begin with some thing I must needes confesse vnto you that my lowe estate in the world is a maruellous temptation to me manie a time For God knowes I am poore and euen verie poore notwithstanding all my paines carke and care which is not a little My charge also is great for such an one as I am and their want as good reason bindeth is my continuall woe Yet if this were all me thinke I could wrastle with it and by Gods helpe get the victorie but these companions of pouertie are they that sting me so sore to wit disdaine and contempt both of me and mine of my doinges sayinges or any thing that proceedeth from me and that reiection which is made of me out of all meetings and companies those whisperinges that I heare reproches that I carrie euen at their handes that I little thought would haue done it and that scornefull pitying of me which often appeareth with such like For in deede if euer anie found it I finde it true that by wise Syrac was saide so long agoe There is euen as much peace betwixt the riche and the poore as betwixt Hyena and the dogge But looke howe the wilde Asse is the Lions pray so are the poore meate for the riche And looke howe the proude hate humilitie so doe the rich abhorre the poore If a rich man fall his friendes set him vp againe but when the poore falleth his friendes driue him away If a rich man offende he hath many helpers hee speaketh proude wordes and yet men iustifie him but if a poore man faile they rebuke him and though he speake wisely yet can hee haue no place When the riche man speaketh euerie man holdeth his tongue and looke what he sayeth they praise it to the clouds but if the poore man speake they say What felowe is this And if he doe amisse they will destroy him These these companions of my pouertie are the thinges that euen cut my heart a sunder and wil I nill I it breaketh euen vpon mee by force as it were to thinke that if the lord loue a man hee should neuer suffer him for want of worldly trash so despitefully to be intreated in this worlde and so generally This is but one thing that troubleth me besides which I haue manie moe but helpe me if you can ere I go anie further Faith Nay goe on vtter your gréefe fullie and then your minde wilbe the fitter to heare a great deale For otherwise you will be musing of the rest when I shall he speaking to you for your ease in this Frailtie An other verie daungerous torment then I must needes confesse is that continuall vncomfortablenesse which is still in me by reason of diuerse thinges as by a weightie and stinging sense of mine owne sinnes by sight of other mens loose course and grieuous dishonouring of God in euerie place giuing thēselues to flatterie dissembling and all manner of holowe dealing with God and man by meditation of the fierce wrath of God and most dreadfull iudgementes which assuredly hang ouer vs for these thinges
one truth may glorify thée in the true and constant profession of the same all the daies of our life Comfort O Christ thy afflicted members wheresoeuer or howsoeuer troubled and graunt vs peace if it be thy pleasure in our daies Finally because the night is now vpon vs and we readie to take our rest let the bed O Lord strike into our hearts that the graue is almost readie for vs. Which of vs can tell whether these eies of ours once closed vp shall euer open anie more againe or no Lorde therefore receiue vs into thy handes wée all here nowe commend our selues bodie and soul we bequeath vnto thée kéepe vs this night and euermore ready for thée when thou shalt call for vs. Heare vs O Lorde O God and father mercifull in these our petitions for thy sonne Christ Jesus sake our Sauiour in whose name we al together beg these mercies saying O Our father which arte in heauen halowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be doone in earth as it is in heauē giue vs this day our daily bread and forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs and leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill Amen Let thy mightie hand and outstretched arme be still our defence thy mercie and louing kindnes in Jesus Christ our saluation thy true and holie word our instruction thy grace and holy spirite our comfort and consolation vnto the end and in the end The Lorde blesse vs and saue vs the Lorde make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs. The Lorde turne his fauourable countenance towarde vs and sende vs euer his peace Amen The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the loue of God the Father the most comfortable felowshippe of the holie Ghost be with vs all blesse vs and kéepe vs this night and for euermore AMEN Iob. 3. Syrach 13. 16. Luke 6 20. Non magnum est sua sed se relinquere Exo. 22. 25. Deu 15. 10. Iob 26 15. Psal 9. 9. verse 12. verse 18. Psal 10. 17. Psal 21. 24. Psal 107. 22. Prouerb 28. 6. 22. Esay 25. 4. 66. 2. Luke 4. 18. Matth. 11. Luke 4. Iames 2. 5. Ruth 1. Kings 17. 2 Kings 4. Tobias 4 21. 1. Tim. 4. 6. Gen. 4. 5. verse 11. 12. 1. Sam. last 2. Sam. 17. 23 Acts. 1. Psal 6. 6. Rom. 15. 4. Luke 19. Rom. 9. Psalm 74. 9. Mich. 7. 2. Micheas 7. 2. Luke 6. Numb 11. 12. Ierem. 15. 10. Ierem. 20. 7. 1. Sam. 3. Luke 1. 38. 2. Timot. 2. 25. Psal 25. 9. Galat. 5. Math. 11. 29. That we hurt our selues also in earth by heat of affections Chap. 5. 1. Cor. 4. 11. 2. Cor. 11. Mat. 13 38. Verse 5. 37. 25. 112. 5. 31. 20. Prou. 11. 26. Mich. 6. 6. Colos 3. 12. Note Luke 6. Math. 18. Marke 6. Luke 10. Matth. 6. Matth. 3. 1. Cor. 11. 29. Rom. 12. Cor. 15. Howe mercifulnesse is wrought in men Experience Heb. 2. 17. 4. 15. Sight a worker of mercifulnesse Exod 2. Matth. 14. Marke 6. Luke 7. Luke 10. Luke 18. Iames 2. 13. Scripture against it Esay 2● Psalme 12. 1. Pet. 2. 1. ● Sam. 18. 21. ● Sam. 20. 16. Psalme 34. Psalme 32. Psalme 15. Fathers against it Simplices qua si sine plicatione Anselm in Rom. 9. Lib. 1. Ad Caelant Heathen against it Cic. Offic. 2. Syrac 8. 19. 13. 9. De Sacerdotio lib. 1. Scriptures teach vnitie Psalm 133. 1. 2. 3. 4. Iohn 34. Ephes 4. 1. Thinges in nature teach vnitie Hose 2. 22. Deuter. 28. 32. 1. Tim. 5. 23. Actes 14. Apoc. 4. Psalme 119. Psalme 27.
A briefe Conference betwixt mans Frailtie and Faith VVherein is declared the true vse and comfort of those blessings pronounced by Christ in the fifth of Matthew that euery Christian man and woman ought to make and take hold of in their seuerall tentations and conflicts Laide downe in this plaine order of Dialogue to helpe if it please God the conceit and feeling of the simplest By Geruase Babington PSALME 119. O hovve svveete-are thy vvordes vnto my throte yea svveeter than honie vnto my mouth AT LONDON Printed by Henry Midleton for Thomas Charde 1584. The Contentes of this Booke Strength and comfort out of the worde of God against Pouertie and want pag. 4 Vncheerefulnesse pag. 22 Heat of affections pag. 34 Want of Iustice pag. 52 Vnmercifulnesse pag. 60 Dissimulation pa. 79 Doscoragement to make peace pag. 97 The crosse persecution pag. 113 To the Right Honorable and vertuous Ladie the Ladie Marie Countesse of Penbrooke his verie singular good Ladie and Mistrisse G. B. wisheth al mercy and comfort in Christ Iesus both here novv and for euer IT is sayde of Salomon euen in outwarde matters Right Honorable and my verie singular good Lady that if a man haue riches treasure and honour wanting nothing for his soule of all that it desireth and yet haue not an heart both to feele in comfort the goodnesse of his God therein towardes him and also to vse the sayde blessinges liberally to his owne good and others helpe it is but a vanitie and an euill sickenes yea a price in the hand of a foole as it is saide in an other place that hath no heart That is it is a mercie of God which hee hath no right and true vse of So necessarie in verie outward things is both feeling and faith the one to conceiue the other to applie and both of them to yeeld vs the true profit comfort and good intended into vs in the same by the Lord. Much more Madame in spirituall matters respecting the life of bodie and soule for euer And by name much more in the worde of God which we now so freely and so plentifully vnder the gratious gouernement of our most gracious Prince enioye For if wee reade it ouer ten thousand times our selues heare it of others carefully continually and yet feele not the sweete spirite of the Lorde by it secret power as it were with a dropping dewe piercing and mollifying shaking and comforting our soules by the same assuredly we want what we seeme to haue and for all our reading or hearing of it neuerthelesse it remaineth a sealed booke vnto vs. This proueth Caine that cursed caytise both heere and euer who though he knew the promise of certaine safetie by the seede of the woman hearing it no doubt often in wordes tould and seeing it by sacrifices shadowed out vnto him yet wanting a heart to feele and faith to applie vnto himselfe the benefite of the same wanted also to his woe what he so inioyed So did Esau Saul Achitophell and others all whatsoeuer they were who together with the worde receiued not a touch a tast a very rent as it were in their heartes to feele as also piercing eyes a clasping faith to see and take hould of the hidden sweete comprised in the same Which weying often with my selfe my verie good Ladie together with the place where I spend my time and the burning desire which both his honorable Lo. and your selfe haue that I should doe good amongest them I bowe the knee both of bodie and heart vnto the Lorde for them and I often begge that in that bottomelesse heape of his mercie wherein he euen swalloweth vp himselfe it might please him to see it good to ioine vnto the outward ministerie of his worde which he nowe voutsafeth them that inward touch power and might of his spirite that maketh it both a mortifying sworde and a comforting grace vnto his children For so shall my labours be life vnto them and euer as I speake deliuering but the word their consciences shall approoue and confesse within them that it is a truth Yea further I haue often secretly in my selfe intended to ioyne vnto prayer some further indeuour and according to that measure of mercie which the Lorde should voutsafe me to make some plaine applications of such portions of scripture as I shoulde iudge in vse practise fittest for thē That seeing in them by example the true vse of the worde of God and howe to sucke out strength in their seuerall needes from it they might from one place to manie and from many euen to all without any further guide than the guide of guides Gods mercifull spirit passe with feeling comfort and true concept of the good therin contained intended to vs all And falling by course of reading at last vpon that notable Chapter the 5. of Mathewe and seeing by some further meditation vpon those blessings therin contained such wisedome taught such faultes reprooued such comfort ministred and such matter handled as for thē and all the world is most necessarie I resolued with my selfe euen there to beginne to put in practise my named purpose and to make a tryall if by such indeuour I might profit any Which Inowe haue done presenting the same vnto the Lord with humble prayer for his blessing to mine owne and others with hartie request of Christian acceptance to your honorable L. as to a meanes that shall make it more acceptable to all and especially to them that I chiefely intende it vnto so greatly honoring with all dutie and liking the manifoulde mercies of God in you I am not able Madame to doe with content what ten thousande times I am bounde to doe with all care namely to shew my selfe mindfull and thankefull as I ought for all your La. honourable dealings with me But this I protest in the eies of the Lorde that I would if I could and in witnesse thereof I deliuer vnto the worlde this affirmation and to your selfe these fewepapers most humblie beseeching your Honour that since my want is in abilitie and not in will this small testimonie of the same may according to your accustomed clemencie be accepted of and finde a supplie therein of any want wherewith it may be charged So cease I to adde any further thing leauing your La. to the Lord of heauen to strengthen you still in that happie course of the studie of his worde and all other good learning of the practise of duty to your God of cheereful incouragement to your seruants and of honorable clemencie to all men which is at this daie a crowne vpon your head aboue manie others and a glorious ornament about your necke in the eies eares and tongues of all men that either see you heare of you or speake of you and my selfe remaine to perfourme all dueties that euer I shall be inabled vnto euen with all the power both of bodie and minde as I am most bounde The Lorde open the
c. Againe both publikelie abroad in such as I deale with all and priuately at home in such as I trust I finde such naughtie vnfaithfulnes such vnfaithfull naughtinesse as that I am driuen into greater choler and heate than can anie way stand with my profession of the Gospell and with the liking of my heauenly father whome I haue euer founde good vnto me and therefore iustly I stande in feare that he will punish me for such intemperancie and yet I cannot amende it Nowe I pray you let me goe no further without some comfort if you know any for so wretched and wofull a case Faith Indéede Frailtie your tearmes are too sharpe and sower For me thinke for any thing you haue yet vttered your estate is neither wretched nor woful in trueth but Christianlike if you wil lay a while away your earthly eyes and be iudged by the word of God Frailtie Ah fie fie is your feeling of my case no more then haue I vttered inough too much But see my heauie plight I am euerie way wrapped in woe and yet I am not pitied Faith Nay but staie your selfe for shame Frailtie and be not so rash And if I can not prooue what I say then be offended but if I can then as you feare God be reformed for this impaciencie in you is daungerous I say therefore againe me thinke your tentations be not strange but such as vsuallie happen to Gods déere ones and such as for anie thing I sée Jesus Christ the Sauiour of man did foretell and deliuer sure and soueraygne comfortes for while hee was here on earth in diuers places and by name in that notable Chapter of Mathewe the fifth But before I can applie the same vnto you I must knowe of you one thing concerning your first griefe namely how you féele your heart within humbled by these thinges For indéede if you be poore and bare and so forced to stoupe in outward matters to the richer and yet your heart remaine proude within you arrogant hawtie and conceited your tongue bragging the best and your vanitie euer as it can breaking out giuing testimonie what you would doe if your handes were not tyed and your hornes made shorte of purpose by the Lorde then indéede I must plainely tell you that your pouertie is a whippe of an angrie God as yet with you and it will not certainely be remoued from you in anie fauour but euen still God shall checke you and euerie neighbour either openlie or secretly mislike you For a beggers hand and a proude heart hath euer offended the eye both of God and man But if God hath giuen you this blessed grace that by this crosse of want disdaine contempt scorne and such like in your calling your soule is schooled your heart is humbled your spirite broken all your vnrulie and headie affections tamed within you verie greatly in comparison of former times so that euen truelie your conscience doth witnesse to you it is not with you as it hath béene in manie respectes and if now you find that often you are driuen to God and his prouidence by this meanes casting vp your eyes to heauen for helpe staie and succour because you finde but frosen heartes in men and falsehoode in the best fellowship lesse or more truelie then must I as plainely tel you againe and with as bolde a spirite as such a truth requires your pouertie is welth your contempt may be your comfort if euer man or woman had God their friende you may assure your soule in truth he is no foe vnto you Frailtie O Faith say not this but prooue it Comfort against pouertie Faith With a verie good will I pray you therefore marke me When Christ as I saide before was here vpon earth to gather vnto himselfe the soules of men by life and death knowing in his infinite wisedome the raine that would fal the floudes that woulde come and the windes that woulde blowe and beate vpon the houses of mē that is their faith and religion on a time his disciples being come together and much people beside out of manie places hee sate him downe and tooke as it séemeth to me this matter in hande of verie purpose deliuering out such comfortes and helpes such defences and staies as béeing of men and women rightlie applied and vsed shall euer holde vp their course and kéepe their pathes straight in the feare of the Lorde and true religion And sée amongst the manifold temptations that he sawe in wisedome would arise and be vrged by Sathan to shake men from y e trueth this of yours which nowe we speake of is the first namely pouertie Against which his heauenly voyce deliuereth out this comfort Blessed are the poore for theirs is the kingdome of God Which golden sentence laide out in fuller tearmes carieth and implieth vnto vs this sense and meaning Although earthlie mindes can frame out no felicitie vnlesse with worldly wealth their cuppe may ouerflowe yet I auouch vnto you contrarie to the wit and wisedome of them all that in my fathers kingdome blessed are the poore the poore I say againe and such as want what others wallowe in not halfe so loued of the Lorde as they Now least his meaning should be mistaken he saying no more but so and euerie spoiling vnthrift whose vnreformed heart doeth make an vnrepaired purse or idle drones that shunne the course of men and shut themselues vp in cloisters as pore that with more ease they may liue of other mens labours or anie proud heart yet wanting wealth might thinke it spoken vnto him hée more plainely hath interpreted his meaning and shewed what poore hée thinketh of namely the poore in spirite That is such as vsing godly means yet are of purpose by their God kepte vnder and being vnder doe not swel with pride arrogancie and conceit but euen as the beggar knowing his want and no way hauing of his own to trust to confesseth other mens helpe néedefull for him humbleth himself before them beggeth their aide and giueth them as instruments the praise of his liuing so they humbled tamed schooled and reformed by their want towardes all men carie a lowlie heart and onely at the Lordes handes looke for both comfort in this world and saluation in the worlde to come These poore men and women that is these that are thus affected vnder their Crosse saith Christ were their want more than euer any abode the companions of their wantes snubbes checkes taunts and such like moe and more bitter than euer anie mans were yet euen in the most of them all I pronounce them blessed and I assure them happie that euer they liued for theirs is the kingdome of God For this cause therefore I asked you howe you were affected vnder your pouertie And nowe Frailtie consider and weigh this sentence of the Lord. For ynough it is of it selfe if our incredulitie be not monstrous to comfort the hart of any man or
perdition and destruction For the desire of money is the roote of all euill which while some lusted after they pierced themselues through with many sorowes But thou O man of God flie these thinges and followe after righteousnesse godlinesse faith loue pacience and meekenesse fight the good fight of faith laie holde of eternall life c. By all which we doe as euidently sée againe that Honour Fame Port Pompe wealth and abundance in this worlde are no sure witnesses of Gods fauour and therefore the want of them no sure argument of the contrarie but the ende and verie trueth is this if we feare God and bee poore pouertie is great gaine And if further the Lord goe with vs and make riches also increase yet may we neuer set our heartes vpon them for there is no sure comfort in them And thus me thinke Frailtie for this first griefe there should growe comfort and you should nowe be contented For certainely certainely as God is God or trueth truth pouertie is no token of Gods displeasure to all but a singular meanes of much goodnesse vnto many and thus much onelie of it at this time The Lord giue vs profite by his promises Comfort against vncheerefulnesse and sorowe the second temptation YOur seconde temptation you say is this the heauie weight you féele of your sins and the continuall sorow and grief that is annexed and ioyned therevnto For comfort and stay whereof I séeke no further than to the place of Matthew named before For euen there also in the verie next verse is this assault bet backe and breach made vp being in wisedome forséene of Christ as a thing that greatly should goe about to shake his childrens faith What therefore you thinke your miserie he maketh your happinesse and what you thinke your woe he maketh your comfort sure and certaine Blessed saith he are they that mourne for they shall be comforted Which mourning can no wayes be meant but of such as nowe yours is if it arise as you affirme by sight of sin committed against your God whome yet you loue and hope in though it be with much weakenes For worldly sorowe saith the Apostle causeth death but godly sorowe causeth repentaunce vnto saluation not to bee repented of Worldly sorowe ariseth vpon outward griefes or sight of outward punishment commonly and godly sorow vpon sight of sin cōmitted against a merciful God and a good God ten thousand times deseruing better seruice of vs and who yet will be mercifull if we repent and amende Therefore the end of the one is nothing but desperation and woe if the Lorde do not spéedily helpe and the end of the other as you heare euen Christ himselfe say is happinesse and comfort which that you may yet more firmely féele to greater ioy with both handes apprehend let it not be tedious in a few examples to beholde the truth of both Did not Caine sorowe and sadly cast downe his countenance when he perceiued a regarde giuen to his brother not to himself pinched it not his hart within when God gaue sentence of him We sée it euidently and yet neuerthelesse we knowe withall that the Lorde abhorred him Did not Esawe mourne when hée wept for woe and dubling ouer his speach to his father so expressed the passion of a pained heart within him yet founde he no place to repentance sayeth the Apostle though he sought it with teares but was reiected as a prophane person notwithstanding all his sorowe What griefe griped the heart of Saul think you whē he saw his army spoiled his thrée sonnes slaine himself sore gauled and wounded with the archers shot when he desired his armour bearer to thrust him through with his sworde and for want of his assent was glad to doe it himselfe and so become his owne destroyer Was this no sorow griefe Yet not blessed but accursed such mourning and such mourner What horrible hell of dispairefull griefe battered the heart of Achitophel that famous Counseller when he sawe the distresse he stoode in and for ease and ende of that heauie happe was glad to conclude his owne shamefull confusion to put his owne heade himselfe in the halter and to hang himselfe ●ell euer this out thinke we before euen seas of sorowes had wrecked and worne within him all kinde of comfort away No certainely but such rufull endes haue euer heapes of rufull conflictes and conceits before them and therefore wee see some sorrowe farre separated from this promise of Christ in this place To conclude what woe or woorme thinke we did guawe the heart of Iudas when the guilt of cruell déede did presse his soule so sad that neither rewarde receiued nor anie kinde of conceipt either of God or man could staie his hands from finishing his owne life Yet a cursed woe we knowe and as far from the gaine of this promise héere as sinne is seuered from a vertue Nowe of the other part wey the sorrowe that you are in if you tel me true and marke the issew of it Blessed first saith the Lorde Jesus is it and blessed are they that conceiue and féele it for they shall be comforted And then in his worde he afordeth examples to shewe the truth by tryall of this promise Dauid mourned for the multitude of his iniquities and remained mourning as he sayeth all the day long Euerie night he washed his bedde with wéeping and watered his couch with teares The sinnes of his youth stinged him and the sins of his age gréeued him his knowen offences made him full woe and yet his secret sinnes remained terrible Nowe the ende of all was comfort according to this promise and blessed Dauid that euer hee felt with griefe so much his gréeuous transgressions The like did Manasses and was comforted the like did the Publican and was comforted the like did the Prodigall sonne Marie Rahab Lot Noah and all the rest of saued sinners since the worlde stoode and were comforted Nowe the promise is made and offered as heartilie and fréely to you to mee and to all that euer will take holde of it as euer it was to them For Whatsoeuer thinges are written afore time are written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope And therefore Frailtie awake and wipe thy dazeled eyes behould the ende of sense of sinne and sorowe ioyned thereunto it is happinesse it is blessednesse and it is certaine sure and lasting comfort if God be true The like may be saide of that sorowe also that ariseth not vppon our owne but other mens miseries as for the want of the worde for want of fruite when it is had for heresies diuisions and schismes in the Church and such like for this is a godly sorowe and shall be comforted A doctrine so swéete as no pen can laie downe Swéete I say to al and yet euen most swéete to the ministers to whom it was chiefly spoken
doe not then as mightilie ministreth it an argument againe of woe alas and endlesse woe vnto vs. Secondlie to be méeke is a true imitation of Christ for Learne of me saieth he I am meeke and lowly in hoart But he that treadeth the steps of this Lorde and God shall neuer die and therefore blessed are the méeke Contrariwise to be hastie furious and intemperate is to followe Caine Esau and all reprobates which whoso followeth shal neuer liue and therefore cursed is the contrarie Thirdlie the Lorde careth for vs if wée be méeke and watcheth ouer our wronges séeing all the wordes déedes and verie thoughtes conceiued against vs and the Lorde will pay our debtes if we leaue it to him and iustle him not out of his throne sitting downe our selues therein as iudges and reuengers of our owne causes He knoweth our vprising and downe lying he is about our bed and about our pathes and spieth out all our goinges and séeth hée not when we are wronged He hath taken a reckoning of the verie heyres of our heads he putteth our teares into his bottle and are not our wronges thinke we noted in his booke O therefore how should we our selues learne to be méeke to forgiue and to referre our selues euer to him since we haue such a iudge The wife whilest her husbande liueth quieteth her selfe from forren toyles and leaueth all incumbrances to him for he careth for them but if he by death depart from her then she her selfe because she hath lost her aide Nowe we if we be indéede as wee thinke wee are the children of the Lorde we are the spouse of an husbande that neuer dieth but in life is permanent in power sufficient in care still vigilant and therefore how should this consideration kill our affections mortifie our hastie heartes and handes and altar vs daily to an heauenly temperance patience and méekenes The Lorde is our aduocate to put vp our sute the Lorde is also iudge to giue sentence of our wrong and Frailtie then howe can any escape that hurteth vs if we would be méeke and leaue it vnto him Me thinke me thinke I could euen dwel continually in this consideration it is so comfortable What madnesse should moue vs to harbour our hurt to hatch vp our harme and to kéepe matters boyling and festring within vs vnforgiuen and vnforgotten when wee haue such a Judge God strengthen vs and giue vs victorie of our selues But why Frailtie standest thou yet so mute Beléeuest thou not all this If thou dost yet hang in the bryers of thy vnreformed passions adde hereunto some further proofe of passed practise and experience let that as mightie to perswade confirme and comfort thée to this vertue if it be the Lordes will The Israelites in AEgypt oppressed and harmed could not with right counternaile might but as patiently and méekely as God made them able abid it and cried vnto the Lord and what folowed The Lorde heard them Moses was sent they were deliuered and Pharaoh with all his host drowned in the sea Sée with your own eies the reward of méekenesse Dauid oppressed by Saul his father in lawe whom at home and abroade hee truely serued and honored sought no reuenge but euen refused it when it laie before him and with all méekenesse mildnesse and patience committed it to the Lorde and Saul had his punishment Dauid the kingdome Iacob being threatned destruction by his brother conceiued not by and by the like towardes him againe but leaueth his countrie and fathers house putteth vp the wrong possesseth his spirit in patience and meeknesse and what insued The Lorde was with him both daie and night the Angels of heauen are his seruantes the Lord giueth him wiues and wealth comfort strength euerie where and Esau liueth to die for euer as the fatted oxe is prepared for the slaughter Ioseph horribly slaundered for his faithful seruice bare his grieuous crosse méekely and honour is his ende euen great and rare honour O harts of ours then where are they What a God serue we whose mercie vppon méekenesse hath thus shewed it selfe beside in numbers moe Shall it not mooue vs Shall it not pierce vs Nay shall it not change vs God forbid wée shoulde be senselesse and therefore you sée Frailtie what must be done and what soueraigne helpe the Lorde laieth downe for your infirmitie be your occasion publike or priuate at home or abroad with manie or few affections certainely must be brideled and euen fought withall till they yéeld and become more quiet otherwise we run vpon our ruine both in heauen and earth For the one thus as you sée is prooued and truly the other is as true For what gouernment are they worthy that wil not gouerne as they possibly can themselues well What trueth can they know that can not abide to heare indifferently both parties No euery man shal frame him selfe to their humours till his turne be serued and truth shall neuer dare to appeare before them What daunger can be preuented or what guilefull guest cā be discouered when heate doth thunder out threates ere the time serue to take knowledge of the matter The enimie is armed the friend is discouraged and iudge your selfe then howe strength is impaired What seruant if God rule not in him mightily will truly serue where comfortable countenance either giueth not hope of conuenient rewarde or at least presently accepteth what is done in fauour What one that hath anie gifts friends or abilitie will euer abide with a louing and true hart where reproches and discomforts are his daily death No no it will neuer be nor it cannot be Well may a worldlie minde in regard of passed time and charge make men rubbe out and carie coales till they can do better or may get a cheate but the heart being alienated and the true faithfull kinde affection that is aboue golde worne away with oftē rebukes which being not digested send vp at times as tokens of their remaining a bitter tast all is but hollowe all is but in regarde of themselues and if time shoulde serue to néede them God knowes howe their snubbed harts would call their snubbes to remembraunce whereas méekenesse gentlenesse comfort and countenaunce maketh a seruant true in his dealings painefull willing constant in his place and readie euen to die in the seruice of them whose louing vsage hath pierced his soule with a permanēt affection if he be of any good nature and if he be not the same vertue of méekenesse watcheth loketh heareth and considereth all things wisely not bewraying himselfe till he haue found indéede a hollow seruant and then wéedeth out iustly so ill a member Therefore I saie againe whatsoeuer your occasiōs be of disorder in your affections be they at home or abroade truely Frailtie fight with your selfe and neuer suffer your infirmitie to preuaile For God requires it and euen worldlie wisedome requires it and the verie hardest things are made easie by some
to instruct people in the way of saluation require of them againe meate drinke and clothing for his paines doth he require a thing vnreasonable or doeth he demaunde anie more than is his due right Yet did Paul the déere seruaunt of the Lorde hunger and thirst after this righteousnesse and had it not For vnto this houre saith he of himselfe we both hunger and thirst and are naked are buffeted and haue no certaine dwelling place c. Yet was he méeke patient his affections orderly for all this yet he had not his right as you sée What did Dauid againe desire at Sauls hande but that since he had voutsafed to make him his sonne in lawe hee would likewise vse him so or at least as a true subiect and seruant with safetie of life til he deserued worse And was not this right and his verie due Yet pleased it God Dauid should hunger and thirst for this righteousnes and not haue it And yet you sée I saie againe it was his right What did Ioseph hunger and thirst for but to be reputed honest when hee was honest and not stained with that crime which his soule abhorred Yet did he want it What did all the Prophetes and Martyres desire but Gods glorie to be increased and their owne liues saued when they deserued no death Yet did they want it Nay what did euen Christ himselfe hunger and thirst for whilest he here liued but the rising vp of Gods kingdome in the heartes of men and the saluation of their soules Yet euen this right and due to him and this great and endlesse good to men themselues could hee not obtaine but hungring and thirsting after it was despised and scorned and in the end killed Yet were all these méeke and gentle and quiet in their affections notwithstanding all this and neuer fretted themselues at the crooked course of a cursed worlde but staied thēselues and at the Lordes handes they were all satisfied in the ende according to this promise Ye haue heard that it hath bin saide an eie for an eie and a tooth for a tooth but I say vnto you resist not euill but whosoeuer shall smite thee on the right checke turne to him the other also Yea euen yet further they thus wronged in the worlde spake of méekenesse and commended it both to themselues and others For Learne of me saieth our sauiour Christ that I am meeke and lowelie in heart And them that be meeke saieth Dauid shall the Lorde guide in iudgement and such as be gentle them shall he teach his way Wherefore I conclude if it pleased the Lorde thus to deale euer with his children and euen with his owne déere son yet satisfying them in the ende and hath in mercie made a faithfull promise to deale no worse with vs in the ende if we will be content truly then no want of iustice euer in our most righteous sutes and demaundes should make vs intemperate but rather driue vs to this promise and in it wee to bee content with all méeke mildenesse both of heart tongue and countenance till the Lorde sée his time to satisfie vs. And I pray you Frailtie consider of it You sée it with your eyes your excuse is nought be your right neuer so good and your wrong neuer so great But wee can not doe what we should doe euer and especiaily in these harde conflictes Yet as néere as we can let vs be ruled and drawe to this heauenly vertue dayly more and more of méekenesse and patience If we will not surely as we liue when the Lorde hath tried vs a while with mercie séeking our good and cannot bowe vs he will at last scourge vs in anger fiercely breake vs. If the iudge should say it or anie mortal man be content and I will satisfie you we would be quiet and shall the God of heauen earth so saying not be heard trusted and regarded The Lord shew his worke vpon vs for otherwise if there be a hell or he be a God this intollerable contempt of so swéete a promise and so sure a blessing will haue a scortching rewarde at the last I can say no more Frailtie but bid you looke upon his owne wordes he saith you are blessed when you are oppressed for want of right if you will be content and you shall of his owne selfe be truly and fully satisfied if you will mildely tarie for it Nowe if you will call him lier to his face and say you are miserable because you are so dealt withall or not happie neither shall it be better with you vnlesse you wil leaue his lawes and ioyne felowshippe with the wicked you may worke your owne woe and who can helpe it But I hope better of you and I wish better to you which you shall neuer misse if you will be méeke And so let the Lorde worke with you you sée his worde and you knowe my minde The fifth temptation against mercifulnesse by reason of vnthankefulnesse Frailtie SInce then you are so plaine and comfortable I will yet further bewraie my secrete assaultes vnto you if I shall not be troublesome and craue your strength as in these hoping when the remedie appointed of God is vsed it will preuaile with mee I doe then ouer and beside all these find manie other infirmities and euen in any thing that God hath commanded somthing or other fast creepeth vppon mee to slacke mee from that duetie which I knowe to be enioined mee As first in dealing with such as haue neede of my helpe as a good Christian shoulde truely you will not beleeue howe the ingratitude of the world quencheth my hart and stayeth my hand For I see the course of men and the naughtinesse of natures in these euil daies Let a man lende his poore neighbour something to helpe him withall as God commaundeth or let him euen giue cleerely for euer to him yet shall he neuer a whit be better loued of a number for it but if he lende be driuen to sue for his owne and if hee giue haue rather vnkindnesse and a taunting scornefull speech than any other commendable and thankefull consideration for his goodwil Whereby I am often I confesse my corruption driuen euen to the point of this worldly and wicked conclusion with my selfe Let them sinke or swimme for mee I wil seeke to liue my selfe out of al mens daungers and I wil neither borrow nor lend giue nor take make nor meddle Let other mens wantes be other mens woes and God helpe them there are manie waies to make a man poore though his hand be harde ynough Now this I know is vngodly and I was not borne to doe thus yet Frailtie I am and by reason of the monstrous ingratitude that the worlde aboundeth with perforce I confesse it I am often driuen towardes this rocke Againe I see euerie man euen from the head to the foote so giuen to halting cogging glosing lying soothing smoothing flattering and
argument of fauour and succour and holowe smoothing glauerie a note of reprooch and an argument to perswade the contrarie Nowe therefore let vs gather vppe all these againe together and if heathens hate it Christians loath it and the God of life and death abhor it what strength should anie cause in the earth haue to tempt you vnto it Nay Frailtie howe dare you for anie fauour or gaine vnder the sunne oppose your practise to his alowance whose disliking killeth and casteth into hell for euermore Therefore I pray you be warned and wipe off that mist of earthlie couetousnesse and ambition that bleareth your eyes looke with an other sight vppon these thinges and be assured if the trueth of God be assured that since honest hearts and plaine dealing hath a blessing promised the gaine of flatterie glosing and halting is not the best wealth nor the best wisedome But his little is more whose heart is pure than mountaines of goulde and all honored state that is crept vnto by déepe dissembling and so will the ende prooue in them or theirs if God be God For they are accursed if the pure in heart be blessed as I haue often nowe repeated And iudge if the curse of God will want his effect at one time or other at first or at last But nowe if all this should not yet fully strengthen you which God forbid then procéede with the sentence in Matthewe and ponder well the other part also of it For they shall see God saith it What is this But the Lorde shall reueile vnto them dayly more and more as a rewarde of their sinceritie and honest walking his will his mercie his fauour his comfortes his ioyes prepared and all his goodnesse in Iesus Christ towarde them Which in déede is to sée God as man is able to sée him in this life and therefore is called blessednesse because the ende of such knowledge and sight is blessednesse as woe and miserie is of the contrarie Where by the way we are notablie taught what is necessarie in either man or woman that shall euer profite by reading or hearing the worde of God namely a pure heart that is euen a syncere minde and vpright purpose to learne of the Lorde and not to doe what they doe either for one cause or other whatsoeuer beside that a subtill minde can laie downe Which woordes of Christ include a strong comfort to honest simplicitie and as touching a terrour against smoothing hypocrisie For the one shall sée God the other shall neuer beholde him to their comfort but all their reading all their hearing all their knowledge if the Lord bestowe any shalbe to death and not to life to woe and not to wel a sauour sending them bodie and soule to euerlasting miserie as by necessarie consequence followeth of the place Yet doe I not meane in all this that a man should all be open to euerie one and in euerie matter for that were as great an extremitie the other way and full of inconueniences And I remember well what good counsell wise experienced Syrach giueth in this point Namely that we should not open our heartes to euerie one least they be vnthankefull to vs and put vs to reproofe And in an other place Be not too humble in thy wisedome And I remember Chrysostome confesseth of himselfe without feare of blame for it that he vsed a little subtiltie to make S. Basil accept his Bishopricke and charge which otherwise he would not Therefore I say againe vnder the praise of honest simplicitie and puritie of heart I doe not shrowde or bolster anie plaine foolishnes and vndiscréet séelinesse but my spéech tendeth to the pressing of that euen to hell if I can which you Frailtie are tempted to namely to lie flatter cogge halt glose sooth smooth croutch créepe sigh sorow sawne and fall downe at ones féete sweare and protest liking loue faithfull seruice and friendshippe and what not that may allure for credite and fauour lucre and gaine when there is no more truth of good meaning in you than is in the diuell but onelie for your turne This is that that I inueigh against and this is that God and all good mē haue euer hated as I haue proued To carie two faces vnder an hoode for commoditie and mine owne safety To serue God with lips and outwarde shewe because the law so presseth me if I will liue in accompt and inwardly to be a déepe dissembling hypocrite and a secret scoffer at his truth To salute with a kisse the ministers of the worde as Iudas did his Maister and yet in hidden soule to abhorre them and their counsell as I doe a tode and euery way to remaine a beastly man vnreformed in worde déede and thought vtterly and to care more in the verie trueth of my heart for one secret houre amongst my mates where my thrice damnable desire and vnregenerated humor may be satisfied than I doe for a thousand daies in anie minister or mans companie in the worlde whose tongue rebuketh countenaunce frowneth or heart misliketh my sinne To saie as Ioab saide with a fléering face Howe doest thou my brother Amasa And to stabbe him presently with his dagger or as we saie commonly many an one of vs God giue you good morrowe sir and so foorth when vitter gaule in a festred heart biddeth the Diuell fetch you sir and worse too if I coulde tell howe To prate and speake as a faithfull subiect and yet to be a longing foe to worke a ruine to my will And what should I say to ride and run to watch and wait and performe all dueties as if I were the truest seruant that draweth breath and yet is my heart onlie bent vpon my maisters preferments and not one iote at all of faithfull dutie and affection in me to his person This this abhominable and euen more than diuelish nature if more may be is that I meane and that the worlde too much liketh of that you are tempted to Frailtie and that Iesus Christ in this verse nowe named armeth his children and chosen againste Wherefore my companion Frailtie weigh my drift and marke my proofes consider what you desire and by what meanes you incline to get your desire You desire but the world to speake in a worde and for the worlde to loose your soule what againe is it But if you take this course you shall as certainely loose both bodie and soule as you now liue and heare me for it is cursed of the Lorde and they that vse it shall neuer sée God His nature is all trueth and simplicitie and therefore what feloweship can euer he haue with a false gloser But if you set the Lorde before your eies hang vppon his mercie and trust to his prouidence dealing with all the world sincerely honestly plainely and vprightly bestowing not face and forme but euen all the loue and dutie of your heart where it is due be it to God or man you heare the Lorde you