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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36192 The cry of Sodom enquired into; upon occasion of the arraignment and condemnation of Benjamin Goad, for his prodigious villany. Together with a solemn exhortation to tremble at Gods judgements, and to abandon youthful lusts. S.D. Danforth, Samuel, 1626-1674. 1674 (1674) Wing D176; ESTC R214395 23,115 32

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and whorish kisses she now applies to Christs feet Her choice and precious Ointment such as formerly she anointed her self and her bed withall for her Lovers she pours out upon the feet of the Lord Jesus Lament and bewail the filthiness of thy Heart and Nature which is the Spring and Fountain whence all the streams of Vncleanness flow Psal 51. 5. Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me Cry unto the Lord to purge and cleanse thee from the guilt and filth of thy sin Psal 51. 7. Purge me with hysop and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter then the snow Your sin cries for Vengeance do not you neglect to cry for Mercy Wash in the Fountain of Grace opened in the Gospel Zech. 13. 1. In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness 1 Cor. 6. 11. Such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the Name of our Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God 1 Joh. 1. 9. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness Labour through the grace and help of Christ to mortifie thy lusts and crucifie the flesh Coloss 3. 5. Mortifie your members which are upon the earth Fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence Rom. 8. 13. If ye through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the body ye shall live Take the Sword of the Spirit and thrust it into the bowels of thy lusts and let out their heart blood Deal with them as Samuel dealt with Agag Hew them in pieces before the Lord. Hearken to the Counsel of the Lord Jesus Matth. 5. 29 30. If thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell And if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell If the eye or●nand be infected infl●med and gangrened the whole Body is in danger The gangrened part must be cut off or the whole Body will perish He that hath a la●civious eye hath a Spiritual Gangrene in his eye he that hath an unchaste ear or hand hath a Spiritual Gangrene in his ear or hand either cut off the gangrened part or Soul and Body shall be cast into hell fire where the worm die●h not and the fire is not quenched Indulgence to thy Lusts is cruelty to thy Soul Thy life shall go for their life What a madness is this for the satisfaction of a vile lust to expose thy self to everlasting ●orments Oh! you purchase your pleasures at a dear rate you must suffer the vengeance of eternal fire What art thou a compleat Sensualist Thou withholdest thy heart from no carnal joy or fleshly delight Thou hast two eyes and two hands and two feet thou canst not endure to maim and mangle the body of sin and render thy self absurd and ridiculous to the world Verily thou hadst better go a Creeple to Heaven then being a perfect Epicu●e to be cast into Hell into the fire that never shall be quenched Mark 9. 43 48. If once thou hast escaped out of Sodom tremble to think of returning thither again Joh. 8. 11. Jesus said unto her Neither do I condemn thee go and sin no more Nay look not back lest thou become a Pillar of Salt Remember Lots wife A man that hath been sick of a dangerous Disease and is hopefully recovered if he relapse through carelesness his condition is far more dangerous then at the first 2 Pet. 2. 20. If after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ they are again intangled therein and overcome the latter end is worse with them then the beginning When the unclean Spirit is gone out of a man he is restless untill he returneth again he delighteth not so much to dwell any where as in his old habitation he is resolved to assail and recover his former possession He is not afraid of the length of the siege or the strength of opposition 'T is no small encouragement unto him that he findeth his house empty 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 vacant idle unoccupied swept and garnished secure living at ease given to pleasure sit and prepared to entertain such a guest now he assaults with greater force and fierceness then at his first entrance and his latter possession is far more dangerous and irrecoverable then his first Mat. 12. 43 44 45. Thirdly Let the fear of God excite and quicken in all our hearts the love of Holiness and due care to preserve and maintain the purity of our persons 2 Cor. 7. 1. Let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God The purity of our persons is an excellent and honourable thing and that which God commands and requires 1 Thess 4. 3 4 5 7. yea it disposeth and fitteth a man for the Presence Worship and Service of God Matth. 5. 8. 2 Tim. 2. 21. First cleanse the Fountain Wash thy heart from wickedness Jer. 4. 14. Purifie your heart Jam. 4. 8. Then watch the motions of the heart in its thoughts and affections Prov. 4. 23. Job 31. 1. Look well to the doors and gates of the Senses Keep thine Eye from gazing upon such objects as may be allu●ing and ensnaring Matth. 5. 28. Stop thine Ears at filthy Jests amorous Songs corrupt communication Abhor all lascivious Touches unchaste Embracings Restrain thine Appetite from excess in Meat and Drink Prov. 23. 1 2 3 31 32 33. Feed not feast not without Fear Jude ver 12. Devote and consecrate thy self to the Lord. Prov. 23. 26. My son give me thy heart and 〈◊〉 thine eyes behold my wayes Hearken to the Word of God and meditate thereon with delight continually Prov. 2. 10 11 16. When wisdome entreth into thy heart and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul discretion shall preserve thee understanding shall keep thee to deliver thee from the strange woman Prov. 6. 23 24. The Commandment is a lamp and the Law is light and Reproofs of instruction are the way of life to keep thee from the evil woman from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman Be frequent and fervent in Prayer Psal 51. 10. Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right Spirit within me 1 Thess 5. 23. The very God of peace sanctifie you wholly and I pray God your whole Spirit and Soul and Body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Let thy Speech be gracious and savoury Eph. 4.
of Hosts himself and let him be your fear and let him be your dread The fearful Judgements of God executed upon the wicked ought to strike a holy fear and dread of God into the hearts of the Hearers and Spectators thereof R. v. 15. 4. Who shall not fear thee O Lord and glorifie thy Name For thou onely art holy for all Nations shall come and worship before th●e for thy judgements are made manifest This is that which the Lord expects and looks for When the Enticer to Idolatry is stoned to death the Lord saith All Israel shall hear and fear and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is amongst you Deut. 13. 11. When the presumptuous Contemner of the Sentence of the Supreme Council is put to death the Lord saith All the people shall hear and fear and do no more presumptuously Deut. 17. 13. When the False Witness is punished according to his demerit the Lord saith Those which remain shall hear and fear and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you Deut. 19. 20. When the Stubborn and Rebellious Son is stoned to death the Lord saith All Israel shall hear and fear Deut. 21. 21. When God cut off the Nations made their Towers desolate laid their streets waste and destroyed their Cities the Lord said to Judah Surely thou wilt fear me thou wilt receive instruction Zeph. 3. 6 7. It hath been the ancient manner and commendable practise of the people of God to tremble at the execution of Gods Judgements upon the wicked When Pharaoh and all his host were drowned in the Red Sea Israel saw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians and the people feared the Lord and believed the Lord and his servant Moses Exod. 14. 31. Ananias and Sapphira being convict of horrible Hypocrisie and D●ssimulation of ●acrilegious Fraud and prodigious Lying and presumptuous tempting of God yea and of mutual Agreement and Conspiracy therein were smitten by Gods immediate hand and fell down dead at the Apostles feet and great fear came upon all the Church and upon as many as heard these things Acts 5. 11. Davids observation of the grievous mischief that ensued upon the vile and vicious courses of the wicked how the Lord trod them down as the mire of the street and put them away like dross and cast them out to the dunghill it made not onely his Soul but also his fl●sh even his whole man to tremble before God and to be horribly afraid of the like sins lest he or his should incur the like Wrath and Vengeance Psal 119. 120. My flesh trembleth for fear of thee and I am afraid of thy Judgements And indeed there are many and weighty Reasons why the execution of Judgements upon the wicked should make such awfull impressions upon the hearts of the Spectators For 1. There are sins with the Spectators as well as with the Sufferers which deserve the like Judgements 2 Chron. 28. 10. Are there not with you even with you sins against the Lord your God If we ransack our own hearts and search and try our wayes we shall finde such sins with us as may justly provoke Divine Wrath and Vengeance Our cursed Natures are propense and inclined to all manner of sins Every imagination of the thoughts of the heart of man is onely evil continually Gen. 6. 5. The heart is the Seed-plot of Murther Adultery Fornication Lasciviousness and of all manner of iniquity Mat. 15. 19 20. The gross and flagitious pract●ses of the worst of men are but Comments upon our Nature Who can say I have made my heart clean The holiest man hath as vile and filthy a Nature as the Sodomites or the men of Gibeah Yea there are many actual sins and transgressions with us which if God should enter into judgement with us would bring heavy wrath upon us In many things we all offend There is not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not 2. The holy and just God hateth sin where-ever he seeth it and is impartial in the execution of Justice 1 Pet. 1. 17. If ye call on the Father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work pass the time of your sojourning here in fear The Judgements that light upon some are testimonies of the jealousie of God and his severity against all sin The Lord hates sin now as much as ever he did formerly Whoredome Adultery Self-pollution and Sodomy are as odious and abominable in his sight now as ever they were heretofore 3. Gods End in inflicting remarkable Judgements upon some is for Caution and Warning to all others The Sodomites suffering the vengeance of eternal fi●e are set forth for an Example not of Imitation but of Caution and Admonition Jude ver 7. 2 Pet. 2. 6. Lots wife looking back became a Pillar of Salt to season after-generations Luke 17. 32. Korah and his Company became a Sign to warn all succeeding Ages to beware of Faction and Sedition Numb 26. 10. The destructive Calamities that befell the Israelites in the Wilderness happened for Ensample and are written for our Admonition 1 Cor. 10. 6 11. Christs Severity against J●zabel and her Paramours is an Instruction to all the Churches Rev 2. 22 23. Behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit Adultery with her into great Tribulation except they repent of their d●eds and I will kill her Children with death and all the Churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts and I will give unto every one of you according to your works 4. Fearful Judgements do likewise abide all other impenitent sinners as well as those that are made Examples Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish Luke 13. 3 5. The particle likewise is to be understood of the certainty not of the similitude of punishment Perdition is the certain portion of every impenitent sinner Without Repentance there is no escaping the Wrath of the Almighty 5. The fear and dread of the Majesty of God upon the sight of the Mischief that follows upon any sinful and wicked course will make men wise and wary Smite a scorner and the simple will beware Prov. 19. 25. When the scorner is punished the simple is made wise Prov. 21. 11. The fear of God will curb and restrain men from the like sins All Israel shall hear and fear and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is among you Deut. 13. 11. A wise man feareth and departeth from evil Prov. 14. 16. The fear of God will reduce and recover such as are fallen into the like Snares and Temptations Jude ver 23. Others save with fear pulling them out of the fire hating even the garment spotted by the flesh Bold and presumptuous sinners cannot be saved except they be made afraid of the Wrath and Vengeance of God If lewd and filthy persons be not scared and frighted out of their vile Haunts and las●ivious
Courses by the Terrour of Wrath and Judgement there is no hope of their Salvation All these Considerations are a sufficient Conviction of our duty in reference to this sad and woful Spectacle before us Hath the Lord singled out one of our Cong●egation Apprehended and Arr●igned him for his Abominable Lewdness cast him out of his Visible Kingdome delivered him into the hand of Satan made him an Anathema yea and cut him off by the hand of Justice and s●●ept him away as dung and filth from the face of the earth Let no man insult over him nor yet flatter himself in his sins but let us all learn to fear and tremble before the Lord who walketh in the midst of the golden Candlesticks having his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet like fine brass and will have all the Church●s to know that he starcheth the reins and hearts and rendreth unto every man according to his works We have often heard the voice of the Word and have neglect●d and despised it now hearken to the Voice of the Rod and of him that hath appointed it Such Judgements as these have a voice a loud voice a clamorous voice a dreadful voice calling to all Israel to Hear and fear and do no more so wickedly The denunciations of Wrath against vicious and unclean persons have for a long time sounded daily in our ears and have not been believed nor regarded by many behold now the Execution of Vengeance upon this lewd and wicked Youth whom God hath Hanged up before the Sun and made a Sign and an Example an Instruction and Astonishment to all New-England which is as a Divine Seal annexed to all the former Comminations Is there any root of bitterness among us that beareth gall and wormwood who hath not onely heard the words of the Curse pronounced but hath also seen the Curse executed in this dreadful manner and yet is not afraid to go on impenitently in the same sins even in Idleness in Stubbornness in Lying in Steali●g in Profaning the Lords-day and in all manner of Carnal Uncleanness but blesseth himself in his heart and saith I shall have peace though I walk in the imagination of mine heart and adde drunkenness to thirst I shall have peace though I live in Self-pollution in Fornication in Sodomy and Bestiality Know that your sin is inexcusable and your destruction inevitable The Lo●d will not spare you but the anger of the Lord and his jealousie sh●ll smoke against you and all the Curses that are written in this book shall lie upon you and the Lord shall blot out your name from under heaven Deut. 29. 18 19 20. God shall wound the head of his enemies and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses Psa 68. 21. When the sight or report of Gods Judgements executed upon the wicked doth not awe the heart nor deter from the like ungodly practises it is a great aggravation of sin and provocation of wrath Jer. 3. 8. And I saw when for all the causes whereby back-sliding Israel committed Adult●ry I had put her away and given her a bill of divorce yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not but went and pl●ye● the har lot also For any to go on in the sin of Uncleanness after such a solemn Warning as this it is to sin presumptuously it is to sin in contempt of the Holmess of God in contempt of the Jealousie of God in contempt of the fierce Wrath and Indignation of the Almighty He that will rush into the Gulf and cast himself into the Wh●rlpool where he hath seen his neighbour drowned before his eyes he is a wilful Self-murtherer Go to now ye wanton and las●ivious persons go on in your Frolicks and mad Pranks take your swinge in your lusts and vicious courses He that is unclean l●t him be unclean still he that is filthy let him be filthy still He that is addicted to Self-pollution let him continue herein still he that is a Fornicator let him be a Fornicator still he that is a Sodomite let him be a Sodomite still he that is a Beast let him be a Beast still Make haste and fill up your measure run through all sorts of vile lusts work all uncleanness with greediness Justifie this poor Condemned Wretch in all his Villany Be a Comfort to your lewd Predecessors who are long since gone down to the lowest Hell and lie in the nether parts of the bottomless Pit There are your Voluptuous Fathers the renowned Epic●res that lived before the Flood There is your L●bidinous Mother Jezab●l with all her Paramours There are your Filthy Sisters S●dom and her Daughters There are your wicked Brethren Ouan the unclean Son of Judah Hophui and Phinehas the Belial-sons of Eli Amnon and Absolom the Incestuous Sons of David There are your V●nereous Kinsmen the Nicolaitans the Guosticks the Menandri●ns and innumerable others Hasten you after your lecherous K●ndred into the stinking Lake sit down with your Brethren and Sisters in the depths of Hell As you have partaken with them in their sordid Pleasures partake with them also in their Plagues and Torments Let thy lustful Body be everlasting Fuell for the unquenchable fire Let thy lascivious Soul be eternal Food for the never-dying Worm Let Indignation and Wrath Tribulation and Anguish be thy portion world without end Hell from beneath is moved to meet thee and is ready to entertain thee All your fellow-guests wait and long for your Company Your judgement of a long time lingreth not and your damnation slumbereth not Shall it be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of Judgement then for those that embrace not the Gospel How terrible and dreadful then shall be the Condemnation of such who notwithstanding their Profession of the Gospel justifie Sodom in all her Abominations II. In particular Let me commend unto you these few Directions 1. Let the awfull Apprehension of the Wrath of God which hath lighted upon this Youth be a Bridle to curb and restrain the rest of our Youth and all others from indulging themselves in any kinde of Carnal Uncleanness God is mercifully willing to prevent the ruine of our lewd and vicious Youth therefore hath he set before them this awfull Example for their Admonition and Caution He hath cut off this rotten and putrid Member th●t he might prev●nt the spreading of the Infection In this tremendous Providence the Lord saith to all wanton and lascivious persons as Abner said to Asahel Turn aside lest I smite thee to the ground If after this solemn Warning any shall refuse to turn aside from the eager pursuit of their vile Lusts they are worthy to be smitten not onely to the ground but even to the bottom of Hell Wherefore in the fear of God hearken to the Exhortation of the Apostle 1 Pet. 2. 11. Dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the Soul With