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A19265 A godlie sermon, preached on Newe yeeres day last before Sir William Fitzwilliam knight, late lord deputie of Irelande, Sir Iames Harrington knight, their ladyes and children, vvith many others, at Burghley in Rutlande. By the minister of God Anthony Anderson. Hereto is added a very profitable forme of prayer, good for all such as passe the seas: by the same author framed, and vsed in his aduentured iourney. Anderson, Anthony, d. 1593. 1576 (1576) STC 568; ESTC S108500 29,532 74

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forsaken or his seede begging their breade Helias following his vocation was forsaken of all men but dayly fed of God by the rauenous Crowes the poore wydowes meale when the riche gluttons of Israell were pined for want of necessarie foode Daniell seeking chiefly the glory of our God is cast into the hungry Lyons den in deede but preserued to lyue and to him is sent the prophet Abacucke with his dinner many a myle by the guide of an Angell The Iewes which folowe Christ into the wildernes are of him miraculously fed And to all is this promise gyuen Seeke first the kindome of God and the righteousnes therof and all other thinges shall be mynistred vnto you Now as concerning that the Lord frameth his peoples harts to be contented with their estate Paule for the body of the whole churche sayeth thus I haue learned in what state soeuer I am therwith to be content I can be abased I can aboūde euery where in all things I am instructed both to be full to be hungry to a bound and to haue want The wicked many tymes do florishe as the greene bay tree and haue the worlde at will great store of welth for them selues and childrē so that their sonne sonnes doo feede of the elder gotten bread but withall they haue their portion in this lyfe and after that can see no further cōforts And though the godly contrary do feele many wants and seeme in mans conceipt vtterly to decay yet far other is their state then externall shewe doth tell For the Lord is their sheperde whē they seeme to dye they lyue they are chastened but not killed they seeme in sorow to be swallowed vp but they alway reioyce they seeme poore but yet they make many rich depriued so of worldly comforts seeming to haue nothing they notwithstāding possesse all things Likewise their ende is farre otherwise then the worldly riche For the Lorde dealeth with them as the noble man with his fatted Oxe when he is well fedde is by the slaughter man committed to the axe of death his noble sonne abydeth many sharp yirkes and correcting blowes and after that enioyeth his fathers possessions Euen so the wicked in wealth are wrapped with Diues in hell and the beloued though payned Lazarus is caried by seruice of Angels into our heauenly Fathers kingdome our Christes inheritaunce belonging to the iust This is the marke that Dauid shooteth at when he sayth I shall not want It followeth He shall make me to rest in greene pasture he leadeth me by the styll vvaters All things necessarie shall the Lorde geue me sayth Dauid and that in no base sort or shall any trouble molest my feeding for I shal quietly be guyded and my prosperitie shall be continuing alwayes florishing greene and at no tyme dry or withered neyther shall his blessinges be taken from me with the rage of wicked men but as the shepe of her selfe weake needeth resting place and quiet riuers so shall all thinges come to the best and to my hartes desire in him But beloued in Christ our shepheard is spiritual therfore our pasture must be answerable and it is set downe to vs by our master Pastor thus He that heareth my vvorde and beleeueth on him that sent me hath eternall lyfe and he shall not come into iudgement but hath passed from death vnto lyfe Heere is the pasture of life the gospell of God The rest for mans soule fayth in God through Christe The still waters the holye spirite whiche dothe pacifie the troubled conscience and quietly establisheth vs in Christe who freeth vs from the Fathers iuslice the sentence of eternall death and giueth vs hys glorious Crowne and heauenly kingdome our inheritaunce in him Come to this pasture feede on this bread rest in this power drinke of this water So shall you no more thirst after the filthy puddles of Popishe poysoned Cuppes For in your selues by this spirite of Christe shall abundant riuers of spirituall goodnes flowe out of you that all men seeing your good workes may bee prouoked to prayse the Lorde This God graunt you for his sonne our sauiour Christ his sake Amen He shall conuert my soule leade me in the pathes of righteousnes for his names sake Three especiall thinges in this verse the Prophet teacheth moste notably Firste that we are by nature stubborne and estraunged from the nature belonging the sheepe of god Secondly that after regeneration by the spirite there remayneth yet in vs such matter of massy sinne that vnable we be to walke the pathes belonging to the children of god and therefore it behoueth vs to haue a leader into righteousnes Thirdly as many be the falles by sinne which Satan and the fleshe procureth to vs So sundrie be the fruites of the godly In whiche vertues as in sinne Satan seeketh our ouerthrowe if so he can make vs to reste in them as eyther satisfactorie to God or meritorious for their valor But the Lord by his Prophet here preacheth that our conuersion to god our walking dayly in godlynes is from by the Lorde and that also not for any preuenting foreknowne or succeeding graces in vs but only soly for hys names sake He shall conuerte my soule sayth Dauid The roote of the Tree beeing sounde and good feedeth hir braunches to hir fruitfull life So the soule of mans principall substaunce beeing made whole sounde can not but geue life to the whole body In this braunche also we are to note that vnles the inwarde man be turned vnto God thexternall partes can be but hipocriticall and seruing time So the Nobles in Ioash Court during the dayes of the good Byshop Jehoiada seemed moste religious but death had no sooner depriued the godly of this Priestes life then they diswaded the Prince to their earst ydolatrie perswaded they him Many be the mouthes that nowe confesse them selues changed frō Popish life but God continue our noble Elizabethes raigne and the Gospell safe progresse els doubt I that stormy dayes would sterue the smal store of liuing grace in many Englishe hartes of sundry callings But who so is turned in hart and minde vnfaignedly he ioyeth the dayes of dangerous death and soroweth to see the worldly solace the cause no doubt of all infinite woes He hateth that he loued first he lotheth at his former lyfe he is ashamed of sinne he casteth off from him the works of darknes and confessing Christe with his lippes because he beleeueth on him in harte he dayly walketh in the pathes of righteousnes after his leader Christ our lord And here with me note good Auditorie who it is that doth conuert mans soule him selfe or some other the Lorde our Shepheard Dauid sayth it is He shal conuert my soule In that we are conuerted it is not our action or in our power is it to become the sheepe of
which peace onely we ought to stryue for all other peace is meare warres with god Thus much of the shepheardes roddes and staues and nowe we proceede to the .5 verse which sayth Thou doest prepare a table before me in the sight of myne aduersaries Thou dost anoynt my heade with oyle and my cup runneth ouer Doubtles kindnes and mercy shall follovv me all the dayes of my lyfe and J shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord. Though mine enemyes sayth Dauid seeke to destroy me yet thou Lorde doest not onely deliuer me but also in despite of their fury dealest most liberally with me as menne doo with their chiefest friendes in this our lande of Iury. Bydden to their sumptuous feastes they anoynt their heades with pleasant Oyle and gyue them Cuppes of large importe and them moste amplie fylled So haste thou and muche more aboundantly delt with me and wilt after for thy mercy is suche as kindnes shall follow me during lyfe And for this thy mercy in my prolonged dayes I shall alway in them seeke to serue thee in thy holy house Because I haue long troubled you I wil omit to speake here of the prouidence of God in them which be his and persecuted of the multitude but such it is that their deuises the Lorde doth laugh to skorne and erecteth his beloued vp to honor maugre their berdes Or more to say of the difference betwixte the papist and the faithful protestant the one with the Iew is euer gaping after good but after the godly Gods blessing runneth them to comfort euen as the Ryuer from Moses Rocke flowed after Israell to be their drinke spirituall sacrament Or once to touch that longing lust which ought to be in Dauids lyue in all christian heroicall honorable worshipfull godly riche and meaner persons that is a dayly desire to serue God yea euen in the house of prayer with the floke of Christs folde I was glad saith Dauid of those which sayde vnto me Come we will go into the house of the Lorde together Your olde chaples your priuate houses O ye states of the earth are for the most part an occasion of great losse to your selues Ye so seperate your selues from the common exercise of Christes sheepe Ye lacke the doctrine which other there receiue to their greate comfort Ye keepe your families frō grace be euill examples to the vulgar sorte Ye expresse the small loue to those that be like Dauid whiche if you mende not can not but bring you from his god our sheheard Christ whose desire is to haue his sheepe come together Where two or three be gathered together in my name saith Christe there am I in the middest of them Gather the people sayth God sanctifie the congregation gather the Elders assemble the children those that sucke the brest let the bridegrome go out of his chamber and the Bride out of her closet Let the Priests the ministers of the Lord weepe betweene the porch and the Alter and let them say Spare thy people O lord c. This was the order in the Apostles churche as Paule affirmeth in his first epistle to the Corrin saying I prayse you not that you come together not with profite but with hurt For firste of all vvhen you come together in the churche J heare that there is dissention among you Againe if therefore vvhen the vvhole church is come together in one c. In this churche were of greate byrth lyke welth and stately condition yet they came together in one they assembled them selues in the church they kept not some their priuie chaples other their dining chambers but most of all their sléeping heades Looke to this you states be not so stately that you set your selues stiffe necked to the Lorde frequent his house adsociate his people conioyne with his churche to heare the Lorde by his ministers speake vnto you that your common cry with the reste may ioyntly pearce the eares of Gods most louing maiestie in the throne of his mercy seat In hope of your content hereto I say nothing hereof but as you see runne from the same in haste to ende But because of the holy communion to the which we purpose in the Lorde one worde thereof and so an ende Paule the Apostle taketh occasion by the temporall blessing of God vpon the Israelites in Manna and the stony rocke to deliuer to the Corrinthians sound doctrine in sacraments And yf the same with the rest of holy scripture be writtē for our learning why should I forget so good and apt a lesson as both his example our present ministration and this our profitable texte doth offer vnto me c. Dauid speaketh of his Crowne and Diademe with the Appendices Neither doth he forget the spirituall comfortes that from the Lorde he dayly receiueth by the seales of the lords righteousnes his sacred sacraments The sacramēts of Gods church are only two The lauer of baptisme and the Table of the Lorde In the Supper at this table prepared without our prouision and desert of God in his Christ the faithfull do receiue two things that of two seuerall persons sacred bread wyne at of the externall preaching ministry the only fyt ministre for the same by the inward secret omnipotent inuisible worke of the holy ghost in soule by fayth truely fixed in christ they verely eat receiue the very true substantiall body of Iesus Christ still sitting at the right hād of his heuēly father in maiesty on hie By faith he is receiued by gods spirit he is deliuered in soule he is eaten for the diet is spirituall and can not be pressed with mans carnall téeth That of the minister we receiue only bread and wine the holy Apostle Paule fyue times telleth vs in the deliuerie therof to the Corinthians 1 epist. chap. 11. And the auncient Fathers say the same amongst whom S. Ciprian doth stand approued and he sayth thus of the Eucharist Dedit itaque dominus noster in mensa c. Therefore our Lorde Christe in his laste supper which he made with his Apostles gaue to them at that table Bread wine with his owne handes but vppon the Crosse by the hands of the cruell tormenters he gaue his body wounded for vs Sunt quae erant sayth Ambrose speaking of the Elementall bread and wine The same they were they are and are chaunged into another vse If the sacramental bread be the very body of Christ after cōsecration then the wicked aswell eate Christes body as the godly But this the auncient fathers doe denie Origen saith Est verus Cibus Christ is the true meate which no euill and wicked man can eate For if the wicked man could in the Sacrament eate the body of the Lord then should it not be written Qui edit hunc panem He that eateth this bread shall lyue for euer