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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11826 The spiritual conflict writen in Italian by a deuout seruant of God ; and lately translated into English out of the same language.; Combattimento spirituale. English Scupoli, Lorenzo, 1530-1610.; Gerard, John, 1564-1637. 1598 (1598) STC 22126.3; ESTC S2874 38,794 204

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fastned vpon the same again how he was nailed vpon the crosse how hanging 〈◊〉 the hard wood he was lifted vp on high with extre●me griefe of all his most sacred wounds and of all his most holy body and other points to which points first of al thou shalt apply thy sences to feele the pain which in euery part and in the whole togither our Lord did feele From hence thou shalt passe to his most sacred soule penetrating as much as thou canst the patience and meekenes with the which he suffred so great afflictions neuer satisfied for all that in his great desire of suffering for the honor of his father and our benefit greater and more cruell torments Behold him afterwards how he is inflamed with a feruent desire that thou resolue willingly to suffer thy present trauaile and how he turneth to his father and prayeth for thee that he will vouchsafe to giue thee grace to suffer patiently the crosse that then thou doost sustaine and what other thing whatsoeuer Afterwards bending thy will many times to resolue to suffer turne thy mind to God the Father and demaund of him the vertue of patience by the same praier of his deare Sonne for thee Of another maner of Prayer by way of Meditation Chap. 24 THou mayst also pray and meditate in any other maner and that is this when thou shalt haue considered attentiuely the passions and the trauailes which thy Sauiour did suffer and hauing applied thy sences to feele them and with thy thought penetrated the promptnes of mind wherwith he did suffer from the greatnesse of his sorrow and of his patience thou shalt proceed to two other considerations th one of the merit of the same Sauior thother of the cōtentment of the eternall Father that he took in the perfect obedience of his Sonne The which twoo things represented to the same Father in their vertue thou shalt demand the grace that thou desirest And this like demaund thou mayst make not only in euery mystery but also in euery particular internall or externall action which the same our Lord at any time performed Of Meditation Of another manner of prayer by meanes of the B. Virgine Chap. 25. BEsides the aforesaid there is another way to meditate pray by means of the most holy mother of our Lord turning first thy mind to the Father afterwards to the Sonne and last of all to the saide glorious Virgine Touching the Father consider two things present them before him that is the delights which from the beginning hee of himselfe did take in her euen before shee had her being in this worlde and in hir vertues and actions after shee was brought foorth into the world About the delightes thou shalt thus meditate lift vp thy selfe on high with thy thoght aboue al time and aboue euery creature and being entred into the verye eternitie and minde of God consider the delights and ioy that himselfe did take in the virgin Mary her perfections and finding God amidst these delights by the vertue of them securely demaund grace and force to destroy thy enemies and particularly that ennemie which doth then assaile thee Proceeding afterwardes to the considerations of her so great and singular vertues and actions sometimes present vnto the sight of the eternall Father some of them particularly sometimes al of them together And for these in like manner craue of this diuine goodnes that which thou desirest And concerning the Sonne thou shalt offer to his sight that virginall wombe which did beare him nine mo neths the reuerence with the which the tender Virgin after his birth adored him and did acknowledge him true man and true God her sonne and creator the pitifull eyes wherwith she beheld him so poore the armes which embraced him the kisses she gaue him the milke wherwith she nourished him the great trauelles and sorrowes that in his life and at his death she sustained for him By vertue of which things thou shalt vse a sweete violence to her beloued sonne that he may heare thee Turne thy selfe afterwardes to the B. Virgine and put her in mind how that by the eternall wisedome and goodnesse of God she was chosen for mother of grace and of pittie and our aduocate wherefore we haue not next vnto hir blessed son more potent recourse than vnto her And moreouer bring into her minde that veritie which of her is both knowne and written that neuer anye hath faithfully called vpon hir to whom she hath not pitifully answered Finally thou shalt laye before her the trauels of her only sonne beseeching her that to the glorye and content of him they may take that effect in thee for which they were sustained How to meditate by meane of the Angells and of al the B. Saints Chap. 26. The Aungelles and all the Saints in heauen may be another potent means the which will serue thee two manner of wayes The one is that thou turne thy selfe to the eternall father and present vnto him the loue and praises wherwith he is exalted by all the celestiall court and the labours and trauells which the Saints haue sustained for him in earth and in the vertue of al these things craue thou his diuine aid The other is that thou haue recourse to those glorious sprits as to them that do not only desire thy perfection but also that thou mayest be placed in a most high roume amongest them demaund their succour in thy combate against vice sometimes also their defence at the houre of thy death Thou shalt also nowe and then purposely considder the many and singular graces they haue receiued of the highest Creator stirring vp in thy self a liuely feeling of loue and ioy that they posses so great gifts as if the same were thine own yea and more also thou shalt reioyce that they not thou had them sith that the will of God was so And that thou mayest doe this exercise with the better order and more facilitie thou shalt diuide the quiers of that blessed company by dayes of the weeke in this manner The Sunday thou shalt take the nine quiers of Angels Monday S. Iohn Baptist. Tuesday the Patriarks and Prophets Wednesday the Apostles Thurseday the Martires Friday the Bishopps with the other Confessors Saturday the Virgins with the other holy women But omitte not anye day to haue recourse to the glorious Virgine to thy Angells guardian to S. Michael the Archangel and to som other Saint to whom thou must haue par ticular deuotion Of meditation of Christ crucified to stirre vp our affections Chap. 27. HItherto I haue treated of Prayer and of Meditation of Christ crucified by way of prayer now I wil treate of the same meditation to shew thee how thou mayest gather out certaine affections whereof I will here set downe some Thou dost purpose to meditate for example the coronation of our Sauiour in this these points may be taken How our Sauior in scorne was clad with purple How his
reuerent head was crowned with thornes and smitten with a reede Howe his diuine face was spit vpon How the King of eternall glory adored in heauen with so many legions of Angelles was in earth with fained reuerence and honor scorned and mocked by a most vile infamous people By these or other points if thou be desirous to kindle in thy hart the affection of loue enforce thy selfe with meditation of them to increase more and more in the knowledge of the infinite goodnesse of thy Lord and of his loue towards thee who for thee hath suffered so much and also to inflame thy selfe more and more in a louing affection towards him out of this same goodnes and loue of his thou maist easily bring forth in thy self contrition and sorrow for hauing offended so good and loueing a Lord who for thy iniquitie was thus euill handled and abused in so diuerse manners To raise thy selfe in hope consider that a Lord so great was brought to such miserie to deliuer thee from the snares of sinne and of the diuell to reconcile his eternall Father vnto thee and to giue thee firme confidence in all thy neede to haue recourse vnto him In like manner thou shalt procure spirituall ioy by passing from his paines to their effects that is considering that by them he purged thy sinnes and the sinnes of the whole world he pacified the wrath of his father draue away the prince of darkenesse killed death brought vnto the fold againe the strayed sheep and filled againe the vacant seats of Angells Moreouer moue thy selfe to ioy by memorie of that ioy that the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost and all the Church triumphant and millitant therby receiued To moue thee to sorrow and compassion of thy most afflicted Sauior besides the meditation of the aforesaide paines of his body enter with thy thought to other greater of his most sacred soule That he knowing the most high dignitie and goodnesse of his father and louing him aboue all vnderstanding did grieue aboue measure for the offences of his creatures committed against him and moreouer he sustained inspeakable sorrow for so many precious soules that he did see should bee condemned eternally for their sinnes And besides this that sword of sorrow did pearce his heart that pearced the heart of his most afflicted mother And his tender heart felt exceeding griefe for the torments that he did foresee in his eternall wisedome so many Martyres and tender virgins were to suffer for his loue Besides this aduise that in all these sorrowes thou hast to take compassion of thy Sauior in such manner as I haue said withall I aduertise thee yea the same Sauior doth also require of thee that thou haue another kinde of more true compassion the which is that thou attend hereafter to persecute thy self wills which haue caused these his wounds the which thou mayest as it were anoint with sorrow for thy ingratitude But to moue thee to the hatred of sin thou shalt apply all the points of thy meditation to this end only as if thy Lord and Sauiour had suffered for no other end but to enduce thee to hate thy euill inclinations and that euil especially which dooeth most molest thee and most displease his diuine goodnesse Last of all to moue thee to admiration consider attentiuely who he is that suffereth to witte the word incarnate the same God who for thee was made man for whom he suffered for vs most vile creatures that alwaies haue offended him Of whom he suffered of all kind of most wicked people and the refuse of the common sort The paines that he suffered and they are most vnworthy full of shame and of torment great and horrible aboue al estimation And that thou mayest more maruaile weigh well the maner and the mind wherewith he suffered But beleeue that thou art not able to comprehēd it as it was indeede since that it passeth all vnderstanding how that poore and most humble Sauior amongst so many anguishes and shames shewed an in uincible pacience towards those cruell minds fierce and enraged against him he alwaies kept the same heart full of sweetnesse and pure loue Of sensible Deuotion and of Ariditie or Drienesse Chap. 28. SEnsible Deuotion proceedeth sometimes of nature sometimes of the diuell and sometimes of grace by the fruits thou shalt know from whence it commeth for if there folownot in thee amend ment of life thou art to doubt lest it be of the diuell or els of nature and so much the more by how much it shal be accompanied with greater taste of sweetnesse And therefore when thou shalt perceiue thy mind to be sweetned with spirituall taste stand not to dispute from whence it commeth nor leaue vnto it neither let thy selfe be drawne from the knowledge of thy nothing and with greater diligence hatred of thy self remoue from thy heart all affectiō of what thing soeuer desiring God onely and his pleasure for by this meane whether it be of nature or of the diuel it wil become to thee as of grace Ariditie or Drienesse may proceed in like manner from the three aforesayde causes from the diuell for to make thy minde luke-warme and draw it back from the spiritual exercise to worldly delights of our selues through our fault and negligence of grace either to admonish vs that we bee more dilligent to leaue euery occupation that is not of God and that tendeth not to him or to vnite our selues more nearely vnto him with a full resignation of our selues euen in spirituall delights to the end that our affection being fastned to these things we may not diuide our hart which he would haue wholy to himselfe Therefore if thou feele thy selfe drie or cold enter into thy selfe see for what defect the sensible deuotion is withdrawne from thee and wage batle against that not to recouer the sensibility of grace but to take away that which displeseth the eies of God And see that in no sort thou leaue off thy spiritual exercise but continue them with all thy force though they seeme vnto thee neuer so vnprofitable and be willing to drinke of that bitter cup which that drines presenteth vnto thee the which although it should be sometimes accompanied with so many obscurities and such thicke darknesse of mind that thou knowe not whither to turne thee nor what course to take yet neuerthelesse content thy selfe with present desolation and stand firme in thy crosse farre off from all earthly delights although they should be offered vnto thee by the world or by creatures conceale thy passion from any person except thy ghostly father if thou may haue accesse vnto him vnto whom thou shalt discouer it not to haue comfort but to be instructed how to support it according to the pleasure of God As for thy receiuing prayers and other spirituall exercises or what other thing soeuer vse them not to ease thy paine but to receiue strength to suffer it and if