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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04101 The Christian sacrifice by Iames Barker ... Barker, James, fl. 1639. 1639 (1639) STC 1418; ESTC S113337 35,264 174

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hath no calling to get him one for he that hath no vocation is of no Religion There are in the world viri absque jugo * Anabaptists unruly men who stand upon their lawlesse libertie which they mis-name Christian untamed heyfers whom no pales or walles of law or discipline can keepe within the boundes of the Church or Common-wealth who abhorre that lawfull Authoritie or Christian Charitie should regulate their ill-governed libertie But surely this is no privilege of Gods Sonnes a character it is rather of the sonnes of Belial * Judg. 19. 22. 1. Cor. 7. 21 1. Pet. 2. for Saint Paul in one Epistle and Saint Peter in another teach another lesson thus much in effect that honour reverence obedience and service unto men may well consist with the libertie of the Sonnes of God The freedome Christ purchased for them is not civil from the obedience of the magistrate soveraigne or subordinate nor naturall from those respects and duties which children owe to their parents wives to their husbands c. But spirituall from sinne and Sathan death and hell this and not that is the freedome Christ purchased and Saint Paul fitly called the glorious libertie of the Sonnes of God from which happy libertie no beleever is excluded and unto which the meanest hath as good right as the greatest and be mens qualities and degrees in the world never so different God comprehends all under one common motion of Sonnes nor is it any worldly respect that makes a man ever the more favoured with God for a man to plead his birth breeding wealth wit learning beautie valour is more fit for a Coridon to his Alexes or a Phoebus to his Daphne then a Christian to his God It is not the proper man nor the rich man nor the wittie man nor the valiant man nor the learned man nor the noble man It is not any of these though all these deserve a civil respect that God is taken with his affection pitches on the godly man Psalme 4. 3. The Lord hath chosen to himselfe the man that is godly and now let no man disdaine Gods choyce how meane soever in outward appearance for whom his mercie chooses his love advanceth to the dignitie of his Sonne and whom his love hath advanced to the Dignitie from him his authoritie requires the duty of his Sonne and the duty here expressed is to give God his Heart which is the second part of my text My Sonne give me thine heart If wee be his Sonnes God is our Father there is his authoritie over us And if God be our Father where is his honour there is our duty to him Nobilitas ad virtutem obligat the greater honor God hath done us the greater are our engagements to him and therefore as wee have looked up with comfort to the dignitie so now let us looke downe with care to the dutie of Gods sonnes which is briefly sum'd up in two words Love and Obedience Where Obedience is there is nothing so difficult commanded that will not with diligence be attempted And where Love is there is nothing so pretious demanded that will not with cheerefulnesse be tendred here God tries our Love by our Obedience that he may see how much wee love him by that which we will doe for him And againe he tries the sinceritie of our Obedience by our Love that he may see how much we will doe for him by that which we wil cheerfully give him and as a pledge both of Love and Obedience he requires the heart My Sonne give me thine heart Cor tuum thy heart to God there is the thing required to testifie our Love Da mihi Give mee there is the dutie to be performed to expresse our Obedience The testimony of thy Love to God is thy Heart to God A Heart there is the quid the thing what it is that God requires Thine there is the cujus the proprietie whose it is First the Heart is the thing God calls for and what is that This small piece of flesh that beates in our mortall bodie No that were to require our lives God will have Mercy and not Sacrifice and craves not our life but our Love the Heart is the seate of Love that our heavenly Father requires of us his unworthy Children that we love him And not only our Love but in calling for the heart he calls for our feare and service too for whatsoever the curiositie of some Philosophers have determined to the contrary the heart is the seate of all the affections and passions the Gall Liver and Spleene give the occasion to stirre them up but in the heart they are seated the Heart is the Metropolis of the soule and often taken for the soule with all her faculties Besides the Heart is Omnis hona dispositio corporis reduci dat quodam modo ad cor ficut ad principium corporaliū motionum Aq. 1 2. q. 38. art 5 resp ad 3. arg Vide Aq. 1 2. q. 17. art 9 arg 1. 2. the first mover of all the Externall actions and every member worketh according to the motion inclination and will of the Heart It liveth first and dyeth last and therefore first and last and for all give God the heart for that is all All the faculties of the soule all the members of the body attend the Heart and follow it the Heart goes before and drawes the whole man after it And this is Gods delight the whole man he loves Integrity and in calling for the heart he requires every part thy head to know him thy tongue to confesse him thine eyes to observe him thine eares to attend unto him thy lips to praise him thy hands by good workes to glorifie him thy knees to bow before him and thy feet to stand in his Courts God is not served at all where any part is withheld from him or devoted to any other besides him sincerity and integrity are individuall companions If true devotion lodge in the heart humble reverence will shine in every part So sings David Psal 84. 2. Cor meum caro mea exultaverunt c. My heart inwardly and my flesh outwardly have rejoyced in the living God Thus the whole man must apply it selfe to the worship of God the outward aswell as the inward man by the outward 2 Cor. 4. 16 Oecum in locum man the learned * understand the body the inward man by St. Peter is expounded to be the hidden man of the heart that aswell as this this in private that in publike this with inward and spirituall that with outward and corporall worship In private then and in thine owne Chamber commune with thine owne heart the testimony of Gods spirit and thine own is sufficient But in publik in Gods presence Chamber the Temple it sufficeth not except the Church may see too that all may see and beare witnesse that God is in you of a truth and this cannot be except mens externall
actions do shew forth their internall affections The heart that is unscrutable to man but * gentis corporis Hirom Gestus est sermo quidem corporis Cic. de Orat. lib. 3. vox animi the outward carriage of the body is a faire testimonie of the inward disposition of thy mind and then is discovered what the heart thinketh by that which the body acteth for grace in the heart is the light of the body and this light must shine before men that they may see aswell as God And that men may reape the good God receive the glory Gods heavenly inspirations and mens holy desires should empty themselves here that the Church may outwardly testifie what Ad significandum debitum ordinem mentis humanae in Deum Aq. pri se quest 102. art 3. inwardly each man should be by such outward worship as might betoken the Majesty of God beseeme the dignitie of Religion and concurre with the celestiall impressions in the minds of men Idem 2. 2. q. 92. Art 2. The performance of all Religious services respect God and man to please him and edifie them and so must be equally poysed with the two theologicall vertues Faith and Charity Faith towards God and Charity towards men without faith it is impossible to please God and cordi creditur man believeth with the heart it is the heart that seasoneth our devotion and faith that seasoneth the heart directs it to the true object and in the right end of pure Religion And as faith seeketh to please God so charity to approve it self before men and charity in the performance of a duty unto God hath respect unto the benefit of man too God sees faith in the internall devotion of the Heart and therewith he is well pleased Men see charity in the externall carriage of the body and therewith they are edified God calls for that by Solomon in my text My sonne give me thine heart and he cals for this by St. Paul in another text to present your bodyes aliving Rom. 12. 1 sacrifice c. and then concludes and not til then your devotion to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 your reasonable service and good reason there is God should be served both in body and soule for at the first he made both and he once redeemed both he dayly preserveth both and finally saveth both and therefore glorifie him in both And thus the Christian offers that Holocaust to God in substance and truth which the Jewes did offer in type and figure making his approches into the house of God with Davids hymn in his mouth Introibo Ps 66. 13. in domum tuam Holocastis I will go into thy house with burnt-offerings but now in Gods house there is no use of fire unlesse it be the Metaphorical fire of true zeale for true zeale is Gods fire of which St. Aug. in ps 66. alias 65 Austin thus totum meum consumit ignis tuus nihil mei remaneat totum sit tibi Let thy holy fire of zeale O Lord consume me wholy and make me thine in every part all thine and then is all his when he hath the heart for as the powers of it are inclined so are the parts of the body moved there is a league of amity betwene them like that betwene Ruth and Naomi the body like Ruth to Naomi cleaving to the soule and saying intreat me not to leave thee Ruth 1. 16 John 1. 16 Anima intellectiva quamvis sit una secundum essentiam tamen propter sui perfectionem est mul tiplex in virtute ideo ad diversas operationes indigit diver sis dispositio nibus in par tibus corporis cui ponitur Aq. prima q. 76. art 5. risp ad 3. arg or toreturn from following after thee for whether thou goest I will go and where thou lodgest I will lodge thy people shal be my people and thy God my God or as his souldiers did to Josuah all that thou commandest us we will do and whether thou sendest us we will go for albeit the soule in essence be one yet to the perfection of it there are divers faculties and for the severall operations of these faculties there must needs be an answerable disposition in the partes of the body to which it is united for as the fire first kindleth the fuell and that being kindled nourisheth the fire and as the body first warmeth the clothes and then they returne a reciprocall heat to the body so the heart first disposeth the parts of the body and these partes fitly disposed In divino cultu necesse est aliquibus corporalibus uti ut eis quasi signis quibusdam mens hominis excitetur ad spirituales actus quib Deo conjun gitur Aq. 2. 2. quest 81. art 7. Ecclesiam piis quibusdam coeremoni is elegantibus ritibus institutis tanquam sponsam ornatam viro suo decorarent Cornal Agrippa de van scientiarum cap. 6. affect the heart and make devotion in the heart like the fire in the Sanctuary a flame that goes not out And even experience it selfe teacheth us how merveilously outward forme and solemnity in Gods service doth helpe weakenesse and inbecility in us perswading the will inciting the affections and making some impressions of further knowledge in the mind winging our thoughts holding up the heart in her devotions and giving stength and vigour to such motions which are otherwise apt to languish and conclude in a lazie wish but the parts of the body fitly disposed keepes up the heart till Gods wil be fulfilled and mans duty discharged True it is God hath sometimes excepted against this outward worship but then when it hath been alone when the people drew neere him with their lippes and their hearts were farre from him But when or where * Externum cultum non reprehendit dominus imo etiam ab omnibus piis requirit nec enim tantum intus in animo colere debemus sed etiam coram hominibus testari c. Calvin ap Mart. in Matth. 15. 8. Jo. 4. 22. shew me was ever God offended with the humble lowly and reverend gesture of the body in his service or where did he ever condemne outward Solemnitie when it was joyned with inward sinceritie never did hee open his mouth against the use of that but the want of this The true worshippers shall worship God in Spirit and truth saith the Sonne of God but how in truth if not outwardly in body as well as inwardly in heart and spirit God is robbed of his worship when either is with-held and when both are not exhibited Gods house is made of a house of Prayer a den of theeves And the same spirit that by the Son of God commends inward worship doth by the servants of God and those no mean ones neither his Prophet Esay and Esay 45. Ro. 14. 12. his Apostle Paul command outward worship As I live saith the Lord every knee shall bow unto
* Luk. 1. 38. ancilla domini Behold the hand-maid of the Lord nay more yet he that was Lord of all became a servant So by Gods own compellation Esay 53. 11. So by his owne profession 4. Matth. 20. 28. and no more in the worlds estimation Philip. 2. 7. enough it is for any man to be reckoned amongst these worthies to be of Gods familie in any Relation but God thinkes it not enough for his Love It is not therefore My servant but My Sonne We that were unworthy to be accounted servants he hath advanced to the honour of Sonnes Not My Servant therefore but My Sonne Nay not my friend this priviledge had Abraham the father of the faithfull Ja. 2. 23. for his faith And the same is promised to Christs disciples upon condition of their obedience Jo. 15. 14. And a great prerogative 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Laere Diog. do vita c. Ego sensi animam meam animam amici mei unam fuisse animam in duobus corporibus Ang. lib. conf 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ar. lib. 8. 1 th it is to be Gods friend for a friend is alter ego a second selfe and amicorum omnia communia all things are common amongst friends no comfort with-held no secret hid from a friend * Gen. 18. 17. Pet. 1. 4. yet it is not my freind but My Sonne for Gods love which is infinite knows no bounds but extends to the highest degree of kindnesse and calls man now not my Servant not my Freind only but my Sonne To be of Gods Court his servant is much to be of his counsel his Friend is much more but to be partakers of the Divine nature the Sonne of God is most of all of this I may say as Elizabeth in a case not much unlike unde hoc mihi * Luk. 1. 43. whence is this to me that I should be called the Son of God But how the Sonne of God Or what Sonne doth God here meane Not his naturall Son so is none but Christ as God he is both Primogenitus and unigenitus his first-begotten and only-begotten of the same essence consubstantiall coaeternal and coaequal with the father begotten by an unspeakable Generation which we may adore cannot search out for who shall declare his Generation Esay 53. 8. Yea Christ as man by grace of hypostatical or personall union is after a speciall manner the Sonne of God so fore-told to be before he was so Luke 1. 32. That holy thing that shall be borne of thee shall be called the Sonne of God And so declar'd to be when he was so Matth. 3. 17. This is my beloved Sonne in whom I am well-plea-sed And thus is none the Sonne of God but only he who both by nature and the union of his person is indeed the very Sonne of God Others there are whom holy Scripture hath honoured with this title Adam he was so by Creation the immediate Sonne of God for God was Father Mother God-Father made him produced him named him Luke 3. The Angels they are so made in Gods image and stiled his Sonnes Psal 89. 6. And so are Kings by Gods owne ordination and special appointment the Sonnes of God Psal 82. 6. I have said ye are Gods and all of you are Children of the most high This title thus taken is a singular prerogative peculiar to some special persons But here we will take it more generally as it is a common title given by God to all the faithfull My Sonne Not by naturall Generation for so is none but Christ as God Not by grace of personall union for so is none but Christ as man Not by immediate creation for so was Adam and the Angels only Nor by Divine Ordination for so are Kings and Princes only But by grace adoption every true beleever is truly the Son of God The faithfull by adoption are filij designati appointed by the Father for the Sons of God Through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus they are filii facti made the Sonnes of God And by the laver of regeneratiō they are filii signati sealed by the Spirit for the Sons of God They are first designed by the Father for heires Then really made and accepted by Christ for Coheyres And finally assured by the holy Ghost of an Inheritance undefiled that fadeth not away reserved for them in the heavens Gods Sonnes the faithfull are before they are so in the purpose of the Vosque si nondum natos jam tamen designatos filios jam credite Chrys Ser. 71. in orat dominum pag. 306. father but not so in his Delight they must declare their predestination by their conversation before they can be admitted into Gods familie there must concurre with the Fathers purpose the purchase of the Sonne and the purging of the holy Ghost when in the Sonne and by the Holy Ghost they are made such as the father purposed they should be then he takes delight in them and ownes them for his Sonnes and not before for it is not the fathers Adoption nor the Sons Redemption that can priviledge the faithfull from being by nature the children of wrath even as others Ephes 2. 3. without righteousnesse holines Innocencie and all right to glory meer carnal men and so by nature must still continue for that which is borne of the flesh is flesh there John 3. 6. must be a new birth they must be borne againe and so made new Creatures before they can become the Sonnes of God and here must not be left out the office of the holy Ghost for as the Sonne of God could not become the Sonne of man so neither can Luke 1. 35. the Sonnes of men become the Sonnes of God without the speciall office and operation of the holy Ghost Jo. 3. this cannot be the worke of flesh and blood which naturally produces it's like carnall and sinfull nor the worke of man for parentes peremptores our parents are our murtherers wee derive from them the contagion of sinne * and Non imitatione sed propagatione with sin an Obligation to eternall death and so saith Saint Austin wee are damnati antequam nati dead in sinne before alive in the world Mans freedome from this wretched condition and translation into the glorious libertie of the Sonnes of God is a worke of Grace Gods entire worke so Saint James Of his owne will Tit. 3. 6. Verbum adveniens aqua dat ei virtutem abluendi Aq. in locum Austin begate he us with the word of Truth cap. 1. 18. with the washing of water by the Word so Saint Paul Eph. 5. 26. Accedit verbum ad elementum fit Sacramentum by the power of the word the Element is made a Sacrament And that water whose common use was to wash the bodie from filth now serves for a holy use to clense the soule from sin to this use God hath ordained it and his Spirit
accompanies his owne Ordinance which whilst the eye is fixed upon the signe the water carries the minde to the consideration and so on in a sweet meditation of the thing signified the blood of Christ by that the Baptist washes the bodie with this the holy Ghost clenseth the soule and this cleansing is a changing also persona tingitur natura mutatur Euseb Emissen de Ep. Hom. 3. and this purgation by the blood of Christ is a preparation for the grace of Christ which upon is infused into the soule so St. Cyprian in expiatum pectus purum desuper se lumen infundit and being then Cyp. lib. 2. ep secunda Donato pag. 69. circa sinem infused it giveth to the powers of the soule their first disposition unto newnesse of life which by frequent acts of vertue is wrought into a habit and so is Christ formed in us tantae molis erat such a do there was this blood and sweat it cost to Redeeme man from slavery and bondage to repaire the decayes of nature to recover the lost heritage and to restore to the Father his lost Sonne And now brethren you see your calling how the sons of Adam are made the sonnes of God here 's an Alteration which the spirituall eye may easily discover First here is a change of our estate and condition when we were enemies we were reconciled unto God by the blood of his sonne who by his death overcame death which we had deserved suffered for sinne which we had committed fulfilled Gods law which we had violated satisfied his justice which we had offended appeased his wrath which we had kindled recovered his favor and made our peace and by this means we that were by nature children of wrath by that Grace and favour which Christ hath obtained for us at Gods hands are taken in to be the sonnes of God for so well pleased was he with the obedience of the naturall sonne that for his sake and at his intercession he is pleased to accept us for his sonnes thus Christ became our baile and surety undertooke for us and humbled himselfe to the meanesse of a servant that we might be advanced to the estate of sonnes And that our nature may be fit for that estate there 's a change of that too the change of our estate is ascribed to the Credulitas quae deum spiritum proclamavit de carnis substantia mortali in vitalem spiritus sustantium vos mutavit Chrysol ser 71. 2 Pet. 14. Est in locū riches of Christs merit but this of our nature to the grace of his holy spirit this change is not in substance but in quality and so in quality though not in substance the spirit of God altereth our nature conformes us to the Image of Christ and makes us partakers of the divine nature but mistake not St. Peter for by nature he understands not the essence of God which is appropriated onely to the Trinity of persons and communicated to no man but the divine Attributes of wisdome justice holinesse truth glory and immortallity and in these we have fellowship with the Father and with his sonne Jesus Christ and so are made wise righteous holy mercifull immortal and glorious like God in respect of the qualities not equality our vertues being but a ray of his Son a sparke of his eternall Aq. in 2 Pet. 13. fire a participation of his fulnesse he being an inexhaustible fountaine of grace and goodnesse filleth our frayle vessels secundum modulum nostrum according to their capacity see that what soever grace the holy Ghost effectually worketh in us it is first originally in God and is made ours either by imputation or infusion our nature is corrupt I know that in me saith St. Paul Ro. 7. 18. dwelleth no good thing mans goodnes is not inherent but either impured or imparted and so when God is pleased to participate unto us his own goodnesse there is a change wrought in our nature new light is put into our minds new desires into our affections new obedience into our wils and a sweet conformity into all our actions in this renovation there is no destruction but a conversion no subversion of the old substance but a generation of new qualityes there still remaines the same subject and this alteration of our nature is a transformatiō not a transubstantiaton To this new man there is not wanting a new name and names are given to expresse the nature of things now no name can so fully and so fitly notifie him who is made partaker of the divine nature adopted to the inheritance of glory and immortality in the kingdome of heaven as this of Gods son here then is a change of our names too there are no more termes of hostility between God and man the enmity is now abolished and all such names as carrie in them sorrow shame and misery are done away and a new name that imports comfort glory and felicity is imposed and now we are no more enemies but sonnes now surely this is good newes to heare the father hath found his lost sonne an Angell is not an able and sufficient messenger God him-himselfe bowes the heavens and comes downe ecce novum behold a new thing upon earth Esay 43. 19. This is novum and inauditum a thing never heard of before God in the flesh revealed it heaven and earth God and man reconciled good tidings Blessed be the peace maker God and man made friends good news welcome be he whosoever brings it his lips are gracious and his feet beautifull whose heart doth not leape for joy to heare himselfe by the everlasting Father called my Sonne And this new name must be attended with a Chrys ser 68. in ora Domi. new life qui Dei filium credit actu vita moribus honestate tanto generi respondeat they that professe themselves the Sons of God must be answerable to such honorable compellations this is a high and a heavenly calling and our conversation must be suitable to our calling nec degeneret Cyp. ser 5. de ora Domi. actus noster a spiritu ut qui coelestes spirituales esse caepimus non nisi spiritualia coelestia cogitemus agamus we must looke unto the Rock from whence wee are hewne and beware we degenerate not from that Royall family where into we are admitted but we who call God our Father should be blamelesse and harmelesse the sonnes of God without rebuke Phil. 2. 15. a godly name and a wicked life agree not sinners are hardened and God dishonoured when he that is called a sonne of God behaves himselfe as a servant of sinne it is very fit that every sonne of God should imitate his Matth. 11. heavenly father or if he desire a patern neerer hand let him learn of his elder brother discite à me saith Christ learne of me Frame your lives to his rule and they wil acquit you convince men