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A18055 An ansvvere made by Oliuer Carter, Bacheler of Diuinitie: unto certaine popish questions and demaundes Carter, Oliver, 1540?-1605. 1579 (1579) STC 4697; ESTC S108169 79,017 198

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scriptures of the Lawe and of the Gospell accursed be he Whether you haue receiued it by tradition by succession by Councell or by your elders Let ●s I beseeche you neither dallie with God nor dissemble with the worlde ●et vs neither bee led by selfe will nor ●e blinded by our owne affections Let no friend be he neuer so deare vnto vs holde vs backe nor anie remora or stop stay vs from seeking this trueth vnfainedlie where it is to be found wee haue but a short race to runne in ▪ our iourney draweth to an ende we haue a great accompt to make euen before the great iudge who knoweth al secretes the day approcheth which wil be gloming fearfull and terrible except we present our selues before him with a cleare conscience haue on our marriage garment Therefore tender your owne saluation seeke the glorie of GOD come out of Sodom with Lot looke not backe with Lottes wife least you perish Nowe is the accepted time nowe is the day of saluation nowe doeth God offer his graces vnto you if you will embrace the same It is lamentable that you shoulde separate your selfe from GOD sithe hee hath no pleasure in the death of a sinner but rather that hee shoulde repent and amende Call to remembrance euen the principall pointes of your Romish religion and you shall see howe weake a foundation it is to builde vppon You seeke to bee iustified not by faith in the mercies of GOD offered in Christ Iesus but by your owne workes ●nd your meritorious deedes and ther●y you vtterlie reiecte the death and ●assion of Iesus Christ For if anie ●ing had beene in man whereby hee ●ould haue satisfied the wrath of God and haue attained perfect reconciliation with GOD what shoulde Christ neede to haue taken vpon him our nature and to haue suffred such grieuous torments for our sinnes Nay rather you ought to say that seeing mankinde was destitute of all hope of saluation seeing that man was by nature the childe of wrath not able to deserue the least of Gods mercies being adiudged to hell ●re except hee could fulfill the Lawe which was impossible for him to do Sathan being the accuser and God the iust iudge man had bene altogether remedilesse vnlesse Iesus Christ had wrought his redemption in his own body had ●ustained that punishment whiche was ●ue vnto man for sinne You say That ●ur sins are forgiuen vs that we are deli●ered from the same not onely by the Popes ●ardons whom you cal God in earth but also ●y holie water made by your owne brayne As one of your principall Doctours saith It is no vaine inuention saieth he that we hallowe water with salt and prayers that by the sprinkling thereof our sinnes may bee forgiuen And so saith Platina That Alexander the first Pope of that name ordeined water mixt with salt to be hallowed and to be kept in churches and priuate houses to chase away diuels and euill spirites not onelie out of houses where they dwell but also out of the heartes of the faithfull Marke I pray you howe contrarie the doctrine of your Churche of Rome is to the vndouted word of god Esai the Prophet speaking of Christ doeth say that hee was wounded for our sinnes he was broken for our iniquities the chastisemēt of our peace was laid vpon him and by his stripes we are healed So S. Iohn saieth Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world S. Peter also saith That there is saluation in none other for among men there is giuen none other name vnder heauen whereby we must be saued Likewise Saint Iohn saieth That the bloud of Iesus Christ doeth purge vs ●rom all sinne So that by these testimo●ies of the holy Ghost it euidentlie ap●eareth that neither pardon nor holie ●ater neither anie other deuise of man i● able to procure the forgiuenesse of our sinnes at the hands of God but onlie Iesus Christ being a faithfull witnesse the first begotten of the dead and Prince of the kings of the earth who hath loued vs ●ashed vs from our sinnes in his own bloud You say that the Masse is a propiciatorie ●acrifice for the quicke and the dead yet Saint Iohn saith that Iesus Christ is the p●●piciatiō for the sinnes of the whole world that is of all those that beleeue Againe Christ by one sacrifice of him selfe once offred hath made perfect for euer those that be sanctified There is no mencion made of your Masse either in the olde or new Testament and it being compared with the institution of our Sauiour Christ in his last supper which Saint Paule doth ●all the communion of the bodie and bloud ●f Christ they differ as much as blacke ●nd white light and darknesse heauen ●nd hell You affirme that the soules of ●uch as haue not made full satisfaction for their sinnes here in this life do after their death goe into Purgatorie fire as you call it a place by the iudgement of your owne writers of as great torments as hell fire it selfe and no difference betwixt them but that the one endureth for a time and the other for euer And in that fire the sillie soules must remaine vntill they bee deliuered from thence by your trentals of Masses but for euerie Trentall your Priest must haue x. s. so that the poore which haue no siluer to giue must lie still for no pennie no Pater noster Marke nowe howe this doctrine agreeth with the doctrine of Christ and of the Apostles Christ saith He that beleeueth in me hath life euerlasting and shal neuer see death but shall passe from death vnto life Hee saieth not He shall go when hee is dead vnto purgatorie The Euangelist saith Blessed are those that die in the Lord for frō henceforth saith the holie Spirit they rest from their labours If they be in rest then not in Purgatorie For there is litle rest or ease by your owne confession And for that you blinde the worlde in perswading them that some men are able ● make full satisfaction for their sinnes in ●is life It is a perillous and a most daungerous doctrine and doeth make the satisfaction of Christ of no force Compare this your assertion with the worde of God and you shall see ▪ howe ●ntrue it is The Apostle Paule saieth ●hat God hath made Christ vnto vs wisedome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption The theefe that had no time to make satisfaction was pertaker of the righteousnesse of Christ vnto whom Christ saide not Thou shalt goe into Purgatorie but thou shalt bee with ●ee this day in Paradise Lazarus who was in the same case was not carried into Purgatorie but into Abrahams bosome What shall I speake of your inuocating or calling on Sainctes of your prayers for the dead of the authoritie of your Church of Rome of your pray●rs and seruice in an vnknowen
foresaide states in their gouernement and ministerie And if he can proue vnto me that their Churche hath neuer lacked the same appointed officers or that anie other Churche or congregation besides oures hath alwayes kept that charge and I recant Answeare TRuth it is that Christ gaue some to be Apostles some Prophetes some Euangelistes some Pastoures and teachers but where doe you reade that our Sauiour Christe euer promised all these functions to continue successiuely to the worldes end Shew vnto me anie which was called apostle or prophet after Christ his Apostles Saint Paule the blessed Apostle maketh mentiō of false Apostles which alwaies withstood the doctrine of the Gospell maintained the ceremonies of the Lawe and the inuentions of their owne braine and set them selues opposite vnto the true Apostles and if you will claime your succession from them I will easily agree vnto you There hath bene Preachers and teachers at all times saue onely when they haue bene kept vnder by your tyrannie which haue preached Gods truth and reproued your grosse Idolatrie whom your Church hath alwaies persecuted vnto death and euen vntill this time there hath bene and are Christians in Graecia and Asia which haue euer●●●e and doe yet vtterly detest the Pope the head of your Church with all your de●●●s and traditions But shewe mee in one place I pray you of the Scripture where euer Christ promised anie such succession to continue in all ages Y● were so that the truth of Gods worde ● the functions in Gods Church should ●ceed alwaies by ordinary succession t● you had a good foundation to builde y● succession vpon Then Christ our Saui● by right should not haue controuled ● Scribes and Pharesies which sat● Moses chaire which bragged of succe●on as well as you doe saying We are the seed of Abrahā we are the discipl● of Moses vnto vs God hath made ● promisses as for Christ we knowe n● from whence he came And theref● they asked Christ By what power he d● such thinges who gaue him that au●thoritie and so they might very well ha● said in respect of their outward successio● For so Annas and Caiphas were Bys●ops aswell as Aaron But that warni● and admonicion which Saint Paule ga● vnto the congregation of Ephesus touc●ing succession might satisfie you I know this saith he that after my departinge● there shal greuous Woolues enter in amoung you not sparing the flocke moreouer of your owne selues shall m● arise speaking peruerse thinges And againe he saith That true faith cometh not by succession but by hearing not the Bishoppe of Rome but the worde God. Yf Christ had appoynted anie such succession would he haue forewarned vs that desolation of abhomination should sit ●●●he holy place and that Antichrist should ●●●rude him selfe into the roome of Christ If you looke well about you you haue no cause to glory in succession for that by your writers sufficient is spoken to discredit your succession for one saith That many Popes haue fallen into heresies that Hildebrand in whose time defection frō the faith tooke place was charged by a generall councell to be an adulterer a Churchrobber a periured person a ma●queller a sorcerer and an apostata Another calleth the Popes monsters and 〈◊〉 shapen creatures If your heade and chiefe of your Church be such what shall we iudge of the rest I wil take for proofe of your succession euen the confessiō of Pope ●drian the fourth Succedimus non Pe●●●o in pascendo sed Romulo in parrici●●●o We succeede saith he not Peter in ●●●eding but Romulus in killing To be ●●●t what auaileth the succession of your Church vnlesse you coulde prooue that she hath alwayes mainteined the doctrine of Christ For Saint Augustine saith Tha● many doo giue the outward marke of a Byshop to wolues and be wolues them selues That the truth of Gods woord ma● be the touchstone of lawfull succession giu● eare to the godly councell of a learned father It becommeth vs saith he to obe● those Priestes in the Church which hau● their succession from the Apostles an● together with the succession of their Bishoprikes according to the good wil o● God the father haue receiued the vndoubted gift of the truth An other being pressed with the like succession saith If any of my predecessors haue not obserued and kept the same that our Lor● hath taught vs both by his example an● also by his commaundement his simplicitie may be pardoned but we if we do● the like can hope for no pardon bein● now admonished and instructed of ou● Lord. And comparing all other Churche● with the primatiue ●hurch the same fath● saith If the pipes of the conduit whic● before ran with abundance happen ● faile do we not vse to search to the hea● The Pristes of God keeping Gods commaundementes must doo the same that if the truth haue fainted or failed in any point we returne to the original of our Lord and to the tradition of the Gospel and of the Apostles that thence wee may take the discretion of our dooings from whence the order it selfe and originall first began Thus muche concerning the succession of your Church hauing no warrant by Gods woorde Papist 6. AND for the necessarie vse and execution of the foresaide offices they must further bee asked what sacraments the Protestāts ministred for the space of a M. yeares together in which they confesse their congregation to haue beene neare or wholly hidde what correction or discipline they kept for offendors to whom they did preache their heresies Where did 〈◊〉 principall pastor sitte in iudgement ●●●re did they gather as in a councell ●●●ye the trueth in doubtfull matters H●●e might Christian men iustelie of●●●d with some of their Bretheren haue sought out your officers or congregation to make complaint of him or how if it lacked any man to haue beene baptized of them or to haue receiued the communion of them or haue ioyned them selues in faith and religion vnto them How might I say that co●temptible and vnknowne companie ha● beene found out in this case If therefo● you can shewe me that euer anie man soug● iustice or knowledge of truth sacrament● faith or anie helpe of saluation at the Pro●stants secret and close Church or anie oth● where else but of Gods knowne Cathol● Church And I recant Aunsweare 6. TOuching Sacramentes we fin● two appoynted expresly by the wor● of God namely Baptisme and the Lor● Supper The one doeth signifie our ne● birth and regeneration that as by wat● the filthe of the body is washed cleane through faith in the bloud of Christ o● soules are clensed from all sinne and w● are incorporat and ingraffed into the b● of Christ and made members of his bo● of which he is the onely head the other do● put vs in remembraunce that Christ I●sus is our spiritual foode and sustenaun● that he is the celestial Manna which came downe from Heauen and
prison for that he woulde not take vpon him to be supreame heade of the Churche which Hildebrande poysoned sixe Popes was a coniurer and raised vp Diuelles and threwe the Sacrament into the fire Another saith that they were many that both priuatly and openly cursed Pope Hildebrande and said that with his hatred and ambition he troubled the worlde and that vnder the colour of Christ he wrought the feates of Antichrist This was he in whose time Sathan was let loose and when your Churche of Rome might truely be called the seate and harbour of Antichrist the man of sinne which setteth himselfe against God which sitteth in mens consciences is euen that whore which Saint Iohn speaketh of Which shoulde make the nations of the earth drunken with the cuppe of her fornication and hath imbrued her handes in the bloude of Gods Saintes Surely I muste needes say if that these Poten●ates had bene but a litle whitled and ●ot beastly drunke they woulde neuer haue bene so deceiued by Antichriste and receiued the marke of the beast What Lorde King or Emperour woulde haue kissed the Popes foote holden his stir●ope serued him at the table To cōclude besides their wickednes in life as many of them being coniurers adulterets namelie Siluester the seconde whoe gaue him selfe bodie and soule to the Diuell that he might be Pope and Pope Ioane the woman Pope who traueled with Childe as shee was carried on foure mens shoulders about in procession their doctrine is most damnable and repugneth in all poyntes the Gospell of Christe As one saying of Agryppa speaking of the Pope and and Churche of Rome plainely sheweth They commaunde saith he the Angelles they haue power ouer the dead they vse violence against the Scriptures to haue the fulnesse of authoritie The Pope him selfe is become intollerable There was neuer Tyrant like vnto him in pompe and pride The Legates of the Byshoppe of Rome doe so riotte in their the Pope to be Antichrist as Irenaeus a godly father sheweth Antichrist saith he being a runnegate and a theefe yet hee will be woorshipped as a God And being but a bondseruant yet he will be proclaimed and published as a King. Another saith Antichrist shall faigne him selfe to bee holy that hee may deceiue men vnder the colour of holines yea he shall call him selfe God and shal cause him self to be worshipped and shall promise the kingdome of heauen An other saith Whereas he is a damned man and no spirit he pretendeth him selfe to bee a God and whatsoeuer he dooth no man may aske him Domine cur ita facis Sir why doo you so Enter now into your owne conscience examine these sayinges vprightly looke vppon them with a single eye and thē iudge you indifferently And I trust that you will recant according to your promise Papist 8 ITEM I aske what kinde and order of seruice or common prayer what way of ministring the Sacraments your Church had before papistrie as you cal it preuailed in the worlde shewe me one booke or coppie of communion or what else you list that was in english or lacked praying for the departed or inuocation of Saintes in heauen or that wanted oblation or sacrifice or that charged a number to receiue else the Prieste could not consecrate or say Masse receiuing alone or shewe anye note in a communion booke that people should take the sacrament for plaine breade or that they should giue no honour vnto it shewe this booke or anie Church or congregation that euer had ani●●utenticall seruice but ours And I recant Answeare 8 I Shal not neede to stand long in reciting what kind of seruice was vsed before papistrie began verely euen the same which our Sauiour Christ set foorth which is recorded in the foure Euangelists and in the Epistles and writings of the Apostles from which the Apostles the congregations vnto whome they had preached the Gospell departed not one iotte And so the Apostle speaking of the institution of the Lordes Supper saith That thing which I haue receiued of the Lord the same haue I deliuered vnto you As though he should say euen he which ought onely to beare authoritie in the Church hath prescribed a way and orders of celebrating his laste Supper of whiche these are the chiefe partes That the Minister shoulde shewe the Lordes death by preaching his woorde and Gospell by calling vppon the name of the Lorde in prayer in deliuering the bread wine to bee receiued with thankesgeuing that the congregation shoulde for their partes proue and try them selues touching the knowledge of GOD fayth in the mercies of God offered in Christ and true sorrowe and lamentation for their sinnes past endeuouring them selues to leade a new life to shew forth the Lords death in consenting to his woorde and institution It is manifeste that the people to the number of three thousande soules beeing of diuerse countries and nations conuerted vnto the Gospell by Peters preaching continued for so the holie Ghoste speaketh in the Apostles doctrine and felowshippe and breaking of breade and prayers This order of seruice was vsed in all congregations from time to time amongest true Christians and remayned perfect for the space of sixe hundred yeares and odde yea vntill the same was altered by your Popish Cleargie who not being contented with that whiche Chris●e his Apostles and the auncient Doctoures and Fathers of the Churche had sette foorth deuised a newe way of worshipping GOD a new ●order of ministration a straunge and newe ● deuised forme of prayer and so turned all vpside downe But in defence of the truth we may boldely and truely answeare you that we holde and mainteine the same order of seruice the same ministration of Sacramentes the same prayer that the true Apostles and faithfull Christians vsed in all ages And whereas you aske for Bookes in Englishe which were written before Papistrie beganne in which there is no mencion made of praying for the deade of inuocation to saintes of priuate Masse It is plaine that there were sundrie godly bookes of Scripture whiche Dioclesian that wicked Emperour did burne in open markettes whose steppes your Churche of Rome hath followed euermore in suppressing the truth by suche meanes Notwithstanding God be thanked there bee manie volumes exstant writtē both by the auncient and godly fathers of the Church as also in the Saxon tongue in verie old● English of which I haue seene one veri● lately found in a verie olde ruinons wall which forbiddeth prayers for the deade whiche teacheth vs onely to inuocate th● name of God which maketh mention o● no masse but of the communion in bot● kindes and to conclude doeth aduouche i● all pointes the same Sacramentes th● same principles of religion and the same manner of worshipping God that we doe and proueth the same by the scriptures I● appeareth in histories that the Bohemians made peticion vnto the councell holden a● Basill that
this parte You aske moreouer whether the religion or faith of the Protestantes was euer taught to anie nations in steede of true Christianitie I beseeche you examine well the doctrine of the Protestants and compare it with the doctrine of Christ of the Apostles of the primitiue churche and with the religion set foorth by the godlie writers whiche wrote about the time of Constantine or shortly after And if you can proue that we doe not in al pointes agree with the religion of Christ of the apostles as it is set down in the old and new Testament Choose what translation you will or that we consent not in all thinges concerning faith and the substance of the true doctrine which the auncient fathers as appeareth in their bookes a few erroures by them mainteined onelie excepted then wee will willingly yeelde 〈◊〉 you As for example I will note a fewe capitall pointes of religion because I will not wander in generalities First we confesse with them one waye to ●e iustified and saued by which is by ●●● free mercies of God graunted vs by th● onely death passiō of Christ our onely Lord and Sauiour and that faith is the onely meanes and instrument to apprehend this our iustification and saluation That Christ is our Mediator both of redemption and intercession that we ought ●● pray onely vnto God not to anie Saints ●● parted and that in the name of Christ and not in the name of anie Angell or ●●int whatsoeuer To praye for those that be aliue and not for those which bee deade That in the Lordes Supper according to his institution we doo spiritu●●ly by faith feed vpon the body of Christ and that Sacrament truely and faithfully receiued as the remembraunce of the ●eath and passion of Christ is a spirituall foode and sustenaunce vnto our soules and a pledge of eternall life to satisfie our consciences We say further that Christ his naturall body fleshe blood and bone is no● in the Sacrament vnder the fourme of breade it being onely in heauen on the right hand of God according to the articles of our faith where in body he shall remaine vntill the day of iudgement though Christ our Sauiour as he is God in his diuine nature filleth all places and is with his children powring daily the abundance of his graces vpon them Lastly we say that man hath no free will of himselfe to doo anie good thing no not anie good thought but that it is God that worketh in vs both the will and also the deede according to his good pleasure euen of his free grace If you will either giue eare to the doctrine which we do preach or peruse the bookes which wee haue and doe write you shall see that the Protestantes did neuer vary one ynch from these pointes of true religion which I haue recited But because you make mencion of a knowne catholike Church it behoueth for that an Harlot may haue the countenaunce of an honest woman to distinguish betwixt the true church of God the counterfeit Church and to shew howe they both may be discerned and knowne Wee must needes auouch with the holy spirit of God that the true Church of Christ being the congregation and companie of the faithfull dispersed ouer the face of the whole earth is discerned and knowen by the woord of God For the true Sheepe doo heare the voice of their Pastor Christ Neither is there anie other signe or marke to knowe the Church of God sauing onely the Scriptures of God which are the treasurie of all truth For the citie of the Saintes and houshold of God as the Apostle saith is builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the chiefe Corner stone So then that is the true Catholike Church consecrated a spirituall Temple 〈◊〉 God which is guided and ruled by the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets Therefore the Church of God is called the Spouse of Christ for that shee ought in al ●inges to harken vnto the voyce of the ●idegroome In like manner the church ● as a piller which the Lord God hath ● in the earth amongst men therein so to little his truth that all stormes and Tempests euen the gates of hell and all the fernall powers fighting against it yet sh● they not preuaile because shee stayeth ● selfe onely vppon the woord of God a● thereby stayeth others and therefore a g●ly father saith The piller and strength ● the Church is the Gospel and the spi● of lyfe Likewise Saint Agustine sa●ther be certain books of our Lord vn● the authoritie whereof ech part agreeth there let vs seeke for the Church therb● let vs examine and try our matters An in the same Chapter I will saieth hee haue you to shew me the church not b● the doctrines of men but by the woor● of God. Saint Chrisostome saith it cannot by any means be known what is the true church but only by the scriptures ▪ what the counterfeit Church is it appereth by the promisses truely euen that Church which consisteth onely in outwarde shewe challenging authoritie ouer the woord and spirit of God prescribing a rule of woorshiping of God by her owne deuise without anie warrant of the woord of GOD which deuiseth other meanes to be saued by then onely Christ which feigneth that her faith can neuer faile notwithstanding ●●e neuer aspired vnto the true faith of Christ but hath persecuted the same keeping the sonne of righteousnesse as vnder ●●●ile or cloud not suffering him to shine in simple mens mindes and hartes by his holye Scriptures which are the keyes of knowledge the very power of God to saluation to as many as beleeue If we cānot vnderstād the scriptures the fault is in vs and not in them As no man may cōdemne the brightnes of the sonne because his eye is not able to sustaine the clearenes therof so the hardnes of the mistery which we can not sometimes cōpasse or perfectly vnderstand in the scriptures ought not to take away frō vs the vse of the scriptures Now ●●●ing you depende much vppon the aunci●●● doctors fathers I purpose for the satisfying of the reader to knit vp this diffe●●●ce betwixt the church of God and the counterfeite Synagogue of Sathan with these woords of S. Augustine Whether they haue the church or no let thē shew ● the Canonicall bookes of the holy ●riptures we must knowe the Church of ●hrist euen as we likewise know Christ ●hich is the head of the church in the ca●nical scriptures And what can be more ●laine then that which is spoken by the Euangelist Iohn disseuering the t●●● Church from the false the true Christia● from hipocrices and the faithful ministe● and preachers of the Gospell from fa● prophets and counterfeit teachers in th● fewe woordes Hereby shall ye kno● the spirit of God euery spirit which c●fesseth that Iesus Christ is come in th● flesh is of