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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A65735 D. D. An advertisement, anent the reading of the books of Antonia Borignion By George White minister at Mary-Culter near Aberdeen. White, George, d. 1724. 1700 (1700) Wing W1767; ESTC R222008 41,559 107

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by faith in Christ whereas it is manifest by the Scriptures alreadie cited and many more which could be shown that Christs suffering in our stead and thereby procuring to us remission of sin and freedom from the Punishment due to us therefore is a most true and Divine substitution and not false and Diabolical as A. B. saith 2 Cor. 5.19 GOD in Christ reconcileth the World to himself not imputing their trespasses unto them and not to impute to us our trespasses is to procure a discharge of the samen A wise man should not be ridicul'd for his wisdom but this is the wisest Course that a sinner can take to confess his own frailty and believe to be saved by the free Mercy of GOD for the sake of Christs Merits We do not deny a substitution of love as he calls it that of GOD'S free love in Christ Jesus whereby we are both Justified and Sanctified but neither Penitence nor any other Grace bestowed upon us can be called our Merit nor can there be any addition made to the Sacrifice of Christ which satisfied the Justice of GOD and is the only meritorious cause of our Justification The Ap. insists saying that we carp at the words Merit and Satisfaction while we grant the thing imported thereby that Christ by his Merits hath procured to us to do penitence and to imitat himself without which non can be saved by faith in Him This is the substance of all his suppositions or imperfect sort of Argument in the foresaid place which in the Schools is called a Sorites To which I answer briefly that the Orthodox have good reason to quarrel both at the words and the thing which he understands thereby for it is simply impossible that sinners can either satisfie the Justice of GOD or merit their own Salvation because there is no commutative Justice betwixt GOD and Man as there is in Contracts between man and man so that it were injustice not to remit sin upon all the penitence or good works that we can do He being infinitly Holy and we but frail Creatures who at the best are but Unprofitable Servants Luke 17.10 We ought indeed to evidence our Faith by a good life but to call our penitence or love to GOD or imitation of Christ our own merit is but a vain gloriation and derogatory from the satisfactory Merits of Christ for which I remit him to Bellarmin who is a great Orator for humane merits but confesseth that for the uncertainty of our own Righteousness and the danger of vain Glory it is most safe to place our whole confidence in GOD'S Mercy alone and his Goodness and a few lines after he sayes that without a Revelation no man can know assuredly himself to have true Merits or that he shall persevere in them to the end Likewise because nothing is more easie in this place of tentation than pride to arise from the consideration of good works R. Bell. Card. Jesu de Justi L. 5. c. 7. p. 1266 in 80. SECTION IV. SUBS. I. N. III. Of Mans future State IN the Seventh and two last Articles of the Apostles Creed sundry great Truths are included anent Mans future State which are clearly taught in the Scriptures and are of the essentials of Religion namely that after Death neither Soul nor Body perish but they shall be joined again by the power of GOD through Jesus Christ at the Generall Resurrection and set day of Judgment when He shall pronounce a righteous Sentence upon all Mankind giving unto those who have done well Eternal Life in Heaven and to the wicked E●nal Damnation But A. B. makes a ludicrous Scene of all this writting that the World shall not be consumed by fire there shall be no judgment after Death nor a set and appointed day of Judgment nor any other sort of judgment than what is begun thirty Years agoe that good People shall not goe to Heaven but Christ coming with men and not with Angels shall dwell with them visibly for ever on Earth where they shall propagate their kinde Eternally being retired into a safe Corner of the Earth or rather to the Centre of their Soul to live in all pleasure and the Wicked to another Corner of it to be afflicted by Serpents and all evil things And she believes all this better than all the other Mysteries of our Faith L. W. pt 1. from p. 143. to 148. and from 150. to 159. and from 168. to 170. and pt 2. p. 131. 132. and pt 3. p. 146. And all the foresaid Heretical rapsodie is approved be the Ap. pt 2. p. 180. to 184. the Mysteries of Faith which she doth not so well believe as these her own whimsies are the Unity and Trinity in GOD the Incarnation and Satisfaction of Christ the efficacie of Grace with the free will of Man the Resurrection of the Dead the Day of Judgement and Mens then being mandated to Heaven or Hell These Opinions of A. B. are worse than the Old Millenar●● who yet were still condemned by the Orthodox and Catholick Church which held that the Scriptures in no place promised Christs dwelling on Earth Bodily again but rather the contrary as Acts 3.21 Tit. 1.2 GOD that cannot lie hath in his Holy word assured us of the Truths which I have rehearsed on this head which also demonstrates the falsitie of A. Bs. Tenets lastly repeated John 5.28.29 The hour is comming in the which all that are in the Graves shall hear His Voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of damnation Heb. 9.27 It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the Judgment Acts 17.31 He hath appointed a Day in which he will judge the World in Righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained 1 Cor. 15.15.16 For if the Dead rise not then is not Christ raised and if Christ be not raised your Faith is vain 2 Pet. 3.12 Hasting to the coming of the Day of God wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat there are many parallel places of Scriptures as John 14.3 Mat. 25.46 1 Thes 4.16 The Sophistical shifts that are made be A. B. and her Ap. in the fore cited places for excusing their Errours shall be easily discussed Obj. 1. First Heaven is where GOD is therefore when Christ reigns with his Saints on Earth there needs no other Heaven A. It s answered neither GOD 'S essential Immensity nor His diffused Grace takes away the nature of things or confounds distinct places so Heaven is still His Thron and the place of the Blessed and the Earth his Foot Stool Obj. 2. If Christ doe not reign with His Saints Eternally on Earth then the Earth was made only for Wicked Men and Devils A. The Earth was made for GODS People who serve Him on it now in the Land of the living tho imperfectly but
4. Subs 1. n. 3. how the exotick opinions of some School-men gave her wrong Sentiments of Angels in like manner hearing of some nice points debated among School men and Philosophers she was apt to adopt the worst side of the Problem which being once made hers out it flyes into the World as a new revealed verity for example A. B teacheth S. V. pt 1. p. 96. And the Ap. homologates pt 1. p. 62. That both our Souls and Bodies are propogated from Adam Contrary to Heb. 12.9 where GOD is called the Father of Spirits or the creatour of our Souls in contradistinction to our natural parents who are there termed the Fathers of our flesh And many other of her Accessories she might have learned by ordinary discourse as that the Heretick Eunomius and generally the Gnosticks out of a pretence of magnifying Faith said that good works were not necessary This false and odious opinion her La. after her charitable manner doth most frequently father upon all Protestants without due consideration that St. Aug. confuted it L. de fide oper Whose orthodox strain is followed by Calvin and all Proteslant writters and Billarmine himself de Justif L. 3 c 6. Vindicats Protestants of the foresaid imputation Obj. 2. It was asserted in my hearing by some whom the Borignianists had mistuned that there are more than two thousand verities speaking of these Accessories set out in the Books of A. B. which are not to be read in all the writtings either of Papists or Protestants A. I have discovered in her Books more than an hundreth falsities but have seen none of these new disclosed verities and if any favorite of hers shall be at the pains to number them let him take heed that he make not a false muster or rather such an appearance as drunken men see of great armies in the Air which instantly and quite disappear when sober people are curious to view them And if Accessories be called New Verities they should be rejected on that very head by reason that no truth can be new and all Truths are older than Errours Obj. 3. Have there not been some persons Divinely Inspired Teachers in all Ages such as Antonie and Paul the Anachorets St. Terese St. Briget and St. Katharine Theular and Thomas a Kempeis And were it not for fear of your Pastoral Office A. B. would be respected as one of these and her Books held worthy of all acceptation A. 1. There should be no ground to fear the falling of the Pastoral Office altho many now living were inspired in the measure of the Prophets and Apostles which will never be seeing the Canon of the Scriptures is compleat because the Pastoral Office is appointed of GOD for his especial Service and his perpetual presence is promised to be therewith even as if a King should reveal his will secretly to some special favorits it would no wayes follow from thence that the standing Laws should not be the peoples Rule and be expounded and executed by the settled Judges 2. None of these were infallibly inspired and no more was A. B. neither do I read that Paul and Anthonie the Egyptian Monks spake against the established Offices in the Church though they chused a Monastick Life in time of Persecution If A. B. had any Precedent it was the Spanish Nun Teresa who yet pretended not to be the singular or sole Doctrix of the whole World as A. B. did Thomas a Kempis and Teular were good men but why doth not the Ap. call St. Aug. Bernard and many more eminent men as well inspired as they Obj. 4. To what purpose is all this reasoning against A. Bs. Accessorie Doctrines Since the Ap. did premonish pt 1. Car. 13. p. 38. That if any person did not relish the Accessories he might let them alone that is to say he shall not be bound to believe them and let him forbear to dispute against them how much soever he be dipleased therewith A. That is a shift put into the mouths of all who are become ra●hly fond of all A. Bs. writtings but it is such a silly shift that I marvel to hear any rationall person pronounce it for a defence when he is pressed with good Arguments against her Errours from Scripture and Reason In the common use of the phrase to let a thing alone is to forbear or to medle or concern with it on such an occasion as when a Boy is to be chastised for a fault he cryes let me alone but let us examine the Aps own gloss of the expression 1. First he says the meaning is you need not believe A. Bs. Accessories to be true unless you please Here he enjoins a rare thing Did ever any other persons pretending to be Divinely Inspired in all their writtings leave the Readers at libertie to believe the half of them to be true or no! Why did she mix and confound them in all her twenty two Books with the Essentials of Religion which ought to be believed and how can unlearned people seperate the Gold from the dross 2. He sayes dispute not against them so says Mahomet in his Alcaron c. 5. and elsewhere If Truth be in them it should be believed if falsehood it ought to be confuted or disputed against and many of them are such as is already proven Obj. 5. It hath been said to me that whoso writes against A. B. will be answered even as the writtings of Le. Clerk at Amsterdam and all Socinian Books are still defended by some persons tho they give much offence to the Church men were it not better then to forbear disputing in matters of Theologie than to increase it A. I aprove not A. Bs. Sentiments in this case who declares that the writtings of Luther Calvin and all the Reformers whom she accounts Hereticks should have been quite despised and not answered or themselves cut off L. W. pt 1. p. 27. It is our duty to dispute for the Truth and altho Errours have Abetters and defenders yet the Truth which is stronger than Errours will at last prevail Obj. 6. The harmonie or consent of all the parts of the Holy Scriptures is one evidence that they were given by Divine inspiration so A.B. never contradicteth herself which sheweth that she was led by the Spirit of GOD in all her writtings A. If she was led by the Spirit of GOD in all her writtings then she should not be opposed but there is one thing said and another thing seen and her deeds in writting falsities proves her saying the contrary to be untrue one may write Books without contradicting himself therein and yet without Divine Inspiration but the tryal of that point anent A. B. shall bring the fourth Section anent her Doctrines to an end NUMBER III. Of her Contradictions IF one proposition be true then the contradictory assertion must be false and no palliating or favourable interpretation can reconcile them as for Instance That is a most true saying which also is