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A64767 Lumen de lumine, or, A new magicall light discovered and communicated to the world by Eugenius Philalethes. Vaughan, Thomas, 1622-1666. 1651 (1651) Wing V150; ESTC R146 43,781 117

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Both in a Love-knot and shut them up in the Arabian CARAHA This is thy first labour but thy next is more difficult Thou must incamp against them with the fire of Nature and be sure thou doest bring thy Line round about Circle them in and stop all Avenues that they find no Reliefe Continue this siege patiently and they will turne to an ugly flabbie venemous black Toad which will be transform'd to a horrible devowring Dragon creeping and weltring in the Bottome of her Cave without wings Touch her not by any means not so much as with thy Hands for there is not upon earth such a violent transcendent poyson As hast begun so proceed and this Dragon will turne to a Swan but more white than the hovering Virgin Snow when it is not yet sullied with the Earth Henceforth I will allow thee to fortifie thy fire till the Phaenix appears It is a red Bird of a most deep Colour with a shining Fiery Hue Feed this Bird with the Fire of his Father and the AEther of his Mother for the first is meat the second is Drink and without this last he attains not to his full Glory Be sure to understand this secret for fire feeds not well unlesse it bee first fed It is of it self drie and Choleric but a proper moysture tempers it gives it a heavenly Complexion and brings it to the Desired Exaltation Feed thy Bird then as I have told thee and he will move in his Nest and rise like a star of the Firmament Doe this and thou hast placed Nature in Horizonte AEternitatis Thou hast performed that Command of the Cabalist Fige finem in Principio sicut Flammam prunae Conjunctam quia Dominus SUPERLATIVE unus non tenet secundum Unite the End to the Beginning like a Flame to a Coale for God saith hee is superlatively one and hee hath no second Consider then what you seek you seek an Indissoluble miraculous transmuting uniting union but such a tye cannot be without the first unitie Creare enim saith one atque intrinsecùs transmutare absque violentiâ Munus est proprium duntaxat Primae Potentiae Primae sapientiae Primi amoris To Create and Transmute essentially and naturally or without any violence is the only proper office of the first power the first Wisdome and the first love Without this love the Elements will never be maried they will never inwardly and essentially unite which is the end and perfection of Magic Study then to understand this and when thou hast perform'd I will allow thee that Test of the Mekkubalim Intellexisti in sapientiâ sapuisti in Intelligentia statuisti Rem super Puritates suas Creatorem in Throno suo collocasti For a Close to this Section I say it is impossible to generat in the patient without a vitall generating Agent This Agent is the Philosophical fire a certain moyst heavenly invisible Heat but let us heare Raymund Lullie describe it Quando dicimus saith hee quod lapis per ignem generatur non vident alium ignem nec alium ignem credunt nisi ignem communem nec aliud Sulphur nec aliud argentum vivum nisi sit vulgare Ideo manent decepti per corum caecas estimationes inferentes quod causa sumus suae Deceptionis quod dedimus illis intelligere rem unam pro aliâ Sed non est verum salvâ eorum pace sicut probabimus per illa quae Philosophi posuerunt in scriptis Solem enim appellamus ignem vicarium suum vocamus Calorem naturalem Nam illud quod agit Calor Solis in Mineris Metallorunt per mille annos ●pse Calor naturalis facit in unâ horâ supra Terram Nos vero multi alii vocamus ●●um Filium solis nam primo per solis influentiam fuit generatus per naturam sine adju●orio Scientiae velartis When wee say the stone ìs generated by fire Men neither see neither doe they believe there is any other fire but the common fire nor any other Sulphur●or ●●Mercury but the common Sulphur and ●●Mercury Thus are they deceived by their own opinions saying that we are the Cause of their Error having made them to mistake ●nc thing for another But by their leave it is not so as we shall prove by the Doctrine of the Philosophers For wee call the Sun a fire and the natural Heat we call his Substitute ●or Deputy for that which the heat of the Sun performes in a thousand years in the Mines the Heat of Nature performes it above the earth in one houre But wee and many other Philosophers have call'd this Heat the Child of the Sun for at first it was generated naturally by the influence of the Sun without the Help of our Art or Knowledge Thus Luilie But one thing I must tell thee and bee sure Reader thou doest remember it This very naturall Heat must bee applied in the just Degree and not too much fortified for the Sun it self doth not generat but burne and scorch where it is too hot Si cum igne magno operatus fueris saith the same Lullie proprietas nostri spiritus quae inter vitam mortem participiat separabit se Anima recedet in Regionem sphaerae suae If thou shalt work with too strong a fire the proprietie of our spirit which is indifferent as yet to life or death will separate it self from the Body and the Soule will depart to the Region of her own sphere Take therefore along with thee this short but wholesome advise of the same Author Facias ergo Fili quod in loco Generationis aut Conversionis sit talis potentia Caelestis quae possio transformare Humidum ex natura terrestris in formam speciem transparentem finissimam My Son saith hee let the Heavenly power or Agent be such in the place of Generation or Mutation that it may alter the spermatic Humiditie from its Earthly Complexion to a most fine transparent forme or species See here now the solution of the slimie fat Earth to a transparent glorious Mercury This Mercury Gentlemen is the water which we look after but not any common water whatsoever There is nothing now behind but that which the Philosophers call secretum Artis a thing that was never published and without which you will never performe though you know both Fire and Matter An Instance hereof wee have in Flammel who knew the Matter well enough and had both fire and Furnace painted to him by Abraham the Jew but notwithstanding he err'd for three years because hee knew not the third secret Henry Madathan a most noble Philosopher practic'd upon the subject for five years together but knew not the right method and therefore found nothing at last saith hee Post sextum annum Clavis Potentiae per arcanam Revelationem ab omnipotente Deo mihi concreditaest After the sixth year I was intrusted with the Key of
like plush for it was very soft and purl'd all the way with Daysies and Primrose When we came out of our Arboret and Court of Bayes I could perceive a strange Clearnesse in the Ayr not like that of Day neither can I affirme it was night The stars indeed perched over us and stood glimmering as it were on the Tops of high Hills for we were in a most deep Bottome and the Earth overlook'd us so that I conceived we were neer the Center We had not walk'd very far when I discovered cerraine thick white Clouds for such they seemed to me which fill'd all that part of the Valley that was before us This indeed was an Error of mine but it continued not long for comming neerer I found them to be firm solid Rocks but shining and sparkling like Diamonds This rare and goodly sight did not a litttle incourage me and great desire I had to heare my Mistris speake for so I judged her now that if possible I might receive some Information How to bring this about I did not well know for she seem'd averse from Discourse but having resolv'd with my self to disturb her I ●sk'd her if she would favour me with her Name To this she replied very familiarly ●s if she had kown me long before Euge●ius said she I have many Names but my best and dearest is Thalia for I am alwaies green and I shall never wither Thou doest ●here behold the mountains of the Moone and I will shew thee the Originall of Nilus for she springs from these Invisible Rocks Looke up and peruse the very Tops of these pillars and Clifts of Salt for they are the true Philosophicall Lunar Mountains Didst thou ever see such a Miraculous incredible thing This speech made me quickly look up to those glittering Turrets of Salt where I could see a stupendous Cataract or Waterfall The streame was more large than any River in her full Chanell but notwithstanding the Height and Violence of its Fall it descended without any Noyse The Waters were dash'd and their Current distracted by those Saltish Rocks but for all this they came down with a dead silence like the still soft Ayr Some of this Liquor for it ran by me I took up to see what strange wollen substance it was that did thus steale down like Snow When I had ●it in my hands it was no Common water but a certaine kind of Oile of a Waterie Complex on A viscous fat mineral nature it was bright like Pearls and transparent like Chrystall When I had viewd and search'd it well it appear'd somewhat spermatic and in very Truth it was obscene to the sight but much more to the Touch Hereupon Thalia told me it was the first Matter and the very Naturall true Sperm of the great World It is said she invisible and therefore few are they that find it but many believe it is not to be found They believe indeed that the world is a dead Figure like a Body which hath been sometimes made and fashion'd by that spirit which dwelt in it but retaines that very shape and fashion for some short time after that the Spirit hath forsaken it They should rather consider that every Frame when the Soule hath left it doth discompose and can no longer retaine its former figure for the Agent that held and kept the parts together is gone Most excellent then is that speech which I heard sometimes from one of my own Pupils Mundus hic ex tam diversis contrariisque partibus in unam formam minimè conven●sset nisi unus esset qui tam Diversa conjungeret Conjuncta vero Naturarum ipsa Diversitas invicem discors dissociaret atque divelleret nisi unus esset qui quod nexuit contineret Non tam vero certus naturae ordo procederet nec tam dispositosmotus Locis temporibus efficientiâ Qualitatibus explicaret nisi unus esset qui has Mutationum varietates manens ipse disponeret Hoc quicquid est quo Condita manent atque gubernantur usitato cunctis Vocabulo Deum nomino This world saith he of such divers and contrarie parts had never been made one thing Had not there been one who did joyn together such contrary things But being joyn'd together the very Diversitie of the Natures joyned fighting one with another had Discompos'd and separated them unlesse there had been one to hold and keep those parts together which he at first did joyn Verily the order of Nature could not proceed with such certaintie neither could she move so regularly in severall places times effects and qualities unlesse there were some one who dispos'd and order'd these Varieties of Motions This whatsoever it is by which the world is preserved and govern'd I call by that usuall name God Thou most therefore Eugenius said she understand that all Compositionsare made by an active intelligent life for what was done in the Composure of the great world in generall the same is perform'd in the Generation of every creature and its sperm in particular I suppose thou doest know that water cannot be contained but in some Vessell The naturall Vessell which God hath appointed for it is Earth In Earth water may be thickned and brought to a figure but of it self and without Earth it hath an indefinit flux and is subject to no certaine figure whatsoever Ayre also is a fleeting indeterminat substance but water is his Vessell for water being figured by means of Earth the Ayr also is thickned and figur'd in the Water To ascend higher the Ayr coagulats the liquid fire and fire incorporated involves and confines the thin Light These are the Means by which God unites and compounds the Elements into a Sperm for the Earth alters the Complexion of the water and makes it viscous and slimie Such a water must they look who would produce any Magicall extraordinary Effects for this Spermatic water coagulats with the least heat so that nature concocts and hardens it into metals Thou seest the whites of Egs will thicken assoon as they feel the fire for their moysture is temper'd with a pure subtill Earth and this subtill animated Earth is that which binds their water Take water then my Eugenius from the Mountains of the Moon which is water and no water Boyl it in the fire of Nature to a two fold Earth white and red then feed those Earths with Ayr of Fire and Fire of Ayr and thou hast the two Magicall Luminaries But because thou hast been a servant of mine for a long time and that thy patience hath manifested the Truth of thy Love I will bring thee to my Schoole and there will I shew thee what the world is not capable of This was no sooner spoken but she past by those Diamond-like rockie salts and brought me to a Rock of Adamant figur'd to a just intire Cube It was the Basis to a firie Pyramid a Trigon of pure Pyrope whose imprison'd flames did stretch and strive for Heaven
Complexions There are other Moystures and those too aethereall They are Females also of the Masculine Divine Fire and these are the Fountains of the Chaldee which the Oracle styles {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Summitates Fontanas the Invisible upper springs of Nature Of all substances that come to our hands this AEther is the first that brings us News of another World and tels us we live in a corrupt place S●ndivogius call'd it the Vrine of Saturn and with this did he water his Lunar and Solar Plants Ex Marimeo said the Jew oriuntur Nebulae quae ferunt Aquas Benedictas ipsae irrigant Terras educunt Herbas Flores In a word this Moysture is animated with a Vegetable blessed divine Fire which made one describe the Mistery thus Ex Naturâ ex Divino factum est Divinum enim est quiae cum Divinitate conjunctum Divinas substantias facit To conclude the AEther is to be found in the lower spring or {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} namely in that substance which the Arabians call Flos salis albi the Flower of white Salt It is indeed borne of Salt for Salt is the Root of it and it is found withall in locis salsosis in certaine Saltish places The best Discovery of it is this The Philosophers call it their Mineral Tree for it grows as all Vegetables doe and hath Leaves and Fruits in the very Houre of its Nativity This is enough and now I passe to another principle The Heavenly Luna THis Luna is the Moon of the Mine a very strange stupifying substance It is not simple but mixt The AEther and a subtill white Earth are its Components and this makes it grosser than the AEther it self It appeares in the forme of an exceeding white oile but is in very truth a certaine vegetant flowing smooth soft salt c. The star-soule THis is the true Astrum Solis the Mineral spiritual Sun It is compounded of the AEther and a Bloudie fierie spirited Earth It appears in a gummie Consistency but with a fierce hot glowing Complexion It is Substantially a certaine purple animated Divine Salt c. The Prester of Zoroaster IT is a Miracle to consider how the Earth which is a Body of inexpressible weight and Heavinesse can be supported in the Ayr a fleeting yeelding substance and thorough which even froth and Feathers will sink and make their way I hope there is no man so mad as to think it is poys'd there by some Geometricall Knack for that were Artificiall but the work of God is Vital and Natural Certainly if the Animation of the world be denied there must needs follow a precipitation of this Element by its own Corpulency and Gravity We see that our own Bodies are supported by that Essence by which they are actuated and animated but when when that Essence leaves them they fall to the ground till the spirit returns at the Resurrection I conclude then that the Earth hath in her a fire-Fire-soule a most powerfull strong spirit that bears her up as the spirit of Man bears up man To this agrees Raymund Lullie in the seventy sixth Chapter of his Theorie Tota Terra plena est Intelligentia ad operationem Naturae inclinata quae Intelligentia movetur à natura superiore Ita quod natura Intellectiva inferior assimilatur naturae Superiori The whole Earth saith he is full of Intelligence inclined to the Discipline or Operation of Nature which Intelligence is moved by the Superior Nature so that the Inferior Intelligence is like to the Superior This spirit or Intelligence is the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} a Notion of the admirable Zoroaester as I find him render'd by Julian the Chaldaean It comes from {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} uro and signifies Lightning or a certaine burning Turbo or whirl-wind but in the sense of our Chaldee it is the Fire-spirit of Life It is an Influence of the Almighty God and it comes from Terra Viventium namely the second person whom the Cabalists style the Supernaturall East For as the Natural Light of the Sun is first manifested to us in the East so the Supernatural Light was first manifested in the second person for he is Principium Alterationis the Beginning of the wayes of God or the first Manifestation of his Father's Light in the Supernatural Generation From this Terra Viventium or Land of the Living comes all Life or spirit according to that position of the M●●kubalim Omnis anima bona est anima nova veniens ab Oriente Every good soule is a new soule comming from the East that is from {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Cocmah or the second Sephiroth which is the Son of God Now for the better understanding of this Descent of the soule wee must refer our selves to another placet of the Cabalists and this is it Animae à Tertio Lumine ad Quartam Diem inde ad Quintam descendunt inde exeuntes Corporis Noctem subintrant The souls say they descend from the Third Light to the fourth Day thence to the fifth whence they passe out and enter the Night of the Body To understand this Maxime you must know there are three supreme Lights or Sephiroths which the Cabalist cals Sedes una in quâ sedet Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth This third Light from whence the souls descend is {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Binah the last of the three sephiroths and it signifies the Holy Ghost Now that you may know in what sense this Descent proceeds from that Blessed spirit I will somewhat inlarge my Discourse for the Cabalists are very obscure in the point Spirare say the Jews Spiritus Sancti proprium est to Breath is the proprietie of the Holy Ghost Now we read that God breathed into Adam the Breath of Life and he became a living soule Here you must understand that the third Person is the last of the three not that there is any Inequality in them but it is so in order of Operation for he applies first to the Creature and therefore works last The meaning of it is this The Holy Ghost could not breath a soule into Adam but he must either receive it or have it of himself Now the truth is he receives it and what hee receives that hee breaths into Nature Hence this most holy spirit is styl'd by the Cabalists Fluvius egrediens è Paradiso because he breaths as a River streames He is call'd also Mater Filiorum because by this Breathing he is as it were delivered of those souls which have been conceived Ideally in the second Person Now that the Holy Ghost receives all things from the second Person is confirmed by Christ himself When the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but what soever he shall heare that shall
he speak and he will shew you things to come He shall glorifie me for he shall receive of mine and shall shew it unto you All things that the Father hath are mine Therefore said I that he shall take of mine Here wee plainly see there is a certaine subsequent order or Method in the operations of the blessed Trinity for Christ tels us that he receives from his Father and the Holy Ghost receives from Him Againe that all things are conceived Ideally or as we commonly expresse it created by the second person is confirmed by the word of God The World was made by him saith the Scripture and the world knew him not He came unto his own and his own received him not This may suffice for such as Love the Truth and as for that which the Cabalist speaks of the fourth and fifth Dayes it suits not with my present designe and therefore I must wave it It is clear then that Terra viventium or the Eternall Fire-Earth buds and sprouts hath her fierie spirituall Flowers which we call soules as this natural Earth hath her natural Vegetables In this mysterious sense is the Prester defin'd in the Oracles {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} the Flower of thin Fire But that we may come at last to the thing intended I think it not amisse to instruct you by this Manuduction You know that no Artificer can build but the Earth must be the Foundation to his Building for without this Ground-work his Brick and Mortar cannot stand In the Creation when God did build there was no such place to build upon I aske then where did he rest his Matter and upon what Certainly he built and founded Nature upon his own Supernaturall Center He is in her and thorough her and with his eternall spirit doth he support Heaven and Earth as our bodies are supported with our spirits This is confirmed by that oracle of the Apostle Omnia portat verbo virtutis suae He bears up all things with the word of his power from this power is he justly styl'd {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} The infinitly powerfull and the All-powerfull power-making power I say then that Fire and spirit are the Pillars of Nature the props on which her whole Fabric rests and without which it could not stand one minute This Fire or Prester is the Throne of the Quintessentiall Light from whence he dilates himself to Generation as we see in the effussion of the Sun-beams in the great world In this Dilatation of the Light consists the joy or pleasure of the passive spirit and in its Contraction his Melancholie or sorrow We see in the great Body of Nature that in Turbulent weather when the Sun is shut up and clouded the Aire is thick and dull and our own spirits by secret Compassion with the spirit of the Aire are dull too On the contrary in clear strong Sun-shines the Aire is Quick and Thin and the spirits of all Animals are of the same rarified active Temper It is plaine then that our joyes and sorrows proceed from the Dilatation and Contraction of our inward Quintessentiall Light This is apparent in despayring Lovers who are subject to a certain violent extraordinary panting of the Heart a timorous trembling pulse which proceeds from the Apprehension and Feare of the spirit in relation to his Miscarriage Notwithstanding he desires to be dilated as it appears by his pulse or Sallie wherein he doth discharge himself but his Despaire checks him againe and brings him to a suddain Retreat or Contraction Hence it comes to passe that we are subject to sighs which are occasion'd by the suddain pause of the spirit for when hee stops the Breath stops but when he looseth himself to an outward Motion we deliver two or three Breaths that have been formerly omitted in one long E●piration and this we call a sigh This ●●sion hath carried many brave men to very ●●● Extremities It is originally occasion'd●● the spirit of the Mistris or affected ●irty for her spirit ferments or leavens the ●●●t of the Lover so that it desires an union●● far as Nature will permit This makes us ●●sent even smiles and frowns like Fortunes●nd Misfortunes Our Thoughts are never ●t Home according to that well-grounded Observation Anima est ubi amat non ubi ●●●●●t the soule dwels not where she lives out where she loves We are imploy'd in a ●erpetuall Contemplation of the absent Beau●● Our very Joyes and Woes are in her power ●he can set us to what Humor she will as ●ampian was alter'd by the Music of his Mistris When to her Lu●e Corinna sings Her Voice inlives the Leaden strings But when of sorrows she doth speak Even with her sighes the strings doe break And as her Lure doth Live or Die Lea'd by her Passions So doe I. This and many more miraculous sympa●hies proceed from the Attractive nature of the Prester it is a spirit that can wonders and now let us see if there bee any possibility to come at him Suppose then wee should dilapidat or discompose some Artificiall Building stone by stone There is no question but we should come at last to the Earth whereupon it is founded It is just so in Magic if we open any Natural Body and separat all the parts thereof one from another we shall come at last to the Prester which is the Candle and secret Light of God Wee shall know the hidden Intelligence and see that inexpressible Face which gives the outward Figure to the Body This is the S●●lagism we should look after for he that ●ath once past the Aquaster enters the Fire-world and sees what is both Invisible and Incredible to the common Man He shall discover to the Eye the miraculous Conspiracy that is between the Prester and the Sun Hee shall know the secret Love of Heaven and Earth and the sense of that deep Cabalism Non est planta hic inferiùs cui non est stella in Firmamento superiùs ferit eam stella dicit ei Cresce There is not an Herb here below but he hath a star in Heaven above and the star strikes him with her Beame and sayes to him Grow He shall know how the Fire-spirit hath his Root in the Spirituall Fire-Earth and receives from it a secret Influx upon which he feeds as Herbs feed on that Juice and Liquor which they receive at their Roots from this Common Earth This is it which our Saviour tels us Man lives not by Bread alone but by every word that comes out of the Mouth of God He meant not by Inke and P●pyr or the dead Letter it is a Mystery and St. Paul hath partly expounded it He tels the Athenians that God made Man to the end That he should seek the Lord if happily he might feel after him and find him Here is a strange Expression you will say that a Man should feel after God or seek Him with his Hands But
he goes on and tels you where you shall find him He is not far saith he from every one of us for in Him we live and move and have our Being For the better understanding of this place I wish you to read Paracelsus his Philosophia ad Athenienses a glorious Incomparable Discourse but you will shortly find it in English Againe He that enters the Center shall know why all Influx of fire descends against the Nature of fire and comes from Heaven downwards Hee shall know also why the same fire having found a Body ascends againe towards Heaven and gows upwards To conclude I say the grand Supreame Mysterie of Magic is to multiplie the Prester and place him in the moyst serene AEther which God hath purposely created to qualifie the fire For I would have thee know that this spirit may be so chaf'd and that in the most temperat Bodies as to undoe thee upon a suddain This thou mayst guesse thy selfe by the {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} or thundering Gold as the Chymist cals it Place him then as God hath plac'd the stars in the condens'd AEther of his Chaos for there he will shine not burne he will be vital and Calm not furious and Choleric This secret I confesse transcends the Common processe and I dare tell thee no more of it It must remaine then as a Light in a Dark place but how it may be discovered doe thou Consider The Green salt IT is a Tincture of the Saphiric Mine and to define'it substantially it is the Aire of our little Invisible Fire-world It produceth two noble effects youth and Hope wheresoever it appears it is an infallible sign of life as you see in the spring-time when all things are Green The sight of it is cheerfull and refreshing beyond all imagination It comes out of the Heavenly Earth for the Saphir doth spermatize injects her Tinctures into the AEther where they are carried and manifested to the Eye This Saphir is equall of her self to the whole Compound for she is threefold or hath in her three severall essences I have seen them all not in Ayrie imaginarie suppositions but really with my bodily eyes And here we have Apollodorous his Mathematical Problem resolved namely that Pythagoras should sacrifice a hundred Oxen when hee found out {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} That the Subtendent of a right angl'd Triangle was equivalent to those parts which contain'd it c. The Diapasm or Magicall Perfume IT is compounded of the Saphiric Earth and the AEther If it be brought to its full Exaltation it will shine like the Day-star in her fresh Easterne Glories It hath a fascinating attractive facultie for if you expose it to the open Ayre it will draw to it Birds and Beasts c. The Regeneration Ascent and Glorification I Have now sufficiently and fully discovered the principles of our Chaos In the next place I will shew you how you are to use them You must unite them to a new life and they will be regenerated by Water and the Spirit These two are in all things they are placed there by God himself according to that speech of Trismegistus Vnumquodque habet in se●semen su● Regenerationis Proceed then patiently but not manually The work is performed by an invisible Artist for there is a secret Incubation of the Spirit of God upon Nature you must only see that the outward Heat failes not but with the subject it self you have no more to doe than the Mother hath with the Child that is in her womb The two former principles performe all the Spirit makes use of the Water to purge and wash his Body and hee will bring it at last to a Celestiall immortall Constitution Doe not you think this Impossible Remember that in the Incarnation of Christ Jesus the Quaternarius or four Elements as men call them were united to their eternall Unitie and Ternarius Three and Foure make Seven This S●ptenarie is the true S●b●●th the Rest of God into which the Creature shall enter This is the best and greatest Man●duction that I can give you In a word Salvation it self is nothing else but transmutation Behold saith the Apostle ●● shew you a MYSTERIE we shall not all die but we shall be all CHANGED in a Moment in the twinckling of an Eye at the sound of the last Trumpt God of his great Mercy prepare us for it● That from hard stubborn Flints of this world we may prove ●●●soliths and Jaspers in the new eternall foundation That we may ascend from this present distressed Church which is in Captivity with her Children to the free Jerusalem from above which is the Mother of us all The Descent and Metempsychosis THere is in the world a scribling ill-disposed Generation they write only to gaine an Opinion of Knowledge and this by amazing their Readers with whimzies and Fansies of their own These commonly call themselves Chimists and abuse the great Mysterie of Nature with the Name and Non-sense of Lapis Chemicus I find not one of them but hath mistaken this Descent for the Ascent or Fermentation I think it Necessary therefore to informe the Reader there is a two fold Fermentation a spirituall and a Bodily one The spirituall Fermentation is performed by multiplying the Tinctures which is not done with common Gold and Silver for they are not Tinctures but grose compacted Bodies The Gold and Silver of the Philosophers are a soule and spirit they are living Ferments and principles of Bodies but the two common Metals whether you take them in their grose Composition or after a Philosophicall preparation are no way pertinent to our purpose The Bodily Fermentation is that which I properly call the Descent and now we will speak of it When thou hast made the stone or Magicall Medicine it is a liquid fierie spirituall substance shining like the Sun In this Complexion if you would project you could hardly find the just proportion the vertue of the Medicine is so intensive and powerfull The Philosophers therefore took one part of their stone and did cast it upon ten parts of pure molten gold This single small graine did bring all to the gold a bloudie powder and on the contrary the grosse Body of the gold did abate the spirituall strength of the projected graine This Descent or Incorporation some wise Authors have call'd a Bodily Fermentation but the Philosophers did not use common Gold to make their stone as some scriblers have written they us'd it only to qualifie the intensive power of it when it is made that they might the more easily find what Quantitie of base Metall they should project upon By this means they reduc'd their Medicine to a dust and this dust is the Arabian-Elixir This Elixir the Philosophers could carry about them but the Medicine it self not so for it is such a subtill moyst Fire there is nothing but glasse that will hold it Now for their Metempsychosis it