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A22192 The key of knovvledge Contayning sundry godly prayers and meditations, very necessary to occupy the mindes of well disposed persons. Achelley, Thomas. 1572 (1572) STC 85A; ESTC S115874 47,179 372

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neuer at all otherwise enclined that then you woulde vouchsafe to take this booke in hand and turning to any title whatsoeuer● may serue your tourne to apply the prayer folowing vnto your present purpose But perchaunce you will say that there are alredy extant● diuers sundry bookes of prayers which haue bene set fourth by men of greater vnderstāding riper iudgement then I and therfore it was a needeles and superfluous trauaile to wade any furthar in that matter Indede Madame I graunt that ther are many praier bokes published but yet I am of this opinion that if there were ten tymes as many yet there were not to many For the common prouerbe is B●num quo ●●ōmunius eo melius The more common a good thinge is the better it is And therefore will I hardly be perswaded that my laboure could anye way haue bene better employed then in suche causes as concerne the aduauncement of Gods glory and the propagation of vertue VVell such as it is I haue presumed to offer vnto your honoures i●dgement with assured hope that you will deeme of it as your noble nature hath ben alwaies enclined to iudge of them that attempt the like enterprises that you will accept it as a sure tokē and testimonie of his loyall affection and readie dutie that would thinke himselfe happie to bee accoumpted but as the least in the number of those that woulde be allwayes at your Ladiships commaundement Thomas Achelley Morning Prayer O Almighty and moste mercifull Father who of thine vnspeakeable loue and pitie toward the disobediente and loste children of Adam when wee were caried awaye thorough sinne and ignoraunce to damnation folowing Sathan after the blind and vnbrideled lusts of the fleshe diddest reconcile vs to thee by grace and adopcion in Christ Iesus the righteous and immaculate Lambe by faith and sure confidence grounded on the merites of his death whereby we are redeemed from the eternall prison of death and damnation haue mercy vpon vs mos●e mercifull louing Father so quicken our dul and heauy mindes by the inspiration of thy holy spirite that we maye shake of this dead sleepe continualy watch in thee abandoning the worckes of darcknes and walking in the worckes of light whereby we may be worthy to walk in this holy vocation where vnto thou haste called vs and with thine elected sainctes to sing prayses vnto thee and at all seasons times to glorify thy holy name And among all other benefites which thou of thy free mercy doste dayly and hourely most aboundantly bestow vpon vs we yeeld thée mortall thankes for that thou haste vouchsa●ed to pres●rue vs both this night and all the time and dayes of our life vnder the shadowe and protection of thy winges keeping our eyes waking in thée without any idle dreames or phantasies that might disturbe our mindes from the meditation of thy grace and haste safely brought me to the beginning of this daye from the drousy graue of my bed which manifestly resembleth in lying downe my death and in rysing vp a manifest tipe and figure of my resurrection Therfore sith thou of thy mercy haste raysed me vp from this earthly reast wherein my mortall body and corrupt nature hath ben partly recreated from the laboures trauayles which I dayly sustayne in this terestrial pilgrimage vouch●a●e also I beséech thee to direct me with thy holy spirite both this day and euer that all my doinges maye tend to thy glory and to the commoditie of my neighbou● And graunt most merciful Father that the residue of my whole life frō hēceforth may he gided happly vnder thy tuition whereby all maner of darkenes misbeliefe infidelitie carnall lustes and affections may be vtterly chased driuen out of my hart and that I may be iustified saued both body and soule through a right and perfect fayth in Christ Iesu and so walke in the light of thy most holy word cōmaundements all the dayes of this my fraile and transitory being Arme vs with thy grace most mercifull father and strengthē vs by thine assistaunce to vanquishe the power of the sinfull flesh and Sathan that hauing victory in the end we may ioyfully triumphe in thy saluation that art the God of our strength and might Endue our blynde hartes with thy heauenly spirite that being strong in fayth although ●éeble in the flesh we may so rule the bridle of our course both now and euer from henceforth that we sleepe not in sinne as the vnbeleuers doo which haue no hope of resurrection in Christ Iesu but folowing the motion of their owne common sence are so linked and tyed to the ground that their grosse capacitie is not of force to loke vp and to be holde the brightnes of thy diuinitie which art God from the beginning for euerlasting world without ende To whome with the sonne the holy Ghost be al honor and glory for euer euer Amen A Prayer for Euening O Almighty and moste mercifull Father maker of heauen and earth with all that is therein whose works are insercheable whose mercy is in●●nite whose power is aboue the Cloudes of heauen we beséech thee of thy accustomed fatherly piety and pittie that thou wilte vouchsafe to be our watche man this night and euer to gard vs from all our enemies both bodily or ghostly that endeuour to disturb the externall rest of our body or to assalt the infernall Closet of our Conscience with any sinful suggestions or deuilish deuises of Sathan our mortall foe and deadly aduersary We acknolege and confesse moste mercifull Father that of our selues we are not worthy to lifte vp our eyes towarde heauen much lesse to presume in presenting oureselues before thy deuine maiestie with confidence that thou wilte heare our prayers or incline to our petitions if we call to remembraunce the vnworthines of our own merites and desertes for we are nothing else but a lumpe of sinne conceaued and borne in iniquity folowing the right path of our naturall imbecilitie and weakenes in Adam euer more prone and apt to folowe the filthy appetite of our own desire like vnbrideled Colts and reiecting the holsome discipline and instructions of thy most holy wil and commaundements Our own consciences accuse vs and our own sinz beare witnes against vs that we are nothing else but miserable wretches subiect to corrupcion clothed with iniquity and not of our selues able to thinck as muche as one good thought so that wée are not able to abide the extremitie of thy straighte iudgement knowing that by the worckes of the flesh we are condemned to deth yet quickned in the spirite and iustified by grace in Christ iesu Wee knowe most merciful Father that thou art a righteous Iudge such a one as visiteth the sinz of the Fathers vpon the Children to the thirde and fourth generation and doest not Iustify the synners and them that walk in the waye of iniquitie but punishest the falts of al such
perfect figure and remembraunce of thy bodie and the wyne of thy bloud whiche was shed vpon the Crosse for my redemptiō Geue me grace sweete Iesu to confesse my sinnes wyth the Publicane and to crye Lord be mercifull to me a sinner and that with Mary Magdeline I may washe thy feete with the teares of repentaunce geue me grace to reconcile my selfe to my brother while he is in the waye to examyne mine owne consience and if in ought I haue offended any man first of all to desire forgeuenesse at the hands of thy deuine Maiestie and next of him whome I haue trespassed I my selfe to forgeue all men whatsoeuer they haue done said or imagined agaynst mée euen as I hope to haue remission at thy Fathers handes of all myne offences by the merites of thy pretious deathe and passion Geue me grace to serch my conscience so narowly that if any one s●r●ple doe stycke in my mynde I may humbly confesse it before the feete of thy mercy crauing pardon therof with grace necessary to leaue a newe lyfe That with a p●●e hart and cleare cōscience confessing my sins from the bottome of my hart I maye this daye receaue the Sacrament of thy precious body and bloud to my soules health that thou from henceforth mayst dwell in me I in thee for euer whereby I may obtayne and attaine to that longe desired marke whereto the race of all true Christians tendeth that is euerlasting lyfe in that heauenly Ierusalem where all the elect Saintes shall liue for euermore worlde wythout end In the meane sp●ce vntill it shall seeme good to thy Ma●estie to abridge the course of my dayes in this lyfe I humbly desire thée moste sweete Sauiour to admit me to the cōmunion of thy Supper that I may be worthy to be accompted a member of thy mysticall bodie here in earth among the number of thy chosen Sayntes in thy congregation And after the receit of thy body bloud vouchsafe I bes●che thée to illuminate the eyes of my hart with the light of thy heauenly spirit that Sathā enter not into me as he did into Iudas but graunt that the rest of my lyfe may be so ordred that sinne may be subdued in me thy glory aduaunced thy faith embraced and thy holy commaundementes studiously followed through the merites of thy passion Amen A thankes geuing after the receauing of the Cōmuniō I Render moste hartie and infinite thankes vnto thée swéete Iesu for thyne vnspeakable goodnesse because thou hast fed me this day with thy most pretious bodie and bloude in the S●crament wherby I am iustified by an inmoueable and constante fayth in thy grace and passion being made an vndefiled member of thy church A Temple for the holy Ghost and a fellow heire or partaker in thy glorious kingdome in the bosome of Abraham where the spirites of the elect shall rest for euermore Graunt therfore sweet Iesu that this Sacramēt which I haue receaued may through the operation of the holy Ghost be to mee a purgation and clensing of all my sinnes a spirituall strēgthe agaynst my bo●●ly frailtie a preparature and preseruature against the tēptatyons of Sathan a bridle mean of restraint against the vntamed lusts of the flesh a defence against worldly troubles and aduersitie and finally a perfect medicine of lyfe and a continuall remembraunc● of thy blessed passion by meanes wherof I stande in assured hope of eternall saluation with frée iustification and remission of all my sinnes So that it may conduct and guyde me in the way and when I am out of the way it maye reduce me whē I slide it may vpholde me when I fall it may rayse me vp agayne when I liue it maye bée a salue to my soule when I am weake it maye strēgthē and confirme when I am in darkenes it may illuminate me wyth the light of true fayth and vnderstanding Let the receauing thereof excuse so effectuall an operation in my hart that I neuer ioye in other comfort but in thée that I neuer féele other sweetenes but thee that I neuer seke other place of refuge but thée that my mynd be enamoured vpō no other louer but thée that I séeke for no other succoure but at thée thát I trust in none other but in thée myne onely Lorde and redemer who didest not denie to haue thy moste pretious body scourged and mangled and thy bloud to be shed most aboundantly for my sake whereby I might be brought from errour to trueth from ignoraunce to vnderstāding frō darkenes to light from vanitie to veritie from mortalitie to immortallitie ●rō corruption to incorruption from damnatiō to iustification from eternall death to the incōprehensible ioyes of eternall ly●e and saluation ▪ To thee swéete Iesus wyth the Father the holy Ghost be all honour glory from thys tyme forthe for euer more worlde without ende Amen A prayer to be said whē ye take a iourney by lande O Almighty Lord most mercifall father the wachman of them that sleepe the Physicion of them that are diseased the comfort of thē that are afflicted the garder and protector of them that are in any daunger or aduersity vouchsafe I besech thée to sende downe thyne heauenly Aungell to be my guide conductor and leader in the waye where I walke that by thy gracious protection I may be defended frō all myne enemies bothe Ghostly and bodily from all perills or daungers that by any extraordinary meanes may be fall me if I be alone without company kepe my mynde free from all maner idle phantasies and fonde cogitatio●s that may withdrawe me from the meditation of thy heauenly word and let al my thoughts consist in the contemplation of thy comfortable promises and cōmaundementes And if it so chaunce that I trauayle in the companie of others I beseche thee so to direct my tonge that no word of ribaldrie or vnhonest talke proceede out of my mouth but that al my communications thoughts and déedes may tend to the aduauncement of thy glorie and to the edification both of me and all els that shall heare it Send downe most heauenly Father thy messenger to conduct me as thou dydst yong Iobias in his iourney to Rages whiche moste mercifully defended him from the iawes of the monstrous Fishe and from the power of the euil spirit Thou hast promised that thou wylt at all tymes be readie both to heare their prayers and minister present helpe to all them that vnfaignedly call vppon thy name encline therefore thine eare vnto me moste mercifull Father whiche powre foorth my prayers before the throne of thy mercie and vouchsafe to garde me vnder the shadow of thy winges that I may safely trauaile in trade of my vocation without daunger of anye ghostly enimie that may hurt the soule or anye other humaine chaunce or casualtie that may annoye the body Direct most mercyfull Father the proc●●se of my businesse to a happie and prosperous ende
the right hande of God the father from whence we looke for thy cōming again to iudge the quicke and the dead at what tyme we stād in assured hope to be made ioyntly possessours felowe heyres in thy kingdome in eternall ioy for euer Therfore swéete Iesu seing thou haste not spared thy owne pretious body but gauest it vp as a sweete smelling sacrifice on the aulter of the crosse therby so redeme me from death and to make a full satisfaction for my offences direct I besech thee my 〈◊〉 so in this lyfe that I maye be worthy of that v●catiō wherunto thou hast called me to haue an especial ●are and regarde of thy commaundementes and to folowe them as nearely as I can in all trueth singlenesse of hart to yeelde du● obedience to my betters to labour paynefullye and at tymes conuenient in my trade and at night when I lye downe to recreate my bodye after my daylye labours geue me grace to cōfesse my sinnes vnto thée to implore thy mercye with the teares of vnfaigned repentaunce And though my limmes take their naturall rest yet let my minde continually watche in thee exspectyng that ioyfull daye when I shal be made partaker of thy celestiall ioyes which shall neuer ende To thee sweete Iesus with the father and the holye ghost be all honor c. A prayer for Thursday morning O Almightie moste mercyfull father I hartyly beseeche thee vouchsafe to looke downe with the eyes of thy mercy vpō me a most vile and miserable sinner whiche lye here prostrate before the feete of thy mercy crauing remission of my manifolde sinnes and wickednesse from the very bottome of my hart acknowledging freely that I am no more worthy to be called thy sonne the multitude of myne offences is so great infinite Yet for asmuch as thou art the god and Father of all comfort which desirest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should tourne from his wickednesse and liue and like a true pitifull Samaritan art sory to sée mely thus wounded wyth the sting of sinne and iniquitie make me I pray thée by infusion of thy comfortable oyle into my woūds to run repentantly with the lost Sonne and vnfaynedly to bewaile myne offences at the féete of thy mercy crying Father I haue sinned against heauen and agaynst thee I am no more worthy to bee called thy Sonne make mee as one of thy hired seruants Geue me grace alwaies to repent my sinnes with a cōtrite hart before thy deuine Maiestie wythout eyther dissemblinge or cloking of them for thou art the god of light thou séest whatsoeuer is donne in darkenesse and from thy eyes there can bée nothing cōcealed haue mercy therefore most mercifull Father vppon me forgeue me my trespasses as I forgeue them that haue trespassed against me forgeue me my debt and haue compassiō vpon myne infirmitie for thou Lorde art a mercyfull God full of pitie compassion such a one as is sory for my afflictions with thée is aboundaunce of comfort plentie of redemption thou onely art the god of my health and saluation besides thee I knowlege none other god neyther in heauē aboue nor i● the earth beneth neyther in the water vnder the earth thō onely art almighty thou onely from the beginning art euerlasting world without ende O bowe downe thine eares most mercifull Father to the voyce of my lamentatiō for against thée onely haue I sinned thée only haue I offended and iustly for my disobedience prouoked thy wrath and indignotion against mée yet I poore sinner doe accuse my selfe vnto thée deare Father that I haue sore greuousely offended thy goodnesse Maiestie in committing of diuers manifold haynouse offences against thée for I haue not kepte the least of thy most holy and godly cōmaundemēntes but haue wandred astraye from my youth folowing myne owne vnbrideled affections declining frō the sacred precepts of thy holie lawe and starting aside like a brokē bowe I haue not honoured thée lyke my god I haue not obai●d thée like my Father I haue not serued thee like my creator but haue all my life tyme spurned at the waye of righteousnesse and vnderstanding offending thy diuine Maiestie euer both in thoughts words and dedes whiche continually I cōmit against thée O my merciful God and louing Sauiour I am sory for my sinnes euen from the bottom of my hart yea my soule mourneth most mercyfull Father to the death for the innumerable multitude of my sins The onely hope I haue of obtayning thy mercy is in the merites of thy Sonne Iesus Christ my Sauiour Thou hast diuers and sundry tymes by the mouth of thy holy Prophetes pronoūced forgeuenesse of sinnes if I repent from the bottome of my hart vouchsafe therefore most mercifull Father to looke vpon my misery as thou sparest thy plague from the great Citie of Niniue when they repented euen so most mercifull father withdrawe thy rod frō mée that lye prostrate at the feete of thy mercie bewailinge my sinnes wyth the vnfayned lamentation of hartye repentaunce Forgeue mée my offences most mercifull Father and renue a right spirit within me cōduct me by the vertue of thy grace to run the rest of this earthly course which yet remaineth that my footesteppes neuer slyde but that I may so spēd this day to the beginning whereof thou haste safely brought me and the rēnant of my lyfe in thys world that all my thoughtes wordes and works may tend to thy glory and to the cōmoditie of my neighbour so that I may haue a ioyfull resurrection at what tyme thy Sonne Iesus Christ my sauiour shall come to iudge both the quicke and the deade To whome with thée and the holy Ghost be all honor and glory for euer and euer A prayer for Thursday euening c. O Lorde whiche onely art god true gratious mercyfull which commaundest them that loue thy name to cast all their feare and care vpon thée promysing most mercifully thy selfe to bée their protectour from theyr enemies their refuge in dāger their gouernour in the daye their watchman in the night who kéepest Israell doest neither slumber nor sléepe but hast thyne eyes contineuallie bent vpon thē as the egle on her yoūgeons protecting them vnder the shadowe of thy power as the henne gathereth her chickens to geather couering them vnder the shadowe of her winges I besech thee of thy bountifull goodnesse O Lorde to forgeue me my sinnes wherein I haue offēded thee this day and heretofore in my lyfe tyme and to receaue me vnder thy protection this night and euer that I may rest in perfect quietnesse both of body soule Graunt most mercifull Father that the externall eyes of my bodie maye take their sound and naturall sléepe but let the inward eyes of my hart and mynde continually watch vnto thée that the weakenesse of the slesh cause me not to offende thy diuine Maiestie Let my mynd at all tymes haue an inward
as transgres thy holy lawes and commaundementes Notwithstanding most mercifull Father seing thou hast promised to here vs whensoeuer we repent vs of our sinz from the bottom of our harte and vnfainedly do call vpō thy name for help we haue presumed to appeale to thy Throne of mercy humbly cōfessing our manifold sinz and offences and crauing remission of our trespasses in the bowels of thy onely begotten sonne Iesus Christ our intercessor and sauioure Haue mercy therefore vpon vs O Lord and forgiue vs our offences instruct vs with thy holy spirite to enter into examinatiō of our owne selues by a stedfast fayth in Christ Iesu with worckes correspondent to the same we may earnestly and hartely repēt from the very bottome of oure hartes and euer hereafter to thirst after thy law and statutes euen as the harte desireth the brookes of water And last of all for as muche as it hath pleased thée of thy heauenly wysedome to prepare and orde●●e the night for man to rest and refresh himself after his dayly trauayles grant we beséech thée most mercifull Father that as our bodies do take a careles sléepe so contrarily our soules maye contin●allye watche in thée expectting dilligently that happy time when our Lord Iesus shal appear for our deliuerance out of this mortall life into another more blis●ull and happy life the ioyes wherof noe mans capacitie is able to conceaue much les is the tongue able worthily to expresse the happines thereof To that life we beséech the to bring vs for Iesus christ his sake A Prayer for the increase of fayth O Almighty and moste mercifull Father the euerlasting fountayne and well spring of al grace and goodnesse whose mercy is incomprehensible and power infinite thou the eternall Iehouah in whose handes are all the corners of the earth the strength of the hilles is thine also whose omnipotent power fashoned the Sea and prepared the dry land haue mercy vpon vs miserable and wretched sinners and encline thy fatherly eare vnto the voyce of our prayers Increase most heauenly father in our mindes the sparckes of true fayth and Christianitie that being alwayes garded with the defence of thy holy worde we may haue power and force to renounce and resiste the terrible inuasions of our mortall enimy Sathan who continualy rangeth about like a roaring Lion séeking whome he may denoure And sith wee are chaunced in these perillous tymes wherein noughte but iniquitie raigneth and Antechrist aduaunceth himselfe in thy temple exalting himself aboue all that is called God infecting thy poore disposed ●●ock with the poysoned dr●gges of damnable heresy illuminate we beséech thée moste merciful father our blinded eyes with the true light of thy heauenly grace that being armed with the shield of thy diuine inspiration we may therby be the more emboldned to withstand the dayly and innumerable assalts of our ghostly enemie that continually laboureth by all meanes possible to wreste the worde of trueth and vnderstāding out of our harts and to throwe vs headlong into the bottomlesse lake of euerlasting perdition and whereas withoute the inspiration of thy heauenlye grace we are not able so much as to thincke a good thought and much les able to resist the sinfull allurements of our corrupt flesh the world and the Deuill therefore we craue of thée most heauenly Father that thou wilte vouchsafe to make perfecte that good worcke which thou hast be gonne in vs not suffering those fewe sparckes of thy heauenly grace which thy spirite hath planted in our hartes to be extinguished or quenched by meanes of our weakenes and inconstancie but augmenting in our mindes the zeale of thy word we may be able to rēder an accoūpt at that dreadfull day of the hope and fayth which we haue in thée by the merites of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Messias and Sauiour whome thou hast vouchsafed to send into the earth héere to be incarnate of the pure virgine Mary and hauing receaued the image of our humanitie to offer him selfe as an acceptable sacrafice vpon the alter of the most bitter Crosse and by the ●ffusion of his moste precious bloud to pay the raunsome of our offences vnto thy diuine maiestie whereby he reconciled vs vnto thée our heauenly Father whereas otherwise we had beene subiect to the thraldome of euerlastinge damnation To thée with the same Iesus Christ thy sonne and the holy spirite covnited al three in Godhead and distinguished in person be all honor and glory for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for grace to perseuer in fayth O Eternal God and euerlasting Father the author and fountayne of all goodnesse the multitude of whose benedictiōs and benefites farre passe and excéede the compasse of humayne reason and capacitie indue our frayle minds with the grace of thy heauenly spirite that mortifiing our owne desires and affections our onely ioy delite may be placed in the perpetuall consideration of thy heauenly promises and renouncing all care and regard of worldly businesse which commonly withdrawes our mindes from the contemplation of thine infinite mercies we may be wholie addictted to the seruice of thy diuine maiestie in spirite and true humulitie of minde reioycing together in Psalmes Hymnes and spirituall Songes comforting one another in thy promise of that day wherin thou hast promised to make vs felow ●eyres of thine heuenly inheritaunce with Abraham Isaack and Iacob in that celestiall mansion which thou haste ordeyned for thine elect since the beginning of the world And because by reason of oure naturall corruption which we haue successiuely receued since the fall of oure great Grandfather Adam we are all naturally bente and inclined to goe astray strengthen most mercifull Father our féeble spirites with inspiration of thy heuenly grace that being armed against al the assaults of the flesh the worlde the Deuill and Antichriste that Capitall enimy of thy worde we may haue oure consciensces cleare from all maner temtations and altogether vacante to the Meditation of the promises expressed in the Gospell of thy sonne Iesus Christe our sauioure Endue vs with the diuine influence of thy spirite that we maye neuer be caried away with the fleshe but by the operation of thy grace in our hartes we maye be able to mortify subdue our carnal afections and wordly desires whereby our zeale may be the more enflamed to insue the heauenly motions of thy holy spirite which directeth the mindes of them that feare thée in the perfect pathway of lighte and vnderstanding Graunte this most mercifull father for thy Sonne Christe hys sake to whom with thée the holy Ghost be al honor and glory from this time forth for euermore A prayer for vnity in Religion O Euerlasting and moste mercifull Father the fountayne of all grace and goodnes which art the God of peace loue vnitie and concorde and the iuste reuenger of discētion debate and confusion thou séeste howe miserably thy holy congregation is rent torn and deuided into diuers
that I may returne with as good and perfect helth both of bodie and soule as I take my iourney so will I prayse thée in the congregation of the righteous with a Psalme of thankes geuing to thy name for euer and euer Amen A prayer to be sayde when ye make a voyage by sea O Almightie Lorde and most mercifull Father maker of al thinges who by thine insearcheable wysedome dyddest create that mightie globe of the world the heauens earth sea and all things els therin conteyned vouchsafe I beseeche thée to be mine aide and defence in this daungerous viage whiche I haue presumed to take reposing mine only trust and confidence in thy mercie to be deliuered and preserued from all maner daungers and ieopardies that may happē either vpon the sea or on the drye lande Thou knowest most mercifull Father that all those that trauayle by sea are subiect to the hazarde of diuers calamities eyther to be tossed at the pleasure of the winde and waues either to be dashed violently vpon the mayne rockes or to sticke in the quicke sandes or to be dispoyled both of lyfe and goodes by the tyrannie of Pyrates But yet what crosse or affliction so euer happen vnto me I muste acknowledge fréely that it is but a iust punishmēt for mine offences because from the firste house of my natiuitie I haue been more apt and prone to folowe the filthy app●tite of mine own desires then to exercise myself in the tr●e way of thine vndefiled lawe Notwithstanding what crosse soeuer thou shalt thinke good to lay vpon me yea although I were deuoured of the waues and swallowed downe into the deapth of the Whales bellie yet wil I not dispaire of thy mercie for thou art the same God for euer thy right hand is not shortned neyther is the greatnesse of thy power diminyshedde Whē●onas lay thrée dayes and thrée nyghtes in the Whales bellie yet diddest thou at last deliuer him safe and sounde and sent him to preach thy name to the great citie of Niniue Thou art yet the same God thou wast at the time neither is thy power abridged at all Although I were neuer so shaken with wyndes turmoyled with tempestes tossed with the waues yea although I were vtterlye deuoured of the Whale yet art thou able to deliuer me from all these daungers yea from the very iawes of death To thée therfore do I make my supplicatiōs to thée do I powre foorth my prayers for thou onely art the castle of my comfort my bulwarke my watchman my keeper my defender the sure rocke and hope of my saluation To ●hee only it belongeth to direct my course safelye into the hauē to protect and saue me frō the crueltie of the water to leade me forth to brīg me in to be my onely stay defence whether I sléepe or wake liue or die sincke or swim vpon the waters as wel as vpō the land briefly in all places in al times and seasons Thou knowest most merciful father that this trade is not of my deuising nor yet procéeding of any humaine inuention but thou of thy mere mercy didst reueale the mysterie therof to thy seruaunt Noe in commaundyng hym to frame an Arke that myght fléete vpon the floods wherin he and his familie onely were saued when all the worlde els for the greatnes of iniquitie perished altogether and were vtterly confounded in the waters Graunt therfore most mercyfull Father that this voyage whiche I haue presumed to take onely vppon a sure fayth affiaunce in thy mercy may turne me to no damage or misfortune but that I may be safely conducted both foorth and home agayne by thy merciful protection and assistance So wyl I yéelde thee immortal prayses for thy fatherly benefites and my tongue shal recorde the workes of thy glory for euer euer Yet Father not my wyll but thy wyll be fulfilled To thée with thy sonne Iesus Christ and the holy Ghoste thrée persons and one God be all honour and glory for euermore Amen A prayer for Munday mornyng I Render vnto thée immortall thankes most mercyfull Father for the swéete sléepe and comfortable rest that thou of thy mercy hast geuen me this night to recreate my wery limmes of the continuall labours and trauayles whiche I was borne to susteyne And for as muche as thou hast commaunded me by thy holye worde to redeeme the time and alwayes to be exercised in some good worke and neuer to spende the tyme in idlenesse I most humbly beseche thee that thou wylt vouchsafe to looke vpon me with the eyes of thy mercy and by the illumination and inspiration of thy heauenly spirite so to direct all my counsayles laboures and studies that beyng replenished with thy grace I may so spende this day according to thy most blessed wyl and ordinaunce that I may circumspectly shunne and eschewe all suche wayes as may prouoke or kyndle thy displeasure agaynst me or that in anye respect maye tende to my neyghboures dāmage Geue me grace to remoue the vayle of vanitie out of my hart that I maye alwayes haue thy feare before myne eyes lyuing honestly and vprightly in my callyng aboundyng in all maner good workes proceding from a sounde and vncorrupt fayth that my conuersation maye be founde pure before thée without either spot or blemishe my liuing maye be temperate modest with mediocritie a●d not sauouring of anye incontinencie or immoderate superfluitie whereby all my doinges maye be acceptable before thy diuine maiestie to the prayse and glorye of thy moste blessed name Styrre vp my mind continually to haue thy promises and benefites in remembraunce that all my thoughtes and cogitations may be exercised in the consyderation of them and not fallyng backewarde to my wonted iniquitie as the dogge vseth to returne againe to his vomite or the sowe that hath bene cleane washed to wallowe agayne in the myre Geue me continuall quietnesse of minde without anye vexation or sting of conscience that I maye haue some taste and féeling of thy euerlasting ioyes that these dregges chaffe of the worlde maye séeme lothsome and fylthy vnto me in comparison of those heauenlye pleasures that are prepared for the elect since the foundation of the worlde To which ioyes we besech thée most mercyfull father to bryng vs for Iesus Christe his sake To whom c. A prayer for Munday euening ALmyghtie moste mercyful Father whiche at the creatour of all thynges diddest by thy heauēly wisdome ordayne the daye for man to trauayle in and to exercise him selfe in the laboures parteyning to the trade of his vocation and the night for vs to re●● from our dayly laboures and to refreshe our fraile bodyes with some sweete and naturall sleepe whereby we myght be the better enabled euery man to laboure in his calling and profession according to thy holy wil and commaundements Uouchsafe we beseeche thée moste merciful father that we thy poore pylgrimes that dayly trauayle in runnyng this our earthly
race in hope to winne the crowne of euerlasting glorie by the merites of Christe Iesus may enioy continuall health of body soule this night euer and that we maye be preserued from al temptations of Sathan who is euer redy whē we be idle to seduce vs frō thée our Sauiour into the broade way of euerlastyng death and damna●ion And whēsoeuer our bodies take their naturall rest yet our myndes maye be alwayes bent and fixed vpon thée the eyes of our vnderstanding may alwaies watch in thee that art our onely Lord and moste mercyfull defender Geue vs grace whensoeuer we lye downe euery nyght to examine our conscience and enter into accompte of those déedes whiche we haue done the daye before and all the rest of our lyfe tyme And if we finde that we haue done any good déed geue vs grace to ascribe the same to thée that art the only fountayne and author of al goodnesse and to acknowledge fréely our own● imperfection howe that of our selues we are not able to thinke so muche as one good thought muche lesse to do any good or godly action that shoulde seeme to procéede of our owne forwardnesse or aptnesse thereunto for we are nothing els but sinne corruption and then howe shoulde an euyll trée bring foorth good fruite Agayne if we finde that we haue sinned agaynst thée eyther in thought word or deede as we do seuentie tymes seuen tymes euery day geue vs grace most merciful father to acknowledge if before thy diuine maiestie with the teares of earnest vnfaigned repentance to craue thy mercy with forgeuenes both of that and all other crimes and offences which we haue cōmitted againste thée since the tyme of our byrth Or els if we finde that we haue by any meanes endāmaged our neyghbour geue vs grace to recōcile our selues and to cleare our conscience before we lye downe wherby we may sléepe both swéetly soundly in Christ Iesus without any idle cogitatiōs or phantasticall dreames that may disturbe our myndes from the meditatiō of thy word and yf we dreame at all let vs dreame of thée our mercyfull Father and such godly lessons and precepts that we haue séene sléeping to folow prosecute the same actually waking Through Iesus Christe our only memediatour and sauiour Amen A prayer for Tuesday morning I Render vnto thée moste mercyfull father immortall thankes for that thou of thy mere mercye and Fatherly bountie hast graunted this night past to be prosperous and healthfull vnto me without any perturbation eyther of body or soule And because thou hast promised by the mouth of thy holye prophetes that thou wylt heare my voyce wh̄soeuer I call vppon thée by faith with humble supplications and repentance of my sinnes I beseche thée lykewise that thou wylt so prosper all myne actions and indeuours this present day that al thinges that I do say or thinke may redeunde to thy glorie to the commoditie of my neighbour to the dammage of no man whatsoeuer neyther in thought worde nor déede but that all my doinges maye be directed by thy gouernance to eschewe sinne to doe that is righteous in thy sight at all tymes in all places and in al respectes to haue a reuerent feare of thée before mine eies to walke circumspectly and so vprightly in my vocation to put of the person of Adam and to put on the newe man to order my conuersation agreable to thy wyll to serue thée in spirite and trueth with the sacrifice of thankes geuing and contritiō of hart to lay sure holde on the anker of fayth with an vndoubted and stedfast hope of resurrection to eternall life Illum●na●e myne eyes moste mercyfull Father with the beames of thy heauenly spirite that I walke not in darknesse as the children of vnbeliefe do which haue no hope to arise from the dead Geue me grace to abandon all worldly carefulnesse to tame myne owne lustes affections to do the thing that is right and diligently to walke in the light of thy cōmaundementes For thou onely art the true light thou knowest no going downe thou art God from euerlasting world without end Encrease most merciful father the gift of faith that I may truely beleue in thée in thy promises made vnto me and that neither by my negligēce nor by my infirmitie of the fleshe nor by greatnes of temptation neither by the subtill craftes assaultes of the deuil I may be driuen from faith in the blood of my sauiour Christe Iesus Strengthen moste mercifull Father my féeble nature against all assaultes of the worlde the flesh and the deuil that I may alwaies haue a sure cōfidence in thy onely mercie neuer to start away frō thy grace to seeke for helpe of man but continually to cleaue to the multitude of thy mercies who art able to exalt the humble and meeke to pull downe the mighty from the throne of their pompe and glorie Geue me grace to haue thee in minde whatsoeuer I doe to honor thee to feare thee to cal vpon thy name when I am in trouble and to repose my whole truste in the greatnesse of thy power and mercy with an assured hope to be preserued from all perils both bodily and ghostly and at the laste when I haue ended my race in this transitorie pylgrimage to obtaine the crowne of euerlasting ioye and felicitie in that celestiall Ierusalem whiche thou haste prepared for all them that feare thy name since the creation of the worlde throuh Iesus Christe our sauiour Amen A prayer for Tuesday euening O Almightie most mercifull father I acknowledge and cōfesse that I am not worthy to lift vp mine eyes towarde heauen muchlesse to presume to presēt miselfe before thy diuine maiestie I being but earth and asshes a lumpe of sinne and iniquitie subiect to death corruption if I enter into examination of mine owne desertes for the infinite multitude of mine offēces beare witnes against me that by mine owne workes I am vnder the dreadfull curse of the lawe and in extreme danger of euerlasting death and damnation for in sinne was I begottē and in sinne hath my mother conceaued me I confesse that there is no goodnesse in me but ani apt forwarde inclination to eschewe the good and to folowe the euill to raunge after the lustes of mine owne desires to wander astraye out of the way of righteousnesse and th●ough my dayly disobedience to kindle thy wrath heauie displeasure against me and contiqually to heape sinne vpon sinne to runne a madding after the phantasies of mine owne minde and neuer to harken to the voyce of thy cōmaundements Yet this one comfort haue I that Iesus Christ by his pretious death and bloodsheddyng hath payde the raunsome of my iniquitie made a ful agrement and perfect attonement betwene God and man being a continuall intercessor for me and a moste louing mediator betwixt his father me to appease his furie and to receaue
me into his fauour againe Therfore most merciful father séeing thou haste not denied to geue vp thine onely begotten sonne to the shameful death of the crosse to redéeme me from the bondage of death hell Inspire I beseche thée my minde with thy heauēly spirite that I maye doe suche thinges as please thee and turne to kill sinne with all other vngodly lustes concupiscence that I maye be made a sweete smelling sacrifice to thee and the temple of the holy ghost for euer that I may liue vprightly and honestly in my calling without reproofe ensuing the right pathe of thy holy commaundementes And for as muche as it hath pleased thee to ordaine the night for men to rest in and the day to labour graunt I beseche thee most merciful Father that I may so take my bodily rest that my soule may continually watche for that happie and ioyfull tyme when Iesus Christ shal appeare for my deliueraunce out of the miseries of this transitorie lyse And in the meane season that I be not ouercome by any phātasies dreames or other temptations but maye haue my minde alwaye fixed vppon thee to loue thee feare thee and rest in thee for euer Moreouer that my sleepe be not excessiue or ouermuche after the vnsatiable desyres of the fleshe but so much as maye suffise to content and satisfie my feeble nature wherby I may be the better disposed to lyue in al godlye conuersation to the glory of thy holy name and the commoditie of my neyghbour To thee with the sonne and the holy ghost be al honor glory for euer euer Amē A prayer for VVednesday morning O Almightie most merciful father haue pitie and compassion vppon the weakenesse of me thy vnworthy chylde and be thou prest and redy O heauenly father to helpe me with thy heauenly spirit to assist my weake spirite againste all assaultes of the wicked worlde the fleshe and the deuyll whiche striue continually with fayre allurementes and prouocations to drawe my mynde from thy commaundementes into the hartfull and damnable way of error and iniquitie but myne only stay and cōfidence is in the multitude of thy mercies with a sure and certayne hope that thou wylt so direct my steppes both this day and euer hereafter that all my thoughtes words deedes may be found acceptable in thy sight and accordyng to the godly liue and rule of thy vndefiled lawe Therefore I beseech thee heauenly father to shewe thy mercy vpon me and to prosper me in whatsoeuer I goe about in thy name so that thou geuyng me lyght I may learne to knowe what thinges are acceptable before thee and by the vertue of thy grace I may haue an earnest yeale desyre to folow the same in my life to ●ay glory the commoditie of my neighbour That thou being my guide and leader I may walke in the path of vnderstanding and righteousnesse without stumbling or wandring astray for in my selfe I haue nothing but mistrust and inabilitie to do any thing that maye please thée sauing only by the motion of thy holy spirit in my mind which spirit assureth my spirite that the meane to please thée is a constant and immoueable fayth in Christe Iesus with repentaunce of my sinnes and amendment of lyfe to ensue the steppes of equitie and vnderstanding to cleaue to the stedfast rocke of thy heauenly worde and promises to loue my neighbour as my selfe for hereby shall it be knowen that we be thy childrē if we loue one another to geue ouer my portion to the poore to take vp my crosse and folowe thée to abounde in all maner good workes whiche are the fruites of fayth in Christe iesu Geue me grace most mercyful father to kyll the buddes of sinne in my fleshe to bridle myne owne destres to kepe my body in subiectiō wherby I maye be sanctified in thee and made an vndefiled ●●●ple for the holy ghost ful of the spirite of trueth and vnderstanding And sith it hath pleased thee of thy fatherly pitie to preserue me from all perils daungers both of body and soule this night and al the rest of my lyfe tyme tyll this present houre I beseeche thee also most merciful father to protect me with thy grace all this daye euer hereafter that I may safely walke in my vocatiō with thy feare before myne eyes in all things that I take in hand And vouchsafe most mercyfull father so to direct the rēnant of my course which I haue yet to runne in this lyfe that at the laste I may come to dwell with thée in thy euerlasting kingdome and there to haue fruition of eternall ioye and felicitie through Iesus Christe our onely mediatour sauiour Amen A prayer for VVednesday euening O Mercyfull Lorde Iesu I beseche thée to be fauourable to me a wretched sinner that all my lyfe tyme haue folowed the lustes of myne owne minde and neuer harkened to thy voyce wherby I might liue in thy lawe that thou hast appointed for me Put away I beseeche thée all my sinnes out of thy remembrance washe me cleane with thy pretious blood sanctifie me with thy bitter passion and death clense me throughly restore me agayne to the innocencie whiche thou gauest me in baptisme that I may be truely regenerate borne a newe in thée my swéet sauiour only redeemer so that I maye acknowledge thée onely the author of my redemption and the principal cause of my iustification to shew my fel●e a thankefull Samaritane for that thou hast vouchsafed by thy death and bloodshedding to purge me from the leprosie of sinne and al kinde of vncleannesse yeelding thée immortal thanks continually for that all other gratious benefites which thou of thy fatherly liberalitie bountie vouchsafest dayly to bestow vpon me And among all the rest geue me grace swéet Iesu to haue alwaies in remembrāce thy sincere loue fatherly affection and gratious charitie towardes me in that thou hast vouchsafed to take my nature vpon thée to be made man in all respectes lyke vnto me sinne onely excepted and for my sake to be borne in a stable and as an infant to be wrapped in clothes to be swadled laide in a maunger there to be fed with the materiall milke of thy blessed mother the virgin Marie For my sake sweet Iesu thou hast susteyned hunger colde pouertie and many other agonies didst thou susteyne for me most miserable and wretched sinner Thou hast suffered thy selfe to be betrayed to be apprehended and taken shamefully to be bounde vnworthyly to be beaten cruelly to be condemned vniustly and to be brought to that shameful death of the crosse where for my sake thy pretious bodye was rent and torne and thy moste sweete blood aboundauntly shedde where thou yéeldedst vp the ghost to God the father and descendedst agayne into the graue lyke a dead man but dyddest ryse agayne the thirde daye and ascendedst into heauen where thou sittest at