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A19533 A short summe of the whole catechisme wherin the question is propounded and answered in fewe wordes, for the greater ease of the common people & children. Gathered by M. Iohn Craig, minister of Gods word, to the Kinges Maiestie. Craig, John, 1512?-1600. 1583 (1583) STC 5963; ESTC S111197 45,051 122

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are called the vessels of mercie Q How doth he shew mercie to them A. He giueth them the meanes whereby they come assuredly to life eternall Q. Vpon whom doth he shew iustice A. Upon all the rest of Adams posteritie which are called the children of wrath Q. When doth he this A. Whē he suffereth them patiently to walke according to their owne corrupt nature Q. What followeth vpon that walking A. Eternall perdition infallably according to Gods eternall decree Q. Doth God compell them to walke that way A. No but they willingly do embrace it against his word Q. How can men willingly embrace the way to perdition A. Because they are blinded and corrupted by Satan and their own lusts Q. May they embrace the way of life A. No they refuse it necessarily and yet freely without any compulsion Q. From whence commeth this necessitie A. From the bondage of sinne wherein they were cast by the fall of Adam Q. Is all Adams posteritie equally in the same bondage A. Yes no doubt but yet the chosen are redeemed through Christ and the others iustly left in their naturall estate Q. What thing then shall be seene perpetually in these vessels of wrath A. The glorie of Gods eternall and fearefull iustice Q. What shall be seene in the vessels of mercie A. The perpetuall praise of his mercie and goodnes through Jesus Christ our Lord. To whom with the father and the holy spirite be all honor and glorie eternally So be it A short and generall confession of the true Christian faith and religion according to Gods word acts of our Parliaments subscribed by the kings M. his houshold with sundrie others to the glorie of God and good example of all men At Edinburgh the xx of lanuarie 1180. and the 14. yeare of his raigne ⸫ VVe al and euerie one of vs vnder written protest that after long and due examination of our owne consciences in matters of true and false religion are nowe throughly re●●lued in the truth by the word spirite of god And therfore we beleue with our hearts confesse with our mouthes subscribe with our hands and constantly affirme before God and the whole worlde that this is onely the true Christian faith and religion pleasing God bringing saluation to man which is nowe by the mercie of God reueiled to the world by the preaching of the blessed Gospell and is receiued beleued and defended by many and sundrie notable Churches Realmes but chiefely by the Church of Scotland the Kings M. and three Estates of this Realme as Gods eternall truth and only ground of our saluation as more particulerly is expressed in the cōfession of our faith established and publikely confirmed by sundrie Acts of Parliaments now of a long time hath bin openly professed by the Kings M. and whole bodie of this Realme both in Citie and Countrey To the which confession and forme of religion we willingly agree in our consciences in all points as vnto Gods vndoubted truth and veritie grounded onely vpon his written word And therefore we abhorre and detest all contrarie religion and doctrine but chiefely all kind of Papistrie in generall and particuler euen as they are now damned and confuted by the word of GOD and Church of Scotland vsurped authoritie of the Romaine Antychriste ouer the Scriptures of GOD ouer the Church the ciuill magistrates and consciences of men all his tyrannous lawes made vpon indifferent things against our Christian libertie his erronious doctrine against the sufficiencie of the written worde the perfection of the lawe the office of Christ and his blessed Gospell his corrupted doctrine concerning originall sinne our naturall inhabilitie and rebellion to Gods lawe his blasphemie against our iustification by faith onely our imperfect sanctification and obedience to the lawe the nature number and vse of the holy Sacraments We detest his fiue bastarde sacraments with all his Rites Ceremonies and false doctrine added to the ministration of the true Sacramentes without the word of God his cruell iudgement against infants departing without the Sacrament his absolute necessitie of Baptisme his blasphemous opinion of transubstantiation or reall presence of Christes bodie in the Sacrament and receauing of the same by the wicked or bodies of men his dispensations with solemned othes periuries and degrees of mariage forbidden in the word his crueltie against the innocent deuorced We abhorre his diuelish Masse his blasphemous Priesthood his prophane sacrifice for the sinnes of the dead and the quicke his canonyzation of men women saints calling vpon angels or saintes departed worshipping of imagerie reliques crosses dedicating of Churches alters dayes vowes to creatures his purgatory praier for the dead praying or speaking in a strange language his processions and blasphemous letany his multitude of aduocates or mediators with his manifold orders and auricular confession his desperate and vncertaine repentance his generall and doubting faith his satisfactions of men for their sinnes his iustification by workes his Opus operatum workes of supererogation merits pardons peregrinations and stations We detest his prophane holy water Baptising of bels coniuring of spirites crossing fayning anointing coniuring his hallowing of Gods good creatures with the supestitious opinion ioyned therewith his worldlye Monarchie and wicked Hierarchie his three solemned vowes with al his shauelings of sūdrie sortes his erronious and bloudie decrees made at Trent with al the subscribers and approuers of that cruell and bloudie band coniured against the Church of God And finallye wee detest all his vaine allegories rites signes and traditions brought in the Church without or against the word of God and doctrine of this reformed Church To the which we ioine our selues willingly in doctrine faith religion discipline and vse of the holy Sacraments as liuely members of y e same with Christ our head promising swearing by the great name of y e Lord that we shal continue in the obedience of the doctrine discipline of this Church shall defend y e same according to our vocation and power all the daies of our liues vnder the paines conteined in the law and danger both of body and soule in the day of Gods fearefull iudgement And seeing that many are stirred vp by Satan and the Romaine Antichrist to promise sweare subscribe and for a time vse the holye Sacramentes in the Church deceitfully against their owne conscience minding hereby first vnder the eternall cloake of religion to corrupt and subuert secretly Gods true religion within the church afterward when time may serue to become open enemies and persecutours of the same vnder vaine hope of the Popes dispensation deuised against the word of God to his greater confusion and their double condemnation in the day of the Lord Jesus We therefore willing to take awaye all suspition of hipocrisie and of such double dealing with God and his church protest and call the searcher of all heartes for witnes that our mindes and hartes do fully agrée with
if eyther the brethren or other woulde haue further confirmation of this doctrine let thē reade the Institution of M. Iohn Calum and other godly men who haue written aboundantly for the defence of this doctrine according to the scriptures of God I doubt not but good men and such as are perswaded of the trueth will take this mine excuse in the best part and giue thankes to God for my labour taken for their comfort But as for the godles band of Atheistes and Apostates whom God hath ordained to distruction I care not what they shall iudge of this my simple writing paines taken for the instruction of the ignorant I woulde maruell greatly of the successe of our doctrine which is now impugned and pursued by men to the sight of the world of great estimation and iudgement if the same had not come to passe to the Prophets and Apostles in their age whose doctrine and religion was most faisty impugned and cruelly persecuted by the Sonnes of perdition Of this we are forwarned by the Apostles that men after the witnessing of the truth shall depart to their vomit againe and become Traitoures and persecutors of Gods trueth which they professed afore with vs. When we see this fierie tryall and fearefull iudgement in the Church let vs examine our selues be time and call to God for constancie in the trueth and praise his iustice in the blinding of those that in so great a light willingly and maliciously delite in darkenesse and blaspheme the way of righteousenesse Of this sort are sundrie of our nation whose blasphemous writinges come dayly to our handes to the tryall of our faith and constancie to the farther blinding of the reprobate and their greater condemnation in the day of the Lord Iesus Christ To whome with the Father and the holy Spirit be all honor and praise eternally Amen The first part Of the Creation and first estate of Mankinde Question VVHo made man and woman A. The eternall God of his goodnes Q. Whereof made he them A. Of an earthly bodie and an heauenly spirite Q. To whose image made he them A. To his owne image Q What is the image of God A. Perfect vprightnes in bodie and soule Q. To what ende were they made A. To acknowledge and serue their maker Q. How should they haue serued him A. According to his holy will Q. How did they know his will A. By his works word and Sacramentes Q. What libertie had they to obey his will A. They had free will to obey and disobey Q. What profite had they by their obedience A. They were blessed and happie in bodye and soule Q. Was this felicitie giuen to them onely A. No but it was giuen to them and their posteritie Q. With what condition was it giuen A. With condition of their obedience to God Q Why was so small a commaundement giuen A. To shew Gods gentlenes and to try mans obedience Q. What auaileth to know this felicitie lost A. Hereby we know Gods goodnes and our ingratitude Q. But we can not come to this estate againe A. We come to a better estate in Christ Q. What should we learne of this discourse A. That the Church was first planted blessed and made happie through obedience to Gods word 2. Of the fall of Man from God and his second estate Q. VVHat brought them from that blessed estate A. Satan and their owne inconstancie Q. How were they brought to that inconstancy A. Through familiar conference with Sathan against the word Q. What thing did Sathan first secke of them A. Mistrust and contempt of Gods word Q. Wherefore did he begin at their faith A. Because he knewe it was their life Q. How coulde they consent to their owne perditions A. They were deceiued by the craft of Satā Q. What was the craft of Satan here A. He perswaded them that good was euill and euill was good Q. How could they be perswaded hauing the Image of God A. They had the image but not the gift of constancie Q. What things lost they through their fall A. The fauour and image of God with the vse of the creatures Q. What succeeded the losse of the fauour and image of God A. The wrath of God and originall sinne Q. What thing is originall sinne A. The corruption of our whole nature Q. How doth this sinne come to vs A. By naturall propagation from our first parents Q. What are the fruites of this sinne A. All other sinnes which we commit Q. What is the punishment of this sinne A. Death of bodie and soule with all other miseries Q. What other thing did followe vpon this sinne A. A curse vpon the creatures and our banishment from the vse of them Q. But the most wicked vse them obundantly A. That is with testimonie of an euill conscience Q. These paines were ouer great for the eating of the forbidden fruit A. Their sinne was not the eating of the fruit simplie Q. What thing then properly was their sinne A. Infidelitie pride open rebellion to God Q. How can that be proued A. They consented to Satans lies mistrusted Gods word and sought to be equal with God Q. Wherefore are we punished for their sinne A. We are punished for our owne sinne seeing we were all in them standing and falling with them Q. In what estate is all their posteritie A. Under the same bondage of sinne Q. What naturall freedome haue we A. We haue freedome to sinne and offends our God Q. Haue we not power to serue and please God A. None at all til we be called and sanctified Q Haue we lost our mindes and wils A. No but we haue lost a right mind and a right will Q. Naturall men may do many good deedes A. Yet they can not please God without faith Q. Why did God suffer this fall of man A. For the declaration of his mercy and iustice Q. Declare that A. By his mercie the chosen are deliuered and the rest punished by his iustice 3. Of mans restitution againe and his third estate Q. VVHo called our Parents to repentance A. God onely of his infinite mercie Q. What did they when he called them A. They hid and excused them selues Q. But it was foolishnes to flie from God A. Such is the foolishnes of all his posteritie Q. How were they conuerted to God A. By the almightie power of Gods spirite Q. How did the spirite worke their conuersion A. He printed the promise of mercie in their heartes Q. What was their promise of mercie A. Uictorie in the seede of the woman against the Serpent Q. Which is the seede of the woman A. Jesus Christ God and man Q. How was his posteritie conuerted to God A. By the same spirite and promise Q. May we vnderstand and receiue the promise by our selues A. No more then blind and dead men may see and walke Q. What more is required for our
he called our Lord A. Because he beareth rule ouer vs and is heade to man and Aungel Q. Wherefore was he conceyued by the holie Ghost A. That he might be without sinne and so sanctifie vs. Q. What if he had beene a sinner A. Then he could not haue deliuered vs. Q. Was he onely made free from sinne A. No but he was also replenished with the holy spirit without measure Q. Why was the fulnes of the spirit giuen to him A. That he should bestow of y ● same vpō vs Q. Why was he made man like vnto vs A that he might dy for vs in our own nature Q. What thing followeth vpon his incarnation A. That life and righteousnesse is placed in our flesh Q. May not this life be lost as it was in Adam A. No fo● our flesh is ioyned personally with the fountaine of life Q. Then all men are sure of this life A. Not so but onely they who are ioyned with him spiritually Q. What auayleth then our carnall vnion with Christ A. Nothing without our spirituall vnion with him Q. What serueth his mothers Uirginitie A. It is a seale of his miraculous conceptiō Q. Was he holy through her virginitie A. No seing our whole nature is corrupted Q. Wherefore is she named in our beliefe A. That we may know his tribe familie Q. What can that helpe our faith A. Hereby we knowe him to be the Sauiour promised Q. Of what tribe and house was he promised A. Of the tribe of Iuda and house of Dauid Q. How did he redeeme vs A. He suffred death for vs willingly according to Gods decree Q. Why suffred he vnder the forme of iudgement A. To assure vs the better that we are free from Gods Judgement Q. But the iudge Pilate did pronounce him innocent A. That made greatly for our comfort Q. What comfort haue we by it A. That he dyed not for his owne sinnes but for ours Q. But the Iudge meant no such thing A. We looke not what he meaned but what God meaned by his wicked iudgement Q. Wherefore did he suffer vpon the crosse A. To assure vs that he tooke our curse vppon himselfe Q. What assurance haue we of this A. Because that kind of death was accursed of God Q. Was he also cursed of God A. No but he susteyned our curse Q. Was he guiltie before God A. No but he susteined the person of guiltie men Q. What comfort haue we of this A. He remoued our curse and gaue to vs his blessing Q. In what part did he suffer A. Both in body and soule Q. Wherefore that A. Because we were lost both in body and soule Q. What suffred he in his soule A. The feareful wrath angry face of God Q. What paine was that A. The dolours of death and paine of hell Q. How know we that A. By his praying sweating and strong crying with teares Q. How did he sustaine these paines A. Through faith patience and prayer to his Father Q. How do the damned sustaine these paines in hell A. With dispaired continuall blasphemy Q When did Christ discend to hell A. When he susteined these feareful paines vpon the Crosse Q. Why did God punish an innocent man so greeuously A. Because hee tooke vpon him selfe the burden of one sinnes Q. Was God content with his satisfaction A. No doubt for he of his mercy did appoynt it Q. Was his death also needfull for our redemption A. Otherwise the decree and the figures in the law had not beene fulfilled Q. If he dyed for vs why dye we A. Our death is not nowe a punishment for our sinnes Q. What other thing can it be A. It is made through his death a ready passage to a better life Q. What should we learne by all these feareful paines A. To know the terrible wrath of God for sinne and how deare we are bought Q. What comfort haue we by these sufferings of Christ our Redeemer A. This that the faithfull members of Christ shall neuer suffer them Q. But we were oppressed with the curse of the Lawe A. It is true but Christ tooke it vpon him selfe and gaue vs the blessing Q. What profit get we in speciall by his death A. It is a sufficient and euerlasting sacrifice for our sinnes Q. What doth this sacrifice worke perpetually A. It remoueth all euill things and restoreth all good things Q. Is there any priest sacrifice for sinne now A. None at al for Christ hath satisfyed once for all Q. But yet in our nature there are many spots A. Christes blood therefore doth perpetually wash them away Q. The memory and tokens of our sinnes may affray vs A. All punishments due for them were taken away by the suffering of Christ Q. But yet we finde sinne working in vs. A. The death of Christ doth kill the tyrannie o● it Q. Alwayes it remayneth in vs to the ende A. Yet through faith it is not imputed to the members of Christ Q. Wherefore was he buried A. To assure vs the better of his death Q. what doth his buriaell teach vs A. Continuall mortification of sinne Q. why did he rise before vs A. To assure vs of his victory ouer death for vs. Q. what fruit get we by his victory A. Hereby we are brought in a sure hope of life eternall It worketh newnesse of life in vs here And it shall raise vp our bodies againe in the latter day Q. why did he assend into heauen before vs A. To take possession of our inheritance in our name Q. But he said I shall be with you to the end A. He spake that of his spirituall presence Q. what doth he there now for vs A. He maketh continual intercession for vs Q. what kinde of intercession is it A. It is the continuall initigation of his Fathers wrath for vs through the vertue of his death Quest Is he our onely intercessour and mediatour A. No doubt seeing he onely died for vs. Q. What meaneth his sitting at the right hand A. The power he hath in heauen and earth Q what comfort haue we by his power and authoritie A. That we are in safety vnder his protection Q. For what cause will he come againe A. To put a finall ende to our redemption Q. What shall be that finall end A. Eternall ioie or miserie to euerie man Q. Is not that done in euerie mans death A. No for the bodies remain yet vnrewarded Q. Shall there not be a middle state of men A. No but al shal be brought to these twoends Q. Wherefore shall that be seeing some are better and some are worse A. All shall be iudged euill which are not the members of Christ Q. But how can the quick be iudged before they die A. Their suddaine change shall be in steede of death vnto them Q. But all flesh should go to the dust againe
Q. But by this way we are ioined with the wicked in one body A. That can not hurt vs nor profite them Q. VVherefore that A. Because we they are spiritually seperated Q. But they make the word and the Sacraments vnfruitfull A. Not to vs but to themselues onely Q VVhy is remission of sinnes put here A. Because it is proper to the Church members of the same Q. wherefore is it proper to the Church onely A. Because in the Church onely is the spirit of faith and repentance Q. who forgiueth sinnes by whom and where A. God onely through Christ in his Church here Q. How oft are our sinnes forgiuen vs A. Continually euen to our liues ende Q. what neede is there of this A. Because sinne is neuer throughly abolished here Q. How get we remission of our sinnes A. Through the mercy of God and merits of Christ Q. Is there any remission of sinnes after this life A. None at all albeit some haue taught other wise Q. Is the sinne and the paine both forgiuen A. Yes no doubt seing the one followeth vpon the other Q. But often times the paine remayneth after the sinne A. That paine is not a satifaction for sinne Q. what is it then seing it commeth of sinne A. It is a fatherly correction and medicine preseruatiue Q. what looke we for yet at the handof our God A. The resurrection of our bodies and life eternall Q. With what bodies shall we rise againe A. With these same bodies in substance as Christ did rise Q. But the Apostle saith that our bodies shal be spirituall A. That is in respect of their present estate Q. Of what condition shall our bodies be then A. Free from all corruption and alteration Q. Wherefore shall wee rise with the same bodies A. That they may receyue their rewarde with the soules Q. What admonition haue wee here giuen vnto vs A. That we should dedicate our bodies to the seruice of God Q. But the wicked shall be partakers of the same resurrection A. No doubt but to their greater confusion Q. Many doubt of this resurrection A. But we are sure that he whirh fulfilled the first promises can and will performe the rest Q. What kinde of life is promised to vs A. Life eternall without all miserie Q. What is prepared for the wicked A. Death eternall without all ioy Q. But yet they shall liue eternally A. That life shalbe to liue in death eternall Q. What admonition haue we hereby A. That we should waite continually for the comming of the Lord. Q. What other admonition haue we A. We should thirst continually for the eternall life Q. Is it inough to know these things to be true A. No but we must know and apply them to our selues Q. What are these Articles which we haue declared A. The ground and foundation of our faith and religion Q. How should we apply them to our selues A. By our owne true and liuely faith Of true Faith with the fruites Q. What thing is true faith A. An assured knowledge of Gods mercy towards vs for Christs sake according to his promise Q. Haue wee any naturall inclination to this faith A. None at all but rather a naturall rebellion Q. Who then worketh these things in vs A. Gods holy spirit doth seale them vp in our heartes Q. Howe can guiltie men bee assured of Gods mercy A. By the truth of his promise made to the penitent Q. Yet our guiltinesse can not but feare Gods iustice A. Therefore we set betwene vs and it the satisfaction of Christ The first fruite of faith Q. what is the first fruite of our faith A. By it we are made one with Christ our head Q. How is this vnion made and when A. When we are made flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones Q. was not this done when he tooke our flesh A. No for he onely than was made fleshe of our flesh Q. when are we made flesh of his flesh A. When we are vnited with him spiritually as liuely members with the head The second fruit of Faith Q. what thing get we by this vnion A. Wee are made partakers of all his graces and merits and our sinnes are imputed to him and abolished from vs. Q. what thing followeth vpon this cheefly A. Perfect iustification and peace of conscience Q. wherein doth our iustification stand A. In remission of sinnes and imputation of iustice Q. How can Gods iustice forgiue sinne without satisfaction A. Christ satisfied aboundantly the iustice of God for vs. Q. whose iustice is imputed to vs A. The perfect obedience iustice of Christ Q. Howe can an other mans iustice bee made ours A. Christ is not another man to vs properly Q. wherefore is he not another man to vs A. Because he is giuen to vs freely of the father with all his graces and wee are ioyned with him Q. How is iustification offred to vs A. By the preaching of the Gospell Q. How receyue we iustification A. By our owne liuely faith onely Q. Is not iustification offred to vs by the lawe A. Yes but no man is able to fulfill the Law Q. what if a man liue godly and vprightly A. No vpright liuing can be without faith Q. Is our faith perfect in all poynts A. No for it is ioyned with manifold imperfections Q. How then can it iustifie vs A. It is only y ● instrument of our iustification Q. What thing doth iustifie vs properly A. Iesus Christ onely by his perfect iustice The third fruite of Faith Q. Can our faith he without a godly life A. No more then fire without heate Q. What is the cause of that A. Because Christ sanctifieth all whome he iustifieth Q. Do not the good workes of the faithfull merit eternall life A. No for then Christ should not be our only Sauiour Q. Yet the good workes of the faithful please God A. Yes no doubt but yet through faith onely they please him Q. Wherefore please they not God seeing they are the workes of the spirit A. Because they are defiled with the infirmities of the flesh Q. Are then our good workes vnprofitable A. That followeth not seeing they please God haue rewarde both here hereafter Q. Doth the Gospell teach vs to condemne good workes A. No for it craueth continually faith and repentance Of Repentance Q. What thing is true repentance A. It is the hatred of sinne and loue of iustice Q. From whence doth this proceede A. From the feare of God and hope of mercy Q. How are we brought to this feare of God A. Through the preaching of the Law Q. How come we to the hope of mercy A. By the preaching of the Gospell Q. What thing doth repentance worke in vs A. Continuall mortification of our lusts and newnesse of life Q. Who worketh these two things in vs A. The spirit of regeneration through the death and
what ought to be and once shall be done Q. But all these things shall come to passe whether we pray or not A. No doubt yet herein we declare our good will to our Fathers glory Q. What should we gather of this A. This that he is not the childe of God that seeketh not this before all things Q. Pray we not here against our owne natural willes A. Yes no doubt for we desire them to be reformed according to Gods will The second part Q. What thing meane we by our dayly breade A. All things needfull for this present life Q. But he commaundeth vs to labour for it A. Our labors are vaine without his blessing Q. Why call we it ours seeing it is his gift A. Because wee aske no more then is giuen vs by lawfull meanes Q. Why aske we for this day onely A. To teach vs to be content with his present prouision Q. Then we must begge dayly at his hand A. Herein standeth our felicitie to depend vppon him dayly Q. Haue the rich neede of this dayly seeking A. Yes no doubt for riches haue not alwaies the blessing of God Q. What aske we in the two other petitions A. The continuall comfort of our soules Q. Why seeke wee the comfort of our bodies first A. To assure vs the better of our spirituall comfort Q. Declare that A. If he take care of our bodies howe much more shall he prouide for our soules Q. What seeke we in this fift petition A. Remission of our sins or spirit uall debts Q. Why are our sinnes called debts A. Because they binde vs to an euerlasting paine Q Wherefore craue we free remission A. Because by no meanes we can satisfie for them Q Is the paine remitted freely with the sinne A. Yes for Christ satisfied fully for vs. Q. Should euery man pray thus continually A. Yes for all fleshe is subiect to sinne Q. But some times men do good things A. Yet they sinne in the best thing they do Q. What profit get we by this petition A. By this way onely both wee and our workes please God Q Wherefore is the condition added A. To put vs in remembrance of our duety Q. What is our duety A. To forgiue freely all offences done to vs. Q Is this the cause wherefore we seeke remission A. No but we alleadge it for a token that we beare the inward seale of Gods Children Q. Which is that inward seale of Gods children A. The image of god who doth fréely forgiue Q. What doth this image worke in all his children A. Free remission of all offences done to them Q. What are they that will not forgiue A. Those that beare not the image of our heauenly Father Q. What thing aske we in the last petition A. Defence against all temptations to euill Q. Hath euery man neede of this defence A. Yes no doubt for without it no flesh can stande Q. Wherefore seeing we haue the spirit A. Because the dangers are great and many within and without vs. Q. By what way are we preserued from these temptations A. By the mightie power of the spirit working in vs. Q. Doth God drawe any man to wickednesse A. No for that is contrarie to his nature Q. Why then aske we this of God A. Because no man is ledde in sinne without his willing permission Q. Who doth leade men properly in sinne A. Satan and mens owne wicked lusts Q. When doth God willingly permit men to bee ledde A. When he deliuereth them to Satan and their own lustes Q. What moueth our good GOD to doe this to men A. His iustice prouoked through their ingratitude Q. What moueth Satan to leade men from sinne to sinne A. Malice conceiued both against God man Q. Doth all kind of temptations proceed of Satan A. No for God oftentimes doth tempt men also Q. When and how doth he this A. When hee offereth occasions to discouer their heartes Q. What things are discouered then A. Notable gifts of his or monstrous sinnes of theirs Q. Should we desire that we be not thus tryed A. No for that were not profitable for vs. Q. What should we gather of these last petitions A. That we commit both bodie and soule to Gods prouidence Q. What other thing should we obserue A. That we pray for the welfare of our brethrē Q. May we not change the forme of this prayer A. We may change the wordes but not the sense Q. But euery man may pray perticularly for him selfe A. Yet he may not exclude the welfare of his brethren Q. Are all things needefull for vs conteyned in this prayer A. Yes seeing the wisedome of God gaue it Q. What time chiefely should we vse praier A. At all times but principally in time of trouble Q. What if God delaye to graunt our petitions A. We should continue in praier with patience and hope Q. What should we hope of his long delay A. That he will turne all things to our comfort Q. What meaneth the clause added here For thine is c A. It declareth the cause and ground of our prayer to God Q. What other thing are we taught here A. That we should conclude our praiers with thanks The 7 part is The fourth part of Gods honour which is Thankesgiuing Q. VVHat thing is thankes or praysing of God A. It is to acknowledge him to be the author and fountaine of all good things Q. May wee not giue thankes to Angels or Saintes A. No for that were manifest idolatrie Q. Should we not be thankeful to men A. Yes but the thiefe praise partayneth to God Q. How should we praise our God A. With mind heart mouth and workes Q. What rule of thanksgiuing haue we A. The scripture and examples of his seruants Q. For what cause should we praise him A. For his infinite benefites corporal and spirituall Q. But we are oftentimes in great miserie A. Yet for that also we should praise him Q. Wherefore that A. Because hee turneth all things to our comfort Q. By whom should we praise him A. By Jesus Christ onely Q. Wherefore by him onely A. Because through Christ onely we receaue his graces Q. Where should we praise God A. Both publikely and priuatly Q. How long should we praise him A. So long as we enioy his benefites Q. How differ praier and thanksgiuing A. Praier seeketh and thanks graunteth our praier heard or delaied for our comfort Q. What other difference is there A. Praier in a parte may ceasse for a time but not thankes Q. What is the cause of that A. Because we haue alwaies some benefites of God Q. How should we then beginne and ende our praier A. Euermore with thankesgiuing to our God Q. Had the Fathers sacrifice of praise A. Yes and all that we do in faith is a sacrifice of thanks Q. What may we gather of all that we haue spoken A. That this is life eternall to knowe
It is to applie a common thing to an holy vse Q. Who may do this A. God onely we at his commaundement Q. Doth the consecration or blessing chaunge the substance of the Elements A. No but it chaungeth the vse onely Q. How long then remaine they holy A. So long as they are vsed in that action Q. What are they after that vse A. Common things as before Q. Do the Sacraments profite all the receiuers when they are administred A. No seeing they are receiued by some without faith for a time Q. Then the wordes of consecration haue no force A. They haue no force to imprint any qualytie in the elements of vertue or holines Q. To whom then are they spoken A. To the receauers and not to the Elements Q. What is the office of those wordes of Blessing A. To testifie the will of God to the people Q. In what language should they be spoken A. In the Receauers owne language Q. Where should the Sacramentes bee administred A. Publikely before the congregation Of the Receauers Q. To whome shoulde the Sacramentes bee giuen A. To all the members of the Church in due time Q. How should the Sacraments be receiued A. In a liuely faith and true repentance Q. What if faith and repentance be not A. Then double condemnation is sealed vp Q. Can the sinnes of the Ministers or others hurt vs. A. No for they are Gods ordinances Q. How should we prepare our selues A. We should trie our knowledge faith and repentance Q. Should these giftes be perfect in vs A. Not so but they should be sound and without hipocrisie The causes and number of the Sacramēts Q. To what end are the Sacraments vsed A. For the nourishment of our faith and for anopen protestation of our religion before men Q. To what other end serue they A. They craue the increase of newnesse of life with brotherly loue and concord Q. Did the Sacraments of the olde Testament serue for the same vses A. Yes no doubt as the Prophets and Apostles do testifie Q. How many Sacramentes hath Christ giuen vs. A. Two onely Baptisme and the Lordes Supper Q. Wherefore haue we onely these two Sacraments A. Because we neede both to be receaued and also feede in Gods familie Q. The Fathers had verie many sacraments V. Yet they had but two principals that is Circumcision and the Passeouer Q. What did these two testifie to them A. Their receiuing and continuall feeding in Gods houshold Of the Sacrament of Baptisme Q. What is the signification of Baptisme A. Remission of our sinnes and regeneration Q. What similitude hath Baptisme with remission of sinnes A. As washing clenseth the bodie so Christes bloud our soules Q. Wherein doth this cleansing stand A. In putting away of sinne and imputation of iustice Q. Wherein standeth our regeneration A. In mortification and newnes of life Q. How are these things sealed vp in Baptisme A. By laying on of the water Q. What doth the laying on of the water signifie A. Our dying to sinne and rising to rightepusnes Q. Doth the externall washing worke these things A. No it is the worke of Gods holy spirite onely Q. Then the Sacrament is a bare figure A. No but it hath the veritie ioyned with it Q. Do all men receiue these graces with the Sacrament A. No but onely the faithfull Q. What is the ground of our regeneration A. The death buriall and resurrection of Christ Q. When are we partakers of his death and resurrection A. When we are made one with him thorow his Spirite Q. How should we vse Baptisme aright A. Wee shoulde vse it in faith and repentaunce Q. How long doth Baptisme worke A. All the daies of our life Of the Baptisme of Children Q. How then may little children receaue Baptisme A. Euen as they receiued circumcision vnder the lawe Q. Upon what ground were they circumcised A. Upon the ground made to the Fathers and their seede Gene. 17. Act. 7. verse 8. Q. Haue we the like promise for vs and our children A. I no doubt seeing Christ came to accomplish the same to the faithfull Q. What if our children die without baptisme A. Yet they are saued by the promise Q. Why are they baptised seeing they are yong vnderstand not A. Because they are the seede of the faithfull Q. What comfort haue we by their baptisme A. This that we rest perswaded they are inheritours of the kingdome of heauen Q. What should that worke in vs. A. Diligence to teach them the waye of saluation Q. What admonition haue they hereby A. That they should be thankefull when they come to age Q. What thing then is Baptisme to our children A. An entrie into the Church of God and to the holy Supper Q. How doth Baptisme differ from the Supper A. In the Element Action Rites and signification Q. Wherefore is Baptisme once administred only A. Because it is inough to be once receyued into Gods familie Q. Why is the Lords Supper so often administred A. Because we haue neede to be fedde continually Q. Why is not the Lords Supper ministred also to infants A. Because they can not examine themselues Of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Q. What signifieth the Lords Supper to vs A. That our soules are fedde with the body and bloud of Christ Q. Why is this represented by breade and wine A. Because what the one doth to the bodye the same doth the other to the soule spiritually Q. But our bodies are ioyned corporally with the Elements or outwarde signes A. Euen so are our soules ioyned spiritually with Christ his body Q. What neede is there of this vnion with him A. Otherwise we can not enioy his benefits Q. Declare that in the Sacrament A. As we see the Elements giuen vs to feeds our bodies Euen so we see by saith Christ giue his body to vs to feede our soules Q. Did he not giue it vpon the Crosse for vs A. Yes and here he giueth the same body to be our spirituall foode which we receiue and feede on by faith Q. When is his body and bloud our foode A. When we feele the efficacie and power of his death in our consciences Q. By what way is this done A. By his offring and our receyuing of it Q. How doth he offer his bodie and bloude A. By the worde and Sacraments Q. How receiue we his bodie and bloude A. By our owne liuely faith onely Q. What followeth vpon this recyuing by faith A. That Christ dwelleth in vs and we in him Q. Is not this done by the Worde and Baptisme A. Yes but our ioyning with Christ is more euident and manifest here Q. Wherefore is it more euident A. Because it is expressed by meate drinke ioyned with vs inwardly in our bodies The parts of the Sacrament and their signification Q. What signifieth this breade and wine to vs A. Christes body and bloud once offered vppon the Crosse for vs and
now giuen to vs to be the foode of our soules Q. What signifieth that breaking of that breade A. The breaking and suffering of Christs bodie vpon the Crosse Q. What meaneth the powring out of the wine A. The shedding of his bloud euen to the death Q. Whereunto then doth the Supper leade vs A. Directly to the Crosse and death of Christ Q. Should we offer him againe for our sinnes A. No for Christ did that once for all vpon the Crosse Q. What things are we commanded to do here A. To take it eate it and drinke it in his remembrance Q. what meaneth the giuing of that bread wine A. The giuing of Christes body and bloud to our soules Q. Is it not first giuen to our bodies A. No for it is the onely foode of our soules Q. What signifieth the taking of that breade and wine A. The spirituall receyuing of Christes bodie in our soules Q. What meaneth our corporal eating and drinking here A. Our spirituall feeding vpon the bodie and bloud of Christ Q. By what way is this done Q. By the continuall exercise of our faith in Christ Q. What meaneth the neare coniunction we haue with meate and drinke A. That spiritual vnion which we haue with Jesus Christ Q. What signifieth the comfort which we receiue of meate and drinke A. The spirituall fruites which we receiue of Christ Q. Why is both meate and drinke giuen here A. To testifie that Christ onely is the whole foode of our soules Q. Doth the Cuppe appertaine to the common people A. Yes and the wisedom of God did so teach and command Mat. 26. 27. Q. Is Christes body and bloud in that bread● and wine A. No his body and bloud is only in heauen Q. Why then are the Elements called his bodie and bloud A. Because they are sure seales of his bodie and bloud giuen to vs. Christes naturall bodie is receyued Q. Then we receiue onely the tokens and not his bodie A. Wee receiue his very substantiall bodie and bloud by faith Q. How can that be proued A. By the truth of his worde and nature of a Sacrament Q. But his naturall bodie is in heauen A. I no doubt but yet we receiue it in earth by faith Q. How can that be A. By the wonderfull working of the holie spirite Q. What thing should we behold in this Sacramēt A. The visible foode of our bodies and the inwarde foode of our soules Q. Should we seeke the foode of our soules in the elements of bread and wine A. No for they were not giuen to that ende Q. To what ende then were they giuen A. To leade vs directly to Christ who onely is the foode of our soules Q. What profite shall our bodies haue by this Sacrament A. It is a pledge of our resurrection by Christ Q. Wherefore that A. Because our bodies are partakers of the signe of life The order and vse of this Sacrament Q. How should this Sacrament bee administred and vsed A. As Christ with his Apostles did practise and command Q. May the Minister alone vse it in the name of the rest A. No for it is a common publike banquet Q. What thing maketh this action holy A. Christes ordinance practised by the lawfull Minister Q. How is it made fruitfull A. Through the true faith of the receyuers Q. To whome should this Sacrament be giuen A. To all that belieue and can examine them selues How we should prepare our selues Q. What should they examine A. If they be the liuely members of Christ Q. How may they knowe this secret A. By their owne faith and repentance Q. How may faith and repentance be knowne A. By their fruites agreeable to the first and second table Q But al mens faith repentance is imperfect A. Therefore we come to the Sacrament for remedie Q. What kind of faith repentance is required A. That which is true vpright and not counterfaited Q. What receyue they that come with guiltie conscience A. They eate drinke their own damnation Q. How can Christ receyued bring damnation A. He is not receyued with the wicked but refused and that by dissimulation and abuse of the Sacrament Q. Then it is best to abstaine from the Sacramēt A. We are not so commanded but to examine and prepare our selues Q. What if men can not examine them selues A. Then ●hey should reade the Scriptures and consult with their pastors Q. What if men will not vse these meanes A. Then they deceiue them selues and abuse the Sacrament Q. What if the Minister admitte such carelesse men A. He doth then prophane this holy sacrament Of the Ministery of men and the discipline Q. How shoulde men bee excluded from the Sacrament A. By the iudgemēt of the elders of the church Q. What kinde of men should be excluded A. All infidels and publike slaunderers of the Church Q. What if their crime be secrete A. Thē they should be left to their own iudge Q. Wherefore are men excluded from the Sacramentes A. Least they should hurt themselues slaunder the Church and dishonour God Q. By whom and when should such persons bee admitted A. By the Eldershippe after iust tryall of their repentance Q. Who established this order in the Church A. Iesus Christ by his worde his Apostles Q. What is the office of this eldership A. They should watch vpon the manners of men and exercise the discipline Q. What authoritie haue they A. Authoritie to binde and lose in earth Q. May they do this at their owne pleasure A. No for their authoritie is bounde to the worde Q. Wherein then serueth the ciuill Magistrat A. He should cause all things to be done according to Gods word and defend the discipline Q. Doth the care of the religion appertaine to him A I no doubt seeing he is raised chiefly for this cause Q. May the Magistrat vse the office of the Ministers A. No but he chargeth them to vse their own office Q. What may the Eldershippe doe to the Magistrate A. Admit him to the Sacraments or exclude according to the word of God Q. May the Minister vse the office of the Magistrate A. No for they should not be entangled with worldly affaires Two Iurisdictions in the Church Q. Howe manie Iurisdictions are then in the Church A. Two one spirituall and another ciuile Q. Howe do they agree in the Church A. As the mouth and hande of God Q. To what ende were they established in the Church A. For the planting and preseruation of the same Q. How far should we obey these Iurisdictions A. So farre as their commandement agreeth with the worde Q. What should we doe when they are both against the Church A. We should remaine with the Church of GOD. Q. But they will say the Church must needes be with them A. We should try their sayings by the tokens of the true Church Q. What are these tokens or markes