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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A18413 The gentleman vsher. By George Chapman Chapman, George, 1559?-1634. 1606 (1606) STC 4978; ESTC S107952 44,789 76

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you be well I will be well though sicke Your selfe alone my compleat world shall be Euen from this houre to all eternity Vin. It is inough and binds as much as marriage Enter Bassiolo Bass. I le see in what plight my poore louer stands Gods me a beckons me to haue me gone It seemes hee s entred into some good vaine I le hence loue cureth when he vents his paine Exit Vin. Now my sweet life we both remember well What we haue vow'd shall all be kept entire Maugre our fathers wraths danger and death And to confirme this shall we spend our breath Be well aduisde for yet your choice shall be In all things as before as large and free Mar. What I haue vow'd I le keepe euen past my death Vin. And I and now in token I dissolue Your virgin state I take this snowie vaile From your much fairer face and claime the dues Of sacred nuptialls and now fairest heauen As thou art infinitely raisde from earth Diffrent and opposite so blesse this match As farre remou'd from Customes popular sects And as vnstaind with her abhorr'd respects Enter Bassiolo Bass. Mistris away Pogio runnes vp and downe Calling for Lord Vincentio come away For hitherward he bends his clamorous haste Mar. Remember loue Exit Mar. and Bassiolo Vin. Or else forget me heauen Why am I sought for by this Pogio The Asse is great with child of some ill newes His mouth is neuer fill'd with other sound Enter Pogio. Pog. Where is my Lord Vincentio where is my Lord Vin. Here he is Asse what an exclaiming keep'st thou Pog. Slood my Lord I haue followed you vp and downe like a Tantalus pig till I haue worne out my hose here abouts I le be sworne and yet you call me Asse still But I can tell you passing ill newes my Lord Uin. I know that well sir thou neuer bringst other what 's your newes now I pray Pog. O Lord my Lord vncle is shot in the side with an arrow Vin. Plagues take thy tongue is he in any danger Pog. O danger I he haz lien speechlesse this two houres And talkes so idlely Vin. Accursed newes where is he bring me to him Pog. Yes do you lead and I le guide you to him Exeunt Enter Strozza brought in a Chaire Cynanche Benenemus with others Cyn. How fares it now with my deare Lord and husband Stro. Come neere me wife I fare the better farre For the sweete foode of thy diuine aduice Let no man value at a little price A vertuous womans counsaile her wing'd spirit Is featherd herd oftentimes with heauenly words And like her beautie rauishing and pure The weaker bodie still the stronger soule When good endeuours do her powers applie Her loue drawes neerest mans felicitie O what a treasure is a vertuous wife Discreet and louing Not one gift on earth Makes a mans life so highly bound to heauen She giues him double forces to endure And to enioy by being one with him Feeling his Ioies and Griefes with equall sence And like the twins Hypocrates reports If he fetch sighes she drawes her breath as short If he lament she melts her selfe in teares If he be glad she triumphs if he stirre She moou's his way in all things his sweete Ape And is in alterations passing strange Himselfe diuinely varied without change Gold is right pretious but his price infects With pride and auarice Aucthority lifts Hats from mens heades and bowes the strongest knees Yet cannot bend in rule the weakest hearts Musicke delights but one sence Nor choice meats One quickly fades the other stirre to sinne But a true wife both sence and soule delights And mixeth not her good with any ill Her vertues ruling hearts all powres command All Store without her leaues a man but poore And with her Pouertie is exceeding Store No time is tedious with her her true woorth Makes a true husband thinke his armes enfold With her alone a compleate worlde of gold Cyn. I wish deare loue I coulde deserue as much As your most kinde conceipt hath well exprest But when my best is done I see you wounded And neither can recure nor ease your pains Stro. Cynanche thy aduise hath made me well My free submission to the hand of heauen Makes it redeeme me from the rage of paine For though I know the malice of my wound Shootes still the same distemper through my vaines Yet the Iudiciall patience I embrace In which my minde spreads her impassiue powres Through all my suffring parts expels their frailetie And rendering vp their whole life to my soule Leaues me nought else but soule and so like her Free from the passions of my fuming blood Cyn. Would God you were so and that too much payne Were not the reason you felt sence of none Stro. Thinkst thou me mad Cynanche for mad men By paynes vngouernd haue no sence of payne But I I tell you am quite contrary Easde with well gouerning my submitted payne Be cheerd then wife and looke not for in mee The manners of a common wounded man Humilitie hath raisde me to the starres In which as in a sort of Cristall Globes I sit and see things hidde from humane sight I euen the very accidents to come Are present with my knowledge the seuenth day The arrow head will fall out of my side The seauenth day wife the forked head will out Cyn. Would God it would my Lord and leaue you wel Stro. Yes the seuenth day I am assurd it will And I shall liue I know it I thanke heauen I knowe it well and I le teach my phisition To build his cares heereafter vpon heauen More then on earthly medcines for I knowe Many things showne me from the op'ned skies That passe all arts Now my phisition Is comming to me he makes friendly haste And I will well requite his care of mee Cyn. How knowe you he is comming Stro. Passing well and that my deare friend lord Vincentio Will presently come see me too I le stay My good phisition till my true friend come Cyn. Ay me his talke is idle and I feare Foretells his reasonable Soule now leaues him Stro. Bring my Physition in hee 's at the doore Cyn. Alas there 's no Physition Stro. But I know it See he is come Enter Benouemius Ben. How fares my worthy Lord Stro. Good Doctor I endure no paine at all And the seauenth day the arrowes head will out Ben. Why should it fall out the seuenth day my Lord Stro. I know it the seuenth day it will not faile Ben. I wish it may my Lord S●ro. Yes t' will be so You come with purpose to take present leaue But you shall stay a while my Lord Vincentio Would see you faine and now is comming hither Ben. How knowes your Lordship haue you sent for him Stro. No but t' is very true hee 's now hard by And will not hinder your affaires a whit Ben. How want of rest distempers his light braine Brings my
you Cor. Nay sit but you shall heare him further yet Bass. Were not her head sometimes a little light And so vnapt for matter of much weight She were the fittest and the worthiest Dame To leape a window and to breake her necke That euer was Cor. Gods pitty arrant knaue I euer thought him a dissembling varlot Bass. Well now my hearts be warie for by this I feare the Duke is comming I le go watch And giue you warning I commend me t' ee Exit Vin. O fine phrase Mar. And very timely vsde Vin. What now sweete life shall we resolue vpon We neuer shall inioy each other heere Mar. Direct you then my Lord what we shall doe For I am at your will and will indure With you the cruellst absence from the state We both were borne too that can be supposde Vin. That would extreamely greeue me could my selfe Onely indure the ill our hardest fates May lay on both of vs I would not care But to behold thy sufferance I should die Mar. How can your Lordship wrong my loue so much To thinke the more woe I sustaine for you Breedes not the more my comfort I alas Haue no meane else to make my merit euen In any measure with your eminent worth Enter Bassiolo Bas. Now must I exercise my timorous louers Like fresh arm'd souldiers with some false alarms To make them yare and warie of their foe The boistrous bearded Duke I le rush vpon them With a most hideous cry the Duke the Duke the Duke Ha ha ha wo ho come againe I say The Duke 's not come ifaith Vin. Gods precious man What did you meane to put vs in this feare Bass O sir to make you looke about the more Nay we must teach you more of this I tell you What can you be too safe sir what I say Must you be pamperd in your vanities Ah I do domineere and rule the rost Exit Mar. Was euer such an Ingle would to God If t were not for our selues my father saw him Las. Minion you haue your praier and my curse For your good Huswiferie Med. What saies your Highnesse Can you indure these iniuries any more Alp. No more no more aduise me what is best To be the penance of my gracelesse sonne Med. My Lord no meane but death or banishment Can be fit penance for him if you meane T' inioy the pleasure of your loue your selfe Cor. Giue him plaine death my Lord and then y' are sure Alp. Death or his banishment he shall indure For wreake of that ioyes exile I sustaine Come call our Gard and apprehend him strait Exeunt Vin. I haue some Iewells then my dearest life Which with what euer we can get beside Shall be our meanes and we will make escape Enter Bassiolo running Bas. Sblood the Duke and all come now in earnest The Duke by heauen the Duke Vin. Nay then ifaith Your ieast is too too stale Bass. Gods pretious By these ten bones and by this hat and heart The Duke and all comes see we are cast away Exeunt Enter Alphonso Medice Lasso Cortezza and Iulio Alp. Lay hands vpon them all pursue pursue Lass. Stay thou vngracious girle Alp. Lord Medice Leade you our Guard and see you apprehend The treacherous boy nor let him scape with life Vnlesse he yeilde to his externall exile Med. T' is princely said my Lord Exit Lass. And take my Vsher Mar. Let me goe into exile with my Lord I will not liue if I be left behinde Lass. Impudent Damzell wouldst thou follow him Mar. He is my husband whom else should I follow Lass. Wretch thou speakest treason to my Lord the Duke Alp. Yet loue me Lady and I pardon all Mar. I haue a husband and must loue none else Alp. Dispightfull Dame I le dis inherit him And thy good Father heere shall cast off thee And both shall feede on ayre or starue and die Mar. If this be iustice let it be our doomes If free and spotlesse loue in equall yeares With honours vnimpaired deserue such ends Let vs approue what iustice is in friends Lass. You shall I sweare sister take you her close Into your chamber locke her fast alone And let her stirre nor speake with any one Cor. She shall not brother come Necce come with me Mar. Heauen saue my loue and I will suffer gladly Exeunt Cor. Mar. Alp. Haste Iulio follow thou my sons pursuit And will Lord Medice not to hurt nor touch him But either banish him or bring him backe Charge him to vse no violence to his life Iulio I will my Lord Exit Iulio Alp. O Nature how alas Art thou and Reason thy true guide opposde More bane thou tak'st to guide Sense led amisse Then being guided Reason giues thee blisse Exeunt Enter Cynanche Beneuenius Ancilla Strozza hauing the Arrow head Stro. Now see good Doctor t' was no frantike fancie That made my tongue presage this head should fall Out of my wounded side the seuenth day But an inspired rapture of my minde Submitted and conioynde in patience To my Creator in whom I fore-saw Like to an Angell this diuine euent Ben. So is it plaine and happily approu'd In a right christian president confirming What a most sacred medcine Patience is That with the high thirst of our soules cleare fire Exhausts corpore ill humour and all paine Casting our flesh off while we it retaine Cy. Make some religious vow then my deare Lord And keepe it in the proper memorie Of so Celestiall and free a grace Str Sweete wife thou restest my good Angell still Suggesting by all meanes these ghostly counsailes Thou weariest not thy husbands patient eares With motions for new fashions in attire For change of Iewells pastimes and nice cates Nor studiest eminence and the higher place Amongst thy consorts like all other Dames But knowing more worthy obiects appertaine To euery woman that desires t' inioy A blessed life in mariage thou contemn'st Those common pleasures and pursu'st the rare Vsing thy husband in those vertuous gifts For which thou first didst choose him and thereby Cloy'st not with him but lou'st him endlesly In reuerence of thy motion then and zeale To that most soueraigne power that was my cure I make a vow to goe on soote to Rome And offer humbly in S. Peters Temple This fatall Arrow head which work let none iudge A superstitious Rite but a right vse Proper to this peculiar instrument Which visiblie resignde to memorie Through euery eye that sees will stirre the soule To Gratitude and Progresse in the vse Of my tried patience which in my powers ending Would shut th' example out of future liues No act is superstitious that applies All power to God deuoting hearts through eyes Ben. Spoke with the true tongue of a Nobleman But now are all these excitations toyes And Honor fats his braine with other ioyes I know your true friend Prince Vincentio Will triumph in this excellent effect Of your late prophecie Stro. O