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A10874 Life after death Containing many religious instructions and godly exhortations, for all those that meane to liue holy, and dye blessedly. With the manner of disposing ones selfe to God, before, and at the time of his departure out of this world. With many prayers for the same purpose By Francis Rodes. Rodes, Francis, Sir, ca. 1595-1646. 1622 (1622) STC 21140; ESTC S112044 39,083 228

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it He shootes not well that lookes not on the marke and hee cannot liue well that hath not an eye to his death The happinesse of this life consists not in the length of time but in the well vsing of time for the vnprofitable part of mans life is death Our life is not to be measured according to the time but according to our actions it imports not how long we liue but how well Non quàm diu sed quàm benè Life is long enough if we can but tell how to vse it In the longest life of all the time which wee doe truly liue is the least of all considering how much of our life is spent in griefe how much in cares how much in sicknesse how much in feares how much in our young and vnprofitable yeeres and briefly how much in sleepe wherin in a manner we spend a moity of our liues We receiued not a little short life but haue made it so our selues euen as great wealth when it comes into the hands of an vnthrift is wasted in a moment and meane riches on the contrary increase by the good imployment of one that is thrifty euen so this our age is wonderfully extended by him that can dispose well of it The swiftnesse of time is incomprehensible and so it appeares principally to those that looke backward to it and considering the swift and violent course of time it is most strange that the greatest part thereof should bee imployed so much in superfluous things of pleasure or delight So swift is the flight of time as that the time we liue is but as it were a minute and lesse then a minute if it were possible and yet notwithstanding as little as it is Nature hath distributed diuided it into many degrees whereof part she hath allotted vnto Infancie part to Adolescencie part to middle age and part to old age the next neighbour age to death Infancie is scarcely perceiued youth is quickly ouer-blowne middle age stayes not old age is not long Of all ages of our life onely old age is not limited but all the exercises of precedent times and the delights and pleasures of youth do end and vanish in old age why then should any thirst after this life which in effect is no better then a labourers worke spent in toyle and trauell consuming it selfe in vanities ebbing away in words hauing a mansion place in dust and a life in slime and clay without resolution or constancy What pleasure then can there be in this life when the pleasures thereof are nothing but vanities and all the felicity thereof only splendida miseria a shining miserie nay which is worse affliction of spirit for where the loue of this world enters there is no longer rest or quiet of minde but warre of desires vexatiō of thoughts feares cares and vnquietnesse of soule which in deede is a most miserable and pittifull affliction of spirit All the commodities of this world are mixed with discommodities lest wee should loue them too much and all the delights thereof are counterpoized with discontentments the grieuous counterpoize wherof makes the miseries of this world most intolerable which made Iob to detest the very day of his birth saying Let the day wherein I was borne perish and made Salomon to cōmend the condition of the dead before the liuing and to hold him better then them both that neuer was borne by reason he neuer walked in the vanities of this life nor euer saw the wicked workes that are committed vnder the Sunne O miserable and most deceitfull world whose miseries are voyd of all consolation and whose happinesse is mingled with all kinde of misery It deceiues them that trust it afflicts them that serue it damnes them that follow it and soonest of all forgets them that labour most of all for it It is a very Iudas for whom it kisseth it betrayeth vnto Satan The delights of sinne goe downe pleasantly as wine doth at first but at last they bite like a serpent Oblectant sensum sed interficiunt spiritum they delight the sence but slay the soule If we be not moued to leaue this life in respect of the miseries whereof it is full yet ought wee to be willing to forgoe it in regard of the infinite happines which death brings vs vnto in the world to come Here we are but members of the Church militant where is nothing but cōbating there wee shall be parts of the Church triumphant where is nothing but reioycing Here wee sowe in teares but there we shall reape in ioy All the riches and pleasures of this life are nothing in comparison of eternall felicity for no tongue created either of Man or Angell can expresse the ioyes of heauē no imagination conceiue nor vnderstanding comprehend them for Christ himselfe saith Nemo scit nisi qui accipiet No man knowes them but he that enioyes them such is the infinite value glory and maiestie of the felicity prepared for vs in heauen which is the accomplishment of all our hope Thus recounting the vanity of this world the miserable state of this life and the inestimable blessednes of the life to come let vs with the Apostles and Prophets cry O miserable man that I am who shall deliuer mee from this body of death My soule thirsteth for thee O God when shall I goe and appeare before the presence of the liuing God I desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ Come quickly Lord Iesus come quickly The GOD of all power and mercie increase in our hearts a desire of this learning that wee may liue in his feare and die in his fauour whereby wee may liue for euer Amen CHAP. 13. Against the loue of the world which is the second cause that lets vs from dying willingly THe loue and respect man beares to the pleasures and vanities of this world is not onely of it selfe a strong impediment and let to our willingnesse to death and to the seruice of God but a generall cause also and as it were a cōmon ground to all other impediments whatsoeuer other excuses are pretended for when the Noble men of Iewry refused to confesse Christ openly Saint Iohn vttereth the true cause thereof to be for that they loued the glory of man more then the glory of GOD Iohn chap. 12. This may be confirmed by that most excellent Parable of the Seed The exposition of the Parable of the Seed which concernes three sorts of persons 1. High-way the first sort of which our Sauiour compareth to a High-way wherein all seede of life that is sowne either withereth presently or else is eaten vp by the birds of the Ayre that is by the Diuels in such carelesse men as contemne whatsoeuer is said vnto them 2 Rocky ground The second sort are compared to Rockie grounds in which for lacke of deepe roote the seed that falleth continueth not whereby are signified light vnconstant persons that now chop in and now
LIFE AFTER DEATH CONTAINING many religious instructions and godly exhortations for all those that meane to liue holy and dye blessedly With the manner of disposing ones selfe to God before and at the time of his departure out of this world With many Prayers for the same purpose By FRANCIS RODES LONDON Printed for THOMAS DEVVE in St Dunstanes Churchyard in Fleetstreet 1622. To the Reader IT is a common custome to intreat fauour from courteous Readers If the matter bee good or the men courteous the suite of fauour will bee easily granted if otherwise it is but a needlesse shame to beg a commendation where none is deserued And therefore I leaue to euery man the libertie of his iudgement and doe expose this Tract to generall censure F.R. A Table of the chiefe points contained in this Treatise CHAP. 1. THE seuerall sorts of Death CHAP. 2 To learne to die well ought to bee the chiefe study of our life CHAP. 3 Why men do so seldome enter into a serious remembrance of their end CHAP. 4 The necessity of our continuall meditating vpon Death CHAP. 5. Necessary obseruations in our meditating of Death CHAP. 6. Against the feare of Death CHAP. 7 How to carry our selues concerning Death CHAP. 8 This life is but a prison a pilgrimage c. CHAP. 9 The vulgar remedy against Death CHAP. 10 Grieuances and excuses of fearfull men to couer their complaints of Death CHAP. 11 How Death is to bee desired CHAP. 12 The miserable state and condition of this present life CHAP. 13 Against the loue of the world CHAP. 14 Against procrastination CHAP. 15 Against mistrust in Gods mercy CHAP. 16 Gods promises to sinners that repent are manifold absolute vniuersall CHAP. 17 How one should demeane himselfe when sicknes beginneth CHAP. 18 How the sicke should dispose his worldly goods CHAP. 19 How hee is to apply himselfe to Prayer and Meditation CHAP. 20 Whom the duty of visiting the sicke specially concernes CHAP. 21 A Prayer at the first visiting of the Sicke CHAP. 22 A confession to be vsed of the sicke by himselfe CHAP. 23 A Prayer of the sick party against the feare of death CHAP. 24 A Prayer for the sick CHAP. 25 A forme of leauing the sicke to Gods protection CHAP. 26 The manner of commending the sicke into the hands of God at the houre of Death CHAP. 27 A Prayer for the sick at his departing out of this life CHAP. 28 The blessing of the sicke when hee is giuing vp the ghost CHAP. 29 A Prayer to bee vsed by the assembly after the sicke party departed CHAP. 30 Consolation against immoderate griefe for the losse of friends CHAP. 31 The custom of Funerals A TREATISE OF LIFE AND DEATH CHAP. 1. THere are three sorts of Death The first is a dying in sinne that is 1. Dying in Sinne. when we doe giue our selues ouer to the delights and pleasures of this life and doe neuer think of death till it comes and when it is come wee doe then recoyle and draw back as beeing vnwilling to dye thereby making our departure vnhappy because none dyes well that dies vnwillingly neither can any hope for Heauen that approches thereunto only by compulsion 2. Dying to sinne The second is a dying to Sin that is when our sins die before our selues namely when wee doe retire our selues from sinne and from the desires and allurements of the world and doe die to all carnall delights as that Apostle did which said The world is crucified to mee and I vnto the world thus to die to sinne is to be deliuered from sinne and to liue with Christ The third is 3. A naturall dying which is the dissolution of the Soule from the body the loosing of the Soule frō the body which is implyed by Saint Paul saying I desire to bee dissolued namely by the dis-iunction of the body from the Soule This dissolution is a deliuerie out of the prison of this life with the stinke and filth wherof we are infected defiled but by death the bands are loosed and the prison set open where out wee flye freely vnto Heauen where we are receiued pure and cleane washen by the bloud of the immaculate Lambe and beeing cloathed vvith his white garment of innocency wee are filled with delights and with the fruition of the light inaccessible CHAP. 2. To learne to die well ought to be the chiefe study and labour of our life LIfe is a debt to Death and Death a debt to Nature or rather natures seruant for if death vvere not what complaints and murmurings would there be against Nature if here against our willes wee should still liue and not haue our liues freed by death If death were quite taken from vs no doubt wee should more desire it then now we feare it and thirst more after it then after life it selfe Of all lessons and of all learnings none is more weighty none more diuine then to learne to die well which is to die willingly and to die in the faith feare and fauour of God In learning to dye well consisteth our eternall welfare To learne to die well is the chiefest thing and dutie of life and a lesson worthy our best and chiefest labours for therein consisteth our eternall welfare Therfore there is nothing that ought so often and so much to bee thought vpon as Death insomuch as if it were possible the the whole moments of our life should bee nothing else but a learning or taking out of some new lesson of death What is it with the Historian to know what others haue done and to neglect the true knowledge of our selues with the Lawyer to learne the common Lawes of the Realme and to forget the common Law of Nature which is that all must die What is it for the greatest Politicians by their reaching wits to compasse great and high matters and in the end to die like simple men True wisedome is to be wise vnto a mans own soule True wisedome is to bee wise vnto a mans owne soule and they onely are wise and they only liue which finde time and leasure wherein to learne to die well for no part of our life is worthy the name of a life but what is spent in the study of wisedome and the greatest part of true wisdome is to learne to die well The perfection of our knowledge is to know God and our selues our selues we best know when we doe well consider our mortall being for man is neuer so diuine as when he considereth well of his mortall nature and conceiues hee was borne to die As men wee die naturally as Christians we die religiously By mortifying the old man we endeuour to die to the world By a vertuous disposing of our selues for the day of our departure wee learne to die in the world By our dying to the world Christ is said to come and liue in vs By our dying in the world wee are said to goe and
Vae vobis qui trahitis iniquitatem in funiculis vanitatis Woe vnto you that doe draw iniquitie in the ropes of vanitie These ropes are those vanities of vaine-glory Promotion Dignity Nobilitie Beauty riches delights which alwayes draw with them some iniquity and sinne Beatus vir qui non respexit in vanitates insanias falsas Blessed is the man that hath not respected vanities and the false madnesse of this world The second part of the Parable sheweth How worldly vanities are deceits how this world with the commodities thereof are not onely vanities but also deceits for that indeed they doe not performe vnto their followers those idle vanities and trifles which they doe promise Can there be a greater deceit then to promise renowne as the world doth to her followers and to forget them as soone as they are dead Who now remembreth one of 10000. iolly fellowes that haue beene in this world who once thinks or speaks of them now hath not their memory perished with their sound as the Prophet foretold Did not Iob promise truely that their remembrance should bee as ashes troden vnder foote and Dauid that they should bee as dust blowne abroad with the winde Infinite are the deceits and dissimulations of the world It seemeth goodly faire and gorgeous in outward shew but when it commeth to handling it is nothing but a feather when it commeth to sight it is nothing but a shadow when it commeth to weight it is nothing but smoake when it commeth to opening it is nothing but an Image of plaister-worke full of old rags and patches within O miserable and most deceitfull world saith Saint Augustine whose sorrows are certaine and pleasures vncertaine whose paines are permanent and repose transitorie whose toyles are intolerable and rewards most contemptible whose promises are princely and paiments beggerly whose miseries are void of all consolation and whose happinesse is mingled with all kinde of misery It hates them that loue it deceiues them that trust it afflicts them that serue it reproacheth them that honour it damnes them that followe it and soonest of all forgets them that labour most of all for it vpon great cause then said the Prophet Dauid O you children of men how long will yee bee so dull hearted Why doe you loue vanity and seeke after a lye He calleth the world not a lyer but a lye it selfe for the exceeding great fraud and deciet which it vseth How pleasures of the world are thorns How pleasures of the world are Thornes for that with the prickes of their carefull cogitations they teare and make bloudy the mindes of worldly men for euen as a mans naked body tossed and tumbled among Thornes cannot but bee torne and made bloudy with the prickes thereof so a worldly mans soule beaten with the cares and cogitations of this life cannot but bee vexed vvith restlesse pricking of the same and wounded also with many temptations of sinne which doe occurre This doth Salomon signifie when he doth not only call the riches and pleasures of this world Vanity of vanities that is the greatest of all other vanities but also affliction of spirit Of all the miseries and vexations that God layeth vpon worldlings this is not the least to bee tormented with the cares of that thing which they esteeme their greatest felicitie Which notwithstanding like an vnmercifull tyrant giues them no rest either by day or by night The fourth point of the Parable how this word Misery and calamitie Aerumna that is misery calamitie may be verified of the world and of the felicitie thereof Among many other miseries the first and one of the greatest 1. Breuitie is the breuitie and vncertaintie of all worldly prosperitie O how great a misery is this vnto a worldly man that would haue his pleasures constant and perpetuall O death how bitter is the remembrance of thee vnto a man that hath peace in his riches 2 Discontentment Another misery ioyned to the prosperitie of this world is the grieuous counterpoise of discontentments that euery worldly pleasure hath with it The possession of riches Riches is accompanied with infinite feares and cares The aduancement of honours Honour is subiect to all miserable seruitude that may be deuised The pleasure of the flesh Pleasure though it be lawfull and honest is yet accompanied with tribulation of the flesh but if it be with sinne a thousand times more it is inuironed with all kinde of miseries 3 Miseries of body who can reckon vp the calamities of our body so many diseases so many infirmities so many mischances so many dangers Of minde Who can tell the passions of our minde that do afflict vs now with sorrow now with enuy now with fury Of goods Who can recount the aduersities misfortunes that come by our goods Of neighbours Who can number the hurts and discontentations that dayly ensue vpon vs from our neighbours one calleth vs into Law for our goods another pursues vs for our life a third by slander impugneth our good name so that there are not so many dayes nor houres in our liues as there are miseries and contrarieties in the same And more then this The prerogatiue of euill the euill hath this prerogatiue aboue the good in our life that one defect onely ouerwhelmeth and drowneth a great number of pleasures together As if a man had all the felicities heaped together which this world could yeeld and yet had but one tooth out of tune all the other pleasures would not make him merry GOD shall raine snares vpon sinfull men Pluet super eos laqueos that is God shall permit wicked men to fall into snares which are as plentifull in the world as drops of raine from heauen Temptations and dangers Euery man almost is a deadly snare vnto a carnall loose-hearted man euery sight that he seeth euery word that hee heareth euery thought that he conceiueth c. all are snares to draw him to destruction that is not watchfull Facility of sinning The last and greatest misery of all others in this life is the facilitie whereby worldly men do runne into sinne and make no scruple of the matter as Iob saith Bibit quasi aquam iniquitatem hee suppeth vp sinne as it were water that is with great facility custome and ease aduentureth hee vpon any kinde of sinne that is offered him as a man drinketh water when hee is a thirst The fifth point of the Parable How the world choketh strangleth vs. how the loue of the world choketh and strangleth euery man whom it possesseth from all celestiall and spirituall life for that it filleth him with a plaine contrarie spirit to the Spirit of God Si quis Spiritum Christi non habet hic non est eius If any haue not the Spirit of Christ that man belongs not vnto him The effects of the Spirit are Charitie Ioy Peace Patience c.
And so laying aside all earthly respects as hauing now no more to doe with the things vnder the Sunne to commend his body to Christian buriall and his soule to his mercifull Redeemer CHAP. 19. It is necessary for the sicke after an orderly disposing of his worldly goods and leauing all worldly thoughts to apply his mind to Prayer and godly Meditations Prayer THe sweetest incense wee can offer is our deuotion by Prayer The lifting vp of our hands will be as an euening sacrifice he healeth our sicknesses and forgiueth all our sinnes Psal 103. God lookes that wee should send vp our prayers to him that he might send downe his mercy to vs. Prayer in time of trouble is commanded with a promise Call vpon mee saith the Lord in the time of trouble and I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie me Psal 50.15 Psalmes in time of affliction haue a speciall peculiar grace to moue deuotion Proper and peculiar Psalmes for the sicke Put mee not to rebuke O Lord Psal 38. Haue mercy vpon me O Lord Psal 51. Hast thee to deliuer mee O God Psal 70. In thee O Lord haue I put my trust Psal 71. I will cry vnto the Lord with my voice Psal 77. Out of the deepe haue I called vnto thee O Lord Lord heare my voice Psal 130. In his meditations let him meditate vpon the ioyes of Heauen Meditations touching which no tongue created either of Man or Angel can expresse them no imagination conceiue nor vnderstanding comprehend them for Christ himselfe saith Nemo scit nisi qui accipiet No man knowes them but he that enioyes them such is the infinite value glory and Maiestie of the felicitie prepared for vs in heauen Secondly to call to minde the vnspeakeable loue of GOD towards man in generall as that God so loued the world that hee gaue his onely begotten Sonne to the death to redeeme vs euen then when wee were his enemies and if when we were his enemies wee were reconciled vnto God by the Death of his Son much more being reconciled shal we be saued by his life Thirdly to call to mind the vnspeakeable loue of God towards our selues in particular both in our Creation Redemption Sanctification and Iustification Fourthly to meditate vpō the Passion of Christ namely how hee suffered the death of the Crosse with extreme reproch and contumely besides most grieuous torments both in soule and body that he might to the vtmost indure the punishment due to our sinnes Feare not therefore saith Christ feare not thy sinnes for I am the remission of sinnes feare not darknes I am the light feare not death I am the life whosoeuer commeth to me shall neuer see death Fifthly to meditate vpon his descending into Hell how that in his soule hee suffered such extreme and fearefull torments and euerlasting punishments as that by a locall descending into hell he could not possibly haue indured more Sixtly to meditate vpon Christs Resurrection how by his rising againe hee ouercame Death Hell Sinne and the Diuel himselfe and so by his Resurrection hee triumphed ouer Death cloathed vs with his Righteousnesse reconciled vs to his Father and made vs heires of his euerlasting Kingdome Lastly to meditate vpon the Ascension of Christ how that he is gone vp to Heauen with great glory thereby to open a way for vs against our selues come to possesse it after death and body and soule together after the Resurrection It is nothing that wee doe suffer in respect of that which Christ suffered for vs for whatsoeuer we suffer Christ suffered more for vs therefore there is nothing that can bee too much or too deare for vs to bestow vpon Christ CHAP. 20. To visit the sicke is a high worke of mercy THat care is thought of greatest importance which is imployed in helping those who are least able to helpe themselues and yet haue most need of ghostly direction this duty specially concernes them to whom God hath committed the charge of soules therefore it is greatly to bee wished that like as the Serpent that old enemy of mankinde who the shorter his time is the fiercer his wrath is and himselfe the more busie so those who should feed Christs Lambes would now be the more carefull to keepe them from this deuouring Lyon and to present them sound in Faith and ioyfull in hope vnto the great Shepheard of their soules which is done partly by exhortation partly by Prayer Tediousnesse of discourse may soone weary the weake party In exhortatiō these things are to be obserued few words well ordered auaile most impertinent speeches are very vnfit a premeditated exhortation after information taken of the disposition of the sicke is very behoouefull CHAP. 21. A Prayer at the first visiting of the Sicke Prayer MOst gracious God we humbly beseech thee to looke vpon this thy Seruant with the eyes of thy mercy to grant him patience in his troubles comfort in his afflictions and strength in thy mercies Defend him O Lord from the danger of the enemy keep him in thy protection sauegard and send him deliuerance at thy good will and pleasure through Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour and Redeemer Amen CHAP. 22. A confession to bee vsed of the sicke by himselfe ALmighty and most mercifull Father I acknowledge my great and grieuous offences committed against thy Diuine Maiestie I haue not as I ought loued thee aboue all things I haue not sincerely vvorshipped thee I haue not honoured thy Sacred name I haue not sanctified thy Sabbath I haue not done due reuerence to my Parents and Gouernours I haue borne deadly hatred I haue liued vnchastely I haue taken my neighbors goods I haue depraued his good name I haue coueted contrarie to thy commandement for all which I humbly craue mercy of thee for these and all other my sinnes known and vnknowne which I haue committed since the day of my birth I doe with an humble penitent heart aske pardon and forgiuenesse of them euen for the merits of thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour and Redeemer in whose name I pray as hee himselfe hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. O Lord Iesus who art the Resurrection and the life in whom whosoeuer beleeueth shal not perish but haue life euerlasting I neither desire the continuance of this life nor a more speedy deliuerance out of this world then shall stand with thy good will and pleasure to which I humbly referre my selfe doe with mee most mercifull Sauiour according to the riches of thy goodnesse through thee haue I beene holpen euer since I was borne thou art hee that tookest me out of my mothers wombe and hast preserued mee to this houre it grieueth me that I haue so often offended thee and I am the more grieued that I can grieue no more then I doe considering the grieuousnesse of my offences towards thee CHAP. 23. A Prayer by the sick party against the
feare of death O Lord Father of mercy and God of all consolation heare me thy distressed creature the feare of death is fallen vpon mee I feare I faint Lord be thou my helper I find that death is dreadfull to nature shield mee vnder the shadow of thy wings strengthen my weakenesse by thy power my wauering by thy promises which art wont to heare and help them that call vpon thee in the day of trouble the day of trouble and heauinesse is come vpon mee to thee I call in thee I trust though fraile flesh begin to shrinke yet grant most mercifull Lord that faith in thy most blessed Passion may neuer decay in me that hope may neuer faile me but that the comfortable expectation of a better life to come may reuiue raise vp my pensiue soule when strength faileth mee and the light of mine eyes is gone grant Lord that my heart may call vpon thee and say Lord Iesus receiue my Spirit which liuest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost one God world without end Amen CHAP. 24. A Prayer for the sicke O Eternall God and most gracious and mercifull Father I humbly beseech thee to looke vpon this thy seruant with the eyes of mercy shew him thy mercy and grant him thy saluation g●●● him comfort and confidence in thee and in thy Word stablish his heart that his trust may be euer in thee impute not vnto him his former sinnes and offences but couer his iniquities with the righteousnesse of thy deare Sonne defend and strengthen his soule against al the assaults and deadly subtilties of our restlesse enemie deliuer him from his tyrannie and keepe him in thy protection sauegard draw nigh vnto his soule and saue it shew him the light of thy countenance and bee mercifull vnto him and saue him for thy mercies sake and since O heauenly Father thou diddest in thy loue towards vs euen when wee were thine enemies giue thy most dearely beloued Sonne to the Death to redeeme vs powre into his heart I humbly beseech thee a true liuely faith whereby he may take hold vpon our perfect righteousnes which is in Christ and so bee made partaker of the merit of his Death and Resurrection suffer not the apprehension of death to discourage him but giue him grace and courage cheerefully to attend his death willingly to obey thy will and patiently to indure this thy visitation that after this painefull life ended hee may dwell with thee in life euerlasting through the merits of thy Sonne Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour and Redeemer Amen CHAP. 25. A forme of leauing the sicke to Gods protection PSalme 20.1 The Lord heare thee in the day of trouble the name of the God of Iacob defend thee send thee helpe from his Sanctuarie and strengthen thee out of Sion grant thee thy hearts desire and fulfill all thy minde Saue Lord and heare vs O King of Heauen when wee call vpon thee Iesus the Son of the liuing God put his Passion betweene thy sinnes and the Iudgement to come Amen CHAP. 26. The manner of commending the sicke into the hands of God at the houre of Death GOd the Father who hath created thee preserue and keepe thee God the Sonne who hath redeemed thee aide and strengthen thee God the Holy Ghost who hath sanctified thee assist thee in all thy tryals and lead thee the way into euerlasting peace Amen Christ that dyed for thee keep thee frō all euill Christ that redeemed thee strengthen thee in all temptations Christ Iesus that rose from the dead raise thy body and soule in the resurrection of the iust Christ that sitteth at the right hand of God in heauen bring thee into euerlasting ioy Amen CHAP. 27. A Prayer for the sick at his departing out of this life MOst merciful Father we commend vnto thee this thy Seruant the work of thine own hands wee commend vnto thee his soule in the merits of Christ Iesus his Redeemer accept O Lord thine owne creature forgiue wee beseech thee whatsoeuer hath bin committed by humane frailety and command thine Angels to conduct him to the land of euerlasting peace preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou diddest Lot from the fire of Sodome preserue O Lord the soule of thy seruant as thou diddest Daniel from the mouth of the Lyons Into thy mercifull hands O heauenly Father we commend the soule of thy seruant now departing acknowledge him we beseech thee for a Sheepe of thine owne fold and for a Lambe of thine owne flocke receiue him into the armes of thy mercy knowing that the thing cannot perish which is committed to thy charge O most mercifull Iesu receiue we beseech thee his Spirit in peace Amen CHAP. 28. The blessing of the sicke when hee is giuing vp the Ghost CHrist Iesus absolue thee from all thy sins Christ Iesus remit all the euill that thou hast any wayes committed Christ Iesus that dyed for thee blot out all thy offences Christ Iesus that now calleth thee receiue thee into his heauenly Kingdome The Lord blesse thee and keepe thee the Lord make his face to shine vpon thee the Lord lift vp his countenance ouer thee and giue thee a ioyfull Resurrection Amen Depart O Christian Soule in the name of God the Father who created thee of God the Sonne who redeemed thee of God the Holy Ghost who sanctified thee one liuing and immortall God to whom bee all honour and glory for euer and euer Amen CHAP. 29. A Prayer to bee vsed by the assembly after the sicke mans departure O Almighty and euerlasting God seeing it hath pleased thee to take this thy seruant out of the miseries of a sinfull world vnto thy heauenly Kingdome blessed bee thy name both now and euermore and wee beseech thee O Lord make vs that yet remaine to bee mindfull of our mortalitie that wee may walke before thee in righteousnesse and holinesse all the dayes of our life and when the time of our departure shall come wee may rest in thee as our hope is that this thy seruant now doth and that we with him and al others departed in the faith of thy holy Name may reioyce together in thy eternall and euerlasting Kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen CHAP. 30. Consolation against immoderate griefe for the losse of friends TO sorrow for the death of friends is a dutie by which wee giue testimonie of our naturall affection which dutie both Christianitie doth allow and examples in holy Scripture doe approue Abraham mourned for Sara his wife all Israel for Samuel the Prophet the people in the Wildernes for Aaron their High Priest the inhabitants of Bethulia for Iudith that Honourable Widdow Martha and Mary for Lazarus the twelue Patriarkes for Iacob their aged Father Dauid for Ionathan his trustie and faithfull friend Christ himselfe saith Ieremy went not to his Sepulchre without weeping eyes so that to mourne for the dead is a thing naturall but not