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A06733 The demaundes of holy scripture, with answeres to the same wherein are defined, and declared the cheefe, and principall poyntes of Christian doctrine: very profitable for the right vnderstanding of holy scriptures: made by T. Becon, and dravven out of his great vvorkes. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1577 (1577) STC 1718; ESTC S110677 46,473 108

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to God whiche Spirite we receaue by Christ at our regeneration Of this newe man speaketh our Sauiour Christe thus That whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Also S. Paule Be renued in the spirit of your minde and put on the newe man whiche after God is shapen in righteousnesse and true holynesse Againe put on the newe man which is renued in the knowledge and image of him that made him What is it to denye our selues Playnly to professe that all our laboures and works profit nothing vnto saluatiō to slea the old Adam with al his lusts affectiōs What is it to forsake all that we haue for Christes sake To esteeme al that we haue not to be ours for his sake and willingly if neede so require for the profession of his name to depart from wyfe children parentes freendes countrey house landes and all thinges els that we doo or may enioye yea and to put our selues in danger of all perill for the name of Christ and profession of the Gospell He that loueth father or mother more then me saith Christ is not worthy of me And he that loueth sonne or daughter more then mee is not worthy of me And he that taketh not his crosse and followeth me is not worthy of me He that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall finde it Agayne if a man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wyfe and children and bretheren or sisters yea his owne life also he cannot be my disciple And whosoeuer doth not beare his crosse and come after me he cannot be my disciple What is the crosse that we must take vpon on vs Any sorow or payne that belonggeth to any vocation or trade of life for the tryall and profe of our faith and pacience Also it is the correction chastening rodde and staffe of the Lord wherewith he punisheth them whome he loueth not to theyr damnation or vtter casting away from his fauour but to saluation and to teach vs to flye vnto him in our trouble aduersity as children to our most deare louing father What is ment by the name of the Lorde whose glory we must set forth The glory prayse wysedome might power worship honor and maiestie of the Lorde Or the knowledg preaching and aduauncement of his holy worde What is the temple of the holy Ghost An honest godly and faithfull christian hart in the which God is rightly worshipped in spirite and truth wherein are offered spirituall sacrifices of prayse innocencie thankes geuing of an humble and contrite hart whose chiefe corner stone is christ Knowe ye not saith Saint Paule that ye are the temple of God and howe the spirite of God dwelleth in you ▪ If any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroye For the temple of God is holy which temple ye are Saint Peter also sayth Ye as liuing stones are made a spirituall house an holy Priesthode for to offer vp spirituall sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. What is the kingdome of heauen The kingdome of heauen is diuerslye taken in the Scriptures First for the holy Gospell and worde of God bicause that is the scepter and yron rodde whereby God ruleth reygneth and dwelleth in the hearts of the faythfull Of this kingdome speaketh Christ in the Gospell on this wise I will giue thee the keyes of the kingdome of heauen that is to saye I will commit vnto thee the office to preache the Gospell of saluation which openeth and vnlocketh vnto men the waye and doore by the whiche they may be saued and enter into the kingdome of heauen Item the kingdome of heauen is lyke vnto leauen which a woman tooke and hydde in three peckes of meale tyll it were all leauenned Secondlye the kingdome of heauen is taken for fayth it selfe as Saint Paule sayeth The kingdome of heauen is not meate and drinke but righteousnesse and peace and ioye in the holy ghost Thirdlye the kingdome of heauen is expounded the whole congregation of the faythfull abyding in this lyfe in whome the Lorde by his worde and spirite doth inuisibly dwell and reygne Of this kingdome speaketh Christ in the Gospell on this maner The kingdome of heauen is lyke to ten virgines whiche tooke their lampes and went to meete the Brydegrome Fyue of them were wyse and fiue were foolishe c. Fourthlye the kingdome of heauen is taken for the ioye felicitie and pleasure which the soules of the beleeuers enioye when they are departed out of this world and their bodies also ioyned with the soules at the day of Iudgement shall enioy euen in that place which Christ hath prepared for them to possesse where they shall bee comforted with the sight of his Maiestie and Godheade and with the fruition of his perpetuall felicitie with him Of this kingdome speaketh Christ in the Gospell When ye shall see Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the Prophets in the kingdome of God and you to bee driuen out of the dores Finallye the kingdome of heauen is wheresoeuer Gods worde is preached from which kingdome they onely are excluded whiche beleeue not the worde according to this saying of Christ He that is of God heareth the wordes of god But yee heare not bicause yee are not of god Agayne My sheepe heare my voyce Item Euerye one that is of the truth heareth my voyce What meanest thou by a lande that floweth with milke and honie Pleasaunt abundance of all things both sweete and profitable By the honie is vnderstoode sweetenesse ioy gladnesse and pleasure By the milke pure nourishment whereby we still continue growe and increase in fayth and godlynesse vnto the measure of Christ. When shall we enter vppon and enioye this kingdome this promised lande that floweth with milke and honie The church militant in this worlde gouerned by the spirite of their most mightie valiant victorious and triumphant Captayne Christ already enioyeth after a certayne maner in spirite thorowe fayth in this kingdome and blessed lande as it is written He that beleeueth on the Sonne hath euerlasting life Hee that beleeueth not on the Sonne shall not see lyfe but the wrath of God abydeth vpon him But when they are ioyned togither both bodie and soule with the reast of the faithfull congregation which are departed out of this world in the faith of Christ to make one whole tryumphant congregation when they haue by the power of Christe conquered the malignant church of the deuill which shall be at the last day of iudgement which we doo dayly looke for nowe in these latter times then shall they truely and perfectly enioye and possesse all the ioyes and pleasures of that most ioiful and pleasant lande whereof Dauid speaketh on this manner I beleeue to see the good things of the Lorde in the land of the liuing Nowe we see in a glasse sayth the Apostle euen in a
our byrth What soeuer is not of faith is sinne It is also the distrust in God and the ignoraunce and contempt of him and a trust and confidence in our owne workes What is originall sinne It is the poyson and corruption that we haue in our birth through the infection of our nature in Adam which doth bring foorth in vs the fruite of incredulitie and all wickednesse and maketh vs vnable to the workes of the lawe as the lawe requireth them to be done of vs vntil Christ and his word hath made vs a newe creature What is originall Iustice The integritie holenesse soundnesse of the powers of the body and the soule whereby both the soule and the body could verely obey doo and fulfill the lawe of god Wherefore after the poison of sin entred nature lost her integritie and soundnesse and the venim of sinne made weake faint and feeble the whole nature of man so that it could not in no wise wil or do the worke that it whole before could do And not this only but it infected and corrupted the flesh and the soule and all the powers of them both which infection ingendred in the nature of man hus febled the ignoraunce and contempt of God the distrust in God the murmuring against God when he sendeth aduersitie or sicknesse It causeth furthermore man to be without the feare of God to hate the iudgement of God to flee and runne away from God when he chasteneth vs to be angry with him and dispayre and to trust in thinges corruptible c. These be the horrible biles sores pockes and carbucles that disfigure the face of man Which though they be neuer so high yet our schole men and canonistes I meane the professours of the Byshop of Romes lawes coule neuer see or perceyue These Chiste through faith at our baptisme doth suppresse and abate theyr power and at the last by death doth vtterly vainguishe and kill What meane you by these wordes Poena and Culpa This word Culpa which is in english a faute or trespasse properly in this place betokeneth the gilt as we call it or the trespasse and that which the law punisheth in the deede or fact as in an act of felony the law punisheth not the comming to the Horse nor yet the brideling no nor the leading of the Horse from the stable medowe or common for all these may be doone without the euill and vnlawfull desire of the Horse and agayne with the owners leaue But the lawe punisheth the comming the brydeling and taking away the Horse against the owners wyll and with the mind of stealing him and calleth the facte thefte or felony This word Poena which is in Englyshe payne is the wages and punishment taken for the faute And thus some kinde of vices al hurtes damages sicknesse pest ilences perils errours and the lacke of Gods word that we haue among vs be paines and punishmentes of sinne That God punisheth sinne with losse and daunger both of body goodes with sicknesse pestilence and such other none I thinke doubteth but that he punisheth sinne by sinne and sinne by errours and heresies the worlde can not so clerely perceiue Howe be it Paul doth playnly declare it where he sayth because the Gentils turned the glory of God and worshiped the creature more then the maker c. Therefore saith he God gaue them vp vnto shameful lustes c. Which iustes be there straight after expressed And this punishment I meane to punish sinne by sinne is a very sore punishment He punisheth sinne by errours and heresies thus When the word of God is plenteously and sincerely preached as it is nowe and yet men still kicke against it or in case many receiue it yet fewe or non regard it or liue according to it but with their wordes make on it only for a fleshly libertie then I say God taketh his word away from thence as who be not worthy of it and letteth the worlde preuaile against his preachers and suffreth Antechriste who must nedes succeede Christ to kill them so that Antichriste peaceably enioyeth his kingdome as he hath doone all ready this great while and he must needes haue like doctrine to him selfe So did he punishe the Iewes his owne elected people at sundry times more then .ii. M. yeere and suffered them to worship false Gods or els to set vp their owne tradicions Gods preceptes neglected So also hath he punished our fore fathers these viii or ix C. yeeres And now except we thankefully receyue his woord and liue thereafter in the newnesse of life according as we are called no doubt of it he wyll not only revolue and cast vs downe againe to our old ignoraunce captiuitie and bondage but also shortly take such vengeaunce on vs as he threatened Bethsaida Corazin c. Nowe God remitteth the crime gylte and trespace to his electe through faith in Christe but he reserueth after a certayne manner a little porcion of the paine not to counterpeise therewith or satisfy his iustice for the crime as the Byshop of Rome with his complices hath taught vs this great while but to chastise their flesh with all and sometime to be an example vnto other to forbeare like crimes for fear of like punishment or to declare the yre of God for such crimes So that what trouble vexacion griefe losse sicknesse so euer the best men that be haue they deserue it with much more Howbeit no not thus GOD would beate scourge and trye his and it were not for their owne profite and auayle For by this meanes he nourtereth reineth and humbleth his electe that they may knowe them selues the better and lest they runne at large after the world as it appeareth by the aduoutry of Dauid and many other storyes in the Byble What is innocencie The purenesse of the minde and when the conscience is not giltie or findeth it selfe culpable in any thing This innocency only the faythe in Iesus Christe ingendereth in vs In this state was Paule after many interpreters mindes when he sayd I knowe nought by my selfe c. He sayd not this that he thought not him selfe a sinner and that he trespassed not afore God for then had he ben a lyer For Moyses saith to the Lord it is thou that takest away trespasse iniquitie and sinne and none innocent before thee but he meaneth of his conuersacion In this state also was Ezechias the good King when he turned him to the wal and wepte Here we call not to be giltie or culpable to haue the peace of the conscience and the is when we beleeue through Christe that our sinnes be hid for vnto that time the lawe ceaseth not to accuse vs in our conscience What is the spirite It is a Heauenly sence or vnderstanding springing out of the worde of God or els the selfe word of God exceeding the sence of the fleshe and reason The wordes that I
the number of the leaues be considered but yf the matter therof be diligently pondered it shal be found both great profitable Thus for this present taking my leaue of you I vvysh to you and to the vvhole Tovvne all good and prosperous things both for your bodyes soules most humbly beseeching God to finishe that good vvoorke vvhich he hath begun in you vnto the glory of his name vnto the profite of his holy congregation Amen From my house at Caunterbury the fyrst of September 1563. The Demaundes of holy Scripture WHO did create vs God who also made al the world of nought What things damned vs Sinne. In so much as Adam did eate by the perswasion of Eua of the Apple forbidden him of god For sinne is the breaking of the commaundementes of GOD. Who redemed vs and set vs in the fauour of GOD againe Iesus Christ by takyng our nature on him What is God vnto vs Whereas before he was a seuere straight Iudge through Christe he is become our most louing tender and mercifull father What are we His dearely beloued children What thing is GOD An infinite substaunce which onely with his word of might did create and make all thinges and with his most high and incomparable wisedome gouerneth all thing and of his inestimable goodnesse suffereth and preserueth all thing I call that infinite both which hath neyther beginning nor ending and that which can not be comprehended nor compassed by mans braine what thing it is And in both these significacions God is infinite Furthermore that is to euery man god or a god that he loueth dread●th and worshippeth with all his hart The Scripture also calleth the Iudges and Officers of the earth gods What is a strange God or an other God What soeuer thing we worshyp besides the very lyuing god And that also that doth alienate and turneth our harte from Gods worde is called a strang or an other God. What thing is fayth It is a full and perfite confidence and trust in God through Christe ingendred in our harte by hearing the worde of God and as Paul defineth faith Faith is a sure confidence of thinges which we looke for and the certaintie of promises What is hope A styffe and firme expectacion of such thinges as be promised vs of the worde of GOD. What is charitie The principall fruite of faith a prompte and redy wyll to doo good to our neighbour Otherwhyles the workes of mercie are called charitie What is the lawe It is the liuely wyll of God geuen vs by commaundement as well in the newe testament as in the olde whose worke and operacion is to shewe sinne to shewe that God is angry with vs for our euill doing and dayly transgression of his commaundement whose duty is to accuse vs in our conscience to cast vs downe and make vs seeme vyle nought worth in our sight and by this meanes eyther bringeth vs to vtter desperacion or els leadeth vs as it were by the hande to Christe the only true pacifier of the conscience What is the Gospel It is a glad tiding Or els you may call it euery promise that God made of Christe and of other his good benefites wherby the cloudes of the conscience be put awaye and mans minde erected and made mery whether these promises be in the new testament or in the old Paule saith it is the power of God where by all that beleeue are brought to healthe and sauegarde What is it to be a godly man or who is godly He or shee that hath faith and the feare of God before their eyes Who is wicked or vngodly He or shee that beleeueth not the promise of God and that hath not the dreade of God before them Who is a Christian man He that beleeueth on Christe and liueth according to his worde Who is an Ethnike or Miscreant He that vseth not those lawes and ordinaunces and hath not the faith that we haue Or els he that seeketh to be saued by some other meanes then by Christ. Who is an Heretik He which thinketh and styfly mainteineth any thing against the doctrine of faith that is to say the word of God. Marke here the word of God to be called the doctrine of faith because faith draweth from no whence els her principles then from the worde of god Because she only learneth marketh and beareth away the word of God. What is the kingdome of Heauen It is where the word of God is truly preached and receiued and where it beareth fruite meete for the doctrine whose king and Lord is Christ. What is the worlde An heape and mustre of men without the word of God among whom the word of God is despised and persecuted where is a rablement of al vices whose Prince and God is Sathan In some place it is called an hot boyling Sea which can not rest and be asswaged What is the word of God It is the decreed sentence word and will of God expressed and left behind of the Prophetes and Apostles to vs in the canonical bookes of the newe testament and the old whiche word he that reciueth that is to say knowledgeth in his hart to be true and holy and liueth according to it receiueth God and he that refuseth it despiseth God and as much as lieth in him he maketh God a lyer The word of God hath sundry names in Scripture as the sword of the spirite a two edged sword a fire sword an iron wal a strong hold a well fensed towre consuming fire It is also called whete the rod of the mouth of the Lord the breth of the mouth of the Lorde a mysterie an oracle the print or secreat wyll of the Lord. What are mans tradicions What soeuer mans reason hath or doth imagen without the word of God and ordeyneth and wylleth it to be reputed and taken as good godly and pleasant in the sight of god They be called in Scripture Cocle and Chasse Of these speaketh Christe where he saith They do serue me in vaine whyle they teach such doctrine as are nothing but the commaundementes of men Who be good Only God is good Notwithstanding because all they that haue the spirite of God and are ruled by his word be of the flocke of God and vnder his keeping therefore God doth communicate and imparte his goodnesse to them and so they be called good as theyr Father Lord and Gouernour is Who be euill They that haue not the spirite of God nor be ruled by his word whether they liue vpright outwardly and according of the letter of the lawe as Cato Socrates and they that be counted good and vertuous among the Turkes and Iewes or els they that be open transgressours of the lawe For in Christ only is saluacion and remission of sinnes And vnto that time that our
called thee Or els the common consent as Mayres and other Officers or els thou hast appoynted and purposed thy selfe vnto by thy owne accorde Or els ye may call it euery kinde of life in which we exercise faith and charity To be called to the kingdome of heauē is to heare the worde of god To be chosē or elected is to beleue it VVhat is predestinacion It is the secrete election of the wysedome of God to eternall life without our deseruing They be predestinate and called to euerlasting life which heare receiue the word of god VVhat is free wyll It is the libertie that man hath in doing outward thinges and the naturall worke of man in suche thinges as be not spirituall as in ordering him selfe after a ciuill and politicall fashion and outwarde fulfilling of the moral vertues Howbeit he hath not the power no nor yet the wil to loue God dreade God and to know him vntill that he be renued and that Christ hath set him at libertie For then as Iohn saith If the sonne hath made ye free then are ye free in deede For vnto that time that we know God we can not loue him nor dreade him And when we loue him and dreade him then haue we power through him to kepe the lawe Yet when man was in the state of originall iustice that is to say when he had the integritie wholenesse soundnesse of the powers of the body and soule then might he obey doo and fulfill freely the lawe of God but after the poyson of sinne entred it made weake and feble the whole nature of man. VVhat is the temple of God A pure cleane and single hart without all gyle fraude and doublenesse Also the Church wherein God is worshipped VVhat is the Church or congregation of Christe It is the company assemblement and consent of good men on the worde of God and in the faith of Iesus Christe VVhat is the Church of Sathan It is the multitude of wicked men conspiring against God and his word VVhat is the Sabboth day or to keepe holy day It is to abstayne from the outward workes of the fleshe and to pray vnto God in spirite heare his word and to haue our minde set on his lawe after what manner true Christians euer keepe the lawe You may els say that the holy day is wherein we remember the benefites of God and geue him thankes for them VVhat is grace The good wil of God towarde vs his fauour and bounteous goodnesse freely employed on vs without our deseruing VVhat be merites and workes They be called and counted in Scripture to be the refusing and contempt of the fauoure of God and a confidence to be saued by a mans owne power strength desertes VVhat is the name of God It is whatsoeuer pertaineth to God or els to euery name which we assigne vnto God cal him by as the God of hostes the strong and gelous god c Also his glory honor and maiesty To shewe the word of God is to preache sincerely the Gospell that is to say that all that beleeue haue theyr sinnes forgeuen them that they be deliuered from death and hell and hath geuen them euerlasting life freely through Iesus Christe VVhat is it to serue God To liue according to his word to beleeue and put trust in him to referre all thinges vnto his glory and to loue and helpe our neighbour VVhat is it to serue the deuill It is to resist the word to serue Mammon his belly his fleshly appetites the world and carnall affections VVhat is to worship God It is not only to pray vnto him but also to shewe and exhibyte in the outward gesture honour and reuerence vnto him VVhat is to beleeue in God It is wholy to commit a mans owne selfe in all matters to him and to haue a sure hope in him selfe that what soeuer God promiseth shall be perfourmed VVhat is to fast To beware lest we ouer lade our body with surfetting in meates or drinkes that we liue chastly and soberly to abstayne from vyce to kepe our body lowe geuing it that only that is necessary VVhat is it to folow Christe It is to beleeue in him to marke and followe his doctrine and to followe him whether soeuer he leadeth vs or calleth vs and to suffer wyllingly what soeuer he layeth on our backes VVhat is to leaue and forsake all that a man hath to sell all and to denye a mans selfe To leaue forsake and sell is to repute recken such thinges as we haue as none of ours yea gladly to forsake and leaue for Christes sake if the matter came to that poynt wyfe chyldren parentes countrey house land and all other suche in so much that yf neede required we woulde for Christes sake and the Gospels quarell offer our selfe to all dangers and death at conclusion To deny a mans selfe is frankely and freely to graunt his workes and all his other good indeueringes to be vnable to his saluacion and vtterly to kill the old Adam in him with all his affections What is it to visite When it is taken in the good part it betokeneth that God looketh vpon and sendeth his benefites some whether The Lord hath visited his people When it is taken in the euil part it betokeneth as much as the Lorde punisheth and scourgeth wicked and cursed when he taketh vengeaunce on them for their wickednesse as I the Lord thy God am a iealous God visiting the sinnes of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third fourth generatiō of them the hate me c What is the hand of God It is the power or strength of the Lord whereby he helpeth and doth good vnto the godly and whereby he worketh mischiefe and taketh vengeaunce on the cursed The arme of God betokeneth the power of him and Christe him selfe whereof ye may read abundantly The finger betokeneth the holy Ghoste What be the eyes of God The respect care and regarde that he hath vpon the good and his gentilnesse mercy and redinesse to defend them His countenaunce is taken for the straight and narowe looking of the wicked to their destruction and perdition The eyes of the Lord be on the righteous and his eares attend vnto their prayers But the countenaunce of the Lord is vpon the sinners His face betokeneth fauour beneuolence and the gladnesse in the lord But as sone as thou hast turned thy face they shall be confused and wyll turne againe vnto their earth The mouth of the Lord hath great vehemency and pythe in it for the Prophetes when they will haue theyr wordes marked and regarded say the mouth of the Lorde hath spoken this The outwarde appereaunce of any thing is also called the face as we say Iudge not according to the
be persecuted and troubled And on the otherside letteth the euill men to enioy and haue all their pleasure and will here and preuaile against the good men What is fleshe and bloud The circumlocution and very descripcion of man For man of him selfe is nothing but fleshlye and carnall Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Ionas for fleshe and bloude hath not opened this vnto thee but my father that is in heauen sayth Christ. What is care and thought A playne token of diffidence and distrust in god It is an vnfaithfull care pensifenesse of the minde for meate drinke clothing and suche other necessaries which in whome soeuer you doe see it surely it can not bee denied but that he is destitute of fayth in God and that his minde is set ouermuch to worldly things Therefore I saye vnto you be not carefull for the life c. After all such things doe the heathen seeke sayeth Christ. The care and thought of faith is prohibited by Gods worde For faith onelye looketh and leaneth to Gods worde and promises Nowe to take thoughte and care least God will not fulfill his worde and promises is to mistrust and not beleeue God and so much as lyeth in vs to make God a lyer Wherefore as I saide before all thought and care of matters pertaining to faith is vtterly to be put away The care and sorowe in thinges belonging to charitie and loue in euery mans vocation is commaunded by Gods word as one to be sorie for anothers mischaunce and miserie What is the gladnesse of the heart A token of confidence in God when in aduersitie trouble or affliction wee wayle not frowne or fret within our selues but reioyce looke stoutly on it and holde our selues well apayde hauing this euer before our eyes The sonne whom GOD loueth and receyueth he vseth to chasten and beate Cōtrariwise it is also a token of worldly welthinesse and delight in pleasures of the fleshe whom God threatneth Wo be vnto you that laugh here for ye shall wepe and wayle sayth Christ. What is to sinne against the father and the sonne It is to resist and persecute the worde of God but yet by ignoraunce and of a good zeale as Paule did before he was conuerted What is the sinne against the holy ghost It is when any resisteth the open manifest and knowne truth when any beleeue not the open and playne promises of God and when any dispaireth finally in the mercie of God. What is ment by this word Zeale in Scripture Zeale is anger medled and mixte with loue as when the louing father is angry with his childe for doing amisse he doth it not because he hateth his sonne but in doing so he signifieth his fatherly loue towardes him willing by that that shall do no more so but endeuer to better For when the childe is thus chidden or beaten he taketh heede that he doth not so againe for feare of a more grieuous punishment It betokeneth also the anger that chaunseth betwixt them that loue hartely togeather c. From hence commeth iealousy whiche springeth out of vehement loue God is called in Scripture a iealous God not that because any should thinke that any such affections were in God But that we might learne that God dooth all the things that are done for nothing else but for their sake onely whome he loueth so tenderly euen his elect Not bicause he looketh for anye vauntage by it but that they may be saued and enioye the kingdome prepared for them What is the bodie of Christ The congregation of all faithfull and of all that dinesse of the will to naughtinesse There dwelleth not in me that is to saye in my flesh ought that is good Wherfore what soeuer is in vs that is good commeth of GOD. What be Sacraments and Signes Good assurances and confirmations of the word of God. Some define them thus Sacramentes be signes and witnesses of the will of god towardes vs by whiche hee moueth and stirreth our heartes to beleeue Such were the skinnes wherwith God clothed Adam and Eua the Rainebowe Circumcision c. Such be with vs Baptisme and the Sacrament of Christes bodie and bloude What is Baptisme The dipping into the water in token of repentance and newnesse of life to followe It is also defined to be the badge and cognizaunce whereby not onely we be knowen to be of the flocke of Christ but that also wee bee stablished in our conscience that we be in the fauor of God and our sinnes forgiuen It is called the cleane and pure water the lauacre of our regeneration or fountayne of the newe birth What is the Sacrament of Christes bodie and bloude or of thankesgiuing An holy mysterie of the bodie and bloude of Christ institute of Christ to be eaten of all Christian men in token of remission of sinnes through Christ That euen as sure as we take the bread and eate it with the mouth of the bodie and drinke the wine so verily and certainly euē at the same instant with the mouth of our faith we receyue the verie bodie and bloude of Christe and there it doth as actually comforte and sustayne the soule as dothe the breade and the wyne nourishe and comfort the heart and the outwarde man. And as verily as the most souereign plaster and salue layde to a wounde or sore draweth oute the filth and healeth it so verily and really doth the bodie and bloud of Christe thus receyued put awaye the sores and deformities of the soule and not alonely maketh it whole but also pure cleane without scar wrinkle and spot and so maketh it a delectable louely and fayre spouse in the sight of god Lo what it is to receyue the bodie and bloude of Christ in faith What is penitence or repentance We reade of two manner of kindes of repentances One was a Legale in the olde lawe vsed of the Iewes and Israelites This kinde of repentaunce is a certaine contricion of the minde and hatred and detestation of our sinne with a sorowe and compunction of the hart which springeth and ryseth as soone as we begin to feele and perceyue the abhomination of oure sinne by laying our deedes and desires of our heart to Gods lawe Suche was the repentaunce and penitence of the Niniuets and of Manasses and of other which were greatly sorie and compunct in their hart what by cōsidering their offences on one part the anger iust wrath of God hanging ouer their heade for these offences The tokens and outward signes of which repentaunce amongest the Iewes was commonly clothing in sacke cloth sprinkling and casting asshes vpon theyr heare and fasting a day two or three This kinde of penitence may also the wicked men haue For Iudas that betrayed Christ afterward when he perceyued how wickedly he had done toke such care sorowe and pensifnesse that for pure
consyst Of two partes that is to saye of the element and of the worde Howe manye Sacramentes are there Two Baptisme and the Lordes supper What is Baptisme The washing of euerye beleeuing Christian in water that taketh vppon him to professe the name of Christ whiche water certifieth our fayth of the inwarde washing and clensing of our soules by the spirite of God a token of our regeneration of the mortification of our fleshe of our buriall with Christe and of our resurrection vnto a newe lyfe If the beleeuing Christians onely be baptised according to this saying of Christe He that beleeueth and is baptised shall bee saued Why shoulde the Infantes be baptised which for imperfection of age are not able to beleeue Though Infantes haue not power to beleeue or to confesse their beliefe yet haue they fayth imputed vnto them for the promise sake of God bicause they bee the seede of the faythfull as hee sayde to Abraham I will be thy God and the God of thy seede Seeing then that they also haue that promise of saluation why should they be forbiddē the promised pledge or seale of that same promsied saluation The Sacraments of the Iewes diffred nothing from ours in effect but onelye in the outwarde element and forme of executing the same Why then shoulde oure Infants be more forbidden Baptisme than the Iewes infantes were forbidden Circumcision at the eyght daye Seing we reade that the Apostles baptised sundrie housholdes as of Stephana Lidia Onesiphorus c. if a man may gesse at a thing whereof wee haue no certaintie it is lyke inoughe that they baptised some Infantes also But to leaue all gesses and vncertain coniectures we are sure that the Iewes infantes passed with their parentes out of Egypt thorow the red sea and vnder the cloud which were tokens of our baptisme What if the infants die before they receaue the Sacrament of Baptisme Gods promise of saluacion vnto them is not for default of the Sacrament minished or made vayne and of no effect For the spirite is not so bound to the water that it can not worke his office where the water wanteth or that it of necessitie must alway be there where the water is sprinckled Simon Magus had the Sacramētal water but he had not holy Ghost being in dede an Hipocrit and filthy dissembler In the Chronicle of the Apostles Artes we reade that while Peter preached the holy Ghost came vpon them that heard him yea and that before they were baptised by the reason whereof Peter brast out into these wordes saide can any man forbyd water that these should not be baptised which haue receaued the holy Ghost as well as we True Christians whether they be old or young are not saued bicause outwardly they bee washed with the Sacramentall water but bicause they be Gods children by electron through Christ yea and that before the foundacions of the world were layd and are sealed vp by the spirite of God vnto euerlasting life the giftes and calling of God being such that it can not repent him of them Notwithstanding the Sacrament of Baptisme ought not therefore to be neglected but with all reuerence to be embraced both of old and young For he that despiseth the Sacrament despiseth not the Sacrament only but the authour of the Sacrament which is Christ Iesus the Lorde What is the Supper of the Lord or the Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ Bread and Wine consecrated that is to say made and appoynted of God to bee a Sacrament to put vs in rememberance that as the bread is broken and the wine powred out so Christes body was broken and his blood shed for our redemption And as the bread receaued through our mouth and digested in our stomacke driueth away our hunger and norysheth our body the wine likewise receiued and digested quencheth our thirst and quickeneth our bloud so Christes bodie and bloude receyued by fayth digested with worthie continuaunce therein not disagreeing from the right receyuing thereof slaketh our hunger and thirst that is to saye our emptynesse of grace and drynesse of fayth nourysheth and quickeneth both our bodye and soule making vs partakers of the whole merites and dignitie of the bodie and bloude of christ And as the bread of many granes is made one loafe and the wyne pressed togither of sundry grapes so wee being many are one body in Christ And bicause we are of his body we must needes also be quickened by his bloude and lyue of hys spirite Remayneth there the substance of breade and wine after the wordes of consecration as they terme them or but the accidentes of them onely as the authors of Transubstantiation haue heretofore taught If the substaunce of breade and wyne shoulde bee denied to remayne in the Sacrament of the bodie and bloude of Christ so shoulde it cease to be a Sacrament For euery sacrament as we haue tofore hearde consisteth of the word and of the element Now yf we take away water from Baptisme so is there no Sacrament verely euen so in like manner take away Bread and Wine from the Lordes Supper so ceaseth it to be a sacrament To declare that bread remayneth after the wordes of consecration Saint Paule calleth it breade diuers times as we may see in his first Epistle to the Corinthians S. Luke also in his Chronicle of the Apostles actes whēsoeuer he maketh mention of the Lordes Supper calleth it the breaking of breade And it is to bee thought that so worthye learned men woulde haue presumed to call so honourable a mysterie breade if there had bene no breade remayning but onelye the accidentes of breade as oure Transsubstantiators teache Doth not our Sauiour Christe after the wordes of consecration call the misterie of his bloud the fruite of the vine And who is so farre estraunged from the right rule of reason whiche knoweth not that the fruite of the vine is wyne Here doth it euidently appeare by the authoritie of Gods worde that in the Sacrament of Christes bodie and bloude there remayneth after the wordes of consecration the substance both of breade and wine whereof it truly followeth that the Popishe doctrine of Transsubstantiation is nothing else than a vaine dreame and foolishe fancie brought in by Antichrist neuer knowne of the ancient fathers of Christes church nor yet receyued of the Greekes vnto this day Why sayst thou there but two Sacramentes when we haue heretofore bene taught that there are seauen Sacramentes Bicause Christ in the newe Testament lefte no mo to be occupied in his Churche As there were giuen to the people of the olde lawe but two Sacramentes That is to say Circumcision and the Passeouer so likewise in the newe Testament Christe appointed but two Sacraments that is in steade of Circumcision Baptisme and in the place of the Passeouer the Lordes Supper Therefore as for the rest they be not aptly called Sacraments They