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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06960 The most honorable tragedie of Sir Richard Grinuile, Knight Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. 1595 (1595) STC 17385; ESTC S109856 24,305 114

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THE Most Honorable Tragedie of Sir Richard Grinuile Knight Bramo assai poco spero nulla chieggio At London Printed by I. Roberts for Richard Smith 1595. To the right Honorable his singuler good Lord Charles Lord Montioy THE zeale most excellent Lord which in my soule hath euer beene deuoted to your seruice intangl'd with your honorable fauors to mine vnable deseruings hath giuen fier to my hart wings to my youngling Muse to raise her leaden humor aboue the ordinarie pitch of her dull Anthems and sing of a subiect the height of whose action might if I had might make my verse most mightie graunt then renowned Lord that thine eyes may lighten on my layes and thy graces keepe from scandall my poore wydowed Orphan pyttie renowned Grinuile in his death-renowning hower excuse his rough Poet whose sences are vnshapt for more softer melodie so shall hee liue happie and I vnfaultie both satisfied Your Lordships eternally Ieruis Markham TO THE RIGHT HOnorable Robert Earle of Sussex GReat Lord to whom infinitiues of fame Flock like night starres about the siluer Moone That giuest new fier to learnings late quencht flame Sauing the Muse by stonie times vndoone Let me finde fauour in thine honord sight Daring my rimes vnto thy sacred hand And whilst their accents talke of valures might Yeeld them some splendour from thy valures brand Thou in their lines they in thine eyes shall see Nothing but honors vncontrouled minde Thou lending they exacting still from thee Substance that might to mightines doth binde And for his sake whose praise my Muse hath sought Fauour my worke the image of thy thought I. M. To the right Honorable Henrie Wriothesly Earle of South-hampton and Baron of Titchfielde THou glorious Laurell of the Muses hill Whose eyes doth crowne the most victorius pen Bright Lampe of Vertue in whose sacred skill Liues all the blisse of eares-in chaunting men From grauer subiects of thy graue assayes Bend thy coragious thoughts vnto these lines The graue frō whence mine humble Muse doth raise True honors spirit in her rough deseignes And when the stubborne stroke of my harsh song Shall seasonlesse glide through almightie eares Vouchsafe to sweet it with thy blessed tong VVhose wel tun'd sound stills musick in the sphears So shall my tragick layes be bleft by thee And from thy lips suck theyr eternitie I. M. To the honorable Knight Sir Edward VVingfield WHen Alexander read Achilles prayse VVith honours enuie and a loftie hart He shed stout teares in ruth of stonie dayes VVhich to his acts no Musicke could impart So all my all essence of what I am Though our Achilles praise play in thine eye Feare not records for thine inrouled name VVhich shall out-liue immortall Poesie A thousand Sirens in the worlds last age Shall sing of thee thy valure and thy skill And to their lines lay Angells eares in gage With soueraign charmes sent frō a soueraigne quill Meane while vouchsafe to grace my worke me Gracing the soule beloued of heauen and thee I. M. The argument of the whole Tragedie SIr Richard Grinuile lying at anchor neere vnto Flores one of the westerlie Ilands of the Azores the last of August in the after noone had inteligence by one Captayne Midelton of the aproch of the Spanish Armada beeing in number fiftie three saile of great ships and fifteene thousand men to man them Sir Richard staying to recouer his men which were vpon the Iland and disdayning to flie from his Countries enemy not beeing able to recouer the winde was instantlie inuirond with that hudge Nauie betweene whom began a dreadfull fight continuing the space of fifteene howers in which conflict Sir Richard sunck the great San Phillip of Spaine the Ascention of Siuel the Admirall of the Hulks and two other great Armados about midnight Sir Richard receiued a woūd through the bodie and as he was in dressing was shot againe into the head and his Surgion slaine Sir Richard mayntained the fight till he had not one corne of powder left nor one whole pike nor fortie lyuing men which seeing hee would haue sunke his owne ship but that he was gaine-stood by the Maister thereof who contrarie to his will came to composition with the Spanyards and so saued those which were left aliue Sir Richard dyed aboard the Admyrall of Spayne about the fourth day after the battaile and was mightelie bewaild of all men Faults escaped in the printing IN B. the second page the third stanza and the first line for night eternall read nights eternall In F. page eight the second stanza and the last line for Abrahams read Abr'ams Also in the next stanza folowing and the thyrd line for bard read bar'd ¶ The most Honourable Tragedie of Sir Richard Grinuile Knight To the fayrest A Heauenlie fier is crope into my braine A heate diuine and all celestiall A burning furie spreads through euery vaine A turret-climbing thought maiesticall All these infuse a spirit-giuing raine Vnto my humble wits great festiuall Whose reede vnpleasing hermonie hath found Thus to transforme her into warlike sound Of wonders miracles and famous chiualrie Of Honours Image and of Vertues iarres Things past beliefe yet pure in certaintie Of Death dead-slaine by Death of glorious scarres Of mortall made immortall Dietie And all containd in Valures stainelesse warres My homelie Muse stretching her oaten string Vnlearn't to thunder mildlie meanes to sing Rest thee dread boy the night eternall Lord Faire feathered Cupid thy Licaenas ioy Of thy tryumphant Chariot richlie stord VVith bleeding harts that breathing sighes destroy Nor thee nor of thy kingdome I record Nor louers teares nor loue nor loues annoy Nor ought that in the vast world may be found Where tears in sighes sighes in tears are drownd Fit subiects those for Poets golden quills Such as haue trod the true Pierian race VVhose sacred braines those numbers tun'd distills VVhich giues conceit the child of heauen her grace But now this flame that all my bodie fills Is Englands weeping ioy and Spaynes disgrace Fearefull alarums and the wet worlds sacke Swells in my song the Dirge for glories wracke To thee faire Nymph my loue my life my gaze My soules first mouer essence of my blisse Thought-chast Dictinna Natures onlie maze Heauen of all what euer heauenlie is More white then Atlas browe or Pelops blaze Compleat perfection which all creatures misse More louelie then was bright Astioche Or Iunos hand-mayd sacred Diope To thee which neuer lifts thine eyes to heauen But harts of Kings are showred in the same Fairer then Sunne Moone Starres or Planets seauen True brand of Vertue Honours liuing flame O thou whom hate adors whose praise is euen Matcht with the glories of the greatest name Thou like thy selfe or better much by ods Nere made without a Parliament of Gods To thee this labour of my Sunne-burnt braine Ill limn'd memorials of diuinest rage I offer as oblations to detaine Thy life-inspiring sight my peaces gage
night which holds meane blisse in scorne By action kills imaginations sway And then euen then gluts cōfounds his thought VVith all the sweets conceit or Nature wrought Euen so our Knight the bridegroome vnto Fame Toild in this battailes morning with vnrest At noone triumph'd daunst made his game That vertue by no death could be deprest But when the night of his loues longings came Euen then his intelectuall soule confest All other ioyes imaginarie were Honour vnconquerd heauen earth held deare The bellowing shotte which wakened dead mens swounds As Dorian musick sweetned in his cares Ryuers of blood issuing from fountaine wounds Hee pytties but augments not with his teares The flaming fier which mercilesse abounds Hee not so much as masking torches feares The dolefull Eccho of the soules halfe dying Quicken his courage in their banefull crying VVhen foule Misfortune houering on a Rock The stonie girdle of the Florean Ile Had seene this conflict and the fearefull shock VVhich all the Spanysh mischeifes did compile And saw how conquest licklie was to mock The hope of Spayne and fauster her exile Immortall she came downe her selfe to fight And doe what else no mortall creature might And as she flew the midnights waking starre Sad Cassiopea with a heauie cheare Pusht forth her forehead to make known frō farre VVhat time the dryrie dole of earth drew neare But when shee saw Misfortune arm'd in warre VVith teares she blinds her eyes and clouds y e ayre And asks the gods why Fortune fights with man They say to doe what else no creature can O why should such immortall enuie dwell In the inclosures of eternall mould Let Gods with Gods and men with men rebell Vnequall warres t'vnequall shame is sould But for this damned deede came shee from hell And Ioue is sworne to doe what dest'nie would VVeepe then my pen the tell-tale of our woe And curse the fount frō whence our sorrows flow Now now Misfortune fronts our Knight in armes And casts her venome through the Spanysh hoast Shee salues the dead and all the lyuing warmes With vitall enuie brought from Plutos coast Yet all in vaine all workes not Grinuils harmes VVhich seene shee smiles and yet with rage imbost Saith to her selfe since men are all too weake Behold a goddesse shall thy lifes twine breake VVith that shee taks a Musket in her hand Raft from a dying Souldiour newlie slaine And ayming where th' vncōquered Knight did stand Dischargd it through his bodie and in twaine Deuids the euer holie nuptiall band Which twixt his soule worlds part shold remaine Had not his hart stronger then Fortunes will Held life perforce to scorne Misfortunes ill The bubling wound from whence his blood distild Mourn'd to let fall the hallowed drops to ground And like a iealious loue by riuall illd Sucks in the sacred moisture through the wound But he which felt deaths fatall doome fulfilld Grew fiercer valiant and did all confound VVas not a Spanyard durst abord him rest After he felt his deaths wound in his brest Hundreds on hundreds dead on the maymed fall Maymed on sounde sound in them selues lye slaine Blest was the first that to his ship could crall For wounded he wounds multituds againe No sacrifice but sacrifice of all Could stay his swords oblations vnto paine Nor in Phillippie fell for Caesars death Soules thicker then for Grinuils wasting breath The Nemian Lyon Aramanthian Bore The Hircanian Tyger nor the Cholcean Bulls Neuer extended rage with such vprore Nor in their brests mad monstrous furie lulls Now might they learne that euer learnt before Wrath at our Knight which all wrath disanulls For slauish death his hands commaunded more Then Lyon Tyger Bull or angrie Bore Had Pompey in Pharsalia held his thought Caesar had neuer wept vpon his head Had Anthonie at Actiome like him fought Augustus teares had neuer drownd him dead Had braue Renaldo Grinuiles puissance bought Angelica from Fraunce had neuer fled Nor madded Rowland with inconstancie But rather slayne him wanting victorie Before a storme flew neuer Doues so fast As Spanyards from the furie of his fist The stout Reuenge about whose forlorne wast Whilome so many in their moods persist Now all alone naught but the sourge imbrast Her foes from handie combats cleane desist Yet still incirkling her within their powers From farre sent shot as thick as winters showers Anger and Enuie enemies to Life Strong smouldring Heate noisom stink of Smoke With ouer-labouring Toyle Deaths ouglie wife These all accord with Grinuiles wounded stroke To end his liues date by their ciuell strife And him vnto a blessed state inyoke But he repeld them whilst repell he might Till fainting power was tane from power to fight Then downe he sat and beat his manlie brest Not mourning death but want of meanes to die Those which suruiu'd coragiouslie he blest Making them gods for god-like victorie Not full twice twentie soules aliue did rest Of which the most were mangled cruellie Yet still whilst words could speake or signes could show From death he maks eternall life to grow The Maister-gunner which beheld his eyes Dart fier gainst death triumphant in his face Came to sustaine him and with courage cryes How fares my Knight worlds glory martiall grace Thine honour former honours ouer-flyes And vnto Heaven and Vertue bids the bace Cheere then thy soule if deaths wounding paine it Abrahams faire bosome lyes to entertaine it Maister he sayes euen heers the opned dore Through which my spirit bridgroome like must ride And then he bard his wounded brest all gore To court the blessed virgine Lambe his bride VVhose innoncence the worlds afflictions bore Streaming diuine blood from his sliced side And to that heauen my soule with courage flyes Because vnconquerd conquering it dyes But yet replyd the Maister once againe Great vertue of our vertues striue with Fate Yeeld not a minute vnto death retaine Life like thy glorie made to wonder at This wounds recouerie well may entertaine A double triumph to thy conquering state And make thee liue immortall Angell blest Pleaseth thee suffer it be searcht and drest Descend then gentle Grinuile downe below Into my Cabbin for a breathing space In thee there let thy Surgion stanch our woe Giuing recuer to thee our wounded case Our breaths frō thy breaths fountaine gently flow If it be dried our currents loose their grace Then both for vs and thee and for the best Descend to haue thy wound bound vp drest Maister reply'd the Knight since last the sunne Lookt from the hiest period of the sky Giuing a signall of the dayes mid noone Vnto this hower of midnight valiantly From of this vpper deck I haue not runne But fought and freed and welcomd victorie Then now to giue newe couert to mine head VVere to reuiue our foes halfe conquered Thus with contrarie arguments they warre Diuers in their opinions and their speech One seeking means th'other a will to darre Yet both
my selfe with shame seruile wrack Nor if my hart degenerate should yeeld To entertaine an amorus thought of life And so transport mine honour to the field VVhere seeming-valure dies by cowards knife Yet zeale and conscience shall new forces build And others soules with my soule holdeth strife For halfe my men all that draw sound breath Are gone on shore for foode to conquer death If I forsake them certaine is their end If I obtaine them doubtfull is our fall Vpon my flight shame and their sacks depend Vpon my stay hope of good hap doth call Equall to me the meanest I commend Nor will I loose but by the losse of all They are the sinewes of my life and fame Dismembred bodies perish cripple-lame This sayd he sends a cock-boate to the shore To summon backe his men vnto their ship Who com'd a board began with some vprore To way their Anchors and with care to dip Their hie reuolues in doubt and euermore To paint deaths visage with a trembling lip Till he that was all fearelesse and feare slew VVith Nectard words from thē all dangers drew VVhen Midelton Saw Grinuills hie reuolue Past hope past thought past reach of all aspire Once more to moue him flie he doth resolue And to that purpose tips his tongue with fier Fier of sweete words that easelie might dissolue And moisten flint though steeld in stiffe attire Had not desier of wonder praise and fame Extinkt the sparks and still keepe dead the flame Greater and better then inarked he VVhich in the worlds huge deluge did suruiue O let thy wings of magnanimitie Not vainelie flatter Honour to acchiue Gainst all conceit impossibilitie By which thou murderst Vertue keepe aliue Nor in thy seeking of diuinitie Kill not heauens fame by base mortallitie O Grinuile thou hast red Philosophy Nature and Arte hath made thee excellent And what thou read'st hath grafted this in thee That to attempt hie dangers euident VVithout constraine or neede is infamie And honor turnes to rashnes in th'euent And who so darrs not caring how he darrs Sells vertues name to purchase foolish starrs Deere Knight thou art not forst to hazard fame Heauens haue lent thee meanes to scape thine ill If thou abide as true as is thy name So truly shall thy fault thy death fulfill And as to loue the life for vertues flame Is the iust act of a true noble will So to contemne it and her helps exclude Is basenes rashnes and no Fortitude He that compard mans bodie to an hoast Sayd that y e hands were scouts discouering harmes The feete were horsemen thundring on the coast The brest and stomacke footmen huge in swarmes But for the head in soueraigntie did boast It Captayne was director of alarms VVhose rashnes if it hazarded an ill Not hee alone but all the hoast did spill Rashe Isadas the Lacedemon Lord That naked fought against the Theban power Although they crown'd his valure by accord Yet was hee find for rashnes in that hower And those which most his carelesse praise affoard Did most condemne what follie did deuoure For in attempting prowesse is not ment But wiselie doing what we doe attempt Then sith t'is valure to abandon fight And base to darre where no hope is to winne Renowned man of all renowne the light Hoyst vp thy sailes delay attackts thy sinne Flie from ill-boding starres with all thy might Vnto thy hart let praise and pittie in This sayd and more desirous much to crie Sir Richard stayd him with this rich replie Captayne I praise thy warlike eloquence And sober Axioms of Philosophie But now's no time for schoole points difference VVhen Deaths blacke Ensigne threatens miserie Yet for thy words sound of such consequence Making flight praise and fight pale obloquie Once ere I die Ile clense my wits from rust And proue my flying base my stay most iust Whence shall I flie from refuge of my fame From whom euen from my Countries mortall foe VVhither but to the dungeon of my shame VVhy shall I flie for feare of happie woe VVhat end of flight to saue vild life by blame VVho ist that flies Grinuile Captayne no T'is England flies faire Ile of happines And true diuine Elizas holynes Shall then my lifes regard taynt that choyce faire First will I perrish in this liquid round Neuer shall Sunne-burnt Spanyards tongue endeare Iberian eares with what shall me confound The life I haue I for my Mistris beare Curst were that life should it her scepter wound And trebble cursed be that damned thought Which in my minde hath any fayntnes wrought Now for Philosophie defends thy theame Euen selfe Philosophie shall arme my stile Rich buskin'd Seneca that did declaime And first in Rome our tragicke pompe compile Saith Fortitude is that which in extreame And certaine hazard all base feares exile It guides saith he the noble mind from farre Through frost and fier to conquer honors warre Honie-tongd Tullie Mermaid of our eares Affirmes no force can force true Fortitude It with our bodies no communion beares The soule and spyrit sole doth it include It is that part of honestie which reares The hart to heauen and euer doth obtrude Faint feare and doubt still taking his delight In perrills which exceeds all perrills might Patience Perseuerance Greatnes and Strong Trust These pages are to Fortitude their king Patience that suffers and esteemeth iust VVhat euer woe for vertue fortunes bring Perseuerance holds constant what we must Greatnes that still effects the greatest thing And aimed Trust which neuer can dispaire But hopes good hap how euer fatall deare The Roman Sergius hauing lost his hand Slew with one hand foure in a single fight A thing all reason euer did with-stand But that bright Fortitude spred forth her light Pompey by storme held from th'Italyan land And all his sailours quaking in his sight First hoisted saile and cry'd amidst the strife There's neede I goe no neede to saue my life Agis that guilt the Lacedemon streete Intending one day battaile with his foes By counsaile was repeld as thing vnmeete The enemie beeing ten to one in shoes But he reply'd Tis needfull that his feete VVhich many leads should leade to many bloes And one being good an Armie is for ten Foes to religion and known naughty men To him that told Dienecus his foes Couer'd the Sun with darts and armed speares Hee made reply Thy newes is ioy in woes Wee'le in the shadow fight and conquer feares And from the Polands words my humor floes I care for naught but falling of the Spheares Thunder afrights the Infants in the schooles And threatnings are the conquerers of fooles As these my case is not so desperate And yet then these my darre shall be no lesse If this in them for fame was wondred at Then this in mee shall my desiers expresse Neuer shall Greece nor Rome nor Heathen state With shining honor Albions shine depresse Though their great circuits yeelds their acts large boūds
one end and one desire reach Both to keepe honour liuing plyant are Hee by his fame and he by skilfull leach At length the Maister winnes and hath procurd The Knight discend to haue his woundings curd Downe when he was and had display'd the port Through which his life was martching vp to heauen Albe the mortall taint all cuers retort Yet was his Surgion not of hope bereuen But giues him valiant speech of lifes resort Sayes longer dayes his longer fame shall euen And for the meanes of his recouerie He finds both arte and possibilitie Misfortune hearing this presage of life For what but chimes within immortall eares VVithin her selfe kindles a home-bred strife And for those words y e Surgions doomes day swears VVith that her charg'd peece Atropos keene knife Againe she takes and leueld with dispairs Sent a shrill bullet through the Surgions head which thence through Grinuils tēples like was led Downe fel the Surgion hope and helpe was rest His death gaue manumition to his soule Misfortune smyld and euen then shee left The mournfull Ocean mourner for this dole Away shee flyes for all was now bereft Both hope and helpe for life to win deaths gole Yet Grinuile vnamaz'd with constant faith Laughing dispisd the second stroke of death VVhat foole saith he ads to the Sea a drop Lends Etna sparks or angry stormes his wind VVho burnes the roote whē lightning fiers the top VVho vnto hell can worse then hell combind Pale hungry Death thy greedy longings stop Hope of long life is banefull to my mind Yet hate not life but lothe captiuitie Where rests no trust to purchase victorie Then vp he came with feeble pace againe Strength frō his blood blood frō his woūds descending Saies here I liu'd here wil I sustaine The worst of Deaths worst by my fame defending And then he fell to warre with might and maine Valure on death most valiantly depending And thus continued aye coragiously Vntill the day chast shadowes from the sky But when the mornings dewie locks drunke vp A mistie moysture from the Oceans face Then might he see the source of sorrowes cup Plainly prefigur'd in that hatefull place And all the miseries that mortals sup From their great Grandsire Adams band disgrace For all that did in circle him was his foe And that incircled modell of true woe His masts were broken and his tackle torne His vpper worke hew'd downe into the Sea Naught of his ship aboue the sourge was borne But euen leueld with the Ocean lay Onely the ships foundation yet that worne Remaind a trophey in that mighty fray Nothing at all aboue the head remained Either for couert or that force maintained Powder for shot was spent and wasted cleane Scarce seene a corne to charge a peece withall All her pykes broken halfe of his best men slaine The rest sore wounded on Deaths Agents call On th'other side her foes in ranks remaine Displaying multitudes and store of all VVhat euer might auaile for victorie Had they not wanted harts true valiancie When Grinuile saw his desperate drierie case Meerely dispoyld of all succes-full thought Hee calls before him all within the place The Maister Maister-gunner and them taught Rules of true hardiment to purchase grace Showes thē the end their trauailes toile had bought How sweet it is swift Fame to ouer-goe How vile to diue in captiue ouerthrow Gallants he saith since three a clock last noone Vntill this morning fifteene howers by course We haue maintaind stoute warre and still vndoone Our foes assaults and driue them to the worse Fifteene Armados boardings haue not wonne Content or ease but beene repeld by force Eight hundred Cannon shot against our side Haue not our harts in cowards colours died Not fifteene thousand men araungd in fight And fifteene howers lent them to atchiue VVith fifty three great ships of boundlesse might Haue had or meanes or prowesse to contriue The fall of one which mayden vertue dight Kept in despight of Spanish force aliue Then list to mee you imps of memorie Borne to assume to immortalitie Sith loosing we vnlost keepe strong our praise And make our glories gaynours by our ends Let not the hope of howers for tedious dayes Vnto our liues no larger circuite lends Confound our wondred actions and assayes VVhereon the sweete of mortall eares depends But as we liue by wills victorious So let vs die victours of them and vs. VVee that haue mercilesse cut Mercies wings And muffeld pittie in deaths mistie vale Let vs implore no mercie pittyings But from our God deere fauour to exhale Our soules to heauen where all the Angells rings Renowne of vs and our deepe tragick tale Let vs that cannot liue yet liue to dye Vnthrald by men fit tropheys for the skye And thus resolu'd since other meane is reft Sweet Maister-gunner split our keele in twaine We cannot liue whom hope of life hath left Dying our deaths more glorious liues retaine Let not our ship of shame and foile bereft Vnto our foe-men for a prize remaine Sinke her and sinking with the Greeke wee'le cry Best not to be or beeing soone to dye Scarse had his words tane wings frō his deare tong But the stout Maister-gunner euer ritch In heauenlie valure and repulsing wrong Proud that his hands by action might inritch His name and nation with a worthie song Tow'rd his hart higher then Eagles pitch And instantlie indeuours to effect Grinuiles desier by ending Deaths defect But th'other Maister and the other Mat's Disented from the honour of their minds And humbly praid the Knight to rue their stat's VVhom miserie to no such mischeife binds To him th'aleadge great reasons and dilat's Their foes amazements whom their valures blinds And maks more eager t'entertaine a truce Then they to offer words for warres excuse They show him diuers gallant men of might VVhose wounds not mortall hope gaue of recuer For their saks sue they to diuorce this night Of desperate chaunce calld vnto Deaths black lure Their lēgthned liues their coūtries cares might right And to their Prince they might good hopes assure Thē qd the Captaine deere Knight do not spill The liues whom gods and Fat's seeke not to kill And where thou sayst the Spanyards shall not braue T'haue tane one ship due to our virgin Queene O know that they nor all the world can saue This wounded Barke whose like no age hath seene Sixe foote shee leaks in hold three shot beneath the waue All whose repaire so insufficient beene That when the Sea shall angrie worke begin Shee cannot chuse but sinke and dye therein Besides the wounds and brusings which she beares Are such so manie so incurable As to remoue her from this place of feares No force no wit no meane nor man is able Then since that peace prostrate to vs repaires Vnlesse our selues our selues make miserable Herculeen Knight for pittie pittie lend No fame consists in wilfull desperat end These words with emphasis and action spent
Mou'd not Sir Richard but inrag'd him more To bow or yeeld his hart would neare relent Hee still impungs all thought of lifes restore The Maister-gunner euer doth consent To act his wish swearing in beds of gore Death is most louelie sweete and amiable But captiu'd life for foulenes admirable The Captayne seeing words could take no place Turnes backe from them vnto the liuing few Expounds what pittie is what victors grace Bids them them selues them selues in kindnes rew Peace if they please will kindlie them imbrace And they may liue from whom warres glory grew But if they will to desperate end consent Their guilty soules too late shall mourne repent The sillie men which sought but liuing ioyes Cryes to the Captaine for an honord truce Life they desire yet no life that destroyes Their wonne renownes but such as might excuse Their woes their wounds and all what els anoyes Beautie of laude for other they refuse All which the Captaine swears they shal obtaine Because their foes in doubtfull states remaine O when Sir Richard saw them start aside More chaynd to life then to a glorius graue And those whom hee so oft in dangers tryde Now trembling seeke their hatefull liues to saue Sorrow and rage shame and his honors pride Choking his soule madly compeld him raue Vntill his rage with vigor did confound His heauie hart and left him in a swound The Maister-gunner likewise seeing Fate Bridle his fortune and his will to die With his sharpe sword sought to set ope the gate By which his soule might from his body flie Had not his freends perforce preseru'd his state And lockt him in his Cabbin safe to lie Whilst others swarm'd where haplesse Grinuile lay By cryes recalling life late runne away In this too restlesse turmoile of vnrest The poore Reuenges Maister stole away And to the Spanish Admirall adrest The dolefull tidings of this mournfull day The Spanish Admirall who then oprest Houering with doubt not daring t'end the fray And pleads for truce w t souldiour-like submission Anexing to his words a straight condition Alfonso willing to giue end to armes For well he knew Grinuile would neuer yeild Albe his power stoode like vnnumbred swarmes Yet daring not on stricter tearmes to build Hee offers all what may alay their harmes Safetie of liues nor any thrall to weild Free from the Gallie prisonment or paine And safe returne vnto their soyle againe To this he yeelds as well for his owne sake Whom desperate hazard might indamage sore As for desier the famous Knight to take Whom in his hart he seemed to deplore And for his valure halfe a God did make Extolling him all other men before Admiring with an honourable hart His valure wisdome and his Souldiours Art VVith peacefull newes the Maister backe returns And rings it in the liuing remnants eares They all reioyce but Grinuile deadly mourns He frets he sighs he sorrowes and despaires Hee cryes this truce their fame and blisse adiourns He rents his locks and all his garments teares He vowes his hands shal rent the ship in twaine Rather then he will Spanish yoke sustaine The few reseru'd that life esteem'd too well Knowing his words were warrants for his deede Vnkindly left him in that monstrous hell And fled vnto Alfonso with great speede To him their Chieftaines mightines they tell And how much valure on his soule doth feede That if preuention not his actions dim Twill be too late to saue the shyp or him Bassan made proude vnconquering t'ouer-come Swore the braue Knight nor ship he would not lose Should all the world in a petition come And therefore of his gallants fortie chose To board Sir Richard charging them be dombe From threatning words from anger from bloes But with all kindnes honor and admire To bring him thence to further Fames desire Sooner they boarded not the crazed Barke But they beheld where speechlesse Grinuile lay All smeard in blood and clouded in the darke Contagious curtaine of Deaths tragick day They wept for pittie and yet silent marke VVhether his lungs sent liuing breath away VVhich when they saw in ayrie blasts to flie They striu'd who first should stanch his misery Anon came life and lift his eye-lids vp Whilst they with teares denoūce their Generals wil VVhose honord minde sought to retort the cup Of Deaths sad poyson well instruckt to kill Tells him what fame and grace his eyes might sup From Bassans kindnes and his Surgions skill Both how he lou'd him and admir'd his fame To which he sought to lend a liuing flame Aye mee quoth Grinuile simple men I know My bodie to your Generall is a pray Take it and as you please my lyms bestow For I respect it not tis earth and clay But for my minde that mightier much doth grow To heauen it shall despight of Spanish sway This said ore-come with anguish with paine Hee swounded and did neuer speake againe They tooke him vp and to theyr Generall brought His mangled carkasse but vnmaimed minde Three dayes hee breath'd yet neuer spake he ought Albe his foes were hūble sad kinde The fourth came downe the Lambe that all soules bought And his pure part from worser parts refind Bearing his spirite vp to the loftie skyes Leauing his body wonder to wonders eyes VVhen Bassan saw the Angell-spirite fled VVhich lent a mortall frame immortall thought With pittie griefe and admiration led He mournfully complaind what Fat's had wrought VVoe me he cryes but now aliue now dead But now inuincible now captiue brought In this vniust are Fat's and Death declared That mighty ones no more thē mean are spared You powers of heauen rayne honour on his hearse And tune the Cherubins to sing his fame Let Infants in the last age him rehearse And let no more honour be Honors name Let him that will obtaine immortall vearse Conquer the stile of Grinuile to the same For till that fire shall all the world consume Shall neuer name with Grinuils name presume Rest then deere soule in thine all-resting peace And take my teares for trophyes to thy tombe Let thy lost blood thy vnlost fame increase Make kingly eares thy praises second wombe That when all tongues to all reports surcease Yet shall thy deeds out-liue the day of doome For euen Angels in the heauens shall sing Grinuile vnconquerd died still conquering O vtinam FINIS WHat became of the Reuenge after Sir Richards death diuers report diuersly but the most probable and sufficient proofe sayth that within fewe dayes after the Knights death there arose a great storme from the VVest and North-west that all the Fleet was disperced aswell the Indian Fleet which were then come vnto them as all the rest of the Armada which attended their ariuall of vvhich fourteene sayle together with the Reuenge and in her two hundred Spanyards were cast away vppon the Ile of S. Michaels so it pleased them to honour the buriall of that renowned Ship the Reuenge not suffering her to perrish alone for the great honour shee atchiued in her life time