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A18014 The plaine ma[ns] spirituall plough Containing the godly and spirituall husbandrie. Wherein euery Christian ought to be exercised, for the happie encrease of fruite, to eternall life. By I.C. preacher of the word. Carpenter, John, d. 1621. 1607 (1607) STC 4663; ESTC S118755 136,138 254

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Greg. in Iob. li. 21. cc. 19. They are very fooles base persons whom thraldome of their minds hath alienated from the company of the eternall inheritance Moreouer these Oxen for their furniture in this businesse haue also as answerable to Pieties Plough their Yokes 1. The yoke of Impiety their Necke-bowes their Keyes and their Chaines or Ropes Their yoke is not that which the true christians beare with great courage comfort nor only that seruile yoke of the Law whereto the Iewes were constrained to bow their neckes but the heauy yoke of preuarication sin to the which they are in euery ranke prostituted constrained by the law of their members a cankred conscience wherein they haue a consuming worm euer gnawing their soules which are as the Neck-bowes 2. Necke-bowes of this yoke strengthened or holden in by the Keyes 3. The Keyes of Satans suggestion policie and finally they are tied together with fiue chaines or yron ropes 4. The Ropes which are the fiue chiefe senses as wel of soule as of bodie vnder natures corruption and their sinfull abuse as whereby neither seeing nor hearing nor tasting nor smelling nor feeling perfectly they put light for darknesse and darknes for light sweete for so wer and sower for sweete good for euill and euill for good therefore worthily reproued by the holy Prophet threatned with a terrible woe Isa 5. CHAP. XXXIIII 1. The Holder 2. The Leader 3. The Driuer of this impious Plough THis Plough hath also an Holder a Leader and a Driuer First the Holder thereof is the Diuell 1. The Holder is the Diuel which apostating from the glory of holy Angells opposeth himselfe and his actions to God to his Saints and to all goodnesse Hee is the principall Tiller of this field Io. 8.44 in the which he sets forth those his Oxen not onely for the sowing of iniquity to their destruction but for the terror feare trouble of others both in the Church and in the commonwealth in such sort as hee tumbled forth rhe heard of Swine into the waterrs Mark 5.13 whereon not only the swine perished but all the Country stoode in dread what thereof would ensue if the Lord Iesus had remained there among them The Leader of the Oxen is Antichrist 1. The Leader is Antichrist Aug. de ciuit dei c. 19. l. 20. that is not onely the kingdome of the false Doctors Teachers in the succession of the Roman Bishops that Sea which obscure the bright beames of the Gospell persecute Christ in his members and maintaine a worldly kingdome in the pride and ambition of their minds but he which is gone forth of the Church and contrarieth Iesus Christ in studie doctrine life as I haue more plainely taught in my Preparation to Contentation Chap ● 4.5 The Driuer of this Plough is the Spirit of Error 3. The Driuer is the Spirit of Error in the false Prophets which yoketh on these deceiued soules to follow their deceiuer sometimes by flatteries sometimes by sophistries sometimes by policies sometimes by tyrannies sometimes by herisies and by a thousand hypocrisies guilfull vanities in and by all the which hee euer crosseth contrarieth the holy Ghost by whom the oxen of Pietie are iustly mooued to draw on the Soole And herein the diuell seeking to deceiue men he first sounds their natures and knowing to what sin they are most profane Isul le 3. de summe bono Pet. Rauen in meerk 2. applies his tentations thereunto For he is the author of euill the originall of iniquity the enemie of things the corruptor of the world the aduersary of man he laies snares causeth falls digges pits prepares ruines prickes on the bodies pierceth the soules suggesteth the cogitations prouokes angers giues powers to hatreds addes vices to loue planteth errors nourisheth discordes disturbeth peace dissipates affections violateth humane things tempteth diuine thinges strikes at the beginning of good things captiues the rudiment of vertue hasteneth to extinguish that which is holy euen at the beginning knowing that hee shall be all vnable to subuert that which is once well grounded To and with whom conioyne those others who after Gregorie Greg. in Iob. 35. li. 26. ca. ● we may call Calumniatores being such indeed as do not onely rob dispoile men of their externall substance but by their erroneous doctrines euill manners and examples of a reprobate life contend and endeuour to dissipate their internall vertues and therefore are more to bee feared and abandoned then those theeues and robbers for they assay to inuade our externall good these spoile vs within they for the desire of our riches temporall these cease not to rage in the hatred of our vertues spirituall they enuie the things we enioy these enuie our life they study to take away our externall goods which please them these to destroy the internall treasures which displeaseth them therefore by how much the life of good manners differs from the substance of this world by so much the more greeuous are those wicked which either by diuellish suggestion an euill doctrine or vngodly life assaults or good manners then they which violently oppressing inuade on our goods For by such the quiet spirits led into tentation are subiected to damnable perdition CHAP. XXXV The Harrow or Drag and the Horses of Impietie with the fruits and ends thereof MOreouer to this Plough and Land of Impietie there is fitted by the Diuell a certaine Harrow or Dragge with two ill fauoured Iades to draw the same 1. The Harrow of Impietie The Harrow is that Adulation and flatterie of that false Prophet which may rather be called a Rolier or Smoother such as vsed the Prophets of Israel who when they should haue reproued the people for their abhominations Isa 2● 1 5● 11 Iere. 6.14 8.11 and terrified them with iudgments healed their wounds with faire wordes and dawbed their sinnes with vntempered morter Furthermore whereas in Pieties Harrow were found many sharpe pinnes o● tynes of bitter affliction to teare abroade the hard cloddes of mans peruerse and stubborne nature In this Roll or Dragge are fixed those tynes which are of a contrary nature and operation as namely the sinfull Solaces and fancies of fooles by the which as with precious balmes mans head is broken as Dauid saith To this purpose the maleuolent Temptor proposeth to the eyes of men the glory pleasure wealth and pompe of the worlde to bee desired to the eares the songs of fooles Pro. 1. Cor. 15. resembled to the cracking of thornes vnder the pot in the fire and such wordes which as Saint Paul saith corrupt good manners To the taste Luk 16. meates and liquors of deliciousnes wherewith men are glutted to their paine To the sent of smelling oderiferous gummes hearbs and sweete perfumes To the feeling soft apparrell easie beds quiet sleepes long rest idlenesse and wished
that right worshipfull and vertuous Matron Mistris Cotton and al yours to the heauenly Landlord who be blessed for euer Norleigh in Deuon this first of Ianuary Anno salutis 1606. Your good Lordships to be commanded in all dutie IOHN CARPENTER THE PLAINE mans spirituall Plough CHAP. I. God speede the Plough HE that well beginneth for the most part well succeedeth A good beginning hath the like end as that Builder which best plotteth best prospereth And truly wel he beginneth Eales 12. 1. and soundly he plotteth who remembring his Creator the sooner in his youth beholdeth his face and seeketh in all his endeuours to glorifie his blessed name This method hath our heauenly and most learned Schoolemaister taught and prescribed vs in his doctrine First seeke yee the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and rightly obserued the same in his life and actions for our imitation when according to the prophesie of the sweet Psalmists Psal 16.8 of Israel He set Iehouah before his face who therefore stoode at his right hand to the ioy of his soule and stabilitie of his glory when others fell And heere is both standing and falling for where this rule is not holden the waight of the walls as laide on a sandie foundation is with Nimrods Babel subiect to a sodaine downe fall Gen. 11.9 The very sweete Spowsesse whom King Saloman bringeth in reporting her aduentures seeking for her Soueraigne Cant. 1.3 found him not because she obserued neither the due time nor the true maner thereof For shee sought him in her bed by the nights that is in voluptuousnesse and securitie signified by the bed and by ignorance and errors noted by the nights Ioh. 21.6 In like maner as the Euangelist tels it the Apostles of our Lord not yet fully confirmed went forth to fish and caught iust nothing for that they laboured in the night neither regarded to cast forth their nets on the right side of the Shippe But that the holy Spowsesse might best finde him whom her soule loued she is taught by the watchmen how where and to what ende to seeke him and that those vnfortunate Fishers might catch they are aduised by their Maister both to labour in the bright morning and to cast out their nets on the right side of the Shippe that is to labour with knowledge and integritie as such as are beautified with Vrim and Thummim The Lord GOD willing that wee should take this course without feare or fainting as well for the obtaining of things necessarie God will that we sho●d pray vnt● him at the beginning of our labours as for the comfort of our soules and glorie of his name commandeth vs to call vpon him to aske to seeke to knocke yea and to continue this exercise Next to encourage and animate our spirits he hath promised to heare vs and to grant that whatsoeuer wee shall aske or desire of him in the name of Iesus Thirdly the Lord being as good as his word granteth and giueth vnto such as cal vpon him euen his holy Spirit and all things needfull as well for their bodies as for their soules Fourthly as the necessitie of man prouoketh it so is the exercise of holy prayer most sweete and comfortable Therefore the godly in all ages haue beene in this much delighted and felt the greatest solace in the middest of their greatest afflictions perswading that as they set the Lord before their eyes hee was to them as their father both willing to blesse and declaring his power to preserue them and therefore praying vnto him they call him their father in the heauens Noah the eight Preacher of righteousnesse as he before faithfully depended on the Lord his God from whose grace he had both cōmenced and proceeded in that great work of the Arke wherin Gods glory and Noahs faith did appeare Gen. 8.20 So comming foorth thereof hee aduentured not his husbandry vntill he had built an Altar to the Lord and laide thereon his oblations to the honour of his name Abraham being called out of his owne countrie by the Lord euer placed him in his eyes offred Sacrifices vnto his Grace Ge● 12.7 24.14 28.20 and thence proceeded to the performance of his word Also his seruant Eleazar being sent from him with a charge in the Diuine feare first inuocated the Lord desiring him to prosper his iourney The same rule obserued Moses Dauid Saloman and other the godly of those times In the new Testament we haue the blessed examples not onely of our Lord Iesus praying to his father but also of his holy Apostles and Disciples who gladly learned and followed him therein Act. 1.14 In the first of the Acts when they had assembled about the choyce of Matthias in Iudas place they had not onely Preaching an orderly choyce of persons and casting of Lottes but also and that chiefely prayers as whereby they might moue the Lord to supply and to effect that which neither themselues nor any other without his holy hand was able to performe for his glory All the which was purposed and done not onely for them then An example for vs to seek the Lord before all things but also for vs now and chiefely for the Teachers and Ministers of the word that they might not onely bee willing to bestowe their studies and endeuours to Preach and divulgate the word and the same to confirme by their owne godly examples but also both to prefixe and affixe mette prayers to the same thereby to desire the Diuine ayde by whose grace and blessings those labours of theires in his Vineyarde and husbandry might bee made fruitfull yea and that wee might knowe whether they either teach others or heare others teaching them there is no fruite or encrease to be presumed or expected from the power or practise of man but from the Lord who onely giueth both to the speaker and also to the hearer not onely a tongue to speake and an eare to heare but also that fruit and profit of either as whereby his name might bee glorified and themselues edified and comforted for eternall life Moreouer the very heathen The heathen how they began Poets and wisemen of the Gentiles haue not neglected but most carefully regarded to begin their workes with the Inuocation of those diuine powers which they most affected worshipped as frō whose graces they were perswaded their labours and studies might enioy the happier fine whereof followed this Distich A● loue fit orfum ne Serpe●s det tibi morsum And therein howsoeuer some haue vainely hunted after the praise of worldly men the better sort as Philemon Socrates Plato and such did euer ayme at the Glorie of the highest power the which they placed for the chiefe scope of their labours and therefore from thence expected ayde and continuall assistance But by how much greater the worke in action was of estimatiō so much the more regard they euer had of this ground-plot knowing
that as the weakenesse of humane abilitie and slendernesse of mans witte coulde neuer of it selfe effect any thing of the meanest request The best commencements much lesse that which is of the noblest regard so also as wisdome reason and experience teach things well begun haue commonlie like successes and that the good beginnings are taken from the diuine grace wherein the greatest actions haue bene enabled with the semblable regard This when I also well weighed I thought it a matter most vnseemelie and nolesse sinful to aduenture this present worke without holy inuocation yea much I doubted lest that without this one thing I should not only transgresse in manie things but also setting the building not on the Rock with the wise man but with the foole on the sand the waight of the walles would haue fallen to the ground and so much the sooner for that the worke now endeuoured is both exceeding great and the degree therof excellent high The waight of the matter in hand vz Pietie for behold this is that which aptly concerneth the supreme magnificency of the most princely Ladie Pietie of whose right nobilitie I perswade euery man who hath been schooled either in the knowledge of God or of himselfe hath happilie heard and with whose laudable graces whosoeuer is truely adorned is both honored with God well commended of all good men And this I am sure ye will confesse together with me when yee shall aright vnderstand both the nature and vtilitie of this Soueraigne Princesse by her plaine description but the more when ye shall be moued to entertaine and embrace the sweete influences of her glorious vertues Now Pietie Cicer. in Re. tue li. 2. Aug. epist 22. ad Macedo if ye aske mee what I vnderstand by this word I answere not only that Philostorge or louing affection whereby a man loueth honoureth r●uerenceth gratifieth and dutifully regardeth his father mother brethren kindred Country and such as haue thereby well deserued according to the definition of the Philosophers but also that chiefly that most reuerend holy and true worship of the most high God Chris in ser De fide de lege and the true loue and right regard of dutie towards all men whose originall and fountaine the whole scriptures diuinely inspired haue drawne not from the nature wit abilitie or policie of sinfull man but from the verie spirit of truth as an influence of the highest heauens comprehended in the feare of God expressed in Faith Hope and Charitie hath his Mysterie exceeding great for vnder the same not onely God is manifested in the flesh as Paul the holie Apostle affirmeth 1. Tim. 3. but also there lye couched great safetie great wealth great vtilitie great glorie Thereof the auncient Hermes knowing the safetie protested that Lactan. li. 2. de Origine Erro cap. 16. Mia Phylake Eusebeia c. Pietie is that onely keeper or preser matrix of men for neither hath the wicked diuel nor yet Fate any maner power ouer the godly man for God deliuereth him from all euil therefore is Pietie or Godlines that one and onely good thing among men Next wee heare the Apostle to affirme that Pietie is great riches to them which are content with that which they haue thirdly he saith that this vertue is profitable to all things lastly that it hath for her end euerlasting life For in the true tenure of Pietie not only all the Creatures of God in the world but also all the treasures and rights of the kingdome of heauen are ours Therefore this is the same which beyond all other things he boldly commendeth as not only the best and most acceptable to God but the verie scope of all the holy Scriptures which are giuen to this end that men might belieue and in belieuing might haue eternall life in the name of the Sonne of God Loe such a thing haue I aduentured to haue at this time whose reuerence although I esteeme farre beyond mine abilitie and worthinesse yet vnder the feare of him who hath called me with an holy calling graunted me to knowe the secretes of this vertue and enabled me to declare his glorie in the middest of his congregation haue I so farre forth presumed yet not I but that diuine grace which worketh in mee Therefore let vs now with meeke heartes and due reuerence fall downe before his footstoole and faithfully lift vp our humble mindes vnto that heauenly Father frō whom this grace desendeth Let vs seeke him in a true faith and desire his gratious goodnes that in his diuine fauour mercy and louing affection towards vs through his sweete sonne our Sauiour he would respect our condition speede well our Plough and prosper all our godly endeuours that thereof plowing and sowing not to the flesh but to the spirit we may reape not of the flesh corruption but of the spirit life euerlasting for the high glory of his maiestie the soueraign benefit of his Church the perfect discharge of Christian dutie and the prosperitie of the elected Saints O most blessed father the God of glory A prayer for the good speed of Pieties Plough and king of all consolation we thy poore children oppressed with the intollerable burthen of sinne and scourged with miseries rod the guard of transgressions doe now here prostrate both our bodies and soules before thy foote-stoole Thou hast commanded vs to sowe for Righteousnesse Hos 10.12 and to reape according to Mercies measure to plough vp our fallow ground to seeke after thee in the happie time and to apply Pieties Plough in the true obseruation of godly dutie But alas ô father wee be so witlesse and weake as wee neither knowe how to vse the one nor are able to labour in the other nor can we be drawne from the idle market place into the happie field of the spirituall husbandry but by thy wisdome thy mercie and thy louing and gracious calling through thy most holy Messias our Sauiour For as no man commeth vnto thee but by thy Sonne so neither commeth any man to thy Sonne but whom thou drawest and thou drawest them no doubt by thy mercie Ier. 31.3 whom thou hast embraced with thine euerlasting loue Gen. 9.27 Therefore with righteous Noah wee beseech thee to perswade vs in thy mercies to enter Sichems Tabernacles Cant. 1.3 and heartily desire thee with thy holy Spowsesse to drawe vs forth after thee with a promise of our parts but assisted by thee that then wee will runne Call vs ô father effectually manure our worke without and prepare our mindes within Let it please thy good spirit to inspire our hearts thy power to enable our bodies thy grace to confirme our whole man to to thy holy will and pleasure and thy louing mercies to make vs meete for thy seruice that standing no longer ydle we may henceforth labour in thy field follow Pieties Plough and be wholy emploied in the heauenly
Baptist who named himselfe not the Crier but the voice of the Crier in the wildernes for Christ himselfe was that Crier or true preacher of Righteousnes vnto men the ministers of his grace are the voice of this Crier by whom the worde of the Crier is brought vnto vs. At this time the Lord soweth this seede by the preachers and ministers thereof who are also compared to the same Criers voice whose mouthes hands he filleth for this worke with his hi●den treasures as wherby they are furnished and made able ministers of Christ faithfull disposers of his secrets And in this are they the Lords Embassadors or Messengers Gregor August ep 1. ad Iub to bring ●nto men from his high Grace his letters of Au●horitie For the word of God the holy Scrip●ures which they preach and produce for the instruction and edification of the people are as cer●aine Epistles of the Almightie written or sent to his Creature the which a certaine learned Father well weighing thus said Ecce de coelo coelorum Rex Regum c. Beholde the King of Kings and Lord of Lords yea our Redeemer hath vouchsafed to direct his letters vnto vs from the highest heauen by the ministerie of his Prophets and Apostles that thereby wee might knowe that which is necessarie to be knowne for our saluation and glorie The Ministers of the worde likened to the Sower And these persons are likened to the Sower especially in six points First in that he obserueth the qualitie of the land or place Secondlie the congruitie of the time Thirdlie the quantitie of the Seede Fourthlie the qualitie thereof Fifthlie his owne treadinges And sixtlie his yearely regard operation in about the same 1. the Land Thus the Sower of the spirituall Seed considering that the same is to be sowen and distributed either thicker or thinner according to the qualiry of the place or soyle that is the persons and their constitutions to whom the same is to be ministred he measureth forth the word of God proportionallie according to that rule whereof Father Gregorie sometimes said In praedicatione secundum qualitate● Auditorum formari debet Sermo Doctorum that the word of the Teachers in their preachings ought to be framed according to the qualitie of the hearers For all men are not of the like capacitie of the same diet and disposition nor is it meete that the holy things should be giuen to doggs or the pretious pearles cast before the swine Again it is no● profitable for the sicke person to haue sweet potions where neede purges nor pleasant plaister where hard corasiues ought to be applied Therefore considering what the Lord hath done by his Prophets and Apostles the Minister Preacher is to vse applie sometimes threats iudgemēts sometimes promises mercies now the law with the rigour thereof and then the Gospel with the comforts of the same Againe doctrines exhortations instructions refutations and such nowe more then lesse as he shall thinke it best for the qualitie and nature of his hearers Secondlie in this he also obserueth the congruitie of the time and season 2. The congruitie of the time For as in some places are required rather sowing in other places late sowing as in moyste places they must sowe sooner and with more speede lest the seede putrifie with the moysture of winter before it take roote in drie places latter that when the weather commeth on it it vanish not away In like sort there be some like moyst ground namely those which are filled with fleshlie humors lustes and they need to be preuēted they which resemble the drier ground are those which are more religiouslie minded which therfore will more gladly receiue and nourish the seede and these must not be neglected in the due time Touching the dutie of the Sower Eccl 11. to either of these thus saith the wise man Sowe thy Seede in the Morning and also in the euening Let not thine hand rest ● for thou knowest not whether shall prosper this or that or whether both shall be alike good Thirdlie the Sower regardeth the quantitie of ●his Seede 3. The quāti●ie of the Seede casting lesse therof into the fat moyst earth then into the lighter and drier earth for in the fatter it shall more multiplie fall downe and waste but in the other it may be all will not prosper euen so the preacher casteth the See●e of the word more fullie vnto the grosse sinner lesse on the person better qualified for such a sinner needeth more labour and teaching then the godly yet the godly must be sustained by the same as the foode of his soule wherof his faith first came and his vertues enabled Fourthlie the Sower considereth the qualitie of the Seed 4. Quality of the Seed for there be seeds which fit not all kindes of earth and againe some not so good or strong of nature as others therefore as he fitteth the seedes to the soyle so hee taketh the best and refuseth that which is weake and vaine Euen so the preacher of the word as it is before said in the nature of soiles chooseth applieth seuerall doctrines matters for euery part again abandoning refusing all vaine babling vnprofitable reeds of fooles the legends of the Monks the curious opinions of the vaineglorious the discourses of profane philosophers the amorous conceits of peeuish Poets and all such like noysome tares he onely taketh vseth disposeth the true word of God of the which the holie Ghost hath made him a Minister Thus In omni quod dicitur Gregor necesse est vt Causa tempus persona pensetur c. In euery thing that is spoken needfull it is that the matter the time and the person be weighed As whether the words of the sentēce be ratified with truth Whether the same be answereable to the time and whether the qualitie of the person nothing impugneth the truth of the sentence the congruitie of the time for hee casteth forth his dartes against the enemie with commendation Who first doth see and well obserue the enemie but hee is nothing praise worthie who for want of good obseruation striketh a faithfull citizen in steede of his enemie Fifthly the Sower regardeth his own treadings 5. The Sower treadeth well that whiles hee soweth in one place hee may not conculcate and treade downe that which is cast in some other place and therefore he keepeth a due order measure in his steppes euen so the sowers of the spirituall Seedes ought to be not only well qualified in learning life and behauiour as made fit for this labour as were Christ and his Apostles but also to be circumspect in the disposition of the word carefull in the manner of ●heir dealings They must take heed that whiles they seeke to recouer the penitēt sinners by the promises of sweet Mercies they encourage not the obstinate
of amendement and ready satisfaction in such measure as hability opportunitie and occasion can extend be ministred to answer the proportion of the iniury or fault To this aimed Dauid when hauing sinned not only against the Lord but against man hee did not alone say that hee would confesse his sinnes vnto the Lord but also declared the performance of either openly before the congregation Psal 51. Such a matter importeth Solomons Preacher wherein hee confesseth among the vanities of the sonnes of men his owne abhominations and errors Eccl. 1 2. Solomons confession yea as the Hebrewes report in the bitter sense of his sinnes griefe of conscience hee exposed himselfe ready to confesse his faults throughout the City of Ierusalem wherein he raigned king before the eies of all the inhabitors of the same A rare example of such a personage Thus King Manasses being imprisoned in Babylon by the diuine iudgement for his great abhominations confessed openly that his sins were more then the stars of the heauens and the sand by the sea shore in multitude without number Daniel also in the behalf of the captiue Iewes for their sins confesseth Lord Dan. 9.9.10 vnto vs belongeth shame and confusion for wee haue gone away from thee many other like examples besides testimonies do the holy Scriptures exhibite vnto vs of the vse of this spirituall Culter vnto the which we may aptly affix that confession of the Ghristian Emperour Theodosius Theodosius who being reproued by Ambrose the Bishop of Millane for some heinous fault and excluded the Church did not onely humbly acknowledge his offence with teares but confessing the same openly saide that the Church doores which were set wide open to receiue in the poore folke and beggars were shut that worthily against him who was made a Lord ouer his brethren Whereby as with a Culter or knife this Emperour with those other of like estate ripped vp and laide wide open their committed sinnes Neyther is this vertue vnaptly compared to that Vomer The Vomer and vse thereof being indeed a spirituall vomiting or casting foorth of that which is noysome from the stomacke The stomacke is mans heart As the stomacke is oppressed with repletion so is mans heart annoyed with sinne And as the wringing of the stomacke prouoketh vomit so the contrition of the heart and true humiliation of a man yeeldeth a good Confession Againe as the stomacke is not eased ere it be discharged no more is the heart vntill wicked imaginations bee cast out For it is certaine that no sinner hath any ease or comfort before hee finde the gratious coūtenance of God turn towards him but vntil the sinner in the sorrow of his heart cōfesseth his sinne God sheweth him no fauourable countenance and because hee is willing in his louing mercies to recouer his children hee neuer leaueth off to strike beat and chastise them with afflictions vntill they acknowledge and confesse their sinnes in all humilitie seeke vnto him for mercie Num. 21.7 Le. 16.18.22 This to teach and perswade vnto the Israelites hee commanded the High Priest to confesse openly both his and the peoples sinnes vpon the scapte goate And this surely as the godly vsed they euer found the mercy of God ready to pardon and to forgiue them according to that saying of Solomon the which he had before seene in his Father Dauid and by good experience tryed on himselfe Pro. 28 13 To confesse and forsake sinne obtaineth mercy 1. Ioh. 1.9 but hee that hideth his sinnes shall not prosper To the which we heare the Apostle to accord If we confesse our sinnes saith hee God is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to cleanse vs from all vnrighteousnes Loe heere is Mercie heere is prosperitie heere is pardon heere is cleansing Therfore let vs well vse this spirituall Culter and therein answere to the admonition of S. Iames where hee saith vnto sinners replete with manie noysome and daungerous humours of heart Iam. 4.48 Cleanse your hearts yee sinners and purge your hearts ye wauering minded And if this Share this Culter be waxen so blunt The sharpening of the Culter and therewith the ground of Mans heart can neither be torne vp nor diuided in good sort the Lord will cause the enemy to blow the fire of affliction to beate on with the hammers of persecutions troubles for the sharpening thereof the which was signified by that example of the Israelites 1. Sam 13.20 who hauing no Smith in Israel were forced to repaire to the Philistines to sharpen euerie man his Share and his Culter for the better tillage of their Land Thus the poore prodigall childe Luk 16. after hee had felt the smart of affliction miserie vnder a cruell maister in a strange country was moued to acknowledge his disobedience and sinne saying Father I haue sinned against heauen and before thee and I am not worthie to bee called thy Sonne CHAP. XVII The 4. part of the Soole is the Beame The manuring of the fl●sh THe Fourth parte of this sacred Soole is Temo that is the Beame which stronglie beareth and holdeth all the other partes together and noteth Macerationem carnis the Macerating of the flesh that is the extenuating chastising and humbling of the body as that voluptuousnes and wanton lusts beeing allayed the spirit may haue the more freedome libertie in the true vse of the senses of the Soule and made the apter to euerie vertue 1. Cor 9.7 the which therefore is esteemed the strength of the Soole This vertue Paul exercised in himselfe when hee saide I beate downe my body and bring it into subiection least by any meanes after that I haue preached to others I my selfe should be reprooued the meaning is that hee kept a straite dyer and abstained from such things as might distemper his bodie This hee saw to be needfull for that hee perceiued the lawe of sinne raigning in his members prouoking him to insolencie pride wicked lustes and naughtines And lest that Paul as a man should haue bene negligent in this necessary dutie hee testified againe that the Lord permitted the messenger of Satan to buffet him that is God layd on him crosses afflictions many troubles whereby as vnder the rod or yoke of correction hee might be humbled and kept within the bowndes of his dutie The pampring of the proude flesh bringeth manie enormities to the soule and destruction to both body and soule Euery man saith S. Iames is tempted when hee is drawen away of his owne concupiscence and is entised then Iam. 1.14.15 Gen. 6. Gen. 19. Ezec. 16. Deut 3● 1. Cor 10. when lust hath conceiued it bringeth foorth sinne and sinne when it is finished bringeth fourth death The olde worlde giuen to this sinne swayed therin were drowned Sodom and Gomorra for the same were burned to cinders the Israelites beeing full forgot God
reioyce not that ye were sorie but that you sorrowed to repentance for ye sorrowed godly so that in nothing ye were hurt by vs for godly sorrow causeth Repentance vnto saluation not to be repented of but the worldly sorrow causeth death Wherein also distinguishing the godly sorrow that is the Christian contrition frō that which is vngodly he sheweth the ends and fruits of eyther And truly as that medicine which draweth forth from the sick mans heart the venemous humour of his disease and prepareth him for the sweete and healing potion This godly contrition draweth out of the sinners hart the poisō of the wicked fact and mittigateth the biting and sorrow of the conscience albeit it pierceth and woundeth the same for by this shall be made euen a soueraigne medicine to heale the wound of it owne piercing comparable therein to that ointment or plaister which made of the Spider or flie that stingeth a man shall easily heale mitigate the paine therof This is a practise vsed in the cure of the body in the which that is thoght no lesse needfull that a veine bee opened when the Phisitian perceiueth the blood infected But the sinner is throghly infected both in body and minde and so inflamed therewith that he will be soone agonized and dead indeede if his veine be not soone opened euen the Cordiall veine from whence the rankour of malice and wicked imaginations may bee drawne forth Gen 6. For the imaginations of mans heart are onely euill euery day Therefore saide the Lord Circumcise your hearts Roote your hearts Let the sinner forsake his owne imaginations This commenceth the Action of mans Mortification and is the first part of Repentance so needfull as that without it men cannot repent indeede Ps 51. and 126.6.7 But hauing the same in the right constitution of minde wee are accepted with the Lorde though we sowe in teares wee reape in ioy wee enter the gate of right Repentance wee mooue the Lord GOD to pitie vs wee finde mercie with his grace and finally bee directed from hel to heauen and from eternall death to eternall life through the merits of the Sonne of God CHAP. XV. The second part of the Soole of pietie is the Shippe NExt to the Share is the Shippe 2. Humiliation of the Spirit which is that member of the Soole whereon the Share is fastened and this noteth the humiliation of the Spirite wrought by that true feare of GOD whereby mans heart being contrite the minde is also so humbled and made poore in his owne conceit as that it casteth off all boldnesse of it owne strength wisedome iustice wealth and estimation Hereof it is that a man chooseth to be an abiect in the house of God and preferreth all others before him when hee considereth his owne vilenesse as Dauid did acknowledgeth himselfe to bee but dust and ashes as Abraham did esteemeth himselfe vnworthy of Gods manifold mercies as Iacob did standeth a farre off and is afraide to looke vp to heauen as the poore Publican did dreadeth to take the holy name of God in his mouth as Solomon did desireth to be but as a seruant in Gods house as the prodigall Sonne did in the house of his father esteemeth himselfe a worme and no man as Christ did thinketh both himselfe and his house vnwoorthie of Christ as the Ruler didde and saith to Christ Lord goe from me for I am a sinfull man as Peter did In a word as this humble Spirit casteth down and condemneth and contemneth himselfe as a seruant vnprofitable in thought word and deede so hath hee no desire to bee praised before God or man because hee seeth and feeleth in himselfe nothing worthie commendation but rather sinne damnation This is contrary to the humour of the worlde which hunteth after the vaine glory of the same and thinketh magnificently of her followers therein disdaining and contemning the whiles the humble and lowly men of Spirit Howbeit the Lord Iesus as hee himselfe was humble and meeke Mat. 52. and would that all his Disciples should follow him therein so hee pronounceth those persons blessed for that to them belongeth the kingdome of heauen neyther as he saith shall any be admitted into the same but such onely as be truly humbled and in the meekenesse of Spirit become as children the which Augustine considering saide that this was indeede the first the second and the third point yea the highest and cheefest point of Christianity Why humility is likened to the Shippe And worthily is this vertue compared to the Shippe in the Soole for that as the Ship is not only that peece which holdeth the Share but is placed beneath next to the earth so the humiliation of the Spirit holdeth fast the true Contrition of the heart the which without the same would soone bee abated and yet how low soeuer this be placed vnder some other parts of the Soole and next the ground with the Shippe yet as Nazianzen said ypsus arozenthe etapeinosen it goeth before exal●ation and honour Therfore Saint Iames counselled Be yee humble vnder Gods mighty hand that he may exalt you in the time conuenient For God resisteth the proude but giueth grace to the lowly And to strengthen all the Lord himselfe saith Learne of me for I am meeke and lowly of heart and ye shal finde rest for your soules for he that humbleth himselfe shall be exalted CHAP. XVI The third part of the Soole is the Culter THe third member of this Soole is Confession of the Mouth 3. Confessiō of Mouth compared to the Vomere Vomer or that which we call the Culter The Culter hath his name of cutting or diuiding the Vomer is so called a Vomendo that is of vomiting or casting foorth any thing from the stomacke This Culter is that which cuts diuideth openeth that which the Share pierceth casting or separating the sound earth some on this side some on that as a man may thereby see not onely a diuision or opening of the parts but also the very bottome or ground of that earth And thereto that Confession of the Mouth beeing compared is defined the expresse manifestation of our sinnes eyther publikely or priuately eyther to God Confession to God or to men that to God is when our Consciences touched with the diuine Law we so acknowledge our sinnes before the Lord that we confesse our selues most worthy damnation both of body and soule therein we accuse not Gods Iudgements but implore his great mercies and praise his glory which iustifieth the sinner not of desert but of his diuine grace in his Sonne that to man is when hauing hurt or offended our brethren Confession to man we willingly acknowledge confesse our faultes vnto them with an humble and hearty desire of pardon And this confession is sometimes priuate as when the faultes be priuate and sometimes publike as when the faultes be publike alwaies accompanied with a promise
or shallower as occasion requireth according to the nature of the ground and discretion of the Plough-man By this Keye is signified that true faith in Christ before spoken of whereby Righteousnesse is apprehended and wee iustified and approoued before God For after the proportion of our faith and quality of our beliefe all those excellent graces and vertues are eyther lifted vp or letten downe strengthened or weakened neither is it possible that those former parts of true repentance shall be profitable to the sinner without this by the which whatsoeuer is done is acceptable to the Lord and whatsoeuer is wrought without it is sinful and vile for whatsoeuer is done without faith is sinne by the testimonie of the Apostle therefore it is impossible without faith to please God He that beleeueth in the Sonne of God hath life Aug. de verbis apostoli petr serm 27. Et lib. 1. de pecca iuait remiss c. ●0 de Ciuit. Dei li. 13. ca. 4. because that faith is the beginning of a good life to the which also belongeth eternall life As this is that foundation of things hoped for and the assurance of that which is not seene tunc est fides quando expectatur in spe quod in renondum videtur so is it made the very hand of the soule wherby we take hold on Iesus Christ and apply vnto our selues by his grace all his iustice merits and vertues whereof we be said to be iustified by faith because it pleaseth the Lorde to impute his proper Righteousnesse and vertues to such as apprehend the same by faith By this Abel offered vppe vnto God a more acceptable sacrifice then Caine Heb. 11. by this Henoch was reported of that hee pleased God by this Noah moued with reuerence prepared the Ark by this Abraham being called of God gladly obeyed him by this Sarah being well nigh a hundred yeares of age had strength to conceiue seed by this Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau concerning things to come to be briefe by this Moses and Iosuah and Rahab and Gideon and Barach and Iepthe and Sampson and Samuel and Dauid and the Prophets obtained a good report subdued kingdomes wrought righteousnes obeyed the promises stopped Lions mouthes quenched the violence of fire escaped the edge of the sword of weake were made strong waxed valiant in battaile turned to flight the armie of the enemies c. For this is the very key euen the key of the sonne of Dauid which openeth and no man shutteth and which shutteth no man openeth And as without this no man pleaseth God but being iudged sinners are shut out from his fauour and abandoned so by this vertue of the Spirit and power of grace are offered and performed vnto vs that eternall happinesse and peace and all those heauenly treasures which our faithfull hope expecteth Worthily therefore said our Lord to such whom he was willing to helpe and preserue Haue faith in God For he that beleeueth is made holy by the diuine grace to remoue mountaines yea all things are made possible vnto him Finally this is the fai●hfull promise of him that is the very truth cannot lie that God louing the world Ioh. 3.16 hath giuen his only begotten Sonne to this end that all they which beleeue in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life and that the righteous man shall liue not by any his owne workes wisedome ability or merits but by his saith Hab. ● 4. This is that faith which commeth to a man by hearing of gods word which is brought vnto vs by his seruants the Preachers Ioh. 20. who are sent vnto vs from the Lord to preach the same To this end that men might beleeue that in beleeuing they might haue life throgh the name of Iesus And as the Pinne in the Soole is fitly placed in the very middest of the same so is faith mightily peazed betweene all other vertues as the very strength by the which they are fortified and tied together CHAP. XXVII The fourteenth and last part is the Tawe Spirituall Loue. THere nowe remaineth one other thing in this Soole no lesse necessarie then any of the former yea and that without the which all the former members of the same are nothing auaileable to this spirituall husbandry That is the Tawe or that yron Rope which embracing the Beame assureth it to the Tractory or Lambe By this is meant that Spirituall Loue which is so often commended and commaunded vnto the brethren of Christ as whereby not onely the mortification of the flesh is fastened to the faithfull hope and so the former is the better susteined and performed by the latter but also the whole Soole with his parts holden together by the helpe of the Key of Christian faith This is that sweete delight of a mans heart towardes something for the sake of some what August which runneth through desire and surceaseth in hope by a desire in lusting for and by a ioy in hauing it Neither if mans heart be good can it be good of any other occasion then by louing that well which is good nor can the same be euill if euer it be of any thing else sauing in not louing well that thing which is good As this Taw is made of three or foure yron rings or lincks of yron fastened one wtihin an other in the order of a chaine the greatest wherof compasseth or embraceth the Beame the second lincked to the first the third to the second and the fourth to the third which is also assured to the Tractory or Lambe So in the spirituall Taw which is Loue there bee foure kindes or branches 4. Branches of Loue. The first which is the highest greatest is the Loue of God the Father the second is the loue of God the Sonne the third is the loue of God the holy Ghost the fourth is the loue of man of God the Father as our Creator and maker of the Sonne as our redeemer and Sauiour of the holy Ghost as our sanctifier and consolator of man as our neighbour and brother Therefore it is commanded that we loue God the Father with all our heartes strength soule minde and whatsoeuer else we haue Loue him for he loued thee first loue him for hee sent his onely Sonne into the world that thou shouldest liue through him loue him for he is thy Father thy King thy God and best good for euer This is well resembled by the great Ring in the Taw which embraceth the Beame and pulleth on those other partes which follow it by which Beame as is before said is signified the Maceration or mortification of the flesh For as this Ring of the Taw compasseth the Beam so Loue compasseth or embraceth true maceration of the flesh in the godly who after the example of Christ being perswaded through Loue to take our flesh therin to be macerated mortified we are well pleased for the loue good affection they haue
dangerous euill wherein the sicke man in stead of a good Phisitian to helpe him followes after his enemie that destroyes him and for health wished him he findes maladies to annoy him Scio saith Augustine quia male mihi est praeter te Aug. in confess non so●um extra me sed in meipso omnis copia quae deus meus non est Egestas mihi est I know well that it euill betides me besides thee ô my God that not onely without me but within my selfe and all that copie or riches which is without my God is nought else but extreame pouertie Therefore resolued Dauid Psal It is goed for me to hold me fast by God The Round-Hale is the plaining and polishing of the carnall mans actions 8. The approbation of euill accounts making prouision for the flesh to fulfill the lustes thereof These Plowers endeuour not to correct or amend their impious workes but rather labour how to foster and maintaine them or at the least to tollerate and permit them to raigne in themselues nor will they bee perswaded to depresse their grosse errours in the same but studie how to encrease and augment them Of this kinde spake Salomon that Albeit they be brayed in a morter Pro. Isai 1. like the frumentie corne yet will they not leaue their folly For sitting in the pestilent chaire and entertaining that fiend which was sometime cast out they are made worse in the ende then at the beginning and consequently Act. 1. sent with Iudas and Iulian to the centre of sinfull soules without repentance 9. The lincking together of many vices The Chaine of Impietie Aratre is the combining and linking together of many vices and so as that one prouoketh and drawes on an other contrarie to that of Pietie wherin is found a coniunction and prouocation of many Vertues For by this Chaine the vngodly studie and labour with all their wit policie and power to minister in their infidelitie malice in their malice ignorance of God in their ignorance insolencie in their insolencie impietie in their impietie inhumanitie in their inhumanitie naughtinesse Isa 5. Isayah the Prophet calles these linckes the Cordes of Vanitie and Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Romanes Chapter 1. displaies their order By this Lots wife drawne from her dutie as I haue said in her Apostacie bended towardes Sodome That is in a booke entituled Remember Lots wise on Luk. 17. to the destruction and perpetuall ignomy Herod the Tetrach Iudas the Traitor Symon the Sorcerer Antiochus the Tyrant and Saul the King of Israel were mightily drawne away by this vngodly Chaine and so made shipwracke of their health and saluation A dangerous prouocation 10. A wicked cogitation The Wheeles also of this Plough although in figure coniunction and motion much like those of Pieties Plough are yet contrary in nature working and effect They allude to the wheeles of Pharaohs Chariot Exo. 14.25 which the Lorde tooke off with violence when hee fought for Israel against him and the Egyptians For here is no holy meditation either of God or of his diuine Lawe or of any goodnesse but Hugo de claus anima lib. ● cap. 12. Hier. ad Demetrid as Meditatio sermoni sermo operationi ab ociosis complicatur quasi triplex funiculus in vsu prauae consuetudinis quo ligatur senex there is the meditation of the lust of the eye the pleasure of the flesh the pride of mans life which are carried round in this Wheele to the which therefore Dauid likeneth the vngodly man In this Psal whatsoeuer thing are false vnpure dishonest appertaining to malice to euill reports to vices and the dishonour of that which is good is apparantly seene For true it is that Gregorie said in his Moralles Greg. lib. ●● Moral howsoeuer it be that the reprobate haue not alwaies occasion ministred them to the effecting of their mischiefes yet notwithstanding the desire of their cogitations wants not in their hearts And although they follow not the Diuell in their workes alwaies yet are they strongly obliged vnto him in cogitation Against which in conuenience the godly are admonished to meditate of God Cass super Psal Sap. of whose goodnesse as long as men haue no thought they may perswade that they loose so much of their time in this life The second Wheele is not much vnlike the former namely in this 11. A continuance of vices that it quite contrarieth Pietie For this hath not a perseuerance in godly vertues but maintenance and continuance of horrible vices 11. A continuance of vice and as one generation passeth and another succeedeth so this with the winde of wickednesse turneth in the same circle or round Men be peruerse in their sinnes as they haue bene nor will they bee altered from that base by as which in their inueterate malice they haue taken with a purpose to effect and one sin followes on anothers necke Gen. 4.10 Thus Cayn hauing a purpose to murther his brother he would not be perswaded from prosecuting the same and hauing effected it hee would presumptuously defend it So Nimrod and his associates would not be remoued from the proud practise of their hands Nor would King Pharaoh surcease his pursuite against Moses and the Israelites but attempted one mischiefe after an other as more cruell and fierce against Moses and them Nor would the Diuell either surcease or asswage his cursed malignities against Christ vntill he was nayled on the tree This is a continuance in an euill purpose or action against the lawe of God and a good conscience the ende whereof is death and confusion as the ende of godly perseuerance is life and honour Those by correction profit nothing by good admonition they waxe worse and setled in their wicked purposes whatsoeuer they promise touching their amendment they mean not to performe but they multiply their mischiefe The Axell-tree of those Wheeles is that most horrible Blasphemie 12. Blasphemy and contempt of Gods seruice lying extraction slanderous words false accusation superstition idolatrie and such like which conioyned in one tree both combine and support those two Wheeles For as the vngodly sinner is deuoide of all good minde and motion to seeke and serue the Lord so i● he euer busied in the worship and seruice of Satan who therefore is appointed not onely his lorde but his tormentor without all hope of health Ioel. 2. Act. 2. Psal 50. Godly inuocation and prayer hath a lure promise and helpe of deliuerance in all times of distresses but this being hateful to God hurtfull to men hath a comination of ire and vengeance as it is testified by the Prophets made apparant in the examples of Senacherib Rabsache Holofernes Iulian the Apostate the blasphemous Iewish Priests Scribes and Pharisies Deog Shimei and such like vngodly The Keye of Impietie wherewith the Taw is fastened to the Beame is Infidelity 13.
grace vpon grace as the following of one vertue after an other in great abundance And this is that which the Spirite alludeth vnto in Apo 22. Let him which is righteous be yet more righteous and let him which is holy be yet more holy And this tendes to the perfection of them which proceede from vertue to vertue vntill they come to bee perfect men in Christ This was obserued well in Noah the Righteous Gen. 6. who as it is testified by Moses was Righteous in perfections for so the words signifie to the which the holy Spowsesse alludeth in her shining garments Apo. 22. being interpreted by Saint Iohn to bee the Iustifications or Perfections of the Saints The second thing promised is Riches not of this worlde but of God The holy Apostle as alluding to Salomon saith that Godlinesse is great Riches Riches of Godlinesse Here is not onely Riches but great Riches and indeed Great is that Mysterie of Godlinesse hauing all the promises both of this life and of the life to come as the Apostle witnesseth The riches of this world is transitorie and vaine but this is that which being obteined is of more value then all worldly treasures the which they easily contemne that haue this Iewell in possession Therefore as worldly men seeke after the riches of the world the godly are incited and perswaded to lay vp their treasures in heauen in the which they haue and shall enioy with all Societie life light rest peace abundance of all good things securitie and eternitie Thirdly although in the former the fruite of Righteousnesse and reward of Pietie is plainely expressed yet Salomon addeth one other word to ratifie and strengthen the same Pro. 21.21 saying They which follow after Righteousnesse and mercie shall finde Honour Honour By the which he meaneth not onely that ioynt commendation of good men for some laudable vertues the fauour of God in this world honouring them which honour him Ro. 8. but also the Glory which shall be reuealed of the which as all the glorie of this world so all the afflictions of this time are not worthy as S. Paul saith neither the thing beeing of that high excellencie can we eyther speake thereof as it is nor comprehend the same in thought passing indeede as dooth that peace of God all mans vnderstanding But as the glory of Christ Iesus was extolled in that the Father manifested him in the flesh by the operation of his Spirite in his mightie workes and merits for mans saluation and as the glory of the Father appeared in those his louing mercies declared towards men in his deare sonne Iesus so doth the glory of man appeare first in this world by that it pleaseth God to declare him by his grace iustified sanctified adopted called elected and honoured in his Sonne Iesus Next in the resurrection exaltation and glorification of Iesus who hath taken on him mans nature and the same preserued and glorified hath taken seise and possession for man in the kingdome of his Father Thirdly it shall be most apparant when being set and placed on the right hand of Christ in the great iudgement wee shall not onely be commended in our labours done by faith before both Angells and men yea in the presence of the most High God but being pronounced iust and the blessed Saints of the Father we shall receiue the honour of that his most glorious kingdome prepared for vs from the beginning The fift Reason is taken from the apt comparison with the Raine 5. The comparison with the Raine by the which the former arguments are not onely confirmed but amplified The Lorde commeth to raine downe Righteousnes here Righteousnesse is likened to the Raine which commeth downe from heauen and that as for many so chiefly for these causes First for that the Raine cleanseth the aire from the corrupt vapours which rise of the earth 2. The Raine of all other waters is the sweetest in taste 3. It is more subtile and light then any other water 4. It is pure without mixtures 5. It watereth the barren earth to make it fertile 6. It giueth nourishment and comfort to the fishes in the Sea and other waters 7. It qualifieth the force of fiers 8. It makes the land tractable to the labour of the Husbandman 9. It washeth cleane the waies wherein men trauell 10. It commeth downe from aboue and not from beneath In semblable manner Righteousnesse is of that nature that it cleanseth the cogitations of men from noysome affections and studies It is the sweetest solace of a godly mans minde it easeth their consciences which thereby discharged of the burthen of sinne aspire to the heauens It is not contaminated with the fantasies of vaine persons nor the doctrines of deceiueable Heretickes It giueth moysture to our barren natures whereby wee yeeld forth fruite acceptable to the Lord. It asswageth the ardencie of mans concupiscence It perswadeth both our bodies soules to yeeld obedience both to the will and word of God It cleanseth our conuersations as whereby we may the better trauel to the harbour of health And comming downe from the Lord is of his Highnesse made vnto vs an influence of his grace and goodnesse as whereby wee be so seasoned and tempered as we remaine acceptable vnto his glory 6. The manner of bestowing it Sixtly the manner of powring downe these Graces as Raine on the Earth puts vs in minde of three principall Vertues in the Lord which bestowes them as first his large bountie secondly his fine liberalitie thirdly his exquisite wisdome His bountie is apparant in his gift his liberalitie in the abundant largenesse thereof and his wisedome in an orderly disposition The gift is of his loue his liberalitie of his abundant riches and his wisedome of his eternall prouidence He giueth and that freely without respect of any reward or any thing in man mouing him therevnto In his liberalitie hee giueth to euery man abundantly yea the very wicked are not left without the sense of his goodnesse in that he sendeth forth his Raine to fall as well on them as on his Saints The Prophets are full of Metaphors to set forth this the Lords liberalitie to men Although therfore there was a time when the Prophet Ioel threatned the disobedient with warres and troubles in the which they should bee constrained to breake vp their Plough Shares into Swordes Ioel. 3.10 whereon should follow famine and ruine in the Lords anger Yet the Prophet Isay to declare this large liberalitie of the Lord at an other time prophesied that the people should conuert their Swordes into Plough Shares and their Speares into Sythes Isa 2.4 for he would send them great plentie of fruites in the time of peace Thirdly as the Lord powres downe the Raine with an orderly dispositiō on the earth so powres he forth the effects and fruites of righteousnesse on his people after his diuine will in wisedome as