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B09837 The glory and happiness of the saints in heaven:, or, A discourse concerning the blessed state of the righteous after death by Nathanael Ranew. Ranew, Nathanael, 1602?-1678. 1694 (1694) Wing R246B; ESTC R187570 140,390 229

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THE GLORY and HAPPINESS OF THE SAINTS IN HEAVEN OR A DISCOURSE Concerning the Blessed State of the Righteous after Death By Nathanael Ranew late of London Bookseller London Printed for N. R. and sold by J. Robinson A. and J. Churchill J. Taylor and J. Wyat. 1694. TO THE READER Christian Reader I Dare not suppose thee in an Age of somuch Light and Knowledge to be ignorant of a future State and Condition that doth abide thee and all Men after this Life for this were to conceive of the contrary not only to the sentiments of all Christians but even of Heathens themselves Neither can I think any to be so far blinded and hardned as to believe that this State which shall befall all Men after Death to be the same unto all Persons whether they be good or bad for though the Wise Man tells us in Eccles 9.1 2. That in this Life All things come alike unto all Men and there is one event to the Righteous and to the Wicked to the Clean and to the Vnclean So that in the way of God's common Providential dealings with Men in this World no Man knoweth Love or Hatred by all that is before them Yet when Death and Judgment come a discriminating Sentence shall pass upon all Men According to what they have done in the Body whether it be good or bad And then as the Apostle speaks All those who have not obeyed the Truth but have lived in Sin and Vnrighteousness shall receive Indignation and Wrath Tribulation and Anguish upon every Soul of Man that hath thus done Evil But to them who by patient continuance in well-doing have sought for Glory and Honour and Immortality shall be Eternal Life And of this none that live under the Light of the Gospel can be ignorant Now as to the former of these that State of Woe and Misery that is to be the Portion of Sinners in Hell it is not my design in the following Discourse to say any thing Having confined my Thoughts and Meditations therein unto the latter and that is that State of Bliss and Happiness that shall be the Portion of Holy Souls in Heaven All Men now will say they desire and seek after happiness but few there are that attain thereunto not that there is no such Thing or State attainable for Holiness always lays a sure Foundation for Happiness But Man being fallen from God and sunk into the Creature cannot without the help of Divine Grace raise up his Soul his Affections and Desires towards God towards Heaven and Heavenly things but takes up with what is suitable to his Earthly and Fleshly part and so the World and the Enjoyments thereof being adapted to the Inclinations of his present State and Condition here below accordingly with the greatest eagerness he pursues the Riches the Honours the Pleasures and Delights of this World as those things which when attained he vainly fansies will make him truly Happy but when he comes to enjoy them meets with Frustration and Disappointment All Men being forced sooner or later to subscribe unto what the Wisest of Men faith as a great Truth concerning all things under the Sun that they are but Vanity and Vexation of Spirit Wouldst thou not Christian Reader when thou comest to die be eternally deceived in thy Hopes and Expectations of Happiness Let not the World and the Enjoyments thereof take up thy Thoughts and Affections now God hath provided the good things thereof and by his Care and Providence brings them to thee daily for thy use that with this Gracious and Liberal Allowance of his thou mayest serve him with the greater Chearfulness and Delight of Soul in thy Passage through this World But he never intended thou shouldst take up with them as thy Happiness Believe it God hath provided better things for holy Souls in another World he intends himself to be their Portion his Heaven to be their Habitation and Dwelling place Angels Patriarchs Prophets Apostles to be their Associates and Companions where they shall live in the light of God's Countenance see his Face behold his Glory and be filled with his Love to all Eternity O blessed State of infinite Bliss and Happiness beyond what words is able to express Well may holy Souls with wonder and amazement cry out with the Apostle and say Eye hath not seen Ear hath not heard nor can it enter into the heart of Man to conceive what God hath provided for them that Love him And why mayest not thou who now castest thine Eyes upon these lines make one of that great number of holy Souls that shall be thus Eternally Happy and Blessed God hath not Excluded thee out of Heaven and why shouldest thou exclude and shut out thy self God is now displaying before thee the Excellencies and Glory of that Blessed State and wherefore doth he do so but to invite and draw Sinners to come and partake of this Happiness not that God needs us or any thing that we can do for he is as Happy without us as he can possibly be with us But we need him and cannot be happy without him Now therefore since he is pleased to continue the offers of such rich Grace and Mercy let none be found slighters and contemners thereof Disappoint not O Sinners the design of God in seeking to bring Souls to Heaven Frustrate not your own Expectations of Bliss and Happiness Make not your selves Eternally miserable by choosing any sinful course or walking in any allowed way of Wickedness Nor yet provoke God by any sinful delays or any sluggish and lazy desires and endeavours in seeking to obtain this Everlasting Happiness to deal with you as obstinate despisers and contemners thereof and swear in his Wrath that you shall never enter into his Rest If God may be Glorified and Souls receive benefit hereby unto Eternal Life the Author hath the desire of his Soul and an abundant Reward for what he hath done in the ensuing Discourse and that a Blessing from Heaven may make is thus Successful unto all that shall read it is and shall be the Prayer of the Publisher The CONTENTS CHAP. I. AN Introduction A State of Future Glory and Happiness proved What it is that makes the Happiness of Heaven so Excellent and Glorious with a short and brief Description thereof CHAP. II. A more particular Consideration of the Happiness of Heaven Of the Company and Society Believers shall enjoy in Heaven As 1. Communion with all the People of God 2. Communion with Angels 3. Enjoyment of Jesus Christ their Redeemer 4. Sight and Fruition of God What kind of Sight or Vision of God Saints shall have in Heaven Which shall be 1. Immediate and Clear 2. Transforming 3. Joyful 4. Permanent and Perpetual This Sight and Vision of God in Heaven will be a great Happiness because God is 1. An Vniversal Good 2. A Pure and unmixed Good 3. A Suitable Good 4. An All-sufficient Good 5. A Satisfying Good 6. An Everlasting Good
them go bowing down greatly yea to sigh and mourn continually What says holy David Psal 38.3 4 5 6 There is no soundness in my Flesh because of thine Anger neither is there any rest in my Bones by reason of my Sin Mine Iniquities are gone over my head as a Burden too heavy for me to bear My Wounds stink and are corrupt because of my Foolishness I am troubled I am bowed down greatly I go mourning all the day long Thus holy Paul complains also in Rom. 7.14 I am carnal and sold under sin Verse 21. I find a Law that when I would do good Evil is present with me And 23 I see another Law in my Members warring against the Law of my Mind and bridging me into captivity to the Law of Sin that is in my Members In the sense whereof he cries out as a Man greatly oppressed in the next Words Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death In-dwelling Sin renders the Lives of God's People very bitter and uncomfortable And how can it be otherwise For Sin is the constant Source and Fountain of all their Miseries There is no Distress or Trouble befalls a Godly Man but Sin is the meritorious procuring Cause of it Sometimes Sin disturbs his Peace sometimes it impairs his Grace sometimes it breaks his Bones but it always pollutes and defiles his Soul Oh what sad work doth Sin make continually and the best it can end in is Repentance and godly Sorrow A Christian in this Life is always in a Conflict with Corruptions Sin and Lust are continually warring against the Soul So saith the Apostle Gal. 5.17 The Flesh iusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the Flesh and these two are contrary the one unto the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would Sin draws a godly Man one way and Grace draws him another Sin in him will not yield and Grace in him cannot yield And though through the strength of the Spirit enabling him to exercise Grace he is daily getting ground of his Corruptions yet is it very slowly what he gains is as it were by Inches every step he takes through his Enemies Country he is fain to force his way and he never obtains a Victory over Sin but it is with great strugling and wrestling He is always standing upon his Guard and if he chance to slumber never so little or be negligent in his spiritual watch he is presently furprized by a diligent Enemy that always lies in wait and observes him This now is the constant Life of a Christian always to be maintaining a Warfare with Sin that is continually stirring in him and ever ready to put forth it self one way or other to do him Mischief Sin is continually making the Life of a godly Man uncomfortable and while Sin is in him it will not be otherwise Now Sin will always be in him while he is in this World and therefore he will always have some Troubles some Perplexities to afflict and disquiet him But when Death that Friend of the Saints for so Death is to them and to none but them comes they shall be perfectly free from all that which now afflicts and troubles them because they shall be perfectly free from Sin that is the Cause of it And therefore that I may note it by the way With what rejoycing of Soul should a godly Man upon this account entertain the thoughts of Death How welcome should the approach of this Friend of his be unto him For certainly a Saint hath not a better Friend in all the World for next unto Jesus Christ who hath made satisfaction for a Believer's Sins and obtained Life and Salvation for his Soul Death must needs be his best Friend because it frees him from all Sin He that frees us from the Evil of our Sins and from suffering eternal Punishments due to us because of them by satisfying the Justice of God for them must needs be our best and chiefest Friend and next unto him he that frees us from the being of Sin that we may no more offend God thereby and that is Death And indeed none in the World can be kinder to a Saint or do such an Office of Love for him as Death doth for at once it sets him not only out of the reach of all his Enemies but perfectly frees him from that which caused them to be so and that is Sin and herein the Goodness of God is greatly to be observed that Death which is a Punishment for Sin should be turned into the destruction of the very Being of Sin and so it is to every Believer For after Death Sin shall not only cease to act but shall cease to be Two Things commend Death and ought to make it desirable to every Believer One is That it frees him from all Sin and the other is That it brings him to the everlasting enjoyment of God and the latter depends upon the former for till a Believer is perfectly freed from all Sin he can have no entrance into Heaven where God the Fountain of all Bliss and Happiness is seen and enjoyed And certainly where Sin is felt as a heavy Burthen by any Soul and where God is the Delight of that Soul Death must needs have an amiable Aspect and so it will if the Soul act as it ought to do Should God ask one Godly Man after another What is it that you most desire tell me and it shall be given you would they not all with one consent say Lord that we might be freed from Sin Oh that we might be delivered from our Corruptions that we might never offend and displease God Lord thou that knowest our hearts knowest that nothing in all the world is so great a Burthen to us as these sinful Hearts and Natures of ours whereby we are necessitated to offend thee this is the constant Language of their Prayers of their Cries of their Tears day and night that they might be rid of Sin Would it not be the most welcome News in the world to them that the Time were come wherein they should sin no more Certainly were it offered to their choice there is no godly Man in all the World but would rather chuse to be freed from Sin than to be made the Heir yea than to be the Possessor of the whole World What good says a Godly Man would the World do me so long as Sin and a naughty Heart inhabit in me These Lord saith a gracious Soul would do me more hurt in one day than the Enjoyment of the whole World to Eternity can do me good O Lord therefore whatever thou dost with me or whatever thou dost for me deliver me from this Body of Sin and Death that I continually carry about with me Why know all ye holy and gracious Souls whoever you are that thus go up and down mourning and complaining by reason of Sin know for your eternal Comfort that when
you have continued waiting but a few days longes God will grant your Desires for when you come to Heaven whither Death will certainly and suddenly bring you Sin an unholy Heart and Nature shall never more afflict or trouble you for Sin that was here your Burthen to feel shall there be your Delight to be for ever without that impenitent unbelieving Heart those vain yea sinful Thoughts which were wont to lie down and rise up with you which did use to follow you to every Duty and accompany you in every Place and Service and which you could no more leave behind you when you went to Pray to Hear to Read or to Meditate than you could leave your selves behind you shall all be left behind you when you come to die they did and would keep you company while you lived but they shall not go one step with you beyond Death then you take your leave of them bidding an eternal Farewel to all Sin O my Soul when shall that blessed day come that thou shalt thus take thy leave of Sin never to wound thy Conscience never to defile thy Soul nor never to displease thy God thereby any more O what a blessed state will that be when Death shall send a godly Man to Heaven perfectly free from all Sin not only as to the Power of it but also as to the vexing and disquieting Presence of it where he shall spend ars Eternity in serving and praising of God without the least interruption imperfection or weariness of Soul for ever And doth not Death in this appear a Believer's great Friend in that what Prayers and Tears Sighs and Groans together with the assistance of the Spirit of God did gradually that is mortifie and destroy Sin that Death doth for a Believer at one blow perfectly freeing him from the Burthen and Being of Sin for ever Fourthly In Heaven the People of God shall arrive unto a Perfection of Grace and Holiness As all that the Saints have here is but mean compared to what they shall attain to hereafter so all that the Saints do here is but mean compared to what they shall be enabled to do hereafter Grace in a godly Man in this Life is in its minority and therefore the acting of Grace must needs be accordingly The Excellency and Beauty of a Saint lies inward in the hidden Man of the Heart or as the Psalmist speaks he is one that is all glorious within And because Grace in him is inward therefore its Excellency is not so visible and apparent Grace in a godly Man neither doth nor can shine forth in its Glory and Beauty here because Sin in him eclipses the splendor of its appearance The imperfection of Grace is discernable here but the Perfection and Beauty of Grace is neither known nor attainable here The highest degrees of Grace and Holiness that the best of God's People reach unto here comes infinitely short to what they shall attain to in Heaven It is true a little Grace in a Saint now makes him glorious in the eyes of those who have a Spirit of discerning to behold it in respect whereof the Saints are called the excellent ones of the Earth Psal 16.3 Now if the weakness and imperfection of Grace for that which the People of God attain to of Grace here it no more compared with what they shall attain to in Heaven if this weakness and imperfection of Grace be so excellent and glorious O how exceeding glorious will the perfection and beauty of Grace be hereafter How glorious have some of the Saints of God of old appeared when their Excellency hath chiefly appeared in the Oriency and sparkling Beauty but of some one particular Grace as for instance How glorious was Abraham for his Faith Moses for his meekness self-denial Nehemiah for his zeal for God and his Glory David for his Love to God and his Ordinances Job for his Patience S. Paul for his unwearied Industry and Laboriousness in the Work of God and the Service of Souls O how eminently glorious have the particular actings of these particular Graces in these Servants of God made them in all Ages insomuch that the Spirit of God hath thought good to record their Excellencies in the holy Scriptures and their Praise shall be in all the Churches of God to the end of the World Now if the Saints Eminency in some particular Graces have made them so glorious notwithstanding their Imperfections other ways how glorious and excellent will they appear when all that Grace and Holiness that shall accompany them to Heaven and is there necessary unto their Happiness that they may see and enjoy God to eternity shall be fully and compleatly perfected having nothing of the least allay of any spot or imperfection in their Graces or in their Persons to take off from the Beauty and Glory of the one or of the other for ever In Heaven Grace in a Saint is in its excellency and in its visibility there is Grace and nothing but Grace there is Grace and all Grace yea there is all Grace shining forth in its fulness and utmost perfection of Glory to eternity In this Life Grace in the People of God is never perfect in some things they are always defective in other things always wanting they are continually aiming at and going on unto Perfection though while they are here they do not attain unto it In the Work of Regeneration they are truly sanctified and made holy but it is in Heaven only that they are perfectly sanctified The Lord Jesus Christ now loves his Church and he hath abundantly manifested that he doth so in giving himself for it that he might sanctifie and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word as the Apostle speaks But he never presents it to himself a Glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle till he brings it to Heaven By a work of Sanctification he is now daily cleansing and purifying of it but the full Perfection and Beauty of Holiness is not put upon it till the Marriage between him and his Church be consummated in Glory Here in this Life there is much Imperfection in the Righteousness and Holiness of the Saints many Faults and Infirmities they have that others may censure and condemn and themselves ought to bewail and mourn for but in Heaven they shall be Faultless so saith the Apostle Jude 24. Whilst the Church is Militant upon Earth though she is black and hath her spots yet is she comely but when she comes to be Triumphant in Heaven then will she be as a beautiful Bride adorned with fulness and perfection of Grace and Holiness fitted and prepared for her Lord and Husband's Company Rev. 22.2 where every Saint shall behold and love the Blessed and Holy God and their dear Lord Jesus with a Love equal to Angels and Cherubims satiating and delighting their Souls in him with a Joy far exceeding the highest Joys that any of the People of God ever were
regard they are free from any Mixtures The Joys of the Wicked are always mixed with Fear and Sorrow and so are oftentimes the Joys of the Saints also And herein God manifests great Wisdom and Goodness to his People thus to temper their Joys Even as it is with Men of weak Constitutions who must have their Wine mingled with Water for fear of distempering their Bodies And so must the Godly in this Life such is their Weakness have their Joys mingled with Fears and Sorrows lest they should grow proud or wanton Sometimes their Joys are mixed with Fear Hence it is Psalm 2.11 that we are commanded to serve the Lord with fear and to rejoice with trembling And thus we read of the two Women Matth. 28.8 who though assured by Angels that Christ was risen yet 't is said they departed from the Sepulchre with fear and great joy And so is it with a godly Man though by an Eye of Faith he beholds the Death and Sufferings of Christ and looking into his Grave is assured that he is risen from thence for his Justification and Salvation yet cannot but have his heart filled with a fearful trembling kind of Joy And as a Saint's Joy here is mixed with Fear so is it also sometimes mixed with Sorrow for when a Believer by Faith looks upon Christ crucified and considers that a person so infinitely great and glorious should die such a painful shameful cursed Death for so vile a Sinner and so great an Enemy unto God as he was the consideration of this so great and incomprehensible a Love manifested towards him in reconciling God and him together in delivering him from Wrath and Hell and in obtaining Eternal Life for him in Heaven Though this Love of Christ in doing all this for him cannot but affect him with great Joy yet the Consideration of his Sins that pierced and wounded yea crucified the Lord of Life and Glory cannot but break his Heart with godly Sorrow But now in Heaven the Joy of a Saint will be free from all mixtures both of Sorrow and Fear there shall be no Sorrow for present Troubles nor any Fears of future Dangers all their Sorrows will then be turned into Joy The sight of their Eyes will then affect their Hearts that is the sight and knowledge of the great God the Supreme and Insinite Good whom the Saints shall always have with them in Heaven is that which will fill and ravish their Souls with unspeakable Joy Secondly the Joys of a Saint in Heaven are spiritual Joys Now spiritual things are things both of the greatest Reality and of the greatest Excellency Spiritual things are things of the greatest Reality all other things comparatively are not they are such things as have no Being no Subsistence therefore says the Wise Man Why wilt thou set thine Eyes upon that which is not speaking of the admired things of the World We do but abusively call Men that abound with worldly Enjoyments rich substantial Men for Substance is no where but with God he only is the true substantial Good the things of this World are no more than a shadow If a Man were hungry would painted Bread satisfie him if a Man were starving with Cold would painted Fire warm him No why truly all the things of this World will appear no better to a Man when he comes to die there 's no Comfort nor Satisfaction to be fetch'd from them The Reality and Substantialness of Good is only laid up in God and in the Enjoyment of him who is the Saint's Happiness both on Earth and in Heaven There is a Vanity as in all the Troubles of the World so also in all the Comforts of the World There is a Vanity in the Troubles that the Saints endure they are but skin-deep a varnish of Trouble so says the Apostle 2 Cor. 6.10 as sorrowful yet always rejoicing as poor yet making many rich as having nothing yet possessing all things And as it is with the Troubles of the World so is it with the Comforts of the World all that sense looks at it is meerly out-side and appearing all the Enjoyments of the World are but a shadow an appearance of that which is Good God and Heaven are Realities but whatever else is Good is but appearingly so The things of the World are not when they are they are not in Reality when they are in Appearance It is a very great mistake to think nothing to be real but what we can touch and handle with our hands or what we can see with our Eyes such as Gold Silver Houses Lands these are not really substantially good things they make a fair show outwardly they have a Gaudery and Excellency as to Sense but nothing of real Excellency as to the Soul Nothing is real but what is spiritual though the Body be more seen than the Soul yet the Soul is a more real Good because it is a spiritual Good and comes nearest to God who is a Spirit and who only is so says the Prophet speaking concerning God Isai 43.11 who only art and there is none besides thee God Christ Grace and Heaven these are spiritually and substantially good and therefore it is said of Christ I cause them that love me to inherit Substance Prov. 8.21 And the Apostle tells the believing Hebrews Heb. 10.34 Ye took joyfully the spoiling of your Goods knowing that in Heaven you have a better and an enduring Substance The Joys and Delights of Heaven they are real because they are spiritual But this is not all for the Saints Joys in Heaven because they are spiritual they are therefore excellent yea the most excellent There is nothing that is earthy in Heaven but all of a spiritual and refined Nature and therefore the more real and the more excellent and by how much the more spiritual by so much the more real and the more excellent also All Joy and Delight placed upon any thing below God is carnal and earthly that which hath dregs in it and comes not up to the Excellency of the Soul it may refresh the Senses and delight the outward Man but it reacheth not the Soul and Conscience it must be something that is spiritual for its Nature and refined for its Excellency that must suit with and be the Delight of a Soul that is spiritual and such is Heaven and the Joys and Delights that are there superlatively excellent and spiritual flowing into the noblest and most excellent part of Man his Soul and Spirit from God who is a Spirit Thirdly The Joys of Heaven are full Joys The Psalmist calls them Fulnesses of Joy and Rivers of Pleasures for the abundance of them Psal 116.11 And the Apostle speaking of Believers tells us 1 Pet. 1.8 That though now they see him not yet believing they rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of Glory If now the Joy of Faith in the Promises of God from some small experience of his Love and Favour to the Soul be above
others came in their room which proved incurable and terminated in Death But when the Bodies of the Saints shall be raised out of their Graves at the general Resurrection they shall perfectly be healed of all their Distempers and shall die no more for then shall be brought to pass that saying that is written Death is swallowed up in Victory 1 Cr. 15.54 Secondly In Heaven the Bodies of the Saints shall become spiritual not that they shall be changed into spiritual Substances and so become absolutely spiritual for then they must cease to be Bodies but yet they shall become spiritual because they shall be endowed with spiritual Qualities Now concerning this Spirituality of the Body the Apostle speaks very clearly in 1 Cor. 15.44 it is sown says he a natural Body it is raised a spiritual Body Now the Bodies of the Saints in Heaven are said to be spiritual in these respects First Because in Heaven they shall be in a condition that is spiritual Their Bodies shall then stand in no more need of Meat or Drink Sleep or Apparel the now necessary and appointed means for its supportation In Heaven there is no eating or drinking no marrying or giving in Marriage but we shall there be as the Angels of God so saith our Lord Matth. 22.30 If Moses in this state of Mortality whilst he was with God in the Mount forty Days and forty nights did neither eat Bread nor drink Water as we read Exod. 34 28. how much more shall the Saints be enabled to live without the use of these things when they come to Heaven where they shall always live in the Presence of God Secondly The Spirituality of the Saints Bodies in Heaven consists in that entire and absolute Subjection they shall then be in unto their Spirits In this Life the Soul is debased made to stoop and become serviceable to the Flesh and when it is at the best with the Saints there is still a contention and strife between the Spirit and the Flesh so that when the Spirit is willing the Flesh is weak nay often refractary But in Heaven there shall be an absolute Subjection of the Body to the Spirit What a great Happiness would a godly Man now count it to have a Body every way serviceable to his Soul that whenever the Soul moves God ward and Heaven-ward in any holy Duty the Body might willingly and readily comply with it How delightful would this make a godly Man's Life to be Why in Heaven it shall be so in that state of Glory and Happiness the Soul shall not depend upon the Body but the Body upon the Soul for the Body shall then become spiritual because it shall be perfectly serviceable to the Spirit This certainly will be a blessed time Saints therefore should long for its approach Thirdly The Bodies of the Saints in Heaven shall be spiritual in regard they will then be more capable of and more fitted for spiritual Vses and Services Nothing that is of an earthy dreggy Nature shall then cleave to them all carnal sordid employments are greatly below them their Work is altogether heavenly and spiritual formerly their time and strength was laid out upon Employments that were earthly suitable unto their then earthly Bodies But now that their Bodies are changed and of earthly become spiritual their Employment is changed and become spiritual also And because there is such a change in the Employment of their Bodies it is an evident Demonstration that there is a change made in their Bodies also Heretofore the World was the Habitation in which their Bodies dwelt and their Designs then were worldly also But now that they are removed from Earth to Heaven the Habitation of Spirits their Bodies are refined and made spiritual suitable unto the Habitation to the Inhabitants to the Employments and Enjoyments that are there which are altogether spiritual Thirdly The Bodies of the Saints in Heaven shall be full of Power and Agility They are sown says the Apostle in Weakness they are frail sinful Bodies and therefore they must die yet shall they be raised in Power Now this Power and Agility that shall be bestowed upon Glorified Bodies is very wonderful being that whereby they shall be able to move to and fro in Heaven according as the Will shall command it without difficulty or weariness and possibly so as to be able to keep pace even with Angels themselves in their Motion And considering the spaciousness of Heaven that place where God Christ and those multitudes of glorious Saints and Angels do inhabit this Agility of Body may be very necessary Now there are two Reasons why it is so necessary that the Bodies of the Saints should be thus strong and powerful First That hereby they may be able to attend the Operations of their Souls and become fit for such Work as in Heaven they must be employed in Were their Bodies as weak and feeble in Heaven as they now are on Earth they could never undergo such work and motions as they must be employed in there but they would soon tire and faint Scripture and Experience tells us this that when the Soul is exercised about any high and glorious Object the Body presently sinks and fails So it was in the Ecstasies of the Prophet when God did reveal himself in an extraordinary manner unto Daniel his Body failed he fainted and was sick many Days Dan. 8.27 But now in Heaven the Bodies of the Saints shall be so strong and powerful that they shall become serviceable to their Souls in their highest and most glorious Operations Here the People of God have Souls willing to serve the Lord that would fain attend upon him in his Ordinances and never be weary or drowsie but though the Spirit be willing yet the Flesh is Weak their frail Bodies cannot keep pace with their Souls in Duty thus is it continually with them here but in Heaven it shall be otherwise their Bodies shall then be as good Companions for their Souls as they can desire and both together shall praise God with eternal Hallelujahs and never be weary Secondly It is necessary that the Bodies of the Saints in Heaven should be strong and powerful because otherwise they are not able to bear that weight of Glory and Happiness that there they shall be Partakers of We are easily persuaded to believe that a Man may be so miserable that he cannot bear it but it is as true that Man's highest Happiness cannot be born by the strength he now hath Extraordinary Joy will overcome and destroy as well as extraordinary Sorrow I have heard of one whom a great King in this Nation caused to be imprisoned and thrown into a Dungeon where lying hourly in expectation of losing his Life being suddenly surprized with News of a Pardon his Joy was so great that it overwhelm'd his Spirit and he died immediately The Condition of our Bodies here is a Condition of Weakness and Frallty And the Glory and Happiness of
of any Soul after them certainly that Object is God and that Place is Heaven where God is fully and eternally to be enjoyed and in the enjoyment of whom there is not only nothing but what is lovely and desirable but where there is every thing that is lovely and desirable also We read frequently of the Expressions of many Holy Men that set forth the greatness of their Love and Affection towards God but there is none that we meet with in Sacred Writ whose Soul did more delightfully vent it self in pathetical expressions of this Nature than Holy David The Book of Psalms abounds with them Psal 42.1 2. As the Hart panteth after the Water Brooks so panteth my Soul after thee O God My Soul is athirst for God for the living God when shall I come and appear before God Psal 84.1 2. How amiable are thy Tabernacles O Lord of Hosts my Soul longeth yea even fainteth for the Courts of the Lord my Heart and my Flesh cryeth out for the living God A day in thy Courts is better than a thousand I had rather be a Door-keeper in the House of my God than to dwell in the Tents of Wickedness Psal 63.1 2 3. O God thou art my God early will I seek thee my Soul thirsteth for thee my Flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty Land where no water is that I may see thy Power and thy Glory so as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary Now all these expressions of this Holy Man are but the streamings forth of the Love and Affection of his Soul at several times and upon several occasions after the enjoyment of God in his House and Ordinances which he was then deprived of And if the mediate presence of God and the comnications of his Grace and Love to a Soul in Holy Duties be so much to be defired because therein it enjoys God and hath thereby the manifestations of his Love and Favour sealed and confirmed to it Is not then the immediate presence of God in Heaven much more to be desired where the Soul shall stand in no need of any Duties or Ordinances to confirm the Love of God unto it because there shall be no Sin in it to provoke God to hide his Face from it or to interrupt the Peace and Joy of the Soul 's delighting it self in him to Eternity To be in such a frame as to be able to say though I experience not those ravishing Joys in the Hopes of Heaven that some Servants of God attain unto though I am a Stranger unto those vehement longings and holy pantings of Soul after God and Heaven that some are acquainted with whereby they are ardently desirous of a dissolution yet to be able to say I bless God I am very well content to submit to his Will the thoughts of Death are not terrible and amazing to me but I am willing to yield my self up unto the good pleasure of God when he sees good to call me hence This indeed is something of the temper of a good Christian and that which God takes well at the hands of any if it be done upon good grounds But this is not all that God expects nor is it all that the Christian Religion teaches and requires the certain and sure Principles of Christianity founded on the Divine Oracles will enable a Believer to go further for it discovers an unbodied State of Happiness to be enjoyed by Holy Souls in another World after which there should be such strong Workings and earnest Groanings as should carry forth the Soul in Holy Longings and Desires after the participation thereof And this now is not a frame of Soul to be found in a Believer upon a Death bed only but it is that which should be the joyful Companion of his Life in the time of his Health and Strength and the Reason is this because God and Heaven have the same loveliness and desireableness in them at one time that they have at another in Health that they have in Sickness in Life as they have in Death and therefore they call for and deserve the same height of Love and Affection and the same strength of Joy and Delight to be exercised towards them when a Believer hath the greatest enlargements of outward Prosperity as when he is under the greatest confinement of Adversity or Sickness Live therefore O Believer with a Holy Longing and Desire of Soul springing up in thee continually after Heaven be earnestly desirous after thy departure hence that thou may'st be with God This was that Blessed Frame Holy Souls of old lived in so the Apostle speaks of himself and others in that excellent Scripture 2 Cor. 5.2 4 8. We says he that are in this Tabernacle do groan earnestly that we may be cloathed upon with our House that is from Heaven And we groan being burthened that Mortality might be swallowed up of Life And yet again says he We are always confident or we do always with confidence expect and desire to be absent from the Body But why so Oh there is good Reason for it because says he Whilst we are at home in the Body we are absent or we are kept at too great a distance from the Lord. To be content to Die is a good temper of Soul and that which is rarely found in any wicked man to be sure not upon good grounds but truly when I consider how much farther a Christian might go and what he is yet short of that might tend to the Glory of God the Credit of the Christian Religion and the Peace and Comfort of his own Soul methinks his present attainment compared with what is his Duty to Labour after is no extraordinary great thing For consider a little what a strange kind of expression is it and how harshly doth it sound to say concerning a Believer that he is content to be Happy As to Worldly enjoyments it is not usual to say of any Man that he is Content to have them who says concerning Silver and Gold that a Man is Content to be enriched with them No the common expression in this case is not that Men are Content to be Rich but that they are Covetous after Riches And so for Honour and outward Greatness we say not that Men are Willing to be Honoured and Advanced above their Neighbours but they are Ambitious in seeking after Promotion And why then should it be said of a Christian only that he is Content to be Happy Content to be with God in Heaven Now if Worldly Mens desires work thus strongly after Earthly and Temporal Enjoyments which cannot make them Happy when attained surely the desires of a Christian should work as strongly after Heavenly and Eternal Enjoyments which when attained can and will make them truly and really Happy And here I will add one thing let the whole Creation be ransackt let Earth and Heaven be searcht there is nothing no Person no Object to be found in either that can
CHAP. III. Further Discoveries of the Saints Happiness in Heaven manifested in their being freed 1. From all Afflictons 2. From all Temptations both from Satan and the World 3. In a perfect freedom from all Sin 4. In a Perfection of Grace and Holiness 5. In partaking of fullness of Joy being Pure Spiritual Full and Everlasting 6. In Excellent Glory and Honour that shall then be put upon them CHAP. IV. Of the Resurrection of the Body in order to the Saints Enjoyment of the Happiness of Heaven A more particular Description of the Happiness of the Bodies of the Saints in Heaven which shall there be 1. Incorruptible 2. Spiritual 3. Powerful 4. Beautiful Of the Happiness of the Soul in Heaven as 1. In having its Vnderstanding enlarged 2. In its being perfected in Holiness 3. In having its Affections brought into a perfect Regularity Of the Eternity of the Saints Happiness in Heaven CHAP. V. Of the Efficient Cause of the Saints Happiness in Heaven namely the Free Grace of God Of the Meritorious Cause of the Saints Happiness namely the Death and Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ Of the Final Cause of the Saints Happiness in Heaven namely the Glory of God Holiness the Saints great Qualification for Heaven Wicked Men unsuitable to the Work of Heaven and to the Reward of Heaven both which are Holy In Heaven there is both an Eternal Work for Saints to be employed in and an Eternal Reward for Saints to enjoy CHAP. VI. A Resolution of some Questions as 1. Whether the Saints shall know one another in Heaven 2. Whether there are different degrees of Glory in Heaven 3. How the Saints are said to be equal with and like unto the Angels in Heaven 4. In what respects Heaven is called a Reward or Recompence Some useful and necessary Inferences from the consideration of that Happiness the Saints shall enjoy in Heaven deduced in order unto Practice as 1. Hopes of Heaven should make the World contemptible unto Believers 2. None that expect Heaven hereafter should be offended at any thing they meet with in their way thither 3. Expectations of Heaven should make Christians live as those that are Heirs of so great a Happiness 4 Frequent Thoughts and Meditations of Heaven should possess the Minds of those that hope to partake of the Happiness of Heaven 5. The Greatness of the Happiness of Heaven should put Christians upon Examing of themselves what Right and Title they have thereunto 6. Hopes and Expectations of Heaven hereafter should Reconcile to Believers the Thoughts of their own Death and moderate their Sorrows for the Death of their Godly Friends and Relations 7. Hopes of Heaven should put Christians upon unwearied diligence in the Service of God that is attended with such a Reward 8. The Consideration of so great a Happiness as Heaven is should cause in all Believers a Holy longing of Soul after the Enjoyment of it The Conclusion THE GLORY AND HAPPINESS OF THE SAINTS CHAP. I. The Introduction A State of future Glory and Happiness proved What it is that makes the Happiness of Heaven so excellent and glorious in a short and brief Description thereof THE framing a Discourse of Heaven that Place of inexpressible Bliss and Happiness the Portion of Holy and Righteous Persons to Eternity is a Work fitter for an Angel one of those Heavenly Courtiers who have ever since their Creation and for many Ages and Generations now past been happy partakers of that blissful State than the lisping and stammering of any mortal Tongue Sense here being the best Orator and they fittest to describe Heaven unto others who live in the fruition of it themselves And indeed all Discourses of this nature by poor frail Creatures are rather a darkning and diminution of that Glory and Happiness than an ample Illustration or Discovery what it is And when the People of God shall come to the enjoyment thereof they will soon find themselves wonderfully but happily deceived by the most glorious Descriptions that ever were laid before them What the Prophet saith in Hab. 3. where after he had given us a short description of some of the glorious Excellencies and Perfections of God he tells us in the 4th Verse His Brightness was as the Light that he had Horns coming out of his hands which usually are a signification of Strength and Might but says the Prophet There was the hiding of his Power As if he had said Whatever Strength and Might God had thereby put forth it was so far from manifesting the fulness and greatness thereof that it was rather a Hiding than a Revelation of his Power there being infinitely more Power in him than was ever yet put forth by him The like may truly be said concerning Heaven and its Glory and Excellency Take all the Descriptions that since the Creation of the World have been made of the Glory and Happiness thereof and put them all together and we may say of them all that they rather hide and eclipse the Glory of Heaven than any way come near to a manifestation of the Fulness and Excellency thereof still is there infinitely more hid from us than can possibly thereby be made known to us Heaven is like God himself an infinite Good and Happiness and so cannot be fully known or enjoyed by any who are but of finite Capacities and Understanding And therefore after all that we have heard thereof from Men or received from God himself either by what he hath revealed to us in his Word or secretly elapsed down immediately into our Souls by his Spirit yet what holy Job saith of God we may say of the Heaven of God Oh how little a Portion of it is known And therefore those Words of St. Paul need not be looked upon with admiration when he tells us Phil. 1.23 he desired to be dissolved and to be with Christ that is in Heaven where God and Christ are known and enjoyed for that is it which makes Heaven so desirable yea to be best of all as the same Apostle speaks For why should any think it strange that the blessed Apostle who had been wrapt up into the Third Heaven by extraordinary priviledge as well as in an extraordinary manner and there heard and saw so much of that Glory and Happiness that was there enjoyed as that himself said was unutterable that he should long after a fuller enjoyment of it Christians who profess their Hopes and Happiness is laid up in Heaven should rather wonder at his willingness to abide here any longer in the Flesh And certainly had not Love yea great Love to him who had prepared and purchased so great and inexpressible a Happiness for him wrought very powerfully in him it may seem almost impossible that Heaven and St. Paul should have been kept longer asunder if any thing in him or to be done or suffered by him could have brought him thither sooner than his appointed time Great and glorious things doth the Scripture
and Glory exalted in our Nature at the Right Hand of God through whose meritorious Undertakings we come to be presented unto God and to stand in his Presence with Confidence and Joy as having neither spot nor wrinkle nor any such thing There are the glorious Angels the Cherubims and Seraphims with all the glorified Saints and Servants of God that have lived in all Ages of the World as Patriarchs Prophets and Apostles who are always standing round about the Throne of God crying Alleiuja Praise Honour and Glory unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and to the Lamb for evermore In Heaven there is not only a perfect freedom from all Sin but from all Inclinations yea from all Temptations thereunto Grace and Holiness are there in their Fulness in their Perfection and Glory There it is that this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall put on Immortality There it is that these vile Bodies of ours shall be made like unto the glorious Body of Jesus Christ There it is that these Souls of ours shall be enlarged in their utmost Capacities and Desires and yet filled and satisfied to the utmost also There it is that there is fulness of Joy excellency of Glory with an Eternity of Enjoyment of both This now is the Building of God that House not made with hands eternal in the Heavens 2 Cor. 5.1 This is that Kingdom that is to be inherited by the People of God prepared for them from the foundation of the World Matth. 25.46 This is that City that hath Foundations whose Builder and Maker is God Heb. 11.10 The Streets whereof are paved with Gold and the Gates whereof are Pearl Rev. 21.21 In which there is no Temple for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it Where there is no more Night no more Candle nor any need of the Sun or of the Moon to shine in it for the Lord God giveth them Light and they shall reign for ever and ever Rev. 22.5 This now is Heaven and much more than all this for when we have spent all our Days and Time in Hearing in Reading in Discoursing in Meditating upon Heaven and upon nothing else yet after we have done all we can said all we can thought all we can yet can we never set forth the Thousandth Part of that Happiness that is to be enjoyed in Heaven for it is that which is beyond expression beyond imagination but blessed be God it is not beyond enjoyment for the having and possessing of these things in their Fulness in their Perfection and in their Perpetuity is that which as it makes the Happiness of Heaven so excellent and glorious so doth it make it also so desirable to be enjoyed CHAP. II. A more particular Consideration of the Happiness of Heaven Of the Company and Society Believers shall enjoy in Heaven as 1. Communion with all the People of God 2. Communion with Angels 3. Enjoyment of Jesus Christ their Redeemer 4. Sight and Fruition of God What kind of Sight or Vision of God Saints shall have in Heaven Which shall be 1. Immediate and clear 2. Transforming 3. Joyful 4. Permanent and perpetual This Sight and Vision of God in Heaven will be a great Happiness because God is 1. An Vniversal Good 2. A Pure and Vnmixed Good 3. A Suitable Good 4 An All sufficient Good 5. A Satisfying Good 6. An Everlasting Good HAving in the Conclusion of the Former Chapter laid down a brief Description of Heaven and the Happiness thereof I now come to a more particular distinct handling of the several Branches of it Now here the First Thing that I shall instance in as a Part of that Happiness is the Company and Society that the Saints shall eternally enjoy in Heaven Which is comprehended in these Four Particulars Fellowship with all the Saints Communion with Angels The Sight of Jesus Christ as our Blessed and Glorious Redeemer And the eternal Vision and Enjoyment of God himself First The Happiness of Believers in Heaven consists in their Fellowship and Society with the Saints and People of God that have lived in all Ages of the World The Communion of Saints and the great Delight the People of God have taken therein is that we often read of in Scripture Holy David speaks of it with great pleasure Psal 42.4 I went says he to the House of God with the voice of Joy and Praise But why so it was says he with a Multitude that kept Holy-Day Such Society were the Delight of his Soul Psal 16.3 But to the Saints the excellent ones of the Earth in whom is all my Delight O how rejoycingly doth his Soul speak when such Company came unto him I was glad when they said unto me Come let us go up unto the House of the Lord Psal 122.1 It is true David's greatest Delight was in God and in the enjoyment of him and therefore says he I will go unto God my exceeding Joy and Chear Psal 42.4 But next unto God the People of God and Communion with them were those he most esteemed And therefore though his going to the House of God was chiefly to meet with God whom his Soul did most pant and breath after yet was it no small matter of Joy to him that he went to the House of God in such Company And if the People of God now be accounted by a Godly man to be such delightful Company here on Earth whilst Sin as well as Grace is in them in conjunction O how delightful will their Company be in Heaven when they shall be free from all Sin and Corruption having nothing but Grace in them in Perfection Here on Earth the Communion of Saints is sweet and desirable though mixed with Communion with the World so that while we have Fellowship with them we are to have Fellowship with Sinners at the same time and indeed there is no Society so pure and holy but there are and will be a Number of unholy ones among them To be full of Holiness our selves and to have none but holy ones in our company is a desirable thing on Earth but enjoyed only in Heaven Here the Chaff and the Wheat must grow together All that are now called by the Name of the Lord are not all holy but Saints and Sinners dwell together in the same House sit together at the same Table lie together in the same Bed yea eat both of the same Spiritual Meat and drink the same Spiritual Drink enjoy the same Ordinances partake of the same Sacrament even the Body and Blood of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ So that the People of God though they have Communion one with another yet have they Fellowship with Sinners also And this will always be the state of the People of God while they are here But now in Heaven Believers shall have Communion with the Saints and Servants of God and with none but them for all Sinners shall be eternally excluded out
of that holy Plaee no thing or person that is defiled or polluted shall ever enter there and certainly this must needs be sweet and delightful Were it a thing that we might suppose possible as indeed it is not that here we could have Communion with the People of God and with them only yet the best of them have now so many Weaknesses and Imperfections as would render the purest Society of them sometimes uncomfortable for here being in their imperfect state they must be born withal in many things for they are still Men subject to like Passions and Infirmtiies with others Moses a Man eminent for Meekness so that there was none like him on Earth yet sometimes spake unadvisedly with his lips Job a patient Man even to a Proverb yet had sometimes his Fits of Impatience and Discontent Jonah a Prophet of the Lord yet very froward and peevish and justifies his Passion and Anger not only before Men but even unto the Face of God himself saying I do well to be angry even unto the death Yea most if not all the Saints and People of God mentioned in Scripture though eminent for Grace and Holiness yet have they had some Sins some Infirmities or other recorded of them that it might be known they were Men yea sinful Men also as well as Saints and if we expect Communion with any while we are here that are not Sinners as well as Saints we must then go out of the world as the Apostle speaks for all the People of God here have Flesh in them as well as Spirit Sin and Corruption in them as well as Grace and Holiness And yet notwithstanding all their Frailties and Infirmities they are still the best Company and Fellowship and Society with them most desirable And if while they have their Spots their Stains upon them their Company is so excellent and desirable what shall they be when they shall be free from all their Imperfections when they shall have no Ignorance no Blindness no Pride no Impatience no Spots no Blemishes nor any thing whereby they may be polluted or defiled but shall be adorned and beautified with all Grace and Holiness in the Fulness and Perfection of it Surely then their Company must needs be far more desirable yea even a kind of a little Heaven it self Secondly The Happiness of Believers in Heaven consists in their Communion with Angels the highest the noblest and most excellent of God's Creatures The Welfare of Man is that in which the Angels delight When Man was at first created those Morning-Stars sang together and those Sons of God as holy Job speaks shouted for joy Job 38.7 When Jesus Christ the Saviour of Mankind came into the World for this very end and purpose that he might be a Redeemer unto Man it is said that a multitude of the Heavenly Host joyned together in praising of God saying Glory to God on high on Earth Peace and Good Will towards Man Luke 2.13 And when any Sinners are turned unto God there is joy says our Lord among those Blessed Spirits Luke 15.10 This Heavenly Host of God now as the Apostle speaks rejoyce to be ministring Spirits unto the Saints Heb. 1.14 They are therefore called Ministring Spirits sent forth by God to minister for them who shall be Heirs of Salvation Many Offices of Love and Kindness they do for the People of God now when they are in danger which they cannot observe nor take notice of for though their Help and Assistance be always real as to the effect and operation thereof yet is it always invisible as to their knowledge and observation it being impossible for them to understand how often and after what manner they are employed by God for their Benefit The Angels are the continual Guardians and Attendants of the People of God while they are in this world hence therefore our Lord bids those he spake to in Matt. 18.10 Take heed that they offended not any of those little ones that believed in him for says he in heaven their Angels do always behold the Face of my Father which is in heaven And that the Angels do protect and defend the People of God here is very clear in Psal 34.7 The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them And that 's a great Scripture and adds much to the confirmation of the Happiness of the People of God both in respect of their Fellowship with the Saints and their Communion with the Angels in Heaven in Heb. 12.22 23. Ye are come unto Mount Sion the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable Company of Angels and to the Spirits of just men made perfect While we carry about with us these earthly Tabernacles of our Bodies we are scarce capable of Communications with such spiritual heavenly Creatures but at Death the Saints shall know their old Friends and Fellow-Servants and then those Heavenly and Triumphant Chariots shall carry up their departed Souls with Shoutings and Acclamations of Joy into the Presence of God where they shall make Relations of the strange and wonderful Providences of God towards them while they were here and joyn together in the high Praises of God for evermore In this world the sight of one Angel though a Messenger of Peace and one that brings good Tidings along with him yet doth cause Fear and Amazement But in Heaven the Saints shall behold all the Angels of God and that not only without Dread and Horrour but with Joy and Delight as being their Fellow-Creatures with whom they shall eternally maintain a blessed Communion and Correspondency And oh what happy and delightful Company will those Glorious Creatures be in whom there is nothing but what is Amiable and Lovely yea nothing but what is Admirable and Wonderful And though this Communion with Angels be a part of that Happiness which the Saints shall enjoy in Heaven and a Truth of great Certainty yet the Way and Manner of the Saints converse with them there is very dark and obscure and that to which we are now altogether strangers Let therefore the Certainty thereof suppress our Curiosity and satisfie our Minds until we come thither when we shall have a full Revelation and Enjoyment thereof together being made not only like unto but equal with the Angels Thirdly The Happiness of the Saints in Heaven lies in this that there they shall have a Sight and Enjoyment of Jesus Christ as their Blessed and Glorious Redeemet Now this is a Happiness so great that a Saint cannot but account himself recompensed with infinite Gain and Advantage though he lost his Life in the attaining of it Christ says the Apostle Col. 3.11 is all in all It was doubtless a blessed and glorious sight to behold the Lord Jesus Christ when he was here upon Earth when in the days of his Flesh he humbled himself and took upon him the form of a Servant for certainly he was the comiiest Person
arose again for their Justification and Glorification that this was he that with the price of his own Blood not only bought their Pardon but purchased that glorious Inheritance for them which now they are instated into the possession of this must needs put a new Life of Joy into their Souls and create a new kind of Happiness in them which they never were acquainted with nor was it possible for them to understand before Christ is the Desire of all Nations the Joy of Angels the Delight of God himself he in whom he is always well pleased All the Glory and Happiness of Heaven is wrapp'd up in him The Treasures of the Divine Wisdom Love and Kindness which were sometimes hid and concealed are now laid open in Heaven to the view of all the Saints O with what ravishing Joy and Delight then must those Souls be eternally filled with that live in the Sight Possession of him as theirs for ever Is not his Love better than Wine Will not the lifting up of the light of his Countenance upon the Soul administer more cause of Joy and Rejoycing than the greatest increase of all worldly enjoyments whatsoever O is not this the Language of holy Souls His Love is Life yea his loving kindness is better than Life O how shouldst thou chide thy self O Believing Soul whose Faith gives thee an Interest in him that thou art so afraid of his Appearance Whence is it that thou art so backward to go unto him Is the Enjoyment of him in Glory who is all Love all Life all Joy all Peace a frightful thing How comes it to pass that thou art so unwilling to die and be for ever with him whom thou callest thy Saviour Hath he laid down his Life and shed his Blood to redeem thee and will he now make an eternal Slave of thee What hath his Ascension into Glory changed his Nature and rendered him less lovely or the Happiness of Heaven in the Enjoyment of him less desirable No certainly he is not less lovely in himself because of his Exaltation into Glory but the more Nor is the Happiness of Heaven in the Enjoyment of him less but the more desirable and the more easily to be obtained for as the Apostle says If when we were Enemies we were reconciled by his Death much more being reconciled shall we be saved by his Life And because he lives glorified in Heaven therefore shall Believers live with him there and therefore also should they be the more desirous to be there because he is there Awake therefore O ye drowsie Saints rouze your selves up out of your Security and Slothfulness for a careless indifferent frame of Spirit doth not become those who are Expectants of so great and glorious a Redeemer and of so great a Happiness as is the eternal Enjoyment of him O what a holy Impatience and Vnquietness of Soul should rather be found in Believers after this Blessed Redeemer Is it not he by whom you expect to escape the Wrath and Vengeance of God Was not his Body broken and his Blood poured forth to make an Oblation for your Souls Was it not he whose Death and Sufferings have made full satisfaction to the Justice of God for your Sins Is it not he who to deliver you from the Curse of the Law was himself made a Curse for you Is it not he by whom alone you escape everlasting Burnings and hope to obtain an Inheritance incorruptible undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for you Is there any thing either in this World or in the World to come that is comparable to him Look upon him well O Believing Souls both in respect of what he once was and in respect of what he now is and you cannot but say he is made up of Love Henceforth therefore wonder not O blind and ignorant World that the People of God express such passionate longing Desires after the Enjoyment of this Blessed Jesus but rather wonder at your selves that such Blindness and Darkness should be found within you that you should not be able to discern those Excellencies and that Loveliness that is in him Were the Eyes of your Understanding opened had you but a Spirit of discerning bestowed upon you to see into those glorious Excellencies and Perfections that are in the Lord Jesus and the Happiness that is in the Sight and Fruition of him in Heaven you would then say We see now there is the greatest Reason in the World why the Saints and People of God have such vehement Desires after him are so covetous of being in his Presence and beholding of his Glory For what Soul that knows him that hath tasted of his Love and experienced the Manifestations of his Grace and Favour towards it but doth most earnestly wish not only to see him but to live for ever with him O my Soul Whence is it then that thou that canst say thou lovest him in Truth and in Sincerity dost yet make it no more thy daily Care and Study to gain more and farther Knowledge of him and a more dear and intimate Acquaintance with him that so thou maist be brought into a more full and immediate Enjoyment of him And O thou infinitely Blessed Lord Jesus who hast all Loveliness and Amiableness in thee look down graciously upon thy poor Creatures and discover unto them more of those ravishing transcendent Beauties and Excellencies that are in thee and let us every day have more and farther insight into those never to be fully known Perfections of Glory and Loveliness that are in thy self that thereby we may be enabled not only to commend thee a thousand times more feelingly and affectionately unto others but may thereby also win upon yea command the Affections and Desires of all that hear of thee unto thee that nothing short of the Enjoyment of thy self and the Manifestations of thy Love and Favour in Eternal Glory may satisfie and content us or them but that we may continually be crying out in that known Language of thy Church Come Lord Jesus come quickly Fourthly and Lastly The Saints Happiness in Heaven consists in this That there they shall have the Vision and Enjoyment of God himself being always where he is seeing his Face and beholding his Glory Now in speaking to this great Happiness of the Saints the Beatifical Vision of God I shall content my self with those things that are most plain and will be most benificial Now the Sacred Scripture gives us an Account of this Great and Mysterious part of the Saints Happiness in many high and lofty expressions calling it sometimes a seeing of the Face of God Rev. 22.4 They shall see his Face Sometimes it is set forth by our becoming like unto God and seeing him as he is so in 1 John 3.2 Now says the Apostle we are the Sons of God but it doth not no nor can it yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall
for my Name sake Rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in Heaven Thus whatever condition the People of God are in yet still they ought always to joy and rejoyce in God and the Reason is this because they have the special Presence of God with them and where that is there are frequent though secret discoveries of God's Love unto them How often doth God lift up the light of his Countenance upon such whilst they are attending upon him in holy Duties secretly whispering to their Souls that they are accepted in the Beloved vouchsafing to them some Discoveries of the invisible and unseen but yet real Glory and Happiness of Heaven and of their Interest in it whereby their Souls are even ravished with an excess of strange and unusual Joy and Delight beyond what they are able to express And yet all this is whilst as the Apostle speaks Believers walk by Faith and not by Sight Now if this little Sight and these small Enjoyments that the Saints have of God here which in comparison of what they shall see and enjoy of God hereafter may be said to be no Sight for so the Apostle calls it 1 Pet. 1.8 Whom as yet having not seen if this Sight of God which as it follows in the next Words is only our Believing in God if this fills the Soul of a Believer with so great Joy and Delight what then shall the Beatifical Vision of God in Heaven do If Faith and Hope do so ravish the Souls of Believers with Joy and Delight even then whilst we are absent from the Lord for as the Apostle speaks Whilst we are at home in the Body we are absent from the Lord. If yet the Joy of Faith and Hope be so great O what then shall the Joy of Vision be when Believers shall not only be absent from the Body and present with the Lord but shall be ever present with the Lord both in Soul and Body seeing him face to face and enjoying him as he is Surely this Joy must needs be unspeakably great and glorious indeed this Sight of God is that which will not only amaze the Eye with wonder but ravish the Heart with eternal Ecstasies of Joy and Delight Fourthly The Saints Sight and Vision of God in Heaven shall be permanent and perpetual In this Life the People of God have not always the Presence of God with them nor the Manifestations of his Love and Favour towards them but are often in the dark for either they sin away God's Presence from them which is most frequent or else God for wise and holy Ends sees good to withdraw himself from them for a time and when either of these happen it is a sad time with such Souls especially if Sin hath been the Cause of it Such therefore walk very dejectedly and the Truth is their Case is very sad but yet it is that which many of the People of God have experienced See how the Church complains Esa 49.14 But Sion said the Lord hath forsaken me my God hath forgotten me So the Spouse Cant. 5.6 I opened to my Beloved but my Beloved had withdrawn himself my Soul failed when he spake I sought him but I could not find him I called him but he gave me no Answer And as it hath been thus with the People of God formerly so sad Experience tells us it is so with many of them still Sometimes they enjoy something of God his Presence and the Manifestations of his Love towards them in a Duty and O how sweet and delightful is it to their Souls when they thus meet with God! It is Heaven upon Earth but these things do not last for when Duties are ended the People of God grow careless and remiss yield to Temptations give way to Sin become vain and worldly and so lose the Presence of God by reason whereof they walk in Darkness have no Manifestations of his Love and Favour towards them insomuch that their Souls are even ready to faint and sink within them under a despair of Mercy This now is the Case of many a Child of God in this World sometimes he hath the benign Instuences of the Divine Favour darted into his Soul which makes him greatly to rejoyce but what God thus graciously gives he doth not wisely and holily retain These joyful Seasons abide not always with the People of God but they soon lose them the Light of God's Countenance is eclipsed and his Face hid from them by reason of their Foolishness But it is not thus in Heaven no Sin comes there to intercept between the Face of God and those holy Souls for ever There is no complaining of any Saint in Heaven that God hath forsaken him or hides his Face from him But it shall ever be with those holy Ones as our Lord tells us it is now with their Angels Matth. 18.10 They shall always behold the Face of God in Glory This blessed Object of the Saints Happiness in Heaven shall never be withdrawn from them to eternity nor shall their Sight ever be wearied with beholding of it nay without this constant Vision and enjoyment of God Heaven would not be a Happiness great enough to fill and satisfie the Desires of the Saints Their Souls are so raised so capacious that they cannot be content with any thing even in Heaven it self unless they enjoy God there Should God bestow upon them the Glory of all the Creatures either in Heaven or in Earth should he confer upon them the Glory of all the Kings and Emperors in the World yea should he add to that the Glory of the Sun Moon and Stars nay should he add to them the Glory of all the Angels and Cherubims in Heaven yet still they would say they had not enough to make them happy for all these are not God When therefore God hath given Heaven to the Saints he must there give them the Vision and Enjoyment of himself or else they will not account themselves happy Nay I will go a little farther still it is not the Vision and Enjoyment of God in Heaven for a little time suppose it were for a few Days or Years nay were it for many Thousands of them this would not give their Souls full Satisfaction and Contentment unless they could eternally enjoy God This only can make them compleatly happy and now and never till now do they say they have enough And O how sweet is this Word Ever unto the Saints in Heaven in the sense I am speaking of Ever to be with the Lord ever to have him smile upon the Soul ever to behold his Face ever to have his Presence with it and ever to be under the Manifestations of his Love and Favour Here here is Heaven and Happiness indeed thus to see and enjoy God for ever And so much for the First Thing What kind of Sight or Vision of God the Saints shall have in Heaven Secondly Wherein doth it appear that this Vision of God
will be so great a Happiness to the Saints in Heaven To this I answer in general There is in God every thing that can make a Man perfectly blessed and happy It is beyond all disputation that the Happiness of Man must be that which is good for that which is evil in it self is not nor cannot be desired as such by any rational Creature much less proposed by him as his ultimate End No the Object of Man's Happiness must be something that is Good nor yet is it any Good that will make a Man compleatly happy neither but it must be a Good in which all Good is contained now such a Good is God and only he is such a Good and therefore to be a little more particular in the Answering of this Question consider First God is an universal Good a Good in whom all Good is contained It is impossible there should be any desirable Perfection but what is in him All the Croatures here below are the several effects of the Divine Bounty and Goodness and though they are good in themselves yet have they their several particular limited Goodness Health hath its particular goodness in it and Wealth its particular goodness and Learning its good and so I may say of all other things whatsoever they are all stinted to their particular ways of Beneficialness unto Man To instance a little The Air refresheth us but it doth not feed us our Food nourisheth us but it doth not cloath us our Cloaths warm us but they do not quench our Thirst Water cools and cleanseth us but it is not a Habitation for us to dwell in our Houses preserve us from the Injuries of the weather but they cannot secure to us our Health And all these put together cannot defend us against Losses in the World much less can they keep away Death from us which will be the destruction of them all Nay all these things and whatever else there is or can be imagined of goodness in all other things put together and enjoyed at once in the fulness of them yet have they not All Good in them no so far are they from having all Good in them that they are no way beneficial to us farther than they have the Blessing of God going along with them for it is he that is all in all unto us in and by the Creatures It is he that feeds us more than our Food He warms us more than our Cloaths He is more a Habitation to us than our Houses He is more our Health and Strength than Physick and Means are Yea he is more our Life than our very Souls are The Light of his Countenance the Smile of his Face is more our Joy and Consolation than all the Enjoyments of this World can be Now God that is all these things to us in the use of them he is a thousand times more than all these things in himself And if there be any of these things aforementioned that are desirable certainly then that God that makes them desirable is infinitely more desirable himself It is God's Prerogative alone that he is eminently good and altogether good and every thing that is good is in him And surely if God be so good to his People in the Enjoyments he vouchsafes to them here when they have but some small Tastes of his Bounty and Goodness O how good will he be to them immediately by himself in Heaven And this is that enjoyment of God which manifests it to be so great a Happiness to the Saints in Heaven that there God will be all in all unto them Secondly God is a pure unmixed Good He is so good that there is nothing that is evil or hurtful in him All Earthly good things are defective and imperfect there is something of Sweetness in them but withal there is something of Bitterness also if there be a drop of Honey there is a drop of Gall mingled with it no Rose is without its Prickles nor is there any Condition without its Troubles no Enjoyments God bestows upon his People that have every thing that is good and nothing but what is good in them no there is still a mixture of some evil with them And this is the Reason why a Believer cannot find Happiness in any thing on this side Heaven and the enjoyment of God there God indeed is such a Good in whom there is no Evil. He is Light says the Apostle and in him there is no Darkness at all 1 John 1.5 Light here below is very pleasant and delightful but yet when it shines in its greatest Lustre it is scarce enough to be a Shadow of the Light above in which God dwells yea which God is and unto which no man can approach as the Apostle speaks 1 Tim. 6.16 While we are in this World our State without us will be like our State within us Now in us even in the best of us there is Sin as well as Grace Flesh as well as Spirit Now because all is not well within us therefore all is not well without us A Mixture of Sin and Grace causes a mixture of Joy and Sorrow in every condition here below But it shall not be thus with the Saints in Heaven for God who is the Object of their Happiness is a Good in whom as there is all good so there is nothing in him but what is good Now that which is not only good but contains in it all good and hath nothing in it but what is good that must needs be an Object that must always be desired and always be delighted in Such an Object now is God and hence therefore it is that after he hath been Millions of Years enjoyed by the Saints in Heaven yet still is he as much desired as at the first moment of their entrance into Heaven And hence therefore also it is that that Life which the Saints shall always be spending in Heaven but shall never be spent unto Eternity shall be a Life of Joy and Praise And this is it that makes it appear that the Saints Vision and Enjoyment of God in Heaven will be so great a Happiness unto them Thirdly God is a suitable Good and therefore the enjoyment of him in Heaven must needs be a great Happiness to the Saints The things of this World when enjoyed in the greatest abundance cannot make up a Happiness suitable to the Desires of a godly Man Worldly Enjoyments have some Suitableness in them unto the vilest part of a Saint his Body But as to his better Part his Soul which is that by which he is denominated to be a Man so these Worldly Things have no Suitableness at all in them unto him no not while he is here below What hath a Spiritual Soul to do with Earthly Objects What Communion hath Light with Darkness The like may I say here What Communion between a Spiritual Soul and all Earthly Objects Earthly Things are of too gross a Nature and Quality to agree with the
acquainted with here continually singing Praises and Hallelujahs unto the great God and to the Lamb that sits upon the Throne and be no more weary thereof than the Angels themselves are understanding perfectly the Will of God and readily obeying it without so much as one vain Thought passing thorough their Minds or one idle Word dropping from their Mouths or one wry Look in their Countenances to Eternity O what a blessed Frame is here What would not a Gracious Soul give or do that he could attain to it now How would he rejoice to find a connaturality or perfect suitableness and agreement in himself unto Divine and Heavenly Employments O how happy would he think himself were his heart always as holy as his work Unto this tend all his Duties and performances even unto the perfecting of him in Grace and Holiness it is for this that he so often fasts and prays it is for this that he so often hears reads and meditates upon the Word of God for this it is he so often partakes of the Supper of the Lord and is so frequent in the Communion of Saints even for the destroying of Sin and Corruption and the encreasing and perfecting of Grace in his Soul Oh how full of longing Desires is he after that Day and Time Oh how earnestly doth he cry when when will the shadows flee away when will Days and Nights be at an end when will Time be spent when shall the Curtains be drawn that he may not only look at but eternally possess that blessed Place where Sin shall be for ever excluded both out of him and it where Grace and Holiness shall be perfected in him and where he shall always behold it shining in its ravishing Beauty and Glory Well be of good Chear O all ye Holy and Gracious Souls whose Desires are thus bent for in Mount Sion there shall be both a Deliverance from Sin and a Perfection of Holiness In Heaven the Spirits of just Men are made perfect Let the Thoughts therefore of your perfect Holiness in Heaven support you against all your natural Infirmities and Failings here on Earth Yea let all those that have a real Love to Holiness and a Hatred unto Sin long for Heaven and be desirous to die that they may sin no more but be for ever perfect in Grace and Holiness Fifthly The Saints in Heaven shall be Partakers of Fulness of Joy Joy is the peculiar Privilege of a Saint None in all the World notwithstanding all their great Possessions have that Cause of rejoicing that a godly Man hath That which makes a wicked Man rejoice is something that delights his Senses something that pleaseth his Fancy all which is vain and vanishing But that which delights a Godly Man is that which is solid and substantial something within that reacheth the very Soul and Conscience and that is God reconciled to him in Jesus Christ evidenced to his Soul upon Scripture grounds followed with the Testimony of the blessed Spirit in his Conscience witnessing with his Spirit that he is among the number of the Children of God upon which follows the Love of God shed abroad in his Heart by the same Spirit filling him with that Joy and Peace by Believing that is unspeakable and glorious Now though this be the Privilege of a godly Man yet hath he not always the sense and feeling of this Joy but though he hath not always the Comfort of it yet hath he always the ground of this Joy for Light is always sown for the Righteous and Gladness for the Vpright in Heart Psalm 97.11 Though it doth not presently spring up and break sorth yet the Seed of it is there None in all the World do or might lead such a pleasant joyful Life as the People of God were it not their own Fault they giving way to the omission of some Duty or the commission of some Sin and this mars all their Joy It is true the Devil doth what he can to disquiet them and the Wicked of the World give them molestation and trouble sometimes they are tempted with the Allurements of Profit and Advantage and sometimes they are aw'd with Fears and Threatnings But if they would put forth their Grace into Exercise and by Prayer implore Divine Assistance they would be enabled not only to stand up against all the Enemies of their Peace but with a holy Joy and Triumph to vanquish and over come them This is that Life a godly Man might lead were he so watchful as he ought But Experience tells us it is not so for there are many Clouds of Discontent and Trouble that darken the Sun-shine of a Believer's Joy O the Complaints of past Sorrows O the Sense of present Evils and the Fears of worse for the future these in a great measure share our Lives among them But in Heaven it shall not be so there 's no Sorrow no Troubles no Evils no Dangers no nor so much as any Fears of them for all is Peace there 's nothing but Joy nothing but Pleasure and Sweetness Nor can it be otherwise with a godly Man in Heaven because that which was the Cause of all his Grief and Sorrow which is Sin is now perfectly taken away Now in the Joys of Heaven there are these four Properties they are pure they are spiritual they are full they are everlasting Joys First The Joys of a Saint in Heaven are pure Joys and pure they are in respect of the Object of them and in their being free from any Mixture First They are pure in respect of the Object of them The Joy of the Wicked is terminated upon some carnal Object His Joy is in the Flesh not in the Spirit When he rejoiceth it is among his wicked Companions his Delight is commonly in something that is sinful or sensual in Chambring and Wantonness or at best in Corn Wine and Oil. But now the Joy of a Saint is in God he now cries out with Holy David Psalm 73.25 Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none upon Earth that I desire besides thee Thy Favour O Lord is Life and thy Loving Kindness is better than Life And with how much greater Joy and Delight doth a Saint say so of God and of the Enjoyment of him in Heaven It is true Saints in Heaven enjoy the Blessedness of Peace and Rest from all their former Troubles and Sorrows which they remember with Delight and Praise unto their Deliverer but though this eternal Peace and Rest be a great Blessing and that which passeth all Understanding yet is it the least part of the Saints Happiness in Heaven for their greatest Satisfaction and Contentment ariseth from the Joy and Delight which proceeds from beholding the Face of God in Heaven This is that which fills and satifies yea ravisheth the Soul of a Saint when enlarged to its utmost Capacity with that Joy and Delight that is unexpressibly great and glorious Secondly The Joys of Heaven are pure Joys in
the Grass which flourisheth for a while but is soon withered and gone 1 Pet. 1.24 But the heavenly Glory is permanent and perpetual a Flower that never withers Saints shall receive a Crown that fadeth not away CHAP. IV. Of the Resurrection of the Body in order to the Saints Happiness in Heaven A more particular Description of the Happiness of the Bodies of the Saints in Heaven which shall there be 1. Incorruptible 2. Spiritual 3. Powerful 4. Beautiful Of the Happiness of the Soul in Heaven which consists 1. In having its Vnderstanding enlarged 2. In its being perfected in Holiness 3. In having its Affections brought into a perfect Regularity Of the Eternity of the Saints Happiness in Heaven A Discourse of the Happiness of Heaven is like the breaking of the Bread by our Saviour in his miraculous feeding so many Thousands with a few Loaves and a few small Fishes which multiplied and increased by being broken And so doth the Happiness of Heaven by being search'd into for the more we look into it the more we discover of its Excellency and Perfection In this blessed Search much of Sweetness and Delightfulness hath been found out already but upon farther Enquiry into what the Scripture reveals concerning it we shall find much more than what hath hitherto been discovered Now that which presents it self to us as the Matter of our Discourse in this Chapter is the Consideration of the Subject of this Happiness in Heaven and that is the Bodies and Souls of the Righteous I begin with the First of these and that is to shew That the Bodies of the Righteous shall be the Subject of the Happiness of Heaven Now before the Body can be a partaker of this Biessedness it must first have a Resurrection from the Grave for till that be done it is not capable of enjoying the Glory and Happiness of Heaven Now that there shall be a Resurrection of the Body out of the Dust notwithstanding the seeming difficulties yea impossibilities also unto Sense and carnal Reason is very clear from the Scripture which though it be not against Reason yet is it in many things above Reason as it seems to be in this particular case and therefore though a Christian is not here wholly to lay aside his Reason yet must he chiefly make use of his Faith in this Point yet were it my Employment to treat of this Subject I doubt not but it might be demonstratively proved That the Resurrection of the Body is a great Truth not only by Scripture but by Reason also though when all that is or can be said our chief Light and Knowledge into this great Truth must and doth come from Divine Revelation But this is not my Work at present being only discoursing of it as a necessary Introduction to the Happiness that the Body shall be a partaker of hereafter in Heaven which that it may it must of necessity first be raised from the dead Now the Resurrection of the Body is that which is the Inlet as it were to all its future Happiness and Glory The Bodies of the Saints are as the Apostle speaks sacred Temples wherein the Holy Ghost dwells and therefore God will not suffer them to lie buried always in forgetfulness It is true their Bodies do dissolve into dust in their Graves but it is as true they perish not there God takes notice of them then and even at that time is their Dust precious in his sight and so it will appear at the last Day when by his All-powerful voice he shall call them forth out of their Graves and raise them up thence shining with such excellent Beauty and Glory as shall exceed the Sun in its Brightness and Glory It is a very difficult thing to believe that the Bodies of Men some whereof have lain rotting in the Grave Thousands of Years and others whose Bodies have been eaten up of wild Beasts or burnt and consumed to Ashes by Fire and those Ashes blown up and down the Earth or into the Water by the Wind or that when so many Multitudes of Ages and Generations of Men dying one after another and their Dust mingled one with another should all of them rise again and the same several Parcels of Dust come together again to make up the same Bodies of Men as once they were before O how impossible is it that such a thing as this is says carnal Reason should ever come to pass Were this great and wonderful Work to be effected by the combined strength and power of all the Saints and Angels in Heaven we might despair of its accomplishment but when we consider who is the Undertaker of this great Work even the Great and Almighty God this may well silence all Objections that can be made against it For he hath undertaken it for whom nothing is impossible And as none of us know what God is in himself so none of us know what this great God can do As it is with the sowing of Seed when Men cast it into the ground they sow not as the Apostle saith that Body that shall be and if the Seed sown did spring up by chance it might possibly bear Wheat or some other Grain but says he God giveth it a Body as it pleaseth him and to every Seed his own Body And so shall it be in the Resurrection at the last Day God raiseth up all Mens Bodies out of their Graves but this is not all but that every Man may have his own Body he giveth unto every Body it s own Dust And what reason is there that any should doubt of the Truth hereof For if a Gardener that hath a hundred several Seeds in his hand at once is able to distinguish between Seed and Seed Or if a skilful Chymist is able to extract one Metal out of another yea to take all the four Elements out of one and the same thing shall not the Almighty Omnipotent God be much more able to distinguish and separate one Man's Dust from another and give to every Man his own Dust Why then O why should it be thought a thing incredible that God should thus raise the Dead Consider a little who this God is one that is of infinite Power and able to do whatsoever he pleaseth both in Heaven and in Earth it is he that at first made the World out of nothing and cannot he rally together our lifeless Dust and scattered Bones and make them stand up and live surely he can Is he able to raise up Children unto Abraham out of stones as our Lord tells the Jews and can he not raise up our Bodies out of the same Dust into which they were dissolved Nay doth he not every day do as great Wonders as this is What is every Night but the Burial or Grave of the Light of the Day And what is every Morning but the Resurrection of the Day Again what is the cold Winter but the Death of the Fruits of the Earth And what is
the Spring but the Resurrection of them again unto a new Life And what is Death unto us but a pulling down of these Clay Houses of our Bodies into the Dust And what is the Resurrection but a raising or rebuilding of the same Houses of our Bodies out of the same Dust again And this shall as certainly be accomplished by God as any of the former have been Moreover God hath given great Encouragement to our Faith to believe the Truth hereof by raising many from the Dead already both in the Old Testament and in the New as the Shunamite's and the Widow of Naim's Sons with Tabitha and Lazarus who had lain four days in the Grave together with many others that at the Death of Christ arose out of their Graves and went into the Holy City and were seen of many Now what God hath already done to some he can and will do unto all at the last Day For as our Lord saith The hour is coming wherein all that are in their Graves shall hear his Voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation John 5.28 29. And O what great encouragement is here unto Believers both against their own Death and the Death of their Godly Friends and Relations How sweet upon this account may the Thoughts of Death be unto Believers themselves Therefore maist thou O believing Soul chearfully yield unto the stroak of Death for though by it thou art carried unto the Grave that Place of silence where thou shalt moulder away into Dust and Rottenness yet maist thou die in the assured Belief of this great Truth That as certainly as now by Death thou goest down intothe Grave so certainly shalt thou ere long be raisedr up out of it again and then shall thy Soul and Body have a comfortable meeting together again never to be parted any more but be made happy together in an eternal Enjoyment of God in Glory Here is also matter of great Comfort against the Death of our godly Friends and Relations What a blessed Support is this to a Believer when Death comes and takes away any such from him How comfortably may he take his leave of them delivering them up unto Death and the Grave knowing assuredly that they shall rise again unto Glory and Happiness Those that die in Christ and sleep in Jesus them he will certainly raise out of their Graves and bring with him unto Judgment Cease therefore thy immoderate Grief drown not thy self in Tears for those whose Souls are at present triumphing in Glory and whose Bodies shall shortly be raised up unto a participation of the same Glory and Happiness Whenever therefore O believing Soul either thou thy self shalt come to lie upon a Death-Bed taking thy last Farewell of thy godly Friends and Relations in this World or when any such godly Friends and Relations shall upon their Death-Beds take their last Farewell of thee let this great Truth of the Resurrection of the Body teach thee how thou shouldst do it not as one without hope but as it becomes a Christian and that is willingly and chearfully not because thou art thereby rid of a Trouble or Charge or because by their Death thou shalt be a gainer in thy worldly Concerns this shews a very evil sinful frame of Spirit and is no way becoming a Christian but let let thy willingness herein proceed from a more excellent Motive even this comfortable consideration that there is but a little short space of Time between thy Death and theirs as also between all your Deaths and the Time of your Resurrections which will quickly shde away whilst you and they are sleeping quietly in your Graves and then shall both you and they be raised up together thence with great Joy and Rejoicing so saith the Prophet Isa 26.19 Awake and sing ye that dwell in the Dust for then shall there be everlasting Joy upon your Heads But I must not forget that this is not the Subject I am treating upon it being that which comes in here only as a necessary Introduction unto that Happiness which the Bodies of the Saints shall partake of in Heaven unto which I now come to treat more particularly Now in speaking unto this I shall reduce all that I have to say unto these four Heads the Incorruptability the Spirituality the Power or Agility and the Glory and Beauty of the Body First The Bodies of the Saints in Heaven shall be incorruptible Their Souls are always immortal for when they leave their Bodies which by Death drops from them into the Grave yet they die not but returning unto God are adjudged to and initated in an everlasting state of Blessedness But now in Heaven the very Bodies of the Saints shall be as immortal as their Souls In this World the best carry up and down with them weak frail dying Bodies always yielding to Decays exercised with Pains and Aches that insensibly waste and wear them away till at length Death by some incurable Disease lays them from the Second Death yet have they thereby no exemption from the First Death but they as well as others must taste thereof because they as well as others have sinned It is true the Sting of Death shall never reach them that they are delivered from and gain Victory over by Jesus Christ but the stroke of Death must and will reach them Death cannot hurt them that 's certain because it hath no Poison in it but Death will have Dominion over them for a time But though Death play the Tyrant here on Earth sparing none either for their Greatness or their Goodness yet hath it no admittance into Heaven For when the Saints shall be cloathed upon with their House which is from Heaven then shall Death and Mortality be swallowed up of Life and the Life of the Body as well as the Life of the Soul shall then be everlasting The Apostle 1 Corinth 15.42 speaking of the Body tells us it is sown in Corruption but it is raised in Incorruption So in verse 52. in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump the Dead shall be raised incorruptible and this Mortal must put on Immortality And O how comfortable must the Thoughts hereof needs be to the Saints to think that though now they have sickly diseased yea dying Bodies yet there is a time coming when they shall have Bodies free from all manner of Aches and Pains not subjected to Decays nor Death but always lively and vigorous The Resurrection will do more for the Bodies of the Saints than a Colledge of the ablest Physicians ever could do for it will at once perfectly cure them of all their Infirmities and Distempers which all the Physicians here on Earth could never do Alas they could only give some case and relief under some particular Distempers and that but for a little time but they soon returned again or
Heaven is by the Apostle called an excessive weight of Glory Now it is not possible for a weak Head to bear an excessive weight of Glory What the Saints shall there see with their bodily Eyes is so excellent and glorious that it would now sink and overwhelm their weak Bodies to behold it Those ravishing Transports of Joy and Delight which glorified Souls shall have in the Vision of God will crack yea break a weak Vessel into pieces The Bodies of the Saints therefore must be made strong to bear the Glory of that Place otherwise the Excellency of the Object will destroy the Faculty When the Sun in the Firmament shines in its full strength the Glory of it is so great that the strongest Eye is not able to behold it but is soon overcome by its dazling Brightness O how much more unable then is any mortal Eye to see God and to behold his infinite Glory The Scripture therefore tells us He dwells in Light that is unapproachable 1 Tim. 6.16 And says the Apostle 1 Cor. 15. and 50. Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God Now by Flesh and Blood he doth not mean Sin and Corruption though that is very true but he means a Natural Body a Body as it is in this irail State so it cannot enter into Glory No the Soul must be purified and the Body must be spiritualized made powerful and strong before it can enter into Glory for otherwise it is not able to behold God and to enjoy the Glory and Happiness of Heaven Moreover the Bodies of the Saints must endure to all Eternity in Heaven and that without Reparation by Meats or Drinks or Sleep Doubtless therefore their Bodies at the Resurrection entring into a Place of so great Glory and Happiness as Heaven is shall be raised to a high and eminent degree of Power and Strength that they may be able to bear that weight of Glory that shall then be put upon them Fourthly The Bodies of the Saints in Heaven shall be Beautiful and Glorious The Words of the Apostle are very clear 1 Cor. 15.33 Speaking of the Body and that disgrace that it is brought under when thrown into the Grave it is sown says he in dishonour This indeed is but poor comfort to a Believer to think that his Body shall be vilified and disgraced in the Grave where it shall turn to corruption and rottenness But as if the Apostle had said Let not this trouble you for there will be a Time when the Body shall have a blessed Resurrection from that contempt and Disgrace that it now suffered under for though it be sown in dishonour yet it shall be raised in Glory and become a far more glorious and beautiful Body than ever it was here on Earth Some Glory and Majesty there is put upon the Bodies of Men now above the Bodies of all other Creatures in respect whereof our Bodies are said to be God's Workmanship Thy hands have made me and fashioned me says Job Yea they are said to be fearfully and wonderfully made and to be curiously wrought by God himself so we read Psal 139.14 15. But yet that Glory which the Bodies of the Saints now have is no Glory compared with that Glory that their Bodies shall be cloathed with in Heaven There is a vast difference between Celestial Bodies and Terrestrial Bodies How glorious is the Body of the Sun compared with the Body of a Worm or a Fly But there is a far greater difference between the Bodies of the Saints on Earth and the same Bodies when glorified in Heaven for then they shall become celestial and Heavenly Bodies shining with a Glory and Beauty that shall transcend the Stars yea the Sun in the Firmament The Apostle gives us the Sum of it in a few words Phil. 3.21 he tells us our Body of Christ They are now vile Bodies as he calls them made so by Sin being Instruments thereunto and they are Earthy because they bear the Image of the Earthly Adam but they shall be made Glorious Bodies because they shall for ever bear the Image of the Heavenly Adam the Lord Jesus Christ Exod. 34.29 We read when Moses had been in the Mount with God forty days and came down among the Israelites again his Face did shine so gloriously that they were not able to behold it Now if Moses's Body that was but a frail mortal Body and was shortly to lie in the Dust did by being with God for a little time shine so gloriously Oh with what Glory and Beauty shall the Bodies of the Saints shine in Heaven when they shall become immortal and enjoy the Presence of God with them to all eternity Secondly As the Body shall be a great sharer in the Glory and Happiness of Heaven so shall the Soul be also Not only the Excellency but the Capaciousness of the Soul renders it an Object of greater Happiness and Glory than the Body As the Soul is the more excellent part of a Saint than the Body so shall it have a more excellent Glory put upon it than the Body In Gen. 48.19 When Jacob was blessing the Two Sons of Joseph Manasseh and Ephraim Jacob tells Joseph that Manasseh the first-born should be a great Man but his Brother should be greater than he the same may be said of the Bodies and Souls of the Saints in Heaven It is true their Bodies shall be very beautiful and glorious but truly their Souls shall far excell them in Glory In Heaven the Bodies of the Saints shall be suited to and capacitated for that Glory and Happiness that is designed for and to be enjoyed by them there which now they are not But their Souls as they shall then take in more of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven than their Bodies so are they now in some measure but shall then be much more capacitated both to receive and bear the greatness of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven than the Body can or will be for the Happiness of Heaven being of a spiritual and refined Nature it is most suitable unto the spiritual part of Man which is his Soul And this is the Reason why we understand so little of the Happiness of the Soul in Heaven because it is spiritual Here we understand little what our Souls are and therefore can understand but little what that Happiness is that they shall attain to hereafter The Scripture calls it a Glory that shall be revealed Rom. 8.18 The Sufferings of this present Life are not to be compared to the Glory that shall be revealed in us that is in the Soul A Glory and Happiness there is that waits for Believers in the other World but it is not yet revealed what or how great it shall be No says the Apostle It doth not yet appear what we shall be but when Christ who is our Life shall appear we shall be like him The Beauty of the Soul will then be excellent and glorious because the
and a part of the Happiness thereof as every thing that the heart of Man can desire or imagine that is truly excellent doth make up the Happiness of that blessed State But that which chiefly constitutes Heaven is Holiness there is a holy God there is a holy Place there is holy Company and Society yea every thing that is holy and nothing but what is holy There it is that holy Souls shall be for ever united to a holy God by a continual fervour of holy Love there it is that they shall always holily depend upon God by holy and heavenly Acts of Faith and Hope There it is that they shall eternally obey God with a holy Joy and Delight and all this with the same holy Love Faith Hope and Joy which they did put forth towards God here upon Earth only in Heaven these Graces shall be advanced and exalted above all those Imperfections and Frailties that in this Life did attend them This now is the Glory of Heaven and indeed what greater Glory can there be than this Holiness being the Glory of God himself Thus Moses stiles God in his triumphant Song Exod. 15.11 Where he tells us though he be a God that is fearful in Praises and infinite in Power yet that wherein he is most glorious is his Holiness Who is a God like unto thee O Lord amongst the Gods Who is like unto thee glorious in Holiness fearful in Praises doing Wonders And what is the Glory of the Saints in Heaven but only a Reflexion of the Glory of God cast upon them Now as God is in an especial manner glorious in his Holiness so are they glorious in their Holiness And what then will become of all the hopes of wicked and profane Sinners whose Hearts are full of Hatred and Malice not only against those that are holy but against Holiness it self witness their impious and profane scoffing at Holiness their persecuting all those that make a stricter Profession of it than themselves What a strange kind of Heaven do these Men hope for and how miserably do they deceive themselves for if Grace and Glory if Holiness and Heaven be one and the same thing as they are then certainly all the hopes of such wretched Sinners are built upon a rotten Foundation For how can they that hate and persecute a little Holiness in a Saint on Earth where it is mingled with much Sin and Corruption take delight in Heaven where there are greater measures and degrees of Grace and Holiness than all the Saints that ever lived here upon Earth did or could attain to in this World yea where there is nothing else but Grace and Holiness In vain O Sinner dost thou wish or hope for a Heaven where there is nothing but Ease and Pleasure a Place where thou may'st be above all thy Cares and Fears where thou may'st enjoy a constant Freedom from all thy Pains and Distresses that now afflict and torment thee such a Heaven as this is impossible God never made any such nor canst thou in reason expect it but contrarywise know thou must to thy Terror and Amazement that the great God hath joyned sin and the curse so close together that Heaven it self would be no Sanctuary to secure thee either from the stinging Horrors of an Evil and now too late awakened and accusing Conscience nor from the ghasty and tormenting Fears of Wrath and Hell if sin and guilt should enter with thee into that Holy Place Secondly Holiness is a necessary Qualification for Heaven because without it there is no suitableness between us and Heaven All true Pleasure and Delight is caused from the suitableness that there is between the Object and the Power or Faculty in man that receives it It is therefore a pleasant thing for the Eyes to behold the Light and so is it also for the Ears to hear melodious sounds because these Objects are suited unto those Sences which otherwise would not be delightful to them as we see in those that are Blind and Deaf the one takes no Pleasure in the Light nor the other in Musick And so it is with us in reference unto Heaven there is nothing there would be Pleasant and Delightful to us did not God before hand prepare and suit our Souls by his Grace unto that Glory that shall there be revealed to us Hence we find the Apostle Col. 1.12 Giving thanks unto God who by a work of Sanctification had made them meet to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light To illustrate this a little further there is a two fold unsuitableness between every wicked man and Heaven he is unsuitable to the work of Heaven and he is unsuitable to the Reward of Heaven both which are Holy First Every wicked man is unsuitable to the work of Heaven What shall be the work of Holy Souls in Heaven but to admire and adore to Bless and Praise and with Pleasure and Delight to Love and Serve God for ever This is that joyful work wherein Saints and Angles shall spend an Eternity in And canst thou O Prophane Sinner who hast all thy life time accustomed thy self to wallow in sin and uncleanness impose such a cheat upon thy Soul as to think thou shalt be able to croud into the number of that Holy and Blessed Company in Heaven and there joyn with them in those Holy and Blessed Works that will be the Delight of those Holy ones to all Eternity If Sanctification and Holiness be the only Qualification that manifests any do belong to that Holy Place What shall we then say unto all wicked and prophane sinners who not only take no Delight in the practice of Holiness but unto whom the thoughts of it are grievous and burthensome who are so far from keeping up in their minds constant Meditations of Holy things accompanied with strong and lively affections towards them that they know no Task or Burthen so heavy upon them nor so affictive to them nor that they undertake so unwillingly as the Duties of Holiness and Obedience Oh what a trouble to them is it sometimes to be drawn though but to the external performance of Holy Duties witness their so seldom engaging in them with their so slight and careless management of them If I should now enquire what is the reason of all this why truly that which lies at the bottom of all is an unholy Heart an unsanctified Nature and what would such as these do in Heaven would not that Holy place be a Hell rather than a Heaven to them a place of Torment rather than a place of Happiness it being that place where Saints and Angels spend an Eternity in the most Holy fixed Contemplations and most ardent Love of God And surely they that cannot bear the weak and imperfect Holiness of the People of God here without railing at it as a piece of unnecessary and peevish preciseness will never be able to bear that perfect spotless Holiness that is in Heaven In
upon any Creature-Comforts or Enjoyments but solely and entirely live upon God maintaining constant Converse with Him everlastingly beholding his Glory and with infinite Joy and Delight solace themselves for ever in him And thus shall Glorified Saints also live for ever in Heaven their Bodies shall no more stand in need or make use of any Earthly supplies as Food Physick Rayment nor shall their Souls express any more Desires to or Longings after any Created things but as the Angels they shall be for ever possest of God being filled with that fullness that is in him All the Powers and Faculties of their Souls shall then be Refined and Spiritualized and with unspeakable Joy and Delight shall they Please and Solace themselves in the Contemplation and Participation of the Infinite and Supream Good And thus it appears that the Saints in that Happiness which they enjoy in Heaven shall be like unto the Angels Fourthly Another thing to be enquired into is In what respect Heaven is called a Reward or Recompence To this I Answer It is true the Scripture doth in many places hold forth Heaven to us as a Reward or Recompence that shall be bestowed upon the People of God after they have done and suffered the Will of God here but First not by way of Merit Heaven and Eternal Life shall be given unto those who now are diligent and laborious in the Work and Service of God but yet that labour and diligence in the Work and Service of God doth not deserve Heaven and Eternal Glory nor shall they as such be bestowed God indeed will not be served by any without a Reward neither shall those that do sincerely zealously and perseveringly Serve and Glorifie him miss of the Reward of Eternal Life but yet it is not therefore bestowed upon them because by those Services they deserve it at the hands of God Even natural Conscience in Man would blush and be ashamed to think of demanding Heaven as a Reward for any work done by him To make Works Meritorious of Reward from another there are four things requisite They must be first a Man 's own Works done by himself Secondly Such as are not due from him by whom they are performed Thirdly They must be such as are beneficial And Lastly Such Works as bear a proportion to the Reward bestowed upon the doing of them Now in all these Respects the Duties and Services that the People of God perform unto him are wanting and therefore cannot be meritorious of an eternal Reward First Works that are meritorious must be our own that is such Works as are performed by our selves and with our own strength and ability What we are enabled to do by the Assistance of another by that we cannot properly be said to merit any thing from him by whom we are so assisted Now all the good Works that any of the Saints perform unto God and are followed by him with the Reward of eternal Life they are such as are not performed in their own strength but by those assistances which God by his Spirit is graciously pleased to vouchsafe to enable them thereunto All our Sufficiency the Scripture attributes unto God Without me says Christ to his Disciples you can do nothing John 15.5 And it is God that worketh in us both to will and to do of his own good Pleasure Phil. 13. And 2 Cor. 5.3 We are not sufficient as of our selves to think any thing but all our Sufficiency is of God Now if in all that we do we are enabled by God unto the performance of it we cannot by so doing and we cannot do any thing that is good any other ways merit the eternal Recompence of Reward Secondly Works that are meritorious must be such as are not due from him by whom they are performed unto him from whom he expects to merit All Works or Actions that are not above Duty are always below Merit What says our Lord Luk. 17.10 Say when you have done all those things that are commanded you We are but unprofitable Servants and we have done but that which was our Dnty to do He that owes a Debt to another Man by making payment of that Debt dischargeth indeed his Obligation to that Man but he doth not thereby put an Obligation upon that Man unto whom he pays what he owed because it was no more than what was his due The Case is the same between God and us all that we do nay all that we can possibly do is all due unto God and therefore by giving him any Work of Obedience we cannot oblige God to bestow upon us eternal Recompences Nay further in all we do we come infinitely short of what is our Duty to give unto God and how then can we by doing what we ought to do nay by coming infinitely short of what we ought to do deserve that Heaven should be bestowed upon us Now that all that we can do is due unto God the Scripture is very plain and clear for he is the Fountain of all our Lives and Beings In him says the Apostle we live we move and have our Beings Now we being God's not only by Creation as we are his Creatures receiving our very Lives and Being from him but being his also by Redemption receiving from him our spiritual Life and Strength for all that we either are or can do Whatever we do therefore cannot be meritorious or deserving from him much more not meritorious of Heaven and Happiness Thirdly Works that are meriterious must be such as are beneficial unto him to whom they are performed All Actions that do not bring in some Advantage unto him to whom they are performed cannot be meritorious Now upon this Account it is impossible that any Creature should merit at the hands of God for as Job speaks Job 23.2 3. No Man can be profitable unto God neither is it gain unto him that any Man's Ways are perfect Our Righteousness as the Psalmist speaks extendeth not unto him Psal 16.3 By all our Services God receives nothing He is not worshipped as the Apostle speaks by any of his Creatures as if he needed any thing Acts 17.25 The Sun in the Firmament receives nothing by our looking upon it nor the Fountain by the thirsty Passengers drinking of it We indeed receive benefit by both for by looking on the Sun we receive Light and Warmth and by drinking of the Fountain we are cooled and refreshed but neither of them receive any Advantage by us And so it is in the present Case our Benefit and Advantage in serving of God is great much Peace much Joy much Strength comes thereby Scripture and the Experience of Saints abundantly confirm it Great Peace have they that love thy Law and nothing shall offend them Psal 119.165 God always is and will be a Rewarder of them that diligently seek and serve him Heb. 11.6 But none of our Services are advantageous unto God He is infinitely above all the Praises and Services of
an account for that great estrangedness that is in it unto God and a Heavenly Life and for time to come leave off thy pursuits of Vanity and bend thy Soul with all seriousness to the Study of what thy Eternal State and Condition shall be busily employ thy Thoughts about the Happiness of a Life to come inure thy self to a Life of Divine and Heavenly Contemplation and let not the thoughts of Heaven be seldom slight and cursory but accustom thy self to them let them be fixed and abiding in thee dwell in thy Thoughts upon such Contemplations let thy Soul recreate it self with these Heavenly Delights And whenver thou findest thy Heart begin to flag and draw back or thy Thoughts to take liberty to flie out and ramble towards other things speedily call them back and keep them close to this pleasurable Employment let them not wander from their work indulge not thy self in Sloathfulness be quick and smart upon thy Soul for the least neglect that may be and for thy encouragement herein know that when once thou hast conquered the Difficulties and overcome the Obstructions that would hinder thee from experiencing so sweet and comfortable a Life and got the Mastery over thy Thoughts and Affections by an accustomed Obedience and Conformity unto the Practice of this Heavenly Duty thou wilt then find abundance of Sweetness and Delight therein and thy experience will confirm this to be a Truth of great Verity that the Life of Christianity is a Life of Joy that therein is to be found such abundant strong Consolations as will lift up thy Soul even into the very Suburbs of Heaven it self so that thou wilt seem to be as it were in a new World through the sense and feeling of those Joys which the Apostle tells us are unspeakable and full of Glory Now although the bare proposing of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven unto the Thoughts and Meditations of a Christian should be Argument strong enough to put him upon the practice of a Duty that is accompanied with so much Pleasure and Delight for certainly a more sweet delightful and desirable Life a Christian cannot live for this way of living is to bring down Heaven unto us before we are taken up thither it is to begin to live that life on Earth that we shall for ever live in Heaven and how then can there be any need of Arguments to press Christians to live such a life as this is Yet because sad experience tells us how hardly the best Christians are drawn to a daily practice of this Heavenly Duty I shall lay down some Arguments to excite and quicken them hereunto as First A Soul that lives in the believing views and contemplations of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven makes use of one of the strongest Cordials to support it self under Troubles and Afflictions that can be This will sustain a Christian's Spirit under Sufferings make them more easie to be born this keeps the Soul from murmuring and repining under the Hand of God makes it patient under all its Tribulations yea these believing views of Heaven and Glory will uphold and strengthen a Christian's Resolutions for God and holy Obedience and keep him from forsaking Christ and Religion for fear of Trouble and Persecution Alas will such a Soul say what if the Way be rough and unpleasant unto the Flesh yea what if it should be thorough Mud and Blood yet Heaven is at the end and that will make more than a thousand-fold amends for all the Sufferings that I can endure in the Way O sweet Pains and Torments O blessed Woes and Distresses O rich Poverty and Reproaches O happy Restraint and Imprisonment but much more happy Death however it comes that is accompanied with the joyful foretastes of a future Happiness in Heaven as no Bolts nor Bars no Restraints or Distresses can shut out or exclude the Joys and Consolations of Heaven from coming into the Soul Our Flesh that is these frail Bodies of ours may be confined within Walls of Stone or Bars of Iron but the Faith the Hope the Thoughts and Meditations of a Christian cannot still the Soul hath liberty in its flight towards Heaven from whence it fetches strong Consolations for its Support and Joy notwithstanding all the Severities that lie upon the outward Man Christ Faith and the Joys and Delights of Heaven are all spiritual and therefore it is not in the Power of any Prisons nor what the most malicious Persecutors can do to hinder a Soul that is a Spirit from sweet Intercourse and Commerce with them in John 20.19 when the Persecutions of the Jews were so hot against the Disciples that they were forced to meet privately and to shut the doors upon themselves for fear of the Jews yet even then Jesus came and stood in the midst of them and said Peace be unto you And when those two blessed Servants of God Paul and Silas were kept close Prisoners to speak in the Language of our Times after their Bodies had been abused by Scourging being locked up in the Inner Prison and their Feet made fast in the Stocks yet notwithstanding when they were suffering thus as to their Bodies they had a Heaven in their Souls and their Work and Employment was the same with what the Saints are taken up in Heaven even to sing Praises unto God and so they did for so we read Acts 16.24 25. At Midnight they pray'd and sang Praises unto God They had more Joy in undergoing their Sufferings than their Enemies had in inflicting them Yea so great were the Consolations of Heaven in their Souls that their Enemies were more desirous to free them from their Sufferings than they were desirous to come out of them for when they sent their Officers to fetch them out of Prison they refused to go out and made their very Persecutors themselves to beg and entreat them to come out Oh what wonderful strong Joys and Consolations had ravished their Souls that made them so unwilling to come out of Prison not to be punished but to be set at liberty How come those Worthies of whom we read in Heb. 11. to endure such sore Trials as are there recorded of them being exposed to the Violence of the Flames having Trials of cruel Mockings and Scourgings being stoned sawn asunder destitute afflicted and tormented And yet notwithstanding all would not accept of Deliverance Whence was it that they came to suffer so courageously Why the Reason is given us in Verse 35. it was That they might obtain a better Resurrection They saw not only to an end of their Sufferings but they looked also unto the Glory that was to be revealed and this made them so bold and courageous It is no wonder that Afflictions and Sufferings should be painful and grievous unto that Man who cannot see to the end of them And whatever Death is unto others it must needs be the King of Terrors unto him who cannot behold Immortality and
Grace and Holiness where thy Employment shall always be in Holy and Spiritual Delights and Exercises unto all Eternity If thou hast no believing Hopes and Expectations of such a Heaven as this is certainly thou hast no Right and Title unto that Inheritance that is incorruptible undefiled and that fadeth not away reserved in Heaven for Believers Nothing so plainly demonstrates what men are whither they are going and unto whom they belong as the daily course of their Lives and Conversation The Apostle therefore in Galat. 5.19 20. reckoning up the Works of the Flesh which are manifest As Adultery Fornication Vncleanness Drunkenness Murder and such like of the which says he I tell you before as I have also told you in times past that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God And in 1 Corinth 6.9 10. he speaks the same thing again Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God Be not deceived neither Fornicators nor Adulterers nor Idolaters nor Thieves nor Covetous nor Extortioners shall inherit the Kingdom of God And on the contrary He that doth Righteousness is of God says the Apostle 1 John 2.29 And blessed is he that doth Righteousness at all times says the Psalmist Psal 106.3 For the Grace of God that hath appeared in the Gospel having taught them to deny all ungodliness and Worldly Lust and to live Soberly Righteously and Godly in this present World Tit. 2.12 13. Looking for the Blessed Hope and the Glorious appearance of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ These are they and only they who according to Scripture Warrant can lay any claim unto Heaven And these may for they that are made free from Sin and are become the Servants of God they have their Eruit unto Holiness and their end shall be Everlasting Life Rom. 6.23 Wouldst thou therefore know O Christian without deluding thy own Soul whether thou art one that hast a Right and Title unto Heaven call thy self to an account what thy Works and Actions are The matter is not so difficult to be resolved it may be as thou imaginest What says the Apostle Gal. 6.7 8. He that soweth unto the Flesh shall of the Flest reap Corruption And he that soweth unto the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap Life Everlasting And the same Apostle tells us Rom. 8.13 If we live after the Flesh we shall die but if we through the Spirit do mortifie the deeds of the Body we shall live What now is thy way and course what is thy general carriage and practice is it earthly and vain is it sensual and wicked according to the course of the World and after the manner of the men of the World If vain and sinful Society be thy delightful Companions if wicked and ungodly ways be thy daily practice thou art not of an Heavenly Extraction nor canst thou upon Scripture grounds have any expectations of the Heavenly Glory for unto such only doth it belong who by their lives and actions declare their opposition of and contrariety unto the ways and courses of the men of this World Shew me thy Faith by thy Works says the Apostle James 2 18. Thou art one that professest to believe a Heaven and a State of blessedness to be enjoyed there and hopest thou art one that shalt be a partaker thereof hereafter shew me now thy Faith herein by thy Works and assure thy self of this That all thy Faith in and all thy Hopes of Heaven and Glory will fill thee with nothing but shame and disappointment hereafter unless they evidence themselves by Works and Actions suitable thereunto for as the Apostle says James 2.26 As the body without the Spirit is dead so all Faith in and Hope of Heaven without Works and Actions corresponding thereunto is dead also and will leave the Soul short of Heaven and Happiness Sixthly Is there such a State of Bliss and Happiness provided for and assured unto Believers in Heaven hereafter let then the consideration hereof Reconcile to them the thoughts of their own Death and moderate their sorrows for the Death of their Godly Friends and Relations First Let the consideration of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven Reconcile to a Believer the thoughts of his own Death It is no strange thing that Heathens who have only the Light of Nature to be their Instructor should not be able to overcome the Fears of Death though indeed some of them have not only expressed great Courage in contempt of but great confidence in and desire after Death though notwithstanding all their boasting we may well imagine that they speak greater things than they lived up unto much more than they died under for it is said of one of the chief of them that Eloquent Orator Cicero that a little before his Death he did ingeniously confess That those Remedies he had prepared against this Enemy Death proved he knew not how too weak and feeble to support and strengthen him in its near approach unto him And indeed it is no wonder that thus it should be with them because they were greatly in the dark as to the reality of a future State of Happiness and much more at a loss how to find the right way to attain the enjoyment thereof Nor is it any strange thing to see a wicked Man under the light of the Gospel to be afraid of Death and to lead a Life accompanied with Fears and Terrours under the thoughts of it no the wonder rather is that such a one can have any case and quietness any freedom from horrours and perplexities of Mind that he is not a Magormissabib continually every moment of his Life encompassed about with fears and terrours And indeed did he rightly understand himself and his dangerous state and condition it would be thus always with him and the greatness of his Fears and Horrours would make him go mourning all his Days But though Heathens and prophane Sinners may and have cause to be afraid of Death yet it becomes not any of the People of God who have a well grounded Hope of Heaven to be affrighted at it there being no way for them to attain unto that State of Blessedness but by Dying I have read concerning the Turks who are not only Strangers but Enemies to the Christian Religion that they say they do not think Heaven to be a place of that Bliss and Happiness as Christians do profess to believe it is because they see so many that call themselves by the Name of Christian so backward and unwilling to go to it O what a disgrace is this unto Christianity and how should it concern Christians to labour with great industry to overcome all inordinate fears of Death that they may wipe off this reproach that is cast upon the most excellent Religion in the World and that which only can enable any to Die comfortably and joyfully upon the Hopes of a future State of Happiness All a Believer's fears of
Death arise from his Ignorance of what Death is in it self and of what it will be unto him and this makes him walk so uncomfortably under the thoughts of it And yet the worst that Death is and the worst it can do unto him is only to make a Separation between those two old loving Acquaintance his Soul and Body whereby the viler part the Body consumes and rots in the Grave being fed upon by Worms till it turns to Dust and Ashes for some little time after which it shall arise again a glorious refined purified Body from all its dross and corruption and made like unto the Glorious Body of Jesus Christ to be again united unto that Soul which during the time of its silent sleeping in the dust was rejoicing with Saints and Angels yea with God and Christ in a state of infinite and unconceivable Happiness unto which the Body after its re union with the Soul shall ascend with it to partake of the same Blessedness in Heaven to all Eternity Surely such a Soul instead of being timorous and fearful should rather say with the Apostle I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ which is best of all Phil. 1.21 Secondly The Consideration of so great a Happiness provided in Heaven for Believers should moderate their Sorrows for the Death of their Godly Friends and Relations It is true when such are taken away by Death the loss is great unto those that survive them and therefore the God of Bowels and Mercy allows us to mourn when by his Providence he makes such breaches among us Abraham mourned for Sarah his Wife Joseph wept for his Father Jacob the Israelites made great lamentations for the loss of Moses and both Mary and her Sister Martha mourned for their Brother Lazarus and our Lord doth not reprove them but sympathizeth with them in their loss and testifies it by his weeping also But though we are allowed to mourn at the Death of our Godly Friends and Relations yet are we to set bounds to our mourning for we are not to sorrow as those that have no Hope nor are we so to grieve and afflict our selves as to refuse to be comforted Friends use to rejoice in the advancement of one another in the World though it be in the enjoyment of that which is but Temporary and therein they shew their Love to one another And will not should not you much more rejoice when your Friends and Acquaintance are by Death preferred to the enjoyment of a Happiness that is Spiritual and Eternal Shall a Natural and contracted Relation either by Blood Cohabitation or Friendship engage to greater Love and Affection than a Spiritual and Supernatural Relation by Grace and Adoption shall do Believers are all nearly and intimately related to one another they are all Members of one and the same Body they have all one and the same Father they have all one and the same Redeemer they have all one and the same Sanctifier and Comforter they have all one Faith one Hope and shall all one day enjoy one and the same Heaven though they go thither in different ways and at different times Grieve not mourn not then O Believer that thy Friends and Relations are gone to Heaven a little before thee Time was it may be when you and they did take sweet Counsel together and walked to the House and Ordinances of God in company and very sweet and delightful was your Society one with another but now Death hath made a Separation between you so that the sweetness of that Friendship is at an end and they are not as to your enjoyment of them and this makes you passionately cry out Oh my loss my loss my Friends and Relations are dead and gone and what shall I now do But where O Believing Soul is thy love to thy dead Friends and Relations Is it at an end and all buried in the Grave with them Be patient for a while and Death will quickly open thee a passage into that place of Bliss where they now are and in the mean time shew thy Love to them by thy rejoicing in their present real though unseen Blessedness and if you cannot do this your Love to your self is great but your Love to your Friends is but little None of our Relations that die in the Lord are lost they are only gone to Heaven a little before others whither the rest of all the Faithful shall ere long be called also And while any Believers are left here behind in the World they have a God to live upon that will never leave them nor forsake them the enjoyment of whose presence and the manifestations of whose Love and Favour will abundantly more than recompense for the absence and loss of all our Friends We read in 1 Sam. 1.8 that Hannah was greatly afflicted because of her barrenness insomuch that she refused to eat what course doth Elkanah her Husband take to comfort her O why says he art thou troubled and why doest thou not eat Am not I better to thee than ten Sons Truly it may be much more said unto any Believer from whom God hath taken any dear and pious Relations why are you cast down why do you grieve and mourn is not God better than many yea than all your Friends and Relations put together and he lives still though your Friends and Relations be dead And truly this is that God expects at a Believer's hands that when he hath taken from him the comfort of near and dear Friends and Relations he should bear up himself cheerfully with this Consideration That having God to be his God doth infinitely more than countervail for the loss of all Stay up thy self therefore O desponding Christian yea solace thy Soul under all thy losses with this Consideration that God is thy God And say therefore with Holy David The Lord lives and blessed be my rock and let the God of my Salvation be exalted Seventhly Is there such a place of Bliss and Happiness provided for and assured unto Believers let the consideration hereof put them upon unwearied Diligence and Constancy in the Work and Service of God that is attended with so great a Reward The Scripture abounds with Exhortations and Commands to press this Duty upon Christians Josh 22.5 Take diligent heed to do all the Commandments of the Lord thy God with all thy Heart and with all thy Soul And in Phil. 3.11 12 13 14. the Apostle gives us his own Example and Practice I have not already attained says he nor am I already perfect but I follow after if I may apprehend that for which I am apprehended of Christ Jesus Brethren I count not my self to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting the things that are behind I reach forth unto those things that are before pressing towards the mark for the prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus if by any means I may attain unto the Resurrection of the
make up a Satisfactory Bliss and Happiness for an Immortal Soul but what is Supreamly Superlatively Perfectively and Eternally good and that is the Blessed God himself the Enjoyment of whom in Heaven can only make the Soul perfectly and compleatly Happy Were I to perswade wicked men I will not say long for Death but only to be willing to Die my task were not only difficult but impossible for who can by any Arguments prevail upon a Rational Creature willingly to run himself into Miseries and Torments though but of a short continuance much more to rush upon those Miseries and Torments that shall be everlasting into which every wicked man when he comes to Die shall fall And this Sinners know not only from Scripture Revelation but from the Terrors and Accusations of their own Consciences before hand Unto such therefore all perswasions of this nature are vain and to no purpose such stand in need of the most powerful Exhortations backt with the strongest Arguments that can be to stir them up to a speedy preparation for their approaching Dissolution lest thereby they fall into a State of Misery that is unalterable for ever But when I am speaking to the People of God unto whom Death will be of such infinite Gain and Advantage methinks my Work should be easie though my Exhortation runs much higher for unto such I am not now speaking by way of perswasion unto a fitness for Death because I take it for granted that this Work in the main of it is already done with them nor yet am I stirring up in such a bare willingness to Die but I would press them unto something further still and that is that they would entertain the thoughts of Death in their Meditations with Holy Longings and Desires of Soul after it and certainly there is no need of any other Arguments to urge this Duty upon such than barely to tell them that Heaven stands open ready to receive them and all the hurt Death will do unto such is to give them admission into such a State of Bliss and Happiness as shall extend it self unto the Satisfaction of all their Desires unto the utmost both as to the Nature and Quality of them and also as to the duration and continuance of them The Happiness of Heaven being so great that it requires the Capacities of the Soul should be enlarged to take in the fullness thereof it being impossible the Soul of Man should now receive or bear up under the oppressing weight of so great a Happiness as is there to be enjoyed Rest not thy self therefore satisfied O believing Soul with a bare Contentment of mind that when thou diest thou shalt certainly go to Heaven but let thy frequent Thoughts hereof fill thee with Holy Longings and Pantings of Soul after that blessed State The Miseries of this Life and the uncomfortableness of a Christian's manner of living while he is here in respect of Sin Sorrow Doubts Fears Ignorance and Temptations which are in a great measure the daily and afflictive Companions of his life are Arguments strong enough to make such a one willing to Die but in Conjunction with these a Believer hath a Prospect of the Glory and Happiness of Heaven in the Eye of his Faith unto which he knows Death will carry him this should fill the desires of his Soul with Holy Longings after the Enjoyment of it Open therefore O believing Soul the Eye of thy Faith and look upward and see if thou canst not espy a Glory and Happiness in the highest Heavens that is worthy of the most earnest Breathings and Desires of thy Soul after it Canst thou in the whole Vniverse find out better Society in conversing with whom thou canst enjoy such Soul-satisfying pleasure yea such ravishing Joys and Delights as are there to be found There are Holy Angels that never sinned whose Nature as well as whose Happiness in this State of Mortality is beyond the reach of thy understanding to fathom There are Glorified Saints advanced to that perfection of Grace and Holiness that they shall never sin more There is the Blessed and never to be sufficiently admired Saviour and Redeemer of Sinners the Lord Jesus Christ who as he once in our Natures shed his Blood here on Earth to purchase Heaven for Believers so is he now residing in the same Nature there preparing places for them ready to receive them into the Embraces of his Love and Favour Yea in that Glorious place there is that which should much more excite the Desires of Believers after it for there is the infinitely Great and Glorious God whose Excellencies and Perfections are such that as none can understand none can make known so none can bear the discoveries of them Such dazling Excellencies of Glory and Beauty are there in the Face of God that Angels themselves are not able to behold them and yet so lovely and desirable an Object is he that Angels cannot refrain from looking on him and certainly if the Great and Holy God should display but a little of himself in his Glory and Beauty unto the Soul of a Believer should he open though but a little of the infinite Treasures of his goodness unto the view of the Soul O with what Ravishments of Joy would that Soul press into the presence of God and with what a Holy kind of impatience would it throw it self into his Arms what need would there be of setting bounds to the Mount to keep such a Soul from breaking through unto the Lord The Happiness of Heaven is so great that had not God mercifully concealed from us the infinite Excellencies and Glory thereof in a great measure our Desires would be so vehemently bent upon it that we should be under such an impatiency of Spirit after the enjoyment of it as would render us unfit for any Employment that God calls us to in this World Some therefore upon this account have taken notice of the infinite Wisdom of God in engaging the Soul in so near and dear a Union with the Body that it might have such a care for and Love towards it as might tend to its preservation and not be desirous of quitting its habitation with it yea some of the Heathens themselves have observed the Wisdom of God in concealing the Happiness of Separate Souls that Men might be contented to live out that time God hath allotted to them in this World Alas the most and the best of us see and know but little of these things and what we do see is but through a Glass darkly and that is the reason our Affections go not out more earnestly after them did we know and understand more of Heaven and the Glory and Happiness thereof we should with a Holy impatiency of Desire long after it for is it not in Heaven that we shall never sin more never offend God more never wound our Consciences more never do any thing that shall either break our Peace disturb our Joy or indanger
our Salvation Is it not there that we shall be for ever out of the reach of Satan's Temptations with which a Believer is so assaulted and harassed here as renders his Life not only uncomfortable but even burthensome to himself Is it not there that our frail Bodies which now are subject to Pains and Diseases because defiled with Sin shall be for ever loosed from all Weaknesses and Infirmities being made like unto the Glorious Body of Jesus Christ perfectly freed from Mortality and Corruption and from all Sin and Defilement Is it not there that all the People of God shall be of one Heart and of one Mind that being taken away both from within and from without which was the cause of all their Divisions and Contentions here on Earth and instead thereof there shall be a sweet union of Hearts and Affections all of them abundantly delighting and satisfying themselves in one God as the Object of their Happiness without the least jarring or discord among them to all Eternity While the People of God are in this Vail of Tears they labour under much Blindness and Ignorance about the Mysteries of Salvation as revealed in the Gospel but in Heaven these Mysteries shall all be fully and perfectly made known to us In this Life we take in our Knowledge of God of Heaven and of the Gospel by which we are savingly enlightned in either by little and little as a Man that desires to know what is contained in a Book before it is exposed to publick view reads it Sheet by Sheet from the Press and so understands a little and a little of it by Degrees And truly so do Christians concerning the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God now they hear a Sermon and by that they gain a little light and in some short time they hear another Sermon and by that they encrease their light a little more and thus their Stock of Divine Knowledge encreaseth a little and a little at time by the help of means and opportunities that they enjoy But now in Heaven all is done without travail or trouble for though it is true Glorified Saints there cease not from working yet is it as true that they cease from labour Here our Passions are strong and prevalent by reason whereof our minds are blinded and we easily mistake Error for Truth and Truth for Error but hereafter all these Clouds shall be blown away and we shall see things nakedly and truly as they are in themselves Here the weakness and smallness of many mens Natural Parts keeps them in the dark and renders them incapable of apprehending some Truths of God which others of greater abilities can search into with pleasure and delight But then as the Apostle speaking concerning the day of Judgment tells us They that are alive then shall not prevent those that are asleep So in Heaven they that are strong shall not prevent those that are weak but the Scholar shall there know as much as his Master and the People understand as much as their Minister In this World Contentions and Quarrellings among Holy and Learned Men leave the Weak and Ignorant at great uncertainties what to Judge concerning many Gospel Truths But in Heaven there shall be a perfect Reconciliation and Agreement among them all yea while we are here it often falls out that in our most diligent searching after Truth we meet with many hindrances and disturbances sometimes the necessary Affairs of this World cause us to lay aside our Enquiries at other times many Distempers that attend our infirm Bodies divert and hinder us in our most serious Inquisitions But in Heaven our Bodies will be above all these things we shall there no more be liable to nor annoy'd with any Weaknesses and Infirmities In that Glorious place we shall not need to provide either Raiment for the back or Food for the belly O what a Happiness have Believers by dying who are thereby at once eased of all the aches of their Bodies and of all the conflicts of their Souls how comfortably may they look Death in the Face who is the only Physician that cures them of all their Distempers at once O when that blessed hour comes how joyfully may they lift up their heads for as soon as they are passed through that dark and gloomy Valley they shall be brought into a place of unconceivable Bliss and Happiness where they shall behold him whom their Souls so much loved and longed to see even their Blessed Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ not at a distance or afar off as they were wont to do by an Eye of Faith through the Glass of an Ordinance or Promise but with a Glorified Eye draw near to him and look upon his blessed Person the Glorious sight of whom they shall never more lose to all Eternity When a Believer shall not as here he hath now and then some little glimpses of his Face and some small tastes of his Love in a little Sacramental Bread and Wine but he shall lay his Mouth to the Fountain head and from his Bosom drink full and large draughts of those Rivers of the Waters of Life that proceed out of the Throne of God and of the Lamb for evermore He shall then no more have any descriptions of Heaven by fear say as he was wont to have it described to him here by the sorry Rhetorick of a Mortal Man either by Preaching or Writing of that which he himself had little Love to and less Knowledge and Acquaintance with but shall himself walk up and down and view the Streets of that Glorious City And O with what Wonder and Astonishment will a Believer bless himself there when he reflects back upon those poor and low thoughts that himself and the best of Preachers also had thereof when on Earth he did Meditate and they did Preach or Write upon that Subject One moment's sight of that Glory will give the Soul a thousand times better Information and Satisfaction what Heaven is than all the Discourses that it ever heard or all the Books it ever read here on Earth were ever able to do And canst thou O Believer hear all this concerning Heaven and thy Faith tell thee that all this is true and add also that Heaven is ten thousand times more and better than what all the Men in the World can imagine concerning it and yet not feel some springings up of Holy Joy and Delight in thee followed with earnest longings of Soul after the Enjoyment of it O whence doth this dulness and backwardness proceed this is not a temper of Soul suitable unto the Hopes of so great a Happiness as Heaven will be Why dost thou not O Believing Soul cry out with Holy Longings and Desires How long O Lord most Holy and True shall it be before thou bringest me into the Possession of this most Blissful State Every moment whilst thou art kept at a distance from it should seem to thee a Day and every Day a Month
and every Month as a Year yea as an Age until that blessed time doth come But O how little of this Holy Longing of Soul after Christ and Heaven is there to be found among Christians now Most of those that call themselves by that Name resting upon Hopes and Probabilities of their interest in that State of Blessedness never seeking to attain unto the Riches of the full Assurance of Hope accompanied with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory But sure I am such a frame of Spirit hath not always been enough to satisfie some Christians in their pursuits after Heaven Oh with what Ravishments of Joy and Delight have I both heard and read some Holy Souls expressing their longing Desires after Christ and Heaven There was a certain Noble Person whom I well knew from under whose own hand writing I Copied out this following Relation concerning her self Being employed in Holy Meditation which was both her daily Practice as also her daily Delight and Solace and Contemplating of the Joys of Heaven and how to secure her Interest in that State of Blessedness she did with great Desire of Soul as her own words are strive to take the Kingdom above with a Holy Violence and to Storm Heaven by importunate Prayer and God was pleased as she adds Blessing his Name to carry her up as it were unto Mount Nebo and from thence to give her a Prospect of the Heavenly Canaan by the sight whereof as one in an Ecstasy of Joy she cried out Lord I would not live here always for I am now convinced it is better for me to die than to live It is therefore O Lord the great Desire of my Soul that as Elias was so I might instantly be taken up into Heaven without returning any more to bid them farewel of my own House or ever seeing the Faces of any Mortal Relations more here on Earth Prayer and Meditation had as her Expression is Associated her Spirit to such Company that I rather thought says she I had a Body too much with me than found a want of it After which shedding plentiful Tears of Joy and the offering up of many Sighs and Groans accompanied with earnest Desires and Longings after Heaven with fervent Prayers to be a partaker of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light she returned from her Devotions Blessing and Praising of God who had so refreshed and comforted her Soul with Divine and Heavenly Consolations There was also a very Eminently Godly Person some of whose Relations are yet living who lying upon his Death-bed there came one to Visit him who told him he hoped it would please God to restore him to his Health again says the good Man to him Do you think to please me with such a Discourse as this know O Friend you are much mistaken in me if you apprehend the thoughts of Life and Health are pleasing to me Alas the World hath quite lost its Excellency in my Judgment it is but a poor contemptible thing in all its Glory compared with the Glory of the invisible World which I now live in the sight of it would be a far more Pleasant and Delightful thing to me if you could tell me for certain that I am no Man for this World long and that before to morrow I should be in Eternity for I do so long to be with Christ that I could be content to be cut in pieces and put to the most exquisite Torments might I but die and be with Christ Death through Grace is nothing to me it hath lost its terribleness and therefore may do its worst I fear it not I can as easily Die as shut my Eyes or turn my head and Sleep yea I long to Die that I may be with Christ come therefore O Lord Jesus come quickly why O why are thy Chariot Wheels so long a coming O says another How cold is thy kindness O Death in being so slow and backward to come and loose a poor tired Prisoner from his Bonds I live a dwindling Life with much Pain and much Love-Sickness for my sweet Lord Jesus O what would I give to have a Bed made for my wearied Soul in my Dear Lord's Bosom I cannot express what pains and delightsome Torments there are in his Love O Fairest among the Children of Men yea thou who art Fairer than all the Children of Men why stayest thou so long The Fire of Love burneth so hot in my heart towards Jesus Christ that neither Hell nor Earth can cast water enough to quench or extinguish it O Time Time how dost thou torment the Souls of those that would be swallowed up in Christ's Love because thou movest so slowly O how am I pained with the Love of Christ he hath left an Arrow in my Heart which hath wounded me that I am swallowed up with desires after him so that I am to be pitied for want of real possession of him my greatest pain is the want of Christ not of his Joys and Comforts but of a nearer Vnion and Communion with him O Heavens move fast O Time run run and hasten the Marriage Day for Love is tormented with delay Hope and Love woven through one another make Christ's absence a Spiritual Torment It is a pain to my Soul to wait for him but Hope that maketh not ashamed but ends in Enjoyment swalloweth up the pain O Lord when wilt thou fold the Heavens together like an old Cloak and Shovel Time and Days out of the way and make ready in haste the Bride for her Husband What do we here but sin and suffer O when shall the Night be gone and the Shadows fly away and the Morning of that long long Day without Clouds or Night dawn The Spirit and the Bride say come O when shall the Lamb's Wife be ready and the Bridegroom say I come also Even so come Lord Jesus come quickly I do not mention these things as if I thought these Holy Pantings and Longings of Soul after God and Heaven were the stated frame which is commonly attained by all Christians much less do I not think that none are truly Godly but such as attain to this frame of Spirit for I believe there are a great Number of Holy Souls that daily go to Heaven without them But yet is it a State that hath been attained by some and may be attained still by others And truly such a Heaven upon Earth as is hereby enjoyed by such Holy Souls should be motive sufficient to excite and provoke Christians to a diligent pursuit hereof the Effect whereof is Joy unspeakable and Glorious To conclude this whole Discourse I have been long in treating concerning the Glorious State of the Saints Happiness in Heaven and much larger than at first I intended but the excellency and deliciousness of the matter herein contained hath drawn out my Meditations to so great a length and the truth of it is in contemplating upon so delightful a Subject it is very hard and difficult when the