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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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and his people or else speaking it according to the present affection and féeling of the flesh resting notwithstanding resolued howsoeuer his fayth were shaken for a time yet that god wil graciously performe his promises These words also which is to be marked are verified in Dauid and Christ in Christ because God for a season forsooke him as may appeare when he cried My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Matth. 27.46 and in Dauid when it séemed vnto him that Gods promise shoulde take no place and that God had as it were vnsayd the same and when he was driuen out of his kingdome by Abshalon his sonne sée Psalme 3. thorowe out and abhorred i. loathed and despised him as it were thou hast bene angrye which thing also thou hast declared by effects as appeareth in the verses following with thine annoynted i. with the King whome thou thy selfe hast annoynted and chosen to that roome sée Psalme 18 5 Verse 39. Thou hast broken i. it séemeth vnto vs so in the eye of flesh and to our enimies the couenant of thy seruaunt i. the couenaunt which thou haste made with thy seruaunt and it is called his couenaunt not because he made it or was the chéefe in it but because he was one to whome and with whome it was made and profaned his crowne i. brought it to great dishonour and contempt specially among the prophane people as the Gentiles c. and by crowne he meaneth his kingly dignitie casting it on the ground i. ouerthrowing it taking it as it were from his head setting it vpon the ground whether he spake it of Dauids abiection by the hand of his sonne Abshalon or of the renting of the kingdome in the dayes of Rehoboan or of their captiuity vnder Salmanazder and Nebuchadnezar it is not certayne I suppose that without any iniury to Gods spirite a man may well apply it to them all Verse 40. Thou hast broken downe vz. and that vnto the ground all his walles i. al the walles of his kingdome meaning by walls not onely all the strong places thereof but all the instrumentes and meanes that he had eyther for his owne defence or for the annoyaunce of his enemies for to those two endes doe walles serue thou hast layd his fortresses in ruine i. thou hast vtterly ruinated and destroyed and as a man would saye made euen with the ground all his strong holds Verse 41. All that go by the way q.d. he and his kingdome is so weakened that euen way faring men can easily spoyle them there néedes no souldiers or men ofwarre to doe it spoile him vz. and his people meaning that they take away from them euen what they list sée Psal 80.12 he i. he his people kingdome and all is a rebuke i. is such a one as his neighbours that is those that are round about him rebuke contemne and despise sée Psalme 79. verse 4. Verse 42. Thou hast set vp the right hand of his enemies i. thou hast aduanced their power and strength so that they are not onely become more mightie then he and his but in that mighte haue also preuayled agaynste them and made all his aduersaries to reioyce vz. because of the victorye they haue atchieued and the ouerthrowe that is layde vppon the others Verse 43. Thou hast also turned the edge of his sworde i. thou haste blunted it in such sorte that it could not wound and hurte his aduersaries meaning by this manner of spéeche that euen the verye meanes they had of weapons as swordes speares c. to defende themselues and to annoy their enemies were vtterly vnprofitable vnto them and haste not made him i. him and his people to stand vz. stedfastly and in the face of the enemies and agaynst them but to flée and fall before them in the battaile i. at what time the enemies and they came to ioyne battail together Ver. 44 Thou hast caused his dignity i. the great honour and aduauncement that thou hast layde vpon him to decay vz. in the presence of men and in the sight of his aduersaries and cast his throne i. his maiesty and Kingly gouernmente sée verse 36 of this Psalme to the ground i. rased it and layde it flatte with the earth as it were sée verse 39 of this Psalm Verse 45. The dayes of his youth hast thou shortned this the Prophet speaketh of the king and the state of the kingdome both together meaning that the Lord hath broughte both the king and the kingdome to a very poore and weake estate before eyther of them came to their perfection as it were as if a man shoulde before he came to the flowre of his age or his ripe yeares and couered him with shame i. hast altogether made him a reproche and shame for the worde couering and what it importeth sée Psalme 44.19 Verse 46. Lorde the Prophet ioyning this prayer with his complaynts sheweth that howsoeuer his fayth was shaken yet he did not despayre of the truth of Gods promises how long wilte thou hide thy selfe vz. from vs meaning by hyding of himselfe shewing them no signe of fauour and grace for euer q.d. Wilt thou doe this for euer shall thy wrath vz. agaynste vs our King Lande and people burne like fyre vz. to consume vs quite and cleane who are as it were but stubble before fire in respecte of thée and thy wrath Verse 47. Remember of what time I am i. thinke how shorte the time of my life is and this is an argumente taken from his owne estate to moue the Lord to pittie him and his Wherefore shouldest thou create in vayne i. to little or no purpose at all all the children of men i. all men and their posteritie In these wordes hee vseth an other Argumente to mooue GOD to compassion taken euen from the ende of his creation And this hee speaketh because that if in this life wée féele not some taste of Gods goodnesse it should séeme that he had in vayne created vs séeing that this is one end of our creation euen in this lyfe to féele and fynde his liberalitie towardes vs. Verse 48. What man liueth vz. at this presence or shall liue hereafter that shall not see death i. taste of Death or dye q.d. There is no man but hee must passe that waye sée Hebrues 9.27 shall he deliuer his soule i. his bodye and lyfe soule put for body as Psalme 16.10 from the hand of the graue i. from the power of Death putting the graue whiche followeth death for Death it selfe q.d. Both the one vz. to liue and not to die and the other vz. to bee fréede from the force of death is vtterlye impossible sée Psalme 49. almoste thorow ou●e and all this is q.d. Séeing mans lyfe is so shorte if thou doe not in good time shewe thy selfe a Father towardes them thou shalte haue no more occasion to make them féele thy fauoure in this lyfe Verse 49. Lorde where are thy former mercies vz. whiche
who sweareth for the further strengthening of our fayth in the truth of his promises Verse 36 Teacheth vs that posteritie and the continuaunce thereof is a speciall blessing from the Lord the same thing doth verse 37. teach Ver. 38 39 40 shew that no affliction commeth to Gods children without his special prouidence and appointment which is comfortable to consider not only because he that doth chastise vs is our father but also our enemies can go no further then he hath appoynted them Ver. 41 teacheth vs that God many times bringeth his children to a low ebbe and yet graciouslye afterwards deliuereth them out of al their feare Ver. 42. teacheth that the wicked and vngodly can not doe what they list nor go beyond the bonds which god hath set them Ver. 43. teacheth that al munition and ayde of men is vaine vnlesse it please God to blesse them and giue them force Ver. 44 teacheth that it is God alone that pulleth downe and setteth vp Ver. 45. teacheth that the dayes of our life are in Gods hands to be disposed of as pleaseth him Ver. 46. Teacheth vs in the middest of our greatest heauinesse to haue recourse to God by prayer and to craue the remouing of his rods Ver. 47. teacheth the vanity and shortnes of mans life Ver. 48 teacheth that death spareth none but that all must tast therof Verse 49 teacheth vs to thinke vppon Gods former graces that they may assure our consciēces of mercy to be afterwards shewed Ver. 50 teacheth vs in our afflictiō to repaire vnto God also that not the meanest sort of the people only but the chéefest are enemies to Gods faynts Ver. 52 teacheth vs that the iniuries and opprobries offred to Gods people are as done against his own maiesty and person Ver. 52. teacheth vs in all estates and at al times to be continually thankfull to God and also to yéeld both to thanksgiuing and prayer an earnest consent Psalme 90 Di. THis Psalme may be deuided into thrée partes the firste is an Exordium or a beginning whiche setteth out the care and good will of God towardes his people from all eternity and this is comprised in the two first verses The second part very excellently paynteth out Gods great prouidence and gouernment and our frayle and miserable condition from ver 3. to the end of the 11. In the third is contayned a prayer for grace and comforte in all heauinesses and distresses of this life whatsoeuer from verse 12. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title a prayer of Moses i. a prayer whiche Moses made vnto God for himselfe and the people at that time as it should séeme that the spies came backe againe and the people murmured agaynst God for which thinges sake the Lord threatned them that they shoulde not enter into the lande of promise sée Num. 13.14 thorowout the man of God i. not onely an excellent man but a Prophet and one called to some publike office sée Deut. 33.1 also 1. Kings 18.24 Verse 1. Lord thou vz. alone and no other hast bin at al times heretofore and specially all the while of our trauaile in the greate and huge wildernesse our habitation i. thou art he alone vnder whose defence we dwel safe and sound see Deut. 33.27 and this hee speaketh of himselfe and of the people that were with him and of all their auncestors gone before them comprehending them vnder that terme our from generation to generation i. euen from the beginning of the world vnto this present time and in this verse he setteth oute the wonderfull gouernment and grace of God towards his people as in the nexte verse the eternall purpose and counsel of God procéeding from the pleasure of his good wil and this he doth specially for two causes the one is that he might publish Gods glory in setting out his mercy the other that he might by laying forth former mercies moue the Lord to haue mercy vpon them now in that distresse Ver. 2. Before the mountaines were made vz. by thy almightye power and word and before thou haddest formed the earth and the world vz. for men to dwell in vnderstanding by forming not only the fashioning of it but euen the very creating of it sée Gen. 1 1 2 and these two sentences layde together be as much q.d. before the world or any part or péece of it were made euē from euerlasting to euerlasting i. frō al eternity and so for euer here after thou art our God i. thou arte hee that hast chosen vs to bee a people to thy selfe and that will wée take also as an argumente to instructe vs to hang vppon thée Verse 3. Thou turnest man i. thou causest man to returne and that by thy worde onlye to destruction i. to Death whiche is called destruction not because it destroyeth in déede but because it séemeth vnto vs to destroye Othersome vnderstande by destruction dust and power and the dissolution of the body both sences are good agayne thou sayest i. also thou doest but speake the word only and then it is done returne vz. in respect of your body into the earth out of which it was taken Genesis 3.19 and in respect of your soule to God who gaue it Eccle. 12.7 ye sonnes of men i. ye mortall creatures for this word expresseth the miserable and fraile condition of men and in these wordes he sheweth how brittle frayle and short mans life is he compareth the course of our life to a race in a Tilt or Turney wher we quicklye runne to the ende of the race as it were and then returne backe agayn Ver. 4. For a thousand yeres vz. of mans life q.d. though it were possible for a man to liue a thousande yeares in thy sight i. before thée and in respect of thée are as yesterdaye when it is past i. yea they are soone passed ouer in respecte of thée as one daye onelye in respecte of vs or else as Saynte Peter expoundeth it in his second Epistle Chapter 3 verse 8 that a thousand yeares are with the Lorde as one daye or as a Watche in the night i. of verye shorte continuaunce for a watche in the night was but thrée houres long the people of the Iewes in olde time diuiding the night into foure Watches and appoynting also to euerye watche thrée howers Matth. 14.35 Luke 12.38 Verse 5. Thou haste ouerflowed them vz. by thy iudgementes sodaynlye taking them awaye oute of this life as a floude ouerwhelmeth all or men beware For this Metaphor of the ouerflowing of them noteth two thinges the one is the mighty hande and power of GOD the other is the sodayne ende of mans lyfe and the vanitie thereof they are as a sléepe or as a dreame that one hath sléeping which passeth awaye and is quite and cleane forgotten in the morning i. when man is in his force and strength hée groweth like the grasse i. hee is flourishing and lustie and marke the sodayne chaunge of the number from
which ●ason the vngodly vse as most conuenient to commit their mischiefe in Iob c Verse 8. I haue set the Lord alwayes before mee q.d. I sieldome or neuer tooke any thing in hande but I behelde the Lorde that I might doe all things according to his good pleasure hee is at my right hande i. he is present with me and that on the better side as it were to holde me vp that I slip not I shall not slide i. perishe and fall awaye for euer because I haue so good a prop to leaue vpon Ver. 9. Doth in manye words note that he was in very good state sometimes speaking of the parts of his bodye as harte and tongue sometimes speaking of the whole vnder the worde of fleshe Ver. 10. Soule put for body as appeareth Leuit. 21.2 in the Hebrew and to sée put for to trie and féele a metaphor taken from one of the sences and applyed to the other This Dauid speaketh of himself in an assured hope that he had of the generall resurrection And Acts. also acts 13.35 it is applyed to our Sauiour Christ to proue him to be a conqueror of death to be truly and indéede risen agayne because death could not keepe him downe and to be the author of that resurrection that al the godly shall haue in which respect also he is called the first fruits of them that slept 1. Cor. 15.20 Ver. 11. The path of life i. the way whereby in this life I may so walke that in the end I shall come to eternall life it is a metaphor taken from trauaylers who iorneying in straunge countries vnlesse they haue a guide cannot tell whether they goe in thy presence i. with thée and where thou thy selfe art in goodnesse and mercy and at thy righte hand sée Mat. 25.33 pleasures he vseth the plurall number to note the great plenty and aboundaunce of them for euermore i. that shall neuer perish Ver. 1. Do. Trust and hope in God is the ground of our prayers to his Maiestie Roman 10.14 Ver. 2. A notable place agaynst merits and confidence in mans workes Ver. 3. Teacheth that we must doe wel to the houshold of faith and that while they liue with vs for otherwise it will not profit them it teacheth also that we should delighte in the company of Gods saynts Ver. 4. teacheth that Idolatrers shall not escape vnpunished also what detestation Gods children should haue of Idols and Idolatrie Ver. 5.6 declare Gods mercy and goodnesse to his children Ver. 7. Teacheth thankfulnesse to God for his inlightning of vs by his spirit ver 8. sheweth that we shoulde doe nothing but alwayes as in Gods presence and that if the Lord be on our side we néede not care who be agaynst vs. ver 10. is a playne testimony of the resurrection ver 11. Teacheth vs vnfainedly to imbrace the Lord in whome is such fulnes and aboundaunce of all good things Psalme 17 Di. I His Psalme hath two especiall partes First the Prophet maketh his earnest prayer vnto God beséeching him graciouslye to heare him and to deliuer him from the vngodly from verse 1. to the ende of the eyght Secondly he describeth the cruelty pryde and other wickednesses of the vngodly as reasons to moue the Lord to pitie his case from verse 9. to the ende of the Psalme De. The title of this Psalme is playne and easie ver 1. crie put for vehemente and earnest prayer of lippes vnfayned or as Immanuel readeth withoute deceitfull lips both commeth to one sence as I take it vz. the Prophet meaneth that his prayers were vttered with wordes for lippes are here put for wordes expressed with the lippes voyde of faigning or subtiltie q. d. My wordes truely expressed my gréefe and were indéede the liuelye image of my minde wordes and hart consenting together ver 2. My sentence i. the sentence and iudgement that thou shalt pronounce on my behalfe for thy presence i. from thée q.d. make it now manifest and let thyne eyes beholde equitie i. declare now by thy iudgements that thou regardest equity whiche I yea with many wicked men haue doubted of because thou hast ben so long before thou hast come to punish the vngodlye ver 3. Proued and visited i. examined and sifted mine hart i. my inward thoughtes whiche are in the hart in the night in which God is wont to stir vp and to put men in minde of his will after that they are called from other affayres sée Iob. 4.3.14 Iob 33.15.16 thou hast tryed me vz. by many tribulations and is a metaphor taken from tryall of metals by fire and foundest nothing vz. euill in me or spoken by me to wit agaynst Saule or some other his enemies in which respect he called his cause a righteous cause verse 1. of this Psalme The latter part of this verse correct thus that which I thinke doth not go beyonde my mouth or as it is in Hebrue I thought adde here and my thought for verbes in the Hebrue tongue doe manye times comprehende their verball nownes passed not my mouth q.d. there was no difference betwéene my mouth and my hart I did without deceit vtter with my mouth what I had in my minde Ver. 4. concerning the workes of men i. which men are wont to doe adde here for the more playne sence this is that I haue to saye by the wordes of thy lippes i by the wordes or thorowe the wordes that thou hast vttered and made manifest I kept me i. through goodnes and strength from thée I did abstayne from the paths i. from the behauiours conditions and manners of doings of the cruell man i. that he vseth ver 5. Stay som read staying but I rather like of the first the Prophet making a prayer for himselfe considering his own weakenesse rather then noting the manner howe My steppes i. my thoughts wordes and déedes in thy paths i. in those wayes and maners which thou hast prescribed by thy word that my féete he goeth out in his metaphor vnderstanding by féete his conuersation inward and outward slide not i. go not astray or slip awry from the rule of righteousnesse that thou hast prescribed ver 6. I haue called i. prayde vnto incline thine eare eare ascribed to God as other partes and members of a mans body are not that he hath such but because our weake capacitie vnder such spéeches might haue some little light of knowledge touching his incōprehensible maiesty ver 7. he procéedeth in his prayer vsing the word mercies in the plurall number not to the largenes abundaunce thereof sée Psal 16.11 and he calleth them maruailous because they so séeme as in déede they are also vnto men Sauiour i. deliuerer from daungers 1. Timoth. 4.10 he meaneth that God doth vse to saue them that put their trust in him to saue thē I say from such as resist thy right hand i. from such as sette themselues though in vayne against thy maiestie and power Immanuel readeth this
his enemies for which he promiseth thankfulnesse from ver 1. to the end of the eight in the second part hée setteth out his poore and miserable state desiring the Lorde in mercy to deliuer him from the proude and cruell men frō ver 9. to the end of the 18. Thirdly he declareth Gods wonderfull goodnesse towards his seruaunts whom he exhorteth to put their trust in him and to loue him continually from ver 19. to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Ver. 1. be confounded vz. Se. by or among my enimies which I shall be if thou forsake me in thy righteousnesse i. according to thy righteous promise which is then declared to be righteous when it is performed ver 2. a strong rock i. in stéede of a strong rock and high sée Psa 27.5 and an house of defence i. in stéede of such a one and as sure to saue mee i. to defend and deliuer me vz. from the forces of mine enimies ver 3. Rock and fortres sée Psal 18.2 for thy names sake i. for thy own glory honor direct me and guide me vz. going before me and shewing me the way ver 4 For thou art my strength q.d. Without thée I can doe nothing neither truste I in any thing but in thée alone ver 5. Into thine hand i. into thy mighty power and protection I commend my spirit i. life body soule and all that I haue thou hast redéemed vz. out of distresse and bondage wherin I haue bin heretofore God of truth i. most true and faythful God in performing that which thou hast promised ver 6. I haue hated i. wonderfully disliked loathed that giue thēselues i. that take delight pleasure and trust in deceitful vanities he meaneth hy vanities any thing that may cal men frō trust in God he calleth them deceitfull because that though for a time they may féede vs with glorious oftentation yet in fine they wil deceaue vs ver 7. in thy mercy a sodain chaunging of the person thou hast séene vz. euen vnto this daye ver 8. hast not shut vp i. giuen me ouer in the hand i. power and might sée psal 27.12 my féete sée Psalme 25.15 He meaneth that the Lorde had brought to passe that he might fréely without feare go in and out sée Psal 18.19 Ver. 9. Mine eye my soule and my belly are consumed with gréefe he meaneth by this not onely that his sorrow had continued a long while but also wrought wōderful effects in him vz. brought dimnes to his eyes as psal 6.7 weaknes to his stomack for I take the word soule to be vsed here for the power part of life which desireth foode sée Psal 38.10 Psal 102.4 and by belly he meaneth that parte whiche should concoct meat noting that he neither had appetite to eat nor strength to concoct and digest by reason of his great gréefe Ver. 10. he noteth what great gréefe he sustained in respect of himself his own body ver 11 he sheweth what he indured from others I was a reproch i. I was scorned of all and forsaken of them and a feare i. I was a feare meaning that al his acquaintance were afrayde so much as to looke vpon him Ver. 12. I am forgotten as a dead man out of minde he meanrth not that they did not thinke vpon him for all their imagination was how to worke him mischiefe but this he was euen as a dead man who hath no familiaritie nor acquaintance with those that are alyue and of whome he could receiue neyther pleasure nor profite like a broken vessell i. of which or of whom there is no regard had because it is estéemed vnprofitable Ver. 13. Feare was on euery side vz. of me he meaneth that he was as it were beset with feare Ver. 15. My times i. the dayes and yeres of my life are in thine hand i. are gouerned by thy power and prouidence which is great comfort to me because they cannot destroy me though they conspire agaynste me hand of my enimies i. power force Ver. 16. Make thy face to shine i. shew thy self fauorable vnto as Psal 4.6 saue me i. deliuer me out of these dangers ver 17. and the latter part amend thus let the wicked be cut off whē they are going down into the graue i. when they are redy to die let them not be restored to life and health againe as sundrie men are but let them then dy and perish ver 18. Lips put for mouth yea and for the liers themselues a part for the whole ver 19. Layd vp vz. as a most excellēt and rich treasure euen before the sonnes of men these wordes may haue diuers sences If you referre it to these wordes Done to them meaning the godly then they must be vnderstoode thus that God openly and in the sight of mē had poured forth great blessings vpon them If you refer it to these words That trust in thée then it may haue this sence that the godly make more account of God then of the greatest and mightiest in the world for so had we these words vsed before Psal 4.2 Lastly referring it to these wordes That trust in thée it maye haue this sence that Gods children are not afrayde or ashamed to put their trust in God and to serue him The first and the last I best like of Ver. 20. Priuily vz. in respect of men and yet openly to God for he sayth afterwards in thy presence But by hiding them priuily he meaneth nothing but sure kéeping and defence and by presence he vnderstandeth Gods fauour and loue from the pryde i. from the effects that mens pride bring forth though it be neuer so great as braulings contentions bloodshead c. in thy tabernacle sée Psal 27.5 from the strife of tongues i. from brauling and quarrellers wordes which prouoke strife as Prouerb 15.1 Ver. 21. In a strong citie amend thus placing me as it were in a defenced citie wherby he meaneth that God had set him safe and sound from his enimies as they that are in a most strong and safe citie that can not bee surprised Ver. 22. in my hast i. when I was moued to hastines thorowe the trouble of my spirite I am cast out of thy sight i. thou madest no more accoūt of me then of one that was in thy dissauour Ver. 23. The faythfull vz. those that trust vnto him and hold fast their fayth giuen them Ver. 1. Those that trust in God shal neuer be confounded Ver. 2. Do. God is only the defence of his seruants Ver. 3. Gods own goodnesse is the only cause wherfore he doth vs good Ver. 4. The wicked priuily imagine mischiefe against the godly Ver. 5. Féeling of gods goodnesse in time heretofore should perswade vs that we shal féele it hereafter Ver. 6. We must trust in nothing but in the Lord only ver 7. It is no small comfort to Gods children that God hath an eye ouer them and their
hée will perfourme it Ver. ● So precious i. so deare yea so harde a matter as in deede it can not bee perfourmed of men to Godwarde of their soule i. of their liues hee meaneth that they shoulde liue longer vppon the earth and the continuaunce thereof for euer amend thus yea it ceaseth i. purchase of a longer life ceaseth for euer so that it is a deare thing nay I affirme it to bée an impossible thing which shall neuer bee perfourmed and all this 8. verse must bée read by a Parenthisis Verse 9. That hee may liue still vz. amongst men vppon the earth for euer i. a very long time and so haue his dayes prolonged and not sée not come vnto or try or féele sée Psalm 16.10 The graue i. death hee putteth that which insueth death vz. buriall in the graue for death it selfe wée may well turne the worde corruption the graue being so called in the Hebrewe tongue because it corrupteth that which is put into it Ver. 10. For this word for read although and so ioyne this 10. and 11. verse together hee séeth i. euery man may and doeth sée for the Prophet vseth the word hée for the whole state of men though it séeme to note but some particular person that wise men dye c. i. that all without difference and respect of persons yéelde to death yea though their state and condition haue béene neuer so farre differing from others and leaue their riches vz. behind them on the earth for others vz. to possesse Ver. 11. Yet they thinke q.d. all this notwithstanding they are of this perswasiō their houses and their habitations betwéene these two words I make this difference that vnder houses the Prophet mindeth to comprehend that couerture that kéepeth thē from heate cold storme raine c. Whether they be castles towres mansiō houses or such like vnder habitations not only these houses themselues but the demeanes reuenues or liuing belonging thereto which afterward in this verse hee calleth lands saying that they cal them by their own names to the ende that both they may make famous and continue their name Ver. 12. Shall not continue vz. long howsoeuer he think to make his name sure he is like beasts sée Ecclesi 3.19 that die by this speach he meaneth not only that they die as beasts but also be vnprofitable and serue to no vse but to be cast forth as beastes that dye not being killed no man regardeth to any purpose but it goeth to carrion Ver. 13. This their way i. this their maner of dealing and behauiour vttereth their foolishnes i. bewrayeth that they haue no heauenly wisdome at al how wise soeuer they be taken among men yet their posterity q.d. notwithstanding their folly appeare they that succéed them as heires for generally I take the word posterity delite in their talke or rather approue and allowe it vnderstanding also by talke not onely the wordes that procéeded from them but the actes also they did for many times mens déeds doe speake The Prophet meaneth that these men doe both allowe of and with delight followe the words and déedes of their predecessors touching hauing abundance of riches building houses c. Ver. 14. Like shéepe they lie in graue the Prophet meaneth by this speach not only that they die but that they die in great numbers and troupes as it were euen like flockes of shéepe in the fields so are these men laide in graues vsing one graue for many as one number for an other death deuoureth them q.d. howe braue and glorious so euer they bee yet death shall take hold of thē as of a pray ready to be consumed and they shal not escape the righteous i. good and godly people who are so accounted not that they are so of thēselues shal haue domination ouer thē I take the mind of the Prophet to be thus the wicked the vngodly during the time of their life did exercise a tyrannie ouer the good but when it commeth to passe that the vngodly are once dead then they shal not onely bee deliuered from their crueltie but then it appeareth that they haue as a man woulde say gotten the victory against them and be as it were Lordes ouer them and whereas hee addeth in the morning I take his meaning to be thus q.d. very sodainely the godly shal preuaile when neither he himselfe nor the wicked thinketh of it so that he that ouernight as a man would say was Lorde ouer the righteous shall in the morning become as it were his vassal and he that was a seruaunt ouernight shall in the morning bee a Lorde or ruler their beauty i. their glory brauery force and whatsoeuer was excellent in them shall come to nothing from their house sée Ver. 11. of this Psalme to graue i. the house appointed for all the liuing Iob. 30.23 Ver. 15. But God in the other verse hee shewed what was the end of the wicked nowe he sheweth what their end shal be that trust in god confessing in deed that hee was subiect to bodyly death as others were but for all that that God would preserue him in a better life my soule i. my whole man from the power of the graue the body entring into it til the generall resurrection at what time it shal be yéelded vp againe and the soule comming into it and in this place the Prophet taketh vpon him the person of all the faithfull for hee will receiue me vz. to himselfe as Eccle. 12.7 And as appeareth also in the person of one of the theeues that was crucified with our Sauiour Luke 23.42.43 Ver. 16. Bee not thou afraid vz. either of thine owne poore estate or of the other mans florishing as though that thereby hee should ouercome thée or that thou therby shouldest be drawn from God or godlines the glory of his house i. the renowne of that rase and stocke from whence he came together with the beauty of his building great rents and reuenues c. are increased for so large I take the word to signifie Ver. 17. Hée shall take nothing away common experience sheweth the truth of this Iob hath well well declared it chap. 1.21 Neither shal his pompe i. glory riches wealth or whatsoeuer else as may appeare by two examples Luk. 12.16.17 c. also Luk. 16.19.20 c. Descend after him vz. in to the graue Ver. 18. He reioyced himselfe i. gaue himself to al maner of pleasures neglecting or forgetting God for so much doe the Hebrewes vnderstand by this phrase of blessing their own soules which is here turned reioycing them selues sée Deut. ●9 19 And men besides that the wicked deceiue themselues the world vpholdeth them in their folly praysing and approuing their wicked life as though it were good such kind of people the holy ghost reproueth Rom. 1.32 Praise thée a sodame chaunge of the person from the 3. to the 2. when thou makest much of thy selfe i. so feedest thy selfe in al
i. praye vnto thée he vseth the sign of prayer for prayer it selfe 141.2 Also 1. Timothie 2.8 in thy name i. as some expound it calling vpon thy name me thinketh this is better that for as much as Gods name is in scripture vsed for Gods goodnesse and mercye it should rather be expounded thus in thy name i. cleauing to thy goodnesse and mercy Verse 5. My soule shall be satisfyed q.d. though nowe I bee in greate miserye yet when thou shalt haue heard my prayers I shall bee filled both inwardly and outwardly for I take the soule to be put here for the whole man as Psalme 42.2 as with marrow and fatnesse i. as though I had a heape or abundaunce of all swéet and good things sée Psal 4.6.7 and my mouth shall prayse thée i. set out and shew forth thy prayse as Psalme 51.15 with ioyfull lippes i. with lippes that shal be glad and ready to perform that duety Ver. 6. when I remember thée in my bed i. thinke vpon thee and thy goodnesse being thereby prouoked to call vpon thée and that as I lie vpon my bed in the night watches this is spoken according to the maner of the people thē who diuided the night into certaine watches as Mat. 14.35 Mark 13.35 Verse 7. Because thou hast bin my helper vz. at al assaies and in all distresses therefore vnder the shadow of thy winges will I reioyce i. being vnder thy protection I will be glad and alwayes trust in thée sée Psal 57.1 and other places Verse 8. My soule i. I my selfe both body and soule cleaueth vnto thée vz. euen as if it were glued and by this manner of spéeche hee expresseth the assured hope and confidence that he had in god for thy right hand i. thy great might and power as we haue had it sundry times before vpholdeth me vz. in all distresse and agaynst al assaults of mine enimies both inward outward Ver. 9. Therefore i. because thou art on my side they that séeke my soule i. my life and that of a cruel hatred to destroy it vz. as much as in them lyeth to take it away from amongst men shall go into the lowest parts of the earth i. shall die and perish he speaketh this of Saule and the people that tooke part with him the verification of which prophecie sée 1. Sam. 31. throughout Ver. 10. They i. the Philistines shall cast him down i. ouerthrow Saul his company yea kill the with the edge of the sword i. with the force of warlike instruments vsing one sort of them for the rest and they i. mine enemies vz. Saule and his complices shal be a portion for foxes i. their bodies shal be deuoured and torne in péeces by wild beasts and they shal not haue the honor of buriall which was a very hateful thing to heare of specially amongst the people of the Iewes True it is that this oftentimes falleth vpon the good as is declared Psal 79.2 for afflictiōs are cōmō both to good bad but in the end is diuers Ver. 11. But the king i. I my self whom God hath annoynted by Samuel to be King speaking of himselfe in the third person shal reioyce in God vz. for the great help and deliuerance that he hath wrought for me all that sweare by him i. God meaning by this manner of spéech all that feare him and serue him with a right and reuerent affection putting a part of the seruice for the whole as Deutronom 6.13 shall reioice i. be glad because God in fauour hath bestowed so good a king vpō them for the mouth of them that speake lies he setteth these hipocrites agaynst the other sincere harted people and by speaking of lies he meaneth not only false slaundering of Dauid but also dissimulation and crafty dealing with God in his seruice shal be stopped he meaneth that the wicked shal be vtterly remoued and taken away from amongst men some by death as before ver 10. and some by confusion and shame as in this verse Do. Verse 1. Teacheth that we should many times breake our sléepes to the ende we might pray to God it teacheth vs also what an earnest hunger thirste we ought to haue to his seruice and worship with the assembly of his saynts Ver. 2. Teacheth that Gods power maiesty glorye and goodnesse appeareth in no place more then in the congregations of his people Ver. 3. Teacheth that Gods mercy rightly felte farre surmounteth all treasures of this life whatsoeuer Verse 4. Teacheth that the féeling of Gods goodnesse shoulde wring from vs continuall prayer and praysing of his maiestie Verse 5. Our inward man and our outward man should delight in God and good things aboue al. Ver. 6. teacheth vs continually to think vpon god both vpō our beds in our beds and al the night long when we can not sléepe Ver. 7. sheweth that Gods prouidēce and protection is a sure safegard to al the faythful and the only matter in déed that canne minister true ioy Verse 8. Teacheth that the perswasion wée haue of God and in God should not be wauering but assured and constant Verse 9. teacheth that bloodthirsty men shal not escape vnpunished Verse 10. Teacheth that God sundry times stirreth vp one wicked company to plague ouerthrow another Ver. 11. comprehendeth a doctrine of singular comforte to all sincere and true worshippers of Gods maiestie Psalme 64 THis Psalme is the selfe same argument with that which goeth next before and it may be diuided into thrée parts Di In the first the Prophet prayeth God to graunt him his requestes and to kéepe him free from the rage and crueltie of his enemies and this is comprised in the two first verses In the seconde he doth by péecemeale as it were set out the vices of those his wicked and vngodly enimies from verse thrée to the end of the 6. In the third he foretelleth their ruine and ouerthrowe shewing what good shall come therby to al men in general and namely to the righteous from verse 7. to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded already in the fourth Psalme Ver. 1. Se. Heare my voice O God in my praier i. graunt me those requests that in my praiers by my voice I lay out before thée for hearing is put for yéelding vnto in this place as sundry times before for Dauid neuer doubted the God heard him though sometimes he deferred to graunt his petition from feare of the enemy i. from that great peril which I feare the enemie goeth about would gladly lay vpō me Ver. 2. Hide me vz. in some assured place that the flatterers of Sauls court which imagine my destructiō may not find me out from the conspiracy of the wicked i. from these outrages cruelties that the wicked in their secret méetings haue conspired and imagined agaynst me from the rage i. frō the outwarde violence oppression of the workers of iniquity he meaneth by this spéech those that
speaketh Roman verses Nowe if any wil demaunde to what vse the creatures shal be imployed I answere that for as much as GOD in his worde hath not reueiled that it is more then curiositie to aske the same and they shal bee changed i. they shall certainely and without fayle bée chaunged for so much doeth the doubling of the worde chaunge import Verse 27. But thou art the same i. alwayes one and the selfe same without any shadowe of chaunging q.d. howsoeuer the creatures bee variable yet thou the creator art alwayes vnchaungeable and thy yeeres i. the time of thy essence and beeing shall not fayle vz. for euer and euer q.d. thou art and hast béene from euerlasting and so shalt continue Verse 28. The children of thy seruantes i. thy godly ones and their godly posterity shall continue vz. stedfast and sure alwayes safe vnder thy almighty defence whatsoeuer great alteration shal bee in heauen or earth and their séede i. their race and posteritie shall stande fast vz. so that they shall not bée mooued for euer in thy sight i. before thée hée meaneth that GOD will care for and preserue for euer the godly Ver. 1. Teacheth vs to be earnest with the Lord to grant vs our holy requests Do. Verse 2. Sheweth that in the time of affliction nothing is more grieuous to Gods children then to perceiue God any long time absent Ver. 3.4.5 Do declare what great affliction the godly are in for their sinnes and the wrath of God vppon them for the same Verse 6.7 Shewe that it is no new thing to sée the children of God forsaken of men Verse 8. Noteth two things the one is howe that the godly are subiect to the vyle both woordes and deedes of the vngodly the other that the wicked giue themselues a full swinge to all manner of outrage both in worde and deede Verse 9. Teacheth that so long as wée féele Gods wrath vppon vs for our sinnes our meat and drinke is not pleasaunt and delightfull vnto vs. Verse 10. Teacheth vs three things first howe much wee shoulde stande in awe of the fearce wrath and indignation of the Lorde Secondly that in this life Gods children haue no durable estate and thirdly that their exaltation and depressing is not by fortune as they say but from the Lorde onely Verse 11. Setteth out the shortnesse and troublesomnesse of mans life Verse 12. Setteth out the eternity and continuaunce of the almightie Verse 13. Teacheth vs to haue an assured trust that God wil looke graciously vppon the afflictions of his Church Verse 14. Teacheth Gods children two thinges first to delyte more euen in the verye ruines of the Church then in the palaces of the vngodly secondly to pity and pray for the reforming of the desolations thereof Ver. 15. and 16. Teach vs that Gods fauour shewed to his Church shalbée matter of sufficient terrour to the wicked and vngodly Ver. 17. Is comfortable shewing that the prayers of Gods poore people shall neuer returne empty from the Lorde Ver. 18. Teacheth the faithful to haue a care for their posterity that both Gods mercy towards them and his iudgements vpon the wicked might be conueyed to their children Ver. 19. Teacheth that God beholdeth al things done vpon the earth contrary to the imagination of them who suppose him to sit as idle in heauen Ver. 20. Teacheth that God taketh speciall regarde of those that be his and namely when they are in the greatest distresse Ver. 21. Teacheth that god doth deliuer his people out of al their feares specially to this end that they might publish his prayse for the same in the Church Ver. 22. Teacheth that our assemblies should be for the seruice and glory of god Ver. 23. Teacheth that God for the trial of his children layeth manifold afflictions vpon them in this life Verse 24. Teacheth vs that wee may pray for long life but yet so that that life may bée referred to Gods glory Verse 25. Teacheth that God is the maker of heauen and earth Verse 26. Teacheth the variablenesse of the creature which shoulde instruct vs so to vse the worlde as though wee vsed it not and no otherwise but as it may further vs to the hope of a better life Ver. 27. Teacheth that howsoeuer variable the creature is yet the creator is altogether vnchaungeable Ver. 28. Setteth out to the comfort of the godly their continuaunce Psalme 103. Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into thrée partes In the first hee doeth stirre vp and prouoke himselfe to be thankful to the Lord and this is conteyned in the two first verses In the seconde hee sheweth causes for which men shoulde prayse the Lorde as for the forgiuenesse of their sinnes for their deliuery from daunger and the continuall course of his mercies from ver 3. to the end of the 19. In the last part he exhorteth euen all creatures to praise the Lord for the largenes of his goodnes from ver 20. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title of this Psalme hath beene expounded before in others of the lyke inscription Ver. 1. My soule hee exhorteth the soule to this great worke because if that be ready the other cannot be much backward and the word soule is vsed here for the seate of vnderstanding and afflictions prayse thou the Lord vz. for his great mercies and all that is within me as my thought my hart and all the powers both of the one and the other and hee meaneth all inwarde thinges because those parts specially doeth the Lorde regarde as Psal 51.17 Ioh. 4.23 prayse his holy name i. set foorth the glory that apperteineth to his maiesty power goodnes c. name is here vsed as Psalm 20.3 Ver. 2. My soule praise thou the Lord this is expounded before ver 1. and forget not vz. through negligence or otherwise but earnestly thinke vpon to the vttermost of thy power al his benefites i. not onely all but any one of them as possible thou canst and by this meanes he prepareth himself a way to speak of the blessings which afterwardes he reckoneth vp Ver. 3. Which vz. alone forgiueth thée fréely vz. and of his owne mercy onely without any merites or deserts of thyne at all all thine iniquity vz. committed either against God or man either of ignoraunce or of knowledge and he beginneth with the frée forgiuenes of sinnes because it is as it were the fountaine from which al other blessinges flowe many whereof he reckoneth vp afterwardes which are nothing else but the effects of that reconciliation and healeth vz. of his great goodnes his mighty power all thine infirmities vz. bodily or spirituall outwarde or inward Ver. 4. Which vz. alone as before ver 3. redéemeth vz. by his great and mighty power thy life i. thy whole man both body and soule putting a part for the whole from the graue i. from death and destruction Sée Psalm 16.10 putting that which followeth death for death it selfe and crowneth
particular persons in particular gréefes eyther of body or soule as psa 6.86 c. Othersome are prayers of a number of godly and faithfull people as psal 44.85 c. To be shorte there is such diuersitye of matter that a man can hardlye deuide them aright yea one and the selfe same Psalme sometimes shall comprehende the most of these thinges For the better vnderstanding of this Booke two thinges specially would be diligently obserued First the sodayne chaunge of number tense person c. which make the places to séeme very hard Secondlye to discerne what is spoken in the person of the Church and to refer the same thereto and what is otherwise spoken to apply it alwayes to his right ende and purpose Psalme 2. Di. THis Psalme consisteth of two partes In the first he setteth out wherein the felicitie and blessednesse of a godlye man consisteth what his exercises are and what blessinges hee shall receaue from the Lord therefore from verse 1. to the ende of the thirde In the seconde he declareth what iudgments shall ouertake the wicked and what an vnlikelye rewarde there shall be to the godly and the vngodly from verse 4. to the end of the Psalme Se. Ver. 1. The man put for euery man i. man and woman for in Christ Iesus there is no difference Galat. 3.28 and blessed are they not in this lyfe onlye but in the life to come for godlinesse hath the promise of this lyfe present and in the life to come 1. Timothie 4.8 Doth not walke in the councell by councell he vnderstandeth the subtilties and craftes of the wicked by which they push on themselues forwardes and labour to drawe others to the like sée Prouerb 1.10.11 c. So that hee meaneth that hee is blessed that ioyneth not himselfe in wicked practises with the vngodly nor by himselfe doth performe the same nor stande in the waye of sinners way is put for order and kinde of liuing for maners and fashions he meaneth then that they are blessed that frame not themselues no not in outward shew like to the vngodly sée Romanes 12.2 In the seate of the scorners by seate he noteth fellowship and societie with the vngodly as Psal 26.4 so that the meaning is that the godly man doth not consent with the wicked neither hath any familiaritie with their vile enterprises Verse 2. His delight i. his whole pleasure in the lawe of the Lorde i. in the performaunce of these things which GOD in his law commaundeth Meditate daye and night i. continually or very much giuing himselfe not only to the reading of holy Scriptures but to meditation therein Verse 3. is a similitude by whiche the Prophet noteth the flourishing state of the faithfull and their fruitfulnesse also by Trée he meaneth eyther Palme Trée as Psalme 92.12 or some other flourishing Trée by the Riuers of waters i. in most moyst places méete to make Trées grow and flourish in due season i. not vntimely fruit nor too late but that which shall haue the fulnesse of grouth and yet not be withered away whose leafe shall not fade i. shal not decay in colour nor fall from the Trée wherby the Prophet noteth the continuall flourishing of the faythfull Whatsoeuer he shall doe we must restrayne that vniuersall terme Whatsoeuer to all thinges that he shall attempte according to godlinesse to which indéede both here and elsewhere sundrye times the Lorde himselfe hath annexed a promise of good successe Verse 4. He amplifyeth by the contrarie the wicked are not so i. Like Trées planted c. as ver 3. but whereto are they like they are as the chaffe i. Light vnprofitable for anye thing and voyde of fruite It is an vsuall thing in Scripture to compare the wicked to chaffe as Psalme 35.5 Isaiah 17.13 Math. 3.12 Which the winde dryueth away q.d. as chaffe cannot withstand the violence of the winde but it tosseth it too and fro and dryueth it whither pleaseth it so shall the wicked be before Gods iudgementes how greate mightie and strong soeuer they séeme to be before men Ver. 5. Therefore i. because they are as chaffe and reprobate to all good workes they shall not stand vz. with boldnesse and lifted vp countenaunces as the godly shall in the iudgement i. in that great and last day mentioned Mat. 25.31.32 c. to the ende of the Chapter nor sinners in the assemblie of the righteous i. they shall not haue place amongst the godlye but God will funder them one from another as Math. 25.31.32 c. as before Ver. 6. The Lord knoweth i. approueth and alloweth as not to know is to disallowe Math. 7.23 yea so alloweth that he blesseth which may appeare by the contrarye in this verse where the Prophet vseth the word Perish the way i. the order and kinde of liuing as before verse the first and afterwardes in this verse of the righteous i. they that indeuour righteousnesse in themselues and haue Christs righteousnesse imputed vnto them And the waye reade But and so the sence shall be more playne Shall perishe vz. In time hereafter to come or else doth perishe putting the beginning of destruction in this life not only for the beginning of it here but for the finishing of it else where Ver. 1. Teacheth a godly man to beware of the vngodlies perswasions Do. secondlye of their order of life and thirdly of their societye and companye kéeping Ver. 2. Teacheth him by the contrary what he must doe firste to take all his delite and pleasure in Gods worde because we doe hardly profit by these thinges which we take no pleasure in secondly to vse al the meanes whereby he may be builded vp in knowledge for so generallye doe I take these wordes Meditate day and night Ver. 3. A promise annexed for our better encouragement which expresseth Gods wonderfull goodnesse and our dulnesse and heauinesse that haue néede of such spurres ver 4. doth not only contayne iudgements agaynst the wicked but also teacheth yea spurreth forward the godly by beholding their punishments to more héedy walking and whereas the holy Ghost resembleth the wicked to chaffe tossed before the winde It teacheth vs that though the wicked thinke themselues glorious and of long continuaunce yet they are neyther the one nor the other ver 5. Teacheth that God with his Fanne wil make a separation betwéene the good Corne and the chaffe as Math. 3.12 ver 6. Teacheth this that God is the only Iudge to allow and disallow they must not therefore stand vpon themselues or other mens iudgements Psalme 2. Di. THis Psalme consisteth of thrée parts In the firste is declared the greatnes multitude and rage of them that rise vp against Christ from ver 1. to the ende of the 3. In the seconde is set out the Maiestie and power of God the Father and his sonne Christ for the confounding of such wicked aduersaries from verse 4. to the ende of the 9. In the 3. is contained a louing
ouerthrowe me vers 10. Lette them fall from their councels i. lette them dislike that which they had counselled and purposed before cast them out vz. eyther from thy selfe or from the inheritance of thy children vers 11. Couer thou them i. defend them and keepe them safe from the face of their enemies that loue thy name i. that feare thy maiestie and vnfeignedly professe thy religion vers 12. Blesse put for doing al maner of good to one righteous see Psalme 1.5.6 put for such as striue to righteousnes and are so accounted though not so in deed of themselues but by means of another vz. Iesus Christ Ver. 1. Do. Teacheth that Gods children many times vse words in their praiers many times not So did Moses and Anna the mother of Samuel vers 2. Gods children should striue to earnestnes in prayer should pray vnto none but to him alone vers 3. Teacheth that we should breake our sleeps in the morning to the end we might pray to the Lord. vers 4. Teacheth that seeing God cannot away with wickednes his children should abhor it likewise the same doth vers 5. In vers 6. are comprehended iudgements against the vngodly namely against lyers cruel persons and deceitful men vers 7. Teacheth that we may not appeare before God in the trust of our own merits but of his mercies onely also that with reuerence we should repayre to the places of Gods seruice and reuerently also there behaue our selues vers 8. Teacheth that vnlesse God guide vs we shal go out of the way also that we should pray for an holy life and that to this ende that the mouthes of the enemies may be stopped from euill speach vers 9. Is a liuely description of the vngodlies qualities as that they are inconstant that they imagine mischiefe that they are giuen to crueltie to flatterie vers 10. We learn that it is lawfull to pray against the enemies of the Church as that their counsels deuises may be scattered c. verse 11. We learne that the faithfull may reioyce at the ouerthrow of Gods enemies verse 12. We learn in what assurednes they are whome the Lord defendeth Psalme 6. 1 THis Psalme consisteth of three principall partes Di. In the first is comprehended the Prophets praiers with reasons that hee alledgeth to induce the Lorde to take pitie vpon him frō vers 1. to the end of the 4. In the second he setteth out the greatnes of his griefe shewing that if God should take him away by death he should lacke occasion to praise him among men as he was wont to doe from vers 5. to the end of the 7. In the third he doth not onely sharpely rebuke his enemies but also foretelleth their destruction frō vers 8 to the ende of the Psalme This Psalme hath a title as sundry others haue Se. but it is the same with the 4. and therefore looke backe to that sauing that he addeth here vpon the eight tune which was a tune well knowne among the Iewes and was sung with a very cleare and high voyce see 1. Chron. 15.21 vers 1. Anger and wrath attributed to God not that they bee in him but that it so seemeth to men when hee correcteth them and this vers is shortly vttered something seeming as it were to want which is an ordinarie matter to those that are diseased Adde therfore this neither chastise me in thy wrath vz. least I should be consumed and brought to nothing Sée Iere. 10.24 ver 2. I am weake vz. with my sicknes q.d. I am wonderfully weakned through my sicknes but restore me my former forces my bones are vexed i. full of griefe and ache by the abating of my flesh through sicknes and by continuall lying vers 3. Wilt thou delay vz. to send helpe and reliefe vers 4. returne q.d. as it seemed to me thou hast departed away from mee but nowe returne at the length deliuer my soule vz. from present death as may appeare in the next vers following vsing also the word soule which is a part of man for the whole vers 5. in death i. among dead bodies there is no remembrance of thee because the body hath nothing without the soule in the graue who shall praise thee i. what dead bodie put into the graue shall praise thee q.d. none shall or can Verse 6. I faint rather then I fainted because al the rest is read in the present tense meaning by fainting not onely a long vse of his mourning but a wearisomnes yea a consuming and wearing away with the vse thereof I cause my bed euery night to swimme and water my couch vpon which I lie in the day time for ease refreshing for that difference I make betweene bed and couch with my teares these exceeding speaches doe nothing else but note the greatnes of Dauids mourning and the bitternes and sharpnes of his disease vers 7. mine eie is dimmed i. the clearnes and good sight it had is taken from it partly through continual mourning and partly through despite or freting and wrath rather which he caried towardes his enemies that reioyced at his sicknes and sank in or after some waxed olde I take it to be but a repetition of that which went before vers 8. Depart from me c. q.d. You may now go your way for that which you looked for vz. my death you shal not haue at this present for the Lord hath hearde the voyce of my weeping i. Graciously granted me that which with teares I asked of him vers 9. Wil receiue my prayer The Prophet assureth himselfe euen for the time to come as well as for the time past or present vers 10. Is here red as a prophecie or fortelling of the ruine of his enemies others read it as a wish and a praier against his enemies thus let al mine enemies c. There is no hardnes in it in respect of the sense they shal be turned backe as those that haue suffered a repulse Do. not able to looke their foes in their face Ver. 1. Teacheth vs to run vnto the Lord by praier to preuent his iudgements ver 2. Teacheth vs to do that but yet always hauing recourse to his mercy onely it teacheth such that the more we are afflicted the more need wee haue to come to God specially if we be touched in soule or conscience as verse 3. vers 8.9 expresseth Gods readines in yeelding to the supplications of his seruants vers 10. conteineth iudgements against the wicked and vngodly Psalme 7. THis Psalme consisteth principally of three partes Di. In the first part he praieth for deliuerance from his enemies setting out his innocencie and vpright dealing towards them from vers 1. to the end of the 5. In the second he praieth against his enemies declaring what good shall come to his children by the ouerthrow of the wicked From vers 6. vnto the ende of the 10. In the 3. hee pronounceth Gods iudgements against the vngodly which
number for another doth his soule hate i. he can at no hand away with him and this is spoken of GOD according to man not that this affection of hate is or euer can bee in God from whiche he is farre Ver. 6. he i. God who hath all power in himselfe shall rayne snares i. shall swiftlye sende multitude of troubles where the vngodlye shall bee caught and ouerwhelmed as it were with snares Fire and Brimstone c. i. most horrible iudgements this is the portion of their Cuppe q.d. this is that that they must make sure account to haue euen as if it were a portion of meate and drinke allowed for a daye to liue withall whiche was a vsuall custome amongest the people of the East and namely the Iewes Ver. 7. For or rather But which I allow of as better correcting this verse with the former loueth righteousnesse i. righteous men the qualitie being put for the person his countenaunce i. he himself a part of God which is spoken also according to man put for the whole doth behold vz. with fauour and goodnesse for otherwise he doth beholde also the wicked as ver 4. of this Psalme and Psalme 14.2 Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth to trust in God how great soeuer their daungers be also that we shall be many times assaulted to put far from vs this trust Ver. 2. noteth the cruelty and subtilty of the vngodly agaynste the good people Ver. 3. sheweth that the children of God are many times persecuted without any cause on their behalfe giuen Ver. 4. Setteth out Gods wonderfull prouidence and gouernment who beholdeth all things and before whose eyes all things are naked and playne Ver. 5. Teacheth two things first that God will sundrye tymes afflicte his owne secondlye that he cannot awaye with the vngodly Ver. 6.7 shewe the iudgementes of God agaynst the wicked and his goodnes toward the righteous with the vnlikely reward of the one and the other Psalme 12 Di. THis Psalme hath two partes In the first the Prophet prayeth the Lord to set too his helping hand to redresse the vnfaithfulnesse pride and other wickednesses of the vngodlye from ver 1. to the end of the 4. In the second hee assureth himselfe and the rest of the faythful that God wil punish the wicked notwithstanding their great pryde and defend his own euen for his truths sake from ver 5. to the end of the Psalme In the title vpon the eyght time sée Psalme 6. in the Title Se. where this is expounded ver 1. For there is not this is a reason of his prayer a godlye man he meaneth that the number of good people was very small from among the children of men i. from among men themselues as Psalme 11.4 meaning also by this true children of men those that presently liued not speaking of the time past or to come ver 2. They speake deceitfullye c. q.d. No man may trust one anothers words with their lips i. with their wordes and spéeche putting some of the instruments wherewith the words are vttered for the wordes themselues sée Psalme 10.7 and speake with a double hart i. they speak one thing and thinke another and this may serue to explane somewhat that hath bene sayd vpon Psalme 10. ver 7. when the tongue is put for the hart for the Prophet meaneth they had one harte in their body and an other in their mouth ver 3. Is a prayer agaynst his enemies procéeding not frō heat or affectiō of the flesh but by the guiding of gods spirit wherin he beséecheth the remouing of false flatterers and proud boasters ver 4. which haue sayd yea are accustomed to say with our tongue i. with our spéech vttered by the tongue will we preuaile vz. against Dauid and those that take his part I suppose he meaneth the cunning flatterers of Saules Court our lippes are our owne i. we are not only apt and méete to speake with finenesse and eloquence when we our selues list but wee will speake indéed who is Lord ouer vs vz. to hinder vs by his authoritie from vsing our spéech as we lust so wickedly doe these men speake against God Ver. 5. oppression of the néedy vz. wherwith they are afflicted on euery side I wil vp sayth the Lord vz. to helpe them q.d. although hitherto I haue séemed to winke at the vngodly in their sinnes yet I wil now arise and that presently being moued thereto by the calamitie that I sée the poore to be afflicted withall and will set at liberty him c. i I wil set him frée from the violence subtilty of the wicked whom the wicked hath snared vz. by his craft and deceit ver 6. The wordes i. the promises q.d. doubte not of that which hath bin sayd before ver 5. for they are Gods words therefore shall be performed are pure i. simple and playn without any guile or falshood as the siluer an excellent similitude meaning thus much in effecte as the gold siluer that hath bin most tried doth neuer deceaue men so shal Gods promises neuer deceaue because the truth goodnes of thē hath bin cōtinually tried by others graciously performed by god himself tried in a fornace of the earth he meaneth in a fornace made of the best méetest earth to try metals withal seuen fold i. sundry times a certayn number put for an vncertain as Prouer. 6.31 Psal 119.164 ver 7. is reade by some as a prayer thus O Lord kéepe thou thē kéep euery one of thē c. as in the Geneua text q.d. hauing this promis of thin I make my praier to thée for thou wch I alow better of frō this generation i. frō the mē that liue in this age sée ver 1. of this Psalme Ver. 8. The wicked walke on euery side vz. séeking occasion to destroy the good and godly people Immanuel readeth the last part of this verse thus as though drunkennesse were exalted i. They run vp downe to doe mischiefe as though they were drunke and drunkennesse had made them mad aptly comparing them whose mindes are caryed violentlye to commit wickednesse to drunken men amongst the sonnes of men i. amongst men as verse 1. of this Psalme and Psalme 11.4 or else this Texte may stand thus expounded when they i. the wicked men are exalted i. preferred and set vp aloft it is a shame for the sonnes of men i. other men are not only contemned that happily deserue greater preferment but are vilely handled by such men so exalted and set vp on high Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs in the midst of all confusions to haue recourse to God by prayer for the amendment thereof it teacheth also that gods number is the smallest and is a good place agaynst them that presse multitude ver 2. Teacheth vs to auoyde deceyte and flattery and on the other side to speake the truth from our harts Psalme 15.2 ver 3.4 Teacheth vs not onlye to auoyde proude boasting and flattering spéeches but
verse otherwise but I like this sence as well as his Ver. 8. As the apple of my eye i. most dearely and tenderly as men are wont to doe the apples of their eye who cannot abide that any thing should touch it hide mee vnder the shadow of thy winges an other similitude to the same purpose q.d. deliuer me with such diligence from present perill as the hens are wont to doe their yong ones vnder their winges when the Kite houereth ouer them or lieth in wait for them The scripture in sundrye places attributeth winges to God that therby it might declare Gods great care to saue and defend the godly such a similitude Christ vseth Math. 23.37 Ver. 9. for my soule i. for my life vz. that they might take it away from me ver 10. They are inclosed in their owne fat i. they are monstrously fat by reason they liue in al plesures and delights q.d. They abound in all delights therefore they spare not to speake proudly which he addeth in this verse describing in this and so on in the rest the maners of the vngodly Ver. 11. They i. the vngodly and wicked enemies haue cōpassed vs i. me Dauid the people that are with mee in our steps i. in our iornies or as we were iornying q. d. In all our iornying they haue most diligently obserued me mine many times haue in the mean while beset vs about they haue set their eyes i. they are earnestly and diligentlye bent as one that fixeth his eyes vppon one to marke him or to know him agayne to bring downe vz. me and mine to the ground i. to destroy and ouerthrow vs as townes and castles rased and made euen with the ground ver 12. He noteth first their crueltie vnder these wordes gréedye of pray next vnder these words lurking in secret places their subtelty craft sée Psalme 10.9 Ver 13. Vp Lord q.d. thou hast deferred a long while vp now and take weapon into thy hand as a notable defender disappoint him vz. of the crueltye he purposeth he speaketh of one as the principal meaning notwithstanding others ioyned with him in the mischiefe cast him down vz. to the ground see ver 11. in these words to bring downe to the grounde deliuer my soule i. my life as before ver 9. of this Psalme with thy sworde i. with thy might and power sée Iob 40.14 Ver. 14. from men vz. deliuer my soule as ver 13. by thine handes i. by thy power and might vsing hande here as he vsed the word sword before from men ad these words I mean for the more playne sence of the world i. worldly men all whose delighte is in things of this life who haue their portion in this life and not in the other which shall be reuealed to Gods sonnes whose bellies i. whose desires and appetites thou fillest with thy hidden treasures i. giuest them great abundaunce of outwarde benefites and blessinges which are called Gods hidden treasures not because they are not séene but because they are not so wel perceyued and vsed of the vngodlye as were méete their children this serueth to amplifie the aboundance of outward blessings that the wicked haue hauing not only more then ynough for themselues but to leaue mountains of mony as it were to their posterity whether sonnes daughters neuewes or any other kindred for so I take the worde children to be vsed in this place ver 15. in righteousnesse i. hauing a good and righteous cause on my side Psalm 4.1 and Gods face is here taken for a more playne and manifest knowledge of Gods mercy then he had set before in the time of his affliction with thine image i. with so much of thy goodnes and grace as it shall please thée in my deliuerance to make knowne vnto me Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth earnestnes in prayer ver 3. that we should kéepe our selues from wicked thoughts and wicked words expressing these thoughts ver 4. Gods word is a notable meane to kéepe vs from wickednesse ver 5. we shall fall vnles the Lord vphold vs. ver 6. He that prayeth to God must bée well assured of the truth of his promises ver 7. If God helpe vs not the enemies rage wil ouercome vs. ver 10. aboundaunce of wealth and pleasure maketh the vngodly proud against God and his people ver 11. setteth out the mischieuous mind of the vngodly ver 12. expresseth their crueltie and craft ver 13. teacheth vs in the time of our afflictions to haue recourse to God by prayer ver 14. sheweth that outward blessings are as well bestowed vpon the wicked as the good and that therefore there is no certaine iudgements to be giuen of gods fauour by these outward things ver 15. Howsoeuer wicked men set their minde on worldly wealth that our delight and pleasure should be onlye in the Lord and his fauour Psalme 18. Di. THis Psalme handleth diuers matters but principally 3. In the first part the Prophet promiseth thankes giuing for benefites receaued and describeth Gods wrath and power from ver 1. to the end of the 15. In the secōd part he reciteth sundry particular graces bestowed vpon him and excellent matters that the Lord inabled him to performe frō ver 16. to the end of the 45. In the third part he yéeldeth praise and thankes vnto the Lord promising neuer to forget these benefits and to publish them continually amongst the people from verse 46. to the end of the Psalme The title is easie these words which spake put for which sung Se. In the day i. at the time from the hand i. from the violent power and raging might and so it is vsed immediatly following of al his enimies he meaneth of the mighty and of the greatest number of thē for Dauid was neuer without enemies this title summarily cōprehendeth the occasion of the making of this Psalm ver 2. My rock this spéech calling God a rock is a metaphor taken from séeking refuge for men are wont for feare of their enemies to go to the rocks or mountayns Mat. 24.16 my fortresse another metaphor meaning that in and by God he might be kept as safely yea more safely from his enemies then in or by the strongest hold in the world my shield another Metaphor because he did as a shield ouershadow and defend him the horne of my saluation saluation here is put for deliuerance and horn put for strēgth or strong meates Another metaphor for euen as horned beasts doe defend themselues with their hornes so Dauid vsed Gods helpe and defence as it were a horne Ver. 3. worthy to be praysed vz. of me and all others that for his wonderful goodnes bestowed vpō vs ver 4. Sorrows of deth i. most gréeuous deadly sorrowes which are therfore called the sorrows of deth because they brought him almost to deaths dore the floods of wickednes i. gret multituds either of wicked deuises or of wicked mē for so I take wickednes to be vsed
by benefites past hee assureth himselfe of deliuerance from dangers present and in time to come diddest draw me out of the wombe he meaneth that by Gods speciall power and goodnes he was borne thou gauest me hope vz. that thou wouldest nourish and defend me at my mothers breasts i. when I did sucke and could not defend or helpe my selfe ver 10. I was cast vppon thée i. committed vnto thy prouidence and protection from the wombe i. so soone as I was borne came into the world not denying also but that by his goones hee was preserued continually before thou art my God vz. that doest defend nourish succour me ver 11. Be not farre c. q.d. séeing I haue heretofore receiued so many benefites from thée do not now depart from mee yea I so much the more earnestly craue thy helpe and presence nowe first because affliction is nigh secondly because there is none that can help me but thou ver 12. Many this word noteth the multitude of his enemies yong this word noteth their lustines courage bulles this word is wel expounded in the Geneua note i. are before and behind and on euery side by which we may sée that his troubles were great and almost impossible for him to escape out of them mightie this woorde noteth their force and power bulles of Bashan This is the name of the countrie which did apperteine to the people of the Iewes and was full of pastures whereof mention is made at large Deut. 3.1.2 c. And by bulles of Bashan hee meaneth very fat and mighty ones such as Bashan did féede sée Deut. 32.14 ver 13. They gape vpon me c. q.d. they come vpon me with open mouth to deuoure me euen as a deuouring roaring Lion doth for his pray sée Amos. 3.4 1. Pet. 5.8 ver 14. Amend thus I am powred out like water he meaneth by this maner of speach that he is as it were almost past al recouery as of whom no more account is to be made then of water spilt vpon the ground my bones are out of ioynt in this verse hee doeth by large maner of speaches declare the greatnes of the feare griefe he was in as he did before Psa 6.6 Mine heart is like waxe i. soft and tender it is molten in the middest of my bowels hee now sheweth in what respect his hart is like wax by these words he describeth his fainthartednes ver 15. My strength i. my naturall moisture whereby life strength is maintained is dried vp like a potsheard i. is wōderfully decaied and there is almost no more moysture left in mee then in a potsheard and my tongue cleaueth to my iawes i. I am brought very lowe and weake so that I can not wagge my tongue in my mouth as it were into the dust of death by these wordes he meaneth the graue the earth of it which is so called because none are there laid but dead folkes His purpose is to declare that through the vehemency of his afflictions all hope of his life in a maner was taken away ver 16. For dogges before ver 12.13 He compared his enemies to bulles and Lions now he resembleth them to dogs for their snarling at him and biting of him and the assembly i. great troupes multitudes they pearced my hands and my féete this is spoken of Dauid in respect of the daungers his enemies kept him in as though he had had no féet to flée away nor hands to defend him selfe but in Christ it was most truly performed indéed as appeareth Ioh. 20.25 Where mention is made of nailes ver 17. I may tel al my bones i. I am so fallen away with griefe and anguish that I haue nothing left but skinne and bone Yet they behold me and looke vpon me vz. with great pleasure ioy whereas if they had any compassion they should pity my case ver 18. They part my garments among them If we referre it to Dauid then he meaneth by garments other things that he possessed noting that they dealt with him his goods as they that in some victory had goteen a pray but if we referre it to Christ then is it to be vnderstood of his ordinary apparell and garments in déed as appeareth Ioh. 19.23.24 And cast lottes both to auoide contention that euery one might know his share and portion ver 19. Farre off vz. from me lest I be swallowed vp and drowned ver 20. My soule i. my life as wee haue often times had it before from the sword i. from peril of violent cruel death vnderstanding by the instrument that the wicked vseth to execute his rage and wrath by the thing it selfe From the power of the dogge i. of mine enemies and wicked men sée ver 16. Of this Psalme the singular number put for the plural ver 21. Lions mouth sée ver 13. of this Psalme and answere me i. graciously here me and graunt my request from the hornes of the Vnicornes i. from the present and perilous daungers of mine aduersaries It is Dauids maner as sufficiently appeareth in this Psalme to resemble his enemies to beasts Vnicornes are very wild beasts and as some write of them wil hardly or not at al be tamed ver 22. Thy name i. thy vertue power grace as Psal Vnto my brethren i. to the Israelites that are of the same nation and religion with me sée Rom. 9.3 In the middest of the congregation i. openly before thy people assembled to praise thée ver 23. Séed of Iaakob put for posterity and when hee saith séed of Israel hee meaneth the same thing for Iaakob was called Iaakob and Israel If you referre it to Dauids time then it belongeth to the Iewes If to Christ and his time then to all the faithfull ver 24. The affliction of the poore i. the trouble and anguish that he was in the prophet meaneth that God did not lesse regard the good people for their pouertie and affliction as commonly men do but rather made the greater account of them hid his face vz. as men are wont to do who for lothsomnes as they say but in nisenes in déed can not behold those that are in affliction he called i. praied he heard i. accepted him and his prayers ver ●5 My praise shal be of thée i. thou art and shalt be the cause of my foundation of my praises by reason of the wonderful mercies that I haue receiued from thee In the great congregation i. when the greatest multitude shal méet to prayse thee he noteth that he wil do it publikely as before ver 22. My vowes they were wont when they were in any danger to vowe a peace offring to the Lord to be performed after their deliuerance out of it so did Iephte which was done to testifie their thankfull mindes for the benefites receiued before them i. in their sight that feare him i. worship and serue him meaning God of whom he speaketh now in the
the Lord who shewed his glory and presence from betwéen the Cherubins in the arke ver 8. who is this c. the demaund or question of the faithful people the Lord strong and mightye this is an aunswere to the former question whereby for the strengthening of their faith they are admonished that God armed with inuincible power commeth to defend his people and to beat downe his enemies ver 10. The Lord of hostes i. he whom al hosts both heauenly and earthly do obay and therfore most strong mighty euen in battaile i. not only in warlike strength but in the very pinch and brunt of battaile Do. Ver. 1. describeth the largenesse of Gods gouernment so that nothing is exempted therfrom for though he speake only of the earth and thinges contayned therein yet he mindeth not to exclude the heauenly creatures Ver. 2. Setteth out Gods power and prouidence Ver. 3. Teacheth men to haue regarde to ioine themselues to his church in this life and to haue a speciall care of etexnal life Ver. 4 Teacheth the brideling of our hands the reformation of our harts the subduing of the vaine and wicked affections of our minds and to take héed that we abuse not an othe so that to sweare is not forbidden as the Anabaptists imagine but to sweare deceitfully and wrongfully ver 5. setteth out gods goodnes plentifully rewarding the holy indeuours of his children ver 6. Teacheth that care and zeale to worship God must be in his children ver 7.9 Teacheth men to be prepared to receaue the Lord when he commeth to them ver 8. and 10. is a particular description of Gods power and glory which serueth for comfort to his children because he will deliuer them and for terror to his enemies because he will punish them Psalme 25. IN this Psalme Di. the Prophets prayers are wonderfullye intermedled and therefore it canne be hardlye well diuided Sometimes he prayeth deliuerance frō his enimies shewing what fruit shall come thereby to him and others ver sometimes he prayeth the Lorde to instruct and teach him and others also in the right way shewing how God dealeth with his children ver and sometimes he confesseth his sinnes praying pardon for them and shutteth vp this Psalme with a prayer for the Church ver 7.11 18.22 The title is expounded before Ver. 1. My soule i. Se. hart and all that is within me his words shewing that in the outward he gaue himselfe to the Lordes seruice and this spéech proueth that his inward man was ioined therewith ver 2. Let me not be confounded vz. by receiuing a repulse at thy hands ver 3. mend thus yea let none that trust in thée be confounded and ioyne it to the former thus q.d. I pray not only for my self but for the rest of the faithfull that transgresse vz. against me in resisting my kingdom that without any cause on my behalf giuen them and so doth the Chaldee paraphrase expoūd it ver 4 shew me thy ways vz. by or in which thou wouldst haue me to walk meaning by waies the order of life which God himself prescribeth the same he meaneth by his paths as we haue had it before ver 5. Lead me forth vz. without daunger of mine enimies in thy truth i. as thou hast promised to shielde mee from them and teach me vz. the same thy truth teaching me to finde it and féele it by experience the God of my saluation i. such a one as I fynd a present helpe to saue me frō and in al dangers all the day i. continually with an vnwearied constancy Ver. 6. Remember thy tender mercies that I maye féele them now as thou hast shewed them always hertofore ver 7. The sins of my youth i. those that I did commit in my youth nor my rebellions vz agaynste thy maiestie euen for thy goodnesse sake q.d. though my sinnes deserue the withdrawing of thy fauor yet think vpon thy mercy and not vppon my iniquities ver 8. Gracious righteous i. merciful to penitent persons and vprighte in the execution of his iudgements Dauid vseth these termes to strike vp himself therby to praier sinners i. all one and other for none are without sin in the way or rather the way for so it is in the Hebrue text meaning a conuersation the God himselfe alloweth of for so it is ver 9. though al do not imbrace it ver 9. in iudgement i. with a thorow iudgement meaning therby aduisedly rightly it séemeth to be a metaphor taken from them that guide others shew thē the way ver 10. paths of the Lord sée ver 4. of this Psalm are mercy and truth i. are most mercifull faithful because that in thē God giueth testimony vnto thē of his mercy truth meaning by truth gods faithfulnesse in performing that which he promiseth his couenant his testimonies i. his Law which is called his couenaunt because that thereby God maketh a couenaunt or bargayne as it were with vs that we should kéepe his law for testimonies sée Psalme 19.7 Verse 11. For thy names sake i. for thy glory and mercies sake least otherwise by my iniquity thy glory might be called into question Verse 12. The way sée verse 4. of this Psalme Verse 13. His soule i. his whole man a part put for the whole Ver. 14. Secrete of the Lorde i. the law of the Lord which is called secret because we cannot vnderstande it of oure selues without light from him Ver. 15. Mine eyes vz. not of my body only but of my fayth and soule are euer toward the Lord i. are earnestly lifted vp and stedfastly fixed vpon him as Psalme 123. ver 1.2 my féete i. me my selfe a part for the whole out of the net i. out of the snares and daungers that myne enemies haue layde to catche me in Ver. 16. Turne thy face i. thy fauourable and louing countenaunce for I am desolate i. vtterlye destitute of helpe vnlesse thou helpe as Psal 22.11.20 and poore i. maruailously afflicted and so haue you this worde sundry times vsed in the Booke of Psalmes Ver. 17. The sorrowes of my harte i. The gréefes and sorrowes that touche and possesse of my harte are inlarged i. multiplied to a wonderfull numbers so that I am hardly able to thinke vpon them with my hart ver 19. with cruell hatred i. with hatred that will neuer be appeased but by committing some crueltye agaynst me ver 20. Soule put for whole man as ver 13. before in this Psalm ver 22. Israell put for the faithfull Israelites and Gods church as Psalme 14 7. Psal 125.5 Psal 131.3 Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth that prayer must ve made to GOD onlye Verse 2. that seruice cannot bee performed but by trust in God ver 4. We are ignoraunt euen the best of vs in Gods worde till the Lorde lighten and teache vs. ver 5. We must continuallye hang vppon GOD by an assured fayth ver 6. Gods mercye is the onely
afflictions ver 8. God alone preserueth his children from the rage of their enimies and if they come into thraldome setteth them at liberty when it pleaseth him ver 9. the afflictions of Gods children in this life are very long in respecte of time and gréeuous in respecte of greatnes ver 11.12 It is no newe thing that those whiche should most loue men do many times eyther for feare or flattery of others make lesse account of them ver 13. Greate men are many times enemies to Gods children also Gods children haue their passions of feare when they are in dangers ver 14. It is a singular thing to haue fayth in the hart and true confession of God his goodnes in mouth ver 15. God hath numbred our dayes and neyther can we passe them nor our enemies abridge thē ver 16. Gods fauour and mercy the only cause of deliuerance from dangers in this life and of eternal saluation also ver 17. that wee maye sometimes pray against the vngodly and ver 18. likewise ver 19. Setteth oute Gods vnspeakeable goodnes towards those that are his ver 20. It is God alone that kéepeth his children safe from the outragious déedes and wordes of the vngodly ver 21. Thankes must be giuen to God for benefits receaued ver 22 Many of Gods children in hast both thinke and speake that they should not as Psal 30.6 Ver. 23. We must prouoke others as wel as our selues to praise the Lord there is also contained the vnlikely reward of the faythful the wicked ver 24. There is none that trusteth so much in God but he hath néede of continual incouragement thereto Psalme 32. THis Psalme hath thrée parts Di. In the first the Prophet reckoneth vp their blessednesse that are fully assured of the ful forgiuenesse of al their sinnes and this is in the two first verses In the second he sheweth what gréefe both of body and soule he was in til such time as by sincere confession of his sinnes he felt that great benefit declaring also what profit came to him and others thereby ver In the third be exorteth all to liue godly shewing that they that liue otherwise haue iust occasiō of sorrow the godly of spiritual reioising ver The title A Psalme of Dauid to giue instruction vz. Se. to al sorts of men but chiefly the faithful ver 1. forgiuē i. so takē away that they are not any more thought vpon Ier. 31.33.34 is couered so that not so much as prints or steps much lesse the filthinesse of sinne appeare ver 2. imputeth not i. calleth not his sinne or iniquitie into an account but burieth the same in perpetual forgetfulnes and in whose spirit i. soule and inward man there is no guile i. subteltie he meaneth by this spéech such men as did of a sincere mind turn vnto God truly loue him which hipocrits do not though they make a shew thereof ver 3. whē I held my tongue from humble sincere confession of my sinnes my bones i. my strength which indéed consisteth in the bones for the bones vphold the body it selfe and strengthen al the parts therof I consumed i. wasted and weare away or when I roared amend it thus in my roaring i. when I was caryed away with the féeling of some present aduersitie though not with true touch of my sinne I cried roared like a wild beast rather then poured forth gronings and complaynts beseeming a man ver 4. For thine hand i. thy iudgement mighty power is heauy vpon me i. in a manner presseth me downe day and night i. continually and without any ceasing almost and my moysture i. the naturall moysture of my body whereby life is mayntained is turned into the drought of Summer i. as in the time of summer when the sunne is most hot the moysture of the earth is dryed vp so fareth it with me meaning that Gods iudgements and his own gréefs had wrought that effect in him ver 5. I acknowledged i. confessed hid I as Adam Iob 31.33 as my natural corruptiō would teach me for I thought vz. thus with my self against my self q.d. Yea though it be against my selfe the punishment he meaneth both the punishment and the sinne it selfe for he respecteth the first verse of this Psalme where hée affirmeth not only sinnes to be forgiuen but that it was wel with such mē and they were blessed in deede ver 6. When thou mayst be found which is specially the time of néed as Psal 50.15 and marke that he sayth in the beginning of this verse therfore q.d. Because thou hast shewed thy selfe so mercifull to others namely to me the godly shall repair vnto thée by praier great waters i. manifold dangers as psal 18.16 psal 69.1 him i. the faithfull godly man by one vnderstanding all the rest Ver. 7 Thou art this is the spéeche that the godly shall vse when they praye vnto the Lorde my secrete place vz. into whiche I will withdrawe my selfe to be sure and safe from mine enemies sée Psal 18.45 with ioyfull deliueraunce i. thou doest bestowe deliueraunces vpon me which are ioyfull vnto me and minister matter of greate mirth vnto others also Verse 8. in the way sée psalme 25.8 He meaneth an vpright way and godly life I will guide thée with mine eye i. I will not onelye teache thée but also ouerlooke or ouersée thée that thou mayst profite in goodnesse Verse 9. He noteth that rebellious persons agaynst God bee as bruite beasts sée Isaiah 1.3 and deuoyd of all heauenly vnderstanding be yee not c. i. Be ye not dul brutish as beasts he nameth some whom they had the greatest vse and experience of doest binde i. rule and gouerne come nere thee vz. with their mouth to hurt harme thée the Prophet meaneth that hee woulde haue them diligentlye to applye themselues to the consideration of Gods gouernmente and to profite thereby least otherwise going forwarde in their rebellion against God they inforce him to vse the bridle of his might to tame their fearcenes ver 10. Many sorrowes i. plagues and punishmentes sent from God which are called sorrowes because they make those vppon whome they light sorrowfull mercie vz. from God shall compasse him vz. on euery side noting thereby the abundance thereof ver 11. In the Lorde vz. because hee is your strength and helper vpright in heart vz. towardes God and man Ver. 1.2 Teach that true felicitie in this life Do. consisteth specially in these two partes vz. forgiuenes of sinnes and sanctification towardes God man ver 3. Sheweth that cloaking or close kéeping of sinne bringeth foorth better fruites ver 5. Teacheth humble and vnfeigned confession thereof forgiuenes alwaies following it ver 6. Teacheth the faithfull alwaies to haue recourse to God by praier also that God sundry times deliuereth his children from manifold dangers ver 7. God is al in al vnto his seruants ver 8. Euery faithfull man should haue
woulde saye to beholde the Heauens then the heares of myne heade i. they are innumerable my harte i. my courage witte counsell c. hath fayled me i. hath hene as it were consumed vz. by earnest thinking vppon them Verse 13. Let it please thée Hée flieth to Gods good will sée Psalme 38.21.22 Ver. 14. Let them bée c. Sée Psalme 35. 4. and 26. where you haue almost the same words Verse 15. For a rewarde i. as a méete and iust punishmente of their shame i. of their filthye and shamefull life sée Psalme 28.4 Aha Aha sée Psalme 35.21 Verse 16. That séeke thée vz. with a sincere and vprighte harte and that to serue thée in thee i. for thée and for the gracious deliueraunces that thou bestowest vppon them that loue thy saluation i. like and reioyce in thy sauing health and deliueraunces saye alwayes i. haue alwayes an occasion to say the Lorde be praysed vz. for the continuall mercy and goodnes which hée hath shewed vnto vs. Ver. 17. Though I be poore and néedy i. destitute of all mans ayde thinketh on me vz. to doe me good or else prouideth for me my matters thou art my helper and my deliuerer q.d. I néed not be proud when I doe any thing well for I doe it by thy helpe who art wont to deliuer me from troubles Do. Ver. 1. Patient abiding the Lords leasure is neuer vnrecompenced Ver. 2. God sheweth himself then most nigh to his children when they are in the greatest daunger Verse 3. By graces bestowed vppon his children GOD deliuereth two doctrines the one that those that haue receiued them shoulde prayse him the other that those that haue not receiued them should learne thereby to reuerence him and put their trust in the truth of his promises Verse 4. GOD onely must be trusted vnto as for proude and deceitfull persons they are to be abhorred Verse 5. Gods workes are past our reache Verse 6. God preferreth obedience speciallye in the harte before outwarde Ceremonies Verse 7. Teacheth vs chearefully when wée knowe Gods worde to obaye the same Verse 8. Teacheth vs to reuerence the law and worde of God aboue all Verse 9.10 To set forth Gods goodnesse righteousnesse truth to the vttermost of our powers Ver. 11. Continually to pray for the féeling of Gods mercy and truth Verse 12. Describeth the gréeuousnesse of sinne and the horrible effectes of the same Verse We learne to make prayer as for our selues so for others and yet withall to pray against the malicious and obstinate enimies of Gods truth Verse 17. God reiecteth none for his pouerty or néede but the more he is in distresse the readier is the Lord to helpe him if hée be his Psalme 41. THis Psalme may be deuided into thrée parts Di. Firste Dauid declareth what good estate they are in that pitie the afflicted and néedye in their calamities and distresse from verse 1. to the end of the fourth In the seconde hee describeth the mischieuous mindes of his enimies agaynst him and the practises of his counterfeyted friends from verse 5. to the ende of the ninth In the third he prayeth vnto the Lord for deliueraunce and assuring as it were himselfe thereof he concludeth with thankesgiuing from verse 10. to the end of the Psalme The Title is expounded before Verse 2. Se. Kéepe him vz. from the violēce and rage of his enemies preserue him aliue vz. euen here vppon the earth from many daungers hee shall bee blessed vppon the earth i. hée shall haue abundaunce of blessinges powred forth vpon him in this life and thou vz. O God a sodayne chaunge of the person vnto the will vz. that they shoulde doe with him what they list sée Psalme 27.12 Ver. 3. Vpon the bed of sorrowe i. when being sorrowful and gréeued hee doth for verye weakenesse kéepe his bedde putting the place wherevpon the heauy harted partye lyeth for the partie himselfe and his wonderfull gréefe thou hast turned a chaunge of the person as before ver 2. of the time by turning he meaneth changed all his bedde i. all the gréefe hee had vppon his bedde in his sicknesse i. in the time of his sicknesse The Prophet meaneth that God either had or would for the Prophets vse to speake sundry times of things that are to come as though they were alredy done restore him from sicknes to health from gréefe of mynde and body to soūdnes both of body soule ver 4. Therfore I sayd vz. because I saw thy goodnes towards others my soule i. me my self both in body soule a part for the whole Verse 5. Speake euill of mee i. Wish euill to me as may appeare by that which followeth in this verse They desired his death and his name i. not only his glory but his remembraunce perish vz. from amongst men Verse 6. He come a sodain chaunge of the number putting one eyther for some excellent one amongest them or for many to sée me vz. when I am sicke he speaketh lyes because he hath one thing in his mouth and another thing in his hart see Psalme 35.15 his hart heapeth iniquitie within him i. he carrieth an innumerable number of mischiefs in his hart againste mée which he declareth to his mates so soone as he is departed from me and laboreth to put the same in execution commeth forth vz. from the place where he had bin with me he telleth it vz. to his companions Verse 7. Whisper together i. hold their secret counsels and conspire against me for by whispering he meaneth their secret spéeches and practises myne hurt i. the hurt they will doe me Ver. 8. A mischiefe i. some great affliction punishment or disease sent from God which his enemies called a mischiefe prophanelye as prophane men sometimes call it vengeaunce Acts 28.4 hath light vpon him and taken such hold that he that lieth vz. gréeuously sicke vpon his bed and in it shall no more rise vz. out of his bed because they supposed hee shoulde dye of that disease Ver. 9. My familiar friend this may be vnderstood eyther of Absolon or Achitophel as 2. Sam. 15. or some other trustye one which did eate of my bread i. that came to my table and did eate of the best vittails I had there hath lifted vp the héele agaynst me by héele we vnderstande the whole man a part being put for the whole The meaning of the Prophet is that not onelye he whosoeuer he was did set himselfe against him but that also hee did it despightfully and contemptuously for to lift vp the héele or foote to the ende to trample vnder féete or to spurne argueth contempt despight and crueltye This by our Sauiour is applyed to Iudas Iohn 13.18 Verse 10. Rayse me vp vz. to my former strength and glory so shal I reward them vz. according to my kingly calling and office rendring vnto them that they haue deserued Ver. 11. He vseth the present tense for the future which is vsuall
that contrary to the knowledge and truth that God had manifested vnto him he had cōmitted gros iniquities Ver. 7. Purge me with Hysop no doubt hee alludeth to the ceremonies purifications of the law among which Hisope was greatly vsed as Leuit. 14.6.7 Leuit. 19.18 yet so that he would haue the truth also signifyed by these outward things and he putteth purging and Hisope and washing which were outward parts of the legal puristings for a thorow whole cleansing as ver 2. and I shall be cleane q.d. otherwise I cannot bee cleane vnlesse thou O Lord performe it indéede whiter then snow Sée Isaiah 1.16.18 for the vnderstanding of this Verse Verse 8. Make me to heare i. eyther to féele one sence being put for another a thing vsuall in Scripture or else by some one of thy Prophets or other make me to know my sinnes to bée forgiuen as Nathan pronounced the same vnto him 2. Samuel 12.13 ioye and gladnesse i. that comfortable and ioyfull message touching the frée and full pardon of my sinnes that maye make me ioyfull and glad indéede that the bones i. I my selfe both body and soule he putteth a part for the whole which thou hast broken vz. by the horror of thy gréeuous iudgementes agaynste mee for my sinne sée Psalme 38.3 may reioyce i. haue matter of reioycing ministred vnto them and performe that ioy indéede whilst that they inioye their former féelings Verse 9. Hide thy face from my sinnes i. bury them as it were in perpetuall forgetfulnesse for we doe not easily forget those things that be continually in our sight put away sée before verse 1. of this Psalme all mine iniquities one and other for so long as any sinne presseth vs the conscience can hardly be quiet Verse 10. Create in me a cleane hart he prayeth because the heart is the seat of the affections and naturallye it is inclyned to all filthinesse euery day sée Matth. 15.19 Gen. 6.5 Gen. 8.21 That God woulde reforme it taking away that filthinesse and planting goodnesse in it which he calleth creation a right spirite i. a minde frée from all hipocrisie and abhorring crooked wayes some read a stedfast spirite meaning a spirite and mynde so well stayed as might not in tyme afterward be remoued from his obedience Ver. 11. Cast me not awaye from thy presence hee vseth here a metaphor taken from Kings who will not vouchsafe such to beholde them as they hate or lyke not of thy holy spirite i. the effectes and workes of thy holy spirite for neyther doth the spirite substantiallye dwell in men as some haue dreamed neyther is the pledge of the spirite so taken awaye as some haue imagined though it be hidden sometimes vnder the ashes of corruption Verse 12. Restore to me the ioy of thy saluation i. make me to féele agayne that vnspeakeable comfort of saluation that I was wont to feere so that it séemeth that Dauid was almost at the dore of dispayre with the féeling of his sinnes the iudgements of God agaynst him for the same establish me i. make me strong and stedfast with thy frée spirite the spirite of God is called frée in diuers respects as because it is Gods effectuall instrument to set vs frée from the bondage of sinne for where the spirite of the Lord is there is fréedome 2. Corinthians 3.17 because also thereby god worketh in vs fréenesse and readinesse to the doing of those thinges which he commaundeth and lastly because it maketh vs fréelye and boldly to professe that we are Gods children as Rom. 8.15.16 some reade principall or princelike spirite meaning thereby a moste excellent spirit suche as Kings and Princes haue néede of that they may know how to guide them selues in their offices Verse 13. Thy wayes i. thy mercies louing kindnes which are called Gods wayes because he alwayes sheweth them to true penitent sinners q.d. If thou wilt pardon me my sinnes I will be thy instrumente to teach thē that shall come to the like féeling of their transgressiōs thy wonderfull mercy and goodnesse and sinners shall be vz. by that meanes conuerted vnto thée vz. from whom they haue gone astray he meaneth that hee will take paynes to winne men to god but that the profit thereof shall redounde to gods owne glory Verse 14. From blood he meaneth not only from the sinne committed in shedding Vriahs blood and others with him as 2. Sam. 11.17 but also the punishments that by that sinne he had drawne vpon himselfe whereof sée Genesis 9.5.6 God of my saluation sée Psalme 18.46 my tongue shall sing ioyfully i. chearefully and aloude prayse thy righteousnesse i. thy goodnesse faythfulnesse and truth which thou promisest and performest to thē that craue pardon and forgiuenesse Verse 15. He prayeth the Lord not onely to giue him an occasion but also to inable him to thankfulnesse and then he will performe it Verse 16. Must be vnderstoode by the way of comparison and not supplye for yet in his time sacrifices were to be vsed and that by the prescript of gods law sée Psalme 50.8.9 c. Isaiah 1.11.12 c. Verse 17. The sacrifices of God i. such as he principally alloweth and accepteth a contrite spirit i. a spirite brused and broken as it were with the feeling of the sinne committed and the acknowledgement of his owne weakenesse and vnworthinesse which as I take it the Apostle calleth godly sorrow 2. Cor. 7.10.11 Thou wilt not despise i. thou wilt graciously and mercifully accept for not refusing or despising with god is gracious accepting Verse 18. Be fauourable i. notwithstanding my sinne continue gracious and heape vp benefits vpon benefits vnto Sion i. vnto thy church and people he putteth the place where Gods people dwelt and the exercises of his religion were vsed for gods people and Churche sée Psalme 48.11 for thy good pleasure i. for thyne own goodnesse sake and not for any thing in them or me for there is nothing in vs that can procure that build the wals of Ierusalem i. not onely defend thy church by thy mighty power and prouidēce but giue it all the meanes whereby it may resist the assaults of thine enemies as walles to a citie are a good defence to saue them from the violences and outrages of their enemies Verse 19. Sacrifices of righteousnesse sée Psal 4.5 q.d. When sacrifices and burnt offrings shall be referred to a right ende God will allow and like of them then shall they i. thy people offer Calues vppon thine altar i. sacrifices of prayses and thanksgiuing vnderstanding no doubte by Calues euen the instruments of their lippes to prayse God withall sée Hosea 14.2 also Heb. 13.15 Verse 1. When we are touched with the féeling of our sinnes Do. Gods mercy is the only medicine that we must looke to for the curing of our sore Ver. 2. We must pray for pardon and full forgiuenesse of our sinnes or else it is nothing as also verse 9. of this Psalme Verse
procéedeth from imagination in the mynd to execution in act and déede Ver. 3. Plainely prooueth original sinne and noteth the procéedings that the wicked make in vngodlines so that from their birth vnto their death there is nothing but sinne corruption Ver. 4.5 Teacheth vs first that the wicked are giuen to all manner of lying slaundering and backbiting secondly that they are so setled in their sinne that they are almost past hope of recouery Verse Teacheth that wee may pray against the obstinate enemies of Gods Church and trueth that the Lord God woulde if hée sée it so good shortly confounde and spéedely ouerthrowe them which condition would bee vnderstood in al such prayers of Dauid though hee were excellently indued with the spirit of prophecy Ver. 10. Teacheth vs that the execution of Gods iudgements vppon the wicked is a matter of great comfort to the godly Ver. 11. Teacheth vs that the execution of Gods iudgementes vppon the wicked is likewise a matter of great instruction to other people wringing from them a sincere confession acknowledgement of Gods mercy towardes the good and of his iustice towardes the other it teacheth also that the godly shall loose nothing by this that they haue lead a religious and holy life before men in this life sée Isaiah 3.10 Psalme 59 THis Psalme as I take it may bee diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet prayeth deliueraunce from his enemies shewing that their craft cruelty and proud bragges made him thus earnest with God from ver 1. to the end of the 8. In the second he declareth that God notwithstanding all their trecheries will deliuer him vpon which ground hee prayeth and prophecieth against him promising to yéeld thankefulnes to the Lord for that goodnes from ver 9. to the end of the Psalme The title for the most part is expounded before Psalm 57. Se. When Saul sent and they did watch the house to kill him sée for this 1. Samuel 19. from verse 11. to the ende of the 17. where it appeareth howe Michal his wife saued him from those that Saul sent to slay him Ver. 1.2 Hee prayeth to bee deliuered from his enemies which were ready as it were to ouerwhelme him by their wicked attempts cruell practises and mischieuous subtilties who did nothing else as a man would say but seeke his destruction Verse 3. They haue layd wayte vz. both secretly and openly for my soule i. for my life as sundry times before that they might take it away the mighty men q.d. no smal ones and therefore the greater danger am I in but such as haue wille and power to performe what they lift vnlesse thou preuent nor for mine offence nor for my sinne vz. to themward for I haue not done them any maner of euil which also may appeare by the next verse following O Lord q.d. euen as thou that searchest al heartes knowest Ver. 4. They runne and prepare themselues by these wordes the Prophet meaneth that they vsed al their diligence and spared no cost labour or paines to destroy him yea they were so diligent that they thought vppon nothing else almost but to execute their wicked enterprise without a fault on my part vz. towards them as before ver 3. Arise therefore here hee calleth vpon God whom he imagineth to be a sléepe as it were and all this is spoken according to man q.d. shewe thy power and might as hee doeth that is waked out of his sléepe to assist mee i. to stand by me and to strengthen me against such a number of cruel enemies as I haue and behold vz. not only my wretchednes and weakenes but also the outrages and mischieuous matters that they imagine and doe against me Ver. 5. Euē thou O Lorde of hostes hee more plainely describeth the God whom he called vpon for succour and in these termes Lorde of hostes hee comprehendeth his power as who hath infinite armies of all sorts of creatures in his handes to punish the wicked by and to defend the good and by these wordes O God of Israel he setteth out his mercy ioyning both together for the further strēgthening of his fayth awake i. declare thy power as before verse 4. and shewe thy selfe no lesse diligent to succour mee then they are to hurt mee to visite i. to punish and correct as Exod. 20.5 All the heathen by heathen he meaneth the hypocriticall and counterfeit Israelites who did as grieuously persecute Dauid for Sauls pleasure as people estraunged from God woulde haue done and when hee sayth all hee meaneth the greatest number expressing also vnder that terme the great multitude of his enemies which were so many in number as though they had béen whole swarmes of the Gentiles cōming together and bee not mercifull i. shewe no manner of fauour at all that transgresse maliciously i. of set purpose and as it were for the satisfiyng of their owne mischieuous myndes hée mindeth not here to speake of any but of the reprobate whose iniquitie was altogether desperate which as it should seeme hee did knowe through the spirit of prophecy Here wee must take héede that wee bee not ouer hasty to iudge in this behalfe Verse 6. They runne to and fro i. they cease not to goe and come so that they may execute their enterprises and this manner of speach noteth their rage in the euening q.d. if they can doe no euill in the day they will not cease to imploy the night thereto as being in déede a most conuenient tyme to woorke mischiefe in and this setteth out their diligence in committing euil they barke like dogges i. they pursue mee egarly and that with open mouth it is a metaphor taken from dogges vsed in hunting who sundry times followe their game barking and opening their mouthes wide as though they were ready to deuour their pray in which respect hee also compareth them here to raging hungry dogs and goe about the city vz. lest I might escape any maner of way and this noteth their diligence sée Psalm 55.10 Ver. 7. Behold they bragge in their talke i. they boast openly of that which they haue wickedly deuised and consulted on yea they vomit out and discouer all their wicked attempts without hyding or dissembling any thing so great is their impudency and shamelesnes and swordes are in their lippes i. the woordes that they speake are cruell for they speake of nothing but murthering throatcutting and spoyling sée Psalm 55.21 for who say they doth heare vz. our woordes or else perceiue our déeds and attempts and this they say amongst themselues meaning that neither God nor men do perceiue them And here he teacheth the outragious blockishnes that raigneth in the wicked when they perswade themselues that God regardeth not their wickednesses for being in possession fréedome to execute their wicked counsels they haue no shame of men nor feare of God Ver. 8. Sée expounded before Psal 2.4 for the word heathen sée ver 5. of this
it were life vnto the people and as the shewers vz. falling from heauen that water the earth after some great drought By these similitudes hee sheweth howe acceptable good gouernment should be to the people Ver. 7. In his daies i. in his yeres and while he reigneth sée Isaiah 1.1 The righteous shal florish i. good men and of vpright conscience shal be aduanced for such as he is himselfe wil he labour to haue in authority and abundance of peace i. of all good things and blessings as ver 3. of this Psalme shal be vz. vppon the people of his land so long as the moone indureth i. for euer as ver 5.17 of this Psalme also Psal 89.37 and this must be referred as many other things also in this Psalm to Iesus Christ Ver. 8 From sea to sea i. from from the red sea vnto the sea of Syria or Palestina which is an arme of the Mediterraneum Sea sée Exod. 23.31 Deutron 11.24 sée also Numb 34. from ver 2. to the end of the 12. and from the riuer vz. of Euphrates or Perah sée Deutron 11.24 vnto the endes of the lande vz. of promise or Canaan which reacheth to the great wildernes towards the mountaine of Lebanon Ver. 9. They that dwel in the wildernes i. those that dwel Southward from Ierusalem and were furthest of from the land of Canaan meaning also barbarous vntamed and wilde people shall knéele before him vz. in token of reuerence and subiection as though hee were their owne naturall Prince or king and his enemies vz. though they bee neuer so stoute shall licke the dust by this manner of speach hee meaneth a most lowly subiection q.d. they shall not onely fall downe before him flat vpon the earth after the manner of the Easterne people but shal as a man would say as much debase themselues as possible can be in token of trustines reuerence and obedience Ver. 10. The kings of Tarshish i. those that rule in Cicilia putting the chiefe Citie of the Country for the whole country and of the Issles vz. which lye along the sea coast from Cicilia to Grecia as Cyprus Candie and others which are compassed in with the Mediterranium sea shal bring presents vz. in token of homage and obedience sée Psal 45.12 the accōplishment of this sée 1. king 4.21.34 also 1. king 10.25 the kings i. the rulers and magistrates as before of Sheba i. Arabia felix putting Sheba whiche was but a parte of it for the whole from this Countrey it séemeth that the Quéene came who is mencioned 1. king 10. in the beginning of the Chapter and Seba i. as some expounde it Ethiopia but I take it to be some other Countrey as may appare Isaiah 43.3 These Countries séeme to haue their names of two of the sonnes of Cush who came of Ham as appeareth Gene. 10.7 whatsoeuer it is the Prophet myndeth nothing else but vnder the kingdome of Salomon to set out the inlarging of Christes kingdome shall bring giftes i. giftes in signe of honour that they owe testifying their subiection for so much the Hebrewe worde importeth Ver. 11. Yea q.d. that in one worde I may shut vp the matter all Kinges shall worshippe him all nations shall feare him if wée vnderstande this of Salomon then it must haue this sense many kings and nations specially of those that bee about him shall yéelde him homage and obedience but if wee referre it to Christ then it comprehendeth the inlargement of his kingdome by mightie men and nobles and the calling of the Gentiles of which sée Psalm 2.8 Isaiah 49.23 Verse 12. For hee shall deliuer the poore vz. from him that oppresseth him when hee cryeth vz. vnto him i. when hee prayeth earnestly vnto him for helpe and him that hath no helper vz. amongest men q.d. there is none so helplesse but God will bee an helper vnto him if he hang vpon him only Ver. 13. Hée shalbée merciful i. not only in compassion but in actiō shal preserue the soules i. the liues and bodies from the rage and cruelty of harde hearted men Verse 14. He shall redéeme i. deliuer and set frée their soules i. them themselues putting a part of a mā for the whole man from deceite and violence vz of the cut-throates that liue amongest men Vnder these two wordes hée comprehendeth all manner of mischiefe whatsoeuer or howsoeuer performed by deceit hée meaneth al those that are craftily and closely wrought and by violence all those that are perfourmed with open force and deare i. precious and of great regarde shall their blood bee i. their life as Genesis 9.5.6 or else by blood hée meaneth that blood of theirs which the vngodly spill in tormenting them in his sight i. before him and in his iudgement howsoeuer base and contemptible men estéeme it Verse 15. Yea hee shall liue some referre this word hée to the poore whome the King shall redeeme but I rather to the King the Prophet meaning by this speach that hée shall liue a long and a prosperous raigne and vnto him i. vnto the king shall they i. the poore that are redéemed from deceite and violence giue of the gold of Sheba i. of precious and costly golde as being farre fet Sheba being a place farre distant from the lande of promise whatsoeuer it is hée meaneth that the people shall willingly perfourme with all the power that they haue the duetie and obedience which they owe him which was in times past signified by giuing of giftes as may appeare 1. Samuel 10.27 pray for him i. for his health and welfare and for the good of the whole kingdome and dayly blesse him i. prayse and commend him as in déede hée iustly deserueth for his vpright gouernment Verse 16. An handfull of corne i. a small portion no more then a man can holde in his hande shalbée sowen in the earth within the compasse of the lande of promise if wee referre it to Salomon euen in the toppe of the mountaines which are very vnméete places by reason of their great drought in Summer and of their great colde in winter and the fruit thereof i. of the corne sowen shall shake like the trées of Lebanon i. shall growe vp into great height and abundaunce and shalbée so florishing that they shall russell and make a noise as it were the trées of the forest of Lebanon Sée Psalme 29.5 hee meaneth that there shalbée nothing so small amongest Gods people but through Gods blessing it shall multiply to much and bring foorth abundaunce and the children shall florish out of the Citie i. men shal bee as plentifull both within and without the Citie al the land through euen as the grasse of the earth i. in great store and abundaunce Verse 17. His name i. his maiesty renowne and glory shalbée for euer i. last a great season if wee referre it to Salomon but it shalbée eternall if wée referre it to Christ and so must the wordes following bee likewise expounded sée
is not one prophet more vz. amōgst vs to instruct vs to teach vs according to the law and in an ordinary ministry for so I would take the word prophet in this place nor any vz. extraordinarily stirred vp that knoweth vz. to tell vs howe long vz. this calamitie and misery of ours shall indure Ver. 10. reproch thée this is ment not only because the wicked vttered reproches against God himselfe but also because he succoured not his people against their rage whose dishonour did after a sort redounde also to him blaspheme thy name i. speak euil of thy maiesty power as though thou either couldest not or wouldest not helpe vs for euer i. a long time or continually or as it were without ceasing Ver. 11 Why withdrawest thou thine hande i. why withholdest thou thy power from deliuering vs and plaguing thy enemies euen thy right hand i. thy power ful of might strength to both effects he speaketh this of God according to men whose right hands are commonly more strong then the left draw it out of thy bosome i. declare by effectes that thou hast care ouer vs and power to destroy them it is a metaphor taken from slothful sluggish persōs as appeareth Prouerb 19.24 also 26.16 and consume them vz. by thy iustice iudgment Ver. 12. Euen I would rather read but or yet q.d. notwithstāding these gret distresses dangers I rest my self vpon him that neuer wil faile me God is my king i. one that careth for me receiueth me into his protection so that I shal not néede to feare deliuerance and marke the sodaine change of the number the faithful speaking in the person of one because al the rest were of that assured perswasion of old i. al time heretofore therfore hee wil not destitute vs now working saluation i. deliuerance out of danger and that for his people in the middest of the earth i. openly and in the sight of all the people of the world putting the earth conteining the people for the people conteined Ver. 13. Thou diddest deuide the sea i. the red Sea when the people came out of Egipt Exod. 14.21 thou brakest the heades i. diddest ouerthrow the power yea diddest take away the life of the Dragons or Whales hee meaneth by this speach Pharaohs men whome for their courage and cruelty hee compareth to great Dragons or Whales in the waters vz. of the redde Sea Ver. 14. Thou brakest the head i. ouerthrewest the power as before verse 13. of Liuiathan in pieces what this beast was Sée Iob. 40.20 also 41. throughout Sée for the better vnderstanding of this place Isaiah 27. verse 1. c. also Ezech. 29.3 from whence you shal haue great light and gauest him to bee meate Immanuel readeth this part of the text farre better thus thou gauest meate to the people passing through the wildernesse vnderstanding it of manna and quailes of which sée Exod. 16. and Numbers 11. and this agréeth better with that that goeth before ver 12. when they sayd god had beene their king of old not onely in punishing their enemies but in shewing grace and fauor to thē also with that which foloweth where other particular benefits are rehearsed Ver. 15. Thou breakest vp i. thou causedst to breake vp and that out of the ground a harde mountaine the fountaine and riuer i. abundance of water euen as plentiful as any fountaine or riuer could be sée Exod. 17. ver 1.2 c. also Numbers 20● 2 c. thou driest vp mighty riuers as the redde Sea spoken of before and the flood Iordan as Ioshua 3.14 c. into which riuer also many other riuers runne or flowe and therefore hee speaketh heere in the plurall number Verse 16. The daye is thyne both because he created it and gouerneth it according to his good pleasure and the night is thine i. at thy disposition and appointment as before in this verse thou hast prepared the light vz. of the night as the moone and starres sée Gene 1.14 c. and here by the word preparing he vnderstandeth both creating appointing and gouerning and the sunne vz. for the day as the other for the night and he expressedly nameth this because it is the principall instrument whereby light is communicated to men Verse 17. Thou hast set al the borders of the earth this may bée vnderstoode either of the listes of seuerall Countries or kingdomes because GOD hath appointed to men such portion of grounde as he knoweth to be sufficient for them or else of all the borders of the whole worlde as though God had appointed how much should be earth howe much water or Sea and this I rather incline vnto by reason of that which is written Gene. 1. verse 9.10 thou hast made Summer and Winter i. not onely created then but appointed them for these distinct times and seasons Sée Gene. 1.14 Ver. 18. Remember this q.d. though thou shouldest forget thy olde mercies and our great miseries yet at the least thinke vpon the blasphemies of thine enemies hath approched the Lord the thirde person put for the second q.d. reproched thée O Lorde which was done in that Gods children were cast downe into sclaunder and contempt and the foolish people i. the wicked and vngodly as Psalm 14.1 blasphemed thy name sée ver 10. of this Psal Ver. 19. Giue not the soule i. deliuer not ouer the life for otherwise the wicked can not touch the body vnlesse the Lord appoint and permit the same as for the soule in déed they can no maner of way come nigh it Matth. 10.28.29 c. of thy turtle doue i. of thy Church which is compared to a turtle or doue because it is smal weak simple méeke as a turtle or doue is sée Cantic cap. 2.14 cap. 5.3 cap. 6.8 so also Mat. 10.16 vnto the beast vz. which séeketh to deuour it take it away by beasts he vnderstandeth men of beastly conditions altogether giuē to rauening and spoile and by one he meaneth many and forget not i. séeme not to forget for God in déed neuer forgetteth his the congregation of thy poore i. the company and multitude of them that though they bée afflicted from thée yet suffer notwithstanding for thy cause for euer i. for a long season as we haue had the worde sundry times before Ver. 20. Consider thy couenant vz. which thou hast made with our fathers and vs q.d. the enemies suppose that thou thinkest not vpon it because thou giuest vs ouer to their lust and our owne faith is wonderfully shaken because we are so afflicted on euery side for the darke places of the earth are full of the habitations of the cruell Immanuel readeth this place farre better thus for the darke places of the earth are ful vz. of the outrage cruelty of the wicked q.d. there is no place so darke and secret but the rage and tyrannie of these wicked men will fetch men out of it they are very
i. when they came to fight with their Aduersaries Some vnderstand this of one battaile some of an other but I refer it to that story which is written Num. 14 39 40 c. to the end of the Chapter also Deut. 1. ver 4. to the end of the chapter Ver. 10. They kept not the couenant of God vz. whiche he had made with thē they with him promising to performe the same by couenant he meaneth not only the rule of good life but also the whole seruice of God they refused this word amplifieth the gréeuousnes of their fault because they sinned not thorow ignorāce but euē of set purpose as it were to walk in his law i. to be obedient to the same in their liues conuersation for so is the Metaphor of walking vsed in this place Ver. 11. And forgat his acts i. the noble déeds wch he had don for thē against their enimies that he had shewed them vz. both in the lande of Egipt and in the wildernesse the particulars wherof follow vnto the end of the 16 verse Verse 12. in the sight of their fathers so that their eyes were witnesses and therfore could pretend no ignorance or excuse in the land of Egipt as appeareth from Exod. 7. chapter to the 13. chapter euen in the fielde of Zoan i. euen in a most notorious place for Zoan was one of the great and principal cities of Egipt so that the miracles which God wroughte were not done in a darke place Ver. 13. He diuided the red sea i. by his power he caused the sea to part a sunder sée Exod. 14.21 and led them thorow i. the Israelites as vppon drie land he made also the waters to stand as an heape vz. by his worde and commaundement at that time that his people might haue passage by standing as an heape he meaneth that they stood still and moued not Ver. 14. He led thē with a cloud i. by a cloude the cloude not only going before them as appeareth Exod. 13.21 but also compassing them in on euery side both to kéepe them from the parching heate of the sunne and to saue them from the sighte and violence of their enimies and all the night so that day and night he prouided for them with a light of fire hee meaneth that piller of fire whiche stoode then in stéede of a guide whilste they were in the wildernesse Exod. 13.21.22 Verse 15. Hée i. God by the ministery of his seruaunt Moses claue the rocks in the Wildernesse hee sayeth well rocks in the plurall number because that great worke was twise done as appeareth Exod. 17. and Num. 20. and gaue them drinke i. they and their Cattle as appeareth by the places before alleaged whereby we sée not only that the thing was done but the great plenty and store they had of water also which he noteth by these wordes as of the greate depths q.d. The Rockes gaue it so plentifullye as though the great depthes and bottomlesse pits as it were had yéelded vp all their waters Verse 16. Is the same with verse 15. in sence and meaning only he amplifieth the great facte of God by the vse of sundry wordes as stony rocks which expresseth the hardnes of the thing and to descend like the riuers by which he noteth the plentye and abundance as before Ver. 17. Yet q d. notwithstanding all these graces and great miracles they sinned stil against him i. they continued in their rebellion and disobedience being nothing at al bettered by Gods goodnesse prouoked vz. to wrath and that against themselues their owne soules the highest i. the almighty God whose power no creature is able to resist in the Wildernesse he noteth the place for the more certaintie of the history Ver. 18. And tempted God i. indeuoured to proue Gods power of which they doubted not being contented with Manna but demaūding other meat thā that wch God had appointed them that was flesh forsooth in their harts i. secretly within thēselues not that they staid there for afterwards they expressed it in words as appeareth ver 20. of this Psal but the Prophet noteth the roote beginning of their sin in requiring meat by requiring he meaneth demaunding of it earnestly with muttering and grudging if they had it not for their lust i. to satisfye their gréedy and rauenous appetite not that they were inforced thereto by famin or wāt of meat Ver. 19. They spake agaynst god also vz. in as much as they called his power into question or doubt this story is Num. 11.4 c. can god q.d. Lieth it in his power or is he able if he be let vs sée it otherwise wée wil not beléeue it prepare a table vz. for vs and by preparing of a table they mean furnishing prouiding of thē with al delicates dainties sée Psal 23.5 in the Wildernesse i. in suche a barren and drie place as wée are in This circumstaunce made the matter more hard in the iudgement of the Israelites but God performing it it made it more notable for his glory And this was their villanous and foule tempting of God that they thought that god coulde not giue thē in the wildernes diuers sorts of meat as they had in Egipt neyther woulde they beléeue it vnlesse they saw it by experience Verse 20. Behold c. these are still the words of the murmuring and rebellious Israelites hée smote the Rock i. God by the ministerie of his seruant Moses as verse 15.16 of this Psalme that the water gushed out vz. in great plenty and abundaunce and the streames ouerflowed vz. the vppermost face of the lande where the miracle was wrought can he giue bread also q.d. if he canne lette him shewe it and by bread he vnderstandeth all meat and nourishment as in this petition Giue vs this day our dayly bread or prepare fleshe i. some extraordinarie kinde of flesh for otherwise the people had fleshe because they caryed their cattaile out of Egipt with them for his people i. for the people that hée hath brought out of Egipt And this their propounding of the matter in the waye of a Question doth not onely note the hardnesse of the thinges to doe it but expresseth the hardnesse of their beléefe vnlesse they coulde sée it performed Verse 21. Therfore q.d. because their rebellion and distrust was so great the Lorde heard i. now tooke notice of it as might appeare by his iudgments poured vpon them and not as though God were ignoraunt of any thing that eyther they thought spake or did and was angry vz. agaynste them for their sinnes the effectes of which anger are in this verye verse expressed and the fyre vz. of his wrath and iudgementes sée Numb 11 1 was kindled i. did not onely beginne but was executed in Iaakob i. agaynst Iaakobs posteritye and also wrath came vz. from GOD in his heauie iudgemente vpon Israell sée verse 5 of this Psalme Verse 22. Because they beléeued not
lightning ioyned with the haile and thunder Ver. 48. He gaue their cattle also to the haile i. to that same great extraordinarie haile mentioned in the other ver to the end that the cattle therby might bee destroyed and their flockes vz. of shéepe and their droues of beasts to the thūderbolts or after some to burning or kindled coals the sense commeth al to one he meaneth destruction of them Sée Exod. 9.25 Ver. 49. He cast vpon them i. vpon the Egiptians and the word of casting noteth the greatnes of his wrath also the fiercenes of his anger indignation wrath all these termes tend but to one end to expresse the greatnes of Gods wrath against thē vexation vz. not of body only but in mind soule by the sending out vz. against them euil Angels I like the note in the Geneua Bible wel vpon this place Immanuel readeth it thus by sending thē messengers of euill tydings meaning it of Moses and Aaron by whose ministerie all the plagues expressed here and in Exodus against the Egiptians were not onely foretold thē but brought vpon them both the senses are good Ver. 50. Hée made a way to his anger i. he executed the same tooke away euery let that might hinder it as men remoue those things that might hinder them in their courses or goings he spared not their soule frō death i. he slew thē and tooke their life from them but gaue thir life to the pestilence he declareth by what meanes God tooke life from them vz. by the plague and pestilence Sée Exod. 12.29 Ver. 51. And smote al the first borne in Egipt vz. both of man beast euen the beginning of their strength this is a discription of the first borne as appeareth Gene. 49.3 in the tabernacles i. in the dwelling places so that there was neither towne house nor field but there was one dead in it Sée Exod. 12.30 of Ham i. of the Egiptians putting the name of the first man from whom they came for the people that came of him for the Egiptians came of Mizraim the seconde sonne of Ham. Sée Gene. 10.6 of whome Egipt is so called in the Scripture the land of Mizraim Ver. 52. But he made his people to goe out vz. of Egipt like shéepe sée Psalm 77. ver 20. q.d. but he dealt most mercifully with his owne people It may bee vnderstoode thus also but for as much as they séely people had neither counscll nor meane in themselues to maintaine themselues it would haue gone wrong with them if God had not béene in stéed of a shepheard vnto them and lead them in the wildernes like a flock i. héedely and tenderly caring for them and prouiding their foode Sée Gene. 33. ver 13. Ver. 53. And he caried them out vz. of Egypt safely i. without any manner of peril or danger and they feared not i. they had no occasion to feare vz. their enemies and aduersaries and in the sea couered their enemies i. the Egiptians their enemies were drowned in the red Sea Exod. Ver. 54. And he brought them i. the people of Jsrael and that in a mightie hand stretched out arme vnto the borders of his sanctuary i. vnto the lande of Canaan which he had assigned to his people and dedicated to himselfe meaning by borders which are the vttermost partes of the lande not onely those partes them selues as though God had left them there and woulde haue gone no further with them but the whole land putting the first part that they entred into for the whole and he calleth that land his sanctuary because God had sanctified the same for his people and for his owne seruice as being the place where hee would most manifest his aboad euen to this mountaine i. the mountain of Sion wherin Ierusalem stood the temple it self was to be builded with his right hand i. his power might purchased i. obtained got that out of the hands of mighty and strong enemies Ver. 55. He cast out the heathen also i. the Canaanites and other inhabitants of that land before them i. in their sights and for their sakes Sée Gene. 2.18 and caused them i. their land and all that they had putting the persons for the thinges they possessed for for the men they might not spare the to fal to the lot of his inheritance i. to come to the people of God whom he calleth here the Lords inheritance as it were by casting the lot by which also the Prophet noteth that the Israelits did lawfully rightly possesse these things made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tabernacles i. in their possessions as land cities houses c. putting one for all Ver. 56. Yet q.d. notwithstanding all these iudgements vpon their enemies graces towardes them for al that they tempted vz. God sée for tempting verse 8. of this Psalme and prouoked the most high God vz. to wrath against them selues and kept not either in worde or deede his testimonies i. commandements which are testimonies or witnesses as it were of his will sée Psal 19.7.8 Ver. 57. But turned backe vz. from well doing pretended to their former euils practised and dealt falsely i. dissemblingly and that with God meaning that they laboured what they could to haue deceiued God like their fathers i. as their fathers did and ancestours that were before them who came out of Egipt dealt dissēblingly with him as appeareth ver 36. of this Psal and turned vz. aside out of the right way like a deceitfull bowe vz. that turneth backe into belly as wee say I knowe there are many senses giuen of this similitude some expound it thus the Israelites did for a time make shewe of faith and repentance but sodainly they became vnprofitable as a bow sodainly marred by some occasion deceiueth the expectation of the shooter some expound it this way and some that but methinketh mine owne sense is most simple sée Hosea 7.16 Ver. 58. And they prouoked him to anger vz. against thēselues and their own soules with their high places i. with the altars which they had erected and set vp in high places as mountaines and hilles so hee sheweth the cause why God was angry with them vz. for their straunge and newe kinde of worshippings and moued him to wrath all this is spoken of God according to man with their grauen images vz. which they had made set vp and worshipped contrary to his expresse commandement Exod. 20.4.5 Ver. 59. God heard i. knewe because by hearing things come to knowledge and vnderstanding this is attributed to God according to mans capacity as other thinges are this i. the wicked words and works which the Israelites vsed in their idolatrous seruices and was wroth vz. against them for their sinne and greatly abhorred Jsrael vz. for their iniquities and transgressions committed against him Ver. 60. So that he forsooke the habitation of Shilo he sheweth by effect that God was angry with them
ouerthrowe the children of God may be incouraged to pray vnto him and to prayse him for it and this is conteined in verse 16. also that he himself and his power may thereby be glorifyed in that the wicked whether they will or no must of necessity confesse his might and this is in verse 18. Psalme 84 Di. THis Psalme may be deuided as I take it into two parts In the first part the Prophet sheweth what great desire hee had in the time of his exile to ioyne himselfe to the assemblies of Gods people and what good estate they are in that may so doe from verse 1. to the end of the 7. In the second he maketh his request to God for his returne assuring himselfe that God in good time will graciously looke vpon him for his good concluding that they are blessed that stay vpon the Lord from verse 8. to the end of the Psalme Se. The Title of this Psalme is expounded before Psal 8. Psal 45. in their titles Ver. 1. O Lord of hosts i. O mighty God which hast al things at thy cōmaundement as armies or hosts to execute thy will how amiable i. not onely swéete and pleasaunt but most tenderly beloued of me are thy tabernacles by this word he vnderstandeth both the places wher the holy assēblies were made frō whence he was banished thorow the crueltie of his enemies also the people there assembled namely principally Ierusalē the temple the assēblies made there Ver. 2. My soule i. I my self both body and soule putting one part for the whole longeth i. vehemently and earnestly desireth wee applye this spéech to women with child who if they haue not the thing they lust for are in great daunger yea and faynteth i. with desiring of it and not obtayning of it I languish away and am as it were dead or entring into a swoone for the courts of the Lord he doeth expreslye vse this worde Courtes because hée might not go further vnlesse he had bin a Priest for mine harte and my fleshe i. both my inward and outward man reioyce in the liuing God i. take pleasure in him and his seruices who alone is the only true God for by the terme liuing he separateth him from al the dead idols dum images of the Gentils Ver. 3. Yea the sparrow hath found her a house vz. in which she maye rest and take her pleasure and the Swallowe a neast for her i. a place of ease both for her selfe and yong ones as may appeare by that which followeth euen by thine altars i. not verye farre from them by many hee meaneth onely one for it was not lawfull to haue manye Altars to offer Sacrafice vppon Immanuel readeth the latter part of the second verse and this verse otherwise ioyning them together thus My harte and my fleshe crye oute with desire to come to the mighty liuing God vnto thine Altars O Lorde of hostes my King and my God yea the Sparrow hath found a house and the swallowe a neast for herselfe wherein she maye laye her yong ones but the sence varieth not much Verse 4. Blessed are they that dwell in thine house this hee meaneth of the Priests and Leuites who not only had their houses nigh vnto the Temple but their lodgings also sée 1. Samuel 3.2 c. they will euer prayse thée i. they will be continually occupied in praysing thée for thy goodnesse and truth Verse 5. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thée i. who renounceth his owne and others strength and trusteth onelye to thy mighte and power and in whose harte are thy wayes i. that haue a desire and purpose to walke according to thine ordinaunces and namelye in visiting thy Temple and repayring to the exercises of thy Religion And by the worde Man he vnderstandeth many or that number of good men who vsed that course Verse 6. They Marke the sodaine chaunge of the number going thorow the vale of Baca of this valey reade 2. Samuel 5.23.24 and it should appeare to be a very drie place because of the Mulberry trées therein whiche thriue best in drie places make Welles therein i. make accounte of the drinesse of the place as though they had abundaunce of water for the pleasure that they take in Gods seruice mittigateth the great thirst of this drie place the raine also vz. which falleth from heauen couereth the pooles i. falleth vppon the vpper parts of the waters of the pooles increasing them But for mine own parte I would haue all this verse wholly referred out of Immanuel thus Blessed i. in good case are they that going thorow the valey of Baca or Mulberrye Trées of which somewhat is sayd before make it a well i. make that account of it as of a Well or of a most pleasaunt place wherein are welles and springes whome also i. which men the raine of blessings i. rayne that commeth from God and is bestowed vpon the earth as a blessing of God to make the same fruitfull and by raine of blessings he vnderstandeth also abundaunce of raine couereth i. falleth much vpon them and yet hindereth them not from going to the exercises of god This then is his meaning in these thrée verses 4 5 6 that not only the Priests and Leuites are in better case then he but the cōmon people that trauaile thorow many dangers and distresses to come to the place of Gods seruice from which he was shut by reason of his exile and whether hee would haue come with as great payns as they if he might safely haue done it Verse 7. They i. the people that thus repayre to the exercises of God and his word go from strength to strength i. the Lord indueth them with al maner of strength so that they féele no weakenesse or féeblenesse til euery one appeare i. come and place himselfe not denying but that afterwards also the Lorde doth graciously strengthen them before God vz. according to the law Exod. 23.17 meaning also by this spéech the arke of the couenaunt which to the children of Israel was a testimony of Gods presence in Sion vz. which was the place wherin the arke was the seruice of God vsed when Dauid did write this Psalm Ver. 8. O Lord god of hosts this is sundry times expounded before heare my prayer i. graunt my requests and petitions that I make vnto thée hearken i. yéelde to my suite O God of Iaakob i. of the faythful ones putting the name of the father from whom they came for his holy posteritie Ver. 9. Behold vz. in mercy our languishing and fainting for the exercises of thy word so looke vpon vs that we may be restored thereto for here Dauid prayeth both for him selfe and others that were with him in the like case O God our shield i. protector and defender who kéepeth vs many degrées better then shields and tergats are sée Psal 18.2 looke vpon the face i. graciously accepte the persons and prayers of thine
of thy promises in the night i. euery night by these two woordes morning and night hée meaneth continuall thankesgiuing for as his goodnes and trueth abydeth towardes vs continually so it behoueth vs to giue continuall all thankes vnto him for the same Ver. 3. Vpon an instrument of ten stringes and vpon the viole sée before Psalm 33.2 with the song vppon the harp hée meaneth that the song and the tune of the song played vpon the harpe shoulde both goe together And in this verse he speaketh not onely according to the vse that was then vnder the lawe at what times musicall instruments and songes were a part of the tutorshippe of the Iewes but meaning somewhat further vz. that men shoulde inforce themselues what in them laye to prayse the Lord earnestly by all the meanes they could Ver. 4. For thou Lorde hast made mée glad vz. both inwardly and outwardly so that both my soule and my body reioyce by thy workes i. by the contemplation and consideration of thy works in which thou settest forth thy great maiesty mercy power wisedome c. and euen thy whole selfe as it were and I will reioyce q.d. séeing thou hast giuen me so great and so good an occasion I will not faile but be glad therein in the workes of thine handes i. in the excellent things that thou thy selfe hast by thy almighty power created and made he attributeth handes to God because hée speaketh of him according to mans capacity and not that he hath any handes at all Ver. 5. O Lorde howe glorious are thy workes q.d. they are so great and ful of maiesty that no tongue is able to expresse it nor heart effectually conceiue the excellency of them and thy thoughtes are very déepe i. thy counsels purposes and manners of doing are incomprehensible and passe al vnderstanding of men The interrogation and exclamation which the Prophet vseth in this place doe sufficiently declare that God otherwise gouerneth mankynde then al mans reason is able to conceiue Verse 6. An vnwise man i. a wicked man which also he vnderstandeth by foole afterwardes the worde which hée vseth signifieth brutish as a beast meaning him that giueth himselfe ouer to his sensualitie and pleasure beastlike not regarding either Gods woorkes or his worde sée Psalm 28.5 so that wee sée what account he is of before God vz. estéemed as a bruit beast knoweth it not i. neither cōsidereth neither approueth the excellency of thy workes and iudgements and a foole i. a wicked and vngodly person as Psalm 14.1 and also generally throughout the whole booke of Prouerbs doth not vnderstande this vz. which followeth vz. that the wicked and vngodly for al their florishing state shall come to perpetual ruine and decay no they vnderstand it not though it please thée O Lorde in other mens persons to giue them dayly experience and tryall thereof Ver. 7. When the wicked growe i. increase and florish prosper and triumph as the grasse hee meaneth hereby not onely their florishing estate but withall secretly hee setteth out their quicke and flitting estate of which see before Psal 90.5.6 and al the workers of wickednes i. all they that worke wickednesse with gréedinesse delight and pleasure doe florish vz. in this worlde and here marke that if the parenthesis in the Geneua text were left out the sense woulde bee very plaine that they shal bee destroyed vz. from amongest men and that through Gods iudgements for euer yea and for euer meaning the eternall punishment that shall light vppon them Ver. 8. But thou O Lord art most high for euermore Sée the note in the Geneua Bible for the sense of this text but I rather like Immanuels translation which readeth it thus And that thou O most high art the Lorde for euermore q.d. this is an other thing beside the former which the wicked forget vz. that thou rulest and gouernest all thinges according to the good pleasure of thine owne will and power Ver. 9. For loe thine enemies O Lorde i. those that set themselues againste thée for loe thine enemies O Lorde shal perish vz. through thy mighty iudgements and this repeating of the thing twise together with that terme lo doubled do note the certaintie assurednes thereof al the workers of iniquitie sée before ver 7. of this Psal and these words all the workers of wickednes shal be destroyed vz. as things broken into pieces and shal vanish away as matters of no regarde Verse 10. But thou shalt exalt mine horne i. thou shalt not onely increase but also cause to be reuerenced my strength like the vnicornes vz. either horne or strength whose horne howe greatly it is estéemed experience teacheth for the strength of it you may sée Deut. 33.17 Num. 24.8 and I shal be annoynted he speaketh this according to the manner of the countrey wherein hee liued vnderstanding by annointing powring forth vz. of giftes and hauing also the same giftes bestowed vppon him with freshe oyle vz. whiche hath not lost his strength and power hee meaneth that hee shall not onelye inioye but bee adorned also with the graces and benefites of GOD sée Psalme 23.5 Verse 11. Mine eye also shall sée my desire vz. executed against mine enemies hee meaneth that he shoulde behold his enemies plagued and punished vnderstanding by the word enemies such as looked narrowly to his behauiour and hoped to sée destruction come vpon him the same worde is vsed Psal 5.8 when hée speaketh here of desires and wishes hee meaneth not such hasty and rash wishes as we are prouoked to through the corruption and malice of our own hartes neither as though hee desired any thing against Gods will but being throughly perswaded of the obstinate malice of the vngodly on the one side Gods iudgements ready to be powred forth vppon them on the other side for their sinnes he vttereth these spéeches and mine eares shall heare vz. by true and faithful report q.d. my hearing as well as my féeling shal be satisfied my wish vz. accomplished and performed against the wicked that rise vp against me vz. with al their force and power q.d. I shal sée them ouerthrown Ver. 12. The righteous i. he whome God accepteth as righteous and frameth to righteousnes shall florish vz. through Gods grace and goodnes towardes him like a palme trée some thinke the iust to bee compared to a palme trée for the swéetnes of the fruite which for mine owne part I sée no reason of The Rabbines and amongest the rest Abeu Ezra thinke them to be compared to palme trées for their lastingnes All knowe this and Plinie also maketh mention of it that the nature of this trée is though when weight is layd vppon it bende and bowe somewhat yet the weight being remoued it standeth vpright again and spreadeth it selfe so the faithfull notwithstanding their affliction shall when their miseries are remoued recouer newe strength and come to more force then they haue had before and shal grow vz.
his sight neither wil the God of Iaakob regard it q.d. hee will make no great account of our transgressions so the wicked are caryed away into sinne perswading themselues either that God maketh no account of it or if hée doe they are able to stoppe his eyes vppe and to shut his mouth Verse 8. Vnderstand vz. howe farre yee goe astray and deceiue your selues q.d. nowe at the length bee of a better mynde yee vnwise i. yee wicked and vngodly men as Psal 92.6 among the people hee meaneth by this speach not onely that they committed sinne in the sight of the people but were as a man woulde saye the ringleaders of the rest and yée fooles i. O yée wicked people as generally you shall haue that worde so vsed throughout the Prouerbes when will yee bée wise i. when will yée returne and bée of a better mynde for that is true wisedome in déede Ver. 9. Hée that planted the eare vz. in the heade and that place of the head meaning thereby the creating and making of it shall hee not heare q.d. it can not bée but hée must needes heare or hee that formed the eye i. hée that not onely gaue shape but substaunce also and being vnto it shall hée not sée q.d. it can not bée auoyded but hée must needes sée and therefore that is a vayne perswasion which you haue to thinke that hee doeth not beholde and marke your wordes and déedes and this is a reason taken from the very order of nature q.d. if GOD giue men power to heare and sée can any thing then be hidden from him as you suppose no in déed Sée such a like argument vsed Exodus 4.11 Verse 10. Or hée that chastiseth vz. with his punishmēts and iudgments the nations i. whole peoples countries yea and the whole world as in the general flood shall hée not correct vz. you that with the same or like punishments q.d. you may assure your selues that hée will come vppon you in seuere iustice and iudgement And this is an argument taken from the more to the lesse q.d. if GOD chastise and correct all people without partialty or respect of persons will he leaue some fewe men vnpunished no in deed he that teacheth man i. all mankynde and euery man that hath any thing knowledge i. any knowledge or vnderstanding that hée hath shall not hée knowe vz. the sinnes and iniquyties which you commit against him either openlye or secretlye q.d. assure your selues hée knoweth them all Verse 11. The Lorde q.d. whatsoeuer you imagine yet this is certaine that hée knoweth i. heareth seeth correcteth yea and pronounceth iudgement of the thoughtes of man i. not only the thinges that man thinketh but also the wordes hee speaketh and the workes hee doeth putting thought which is the beginning of euery thing for the pursuite and perfourmaunce of the thinges themselues that they are vanitye i. that they are vayne and shall come to no ende as by the iudgement which hée will execute vppon them shall appeare Verse 12. Blessed is the man i. certainely hee is in good case howsoeuer the world déeme of him And marke how after hee had reproued the wicked hee commeth to comfort the good whome thou chastisest vz. for a small while and that either by the ministery of wicked and vngodly men as verse 5. and 6. of this Psal or else by thine owne hande and crosses of tryall and teachest him vz. to walke in thy law i. according to the rules prescribed in the same Verse 13. That thou mayest giue him rest vz. after some short and small affliction as Psalme 30.5 vnderstanding by rest deliueraunce from all daungers and distresses and peace after the same deliueraunce from the dayes of euill i. from the tyme wherein hée was exercised with affliction and aduersitie while the pit is digged for the wicked i. not onely while the vngodly is afflicted as though he ment that the good being deliuered the vngodly shoulde bée punished in this life but also death and destruction from the Lorde is prepared for them and commeth vppon them Sée 2. Thessalonians 1. ver 5.6.7 Vnderstanding by pit death and destruction and by digging the preparing and performing thereof Ver. 14. Surely the Lorde will not faile his people i. deceiue or disappoint them in any thing neither will hee forsake his inheritaunce vz. vtterly or for euer hee here laboureth to staye the faythfull vppon the assured loue and trueth of the Lorde Verse 15. for iudgement i. Gods iudgements which in this worlde is rather executed vppon the good then vppon the badde shall returne to iustice i. shalbée brought to full and assured iustice euerye man hauing yéelded to him his right vz. affliction to them that afflict and to the afflicted Gods kingdome for which they suffer Sée 2. Thessalonians 16.7.8 not as though Gods iudgements executed in this life were vniust for hee is iust in all his workes and holy in all his wayes but because wee haue in this life but the beginning of them and in the great daye the full measure of iustice shalbée made manifest and all the vpright in heart i. all that are soundly and sincerely without hypocrisie giuen to godlinesse shall followe after it vz. chearefully meaning by the worde following not onely the approuing of it but also a holy desire to sée and imbrace the same Verse 16. Who will rise vppe with mee i. for mee against the wicked hee meaneth that none woulde defende him and his cause against the wicked or who will take my part against the workers of iniquity q.d. none saue God only by this the Prophet sheweth in his owne example that vnlesse GOD had holpen him hée had béene vtterly cast away so much was hee despised of all and so little coulde or woulde any mans helpe preuaile Verse 17. If the Lorde had not holpen mee vz. in the tyme of my distresse and feare by the woorde holpen hee meaneth plentifull helpe and deliueraunce my soule had almost dwelt in silence i. I shoulde haue béene dead and buryed hée putteth the worde soule for life as sundry tymes before and dwelling in silence for lying in the graue which is called the place of silence not onely because the deade haue no féeling force speaking c but also because they haue no power as then to prayse GOD. Sée Psalme 6.5 also Psalme 115.17 and by the worde almost hee meaneth not that hee shoulde haue escaped death but that hee shoulde shortly haue dyed Verse 18. When I sayde vz. either in wordes or thought in my heart that which followeth my foote slydeth i. I am come nowe into some one daunger or other and I seeme thereby to bee cast awaye and euen at deathes dore as it were If any man list to to take it of small daungers because slyding or slipping of the foote is no great matter I will not gainesay it thy mercye O Lorde stayed mee vz. from falling either into daunger or perill of destruction or into
for his excellent gouernment and prouidence Verse 13 teacheth that howsoeuer men be corrupted in their iudgements and gouernment yet God is not sée Psal 94. verse 20. Psalme 97 THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée parts Di. In the first is described the greatnesse and excellency of almightye God and and his power From verse 1 to the end of the sixte In the seconde is declared that this power of his is terrible to the wicked and comfortable to the godly whome the Prophet therfore exhorteth to yéeld obedience and thankfulnesse to the Lorde from verse 7 to the end of the Psalme This Psalme hath no Title as sundry both before it and after it haue not likewise and therefore we cannot determine eyther who was the Author of it Se. or when it was penned Certaine it is that the holye Ghost therein purposeth to exhort the faythfull to shew themselues ioifull for the Lordes fauour loue and power towards them Verse 1. The Lord reigneth sée Psalme 93.1 let the earth reioyce i. people inhabiting the earth as Psalme 96.1 q.d. Let the people be excéedingly glad euen in that respecte that the Lordes power beareth a sway Let the multitude of the Iles i. the multitude of people inhabyting the Ilandes be glad vz. for the same cause and occasion Ver. 2. Clouds and darkenesse i. most fearefull and terrible maiestie and power sée Psalm 18.11 And he doth thus describe God that he might more liuely touch mens harts to yéeld him reuerence and honour are round about him i. compasse him in on euery side meaning that he hath both plenty of them and in a readinesse also to performe whatsoeuer pleaseth him righteousnesse i. all vprightnesse and equitie and iudgement i. true and right iudgement and this the holy Ghost addeth as it were to preuent that which the wicked might obiect as though gods power and maiestie were full of iniustice are the foundation of his throne i. are so tied to his kingdom that they can no more be separated from his kingdom then the foundation of his building Vnderstanding by throne the signe of a kingdome the kingdome it selfe and by foundation the straight and narrowe coniunction of iustice and sound iudgement to it Verse 3. There shall goe a fyre before him he vnderstandeth by the word fire the wrath and vengeaunce of God and burne vp his enemies round about i. it shall vtterlye consume those that set themselues agaynst him and that on euerye side before him and behinde him on the lefte hande and on the right hand so that none shall escape Verse 4. His lightninges i. the lightnings that come from him and are sente by his appoyntment gaue lighte vnto the world i. were so great that all the Worlde mighte sée them the earth i. the people dwelling on the earth saw vz. with their bodilye eyes and sensiblye it i. those lightninges one number put for an other and was afrayde vz. of his great power and maiesty whiche appeared therein By this and the thyrde verse before going and the nexte verse following it the holy Ghost myndeth nothing but to shewe the greatnesse of almightye Gods power in so much that nothing though it be neuer so stoute and stéedye is able to stande before it Verse 5. The Mountaynes vz. though they were neuer so greate strong and mighty melted like waxe vz. helde agaynst the fyre or the heate of the Sunne He meaneth by this Metaphor that they quickly consumed at the presence of the Lorde i. so soone as the Lorde gaue some shew of his presence or maiestie at the presence of the Lorde of the whole earth i. of him that ruleth the earth and all thinges therein contayned Verse 6. The Heauens declare his righteousnesse i. euen those thinges whiche are done in the Firmament as fyre hayle thunder lightning the Lorde thereby plaguing the wicked doe sufficientlye declare him to be vpright and iust in all his wayes and all the people vz. of the earth sée i. plainlye and sensiblye perceyue by the thinges done there his glorye i. his great power and mighte In this verse the Prophet mindeth to declare that God is most glorious manifest tokens of whose glory and iustice appeare in the very heauens and are set out before mens eyes to make them without excuse sée Psalme 19.1 Romanes 1 20. Verse 7. Confounded vz. thorowe the mightye power and iudgemente of almightye GOD bée all they vz. of what state or condition soeuer they bee q.d. let them bée confounded and ouerthrowne that serue vz. any manner of waye or with anye sorte of worship grauen Images i. images or pictures made framed and grauen by the hande arte and cunning of man and that glorye i. eyther boaste of or speake of them as to allowe them anye manner of waye in Idols see before Psalme 96 5. Leuiticus 19.4 Worshippe vz. according to the prescripte rule of his worde him vz. onelye all yée Gods i. not only mightye men and Magistrates of the world but all thinges that in the worlde is esteemed as God The Prophet meaning that eyther they shoulde doe it willinglye and of a good mynde or else by constraynt and inforcemente because they coulde not resist his power Verse 8. Sion i. the Church as Psalme 48.11.12 hearde vz. by thy workes and by thy worde of it vz. that goeth before i. the confusion and ouerthrowe of the idolatrers and was gladde vz. for the iust execution of thy iudgementes vppon them and the Daughters of Iudah i. not onely the Cittyes and Townes of that Lande in whiche sence you shall sundrye tymes haue the worde Daughters taken but the people inhabiting the same places meaning notwithstadding the particular members of the Church reioyced i. were excéedinglye glad because of thy iudgementes O Lord vz. executed vppon the wicked and vngodlye by whiche also it hath pleased thée to prouide for their deliueraunce and safetie Verse 9. For thou Lord vz. alone arte moste high aboue all the earth i. arte greater in power and mighte then all thinges in the earth because that they whatsoeuer they be are subiecte to thy authoritie and power Thou arte muche exalted vz. in thy iustice and iudgementes aboue all Gods sée Psalme 95 3. Verse 10. Yée that loue the Lorde vz. indéede vnfeignedlye and with a good hearte hate i. detest and abhorre from the bottome of youre hartes sée Romanes 12.9 Euill i. whatsoeuer is sinne and transgression before him or inclining that waye sée 1. Thessalonians 5.22 hée preserueth i. God mayntayneth defendeth and kéepeth the soules i the life and whole person of his Sayntes i. of those whome hee hath framed to holynesse and inflamed with the loue thereof hée will deliuer them i. set them safe and sounde from the hande i. from the cruell power and outrage of the wicked vz. that séeke to destroy them Verse 11. Lighte i. ioye prosperitie and eternall blessednesse Sée Ester 8 16. as by the contrarye vz. darkenesse is signifyed myserye is sowne
should as it were set his féete sée 1. Chronicles 28.2 for he vz. alone is holy and therefore méete to bee worshipped Verse 6. Moses and Aaron were vz. as chéefe and principall among his Priestes i. among them whom he hath appointed to offer sacrifices and to expounde the Law and Samuel vz. the Prophet was as chéefe and principall among such as call i. called vpon his name i. professed his religion and made prayers vnto him sée 1. Samuell 7. almost thorow out these vz. before rehearsed and manye other such like called vppon the Lorde i. prayed vnto him with earnestnesse and continuaunce and hee hearde them i. graciouslye graunted them their requestes as hee doeth all them that call vppon him in trueth The Prophet alleageth these men that by their example he might prouoke the people to the worship and seruice of God and hee nameth rather these thrée then other because to their fayth and custodie speciallye was committed the kéeping of the couenaunt that God had made with his people For the truth of this verse sée Exodus 32.31 c. to the end of the Chapter 1 Samuel 12 20 c. Verse 7. He vz. God whome they serued spake vz. plainlye and audiblie vnto them vz. Moses and Aaron in the cloudye piller i. in or out of the Cloude which séemed to haue the forme of an vpright piller sée Exodus 14 19. sée also Num. 17.5 they kept vz. themselues and caused others what in them lay to kéepe his testimonies i. his commaundementes which God gaue his people as a testimonie that he was their God sée Psalme 19.7 and the lawe that he vz. the Lorde himselfe gaue them vz. as a rule of their life and to be a light vnto their féete and a Lanthorne vnto their steps Verse 8. Thou heardest them vz. quickly when they prayd vnto thée for the Lordes hearing sée verse 6. of this Psalme O Lord our God a sodain but yet an emphatical turning of his spéech vnto God by which the Prophet sheweth that the Lord toke pitie vpon that people in respect of the trueth of his Couenaunt and of his grace only without any other cause thou wast a fauourable God vnto them vz. not only when they prayed vnto thée but continually specially when thou pardonest their sinnes though thou diddest take vengeaunce i. though thou diddest fatherlye punishe and correct them for their inuentions i. for deuyses of their owne by whiche they procured thée to wrath agaynste them I knowe others expounde it otherwise but yet me thinketh that this is a moste simple and playne fence Verse 9. Exalte the Lorde our GOD and fall downe sée before verse 5. of this Psalme before his holye Mountayne hee meaneth no doubte the Mountaine of Moriah vppon whiche the Temple was builded sée Genesis 22 2. meaning by this manner of spéeche that he woulde haue the people to worship the Lorde in his Temple al the rest of this verse is expounded before verse 5 of this present Psalme Do. Verse 1. Teacheth vs that euen to know the God ruleth and gouerneth in his Church is sufficiente to strike terror into all the enemyes of all Gods people Verse 2 teacheth vs that though Gods glory appeare euery where yet in no place more plainly thē in his church Ver. 3 teacheth that it becommeth the righteous to praise Gods great power might Ver. 4 teacheth vs not only what great vprightnes is in the Lord in al his iudgemēts but also how iust faithful he is to his people Ver. 5 teacheth vs that it is not only our duety in respects of benefits receaued to praise god but that we are bound therto also in respect of the holines of his maiesty person also that it is a good thing to do it publikely with the rest of the Church Ver. 6 teacheth vs that the prayers of Gods faythfull people are neuer frustrate Verse 7 teacheth vs that familiaritye with the Lorde and knowledge of his maiestye requireth at our handes obedience to his truth and performaunce of it Verse 8 Is full of great comforte teaching vs these points firste that the Lorde chastiseth and correcteth those whome he loueth most tenderlye secondly that though hee doe correct them yet those punishments do no whit at al lessen his fauour and good will towards them Verse 9 is the same with verse 5 and deliuereth the same doctrines Psalme 100 THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts In the one parte Di. the Prophet exhorteth the faythfull to prayse the Lorde hartilye and with ioyfulnesse verse 1 2 3. In the second he vseth the causes wherefore they shoulde prayse him vz. for his frée election and the continuaunce of his mercye verse 3 5. The Title Se. a Psalme of prayse i. a Psalme penned and appointed to stir vp the people to praise the Lord and not so much for that the Psal it selfe doeth comprehend the prayses of God sing ye loude vnto the Lord for the meaning of these wordes sée Psalme 98 4. all the earth i. all the people of God inhabiting the promised lande for I suppose that he putteth the worde earth here for that part of the earth Verse 2. Serue vz. according to the rule of his worde and not after your owne inuentions the Lord vz. only for vnto him all honour is due with gladnes i. readily and ioyfully because in suche kinde of worships the Lord taketh great delight and pleasure come before him i. appeare before the arke which was the place of his worshippe and seruice with ioyfulnesse vz. both inwarde and outwarde of the hearte and of the body meaning thereby greate and singuler reioysing Verse 3. Knowe yée i. professe this muche and yéelde him this honour for hée speaketh not here of inwarde knowledge onely to disreaue him from all false Gods and such as mans fantasie hath forged that euen the Lorde vz. whiche wée serue and that no other but hée is GOD i. our GOD and the only author of that couenaunt which is betwéene him and vs hée hath made vs marke that hée speaketh not here of the common creation of men onely for in that respecte the godlye haue no greater priuiledge than the wicked haue but of spirituall regeneration wherein by the ministerye of his worde and the working of his spirite he begetteth men agayne to his owne image to the ende that they maye serue him in newnesse of life and not we our selues i. we haue not neyther in respecte of the bodye nor of the soule and spirituall regeneration framed and fashioned our selues no no righteousnesse of our owne hath aduaunced vs to this dignitye but we are made his sonnes and seruauntes by his onely frée goodnesse sée Deutronomie 7 7 8. also Deutronomie 9 4. we are his people i. the people whome he of mercye hath chosen to serue him and to bring forth much fruite and the shéepe of his pasture sée Psalme 95 verse 7. meaning by this manner of spéeche that GOD of his frée
creatures both generally and particularly and this reacheth from verse 11. to the ende of the 23. And in the thirde parte hee doeth not onely expresse Gods excellency manifested in his creatures but speaketh also together both of his power and prouidence sometymes wondering at the Lordes woorkes sometimes praysing him for the same and sometyme praying against the wicked from verse 24. to the ende of the Psalme This Psalme hath no title as many other Psalmes haue not Se. yet notwithstanding a man may probably coniecture that hee which penned the other penned this also adding it to the former thus whereas hée had in the other set foorth Gods graces to the Church hee doeth in this set foorth Gods goodnes to all creatures Verse 1. My soule prayse thou the Lorde Sée Psalm 103.1 O Lorde my GOD i. the onely true God whome I thy poore seruant worshippe thou art exceeding great vz. in maiesty power glory c. as may appeare by that which followeth thou art clothed with glory and honour i. thou art compassed about on euery side with it and haste it in great abundaunce and all this as many other things in this Psalme are spoken of GOD according to mans capacity Verse 2. Which couereth himselfe with light as with a garment i. his honour and glorye doth greatly appeare euen in the creation of the light so that though GOD be inuisible in respect of his owne nature yet his glorye is sufficiently manifested and shining foorth throughout the worlde and spreadeth out the heauens like a curtaine i. layeth them abroade so that they may euidentlye bée séene as a thing spred out by heauens he vnderstandeth the firmament which also hath his name in the Hebrewe tongue of stretching out or ouerspreading it shoulde séeme that in this ver hee meaneth that which is expressed Genesis 1.3.6 And marke howe in this verse and the rest following hée sodaynely chaungeth the person Verse 3. Which layeth the beames of his chambers in the waters i. whose gouernement stretcheth euen vnto the verye deapthes of the waters The speach is somewhat darke but it is vttered to bring men into the greater admiration meaning that wee néede not to ascende so high as heauen to finde GOD out for if we looke belowe wée shall finde liuely portraitures of his glorye and maketh the cloudes his chariotes hee meaneth that GOD the gouernour of the world turneth the cloudes windes c. according to his good pleasure euen as easily as the cocheman doeth his chariot and walketh vz. as a ruler and gouernour vppon the winges of the wynde hée meaneth that hee gouerneth also the wyndes Sée Psalm 18.10.11 Also Isaiah 19.1 Verse 4. Which maketh the spirites his messengers i. hée vseth the windes and fire as messengers ministers and executioners of his will and iudgements so that in respect of their obedience they haue euen the name of Angels as it were giuen vnto them and a flaming fire his ministers i. hée sendeth forth thundringes lightninges and such other like straunge thinges in the ayre both to terrifie men and to perfourme whatsoeuer hee appointeth them The Apostle Hebrewes 1.7 applieth this to Angels and ministring spirits Ver. 5. Hée set the earth vppon her foundations i. by his vertue and power hée hath made it firme stable and sure euen as a frame set vppon a good foundation standeth fast so that it shall neuer moue vz. ordinarilye and in a continuall course otherwise this place letteth not but that through Gods speciall appoyntment there may bée terrible and fearefull earthquakes And that worde neuer must bée vnderstoode so long as the world indureth and also hauing respect vnto other creatures which by reason of their owne lightnesse and Gods appointment are caried hither and thither whereas the earth remayneth firme and sure Verse 6. Thou vz. O Lorde obserue the sodaine chaunge of the person coueredst it vz. the earth with the déepe vz. waters This may bée vnderstoode either of that which is spoken Genesis 1.2 or of the generall flood at both which times all the earth was ouercouered with waters as with a garment i. euery where and in euery place the waters will stande vz. euen at this day aboue the mountaines vz. vnlesse they were kept through thy power and prouidence within the boundes and borders which thou hast set them Verse 7. But at thy rebuke q.d. euen at thy bare worde and angry countenance only they flée vz. backewarde euen as though they were discomfited so that wee sée they can not rage whither they woulde and by that meanes they are in stéed of an ornament and beautifying vnto the earth some and that not amisse neyther referre it to the parting of the waters from the drie lande mentioned Genesis 1.6 at the voyce of thy thunder by rebuke before and thunder in this place hee meaneth nothing but that commaundement of GOD by which hee represseth the raging of the Seas they haste awaye vz. into the places that thou hast appointed them Verse 8. And the mountaines ascende i. appeare and shewe foorth themselues after the departure of the waters and the valleis descende i. are made manifest also to the place which thou hast established for them i. they lye and are setled in those places which thou hast appointed them Though this sense carry with it some probabilitye yet by reason of that which goeth before spoken of the waters and floods and by reason of that which followeth in the next verse spoken of them also I woulde this verse wholly restored out of Immanuel thus They vz. the waters went vppe by the hilles and went downe through the valleis in to the place which thou haddest establisted for them q.d. thou haddest no sooner spoken the woorde but they made a way for themselues euen through thicke and thinne as wée woulde saye sparing nothing till they came to the place that thou haddest appointed and set for them so that neither the high mountaines coulde hinder them nor the lowe valleyes conteine but of necessitie to that place they must goe which thou haddest set for them Verse 9. Thou vz. O Lorde onely and none but thou hast set vz. by thy almightye woorde and commaundement as Iob. 38.10 them i. all waters either of Seas or otherwise a bond i. a certaine compasse and course which they shall not passe vz. though they doe what they can and rage neuer so sore Sée Iob. 38.10.11 also Ieremie 5.22 They i. the waters generallye shall not returne vz. by any strengthe they haue of themselues or otherwise to couer the earth vz. as they haue doone heretofore Genesis 1. verse 2.6.9 or else as they did in the time of the flood Genesis 7.19 c. it may well bee referred to bothe to the former because GOD by creation hath set them an ordinarie course and to the latter because hée hath promised hee will neuer destroye the worlde with water againe Genesis 9.15 Verse 10. Hée i. GOD and marke the sodaine chaunge of
me i. tooke hold of me so that sore that I was almost past hope of escaping when I found trouble and sorrow i. when I perceiued my self to be much plūged in abundaunce of griefe for so much I take these two words trouble and sorrow ioyned together to import Ver. 4. Then I called vpon the name of the Lord i. I prayed vnto him himself and besought his goodnes to manifest his power in helping mee saying I beséeche thée vz. from the bottome of my heart O Lord i. thou that art both able and willing to help deliuer vz. from danger and distresse my soule i. my life which is in great hazarde by meanes of the dangers that hang ouer it and are ment against it Ver. 5. The Lord is merciful vz. towards al but specially towards thē that cal vpon him in truth and righteous vz. in performing his promises made to his people and maintaining them in their iust causes and our God i. the God which we serue is ful of compassion and therefore he wil neuer forsake his that are in misery the Prophet sheweth in this verse what was the comfort of his soule in the middest of his afflictions Ver. 6. The Lord vz. alone preserueth vz. by his mighty power and that out of all the mischieuous imaginations that the wicked can deuise the simple i. such as are destitute of mans counsel and therfore the more subiect to iniury amongst men the more easily circumuented and yet do all that notwithstanding commit themselues and their causes with a simple and quiet mind into the hands of God I was in misery q.d. I can speake this by myne own experience for when I was in wonderful and great distresse so that there was almost no hope of deliuery as ver 3. of this Psal and he saued mee i. deliuered me out of the same according to his prayer made ver 4. Ver. 7. Returne vnto thy rest O my soule i. bee no more troubled and disquieted but stay thy selfe vpon God sée Psal 42.5.12 This same returning to rest is that same stay that the faithful haue in God and his woorde in the middest of their griefes so that they vtterly fal not for the Lord hath bin beneficiall vnto thee vz. many and sundry waies al this verse together is q.d. Take courage vnto thée be quiet go vnto god in whom alone thou shalt find marueilous tranquility for he hath hertofore wil hereafter shew himself fauorable vnto thée ver 8. Because this is a proof by his own experience of that which he spake before that God had béen beneficial vnto him thou vz. alone mark the sodain change of the person from the thirde to the seconde hast deliuered vz. fréely safe and sound and through thy mighty power my soule i. me my selfe from death vz. whereunto I was almost brought or else you may vnderstande by death most extreme daunger mine eyes from teares i. thou hast taken away from me al sadnes and heauines he putteth the outward signe both for the signe and the thing it selfe and my féete from falling vz. into these deadly dangers and trappes which were layd for me and whereinto certainely I had fallen if I had not bene kept and deliuered by thée Ver. 9. I vz. being grounded and stayed vpon God shall walke vz. through his goodnes and defence meaning by walking liuing and being conuersant q.d. I shall liue before God i. safely and soundly for men thinke those things to be sure which they haue their eyes continually fixed vpon in the land of the liuing i. in this world or earth or amongst men dwelling vpon the same and so wee haue had it sundry times vsed before So that in this verse the prophet vpon the benefits which he had before receiued concludeth that he shal be alwaies vnder the care and gouernment of God Verse 10. I beléeued vz. the Lord and his word therfore I spake vz. vnto God by prayer and to my selfe in mine afflictions the wordes before expressed in this Psal for I was sore troubled i. much afflicted with assaultes both inward and outward In this verse the Prophet sheweth how weake and féeble his flesh was in the time of aduersity which almost reiected the promises of God had not Gods spirit vpholden him in faith q.d. then was faith forcible and triumphed in my mind when I called vppon God as is expressed before in this Psal ver 4. and spake vnto mine owne soule words of comfort ver 7. thē I beléeued in déed I spake nothing but that which I was fully perswaded of and my tongue and the affection of my hart agréed well together Ver. 11. I said i. I both thought it and spake it and held it as a resolute conclusion in my feare i. when I was in great feare and ready for feare to flie from the rage of Saul for the word doth not only signifie feare but hast making as appeareth Psal 31.22 q.d. with feare and flying I was caried forcibly into these perturbations of the flesh al men are lyers i. there is no certaintie and assurednes in their wordes q.d. Samuel who for his excellency might be preferred before all men promised me that I should obteine and possesse the kingdome but now I perceiue he spake not in the spirit of prophecie but of his owne brayne and lyingly Thus in the rage and heate of the flesh doth Dauid touch not God in déede openly but his prophet Samuel as though he had not sufficiently known Gods will and had gone beyond the boundes of his calling q.d. wée must no more beléeue men for there is nothing in them but vanity and lying Ver. 12. What vz. thing in al the world shal I render vnto the Lorde i. yéelde giue vnto him for al his benefits towards me i. for that innumerable number of benefites which he hath bestowed vpon me giuen me fréely This interrogation or question sheweth that hee thought himselfe so much bound vnto God for his graces as that he was not able to yéeld any thing that might counteruaile the least part therof Ver. 13. I wil take the cup of saluation or else in the plural number saluations as it is in the Hebrew text that is of very many helpes and deliuerances In this verse and the verse following the prophet promiseth publike profession of Gods name of the benefits bestowed vpō him which he will performe before the Church The meaning is that hee woulde offer to God sacrifices of praise and thanksgiuing and then that he would as the maner was in those sacrifices make a holy feast and banket also vnto the people in remembrance of that manifold deliuerance which hee had receiued from the Lord for in this place he doth no doubt allude to the custome of the law which was to make a banquet of some part of the sacrifice in token of reioysing whē they yéelded solemne thanks to God And because that those sacrifices were offred often times
a man should cut wood cleaue it on the earth our bones are scattered ready to be thrust into the graues mouth i. the enemies doe compasse me mine with such great violence are so ready to flie vpon vs all that wée shal be presently broken rent in peces by their rage vnles thou O Lord lay to thy helping hand which danger of theirs is most excellently set out by a verye fit similitude taken from wood cleauers or else thus I and my companions haue bin handled in al cruelty as if that after they haue cut a mans throat they would teare him in péeces before they would bury him Ver. 8. But mine eyes vz. both of my mind of my body looke vz. carefully continually as Psal 123.1.2 c. vnto thée O Lord God vz. only who hast both power wil for to helpe me in thée vz. only and none other but thée is my trust vz. alwayes but specially in this time of my great daunger and calamitie leaue not my soule i. me my selfe a part for the whole destitute vz. of thy defence aid and saluatiō Ver. 9. Kéepe me vz. of thy goodnesse that by thy power might from the snare i. that I fal not into the snare or grin or be taken therwith which they i. mine enemies vngodly men haue layd vz. closely and secretlye for me vz. to take me to catch me in and from the grins he repeateth the same matter in other words which is not vaine because it serueth to amplifie the cruelty craft of his wicked aduersaries of the workers of iniquitye sée before Psal 5.5 also Psal 6.8 also ver 4. of this very Psalm Ver. 10 Let the wicked fall vz. thorow thy iust iudgemēt into his nets i. into his own nets vz. which he hath made and layd for others together vz. with all them that take their parte q.d. let all the vngodly be ouertaken with their own nets thorowe thy iudgements as fishes are taken with a casting net for such a Metaphor he séemeth to vse in this place sée for this metaphor Isaiah 19.8 whiles I escape vz. out of the dangers which they supposed to haue brought vpon me this escaping of his must be attributed to Gods goodnesse and power only Do. Ver. 1 teacheth vs earnestnesse and seruency in prayer to our god not as a man would say to leaue of til he haue graciously graunted our requests Ver. 2. teacheth vs that séeing our prayers smack of the corruption which is in vs we should earnestly desire the Lord to accept of them in his own mercy Ver. 3 teacheth vs that we can not bridle our spéech vnles the Lord giue vs grace Ver. 4 teacheth vs not only to pray against grosse euils but also things that may preuoke and stir vs vp therto by reason of the slipperines of our corruption Ver. 5. teacheth vs that the reproofes of the godly are good and profitable secondly that a godly man should euer take them in good part thirdly that no euil that men can do to vs should make vs neglect our duty towards them Verse 6 teacheth vs not only how subtile and crafty the wicked are to intrap Gods childrē but also that no humble or swéet spéech that the godly can vse will asswage their malice and cruelty against them Ver. 7 teacheth vs to what a low ebbe miserable estate Gods children are many times brought in this life Ver. 8 teacheth vs not only in the great sea of our afflictions confidently to trust in the Lorde but also with patience to attend his leasure time for our deliueraunce Ver. 9 teacheth vs to pray the Lord to deliuer vs from the fraud and force of his and our enemies Verse 10 teacheth vs to pray for the confusion of the malicious enemies of God and his people Psalme 142 THis Psalme may be diuided into two parts Di. In the first the Prophet declareth howe that in the time of his greate affliction and feare yea euen then when all had forsaken him hee cryed earnestly vppon the Lorde from the first verse to the ende of the fift In the second part he prayeth earnestly vnto the Lord to be deliuered from his enemies sometimes alleadging the better to moue the Lord thereto his owne miserye his aduersaryes strength and the prayse that the faythfull will yeelde to the Lorde therefore verse 6.7 The Title A Psalme of Dauid to giue instruction Sée this expounded before Psalme 42 and Psalme 44 in the titles thereof and a prayer vz. Se. which Dauid himselfe made when he was in the caue i. in the selfe same Caue with Saule whereof reade 1 Samuel 24 4. Verse 1. I cryed i. I earnestly prayed vnto the Lorde vz. in my trouble as Psalme 120 1. with my voyce i. wich seruent wordes expressed with my voyce with my voice I prayed vnto the Lord he expresseth the same thing in other termes noting thereby the ardency and earnestnesse of his prayer Verse 2. I poured out vz. plentifullye and in great aboundaunce my meditation i. the meditation of my hart q.d. I did not onely pray vnto him with my hart but layed forth the holy meditations of my soule with abundance of wordes before him i. in his presence not meaning that God was ignoraunt of the thoughts of his hart but expressing his great dutye towardes the Lord and declared vz. playnly and plentifully mine affliction i. the affliction and sorrowe whiche I did suffer and indure not but that GOD knew it for hee knoweth all things but because this is a péece of duty which he hath layd vppon vs to call vppon him in the time of our trouble Verse 3. Though my spirit was in perplexitie in mée i. though I my selfe was full of anguishe as Psalme 7● ver 3 and troubled with gréeuous assaultes both inwarde and outwarde yet thou knewest i. diddest approue and allowe of as Psalme 1 6. my path i. the order of my life and innocent conuersation In the waye wherein I walked i. what iournie or way soeuer I tooke haue they i. the wicked and myne enemies priuily layd a snare for me vz. to catch me in it sée Psalme 141 9. Verse 4. I looked vz. as well and as narrowlye as I coulde vpon my right hande i. on euerye syde of mée or round about me putting a parte for the whole and behelde vz. on my lefte hande and that as attentiuelye as I coulde but there was none vz. amongst men that would know mee i. haue any care or regard of mée or succour me any maner of waye all refuge vz. of or from men fayled me i. was taken from me none vz. amongst men cared for my soule i. estéemed either me or my life q.d. I looked on euery side I perceiued my self to be destitute of all help and ayd Ver. 5. Then vz. when I saw my selfe thus distressed so that we sée that the true tast féeling of our own daungers and miseries
forefathers and me He putteth time for the things done in the time he meaneth that by former examples trials he strengthened himself in the faith against the bitter assaults which he suffred I meditate vz. carefully and continually in all thy workes i. in all that thou hast wrought yea I meditate i. I doe diligentlye and déepely think vpon in the works of thine hands i. in those excellent workes which by thy power and prouidence thou hast performed Verse 6. I stretch forth mine hands vnto thée i. I doe earnestlye and hartilye pray vnto thée he putteth the signe for the thing signified as Psalme 141 2. to declare that we must euen as it were lift vp our selues vnto God my soule i. I my selfe but chéefely my inward man desireth after thée i. longeth sore after thée sée Psalme 42 1 2 also Psalme 84 2 as the thirstye lande vz. doth desire water rayne or dew He vnderstandeth by thirstie lande the earth which is dried and chopped for lack of water gaping gréedily as it were to receaue the moysture or raine that shal fal from heauen sée also Psal 63.1 Ver. 7. Heare me i. graunt the requests which I make vnto thée speedily O Lorde i. quickly and in good time not that he prescribeth god a season but expresseth rather his great misery q.d. vnlesse thou quickly helpe it is like in mās iudgment that I shal be destroyed for my spirit fayleth i. I faint euen in the inward man and this is a reason of his prayer taken from his own person the misery that he was in hide not thy face from me i. shew not thy selfe angry against me as men many times do who wil not vouchsafe to looke vpon thē with whom they are displeased else vz. if thou hide thy face I shal be like vnto thē that go down into the pit i. there wil be no difference betwéene me those that are dead Ver. 8. Let me heare thy louing kindnesse i. make me to know féele and perceiue thy mercy in the morning i. in good time and spéedily for in thée is my trust i. I depend and hang only vpon thée and shew me the way that I should walke in i. direct not only the order and conuersation of my life but euen my very steppes also from daunger for I lift vp my soule vnto thée i. I do both trust in thée cal vpon thée from the hart Ver. 9. Deliuer me O Lord from mine enemies i. from the power and rage of them who séeke nothing else but to destroy me for I hid me with thée i. I did hang vpon thy prouidēce and protection only sée Psal 31.5.6 Ver 10. Teach me to doe thy will i. to do the thing which thou willest commaundest in thy word for thou arte my God i. thou art he alone whom I wil serue worship let thy good spirit i. thy blessed and holy spirit which is called good because it is Gods effectuall instrumente to lead vs into all goodnesse leade me vz. which am so often and continuallye straying and wandering from good thinges vnto the land of righteousnesse i. guide me not only in this life to righteousnesse of life but to that same eternall life wherein righteousnesse shall dwell for euer sée 2. Peter 3.13 Ver. 11. Quicken me O Lord i. cause me to passe safe and sound thorow this danger wherein I séeme to be as it were in death for thy names sake i. that I others may praise thy name as Psal 142.7 and for thy righteousnesse i. for thy righteous and faythful accomplishment of thy promises bring my soule i. me and my life out of trouble i. out of this trouble wherein it presently is and vnder which it wil quaile if thou assist me not Ver. 12. And for thy mercy sake vz. toward me thy seruaunt slay mine enemies i. destroy them by what meanes or wayes soeuer thou shalt think good and destroy vz. in thy iustice and iudgements against the wicked al them vz. of what state or condition soeuer they be whether it be Saul as the chéefest or his complices that oppresse my soule i. me and would faine take away my life from me for I am thy seruaunt i. I am such a one as whom thou in mercy hast vouchsaued worthy of this honour to commit some part of thy seruice into his hands sée 1. Timoth. 1.12 13. so that he boasteth not here of his merits but magnifieth the grace of God from whom this goodnesse came Ver. 1 teacheth vs Do. first in our distresses to run vnto God by earnest and harty prayers secondly to ground our prayers vpon the righteousnesse truth and faythfulnes of our God Ver. 2 teacheth vs two things first to pray the Lord to remoue al things that might hinder the course of his mercy toward vs secondly it is a strong place to ouerthrow al imagination of mans righteousnes Ver. 3 teacheth vs that God suffereth and appointeth the wicked many times to preuaile very far against the godly Ver. 4 is a notable place to proue that euen gods children in their troubles haue their affections against that blockish dotage of the sto●ks Ver. 5 teacheth vs that the consideratiō of Gods goodnesse in former times should minister no smal comfort vnto vs in the time of our present heauines Ver. 6 teacheth vs to hunger and thirst after the Lord and to bee earnest with him in our supplications vnto his maiesty Ver. 7 teacheth vs that the more our miseries grow increase vpon vs the more earnest and often we should be with the Lord our God in prayer Ver. 8 teacheth vs that there is nothing more comfortable then plentifully and in good time to féele Gods mercy Ver. 9 teacheth vs in all distresses to commend our selues to Gods power and prouidēce as to a most sure rock and tower of defence Ver. 10 is a notable place againste fréewill because we are blind til God teach vs and we can do nothing without the assistance of his holy spirit Ver. 11 teacheth vs that vnlesse God set vs frée from trouble we can neuer be deliuered Ver. 12 teacheth vs that we may safelye praye agaynste the malicious and obstinate enemies of Gods Churche and people Psalme 144 Di. THis Psalme may be diuided into thrée parts In the first he prayseth God for his goodnesse and confesseth his own vnworthines and this is comprehended in the 4 first verses In the seconde he prayeth to GOD for the ouerthrowe of his enemies whose corruption he toucheth and for his owne deliueraunce and this reacheth from the fifte verse to the ende of the eleuenth In the thirde he sheweth what fruite shall redound thereby both to GOD and his people vz. he shall be praysed and they shall bée comforted from verse 12 to the end of the Psalme Se. The Title A Psalme of Dauid vz. which he made after his comming to the kingdome when he had obtayned diuers victories and yet notwithstanding his enemies were very
those that are his but rather hee praieth the Lord to shew by effect that he hath care ouer him sée Genesis 8 1. O Lord vz. in whom alone I put my trust and therfore as a sure testimony thereof call vpon them with the fauour of thy people i. with that fauour that thou hast promised and art wont to shew to thy people he calleth that frée loue and mercy which God carieth towards his the fauour of his people visit vz. with mercy and goodnesse for to visit in this place is taken in the good parte euen for the accomplishment of Gods gracious promises towards his seruauntes sée Gen. 21.1 me vz. oppressed with mine own gréefe the gréefe of my people with thy saluation i. with gracious fauour deliuerance from thée so you haue had the word saluation sundry times vsed before namely Psal 3.8 ver 5. That I may sée vz. not only with my bodily and spiritual eyes but also possesse inioy sée Psal 34.12 fight put for inioying the felicity of thy chosen i. the blessednes and goodnes that thou bestowest vppon them whome thou hast chosen to thy self reioice in the ioy of thy people i. haue an occasion giuen me to reioyce as thy saints and seruaunts doe and glory vz. not in my selfe but in thée with thine inheritaunce i. with thy people whom thou hast elected an heritage to thy selfe for inheritance sée Psal 28.9 Ver. 6. We haue sinned vz. against thy Maiesty with our fathers i. as our fathers haue done also q.d. we they also haue sinned not as though they had both sinned at one time but that they were al culpable of sin against him vnderstanding by fathers al their ancestors we haue cōmitted vz. continally without ceasing iniquity done wickedly vz. both agaynst God man The Prophet cannot content himselfe with any words to set forth the notoriousnes of his own sins and the sins of his people Ver. 7. Our Fathers i. our ancestors as before ver 6. of this Psal vnderstood not i. did not rightly or wisely consider of thy wonders in Egipt i. those great works that thou diddest for their sake in that land neither remembred they vz. as they should haue don to haue prouoked thē to thankfulnes towards thée for the same the multitude of thy mereies vz. shewed euē frō the time of Abrahams calling vnto this present but speciallye those thinges that were done in Egipt before their eyes but rebelled vz. against thée at the sea euen at the red sea for the more assurance he nameth the sea And this may bée vnderstoode either of their rebellion Exod. 14.11 before they passed through the sea or else of their murmuring and rebellion after they came through the sea Exod. 16.2 c. q.d. they were no sooner passed the sea but immediatly they beganne to rebell or of both of them together Immanuel readeth it farre otherwise and giueth an other sense but methinketh this is playne Ver. 8. Neuerthelesse q.d. notwithstanding all their sinnes hee saued them i. hée deliuered them from daungers and distresse as sundry times before for his names sake i. because hee woulde not haue his maiesty goodnes and power ill spoken of amongest the Heathen that hée might make his power to bee knowne vz. thereby and that euen among all his and their enemies Ver. 9. And he rebuked the red sea he now prayseth and setteth out the power of God because that at his onely commaundement and will the sea gaue frée passage to his people for the word rebuke sée Psalm 104.7 and it was dried vp vp in that place through which the people had passage for otherwise the waters were as a wall vnto them on their right hande and on their left sée Exod. 14.21.22 and he led them vz. safely in the déepe vz. of the redde Sea meaning that God caried them betwéene two heapes of waters which waters gaue place vnto the Israelites by Gods appoyntment as if that the place it selfe had béene by nature dry sée Exod. 15.5 as in the wildernes i. as vpon the dry land in a safe and playne way Ver. 10. And he saued them i. deliuered them vz. the Israelites from the aduersaries hand i. from the power and force of them that pursued them with a deadly hatred meaning the Egiptians and deliuered them from the hande of the enemy i. set them frée from the power rage of the Egiptians counting them all but as one enemie because they were all of one heart and mynd to do mischiefe to Gods people Ver. 11. and the waters vz. of the red sea couered their oppressors i. ouer whelmed and drowned them so that not one of them was left vz. aliue to carry backe any tydinges Sée Exod. 14.28 Ver. 12. Then vz. when they had séene al these gret things beléeued they his words this is not spoken for their prayse but to amplifie the fault of their rebellion for that they continued not but immediatly fell to distrust and vnbelief and sang prayses vnto him vz. for his great mercies practised towardes them Sée the history of ver in the 14. and 15. chapters of the booke of Exodus Ver. 13. But incontinently i. they were almost no sooner deliuered they forgate his workes vz. which he had done for them hee meaneth not by forgetting that the remembrance of them was vtterly rased out of all their myndes but that they had them not in that due and reuerent regarde they should haue had for the strengthening of their fayth sée for their sodaine chaunge Exod. 15 22.23 and wayted not vz. with patience for his coūsell i. for the thinges which in his eternall counsell he had purposed to bestow vpon them his purpose is to note that as they would not be gouerned by god suffering him to do all according to his good pleasure but woulde followe the deuises of their owne heads and hearts so they did it though the remēbraunce of gods benefits were fresh before them which circumstance aggrauated their sinne Ver. 14. But lusted with concupiscence by doubling the word the Prophet mindeth not onely to note the sinne of their lust but the very burning and rage of that sinne of theirs in the wildernes he noteth also the place for the more certainety of the story and tempted God in the desert to tempt God is in this place put for not staying themselues vppon Gods will but laying the raynes in their neckes and following their owne concupiscences to aske more of God then hee would giue them and when he speaketh of lusting tempting we must vnderstande that they did it more then once as may appeare Exod. 15.24 Exod. 16. throughout Exod. 17.2 c. Numb 11.1 Numb 20.3 c. Ver. 15. Then he gaue them their desire i. the things which they desired and demanded so gracious was God howsoeuer rebellious they were and sent leanenes into their soule i. into their body one part being put for an other or else
thus he sent leauenes into the soule i. he punisheth and that with pining away their whole man vnderstanding by a part the whole whatsoeuer it is the Prophet meaneth that God in such sort yéelded vnto the desire of this people that yet notwithstanding in the middest of his benefits he plagued and punished them for their sinne and transgression Ver. 16. They i. the people of Israel but specially Corah Dathan and Abiram Sée Num. 16.1.2 c. enuied Moses in the tents I suppose that the Prophet meaneth that these rebels did secretly murmure at Moses in their tents and that afterwards their rebellion and sins burst forth as at the noone tyde and Aaron the holy one of the Lord i. him whome the Lord had sanctified and separated to serue him in the ministery and Priesthood declaring also in déed that hée was holy Sée Numb 16.5.7 Ver. 17. Therefore i. for this their great sinne the earth opened vz. her mouth as it were and that by Gods appoyntment and swallowed vp Dathan vz. aliue and couered the company of Abiram i. he and all those that tooke part with him See Numb Deut. 11.6 Ver. 18. And the fire vz. sent out from the presence of the Lord was kindled in their assembly i. began with Corahs cōpany the flame vz. of that fire sent from God burnt vp the wicked i. consumed them vtterly hée sheweth how they that tooke part with Korah were punished otherwise then Dathan and Abiram and their companies sée Numb 16.35 Ver. 19. They vz. the Israelites made a calfe i. caused a calfe to be made which they might worship in stéed of God in Horeb he noteth the place for the certaintie of the history and worshipped vz. with outward reuerence of the body and speach of the mouth the molten image of a calfe which they had caused Aaron to make in the absence of Moses sée Exod. 32. throughout Ver. 20. Thus i. by this means they turned vz. foolishly and wickedly their glory i. God himselfe who so long as they serued him onely was glorious vnto them but when they worshipped others besides him they were naked and laye open to their enemies Sée Exodus 32.25 The Prophet meaneth that they forsooke the true God who was their only glory and honour in déed into the similitude of a bullocke that eateth grasse hee noteth the grosenes of their idolatry not onely for that they worship somewhat besides the true God but for that also it was not a liuely and quicke thing sée Rom. 1.23 Verse 21. They forgate vz. quickly as before ver 13. of this Psalme God their sauiour i. he that had saued deliuered them from manifold dangers so you shal haue the word sauiour vsed 1. Tim. 4.10 which had done great things in Egipt vz. for them and their sake a short summe wherof you may sée psal 105.28.29 c. Ver. 22. Wonderous works in the land of Ham i. in Egipt as before psal 78.51 Psal 105.23.27 and feareful thinges vz. both to them and their enemies but specially to their enemies by the red Sea i. when they were at the sea passed through it I suppose that both in it and on this side of it and on the further side the Lord shewed terrible things for his peoples sake some particulars sée Exod. Exod. 16. ver 1. c. Ver. 23. Therefore i. for these their great and horrible sinnes he mynded or as it is in the Hebrew text he said al commeth to one sense for Gods purpose is his word and his word is his purpose to vs ward alwayes prouided that we accuse not God either of inconstancy as though he had sodainly altered or changed his mind or of insufficiency as though he could not do that he woulde or of hypocrisie as though hee spake one thing ment another to destroy them vz. vtterly to haue left none but Moses as should appeare Exod. 32.10.31 c. had not Moses his chosen i. had not Moses whom hee had chosen to bée his ruler and leader of that people Sée Psalm 105.26 stood in the breach before him this is a metaphor taken from warrefare or battry meaning that Moses did so oppose himself against wrath by earnest and hearty prayer made on their behalfe that the Lorde woulde not destroy them euen as after a rupture or breache is made in the wall of a Citie or Towne those that are within runne immediatly to put backe them that woulde giue the assault Sée verse 30. of this Psalme concerning Phinehas also Ezech. 13.5 to turne away his wrath vz. ready to bée powred foorth vppon that people for their sinnes lest hee shoulde destroy them vz. vtterlye in that his great iudgement Verse 24. Also q.d. besides other signes they contemned i. not onely had not in right regarde but reuiled and spake euill of that pleasaunt lande vz. of Canaan which GOD had giuen and appoynted vnto them to the ende that therein they might bée nourished as in his fatherly lappe and haue as it were a gage of the heauenly inheritaunce and hee calleth it a pleasaunt or desirable lande because it abounded with all fruitfulnesse Sée Deutronomie 8.7 also Deutronomie 11.10 in which respect also it is called in scripture a lande that floweth with milke and hony and beléeued not his woorde i. the promises that hee had made them both for the goodnesse and possession of that land Sée for this history Numbers Chapters 13. and 14. throughout Ver. 25. But murmured vz. against GOD and his Seruauntes Moses Ioshua Caleb c. i. secretly and closely as before verse 16. of this Psalme yet so that this brake forth into an opē sinne as appeareth in the chapters before alleaged and hearkened not vz. to doe and perfourme for otherwise they coulde not chuse but heare that which the Lorde spake vnto them in that respect vnto the voyce of the Lord i. vnto Gods commaundement which is expressed Deut. 1.21 Ver. 26. Therefore vz. because they would not yéelde obedience vnto this his commandement he lifted vp his hand against them to lift vp the hande in the scripture is taken for swearing because it was a signe ceremony and gesture vsed in swearing Sée Gene. 14.22 Numb 14.30 Nehe. 9.15 and neuer vsed in the scripture so farreforth as I remember for to punish besides that the punishment followeth in this verse presently and therefore I take the latter part of the note in the Geneua Bible to be superfluous it is then q.d. he certainely sware against them to destroy them in the wildernes i. that woulde ouerthrowe them there and that they shoulde not enter into the lande the execution of this Sée Deut. 2.13.14 c. Verse 27. And to destroy their séed i. their posterity this is an other part or parcell as it were of Gods othe among the nations i. in the middest of them and by their force and might the threatning of this Sée Numb 14.33 Ezech. 20.23 and the perfourmance therof